9th Class Notes Book 1 New Course

March 27, 2017 | Author: Muhammad Awais | Category: N/A
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Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C NAJM-UL-HUDA HUDA SCHOOL SYSTEM (Habib Abad) 0345-4521350

049-4500350 4500350

Lesson No. 1: The saviour of mankind Q.1: Ans. Q.2: Ans. Q.3: Ans.

For what ability were the Arabs famous?


What was the condition of mankind before the Holy Prophet (‫ﷺ‬ (‫?)ﷺ‬

Ans. Q.5: Ans.

Q.6: Ans.

Q.7: Page1

What type of land Arabia is? Arabia is a land of unparalleled charm and beauty, with its trackless deserts of sand dunes in the dazzling rays of a tropical sun. Why was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic? Since Arabic is a language of eloquence,, the Holy Quran was sent in Arabic language.


The Arabs were famous for their eloquence and remarkable memory. Before the Holy Prophet (‫ ))ﷺ‬the mankind stood on the verge of chaos. The civilization had started crumbling. Why did the Holy Prophet (‫ﷺ‬ ‫ )ﷺ‬stay in the cave of the mount Hira? The Holy Prophet (‫ ))ﷺ‬stayed in the cave of the mount Hira for meditation and spent days and weeks in remembrance of Allah Almighty.

What was the first revelation? The first revelation was “Read in the name of thy Lord Who created; created man from a clot (of congealed blood): Read and thy Lord is most Bountiful, Who taught (the use of) the pen, taught man that which he knew not.” Why did the pagan Arabs threaten the Holy Prophet’s (‫ﷺ‬ (‫)ﷺ‬ uncle? They threatened the Holy Prophet’s (‫ )ﷺ‬uncle because the Islamic belief was threatening their dominance in the society. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350

A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Q.8: Ans.

What did Hazrat Aysha ( ‫ﷲ‬ ‫ )ر‬say about the life of the Holy Prophet (‫ﷺ‬ ‫?)ﷺ‬ She said, “His morals and character are an embodiment of the Holy Quran.”

Q.9: Ans.

Where is Makkah situated? Makkah is situated towards west in Saudi Arabia about fifty miles from the Red Sea. Q.10: What type of competition was held at Ukaz? Ans. A poetical competition was held at Ukaz every year. Q.11: What was the mission of the Holy Prophet (‫ﷺ‬ ‫?)ﷺ‬ Ans. His mission was to destroy the nexus of superstition, ignorance and disbelief and lead mankind to the light of belief and divine bliss. Q.12: Why did the pagan Arabs send a delegation to the Holy Prophet’s (‫ﷺ‬ ‫ )ﷺ‬uncle? Ans. They sent a delegation to the Holy Prophet’s (‫ )ﷺ‬uncle that he should restrain the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬from preaching Allah’s message.

Lesson. No. 2: Patriotism

Q.1: Ans. Q.2: Ans.




How will you define patriotism? Patriotism is devotion to one’s own country and willingness to sacrifice for it. What are the qualities of a patriot? A patriot loves his country and is always willing to sacrifice for it when the need arises. He is prepared to defend his country against all enemies. As a citizen of Pakistan what are your duties towards your country? As a good citizen of Pakistan my first and foremost duty to my country is loyalty to it. I should always be willing to sacrifice my life for the freedom and honour of my country. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350

A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Q.4: Ans.


What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion? The spirit of patriotism makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion How will you elaborate Quaid-e-Azam Muhammas Ali Janah’s quote? “We must develop a sense of patriotism which galvanizes us all into one united and strong nation.” If we develop a sense of patriotism we would not fall a prey to disunity and disintegration. This spirit will keep us united and strong. Who offers sacrifice for the country?


A patriot offers sacrifice for the country.




Who led the Muslims of the sub-continent in their struggle for a separate homeland? Quaid-e-Azam led the Muslims of the sub-continent in their struggle for a separate homeland. What is the highest military award of Pakistan?


Nishan-e-Haider is the highest military award of Pakistan.

Q.7: Ans.


Lesson. No. 3: Media and its Impact Q.1: What is the most important function that media performs? Ans. The most important function of the media is its role as the most powerful device of communication. Q.2: What are the two major means of communication? Ans. The two major means of communication are electronic media and print media. Q.3: How do media provide entertainment? Ans. Media entertains us by showing films, plays, by playing music, by stories and funny things, etc.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350 A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Q.4: What happened when media is allowed to play its role unchecked? Ans. If media is allowed to play its role unchecked, the mean, selfish and business-minded persons would try to exploit common men using it dishonestly. Q.5: Give three reasons in support of your favourite T.V programme. Ans. I like news programme because: (i). It provides important information. (ii). It makes us aware of changing circumstances. (iii). It provides us entertainment by showing interesting incidents. Q.6: What is the difference between electronic and print media? Ans. Electronic media conveys information through electronic devices in audio/video form. Print media provides information in printed form. Q.7: What is media and what type of information does it provide? Ans. Media is the most powerful source of communication. It makes us aware of important incidents and realities of our daily life. Q.8: Is T.V. taking away the habit of reading? Ans.

Yes, it is taking away the habit of reading.

Q.9: What is your favourite TV programme? Why? Ans. Javed Chaudhery,s programme ‘Kal Tak’ is my favourite programme because it is informative, logical and factual programme.

Lesson No. 4: Hazrat Asma ( Q.1: Ans. Q.2:





What happened when Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakar( ‫?)ر ﷲ‬ When Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakar ( ‫)ر ﷲ‬, Hazrat Asma ( ‫ )ر ﷲ‬replied politely, “How would I know?” Why was Hazrat Abu Quhaffa ( ‫ )ر ﷲ‬worried? He was worried because he thought that Hazrat Abu Bakar( ‫)ر ﷲ‬, had taken away all the wealth leaving Hazrat Asma ( ‫ )ر ﷲ‬and children empty handed and helpless. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350

A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Q.3: Ans.

Q.4: Ans. Q.5: Ans.

Q.6: Ans.

Q.7: Ans. Q.8: Ans.


Q.9: Ans.

How did Hazrat Asma ( ‫ )ر ﷲ‬console he grandfather? After putting some pebbles at the place of wealth she made her grandfather touch them. She consoled him by saying that her father had left all his wealth at home. Who was Hazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair( ‫?)ر ﷲ‬ He was the son of Hazrat Asma ( ‫)ر ﷲ‬. Which incident in the story showed Hazrat Asma’s (




and respect for the Holy Prophet ‫?ﷺ‬ She took risk of her life and managed to supply food to the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and her father. This shows her love and respect for the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. Which incident in the story tells about the generosity of Hazrat Asma ( ‫?)ر ﷲ‬ When she inherited a garden, she sold it and gave away all the money to the poor and the needy. This incident tells us about her generosity. What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma ( ‫?)ر ﷲ‬ The message is that we should face all the hardships and dangers bravely and courageously while being on the right path. “Her life would always be a bacon of light for all of us”. How? Hazrat Asma was an embodiment of bravery, generosity and patience. She was a true Muslim and she did not take care of her life and served the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬devotedly. Therefore her life will always be a beacon of light for all of us. Who were emigrants and where did they migrate?

Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and Hazrat Abu Bakar( ‫ﷲ‬ ‫ )ر‬were emigrants. They migrated from Makkah to Madina. Q.10: Why was Abu Jehl furious? Ans. Abu Jehl was furious because he got certain that the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬had gone beyond his reach. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350 A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Lesson. No. 5: Daffodils Q.1: What is the central idea of the poem? Ans. The poem “Daffodils” presents before us the attractive and exciting beauty of nature and its impact on human being. Q.2: What do the daffodils represent in this poem? Ans.

In this poem, daffodils represent beauty of nature.

Q.3: What “wealth” do memories of the scene give to the poet? Ans. Memories of the scene give wealth of natural beauty, spiritual joy and pleasure to the poet. Q.4: List the words that heighten the sound effect of the poem? The following words heighten the sound effect of the poem: Ans. Cloud, crowd; hills, daffodils; trees, breeze Q.5: What does the comparison suggest about the daffodils? This comparison suggests that the daffodils were beautifying the earth like stars making the sky beautify. Q.6: How does the poet feel in the company of daffodils?


He feels much joy and pleasure in the company of daffodils. Whenever the poet lies on his bed in a gloomy mood, what does Q.7: he visualized? Ans. Whenever the poet lies on his bed in the gloomy mood, he visualises the sight of daffodils and his heart feels pleasure.



Lesson. No. 6: Quaid’s Vision and Pakistan Q.1: Ans.

How much confidence did the Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation? He had much confidence in his nation and thought that if the people become united, they can get their lost dignity.

Q.2: Ans.

What was Quaid’s concept of our nation? Quaid has said that we are a nation. We have distinctive outlook on life. We have distinctive culture, civilization, language, laws, moral values and customs. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350

A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Q.3: Ans.

Q.4: Ans.

Q.5: Ans.

Q.6: Ans. Q.7: Ans.


What does love of our country demand from us? The love of our country demand from us to become united and put our joint efforts to serve our country. Why did Quaid have to take long tours during early months of independence? He had to take long tours to build confidence and raise people’s spirit. Why did Quaid want the oneness of the whole nation?


He wanted so to make the whole nation strong and prosperous.

Q.8: Ans.


What was the ideology of Quaid-e-Azam based on? It was based on the principle that the Muslims are an independent nation and any attempt to get them to merge their national and political identity will not only be resisted but it will be futile. What can be the possible solution to our present problems? We can solve our present problems by becoming united leaving aside our personal, local, lingual, ethnic, sectarian, or provincial identities and prejudices. What would Quaid feel to see the present condition of the country and the nation? He would have been extremely grief-stricken to see his nation falling swiftly a prey to fatal diseases of disunity, disharmony and disintegration. How can we become a strong nation? We can become a strong nation if we follow the principals and pieces of advice given by our Quaid.

Q.10: Are we working according to the expectations of our great leader? Ans. We are not working accordingly. We have not made Pakistan progressive, democratic country. All of us are not united and ambitious to get progress and compete with other nations. Q.11: What is the result of neglecting the advice of the Quaid? Ans. Neglecting the advice of Quaid, we have become disunited. That is why we are facing so many problems. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350 A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Lesson. No. 7: Sultan Ahmed Mosque Q.1: Ans. Q.2: Ans. Q.3: Ans. Q.4: Ans.

Q.5: Ans. Q.6: Ans.


Q.7: Ans.

Why is Sultan Ahmed mosque also known as blue mosque? It is also known as blue mosque because of the blue tiles that embellish the interior. Who was appointed as the architect of the mosque? The royal architect Sadefhar Mehmat Aga was appointed for the construction of the mosque. Why was a heavy iron chain hung at the entrance of the court? The chain was hung there so that the sultan had to lower his head expressing humility before divine God. How does the interior of the mosque look? The interior of the mosque is decorated with more than 20000 ceramic tiles in more than 50 different tulip designs which at gallery level become flamboyant. Why do you think Madrassah and hospice was part of the mosque? The Mudrassah was for the students who came to get Islamic education and hospice was for the needy. Who constructed the Mosque Sophia? In 1453 when Sultan Mehmed II conquered Turkey, he ordered to convert the church Hagia Sophia into the Mosque Sophia. Where is the royal room situated? The royal room is situated at the south east corner of the mosque.


Who started the construction of the blue mosque?


Sultan Ahmed 1 started the construction of blue mosque.

Q.9: Ans.

In whose reign the construction was completed? The construction was completed in the reign of Mustafa 1.

Q.10: What does the ‘Royal Kiosk’ mean? A Royal Kiosk was a small separate room built in the mosque for the Ans. exclusive use of a Turkish Sultan. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350 A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Lesson. No. 8: Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Q.1:

Who is the speaker in the poem?


The poet is the speaker in the poem.

Q.2: Ans. Q.3:

Whom does the speaker refer to in the first stanza of the poem? The speaker refers to the owner of woods who is not present there at that time. Why does the poet stop on ‘the darkest evening of the year’?


The poet stops there to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Q.4: Ans.

Why does the horse impatiently await the next move of his master?


The horse impatiently awaits the next move of his master because they have to travel a long distance to reach their destination. The speaker in the poem is captivated by the beauty of nature. Why doesn’t he stop for a long time to enjoy nature’s beauty? He does not stop there for long because he has to do many things to fulfil his promises. Does the poet know about the owner of the woods? Yes, the poet knows about the owner of the woods. His house is in the village. Why does the horse give a shake to his harness bell?


He shakes his harness bells to ask if he has a mistake.


Does the poet stop there for a long time?


No. He has to go a long way so he does not stop there for a long time.

Q.5: Ans. Q.6: Ans.


Lesson. No. 9: All Is Not Lost Q.1: Ans.

Why did the nurse ask Hira’s sister to come and talk to her? The nurse asked Hira’s sister to talk to her thinking that the voice of a near and dear one might activate the nearly dead neurons. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350

A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Q.2: Ans. Q.3:

Why did the nurse disagree with the doctor’s point of view? She thought that her full attention could make her patient recover. That is why she disagreed with the doctor. Why did the nurse ask herself the questions, “Was it worthwhile to oppose and fight the decision of senior and more qualified surgeons?


She asked herself this question to reconsider her judgement about the patient.

Q.4: Ans.

Describe some qualities of the personality of the nurse in the story? She was wise, devoted, sincere, honest, kind-hearted and ambitious. She had positive thinking and has a strong will power. Why did the nurse say: “Where there is a will there is a way”? With strong will power and positive thinking a man can also get impossible task that is why she said so.

Q.5: Ans. Q.6: Ans. Q.7: Ans.

Q.8: Ans.

What is an ICU in a hospital? Patients suffering from serious illness are kept in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to look after them the most carefully. To what extent the recovery of a patient depends upon the doctor and the nurse? The recovery of a patient depends upon the doctor and the nurse to a very large extent. A patient cannot recover without their treatment and proper care. What do you infer about her professional skills from the expression, “Try once for her”? This expression shows that she is very kind, sincere, devoted and caring nurse.


Lesson. No. 10: Drug Addiction

Q.1: Ans.

What are the effects of drug addiction? Long term use of drugs causes permanent mental and physical sickness. The more dangerous a substance is used the more risky it becomes. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350

A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Q.2: Ans.


What are the causes of drug addiction? Drug addiction and alcoholism are caused both by genetic and environmental factors. What important role do rehabilitation centres play to control drug addiction? These centres strictly supervise the victims. Complete medical support and guidance is provided to these people in these centres. What is the role of counselling in preventing drug addiction? A counsellor helps to get rid of drug addiction making the addicted person and his family aware of its factors and takes steps required to control these factors. Why do families feel reluctant to take the drug victims to drug rehabilitation centres? Families feel reluctant to take the drug victims to drug rehabilitation centres for fear of being declares an outcast. What are the responsibilities of the families to ensure complete recovery of such patients? They must take the drug victims to a drug rehabilitation centre. They must critically watch and counsel the victim for better motivation and adjustment. Are drug addicts aware of the dangers of drugs?


Yes, they are aware of the dangers of drugs.

Q.8: Ans.

What is the difference between genetic and environmental factors?

Q.9: Ans.

What do you understand by the term “counselling”? Counselling mean to get advice from a counsellor to solve personal or psychological problems.

Q.3: Ans. Q.4: Ans.

Q.5: Ans. Q.6:

Genetic factors relates to metabolic, structural and neuro-chemical functions of the brain. Environmental factors relates to home conditions, psychological issues and the social circle of a person.



Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350 A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Lesson. No. 11: Noise in the Environment Q.1: Ans. Q.2: Ans. Q.3: Ans.

How do you define noise pollution? Any form of noise that disrupts the normal functioning of life is called noise pollution. How is transport a source of noise pollution? Noise coming from vehicles, airplanes, trains and ships cause noise pollution. How is construction work a cause of noise pollution? The transport and equipment used at construction sites, it drilling and piercing sound is a big source of noise pollution.

Q.4: Ans.

How is the use of technology causing noise pollution? Unmonitored use of technology such as mobile phones, music system, electricity generator, etc. is causing noise pollution.

Q.5: Ans.

Why is noise hazardous for human health? Noise pollution can cause problems like, aggression, hypertension, hearing loss, restlessness, depression and insomnia etc. What kind of precautions may reduce noise coming from electronic devices? The people need to develop some civic responsibility while using electric devices. It may reduce noise. What is normal functioning and how is it disrupted? Normal functioning mean to live with calm and peace and it is disrupted by noise pollution.

Q.6: Ans. Q.7: Ans. Q.8: Ans.

Write the names of main sources of noise pollution in Pakistan. Construction sites, careless use of electronic devices, aero planes, loud speech pattern, ships etc. are the main sources of noise pollution.


Lesson. No. 12: Three Days To See Q.1: Ans.

Who was Helen Keller? Helen Keller was a blind and a deaf woman. Yet she became a great authoress. Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350

A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

Answers Book-1 9th Class N.C Q.2: Ans.

Q.3: Ans.

Q.4: Ans. Q.5: Ans. Q.6: Ans.

Q.7: Ans.

What makes you feel that the authoress is sad and depressed? The authoress looks sad and depressed because she is deaf and blind. She wants to see the world. How do you get an impression that she was a great admirer of Nature? She was a great admirer of Nature. She admired dawn, the spectacle of season and trees. What did she want to introduce in universities and why? She wanted to introduce a subject “How to use our eyes” as compulsory course because she wanted to make people observe the nature. People who are deprived of sight not devoid of imagination. Discuss, referring to the text. This is true because the authoress of the lesson is blind but her views prove that she had great imagination. “To me the pageant of seasons is an unending drama”, comment. The authoress says that the pageant of seasons is an unending drama. The continuity of change of seasons never ends. It is endless.


Q.8: Ans.

Describe the thought expressed by the authoress in the first paragraph? In the first paragraph she describes that we should live with gentleness, vigour and keenness. We should not follow the motto “Eat, drink and be merry”. How would Helen Keller like to spend three days of her imaginary sight? On first day she would like to meet her friends, on the second day she would see the sun rising with the dawn and on the third day she would see the world, past and present.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U, M.Ed) 0345-4521350 A Palace of Knowledge

049-4500350 Najm-ul-Huda School System

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