(9final preboard
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(9final preboard...
BUSINESS LAW and TAXATION TAXATION Final Pre-Board Examination
1. M makes negotiable promissory promissory note in favor of P payable on December 25,2009 with the following sccessive sccessive in!orsement of P to ", " to #, an! # to $. %n the !e !ate, M is paying $, bt $ e&ten!s the payment p to to December 25, 2010. 'hich of the following is not correct( a. $ may still enforce the instrments against M. b. )f M becomes insolvent on December 25, 2010, P, ", an! # are !ischarge! from their obligation. c. )f the in!orsers consente! to the e&tension of time an! M becoming insolvent on December 25, 2010, the in!orsers are still liable. !. )f $ cancels the signatre of P as in!orser, P, ", #, an! the instrment are !ischarge!. 2. " isse! isse! a promis promissory sory note note to the or!e or!err of # for for P10,000 P10,000 payab payable le on "gst "gst *0,201 *0,2010 0 in paymen paymentt of + set set sol! by # to ". # faile! to !eliver the + set to " an! instea! transferre! the note to $ for vale bt withot in!orsement. 'hich of the following is correct( a. $ is !eeme! a hol!er for a vale when # transferre! the note to him b. $ becomes the hol!er in !e corse c. $ has no right to compel to # to make the proper proper in!orsement to him !. $ cannot collect from " becase of "-s !efense of lack of consi!eration *. +his is not negotiable a. ) promise to pay to the or!er of myself P10, 000signe! by ", the maker maker b. Pay Pay to the or!er of the $ommissioner of the )nternal revene P10, 000 to "#$ bank .g!. " c. ) promise to pay to or!er P10, 000. g!. "P !. Pay to the or!er of /, , an! , P10, 000. +o # g!." . /, , an! forme! Partnership to engage in import3e&port bsiness. +he partners agree! that the pro4t will be !ivi!e! in the following ratio ratio /3 2067 3 3 *0 67 350 6, bt no agreement as to losses ."fter one year operatio operation, n, there was a loss of P10, 000.8ow 000.8ow will yo apporti apportion on this loss if the capital capital contrib contribtion tions s are as follows /3 P20, 0007 3P 15,0007 3P5, 000. a. "ccor!ing to their capital contribtion /3 /3 P5, 0007 3*,507 3P1, 250 b. :;ally among /, an! c. /3P2, 0007 3*,0007 3P5, 000 !. " thir! party may be calle! to make the !istribtion 5. ! >!ici icial al sale, sale, the mortgag mortgagor or may re!eem re!eem the prope property rty at any any time time within the term of one year from an! after the !ate of registration of the sale. econ! econ! tatement tatement = )n >!icial >!icial foreclos foreclosre re of real estate estate mortgage mortgage,, the general general rle is that the mortgagor mortgagor cannot e&ercise e&ercise his right of re!emption re!emption after his con4rmation of the sale by the cort. a. #oth statements statement s are correct b.#oth statements are wrong c. %nly the 4rst statement is correct !. %nly the secon! statement is correct ?. +his obligation is !eman!able at once a. 'ith a sspensive con!ition b. 'ith a perio! of !iem c. 'hen my means permit me to !o so !. 'hen it !epen!s on the happening of a speci4c event . +his is not a characteristic of a voi! or ine&istent contract a. +he right to raise a !efense or illegality cannot be waive! b. +he action or !efense for !eclaration of nllity or in e&istence of the contract !oes not prescribe. c. @ot a sb>ect to rati4cation !. Defense of the legality of the contract is available to thir! person s whose interest are not !irectly aAecte! B. " owns a piece of lan! an! sells it to # with a right of reprc reprchase hase within within one year year from the !ate of the sale. $an # sell the lan! he prchase! from ", to $, a thir! party( a. es provi!e! the sale is with consent of ". b. @o, # is not yet absolte owner of the lan! c. es, bt " can still re!eem re!eem the lan! from $. !. @o, becase " can still re!eem the lan! from #. 9. 'hich of the following s is correct( a. +reasry stock for less than their par or isse! vale are are consi!ere! Cwatere! stockC an! as sch is prohibite! by law. b. ri! i!ica icall an! an! natr natral al pers person ons, s, ma>o ma>orit rity y of who who are are resi resi!en !ents ts of of the the Philippines mat form a private corporation. !.@o par vale vale shares shares of stock stock cannot cannot be isse! isse! by banks, banks, trst trst companie companies, s, insranc insrance e companie companies, s, bil!in bil!ing g an! loan association associatio n an! pblic tilities. !.Membership in a non3stock corporation an! rights arising there from from are personal an! non3transferable non3transfera ble an! therefore cannot be transferre! even if provi!e! in the articles of incorporation or in the by3laws. 10. +he following are the obligations of agent, e&cept a )n the e&ection of the agency, the agent shall act in accor!ance with the instrctions of the principal b.hall is bon! to a!vance the necessary fn!s, e&cept when the principal is insolvent c. hall 4nish the bsiness alrea!y begn on the !eath of the principal shol! !elay entail !anger !.)n case a person person !eclines !eclines an agenc agency7 y7 he is bon! bon! to observ observe e the !iligen !iligence ce of a goo! goo! father father of of a famil family y in the csto!y an! preservation preservation of the goo!s forwar!e! forwar!e! to him by the owner ntil the latter shol! appoint the agent
11." boght a car from #, a minor , for P100,000.%ne week later, " !iscovere! that # was a minor at the time of sale so he 4le! a complaint in cort to annl the sale. 'ill the action prosper( a. es, # being a minor is anticipate! to enter into contract !.@o, the right to annl the sale is given to # c. es, # cannot 4le the action to annl the sale becase he is minor !.@o, nless there is lesion of more than of the vale of the property 12. D mortgage! his 103hectare parcel of lan! to secre his loan amonting to P00, 000.00 payable on or before Eanary *1, 2010.%n Eanary 10, 2010, D pai! P200, 000.00 to his cre!itor. $an he vali!ly ask for the release of 506 of the mortgage! property( a .es, becase real mortgage is separable from the property b. es, becase real mortgage is only a limitation on ownership c. @o, becase real mortgage bin!s the property an! the thir! persons, if registere! !. @o, becase real mortgage is in!ivisible 1*. " is athoriFe! by P to sell ten G10H cell phones for P5, 000.00 each at 106 commission. " sol! the cell phones to # on cre!it for a price of P?, 000.00 each .P !i! not ratify the sale on cre!it .8ow mch can P imme!iately as a payment from "( a.P 50,000.00 b. P 50,000.00 less 106 c. P ?0,000.00 !. P ?0,000.00 less 10 6 1. 'hich of the following statements is not correct( a. +he seller nee! not to be the owner of the thing sol! at the time of the perfection of the contract b. %wnership of the thing sol! is transferre! pon its actal or constrctive or ;asi3!elivery c. $ontract of sale throgh letter or telegram is !eeme! perfecte! only when the acceptance by the byer has been receive! by the seller !. +he seller of the thing shall be liable for the violation of the warranty against hi!!en !efects if he is aware of the sais !efect at the time of the perfection of the contract 15. +his shall take place when the ven!or reserves the right to reprchase the thing sol! a.Policitation b.$onventional re!emption c. :;itable mortgage !. Iegal re!emption 1?. +he right of the cre!itor to e&ercise all the rights of his !ebtor to satisfy his claim, e&cept rights which are inherent an! personal on the part of the !ebtor a. "ction sbrogatoria b."ction re!hibitoria c. "ccion paliana !. "ccion ;anti minoris 1.)n 2005, at age 1?, " sol! his lan! to # for PM payable at P1M in 200?,P1M in 200 , P1M in 200B an! P1M in 2009.)n 2010, " wants to annl the contract on the gron! of minority .'ill his action prosper( a. @o, " is allowe! to ask for annlment of the contract only within years from the perfection of the contract b.es, " has years conte! from the time he becomes of legal age to ask for annlment of the contract c. @o, the acceptance of the installment payments amonte! to rati4cation of the sale !. es, provi!e! " was then acting in goo! faith when he sol! the property 1B. " owes # P500 an! a secrity, " ple!ge his !iamon! ring .Iater " borrowe! again P200. "s a reslt a .# has a right to retain the thing ntil the P00 is pai! b.# has right to retain the thing ntil the P 500 is pai! c. " has a right to !eman! that thing be !eposite! with the thir! person !. # has the right to se the thing ple!ge! 19. / entere! into a written contract with for the sale of his car at the price of P 210,000.00.bse;ently < tol! / that the prchase price is very low as it can comman! a price of his car to P250, 000.00 ./ wante! to increase! the prchase price of his car to P250, 000.00.+his cannot be !one by / of what principle of contract( a. oining lan! owner is intereste! in bying the share which " sol! to . 'hich of the following is correct( a. # can re!eem what " has sol! to if alrea!y owns a rral lan! b. # can re!eem what " has sol! to even if !oes not own any rral lan! c. "s an a!>oining lan! owner $ has a sperior right to re!eem what " sol! to !. $ can re!eem what " sol! to whether or not alrea!y owns a rral lan! 2. " sells to # her car for P*00, 000 on a sale or retrn within 10 !ays after !elivery. %n 5 th !ay after !elivery, the car was lost throgh fortitos event. 'ho bears the loss( a. " n!er the principle of res perit !ominoC b. # an! he mst pay the prchase price c. #oth " an! # >ointly !. @o one becase the loss was !e to fortitos event 2B. : owns a piece of property an! sells it to with a right to reprchase within years from the !ate of sale. )f sells the property to +, which of the following is not correct( a. +he sale is vali! becase things sb>ect to a resoltory con!ition maybe the ob>ect of a contract sale b. : can still e&ercise her right of re!emption against + c. +he sale is voi! becase it is a con!itional sale !. +he ac;ires the property bt sb>ect to the right of conventional re!emption. 29. )f a partner assigns his interest in the partnership to his personal cre!itor the assignee ac;ires the right to a. Deman! an acconting partnership aAair b. )nspect the books an! recor!s of the partnership c. Jeceive the partner3assignor-s share of the pro4ts !. )nterfere in the management of the partnership *0. :very corporation whose charter e&pires by its own limitation, or annlle! by forfeitre or otherwise, or whose corporate e&istence for other prposes is terminate! in any other manner shall nevertheless be contine! as a bo!y corporate for * years after the time when it wol! have been !issolve! for the prpose of the following, e&cept a. Prosecting an! !efen!ing sits by or against it an! enabling it to settle an! close its aAairs b. +o !ispose an! convey its property c. +o !istribte its assets !. $ontining the bsiness for which it was establishe! *1. D-s obligation is to !eliver a nokia cell phone worth P10, 000.00 on Eanary 15, 2010. " week before the matrity !ate, D was or!ere! by his sperior to go to $eb to confer with the company-s client. ince D has no time to by the cell phone, he oAere! to give $ the amont of P10, 000 so that $ can by the cell phone .$ accepte! the oAer. +he obligation of D to $ in this case is e&tingishe! by a. @ovation b. $ession c. Dation in payment !. $ompensation *2. imilarity between real estate mortgage an! antichresis a. +he property is !elivere! to the cre!itor b. +he sb>ect matter is a real property c. +he cre!itor ac;ires the right to receive the frits of the property !. +he cre!itor is oblige! to pay the ta&es an! charges pon the estate
**. 'hich of the following statements is false( a. P in writing appoints " as his agent to sell his parcel of lan! for P 0,000." sol! it orally to /.+he contract of " an! / is vali! b. # wrote ", his sister, to sell his parcel of lan!. +he lan! was prchase! by /, bt " !i! not forwar! the money to #. # now wants to recover the parcel of lan! .# can recover becase the athority of is not in special power of attorney. c. P orally appoints as his agent to sell his lan! for P0, 000. " sol! it to / in writing. +he sale by " to / is not vali!. !. P orally appointe! " to sell a hose on a parcel of lan! belonging to /. " sol! it to # orally. +he contracts by P an! ", an! " an! # are vali! *. 'hich of the following is tre an! correct regar!ing the contract of agency( a. +he contract entere! into by a sb3agent appointe! !espite the prohibition of the principal may be rati4e! by the principal. b. "n agent can appoint a sb3agent only when he is athoriFe! to !o so by the principal. c. )f the co3owner s /, , an! appointe! " as their agent for the sale of the property owne! by them, sai! appointment can be revoke! by / alone. !. 'hen several agents ha! been appointe! by the principal, the liability of the agents to the principal shall be soli!ary. *5. 'hich of the following statements is not correct( a. +he sale of the thing ple!ge shall e&tingish the principal obligation, whether or not the procee!s of the sale are e;al to the amont of the principal obligation, interest an! e&penses in a proper case b. )f the procee!s of the sale of the thing ple!ge are more than the obligation, the !ebtor shall not be entitle! to e&cess nless it is otherwise agree!. c. )f the procee!s of the sale of the thing ple!ge are more than the obligation, the !ebtor shall not be entitle! to recover the !e4ciency, nless it is otherwise agree!. !. "t the pblic action, the ple!gor or owner may bi! an! he shall have a better right if he col! oAer the same terms as the highest bi!!er *?. " resi!ent citiFen !ie! on eptember *, 200? ."n a!ministrator was appointe! on eptember 15, 200? +he inventory taking of the !ece!ent-s properties was complete! on %ctober 10,200? .'hen shol! the estate ta& retrn be 4le!( a. @ovember *, 200? b. December 10, 200? c. March *.200 !. March 15, 200 *. )n !etermining the net estate of the !ece!ent, which of the following statements is $%JJ:$+( a. "ll !ece!ents are allowe! to !e!ct e&penses an! charges from their gross estate. b. De!ction for property previosly ta&e! is not allowe! when the !ece!ent is a non3resi!ent alien. c. hares of stocks being intangible property shall be incl!e! in the !ece!ent-s gross estate whenever sitate!. !. %nly flly pai! fneral, e&penses are !e!ctible to the e&tent of 56 of the total gross estate bt not e&cee!ing P200, 000 *B. %ne of the following is not an important factor when compting the ta&able net gifts an! the gift ta& payable a. Jesi!ence of the !onor b. $itiFenship of the !onor c. #loo! relationship between the !onor an! the !one !. +he economic stats of the !one *9. /, the garantor3corporation owns 06 of the capital stock of , !ebtor3corporation. / assmes the original loan of , with a portion of the loan assme! by / to be late on con!one! an! converte! into pai!3in srpls of G withot the correspon!ing issance of a!!itional sharesHan! then se! to wipe ot its accmlate! losses. 'hat is the ta& conse;ence of this transaction( a. +he con!onation of !ebt is sb>ect to !onor-s ta& becase the con!one! portion of the original loan represents forgiveness of !ebt where the !ebtor !i! not ren!er service in favor of the cre!itor. b. +he con!onation of !ebt is not sb>ect to !onor-s ta& becase the con!one! portion of the original loan represents a!!itional capital contribtion. c. $on!onation of !ebt is sb>ect to capital gains ta&. !. +he transfer involve! tangible personal property, hence, not sb>ect to !onor-s ta&. 0. +ransfers in contemplation of !eath ma!e !ring the lifetime of the transferor shall be sb>ect to a. +he !onor-s ta& b. :state ta& c. @either !onor-s ta& nor estate ta& !. #oth !onor-s ta& an! estate ta& 1. %ne of the following ta&es ha! been replace! by "+. a. "!vance sales ta& b. +a& on life insrance premims c. $ommon carrier-s ta& on transport of passengers !. ect to other percentage ta&es. a. Proprietor of cockpits b. Domestic common carrier transporting passengers c. $losely hel! corporation initially oAering its shares to the pblic !. "gricltral cooperative selling its pro!ce in processe! form 5. %ne of the following is @%+ re;ire! to withhol! percentage ta&es. a. #reas, oKces an! instrmentalities of the government b. Novernment3owne! or controlle! corporations c. Prchaser3payor of goo!s in the corse of bsiness, which is sb>ect to *6 percentage ta& n!er ec.11? !. Prchaser3payor of goo!s not in the corse of bsiness, which is sb>ect to *6 percentage ta& n!er ec.1? ?.
" single in!ivi!al ta&payer with no !epen!ents who is a pre compensation can !e!ct the following from his gross compensation income. a. #asic personal e&emption, a!!itional e&emption, health an!Oor hospitaliFation insrance premim pai! b. #asic personal e&emption, a!!itional e&emption, health an!Oor hospitaliFation insrance premim pai! c. #asic personal e&emption only !. @one of the choices
. 'hich of the following ta&payers is not allowe! to claim ta& cre!it for foreign income ta& incrre!( a. Jesi!ent citiFens b. Domestic corporations c. #ene4ciaries of estates an! trsts !. @on3resi!ent citiFens B. " 4re occrre! in the $ity of Dmagete an! by reason of which of stock of plywoo! of a lmber company was locate! .+he lmber company faile! to recor! sch loss in its book of acconts. 'as the loss !e!ctible( a. es, the loss was !e!ctible becase it was case! by 4re b.es, the loss was !e!ctible becase it wol! be correct to assme that the lmber company reporte! within 5 !ays after it was sstaine! c. @o, the loss was not !e!ctible becase the con!ct of the ta&payer in not charging oA its book of acconts its loss prove! that the allege! loss ha! not been sAere!. !. @o, the loss was case! by carelessness 9. %ne of the following in!ivi!als is not sb>ect to income ta& in the Philippines. a ."n "merican engineer who makes the Philippines his resi!ence becase of the natre of his work b. " Eapanese visiting professor who occasionally teaches at one of the lea!ing niversities in the Philippines, an! stays here for an aggregate of 1B5 !ays c. " +aiwanese singer who performs in one of the hotels in the Philippines for one G1H week, an! then leaves after he is throgh with his performances ! " ect to fringe bene4t ta&( a. alary of the hosehol! help of a spervisor pai! by the ta&payer-s employer b. +ition of a manager pai! by his employer
c. alary of a manager pai! his employer ! Jent e&pense of the hose where a spervisor lives pai! by his employer ?. $. berita has three G*H wives n!er his tribal cstoms an! practices. 8e has a total of G?H ;ali4e! !epen!ent chil!ren from his three G*H wives. 8e is entitle! to a basic personal e&emption an! a!!itional e&emption of
#asic personal e&emption a. P 50,000 b. P 50,000 c. P 150,000 !. @one
"!!itional e&emption P 100,000 P 150,000 P 150,000 @one
?5. +he amont of the informer-s rewar! shall be e;ivalent to a. +en percent G106H of the amont recovere! or one million peso GP1, 000,000H per case whichever is lower. b. +en percent G106H of the amont recovere! or one million peso GP1, 000,000H per case whichever is higher c.
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