OBJECTIES A. Conten Contentt Standa Standard rds s B. Perf Perfor orma mance nce Standards C. !ear !earni ning ng Competencies" #$%ecties &'rite the !C code for each(
O(2ec%"ve&3 The learners shall $e a$le to) *. Di+eren Di+erentia tiate te aero$ aero$ic ic from anaero$ic respiration
O(2ec%"ve&3 The l earners shall $e a$le to)
*. plain the ma%or featur features es and seuen seuence ce of the the chem chemic ical al een eents ts of cellular respiration. &STE4BIO1151,$IIa$2$76
Addit Addition ional al 2ateri 2aterials als from !earning Resources&!R( portal
B. #the #therr !ear !earnin ning g Resources I. 8ROCEDURES A. Reie Reiewing wing prei preious ous lesson or presenting the new lesson B. sta$l sta$lish ishing ing a purp purpose ose for the lesson
Grade level Lear!"!# Area Qar%er /EDNESDAY
ATPATP- ADP Cycle, Photosynthesis, Respiration Prepare simple fermentation setup using common fruits to produce wine or inegar ia microorganisms.
&STE4BIO1151,$IIa$2$ -6 CONTENT LEARNING RESOURCES A. Refer eferen ence ces s *. Teacher eacher/s /s 0uide 0uide pages 1. !earni !earning ng 2ateri 2aterials als pages 3. Tet$o et$oo4 o4 pages pages
Biology Tet$oo4, pp. 5671
Biology Tet$oo4, pp. 56-71
https)""www.reference.co m"science "respiration"
https)""www.reference.com"s cience "respiration"
'hat are di+erent signi9cant eents of the Calin cycle:
;ow is aero$ic respiration di+er from anaero$ic respiration:
To To di+erentiate aero$ic To To discuss the ma%or from anaero$ic featur features es and seuen seuence ce of respiration the the chem chemic ical al een eents ts of cellular respiration.
C. Presenting eamples"instances of the new lesson
Power point presentation 0uide uestions to answer
Discussion) Diagram Analysis
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new s4illsinding practical application of concepts and s4ills in daily liing
;. 2a4ing generali@ation and a$stractions a$out the lesson
?. .
a lu at in g l ea rn in g Additional actiities for application or remediation
I. REAR9S . RE0LECTION A. o. of learners who earned 6 in the ealuation. B. o. of learners who reuire additional actiities for remediation who scored $elow 6. C. Did the remedial lessons wor4: o. of learners who hae caught up with the lesson.
D iagr am
Diagram analysis) Discussion Answering guide uestions) ;ow does aero$ic respiration happen: Anaero$ic respiration: ?n which type of respiration where oygen is not reuired: ?n which type of respiration where the production of ATP is greater:
Distinguish the ma%or di+erence $etween aero$ic and anaero$ic respiration. A 2u lt ip le Ch oi ce Tes t w il l $e gien.
'hat are the di+erent ma%or
features and seuence of the chemical eents of cellular respiration: ?n what particular situation where aero$ic and anaero$ic respiration was ehi$ited:
Compare and contrast the two types of respiration in a ta$ular form.
A 2ultiple Choice Test will $e gien.
continue the reuire remediation . 'hich of my teaching strategies wor4ed well: 'hy did these wor4: >. 'hat diEculties did ? encounter which my principal or superisor can help me sole: 0. 'hat innoation or locali@ed materials did ? use" discoer which ? wish to share with other teachers:
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