8e Ch4 Mini Case Und Entity
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Audit Class Mini Case...
EarthWear Hands-on Mini-case Chapter 4 - Understanding the Entity and Its Environment © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, !"#!
In this mini-case yo% will complete the &%estionnaire 'or %nderstanding Earth(ear Earth(ear Clothiers, Inc and the environment in which it operates
The wor)sheet titled *+%estionnaire* contains a partially completed copy o' the &%estionnaire can thro%gh the &%estions and responses that have already een completed
.o% are to complete &%estions #, !, /, 0, 1, #2, #1, #3, and 4" e'er to the in'ormation on the Earth(ear Investor and (illis 5 6dams C76s C76s wesites 8wwwmhhecom9messier:e; 8wwwmhhecom9messier:e; and the ac)gro%nd doc%ment elow to complete the &%estions .o% can also leverage the wor) o' the prior year a%dit team shown in Es maBor so%rces o' reven%e, incl%ding the nat%re Hi$h-6a%it) c%othin$ !or otdoor s'orts, sch as hi.in$, s.iin$, !%)o' its prod%cts and9or services? !ishin$, and *hite-*ater .a)a.in$ O&er the )ears, the Co#'an)s 'rodct %ines ha&e $ro*n to inc%de casa% c%othin$, accessories, shoes and so!t %$$a$e
An) Re#ainin$ Ris. No
(ho are the entity>s )ey c%stomers?
The co#'an) has a #ai%in$ %ist *hich consists o! a''ro;i#ate%) 211 No 'eo'%e Ho*e&er, a''ro;i#ate%) 7 #i%%ion are &ie*ed as csto#ers (ecase the) #ade at %east one 'rchase !ro# the co#'an) *ithin the %ast 2 #onths Additiona%%), a sr&e) condcted () the Co#'an) in the United States drin$ 21 indicated that a''ro;i#ate%) < o! its csto#ers *ere in the 3- a$e $ro' and had #edian inco#es o! =78,
(ho are the entity>s )ey s%ppliers?
A%% $oods are ' rodced () inde'endent #an!actrers e;ce't !or #ost o! its so!t %$$a$e, *hich is asse#(%ed at the Co#'an)s !aci%ities "rin$ 211, the Co#'an) 'rchased #erchandise !ro# a''ro;i#ate%) 3 do#estic and !orei$n #an!actrers One #an!actrer and one inter#ediar) acconted !or a(ot 1-29< o! the Co#'an)s recei&ed #erchandise, res'ecti&e%), in 211 In 211 a(ot 8< o ! the Co#'an)s #erchandise *as i#'orted, #ain%) !ro# Asia, Centra% A#erica, and Me;ico
+es, the co#'an) *o%d (e s(>ect to a n#(er o! ris.s /or e;a#'%e, i! these !orei$n contries nder$o econo#ic hardshi's or sto' s''%)in$ to the Co#'an), the Co#'an) *o%d need to !ind a%ternati&e s''%iers Additiona%%), *or.ers (oth do#estica%%) and internationa%%) co%d nder$o a stri.e, ths sto''in$ shi'#ent o! s''%ies /rther#ore, the &a%e o! !orei$n crrenc) co%d a''reciate re%ati&e to the US "o%%ar, *hich *o%d #a.e s''%ies #ore cost%)
(hat is the entity>s organi@ational str%ct%re?
The company has a well-developed organi@ational str%ct%re with clear lines o' a%thority among the vario%s operating departments and sta'' '%nctions The organi@ational str%ct%re is appropriate 'or Earth(ear>s activities
(here are its maBor locations?
Doise, Idaho is the main corporate location Earth(ear also has phone and Ao Aone o' these co%ntry locations distri%tion centers in the United ingdom, Germany, and Fapan pose threats to Earth(ear as a res%lt o' es internal control system
Has management estalished and maintained internal control that .es will, among other things, initiate, record, process, and report transactions consistent with management assertions in the 'inancial statements?
Has management een responsive to prior recommendations 'rom its a%ditors?
Management has always een responsive to o%r recommendations on internal control
Inte$rit) and ethica% &a%es: Have appropriate entity policies regarding s%ch matters as .es acceptale %siness practices, con'licts o' interest, and codes o' cond%ct een estalished and are they ade&%ately comm%nicated?
oes management demonstrate the appropriate tone at the top, incl%ding es oBectives are congr%ent with other maBor sta)eholders 8eg, investors and creditors;?
oes an a%dit committee es e research and earnings
Na#e: C%ass: A Qestionnaire !or "oc#entin$ the Understandin$ o! EarthWear C%othiers and its En&iron#ent C%ient Na#e: EarthWear C%othiers Entit) and En&iron#ent Cate$or): Natre o! the Entit) +ear ended: "ece#(er 31, 212 Qestion
Co#'%eted (): Re&ie*ed (): "ate:
Ris. /actors "escri'tion0Res'onse (hat are the entity>s maBor so%rces o' reven%e, incl%ding the nat%re Hi$h-6a%it) c%othin$ !or otdoor s'orts, sch as hi.in$, s.iin$, !%)o' its prod%cts and9or services? !ishin$, and *hite-*ater .a)a.in$ O&er the )ears, the Co#'an)s 'rodct %ines ha&e $ro*n to inc%de casa% c%othin$, accessories, shoes and so!t %$$a$e
Please Complete #"9!19!"#4
An) Re#ainin$ Ris. No
(ho are the entity>s )ey c%stomers?
The co#'an) has a #ai%in$ %ist *hich consists o! a''ro;i#ate%) 211 No 'eo'%e Ho*e&er, a''ro;i#ate%) 7 #i%%ion are &ie*ed as csto#ers (ecase the) #ade at %east one 'rchase !ro# the co#'an) *ithin the %ast 2 #onths Additiona%%), a sr&e) condcted () the Co#'an) in the United States drin$ 21 indicated that a''ro;i#ate%) < o! its csto#ers *ere in the 3- a$e $ro' and had #edian inco#es o! =78,
(ho are the entity>s )ey s%ppliers?
A%% $oods are 'rodced () inde'endent #an!actrers e;ce't !or #ost o! its so!t %$$a$e, *hich is asse#(%ed at the Co#'an)s !aci%ities "rin$ 211, the Co#'an) 'rchased #erchandise !ro# a''ro;i#ate%) 3 do#estic and !orei$n #an!actrers One #an!actrer and one inter#ediar) acconted !or a(ot 1-29< o! the Co#'an)s recei&ed #erchandise, res'ecti&e%), in 211 In 211 a(ot 8< o! the Co#'an)s #erchandise *as i#'orted, #ain%) !ro# Asia, Centra% A#erica, and Me;ico
+es, the co#'an) *o%d (e s(>ect to a n#(er o! ris.s /or e;a#'%e, i! these !orei$n contries nder$o econo#ic hardshi's or sto' s''%)in$ to the Co#'an), the Co#'an) *o%d need to !ind a%ternati&e s''%iers Additiona%%), *or.ers (oth do#estica%%) and internationa%%) co%d nder$o a stri.e, ths sto''in$ shi'#ent o! s''%ies /rther#ore, the &a%e o! !orei$n crrenc) co%d a''reciate re%ati&e to the US "o%%ar, *hich *o%d #a.e s''%ies #ore cost%)
(hat are the entity>s maBor assets?
In&entor) and 5ro'ert), '%ant, and e6i'#ent
(hat are the entity>s maBor liailities?
The co#'an) has no %on$ ter# de(t, (t the) do ha&e an nsecred do#estic %ine o! credit sed to !inance 'rchases
oes the competitive ind%stry environment present any ris)s 'or the The Co#'an)s 'rinci'a% co#'etitors are retai% stores, inc%din$ entity? Identi'y any competitors s'ecia%t) sho's, de'art#ent stores, and other cata%o$ co#'anies "irect co#'etitors inc%de Eddie ?aer, @ands End, @@ ?ean, 5ata$onia, and Ti#(er%and The a''are% retai% (siness in $enera% is intense%) co#'etiti&e o c%stomer dynamics present any ris)s 'or the entity?
No, the co#'an) has a s!!icient n#(er o! 'eo'%e on their #ai%in$ %ist 211 #i%%ionB and a s!!icient n#(er o! csto#ers *ho ha&e #ade 'rchases in the %ast 2 #onths
o technological 'actors present any ris)s 'or the entity?
+es Tho$h the co#'an) s*itched to a ne* s)ste#, it !aced si$ni!icant No, 'ro(%e#s *ith the s)ste# *ere 'ro(%e#s in the third and !orth 6arters o! 21 These 'ro(%e#s %ar$er%) reso%&ed !or the #ost 'art co%d contine or arise a$ain a!ter 21
Is there high t%rnover o' senior management, co%nsel, or oard memers?
No Unti% /e(rar) 212, *hen EarthWears Chie! Accontin$ O!!icer, ?rad Norton ne;'ected%) %e!t the co#'an) to ta.e another >o( Ho*e&er, 'rior to that, the co#'an)s e;ecti&e tea# had (een the sa#e !or )ears
+es, the co#'an) #a) a%so !ace increased co#'etition !ro# other retai%ers as the n#(er o! te%e&ision sho''in$ channe%s and the &ariet) o! #erchandise o!!ered o&er the internet increase No
+es There has (een #ch s'ec%ation o! Caro% Mca)s 6a%i!ications () EarthWear e;ecti&es
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