Pillars of TPM The traditional approach to TPM was developed in the 1960s and consists of 5S as a foundation and eight supporting activities (sometimes referred to as pillars)
The traditional TPM model consists of a 5S foundation (Sort! Set in "rder! Shine! Standardi#e! and Sustain) and eight supporting activities The 5S $oundation The goal of 5S is to create a wor% environment that is clean and well&organi#ed 't consists of five elements Japanese Te Term
English Translation
Equivalent 'S 'S' te term
Self & +iscipline
P',,-. 1 & -/T""M"/S M-'T-* Places responsi2ilit for routine maintenance! such as cleaning! lu2ricating! and inspection! in the hands of operators 3 4ives 4ives operat operators ors great greater er owners ownership hip of their their e7uipme e7uipment nt 3 'ncrea 'ncreases ses operat operators ors88 %nowl %nowledg edgee of their e7uipm e7uipment ent 3 nsure nsuress e7uipme e7uipment nt is well well&cl &clean eaned ed and lu2ri lu2ricate cated d 3 'dentifies 'dentifies emergent emergent issues issues 2efore 2efore the the 2ecome failures failures 3 $rees $rees mainte maintenanc nancee personn personnel el for higher higher&l &level evel tas% tas%s s This pillar is geared towards developing operators to 2e a2le to ta%e care of small maintenance tas%s! thus freeing up the s%illed maintenance people to spend time on more value added activit and technical repairs The operators are responsi2le for up%eep of their e7uipment to prevent it from deteriorating
Polic 1 ; activities
P',,-. & P,-+ M-'T-* Schedules maintenance tas%s 2ased on predicted and?or measured failure rates 't is aimed to have trou2le free machines and e7uipments producing defect free products for total customer satisfaction This 2rea%s maintenance down into < @families@ or groups which was defined earlier 1 Preventive Maintenance Area%down Maintenance ; *orrective Maintenance ! II! EM! PM) "ffice TPM must 2e followed to improve productivit! efficienc in the administrative functions and identif and eliminate losses This includes anal#ing processes and procedures towards increased office automation "ffice TPM addresses twelve maGor losses The are 1 Processing loss *ost loss including in areas such as procurement! accounts! mar%eting! sales leading to high inventories ; *ommunication loss
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