9 Iwori Ogunda Ingles

March 30, 2019 | Author: ifakorede | Category: Religion And Belief
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Ifa says it promises victory for this person. He/she shal hall be a leade ader whom othe otherr peopl ople will be following. following. As a leader, leader, people people will attempt attempt to to gang up against him/her, but on every attempt he/she shall triumph. Ifa also foresees a very high honour  for this this person. person. All he/she he/she needs needs to do is to offer  offer  ebo for honour with one ram, one cutlass, one knife, 2 roosters and money . One of the roosters will be used to feed Esu, the other will be used to feed Ogun. One Aguntan (ewe) will be used to propitiate his/her Ori. On this, Ifa says: Ejo ti araye ba da ti Ero orun nii daa Dia fun Asorin Tii yoo je Oloja Lawujo igi oko  A m’Asunrin j’oloja Gbogbo Igi Oko E teyin wa, e wa sin Gbogbo Igi Oko

 Translation  A case that is not well decided by Human Being The The heav heaven enly ly bein beings gs will ill give give the the righ rightt  judgement This was the declaration of Ifa to Asorin tree When he was going to be king of all the forest trees  Asorin has been made a king  All trees of the forest come and pay your  respect

 All trees of the forest Come and pay your homage


Ifa says that this person needs to propitiate the spirits of his/her dead ones. He/she should also offer ebo for wealth with 2 rams, money a basket of eko (corn meal) . One of these rams will be used to feed the spirit of his/her dead father, grandfather or  great grandfather. grandfather. The second one will be used for  the the ebo prope proper. r. The The leave leaves s of the eko eko will will be deposited at the spot where the spirit of the father  is propitiated. This person’s wealth is a divine blessing and it is the spirit of his/her father that will facilitate this. On this Ifa says: Omila Awo Ajaniwarun Dia fun Orunmila Ti Ire o lale ni Ile Baba re Nje kilo pe kire o lale nile mi o Omila Ifa lo pe kire o lale nile mi o Omila

 Translation Omila the Awo of Ajaniwarun Cast Ifa for Orunmila When Ire was about to take a firm root in his father’s compound Who declares Ire to come to my house Omila It is Ifa that orders Ire to my house Omila


Ifa says there is a pregnant woman close to this person. She needs to offer ebo because of the baby in her tummy. The baby inside her tummy is a boy. This ebo must be offered for safe delivery of the baby. The baby boy should however be named Fasola. That is his name right from heaven. Items for the Ebo are: 3 roosters, 3 hens, 8 rats and 8 fish and money . Ifa should be fed, and the boy should undergo Itenifa. (this person’s name is also Fasola). On this, Ifa says:  Aase gadagba Awo Atalede Dia fun Fasola Tii somo Iwori Aweda Owo ile yii nko o? Ti Fasola ni o Omo Iwori Aweda  Aya ile yii nko o? Ti Fasola ni Omo Iwori Aweda Omo ile yii nko o ? Ti Fasola ni o Omo Iwori Aweda Ire gbogbo Ile yii nko o? Ti Fasola ni o Omo Iwori Aweda

 Translation  Aase gadagada Awo Atalede (The big wide gate is the Awo of the main entrance) This was Ifa’s declaration to Fasola The offspring of Iwori-Ogunda Who owns the wealth in this house? It is Fasola, the offspring of Iwori-Ogunda Who owns the wife (wives) in this house?

It is Fasola, the child of Iwori-Ogunda Who owns the children in this house? It is Fasola The offspring of Iwori Aweda Who owns all the Ire in this house? It is Fasola The offspring of Iwori Aweda 4.

Ifa warns that this person should not adopt illegal means to look for money. He/she should also not be greedy. Ifa says that he/she should not be too much in a hurry to make it in life, as he/she will be able to achieve all his/her desires steadily. On this, he/she has to offer ebo with all edible items, 2 brooms, money. After the ebo, one of the brooms will be given to him/her. He/she will be sweeping with it. On this, Ifa says: Iroko eluju nii fori sokun Nii fara sode Dia fun Olomo Lasikiti-Siriki Ti ntorunbo waye Eni to fe Aje e ni Ifa ni w ma ma kanju Igba Omida E sikiti wa, o w wa gb’owo Igba Omidan

 Translation It is Iroko of the wilderness that hides it head And exposes its body Cast Ifa for Olomo Lasikiti Siriki When coming from heaven to the world He who want wealth Ifa warns you not to be in haste 200 spinsters

Come in groups and take your brooms for  sweeping 200 spinsters 5.

Ifa foresees an all encompassing Ire for this person. The latter part of his/her life will be very interesting, rewarding and successful. It is his/her Egbe that needs to be fed before he/she realises his/her  potentials. They are the ones changing his/her  fortunes to misfortunes. This person needs to offer ebo to ward this off. The material for the ebo include: all edible items, these will be in a bowl, sponge, soap, camwood and money. The sponge soap and camwood will also be put in the bowl and the bowl will be placed by Iroko tree. On this, Ifa says: Ori buruku ni o gbose Iwori wonda ni o gbo kanyinkan Dia fun E-O-Mogba-ti-mo-yan-an Ti ntorun bo waye O dele aye tan, oju Ire gbogbo lo npon Won ni ko sa kale ebo ni sise O gbebo, o rubo  Alaje, Alaya, Olomo nlaje, nlaya, nlomo nnire Mi o tii ni o Talo Mogba Talo Mogba mo yan temi si? Talo Mogba

 Translation Bad destiny cannot be cleansed with soap Ill-luck does not disappear with scrubbing the head with sponge

This was Ifa’s declaration for E-O-Mogbati-mo-yan-an (No one knows when I chose my destiny) When coming from heaven to the world When he got to the world, he was in need/want of all Ire He was advised to offer ebo He complied I have gotten wealth I have gotten spouse I have gotten children I have gotten all Ire Who knows? Who knows the time my destiny would manifest?


Ifa says this person will have many children. His/her  father has many children and none of them is very successful. All of them came to this world with empty heads. If his/her father is still alive, his head has gone back to heaven. This person needs to offer one ram, money as ebo.  Also, one ram will be used to propitiate the spirit of  his/her dead father. If he is alive, the ram will be used to propitiate his Ori. On this, Ifa says:  Apari ni o ri abe ko too pari Okunrun ni o ri opa ko too dide Dia fun ese kan soso Iwori To bimo to po Ti okankan o lori Ese kan soso Iwori To bimo to po Ti o lori Baba a mi gb’agbo Koro mi le lori o

 Agbo ree iyee

 Translation  A bald-headed man does not need any blade to get a clean shave The sick never uses walking stick to get well This was Ifa’s declaration to Iwori Who gave birth to many children  And none of them is successful Behold! It is Iwori Who has many children  And none is successful My father, please take this ram  And let me be successful Let me accomplish my heart’s desires  Agbo reee iyee! Here is my ram 7.

Ifa says this person is apprehensive over an issue. Ifa says he/she should not entertain doubt as Ifa says that he/she is going to enjoy rest of mind on the issue. He/hse is going to enjoy rest on the issue. This person needs to offer ebo with 4 pigeons, money in four places, 2 cow tails, ram, ram’s skin and money . An Irukere will be made with one of the cow tails and handed over to him/her. He/she will take this with him/her to the river bank where he/she will propitiate his/her  father’s spirit (if dead), with a ram, ram’s skin. That is, the spirit of his/her father must be propitiated by the river side. On this, Ifa says: Iwori wonda omo ologbun-jogbun To ba se ile wa Nba re je temi Ma ko Iru meji lowo

Ma ko tiemi Ma ko tiemi Ma ni ara Iwaju E ya wa, wo see mi Ero eyin, e ya wa wo se mi Dia fun Olota ODo Omo Arogedegubu wonu omi Orin: Ara Iwaju, e wa, e wa wo see mi Ero eyin, e wa wo see mi

 Translation Iwori Wonda (Iwori-Ogunda) the offspring of He who has a bigger drainer  If it were to be in our home I would have gone for my own title I will hold two cowtails majestically I will beckon on those before me To come and access my performance I will equally call on people coming behind To come and access my performance These were the declarations of Ifa to Olota Odo (the offspringof those who dressed majestically to perform rituals) Song: Those ahead of me please come and access me  And those coming behind, come and access my performance 8.

Ifa says there is a fair complexioned woman that is close to this person. Ifa says that he/she should offer ebo to guide/prevent the woman from having an Abiku. On this, Ifa says this person should offer  ebo with Obuko/Akuko, rooster and money. There is the need to make a special soap which the woman will use to bath just once in a stream. The sponge will be thrown into the stream after the bath. On this, Ifa says:

Ori buruku ni o gbo’se Iwonda ni o gbo kanyinkanyin Oro eda i ba gbon kanyinkanyin Mba jawe Ifa kan Ma fi wee Dia fun Amoloja Tii seya Abiku Won ni ko sa kale ebo ni sise

 Translation Bad destiny can not be amended by mere washing/bathing with soap ill-luck cannot be scrubbed clean with sponge If human destiny are amendable by mere washing/bathing with soap and sponge I would have made a very potent Ifa preparation to bath with These were Ifa’s declarations to Amoloja (the fair complexion woman) The mother of Abiku – a child destined to die young She was advised to offer ebo


Ifa says, people have written this person off. They are of the opinion that he/she can never prosper in life. Ifa says that he/she should exercise patience and that he/she shall prosper to the amazement of  everybody, if he/she can offer ebo with 2 roosters, 2 pigeon, 2 guinea fowls and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ori buruku ni o gbose Iwori Aweda, o gbo kanyinkanyin

Dia fun eni ti a Ndadii Ti yoo bo waa doloro lola Ebo ni won ni ko wa se O gbebo, o rubo

 Translation Bad destiny is not amendable with washing with soap It luck cannot respond to bathing with sponge This was Ifa’s declaration to he who had been written off as a never-do-well Who shall become wealthy in the near  future He was advised to offer ebo He complied


Ifa says that Egbe icon must be made for this person. There must also be a big bowlike calabash to be filled with aadun, Ireke-Sugarcane, OgedeBanana, Epa –Groundnut, small calabash. There is also the need to offer ebo with 2 roosters, palmoil and money. On this, Ifa says: Ka tesuru bopo Ka togede boyo Dia fun Abomo Jingin Ti nsunkun pe ire toun pe lorun o Ebo ni won ni ko wa se Nje Jingin-Jingin gbedemuke o  A yoo foro yii rerin-in gbedemuke

 Translation Let’s dip esuru (Pennisetum purpureums) into palm oil  And dip Ogede (banana) into salt

Cast Ifa for Abomojigin (One who has many lively children) When she was lamenting that her Ire over  stayed in heaven She was asked to offer ebo Oh Jingin-Jingin (relax and rejoice) Gbedemuke We shall all rejoice over this issue in the nearest future


Ifa says this person should offer ebo against being unnecessarily implicated on issue(s) that he/she knows nothing about. There is an unfortunate person that is close to this person. This person needs to offer ebo with 3 roosters 1 he-goat and money. One of the roosters will be used to feed Esu. On this, Ifa says: Ol’ori buruku mumi o pa a l’ori Okuugbe j’ogede, o ha a l’orun Won ni ki okuugbe f’ehinti ka yo ogede Ikoti se mo l’ofun Dia fun Ol’ori buruku Ti nt’orun bo wa’le aye Ebo ni won ni ko se Olori buruku ni ohun o l’ebo o ru Nje ki olori buruku ma koo ba mi Mo ti yaa sun si’waju

 Translation  An unfortunate person drinks water and it goes through his wind pipe  A controversial person eats banana and it got stuck to his throat He was asked to lean his back so that the banana can be removed

The needle breaks right inside his throat These were Ifa’s declarations for Olori buruku (He who is destined to be unfortunate) When he was coming to the world He was asked to offer ebo He said he is not interested in offering any ebo Oh! the unfortunate, do not inflict me with your misfortunes I have moved far away from you 12.

Ifa says that two individuals need to offer ebo so that they can be blessed with children. These people should give the issue of having children their  priority than wealth. They should also propitiate their Ori. Materials to be used for ebo include 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens and money. On this, Ifa says: Iwori wonda-wonda Dia fun Ori owo-dun  A bu fun Ori Omo-dun Won ni ki won sakaale, ebo ni sise Ero Ipo, Ero Ofa Eyin e mo pe Ori omo dun ju t’olowo lo

 Translation Iwori Aweda Cast Ifa for the Ori who believes in wealth  And also cast for the Ori who believes in children Both of them were asked to offer ebo The people of Ipo The people of Ofa Behold! Children rank higher than wealth


Ifa says the owner of this Odu should offer ebo of  longevity. It is when he/she is alive that he/she can talk of any other goodies of life. Ifa assures this person that when there is life there is hope.  All good things of life will be given to him/her. Materials for ebo include. 1 he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says: Orogbo ko see mu s’eke ile Obi abata ko see mu se okute Dia fun Emi Ti nlo ree je Oloja l’awujo ara  A mu Emi j’Oloja Ifa Gbogbo ara, e ya wa e wa sin Gbogbo ara

 Translation Orogbo (Garcinia kola) cannot be used as rafter  Obi abata (ficus glumosa) cannot be used as a beam Dia fun Emi, Life When going to be the king of the Body Behold! Life has been crowned as the head of the body  All parts of the body come and pay homage  All parts of the body 14.

Ifa assures this person of adequate protection. Ifa also says that he/she will command respect from his/her fellow human being. He/she needs to offer  ebo with 3 roosters or 1 he-goat, Abere Oporo, long Needles –3 packets and money. On this, Ifa says:

Iwo nda Iwo nle Iwo ntile le kokooko bi Ota Dia fun Tete O ntorun bo wale aye Dia fun Dagunro O nt’orun bo w’aye Ebo ni won ni ki won wa se Dagunro nikan nii be l’eyin Ti nm’ebo Nje Dagunro o se e je o Ije ti e je Tete E ma je Dagunro

 Translation Iwo nda } Iwo nle } Iwori Aweda Iwori Ogunda put his feet on the ground and it was as strong as pebble This was Ifa’s declaration for Tete (Amaranthus Spp) When coming from heaven to the world Same was also declared for Dagunro (Alternanthera repens) When coming to the world They were asked to offer ebo It was only Dagunro that complied Behold Dagunro is exempted from human consumption The way that tete is consumed Dagunro cannot be eaten in like manner 


Ifa says this person needs to wash his/her head in the stream for his/her situation to change for the better for him/her. A special soap and sponge will be prepared for him/her to do this “head bath”.

This will be the head of “Eda” rat, the head of Emo rat, Awede leaves and soap will be pounded together for this bath. This will be done after  he/she might have offered an all-encompassing ebo with 2 roosters, 2 guinea fowl, 2 hen, 2 pigeons, 2 bottles of palm-oil and money. On this, Ifa says: Iwori wonda Iwori wonle Iwori tie le kokooko bi ota Dia fun Iwori Ti nlo ree weri Ogunda Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O we’ri emo, emo mo Iwori, Ifa ni yoo we’ri Ogunda Ire Kinni yoo we’rii mi fun mi  Awede Weleke Ifa ni yoo we’rii mi fun mi o  Awede Weleke

 Translation Iwori Wonda } Iwori Ogunda Iwori Wonle } Iwori who is as strong as pebble Cast Ifa for Iwori When going to bath Ogunda’s head He was asked to offer ebo He complied He did same for eda (grey rat) Its life changed for good Iwori, it is Ifa that changed Ogunda’s bad destiny to good It did same for emo (brown rat) Its life changed for good Iwori, it is Ifa that changed Ogunda’s bad destiny to good

Who will change my destiny for the better?  Awede, weleke Ifa is the one that will change my destiny for better 


Ifa advises this person not to turn his/her back away from Isese. All his/her good things of life are embedded in Isese. If he/she turns away from Isese there will be a lot of problems in his/her life. This person needs to feed Orisanla with hegoat, 16 snails, lot of Ori, shea butter and also offer ebo with money. On this, Ifa says: Iwori Aweda, Eda o gb’oogun Ebo ni’fa ni ka maa se Dia fun Oganjobi Ti yoo ko esin Oosa sile Ti yoo lo maa bo Baba oni baba Laimo wipe eegun el’eegun kii gbe baba elomii Ebe kan ni mo maa be o Bi’ke o ba ti yo o K’ese sa na Ebe kan ree nma be o

 Translation Iwori Aweda One’s destiny is not amendable with strong charms Instead Ifa advised us to use ebo to amend it This was Ifa’s declaration to Oganjobi Who declared he would not worship Orisa again  And choose to worship other people’s ancestors

Unknown to him that another person’s ancestor does not give one support I will only plead for pardon On one of my predicaments If the hunch back refused to go Let the crippled legs straightened








Ifa – for guidance, direction, protection, success, victory, elevation, progress, supports, general acceptability and overall wellbeing Ori – for fulfilment of  destiny, support, progress, protection, success, victory, elevation, sanctuary, love, peace of mind, and self actualization Esu Odara – for   support, progress, victory, elevation, and general well being Obatala – for protection, leadership, love, victory, and general wellbeing Egungun – for ancestral support, progress, financial success, support and general well being Egbe – for leadership, comradeship, progress, and general well being Ogun – for financial success, elevation,

progress, victory, and general wellbeing







Must never eat shegoat – to avoid unconsummated fortune and disappointment Must never use Asorin tree for anything – to avoid unconsummated fortune, failure, loss and disappointment Must never abandon traditionalism – to avoid unconsummated fortune, failure, pain and agony Must never eat or   maltreat a cat – to avoid disaster, unconsummated fortune and loss Must never be in a hurry for success – to avoid missed opportunities, failure and unconsummated fortune Must never be too fashion and beauty conscious – to avoid childbearing problem

Must never fight over  legacy – to avoid unconsummated fortune and disappointment POSSIBLE PROFESSIONS OF IWORI OGUNDA 7.

1. 2. 3.

Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess Trading Technician, Engineer, civil mechanical astronaut


Ifasola – Ifa has done great honour  Oloye – the title holder  Okanmbi – the head of  all children

FEMALE 1. 2.


 Aboru Aboye

Omoyeni – child is befitting Oriomodun – having a child is more rewarding than any other thing in life Oloja – the head of the market

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