9 Ways to Kill Kim Taeyeon.pdf

April 20, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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9 Ways to Kill Kim Taeyeon

Hwang Tiffany is given her very first task by her mentor, and it is to kill Kim Taeyeon within nine days.




Lu Han:

Way One


"You called me Sir?"-Tiffany sat down across her mentor who was holding a red folder on his hands and had a big smile on his face.

"This is it Tiffany this is your chance to prove that you can become one of us."-Her mentor smile at her and gave her the folder he was holding.

Tiffany took it and looked at it with interest. The first thing she notice was what it said on top of the folder once she open it. 'PRACTICE TARGET'. Tiffany's eye were wide open at the realization of what this meant.

"Oh My God! no way you got me approved Luhan!?"-Tiffany jumped up and down in happiness.

Her mentor was looking at her weird."Well not exactly, you see this is a practice target. So what it means is if you are successful you will be, but you are not at the

moment you're still a trainee. As your mentor I'm looking out for you, so Tiffany don't mess it up."-He smile.

"-pout- I won't----- have some faith in me."-Tiffany looked at him angry. "I do, that's why I was able to convinced the boss to give you this last chance. She's your last chance Tiffany."-Luhan open the folder for Tiffany to see again.

"Kim Taeyeon. Born March 9, 1989. 5'2 inches tall. LIMIT TIME: WITHIN NINE DAYS. She's pretty short for a 25 year old and looks way to young too. So looks at paper- why is this all the information on this folder?"-Tiffany asked after seeing nothing more personal information from the girl.

"Tiffany--- there is not suppose to be any. You're going to kill her the less you know the better. The best thing is you have 9 days to do it YAY!".Luhan was right about the less you know the better and Tiffany knew.

"Yeah--- I don't know what was on my mind. I guess I just find it weird to why she's a target, she doesn't seem dangerous at all."

"Looks are deceiving, I mean out there who would think your an assassin in training but hey! you are."-The mentor wins again. "-sigh-One day."-Tiffany pointed the pencil towards her mentor in a threatening way.

Luhan play alone and raise his hands in defeated but deep inside he wasn't really sure what she meant by what she said. He ended up breaking under pressure. "Wait... what do you mean?". Tiffany looked back at him and smile then walked away from the office.

After she was out of the office."HA! I win"-Tiffany started walking towards the exit door. She did win at the end intimidating was what she was best at after all. Too bad intimidation wasn't a needed skill when you're an assassin.


Okay I can do this. Yes Tiffany you can, don't worry about it so much. I mean how hard can it be to kill this girl. I don't know anything about her really so I don't care about her at all.

Okay she should be coming out of the building any time soon now. I hope she does soon I hate waiting for so long. I need to proved to Luhan and boss that I can do

this, I can be an assassin. I was born for this. I have 9 days to complete this task but I will only use 1---no! I will only use half a day!


It had been about 4 hours since Tiffany got there, she had fallen asleep until someone woke her up. There was a man knocking her car's window. She rolled down the window and spoke in an annoyed voice. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?"Tiffany asked.

"You're on my parking space! Now move before I call the police!"-The man shouted at her. Suddenly the buildings door open Tiffany turn her attention towards the person. "Bingo! About time."-Tiffany close the car's window then turn on the car.

The man was pissed when Tiffany ignore him and just drove off without giving him an apology. Tiffany follow slowly in the car behind her target the girl was listening to music while walking in a childish way without a care in the world down the street.

"She seems so immature, I can't help to want to know why she's a good target. Is she some kind of a secret maniac that acts innocent at day time but at night time she's a cruel murder!?"-Tiffany was so focused on her target that she wasn't even looking at road anymore.

-BAM- Tiffany run into another car. "CRAP! DAMN IT!"-Tiffany got of the car and started walking ignoring the screams from the woman behind her, the only thing on her mind was the target and not losing her.

Tiffany wasn't worried about the car since it wasn't hers, she was careful not to leave finger prints. So whatever the charges were she wouldn't be the one paying for them. Tiffany was now following behind Taeyeon walking as slow and normal as possible but still careful not to go too slow because she couldn't lose her.

When Taeyeon turn around a corner, Tiffany walked slower when turning the corner in case the target might be waiting there for her. But once she turn the corner the target was walking towards a park.

"NO! Great now I have to wait longer to kill her! I can't just knife her to death while everyone watches at the park. There are kids there, darn it."-With a pout on her face Tiffany kept walking behind Taeyeon.


After hours of following Taeyeon, Tiffany was feeling exhausted. All the girl had done is walked the park from one end to the other. "Okay this it! It seems she's going home. The best thing is that is dark, it's perfect a lot of things happen at night."-Tiffany grew imaginary horns on her head.

She continued to follow the girl to see if she could find the perfect spot to execute her plan. But as time pass by there was always people around when she found one. "CRAP she's almost home.----- I got it!"-Tiffany had a brilliant idea.

She started running to the other side of the street, them run down the street a good distance away from Taeyeon, she crosses the street again and hide herself around a corner. "Okay once I see her walk by me I will grabbed her and cut her throat."

Tiffany's idea was great, until the moment Taeyeon walked pass her and a man was walking close behind her stopping Tiffany from grabbing her. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?"-Tiffany grabbed her hair in frustration.

"That's it, your drying tonight KIM TAEYEON without or with people around." Tiffany keep walking close behind the two, the man moved to one side leaving a perfect view of Taeyeon's back perfect for Tiffany's new plan to take place.

Tiffany grabbed her knife quickly she turn it around to the sharp side and without anymore thought to it she threw the knife. Too bad the moment it slip her hand she trip and felt down the knife although was drown.

It was thrown so bad it ended up hitting the wall and ended up bouncing back to Tiffany. Tiffany was flat on her face with the hand she threw the knife with stretched out. The knife came back stabbing Tiffany's hand it went completely through her hand.

Tiffany quickly looked at her hand and could see the knife going through all the way. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!"-Tiffany screamed in pain, the man behind Taeyeon turn around and was shocked to see a girl on the floor with a knife through her hand.

He went to her quickly worried for her being. On the other hand Taeyeon didn't hear her screams because she was still listening to music loudly enough to block any other sound around her. She kept walking down the street to her small flat without a care.

Meanwhile Tiffany was crying her eyes off. "Are you okay?"-The man asked. Tiffany looked at him pissed off. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY!?"-Tiffany shouted at the man, throwing him off guard.

"Hey I'm just trying to help lady"-He defended himself. "Help!? Is your fault this happen to me!"-Tiffany stood up she kick the guy on his private part before walking away. The man was left dumbfounded and in a lot of pain rolling on the floor.

Tiffany looked back at him angry, then back in front of her. She was now walking in the opposite direction Taeyeon had. "My poor hand~~~"-Tiffany said while tears felt down her beautiful eyes.


Way Two


"-LMAO- I would have giving anything to be there when it happen!"-Luhan laugh as loud as he could while assisting Tiffany's hurt hand.

After the incident she had gone back to the building where she worked/lived after calling Luhan about what happen instead of going to the hospital like normal people who have if they were on the same situation as Tiffany.

"SHUT UP! If you would have been there I would have kicked on your private part too! Well----now that I think about it I could still do it here. "-Tiffany pouted cutely but at the same time had evil writing all over her face.

"O_O NO! I'm good."-Luhan stopped laughing and continue to finish what he was doing. He looked at Tiffany who had a victorious smile on her face. She looked like she was pure evil.

"-sigh- All I need today is some good sleep, because tomorrow I will make sure that Kim Taeyeon will stop breathing for good."-Tiffany was determent to end her practice target's life by the next day.

"I hope so, as soon as you do it the less possibilities there are of you hurting yourself, even more."-Luhan commented after he finish with what he was doing, he looked at his watch and then looked at Tiffany not expecting to find HellFany already out of her cage.

"Just because I knife went through my hand doesn't mean I can't use the same hand to slap you, Sir."-She threaten him with respect of course. "-chuckle- You are so weird Pinky."-Luhan always found the girl to be amusing.

"-smile- So do you have a mission tonight?"-Tiffany was trying to look at Luhan's phone while he was reading a message. "Yep in fact I got to go, see you tomorrow hopefully with the good news that you killed Kim Taeyeon before you kill yourself."-He trolled her again before running away from her.

"THE HECK!? You will pay for what you said!"-Tiffany run behind him but he had disappeared already by the time she reached the door, he was pretty good at hiding.


That idiot, I hate it when trolls me like that and disappears like nothing. Man I got to learn how to do that. -gets phone out- Let's see, -writes on her phone- Have to learn how to disappear, or learn magic tricks. Is the same thing whatever. -puts phone away-.

Kim Taeyeon, I can't get you out of my mind you keep hunting me like a nightmare! Now more than ever I want to kill you. Tomorrow there won't be a power, powerful enough to make me not kill you. -grows evil horns-

Muhahahaha, I was laughing evilly like never before as I walked down to my room when I saw one of the other assassins in training staring at me like I was beyond crazy, and I don't blame him I sort of am crazy.

I looked at him with an evil smirk as I pass by him, is not like I care about what he thinks. I'm not here to make any friends. I don't trust anyone not even Luhan is just a form of weakness and I am not willing to carry it on my back.

Finally my room! I'm so tired, as soon as I enter my room I let all my weight fall on my bed like nothing else matter for a second. I'm sure this pink baby can take me I am not that heavy. -pout-.

I don't even have the energy to change my clothes right now...too tired to care. Besides whose going to smell me at night.------- I'm so stupid I don't even know what I'm thinking anymore......I just need to sleep. Tomorrow will be a brand new day, the day I kill you Taeyeon. -smile-.....Taeyeo~~~ -falls asleep-.


Taeyeon~~ aaahh~~------AAAAAHHH!!!! -wakes up- O_O the heck!? was I dreaming about. -thinks- wait! I don't want to remember........ Okay -smiles- today is the day~~ -sings- this is going to be a great day~. I woke up with a good mood today this has to be a good signal.

I stood up from the bed and went directly to the bathroom to do the necessary procedures to look perfect in the eyes of the mortal. -laughs-....okay back to reality---- I do need to do something about everything.

It took me about 2 hours to get perfect. -smiles- now I have a few hours to think of the way I'm going to kill that shorty---I better do it over breakfast, I'm starving right now I can't think with an empty stomach.

I left the building after I send Luhan a message, his probably sleeping now since he had to work last night. Whoever appears on the news dead today I'm sure that's who Luhan killed.


It was now 4 pm in the afternoon, Tiffany had taken all morning relaxing and then ate lunch with Luhan, now she was waiting for Taeyeon, she was guessing she would go for a walk like she had the other day around the same time.

A few minutes later like Tiffany had anticipated Kim Taeyeon was exiting her flat, she was wearing short shorts, and a revealing white tank top. Tiffany was left staring at the girl's body for a little while.

-slap- Tiffany woke herself up from the thoughts she was having. "The what!---- I am thinking.". She scolded herself. She was sitting down on a bench not far from Taeyeon's home.

"I just hope she doesn't go the park again."-Tiffany stood up and walked slowly waiting for Taeyeon to keep moving. But Taeyeon suddenly started stretching Tiffany stop walking. She lean her back against the wall waiting for Taeyeon to start walking and for another hidden reason as well.

After about 2 minutes Kim Taeyeon started jogging down the street. "NO! Why life? why do you hate me!? Running really? -sigh-.......well she does have a good.....Shut up me!"-She scolded herself again.

Tiffany hated running because it meant sweating, but duty call she started jogging slower than Taeyeon and not that it was necessary but because she was tired by the time they reached the second minute of jogging down the street.

"God I need to get in shape!, if Luhan was here he would tell me the same thing, but I hate running!"-Tiffany though to herself as she follow Kim Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was listening to music, the girl didn't seem to be at all tired unlike Tiffany who had her tongue sticking out of her mouth, the poor pinky looked like she was in her last minutes of life.

After a few more minutes, Taeyeon made a sudden stop and looked like she was going to turn around, Tiffany notice this and threw herself without thinking thankfully there was an alley right where she was passing by. She landed next to a dumpster.

She stood up quickly and place her back against a wall then took a pick towards where Taeyeon was, when she did Taeyeon was just standing still it wasn't clear what she was doing. Tiffany -sigh- in relieved, after the shorty started jogging again.


There she goes again, she doesn't seem tired at all. While I feel like my soul is leaving my body, I can't continue I was probably breathing to heavy that's why she heard me. I can't risk exposure, I'll just wait for her here she has to come back this way I'm sure.

Besides this will be a great place to execute plan two, I can wait for her here right when she comes by here I will grabbed her by the neck this time for sure and -takes something out of her pocket- I will choke her with my pink wire I specially got for her. -evil smirk-.

Now all I need to do is wait for her right here. I sat myself right next to the ally looking at the direction Taeyeon had gone as soon as I see her coming back I will take my place and kill her like I should have yesterday.

"Here go buy some food child"-I heard a woman said from my side I turn to look at her she looked at me with pity and threw 1 dollar at me. All I could do was stare at her, she left without saying anything else.

The heck?! Do I look like I'm homeless or something?! I threw the dollar and ignore that old lady and try to keep my head focused on what I was doing, I just hope no other idiot comes here does the same because I will lose the little patience I own.


Finally from the distance I could see her coming, I'm pretty sure that's her, so I stood up and took my place. I kept staring at her making sure she would come this way. As she got closer I could see she was---- eating a banana? while she runs? man this girl can do anything and she still doesn't look at all tired.

While Tiffany was still thinking about how good of a runner the shorty was, Taeyeon kept getting closer and closer to her. Once she was almost going to pass by her, Tiffany hide herself leaning against the wall she had the wire ready on her hands to choke Taeyeon with it, everything was going as plan.

By the time Taeyeon was passing by Tiffany she had already finish eating her banana, so without a care Taeyeon threw the banana peel towards the alley without looking knowing there was a dumber there.

To Tiffany's luck it landed on her face, she grabbed it and threw it on the floor mad at what the girl had accidently done. She saw Taeyeon was about to pass the alley so she run towards her but when she did, she happen to find her yellow enemy once again.

Tiffany slip on the banana peel making her fall down on her back. To add to her good luck she felt down on a small little pond of disgusting water. "EWWWW!!!!!"-Tiffany stood up all wet and smelling like poop.

The wire she had on hands had fallen on the pond, she run out of the alley to look for Taeyeon who by now was a good distance away from her, unaware of what she

had done to Tiffany the moment she threw away that banana peel. "DAMN YOU KIM TAEYEON!"

"You oka----"-A man said but stopped before she finish his sentence, Tiffany recognize that familiar voice and looked at him. He started running for his dear life after recognizing the girl. "YOU BETTER RUN! You're lucky I go to go home before my hand gets infected with that poop smelling water -degusted face-.

Way Three

"So what happen?"-Luhan asked while he drank some tea. Tiffany was preparing herself one as well.

"Bullsh*t happen."-Tiffany looked at her hand. "This guy keeps getting in my way and her...... is like she does everything purposely to screw me up."-Tiffany hit the table with her hand to bad it was with the hurt one.

"AAAHHH *** of a *****!!!! T_T"-Tiffany lean her head on the table while she tried to not cry because of the pain.

"HAHAHAHAhahAHAH"-Luhan started laughing so much he started to cry.

Tiffany looked up at Luhan the boy immediately stopped when he saw HellFany had been awaken. "Don't take it out on me, I didn't do anything."-Luhan surrender before things get ugly.

"*sigh* I have to come up with a new plan, one that can't fail no matter what!"Tiffany started thinking. "*chuckle* After the pass two days it seems the only way you could kill her is if she was dead already."-Luhan started laughing at his own joke.

Tiffany looked up at him with a serious face he stopped and gulp he wasn't sure what might Tiffany do, but to his surprise it wasn't what he expect. "That's it! if she is not conscious then there is no way something will stop me from killing her."Tiffany started clapping.

"O_O What?"-Luhan drank some tea nervously. "I'm going to drug her you idiot."-Tiffany smirked while her imaginary horns grew once again on her head. Luhan just looked at Tiffany weird.

"Wouldn't it be better if you just......"-Luhan stopped talking when he realize he is not suppose to help her come up with ideas she had to do this her own way. ".....Never mind sounds good. Good luck with that."-Luhan did a peace sign then drank some more tea.

"Thanks!"-Tiffany said excited, she stood up and walked away like a little kid jumping, Luhan just stay behind looking at her while she did so. "She makes

everything so complicated and difficult."-Luhan spoke to himself he started chuckling.


"I've been thinking about what Luhan said since I left, his right if I get her unconscious it would make my job 100% easier. She won't be able to resist and it would avoid any more accidents from happening."

Tiffany drove off to the her "home", she went to her room and took some things. "Let's see what I have, I need a disguise for sure so....Ooh."-Tiffany grabbed a short blonde wig she had in her closet.

"It's perfect the ugliness of it will definitely distract any one from looking at my face."-Tiffany continue going through her stuff. She was able to find a costume that would go well with the wig. She smirks to herself feeling confident that this would be the last she would ever have to see Kim Taeyeon alive.

"Now I need the actual drug. I better I get some from the laboratory."-Tiffany walks to the laboratory she saw a woman and smile at her. "Hi~"-Tiffany bows.

"Yes? What do you need?"-The woman asked. "I need some kind of sleeping drug, in order to complete my mission."

"You're on a mission?"-The woman asked her not really believing it. "Well I wouldn't call it a mission but......yes I'm on a mission."-Tiffany flip her hair proudly while she lie. "I can't see how."-The woman bluntly said.

"Excuse me?"-Tiffany wasn't sure if she heard right. "Oh nothing, here."-The woman put a drop of the drug in a small bottle and gave it to Tiffany. "Would that be enough?"-Tiffany asked. "Of course unless you want to kill her immediately?"The woman asked.

"No, I'd make her suffer first like she did to me for the past two days."-Tiffany growl angry. "Whatever you say, fill it with water or whatever else and it will do the trick, effective for at least 3 to 4 hours. Side effects after drinking it...... well let's just say the person might seem to be drunk or high about 10 to 15 minutes after drinking it."-After that the woman turn around to continue doing her own work.

"Awesome!"-Tiffany started dancing, but then she realize something. "Oh...ah can I have a few more empty bottles please?."-Tiffany stood behind the woman with a grin on her face.

The woman turn around and looked at her annoyed. "Does it look like I care? When the boss asked why there are things missing, I'll just tell him it was you. So.... take as many as you want then leave me alone."

Tiffany's smile disappear she was more afraid of the woman than her boss. Tiffany walked and took 8 more small transparent bottles like the one the woman had giving her, she then left the woman alone.

She walked back to her room."Okay I need to make four different types of positions."-Tiffany walked two her fridge and took four bottles of energy drinks of four different colors.

She pore the dark green one on three bottles and name it Remedy Potion, next she took the light purple and name it Antidote, then took the light blue one and name it Potion of Strength and lastly she separated the one with the drug and put some tape on it to the side then fill the remaining three with light red energy drink and named it Love Potion.

"Perfect."-She went to her closet and took out a suit case, she put all the "potions" inside of it. She then took the red costume on the bed and the wig as well then

enter the bathroom to change into it. She put on the short blonde wig with the red costume. "Ugh! So Ugly why did I buy this thing?"-She asks herself while she looks at herself in the mirror.

After she came out she took the brief case and took off with it to meet Kim Taeyeon. She was now driving to Taeyeon's apartment. "So......okay I thought of everything except how the heck I am going to get her attention?....... I guess I should just knock the door? People sell people weird stuff all the time right? But potions?...god damn it, it was so brilliant in my head but now how will I do this?"Tiffany smack herself.

She was about to park her car close to Taeyeon's home but before she did she saw the girl walking out of her apartment. "Wait no! OH COME ON! The pass two days she has made me wait for hours but today when I'm suppose to go to her she's going out early!"-Tiffany hit the car's horn in frustration.

She hide herself quickly when she realize what she had done, she was hoping Taeyeon had ignored it and kept walking to her car. Tiffany took a pick and saw the small girl opening her car's door and got in. "Phew~"-Tiffany felt relived.

She saw Taeyeon's car moving, she waited for Taeyeon to go a little further before she started following her. She kept following Taeyeon for good 15 minutes before

the Shorty came to a stop, she parked her car. Tiffany did as well a little far from her, she had kept her distance while following the Shorty the whole time to not seem too suspicious.

Tiffany finally took some time to see where the heck had she follow Kim Taeyeon to. "The mall? -__- .......Not my best day."-Tiffany saw Taeyeon getting off the car, she also got out not forgetting the suit case. She started walking behind Taeyeon close to cars incase Taeyeon would look back, that way she would get a chance to hide.

She kept following Taeyeon, she saw her go into a clothing store. "*sigh* Now what?"-Tiffany sat down on a bench not too far from the store Tae went in. She was frozen just staring at the store she wasn't sure what she should do now. She didn't see a little girl walking towards her.

"Mom, mom, mommy, look a big doll!"-The little girl said while smiling, the mother came close to her daughter and they were both looking at Tiffany who was at the moment day dreaming so she wasn't blinking at all. The little girl went closer to The Tiffany doll and touched her leg. "It's very soft mommy."-The little girl said while touching Tiffany's leg.

Tiffany was awoken from the daydream feeling small hands touching her, she finally moved and saw the little girl staring at her frozen. Tiffany once again froze when she saw the little thing. "What the heck? Who are you?"-Tiffany spoke and gave the little girl a disgusted face she hated children. "Shoo, shoo go away!"Tiffany pushed the little girl away from her since still haven't moved.

The little finally reacted."Mommy! the doll, scary doll, bad doll."-The little girl kick Tiffany's shinbone. "Ouch!"-Tiffany looked at the little girl pissed off, she reached out for her but before she had the chance to grab her.

The mother saw what was happening and got in front of her daughter to protect her from the big scary doll. "Let's go honey! Stay away from that Freaky pedo kidnapper."-The mother walked away with her daughter.

"Wait! What? O_O"-Tiffany was confused, she saw the little girl sticking her tongue out while she walked side by side with her mother. She then looked at the mother who was staring at her with judging eyes.

"What just happen?"-Tiffany looked at the store and saw Taeyeon's back through the glass windows of the store, that's when she remember her reason for being there which she had forgotten thanks to what happen seconds ago.

Tiffany saw a man not far from where he was giving free samples of food from where he worked. He was outside the place with a small plastic table giving the samples. "That's it!"-Tiffany walked towards him with the suit case in hand. "HI!"She said excited.

"Hey~ Would you like a free sample?"-The guy smirk at her. "No thanks, I'm on a diet."-Tiffany said. "What for you don't need it."-The man was smirking now. "Oh stop it~"-Tiffany was trying to make him like her, before she asked him the weird question.

"So why did you came here? Do you need something?"-He winked at her. Tiffany winked back. "Actually I do. How much for that table?"-Tiffany asked him with a sweet smile. "Sorry what?"-He was now looking at her weird. Tiffany took out 100 dollars she had put on the only small back pocket the costume had.

"Is this enough?"-She asked. "100 dollars for a plastic table? You know you could just buy a five dollar one at the dollar store at the other side of the mall."-The man said to her.

"No time."-She handed the man the money, then turn the table over drooping all the samples on the floor, she folded the table and walked away with it leaving the guy confused. The table wasn't heavy at all since it was plastic.

The man was still in shocked, when his boss came behind him and started screaming at him for what he had done. He tried to explain, but all he got was a smack on the back of his head and the money taken away from him as a result.

Then he had to clean all the food of the floor, that might just had been the most expensive 100 dollars of his life the money wasn't worth all of this to him especially because he doesn't even get to keep them.


"*shivers* The things I do to kill you Kim Taeyeon."-Tiffany place the table not far from Taeyeon towards the middle of the door of the store because she wasn't sure which side would the Shorty take after she got out of the store.

She saw Taeyeon walking towards the front of the store, she started hurrying up. She grabbed the suit case and open it. She place all the fake potions on the table by color.

The last one she grabbed was the red one with the drug on it and place it at the end of the table to her right with the other two besides it to the left. She took the tape away from it now that she was sure she wouldn't get confused.

She turn her attention back at Taeyeon the small girl was right in front of her facing her, this was the closes Tiffany had been to Taeyeon and the first time she could see her face clearly. "Beautiful~"-Tiffany smiles while losing herself staring at Taeyeon. The Shorty smiles while trying on a bracelet. "That smile~~"-Tiffany bit her bottom lip, she once again went into daydream mode.

She didn't see a man approaching her with some bags on his hands, he was smiling like an idiot. "Ooh potions."-He looked at all of them, when he saw the red ones he got excited and grabbed the red one at the end of the table.

Tiffany shook her head waking herself up from the daydream. "What I am thinking!?"-She scolded herself, she finally notice the same man she had encounter the pass two days. "Son of bad luck!"

She freaked out when she saw him with one of the red drinks on his hand, she looked down on the table and notice the one he was holding was the one with the drug on it. O_O "No stop, give it back!"-Tiffany shouted and took it from him.

"What the heck? I was going to buy that!"-The man shouted at her while jumping like a little kid. "Just grab one of the other two god damn it!"-Tiffany hide the one she had on her hand.

"But I want the one you have on your hand!"-He was acting like a five year old when they don't get what they want. "I said No!"-Tiffany stick her tongue out at him childishly. He furrow his eye brows and grabbed her hand and started pulling the drink from her.

He still hadn't recognize Tiffany at all he had not look at her face, the wig was pretty effective to drag attention to it, but for the most part he was too mad to care about how she looked like, all he wanted was that potion just because she wouldn't allow him to have it.

"I want to buy that one!"-He said while putting more strength. "Why this one? There are two more just like this one on the table!"-Tiffany shouted at him. "NO I WANT THIS ONE!!"-He shouted back, they look like two 5 year old kids fighting about who gets the candy Tiffany had one her hand.

"God damn it! What's your problem? Let go! I said no and no means no! This one is not for sale!"-Tiffany pulled even more, she seem to be actually stronger than the guy. "WHY NOT?"-He asked her.

HellFany had been awaken now she was tired of this. She Kicked the table with all the potions and it hit the guy on the stomach making him let of Tiffany's hand, he felt down on the floor along with all the potions. When he let go of Tiffany's hand the potion on her hand was also sent flying to the ground next to him while she felt on her butt.

Tiffany didn't waste any time, she stood up and run to get the potion, she saw the three red potions on the ground almost next to each other. "CRAP! Now which is which? What I am going to do now?"-Tiffany was freaking out, she turn her attention to the store she had forgotten what she was doing there in the first place again.

She saw Taeyeon paying for some stuff, which meant she was about to come out of that store any second now. "NO! T_T .......I mean great :D but why now!? :("Tiffany look at the guy who was still trying to stand up, she walked close to him. "This is all your fault! It always is!"-She said angry, she pulled him up forcefully.

"Wait! it's you?!"-He said with widen eyes, he was now desperately trying to get away from her, but Tiffany wouldn't let him go. "Crap, my cover has been compromise, I better get out of here! she's getting closer what do I do?! Oh no she's going to look this way!"-Tiffany cover herself in front of him.

Tiffany let go of him she bend down and grabbed 2 out of the 3 red bottles. She was staring at him now trying to think of a way to get away from that place fast. Without thinking much she open both bottles, he was still in shock scared for his life he couldn't even move.

Taeyeon was looking at the guy's back while she walked closer to them, but she was shocked to see what the girl had done. Tiffany threw the content inside the bottles on the guy's face. "You JERK! You promise me a good life, but after you impregnated me you left me for what whore!"-She shouted dramatically while, she pushed him but not to strong because she didn't want to make him fall down.

Tiffany started running away not looking back at them anymore. Taeyeon looked at the blonde short hair girl running away for a while feeling bad for her. She then looked at the man who was incomplete shock, he finally look at Taeyeon who was staring at him with judging eyes.

"I-I-I-I"-He couldn't even explain himself. Taeyeon just continue to look at him with a disgusted face. Taeyeon started to walk away slowly, but she still kept eye contact judging him for a while. Taeyeon made the guy feel ashamed of himself for no reason, he still wasn't sure about what just happen but he felt guilty.

He looked at the floor in shame that's when he saw the third bottle on the floor which Tiffany had not picked up and thrown at him. He bend down to grabbed it. "HAHA! I win!"-He smile in victory, he open it and drank it. He then walked with all his bags away from all the mess.

"Great just great! That's it tomorrow will be the last day of your life Kim Taeyeon. The fourth day is a charm, I always say. My lucky number four, it has to be it."Tiffany kept talking to herself while walking fast. She looked in front of her and saw the woman and the little girl she encounter earlier walking alongside two police men.

She saw the little girl pointing at her direction. "Oh no! CRAP!"-Tiffany started running as fast as she could towards the exit door. The two cops started running behind her, but suddenly someone started screaming out of nowhere. "WOOHOOOO! I'm naked B*TCHES!"-Tiffany and the two cops stopped running and looked behind them.

It was the guy that Tiffany had met three times already, O_O and indeed he was running around the mall completely naked. All his junk was swinging around while he jumped like a maniac and danced in front of some guys who looked like they were about to kill him. "Eeewww!"-Tiffany cover her eyes in disgust.

The two cops forgot about Tiffany and started running towards the guy, that was more important at the moment since it was a family friendly place. The guy started running away from the guys and the two cops who were out to get him, but he didn't care at all he just kept laughing like crazy.

"Looks like the drug is pretty effective even more than I thought but Ew *shivers*...Hmm I wonder if Kim Taeyeon would have done the same? *smirks*...wait no! stop thinking those kind of things Tiffany Hwang!"-Tiffany scolded herself before she started walking away towards her car again, she was walking slowly since she knew the cops had forgotten about her. "Not a bad day after all~"-She smiles.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mall Taeyeon was walking peacefully until someone rammed to her. Both of them fell onto the floor. Taeyeon got her eyes as wide as saucer when she realized that a naked man was lying on top of her.

Acting on instinct, she pushed him away and kicked his balls. The man screamed whilst rolling on the floor and cradling his bruised manhood. Taeyeon looked at him in disgust then she instantly got angry when she recognized him as the same man who impregnated and left the blonde girl earlier. "Die, you jerk!" Taeyeon stomped her foot onto his crotch.

She left in satisfaction after the poor man blacked out from the pain. When the police men finally caught up to him they saw his swollen junk, they thought he was aroused from the naked stunt he did. "Pedos nowadays are getting crazier."-One of the police man said. "Yeah... I bet that blonde girl is his partner in crime."-The other responded.

...............................Somewhere across the city, Tiffany sneezed.

Way Four

Tiffany was walking out of the bathroom after taking a shower the morning after the mall incident. She had also clean her cut and put a new bandage on as well. Out of nowhere the door open without a warning Tiffany turn around and was shocked but she calm down when she saw who it was.

"Dear Lord!"-Luhan closes his eyes then turns around to close the door. "Sorry about that."-Luhan smile. "You know you should learn how to knock."-Tiffany grabbed some clothes then went inside the bathroom to change.

"It's not like you anything I like it."-Luhan chuckle. "I know otherwise you would be dead by now, but is still the polite thing to do."-Tiffany shouted from inside the bathroom. They both laugh together for a little until Tiffany came back fully dress.

"So what's up?"-Tiffany sat in front of a mirror to continue her morning preparation. "Have you seen the news this morning?"-Luhan asked. "No why?"Tiffany asked calmly.

Luhan smirks "Well I have, did you by any chance happen to cross by there yesterday?"-Luhan still had a smirk on his face. "No."-Tiffany bluntly answers. "Hmm…That's weird because they showed this picture of a girl wearing this very familiar costume a friend of mine wore for Halloween two years ago."

"Oh so that's what I bought that ugly wig for.....Opps.... I mean I don't know what you are talking about."-Tiffany continues brushing her hair. "It is an ugly wig indeed *chuckle*"-Luhan saw Tiffany glaring at him but he couldn't help laughing.

"Ugh! Just shut up. Did they get any pictures of my face?"-Tiffany asked Luhan that was the only thing that had been concerning her the whole night. "No, you’re extremely lucky they are looking for you base on your ugly wig, oh yeah and also they capture your "accomplice" and are interrogating him in order to get to you."Luhan started laughing.

"Accomplice? I didn't have one."-Tiffany turns around looking at him. "Well according to the police you did."-Luhan said. "Who?"-Tiffany asked curious to know who her suppose “accomplice” was.

"You and your "accomplice" have been label has pedophiles according to the police, you for harassing a 5 year old child and him for running around the mall naked."-He started laughing it was so hard not to.

"Him? That's the dude that has been getting on my way since the first day I tried to kill that Shorty."-Tiffany stood up knowing he knew her face better than anyone. "Dude he knows how I look!"-Tiffany grabbed Luhan’s tie and shook him.

"Don't worry apparently some guys beat the crap of out him before the police caught up to him they hit his head really hard. Also he was drugged apparently he doesn't remember anything so far, don’t worry though by the time he tries to he'll be dead."-Luhan patted her back.

"*sighs~* Thanks man."-Tiffany hugged him for about a second and let go. Her worries were gone she knew Luhan was the best assassin in the company at the moment. After Tiffany finish putting her shoes, she went to her closet and took something out. "Oh yeah."-She turns around and smile at Luhan.

"WOW!"-Luhan took cover when he saw what Tiffany had on her hands. "Chill is not loaded."-Tiffany chuckle, Luhan sigh he was about to stand up when he heard a loud noise, he felt on the floor while covering his hears which hurt like hell and Tiffany did the same.

"What in hell just happen?"-Luhan looked at Tiffany who was laughing while covering her ears. "WHAT!?"Luhan asked again. "I guess it was loaded after all."Tiffany was staring at the gun on the floor. "Did you just---what!?"-Luhan turn around and saw the bullet hole which was a little above his head.

"Sorry"-It was all Tiffany could say to the poor scared Luhan who was still in shocked. Luhan turn around to look at her then fainted on the spot after the realization that if he would have been standing up he would have been killed that day by his very own friend.


"Again I'm so sorry"-Tiffany was walking behind Luhan they were just coming out of the infirmary. "Let’s just never talk about this ever again.”-Luhan said."By the way if you're going to use that on Kim Taeyeon be sure to use on her not yourself."-Luhan then left to his room.

Tiffany walked out the building towards her destination again like she had for the past three days. She got in her car and drove off to Taeyeon's home she parked her car and got off. She walked towards Taeyeon’s building. She was wearing a dark hoodie which cover her face well.

She sat down on the floor next to the building and turns her attention towards the door of the place. "Ugh….I'm so tired I better not messed this up, today is either my death or hers but one of us will die today."-Tiffany yawns as she waited for any sign of the Shorty.

"I don't want to kill her in her house it will surely look like an assassination. If I do it on the street I could take something from her to make it look like a robbery gone wrong, but If she doesn't come out in an hour I will knocked her door and kill her right on the spot. I'm too tired today."

15 minutes later Taeyeon came out of her apartment she looked like she just took a shower her hair was wet. Tiffany stood up and walked behind Taeyeon they walked for about three minutes. Tiffany didn't see any people around at that moment so she uses this opportunity and took out her gun.......


Two lovers were passionately making out outside the terrace of an apartment. "Hmmm Oh god~"-One of the girls moan while the other one lick her neck. "I've been waiting for this for so long Seohyun.”

"Me too Jessica~ make me yours baby."-The two girls started kissing even more passionately Jessica lift the taller girl up and sat her on the edge one wrong moved and the taller might end up falling to her death, but neither seems to care they were to into the moment.

Jessica lift her up a second time Seohyun was holding onto the girl for her dear life without really knowing it. Jessica sat her down again this time something was on Seohyun’s way she pushed a pot with fake flowers down with her butt. Seohyun stopped kissing Jessica. "What was that?"-Seohyun asked after she felt she had hit something with her butt.

"It's nothing"-Jessica didn't care, she didn’t realize what she had done and she didn’t really care. Without saying another thing she took her girlfriend inside the apartment to continue their session. Not knowing of the consequences their actions will have.


......Tiffany had the gun out pointing at Taeyeon's head, the Shorty had no idea that behind her someone was getting ready to take her life. Tiffany was a little nervous

and afraid; she didn't want to take any risk so she walked closer to Taeyeon in order to point the gun at her head from up close that way she was sure she wouldn't miss.

"You're dead Kim Taeyeon."-Tiffany said but before she pulled the trigger something hard felt on her head making her pushed Taeyeon away which made the shorty fall on the floor. Tiffany let go of the gun which flew out of her hands who knows where did that gun ended up at.

The angry Taeyeon turn around to see who had pushed her. She was surprise to see a girl face flat on the floor unconscious a flower pot had fallen on her head. She then realizes why the girl had pushed her out of the way. Taeyeon quickly walked besides the girl she turns her around to look at her.

"Beautiful~.....I mean are you alive?"-Taeyeon was trying to wake the girl up, but she wouldn't react at all. Taeyeon had no clue on what to do, until she remembers how in the movies people would give mouth to mouth in order to wake people up at times. Taeyeon lean down to do that ........but Tiffany suddenly woke up.

"Oow~~~ it hurts~"-Tiffany was holding her head. "Oh thank the lord you’re okay."-Taeyeon felt relieved that the girl had regain consciousness. "What happen?"-Tiffany asked she still hadn't opened her eyes to see the girl. "You save

my life."-Taeyeon smile at the girl. "I did what?"-Tiffany finally opens her eyes and saw the last person she could be seen by staring at her up close.

"Oh no."-Tiffany froze seeing Taeyeon so close to her smiling at her with her cute dimple smile. "What happen?"-Tiffany asked again while she tried to stand up but she couldn't really stand up she was still a little dizzy. "You pushed me away when that pot was going to fall on my head. How did you see it coming?"-Taeyeon waited for the girl's answer her eyes were shining brightly.

"I----"-Tiffany then realize what had happen but she knew she hadn't really save Taeyeon on purpose, but what hit her the most was the fact that her trying to prevent any errors actually was what cause her to have one which ended up her saving the life of the person she was suppose to murder. "SON OF___! .....I mean I don't know?"-Tiffany had an innocent smile on her face.

"Do you remember anything?"-Taeyeon places her hands on Tiffany's cheeks she was looking at her worried. "----Some."-Tiffany wasn't sure what she should answer because she wasn't even supposed to be talking to Taeyeon right now it was going against all the rules.

"What's your name?"-Taeyeon asked. "My name is----Tiffany...."-Tiffany face palm herself mentally after she realize she told Taeyeon her real name she just felt so nervous being so close to the girl."Oh so that's good you remember your name that's great.”-Taeyeon caresses her face. "I guess so.”-Tiffany answers even more nervous now.”Do you remember where you live?"-Taeyeon asked.

"I don't have a home."-Tiffany answers while she tried to stand up. "You don't? So you're homeless?"-Taeyeon felt really bad for the girl. "I guess you could say that."-Tiffany couldn't tell Taeyeon anything else about her life anymore she had spoken too much.

"Well come on."-Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany’s hurt hand. “Ouch!”-Tiffany retrieved her hand from Taeyeon’s she had hurt her hand more because of what happen. “Oh my gosh what happen to your hand?”-Taeyeon grabbed it again to look at it. “Oh I cut myself……with glass…..I felt down I’m a little clumsy.”-Tiffany lie then smile nervously hoping she would buy the story.

“You poor thing come with me.”-Taeyeon grabbed her good hand and started walking with her Tiffany was confused. "Wait where are we going?-Tiffany tried to get away from Taeyeon, but the Shorty wouldn't let her go. "You save my life, I have a home you don't is the least I can do. Besides I need to take care of those injuries."-Taeyeon smile at her.

"WHAT!?"-Tiffany was fighting Taeyeon even more now talking to the enemy was one thing but living with her was another. "No worries you'll be fine, please let me help you."-Taeyeon used some cute gestures to soften Tiffany. Tiffany would usually fine them disgusting until now; she stare at Taeyeon for a little bit.

After a little while Tiffany smirks he realizes that Taeyeon was actually inviting her assassin inside her home without knowing it. She nodded and walked with Taeyeon to her home she decided to agree even though she didn’t want to kill her inside her own home. She decided it was her best chance at this point since everything else had fail so far.

Taeyeon turn to look at her and smile Tiffany smile back at her their fingers were still intertwined with each other, neither seem to mind what so ever though. Tiffany had actually forgotten about the gun completely.

Way Five

Taeyeon and Tiffany didn’t stop holding hands until they reached Taeyeon’s front door. The shorty let go of her hand in order to reach for her keys in her bag Tiffany was behind her feeling a little dizzy from the hit.

Taeyeon open the door and turn around to let Tiffany in but she was surprise with Tiffany walking down the stairs away from her. “YAH! Where are you going?”Taeyeon walked to her and grabbed her hand she practically dragged the taller girl inside her condo.

Taeyeon close the door behind her and let Tiffany in Tiffany was shocked to see the interior of the place compare to the outside it was a very different story. “Wow…nice.”- Taeyeon walked up stairs leaving the girl alone; Tiffany sat down on the desk chair and looked around the place.

Taeyeon came back down with a large aid kit Tiffany looked at her she didn’t want to show her emotions. “So I can see you like to read.”-Tiffany casually started a conversation.

“Yeah I really like reading.”-Taeyeon answer with a sign of sadness but she quickly went back to her happy self again. “A lot that’s quite a collection of books.

Do you pretty much read anything?”-Tiffany was looking at some of the books on the desk.

“Yes pretty much, I have a lot of free time.”-Taeyeon got down on her knees in front of Tiffany and looked at the girl’s hand. Tiffany was a little surprise Taeyeon was acting very comfortable around her for a person who didn’t know who she was.

“I see it must be nice to have a lot of free time.”-Tiffany tried to keep the conversation going as casually has possible without getting into anything too personal. “Hmm I wouldn’t say I’m lucky although the silence it nice sometimes, but too much is sad.”-Taeyeon gave Tiffany a charming smile.

“Don’t you have a job?”-Tiffany asked Tae she couldn’t help herself remembering the pass days not once she had seen Taeyeon gone to work or come back. Tae didn’t answer her right away it almost seems like she was trying to think of what to say next. “I did at some point now I’m retired.”-Taeyeon stood up.

She walked behind her in order to see the damaged the pot had done to her head. “Retired? Aren’t you too young to be?”-Tiffany knew she wasn’t allow to know

much about their victim but she was really curious sometimes that side of her was talking over her at the moment.

“Nothing to worry about up here, you’ll be fine with some rest. Your hand though needs some attention but nothing major.”-Taeyeon walk in front of Tiffany and again went down on her knees to proceed talking care of Tiffany’s hand now that she was sure her head was fine.

Tiffany was still waiting for Tae to answer her. “Yes, I am but so are you.”Taeyeon smile without looking at Tiffany in the eyes this time she focused on talking care of the girl’s hand.

“What?”-Tiffany didn’t know why Taeyeon had said that, she had forgotten their conversation earlier. “If you don’t have a home, I assume is because you don’t have a job I am right? Which means you are retired too and you are young too, but unlike me is not a choice.”-Taeyeon was finishing up cleaning Tiffany’s hand.

“What do you mean by that?”- By every word Taeyeon kept saying to her it was just feeding her curiosity even more. “I don’t have to work I have a home and food unlike you.”-Taeyeon chuckle. Tiffany looked at the place again; Tiffany didn’t know what to say a lot of questions were running through her head.


‘I have too many questions to ask her but do I want to know the answer to them? I mean there must be a reason why she is my target; they wouldn’t send me to kill an innocent person just for target practice. In the file it said she had no relatives I wonder what happen to them. She must have a lot of money to never work for the rest of her life.

The way she is talking care of my hand is almost perfect not even the doctor at the building did such a good job. What could she have been before? Should I ask? Perhaps I should. “So what did you work as before you retired?”-I asked her.

I could see she was very focused on my hand again I wonder if she does that on purpose of is just a coincidence. “Nothing special.”-She didn’t even gave me a clue of what it could have work as.

“Whatever it was must have been a very good one for you to get a very early retirement.”-I said to her I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable or suspicious if I insisted on the question too much so I let it go and made a light joke which she responded to with a cute laugh.

I know the fact that I knew more than I should meant I was in a lot of trouble, but I couldn’t help it I’m not sure whether knowing more about her will make killing her easier or more difficult. If I was to pick a side right now I wouldn’t be able to is very neutral. She’s very neutral, her smile is so innocent. She has been so gentle and carrying since I got here yet so mysterious.

I can’t deny my curiosity of knowing more about her is stronger than my will to kill her, which is crazy because nothing should be more important than my dream job yet she has taken that away from me. Perhaps it just the damage I received earlier that has taken my sanity away temporally.

By tomorrow I should be back to normal, I shouldn’t ask more questions. I shouldn’t have talk to her in the first place I shouldn’t have told her my name. I should leave her home right now. I saw that she was done with my hand she had done an excellent job. God I just couldn’t help myself the moment I open my mouth I found myself talking to her again.


“You’re really good at this.”-Tiffany touches her hand which didn’t hurt as much as it did earlier. “There is nothing wrong with knowing how to take care of yourself in case on an emergency wouldn’t you agree?”-Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany’s hand and caresses it gently.

“I would guess most people have an aid kit at home but I doubt they use it for more than putting bandages.”-Tiffany wasn’t comfortable with the situation but she had no good reason to take her hand away from Taeyeon’s grip.

“I guess I’m not the average person, I have read many medical books before. You would be surprise how much you can learn from books.”-Taeyeon smile while looking at Tiffany’s eyes she let go of the girl’s hand and walked away towards the kitchen.

Tiffany saw Taeyeon walk away she tries to use this chance to try and leave but Taeyeon stopped her. “Are you hungry Tiffany?”-Taeyeon turns around and waited for Tiffany’s answer. “Sure.”-Tiffany answers looking back at her. “Anything special you would like me to make you?”-Taeyeon was looking at her fridge to see how much food she had available.

“No anything is fine.”-Tiffany answer. “Are you sure? You’re my guest and my hero I’m here to serve you today.”-Taeyeon gave her a dorky smile unlike the other times this one was even more beautiful.

“Its fine, I’m sure and you don’t have to do anything for me, believe me I am no hero.”-Tiffany said Taeyeon close the fridge and walked to Tiffany. “You save my life; you are a hero to me.”-Taeyeon grabbed her hand she pulled Tiffany towards a chair and sat her down to lay. “Rest for a little bit I’ll wake you up when the food is ready okay?”-Taeyeon then left back to the kitchen.

Tiffany’s back felt like it was in heaven the chair was very comfortable, without realizing it she had fallen asleep on the chair not long after she had lay down there. After Taeyeon was done with the food she came back to wake her up but she could see how tired the girl was so instead she went up stairs to get the girl a blanket and let her continue sleeping.


‘I tried to open my eyes but the place was a little bit too bright for my taste so I cover my face with the blanket I had on top of me. The smell of that blanket was intoxicating it made not want to open my eyes anymore instead I wanted to just lie down and sleep some more.

But it was the other smell that brought me back to my reality. I uncover my face I was finally able to fully open my eyes for a moment, I thought it had all been just a dream. The smell in the place was amazing I could tell it was her cooking for sure or at least I hope because it smells delicious.

I remember yesterday I realize she never woke me up when she said she would. I must have slept for a very long period of time. I stood up from the chair and let the blanket fall down on the ground. God I can’t believe it I have never felt so rested in all my life. I walked to the kitchen in order to see what the cause of the smell was.

I saw her making pancakes while she smile sweetly on the table there were many different delicious fruits just laying there and a jar of strawberry juice would be my guess, she turn around and saw me staring at her she looked scared for a moment but realizing it was me she smile again her reaction is actually ironic.

I smile at her so she wouldn’t think I’m demon without a soul. “Sit down, I’m sorry I didn’t wake you up yesterday but you seem to be exhausted so I didn’t want to disturbed you but I’m making it up to you this morning.”-Taeyeon pointed at all the fruit on the table.

There was so much of it for just two people she must really be grateful for what I didn’t even mean to do for her. She walked to the table with pancakes and syrup she place them on the table and them made a smiling face on the pancakes with the syrup. “Come on sit and eat all you want.”-Taeyeon seems to be really happy to be doing this for me.

I sat down on the table. “Thank you.”-I said to her with a smile and she smile back. She went back to get some more pancakes for herself. She then sat down across me and serves both of us some juice. I drank it and I was right it was strawberry I also realize I hadn’t washed my mouth but at this point it didn’t matter anymore.

Without any other words I started eating all her food, I wanted to ask where she had learn to cook so well because the pancakes were truly delicious I think the best I have ever had in my life. That again raise the suspension so far she was good at everything she does, perhaps she had learn to cook from a book too?

I ate like a pig that morning I couldn’t even believe it myself, I really felt like I was really a hobo and hadn’t eaten for days when in fact it hadn’t even been a day. I looked at my watch and saw it was 10 am. I looked at her and saw her staring at me with a satisfied smile on her face.

“I’m glad you enjoyed the food.”-She said before standing up from her sit I looked at her plate and she had almost not eaten at all. I’m not surprise though she is very thin compare to me. I stood up to help her but she took the plate from me. “Don’t worry about it I’ll take care of it. Go upstairs and in the bathroom you will find some clothes you can ware so you can take a shower. Oh and leave the clothes you are wearing outside the bathroom door.”-She said to me.

I did what she said after I took a shower I went down stairs I saw her doing laundry I assume it had to be mine. I couldn’t help myself anymore so I open my mouth once again. “Do you take hobo’s in very often?”-I asked. She looked at me and laughs. “Unless the hobo is you then, no. I guess that makes you my first.”-She answer.

“Come let’s watch movies.”-She said to me I follow her and sat down on the white couch next to her and we started watching movies for a few hours. After a while I stood up to get a glass of water she didn’t mind she stayed on the couch watching the movie’s ending. When I was at the kitchen I notice a small closet half open I walked it and fully open it and right away a metal bat caught my eye.

I looked back at her and I saw her sitting down still looking at the TV, I couldn’t let go if this opportunity so I took the bat and walked towards her from behind. Before I got close enough to her she stood, I hide the bat behind me quickly. She

went close to the TV to look at some DVD’s. “Hey what do you think?”-She shows me two DVD’s from different movies we could watch next.

“You pick.”-I said she just smiles and picked one and put in inside the DVD player. I use this distraction in order to get closer to her. After she was done she walked back to the couch but when she notice I didn’t moved she looked at me. “What’s wrong she asked?”-I panic a little until I saw a big painting on top of her book shelf.

“That’s a beautiful painting.”-I said she looked up and smile. “You really think so?”-She asked I moved behind her with the bat. “Yeah I really like it whoever painted that must be a genius.”- I said to her, I grabbed the bat and was getting ready to swing in on her head.

“Thank you but I wouldn’t call myself a genius any kindergarten child would had done better than me.”-She chuckle, what she had said shocked me again I was back to square one she was that good at painting too? How could she have learned that from books? I asked myself every time I talked to her she became even more of a mystery to me.

My hands were shaking a little while she was still looking up at the painting I got ready to swing the bat with all my strength even if I hurt my hand even more it didn’t matter. So I close my eyes and swing it but my butter hands had fail me once again. The bat had slip from my hands I open my eyes and saw Taeyeon standing up she had dropped the controller avoiding the bat completely.

I could see her face she had heard the big impact noise of the bat falling on the floor, I had to think fast before she realize what I tried to do. “AAaaHH!”-I screamed which I could see it worried her she walked next to me. “Are you okay?”-She asked me with concern.

“No is my head it really hurts.”-I lie to her. “I’ll get you some medicine okay sit down, I’ll be right back.”-She ran to the kitchen while I run towards the bat I grabbed it and hided it under the couch then sat down before she came back. By the time she did I was already sitting down while holding my head pretending my head hurt. I looked up and saw her holding a glass of water and medicine which I drank when she gave it to me.

“Would you like to go rest?”-She asks me still worried I could see it from her facial expressions. “No I would rather keep watching movies with you.”-I said to her she smile at me and nodded her head she played the movie then pulled me gently to lie down on her thighs and started massaging my head slow and gentle.

My mind was telling me I wanted to stand up and get the bat again and just swing it on her head multiple times until she stopped breathing but my body just wanted to lay down and keep watching the movie. God she’s even good at massaging are there books for that too? I let my body win again another bad decision, it seems that I couldn’t stop myself from making them. I’m suppose to kill this girl……I’m not sure what the reason is but……I like the feeling of laying down on her very soft thighs. I guess there is always tomorrow.

Way Six

DAY 6:

Tiffany woke up uncomfortable she felt weight on top of her, she reacted as quick as possible to the unknown weight. Tiffany pushed all the weight from her the next thing she heard was a groan, she open her eyes and saw Taeyeon laying on the floor.

The petite lady still had her eyes close she look like she was refusing to open her eyes she seem to have been enjoying her sleep a little bit too much. Tiffany felt kind of bad realizing it was her who she had pushed off her.

But she found it weird to why Taeyeon had slept on top of her in the first place when she had a comfortable bed of hers up stairs. They had both fallen asleep on the couch that's when she remember everything that had happen yesterday.

Taeyeon had put her to sleep with her magic hands last night. "Six days today Taeyeon."-Tiffany said softy while looking at the baby face girl still on the floor

refusing to open her eyes. Tiffany got up so she could pick the shorter girl up after that she place her back on the couch this time by herself.

Tiffany she use this opportunity to get the bat from below the couch and put it back where she had found it yesterday. When she had the bat on her hands she look back at the sleeping Taeyeon she was tempted to do what she had fail to do last night, before she finish her thoughts she remember a very important detail she had forgotten about.

"THE GUN!"-She shouted a little too loud Tiffany cover her mouth afraid she had woken Tae up but fortunately she only just shifted her position on the couch. Tiffany sigh in relieve she went to look for her shoes but she remember Taeyeon had also washed yesterday.

She wasn't able to find them so she just went out barefoot once outside she was trying to remember where had the accident happen. "Oh that's it, I hope is still somewhere there."-Tiffany started running towards the place she remember the gun could be.

Once there she started searching everywhere in order to find the gun but 10 minutes into the search she had no luck so far. "I lost it, what I am going to do now?"-Tiffany felt her on her knees disappointed. She notices she had forgotten to

look underneath the big trash bins she quickly did to her surprise she found what she was looking for.

"THE FREAKING GUN!"-Tiffany got down and try to reach the gun but it was way in there so she stood up and started to push the big trash bin which thankfully wasn't that full so she was able to do it without much effort. She grabbed the gun and checked it everything was fine with it. "What should I do?"-Tiffany knew she couldn't take the gun back with her. She had to decided what to do so she grabbed her phone and deal Luhan.

She gave him specific instructions to pick up the gun so he could take it and she could go back to Taeyeon. She hide the gun at a place she believed would be safe long enough for Luhan to pick it up. Tiffany started walking back to Tae's place after the phone call, she didn't let him talk much because she knew she couldn't let Luhan ask to many questions.

"Oh man I smell awful, how will I explain this to her if she asks."-Tiffany started running back maybe she could just go and take a shower before Taeyeon saw her. In the back of her head she was trying to ignore a voice asking her why she had decided to go back at all, but she ignore her own thoughts and kept running instead.

She open the door to Tae's place she went in silently trying not to wake Taeyeon up. "Tiffany?"-Tiffany stopped in her tracks she close the door without a care since she had been caught already. "Yes?"-She turn around to face Taeyeon while trying to think of an explanation.

Taeyeon was running towards her which surprise Tiffany she froze not knowing what would happen next, but Taeyeon stopped running and looked at her weird. "What happen to you? Why you leave me?"-Taeyeon looked like a sad puppy.

Tiffany notice she had been crying. "Why are you crying?"-Tiffany question because she was curious of the answer and also because she was trying to avoid the girl's questions.

"I thought you left, I was worried."-Taeyeon hug her without a warning shocking Tiffany. She wasn't sure what to do next but she figure if she answer Taeyeon's questions she would stop hugging her already. "I went for a run."-Tiffany lie.

"After you run you smell like you have been rolling in trash?"-Taeyeon started laughing at the way the girl looked. "I felt down while I was running."-Tiffany lie and chuckle to make it seem like she thought it was funny.

"Clumsy girl...That explains that huge stain on your shirt which is now on my shirt too."-Taeyeon smile cutely. "Well you hug me is not my fault."-Tiffany said not looking at the short gal, she didn't see her giggle when she said that too her. "I know but still *pout* is your fault I though you left without saying goodbye first."Taeyeon did some cute gestures.

Tiffany only show her a poker face which made Taeyeon stop what she was doing. She smile at Tiffany feeling a little silly. "Go take a shower up stairs while I take mine down here your clothes are there *points* go quickly I got a surprise for you."-Taeyeon said excited. "What surprise?"-Tiff asks.

"Silly if I told you It wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"-Taeyeon chuckle. "I guess it wouldn't but..."-Tiffany didn't finish her argument. "No buts just go I'll meet you down here when you are done."-Taeyeon push Tiffany to go take the shower. Tiffany found her own clothes clean even her shoes look like new. She took her clothes and went up stairs to take a shower.


What was all that about? She looked so sad about me leaving, but why do I even care? I had the chance to leave but I didn't I lie to Luhan I should have told him

about me being here but I Know he would have yell at me and tell me to never come back, but instead I lie to come back to her.

This doesn't mean I don't want to kill her anymore or something like that I still do... I do. I just don't know how to do it anymore I feel like a day ago this would have been much easier. If I keep making mistakes like this I will never be an assassin.

*angry* Wait no....This is nonsense I WON'T let her stand in the way of my dreams, she cannot and will not be what keeps me from becoming who I was meant to be. I will kill her today and if I can't today I will tomorrow if I haven't kill her by the ninth day then I will have fail you grandpa but until then I won't stop trying until I kill her. From now on I need to be completely heartless even more than usual.


Tiffany was determent to not let looks keep fooling her even if Taeyeon might seem like she was an angel, but whatever she did or whoever she was is getting her kill. Tiffany was determent to keep that in mind at all cost because her bosses reason was all that had to matter at all times, without questioning that's why it was never okay to know the person they are assign to kill at a personal level.

But since she had already broken the first rule she had to manage to make it work to her advantage. Tiffany came out of the bathroom after taking an hour shower since she didn't want smell like trash. She was fully dress with the clothes she had wore the day she met Taeyeon up close.

When she made it downstairs Taeyeon was waiting for her with breakfast ready and greet her with an amazing smile. Tiffany didn't smile she was truly determent to not let all those smiles fool her and keep her from killing Taeyeon. Tiffany sat across Taeyeon again she was still showing her poker face to the girl.

"Aren't you going to ask what is the surprise?"-Taeyeon broke their silence. Tiffany started eating she wasn't looking at Taeyeon at all she was concentrating in eating. Taeyeon smile understanding she started eating as well. After 15 minutes Tiffany stopped eating and so did Tae.

Tiffany stood up from the table and went up stairs without saying a word to Taeyeon. Once upstairs she sat down on the bed to think of a way to kill Taeyeon, she hate to admitted but she was staring to run out of ideas. Meanwhile down stairs Taeyeon was washing the dishes.


I couldn't get myself to talk to her, actually I shouldn't anymore is for the best besides she will die today. But I can't think of a way to kill her anymore, I'm going stupid because of her what should I do? What's the best way to do it? I could use the bat again, but no I need something else. Maybe I should wait until she falls asleep so I can suffocate her with a pillow?

That can work but she deserves o surfer before that happens but how? I turn to look at the stairs that's when it came to me. I smirk to myself when they gave me an Idea the stairs weren't long enough to kill her if she felt but if I pushed her strong enough she will fall and hurt herself then I can leave her there while she cries in pain begging for help. MUAHHAHAHAHA. Until I decided to take pity on her and kill her at once.

I think I'm back but just in case I need to do it right now I can't wait any longer, I need to get away from her as soon as possible before she turns me soft. The sooner the better I can't let my grandfather down he was one of the best assassin's there ever was, I have to be better than him someday and it all starts with you being dead Kim Taeyeon.

That's why I have to do this now. I stood up to go see if I could spot Taeyeon anywhere I saw her walking towards me hopefully she's coming up stairs. I cover myself and listen carefully if she indeed was coming up stairs. Luckily she was I could hear her footsteps.

I waited for the right time the moment I saw her I stood up and started running towards her we both collided, I felt backwards while she did as well down the stairs or so I believed that's what would happen next, but let's face it that wasn't the case.

She did felt backwards but instead of falling down the stairs she felt backwards on the rail of the stairs I saw her try to hold on but she fail. Now this didn't necessarily meant I failed. So I stood up full of hope to see what happen to her and she.......was laughing her ass off she had fallen on the chair I slept the first night here the position of that chair was just perfect. Now this meant I had fail again.

If it wouldn't have been for the chair she would have landed on the cold hard ground. I thought she would fall down the stairs, but I pushed her to hard. I over estimated my own strength instead she just went over the railing backwards making me look like a fool again.

I'm starting to believe she's half cat how can she keep getting this lucky, come on I can't be this bad at killing is impossible. Ugh I hate her I saw her looking at me while laughing, that's when I realize I have two options either run away or pretend it was an accident. She knows how I look so if I leave she might report me to the police.

I couldn't take that risk so I run down the stairs to her while looking like I was actually worried about how she was after she felt down even though I already could see she was just fine....just fine again!


"Tae are you okay?"-Tiffany asked she was pretending to look sad and worried and she was doing an excellent job. "I'm so sorry I was....ahh I was going to look for you down stairs I started running the next thing I know I collided with you and god....I'm so glad this chair was here otherwise who knows what would have happen."-Tiffany looked like she was freaking out.

Taeyeon just smile at her. "It's fine I didn't get hurt, I didn't see you running either but hey I'm fine see."-Taeyeon grin like a dork to show Tiffany she was fine and that it had been nothing. Tiffany fake a smile to show Taeyeon she was glad she was okay when in reality she was pissed off.

"YAY!""-Tiffany acted happy Taeyeon pulled her for a hug, she was really happy Tiffany care for her so much. "Thank you for worrying about me."-Taeyeon smile happy. "What?"-This let Tiffany a little confused and it threw her off her game.

"Nothing...... I was actually coming upstairs to ask why you were mad at me?"Taeyeon looked at her in the eyes. "I wasn't mad.....*thinking* I feel like....I'm taking advantage of you. I should leave...in fact I should go now."-Tiffany stood up and was going to walk away, but Taeyeon pulled her towards her. Taeyeon gave her another hug. "No you're not stay...I like having you here I like your company. Don't feel like you're a bother to me because you are not."-Taeyeon smile while she hugged her tighter. Tiffany wasn't hugging her back she was just letting the other girl do it.

The taller girl didn't know what to do, she hate it but she wasn't sure if she wanted Taeyeon to let go. "Do you want to watch movies like yesterday? It was fun we can watch comedies today I have a lot."-Taeyeon sounded exited. "That was the surprise?"-Tiffany asked.

"Oh no...but ask me tomorrow instead."- Taeyeon stopped hugging Tiffany she stood up from the chair and grabbed the girl's hand. "Why tomorrow?"-Tiffany asked. "My back kind of hurts a little, but I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be fine."Taeyeon said.

"What does that have to do with the surprise?"-Tiffany was trying to let go of Taeyeon's hand but Taeyeon didn't seem to want to let go. "Just ask me tomorrow and you will know why okay?"-Taeyeon smile at her.

"Okay."-Tiffany responded though she was curious about the surprise. This made her a little paranoid not knowing what Taeyeon was planning. She follow Taeyeon to the couch to watch movies like they had the day before. The whole time Tiffany was thinking about it could be.

They watched movies and Taeyeon even ended up reading Tiffany a book like if she was a child. Tiffany kept a poker face most of the time while Taeyeon was all smiles as usual. Taeyeon's secret surprise was probably what kept her a life for one more night or perhaps it was a totally different reason.

Way Seven

Tiffany was sleeping on the couch while Taeyeon had slept on her own bed unlike the yesterday, Tiffany had made sure that was the case. She didn't want to find Taeyeon on top of her again when she wakes up.

Although Tiffany had those plans Taeyeon had a different idea the night before. She woke up extra early in order to get ready for the special surprise she had for Tiffany this morning. That's why she had gone to bed early last night.

Tiffany felt some weigh on top of her again just like the day before. She open her eyes in order to see who she believed could be the only cause of the sudden weight on top of her.

"Taeyeon?"-Tiffany groan annoyed she hated to be awaken everyday by this Shorty is getting really annoying. She saw Taeyeon laying comfortably on top of her while resting her head on her chest.

"What are you doing?"-Tiffany asks Taeyeon. The Shorty looked at her and smile. "Nothing"-She answer innocently with a cute smile follow by some cute gestures. Tiffany felt a little agitated unlike the other times perhaps it was too early.

"Aren't you going to ask what the surprise is?"-Taeyeon got closer to Tiffany way to close, this made Tiffany a little nervous. "Should I?"-Tiffany was too nervous to realize how stupid she was being.

"YES!"-Taeyeon said excited she lay her head on Tiffany's neck and giggle which made Tiffany moved uncomfortable. Tiffany pushed Taeyeon away from her because she couldn't take it anymore.

"Can you get up?"-Tiffany said to the girl. "No, ask me first."-Taeyeon pouted cutely she almost looked like she would cry if she didn't so she was left with no option but to ask.

"Fine. What's the surprise?"-Tiffany waited for her answer. "I think you will really like it, but is too bad though."-Taeyeon sigh while she looked at her with sad puppy eyes. "What's too bad?"-Tiffany ask trying to get her off her.

But Taeyeon wouldn't get off. "Is too bad you won't be able to enjoy it, good thing I will for the both of us."-Taeyeon smile sweetly at Tiffany, she was too confused to notice Taeyeon moved her hand to her back.

The next thing Tiffany felt was a knife being stabbed near her heart by the person on top of her. Tiffany try to stop Taeyeon at the last moment but it was too late she had cut both her hands trying to stop her but she couldn't it had been too late.

Tiffany was looking at Taeyeon who was holding the knife and looking down on her with a slight smile. Tiffany was schoked she was trying to speak but it was difficult when a knife was inside of her.

"Ta-taeyeon?"-Were Tiffany's last words before Taeyeon retracted the knife back and stabbed her again but this time in the middle of her heart killing her instantly. Taeyeon left the knife there inside of her, she was sitting on top of her looking down on her with a smile, but suddenly and slowly her facial expression started changing into a worried one.

Taeyeon starts to shook Tiffany's body. "Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany!!...."-Taeyeon kept calling the girl's name over and over again...................Suddenly Tiffany started to hear her own name at first as if Taeyeon was far away but every time she would call her name she would hear it a little bit closer.

....................."TAEYEON!? AAAHH!!"-Tiffany woke up screaming and yelling she looked up to see Taeyeon sitting on top of her with a worried expression. Tiffany started checking herself especially the area around her heart.

"Tae---Taeyeon."-Tiffany said nervously Taeyeon smile at her while caressing her face. "Bad dream?"-She ask the terrify Tiffany underneath her. She didn't answer her she was checking Taeyeon's hands movement. "Why are you on top of me?"

"I was trying to wake you up, you seem to be having a bad dream. Also because I want you going to ask what the surprise is. *smile*"-Taeyeon said excited. Tiffany's eyes grew big she couldn't help thinking her dream, actually her nightmare was turning into a reality.

"NO!"-Tiffany answer quickly she really didn't want to know. "*pout* Why not?"Taeyeon cross her arms while sitting on Tiffany's stomach disappointed and a bit hurt. "I just don't want to know. Do you mind getting off me?"-Tiffany responded.

"NO!"-Taeyeon made an angry face to her. "No?"-Tiffany tried to move Taeyeon but the girl hold on tight to her shirt. "Not until you ask me about the surprise!"-

Taeyeon said stubbornly. "I really rather not."-Tiffany refused now more than any other time she wanted to get away from Tae.

"Ask!"-Taeyeon cross her arms waiting for Tiffany to do so. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon's arms she grabbed Taeyeon's hands gripping her in a lock. With that Tiffany felt more secure. "Fine. What is the surprise?"-Tiffany asked.

"I can't show you if you don't let go of my hands."-Taeyeon was trying to get her arms free. "I rather you tell me, just tell me."-Tiffany said with a smile. Taeyeon raise her eye brows. "*pout* You're no fun. Fine, I arranged for us to go shopping today just the two of us at my favorite store. Hopefully you'll like the store too."Taeyeon smile sweetly. "Huh? That's all?"-Tiffany let her guard down after hearing this. "Yeah...I though you would be excited?"-Taeyeon looked a little sad.

"Why would you take me shopping for?"-Tiffany let go of Taeyeon's hands, finally the Shorty was free from her grip. "Well since you'll be staying here for a while you need clothes. I don't think mine will fit you that well. You’re a lot more built than I am."-Taeyeon smile shyly, she then reach for her back pocket.

Tiffany notice this and because of her dream she reacted quickly this time without thinking. She pushed Taeyeon off harshly then jumped on the other side of the couch away from Taeyeon. All Tiffany heard was Taeyeon moaning in pain. She

dare to look at the girl on the floor she saw Taeyeon holding her head which she had harshly landed on.

But it wasn't that what shocked her Taeyeon wasn't holding what she expected her to. Instead she was holding two pieces of paper of her hand, she stood there realizing what she did. Although right then she realize it was just a dream and that in real life Tae wasn't trying to kill her.

She was torn in two she realize she had a good chance to just straddle Taeyeon and choke her making all her problems go away. Yet a part of her wanted to help Taeyeon she stood above her until their eyes lock into each other. Tiffany could see a tear on Taeyeon's eyes, her heart reacted a way she wasn't expecting to.

She kneel besides Taeyeon and started caressing the back of her head. "I'm sorry, I did had a bad dream it freak me out. I didn't mean to hurt you."-Tiffany was hearing what was coming out of her mouth but she couldn't stop it. Taeyeon stood up in a kneeling position with the help of Tiffany, she reach for her and hug her tightly.

Tiffany didn't reach to it because she knew she couldn't she had to stop herself at some point. "Look we don't need to go shopping, I should go I can't really stay."Tiffany said truthfully. "Why not? You don't have to leave you can stay as long as

you want I really don't mine. I really like you being here actually."-Taeyeon locked eyes with Tiffany.

Tiffany was speechless hearing this from her. "Let's go shopping..please~~"Taeyeon did some cute gestures. "*sigh* Yeah..sure."-Tiffany accepted Taeyeon's proposal knowing it was a big mistake. Taeyeon seem to be really happy after she accepted. Tiffany kept caressing the back of Taeyeon's head.

"I'm fine."-Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany's hand and smile. Taeyeon stood up and help Tiffany do the same. "Go and brush your teeth, your breath is stinky in the mornings."-Tae tease Tiffany. "YAH!..like yours is any better."-Tiffany tease back. Taeyeon cover her mouth feeling shy.

Taeyeon started running to her bathroom while Tiffany smile at the girl's reaction she went up stairs to brush her teeth too. When she came down Taeyeon was waiting for her downstairs ready to go out. "Ready?"-She ask Tiff. "I guess, by the way when you said just the two of us you didn't really just mean the two of us right?"-Tiffany ask.

"No.....yes I did. *smile*"-Taeyeon looked down on the floor while playing with her fingers. "How can you do that?"-Tiffany's suspicions were once again active

how can this girl rent a whole store. "Don't worry is only rented for half a day."Taeyeon shrug it off like it was nothing.

"Just half...hmmm that makes it more normal."-Tiffany said sarcastically. This made Taeyeon laugh really hard this was really the first time Taeyeon had laugh like that usually she was all smiles and giggles but this was a full laugh like nothing she had heard before. Tiffany gave Tae her best eye smile, Tae stopped laughing in order to appreciated it. She got close to Tiffany suddenly which shock Tiffany she quickly back off though before Tae got any closer.

Taeyeon back off too seeing the girl's reaction she smile at her and grabbed her hand. "Let's go."-She said dragging Tiffany with her. Tiffany couldn't help wondering what was all that about, what would have happen if she hadn't moved back.


Tiffany was caring many bags of things Taeyeon had bought for her, anything that Taeyeon though she look good in she bought it for Tiffany. It came to a point Tiffany had to pretend to feel sick in order to stop Taeyeon from buying the whole store, even then it felt like they did.

Taeyeon was also caring some bags but Tiffany carry most of them because she didn't let Taeyeon carry much. As they were walking down the street they came to a stop at a light they were both in silence Taeyeon kept glancing at Tiffany who was in deep though.

She couldn't help thinking about how she had let herself come this far to the point where she let her even buy her clothes knowing the only reason she was there was to kill her, not to live there with her forever. Tiffany put her bags down and waited for the light to go red in order to cross.

Taeyeon did the same, after a minute the light turn red Taeyeon was trying to grabbed the bags while Tiffany did the same at a slower pace. Once Tae had all the bags she started walking in order to cross but she trip with all the bags. Tiffany saw this and let go of the bags when she saw a car coming towards Taeyeon at full speed. She had no time to think at all she reacted with her heart she pulled Taeyeon towards her Tae felt on top of her.

The car that was going to run Taeyeon over ended crashing into another car, the impact scared both Tiffany and Taeyeon who hugged each other tightly. Tiffany was being very protecting of Taeyeon. After a few minutes they were still on the same position with all the bags all around them.

Tiffany stopped hugging Taeyeon and looked at her, Taeyeon looked scared. Tiffany was hitting herself mentally she could have just let Taeyeon get run over by that car and she wouldn't have even have to do it herself, but instead she had saved her for the second time except this time she meant to.

"What did I do..?"-Tiffany asked herself out loud. Taeyeon hugged her. "You save my life again, you're my angel."-Taeyeon was smiling brightly. Tiffany stood up with Taeyeon still holding onto her tightly. She didn't seem to want to let go of her.

"I can't do this."-Tiffany pushed Taeyeon away from her she started walking away, Taeyeon got a hold of her hand. Tiffany stopped walking everything she was and wanted to become was being destroyed by Taeyeon. "Where are you going?"Taeyeon asked worried and confused.

"You're killing me!"-Tiffany suddenly shouted scaring Taeyeon. "I'm sorry."Taeyeon apologize thinking she meant that because she had to save her life again and she was tired of it. Tiffany didn't say a word she turn around and pulled Taeyeon towards her.

She looked at her in the eyes, she let her heart take over her body. Tiffany kissed Taeyeon on the lips she was holding Taeyeon by her waist. Taeyeon ended up resting her back against a poll while Tiffany kissed her passionately. Taeyeon didn't try to stop the kiss, nor she seem shocked by it as if it this is was what she wanted and she was sure enjoying it.

Their tongues were moving together dancing in each other mouths for a long time not even all the commotions going around them stopped them from kissing for a long while. Eventually Tiffany's naughty hand ended up close to Taeyeon's butt she touched her softly earning a moan from her.

When it reached Tiffany's ear it shocked her making her stop her actions. She looked at Taeyeon who was patting harshly like her. She let go off her without saying a word she started running away from Tae at full speed. Taeyeon try to go after her but she stopped for some reason. She looked at Tiffany run away from her until she disappear.

She looked at all the bags on the floor she started picking them all from the floor slowly while a tear felt from her eyes. Tiffany had left not letting her explain anything and Tiff left without explaining anything to her either. She left home with all the bags she could gather.

Meanwhile Tiffany had stopped running she was hitting her head against a wall frustrated at her own actions. She had let Taeyeon break her with her smiles, with her actions she had manage to break her. How could she kill her, she just couldn't find the strength to do it. She couldn't she couldn't even try to convince herself otherwise anymore. Was going back to her own place she was walking fast in case Taeyeon would follow her. She couldn't face Taeyeon.

Way Eight

Tiffany wakes up at 6 in the morning the day after she had left Taeyeon behind. To add to her already hurting heart the first thing she had search for was Tae, but disappointment hit quite quickly when she had woken up on her own room back at the agency.

She sat down on her bed while looking at the door, so many things going through her mind, never once she had let a person take so much from her. Take who she is, but that small girl with the dorky smile had just done what Tiffany though would always be impossible, what always was suppose to be impossible.

She kept being tempted to walk out that door look for Taeyeon and never look back, but it wasn’t as easy as it sounds she knew better. She knew too many secrets she couldn't just leave like it didn’t matter.

Even though she knew better she was still tempted to go and just be with Taeyeon. In all this confusion there was one person she knew she could trust with this the only person that could help her. She picked up her phone and deal up Luhan, she didn’t say much to him besides to meet her at a location so they could talk more privately.


After the short phone call ended Tiffany got ready in order to meet Luhan. Once she arrived at the place she had agreed to meet him about one hour later Luhan was already waiting for her there.

“Sorry I’m late even though I’m the one who called you to meet me.”-Tiffany apologize. “It’s fine, I’m glad you called.”-Luhan took a sip of his coffee, he had also order for Tiffany already knowing her taste.

“Thanks and Why are you glad I called you?”-Tiffany asked she could see the frustration all over his face. “It’s work stuff it doesn’t matter. So what happen you sounded weird on the phone?”-Luhan waited for Tiffany to answer.

Tiffany sighs she didn’t know where to start or even how to start. “I don’t know what to do. I feel like ……how do I say this?.....Like I don’t know who I am anymore. You think is possible to have want something so bad your whole life and then suddenly you don’t anymore?”-Tiffany took a sip of her coffee while she look at Luhan in the eyes.

He looked at the table while he sighs in sadness as well. “Yeah I guess is possible. I just don’t know if…..that’s really an option in ou—I mean your position.”

“Yeah I think so too.......... Luhan?"-Tiffany said shyly. "Yeah?"-He responded with curiosity. "I think I’m in love, I think I mean I never really gotten attach to a person before. Nothing like this.”-Tiffany blurt out. “Oh are you worried because she works for the agency too?”-Luhan calmly ask. “Not exactly.”-Tiffany was still not sure whether she could tell him who she was.

“Oh I see she’s a civilian? You know she never has to know.”-Luhan said still calmly while he played with his coffee. “I wish she was just that, and it's impossible at the end she will find out or at least know that I’m bad person.”Tiffany sighs in disappointment.

“What do you mean?”-He raise his left eye brow in confusion. “She’s not just a civilian Lu she’s …….she’s my target. The person who stole my very being is the person who stands in between what I need to become.”-Tiffany said frustrated.

“WHAT!?................ But Tiffany wanting and having too are two different things.?”-Tiffany looked at Luhan surprise she was expecting the first thing he said but not the last thing, she was expecting him to be mad and call her crazy.

“I wanted to become this, it was my choice, but you said what I need to become not what you want to.”-Luhan said. “I wanted to, I did I truly did but how can I want this anymore when I’m suppose to kill her because of this. I’m too far down this road Is not a choice anymore is it?”-Tiffany question.

“No.”-Luhan answers. “I have to do this don’t I?”-Tiffany said, Luhan was looking at the ground. “You’re right, you have to this. I’m sorry, but you're right is not a choice anymore. I have to go too.”-Luhan stood up. “Where are you going?”Tiffany stood up as well.

“Do something I should have done by now. You should go and finish your job too.”-Without another word Luhan walked away leaving Tiffany with a few questions that were left unanswered.

Taking Luhan’s advise Tiffany took off to Taeyeon’s apartment she had decided that once it was over all of this hell would be over too. She parked her car right outside Taeyeon’s home. She kept looking at the door she still had doubts whether she would do it or coward out again.

She saw the door open and a older gentleman came out from the place wearing a suit. He walk towards his car and got inside then drove off quickly. For some reason this finally got Tiffany to go out of the car and run to Taeyeon’s apartment.

She knock the door worried that no one would answer. Taeyeon open the door she was wearing a long white t-shirt and she didn’t seem to be a wearing anything else. This made Tiffany frown when weird thoughts started coming to her mind.

“Why are you dress like that?”-Tiffany came inside the house waiting for an answer but Taeyeon just kept quite looking at her. Tiffany got close to Taeyeon and lifted her shirt and saw her wearing a very small short, Taeyeon moved away from Tiffany after she did that.

“Yah! Tiffany?”-Was all that came from her mouth. “Was that like your boyfriend or something how can you be dress like that and let that guy in! That’s just.......... what the hell is wrong with you!”-Tiffany said with a angry expression.

Taeyeon stood still with a smile on her face for a little bit until she grabbed Tiffany's hand. “*giggle* you are jealous. "-Taeyeon tease Tiffany. “I’m not jealous.”-Tiffany said obviously lying. "Why did you leave me?”-Taeyeon was very cute and hug Tiffany’s neck while she said that. Without giving an answer Tiffany moved away from Taeyeon and walked towards the door.

“Where are you going!?”-Taeyeon run to the door and blocked Tiffany. “You left once without saying a word and now you're doing it again! Why did you come back in the first place if you're doing the same thing again!"

Tiffany finally realize what her reason of coming back was, she had forgotten yet again what she was suppose to do. “*sighs* Honestly I have no clue anymore. “Tiffany said while looking at Taeyeon in the eyes, but her eyes quickly started moving down Taeyeon’s legs.

“*closes eyes* I have to go.....”-Tiffany walked towards the door but Taeyeon stopped her and kiss Tiffany out of nowhere, Tiffany try to get away from Taeyeon but she fail to she started kissing her back while hugging her.

“I hate you.”-Tiffany blurt out they both looked at each other. Taeyeon looked surprise. “I hate you, because you make….wait…..who was that guy?”-Tiffany said out of nowhere, she couldn't let of what she saw.

Taeyeon laugh. “MY jealous girl, he was my accountant. By the way I hate you too.”-Taeyeon kiss Tiffany again then stopped leaving Tiffany a little dizzy from

the kiss. She started skipping up the stairs while talking her shirt off while Tiffany was looking at her like a lost puppy.

All Tiffany could do was watch as the shirt felt down to the stairs. The best part Taeyeon wasn’t wearing anything that cover her chest when she turn around to face Tiff she showed a devious smirk on her face.

“Is it possible to kill someone with too much sex?”-Tiffany question herself while looking at Tae. “Perhaps will find out.”-Tiffany walked slowly upstairs to find Tae laying on the bed with almost........okay absolutely nothing on.

“You leave nothing to the imagination do you?”-Tiffany said a little surprise. Taeyeon stood up and walk up towards Tiffany. “I could always get dress again and....”-Tiffany kiss Taeyeon while she touched her cute little butt not letting her say another word. Taeyeon just smile at Tiffany. “I’m good.”-Tiffany smile at her back.

She pushes Taeyeon towards the bed and felt on top of her. They started a much personated kissing scene on the bed for a while until Tiffany stopped in order to take her jacket off and threw it next to Tae who took it and playfully hided underneath it.

“What are you doing silly?”-Tiffany uncovers the playful girl underneath it and smiles at her. “You are so cute.”-Tiffany started kissing Taeyeon’s neck. “I’m going to make you beg me to stop, as more as you ask the least chance you have of me doing so.”-Tiffany smirks.


Tiffany got out underneath the blankets and breathes out like if she had being drowning. She was completely naked and trying to get away from the bed for some reason, suddenly Taeyeon's small hands grabbed her waist and pulled her back underneath. “Please Tiffany stop!”-Taeyeon wines with a smirk on her face. Tiffany had no choice but to go another round.

Tiffany and Taeyeon both felt breathlessly next to each other after another passionate round. “How can you have so much energy?”-Tiffany questions breathlessly “Three years without anything.”-Taeyeon smirks while she gets on top of Tiffany, the taller girl knows what was coming next.

Yet another round pass and Tiffany felt like she was dying. “Oh lord yes! It is possible to die like this!”-Tiffany said to herself while she tried to get away from

Taeyeon again while she rested but Taeyeon saw her and pulled her on top of her before she had the chance to.

“Another round?”-Tiffany asks Taeyeon hoping she would say no, but she was so wrong. “Stop, please, stop.”-Taeyeon smirks at Tiffany. Tiffany smiles at her but inside she felt like she was being kill little by little by Taeyeon’s unbelievable sex drive if she went another round after this one she wouldn't make it, that is if she even survived this one. So she did what she had to do in order to survive after this round ended she fakes falling asleep.

While Taeyeon was resting for another round Tiffany closes her eyes and was determent not to open them for anything, no matter what Taeyeon did. Taeyeon notice her "sleeping" and frowns. “Tiffany?!”-Taeyeon was trying to wake Tiffany up but she fail.

Taeyeon pouted when she wasn't able to wake Tiffany up. “Baby”-She tried once again but of course she wasn’t able to because Tiffany was determent to survive. She finally gave up and positions herself next to Tiffany and hugs her. She ended up falling asleep not long after.

After Tae felt asleep Tiffany was finally free she got off the bed and look for all the clothes she could find and went downstairs and got herself dress. She wasn’t

able to find her underwear but that didn’t stop Tiffany from getting out of there. She was walking a little weird but she ignore the pain as much as she could.

Tiffany definitely got her answer it was possible to kill someone with too much sexy time, too bad she was the one being kill by Taeyeon instead of the other way around. She wasn’t counting on Taeyeon being so wild and so resistant who could have guess that the small cute girl had that much in her.

She got inside her car and turns it on, but she stops when she realizes something she fail to think of before. “This is my chance, I could go and finish it ......she’s too tired.…….GOD DAMN IT!”-Tiffany hits her car’s horn scaring herself. “AHH!.........I can’t do it! This is the end of me.”-Tiffany drove off as far as she could from Taeyeon’s apartment. She had fail for the eighth time and the worst part this time was that even if she didn't want to admitted she did it on purpose.

Way Nine

Tiffany woke up in her car after she had slept there she didn’t go to the agency dorm she had slept in a random parking lot. The first thing she did when she woke up was look for her phone and call Luhan.

Luhan tells her she would meet her at the same place again. Tiffany drives off to the Café where this time she was there first. She waited for Luhan a few minutes before he finally showed up.

“Hey I got you coffee.”-Tiffany tells Luhan while she took the last sip of hers. “I think you need it more.”-Luhan can see Tiffany was wearing the same clothes as the other day.

Tiffany doesn’t object she starts to drink the coffee she had order for Luhan like he said she did really need it. “So did you finish what you said you would yesterday?”-Tiffany asks. Luhan looks at her. “Close enough I guess. What about you?”-Luhan asks.

“No. I couldn’t do it. I’m a failure Lu.”-Tiffany said disappointed in herself. “You are but don’t be too harsh on yourself…trust me you shouldn’t.”-Luhan smiles.

“What?”-Tiffany said confused. “Nothing. Just don’t be too harsh on yourself. So what are you going to do now?”-Luhan asks. “Finish it? ….Yeah……. I still can do it.”-Tiffany stands up from her sit.

Luhan looks up at her. “Are you sure that’s what you want? It really doesn’t seem like it is.”-Luhan said. “Yes, I just want her out of my life she’s destroying me Lu is either her or me. It can’t be a different way right?”-Tiffany said trying to convince herself.

“You really want her dead?”-Luhan asks. “YES!”-Tiffany said then left not even saying goodbye to Luhan. Luhan also stood up from his sit and started walking the same direction as Tiffany while he called someone on his phone.


Tiffany knocks the door to Tae’s apartment but Tae wasn’t opening. She starts knocking even louder but still nothing. A few seconds later Tae finally opens the

door she was on a call when she sees Tiffany she tries to close the door but she wasn’t able to with just one hand.

Tiffany came in the apartment. Taeyeon ends the call without saying anything. She looks at Tiffany anger and disappointment could be seen all over her face.

“What do you want now? What time are you going to leave this time?”-Taeyeon asks. Tiffany looks at her in the eyes for a few seconds she walks towards her but she suddenly turns around and starts going in circles while she pulls her hair and talks to herself.

“What are you doing?”-Tae asks her confused but Tiffany doesn’t respond to her. Tae goes up to her and touches her hand. Tiffany slaps it away and looks at Tae she tries to get close to grab Tae’s neck but she just couldn’t put force into that grip.

She ended up kissing Taeyeon on the lips the short girl was helpless she had giving into the kiss as well. They were on that position for a few minutes until Tiffany let go and looked at her in the eyes.

Tiffany suddenly started walking away. “Are you kidding me?! Why do you keep leaving after…..how can you?”-Taeyeon asks. Tiffany turns around to look at her. “You don’t understand….you wouldn’t understand. I wish I could tell you but I just can’t. You hate me right now but you would hate me a lot more if you knew the whole truth.”-Tiffany had tears on her eyes.

Taeyeon look at with a sad expression. “Just tell me the truth.”-Taeyeon waited for Tiffany to speak. The taller girl had forgotten how to speak she didn’t know what to do. She knew she could never be an assassin anymore she was done for it and it was all because of Tae.

“Tiffany?”-Taeyeon got closer to Tiffany and hugged her. “I want to tell you but I can’t……. I’m scared….I don’t want you to really hate me.”-Tiffany was kiss by Tae on the lips. “Just tell me.”-Taeyeon said.

“No. I just can’t. I’m sorry I’m leaving but this time I won’t come back.”-Tiffany said to Taeyeon. Taeyeon clean the tears in her eyes. “You’re right just leave and never come back. Neither of us deserve this is too good for the both of us.”-Tae step away from Tiffany angry at her.

“Tae…..”-Tiffany was going to walk towards Tae but suddenly there a big loud sound of a window shattering. Tiffany felt down to the floor while Taeyeon didn’t

move. Tiffany looked up at Tae. “TAE GET DOWN!”-Tiffany was going to stand up and run to her but there was second loud sound coming from behind Tiffany.

Tiffany looked at Tae in the eyes; Taeyeon suddenly started falling down to the floor. Tiffany run to Tae’s side she picked her up. “Tae baby wake up.”-Tiffany was trying to wake Tae up but she wouldn’t open her eyes.

Tiffany looked up at the person who had shot Tae and couldn’t believe her eyes. “Luhan?”-Tiffany said with tears in her eyes. He just looks at her showing no expression what so ever. “How could you do this?”-She yells at him.

“I thought this was what you wanted?”-He said to Tiffany while he got closer to her. Tiffany looks at Tae and kisses her forehead before, putting her down. “This is not what I wanted! I wanted her alive. I didn’t mean what I said earlier I want her to live.”-Tiffany screams.

“But you said, I asked you and you said you wanted her out of your life…..”Luhan was cut off. “I was going to leave…..try to escape but I knew I couldn’t tell you, because you know the only way I could leave was dead, you would have killed me if I would have told you.”-Tiffany felt down on her knees.

Luhan didn’t say anything he kept quite. “I love her. I wanted her to go with me and escape together but then I realize I don’t want her in danger she could be save here everyone would forget about her because I would become the primary target. As long she lived I didn’t care how I died.”-Tiffany was looking at her hands.

Her whole body was shaking while tears felt from her eyes. “Tiffany……”-Luhan try to comfort her but it was a huge mistake. Tiffany grabbed his arm and twisted it. She then grabbed him by the neck and started choking the life out of Luhan with no sign of stopping until he was dead.

“TIFFANY STOP!”-A voice said from behind Tiffany. Tiffany still didn’t pay attention to the voice she thought it was all in her mind. Until that person came in front on her and slap her hard on her cheek she finally let go of Luhan who felt down on the floor half dead.

Tiffany looked at the person who slaps her and she couldn’t believe her eyes. “Tae? ”-Tiffany looks at Tae then down at Luhan who was still trying to breathe properly. She looked at her hands and finally realizes what she almost did.

But at this moment all that was on her mind was Taeyeon who was standing before her. Could this be a ghost? She looked behind her where her body had been laying but her body was no longer there. She looked in front of her.

“Tae?”-Tiffany got close to Taeyeon and touched her whole face she couldn’t believe her eyes. But soon that happiness vanishes as soon as it came.”Wait……What the heck is going on here?”-Tiffany steps away from Taeyeon. Suddenly the front door open and there enter the same boy she had seen before at the mall and on the street every time she had tried to kill Tae before.

He ran to Luhan’s side, “Luhan are you okay?”-He asks. “Yeah I’m fine Sehun.”Luhan says to the boy. “It’s you….You didn’t kill him?”-Tiffany asks Luhan who was still on the floor.

“Tiffany.”Taeyeon tries to get close to her but Tiffany rejects Tae.“Don’t touch me.”-Tiffany said to Tae. Luhan stands ups with the help of Sehun. “No. I tried but I ended up discovering something else.”-Luhan said.

“Tiffany.”-Taeyeon tried to speak again but Tiffany cut her off. “No you don’t speak; I don’t want to hear you right now.”-Tiffany said angry. She then looks at Luhan and signals him to continue.

“Yesterday when I said I had to finish something I meant trying to kill the person…….I also felt in love with. I was going to until…….. he told me who he

really was after he almost killed me instead.”-Luhan looks at Sehun who hug his arm.

“What is that truth Luhan?”-Tiffany waited for what he had to say. Luhan looks at Taeyeon before he continues to speak. “Sehun is Tae’s bodyguard. You were never supposed to kill your target….well not exactly is complicated.”-Luhan finishes off. “Complicated? So you knew about this today and you didn’t tell me? To top it all you got in the plan too?”-Tiffany asks.

“Just like you I couldn’t tell you I was told not to and you know have to obey orders. Then you said you wanted her out of your life so I thought maybe it would be easier for you to move on if I was the one who did it instead of Sehun……but it seems I was wrong.”-Luhan looked down to the floor.

“I almost killed you!”-Tiffany sat down on a chair after she heard all of that. “I know……and I would have deserved it.”-Luhan said. Tiffany stands up and walks in front of Taeyeon.

“Why go through off this? Who are you Kim Taeyeon who are you really?”Tiffany asks Taeyeon who had tears in her eyes. “I’m an assassin.”-Taeyeon said.

“All this time….everything was plan out? All those times I thought I failed to kill you they were all meant to be that way but why? Won’t that mean I failed before I even started how can you be a practice target if I couldn’t kill you from the start? What kind of test is this?”-Tiffany was trying to make sense of all of it but nothing made sense at all.

“This isn’t just any kind of training…….I only train those who have the best potential to become a grand master assassin if you can get close to killing me you would get shock down its on the watch that was giving to you a while ago if is set off it means you pass. If by any chance you would achieve actually killing me…..you would become me. ”-Taeyeon said.

“Electric shock watch really?....... What do you mean become you? What is that suppose to mean? Who are you?”-Tiffany asks Taeyeon again. Taeyeon looked down on the floor and then she looked up at Tiffany. “My real name is not Taeyeon.”-She said to Tiffany. “Well there’s something…….. what it is?”-Tiffany said with tears in her eyes.

“My real name is Erika.”-She said she tried to get close to Tiffany but Tiffany didn’t let her. “The Erika……….. Is this some kind of a joke?”-Tiffany asks.

“You’re my boss? You’re the youngest and the best assassin in the world. We only ever hear about you but never met you…..not even a picture. *laughs* You have no idea how much I wanted to meet you, because I though one day I want to be better than her. But now that I have met you and that I have you in front of me. I only have this to say you to you ……I wish I never, ever, ever had met you. You miserable b*tch.”




“I’m such a fool. I can’t believe this.”-Tiffany said while looking at Taeyeon.

Tiffany turns around and started walking away from all of them. Luhan try to grab her arm but Tiffany gave him a scary glare and he didn’t dare to touch her.

“I love you too!”-Taeyeon suddenly yells out loud making sure Tiffany would hear her say those words.

Taeyeon runs to Tiffany while holding her cheek, she had tears coming out of her eyes now. She took Tiffany’s hand but the taller girl rejected her quickly.

Tiffany looked and the two boys before she open the front door but she closed it back again and looked at Taeyeon. “You love me? Really?”-Tiffany asked showing no visible expression.

“I do I love you, I’m sorry.”-Taeyeon said Tiffany just looked at her shaking her head. “How can love someone and do what you did to me.”-Tiffany said angry.

“I gave up being myself for you, I was going to literally commit suicide because I wanted you to be save and for what? You plan your own faked death. All of this was always plan out you knew who I was and you knew what we were doing meant. You knew this meant something to me, for a second I though it meant something to you too.”-Tiffany said looking at Taeyeon in the eyes.

“You mean so much to me, I love you. I wanted to tell you the truth…..I wanted you to tell me the truth everything could have been different. ”-Taeyeon said but couldn’t believe what she said.

“Why didn’t you tell me then? Why didn’t you stop it? You out all the people had the power to end this and just tell me the truth, you are my boss. Yet you didn’t do anything you let it go this far. Why did you?”-Tiffany asks Taeyeon.

“Because I stupidly felt in love with you the first moment I saw you on the floor with the flower pot on your head. I should have ignored it but I couldn’t. I

shouldn’t have let you into my home but I don’t regret it.”-Taeyeon was finally able to grab Tiffany’s hand without the girl rejecting her.

“I knew who you are and know who I am. I shouldn’t have let into my house, you were my own assassin I knew you were, I knew what you wanted to do. No matter how I wanted to fall asleep I fear that the person I felt this new feelings for would murder me in my sleep, but I couldn’t let you go and I didn’t know how. And then Luhan told me what you said, I couldn’t’t believe it but then after you came. You said you were leaving I just wanted to disappear so you wouldn’t suffer any longer. ”-Taeyeon started crying while hugging Tiffany tightly.

Tiffany hugged Tae back. “You could have told me the truth, but you are right about something everything could have been different. But you had the choice yet you didn’t choice anything you choice the easy way out and so did I.”

Tiffany stopped hugging Taeyeon. “Like you said neither of us deserves this, whatever this is or was we don’t deserve it we are both cowards who could have done everything differently. I’m as cowardly as you are not all of it is your fault.”Said Tiffany as she took a step back.

“I’m done. I can’t do this anymore I can’t ever be the same person anymore. You destroyed me and no matter what you do, I can never be the Tiffany I was before I knew you.”-Said Tiffany.

“I didn’t mean to cause you so much pain, this should have never happen. This is my entire fault I should have treated you like I treated everyone I ever trained. I’m sorry, I was so selfish but I want you to know that I will always be Kim Taeyeon for you. I can’t ever be who I was before Taeyeon anymore.”-Taeyeon said.

Tiffany opens the door in order to get out. “If you want to track me down and kill me…..go ahead honestly I don’t care, but I’m not going back to the agency anymore.”

Luhan and Sehun who had witness everything just stood there with wide open eyes. Taeyeon shook her head at the two boys who felt relieved they weren’t order to kill Tiffany right then and then.

Tiffany leaves the apartment in order to run to her car. Taeyeon went behind her and saw Tiffany driving off. Luhan came from behind her. “Are you letting her go?”He asked Tae.

“I can’t harm her, whatever happen to me I don’t care but no one is going to touch her understand.”-Taeyeon said looking at both Luhan and Sehun who both just nodded.

“Boss.”-Sehun said. Taeyeon looked him waiting for him to continue. “Why don’t you go after her? You know we can still locate her.”-Sehun said Taeyeon started walking fast towards her car she didn’t think twice after what Sehun said.

Taeyeon had ended up following Tiffany to the train station, she left the car were ever she could she didn’t care. She went after Tiffany who was walking fast. She ended up losing her on the way down.

It took her a few minutes to spot her but she was able to see Tiffany sitting down waiting for a train. Taeyeon walk towards her and stood in front of her. “I guess you wanted to do it personally.”-Tiffany looks at up at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon took Tiffany’s hand and took off the watch Tiffany still had on. Tiffany then realizes she had forgotten about that. “I know that I can’t change anything that happened but if I could I would change everything except falling in love with you.”-Taeyeon said while she threw the watch on the trash can.

“Is leaving really want you want to do?”-Taeyeon asks her. “You know what I want the most Taeyeon? I want to put you in jail that’s what I want to do the most.”-Tiffany said looking into her eyes Taeyeon could see she meant it.

Tiffany stood up but Taeyeon stopped her. “If that’s true then…..you can only do that if you stay.”-Taeyeon kisses Tiffany on the lips. “But if you leave you will never be able to.”-Taeyeon said with a smile on her face.

Tiffany locked eyes with Taeyeon for a few seconds.“I did say putting you in jail was what I wanted to do the most.”-Tiffany said then kisses Taeyeon on the lips. The train that she was waiting for had arrived but Tiffany didn’t seem like she would get on that train.


A girl with long brown hair was lying on her bed while playing with her Ipad. She kept looking at the clock on the wall about every minute or so. She seems to be anxious about something or perhaps someone. She doesn’t hear someone come inside the room because she was too focused on looking at the clock and her Ipad. The person quietly approaches her. Taeyeon Suddenly feels both her hands being pulled back which made her drop her Ipad on the bed.

She groans in pain while the girl behind her smirks. The smirking girl puts a pair of cuffs on the smaller girl in front of her. “Kim Erika you’re under arrest, you have the right to remain silent.”-Tiffany said while she kisses Taeyeon’s neck.

“Am I now?”-Taeyeon says in a cocky tone while she smirks. “Just don’t be so rough officer.”-Taeyeon said while pouting ever so cutely which ended up melting the ‘big mean’ officer.

Tiffany turn Taeyeon around to face her, they were both staring at each other in the eyes for a few minutes until Tiffany couldn’t talk it anymore and started kissing Taeyeon on the lips and then her neck. Tiffany takes Taeyeon’s cuffs off. Taeyeon hugs her neck after she was free. “I thought you were going to arrest me officer?”Taeyeon smiles.

Tiffany smiles back at her. “Don’t get so cocky just because I didn’t do it today doesn’t mean I won’t tomorrow. Besides I have different plans for you today.”Tiffany smirks.

“You’re a worst cop then you were an assassin.”-Taeyeon laughs. “YAH! I’m the best cop in the city, but just so you know I will arrest you eventually you know.”Tiffany defended her honor.

“Sure babe if you say so.”-Taeyeon chuckle while Tiffany pouted. “I will!”Tiffany protested like a kid. “Just kiss me.”-Taeyeon said to Tiffany, they both smile at each other before Tiffany gave into Taeyeon’s request and kiss her on the lips.


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