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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V By:

Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. Clinical Hypnotherapist www.stevegjones.com

Research Assistant: Katherine T. Sinclair

Copyright © 2008

All rights reserved. No material in this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the author.

Table of Contents Table of Contents...........................................................4 Foreword........................................................................5 Chapter 1 What is a Script? ..........................................7 Chapter 2 Scripts ........................................................15 End Sex Addiction ....................................................18 End Depression ........................................................19 Eliminate Gag Reflex Script......................................22 Ease Morning Sickness Script ..................................24 Ease Acid Reflux Script ............................................26 Dump Them Now......................................................28 Fear of Frogs ............................................................29 Fear of Flying............................................................33 Fear of Falling...........................................................34 Fear of Failure ..........................................................36 Fear of Escalators ....................................................38 Fear of Elevators ......................................................41 Fear of Driving on Freeways ....................................45 Fear of Driving on Bridges........................................47 Fear of Dogs.............................................................51 Fear of Dental Procedures .......................................52 Fear of Darkness ......................................................54 Fear of Commitment.................................................56 Fear of Clowns Script ...............................................57 Fear of Break-Ins (Burglaries) ..................................60 Fear of Birds .............................................................63 Appendix ......................................................................66 References...................................................................68 Resources ....................................................................69 Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. .................................70

Foreword Hypnotherapy has been used in dental practice since the 19th century. It was used then in the form of hypnoanalgesia during surgical dental intervention. The first tooth extraction with the use of hypnoanalgesia was performed by Jean Victor Dudet in 1830. Since then, hypnotherapists have made powerful strides toward changing public perception about hypnosis. Doctors continue to use hypnosis to calm their patients, and to ease pain during procedures (Bierman, 1995). They regularly tell patients how easy recovery will be. Additionally, doctors tell patients that a procedure is common and meets with a high degree of success. Because these phrases are delivered by an authority figure, they act in exactly the same way as hypnotic suggestions, and become reality for the patient. More obvious hypnotic suggestions are also sometimes given to patients by doctors trained in hypnosis, and for over a century, dentists have used hypnosis to ease discomfort during dental procedures. In addition to using hypnotic techniques themselves, doctors and dentists regularly refer patients to hypnotherapists for help with weight loss, smoking cessation, and overcoming fears about dental and surgical procedures. Before the 1950s, the medical profession scoffed at hypnotherapy, but today it is being readily embraced as a complement to long-standing medical procedures. According to the southern Medical Journal (2004), as many as 40% of Americans use some form of complementary and alternative medicine such as hypnotherapy. At no other time has the world of hypnotherapy been as wide open with exciting possibilities as it is now. Because more and more people are exploring and accepting the benefits of hypnotherapy, a much

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V greater need for qualified hypnotherapists to open practices now exists. The goal of this book is to give you, a potential or practicing hypnotherapist, a strong base for building your practice. You will be guided through a basic hypnotherapy session, and you will be given homework opportunities to use and modify your techniques so that you can help others lose weight, find love, and increase their financial success, among other issues. For the latest information about the hypnotherapy world, visit www.americanallianceofhypnotists.org, the website of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, of which I am the founder and director. The organization started in America as a network of hypnotherapists, but it is now open to practitioners worldwide. Among other things, this site lists hypnotherapists and classes available in your local area. Become a member. It’s free.

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V

Chapter 1 What is a Script?

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V

Perhaps the most important part of any hypnosis experience is the script. What is a script? A script is the meat of the hypnosis experience. It is where the therapy occurs. If you do not have a script, you are not doing hypnotherapy. You may be hypnotizing your client, but you are not helping anyone. A script is the portion of the hypnosis session during which you suggest change. It delivers the main message to the subconscious mind. The pretalk, induction and deepening were all to prepare the client for the script. A script can be on anything: attracting romantic partners, improving efficiency for increased financial success, weight loss, memory improvement, smoking cessation, improved confidence, or whatever the client’s challenge may be. As part of a self-hypnotherapy session, a hypnotherapist could even write a script to enhance her creativity—to suggest to her subconscious mind that she is going to write more creative scripts. The script is where you form new associations for the client. Instead of being afraid, the client will associate a pleasant feeling with talking to members of the opposite sex, eating health foods, going down an escalator, down an elevator, into a crowd of people, up on a stage, in an airplane, near a snake. I have a prospective client who is afraid of entering parking garages. During the script, she will be given a new association for entering a parking garage, and she will no longer be afraid. Her old association, the one she has now, is scary for her. The script will plant positive suggestions 8 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V that her body will remember in the future when she actually enters a parking garage. If you are new to hypnotherapy, you might want to start with a script written by someone else. You can borrow one of my scripts, or a script from one of the countless books available on this topic (see chapter’s end for recommended resources). When using a script that someone else has written, make sure that you have read through it before the hypnosis session. The worst thing you can possibly do is go into a session without previously having read through the script. You want to be familiar with the script for several reasons. First of all, you do not want to trip through words and concepts while reading the script during the session. (Because your client’s eyes are covered, you can read a script during a session. You do not have to memorize it.) Second of all, you need to evaluate the script prior to reading it to your client. Each client is different, so you will need to find and eliminate those things in the script that are not going to apply to the particular client for whom the script is being used. You need to have a full understanding of the script so that you can tailor it to reach the best possible results. Do your due diligence. Do not allow yourself any excuses. Prepare every time. Beware of procrastinating and ending up in a situation that causes you to stumble. You can get lazy. You can get into a rut. During a live sermon, the preacher can say, “I am sorry. I made a mistake. Let me backtrack.” You cannot do that under hypnosis. Every word you say goes into the patient’s subconscious mind.

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V Be prepared. You are dealing with the most precious part of a human: His mind. Treat it delicately. I do not say this to scare you. I say this to prepare you. Be prepared. Consider a script for weight loss that begins like this: Now, you will imagine that you are a machine and you can put different types of batteries in your power center. You have been choosing batteries which do not last long and leave a residue. From now on, you will chose proper batteries which power you for a long time and do not leave a residue. Let’s say that you are not interested or inspired by the machine analogy used in the script. Also, your client is not interested in machines at all. Would this script be appropriate? Probably not. Would it be more powerful to use a script that related to something you and your client related to? Probably. Although the analogies are good and potentially powerful, if they do not feel natural for you, you will not be confident when reading them. And, more importantly, if they do not feel natural for the client, another script choice would be more appropriate. So go through any script you intend to use. Make sure there are no surprises. If someone hands you a script and says, “Here. Use this when you have someone who wants to lose weight,” make sure you go through the script ahead of time. Do not be afraid to alter a script. Scripts are not written in stone. Make the script into something that flows freely from your mouth. 10 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V One of the books I recommend at the end of this book, The Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors by Hammond, contains many good scripts. However, they were written by hypnotherapists with advanced educational and medical degrees, and are therefore extremely technical. Take the general idea of these scripts and rewrite them. You have got to tailor things to your own unique flavor. I cannot emphasize that enough. The only rule for modifying scripts is this: Never insert anything that could cause harm. We do not harm people. We help people. Say good things. Do not say frightening or harmful things. Do not excite your client. Bore him. Everything is calm. Everything is peaceful. Everything is beautiful. Everything is positive. As long as you remember not to harm people, your script will be fine. If you do not have a script to modify, you will have to write your own script. Let’s assume that your client wants to lose weight and you do not have a script. What should you do? Do you give up? No. You do not give up. You take heart in the fact that everything you need is already within you. You just need a little guidance. So let’s take this step-by-step. First of all, ask yourself what the goal is. Here, the goal is for the client to lose weight. Before writing the script, you need to find out what a reasonable target is. Do not allow the client to expect to lose 100 pounds in six weeks. If you are not sure what is 11 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V reasonable, consult a dietician or a physician. (Remember: if your client is under the care of another healthcare professional, make sure you are agreement with the course of treatment.) Find out how much weight the person can expect to lose, and set a reasonable target within a reasonable time frame. Your due diligence should continue with a conversation with the client. Before you write the script, find out what the client is eating that is harmful. Ask the client: “What are the foods you are eating, and when are you eating them?” And then work this information into the script. For example, perhaps the client says, “I am eating Snickers bars at 11 p.m. right before I go to bed. I am eating three of them a night. I cannot figure out why on earth I am gaining weight. It is just not fair.” The script is the place to alter the negative behavior that is causing the problem. Your script will want to tell this client: that he can and will change his behavior. If the person is gaining weight, unable to talk to potential romantic partners, or scared of flying, the script is the place to insert suggestions for positive change. The script is where the healing takes place.

If she is afraid of planes, she gets on that plane. She takes that plane ride. She gets off that plane and nothing has gone wrong. Have her imagine the whole thing. She is safe the entire time. Nothing goes wrong. Be creative. Say things like, “You can see the cockpit from where you are sitting and everything looks fine. And you know that your bags are stowed and you just feel great because 12 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V everything is taken care of. It is a smooth flight. You look outside. And it is daytime and you see the sky and it is so beautiful.” If you are working on motivation, find out why the client is not motivated. Is she unmotivated because she does not think she will accomplish the desired results? If so, the script should help the client to see herself as having already accomplished the results. The client already has achieved whatever it is that is causing her to procrastinate. If the client is afraid of snakes, have him see a snake from a distance. Tell him, “Everything is fine and now if you want to you can walk closer. Only walk as close as you feel comfortable with and no closer. And each time you hear my voice, you can allow yourself to get closer but understand that no harm will come to you.” When writing a script, I am inviting you to use your creativity. I am inviting you to reach inside and pull something out of yourself something that will be helpful. I am not going to tell you a way that is written in stone because that would limit your creativity. Beyond the sky is the limit. Go beyond. Just let it flow. Keep in mind your plan, your idea, and your motive. Your motivation is to help the person. You are trying to help the client. Everything is positive. Everything is uplifting. We are not dwelling on the negative. We focus on the positive. Keep your eye on the mark and remember that you will end up at whatever point on which you have focused. Likewise, we want to keep the client’s focus on the positive change from within. The client should imagine that the change has happened. We want the client to think: “I am already flying. I am not planning on it. I am getting on that plane. I am not imagining it. I am flying. I am getting as close to that snake as I feel comfortable. I am taking the 13 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V steps to get to that escalator and I am on it and everything is fine.” As discussed earlier, a person’s body does not know the difference between imaging something and having it actually happen. This means that the client has the advantage of knowing rationally that the situation is not occurring, but physically and emotionally the client feels he has experienced the event. Therefore, when it comes time for the client to go down the escalator, his body will feel as though he has a positive and successful experience under his belt. Though they are the meat of the session, scripts should not exceed 10 minutes when read slowly aloud. The following chapters contain scripts which can be used by you in working with yourself or working with clients. I have divided them into chapters to make referencing them easier. Keep in mind that the chapter titles are only general guides and that some scripts could be used for multiple purposes. You may also feel free to modify any of my scripts to suit you particular needs. For more scripts, please visit www.SteveGJones.com where you can purchase my other scripts book, Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I.

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Chapter 2 Scripts

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V Enhance Sexual Pleasure and Intimacy And as you continue to relax and drift and unwind, you realize just how powerful you are. You realize that you have control over all of the sensations in your body. I would like you now to imagine yourself walking into a room in your mind, that’s right, a room in your mind. This is the control room, a room that controls all of the sensations in your body. And on the wall is a dial and this dial goes from zero to ten. When this dial is on zero, you feel nothing in your body. When this dial is on ten, you feel all of those feeling in your body very intensely. I would like you now to start the dial at one and slowly increase and realize that the more you do this exercise, the better you will become at doing it, that’s right. And you turn the dial up slowly, that’s right. Just allowing yourself to feel those feelings of intimacy, those feelings of sexual pleasure, that’s right, turning up the dial a little more now, feeling those feelings increase because your mind is in charge of all of the sensations in your body and as you turn the dial up, you feel those sensations more and more intensely and you are comfortable with your sexuality. You are comfortable with intimacy with another, that’s right. And as you turn the dial up imagine yourself now with another in a very intimate situation, that’s right. Turning the dial up even more now, feeling the intimacy flowing through you, feeling sexual pleasure flowing through you, feeling very comfortable with these feelings. You are a sexual being and you deserve to feel pleasure and intimacy. You are comfortable with yourself and with another. You are so relaxed as you continue increasing the dial, that’s right, turning it all the way up to ten. And then you may adjust it as you choose, experimenting with the different levels. And as you practice this technique, you become more powerful at using it so that eventually all you will need to do is think of increasing your sexual pleasure and intimacy and they 16 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V will increase automatically. Anytime that you are in a situation where you want to increase your sexual pleasure or intimacy just imagine the dial. Imagine yourself turning it up and feeling more pleasure and more intimacy. And realize that eventually you will no longer need the dial because you will be able to achieve these feelings easily and effortlessly and instantly and you will be able to maintain these feelings. So relax now and realize just how powerful your mind is. Relax, you are a very powerful, wonderful person and you deserve to experience pleasure.

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End Sex Addiction And as you continue to relax you realize just how powerful you are and that you have control over every aspect of your mind and body. You are a very powerful person, able to easily control any appetite you have and now as you imagine your appetite for sexual pleasure, I would like you to realize that you are in complete control of this appetite. And I would like you to realize that there are many ways in which you can feel self-assured about yourself. I would like you now to take a moment to think about all the many wonderful, powerful aspect of you, that’s right, your creativity, your intelligence, your desire to learn and expand your horizons. And from now on, you will gravitate toward positive and productive goals. Goals which increase your potential to enjoy the full range of experiences in your life. You realize now that you have the power and control within you to control any appetite you have. In particular, you will be able from now on to control your sexual appetite. And you seek justification in other ways, by pursuing your goals, by pursuing your powerful, productive interests, that’s right. These things allow you to feel a strong sense of self esteem and day by day sex is less and less important to you so that it becomes a regular activity which you find enjoyable, yet at anytime you are able to do other things and enjoy them just as much. Your self worth comes from developing yourself, developing your interests, developing your creativity, expanding your horizons, pursuing your goals. And you are so relaxed and this is where you channel your energy. And if you find that you have any matters in your life that need to be dealt with, you deal with them quickly and efficiently so that you can move forward with your life with grace and power. So relax now and realize how much control you have and how wonderful you are.

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End Depression Now just relax deeper and deeper. From this quiet place of deep relaxation, I would like you to project yourself a little into the future, it may be tomorrow or the next day, or the next month or you may see yourself six months from now. Not too far into the future, just a little into the near future. As you project yourself into the future, imagine the easy flow forward. The easy flow, no need to rush, just an easy flow forward. Let your subconscious choose the future time. Imagine a future place. Imagine a future place, a place of serenity and peace. Just imagine it for a moment. A place of serenity and peace, linger here. All is how it should be, allow yourself to relax and simply feel peaceful. Now, create a future. Imagine you have achieved your goals. Imagine what the future looks like. Imagine every detail. There is no need how you achieved your goals. Just imagine the end result in the most positive way. Now, add to this future image by placing positive feelings in this image. Add joy, add happiness. Imagine yourself smiling. Imagine yourself dancing with joy or running or jumping, laughing. Really feel those positive feelings now. And remember the last time you experienced a really good belly laugh. Your whole body felt it. You laughed, feeling the full force of joy. Now, if you are not experiencing total joy, that’s alright. As you practice this manifestation you will experience the positive feelings more and more each time you practice this manifestation. Just create your future manifestation in the most positive way. Each time you see it add a little more detail. Each time you see it add more positive feelings. Each time you listen to this recording, add more and more positive aspects to the picture. And now, I would like you to add the final portion to your manifestation. Imagine your manifestation to serve as a positive. It is a positive in your life. It serves a positive purpose. It has a positive meaning. It is positive. It is a manifestation of positive. Imagine your manifestation. 19 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V Imagine it benefiting everyone. Your manifestation brings joy and happiness to you and to everyone. Now bring this manifestation to the present. Bring the images, feelings, and goals to the present time. You own these positive feelings. They have been inside you all along. And all you need to do to bring them forward is to create the space, allowing yourself to experience joy, happiness, peace, and serenity. Your manifestation is being created for you right now. Just let it go. Know that your manifestation is being created for you in the most positive way. As your manifestation develops, it may not look the same as you imagined, it will be better than you imagined. You will recognize your manifestation coming to pass. You will recognize it by how you feel each and every day. You feel better and better each and every day. You feel more alive, more motivated, more joyful, more happy. Each day your manifestation is being created. Each time you imagine your manifestation, it grows stronger and stronger. You are surprised at how much lighter you feel. How at peace you feel and you let each day unfold easily, easily flowing with the change, flowing easily with life, better and better everyday. Now, just relax and enjoy the place you are in, that’s right. Just take a moment and enjoy that place. So relaxed, so relaxed, so very, very peaceful, good. Eliminate Procrastination And as you continue to relax, unwind and let go, you begin to focus on your goal, that’s right. The one goal you want to achieve. And I now give you permission to release all feelings of guilt and anxiety and fear of failure and fear of success. I now give you permission to release all of these feelings, just feel them leave your body, mind, and spirit and relax. And as you relax more and more deeply, you see yourself having accomplished your goal. See yourself there with the net result having accomplished your goal, having completely your goal. You are so relaxed realizing how powerful you are and your subconscious mind will 20 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V now allow you to move forward and allow you to complete your goal. And as you now imagine yourself moving back in time to the present, you realize how good you will feel once you have taken action, once you have taken action toward completing your goal, once you have taken that first powerful step. And you are very confident. You understand that you have the power within you, the focus and control within you to accomplish this goal. And as you now relax and slow down in your mind you focus on the steps, you focus on the steps required to achieve this goal and you see them all laid before you in a time-line leading you to your goal. And you now float above this time line toward your goal, to the time when you have achieved that goal and you look back now and you look back at all the steps and you realize that they are all very logical and you realize that you will allow those steps to happen. So relax as you now look back from your goal at those steps. See them dating all the way back to the present time and you realize how easy it is and how logical it is to achieve your goal. And as you now float over this timeline, back to the present, you look to the future and you see all of the steps required to achieve your goal. And you realize that you have the inner resources to achieve your goal easily and powerfully and you realize that you will schedule each of these steps in a very logical manner and you are highly motivated to achieve your goal easily and confidently. You have all the resources you need to achieve your goal and you give yourself permission, permission to achieve your goal.

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Eliminate Gag Reflex Script And you continue to relax deeper and deeper and become more deeply relaxed. Your mind is at peace, just at peace, relaxed, calm, and so comfortable. You breathe easily and gently and you feel yourself relaxing more and more. Your mind becomes calm like a lake without a ripple, so calm, and more and more at ease. As you now relax, lying down, focusing on your body. Now you go from head to toe thinking about your body, your body becomes more and more relaxed, that’s right. Just imagine your body from head to toe, you are reviewing your body, thinking about your body, looking at your body, imagining your body. As you move slowly now, scanning your body from head to toe. You come to the part of your body where your gag reflex is located and you just focus some warm energy there, that’s right. Picture a gleaming ball of light and warm energy seeping through to your throat and to your gag reflex. This amazing glow, relaxes your gag reflex deeper and deeper and more deeply. You know that if you are ever in a situation where your gagging reflex might act up, you just picture this glowing ball of energy relaxing your gag reflex and all the muscles around it. This gleaming light not only relaxes your throat and the muscles around it, but it also relaxes you. Any anxiety that you may have is soothed by the glowing ball of light. As your fears and anxiety diminish, you realize that you are completely relaxed. You are now able to calmly handle any situation without gagging. If you find yourself worried about gagging, you take a couple of deep breaths in and out to help calm you. You inhale positive thoughts and as you exhale, you let out all worries and fear about gagging. Inhale positive…and…exhale all negative thoughts, that’s right. Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself and then focus on your breathing. You make sure that is consistent and that every breaths continues to relax you. You feel very calm and at ease. Now picture yourself in a situation 22 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V where your gag reflex might act up. Imagine the warm glowing ball of light relaxing your entire body, eliminating all fears and anxiety. Now imagine that gleaming ball of light relaxing your throat and your gag reflex. This ball of light has an immediate effect on you. It’s as if you have no gag reflex at all. You are completely relaxed and at ease. You feel very good. Your throat is relaxed and nothing can irritate it. Imagine your new found confidence. You no longer have to worry about your bad gag reflex. You know that you have the ability to control it, that’s right. You have the ability to control your gag reflex. You have the ability to control your gag reflex and that feels wonderful. Imagine yourself sometime in the future. At this point in the future, maybe a few months from now, or perhaps a year from now, you no longer have to worry about your bad gag reflex. You have realized over time that you have complete control over your gag reflex. You are proud of yourself. You have more confidence than you ever have had before. You know that you can go into any situation and your gag reflex will remain relaxed. You are confident that you can control it in any situation and that feels great. And as you continue to relax, you realize that everything is going to be just fine.

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Ease Morning Sickness Script And as you continue to relax more and more deeply, you realize that your mind is powerful. Your mind is powerful and you realize that you are in complete control, that’s right. You can control your morning sickness. You make sure that you do the things you can do in order to ease morning sickness. You eat small and frequent meals, making sure that you eat foods that are low in fat and nonspicy foods. You realize which foods trigger your morning sickness and which ones ease your sickness. Perhaps eating some plain crackers will ease your stomach. Now I want your to imagine that you are feeling sick to your stomach. I want you to imagine that there is a large, powerful ball of white light directly above your body. That large powerful ball of white light is now channeling down into you through your solar plexus, through the center of your chest, that’s right. This is a pure, healing, cleansing light and you are allowing it now to fill your body as water would fill a bottle, that’s right. Filling your body inside and out, that’s right. Filling your body and surrounding your body with white powerful cleansing pure light. And this light absorbs any nausea or feeling of discomfort; any sickness whatsoever is absorbed by this cleansing light. And now the light is leaving back out through your solar plexus, back out through the center of your chest, taking with it all the discomfort and nausea from inside your body, that’s right, easing the morning sickness. Leaving your body comfortable and at ease. Leaving your body, your soul, your mind, and your stomach feeling good and at ease, that’s right. Taking away the stress, the anxiety, the impurities, relaxing you, cleansing you, freeing you, that’s right. So very relaxed, drifting now deeper and deeper, relaxing more and more. You find that every time you listen to these words and go through that cleansing process, your body, your mind, your spirit, and your stomach becomes more and more at ease, more like you 24 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V would want it to be, that’s right, more like you would want it to be, feeling good and healthy, that’s right. As you now gravitate in your daily life toward healthy things that nourish your baby and ease any morning sickness that you may have. You use food to nourish your child and you eat only things that appeal to you and when they appeal to you. You realize that all smells that used to bother you, no longer bother you, that’s right. Foods that used to trigger nausea on you no longer have an affect on you. You find foods and fluids that ease your upset stomach. You eat foods and fluids that nourish your baby and also put your stomach at ease. Picture yourself just a few weeks from now. You realize that your mind is very powerful and you have the ability to control your morning sickness. Imagine waking up every morning feeling good and healthy. You look forward to your day. You have the confidence that you will feel good throughout the day. You are enjoying this time as your baby grows inside of you. You feel calm and at ease. Very calm and at ease. You are feeling healthy and positive and that feels great. You realize that everything is going to be just fine.

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Ease Acid Reflux Script And you continue to relax deeper and deeper and become more deeply relaxed. Your mind is at peace, just at peace, relaxed, calm, and so comfortable. You breathe easily and gently and you feel yourself relaxing more and more. Your mind becomes calm like a lake without a ripple, so calm, and more and more at ease. As you now relax, lying down, focusing on your body. Now you go from head to toe thinking about your body, your body becomes more and more relaxed, that’s right. Just imagine your body from head to toe, you are reviewing your body, thinking about your body, looking at your body, imagining your body. As you move slowly now, scanning your body from head to toe. You come to the part of your body where your stomach and esophagus is located and you just focus some warm energy in these areas, that’s right. Picture a gleaming ball of light and warm energy seeping through to your throat, esophagus, and your stomach. This amazing glow, relaxes you inside deeper and deeper and more deeply. You know that if you are ever in a situation where your acid reflux might act up, you just picture this glowing ball of energy easing your acid reflux and completely eliminating it. This gleaming light not only eases your acid reflux and relaxes your organs, but it also relaxes you. Any anxiety that you may have is soothed by the glowing ball of light. As your fears and anxiety diminish, you realize that you are completely relaxed. You are now able to feel at ease at all times. You do everything in your power to ease acid reflux. You are careful of what you eat. You get to know your body very well and you listen to it. Perhaps you realize that certain foods trigger acid reflux. You watch what you eat and you avoid high fat foods and spicy foods. You listen to your body and you are able to easily control acid reflux. You take your time when you eat. You enjoy eating your food slowly. Now picture yourself in a situation where your acid reflux might act up. Imagine the warm 26 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V glowing ball of light relaxing your entire body, eliminating all pain and anxiety. Now imagine that gleaming ball of light relaxing your esophagus and stomach. This ball of light has an immediate effect on you. The soothing light completely eliminates your acid reflux. You are completely relaxed and at ease. You feel very good. Your body is relaxed and nothing can irritate it. Imagine living your life without the pain of acid reflux. You no longer have to worry about when it might act up. You know that you have the ability to control it, that’s right. You have the ability to control your acid reflux. You have the ability to control your acid reflux and that feels wonderful. Imagine yourself sometime in the future. At this point in the future, a few months from now, you very rarely have to deal with acid reflux. You have learned how to take control over it and you are getting better day by day. You have realized over time that you have complete control over acid reflux. You are proud of yourself. Now picture yourself a year from now. Imagine that a year from now you have completely eliminated acid reflux from your life, that’s right. You are a relaxed person. Certain foods no longer trigger acid reflux. You are able to live a life without acid reflux. You are able to eat whatever you want without pain. You have completely eliminated acid reflux from your life. You feel healthier and stronger. You feel confident and capable of accomplishing any goal you set your mind to. Most of all, you no longer have to deal with the pain of acid reflux. You are confident that you can control it in any situation and that feels great. And as you continue to relax, you realize that everything is going to be just fine.

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Dump Them Now And as you continue to relax deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, you begin to remember how powerful you are. You are an amazing person. You are very powerful. And I would like you now to imagine that person in your life. That person who you realize you must now separate yourself from. You realize that you are in a relationship that needs to end, that’s right. And you realize now that you have the strength, the courage, the determination to end that relationship. And as you now search deep within yourself, you realize that this is the best decision. Ending this relationship is a positive event for you and so you now realize that you have the courage, the strength and the determination to end this relationship, to leave that person and to begin your new and powerful life. You are a very wonderful, strong, and powerful person and you now decide that you will leave that person and begin your new life, a life in which you live on your own terms, a life in which you are in charge, a very wonderful, beautiful, and empowered life. And you now imagine yourself in the near future without that person. See yourself smiling. You are so very happy. You realize that your life is wonderful. So relax and realize that everything is just fine.

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Fear of Frogs And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed I would like you to imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater now, that’s right. Sitting in a movie theater watching a movie. I want you to use your imagination now. I want you to imagine that you can be in more than one location at once. So as you are sitting in the movie theater watching the movie just imagine that you can also be in the movie and imagine that you are also running the movie projector. So you are actually in three locations: sitting in the movie theater, in the movie itself on the screen, and running the movie projector and you can move your point of view to any of these three locations at will. So for now imagine yourself sitting in the theater watching the movie. This movie is starring you. You are the principle lead character in the movie. Remember you are simply watching the movie. Now at any time should you feel uncomfortable, you can imagine yourself moving your point of view to the projector. You can imagine yourself seeing the movie and seeing yourself sitting in the theater from where you are standing at the projector. This means that you can turn the movie off whenever you choose to. But for now just imagine yourself sitting in the movie theater. Imagine that is your point of view from the you who is sitting in the movie theater watching the movie starring you. You are relaxed as you watch the movie and you see yourself on the screen. And you see yourself interacting with a frog, that’s right. It’s just a movie. You see yourself approaching the frog. The frog is sitting on some grass and you see yourself walking up to the frog and this is a comedy so you are feeling very light, very relaxed, very entertained. You see yourself walking up to the frog and you see yourself touching the frog and you see yourself picking up the frog and smiling at the frog. Since this is just a movie, the frog smiles back and you sit in the movie theater and you laugh and remember at any 29 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V time you can stop the movie, it’s your choice, but for now you continue to sit and watch the movie. A very funny yet interesting movie. Funny because the frogs can smile and interesting because you are the star of the movie. And now you see yourself continuing to walk onward and you see other frogs in the distance. Three frogs on the grass and you walk up to those frogs in the movie. Remember you are just watching a movie, a comedy. You see yourself bending down and picking up two of the frogs, one in each hand. And the frogs smile at you and you smile back and they even talk to you. They say hello, how are you? And in the comedy movie you say fine thank you, how are you? You continue to hold a conversation with both of the frogs. And you watch the movie from your seat and you laugh. It is very entertaining to see yourself with the frogs. You remember now just how much you enjoy being with frogs, how much you enjoy touching them and interacting with them. You relax even more now and you continue walking on in the movie until you come to a group of frogs, a group of ten frogs. See yourself in the movie now surrounded by happy frogs making their frog sounds, talking to you, smiling at you and you smile back. You are safe and protected. You see yourself in that movie with ten frogs around you. These frogs are your friends. Reach down and pick one up, in the movie of course. And each time you listen to this recording you will become more and more comfortable around frogs and more and more comfortable with switching your point of view to the you in the movie. In other words, perhaps now you would like to imagine that you are in the movie holding that frog. If you are comfortable with that, go ahead and make that switch now. Imagine that you are in the movie holding the frog and as you look out at the theater you can see your other selves, you sitting in the seat and you running the projector and you remember how safe you are as you are holding a frog. You are safe as you are holding a frog, safe and relaxed. It’s just a movie. You are so relaxed now as you continue 30 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V talking to the frog in the movie. And at any point you can imagine yourself back in the seat in the theater or in the safety of the projection booth. You can switch your point of view around at will, but perhaps now you are imagining that you are in the movie, relaxed and interacting with the frog, relaxed and interacting with the frog, and you put that frog back down on the ground and you pick up two others, that’s right. You hold them in your hands and they smile at you and they talk with you and you realize that from this point forward in your real life you will be comfortable with frogs, comfortable with being in the vicinity of any frog, comfortable with holding frogs which are appropriate to hold. You realize that certain frogs are not appropriate to hold. Using your knowledge you know which ones are appropriate to hold and if you choose to do so you allow yourself to hold those frogs which are appropriate to hold because you are comfortable around frogs. You realize that frogs are your friends. Frogs realize that you are their friend. You are relaxed with this idea as you continue to interact with the frogs in this interesting light comedy movie. See yourself sitting down now in the center of the frogs, the center of the circle of frogs. Perhaps some jump on you in a very relaxed way. You are so relaxed and at ease as a few of the frogs jump on you now. They are so soft and fun and funny and happy and you are happy and relaxed, happy and relaxed. You are always happy and relaxed when in the vicinity of frogs, happy and relaxed. And let all of this drift from your mind now. Realize that every time you listen to this recording you become a little more relaxed around frogs, allowing yourself to create more scenes in the movie after I am done talking, more happy and relaxing scenes. So relax now and if you have been listening to this recording for several nights already, perhaps now you will take this opportunity to create some very pleasant experiences with the frogs, very pleasant experiences. So relax now and allow yourself to drift even more deeply now. 31 www.SteveGJones.com

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Fear of Flying Now as you continue to relax more and more, I want you to picture yourself at home, getting ready to go to the airport. The relaxation that you are feeling now will remain with you. Just picture yourself here at home, feeling very relaxed as you begin to pack and make all the other preparations for your trip. And as you do, just notice how relaxed you are and how calm you have become. Now you are taking your luggage outside and now you are getting into the vehicle, ready to go to the airport and still feeling perfectly calm. All the details of the trip have been taken care of up to this point and you can just relax and enjoy the drive. Now you are pulling up to the airport and getting out of the vehicle. Now, still deeply relaxed you are going through the security check on the way to the gate. You remain deeply relaxed. Now you have completed the security check and you are approaching the gate. You take a seat in the waiting area, so calm, so relaxed, thinking very, very pleasant thoughts, so very relaxed, so very peaceful. As your flight is called, you rise from your chair and prepare to board the plane along with the other passengers, still feeling very deeply relaxed. Now you enter the plane and make your way to your seat, still feeling perfectly calm and relaxed. You so absorbed in your peaceful thoughts and you are happy with how smoothly the flight goes. You are so relaxed the entire time and nothing disturbs your peaceful state of mind and then you are pleasantly surprised that the plane has landed. It has landed safely and now you are taxiing toward the gate, so relaxed, so comfortable. You leave the plane feeling relaxed and happy. You have had a very enjoyable flight and you have remained perfectly calm during the entire trip and now that you have seen how pleasant flying can actually be, you know that whenever you fly again in the future, you will have a similar relaxing and enjoying experience in store for you. 33 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V

Fear of Falling And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, you realize just how confident you are in every situation. You are confident in every situation. Day by day your balance is becoming better and better. This is true because you believe it to be true, because by believing in things, things which relate to our capabilities, we can make them come true. So you believe that your balance is improving day by day and because you believe this, it is true. Therefore you are relaxed in every situation that has to walking, standing, navigating, navigating your way through your world. In the past you have been afraid of falling, now you embrace a new relationship, a new relationship with you abilities. You realize that you are fully capable of maintaining your balance. Your abilities to walk, stand up straight, to sit in a balanced manner, all of these things are improving day by day. Anything which in the past caused you to be afraid of falling, you are letting go of. Certainly we have all fallen in the past, but that does not predict the future. I want you to see a future of which you are free of this fear of falling. Let that fear go now. By doing this, you realize that there will be many more opportunities for you. Many more opportunities for you to go places, even if you are just navigating around your home. You will have the freedom to do so without fear. So let go of fear now, feel it leaving now. Feel that fear being afraid of you. Fear is leaving you, going far, far away allowing you to be free of the fear of falling. Instead, you embrace a new joy concerning life, a new curiosity permeates your existence. You are interested in going places and doing things, standing, walking, all in a balanced way. Because you are able to physically balance yourself easily in every situation. Now, you realize that taking excessive risks is not a good idea. You take only calculated, logical chances, doing things you know you can do. because of this, you can trust your ability to be 34 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V free from falling. You can trust your ability to walk in a balanced way, to stand in a balanced way, to sit in a balanced way, to navigate through your world in a balanced way, because you take necessary precautions, you let go of the fear of falling. Because of this very logical approach, you relax, you relax. You enjoy life, look at life as an adventure as you should. So I invite you to relax now and embrace the new you, the new empowered, relaxed you. Congratulations, in making this powerful decision to be relaxed and let go of the fear of falling.

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Fear of Failure And as you continue to relax and unwind, you realize just how powerful you are. You are an amazing person. I’d like you now to take a moment and just reflect on all the wonderful, amazing things about you. Your creativity, your intelligence, your sense of adventure, your desire to succeed, your acceptance of yourself. All of these things make you such a wonderful, beautiful person. You realize now just how wonderful and powerful you are and as you breathe in deeply now, breathe in confidence. And as you exhale, let go of any uncertainty, let it go. And breathing in again, breathe in motivation and power. And as you exhale, let go of doubt, let it go, let it go. You’re so relaxed and at ease and confident. I would like you know to imagine a goal or project, something you would like to accomplish, that’s right. And I would like you to imagine already having accomplished it. See yourself there. Notice how powerful you feel. Notice how relaxed you are. Notice how easy it seems to have accomplished it, that’s right. I would like you now to remember all the steps that went toward accomplishing that goal or project and notice that along the way, perhaps there were some situations that were a challenge, that’s right. And notice how you dealt with those situations, easily and effortlessly, easily and in a very relaxed way, that’s right. You realize that with any goal, there are challenges and you are always up to the challenge, that’s right. You are always up for the challenge. You are relaxed and confident, that’s right, relaxed and confident. And you see those challenges as necessary steps and you deal with those challenges very quickly and efficiently, very quickly and efficiently as if you were a gladiator. And those challenges are very easy to defeat, very easy to defeat because you are a mighty gladiator and you are able to defeat any challenge that arises easily and effortlessly, that’s right. And as you breathe in deeply now, breathe in strength and courage. 36 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V And as you exhale slowly, let go fear, let it go, let it go, let it go. You are able to accomplish anything you choose to accomplish. Any goal or project you wish to accomplish, you will accomplish easily, meeting all the challenges along the way. And as you come back now into the present, look to the future. Look to that time when you have finished that goal, that’s right. And see a clear path now, see the challenges, but remember how you overcame them easily and efficiently. And realize now that there is a clear path to your goal, a clear path to your goal. And you will now walk that path easily, letting go of fear, breathing in strength, breathe it in, breathe in that strength and courage. And as you exhale, let go of fear, let it go. You are a mighty warrior and you will reach your goal and you will reach your goal easily, so relax, relax, relax now.

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V

Fear of Escalators And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed I would like you to realize just how powerful you are. You are a very powerful, wonderful, amazing, relaxed person. I would like you now to imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater watching a movie. This movie is starring you. Now, you are also in change of this movie. You are in charge of whether the movie continues running or stops running. At any time you can turn around in your seat and wave to the person running the movie up above and behind you back in the projector booth. You can tell him simply by waving to stop running the movie, but for now just continue watching the movie. As I said, the movie is starring you and you watch yourself about to get on an escalator going up. And as you now see yourself get on the escalator notice how relaxed you look. Notice that you are smiling, you are calm. Your breathing is regular, slow and steady. You are still smiling as you are halfway up the escalator. And now you are all the way up the escalator. Notice how easy that was as now you continue watching the movie as you see yourself walk around to the other side of that floor where you will again board the escalator only this time going down returning to the floor where you just came. Now see yourself getting on the escalator, smiling. Perhaps you are talking on a cell phone. Perhaps you are talking with someone next to you while riding the escalator. Perhaps you have shopping bags in your hand. Whatever the situation is you are so relaxed and happy. See yourself in that movie riding the escalator down relaxed, happy, smiling. Now you see yourself arrive at the bottom of the escalator walking around again to ride the escalator up. Now this time I would like you to imagine yourself in the movie. Remember you can stop the movie at any tie you choose. Simply wave to the person at the projection booth. For now I would like for you to see yourself getting onto the escalator in the movie. You are in 38 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V the movie now, no longer imagining yourself sitting in the movie theater. You are now imagining yourself on the escalator, smiling, happy. Riding up, look down, look how happy everyone is. Notice how happy you are. Look around. You are safe. Elevators are designed by engineers with a lot of education. You are safe. Halfway up now, still smiling, still relaxed, it’s just a movie. All the way up now on the second floor. As you see yourself walking around to the escalator to ride down, remember you are in the movie. You are there. Now, approach the escalator. Put one hand on the railing, which also moves, that’s right. Climb on the escalator. Such a simple smooth process, so relaxing. You are riding down the escalator now, so relaxed, so at ease. You’re there. Look down at your feet. Your feet are standing on a solid step, probably made out of metal. Your hand is on the moving hand rail, also safe. Now you have finished the journey on the escalator. Notice how happy you are. I imagine you are very excited to ride an escalator now in your everyday life, in your real life. You have already had this experience of riding an escalator and you can imagine an escalator as many times as you choose to even now as I am talking or later after this hypnosis session is over. Perhaps you will dream about riding an escalator and it will be a happy dream if you do because you enjoy riding escalators and perhaps tomorrow you will find an opportunity to ride an escalator and you will be surprised at how relaxed you are when you do. each time you listen to this recording you become more comfortable with riding escalators so that very soon indeed you will want to ride the escalator and you will be happy and relaxed while you ride the escalator. Escalators are fun. They are designed by engineers. They are tested over and over. Thousands of people ride every escalator everyday. You will always be safe when riding an escalator. You will always be relaxed. You will always be at ease so relax and realize that everything is going to be just fine. 39 www.SteveGJones.com

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Fear of Elevators And as you continue relaxing deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, I would like you to imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater sitting in the front row watching a movie. This is a very special movie theater. In this movie theater you can be in three different places and I will explain that now. You can be sitting in the front row of the theater watching the movie or you can be in the movie itself because the movie is staring you. You are the central part of the movie or you can be the person running the movie projector. At anytime you choose, you can switch your point of view to any of these locations. You can be the you watching the movie in the front row or you can be the you starring in the movie as the central character or you can be the you in control of the movie. But for right now I would like you to imagine yourself sitting in the front row watching the movie and on the screen you see yourself comfortably riding on an elevator. You see yourself get on the elevator. You see the doors close. You see yourself smiling and the elevator begins to move. You are very relaxed riding up the elevator in a very relaxed way. Now remember you are simply imagining this and you are sitting in the front row of the theater watching the movie and at any time you can become the you that is running the projector and you can stop the movie if you choose. But for right now you continue watching the movie sitting in the front row of the theater. Now you see yourself riding down the elevator, riding down the elevator in a very relaxed way. The truth is that you enjoy riding on elevators and in just a moment if you are comfortable with this idea I would like you to imagine that you are in the elevator so you will shift your point of view to the elevator. In other words you will see the world as the character in the movie so that you are in the elevator and remember at any time you can move your point of view into either the you that is watching the movie or the you that is running the movie. But for right now 41 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V perhaps you are comfortable imagining yourself in that movie, acting in that movie, riding the elevator. And the elevator is now stopping on a certain floor and you exit the elevator and the doors close behind you and you are smiling and happy and relaxed. And now you turn around and you press the elevator button to get back on the elevator and the elevator doors open and you step onto the elevator and you are smiling and relaxed and happy. The elevator doors close and you begin riding the elevator down, down, down. It seems the lower the elevator goes the more you relax because you truly enjoy and love riding on elevators. And now the elevator slowly stops and the doors open and you exit the elevator, that’s right and the doors close behind you. I would like you to walk over to another elevator now in that movie, that’s right. Press the button to call the elevator. The elevator doors open and you walk onto the elevator. Now this time there are many people on the elevator, but there is room for you and you walk on the elevator and you turn around and face the doors and the doors close in this movie and the elevator begins going up. You are going up ten floors. Feel how relaxed you are as you travel in the elevator. You realize that elevators are safe. They are designed by engineers. Their quality is inspected regularly. The quality of the elevator is regularly inspected to insure your comfort and safety. So you are relaxing as you are traveling upward, up ten floors. You realize how wonderful it is to travel in such a well-designed device. What a wonderful invention the elevator is. You now arrive on your floor and the doors open and since you are the last person on, you are the first person to exit. You are smiling as you exit and relaxed. Now I want you to walk over to another elevator and press the button to call that elevator. All of those people are following you, the people who were on the last elevator with you and they are relaxed and happy. They enjoy riding elevators just like you do in this movie. You call the elevator by pressing the button and the elevator arrives 42 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V and the doors open and you walk onto the elevator and you are the first person on this elevator and all those people come onto the elevator after you so you are in the back of the elevator and you turn around facing the doors and it is a little tight in this elevator so you move to make room for the other people. But you are comfortable with the idea of riding on elevators with other people, or alone. You are comfortable on this elevator. And now all the people are on the elevator and the doors close. And now this time you are going to go down twenty floors, that’s right, down the elevator in this movie. In this movie you can go up or down as many floors you choose because it is your imagination. Going down twenty floors now. Notice how relaxed you are. Notice how relaxed you are, that’s right. So relaxed riding this elevator because you truly love riding elevators. You look forward to riding elevators. Elevators for you are fun, safe, well-built. They save time. They save energy. Rather than walking up and down the stairs you prefer to ride elevators. Traveling down, down, down, so relaxed as you go, that’s right, so relaxed. And now you arrive twenty floors below where you were. And the doors open and people exit and you are the last to exit since you were the first to enter. And as you exit you realize that you have let go of any fear. You have let it go. That is behind you now, gone because you love riding elevators. And before the doors even close you get back on that elevator alone, smiling and happy. And this time you are going up thirty floors, that’s right. Pressing the button now and the doors close. Going up thirty floors by yourself, so relaxed. Notice how powerful you have become. Notice how relaxed you are with elevators. You look forward to riding elevators. You look for opportunities to ride elevators. Elevators are fun for you. You love riding elevators and you are enjoying this ride on the elevator. Up, up, up relaxing more and more. Elevators relax you. While riding elevator you relax your mind. It’s like a meditation for you when you ride an elevator. So relaxing, 43 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V so peaceful riding an elevator. And now you arrive on your floor. You exit the elevator and you are relaxed. Good. Now I would like you to imagine in this movie the scene is changing and you are back wherever you are right now in your real body. Wherever you are sitting down or lying down right now, you are there safe and feeling very powerful because you realize that you can run any elevator anytime and you can be very relaxed while doing so. Congratulations.

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V

Fear of Driving on Freeways As you now relax deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, I would like you to imagine yourself in a movie theater, in the projection booth running the movie. I would also like you to imagine that there is another version of you in the front row watching the movie. And there is yet a third version of you in the movie itself starring in the movie. But right now I would like you to imagine yourself in that projection booth running the movie. Realize that from here you can stop the movie at anytime you choose. And the movie starring you shows you driving on the freeway, that’s right. And see how relaxed you are in the movie. You are smiling. You are focused. You are comfortable. You are happy. And now if you are comfortable with this I would like you to picture yourself being the you in the front row of the theater. And at anytime you choose, you can move your point of view back to the projection booth, but if you are comfortable, imagine yourself sitting in the front row of the theater watching yourself in the movie. See yourself driving onto a freeway, relaxed and comfortable and safe, that’s right. And if you are now comfortable with this you can now imagine yourself in the movie itself and realize that anytime you can move back to the front row of the theater or all the way up into the projection booth and you can even stop the movie if you choose, but if you are comfortable with this imagine yourself in the movie now, driving on the freeway relaxed and safe, calm and focused. Day by day as you do this exercise you realize that you will become more and more relaxed driving on the freeway so that very soon indeed you will be able to drive on the freeway and be very relaxed, that’s right. Because you practice in your mind driving on the freeway and you feel so relaxed as you practice. Therefore when you do drive on the freeway, you will be relaxed and very focused and calm. So relax now as you continue to imagine yourself driving on the freeway and just realize just how 45 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V powerful your mind is. You are becoming more and more relaxed day by day with the idea of driving on the freeway because you are a very calm and powerful and focused person and that feels so good.

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Fear of Driving on Bridges And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, I would like you now to imagine yourself in a movie theater, that’s right. You are sitting in the front row watching a movie all by yourself. And I want you to know there are two other locations you can be in as well. You can choose to be in any of these locations at any time. You can be sitting in the front row watching a movie where you are right now. You can be up in the projection booth running the movie or you can be in the movie itself as an actor. But right now I want you to imagine yourself sitting in the front row of the theater watching the movie. This is a very special movie. This is a movie starring you. As you watch the movie you see yourself preparing to drive on a bridge, that’s right. You are in a vehicle and you are preparing to drive across a bridge and drive successfully across the bridge. Now, if at any time during this process, during this movie experience, if at any time you feel uncomfortable you can imagine yourself up in the projection booth and you can stop the movie. You have that control. Simply by thinking it, you will immediately be up in the projection booth in charge of the movie, safe, protected and in charge of stopping or starting the movie. Also at any time you can imagine yourself being in the movie. So you can move between these three locations, watching, running the movie, acting in the movie. But for right now if you are comfortable with this idea, I’d like you to imagine yourself watching the movie because you are about to cross the bridge in the movie. Now you see yourself crossing the bridge, you are just watching the movie. See yourself happy, smiling. The bridge is stable. Many people have crossed it safely, successfully, every day. There. You have crossed the bridge in the movie. You see yourself continuing to smile. Now you see yourself in the movie approaching another bridge. Approaching another bridge which you will cross. This bridge is also 47 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V very popular. Many people drive across this bridge everyday, safely, peacefully, and successfully. And there you see yourself crossing that bridge smiling again, happy and relaxed, that’s right, still driving across the bridge. And you have crossed the bridge. And as you continue to watch the movie you see yourself approaching the third bridge. This bridge is longer and higher than the other two. You see the look on your face, happy, relaxed, peaceful and you see yourself beginning to cross the bridge now. Look how relaxed you are, so relaxed, so happy, enjoying the view yet easily able to maintain your proper position on the road, easily, safely. Just driving and relaxing, almost halfway across the bridge now, so relaxed. This bridge is very strong, built by very capable engineers. You realize that whoever built this bridge, built it correctly. You realize that if there were a problem with this bridge no one would drive across it. Since you are driving across it and others are driving across it you can rest assured that it is a safe, structurally sound bridge. There, you are almost three quarters of the way across the bridge, safe, happy and smiling. And you now exit the bridge so relaxed and happy now. We’re coming up to another bridge which is identical to the one you just crossed. If you are comfortable with this idea, I would like you to imagine yourself in the movie itself as the actor. You playing the part of yourself in the movie. Now remember at any time if you feel uncomfortable you can move back to the theater where you were watching the movie or you can move up to the projection booth where you can stop the movie if you choose to. So if you are comfortable with the idea of being in the movie, I invite you now to imagine yourself starring in the movie as yourself about to cross the bridge. Look at how relaxed you are. Now remember you are just an actor and this is just a movie. You are safe and protected and best of all you are just imagining this. Relax, it’s all in your mind. Now if you’ve decided to star in the movie playing the role of yourself, you are about to cross the bridge and now you 48 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V are on the bridge safe and relaxed able to leave the movie at any time if you choose to leave, able to stop the movie if you choose to stop it. But if you are still driving on the bridge, just relax, such a beautiful day. Traffic is flowing smoothly. Your vehicle is functioning properly. You are so relaxed. You are always relaxed when you cross bridges in a vehicle. Whether you are driving or not you are relaxed. You actually enjoy driving on bridges. It is fun for you, exciting, relaxing all at the same time. You are almost half way across the bridge now. Notice how relaxed you are, so relaxed. You love bridges. You love driving across them. I am so proud of you for driving across this bridge. There you go, a little over half way across and still relaxed and smiling, that’s right. Smiling and relaxing, it‘s just a movie, it’s just in your mind. Every time you actually cross a bridge, in reality, you will be just as relaxed. Even more relaxed because you enjoy bridges more and more every day. You enjoy crossing them more and more every day. Almost off the bridge and your trip has been safe as it always will be because engineers design bridges, engineers with a lot of education design bridges perfectly and other people take care of the bridges to make sure they are in perfect condition. And now you are leaving the bridge, safely, peacefully, congratulations. And every time you repeat this experience in your mind of driving across bridges you will become more and more relaxed with the idea of driving across bridges. So that in reality, in your real life, in your waking life, you will be able to drive across bridges easily. In fact you will enjoy it. You look forward to it. You have changed your ideas about bridges. You now enjoy driving across them. You look forward to driving across them. In fact sometimes you look for bridges that are interesting, or beautiful, or have a wonderful view. And you look forward to driving across them. Congratulations, you have made a powerful change in your life and I think you are going to be surprised that now other areas of you life are going to improve as well because since you have 49 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V mastered the idea of driving across bridges in a relaxed way, you will be able to master other areas of your life. Congratulations on this powerful decision to be a powerful relaxed, confident person.

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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V

Fear of Dogs And as you now relax deeper and deeper and deeply relaxed, you imagine yourself in a movie theater and you imagine yourself in the projection booth. You are showing a movie and the star of this movie is you and you also see yourself in the front row of the theater. So you are in the projection booth, you are in the movie, and you are in the front row of the theater. For right now you imagine yourself in the project booth safe and comfortable and relaxed. And you watch yourself watching you on the screen and you now see yourself on the screen from the projection booth and you see yourself walking down the street. And up ahead there are some dogs and you are safe in the projection booth as you watch this movie. And if at any time you want, you may stop the movie, it is your choice and you watch yourself walking down the street. And now you see yourself approaching a few dogs and you see a smile on your face. You’ve very, very relaxed and happy seeing yourself approach these dogs. And now you see the screen from the front row of the theater, that’s right. You are now seeing the screen from the you sitting in the front row of the theater, watching yourself on the screen interacting with the dogs. And at anytime you may choose to go back to the projection booth or stop the movie. You are in complete control. You watch yourself play with the dogs, very happy and peaceful and relaxed. And now you may choose to see the dogs from the you who is in the movie, that’s right. You now imagine yourself in the movie and you can at any time move back to the front row or back to the projection booth. You see yourself there interacting with the dogs. You see the dogs around you and you are happy and relaxed, as you always are around dogs, happy, relaxed, and comfortable. You’re always very, very relaxed around dogs. You love dogs and you understand that dogs love you and that feels so good. 51 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V

Fear of Dental Procedures You are becoming very comfortable with the idea of visiting the dentist. You realize that in the past visiting the dentist caused some anxiety, but now you find day by day that anxiety diminishing. You know that a dentist is a highly trained individual. You know that a dentist always has your best interest in mind. You know that you have chosen your dentist. You know that the dental procedures you will be seeing the dentist for are in your best interest. And so, keeping all these things in mind, a visit to the dentist is a very pleasant happening for you. You’re so relaxed as you now imagine yourself going to the dentist office. As you approach the dentist office, you become more and more relaxed because you know you are going to visit a professional, a state approved professional. You know that your dentist has all the proper qualifications to do the best job possible. As you imagine yourself now entering the dentist office, the smells of the office relax you more and more, because you know that these are the smells associated with dental hygiene, with proper oral care, with getting the treatments you need, with getting the treatments you deserve. And as you check in and sit in the waiting room, you are so very relaxed. Relaxing even more now, ten times more relaxed. And as you move towards the dental examining room for your consultation or your cleaning or your procedure, you are so relaxed, ten times more relaxed than you were even in the waiting room. So very relaxed, as you sit now comfortably in the dental chair realizing that this chair has been designed for your comfort and to allow the dentist to do the best job possible. And if there is a light overhead, this light relaxes you. Like the relaxing light coming from the sun on a warm sunny day at the beach. Relaxes you ten times more, you are so very relaxed and happy and completely at ease. You realize that any pain you may feel will be minimal. You realize that the dentist and anyone associated with the dentist, 52 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V working in the office, will do their very best to make sure you have the most comfortable visit possible. And so any pain is so minimal and you realize that sometimes as part of the procedure there is some bleeding. This bleeding is so minimal. Your body is able to control the bleeding; it is just a normal part of the process and you are so relaxed. As you now lie there, relaxing, realizing that you are getting the care you need. The whole procedure goes by so easily, so quickly, you are surprised. You are surprised at how easy and effortless the visit was and now you imagine yourself getting out of the chair, a smile on your face. You realize you have done something good for yourself. A visit to the dentist is such a positive thing because you are taking care of yourself. You are putting trust in thoroughly trained healthcare professionals and this feels so good. You are so happy that you have access to proper healthcare and as you leave the dentist office, you’re so very happy, so very relaxed knowing that you did something for yourself.

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Fear of Darkness You are so very relaxed as you now imagine yourself sitting in a well lit movie theater, watching a movie. And this movie is starring you. And you also imagine there is another version of you in the projection booth running the movie, that’s right, there are three versions of you. One is sitting in the theater watching the movie. One is in the movie itself. And one is in the projection booth controlling the movie. And as you sit in this well lit theater, you are watching a movie of yourself. I would like you now to imagine that you are that version of yourself in the projection booth, in the well-lit projection booth, running the movie, watching yourself in the theater. As you also watch yourself in the movie. And as you watch the movie you realize that since you are in the projection booth, you can stop the movie at anytime. And you see yourself in that movie walking into a dark room and smiling and being so relaxed. You realize that it is just a movie and you are safe in the projection booth which is well lit. You see yourself in that dark room smiling and relaxed. You now watch a different scene where you are sitting in a room and the lights are turned off and you smile because you are calm and relaxed and you feel safe. And now if you are comfortable with this, you can imagine yourself being the version of you that is sitting in the front row of the theater. And you realize there is still another version of you running the movie. You are in control of the movie and there is a version of you in the movie and you see the version of you in the movie sitting in a dark room and you are smiling. And the lights go on and you continue smiling in that movie. And the lights in that movie go off and you continue smiling in that movie. And if you are comfortable with this I would like you now to imagine yourself being the version of you in the movie, sitting in a well lit room, that’s right, relaxed. And the lights slowly dim and you continue relaxing and at anytime you can leave the movie and go 54 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V back to watching the movie from the front row or the projection booth or you can stop the movie completely, because you are in complete control. The lights now are completely off in the movie and you continue to relax and think beautiful and peaceful thoughts. You are so relaxed and at ease. And each time you listen to this recording, you will become more and more comfortable being the version of you in that movie and you will allow yourself to see different scenes where you are in darkness. You will allow yourself to be in different scenes where you are in darkness and relaxed and peaceful and calm and strong and very confident. Day by day you are becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of being in the dark. And you realize that darkness is your friend and you are relaxed and comfortable in the dark. So relax now and realize just how powerful you are. Relax.

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Fear of Commitment And as you continue to relax you realize just how powerful you are and you now think about all the wonderful things that make you unique, your creativity, your intelligence, your desire to share your wonderful self with another. And as you continue to relax, you realize now that you are prepared to be committed, to be committed to another, to share your life with them. And as you breathe in deeply now, breathe in self-assurance and as you exhale, let go of any fear. Breathing in deeply again, breathe in strength and confidence. And as you exhale, slowly let go of any remaining fear, just let it go. As you continue relaxing deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, I would like you now to imagine yourself in a committed relationship. And notice how happy you are. Happy that you have the power and control to allow yourself to commit to another, to allow yourself to share your life with another, that’s right. And realize that you trust them and they trust you because they are completely honest. You are fully prepared for this relationship, that’s right. See yourself happy and successful in this relationship and realize that it will last, it will endure because you are committed to yourself, to honor your word, to allow that relationship to endure. And you are committed to that other special person, to allow them to have you in their life. And they allow you to have them in yours and that feels so good. That is a wonderful feeling, sharing your life, sharing your love, sharing those special times with another. And this feels just right. This feels natural for you. Day by day you will find that your comfort with committing grows stronger and stronger. You become more and more comfortable with the idea of committing to another and sharing your life and your love with them. So relax now and realize just how powerful you are. Able to allow yourself to relax and commit to another.

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Fear of Clowns Script You are feeling very comfortable and you are completely at ease. Now, picture yourself entering a movie theater. Take a look around. It is a very large and open room. The theater has many rows of red comfortable seats. The movie has not yet started, so it isn’t very dark yet. You look at the movie screen. It’s large and you look forward to watching the movie. You look up and toward the back of the theater and you notice a small window. This is the projection room, where they project the movie onto the screen. You sit down in the front row and get comfortable. Perhaps you are with a friend or maybe you are by yourself, it is up to you. The chair is large and you feel safe in this movie theater. Trailers to upcoming movies begin and you get absorbed in them. Now it is time for the movie to start. You are feeling completely at ease and you are excited about the movie starting. So, you sit back and enjoy. As the movie begins, you notice that you are in this movie. That’s right, you are the star of this movie. You watch yourself on the big screen and you are happy to see yourself. In the movie, you are entering a large arena and you give a ticket to someone and walk in. You are walking towards your seat and you realize that you are going to watch a performance. You watch as the show begins. In the movie you are at the circus and you watch yourself in the movie as clowns enter the arena. Now if at any point you feel uncomfortable, you are able to transport yourself into the projection room and watch from afar. Also, if you have any difficulty with watching the movie, you can shut it off at anytime. Imagine yourself in the projection room. You are a little more at ease up here because you know you have a little more control. You watch yourself from high up in the projection room. In the movie, you are ten rows back from the performers and the clowns. The clowns do not notice you, they are busy performing. You start to feel a little more comfortable in the projection room. 57 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V You are not tempted to shut down the movie, but you know you can if you need to. You watch yourself in the movie, you look so happy and you are obviously having fun. You are feeling a little more comfortable now, so you decide to go back into the theater and watch from the front row. You settle down into your comfortable seat. You understand that if you feel uncomfortable at any point in time, you can go back to the projection room and turn off the movie if you have to. You continue to watch and you find yourself enjoying the movie. In the movie, you a clown starts to slowly approach you. You feel so calm and so relaxed. The clown in the movie asks you to smell a flower and as you smell it, it squirts some water. You laugh in the movie, people around you laugh, and you laugh while you are sitting in the movie theater. You understand that you can watch this clown and feel confident that it will not harm you, because you are only watching. The clown then gives you a real flower to keep and you accept this flower from the nice clown. If at any time, you are feeling comfortable with the movie, go ahead and put yourself in the movie. Pretend that you are watching the performance. If you feel uncomfortable, that is fine too and you can stay in the theater or in the projection room. As you continue to look up at the screen, the clowns are doing an act on the arena floor and this makes you laugh and you smile. This is the point in time, maybe not now, but maybe in future listening of this recording, you decide to be in the movie. Let’s pretend that you are now in the movie and you are watching the circus from the tenth row in the arena. There are five clowns in front of you. If you feel uneasy, you can go back to the theater or the projection room, but right now you feel confident. You trust the clowns. You now realize that you can feel at ease around clowns. They are funny characters with brightly painted faces and fun clothing. You are confident and strong and you are ready to take on whatever comes your way. And each time you listen to this recording you become more comfortable around 58 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V clowns. So relax and realize that everything is going to be just fine.

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Fear of Break-Ins (Burglaries) And as you continue relaxing deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, I would like you to imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater sitting in the front row watching a movie. This is a very special movie theater. In this movie theater you can be in three different places and I will explain that now. You can be sitting in the front row of the theater watching the movie or you can be in the movie itself because the movie is staring you. You are the central part of the movie or you can be the person running the movie projector. At anytime you choose, you can switch your point of view to any of these locations. You can be the you watching the movie in the front row or you can be the you starring in the movie as the central character or you can be the you in control of the movie. But for right now I would like you to imagine yourself sitting in the front row watching the movie and on the screen you see yourself comfortably sitting in your home. It is daytime and you are going about your normal activities. There are other people around you. You feel so calm and so safe. Look at yourself, you are smiling. You are very relaxed and you feel comfortable in your home. Now remember you are simply imagining this and you are sitting in the front row of the theater watching the movie and at any time you can become the you that is running the projector and you can stop the movie if you choose. But for right now you continue watching the movie sitting in the front row of the theater. Now you see yourself in your home during the middle of the day and you are by yourself. The truth is that you enjoy being by yourself in your home and in just a moment if you are comfortable with this idea I would like you to imagine that you are in your home so you will shift your point of view to your home. In other words you will see the world as the character in the movie so that you are in your house alone and remember at any time you can move your point of view into either the you that is watching the movie or the 60 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V you that is running the movie. But for right now perhaps you are comfortable imagining yourself in that movie, acting in that movie, alone in the house. The sun is going down and you are busying yourself in your home. You feel so safe and comfortable here. Your doors are locked and you realize that you are completely safe from harm. Perhaps you hear a unique sound. You listen for a moment and you immediately identify the sound. You are so calm and peaceful and you realize that you have nothing to worry about. Now the movie changes scenes and it is the next day. You leave your home. You make sure that is locked and secure and you feel confident that your home is safe while you are gone. You go about your normal daily activities outside of your home. Now in the scene, you are coming back to your home. You unlock the door and you feel so safe and secure entering your home. You realize that everything is exactly how you left it. You feel so calm and confident in your home. Feel how relaxed you. You realize that your home is safe. You have made sure that your home is as safe and secure as possible. You realize that the chances of someone breaking into your house is a very, very small chance. You feel so confident and so secure in your home. You are smiling as you spend time either alone or with people in your home. And relaxed at all times whether it is day or night because you feel peaceful and safe in your home. You are comfortable with yourself and with your secure home. In this movie you are walking around your house, doing the things you normally do in your home. All throughout the movie you are smiling and enjoying yourself. You feel so safe and comfortable and secure. Notice how relaxed you are. Notice how relaxed you are, that’s right. So relaxed. You look forward to spending time in your home and you also enjoy spending time away from your home because you know that at all times, your home is safe and secure. And you realize that you have let go of any fear you once had about break-ins. You have let it go. That is behind you 61 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V now, gone because you no longer live in fear. Your life is filled with positive things and you have confidence that you will not be a victim of a burglary. Notice how powerful you have become. Notice how relaxed you are at all time in your home. You know that the people and things and yourself in your home are safe. You are so relaxed and so peaceful. Now I would like you to imagine in this movie the scene is changing and you are back wherever you are right now in your real body. Wherever you are sitting down or lying down right now, you are there safe and feeling very powerful because you realize that your home is safe and so are you. Congratulations.

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Fear of Birds And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed I would like you to imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater now, that’s right. You are sitting in a movie theater watching a movie. I want you to use your imagination now. I want you to imagine that you can be in more than one location at once. So as you are sitting in the movie theater watching the movie just imagine that you can also be in the movie and imagine that you are also running the movie projector. So you are actually in three locations: sitting in the movie theater, in the movie itself on the screen, and running the movie projector and you can move your point of view to any of these three locations at will. So for now imagine yourself sitting in the theater watching the movie. This movie is starring you. You are the principle lead character in the movie. Remember you are simply watching the movie. Now at any time should you feel uncomfortable, you can imagine yourself moving your point of view to the projector. You can imagine yourself seeing the movie and seeing yourself sitting in the theater from where you are standing at the projector. This means that you can turn the movie off whenever you choose to. But for now just imagine yourself sitting in the movie theater. Imagine that is your point of view from the you who is sitting in the movie theater watching the movie starring you. You are relaxed as you watch the movie and you see yourself on the screen. And you see yourself interacting with a bird, that’s right. It’s just a movie. You see yourself approaching the bird. The bird is sitting on a low-lying branch and you see yourself walking up to the bird and this is a comedy so you are feeling very light, very relaxed, very entertained. You see yourself walking up to the bird and you see yourself touching the bird, it’s a very tame bird and you see yourself smiling at the bird. Since this is just a movie, the bird sings back to you and you sit in the movie theater and you laugh and remember at any 63 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V time you can stop the movie, it’s your choice, but for now you continue to sit and watch the movie. A very funny yet interesting movie. And now you see yourself continuing to walk onward and you see other birds sitting in trees. Three birds are sitting on a branch and you walk up to those birds in the movie. Remember you are just watching a movie, a comedy. You see yourself looking at the birds and admiring them. And the birds smile at you and you smile back and they even talk to you. They say hello, how are you? And in the comedy movie you say fine thank you, how are you? You continue to hold a conversation with the birds. And you watch the movie from your seat and you laugh. It is very entertaining to see yourself with the birds. You remember now just how much you enjoy being with birds, how much you enjoy touching them and interacting with them. You relax even more now and you continue walking on in the movie until you come to a group of birds, a group of ten birds. See yourself in the movie now surrounded by happy birds making their bird sounds, talking to you, smiling at you and you smile back. You are safe and protected. You see yourself in that movie with ten birds around you. These birds are your friends. Reach down and pick one up, in the movie of course. And each time you listen to this recording you will become more and more comfortable around birds and more and more comfortable with switching your point of view to the you in the movie. In other words, perhaps now you would like to imagine that you are in the movie holding that bird. If you are comfortable with that, go ahead and make that switch now. Imagine that you are in the movie holding the bird and as you look out at the theater you can see your other selves, you sitting in the seat and you running the projector and you remember how safe you are as you are holding a bird. You are safe as you are holding a bird, safe and relaxed. It’s just a movie. You are so relaxed now as you continue talking to the bird in the movie. And at any point you can imagine yourself back in the seat in the theater or 64 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V in the safety of the projection booth. You can switch your point of view around at will, but perhaps now you are imagining that you are in the movie, relaxed and interacting with the bird, relaxed and interacting with the bird, and you put that bird back on the branch and you pick up two others, that’s right. They are perched on your finger and they smile at you and they talk with you and you realize that from this point forward in your real life you will be comfortable with birds, comfortable with being in the vicinity of any bird. You realize that birds are your friends. You are relaxed with this idea as you continue to interact with the birds in this interesting light comedy movie. See yourself standing now under a tree with many birds around. Perhaps some fly near you in a very playful way. You are so relaxed and at ease as a few of the birds sing to you now. They are so fun and funny and happy and you are happy and relaxed, happy and relaxed. You are always happy and relaxed when in the vicinity of birds, happy and relaxed. And let all of this drift from your mind now. Realize that every time you listen to this recording you become a little more relaxed around birds, allowing yourself to create more scenes in the movie after I am done talking, more happy and relaxing scenes. So relax now and if you have been listening to this recording for several nights already, perhaps now you will take this opportunity to create some very pleasant experiences with the birds, very pleasant experiences. So relax now and allow yourself to drift even more deeply now.

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Appendix I have over two decades of experience in hypnosis. I have a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida, an M.Ed. from Armstrong Atlantic State University, and I am working on a doctorate degree at Georgia Southern University. I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a member of both the American Board of Hypnotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotists, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, and director of the Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. I am also on the board of directors of the American Lung Association in Los Angeles. I currently live in Savannah, Georgia, but I see clients and teach classes worldwide. My client base consists largely of people who need to lose weight or gain confidence. Other clients include sales teams interested in boosting motivation and increasing income, singles searching for love, insomniacs desiring proper sleep, and smokers wanting to change their habits, to name just a few topics. It is my hope that this book will create a cadre of hypnotherapists who feel a strong commitment toward practicing with integrity, thus altering negative perceptions about hypnotherapy, while allowing people to make positive changes. To this end, I am providing you with the tools to change people’s habits and perceptions, and to help them overcome fears. I know that you can help your patients find love, make a fortune, and reach their optimum level of physical fitness through hypnotherapy. For more information about me and about hypnotherapy, I invite you to visit my website, www.stevegjones.com. There, you will find a collection of hypnotherapy CDs, mp3s, and audio books. Among the recorded sessions, you will find over 120 titles including 66 www.SteveGJones.com

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume V Weight Loss, Confidence.





You also will find a link to my e-mail address, [email protected]. I am available to answer your questions or address your concerns, and I wish you all the luck and prosperity the world has to offer.

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References Bierman, S. (1995). Medical hypnosis. Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health, 11(1), 65.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2004). Southern Medical Journal

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Resources Steve G. Jones, M.Ed., Clinical Hypnotherapist (The official website of Steve G. Jones) http://www.stevegjones.com American Alliance of Hypnotists (Membership is free in this worldwide online directory) http://www.hypnotistsalliance.com Classes on Hypnotherapy (Become a certified clinical hypnotherapist online in eight weeks) http://americanallianceofhypnotists.org/classes.htm Hypnotherapy pre-recorded sessions (Over 250 specific topics such as weight loss on CD and mp3) http://www.stevegjones.com/products.htm

Hypnotherapy Scripts (Mostly written by MD’s and Ph.D.’s) Hammond, D. Corydon. Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. 1990. New York: W. W. Norton and Company. (A Norton Professional Book from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.)

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Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. Available at http://www.stevegjones.com/books.htm and select bookstores worldwide.

-Basic Hypnotherapy for Professionals -Advanced Hypnotherapy for Professionals -Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume I -Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume II -Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I -Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II -Hypnotic Techniques for Dating Success -Business guide for Hypnotherapists (Office set-up, websites, forms, advertising online, search engine optimization, creating and selling hypnotherapy CD’s and mp3’s) -Hypnotic Sales Mastery Techniques -Hypnosis for Laymen -Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy -Hypnotherapy Case Studies

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