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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII By:

Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. Clinical Hypnotherapist www.SteveGJones.com

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII

Research Assistant: Katherine T. Sinclair

Copyright © 2008

All rights reserved. No material in this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the author.

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII

Table of Contents Table of Contents...........................................................4 Foreword........................................................................5 Chapter 1 What is a Script? ..........................................7 Chapter 2 Scripts ........................................................15 Insomnia ...................................................................16 Inner Peace for Women............................................17 Inner Peace for Men .................................................19 Increase Speed and Agility Script.............................20 Increase Muscle Mass..............................................22 Increase Fertility for Pregnancy ................................24 Increase Energy .......................................................26 Body Image Script ....................................................28 Improve Eyesight......................................................30 Improve Dyslexia ......................................................32 Improve Computer Sessions ....................................34 Immune System Booster ..........................................36 I Love to Exercise .....................................................37 Maintain Good Posture.............................................39 Listen to your Dreams ..............................................41 Listen to your Body Script.........................................44 Life Balance..............................................................48 Libra .........................................................................50 Leo ...........................................................................54 Kundalini Activation ..................................................58 Kegal Exercises........................................................62 Karate.......................................................................64 Appendix ......................................................................66 References...................................................................68 Resources ....................................................................69 Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. .................................70

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII

Foreword Hypnotherapy has been used in dental practice since the 19th century. It was used then in the form of hypnoanalgesia during surgical dental intervention. The first tooth extraction with the use of hypnoanalgesia was performed by Jean Victor Dudet in 1830. Since then, hypnotherapists have made powerful strides toward changing public perception about hypnosis. Doctors continue to use hypnosis to calm their patients, and to ease pain during procedures (Bierman, 1995). They regularly tell patients how easy recovery will be. Additionally, doctors tell patients that a procedure is common and meets with a high degree of success. Because these phrases are delivered by an authority figure, they act in exactly the same way as hypnotic suggestions, and become reality for the patient. More obvious hypnotic suggestions are also sometimes given to patients by doctors trained in hypnosis, and for over a century, dentists have used hypnosis to ease discomfort during dental procedures. In addition to using hypnotic techniques themselves, doctors and dentists regularly refer patients to hypnotherapists for help with weight loss, smoking cessation, and overcoming fears about dental and surgical procedures. Before the 1950s, the medical profession scoffed at hypnotherapy, but today it is being readily embraced as a complement to long-standing medical procedures. According to the southern Medical Journal (2004), as many as 40% of Americans use some form of complementary and alternative medicine such as hypnotherapy. At no other time has the world of hypnotherapy been as wide open with exciting possibilities 5 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII as it is now. Because more and more people are exploring and accepting the benefits of hypnotherapy, a much greater need for qualified hypnotherapists to open practices now exists. The goal of this book is to give you, a potential or practicing hypnotherapist, a strong base for building your practice. You will be guided through a basic hypnotherapy session, and you will be given homework opportunities to use and modify your techniques so that you can help others lose weight, find love, and increase their financial success, among other issues. For the latest information about the hypnotherapy world, visit www.americanallianceofhypnotists.org, the website of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, of which I am the founder and director. The organization started in America as a network of hypnotherapists, but it is now open to practitioners worldwide. Among other things, this site lists hypnotherapists and classes available in your local area. Become a member. It’s free.

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Chapter 1 What is a Script?

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII Perhaps the most important part of any hypnosis experience is the script. What is a script? A script is the meat of the hypnosis experience. It is where the therapy occurs. If you do not have a script, you are not doing hypnotherapy. You may be hypnotizing your client, but you are not helping anyone. A script is the portion of the hypnosis session during which you suggest change. It delivers the main message to the subconscious mind. The pretalk, induction and deepening were all to prepare the client for the script. A script can be on anything: attracting romantic partners, improving efficiency for increased financial success, weight loss, memory improvement, smoking cessation, improved confidence, or whatever the client’s challenge may be. As part of a self-hypnotherapy session, a hypnotherapist could even write a script to enhance her creativity—to suggest to her subconscious mind that she is going to write more creative scripts. The script is where you form new associations for the client. Instead of being afraid, the client will associate a pleasant feeling with talking to members of the opposite sex, eating health foods, going down an escalator, down an elevator, into a crowd of people, up on a stage, in an airplane, near a snake. I have a prospective client who is afraid of entering parking garages. During the script, she will be given a new association for entering a parking garage, and she will no longer be afraid. Her old association, the one she has now, is scary for her. The script will plant positive suggestions

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII that her body will remember in the future when she actually enters a parking garage. If you are new to hypnotherapy, you might want to start with a script written by someone else. You can borrow one of my scripts, or a script from one of the countless books available on this topic (see chapter’s end for recommended resources). When using a script that someone else has written, make sure that you have read through it before the hypnosis session. The worst thing you can possibly do is go into a session without previously having read through the script. You want to be familiar with the script for several reasons. First of all, you do not want to trip through words and concepts while reading the script during the session. (Because your client’s eyes are covered, you can read a script during a session. You do not have to memorize it.) Second of all, you need to evaluate the script prior to reading it to your client. Each client is different, so you will need to find and eliminate those things in the script that are not going to apply to the particular client for whom the script is being used. You need to have a full understanding of the script so that you can tailor it to reach the best possible results. Do your due diligence. Do not allow yourself any excuses. Prepare every time. Beware of procrastinating and ending up in a situation that causes you to stumble. You can get lazy. You can get into a rut. During a live sermon, the preacher can say, “I am sorry. I made a mistake. Let me backtrack.” You cannot do that under hypnosis. Every word you say goes into the patient’s subconscious mind.

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII Be prepared. You are dealing with the most precious part of a human: His mind. Treat it delicately. I do not say this to scare you. I say this to prepare you. Be prepared. Consider a script for weight loss that begins like this: Now, you will imagine that you are a machine and you can put different types of batteries in your power center. You have been choosing batteries which do not last long and leave a residue. From now on, you will chose proper batteries which power you for a long time and do not leave a residue. Let’s say that you are not interested or inspired by the machine analogy used in the script. Also, your client is not interested in machines at all. Would this script be appropriate? Probably not. Would it be more powerful to use a script that related to something you and your client related to? Probably. Although the analogies are good and potentially powerful, if they do not feel natural for you, you will not be confident when reading them. And, more importantly, if they do not feel natural for the client, another script choice would be more appropriate. So go through any script you intend to use. Make sure there are no surprises. If someone hands you a script and says, “Here. Use this when you have someone who wants to lose weight,” make sure you go through the script ahead of time. Do not be afraid to alter a script. Scripts are not written in stone. Make the script into something that flows freely from your mouth. 10 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII One of the books I recommend at the end of this book, The Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors by Hammond, contains many good scripts. However, they were written by hypnotherapists with advanced educational and medical degrees, and are therefore extremely technical. Take the general idea of these scripts and rewrite them. You have got to tailor things to your own unique flavor. I cannot emphasize that enough. The only rule for modifying scripts is this: Never insert anything that could cause harm. We do not harm people. We help people. Say good things. Do not say frightening or harmful things. Do not excite your client. Bore him. Everything is calm. Everything is peaceful. Everything is beautiful. Everything is positive. As long as you remember not to harm people, your script will be fine. If you do not have a script to modify, you will have to write your own script. Let’s assume that your client wants to lose weight and you do not have a script. What should you do? Do you give up? No. You do not give up. You take heart in the fact that everything you need is already within you. You just need a little guidance. So let’s take this step-by-step. First of all, ask yourself what the goal is. Here, the goal is for the client to lose weight. Before writing the script, you need to find out what a reasonable target is. Do not allow the client to expect to lose 100 pounds in six weeks. If you are not sure what is 11 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII reasonable, consult a dietician or a physician. (Remember: if your client is under the care of another healthcare professional, make sure you are agreement with the course of treatment.) Find out how much weight the person can expect to lose, and set a reasonable target within a reasonable time frame. Your due diligence should continue with a conversation with the client. Before you write the script, find out what the client is eating that is harmful. Ask the client: “What are the foods you are eating, and when are you eating them?” And then work this information into the script. For example, perhaps the client says, “I am eating Snickers bars at 11 p.m. right before I go to bed. I am eating three of them a night. I cannot figure out why on earth I am gaining weight. It is just not fair.” The script is the place to alter the negative behavior that is causing the problem. Your script will want to tell this client: that he can and will change his behavior. If the person is gaining weight, unable to talk to potential romantic partners, or scared of flying, the script is the place to insert suggestions for positive change. The script is where the healing takes place.

If she is afraid of planes, she gets on that plane. She takes that plane ride. She gets off that plane and nothing has gone wrong. Have her imagine the whole thing. She is safe the entire time. Nothing goes wrong. Be creative. Say things like, “You can see the cockpit from where you are sitting and everything looks fine. And you know that your bags are stowed and you just feel great because 12 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII everything is taken care of. It is a smooth flight. You look outside. And it is daytime and you see the sky and it is so beautiful.” If you are working on motivation, find out why the client is not motivated. Is she unmotivated because she does not think she will accomplish the desired results? If so, the script should help the client to see herself as having already accomplished the results. The client already has achieved whatever it is that is causing her to procrastinate. If the client is afraid of snakes, have him see a snake from a distance. Tell him, “Everything is fine and now if you want to you can walk closer. Only walk as close as you feel comfortable with and no closer. And each time you hear my voice, you can allow yourself to get closer but understand that no harm will come to you.” When writing a script, I am inviting you to use your creativity. I am inviting you to reach inside and pull something out of yourself something that will be helpful. I am not going to tell you a way that is written in stone because that would limit your creativity. Beyond the sky is the limit. Go beyond. Just let it flow. Keep in mind your plan, your idea, and your motive. Your motivation is to help the person. You are trying to help the client. Everything is positive. Everything is uplifting. We are not dwelling on the negative. We focus on the positive. Keep your eye on the mark and remember that you will end up at whatever point on which you have focused. Likewise, we want to keep the client’s focus on the positive change from within. The client should imagine that the change has happened. We want the client to think: “I am already flying. I am not planning on it. I am getting on that plane. I am not imagining it. I am flying. I am getting as close to that snake as I feel comfortable. I am taking the 13 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII steps to get to that escalator and I am on it and everything is fine.” As discussed earlier, a person’s body does not know the difference between imaging something and having it actually happen. This means that the client has the advantage of knowing rationally that the situation is not occurring, but physically and emotionally the client feels he has experienced the event. Therefore, when it comes time for the client to go down the escalator, his body will feel as though he has a positive and successful experience under his belt. Though they are the meat of the session, scripts should not exceed 10 minutes when read slowly aloud. The following chapters contain scripts which can be used by you in working with yourself or working with clients. I have divided them into chapters to make referencing them easier. Keep in mind that the chapter titles are only general guides and that some scripts could be used for multiple purposes. You may also feel free to modify any of my scripts to suit you particular needs. For more scripts, please visit www.SteveGJones.com where you can purchase my other scripts book, Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I.

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Chapter 2 Scripts

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Insomnia And each night you will be at ease and relaxed. You’ll feel relaxed and calm knowing that every day is another adventure even though some days will have problems and things we don’t like. Every day will be an adventure, starting now. As you go to bed every night you will be calm and at ease. Your mind and your body will be calm, tranquil, and relaxed. You will be able to sleep calmly, at peace, able to sleep the way you did when you were a baby, so calm, so relaxed, so completely at peace. You will sleep so well. You’ll be able to sleep soundly, knowing in the back of your mind that day by day, you’re beginning to live more fully, more deeply. As time goes on you will live with more and more wisdom and you’ll let yourself sleep the way a baby does, when a baby feels good and very secure. You’ll sleep very well and very calmly and when you wake up in the morning, you’ll be fully rested, very refreshed and at peace.

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Inner Peace for Women Now you imagine yourself walking to a room. This is a special room. It is your private meditation room. It has wood floors. You are surrounded by objects which relax and empower you, objects which you have chosen to place in your special meditation room. There is a cushion and you slowly walk over to the cushion, that’s right, and you sit down, relaxing yourself, sitting in the lotus position, legs crossed, that’s right, fold your legs, wrists resting gently on your knees, palms facing upward, back straight, chin parallel with the floor, eyes closed. As now you imagine that directly over your head is a beautiful light, a beautiful, calm, healing, cleansing light from which you draw a ray down to the top of your head, down into your crown chakra where it illuminates your crown chakra giving off a purple color. You bring this light down a little lower, down, down to the level of your eyebrows where it illuminates the brow chakra, giving off a blue light, that’s right and as it does you meditate on the idea that you are an amazing woman. You are a beautiful spirit in the body of a female. You are so intensely beautiful inside and out. You are becoming more and more aware day by day of your true beauty. Now you bring the light down a little lower, down to the level of the throat where it illuminates the throat chakra which gives off a silvery-blue light. Now down, down, down a little lower now to the level of your heart where it gives off a golden glow. You find yourself allowing love to flow in and flow out easily and effortlessly. Releasing past pain, opening yourself to future possibilities of love, opening yourself to present possibilities of love, feeling the love of the universe flow through your beautiful womanly body, that’s right, that’s right. Now you bring the light a little lower to your solar plexus where it gives off a red light, relaxing you, cleansing you, healing you, allowing you to truly communicate with your inner goddess self, that’s right. Connecting with your true goddess nature. And 17 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII down, down, down a little lower now the light moves to your spleen area where it gives off a rainbow of colors illuminating the spleen chakra, beautiful rainbow of colors surrounding a beautiful lady. And the light moves down a little lower now, down to the base of your spine, down to the root chakra where it gives off reds and oranges and now all the colors swirl together, swirl together in a beautiful rainbow of color, surrounding you, filling you, that’s right, that’s right. And anytime you choose you can return to this feeling throughout your day. At any time you can return to this feeling of calm serenity where you are in touch with your true goddess, beautiful nature. You will now and forever more have this gift, this ability to tap into your true self.

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Inner Peace for Men And as you continue to relax you realize just how peaceful you are, how completely at ease you are. I would like you now to take a moment to really get in touch with your manliness. Really feel how it feels to be in your masculine element. I would like you now to imagine yourself in a situation in your life, any situation. And see yourself handling that situation in a very masculine and powerful and mature way. Yet, at the same time you are very relaxed. You are very secure with your masculinity and this allows you to feel a very powerful sense of inner peace. And you take this very powerful sense of inner peace with you wherever you go and you relax and you are at ease in all situations. And as you now take in a deep breath, inhale confidence. As you now let that breath go, exhale any negativity or stress. Breathing in deeply again, inhale that masculine power and letting go the breath, exhale any fear or anxiety, just let it go. And as you continue breathing easily, effortlessly and comfortably, you realize that your sense of inner peace is becoming stronger and stronger day by day. You are relaxed and in your masculine element at all times.

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Increase Speed and Agility Script And as you continue to relax deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, you begin to realize just how powerful you are. You realize that you are a very strong and powerful person. You are an amazing athlete. You take the necessary steps in order to become the best performer you can be. You know the importance that food has on your performance in your sport. You are sure to eat the proper amounts of lean protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Food is fuel for your body and you realize that the food you put into your body will enhance your speed and agility. You eat a low-fat diet consisting of lean protein, whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables and a lot of water. You also realize the importance of sleep. You make sure that you get eight hours of restful sleep every night. Now, I want you to focus on your sport where speed and agility are very important. Perhaps your sport is basketball or boxing, or maybe running or soccer. It can be any sport at all. Go ahead and picture yourself playing or competing in this sport. You notice that a key area that you want to improve is your speed and agility. In addition to practicing your sport, you also do additional workouts, that’s right. You participate in additional workouts that will enhance your speed and agility. You vary your workouts and in order to increase your speed and agility you do several reps of short, intense workouts. You enjoy doing these short and intense workouts because you are noticing changes in your body and in your performance. Day by day, as you work on your speed and agility, you notice more and more changes. You are becoming quicker and more agile. Your change in workouts and your change in eating habits has caused you to lose fat and gain muscle, that’s right. You are now stronger than you ever have been before. Your muscles are more pronounced. These firm, toned muscles aide you in becoming the best athlete you can be. Picture yourself doing workouts that improve your speed. Perhaps 20 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII you are lifting weights in the gym, or maybe you are doing short intense running workouts. Picture yourself doing these exercises. Notice that as days go by and as weeks go by, you are becoming stronger, that’s right. You are powerful and you are getting faster and faster. Now picture yourself working on your agility. Perhaps you are jumping rope or using special equipment. Notice how quick you are. Day by day you are becoming sharper and able to complete your exercises rapidly. Notice how motivated you are. You are extremely motivated as you concentrate on your speed and agility. You really enjoy working out and eating right. You have noticed major changes in your body and in your ability, that’s right. You have made great strides in improving your athletic ability. Now picture yourself participating in your sport. Picture yourself applying all of the power and strength you have acquired. You are so fast and so agile as you move your body. Notice how coordinated you are. All of those agility exercises have really paid off. You are quick and very easily able to move around your opponent. Notice your speed; you are very quick and light on your feet. Your speed exercises have made you faster than you ever have been before. Notice how you feel as you play your sport. You feel fantastic. You feel strong. You feel powerful. You notice that your body will perform and react in whatever way you want it to perform and react. You realize that you have complete control over your body, that’s right. You have complete control over your body. You feel more alive than ever before. You realize that whenever you want to move a certain way, your body reacts easily and effortlessly. Your legs move quickly and you have complete control over them. Your upper body is strong and moves right along with your legs. And day by day as you continue to workout your body, your speed and agility keep improving, that’s right. You keep getting faster and more agile and that feels wonderful.

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Increase Muscle Mass Your mind is at peace, just at peace, relaxed, calm, and so comfortable. You breathe easily and gently and you feel yourself relaxing more and more. Your mind becomes calm like a lake without a ripple, so calm, and more and more at ease. As you now relax there, lying down, focusing on your body. And as now you go from head to toe thinking about your body, your body becomes stronger and stronger, that’s right. Just imagine your body from head to toe, your reviewing your body, thinking about your body, looking at your body, imagining your body. As you move slowly now, scanning your body from head to toe. As you come to a part of your body where you would like increased muscle mass just focus some warm energy there, that’s right. For example if you come to your shoulders and you want those muscles to increase, find yourself focusing some warm energy on your shoulders. You can feel the response from your shoulders as they respond they almost seem to say yes, yes. You will increase in size, become stronger, or for example if you want to increase the size of your chest or your arms, you focus the warm energy there. And in so doing you will hear your body respond yes, yes. The muscle mass will increase there because your subconscious mind is in charge of increasing your muscle mass and you can focus on any part of your body you choose and over time, that muscle will improve. That muscle will become stronger or that group of muscles will become stronger day by day. I’m speaking now to your subconscious mind, giving it an absolute command that when you sleep at night, the muscle groups which you choose to increase, will increase, that’s right. The subconscious mind is in charge of all body activity and now it is being given a direct command to increase the muscle mass in those parts of your body which you choose to increase, that’s right. So throughout the day, think about those parts of your body 22 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII where you would like larger muscle mass and at night, your subconscious mind must increase the size of that muscle mass. Your subconscious mind is at your control. You direct it to increase the muscle mass. Those parts of your body where you would like to see increase, the other parts do not increase, that’s right. You are in charge. Your subconscious mind is now being directed to act on your commands. You are in charge of your mind. You are in charge of your body.

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Increase Fertility for Pregnancy And as you continue to relax deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, you begin to remember just how powerful you are, just how powerful your mind is. Your mind is very powerful indeed. Your mind has control over your entire body. I would like you now to focus on that part of your body which is responsible for reproduction. All of those organs, that’s right, all of those cells, that’s right. All of those parts fo your body responsible for reproduction. I would like you to imagine that there is very powerful light emanating from that region, that’s right. This is the energy that you are focusing on this region. Allowing all of those organs, all of those cells to function properly. To allow you to achieve your goal of becoming pregnant, that’s right. You realize that day by day you are becoming more fertile, that’s right and this feels so good. Notice the light increasing now as you send more energy there, more powerful, healing, cleansing, revitalizing energy to that area of your body responsible for reproduction and I am now giving your mind a firm command that it will take charge of your body and allow it to reproduce. Your mind will allow your body to be very fertile and to reproduce safely and easily and soon. And you can relax now because your mind has programmed your body to be fertile and to allow you to reproduce. And the more you listen to this recording, the better you will become at controlling the functions of your body, especially the function of reproduction and very soon indeed you will have this power all by yourself, the power to control your entire body and to even make yourself more fertile. So relax and realize that everything is just fine. You now imagine that day, that day on which you have given birth to a beautiful child. You imagine holding your child, smiling and you imagine your child smiling back. You are relaxed. You have achieved your goal of having a beautiful, wonderful, healthy child. And now as you move back to the 24 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII present, you realize that the path to that goal is a very easy and clear path. You will allow yourself to achieve that goal of having a beautiful, wonderful, healthy child so continue relaxing now and realize that everything is just fine.

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Increase Energy And as you relax deeper and deeper and even more deeply relaxed, you realize just how powerful you are. I’d like you now to imagine your mind as a computer and your body as an electrical station. You’ve seen those electrical stations that power entire cities, that’s right. They are so powerful that there is a fence around them because the energy coming from them is so intense. And that is how I would like you to imagine your body now. So your mind is a very powerful computer and your body is an electrical station, that’s right. I would like you now to imagine typing into the keyboard, the word “energy.” Type it in now and it shows up on the monitor and you hit enter, and when you do, there is a buzz coming from that electrical station that is your body. The energy increases. And at anytime that you feel that you need more energy all you have to do is think the word energy and feel the energy surging through you body just like an electrical station and you are able to maintain this energy as long as you desire because you get the proper rest. You also get the proper exercise and you eat appropriately. All this allows you to have energy when you want it. See yourself type the word energy again on the computer in your mind, the computer that represents your mind. And as you hit enter, feel that energy surge through your body, that’s right. Feel that energy. Day by day you are getting better and better at thinking the word energy and having increased energy. The more you listen to this recording and practice, the better you will become at having more energy so that very soon indeed you will be able to do this all by yourself at anytime, maintaining that energy surge as long as you need it. You are able to increase your energy easily and naturally and quickly and at any time that you need it for as long as you need it because you treat yourself correctly. And you have programmed yourself to respond to thinking the word energy so relax now and get that rest. Relax now 26 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII and get that rest and build up your energy, that’s right. Relax and relax and recharge.

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Body Image Script You continue to relax deeper and deeper, becoming more deeply relaxed. You feel very relaxed now. Focus on how relaxed you are and how good it feels. Your mind, body, and soul are at ease. You are in a room where there is a large mirror. Written on that mirror are words that you use to describe your body and also on that mirror are negative words that others have used to describe you. Words such as fat, disproportionate, overweight and any other negative words you or others have used to describe your body. On the floor in front of the mirror is an eraser. Pick up that eraser and erase those words. That’s right, take the eraser and make all of those negative words disappear. Negative words about your body no longer exist, that’s right. Negative words are no longer used to describe your body. You have gotten rid of all of them. Now, look at your body in the mirror. The image that you see in the mirror is very distorted. This is not what your body actually looks like and it is not how others view your body. Behind you is a rock. Pick up the rock and go ahead and throw it at the mirror. That’s right, throw the rock with all of your strength and break the image into thousands of pieces. The broken pieces represent your former body image. You turn around and see there is another mirror in the room. Go ahead and walk toward that mirror and stand in front of it. This is your true body image. This is the body you were given. In front of the mirror is a marker. You pick up the marker and right down words that reflect your true body image. You write words such as beautiful, healthy, strong, attractive, and stunning. You take a good look at yourself and you realize that all of these words accurately describe you. You are beautiful, good-looking, and gorgeous. You realize that you are an attractive person. You are an attractive person. You are an attractive person. You realize that before you had a distorted image of your body. You also assumed that others pictured you in a negative way. You now 28 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII realize that no one’s opinion of you matters more than your own, that’s right. You realize that you are a beautiful person and that is all that matters. You feel confident in your body. Picture yourself walking down a street with an improved body image. Picture yourself walking a little taller, with your head held a little higher. You walk with the utmost amount of confidence. You no longer see yourself in a negative light. You see yourself for who you really are. You believe in yourself. You feel beautiful on the inside, so you know that you are beautiful on the outside. When you are walking down the street, people turn their heads in a positive way. They see a very confident and attractive person walking down the street and they can’t help but look at you. You no longer mind when people look at you. You are happy and smiling and proud of who you are. And you know that others see this in you. Picture yourself a month from now. You remain confident and positive about your body. You are smiling more because you are happier now than you ever have been before. You now see yourself for who you really are, on the inside and on the outside. You realize that you are good-looking and healthy and this enables you to have confidence in yourself. People have noticed a change in you and you have noticed a change in yourself. You are happy and you see yourself for who you really are. And you are so proud of yourself. You are ready to take on whatever comes your way and you feel absolutely wonderful.

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Improve Eyesight And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, you realize that your subconscious mind is in charge of every part of your body. Your subconscious mind is therefore in charge of your eyes, your eyesight. I want you now to imagine yourself walking into a room in your mind, that’s right. A room in your mind and this room is filled with many computer monitors. These monitors are in charge of all of the different parts of your body: your eyesight, your hearing, speaking, feeling, feeling things emotionally. All of the different parts and functions of your body in this room contains all of the computers which control all of the parts of your body and you can see the displays now on the various monitors. One monitor for each function of your body and you realize that the power of eyesight lies in the visual brain, the visual cortex and there is one monitor which says visual cortex. Walk over to that monitor now. Sit down in front of it. You are now sitting at the computer which controls your visual cortex which controls the power of your eyesight and you realize also that the eyeballs are the receivers of light, light particles in fact that enter through the cornea and the lens. The light passes through the body of the eyeball into the retina. Here we find about one hundred and thirty-seven million receptors of nerve endings. Five percent of which are available for clear sight. Ninety-five percent available for peripheral vision. The visual information then passes through the optic nerve into the brain stem and from there it radiates into the visual cortex which lies in front of the occipital bone. In this part of the brain, vision occurs. Either it perceiving outside objects or visualizing in our minds eye. Right now we are concerned with your ability to perceive outside objects. So you are instructing that computer to allow every part of the process I have just described to work perfectly. All of the parts of your body which are responsible for vision are now being 30 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII programmed by you to work perfectly to improve your eyesight, that’s right. To improve your eyesight. Day by day you will realize that your eyesight is getting better and better because whatever the challenge was in the past, you are now programming your body to let go of that challenge and to embrace a new harmonious function. All of the parts of your body functioning in perfect harmony allowing you to have perfect sight. So no matter what the challenge was previously you now reprogram your body to have perfect sight, perfect sight, to allow you to improve your eyesight, that’s right, easily almost effortlessly, naturally. Because your subconscious mind is in charge of every part of your body and your subconscious mind can now direct your body to work in harmony with itself to allow you to have perfect eyesight.

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Improve Dyslexia And as you continue to relax deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, you realize just how powerful you are, that’s right. You realize that your mind is able to accomplish anything, your mind is your most powerful tool. Now, I want you to think about your ability to read, write, and spell. You realize that you can improve your ability to read, write, and spell. You know that you have to work harder than those around you in order to read, write, and spell correctly. And that is just fine. You are willing to work harder because you want to be a good reader. You want to be able to read anything you want to read. You have the ability to read any book you want to read. You want to be able write down the words that you are able to speak. You have the ability to write down any words that you hear and speak. You want to be able to spell all words correctly. You have the ability to be an excellent speller. You are motivated and you have the confidence to work on all of these abilities. Picture yourself working on improving your ability to read, write, and spell. You realize that you have to put more thought into these things and you enjoy improving your skills. You focus on the certain letters or words or sounds that are more challenging to you. Day by day, you see more and more improvement, that’s right. You are bright, intelligent, and articulate. You enjoy learning to read, write, and spell accurately and fluently. While working on your skills, you use all of your senses in order to learn. You use your sense of hearing to listen for the different sounds in each word. You know that the same letter can have different pronunciations in different words and you are eager to learn these pronunciations. You also use your sense of sight to write and spell out different words. As you continue to practice, it gets easier and easier for you to visualize the letters and words and write them down. Day by day your confidence begins to build. Just as your skills are improving, so is your confidence. 32 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII You realize how strong and powerful your mind is. You continue to work on your reading, writing, and spelling skills every day. As each day passes by, you feel encouraged by the improvement you see. Reading, writing, and spelling is becoming easier and easier for you day by day. Now picture yourself one month from now. You are now able to correctly spell and read words that you had trouble with before. You have improved so much and you are very proud of yourself. You have gained necessary skills to continue growing your abilities. You read frequently and reading is now easier for you. You are able to read more and more things because it comes more naturally to you know. Words that you used to have difficulty with are now easier to pronounce. Your vocabulary has expanded tremendously. You are very proud of your accomplishments. Now picture yourself one year from now. Look at how much easier things are for you. You have learned so much in one year. These skills are going to carry you far in life. You now enjoy reading, writing, spelling and expanding your vocabulary. You continue to improve your weaknesses. Your weaknesses are diminishing day by day. You are smart, intelligent and very articulate, that’s right. Very smart and very bright. You have come a long way and you feel great accomplishment. You are more confident now in your abilities because now reading, writing, and spelling come easily to you. Imagine a time in the future where dyslexia no longer has an impact on your life, that’s right. Picture it now. Dyslexia no longer is no longer a part of you. You have overcome this obstacle. Feel the sense of accomplishment. Feel it now. You are so proud. You are so capable of reaching your goals. You are bright and articulate. You are smart and confident. Dyslexia no longer has an impact on your life and that feels wonderful. And you realize that everything is going to be just fine.

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Improve Computer Sessions And as you continue to relax deeper, deeper and more deeply relaxed, you realize that you are a relaxed when you are in front of your computer. You realize that the computer is a very powerful machine. It is able to do things in the most efficient way. You realize that you can rely on the computer to do a lot of things. You can communicate with people with a click of a button. You can access bank accounts and pay bills very quickly. Computers are a great tool that can simplify your life. It is important that you remain patient with a computer at all times. Although it does things efficiently, your mind is more complex than a computer. You realize how important a computer is to your work or how important it is to your life. You keep an open mind whenever you sit down for a computer session. Whatever it is that you sat at your computer to accomplish, realize that you have the ability patience and concentration to accomplish that task. And because you are relaxed now on the computer you can begin to realize just how much enjoyment you get from being on the computer. You are a very focused person and you enjoy time spent using the computer. When you have an idea or project that you are interested in, you are able to use the computer to do research. You are able to focus and concentrate easily on the computer. You are so relaxed on the computer, you are calm, you are peaceful. You are able work on any project you choose. You have the ability to be an excellent typist and you use this skill to write emails. You are able to block out other things and just focus on your computer session. Picture yourself sitting down in front of the computer right now. Perhaps you will use the internet, or maybe not. You become a hard worker when you set down to use your computer. You complete the work that you wanted to do and you are very efficient in how you reach each task. You are able to focus on anything you want to focus on. Day by day your abilities on the computer are 34 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII increasing more and more. You are becoming more and more familiar with different programs and different sites. You are becoming very focused and you remain positive whenever you are using the computer. You are able to concentrate on anything you choose to concentrate on. And as you relax, you now imagine something you want to focus on, it can be anything at all. Imagine yourself there in the moment on the computer, focused, relaxed, concentrating, blocking out any unnecessary situations. Whether it’s work or play, you are relaxed and enjoying your computer session. Imagine yourself there, so very focused, that’s right. See yourself, see how calm you are and relaxed, see how much you are enjoying being on the computer. You are very determined, that’s right. And this is how you will be from now on when you are on the computer. I want you now to picture yourself six months from now. Imagine that you are using a computer. Look at yourself being so productive on the computer. You accomplish your goals using the computer. You are now completely proficient on your computer and you have amazing yourself with your skills. You enjoy sitting down in front of your computer and you always remain positive while doing your work or just having fun. Now, the computer represents enjoyment and productivity. The computer is a great tool in your life and that feels wonderful.

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Immune System Booster And perhaps beginning to remember that inner central core of existence that plays deep within the central part of mind and body, that place of inner harmony and inner calm, quiet stillness, a place of inner healing powers and light force and remembering that from the very beginnings of existence the body and mind have known how to heal themselves. The body knows how to heal over scrapes and wounds and injuries, how to generate new cells and new tissue whenever needed. And the body knows equally well how to regulate its own healthy functioning, regulating heart rate and breathing and body temperature and blood pressure, all effortlessly, unconsciously, automatically maintained at healthy levels And the body knowing how to maintain it’s own healthy blood chemistry, maintaining the necessary hormonal and chemical components for a healthy and functioning mind and body. Maintaining and regulating the serotonin levels, the potassium, the endorphins and all necessary hormonal and chemical components that allow for an active and alert mind and body, but without over excitation or over stimulation and in similar fashion the body maintaining an immune system effortlessly, automatically warding off invading organisms before they have the chance to gain a foothold. Building resistance, maintaining resistance, building antibodies, the white blood cells surrounding the invading viruses or bacteria like white knights on white chargers and the body knows how to regulate its metabolic system. The metabolism being designed to help up stabilize our bodies at a normal, moderate, healthy level. And in every way mind and body working for health. Healing, maintaining, healing, maintaining. Maintaining healthy functioning and somehow knowing of these inner resources the strength, the growth, the healing, the life force, making everything easier. 36 www.SteveGJones.com

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I Love to Exercise And as you continue to relax you realize that you love to exercise, that’s right. You love to exercise. You love the results your body shows after you exercise. You love the process of exercising. You love learning how to exercise more efficiently. You love everything about exercise. You’re so very relaxed. And you are imagining yourself now exercising…that’s right. And see a smile on your face. You are so relaxed as you exercise. There are so many exercises you like to do. Choose one now and just focus on that one, that’s right, that’s right. I’d like you now to imagine your body one year from now, that’s right. And as you do that one exercise, you are very focused on how amazing and wonderful your body will look one year from now. Your body is becoming more and more beautiful. Your body is becoming more and more beautiful, more and more like what you want it to be day by day. You allow this to happen easily, that’s right. As you see yourself exercising you also see yourself very focused on the beautiful body you are creating. As you now imagine yourself doing another exercise, that’s right, so relaxed, so very focused, focused on creating a very beautiful, very powerful, very fit body. And you realize that you are the sculptor of your body. And you will sculpt it in any way you choose. By exercising, you sculpt your body, that’s right. You create muscles to be the size that you want them to be and the proportion that you want them to be. You allow this to happen as you now imagine your ideal body, that’s right. You realize that you are working toward creating that and you allow that to happen. You realize that you love to exercise. You also love to relax and let your body rebuild itself. You also love proper nutrition, that’s right. You love keeping your total body, mind, and spirit in perfect shape and day by day your love of exercise and your love of learning more about exercise grows. So relax now and drift deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed. As you 37 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII continue to think about how much you truly love to exercise.

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Maintain Good Posture And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper and more deeply relaxed, you realize just how powerful you are, just how powerful your mind is. Your mind has the ability to control every function of your body even while you are paying attention to other things. For example, your mind controls your heartbeat. Your mind controls your breathing. Your mind controls the temperature of your body. Your mind also controls the position of your body. I’d like you now to imagine yourself standing with perfect posture, that’s right. Perfect posture. See yourself standing upright. Your spine is in the perfect position, exactly as it should be as you stand upright. And your subconscious mind is now directed to always make sure that when you stand upright you maintain perfect posture. Imagine yourself sitting now with perfect posture. Sitting upright, imagine this, see yourself sitting with perfect posture and your subconscious mind will now realize and actualize this image. So that every time you sit, you sit with perfect posture. And every time you stand, you stand with perfect posture. Because just as your subconscious mind regulates your heartbeat, your breathing, and the temperature of your body, your subconscious mind also regulates your posture. So from now on you will maintain perfect posture at all times whether sitting or standing. And this will happen even if you’re focusing on other things. Day by day this will become easier and easier for you because your good posture makes you happy because you realize that it is beneficial to you to sit and stand in the proper way. It allows your spine to be upright and for your nerves to function properly. So relax. Love Magnet And as you relax drifting and floating peacefully and completely, feel and see yourself becoming more confident, choosing to be and feel attractive, desirable, 39 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII irresistible. You find yourself connecting with everyone you meet easily and effortlessly. Because you are self confident, self assured, secure, you are irresistible. Now imagine the perfect mate. See the qualities you would admire in the perfect mate. See the hair, see the eyes, the body, hear the laugh, hear the voice, understand their philosophy, their interests. See your perfect mate now and feel how good it feels to be with your perfect mate. Know that you are open to accepting your perfect mate, accepting them into your life. You deserve love. You deserve happiness. You deserve to give and receive love and now you know that you are open to receive your perfect mate into your life and now you know that you are open to receive your perfect mate into your life and now you know that you are open to receive your perfect mate into your life.

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII

Listen to your Dreams And as you continue to relax deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, you realize how powerful you are. You realize that it is important to get plenty of sleep in order to have dreams and then recall them. It is important to get at least eight hours of sleep so that your mind has the ability to dream at night. Every night before you go to bed, I want you to remind yourself to remember your dreams, that’s right. As you are falling asleep, tell yourself to remember your dreams when you wake up. Your mind responds to direct commands. Day by day you realize that you are getting better and better at recalling your dreams. Before you open your eyes in the morning, while you are in that relaxed state between sleep and alert, think about the dreams you had the night before and as soon as you wake up, write down everything you can remember. If you decide to, you can keep a journal and a pen next to your bed at night so that when you wake up, you can write down your dreams before you forget them. You realize that writing your dreams down not only allows you to remember your dreams better, but it also helps you to understand and analyze your dreams better. As you get better and better and remembering your dreams, it becomes easier and easier to listen to your dreams and understand them. Along with the ability to recall your dreams, comes the ability to intuitively understand your dreams. You realize that each dream has a purpose. Your dreams are trying to tell you something and you now have the ability to truly listen to your dreams. You learn to trust your intuition. You have the amazing ability to analyze all aspects of your dreams in order to fully understand them and apply them to your life. Some dreams that you encounter are very direct while others allow you to interpret them. As you practice more and more, you get better at recalling your dreams and finding the underlying meaning of each and every one of them. You find yourself with the ability to 41 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII easily and effortlessly listen to your dreams. You are amazed by your new ability. Now I want you to picture yourself as you are falling asleep at night. You remind yourself to remember your dreams. As you do this every night, day by day you realize you are getting better at it. Picture yourself sound asleep. You are having a wonderful dream. You go through the journey that this dream is taking you on. You have an open mind and you allow this dream to take you where ever it wants to take you. This dream has a lot of colors and symbolism. It’s important that while you dream, you allow the dream to take you on your journey. As you go along, you remember each and every detail. Now imagine that it is morning time and you are in that phase between being asleep and being awake. Your eyes are still closed and you go over the dream in your head. Recall all the different details. Who was in your dream? What was going on in your dream? What did you see? What did you hear? What did you smell? And as you open your eyes, you are still able to remember. Perhaps you choose to write down your dream so that you can analyze it later. You realize that truly listening to your dreams takes some thought. You think about the different details of the dream and interpret them in different ways. Imagine coming up with your interpretation of what the dream meant. Imagine the sense of accomplishment. Perhaps this dream made you realize you need to make a major change in your life. Maybe the dream reminded you to do something that you forgot to do. Or perhaps your dream reminded you of something wonderful that happened long ago. You are excited about dreaming, because you know that each and every night you are going to dream of something new. It may take a little while at first to recall your dreams, but you know that with time, you have the ability to get a lot of your dreams. You listen to your dreams; you listen to what they have to say. Remember that physical laws do not apply to your dreams. Your mind has complete control over your dreams, that’s 42 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII right. You realize that your ability to listen and interpret your dreams is very powerful. You are powerful. Your mind is powerful and that feels wonderful. So as you continue to drift and float, imagine yourself relaxed and dreaming, so relaxed.

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Listen to your Body Script And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, you become more and more in tune with your body. And as you now continue to relax, you imagine yourself walking into a room and this is a very special room. You are alone and protected and safe. The floors of this room are wooden and there is a very large comfortable cushion, a large comfortable cushion in the center of the room. You walk over to this cushion now and you sit down on the cushion and you realize now that this room is decorated with objects which you have chosen. Objects which relax you. They relax you and allow you to focus. And you sit in a meditative position with your legs folded, your wrists resting gently on your knees, your palms facing upward, your back upright, your chin parallel with the floor, eyes closed, very relaxed. And you now imagine that directly over your head is a very powerful, cleansing, healing light. And you bring a ray from this light down, down, down to the top of your head where it illuminates your crown chakra and your crown chakra gives off a purple light, relaxing you, opening your mind to the possibility of relaxing even more. And the light moves down, down, down through your body just a little lower now, down to the level of your eyebrows where it illuminates your brow chakra, giving off a blue light allowing you to drift and float even deeper now. And the light continues to move down through your body, the healing, cleansing, powerful light, down, down, down to the level of your throat where it illuminates your throat chakra giving off a silvery blue light. And the light continues to move down now, down, down, down to the level of your heart illuminating your heart chakra, opening your heart to give and receive love. And your heart chakra gives off a golden glow. And the light moves down, down, down just a little lower now. Down to the level of your solar plexus where it illuminates your solar plexus chakra giving off a 44 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII red light, relaxing you even more. As the light continues to move down now, down to the level of your spleen where it illuminates your spleen chakra giving off a rainbow of colors. The light moves down a little lower now, down, down, down to the base of your spine where it illuminates your root chakra. Giving off reds and orange lights, relaxing you even more. As now all the colors swirl together allowing you to drift and float and relax. And you now imagine that in your private meditation room there is a stairway leading down. And you very slowly walk over to this stairway and begin to walk down the steps as I count backwards from ten to one. You will take each step down…ten…taking each step down as I count it...nine…relaxing ten times deeper with each step now…eight…seven…down, down, down…six…five…down, down, down, four…three…way down now…two…relaxed as you go and at the count of the next number you will be completely relaxed. Your mind will be completely open. And you will be at the bottom of the stairs...one…you are safe and protected, protected by the light that is inside you as you now drift and float deeper and deeper. And you are becoming more and more relaxed day by day able to relax and focus on your body. And you are very powerful, a very powerful person and you are able to relax through meditation. Whether listening to this recording or meditating on your own, you are able to relax through meditation. Relax and focus as now you let go of your concerns. Let them go, clearing your mind. Letting go of those things that have happened to you recently, things that you need to let go of, letting go now. Feel them drift away from you. Letting go of negativity. Letting go of envy. Letting go of stress. And breathing in relaxation, breathing in abundance. Letting go of negativity and stress, breathing in possibility, breathing in positive change, positive change, letting go of stress, let it go, let it go. As day by day you become more and more relaxed day by day you are becoming a more and more relaxed 45 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII person. Able to relax and drift, able to relax and drift. You are so relaxed, so relaxed, just relax and drift. This process of meditation allows you to truly listen to your body. Day by day you are realizing that if there is something wrong with your body, your body will tell you. Through the meditative process, you are able to listen very easily. Your body will tell you when it is stressed. Your body will tell you when you need to relax. You are very in tune with your body and you realize very easily if you need to go see your doctor. You listen to your body. It is very easy for you to listen to your body. You take the appropriate measures if your body is not doing well. You must eat healthy foods in order to be healthy, mentally sharp, and have enough energy to get you through the day. In order to use food as fuel, you must eat lean protein, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. These are the best foods to get all the nutrients and minerals your body needs for optimal health. By eating healthy and nutrient packed foods, your body will feel better and stronger. You may not notice a change right away in your mental capability, but using the correct food to nourish your body will have a drastic effect on your mental health in the long run. Perhaps a lifetime of eating right can help fight against Alzheimer’s Disease and different cancers. Getting the right nutrition will also affect how your body performs in the short-term and long-term. You will feel like you are in better shape if you are consuming the right foods in the short term. In the long-term, the correct foods will help you keep your bones, joints, and muscles in good working order so that you can be mobile as you age. You have complete control over what foods you consume, which means you have a lot of control over how your body and mind think, feel, and perform. You also realize that it is important to get proper exercise. You always listen to your body when you are working out. You know when to push yourself to get your heart rate up, but you also know when enough is enough. You listen to your body when you are 46 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII exercising. Your body tells you when it has had enough and you listen to what your body is trying to tell you. You enjoy exercising. You love the results your body shows after you exercise. You notice changes in the way your body performs. Your body is telling you something when you exercise. When your muscles are sore, it is warning you not to over-tax them. You notice changes in the shape of your body, your body is telling you that you are making it stronger and healthier by getting proper exercise. You enjoy the process of working on your body, of sculpting it and improving the overall functioning of your body. You love learning how to exercise more efficiently. You enjoy everything about exercise. You’re so very relaxed. And you are imagining yourself now exercising…that’s right. And see a smile on your face. You are so relaxed as you exercise. There are so many exercises you like to do. You are so in tune with your body. Your body tell you when you are doing things right. Your body tell you when you are doing things wrong. Your body tells you how you need to make changes. And you listen to your body. Day by day you notice you are more and more in tune with your body. You listen to what your body is telling you and you make the appropriate changes. You have the keen ability to listen to your body and that feels wonderful. So relax now and realize that everything is going to be just fine.

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Life Balance You can continue to feel at peace and very relaxed. You are standing in front of a blackboard and written on this blackboard are words you use to describe your life. Words such as hectic, stressful, disorganized, tiring, and unfulfilling. You take a step toward the blackboard and you pick up an eraser. Using the eraser, you erase all the words on the blackboard. You get rid of them. They no longer exist and they no longer describe your life. Now picture a large wall in front of you. You have a permanent marker in your hand. With the permanent marker you write on the wall. You write words that describe the life you want to lead such as fulfilling, balanced, energetic, and happy. Go ahead and write on the entire wall. You write every word you can possibly think of you add satisfying, stressfree, rewarding, and motivated. You continue to write words that you would like to use to describe your life. You want a balanced life between work and personal time. You can achieve a balanced life. You will achieve a balanced life. You dedicate yourself to making positive changes so that you can lead a fulfilling lifestyle. Picture the changes that you can make. You find better ways of managing your time. You realize that your time is precious; you want to be productive and enjoy your time to the fullest. You organize your work life and your personal life so that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. You simplify the things you can in order to add more fulfillment to your life. You find ways to be more productive at work so that you do not have to work long hours. You manage your household so that the important things get done. You remain calm when little things go wrong. You are strong and you don’t sweat the small stuff. Perhaps you go to school or you have children. You see the importance of keeping things simple so that everything goes smoothly. You learn to manage procrastination, by breaking up projects into smaller pieces. Relationships are important to you. You have 48 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII many people around you who support you. You make sure that you leave work behind you when you spend time with family and friends. You work on having good, meaningful relationships with those who support you. You take time out for yourself everyday. It can be as little as five minutes. You use this time to clear all thoughts from your head and to relax. You can do breathing exercises or whole body relaxation. You also take time to relax and enjoy yourself. After all, that’s what life is all about. You do the things that make you happy, whether spending time with family or friends, getting some exercise, or watching TV. It can be whatever you want. It’s important to start your day off right and it’s important to wind down from a hard day. You strive for balance in every aspect of your life. Now picture your life six months from now. You have learned to better manage your time. You use every minute of the day to be productive, whether at work, or working on relaxation time; you enjoy every moment of the day. You see a change in your relationships with other people. You have more energy and a more positive outlook. You have simplified your life. It is now more fulfilling and easier to manage. Your work or school life has improved. Others have noticed a change in you and they notice that you are happier and more content. When you go home from work, you leave all your duties at work. You enjoy your personal life by relaxing with family and friends. You enjoy time to yourself, when you are able to recharge. You are sleeping better now. You are getting a more restful night of sleep. This allows you to have more energy throughout the day. You are proud of the changes you have made. Your life is more fulfilling now than it ever has been before. You now lead a balanced life and you look forward to everything that comes your way.

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Libra I want you now to really get in touch with who you are in a zodiacal sense. You are Libra, the symbol of the scales. The scales are balanced for justice and you therefore are constantly interested in the other persons view. Your planetary significator is Venus. You were born under the seventh zodiacal sign which is associated with marriage, partnerships, legal affairs, public relations, publicity and the way the world works, the way the public views and accepts situations. These are the things associated with your sign. So listen carefully. You understand that you are adored by many and disliked by others. This is fine and natural. You need to be okay with that. Because you are ruled by Venus you are interested in luxury and love. You are interested in beauty and the beast, fulfillment and frustration. Because you see both sides of the coin. You hold in your hand both scales. Therefore you can be in the public eye and a favorite person one minute and completely out the next minute. In other words Libra, the scales can swing, the cycle can change. There is nothing half way about your activities. For you, I suggest that you work on maintaining balance, maintaining balance, maintaining your equilibrium. And if you want to get to the next level in a very positive way then you need to learn to accentuate the positive. Certainly there is a natural tendency about you, to lean both ways, to cycle back and forth. From now on however Libra, I want you to focus on the positive aspects of life, that positive part of you, the positive side of the scale, the positive side of everything, that’s right. You maintain a balance by understanding the negative however you focus on the positive and you move in a positive direction in whatever you are pursuing. Now Libra I understand that in the past making decisions was a challenge. From now on Libra making decisions will be easy for you. This has been your greatest challenge and once you conquer it, it will be your greatest power, the 50 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII power of making decisions. I want you in the next few weeks to work on making decisions rapidly. Use those powerful scales, your ability to discern between right and wrong, good from bad, productive from non productive, helpful from non helpful. Use those scales, but use them more quickly to make a rapid decision. Work on this Libra. Make a series of rapid decisions in the next few weeks. Speeding up the process of using your ability to discern what’s really going on. To really get to the heart of what you want. Taking in all the information you have. By doing this you will free yourself up and decisions will become easier and easier, faster and faster for you. You will be able to make larger decisions in the months that follow. Eventually, a very short time from now, you will be able to make large decisions rapidly and be able to take action immediately. Libra, you are physically captivating. You are beautiful. I want you to really get in tune with this, with physical beauty. The next time you look into a mirror, really notice how beautiful you are, to stand in front of that mirror and notice your beauty. And if you haven’t already done so, I want you to focus the next few weeks on making your surroundings beautiful. Bring into your surroundings, beauty. You have a wonderful eye for beauty. You also have an eye for proper lighting, proper color. You understand what looks good. Use that power. Create your surroundings in such a way that they are beautiful. This will give you more flow in your life, make things easier and pleasant. When you wake up in the morning, you’ll be happy to be where you are. When you go to bed at night you will be happy to be in that room you are in which is so beautiful and relaxing. By making your surroundings beautiful, which you know how to do, you will add flow, powerful flow to your life, that’s right. Now Libra, I want you to work on letting go of self pity, that’s right, let go of it. Let go of self pity. Let go of that part of you that judges yourself. Let it go now. Let that go. You need to be more kind to yourself. Be kind to yourself Libra, that’s right. Kind 51 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII to yourself. Treat yourself with love and respect. You are ruled by Venus, the planet of love. You need to first love yourself and then others can love you. People look up to you. You are an inspiration to others. Perhaps at times they belittle you and criticize you but you understand deep down inside that this is because they want to be like you. You set the standard Libra. You are a wonderful, inspirational example to others so I want you to focus on being okay with yourself, being okay with who you are. The way you look and act and think are fine. They make you the unique person you are. You are creative, sensitive, persistent, romantic, sentimental, fair-minded, patient, diplomatic. All of these things make you who you are so be okay with that no matter what others think. You understand that you act with the best intentions. You want to help people and that’s fine. If you are misunderstood, let that go. Continue to do what you know is right. You love the truth. So focus on the truth about yourself that you are exactly the way you are supposed to be, be okay with that. And as you begin to believe in yourself more and more, I want you also to focus on moving your ideas forward. You have wonderful powerful ideas, lets see them. The world wants to see them. Push your own concepts with a bigger force. See one of those concepts now and see yourself pushing it forward, building it, bringing it forth in the world, loving it, nurturing it. Your ideas are great and wonderful Libra, lets see them. The world eagerly awaits your ideas and concepts. So make rapid decisions and develop those ideas. Make them real Libra. I understand that being ruled by Venus, being a romantic person you are very interested in finding love and maintaining that love and that is wonderful. I want you to focus on bringing into your life and or maintaining your life, a person who is worthy of your love, worthy of your love. You have so much to offer. You are such a wonderful, romantic, sentimental person so when you offer your love, you offer everything. Make sure that your partner is worthy of that love. Because you 52 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII deserve love also, that’s right. So relax now Libra and realize that everything is going to be just fine. Everything is going to be just fine.

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Leo Leo you were born under the fifth sign of the zodiac the sun is your significator. You belong to the fire element and you are a fixed sign. Almost everyone praises you because you sustain and entertain us. You are creative. You are the natural show person, however you can at times be stubborn and arrogant. Leo is the sign of love and romance and speculation and creativity and attractiveness. You are also the sign of magnetism and fire and you shoot from the hip. You are impulsive and you attract attention. On the positive side you are the show person, the producer, the individual capable of entertaining and explaining. You make numerous people and subjects popular. On the negative side you sometimes try to substitute showmanship for real knowledge. Work on this Leo. Develop your real knowledge, otherwise you can become superficial trying to cover up with explanations and bright sayings and colors and frills. Leo, work on your true knowledge to avoid this. Work on developing a deep understanding on the topics you speak. I understand that love is paramount for you. In fact you are in love with love. Sometimes you tend to experiment and defeat your own purpose and float from one person to the next. Leo, if this is a challenge for you, I invite you to change this part of you and focus on one person if you choose to. Using the intensity of the sun, your significator, you have tremendous potential to have to have a wonderful relationship with a person, if you choose to focus, if that is what you want. Some say you tend to have numerous affairs. You are in search of fulfillment. Leo, if this is a challenge for you, I invite you change now, if you want to focus on one person because your basic nature is romantic. It can be a challenge to decipher between allusion and reality where love is concerned, but work on this. Work on seeing the facts. Work on seeing what is actually going on. You attract colorful people to you. You attract colorful situations 54 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII and conditions. However, you must regulate your energies. Avoid burning the candle at both ends, instead focus on what you do best. Narrow your focus, your intense laser beam, narrow that and focus on what you do best, that’s right. And see yourself living a long healthy life. Evening out your energies and focusing on what you do best. Leo you are attracted to luxuries; you want the good life. However, you need to focus on saving money, build up your financial reserves and then go after the most expensive things once you are in a financial position to do so. This means having patience and relaxing. I understand that you have a strong tendency to be extravagant. This is fine, we expect this of you, but make sure your extravagance is in align with your bank account, that’s right. By taking a little extra time by building up your finances, you will find Leo that you can be as extravagant as you want to be. So relax, relax even more deeply now. You realize that you have excellent stamina. You realize that you can bounce back from anything, that is wonderful. Work on even increasing your stamina more by giving yourself proper rest, especially at night. I understand that you love luxury, but make sure that you maintain your diligence in what you do. in other words, avoid laziness. Focus on evening out your energies over your entire lifetime and staying productive. Also, you avoid self indulgence. Certainly you treat yourself right because Leo you are royalty. However you avoid over doing this. You understand the limits of indulgence, that’s right. This helps your health, both physically and emotionally. You want others to be aware of you and sometimes this comes out as a demand. I want you to develop yourself more Leo in that way, you don’t have to demand it anymore, it will just happen. People will be aware of you when you develop yourself. Your sign is associated with the back and the heart. You put your heart into things, into anything you work on, that’s wonderful. So find something that engages your heart, Leo. Find a true passion that you can focus on 55 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII in life, that engages your heart, something that you love to do, that’s right, something that you love to do. I understand that you are very idealistic and that’s fine. I want you to avoid the idea of perfectionism. Understand that you do your best and you are okay with that. You do your best and you are okay with that. This allows you to move forward, let go of judging yourself. Just move forward doing your best always and being okay with that effort, that’s right. Relax, relax, relax, that’s right. Relax even more deeply. You realize how creative you are and I want you day by day to develop that creativity. Start from scratch and build something amazing Leo. Something the whole world can see. I want to see that creativity, that’s right. You aren’t interested in tradition. You can make your own tradition, Leo. You are a true hero, that’s right. I also want you to work on relaxing in every situation. I understand that sometimes your passions burn with intensity. Work on relaxing. Work on lowering your blood pressure through relaxing. Perhaps taking up hobbies or sports. Have some kind of outlet. This will allow you to be great because you will let go of that excess energy in a positive way. I understand that you want to be known and recognized and you will be by focusing on something you love to do. You will have all the fame you want, that’s right. People will see you as an idol if you just develop your self, that’s right. You have a natural abundance of talent. Work on this. Learn your job. Whatever it is that you do, your job, your passion, whatever it is you do, learn it thoroughly. Learn it completely. Learning all the details will make you strong and powerful, that’s right. Learn to be more patient and to concentrate and focus. Imagine yourself doing something now. Imagine yourself patient and focused, that’s right. And this focus will increase in intensity day by day. You will become more focused at doing whatever it is you do on a day to day basis. You will have the power of focus and concentration and patience. All of these grouped together. You are very wonderful when it comes to view a 56 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII project as a whole and I understand that you want others to keep up with you and I understand that you require praise, that is wonderful. I want you to focus on praising yourself and on doing the best you can do regardless of what is going on around you, keeping your eye on the prize. Developing your huge projects, but realizing that the praise will come. There is no need to keep one eye on the audience, watching for praise. Let go of that idea. Instead, keep both eyes on the goal and the praise will come. I understand that physical contact is very important to you. Realize that this is okay. I want you to be comfortable with who you are, that’s right. Others will bask in your own glow, Leo, they will, but let them do it in their own way, in their own time, that’s right. I want you to avoid laziness, let it go. Focus on using your energies to pursue your passions. This will help you avoid laziness. It will keep you focused and moving forward. Let change be easy for you, let it be easy for you, that’s right. Letting go of negative tendencies, focusing on the positive ones, you will be able to influence the world. I want you to learn to save money. I want you to learn to save money. If you don’t already a have savings account, I want you to start one immediately. Also, keep your mood upbeat. Always happy, I understand that occasionally sadness comes in, when it does, deal with it and let it go. You choose to deal with sadness in a very appropriate way and then you let it go and you get on with the business of being happy, that’s right. Leo, I applaud you because you are represented by the sun, you are the leader of the zodiac. I want to give you the encouragement you desire to move forward. We are all looking forward to your great works Leo. Keep moving forward. Keep both eyes on the goal and you will be just fine.

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Kundalini Activation And as you continue to relax deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, I would like you to imagine that you’re sitting in a room. This is a room in your mind. This is your private meditation room. This room is decorated with objects you have chosen. The floors are wooden and you are seated on a very large comfortable cushion at the center of the room. The objects in the room which you have chosen allow you to relax and focus. And in your mind you are seated in the lotus position, the traditional position for meditating, your legs are folded. Your wrists are rested gently on your knees, palms facing upward, the tip of your left index finger is touching the tip of your left thumb. The same is true of your right hand so that you are making the okay sign with each hand. Your back is upright, chin parallel with the floor, eyes closed. You are relaxed and focused. And as a protective measure, since you should always use protective measures when raising the kundalini, I would like you to imagine that there is a very powerful light directly over your head, a healing, cleansing, powerful light. And from this light you can bring a ray of light down, down, down until it touches the top of your head where it activates your crown chakra giving off a purple glow, relaxing you completely, opening your mind to the possibility that you can do anything you want to do. and the ray of light continues moving down just a little lower, down to the level of your eyebrows where it illuminates your brow chakra which gives off a blue glow and the charkas are approximately the size of tennis balls. The brow chakra, located between the eyebrows, is also known as the third eye and having activated it you can now clearly see the future, the future in which you are able to activate your kundalini easily and effortlessly. But for now just relax. Lets continue on activating the chakras, just focusing on that for now. The healing, cleansing, powerful light continues moving down through your body, down, 58 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII down, down to the level of your throat where it activates your throat chakra which gives off a silvery blue glow reminding your throat that you should only say positive things about yourself and your possibilities. And the healing, powerful, cleansing light continues moving down now all the way down to the level of your heart where it activates your heart chakra, clearing all of these chakras as it goes as the light goes down through your body and the heart chakra one activated and cleared gives off a golden glow, relaxing you even more. Opening your heart to the idea of giving and receiving love. Opening your heart to the idea of loving yourself and always caring about yourself and taking care of yourself. The healing cleansing powerful light moves a little lower now down to the level of your solar plexus where it illuminates your solar plexus chakra giving off a red glow relaxing you even more and the light continues moving down to the center of your abdominal area. Down to the level of your spleen where it activates your spleen chakra giving off a rainbow of colors. The spleen being a vital organ in your body’s natural defenses. Activates and clears, building your natural immunity and your spiritual immunity, protecting you. And the healing cleansing powerful light settles now at the base of your spine at the root chakra. It is called the root chakra because it is at the root of all chakras. At the root chakra, at the base of your spine when activated gives off a red and orange glow. As now all the colors of all the chakras swirl together, all chakras are clear now. If you have any issues relating to any of the chakras, take a moment to focus on those issues. Realize that the way to solve those issues will become clear to you in your daily life. The answers will come to you then. But for now if there are any issues, just move them aside. Allow the chakras to flow freely from one to another in a downward fashion for now from head to toe, that’s right. Now, the energy is flowing from your head all the way to the base of your spine. Any residual energy flows all the way down to the tips of your 59 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII toes energizing your entire body. And now your body begins to feel like energy. It is very important when raising the kundalini that your body is pure. By this I mean that your intentions are good. I invite you now to check your intentions and make sure that they are of the purest nature possible. By activating the kundalini you put yourself in touch with immense personal power. This power can be used to reshape, restructure, reorganize your life. It can be used to give up old habits that no longer work for you. The kundalini energy can be used for anything good. It is never to be used for harm of yourself or another. It is never to be used for anything bad. Inside your mind you have a compass for right and wrong. Although there may not be a moral absolute for right or wrong, you have your own personal compass. Now I invite you to check that compass and make sure your intentions are right. Having checked this and having let go of any bad motives, I invite you now to relax even more deeply. And to imagine that there is a serpent coiled inside your body, just relax, this if fine and natural. This serpent is coiled inside your body at the base of your spine. This is your kundalini energy. And you are now activating it. Now anytime we activate the kundalini energy, always at the end of our session we deactivate it, we return it to its resting state. Imagine that serpent now coiled at the base of your spine. That serpent is exactly the length of your spine plus the additional distance to the top of your head. In other words, if stretched from end to end that serpent would reach from the base of your spine all the way to the top of your head. I want you to imagine that serpent uncoiling now slowly, that’s right slowly until it stands upright. It’s tail being aligned with your tail bone, it’s head being aligned with your head. Feel the energy flowing through your body now. And I invite you to practice this technique when not in hypnosis. Practice it during the daytime. Clearing and activating the chakras and then raising the kundalini energy. At that time you can meditate and use the kundalini energy for something good. Plan 60 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII something, to bring power into your life, to help another, something good. At the end of your meditative session, however long it may be, you return the serpent energy to its coiled state, coiled at the base of your spine. Lets do that now. Serpents head is lowering, that’s right and now it returns to a coiled state at the base of your spine. Congratulations you have activated, raised, and lowered the kundalini. Now, you will be able to do that in your daily life when you meditate. Using that energy only for good. Only raising it when you can clear all the chakras. Remember, if there are any issues which arise for you while you activate any of the chakras, acknowledge those issues and put them aside temporarily as you raise and lower the kundalini. But then in your daily life you must deal with those issues because the chakras should be cleared on a regular basis as part of the regular spiritual maintenance of your spiritual self. Enjoy your new powers, use them wisely and only for good.

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Kegal Exercises And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, I would like you to realize just how dedicated you are to changing your life, to making constant improvements in your life. And one of the things you’re dedicated to is doing kegal exercises. Doing kegal exercises will increase the strength of the muscle groups in your vagina which will allow it to be stronger and tighter. And you have decided to dedicate yourself to doing these exercises on a daily basis. And once you have achieved your goal, you will continue to do them as needed as a regular maintenance procedure. As often as you feel necessary to maintain the strength and tightness. The approach which I will share with you is just one approach. I would like you to try this approach to use this approach if it is appropriate for you. Initially, when you begin to strengthen those muscles, I would like you to sit on the toilet and begin to urinate and as you urinate, try to stop the flow of urine mid-stream by contracting your pelvic floor muscles. Now, it’s okay if you don’t’ know what these muscles are. Simply, stop the flow of urine mid-stream. Trying different things until you are able to stop the flow. Once you are able to stop the flow you will know which muscles to contract. Those muscles are your pelvic floor muscles. Repeat this action several times until you become familiar with the feel of contracting the correct group of muscles. It is important not to contract your abdominal, thigh, or buttocks muscles while performing these exercises, because contracting those muscles does not contribute to reaching your goal. So avoid the abdominal, thigh, or buttocks muscles by using the simple procedure of stopping your urine flow. You should be able to quickly and easily identify which muscles need to be contracted and only those muscles need to be contracted. Once you have identified those muscles, it is important to strengthen them. Another test to make sure you have the 62 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII proper muscles contracting is to insert one finger into your vagina and then attempt to tighten the muscles around that finger as if holding back urine. Remember the abdominal and thigh muscles should remain relaxed. As I have said, once you have identified which muscles need to be contracted, you should exercise those muscles several times a day. Contract the muscles for ten seconds at a time counting one thousand one, one thousand two, etc until you reach ten and then relax. I do them for five to ten minutes everyday. Now, for the first week it will be important to do the exercise five to ten minutes a day. In the weeks there after, three to five times a week is fine. And thereafter just do the exercises as often as is necessary to maintain tightness and the firmness of the muscles. And by doing these simple exercises anytime you choose to, anywhere you choose to, you will find that you are able to quickly and easily reach your goal. Kegal exercises are very simple yet very powerful. So I am now programming you to do these exercises five to ten minutes each day for the first week, three to five times per week there after until you’ve reached your goal and then you can set up your maintenance schedule as you choose as often or as rarely as you want to do the exercises in order to maintain what you have developed. And you will stick to this exercise schedule because you are determined to reach your goal. You are able to reach your goal quickly and easily. So relax and realize that everything is going to be just fine.

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Karate And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, I would like you to imagine yourself now in the dojo. You have bowed in and you are so relaxed and confident. You take a deep breath in…hold it…open your mouth and exhale very slowly…good. And then another deep breath in, this time inhaling confidence and relaxation…and hold it…open your mouth slightly and exhale any fear, any anxiety, just let it go. You are so relaxed now. I would like you now to imagine yourself running a kata, any kata, it is your choice, but imagine forming it perfectly. You realize that perfect practice makes perfect. As you imagine running your kata now, you imagine running it perfectly. Everything is so easy for you and you realize by doing this exercise in your mind, it will translate into actual improved performance so you always imagine yourself running your katas perfectly every time. And now you imagine finishing the kata if you aren’t already finished, that’s right. I would like you to imagine yourself sparring with an opponent. Notice how focused you are. You are always focused, especially when you are sparring. You are paying careful attention to your opponent at all times, watching their every move. You always keep your eyes on your opponent and you are very focused. And now as you imagine yourself kicking and punching your opponent notice your speed. Your speed will improve day by day but notice how quickly you’re able to use techniques in your mind. You always imagine performing your techniques perfectly and with the utmost speed. And by imagining this you will have increased speed and you actually do spar with an opponent. Notice how confident you are because you have taken the time to practice. You have taken the time to prepare properly. So you are very confident. I would like you now to imagine yourself in class with other students just practicing your techniques. Notice how confident you are and how focused you are and how 64 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume VII determined you are to properly execute each technique. You are so relaxed, determined and focused at all times. Your techniques are perfect and you are always open to learning new techniques so you are willing to put in the extra time to master new techniques and as you progress on your way in karate, things come much more easily for you. You are able to learn techniques more easily and rapidly and deeply. It’s as if you and the art of karate are one. You are able to learn all techniques and properly apply all the techniques easily. These techniques seem natural to you, that’s right, a natural extension of you. You’re able to easily express yourself in karate. You are able to easily and naturally while sparring. You imagine yourself to be like water. You are able to conform to what your opponent is doing and to offer the proper defense and the proper attack based on your opponent. When in a cup, water is a cup. When in a bucket, water is a bucket. When you are sparring a particular opponent, you match what that opponent needs so that you are able to easily defeat that opponent. You are like water. Always able to change, to match each opponent, and win. You are relaxed at all times, so relaxed and focused at all times. So relax now and realize that your karate abilities are improving day by day easily and naturally because you are dedicated to improvement.

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Appendix I have over two decades of experience in hypnosis. I have a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida, an M.Ed. from Armstrong Atlantic State University, and I am working on a doctorate degree at Georgia Southern University. I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a member of both the American Board of Hypnotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotists, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, and director of the Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. I am also on the board of directors of the American Lung Association in Los Angeles. I currently live in Savannah, Georgia, but I see clients and teach classes worldwide. My client base consists largely of people who need to lose weight or gain confidence. Other clients include sales teams interested in boosting motivation and increasing income, singles searching for love, insomniacs desiring proper sleep, and smokers wanting to change their habits, to name just a few topics. It is my hope that this book will create a cadre of hypnotherapists who feel a strong commitment toward practicing with integrity, thus altering negative perceptions about hypnotherapy, while allowing people to make positive changes. To this end, I am providing you with the tools to change people’s habits and perceptions, and to help them overcome fears. I know that you can help your patients find love, make a fortune, and reach their optimum level of physical fitness through hypnotherapy. For more information about me and about hypnotherapy, I invite you to visit my website, www.stevegjones.com. There, you will find a collection of hypnotherapy CDs, mp3s, and audio books. Among the recorded sessions, you will find over 120 titles including 66 www.SteveGJones.com

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You also will find a link to my e-mail address, [email protected]. I am available to answer your questions or address your concerns, and I wish you all the luck and prosperity the world has to offer.

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References Bierman, S. (1995). Medical hypnosis. Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health, 11(1), 65.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2004). Southern Medical Journal

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Resources Steve G. Jones, M.Ed., Clinical Hypnotherapist (The official website of Steve G. Jones) http://www.stevegjones.com American Alliance of Hypnotists (Membership is free in this worldwide online directory) http://www.hypnotistsalliance.com Classes on Hypnotherapy (Become a certified clinical hypnotherapist online in eight weeks) http://americanallianceofhypnotists.org/classes.htm Hypnotherapy pre-recorded sessions (Over 250 specific topics such as weight loss on CD and mp3) http://www.stevegjones.com/products.htm

Hypnotherapy Scripts (Mostly written by MD’s and Ph.D.’s) Hammond, D. Corydon. Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. 1990. New York: W. W. Norton and Company. (A Norton Professional Book from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.)

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Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. Available at http://www.stevegjones.com/books.htm and select bookstores worldwide.

-Basic Hypnotherapy for Professionals -Advanced Hypnotherapy for Professionals -Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume I -Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume II -Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I -Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II -Hypnotic Techniques for Dating Success -Business guide for Hypnotherapists (Office set-up, websites, forms, advertising online, search engine optimization, creating and selling hypnotherapy CD’s and mp3’s) -Hypnotic Sales Mastery Techniques -Hypnosis for Laymen -Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy -Hypnotherapy Case Studies

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