984305 - Line Item_Definition of Special Fields (T021S)
Short Description
You want to define special fields for the line item transactions (FBL1N/FBL3N/FBL5N or as of ERP2004 FAGLL03). You hav...
SAP Note
984305 - Line item: Definition of special fields (T021S) Version 3 Validity: 21.08.2014 - active
Language English
Header Data Released On Release Status Component
21.08.2014 13:57:26 Released for Customer FI-AP-AP-D Reporting/Analysis/Display
Other Components FI-AR-AR-D Reporting/Display/Credit Management FI-GL-GL-D Reporting/Analysis/Display Priority Category
Recommendations / Additional Info Consulting
Symptom You want to define special fields for the line item transactions (FBL1N/FBL3N/FBL5N or as of ERP2004 FAGLL03). You have basic questions about this function, or encounter problems when you try to save the special fields or start dependent reports.
Solution I. Basic information 1. Depending on your release, you can define the special fields for the line item display in the following places of the IMG: 46C - 470 FBL1N (Vendor line item display) Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Line items Display Line Items Define Additional Fields for the Line Item Display FBL3N (G/L account line item display) Financial Accounting General Ledger Accounting G/L Accounts Line items Display Line Items with ALV Define Special Fields for Finding and Sorting Data FBL5N (Customer line item display) Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Customer Accounts Line items Display Line Items Define Additional Fields for the Line Item Display All IMG paths use the table T021S to save the definition of the special fields. Therefore, a special field that is defined for G/L accounts may also be available for customers. ERP2004 - ERP2005 You can also maintain special fields for FBL1N and FBL5N in these releases using the path mentioned above. If General Ledger Accounting (new) is active, the path for defining special fields for FBL3N is no longer available, since FAGLL03 is used for displaying G/L account items in the standard system. However, if you continue to use FBL3N, you can maintain the special fields by following the paths for customers or vendors or by using transaction O7R3.
You can maintain special fields for transaction FAGLL03 in the following path: Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Master data G/L Accounts Line items Define Special Fields for Line Item Display 2. While saving or after you save the special fields, these are internally defined in the following form: When you save, the special fields are generated in the relevant structure for the line item display: FBL*N The basic structure for displaying the items is RFPOSX. From this entry and the relevant entries in the table T021S, the system generates the structure RFPOSXEXT, which is used for the display. The special fields have the prefix "U_". FAGLL03 The basic structure for displaying the items is FAGLPOSE. From the relevant entries in the table T021S, the system generates the FAGLPOSYEXT structure. The special fields have the prefix "U_". Both structures are included in the structure FAGLPOSX, which is used for the display.
II. Troubleshooting and known problems 1. Basic tips for troubleshooting When you save or subsequently generate items, you receive an error message, for example "Termination with error 3" or F4 308 ("System error: Error in routine GENERATE FAGLPOSYEXT"). In this case, analyze the activation log of the relevant structure. Call transaction SE11 and enter the relevant structure in the "Data type" field: FBL*N -> RFPOSXEXT FAGLL03 -> FAGLPOSYEXT Display the structure. Then, choose "Utilities -> Activation Log" in the menu. This log contains exact explanations of which errors occurred. If errors occur during the generation, also check whether SAP Notes 947573 and 984303 are implemented in your system. If problems occur when you generate the structure RFPOSXEXT, you can try to regenerate these again using the report RFPOSXEXTEND. Execute the function module ITEM_STRUC_EXTENSION for special fields for transaction FAGLL03 as described below. Additional reasons for special problems are listed below. In addition, start the report BALVBUFDEL when you enhance the special fields. This resets the ALV buffer (SAP Note 205096) and solves display problems. 2. Known problems with special fields Fields are defined twice You use an APPEND to add the special fields to the basic structure (RFPOSX/FAGLPOSE). When you save the special fields, the fields are included twice in the generated structure. In this case, remove them from the basic structure or as special fields. You use fields that contain the character "/" You try to define a field, for example /TEST/CASE, from the table BSEG as a special field. This is not possible due to a technical restriction, since fields that contain the character "/" must have the first "/" at the beginning of the field name. However, since the special fields are always created with the prefix "U_", these fields cannot be used for the special field logic. However, these fields can be used and filled in the following way: Add the fields to the structures RFPOSX and RFPOS. Include or enter the fields in both tables and reactivate the tables. Start the report RFPOSXEXTEND again to add the fields to the generated structure RFPOSXEXT. Create the BTE 1650. To do so, copy the sample function module SAMPLE_INTERFACE_00001650 into the customer namespace. In the customer module, read the fields from the relevant table and transfer the values to the internal fields. Then activate the module in transaction FIBF.
Choose "Settings -> Products -> ... of a customer" and create a product. Choose any product name and description. Set the "Active" indicator and save. Choose "Settings -> P/S Modules -> ... of a customer" and add this entry: Event: 00001650 Product: Ctr/Appl: Function Module: Save the entry. After these steps, the fields are now also available as special fields. However, the system now reads the special field table for every line. This may have a negative effect on performance. The field is created correctly, however it is not filled during the first access. In this case, first start the report BAVLBUFDEL. This ensures that the special field is filled during the first access of the list. In addition, check whether the field is correctly filled in the tables to be read. You have defined special fields in a development system for transaction FAGLL03. However, after the transport into a test system or productive system, these fields do not exist. In certain constellations, the routine AFTER-IMPORT for the table T021S for generating the special fields may not be started correctly. In this case, start the generation manually. To do this, proceed as follows: Call transaction SE37, enter the function module ITEM_STRUC_EXTENSION and execute it with the following parameters: BASIC_STRUCNAME FAGLPOSY EXT_STRUCNAME FAGLPOSYEXT EXT_FIELDS_TABNAME T021S I_LSTCL D X_TRANSPORT ' ' After you have executed the function module, the structure should be regenerated correctly. III. Other helpful SAP Notes 112312 This SAP Note explains how to make the offsetting account information available. 205096 This SAP Note explains the report BALVBUFDEL. 373268 This SAP Note contains further explanations for the table constellation regarding FBL*N transactions and the creation of the special fields.
Validity Software Component From Rel. SAP_APPL 46C 470 500 600 602 603 604 605 606 616
To Rel. And Subsequent 46C 470 500 600 602 603 604 605 606 616
References This document refers to: SAP Notes 1492533 FAGLL03: Ledger group not always filled 1423223 Turkey: Display Yevmiye Number in line item reports 1355836 FAGLL03: special fields not filled for a non-leading ledger 1135916 Line items: Help for analysis for long runtime 1117587 FAGLL03: Special fields for documents in non-leading ledger 1034354 FAGLL03: Display of offsetting account information
984303 FAGLL03: Error during creation of amount special field 947573 RFPOSXEXTEND: Generation terminates with error code '3' 215798 FBL*N: Special fields are not displayed
This document is referenced by: SAP Notes (9) 1117587 FAGLL03: Special fields for documents in non-leading ledger 1492533 FAGLL03: Ledger group not always filled 1355836 FAGLL03: special fields not filled for a non-leading ledger 1034354 FAGLL03: Display of offsetting account information 1423223 Turkey: Display Yevmiye Number in line item reports 984303 FAGLL03: Error during creation of amount special field 947573 RFPOSXEXTEND: Generation terminates with error code '3' 1135916 Line items: Help for analysis for long runtime 215798 FBL*N: Special fields are not displayed
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