
March 31, 2017 | Author: kenetic01 | Category: N/A
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This chapter aims to present the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the specific problem, the significance of the study, the scope and limitations, and the definition of terms used.

Background of the Study

Time, of most of the things in life, has no value to be bought. No one is able to control or direct it to one’s satisfaction. It is simply constant. It moves at the same rate regardless of who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. Thus, it has no respect to anyone consequently people would always try to make the most out of their time in accordance to what they believe they must do first. As people struggle in making most of their time, they have come to the organization of their activities with different methods, techniques and information which we commonly refer to as time management. The youth today has no hold of his/her time; most of them do things randomly or whatever they face in life. They are socially, mentally and physically busy. A fourth year student is being put on a hectic schedule and much pressure. They are now entering a critical stage of being formed into the best and last of their high school education. Time to them is money, once spent on either important or unimportant things; it’s taken away from their hands, there is no turning back. Some would say that the last year of high school is almost unbearable; still some are on the top of their game.

Even Sean Covey said that: “…life for teens is no longer a playground. It’s a jungle out there…Looking back, I’m actually amazed that I survived. Barely. ” These high school students might not have the time for everything but to do more in less time is an achievement for them. Their time as a senior is mostly spent with school works, different curricular and co-curricular activities and they obviously get themselves too preoccupied. From Stephen R. Covey’s point of view there are many beliefs, demands and complaints of teens which are then reasons of their behavior, habits and how they manage their time. According to him, these thoughts are some like: “I need more time...I want to enjoy my life more. I’m always running around. I never have time for myself…My friends and family want more of me—but how do I give it to them?...I’m always in crisis because I procrastinate, but I procrastinate because I’m always in crisis…I have no balance between my personal life and work…It seems like when I take time from one for the other, it just makes matters worse…There’s too much stress…There’s too much to do— and it’s all good. How do I choose?” These points of views have huge impacts on how students plan and make up their daily routines. Even though they are greatly bothered, there are still instances that tempt students to kill some of their precious time not minding what’s more important. It is in this context that this study entitled, “Time Management” is conducted.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the efficiency of the time management of NDGM 4th Year Crème Class Students S.Y. 2008-2009. Specifically, it seeks to find answers to the following questions: 1. Have the time management of NDGM 4th year students belonging in the crème class help them to become a better student? 2. What are the implications of the findings of the study to the 4th year students of Notre Dame of Greater Manila? 3. How important is it to have an efficient time management to NDGM 4 th year students belonging in the crème class?

Thesis Statement

The efficiency of time management of 4th year students belonging in the crème class presents the current condition/manner on how students manage their time in the various activities they involve themselves into which may determine the factors of the efficient way of time management for students.

Significance of the Study

Determining the efficiency of the time management of selected 4 th year High School students in Notre Dame of Greater Manila in the class of St. Eugene would be beneficial to many and would become a big help for improvements in managing time.

The findings of this study would be helpful in the following ways: To the students. This study clearly is intended to help students be conscious and aware of how they spend their time. Looking on the things they do everyday, hopefully it will help them realize if they’re on the right track. To the parents and teachers. Having been able to learn how their students/sons/daughters manage their time, they’ll have a step ahead on guiding and molding these teens to positively potential people and better yet to have an open-mind to them.

Scope and Limitations

The coverage of this study focuses on how efficient is the time management of NDGM 4th year students belonging in the crème class throughout the school year 2008-2009. Causes and factors affecting the students’ time management are also comprehended. Ways on effective time managing, stress management, goal setting and similar topics are also reviewed upon. The researchers will then determine these through various contexts, references and previous studies of foreign and local authors. Most importantly, this study is based upon the students themselves.

Definition of terms

For better understanding of this study, the following operational terms are defined: Time – is limited; constant in motion; continued progress of events and existence Time Management - how a person directs his everyday activities by overseeing it in great relation with his time NDGM 4th Year Students – teenage people aging from 14-17 years old studying in the fourth year high school level of Notre Dame of Greater Manila Consequently – as a result Procrastinate – delay or postpone an action; put off doing something Pertinent – relevant or applicable to a particular matter Convoluted – extremely complex and difficult to follow Comprehend – grasp mentally; understand Efficient Time Management – is when one is able to finish all necessary or more things in less time and with less effort.



This chapter aims to present the background literature and studies related to the present study.

Foreign Literature

Time Management and Its Importance Getting the most out of every day is what requires one to effectively manage his time. Learning how to manage time successfully is the key to accomplishing what he must and want. Time management as defined by the University of Iowa as, “one of the hardest things to do but one of the most important because when time is gone—it’s gone, you can’t retrieve it and you can’t store it up for later use.” To accomplish ones goal is another reason why people manage their time. It is stated by Gene Donohue, “A goal is realistic if you stand reasonably good odds of accomplishing it, given enough time and effort—and indeed, mountains can be moved if given enough time and effort. Almost any goal, no matter how difficult, can be made easier by breaking it down into several smaller goals, to be tackled one at a time.”

Time management is given concern globally. The world today is faced with so many distractions from the advancement of technologies and various entertainments. People are then confused on what they are to do first while staying focused on their goals. As Stephen Covey explains from his book “First Things First” most people are driven by the concept of urgency. But to really effect positive change in our lives, we need to reorganize the way we spend our time; based on the concept of importance - not urgency. The ability to get things done and overcome procrastination is one of the most important skills to master if one wishes to attain balance in life. The point is not just to cut down activities, but to make sure those important things are done first and not just urgent or things which satisfies emotions. Effects of Time Management Poor time management can cause a lot of stress. When things gets out of place and put on dead time, there are a lot of consequences. Cramming is one of the most common habits of students caused by undone work on time or having to do an activity a blink near the due date. Well, mostly students are tempted to laze around, do nothing or do whatever they want to especially now that there are a lot of distractions. Of course, things you don’t like to do do not motivate you. Sometimes, you choose a pleasurable activity over an important activity. It doesn’t always happen that your important chore is an enjoyable but to choose unimportant from important mostly ends with cramming. Cases of cramming usually go through with a lot of stress, lack of sleep, and unfinished school works. Worse case scenarios would be failing grade marks and mental absence. It’s even stressful to think that he/she is not done yet with whatever he/she must do. But if one plans, knows his objectives, avoids temptations, stress-inducing pitfalls can be easily avoided. It is always a solution to analyze schedules, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If there are so many things one must go over with, try to distinguish between the “shoulds” and the “musts.” Drop tasks that

aren’t truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely. According to the group of Melinda Smith, M.A.: “creating






commitment of ones self, prioritizing tasks, breaking projects into small steps and delegating responsibility are ways on how a person can avoid stress.” And easily gets the job done.

Local Literature

When talking about time, Filipinos are known for being late. When a particular time is given, it is expected for a Filipino to come in late but this can now be proven wrong although it is still claimed by some authors. A particular author would be Johanna Francisco in 2003. According to her, “Filipino Time is the coined phrase for the embarrassing affliction of tardiness among Filipinos. It is curious and mind boggling how the general population of a certain nation could possibly be chronically late. And yet, it has been tried and tested to be true to this very day. Try having a party with the invitation stating an arrival time of 4 pm, and people will start trickling in at 5 or 6 pm.” This might still sound a bit harsh having heard that Filipinos cannot really race with time but nowadays is different. Time tends to change people and in this reality, Filipinos are the present of their past. To catch up with the modern economy, many Filipinos now have also introduced techniques, methods, and information on managing time for the new generation.

These are the 10 basic principles of time management one should take note of according to Pastor Arnold Perona: “1. Live in the present for you cannot change what happened, as life is to be lived today, and as the future depends on what we do today. 2. Value your activity and ask yourself if every minute is really worth it. 3. Create a daily written schedule where you must respond accordingly to your activity. Mental schedule; sequence is very important; you need to know what you will be doing in the next 24 hours. 4. Prioritize your tasks by starting with the most difficult (if it doesn't work for you, start with the least difficult task). 5. Use short period of time effectively and maximize your 15 minute break, take a power nap, do something productive and relaxing at the same time. If you want to be remembered forever; plant a tree, bear a child, write a book! 6. Do not allow others to determine your schedule, set aside distractions. 7. Working smart beats those who work hard, prioritize and plan. 8. Recognize time wasters. Do not put one over yourself. Stand on your feet and think quickly. Do not concentrate on irrelevant questions/issues. Train well to avoid time wasters. God gives us two ends; to sit down and to think. 9. Focus on personal productivity- poor discipline is your problem. Do not mind what's happening in your left or what's happening in your right, but rather focus on what's in front of you. Live according to your personal standards. Discipline your self. 10. The words of success are ‘to do it now’. Do not procrastinate. Tomorrow is nothing more than a series of today. There is no time to waste on idle dreams, every minute counts. It makes no difference because we all have 24 hours to spend equally; no one has the right to say "I don't have time!"



This chapter presents and discusses the research method, the subjects of the study, the instrument used and the procedure undertaken.

The Research Method

The study made use of the descriptive method to determine the efficiency of the time management of NDGM 4th year students belonging in the crème class S.Y. 2008-2009. Randomly selected students from the class were given highlyprepared questionnaires to serve as the instrument for this research. The questionnaire answered by the respondents was then analyzed for the researchers to determine the time management of the selected 4 th year students. It was qualitative in approach to enable the researcher to analyze carefully the efficiency of each student’s time management. Descriptive method of research is a fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of the findings. It describes with emphasis what actually exist such as current conditions, practices, situations, or any phenomena since the present study or investigation was concerned with the efficiency of the time management of these students. The descriptive method of research was the most appropriate method to be used.

The Subjects of the Study The subjects of the study were randomly chosen. The researchers drew lots with the student’s class numbers written on folded papers. The result consisted of fifteen (15) NDGM 4th crème class students SY 2008-2009 ranging from 15-17 years of age. From the previous quarter, there were no written records of failing marks from these students on any major and/or minor subject. All students were treated equally in class and were given same school works by the teachers. Projects, home works, quizzes, etc. were given or submitted on same given dates and times. The only difference to be considered on their backgrounds will be their attitude, obligations, objectives and lives inside and outside of their homes.

The Instrument

To determine the efficiency of the time management of students, the researchers constructed an easy and formulated questionnaire for the respondents. It consisted of questions that the students can easily answer and can provide the researchers enough information about their time management. The questionnaire consisted of four parts. The first part was where the respondents would provide personal information which was needed and relevant to the topic. Names were not asked from the respondents for privacy purposes. On the second part, a scaled response was used for the researchers to know how effective their time management is by knowing their performance in different priorities. This part was an extension of the efficiency of time management and was used to study on the how and when will one have an efficient time management. On the third part, a scaled response was used for the researchers to know on how the respondents think about the effectiveness of their time

management using different study methods. This part was answered based on the insights of the respondents and also from their own experiences as students about having an efficient time management. The last part of the questionnaire consisted of multiple choices questions from which the respondents checked the time they allot for certain activities. From this part, the researchers were able to determine how respondents allot time for their different priorities. The questionnaire that was done contained only questions which are related to the said topic. In determining whether the respondents are observing an efficient or inefficient time management, the researchers had set their perception on what an efficient and inefficient time management is.

The Procedure

Identifying the Subject The subjects of the study were the 4th year students of Notre Dame of Greater Manila School Year 2008-2009 belonging in the class of St. Eugene. The researchers randomly selected fifteen (15) students by means of draw lots with the members of the class’ class number written in each paper. Preparing the Instrument The researchers selected a questionnaire as their instrument. The researchers have thought that having a questionnaire as their instrument would be the most effective way in determining the efficiency of the time management of the students. The questionnaire consisted of questions which were easy for the respondents to answer and at the same time,

helped the researchers in determining how efficient the selected students were in managing their time. Validating the Instrument The materials prepared by the researchers were validated by some students and professionals. The materials were then subjected for try out by 3 students who belong to the Publication Club. They have commented on some parts of the questionnaire which they thought should be revised: 1. The questions must be relevant to the topic and must contain only the questions that would help the researchers in determining the efficiency of time management of selected 4-St. Eugene students. 2. The questionnaire must not contain words that are difficult to understand. Feedback System The instrument then went through evaluation. The researchers introduced the questionnaire to people from different professions. The researchers asked for comments and suggestions for improvements from these evaluators. The researchers responded positively to the given comments and suggestions and revised the questionnaire for this study. The questionnaire then was reviewed upon until the last procedure.

Administering the Instrument After the instrument has been done and has gone through criticisms and revisions, the researchers came to know on how selected students from the 4th year level of Notre Dame of Greater Manila in the class of St. Eugene would respond to this study. The following were observed in its administration: 1. The survey questionnaires were distributed to the fifteen (15) selected students from the class of 4-St. Eugene in Notre Dame of Greater Manila S.Y. 2008-2009. 2. Only 8-10 minutes were given to the respondents to answer the questionnaire. 3. After the given time, the researchers collected the questionnaires.



This chapter presents, interprets and analyzes the data gathered.

TABLE 1 Efficiency of the Time Management of Male and Female Students Belonging in the Crème Class S.Y. 2008-2009




































As shown in Table 1, 15 students were questioned of the efficiency of their time management, 8 of which are male and 7 are female. Of the male respondents, 5 or 33.33% and 4 or 26.67% of the female students observe an efficient time management. 2 of 8 male students or 13.33% and 1 of 7 female students or 6.67% observe a somehow efficient time management. On the contrary, 1 of 8 male students or 6.67% and 2 of 7 female students or 13.33% of the respondents observe an inefficient time management. The data gathered shows that majority of the respondents practices an efficient time management while there is an equal amount of respondents who practices a somehow efficient and inefficient time management. The majority who practices an efficient time management is probably because of the respondents’ belongingness in the crème class. Being part of the crème class, he/she, having an efficient time management is probably the cause of him/her in excelling in class and being able to balance his/her time with his/her family, friends and other convoluted needs. The practice of a somehow efficient time management stands within the average and consequently, it can be assumed that students who practice this, ranks in the middle of the class or stays upon mediocre. On the other hand, having a total ineffective time management, a student might have the most difficult time organizing his time and this probably is because he might be occupied with more activities than the others. There is an exceptional need that these students attain their most outstanding reach for their preparation in college or the pursuit of more sophisticated needs in the near future and therefore shall be guided accordingly.

The counseling of the school shall be within reach and so as the guidance of a parent.

































1 5

100.00 %


Table 2 Preparedness of Male and Female Students Belonging in the Crème Class S.Y. 2008-2009 in Carrying Out Their School Activities

As shown in table 2, there are 3 male students or 20.00% and 2 female students or 13.33% are doing the different school activities and exercises in a prepared manner. There are also 3 male or 20.00% and 2 female or 13.33% students who responded to have a somehow prepared manner in their studying methods. On the other hand, there are 2 male or 13.33% and 3 female or 20.00% of the respondents who work in an unprepared manner or those who crams in doing school activities and exercises. Following a specific condition, the students have been categorized according to their different study methods. The table shows that there is an equal number of respondents on each category. There are five students who were classified on each.

Every student has his/her own study method and this

determines his/her preparedness in different school conflicts. From the results, it can be concluded that there are still students who lack capability and competency when it comes to study matters. Some may take school works as of little or even no importance at all while some may take each as a vital task that needs much time to prepare. All choices and preparations affect a person’s time management. As a result, students who are unprepared will definitely have difficulties managing their time. There is a need for these students to be guided thoroughly by the teachers, according to the importance of school matters. Table 3 Allocation of Time of Male and Female Students Belonging in the Crème Class S.Y. 2008-2009




































As shown in table 3, there are 4 male or 26.67% and 5 female or 33.33% of the respondents have a balanced time with the different priorities a student has. There are 3 male or 20% and 1 female or 6.67% of the respondents have a somehow balanced time for their priorities. 1 male and 1 female or a total of

13.33% of the respondents are having an unbalanced time for their priorities as students. Table 3 displays good results for there are majority of students who have a balanced time management for their family, friends, studies, and other needs. It’s good to know that there are still students who know how to balance their time between their priorities. Such results indicate that a healthy time management is being undertaken. On the other hand, it is a disappointment for the 40% of the students who have troubles balancing their time. It is still a serious advice for these students to be oriented properly by either the school or the family.












recommendations made for the study.


The study generally aims to determine the efficiency of the time management of NDGM 4th Year Students Belonging in the Cream Class S.Y. 2008-2009. The research aims to know the importance of having an efficient time

management. The study was discussed and surveyed on selected 4 th year crème class students in S.Y. 2008-2009. From the 30% respondents coming from the NDGM 4 th year students belonging in the cream Class S.Y. 2008-2009, the following were found from the study:  More students from the crème class are practicing an efficient time management compared to those who observe an inefficient time management.  The students from the crème class have equal variation in terms of their preparation with their different school works.  Majority of the students from the crème class can balance their time equally with their family, friends, studies and other activities. Conclusion

Based from the findings from the instrument, more students from the crème class are practicing an efficient time management compared to those who observe an inefficient time management, it can be concluded that students are striving to practice an efficient time management for them to be able to accomplish their tasks without delay. Belonging in the crème class, students have the eagerness to compete with their co-students and to be able to excel more; students are managing their time efficiently. In terms of study matters, it can be concluded that students using different study techniques, can perform both efficiently and inefficiently. Depending on their study methods, they may either finish a task early to fulfill other priorities or procrastinate. From the results, it can also be concluded that there are still students who lack capability and competency when it comes to study matters.

Majority of the students from the crème class can balance their time equally with their family, friends, studies and other activities. This implies that even though students are in the crème class, they don’t only focus and give time to their studies but also to their families, friends and other activities. The ability of the students in equalizing their time with their different priorities show how well students are being able to manage their time efficiently by not giving so much time on one aspect of their priorities and not lacking time on the other aspects. This also shows that despite all the school works, students still make time for their pleasures and in spending quality time with family and friends.

Recommendation For the success of further studies on this particular topic and for the people involved in this study as well, the researchers would like to present recommendations. In gathering a more reliable source, future researchers may include more respondents to have a more accurate result. And for the test of a much efficient time management, the respondents can also be students who are from noncrème sections. As for the improvement of the instrument, future researchers could be more definite and avoid repetition of questions to better determine the efficiency of the students’ time management. To support this, the relevance of each question should be taken into consideration. The researchers could have also identified a definite basis on how to determine an efficient and inefficient time management. Lastly, from the findings and results, it is exceptionally recommended for the school to guide and counsel the students furthermore.

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