91. MANILA MANIL A INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY and ANTONIO P. GANA VS. OLONGAPO MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC. and TRIPLE CROWN SERVICES, INC. G.R. No, 146184-8!G.R. No. 16111", #an$a%& '1, ())8 Na*$%+ o *+ P%o++d/n0: P%o++d/n0 : Petition for Writ of Preliminary Injunction Ma*+%/a 2a*3 1.) OMSI OMSI and and TCSI TCSI were were among among the the fie fie contr contract actor! or! of MI"" MI"" which which had had janito janitoria riall and and maintenance !erice contract! coering ariou! area! in the #inoy "$uino International "ir%ort. &efore their !erice contract! e'%ired on Octo(er Octo(er 1* 1++,* the MI"" &oard of -irector!* through "ntonio P. ana* then eneral Manager of MI""* wrote OMSI and TCSI informing them that their contract! would no longer (e renewed after Octo(er 1* 1++,. /.) On Se%tem(er Se%tem(er /,* 1++,* 1++,* TCSI* in a letter letter to ana* e'%re!!ed e'%re!!ed it! concern concern oer the award award of it! conce!!ion area to a new !erice contractor through a negotiated contract. It !aid that that to award award TCSI0 TCSI0! ! contr contract act (y mere mere nego negotia tiatio tion n would would iolat iolate e it! right right to e$ual e$ual %rotection of the law. TCSI thu! !ugge!ted that a %u(lic (idding (e conducted and that the effec effecti tiity ity of it! !eric !erice e contra contract ct (e mean meanwhi while le e'ten e'tende ded d until until a winnin winning g (id (id i! declared. .) In re%ly* re%ly* MI"" wrote wrote TCSI and OMSI reiterat reiterating ing it! di!inclin di!inclinatio ation n to renew the latter0! latter0! contract!* adding that it wa! to the goernment0! adantage to in!tead ju!t negotiate with other contractor!. The MI"" !aid that awarding a contract through negotiation wa! in accordance with Section + of 'ecutie Order #o. 2O) +34 Sec. ,/ of 5e%u(lic "ct #o. 25") ,6//* otherwi!e 7nown a! the General Appropriations Act for 1998 4 and Sec. 819 of the oernment "ccounting and "uditing Manual 2""M). 8.) Con!e Con!e$u $uen ently tly** OMSI OMSI and and TCSI TCSI in!tit in!titute uted d ciil ciil ca!e! ca!e! again again!t !t MI"" MI"" to fore!t fore!tal alll the the terminat termination ion of their their contrac contract! t! and %reent MI"" from negotia negotiating ting with other other !erice !erice contractor!. I33$+3 1.) Whether Whether or not the Court of "%%eal! "%%eal! erred erred in declarin declaring g that re!%onden re!%ondent! t! had e'tant e'tant intere!t! in the awarding of the !erice contract! /.) Whether Whether or not the Court of "%%eal "%%eal! ! erred in holding holding that %etition %etitioner! er! had no %ower to award the !erice contract! through negotiation
R$/n0 " deci!ion i! here(y rendered* rendered* ordering ordering a! follow!: 1. The negotiated contract (y and (etween the re!%ondent! and the re!olution of the MI"" &oard* dated Octo(er /* 1++,* authoriing MI"" management and;or re!%ondent M ana to negotiate and award !erice contract! u%on the e'%iration of the %re!ent !erice contract* on Octo(er 1* 1++, are here(y declared #OI-4 /. The writ of %reliminary injunction i! 5C"==- and #
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