84752182 LION KING Libreto Completo 1

May 22, 2019 | Author: Guilherme Ferreira | Category: Leisure
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The Lion King Music and Lyrics by

Elton John and Tim Rice Additional Music and Lyrics by Lebo M, Mark Mancina, Jay Rifkin, Julie Taymor, Hans Zimmer, Solomon Linda, Ray Henderson, Sam M. Lewis, Joseph Widow Young

Book by Roger Allers and Irene Mecchi Adaptation by Colegio Campoalegre Introduction The Lion King is a musical based on the 1994 Disney animated film of the same name. It incorporates several changes and additions to the storyline as compared to the film. The musical debuted July 8, 1997, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the Orpheum Theatre, and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997. The saga of Simba, which in its deeply buried origins owes something to Greek tragedy, was also inspired by the Bible stories of Moses and Joseph and has incorporated ideas from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It was written by Thomas M. Disch as “King of the Kalahari” in late 1988, but since his treatment was written as work-for-hire, Disch received no credit or royalties. Certain elements of the musical, however, bear a resemblance to a famous 1960s Japanese anime television show, Kimba, the White Lion; one similarity is the protagonists' names: Kimba and Simba, although the word "simba" means "lion" in Swahili. It also bears some resemblance to the West African Epic of Sundiata. The Lion King garnered two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, a Grammy Award, and a Kids Choice Award. It is a Disney production that through conscious effort aims at pleasing adults as much as children and has turned out to be not only an entertainment but also a learning experience very fit to the present need of having man respect nature and the “Circle of Life”.



Act I As the sun rises, Rafiki the mandrill calls the animals to Pride Rock. She greets King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi before presenting their cub to the gathered animals. As the Pride Lands celebrate the birth of the future King, Rafiki, who’s back at her baobab tree, blesses the image of the newborn cub and asks the spirits to conjure the new prince's name: Simba. Elsewhere, Mufasa's brother, Scar, laments on his lost chance at becoming King. Time passes and Simba grows into a lively young cub. Mufasa shows Simba the Pride Lands from the top of Pride Rock and explains that everything exists in a delicate balance known as the Circle of Life. Mufasa warns Simba not to stray beyond the boundaries of the Pride Lands, pointing out a shadowy area in the distance. Zazu, a hornbill who acts as Mufasa's advisor, arrives and delivers his daily report on the state of affairs in the King's domain. Simba goes to see his uncle Scar. The scheming lion piques the cub's curiosity by mentioning the elephant graveyard, a place where Simba is forbidden to go. The lionesses go out hunting, and Simba arrives and asks his best friend, a female cub named Nala, to come with him to the elephant graveyard, although he does not mention their intended location to his mother; he lies that they intend to go to the water-hole. Sarafina , Nala's mother, and Sarabi allow the cubs to go if Zazu accompanies them. Simba and Nala formulate a plan and manage to lose Zazu, while Simba brags about his future position as King. The cubs journey to the graveyard and begin to explore until Zazu stops them. They are about to leave when they are confronted by the three hyenas Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. The hyenas intend to have all three of the unfortunates for lunch, and gloat over them eagerly. Mufasa arrives just on time to rescue the cubs and frightens off the hyenas. Mufasa is disappointed and angry that Simba disobeyed him. Simba says that he was only trying to be brave like his father. Mufasa explains that bravery does not mean recklessly seeking out danger. Simba asks whether he and his father will always be together, causing Mufasa to look up to the night sky and tell Simba about the great kings of the past and how they guide and watch over everything. Mufasa says that he will always be there for his son. Back at the elephant graveyard, Scar tells the hyenas that he will soon be King if the hyenas assist him and that they will never be hungry again if they agree. Scar takes Simba to a gorge and tells him to wait there. Scar leaves and signals the hyenas, who start a wildebeest stampede down into the gorge. Scar tells Mufasa that Simba is trapped in the gorge, and Mufasa races to his son's aid. Mufasa leaps into the stampede and manages to save his son, but as he climbs a cliff, Scar betrays him and throws him down from the cliff, killing him. Scar convinces Simba that his father's death was his fault, as Mufasa died trying to save him, and that he should flee the Pride Lands. As Simba runs, Scar orders the hyenas to chase and kill Simba. The hyenas obey, but when Simba gets too far, they decide to leave him and make Scar believe that Simba is dead. Back at Pride Rock, Scar announces that Mufasa and Simba are both dead, and the lionesses mourn for the ones whom they have loved and lost. Scar climbs to the promontory of Pride Rock, claiming the throne for himself. Rafiki, from her tree, also


mourns Mufasa’s and Simba’s loss and smears the drawing of Simba she had anointed at his birth. Out in the desert, Simba collapses from heat exhaustion. Vultures begin to circle, but are scared away by Timon, the meerkat, and Pumbaa, the warthog. The duo take the cub back to their jungle home and show him their relaxed way of life. They tell Simba that they are outcasts as well and later introduce him to their diet of bugs and insects. Simba is captivated by the carefree existence, and stays in the jungle with his new friends as he grows up to become an adult.

Act II The chorus, dressed in colorful clothes and carrying ornate bird kites, begin the Second Act. As the song ends, however, the beautiful birds are replaced by vultures and gazelle skeletons. A drought has hit the Pride Lands under Scar's tyrannical rule. Zazu, now a hostage of Scar, listens to the king's woes. First, Scar has delusions of Mufasa's ghost haunting him in every shadow. Then, he laments that he is not loved and arrives on the idea of finding a queen and having cubs. Nala arrives to inform Scar that there is no food and no water, just as the hyenas reported the same thing a few minutes ago; Scar attempts to seduce her. Nala escapes. Utterly frustrated and upset by current events, Nala decides to leave the Pride Lands and find help, vowing that she will never forget her pride. The lionesses, Rafiki, and other Pride Land inhabitants offer their blessing. Back in the jungle, Simba sleeps. Timon and Pumba find him. That night the three friends look up at the stars, wondering what they are. Simba recalls Mufasa's words regarding the great kings of the past, but Timon and Pumbaa dismiss it and laugh at the notion. Simba leaves, looking up at the sky and bitterly remembering his father's promise that he would always be there for Simba. From her tree, Rafiki hears Simba's song on the wind and comes to the joyous conclusion that Simba is alive. She decks Simba’s drawing with a mane. In the jungle, Pumbaa is being hunted and chased by a lioness. Simba confronts the lioness and saves his friend. The lioness flips Simba, causing Simba to recognize that the lioness is his childhood friend Nala. Nala is amazed to find Simba alive, knowing that he is the rightful King. Timon and Pumbaa are confused by this, and Simba tells the two to leave so that he and Nala can be alone. Timon realizes that Simba and Nala are falling in love and laments that his and Pumbaa's Hakuna Matata lifestyle has come to an end. Nala tells Simba about the state of the devastated Pride Lands, trying to encourage him to return and take his rightful place as King. Simba refuses, still feeling guilty about his father's death, so Nala leaves. On his own, Simba meets Rafiki, who explains that his father is still alive. She tells him to look within and then to open his eyes. As Simba looks toward the sky, his father appears as a heavenly vision. Mufasa reminds Simba that he is the rightful King and must return home. Simba is persuaded and heads for Pride Rock. Meanwhile, Nala wakes Timon and Pumbaa to ask where Simba is. Rafiki appears and tells them that he has returned to Pride Rock. Simba returns to Pride Rock with Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa, where he witnesses the ruin that his home has fallen into. Timon and Pumbaa lure some hyenas out of their


path by providing a diversion. Timon dresses in drag and dances a contagious Charleston. Simba tells Nala to go find his mother while he goes look for Scar. Scar calls for Sarabi and demands to know why the lionesses are not hunting. Sarabi tells him that there is neither food nor water and that they need to leave Pride Rock to survive. Scar refuses and when Sarabi snaps at him about not being half the king Mufasa was, Scar strikes his sister-in-law saying that he is ten times the king Mufasa was. At this, an enraged Simba leaps down, startling Scar, who believes his nephew to be dead. Scar forces a confession of murder from Simba and attacks him, forcing him over the edge of Pride Rock. Believing that he has won, Scar whispers to Simba that he was the one who killed Mufasa. Simba, infuriated, leaps up and grabs Scar by the throat, causing Scar to reveal the truth. A fierce battle rages between the lionesses, Timon, Pumbaa, Zazu, Rafiki, and the hyenas. Simba corners Scar on the top of Pride Rock, where Scar begs for his life and blames everything on the hyenas. In a repetition of Scar's words to cub Simba, Simba tells Scar to run away and never return. Scar, with the thought of Simba killing him, appears to follow this request, but turns quickly and treacherously attacks Simba again. Simba is able to block the attack, making Scar trip and fall where the hyenas are waiting for him. They surround their former leader and drag him out to kill him. The battle having finally ended, Simba's friends come forward and acknowledge Simba as the new and rightful King. Simba climbs to the top of Pride Rock and roars out across the kingdom. The animals gather at the call of their new King and celebrate. Rafiki, Nala and Simba ascend Pride Rock where Rafiki lifts Simba and Nala's newborn cub high into the air, thus continuing the Circle of Life and ushering in a new golden age.

List of Characters Mufasa: Current King of the Pride Lands. Well-built lion. Thick mane. Father of Simba. Older brother of Scar. Sarabi [Mirage] : Mother of Simba. Wife of Mufasa. Queen and leader of the lionesses. Simba [Lion] : The cub of Mufasa. Soon to be King of Pride Rock. Initially a cub, later an adult. As an adult, he’s not as well built as his father was. Friend of Pumbaa and Timon. Nala: Friend and companion of Simba. She can pin Simba in a wrestling match. As an adult, she and Simba fall in love, prolonging a tradition they refused as cubs. Sarafina: Nala’s mother. Friend of Sarabi. Rafiki [Friend] : A mandrill whose role is of a mystical shaman. Outwardly she appears to be crazy, but in reality she is very wise. Zazu: The King’s loyal servant. A hornbill, which is a large-beaked bird. Scar: Younger brother of Mufasa. Uncle of Simba. Well chiseled, bony features. Flat black matted mane. Aspires to be King of Pride Rock by deceit, due to his thin size and weak stature. His claws are always partly extended. Has a vertical scar around his right eye that presumably accounts for his name. Shenzi [Uncouth] : Female hyena in the trio. Major attitude. Probably the smartest and deals the best with Scar. Most even temper. Banzai [Skulk/Lurk] : Most quick tempered female hyena. Best with come backs. Offsets Shenzi and Ed quite well.


Ed: The stupidest hyena. He has a Bill the Cat stare. Noted by warts on the tongue and holes in the ears. Too stupid or slow to lie at the right time. Timon: An outcast meerkat; the wisecracking friend of Pumbaa. Very self-reliant, quite a fast talker (like a used car salesman). Small and thin in size. Pumbaa [Simpleton] : A well-padded warthog and the big-hearted friend of Timon. A little slow, but when he catches on, it’s surprising what he can do. Has a flatulence problem.

Scenes and Musical Numbers ACT I Scene 1: Pride Lands - Rafiki’s Tree “Circle of Life” - “Grasslands Chant” Scene 2: Scar’s Cave Scene 3: Pride Lands “The Morning Report” Scene 4: Scar’s Cave Scene 5: Pride Lands “The Lioness Hunt” - “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King!” Scene 6: Elephant Graveyard “Chow Down” Scene 7: Pride Lands “They Live in You” Scene 8: Elephant Graveyard “Be Prepared!” Scene 9: The Gorge - Pride Lands “The Stampede” Scene 10: Pride Lands - Rafiki’s Tree “Rafiki Mourns” Scene 11: The Desert - The Jungle “Hakuna Matata”

ACT II Entr’ Acte: “One by One” Scene 1: Pride Lands “The Madness of King Scar” - “Shadowland” Scene 2: The Jungle “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” - “Endless Night” “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” - “Asante Sana” “Lala” - “Hem” - “He Lives in You” (Reprise) - “Busa” Scene 3: Pride Lands “Has Anybody Seen My Gal?” - “Simba Confronts Scar” “King of Pride Rock” /“Circle of Life” (Reprise) Finale: “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King!”


Musical Score 1. “Circle of Life”…………………………………………………………Rafiki, Ensemble 2. “Grasslands Chant”…………………………………..……………………….Ensemble 3. “The Morning Report”…………………………Zazu, Young Simba, Mufasa, Ensemble 4. “The Lioness Hunt”………………………..………………………Lionesses, Ensemble 5. “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King!”…………….........Young Simba, Zazu, Nala, Ensemble 6. “Chow Down”…………………………………………….………….Banzai, Shenzi, Ed 7. “They Live in You”……………………………………………………Mufasa, Ensemble 8. “Be Prepared!”………………………….……..…..Scar, Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, Ensemble 9. “The Stampede” 10. “Rafiki Mourns”…………………………………………Rafiki, Lionesses, Ensemble 11. “Hakuna Matata”…….……………Timon, Pumbaa, Young Simba, Simba, Ensemble 12. “One by One”……………………..…………………………………………Ensemble 13. “The Madness of King Scar”………….………..Scar, Zazu, Banzai, Shenzi, Ed, Nala 14. “Shadowland”………………………………………Nala, Rafiki, Lionesses, Ensemble 15. “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”………………………………………..…………..Ensemble 16. “Endless Night”………………………………………………….……Simba, Ensemble 17. “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?”…….……Timon, Pumbaa, Simba, Nala, Ensemble 18. “Asante Sana”…………………………………………………………………….Rafiki 19. “Lala”…………………………………………..…………………………….Ensemble 20. “Hem”………………………………...………………………………Rafiki, Ensemble 21. “He Lives in You” (Reprise)…………………………….……Rafiki, Simba, Ensemble 22. “Has Anybody Seen My Gal?”…………………..…Timon, Pumbaa, Nala, Ensemble 23. “Busa”………………………………………….……………………………Ensemble 24. “Simba Confronts Scar” 25. “King of Pride Rock”/“Circle of Life” (Reprise)……………………….……Ensemble 26. Finale: “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King!”……………………..……………….Ensemble

ACT I SCENE 1: Presentation of newborn Simba at the Pride Lands (Lion roar in the background, calling the animals to gather to Pride Rock for the ceremony.) SOUND: LION ROAR SONG 1: CIRCLE OF LIFE (Sunrise on African lightly treed grassland, in time with opening chant to the Circle of Life. Rafiki starts announcing the ceremony from his baobab tree.) Rafiki Nants Ingonyama Bagithi Baba Chorus Sithi Uhhmm Ingonyama Ingonyama Male solo Nants Ingonyama… Baba

[There comes a lion] [Oh yes, it’s a lion]


(Procession of animals raising their heads at the sunrise: elephants, giraffes, rhinos, antelope, a cheetah, meerkats, storks...) Rafiki Nants Ingonyama [There comes a lion] Bagithi Babo Chorus Sithi Uhhmm Ingonyama [Oh yes, it’s a lion] Ingonyama Female solo Nants Ingonyama… Pedele Kandelu Rafiki Nants Ingonyama [There comes a lion] Bagithi Baba Chorus Sithi Uhhmm Ingonyama [Oh yes, it’s a lion] Ingonyama, Ingonyama, Ingonyama, Ingonyama Chorus Female solo Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala [It's a lion and a tiger] Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Rafiki From the day we arrive on this planet And blinking, step into the sun There is more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done

Ingoyama… Bagithi Baba

Se-to-kwa Asana Se-to-kwa

Chorus Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala…

There is far too much to take in here More to find than can ever be found But the sun rolling high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round

(Mufasa is on Pride Rock with Zazu.) It's the Circle of Life And it moves us all

(Zazu bows to Mufasa, who smiles and nods at him.) Through despair and hope Through faith and love

(Appearance of Rafiki, the mandrill. She passes between ranks of animals, who bow to her; she then climbs Pride Rock to where Mufasa is standing.) Till we find our place On the path unwinding

(Rafiki and Mufasa embrace.) In the Circle The Circle of Life

(Mufasa leads Rafiki over to Sarabi, who is holding Simba. Rafiki puts the juice and sand she collects on Simba's brow, a ceremonial crown. She then picks Simba up and ascends


to the point of Pride Rock. Mufasa and Sarabi follow. With a crescendo in the music and a restatement of the refrain, Rafiki holds Simba up for the crowd to view.) Rafiki Baba tu, Ba… Baba tu Halala halala halala… halala Halala halala halala… halala Rafiki and Chorus It's the Circle of Life

(The crowd starts howling, stamping, etc...) And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love

(The clouds part and a sunbeam highlights Rafiki and Simba on Pride Rock.) Till we find our place

(The crowd bows down, one by one.) On the path unwinding In the Circle The Circle of Life

(Animals and vegetation of the Pride Lands celebrate the birth of a King’s cub. Rafiki departs through the celebration to her baobab tree where she will anoint Simba’s drawing. Mufasa through a non-heard conversation with Zazu regarding the absence of Scar, depart at some point with the intention of going to Scar’s cave.) SONG 2: GRASSLANDS CHANT Male Chorus Zum, zum, zum… mamaye Zum, zum, zum… mamaye Zum, zum, zum… mamaye Zum, zum, zum… mamaye…

zum… zum… zum

Female Chorus Mamaye… mamaye… mama-ye…

zum… zum… zum

Mamaye… mamaye… mama-ye…

zum… zum… zum

Mamaye… mamaye… mama-ye…

zum… zum… zum…

Mamaye… mamaye… mama-ye…

Female Chorus Woza mfana, oh woza Woza mfana Oh woza

[Come, oh come] [Come, boys] [Oh, come]

Woza mfana, oh woza Woza mfana Oh woza Female Chorus Woza mfana, oh woza Woza mfana Oh woza

Male Chorus Woza… woza mfana

Woza mfana, oh woza Woza mfana Oh woza

Woza… woza mfana

Mfana woza

Mfana woza

9 Woza mfana, oh woza Woza mfana Oh woza mamaye

Woza… woza Woza mfana Oh woza mamaye

Busa le lizwe bo Busa le lizwe bo Busa le lizwe bo Busa lomhlaba

[Rule this land] [Rule this land]

Busa ngo thando bo Busa ngo thando bo Busa ngo thando bo Busa lomhlaba

[Rule with love]

Busa le lizwe bo Busa le lizwe bo Busa le lizwe bo Busa lomhlaba

[Rule this land]

Busa ngo thando bo Busa ngo thando bo Busa ngo thando bo Busa lomhlaba

[Rule this land]

[Rule this land] [Rule with love] [Rule this land]

(Joyfully everyone gradually starts leaving the Pride Lands.) Male Chorus Hetumhem, hetumhem Middle Chorus Yaoha Male and Female Chorus Hetumhem Male Chorus Hetumhem, hetumhem Middle Chorus Yaoha Male and Female Chorus Hetumhem

Rafiki: (Completing the painting, she mutters to herself. The word "Simba" can be heard.) Hmmm... Ah heh heh heh heh heh... Simba.

SCENE 2: Scar gets a reprimand at his cave (Scar holding the squeaking and struggling mouse in his paw. He talks to it while playing with it.) Scar: Life's not fair, is it? You see I… well, I... shall never be King. (Exhales lightly.) And you... shall never see the light of another day. (Closed-mouth laughter. Starts to place the mouse on his extended tongue) ... Adieu... (Quiet laugh.) Zazu: (Interrupting.) Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? Scar: (Light sigh. The mouse is under his paw.) What do you want? Zazu: I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. (Bows.) ...So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning. (The mouse runs away from Scar.)


Scar: Oh now look, Zazu; you've made me lose my lunch! Zazu: Hah! You'll lose more than that when the King gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. Scar: Oooh... I quiver with fear. (On "fear" Scar crouches down and is baring his teeth at Zazu.) Zazu: (Very concerned.) Now Scar, don't look at me that way... help ! (Scar quickly pounces on the bird.) Mufasa: (Almost immediately.) Scar! ... Scar: (Mouth full.) Mm-hmm? Mufasa: Drop him. Zazu: (Speaking from Scar's mouth.) Impeccable timing, Your Majesty. (Scar spits the bird out.) Zazu: (Slimed.) Eyyccch. Scar: (Sarcastically overjoyed.) Why! If it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners. Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba. Scar: (Faking astonishment.) That was today?! Oh, I feel simply awful. (He turns and starts scraping his claws on the rock wall. Zazu cringes at the sound.) Scar: (Admiring his claws.)... Must have slipped my mind. Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the King's brother, you should have been first in line! (Scar clicks his teeth at Zazu, who has flown near his face. Zazu takes cover behind Mufasa's foreleg. Scar bends down to speak to him.) Scar: Well, I was first in line... until the little hairball was born. Mufasa: (Lowering his head and meeting Scar eye to eye.) That "hairball" is my son... and your future King. Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy. (Scar turns away and starts to exit.) Mufasa: (Warning.) Don't you turn your back on me, Scar! Scar: (Looking back.) Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me. SOUND: LION ROAR Mufasa: (Roars and literally jumps in front of Scar, baring his teeth for the first time.) Is that a challenge? Scar: Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you. Zazu: Pity! Why not? Scar: (Looking at Zazu.) Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength (looking at Mufasa)... I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. (Scar exits while Mufasa and Zazu climb Pride Rock.) Zazu: (Deep sigh.) There's one in every family, Sire... two in mine, actually. (Perches on Mufasa's shoulder.) And they always manage to ruin special occasions. Mufasa: What am I going to do with him? Zazu: He'd make a very handsome throw rug. Mufasa: (Chiding.) Zazu! Zazu: And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and beat him. (Blackout.)


SCENE 3: Simba starts lessons with Mufasa (Early morning.) Mufasa: Simba now that you have grown some, it is important for you to receive some lessons. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. Young Simba: Wow! Mufasa: A King's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new King. Young Simba: And this will all be mine? Mufasa: Everything. Young Simba: Everything the light touches?! What about that shadowy place? Mufasa: That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba. Young Simba: But I thought a King can do whatever he wants. Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being King than... getting your way all the time. (Mufasa and Young Simba walk down from Pride Rock.) Young Simba: (Awed.) There's more? Mufasa: (Chuckles.) Simba... Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As King, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures… from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Young Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope? Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life. Zazu: (Lights on a nearby rock.) Good morning, Sire! Mufasa: Good morning, Zazu. Zazu: Checking in... with the morning report. Mufasa: Fire away. SONG 3: THE MORNING REPORT Zazu It's an honor and a privilege, a duty I perform With due sense of decorum and with pride With deference and great respect very much the norm Plus a hint of sycophancy on the side To lay before my ruler all the facts about his realm To fill him in on all the beastly news

Mufasa: Yes, yes, Zazu, get on with it! Zazu In order that His Majesty stands sturdy at the helm Aware of all the fauna's latest views

Mufasa: Zazu! The morning report! Zazu: Er… yes, Sire… the morning report… (Mufasa starts losing interest with the excess information while he is observing young Simba who is pouncing around on unseen insects.) Chimps are going ape, giraffes remain above it all Elephants remember, though just what I can't recall Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks Showed interest in my nest egg but I quickly said, "No thanks!" We haven't paid the hornbills and the vultures have a hunch

12 Not everyone invited will be coming back for lunch This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar, and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report

(Mufasa and Young Simba start a side conversation while Zazu continues not noticing Mufasa’s lack of attention.) Mufasa: What are you doing, son? Young Simba: (Disappointedly looking at his paws.) Pouncing. Mufasa: Ah, let an old pro show you how it's done Zazu The buffalo have got a beef About this season's grass

Mufasa Stay low

Warthogs have been thwarted In attempts to save their gas Flamingoes in the pink and

To the ground Young Simba Yeah, stay low! Mufasa

Chasing secretary birds Saffron is this season's color Seen in all the herds

Shh, not a sound

Moving down the rank and file

Take it slow

To near the bottom rung

One more step

Zazu Far too many beetles are Quite frankly in the dung Mufasa Then pounce! Zazu


Ha, ha, ha, ha!

(Young Simba does a full pounce on Zazu whom is completely stunned while Mufasa laughs.) Young Simba This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar, and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report Mufasa, Zazu, Young Simba, and Chorus This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar, and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report


Mufasa: (Still laughing.) Very good son! (A gopher emerges next to Zazu.) Gopher: Zazu! Zazu: (Exasperated.) Yes? Gopher: (Saluting.) Sir, news from the underground. (They chat in secret.) Mufasa: (To Simba.) Now, this time… Zazu: (Interrupting and with urgency.) Sire! Hyenas! In the Pride Lands! Mufasa: (Serious now.) Zazu, take Simba home. Simba: Oh, Dad, can't I come? Mufasa: (Curtly.) No, son. (Mufasa heads off at a full gallop while Zazu and Simba start moving out.) Young Simba: I never get to go anywhere. Zazu: Oh, young master, one day you will be King; then you can chase those slobbery, mangy, stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.

SCENE 4: Uncle Scar gives Simba some useful information (Scar kicks an old bone from his cave as Young Simba enters.) Young Simba: Hey Uncle Scar! Guess what! Scar: I despise guessing games. Young Simba: I'm going to be King of Pride Rock. Scar: (Sarcastically) Oh, goody. Young Simba: (Looking out over the edge of the rock.) My dad just showed me the whole kingdom. (Greedily.) And I'm going to rule it all. Heh, heh. Scar: Yes. Well... forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know. (Scar flops down on his side.) Young Simba: Hey, Uncle Scar? When I'm King, what will that make you? Scar: A monkey's uncle. Young Simba: Heh, heh. You're so weird. Scar: You have no idea. ...So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he? Young Simba: Everything. Scar: He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border...? Young Simba: (Disappointed.) Well, no... he said I can't go there. Scar: And he's absolutely right. It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest lions go there. Young Simba: Well, I'm brave! What's out th… Scar: (Interrupting.) No, I'm sorry, Simba, I just can't tell you. Young Simba: Why not? Scar: Simba, Simba, I'm only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephew. (Scar rubs and pats Young Simba's head.) Young Simba: (Snorts sarcastically.) Yeah, right, I'm your only nephew. Scar: All the more reason for me to be protective... An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince... (Faking surprise.) Oops! Young Simba: (Enthusiastic.) An elephant what? Whoa! Scar: (Faking dismay.) Oh dear, I've said too much... Well, I suppose you'd have found sooner or later, you being so clever and all... (Pulling Young Simba near.) Oh, just do me one favor… promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place. Young Simba: (Thinks.) No problem.


Scar: There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember... it's our little secret. (Young Simba leaves the rock, Scar walks away with an evil smile. Menacing music.)

SCENE 5: The lionesses hunt and Simba and Nala start their adventure (Lionesses do a dance hunt and sing while the Pride Lands chide them on.) SONG 4: THE LIONESS HUNT Female Chorus Aaahaya haya haya hay webaba All Chorus Zingela siyo zingela baba [Hunting, we are going hunting] Female Chorus Aaahaya haya haya hay webaba All Chorus Zingela siyo zingela baba Female Chorus Aaahaya haya haya hay webaba All Chorus Zingela siyo zingela baba Female Chorus Aaahaya haya haya hay webaba All Chorus Zingela siyo zingela baba

Male Chorus Uko haya haya hay webaba Male Chorus Uko haya haya hay webaba

Female Chorus Webaba zingela siyo zingela baba Webaba zingela siyo zingela baba Webaba zingela siyo zingela baba Female Chorus Hay baba All Chorus Qhubeneke siyo zingela

Zingela siyo zingela baba Zingela siyo zingela baba Zingela siyo zingela baba

[Let us go and hunt]

Chorus Ta ta ta Tata wele eelay ata Wele eelay ata Wele zingela baba

He hem

Tata wele eelay ata Wele eelay ata Wele zingela baba

Hem… hem Hem He hem

Tata wele eelay ata Wele eelay ata Wele zingela baba Tata wele eelay ata Wele eelay ata Wele zingela baba

15 Oo yay nibo Zingela baba

Middle Chorus Ooya yee ay

Oo yay … ye nibo Zingela baba

Ooya yee ay o ooya yee ay nibo

Oo yay … ye nibo Zingela baba

Ooya yee ay

Oo yay … ye nibo Male voice Aye haye haye bo Hotonoba Ahal ahal ahal ahal Ahal hotomoba hotonoba Cholol lol Cholol lol lo-oo hotonoba

Ooya yee ay o ooya yee ay nibo

(Young Simba comes in running looking for his friend Young Nala who has been trying to imitate the adult lionesses.) Young Simba: Hey, Nala. Young Nala: Hi, Simba. Young Simba: Come on. I just heard about this great place. Young Nala: So where are we going? It better not be anyplace dumb. (Sarabi and Sarafina approach them.) Young Simba: No. It's really cool. Sarabi: So where is this "really cool" place? Young Simba: Oh. (Thinks.) Uh... around the water hole. Young Nala: The water hole? What's so great about the water hole? Young Simba: (Whispering.) I'll show you when we get there. Young Nala: (Whispering.) Oh. (Normal volume.) Uh... Mom, can I go with Simba? Sarafina: Hmm... What do you think, Sarabi? Sarabi: Well, Sarafina... Young Simba and Young Nala: (Through broad, forced grins.) Pleeeease? Sarabi: It's all right with me... (Young Nala and Young Simba are overjoyed.) Young Nala: All right! Young Simba: Yeah! Sarabi: ...As long as Zazu goes with you. (Young Simba and Young Nala stop dead in their celebration.) Young Simba: No! Not Zazu! Sarabi and Sarafina: Yes Zazu! (Zazu comes in.) Zazu: Yes, Madame. You called? Sarabi: Can you please accompany Nala and Simba to the waterhole? Zazu: Yes, Madame, of course. (Lionesses depart as the trio takes some steps.) Zazu: Step lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave. Young Nala: (Whispering.) So where are we really going?


Young Simba: (Whispering.) An elephant graveyard! Young Nala: Wow! Young Simba: (Whispering.) Shhh! Zazu. Young Nala: (Whispering.) Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo? (The cubs continue whispering back and forth.) Young Simba: (Whispering.) Oh, I know how we can… Young Nala: Yes, look if we… (and continues whispering into Young Simba’s ear.) Zazu: (Flying down.) Oh, just look at you two! Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents will be thrilled... (he lands in front of them.)...with your being betrothed and all. Young Simba: Be-what? Zazu: Betrothed. Intended. Affianced. Young Nala: Meaning...? Zazu: (As though holding on to his coat lapels.) One day, you two are going to be married! Young Simba: Yuck! Young Nala: Ewww! Young Simba: I can't marry her! She's my friend. Young Nala: Yeah. It'd be too weird. Zazu: Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle-doves have no choice. It's a tradition... (Young Simba mimics Zazu during these last words.) Zazu: ...going back generations. Young Simba: Well, when I'm King, that'll be the first thing to go. Zazu: Not so long as I'm around. Young Simba: Well, in that case, you're fired! Zazu: Hmmm... Nice try, but only the King can do that. (Pokes Simba's nose.) Young Nala: Well, he's the future King. Young Simba: Yeah. (Thumping Zazu's chest.) So you have to do what I tell you. Zazu: Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic King, indeed. Young Simba: Hmph. Not the way I see it. (Full song, colors change to wild pop-African. Background abruptly becomes surreal, brightly-colored cartoon style.) SONG 5: I JUST CAN’T WAIT TO BE KING! Chorus Hem, hem, hem Young Simba I'm gonna be a mighty King, so enemies beware! Zazu I’ve never seen a King of beasts

(Plucks Young Simba's hair where the mane would be.) With quite so little hair

(Young Simba gets a mane of leaves.)

17 Young Simba I'm gonna be the mane event Like no King was before I'm brushing up on looking down I'm working on my … rharr! Zazu Thus far a rather uninspiring thing Young Simba Oh, I just can't wait to be King! Chorus Hem, hem

(Young Simba and Young Nala are on each side of Zazu; as he turns to talk to one, the other makes faces at him.) Young Simba No one saying do this

Zazu: Now when I said that… Young Nala No one saying be there

Zazu: What I meant was… Young Simba No one saying stop that

Zazu: What you don't realize… Young Simba No one saying see here

Zazu: Now see here! Young Simba Free to run around all day

Zazu: That's definitely out… Young Simba Free to do it all my way! Chorus Hem, hem Zazu I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart-to-heart Young Nala Kings don't need advice From little hornbills for a start Zazu If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out

18 Out of service, out of Africa I wouldn't hang about This child is getting wildly out of wing Young Simba

(Cubs trot down a corridor of animals standing at attention; when Zazu follows they all turn their backs while Zazu covers himself with a wing.) Oh, I just can't wait to be King! Chorus Aye, aye Aye, aye Young Simba Everybody look left Young Nala Everybody look right Young Simba Everywhere you look I'm… Young Simba and Young Nala Standing in the spotlight

Zazu: (Speaking strictly this time.) Not yet! (The group starts going forward while Pride Rock turns into the elephant graveyard.) Young Simba, Young Nala, and Chorus Let every creature go for broke and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling Young Simba Oh, I just can't wait to be King! Young Nala Oh, he just can't wait to be King! Young Simba Oh, I just can't wait... Young Nala Just can't wait Young Simba, Young Nala, and Chorus To be King!

(Zazu is taken away by departing animals while Young Simba and Young Nala remain laughing.)

SCENE 6: Simba, Nala, and Zazu at the elephant graveyard Young Simba: All right, it worked! Young Nala: We lost 'im. Young Simba: (Arrogantly.) I... am a genius! Young Nala: Hey, Genius, it was my idea. Young Simba: Yeah, but I pulled it off.


Young Nala: With me! Young Simba: Oh yeah? ...Rrarr! (Young Simba jumps at Young Nala, but Young Nala seemingly pins him down.) Young Nala: Ha! Pinned ya! Young Simba: (Annoyed.) Hey, lemme up! (Young Nala turns away smiling. Young Simba looks at her and jumps at her again, and Young Nala ends up pinning Young Simba this time in the elephant graveyard a dark grayish scene filled with elephant skeletons. Eerie music.) Young Nala: Pinned ya again. Young Simba: This is it! We made it.! Young Simba and Young Nala: Whoa! Young Nala: It's really creepy. Young Simba: Yeah... Isn't it great? Young Nala: (Relishing her naughtiness.) We could get in big trouble. Young Simba: (Enjoying it also.) I know, huh. Young Nala: (Looking at the skull.) I wonder if its brains are still in there. Young Simba: (Walking towards the skull.) There's only one way to know. Come on. Let's go check it out. (Young Simba walks towards the mouth of the skull. Zazu flaps suddenly up in front of them, emitting a sharp squawk of "Wrong!" and giving the audience a start.) Zazu: The only checking out you will do, will be to check out of here! Young Simba: Aw, man. Zazu: We're way beyond the boundary of the Pride Lands. Young Simba: Huh. Look. Banana Beak is scared. Heh. Zazu: (Poking Young Simba on the nose.) That's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy. And right now we are all in very real danger. (Young Simba has moved nearer to the entrance of the skull.) Young Simba: Danger? Hah! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger. Ha, ha, ha, ha! (Following Young Simba's confident laughter we hear more laughing from inside the skull. Young Simba runs back and hides behind Young Nala and Zazu. Three hyenas emerge from the skull's eyes and mouth.) Shenzi: Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here? Banzai: Hmm. I don't know, Shenzi. Uh... what do you think, Ed? Ed: (Crazy laughter.) (They circle around the cubs and Zazu.) Banzai: Yeah, just what I was thinking. A trio of trespassers! Zazu: And quite by accident, let me assure you. A simple navigational error. Eh, heh, heh... Shenzi: Whoa, whoa, wait wait wait... I know you. (Peering closely at Zazu.) You're Mufasa's little stooge. Zazu: I, Madam, am the king's majordomo. Banzai: (Looking at Simba.) And that would make you...? Young Simba: The future King. Shenzi: Do you know what we do to Kings who step out of their kingdom? Young Simba: Puh. You can't do anything to me.


Zazu: Uhh... technically, they can. We are on their land. Young Simba: But Zazu, you told me they're nothing but slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers. Zazu: (Aside, surreptitiously, to Simba.) Ix-nay on the oopid-stay... Banzai: Who you callin' "oopid-stay?!?" Zazu: (Harried.) My, my, my. Look at the sun. (Starts to try to hasten the cubs away.) It's time to go! Shenzi: What's the hurry? We'd looove you to stick around for dinner. Banzai: Yeaaaah! We could have whatever's... "lion" around! (In the background.) Get it? "Lion" around! (Laughs.) Shenzi: Oh wait, wait, wait! I got one, I got one! Make mine a "cub" sandwich. Whatcha think? (They all laugh hysterically.) Banzai: Yeah! And how about a bird “empanada” to teach that feather thing a lesson! (Scar appears looking down on the whole scene.) SONG 6: CHOW DOWN Banzai He called us slobbering! Shenzi Said we were mangy! Banzai Did I hear stupid? Ed Huh? Shenzi and Banzai Tell us again… gee Banzai It's so incredible Shenzi That you're so rude Banzai When you're so edible Shenzi and Banzai When you are food!

Banzai: It's time to chow down. Shenzi and Banzai Chow down! Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down Shenzi I'm chompin' at the bit, baby Banzai My stomach's on the growl, son

21 Shenzi and Banzai Chow down! Chow down! You both been invited on a date Two courses handed to us on a plate We'll have you raw, won't be long to wait Seeing you're already toasted brown Chow down! Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch--chow down! Banzai Your ribs are looking so tasty Shenzi Such chewy little chops, chums Shenzi and Banzai Eat up! Shenzi Now wasn't it her mom who ate your dad? Shenzi and Banzai And having parents eaten makes us mad We're gonna settle up the score a tad We've never had a snack of such renown Chow down! Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down!

Ed: (Peals of uncontrollable laughter. Ed jumps up and starts gesticulating and jabbering.) Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh! Shenzi: What, Ed? What is it? Banzai: (Looking where Ed is pointing.) Hey, did we order this dinner to go? Shenzi: No. Banzai: Well, there it goes! Shenzi and Banzai I think we should begin the meal from scratch So many juicy segments to detach Be good as gold for you're as good as carved

Shenzi: Here, kitty kitty, kitty... (Ed and Banzai giggle.) Shenzi and Banzai: We're starved! (Shenzi and Banzai grab Zazu.) Banzai: The little majordomo bird hippity-hopped! Zazu: Help! Young Simba: (Now near the hyenas.) Hey! Why don't you pick on somebody your own size? Shenzi: Like... you? Young Simba: Oops. Shenzi: Look, boys! A king fit for a meal! Shenzi, Banzai, Ed: Boo ! (Laughter.)


(Young Simba claws Shenzi across the cheek and tries to roar. He produces a nice medium yowl.) Young Simba: Rrarr! Shenzi: Oo-hoo... that was it? Hah. Do it again... come on. (Young Simba opens his mouth to roar again, but we hear a full- grown lion roar.) SOUND: ROAR Shenzi, Banzai, Ed: Huh?! (Mufasa charges the hyenas until they are cringing under him.) Shenzi: Oh, please, please! Uncle! Uncle! Banzai: Ow! Ow! Ow! SOUND: HALF ROAR Mufasa: (Half roar.) Silence! Banzai: Oh, we're gonna shut up right now! Shenzi: Calm down. We're really sorry. Mufasa: If you ever come near my son again... Shenzi: Oh, this is... this is your son?!? Banzai: Oh, your son? Shenzi: Did you know that? Banzai: No... me? I-I-I didn't know it. No. Did you? Shenzi: No! Of course not. Banzai: No. Shenzi and Banzai: Ed? Ed: (Stupidly nods yes.) (Mufasa roars.) SOUND: ROAR Banzai: Toodles! (With a gunshot sound they disappear.)

SCENE 7: Mufasa teaches Simba about the forefathers (While the lions and Zazu walk front stage out of the burial grounds, the back becomes the Pride Lands in the starry night time. The cubs move bent down with shame. Zazu lights in front of Mufasa, giving him a "that'll show 'em" nod... but then withers under Mufasa's angry glare.) Young Simba: (Approaching his father.) Dad, I... Mufasa: You deliberately disobeyed me. Young Simba: Dad, I'm... I'm sorry. Mufasa: (Stern.) Let's go home. Young Nala: (Whispering.) I thought you were very brave. (The cubs are still walking in a shamed manner behind Mufasa. Zazu is flying between.) Mufasa: (Still stern.) Zazu? Zazu: (Flying forward and lighting in front of Mufasa, his trepidation showing.) Yes, Sire? Mufasa: (Stern.) Take Nala home. I've got to teach my son a lesson.


(Young Simba crouches lower in the grass as if to hide. Zazu flies back to the cubs.) Zazu: Come, Nala. Simba... (Puts his wings on Simba's shoulders, gives a heavy sigh, and then a reassuring pat.) Good luck. (Zazu and Young Nala leave.) Mufasa: (Calling, still very stern, not looking at Young Simba.) Simba! (The word reverberates in the night air.) (Young Simba slowly turns and walks towards his father. Ominous yet sad music. Simba steps into a depression. Looking down he sees that his forepaw fits inside just the palmprint of his father's paw. A very tense moment for Simba. It comes across to the audience that his father could easily do much, much more than discipline Young Simba. It also comes across that Young Simba has some rather big shoes to fill, so to speak, and is only now realizing his true position. Young Simba is harshly reminded of how small and young he is compared to his father. He looks up and, quite courageously, continues to come forward. Mufasa thinks silently for a few moments, not looking at his son. Then, finally, he turns to him.) Mufasa: Simba, I'm very disappointed in you. Young Simba: (Very quietly and sadly.) I know. Mufasa: (Continuing.) You could have been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse, you put Nala in danger! Young Simba: (Bordering on crying, voice cracks.) I was just trying to be brave like you. Mufasa: I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba... being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. Young Simba: But you're not scared of anything. Mufasa: I was today. Young Simba: (Disbelieving.) You were? Mufasa: Yes... (Bends down close to Young Simba.) I thought I might lose you. Young Simba: Oh. (Lightening slightly.) I guess even Kings get scared, huh? Mufasa: Mm-hmm. Young Simba: (Whispering conspiratorially.) But you know what? Mufasa: (Whispering back.) What? Young Simba: I think those hyenas were even scareder. Mufasa: (Gentle laugh.) 'Cause nobody messes with your dad. Come here, you. (Mufasa has bent down. He picks Young Simba up and starts giving him a noogie.) Young Simba: Oh no, no... Aaagh! Errrggh! (Music rises as Young Simba and Mufasa tussle playfully for a brief while.) Young Simba: Oh, come here... (As Mufasa runs away.) Hah! Gotcha! (They end up with Mufasa laid down and Young Simba on his head.) Young Simba: Dad? Mufasa: Hmm? Young Simba: We're pals, right? Mufasa: (Gentle laugh.) Right. Young Simba: And we'll always be together, right? Mufasa: (Sitting up, Young Simba now on his shoulder.) Simba... Let me tell you something that my father told me... Look at the stars. The great Kings of the past who are connected to us and look down on us from those stars. Young Simba: (Awed.) Really?


Mufasa: Yes... So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those Kings will always be there to guide you... And so will I. SONG 7: THEY LIVE IN YOU Chorus Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Mufasa Night And the spirit of life… calling Mamela And a voice With the fear of a child… asking Oh mamela

Female Chorus Ah ah ee ah Ah ah ee ah Ah ah ee ah Ah ah ee ah

Female Chorus Mamela, mamela, ee ah Ela Male Chorus Oo oo Mufasa Waiting There's no mountain too great Hear these words and have faith Oh! Have faith

Male Chorus Waiting, waiting… Female Chorus Ah ah ee ah O o ee ah Helah he mela… Chorus Helah he mela

(Mufasa and Young Simba move front stage so that the back becomes the elephant graveyard once again.) Helah he mela, helah he mela Mufasa They live in you They live in me They're watching over Everything we see In every creature In every star In your reflection They live in you Mufasa They live in you Mufasa and male chorus They live in me They're watching over Everything we see In every creature In every star In your reflection Mufasa They live in you

Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela

Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela Helah he mela, helah he mela

25 Chorus Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

SCENE 8: Scar plans death of Mufasa with the hyenas (We see the three leading hyenas having a prívate talk unaware of Scar’s presence.) Banzai: Man, that lousy Mufasa! I won't be able to sit for a week! (We notice numerous scratches on Banzai's rear.) Ed: (Laughs.) Banzai: It's not funny, Ed. Ed: (Tries to stop laughing, but bursts out worse.) Banzai: Hey, shut up, you coward! Ed: (Cannot stop laughing. Banzai tackles Ed; they start fighting.) Shenzi: Will you knock it off! (Banzai stops. Ed continues, biting himself in the leg.) Banzai: Well, he started it! Shenzi: Look at you losers. No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain. Banzai: (With drool dangling from his mouth.) Man, I hate dangling. Shenzi: Shyeah? You know, if it weren't for those lions, we'd be runnin' the joint. Banzai: Yeah. Man, I hate lions. Shenzi: So pushy. Banzai: And hairy. Shenzi: And stinky. Banzai: And man, are they... Shenzi and Banzai: Uuuugly ! (Laughter.) Scar: (From his perch.) Oh, surely we lions are not all that bad. Banzai: Ohh. (Relieved from the surprise.) Oh, Scar, it's just you. Shenzi: We was afraid it was somebody important. Banzai: Yeah, you know, like Mufasa. Shenzi: Yeah. Scar: I see. Banzai: Now that's power! Shenzi: Tell me about it! I just hear that name and I-I-I-I-I shu-dder! Banzai: Mu-fasa! Shenzi: (Shivering.) Ooooh. ... Do it again! Banzai: Mu-fasa! Shenzi: Ooooh! Banzai: Mufasa! Mufasa! Mufasa! Shenzi: (Builds up hysterical laughter.) ...Oooh! It tingles me. Scar: I'm surrounded by idiots. Banzai: Not you, Scar; I mean, you're one of us. I mean, you're our pal. Scar: (Sarcastic.) Charmed. Shenzi: Ohh, I like that. He's not king, but he's still sooo proper.


Banzai: Yeah. Hey, hey! Did ya bring us anything to eat, Scar, old buddy, old pal? Huh? Did-ya-did-ya-did-ya? Scar: I don't think you really deserve this. (Holds out a zebra haunch.) I practically giftwrapped those cubs for you. (Drops leg to hyenas.) And you couldn't even dispose of them. Shenzi: (Chewing with full mouth.)Well, ya know. It wasn't exactly like they was alone, Scar. Banzai: Yeah. What are we supposed to do? (Swallow.) Kill Mufasa? Scar: Precisely. (The three hyenas pause from eating and look up at Scar questioningly.) (Scar's leaps down to the hyenas.) SONG 8: BE PREPARED! Scar I never thought hyenas essential They're crude and unspeakably plain But maybe they've a glimmer of potential If allied to my vision and brain

(Scar paces slowly around Ed, who is chewing on the remnants of the zebra leg.) Chorus Hem, hem, hem, hem Scar I know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backside But thick as you are, pay attention

(He angrily swats the bone away; Ed comes to abrupt attention.) My words are a matter of pride It's clear from your vacant expressions The lights are not all on upstairs

(Waving his paw in front of Ed's blank eyes to make his point; Ed's tongue lolls out.) But we're talking Kings and successions

(Shenzi and Banzai are laughing on a ledge behind him; on "you," Scar turns and leaps at them, making them jump into the air.) Even you can't be caught unawares

(In the next verse, Scar is strutting theatrically.) So prepare for a chance of a lifetime Be prepared for sensational news A shining new era Is tiptoeing nearer Shenzi And where do we feature? Scar

(Grabbing Shenzi's cheek.) Just listen to teacher

(Shenzi rubs her cheek.) I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded When at last I am given my dues!

27 And injustice deliciously squared

(Scar leaps up beside Ed, who is again chewing on the bone, and here kicks him off.) Scar and Hyenas Be prepared!

(The three hyenas land in a pile of bones and are submerged; they reappear, each with a different horned skull on his head.) Banzai: Yeah, Be prepared. Yeah-heh... we'll be prepared, heh. ...For what? Scar: For the death of the King. Banzai: Why? Is he sick? (Scar grabs Banzai by the throat.) Scar: No, fool… we're going to kill him. And Simba too. (Letting go of Banzai.) Shenzi: Great idea! Who needs a King? Shenzi and then Banzai: (Sing-song voices, dancing around Banzai.) No King! No King! La-lala-la-laa-laa! Scar: Idiots! There will be a King! Banzai: Hey, but you said, uh... Scar: I will be King! ...Stick with me (triumphant, toothy grin), and you'll never go hungry again! Shenzi and Banzai: Yaay! All right! Long live the King! (Many hyenas appear in the shadows.) All Hyenas: Long live the King! Long live the King! (Scar's army of hyenas is goose-stepping across the floor of the cave, now stylized into a Nazi-esque quadrangle.) Hyenas

(In tight, crisp phrasing diction.) It's great that we'll soon be connected With a King who'll be all-time adored Scar Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected To take certain duties on board

(Motions a slice across the neck.) The future is littered with prizes And though I'm the main addressee The point that I must emphasize is

(Leaps off his rock throne to single out one hapless hyena.) You won't get a sniff without me!

(That hyena scuddles away. Throughout the next verse, the entire horde of hyenas joins in dancing boisterously, leaping along the tops of rock pillars, shaking animal skeletons in the light, one playing a rib cage/xylophone. They all move front stage to change the scenery for the gorge.) Scar and Hyenas So prepare for the coup of the century Scar Be prepared for the murkiest scam Meticulous planning

Hyenas Oooooo, la-la-la! We'll have food!

28 Tenacity spanning Decades of denial Is simply why I'll Be King undisputed Respected, saluted And seen for the wonder I am Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared

Lots of food We repeat Endless meat

Scar and Hyenas

(Even Ed, who can be heard growling and snarling an approximation of the lines.) Be prepared! Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared!

(Scar and the hyenas are laughing evilly. Drum roll rises to a crash coinciding with the beginning of the next scene.)

SCENE 9: Mufasa gets killed in the gorge Scar: Now you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you. Young Simba: Oooh! What is it? Scar: If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it? Young Simba: If you tell me, I'll still act surprised. Scar: Ho, ho, ho. You are such a naughty boy. Young Simba: Come on, Uncle Scar. Scar: No-no-no-no-no-no-no. This is just for you and your daddy. You know, a sort of... father-son... thing. (Through Simba's expression, we see that he resents Scar's dismissive attitude, but soon shrugs it off.) Scar: Well! I'd better go get him. Young Simba: I'll go with you. Scar: (Loud, snapping tone.) No! (Regaining composure.) Heh, heh, heh. No. Just stay right here. You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with the hyenas... Young Simba: (Shocked.) You know about that? Scar: Simba, everybody knows about that. Young Simba: (Meek and embarrassed.) Really? Scar: Oh, yes. Lucky Daddy was there to save you, eh? (Clearly enjoying himself; he puts a paw on Young Simba's shoulder.) Oh... and just between us, you might want to work on that little roar of yours. Hmm? (Scar starts to pull away.) Young Simba: Oh... Okay... (Scar pats Young Simba roughly on the head, then moves off.) Young Simba: Hey, Uncle Scar, will I like the surprise? Scar: (Turning back over his shoulder.) Simba, it's to die for. (The spot light shines on the hyenas Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed that are hidden under a rock arch high up behind a herd of wildebeest.) Banzai: (Stomach growls.) Shenzi: Shut up. Banzai: I can't help it! I'm sooo hungry... (Jumping up.) I gotta have a wildebeest!


Shenzi: Stay put! Banzai: Well... can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones? Shenzi: No! We wait for the signal from Scar. (The other spotlight shines on Scar that has mounted on a rock in view of the hyenas.) Shenzi: There he is... (Making an evil, almost humorous face.) Let's go. (Spot light switches back to Simba.) Young Simba: Little roar. Puh! (Simba attempts roaring, each time louder.) Young Simba: Rarrr! …Rrrraowr-nh! (For the third attempt, Simba moves closer again and inhales deeply.) …Raowr! (Louder.) (Simba's roar echoes around the canyon. Simba relishes the echo. The echo is soon eclipsed, however, by a low rumble. Terrified Simba takes off in front of the herd.) SONG 9: THE STAMPEDE (We see the herd coming over the gorge. Simba takes off in front of the herd with a terrified face.) (In a small section of the Pride Lands at a distance from the canyon are Mufasa and Zazu.) Zazu: Oh look, Sire; the herd is on the move. Mufasa: Odd... (Scar runs up to them, out of breath.) Scar: Mufasa! Quick! Stampede! In the gorge! Simba's out there! Mufasa: Simba?!! (Zazu reaches first and he spots Young Simba.) Young Simba: Zazu! Help me!! Zazu: Your father is on the way! Hold on! Young Simba: Hurry! (Mufasa and Scar are on the lower ledges of the gorge. Zazu points out to them where Young Simba is.) Zazu: There! There! Mufasa: I’m coming, Simba! Young Simba: Ahhhh! (Mufasa runs out into the herd, joining the stampede.) Zazu: Oh Scar, this is awful! What will we do? What will we do? Hah ... I'll go back for help, that's what I'll do, I'll go back for he… oomph! (Scar backhands Zazu into a rock wall, knocking him out. Scar then follows Mufasa's progress from the lip of the gorge, his shadow cast mysteriously from the bottom of the gully. Mufasa reaches Young Simba and sets him on a ledge but falls back into the gorge where he is hidden behind a row of trampling wildebeest.) Young Simba: Dad! (Young Simba watches in horror as he cannot find his father in the swirling mass of wildebeest below him. At the last second, Mufasa leaps out of the herd and starts to climb with great difficulty up the sheer rock slope. Young Simba turns and starts to climb up to the top of the gorge. Out of Young Simba's sight, Mufasa reaches a point


right below a ledge where he can't climb due to the steepness. His claws are scraping and his back paws have no traction. Above him on the ledge is Scar.) Mufasa: Scar! Broth… (Slips, barely hangs on.) Brother! Help me! (Scar looks disdainfully down, and then suddenly latches onto Mufasa's forepaws with claws extended. Mufasa roars, primarily from the sudden pain of Scar's claws, but no doubt also due to the sudden flash of realization. His expression slowly changes to one of horror as he recognizes Scar's intent.) SOUND: ROAR Scar: (Slowly and evilly.) Long live the King! (Scar throws his brother backwards and Mufasa falls in the midst of the wildebeest.) Mufasa: Aaaaaaahh! (Mufasa and Young Simba's screams mingle.) Young Simba: Nooooooo! (The herd passes. Everything is clouded by dust. Young Simba bounds to the canyon floor. Mufasa is nowhere to be seen.) Young Simba: (Cough.) Dad!! (Quietly.) Dad? (Mufasa, laying on his side. He is not moving or breathing. Young Simba approaches the body. Sad musical theme. Again we notice how small Young Simba really is.} Young Simba: (Hopefully.) Dad? ...Dad, come on! (He rubs up against Mufasa's cheek. The head merely rolls back in place after the rub.) You gotta get up! (He places both forepaws on his father's cheek and pushes.) Dad! We gotta go home! (He tugs at Mufasa. Again Mufasa’s body limply moves back in place. Young Simba runs off a bit, obviously very scared.) Heeeeelp! Somebody! (His voice reverberates hollowly off the sides of the gorge.) Anybody... help. (He cries. Young Simba turns back to the body. He nuzzles up and embraces him. Pause for effect. Then we see Scar appearing through the dust.) Scar: Simba. ...What have you done?! Young Simba: (Jumps back, crying.) There were wildebeests and he tried to save me... it was an accident, I... I didn't mean for it to happen. Scar: (Embracing Young Simba, yet still distant.) Of course, of course you didn't. No one... ever means (pulls Young Simba closer; Young Simba hides his face on Scar's foreleg) for these things to happen. ...But the King is dead. (Looking with mock regret at Young Simba.) And if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive. (Young Simba is crushed, believing his guilt. Another thought "occurs" to Scar.) Oh! What will your mother think? Young Simba: (Sniffing.) What am I gonna do?! Scar: Run away, Simba. Run... Run away and never return. (Young Simba runs off blindly, obviously broken. Slight pause, for the audience to catch its emotional breath. Music ends. The three hyenas appear behind Scar.) Scar: Kill him. (The hyenas take off after him; Scar initially stands motionless. The hyenas move forward.) Banzai: Whoa!! Where is he? Shenzi: Hey… There he goes! There he goes! Banzai. So go get 'im.


Shenzi: Into the desert? Are you nuts? Ain't no way I'm going there. Banzai: We gotta finish the job. What if Scar finds out? Shenzi: He won’t, unless you open up your big snout. Anyway, he's as good as dead out there. And if he comes back, we'll kill him. Banzai: (Shouting.) Yeah! You hear that? If you ever come back, we'll kill ya!!! ("Kill ya" echoes off as we see Simba still running into the desert. The hyenas make their way off the cliffs back to the Pride Lands.)

SCENE 10: Mourning Mufasa (Scar addresses the lionesses by the moon on Pride Rock.) Scar: Mufasa's death was a terrible tragedy; but to lose Simba, who had barely begun to live... (The lionesses are deeply sad. Some of them, with Zazu, are comforting Sarabi, who bends her head in extreme pain. Young Nala is close to her mother, crying.) Scar: ...For me it is a deep personal loss. So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne. Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era... (The hyenas start emerging, casting eerie green shadows and laughing hollowly.) ...in which lion and hyena come together, in a great and glorious future! (Scar ascends Pride Rock as the hyenas appear in full force causing awe and further pain to the lion pride.) SONG 10: RAFIKI MOURNS (Rafiki in her tree house is shaking his head in the distance. As she sings she wipes away a tear, she reaches up and rubs her hand across the cub painting, smearing it some. Meanwhile the opposite corner becomes the desert and the Pride Lands become the jungle.) Rafiki Madi ao ha Leka sebete cheea ho oele sebatha Mo leka qeme o tsaba hoa-aa Lebo haleng ha oo booee ka le aaa

[Spilled blood] [Try courage so the beasts may fall] [Those who defy mountains are, in truth, cowards] [Even in anger, you do not speak against wrong...]

Oh, oh Halela gumba hee hee heya heeyeha Halela gumba hoa heya heeyeha Halela gumba hee hee heya heeyeha Halela gumba hoa heya heeyeha Rafiki Halela gumba hoyo hoyoyaaa Hayaya yabo hayaya yabo haya Hoya hoya hoya hoyaaa Hoya hoya hohoyaaa Hoyaya hoya ho aaaaa O aee hayaya aaaa….

Lionesses Halela gumba, halela gumba…


SCENE 11: Simba meets Timon and Pumbaa (Young Simba is lying out in the hot desert sun. Buzzards are circling the cub's body. With a blast of music, Timon and Pumbaa appear and dive into the midst of the buzzards. They slap and kick the buzzards all away.) Timon: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaahh! Get out! Get out! Get Outta here! Whoo! Pumbaa: I love it! Bowling for buzzards! Timon: (Laughing, dusting himself off.) Gets 'em every time. Pumbaa: (Looking at Young Simba.) Uh-oh. Hey Timon. You better come look. I think it's still alive. Timon: Ewww... (Timon walks to the front of Simba. He is lying with his paw over his face.) Timon: All righty, what have we got here? (He smells Young Simba. With a great effort he lifts Young Simba's paw that is covering his face and jumps back terrified.) Timon: Jeez, it's a lion! (Jumping up on Pumbaa.) Run, Pumbaa! Move it! Pumbaa: Hey, Timon. It's just a little lion. Look at him. He's so cute, and all alone! Can we keep him? Timon: (Yelling into Pumbaa's ear, which creates a reverberating effect.) Pumbaa, are you nuts?! We're talking about a lion. Lions eat guys like us! Pumbaa: But he's so little. (He leans over to regard Young Simba.) Timon: He's gonna get biggeeer. Pumbaa: But maybe he'll be on our side. Timon: Ahuh! That's the stupidest thing I ever heard! Maybe he'll b… ...Hey, I got it! What if he's on our side?! You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea. Pumbaa: So we keeping 'im? Timon: Of course. Who's the brains in this outfit? Pumbaa: Uhhh... Timon: My point exactly. Jeez, I'm fried! Let's get out of here and find some shade. (Following Timon, Pumbaa carries Young Simba into the shaded jungle.They fan Young Simba and he stirs.) Timon: You okay, kid? Young Simba: I guess so. Pumbaa: You nearly died. Timon: I saved you. (Pumbaa snorts at Timon.) Timon: Well, uh, Pumbaa helped. A little. Young Simba: (Dully.) Thanks for your help. (Young Simba heads off quietly back out towards the desert.) Timon: Hey, where you going? Young Simba: Nowhere. Timon: (Watching Young Simba, talking to Pumbaa.) Gee. He looks blue. Pumbaa: I'd say… brownish-gold. Timon: No, no, no, no! I mean, he's depressed. Pumbaa: Oh. (Pumbaa trots up to Young Simba.) Pumbaa: Hey kid, what's eatin' ya?


Timon: Nothing; he's at the top of the food chain! Ahhhhhhha ha haaa! The food chahaain! (Pumbaa and Simba stare at him silently.) Ha ha hum... ahem. (Realizing his joke flopped.) So, where you from...? Young Simba: Who cares? I can't go back. Timon: Ahh. You're an outcast! That's great, so are we. Pumbaa: What'cha do, kid? Young Simba: Something terrible. But I don't wanna talk about it. Timon: Good. We don't wanna hear about it. Pumbaa: (To Timon.) Come on, Timon. (To Young Simba.) Anything we can do? Young Simba: Not unless you can change the past. Pumbaa: You know, kid, in times like this my buddy Timon here says, "You got to put your behind in your past..." Timon: (Waving arms.) No. No. Nooo! Pumbaa: I mean... Timon: Amateur! Lie down before you hurt yourself. (To Young Simba.) It's: "You got to put your past behind you." Look, kid. Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it, right? Young Simba: Right. Timon: (Pokes Young Simba's nose.) Wrong! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. Young Simba: Well, that's not what I was taught. Timon: Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me. (Clears throat.) Hakuna Matata. Simba: (Still lethargic.) What? Pumbaa: Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta. It means: "No worries." SONG 11: HAKUNA MATATA (No fade in except in marimba chords.) Timon Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Pumbaa Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze Timon It means no worries for the rest of your days

(Timon pulls Young Simba over to a green bush and leans him back on it.) Timon and Pumbaa It's our problem-free philosophy Timon

(Filing down one of Young Simba's claws.) Hakuna Matata!

Young Simba: Hakuna Matata? Pumbaa: Yeah. It's our motto! Young Simba: What's a motto? Timon: Notin’. What's a-motto with you? Ah, ha, ha, ha… Pumbaa: (Laughing.) You know now, kid. Those two words will solve all problems. Timon: That's right. Take Pumbaa here… Why, when he was a young warthog...


34 Pumbaa

(Italian counter tenor range.) When I was a young warthooog!

Timon: Very nice. Pumbaa: Thanks. Timon He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal He could clear the savannah after every meal Pumbaa I'm a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind And oh, the shame Thoughta changin' my name And I got downhearted Everytime that I...

Timon Ooohoohoohoohooo He was ashamed What’s in a name How did ya feel?

Timon: Hey, Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids! Pumbaa: Oh… sorry. (String pizzicato. Simba looks with growing interest and surprised.) Timon and Pumbaa Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze Young Simba

(After becoming more and more enthusiastic, he finally joins in singing, a spotlight falling on him.) It means no worries for the rest of your days

(Timon does a vaudeville knee-slide up to Simba.) Timon, Pumbaa, and Young Simba It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna Matata! Timon It means no worries for the rest of your days Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba It's our problem-free…

(Pumbaa lands next to them, with a flatulent sound.) …philosophy Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata! Hakuna Matata! Pumbaa I say "Hakuna" Timon I say "Matata" Pumbaa Hakuna Matata! Timon Hakuna Matata!

35 (Timon pulls back a fern leaf, revealing a beautiful view of a rift-jungle. Waterfalls and

rugged terrain make a beautiful view. Harp runs accentuate the scene.) Timon: Welcome... to our humble home. Young Simba: You live here? Timon: We live wherever we want. Pumbaa: Yep. Home is where your rump rests. Heh! Young Simba: It's beautiful. Pumbaa: (Loud raunchy belch.) I'm starved. Young Simba: I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra. (Timon is rather disturbed by Young Simba's want for meat… a little bit taken aback and a little bit I-knew-this-would-happen.) Timon: Eeeahhah… We're fresh out of zebra. Young Simba: Any antelope? Timon: Nah. Young Simba: (A bit desperate.) Hippo? Timon: Nope. Listen, kid; if you live with us, you have to eat like us. Hey, this looks like a good spot to rustle up some grub. (Timon has stopped in front of a log. Pumbaa forces it up with his snout, revealing many insects. Timon picks one up.) Young Simba: Eeew! What's that? Timon: A grub. What's it look like? Young Simba: Eeew! Gross! Timon: (Eating, mouth full.) Mmmm. Tastes like chicken. (Pumbaa slurps up a large worm from the ground. Both Timon and Pumbaa are feasting on bugs by now.) Pumbaa: (Slurping.) Slimy, yet satisfying. Timon: (Grabbing a bug.) These are rare delicacies. Mmmm. (Crunches.) Piquant, with a very pleasant crunch. Pumbaa: You'll learn to love 'em. Timon: I'm telling you, kid, this is the great life. No rules. No responsibilities. (Pokes his hand into a knothole and many bugs scramble out.) Oooh! The little cream-filled kind. (Munch.) And best of all, no worries. (Timon has been collecting bugs on a leaf. He offers it to Simba. Simba picks out a grub.) Timon: Well, kid? Young Simba: Oh well… Hakuna Matata. (He eats. Sick music.) Young Simba: (Looking more cheerful.) Slimy, yet satisfying. Timon: That's it! (The scene switches to all three crossing a log, walking and tossing their heads to the music. With a steady build in the music, a change occurs. As they cross the log in the opposite direction young Simba has become an adult.) Pumbaa and Timon Hakuna matata, hakuna matata, hakuna matata. Simba

(Adult voice now.) It means no worries For the rest of your life

36 Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba It's our problem-free Philosophy Simba Hakuna Matata Hakuna Matata Ta ta

(The song breaks into gentle jazz voice improvisations on the words "Hakuna Matata." We see Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba boogeying off into the forest to the beat of the song.)

ACT II ENTR’ ACTE SONG 12: ONE BY ONE (The chorus dressed in colorful African outfits carrying birds on “fishing poles” walks in through the audience and ends up on the stage.) Chorus Ibabeni njalo bakithi Ninga dinwa Ninga phelelwa nga mandla Siya ba bona Bebe fun' ukusi xeda One by one Ngeke ba lunge One by one Sizo nqoba One by one Ngeke ba lunge One by one

[Hold on tight, my people] [Don't get weary] [Don't lose your strength] [We can see] [They wanted to hold us back] [They will not succeed] [We will win] [They will not succeed]

Ibabeni njalo bakithi Ninga dinwa Ninga phelelwa nga mandla Siya ba bona Bebe fun' ukusi xeda One by one Ngeke ba lunge One by one Sizo nqoba One by one Ngeke ba lunge One by one Sizo nqoba Ngoba thina Siya zazi Ngoba thina Siya zazi Ngoba thina Siya zazi Ngoba thina Siya zazi

[We will win] [Because] [We know who we are]

37 Zobona bayabaleka Zobon, zobona Zobon, zobona Zobon, zobona Zobon Amagwala

[Come and see] [The cowards are running away]

Ibala lami Elimnyama Ndiya zidla ngalo

[The color of my skin] [That is dark] [I'm proud of it]

Ibala lami Elimnyama Ndiza kufa nalo Ibala lami Elimnyama Ndiya zidla ngalo Hah ee ha Kumnandi bakithi bo Kwelakakith Eafrica

[Oh yes] [It's beautiful in Africa]

SCENE 1: Devastated Pride Lands (Now we are in Pride Lands. The landscape is grayish, barren. There are animal skeletons and the birds have been replaced by vultures.) Scar: Zazu, why am I not loved? SONG 13: THE MADNESS OF KING SCAR Scar I am that rare and awesome thing I'm every inch a King Yet I feel a twinge of doubt As I go walk about

Banzai: Hey, boss! Scar When my name is whispered through the pride Is this talk of love or regicide?

Shenzi: Reggie who? Scar Tell me I'm adored Please tell me I'm adored

Banzai: Hey, boss! Scar: (Exasperated.) Oooh, what is it? Banzai: We got a bone to pick with you Shenzi: There's no food, no water… Banzai: Yeah. It's dinnertime, and there ain't no stinkin' entrées! Scar: Oh, you and your petty complaints! You don't know what real hunger is. Day after day it gnaws at the very core of my being. Banzai: I had that once. It was woims. Scar: No, no, no... it's like an itch... deep, persistent, profound...


Banzai: That's it… woims! When they get really bad all you gotta do is... hunker down and scoot! (The hyenas laugh.) Scar: Thanks for the tip. Ingrates! If it weren't for me you'd be beating off buzzards for your next bite! Shenzi and Banzai Yeah, you're our savior, thanks a bunch But how about some lunch? It doesn't matter if it's fresh I need a fix of flesh My bones have moved to where they've never been They are on the outside looking in

Ah… La, la…

Scar: Are you blaming me? Shenzi and Banzai: Oh no, it's the lionesses. Scar: Nah. Shenzi and Banzai You are so adored Oh, you are so adored

Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep…

Scar: That's more like it! Shenzi and Banzai But what I'd give for one more hit Of wildebeest kielbasa Or maybe hornbill on the spit...

Zazu: Oh, how I miss Mufasa! Scar: (Quick and angry.) Mufasa?! Mufasa?! (Hyenas let out nervous giggles.) How dare you! Banzai: "Qué pasa?" Scar: I told you never to mention that name! Zazu: Note taken. I shall never mention "M-m-m" again. Scar: Even in death, his shadow looms over me… (Lion shadows appear and Scar is terrified.) There he is! No! There he is! And there! Zazu: Calm yourself, Sire, or you'll get another one of your splitting headaches! Scar: I am perfectly fine! I'm better than Mufasa was I'm revered I am reviled I'm idolized I am despised I'm keeping calm I'm going wild! I tell myself I'm fine Yes I am, no you're not Yes I am, no you're not I tell myself I'm fine No you're not, yes I am, no you're not

39 Yes I am No you're not Yes, no, yes, no, who am I talking to...? Ah, ha, ha, ha…

Zazu: Oh, pull yourself together, Sire! Scar: Oh, very well. Zazu? Zazu, Zazu, Zazu...? Zazu: Yes, Sire? Scar: Nobody loved me, there's the rub, not even as a cub. What did my brother have that I don't have? Zazu: Do you want the short list or the long? Scar: Whatever! Zazu: Well, he had adoring subjects... Scar: Nah. Zazu: A loving family... Scar: Nah. Zazu: A devoted Queen... Scar: That's it! I need a Queen! Zazu: A what?! Scar: A Queen, man! A Queen! Without a Queen, what am I? A dead end, no line, no descendants, no future. With a Queen, I'll have cubs... Immortality will be mine! Immortality will be mine!! (Nala comes in with other lionesses.) Nala: Scar. Scar: Ah, Nala... Your timing couldn't have been more perfect. My how you've grown! Nala: Scar, you have got to do something… We're being forced to overhunt! Scar She's got those assets feminine

Nala: You're the King. Control the hyenas! Scar I have to make her mine

Nala: You're destroying the Pride Lands. Scar Nobility in every gene

Nala: If we don't stop now… Don't you see... Scar She has to be my Queen

Nala: ...there's still a chance for things to be all right again... Scar

(Scar tries to seduce Nala.) Come, sweet Nala It's written in the stars

Nala: What are you doing? Are you listening to me?! Scar We'll create a host of little Scars

Nala: What are you talking about? Scar Tell me I'm adored

Nala: Get away from me!! Scar

40 Tell me I'm adore… aaahhh!

(Nala scratches Scar.) Ah, Nala... you know how I loathe violence... One way or another, you will be mine! Nala: Never, Scar. Never!! Scar You belong to me You all belong to me

(They hyenas run off; Ed lets loose a crazy laugh. Scar and Zazu also leave while Nala stays in the Pride Lands with other lionesses and chorus members. Rafiki observes all from this tree house.) SONG 14: SHADOWLAND Chorus Fatsee lesoo leea halalela Fatsee lesoo leea halalela

[The land of our ancestors is holy]

Nala Shadowland The leaves have fallen This shadowed land This was our home The river's dry The ground has broken So I must go Now I must go And where the journey may lead me Let your prayers be my guide I cannot stay here, my family But I'll remember my pride Chorus Prideland My land Tear-stained Dry land Take this With you Fatsee leso Chorus And where the journey may lead you Let this prayer be your guide Though it may take you so far away Always remember your pride Rafiki

(From her tree in the jungle.) Oooh wana tareeoo Hooyeye anao haya Haya hoobo haya hoobo Hayaba Eena henabanyata Keeana paupe

Nala I have no choice I will find my way Leea halalela Aaah Take this prayer What lies out there Leea halalela

41 Hatana wanata Ootee seenale Ooole oooh Chorus Fatsee leso leea halalela Fatsee leso leea halalela Nala Fatshee leso leea halalela Rafiki, Nala, and Chorus

(They move to front stage to allow the backstage to discreetly become the jungle.) And where the journey may lead (me) you Let this prayer be your (my) guide Though it may take you (me) so far away Always remember your (my) pride And where the journey may lead you Let this prayer be your guide Though it may take you so far away Always remember your pride

Nala Geeza buyabo, geeza buyabo I will return, I will return Beso bo Geeza buyabo, I will return Geeza buyabo

Nala Oh gee… geeza buyabo Besee bo, my people, besee bo

SCENE 2: Simba confronted in the jungle (Simba is sleeping in the jungle while the African people in their colorful robes sing. The song starts gently fading in and ends gently fading out.) SONG 15: THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT Male Chorus Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube

[Lion] Female Chorus Lala kahle [Sleep well]

Female Chorus In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight Male Chorus Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube


Female Chorus Ooooo ohi'mbube ba Ooooo ohi'mbube ba

Female Chorus Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight Male Chorus Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube


Female Chorus Ooooo ohi'mbube ba

42 Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube

Ooooo ohi'mbube ba

Female Chorus Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight Male Chorus Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube


Female Chorus Ooooo ohi'mbube ba Ooooo ohi'mbube ba

Female Chorus In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight Male Chorus Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube Ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube, ohi'mbube


Female Chorus Ooooo ohi'mbube ba Ooooo ohi'mbube ba Ooooo ohi'mbube ba Ooooo ohi'mbube ba

(As soon as the village people leave, Timon and Pumbaa come in and wake Simba with their talking.) Timon: Oh, so there you are! We were looking for you all over the place… (Simba stretches himself and yawns.) Timon: (Grabbing his belly.) Oh, I’m stuffed! Pumbaa: Me too. I ate like a pig. Simba: (Speaking sleepily.) Pumbaa… you are a pig. Pumbaa: Oh. Right. (All three sigh deeply, in unison.) Pumbaa: Timon? Timon: Yeah? Pumbaa: Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there? Timon: Pumbaa. I don't wonder; I know. Pumbaa: Oh, really. What are they? Timon: They're fireflies. Fireflies that uh... got stuck up in that big... bluish-black... thing. Pumbaa: Oh. Gee. I always thought that they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away. Timon: Pumbaa, wit' you, everything's gas. Pumbaa: Simba, what do you think? Simba: Well, I don't know... Pumbaa: Aw come on. Give, give, give... Well, come on, Simba, we told you ours... pleeeease?! Timon: Come on, come on... give, give… Simba: (Reluctantly.) Well, somebody once told me that the great Kings of the past are up there, watching over us. Pumbaa: (Awed, either genuinely or mockingly.) Really?


Timon: You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us? (Tries to keep composure, then...) Pbbb! (Timon breaks out laughing. Pumbaa joins in. Simba does half-heartedly.) Timon: Who told you something like that? What mook made that up? Simba: Yeah. Pretty dumb, huh? Timon: Aw, you're killing me, Simba. (The music rises again. Simba looks back up at the stars. He quietly gets up and walks away.) Timon: Was it something I said? (Timon and Pumbaa leave.) SONG 16: ENDLESS NIGHT (Simba remains with the jungle chorus. While it sings Rafiki in her tree house sniffs something in the air and grunts; she becomes aware that Simba is alive.) Rafiki: Simba? He's… he's alive? He, he… he's alive! In the jungle! (She laughs.) (Rafiki grabs her staff. Laughing in delight, she picks up some paint and puts a mane on the smeared lion image on the wall.) Rafiki: It is time! Chorus Hem… hem, hem… hem, hem… Hem… hem, hem… hem, hem… Simba Where has the starlight gone? Dark is the day How can I find my way home? Home is an empty dream Lost to the night Father, I feel so alone You promised you'd be there Whenever I needed you Whenever I call your name You're not anywhere I'm trying to hold on Just waiting to hear your voice One word, just a word will do To end this nightmare When will the dawning break Oh endless night Sleepless I dream of the day When you were by my side Guiding my path Father, I can't find the way You promised you'd be there Whenever I needed you Whenever I call your name You're not anywhere

44 I'm trying to hold on Just waiting to hear your voice One word, just a word will do To end this nightmare Chorus I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine And that the sun will shine Simba and Chorus I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine Chorus And that the sun will shine Chorus I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise

Simba I know I know The sun will rise Yes, I know

I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine And that the sun will shine

I know The clouds must clear

I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise

I know that the night must end I know that the sun will rise And I’ll hear your voice deep inside

I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine And that the sun will shine

I know that the night must end

I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise

And that the clouds must clear The sun The sun will rise

I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine

The sun The sun will rise

(It’s daytime in the jungle. Simba is no longer there, but we see Timon coming in looking for Pumbaa.) Timon: Pumbaa, Pumbaa!! I can't hear you, buddy, back me up! A-Pumbaa? Pumbaa? SOUND: LIONESS GROWL (Continues throughout the chase and fight.) Pumbaa: (Off stage you hear a dreadful scream.) Yeeeeaaahhh! (He runs in with the lioness in hot pursuit.)


Pumbaa: She's gonna eat me!! Timon: (Seeing the lioness.) Whoa! ... Jeez! Why do I always have to save your aaaaaa! SOUND: LION ROARS and LIONESS GROWLS (Simba plunges in defending his friends.On the aaaaaa!, Timon sees the lioness was about to close on Pumbaa and he is in the line of attack. At the last minute, Simba bounds over Pumbaa and catches the lioness head on at full force. They start fighting savagely.) Timon: (To Simba.) Get her! Bite her head! Go for the jugular. The jugular! (To Pumbaa.) See, I told you he'd come in handy. (The lions tangle for a bit more. The fight becomes a wrestling. The lioness flips Simba and pins him with a loud thump. Simba is startled by this. The lioness is still baring her teeth. Simba, however, is very surprised and no longer threatening.) Simba: Nala? (She immediately backs off and looks at Simba, examining him.) Simba: Is it really you? Nala: Who are you? Simba: It's me. Simba. Nala: Simba? (Pause for realization.) Whoa! (Simba and Nala run together and greet each other. The greetings are enthused.) Nala: Well how did you… where did you come from? It's great to see you!! Simba: Aaah! How did you... who... Wow! This is cool! It's great to see you! (Timon is completely baffled by this sudden change; Pumbaa is also baffled, but he’s still recovering from the panic.) Timon: Hey, what's goin' on here?! Simba: (Still to Nala.) What are you doing here? Nala: What do you mean, "What am I doing here?" What are you doing here?! Timon: Hey!! What's goin' on here!?!?! Simba: Timon, this is Nala. She's my best friend. Timon: (Thoroughly confused.) Friend?!? Simba: Yeah. Hey, Pumbaa, come over here. (Pumbaa fearfully approaches them.) Simba: Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala. Pumbaa: (Still huffing but with some friendliness.) Pleased to make your acquaintance. Nala: The pleasure's all mine. Timon: How do you do… Whoa! Whoa. Time out... Lemme get this straight. You know her. She knows you. But she wants to eat him. And everybody's... okay with this?! Did I miss something?!? Simba: Relax, Timon. Nala: Wait till everybody finds out you've been here all this time! And your mother... what will she think? Simba: (Showing sadness and guilt.) She doesn't have to know. Nobody has to know. Nala: Well, of course they do! Everyone thinks you're dead. Simba: They do? Nala: Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede. Simba: He did? Well... What else did he tell you?


Nala: What else matters? You're alive, and that means... you're the King. Timon: King? Pbbb. Lady, have you got your lions crossed. Pumbaa: King? Your Majesty! I gravel at your feet. (Noisily kisses Simba's paw.) Simba: Stop it! Timon: (To Pumbaa.) It's not "gravel." It's "grovel." And don't… he's not the King. (To Simba.) Are ya? Simba: No. Nala: Simba? Simba: No, I'm not the King. Maybe I was gonna be, but... that was a long time ago. Timon: Let me get this straight. You're the King? And you never told us? Simba: Look, I'm still the same guy. Timon: (Enthusiastic.) But with power! Nala: (Apologetic.) Could you guys... excuse us for a few minutes? Timon: Hey, (taps Pumbaa) whatever she has to say, she can say in front of us. Right, Simba? Simba: Hmm. Maybe you'd better go. Timon: (Aghast, then resigned.) It starts. You think you know a guy... (Pumbaa and Timon pad off. Pumbaa sighs.) Simba: Timon and Pumbaa. You learn to love 'em. (Nala has her head bowed down sadly.) Simba: What? ...What is it? Nala: (Quietly.) It's like you're back from the dead. You don't know how much this will mean to everyone. (Pained expression.) ...What it means to me. Simba: Hey, it's okay. Nala: (Rubbing under Simba's chin, purring.) I've really missed you. Simba: (Startled by Nala's boldness for an instant, then reciprocating.) I've missed you too. (They are rubbing heads. We hear Timon, who’s spying behind the bushes, sigh.) Timon: (Heavy sigh.) I tell you, Pumbaa, this stinks! Pumbaa: Oh. Sorry. Timon: Not you! Them!! Him. Her. All alone… Pumbaa: What's wrong with that? SONG 17: CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT? Timon I can see what's happening And they don't have a clue They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two.

Pumbaa What? Who? Oh.

The sweet caress of twilight There's magic everywhere And with all this romantic atmosphere Disaster's in the air Female Chorus Can you feel the love tonight The peace the evening brings The world for once in perfect harmony

Male Chorus Mamela mamela mamela mamela towe Mamela mamela mamela Mamela ela towe

47 With all its living things

Mamela ela towe

(As the song progresses Simba and Nala walk around each other becoming more and more romantic each time, rubbing heads cat-like style. Timon and Pumbaa get more and more touched, not only by the romance but by the fact that their “trio is down to two.”) Simba So many things to tell her But how to make her see The truth about my past, impossible! She'd turn away from me Nala He's holding back, he's hiding But what, I can't decide Why won't he be the King I know he is? The King I see inside? Simba, Nala and Female Chorus Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things

Male Chorus Mamela mamela mamela mamela towe Mamela mamela mamela Mamela ela towe Mamela ela towe

(The night starts setting in with all its magic.) Simba, Nala, and Female Chorus Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far Stealing through the night's uncertainties Love is where we are

Male Chorus Mamela mamela mamela mamela towe Mamela mamela mamela Mamela ela towe Mamela ela towe

Nala And if he feels the love tonight In the way I do Simba It's enough for this restless wanderer Simba and Nala Just to be with you

Simba: Isn't this a great place? Nala: It is beautiful. But I don't understand something. You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you come back to Pride Rock? Simba: Well, I just needed to... get out on my own. Live my own life. And I did. And it's great. (He sounds almost as if trying to convince himself as well as Nala.) Nala: (Voice catching, as though barely under control.) We've really needed you at home. Simba: (Quieter.) No one needs me. Nala: Yes, we do! You're the King! Simba: Nala, we've been through this. I'm not the King. Scar is. Nala: Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands. Simba: What?! Nala: Everything's destroyed. There's no food. No water. Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve.


Simba: I can't go back. Nala: (Louder.) Why? Simba: You wouldn't understand. Nala: What wouldn't I understand? Simba: (Hastily.) No, no, no… It doesn't matter. Hakuna Matata. Nala: (Confused.) What? Simba: Hakuna Matata. It's something I learned out here. Look, sometimes bad things happen... Nala: Simba! Simba: (Continuing, irritated.) ...And there's nothing you can do about it. So why worry? (Simba starts away from Nala, but Nala walks back up to him.) Nala: Because it's your responsibility! Simba: Well, what about you? You left! Nala: I left to find help! And I found you! Don't you understand? You're our only hope. Simba: Sorry. Nala: What's happened to you? You're not the Simba I remember. Simba: You're right. I'm not. Now are you satisfied? Nala: No, just disappointed. Simba: You know, you're starting to sound like my father. (Walking away again.) Nala: Good! At least one of us does. (Simba is obviously cut by the comment about his father; he tears into Nala with his words.) Simba: (Angry.) Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life?! You don't even know what I've been through! Nala: I would if you would just tell me! Simba: Forget it! Nala: Fine! (Nala walks off. Timon and Pumbaa have also vanished. Night has fully set in and Rafiki is hiding from Simba in the shadows.) Simba: She's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove, anyway? It won't change anything. You can't change the past. (He looks up at the stars.) Simba: You said you'd always be there for me! But you're not. And it's because of me. It's my fault. It's my fault. SONG 18: ASANTE SANA Rafiki Asante sana! Squash banana! We we nugu! Mi mi apana!

[Thank you very much!] [Squash banana!] [You're a baboon,] [And I'm not!]

(Simba seems slightly annoyed by the chant. He moves away. Rafiki, elated by the sight of Simba, follows him. Simba lies down. Rafiki, now in a nearby tree, starts his chant again.) Rafiki Asante sana! Squash banana!

49 We we nugu! Mi mi apana!

Simba: Come on, will you cut it out? (Rafiki, laughing, is doing random acrobatics in the trees nearby.) Rafiki: Can't cut it out. It'll grow right back! (Laughs.) (Simba starts walking away. Rafiki follows.) Simba: Creepy little monkey. Will you stop following me? Who are you? Rafiki: (In front of Simba, then right in his face.) The question is: Whooo... are you? Simba: (Startled, then sighing.) I thought I knew. Now I'm not so sure. Rafiki: Well, I know who you are. Shh. Come here. It's a secret. (She pulls Simba's head over to whisper into his ear. She starts her chant into Simba's ear and laughs.) Asante sana! Squash banana! We we nugu! Mi mi apana!

Simba: Enough already! What's that supposed to mean, anyway? Rafiki: It means you are a mandrill, and I'm not. (Laughs.) Simba: (Moving away.) I think... you're a little confused. Rafiki: (Magically in front of Simba again.) Wrong. I'm not the one who's confused; you don't even know who you are. Simba: (Irritated, sarcastic.) Oh, and I suppose you know? Rafiki: Sure do; you're Mufasa's boy. (Simba is surprised by this revelation. Rafiki disappears off stage.) Rafiki: Bye! SONG 19: LALA Chorus We sangoma ngi velelwe We baba ngivelelwe We baba ngivelelwe

[Oh, spiritual healer, I'm troubled] [Oh, my father, I'm in pain]

Simba: Hey, wait! (Simba chases after her. When he catches up, Rafiki is in a meditative lotus position on a rock.) Simba: You knew my father? Rafiki: (Monotone.) Correction… I know your father. Simba: I hate to tell you this, but... he died… A long time ago. (Rafiki leaps off the rock over to a dense jungle-like area.) Rafiki: Nope. Wrong again! Ha, ha, hah! He's alive! And I'll show him to you. You just do what I tell you to. Old Rafiki, she knows… Now settle down and close your eyes… Look inside of yourself. To really know and understand the world, you must first know and understand yourself. SONG 20: HEM (While the chorus sings, Rafiki chants and dances around Simba sanctifying him with her jingling staff.) Chorus Hem… hem, hem… hem, hem…

50 Hem… hem, hem… hem, hem…

Rafiki: Now open your eyes… slowly. Turn your head towards the sky… See the star? See your father? Simba: No, I only see stars. (Rafiki quickly but gently touches Simba in his head and heart with her staff as lighting flashes. Simba closes his eyes momentarily and then quickly opens them with the thunder.) Rafiki: Know yourself! Look inside! There he is… and you may find him everywhere… we are all One! SOUND: DEEP RUMBLING NOISE Rafiki: You see, he lives in you! (Simba is awestruck. The wind picks up. A heavenly image of Mufasa forms in the sky, more clearly each time.) SOUND: WIND BLOWING Mufasa: (Quietly at first.) Simba . . . Simba: Father? Mufasa: Simba, you have forgotten me. Simba: No. How could I? Mufasa: You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life. Simba: How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be. (Mufasa glows in a golden light.) Mufasa: Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true King. (Close up of Simba's face, bathed in the golden light, showing a mixture of awe, fear, sadness, and love. The image of Mufasa starts to fade.) Mufasa: Remember who you are. (Mufasa is disappearing rapidly into the darkness. Simba moves through the fields trying not to let go of his father’s image.) Simba: No. Please! Don't leave me. Mufasa: Remember... Simba: Father! Mufasa: Remember... Simba: Don't leave me. Mufasa: Remember… (Rafiki approaches Simba.) SONG 21: HE LIVES IN YOU (Reprise) Chorus Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Rafiki Chorus Night and the spirit of life calling… mamela And a voice just the fear of a child answers… ah ya mamela

Ahah eeah, ahah eeah Ahah eeah, ahah eeah

51 Ubu khosi bo khokho

[This is the throne of our ancestors]

Chorus We ndodana ye sizwe sonke

[Oh, son of the nation]

Rafiki Wait… there's no mountain too great Hear these words and have faith… oooh Have faith

Chorus Wait, wait, wait, wait… Ahah eeah, ahah eeah Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela…

He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you

Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela…

Rafiki and Chorus He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you

Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela… Hela hemela, hela hemela…

Chorus He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you Rafiki and Chorus He lives in you Rafiki Oh yeah Chorus He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you

He lives in you He watches over Everything we see

Rafiki He lives in me He watches over Everything we see… Aaaaah… Into the truth In your reflection Oh yeah… Oh… Abayaba ya, abayaba yo… Simba Oh ho ho Oh, he lives in me Watches over Oh, everything we see

52 Into the water Into the truth In your reflection Simba and Chorus He lives in you

Into the water I see the reflection

Simba: Looks like the winds are changing. Rafiki: Ahhh. Change is good. Simba: Yeah, but it's not easy. I know what I have to do. But, going back means I'll have to face my past. I have to face myself. I've been running from this for so long… It hurts… Rafiki: Oh yes, the past can hurt and knowing yourself can be a challenge. But you can either run from them, or... learn from them. Simba: I must go back… Rafiki: Good, good! Go on… (Simba starts running off.) Simba: Yes, I must go back home. Rafiki: Good, go on. Get back home. SONG 22: BUSA (Laughs, hoots, n' hollers. As he holds his staff above his head, a few shooting stars zing across the sky. Music rises into celebratory "Busa" theme.) Chorus Busa le lizwe Busa le lizwe Busa le lizwe Busa lomhlaba Sabusa le lizwe Sabusa le lizwe Sabusa le lizwe Busa lomhlaba

[Rule this land] [You shall rule this land] [Rule this land]

(It is morning in the jungle which is in the front stage, while in the back stage the jungle is discreetly becoming the ashen Pride Lands. Timon and Pumbaa are sleeping, snoring. Pumbaa is lying on his back. In his snore, Pumbaa occasionally mumbles "Grubs, grubs." Nala approaches and taps Timon with a paw.) Nala: Hey. Hey, wake up. (Timon wakes up and sees a huge lion face in his view. He starts screaming and Pumbaa joins in.) Nala: It's okay. Whoa, whoa. It's okay. It's me. Timon: Don't ever do that again! Carnivores, oy! Nala: Have you guys seen Simba? Timon: (Holding a hand to his head.) I thought he was with you. Nala: He was, but now I can't find him. Where is he? (We hear Rafiki's laugh; she's sitting in a tree above them.) Rafiki: Ho, ho, ho, ho. You won't find him here. Ha, ha. The King... has returned. Nala: (Quietly.) I can't believe it. (Louder, amazed.) He's gone back. Timon: Gone back? What do you mean? (Looks where Rafiki was; Rafiki is now gone.) Hey! What's goin' on here? Who's the monkey?


Nala: Simba's gone to challenge Scar. Timon: Who? Nala: Scar. Pumbaa: Who's got a scar? Nala: (Shaking her head.) No, no, no. It's his uncle. Timon: The monkey's his uncle? Nala: No! Simba's gone back to challenge his uncle to take his place as King. Timon and Pumbaa: Ohhh.

SCENE 3: Simba returns to the Pride Lands (Simba reaches his former home, the barren Pride Lands. It is lacking in life, with a gray hue. Seeing the desolation, a look of determination, even fury, appears on Simba's face.) Nala: Simba, wait up! (She comes up next to him.) ...It's awful, isn't it? Simba: I didn't want to believe you… Nala: What made you come back? Simba: I finally got some sense sown into me. This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will? Nala: I will. Simba: It's gonna be dangerous. Nala: (Quoting Young Simba.) Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger. Ha, ha, ha, ha! Timon: I see nothing funny about this. Simba: Timon? Pumbaa? What are you doing here? Pumbaa: (Bowing on one foreleg.) At your service, my Liege. Timon: Uh. We're going to fight your uncle... for this?! Simba: Yes, Timon; this is my home. Timon: Ffh. Talk about your fixer-upper. Well, Simba, if it's important to you, (bows) we're with you to the end! (Simba smiles appreciatively. Nice scene with the four of them viewing the work ahead of them.) (Simba, Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa sneak up to the edge of Pride Rock. Hidden, they observe close up the hordes of hyenas.) Timon: Hyenas… Yikes! I hate hyenas. (To Simba, whispering.) So what's your plan for gettin' past those guys? Simba: Live bait. Timon: Good idea. (Realizing.) Heeey! Simba: Come on, Timon… you guys have to create a diversion. Timon: (Incredulous.) What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and dance a Charleston? Nala: Well, what a wonderful idea! Pumbaa, please give me a hand. (On hearing the music the hyenas gradually start moving to the music. With the help of Nala and Pumbaa, Timon quickly dresses up as a flapper. And then Timon wears a 1920s mafia-like beau hat and grabs a cigar.) SONG 23: HAS ANYBODY SEEN MY GAL? Nala, Pumbaa, and Chorus Five foot two, eyes of blue, Oh, what those five feet could do!

54 Has anybody seen my gal? Turned-up nose, turned-down hose, Flapper? Yes sir, one of those! Has anybody seen my gal? Now, if you run into a five-foot-two Covered in fur, Diamond rings, all those things, Betcha’ life it isn't her! But could she love, could she woo! Could she, could she, could she coo! Has anybody seen my gal? Five foot two, eyes of blue, Oh, what those five feet could do! Has anybody seen my gal? Turned-up nose, turned-down hose, Never has no other beaus, Has anybody seen my gal? Well, if you run into a five-foot-two All covered with pearls, Diamond rings, all those things, Betcha’ life it isn't her! But could she love, could she woo! Could she, could she, could she coo! Has anybody seen my gal? Has anybody seen my gal? Has anybody seen my gal?

(After the dance that greatly distracts them, several hyenas chase after Timon and Pumbaa off stage.) Simba: Nala, you find my mother and rally the lionesses. (Determinedly.) I'll look for Scar. (Simba is making his way to Pride Rock. Scar calling his mother causes him to pause and watch.) Scar: Sarabi! (Sarabi ascends Pride Rock. The hyenas snap at her heels. She only glares disdainfully at them.) Sarabi: Yes, Scar? Scar: Where is your hunting party? They're not doing their job. Sarabi: (Calmly.) Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on. Scar: No. You're just not looking hard enough! Sarabi: It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave Pride Rock. Scar: We're not going anywhere. Sarabi: Then you have sentenced us to death. Scar: Then so be it! Sarabi: (Disgusted, amazed.) You can't do that!


Scar: I am the King! I can do whatever I want! Sarabi: If you were half the King Mufasa was, you would nev… (Scar hits Sarabi, knocking her to the ground.) Scar: I'm ten times the King Mufasa was!! SOUND: LION ROAR (Simba appears on the ledge, growling loudly as lightning flashes. He leaps out and runs to his mother. Scar mistakes Simba as Mufasa and is understandably frightened.) Scar: Mufasa? Nooo!! You're dead!! (Sarabi awakens at her son's nudge, but mistakes him for Mufasa like Scar did.) Sarabi: Mufasa?! Simba: No. It's me! Sarabi: (Delighted.) Simba? You're alive?! (Confused.) How can that be?!! Simba: It doesn't matter; I'm home. Scar: (Confused.) Simba...? (Back in form.) Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you, (giving the hyenas above him an angry look) alive... (On the word "alive", Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed gulp audibly and slink into the shadows.) Simba: (To Scar as Sarabi looks on with some pride.) Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart. Scar: (Backing into a wall, apologetic.) Oh, Simba, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom... Simba: ...Are no longer yours. Step down, Scar. Scar: Oh, oh, ye… Well, I would, heh, naturally, heh… however, there is one little problem. You see them? (Pointing to the horde of hyenas around them.) They think I'm King. (Nala appears with the rest of the lionesses.) Nala: Well, we don't. Simba is the rightful King. Simba: The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight. Scar: Oh, must it all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree, Simba? Simba: That's not gonna work, Scar. I've put it behind me. Scar: Eh, but what about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them? Nala: Simba, what is he talking about? Scar: (Delighted.) Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death! (Scar's last line causes the lionesses to start. All are concentrating on Simba.) Simba: (Steeling himself, then taking a step forward.) I am. (Sarabi approaches her son.) Sarabi: (With much grief.) It's not true. Tell me it's not true! Simba: (Regretfully.) It's true. Scar: You see! He admits it! Murderer!! (Thunder resounds and lightning flashes to punctuate the line.) Simba: No! It was an accident. (Scar walks around and around Simba as he accuses him.) Scar: If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's your fault he's dead; do you deny it?


Simba: No. Scar: (Severely.) Then... you're... guilty!! Simba: No! I'm not a murderer! Scar: Oh, Simba, you're in trouble again. But this time, Daddy isn't here to save you. And now everyone… knows… why!! (Scar has been backing Simba up the length of Pride Rock. After his last sentence, Simba slips over the edge and is clinging to the ledge by his forepaws. Lightning strikes again.) SONG 24: SIMBA CONFRONTS SCAR Nala: Simba!! (Scar sits back and pretends to think.) Scar: Now this looks familiar. Hmm… Where have I seen this before? Let me think. Hmmm... hmmm. Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died. (Scar grabs Simba with his claws as he did Mufasa. He whispers into Simba's ear.) Scar: And here's my little secret: I killed Mufasa!! (Simba has a quick memory flash back to that fateful instant. Lightning continues to flash. In one giant leap he lunges up and pins Scar on his back. Scar is caught completely by surprise and is understandably very nervous and shaken.) Simba: Nooooooooo!! ...Murderer! Scar: No, Simba, please!! Simba: Tell them the truth!! Scar: Truth? But truth is in the eye of the beholdllgkkk! (Simba starts to choke Scar.) All right! All right! (Quietly, venomously.) I did it. Simba: So they can hear you! Scar: (Grudgingly, but clear.) I killed Mufasa! (A fight ensues. The lions are fighting the hyenas and Pumbaa and Timon are charging them, too. Even Zazu is fighting them, and Rafiki is hitting them with her staff. There is roaring, yelping, barking and screaming.) Simba: (Quietly, severely.) Murderer. Scar: Simba, Simba. Please! Please have mercy! I beg you! Simba: You don't deserve to live! Scar: But, Simba, I am... ah... (unsure of his tactic) family! It's the hyenas (regaining composure) who are the real enemy. It was their fault… it was their idea! (Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed are in the background. They overhear and back away growling at Scar's betrayal.) Simba: Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie!! Scar: What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your old Uncle...? (Ingratiating grin.) Simba: No, Scar. I'm not like you. Scar: (Greatly relieved.) Oh, Simba, thank you. You are truly noble. I'll make it up to you, I promise. How can I, ah, prove myself to you? Tell me; I mean, anything! Simba: (Gravely, with deep anger.) Run! Run away, Scar!! And never return. Scar: Yes. Of course. As you wish... Your Majesty! (Scar treacherously attacks Simba. Lightning continues to flash. They fight and at some point Scar tumbles and is at the mercy of the hyenas. He weakly gets up. He sees Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed approaching and smiles. Ed has a very angry look on his face.)


Scar: Ahh, my friends! Shenzi: Frie-he-hends? I thought he said we were the enemy! Banzai: Yeah, that's what I heard! Banzai and Shenzi: Ed? Ed: (Laughs evilly.) Scar: (Very nervous.) No. L-l-l-le-le-le-le-let me explain! No! You don't understand. No! I didn't mean for... No, no! Look, I’m sorry I called you... No! Nooooo! (The horde of hyenas closes in on Scar dragging him off stage and devouring him. There is a change of music and gradually the Pride Lands recover their lush, rich state. Simba comes down and greets his mother and Nala. Rafiki motions for Simba to ascend Pride Rock as King. Simba starts up and pauses to hug Rafiki as his father did.) SOUND: LION ROAR, LIONESSES ROARS SONG 25: KING OF PRIDE ROCK/ CIRCLE OF LIFE (Reprise) Rafiki: It is time. (Very majestically, Simba ascends. Music is strong. Through a hole in the clouds we can see a patch of stars. One bright star shines out briefly.) Mufasa: Remember… (Simba's expression gains confidence and strength. He roars. The lionesses roar in reply. The savannah continues blooming. At some point Nala, Sarabi, Timon, Pumbaa and Zazu climb to Pride Rock and joins Simba. All the groups of herds are in the Pride Lands saluting Simba. Towards the end Rafiki appears, holding Kiara or Chaka, Simba’s and Nala’s offspring. She lifts him to present him to the crowd. The Circle is completed.) Chorus Ndabe zeetha Nkosi yethu Mholi wezwe lethu

[King of kings] [Our King] [Ruler of our land]

Lefatsher la bonata rona Lera halalela

[This land of our ancestors] [Is holy]

Busa le lizwe bo Busa le lizwe bo Busa le lizwe bo Lethu busa ngoxolo Is'khathi sifikile Is'khathi busa iyo Is'khathi sifikile Busa lomhlaba

[Rule this land]

Is'khathi sifikile Is'khathi sifikile Busa Simba Busa Simba

[The time has come]

Hem na iyo Hem na iyo Hem na nkosi bo Busa Simba iyo Hem na iyo

[Rule with peace] [The time has come] [It's time, rule] [The time has come] [Rule this land]

[Rule, Simba]

[Rule, our King] [Rule, Simba] Oh busa Simba iyo

[Oh, rule Simba]

58 Hem na iyo

Oh busa nkosi bo

[Ah, King of kings] Hem na nkosi bo

Oh busa Simba iyo

[Rule, our king]

[Oh, rule Simba]

Busa Simba iyo

Busa Simba iyo

[Rule, Simba]

[Rule, Simba]

Ubuse ngo thando Ubuse ngo thando Ubuse ngo xolo Busa Simba, Busa Simba

[Rule with love]

Ubuse ngo xolo Ubuse ngo thando Ubuse ngo xolo Ubuse ngo thando Ubuse ngo xolo

[Rule with peace] [Rule with love]

[Rule with peace] [Rule, Simba, rule, Simba]

Rafiki, Simba, Nala, Pumbaa, Timon, Zazu, Chorus Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the Circle The Circle of Life Circle of… Life!

FINALE SONG 26: I JUST CAN’T WAIT TO BE KING! (All the ensemble sings and does the curtain call in the order listed below.) All the Chorus Hem, hem, hem I'm gonna be a mighty King, so enemies beware! I’ve never seen a King of beasts With quite so little hair I'm gonna be the mane event Like no King was before I'm brushing up on looking down I'm working on my roar! Thus far a rather uninspiring thing Oh, I just can't wait to be King! Hem, hem No one saying do this No one saying be there No one saying stop that No one saying see here Free to run around all day Free to do it all my way! Hem, hem

59 I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart-to-heart Kings don't need advice From little hornbills for a start If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out Out of service, out of Africa I wouldn't hang about This child is getting wildly out of wing Oh, I just can't wait to be King! Aye, aye Aye, aye Everybody look left Everybody look right Everywhere you look I'm… Standing in the spotlight Let every creature go for broke and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling Male Chorus Oh, I just can't wait to be King! Female Chorus Oh, he just can't wait to be King! Male Chorus Oh, I just can't wait... Female Chorus Just can't wait All the Chorus To be King!

Primary Chorus Backstage Crew High School Chorus Dancing Troupe Banzai, Shenzi, Ed Timon, Pumbaa, Zazu Young Nala, Scar, Sarafina, Young Simba Sarabi, Mufasa, Rafiki, Simba, Nala

The End

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