9. Tolentino vs. COMELEC GR 148344
Short Description
Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT
Manila EN BANC G.R. No. 148334
January 21, 2004
The Case This is a petition for prohibition to set aside Resolution No. NC !"#!!$ dated $ %une &!!" & !!" '(Resolution No. !"#!!$() and Resolution No. NC !"#!!* dated &! %ul+ &!!" '(Resolution No. !"#!!*() of respondent Coission on Elections '(COME-EC(). Resolution No. !"#!!$ proclaied the " candidates elected as Senators in the "/ Ma+ &!!" elections 0hile Resolution No. !"#!!* declared (official and final( the ran1in2 of the " Senators proclaied in Resolution No. !"#!!$. The 3acts Shortl+ after her succession to the Presidenc+ in %anuar+ &!!", President 4loria Macapa2al# 5rro+o noinated then Senator Teofisto Teofisto T. 4uin2ona, %r. '(Senator 4uin2ona() as 6ice# 6ice# President. Con2ress confired the noination of Senator 4uin2ona 0ho too1 his oath as 6ice# President on 7 3ebruar+ &!!". 3ollo0in2 Senator 4uin2ona8s confiration, the Senate on 9 3ebruar+ &!!" passed Resolution No. 9/ '(Resolution No. 9/() certif+in2 to the e:istence of a vacanc+ in the Senate. Resolution No. 9/ called on COME-EC to fill the vacanc+ throu2h a special election to be held siultaneousl+ 0ith the re2ular elections on "/ Ma+ &!!". T0elve Senators, 0ith a *#+ear ter each, 0ere due to be elected in that election. election." Resolution No. 9/ further provided that the (Senatorial candidate 2arnerin2 the "th hi2hest nuber of votes shall serve onl+ for the une:pired ter of forer Senator Teofisto Teofisto T. 4uin2ona, %r.,( %r.,( 0hich ends on ! %une &!!/. &! !/.& On $ %une &!!", after COME-EC had canvassed the election results fro all the p rovinces but one '-anao del Norte), COME-EC issued Resolution No. !"#!!$ provisionall+ proclaiin2 " candidates as the elected Senators. Resolution No. !"#!!$ also provided that (the first t0elve
'"&) Senators shall serve for a ter of si: '*) +ears and the thirteenth '"th) Senator shall serve the une:pired ter of three ') +ears of Senator Teofisto T. 4uin2ona, %r. 0ho 0as appointed 6ice#President.( Respondents Ralph Recto '(Recto() and 4re2orio ;onasan '(;onasan() ran1ed "&th and "th, respectivel+, in Resolution No. !"#!!$. On &! %une &!!", petitioners 5rturo Tolentino and 5rturo Mouentl+, ') it failed to specif+ in the 6oters Inforation Sheet the candidates see1in2 election under the special or re2ular senatorial elections as purportedl+ re>uired under Section /, para2raph / of Republic 5ct No. **/* '(R.5. No. **/*().* P"#$#$on"r% a #&a# '"(au%" o) #&"%" o*$%%$on%, COMELEC (an+a%%" a #&" +o#"% (a%# )or #&" %"na#or$a (an$a#"% $n #&" 14 May 2001 ""(#$on% -$#&ou# $%#$n(#$on %u(& #&a# #&"r" -"r" no #-o %"/ara#" S"na#" ""(#$on% &" %$*u#an"ou%y 'u# u%# a %$n" ""(#$on )or #&$r#""n %"a#%, $rr"%/"(#$+" o) #"r*. @ S#a#" o#&"r-$%", /"#$#$on"r% (a$* #&a# $) &" %$*u#an"ou%y, a %/"($a an a r"uar ""(#$on *u%# '" $%#$nu$%&" $n #&" o(u*"n#a#$on a% -" a% $n #&" (an+a%%$n o) #&"$r r"%u#%. To %u//or# #&"$r (a$*, /"#$#$on"r% ($#" #&" %/"($a ""(#$on% %$*u#an"ou%y &" -$#& #&" r"uar ""(#$on% o) 13 No+"*'"r 11 an 8 No+"*'"r 1 #o )$ #&" %"a#% +a(a#" 'y S"na#or% "rnano Lo/"5 an Caro% P. Gar($a, r"%/"(#$+"y, -&o '"(a*" 6$("7 Pr"%$"n#% ur$n #&"$r #"nur"% $n #&" S"na#". 9 Petitioners point out that in those elections,
COME-EC separatel+ canvassed the votes cast for the senatorial candidates runnin2 under the re2ular elections fro the votes cast for the candidates runnin2 under the special elections. COME-EC also separatel+ proclaied the 0inners in each of those elections.7 Petitioners sou2ht the issuance of a teporar+ restrainin2 order durin2 the pendenc+ of their petition. Aithout issuin2 an+ restrainin2 order, 0e re>uired COME-EC to Coent on the petition. On &! %ul+ &!!", after COME-EC had canvassed the results fro all the provinces, it issued Resolution No. !"#!!* declarin2 (official and final( the ran1in2 of the " Senators proclaied in Resolution No. !"#!!$. The " Senators too1 their oaths of office on & %ul+ &!!".
In vie0 of the issuance of Resolution No. !"#!!*, the Court re>uired petitioners to file an aended petition ipleadin2 Recto and ;onasan as additional respondents. Petitioners accordin2l+ filed an aended petition in 0hich the+ reiterated the contentions raised in their ori2inal petition and, in addition, sou2ht the nullification of Resolution No. !"#!!*. In their Coents, COME-EC, ;onasan, and Recto all clai that a special election to fill the seat vacated b+ Senator 4uin2ona 0as validl+ held on "/ Ma+ &!!". COME-EC and ;onasan further raise preliinar+ issues on the ootness of the petition and on petitioners8 standin2 to liti2ate. ;onasan also clais that the petition, 0hich see1s the nullit+ of his proclaation as Senator, is actuall+ a >uo 0arranto petition and the Court should disiss the sae for lac1 of uo 0arranto over 0hich the Senate Electoral Tribunal is the sole uestion other0ise oot if it is capable of repetition +et evadin2 revie0." Thus, in 5lunan III v. Mirasol, "/ 0e too1 co2niance of a petition to set aside an order cancelin2 the 2eneral elections for the San22unian2 abataan '(S() on / Deceber "77& despite that at the tie the petition 0as filed, the S election had alread+ ta1en place. Ae noted in Aunan that since the >uestion of the validit+ of the order sou2ht to be annulled (is li1el+ to arise in ever+ S elections and +et the >uestion a+ not be decided before the date of such elections,( the ootness of the petition is no bar to its resolution. This observation s>uarel+ applies to the instant case. The >uestion of the validit+ of a special election to fill a vacanc+ in the Senate in relation to COME-EC8s failure to copl+ 0ith re>uireents on the conduct of such special election is li1el+ to arise in ever+ such election. Such >uestion, ho0ever, a+ not be decided before the date of the election. On Petitioners8 Standin2 ;onasan >uestions petitioners8 standin2 to brin2 the instant petition a s ta:pa+ers and voters because petitioners do not clai that COME-EC ille2all+ disbursed public funds. Neither do petitioners clai that the+ sustained personal inuentl+ aended Section & of R.5. No. **/$, as follo0s= Postponeent, 3ailure of Election and Special Elections. B : : : In case a peranent vacanc+ shall occur in the Senate or ;ouse of Representatives at least one '") +ear before the e:piration of the ter, the Coission shall call and hold a special election to fill the vacanc+ not earlier than si:t+ '*!) da+s nor lon2er than ninet+ '7!) da+s after the occurrence of the vacanc+. ;o0ever, in case of such vacanc+ in the Senate, the special election shall be held siultaneousl+ 0ith the ne:t succeedin2 re2ular election. 'Ephasis supplied)
Thus, in case a vacanc+ arises in Con2ress at least one +ear before the e:piration of the ter, Section & of R.5. No. **/$, as aended, re>uires COME-EC= '") to call a special election b+ fi:in2 the date of the special election, 0hich shall not be earlier than si:t+ '*!) da+s nor later than ninet+ '7!) after the occurrence of the vacanc+ but in case of a vacanc+ in the Senate, the special election shall be held siultaneousl+ 0ith the ne:t succeedin2 re2ular election? and '&) to 2ive notice to the voters of, aon2 other thin2s, the office or offices to be voted for. Did COME-EC, in conductin2 the special senatorial election siultaneousl+ 0ith the "/ Ma+ &!!" re2ular elections, copl+ 0ith the re>uireents in Section & of R.5. No. **/$J 5 surve+ of COME-EC8s resolutions relatin2 to the conduct of the "/ Ma+ &!!" elections reveals that the+ contain nothin2 0hich 0ould aount to a copliance, either strict or substantial, 0ith the re>uireents in Section & of R.5. No. **/$, as aended. Thus, no0here in its resolutions&/ or even in its press releases &$ did COME-EC state that it 0ould hold a special election for a sin2le three#+ear ter Senate seat siultaneousl+ 0ith the re2ular elections on "/ Ma+ &!!". Nor did COME-EC 2ive foral notice that it 0ould proclai as 0inner the senatorial candidate receivin2 the "th hi2hest nuber of votes in the special election. The controvers+ thus turns on 0hether COME-EC8s failure, assuin2 it did fail, to copl+ 0ith the re>uireents in Section & of R.5. No. **/$, as aended, invalidated the conduct of the special senatorial election on "/ Ma+ &!!" and accordin2l+ rendered ;onasan8s proclaation as the 0inner in that special election void. More precisel+, the >uestion is 0hether the special election is invalid for lac1 of a (call( for such election and for lac1 of notice as to the office to be filled and the anner b+ 0hich the 0inner in the special election is to be deterined. 3or reasons stated belo0, the Court ans0ers in the ne2ative. COME-EC8s 3ailure to 4ive Notice of the Tie of the Special Election Did Not Ne2ate the Callin2 of such Election The callin2 of an election, that is, the 2ivin2 notice of the tie and place of its occurrence, 0hether ade b+ the le2islature directl+ or b+ the bod+ 0ith the dut+ to 2ive such call, is indispensable to the election8s validit+.&* In a 2eneral election, 0here the la0 fi:es the date of the election, the election is valid 0ithout an+ call b+ the bod+ char2ed to adinister the election.&@ In a special election to fill a vacanc+, the rule is that a statute that e:pressl+ provides that an election to fill a vacanc+ shall be held at the ne:t 2eneral elections fi:es the date at 0hich the special election is to be held and operates as the call for that election. Conse>uentl+, an election held at the tie thus prescribed is not invalidated b+ the fact that the bod+ char2ed b+ la0 0ith the dut+ of callin2 the election failed to do so.&9 This is because the ri2ht and dut+ to hold the election eanate fro the statute and not fro an+ call for the election b+ soe authorit+&7 and the la0 thus char2es voters 0ith 1no0led2e of the tie and place of the election.!
Conversel+, 0here the la0 does not fi: the tie and place for holdin2 a special election but epo0ers soe authorit+ to fi: the tie and place after the happenin2 of a condition precedent, the statutor+ provision on the 2ivin2 of notice is considered andator+, and failure to do so 0ill render the election a nullit+." In the instant case, Section & of R.5. No. **/$ itself provides that in case of vacanc+ in the Senate, the special election to fill such vacanc+ shall be held siultaneousl+ 0ith the ne:t succeedin2 re2ular election. 5ccordin2l+, the special election to fill the vacanc+ in the Senate arisin2 fro Senator 4uin2ona8s appointent as 6ice#President in 3ebruar+ &!!" could not be held at an+ other tie but ust be held siultaneousl+ 0ith the ne:t succeedin2 re2ular elections on "/ Ma+ &!!". The la0 char2es the voters 0ith 1no0led2e of this statutor+ notice and COME-EC8s failure to 2ive the additional notice did not ne2ate the callin2 of such special election, uch less invalidate it. Our conclusion i2ht be different had the present case involved a special election to fill a vacanc+ in the ;ouse of Representatives. In such a case, the holdin2 of the special election is subuired notice to the voters in the "/ Ma+ &!!" special senatorial election covers t0o atters. 3irst, that COME-EC 0ill hold a special election to fill a vacant sin2le three#+ear ter Senate seat siultaneousl+ 0ith the re2ular elections scheduled on the sae date. Second, that
COME-EC 0ill proclai as 0inner the senatorial candidate receivin2 the "th hi2hest nuber of votes in the special election. Petitioners have neither claied nor proved that COME-EC8s failure to 2ive this re>uired notice isled a sufficient nuber of voters as 0ould chan2e the result of the special senatorial election or led the to believe that there 0as no such special election. Instead, 0hat petitioners did is conclude that since COME-EC failed to 2ive such notice, no special election too1 place. This bare assertion carries no value. Section & of R.5. No. **/$, as aended, char2ed those 0ho voted in the elections of "/ Ma+ &!!" 0ith the 1no0led2e that the vacanc+ in the Senate arisin2 fro Senator 4uin2ona8s appointent as 6ice#President in 3ebruar+ &!!" 0as to be filled in the ne:t succeedin2 re2ular election of "/ Ma+ &!!". Siilarl+, the absence of foral notice fro COME-EC does not preclude the possibilit+ that the voters had actual notice of the special election, the office to be voted in that election, and the anner b+ 0hich COME-EC 0ould deterine the 0inner. Such actual notice could c oe fro an+ sources, such as edia reports of the enactent of R.5. No. **/$ and election propa2anda durin2 the capai2n. More than "! illion voters cast their votes in favor of ;onasan, the part+ 0ho stands ost preuire separate docuentation of candidates or separate canvass of votes in a
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