8-14-19 - Methods of Philosophizing HISTORICAL
October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Gmtfk`s ka Yfhekskpfhzhlb3 Fhstkrhode
Dt tfm ml` ka tfhs emsskl, yku sfkue` nm dnem tk3
`mahlm dl` mxpedhl tfm fhstkrhode gmtfk` ka pfhekskpfhzhlb,
okgpdrm tfm _kordtho gmtfk`, `hdemotho gmtfk`, sohmlthaho gmtfk`, dl` fhstkrhode gmtfk` ds gmtfk`s ka pfhekskpfhzhlb,
`hsthlbuhsf dl kphlhkl arkg trutf ny dldeyzhlb tfm bhvml shtudthkls, dl`
tfm vdeh`hty ka tfm stdtmgmlt ―Pfm fhstkrhode gmtfk` emd`s tk whs`kg dl` trutf.‗
Gmtfk`s ka Yfhekskpfhzhlb
D gmtfk` ka pfhekskpfhzhlb hs d prkomss ka `mtmrghlhlb tfm trutf kr `rdwhlb okloeushkls arkg d stdtmgmlt ushlb vdrhkus pfhekskpfhode gmtfk`s, suof ds3
sohmlthaho, dl` fhstkrhode.
Pfm Fhstkrhode Gmtfk`
Pfm tmrg "fhstkry" hs arkg tfm Brmmj wkr` hktkphd wfhof gmdls ―tk hlvmsthbdtm" kr "tk ahl` kut.‗ Pfm fhstkrhode gmtfk` hs tfm prkomss ka bdtfmrhlb mvh`mloms, mxdghlhlb tfmg, dl` akrguedthlb h`mds dnkut tfm pdst tk okgm up whtf prmsmlt trutfs.
Hl tfhs dpprkdof, ht hs nmehmvm` tfdt fhstkry fds d ―`hvhlm kr`mr‗ kr d edrbm ―oyoehode kr prkbrmsshvm‗
pdttmrl tfdt mldnems mvmlts tk rmpmdt tfmgsmevms dl` rmokr` hlakrgdthkl tfrkubf fhstkrhode dookults kr drofdmkekbhode ahl`hlbs.
Pfm prkomss ka emdrlhlb tfm trutf hs shgpey tfrkubf ekkjhlb dt pdst rmokr`s tk vdeh`dtm tfm prmsmlt fypktfmshs.
Ha hl d gkrm pmrspmothvm, tfm fhstkrhode dpprkdof wkue` hloeu`m kley d fhstkrhode dookult tk vhmwm` `haamrmlthdtm trutfbmlmrde arkg kphlhkl.
Fhstkry hs smml ds gkrm hgpkrtdlt tfdl ekbho dl` d gkrm vdeh` skurom ka tfm trutf.
]shlb tfm fhstkrhode dpprkdof hs guof ehjm rmsmdrofhlb akr dl dlswmr tk d pdrthouedr qumsthkl. ^mvhmwhlb wfdt fds nmml `klm hl tfm pdst hs tfm prhgdry gmtfk` ka ekkjhlb dt d skeuthkl akr d prknemg dt prmsmlt.
Xku drm bkhlb tk Ndbuhk akr tfm ahrst thgm whtf ykur adghey. Xku fdvm tfm kpthkl tk usm klm ka twk rkutms. Xku ekkj akr rmvhmws punehsfm` hl tfm hltmrlmt tk `mtmrghlm wfhof ka tfm twk rkutms hs nmttmr nmt tmr..
Gdroks Fhbf-wdy
Kphlhkl dl` Prutf Ht hs hgpkrtdlt tk `hsthlbuhsf `hsth lbuhsf kphlhkl arkg trutf wfml ushlb tfm fhstkrhode
Dl kphlhkl hs d pmrsklde vhmw akrgm` dnkut d pdrthouedr gdttmr, suof ds ykur prmamrmlom akr Cdpdlmsm ouhshlm.
Prutf, kl tfm ktfmr fdl`, hs skgmtfhlb tfdt fds dotude dl` prkvml mxhstmlom rmbdr`emss ka klm‘ss kphlhkl, suof ds tfm klm‘ t fm adot tfdt tfm Yfhehpphlms hs gd`m up ka gkrm tfdl 2,499 hsedl`s.
Pry tk dldeyzm tfm bhvml shtudthkls. @hsthlbuhsf tfm kphlhkl arkg tfm trutf.
_htudthkl D rmvmdes tfm trutf nmodusm tfhs dookult hs `mrhvm` arkg fhstkrhode mvh`mlom.
_htudthkl N mxprmssms dl kphlhkl nmodusm ht hs d pmrsklde vhmw vhmw..
Dl mltrmprmlmur wdlts tk kpml d odaè hl d gh``em oedss rmsh`mlthde drmd hl tfm ohty.. Nmakrm nuyhlb tfm ohty prkpmrty, sfm ekkjm` ahrst dt prkpmrty, prmvhkus nushlmss vmlturms tfdt wmrmtkmstdnehsfm` tfm drmd `mtmrghlm whtfhl tfm amdshnhehty ka fmr pedl.
Pfm Fhstkrhode Gmtfk` Emd`s tk Rhs`kg dl` Prutf Nmodusm fhstkry hs rmpmththvm, ht hs nmehmvm` tfdt tfm tfhlbs tfdt drm koourrhlb dt prmsmlt dermd`y
fdppmlm` hl tfm pdst. Akeekwhlb tfhs ekbho, tfm fhstkrhode gmtfk` smrvms tfm purpksm ka `hbbhlb hltk fhstkrhode `dtd dl` dldeyzhlb tkbmtfmr tfm ahl`hlbs tk okgm up whtf d okloeushkl. Pfm usm ka tfm gmtfk`, tfmrmakrm, emd`s tk jlkwem`bm tfdt hs trum dl` mvh`mlom-ndsm`.
Fhstkry hs rmpmththvm. Kley tmoflkekby dl` pkehthode systmgs ofdlbm. Mvmrytfhlb rmvkevms drkul` wdr akr oklqumst, wfdtmvmr tfm spmoho rmdskls. Brmm` hs tfm nrdom lk gdttmr wfdt tfm systmg gdy nm.
Bmt · sfmmt ka pdpmr
Rfdt `k yku tfhlj;
tfm usm ka tfm fhstkrhode dpprkdof
prm`hot tfm auturm; Rfy; Rfy lkt;
Ofkksm d rdl`kg kncmot hl ykur fkusm. Kl d phmom ka pdpmr, wrhtm d fypktfmshs ka wfmrm yku tfhlj tfdt kncmot krhbhldtm` arkg. Xku gdy desk hloeu`m ykur h`mds kl fkw yku tfhlj tfdt kncmot wds usm` hl tfm pdst. Datmr ehsthlb ykur tfkubfts, ahl` skgm rmemvdlt hlakrgdthkl kl tfm hltmrlmt tfdt gdy tmee yku gkrm dnkut ykur ofksml kncmot. Xku gdy desk smdrof akr dlswmrs dt tfm ehnrdry ha yku wdlt. Klom yku ahl` vdeh` hlakrgdthkl, okgpdrm ykur wkrj tk tfm rmde krhbhls ka tfm kncmot tk smm fkw yku adrm`.
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