7th Sea GM Screen

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Action Sequence (Core Rulebook p.178) STEP 󰀱: APPROACH

Dueling Maneuvers (Core Rulebook p.235)


Consequence Guidelines (Core Rulebook p.174)

Opportunity Guidelines (Core Rulebook p.175)

operformaManeuver o rmaManeuver,spendaRaiseon , spendaRaiseon yourAction.ADuelis i on.ADuelistcanperformone,andonly t canperformone,andonly Eachplayer tellsthe GM whatshe ishoping  Te player with the most Raises describes one,Maneuveroneachof hisActions,e.g o ns,e.g.,aDuelistcannotspendtwoRaisestodeclarethat arethat to accomplishand how.Te GM tellseach his Hero’s Action and spends one or he isSlashingand Parryingas asingle Action.ADuelist canstill spend multiple Raisesto player which rait+Skill to use for her Risk. more Raises to overcome Consequences, perform multiple Maneuverswithin anActionSequence as separate Actions.

Consequenc q uencesarea greatwaytoraisethestakesandmakethi e thestakesandmakethingsmoredram ngsmoredramaticandexciting. i ng. In addition to adding interesting elements to Scenes and Sequences, Opportunities are a Use these guidelines to create memorable scenes on the fly by introducing Consequences tool youcan use to introduce new Game Master Stories.For eachRaise the Heroes invest thatforce the Heroesto make toughdecisions.Woundsare the least  of aHero’sproblems. inan Opportunity,the Game Masteraddsa StoryPointrelating to thatOpportunity.

take advantagefor of other Opportunities, STEP 󰀲: CONSEQUENCES Opportunities Heroes or create inflict Woundsonanothercharacter. ANDOPPORTUNITIES Te GM tells the players what the Repeat this step until all Heroes and Consequencesand Opportunitiesare.S ome Villainsare outof Raisesto spend. of these have ime Limits(p.179).

INJURY! DAMAGE OR TOTAL LOSS! ...the Hero, an innocent bystander or ...an item important to the Hero is damaged someone she caresabouttakesWounds. or lostinthe process. • Moderate danger:1–5 Wounds. • Afamilyheirloom o om isdamaged,and finding the right craftsperson to • Grave danger:6–10Wounds. • Dire peril:11+Wounds. repair itis goingto be difficult. • An item essential to the Hero’s WITNESS! mission is lost,it may resurface at ...the Hero is seen or caught doing somea later time in someone else’s hands. thingsneaky. • A romantic letter or a token of • Seen by Brutes or Minor Villain affection is gone,only to be found who worksfor the Major Villain. later bythe Villain. • Seenby localconstableor authority who mustbe bribed or dispatched. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE! • Seen by a Heroic NPC who now ...an influential NPC watches the Action, thinkspoorly of the Hero. creatinga social repercussion. • TeHero’sreputationwithinthe i onwithinthe IT’S A TRAP! townshipdiminishes,andlocals will ...when the Hero is visiting new places or makethingstougherin thefuture. isn’twelcome. • Te Hero’s connections within • Standardtrap(causes Wounds). a Secret Society or other formal

Inaddition,aDuelistcanneverperfo o n,aDuelistcanneverperfo rmthesameManeuvagain).ADuelist erinconsecutiveAction v eAction s(he cannotperformSlash, thenon hisnext ActionperformSlash mayperform a Maneuver twice in the same Round of an Action Sequence,but there must be an additional Maneuver (or nonduelingAction)betweenthe repeated Maneuvers.


STEP 󰀵: END OF ROUND AbasicManeuverused toattack,onethemost When all Heroes and Villains are out of giftedstreetthugwishes edstreetthugwishes shecouldmaster. All players roll at the same time, counting Raises, the GM determines if an Action WhenyouperformSlash o rmSlash,dealanumberof Raisesand tellingthe GM whatthey rolled. Sequence is still necessary.Does everyone Woundsequaltoyour RanksinWeaponry. think anActionSequence isstill necessary? WHO GOES FIRST?  If so,the Action Sequence continues.Go PARRY Te character with the most Raises acts first back to Step 1:Approach and go through Te art of putting your weapon between in an Action Sequence.Villains always go the stepsagain. yourself andharm. PerformParryto prevent firstwhentiedwithHeroes.If twoHeroes If theplayershaveresolvedtheScene,the a number of Wounds equal to your Ranks aretied,they decidewhichof themgoesnext. ActionSequence isover. in Weaponry.You can only activate Parry on your Action,immediately following the Dramatic Sequence (Core Rulebook p.186) Maneuverthatcaused your Wounds. STEP 󰀳: ROLL AND RAISES




Te GM describesthe circumstancesof the

Te GM narrates the Sequence,describing

Posturing and positioning in such a way

Sequence in general terms.Each player tells the GM what he is hoping to accomplish and how.

details and presenting challenges and circumstances.Heroes spend their Raises to overcome challenges,accomplish goals, or take action to change their circumstances.

thatyour opponentdropshis guard ortries toblockanattackthatnevercomes.When youperformFeint, youdeal oneWound—if your target is injured again this Round,he suffersone additional Wound.

STEP 󰀲: GATHER DICE All players gather dice from their raits, Skills,and elsewhere.


If a player runs out of Raises,she does not roll again.She can continue to participate in the Dramatic Sequence,but she can no STEP 󰀳: ROLL & RAISES All players roll at the same time, counting longer spend Raises to achieve effects or overcome challenges.After all,she doesn’t Raisesand tellingthe GM whatthey rolled. have anymore Raisesto spend.

LUNGE A reckless and sometimes desperate Maneuver, but one capable of ending a conflict immediately.When you perform Lunge,spend all ofsequal your Raises. dealina number of Wound to yourYou Ranks Weaponry plus the Raises you spend.Tese Woundscannotbe avoided or prevented.

BASH Forcing your opponent off balance—with your pommel or a closed fist—to render her next strike less effective.When you perform Bash,deal one Wound;the next time your targetdealsWoundsthisRound,shedeals one fewer Wound for each Rank you have inWeaponry.

RIPOSTE Failure to master Riposte has resulted in more students failing to graduate from their Academy than any other Maneuver. When you perform Riposte,you prevent a number of Woundsequal to your Ranks in Weaponry,and deal a number of Wounds equaltoyourRanksinWeaponry.Youcan only perform Riposte on your Action,and you must perform it on the Action immediatelyfollowingthe Maneuver thatcaused the Wounds you are preventing.ADuelist may only perform this Maneuver once per Round.

• Poison-needle trap (obtaining the antidote is now essential or urgent). • Magic trap (Fate trap marks or curses the Hero,Porté trap sends the Hero beyond the veil,etc.).

groupare diminished. • TeHeroisblackmailedforillegal edforillegal or embarrassingbehavior.

INJURY! TURN IT AROUND! ...the Hero uses something within the Scene ...the Hero overcomes and uses the trap to injure a Brute Squad or Villain in the againstthe Villain. process(each Raise causes2 Wounds). • 1–2Raises:asimple trap. rap. • Simple setup,suchasusingachan• 3–4Raises:amoderate trap. delier or largestatue:1–5 Raises. • 5–6Raises:a complexormagicaltrap. xormagicaltrap. • Moderate setup,such as dropping the sail and rigging onto them: SOMETHING NEW! 6–10Raises. ...the Hero finds an artifact,a map,a letter,a • Complex setup, such as leading key.Tis item may be needed now or may them off a cliff or into an improbe helpful later on. vised trap:11or more Raises. • Te Hero will need to return the itemeventually u ally,butfornowitis , butfornowitis his. WITNESS! • Te item is valuable and could be ...theHerolearnssomet h eHerolearnssomethingnewaboutthe h ingnewaboutthe traded or sold to increase Wealth. Villain’splan,or helpful plotinformation. • ItbelongstotheVillainandcould n andcould • Asecretmeetingis overheard. be essential to her plan or used • A master plan is discovered; the againsther! morecomplexthe plan’sdetails,the more Raisesit requires. PRESTIGE AND REPUTATION! • A new Villain,who was a former ...someone influential is witnessing ally,isrevealed.

the Hero’s actions, which creates a social advantage.  JUST IN TIME! • Street urchins,Jenny’s Guild or the ...the Hero hasa chance to save some muchcriminal underworld takesnotice. DANGEROUSAWAKENING! needed time bydoingeverything right. • Tecaptainof n of theguards,a minor ...the Hero disturbs something supernatural • An NPC Hero or Villain thought nobleorapowerfulmerchanttak c hanttakes OUT OF TIME! or monstrous! tobelostordeadresurfacestohelp notice of the Hero. ...when the Hero cannot be in two places • Moderate Monster: 5 Strength, the Hero atthe lastminute. • Te Hero finds favor with the atonce. 2 Monstrous Qualities (perhaps a • Te Hero is completely in sync leader of a Secret Society,a pres• Moderate a te timeframe:1–5Raises rame:1–5Raises. MonsterSquad). withthe environmentof the Scene. tigiousroyal or an influential local. Dangerous Monster:10 Strength, A mysterious stranger,a magical •• Narro timef rrame:6–10Raise ame:6–10Raise s. s. • 3Monstrous Qualities. • ally or other miraculous source • Te to the Hero’s Imposw ssible ible timef rame:11+Raise rame:11+Raise causeVillainisswayed or the plightof her victims. • Epic Monster: er: 15+ Strength, h, helpsthe Hero getthingsdone. 4+Monstrous Qualities.

Game Master Stories (Core Rulebook p.199)

Danger Points (Core Rulebook p.177)




Tisshould be along-term Story(five-Step Tese Stories focus on a particular NPC Stories, sometimes four) that plays over that the game group finds interesting.Tese thecourseof severalgamesessions,withat are great one-Step Stories but can also span least one Step every game session to keep thingsmoving.

EPISODE STORY A short-term Story that takes place over a single session.It should average about one Step for every hour or two of gameplay. Tese are usually one- or two-Step Stories that fit in between other Character Stories or longer-term Stories.

more Steps Te to tell more elaborate backstories. players’interest is aNPC good gauge to determine how long a Character Storyshould run.

RETROACTIVE STORY TeStepsof aRetroactiveStoryare y are tallied ed after the facts,letting the Heroes accomplishments become the various Steps and reaching a Goal.Tese Stories could often be one- or two-Step Stories with the occasional three-StepStory epStory if thingswere really goingwell.

Brute Squads (Core Rulebook p.192) TeGMactivatesaBruteSquad’sAbili e saBruteSquad’sAbilityforaRoundbyspendingaDangerPoint.ABrut t yforaRoundbyspendingaDangerPoint.ABrute Squad’sAbilityoccurs inadditionto the normal Woundsthat aBrute Squad deals.

Te GM mayadd Danger Pointsto the Danger Pool. • TeGM startseachsessionwith1Danger seachsessionwith1DangerPointforeachHero. • Te GM buys any unused dice that aren’t part of a Raise .For each die the GM choosestoPoint. buy inthis fashion,the player gains1 Hero Point...and ..and theGM gains 1Danger

USING DANGER POINTS Te GM mayuse Danger Pointsfrom her pool to: • Increase the total needed for a Raise by 5 for a Risk or Round.Tis affects all Heroesin the Scene. • Add two diceto anyVillain’sdie pool. • Activate aBrute Squad’sspecial ability. • Activate aVillain’sspecial ability. • Activate aMonstrousQ uality(Core Rulebookp.197). • Murder.If aHerobecomesHelpless,aVillaincanspendaDangerPointtomurd , aVillaincanspendaDangerPointtomurder thatcharacter.See Helpless(Core Rulebook p.181). Te GM can spend additional Danger Points to add multiple dice to a Villain’s die pool,but can’t spend multiple Danger Points on any other option,e.g.increasing the total for Raises by10or murderingtwoHeroesatonce.

Influence Costs (Core Rulebook p.195) GUARDS


SpendaDangerPointtoforceanattackjust c eanattackjust Spend a Danger Point and they abduct a

Influence is a Villain’s currency.It’s how he gets things done, attracts minions and Brute

madeagainstaVillaintotargetthem n staVillaintotargetthemselves non-Hero character from the Scene.Tis instead,and reduce the Woundsdealtby 1. reducestheBruteSquad’ estheBruteSquad’sStrengthby h by 1as a single member of the Squad escapes the ASSASSINS Scene withthe abducted character. SpendaDangerPointandtheygo before before the  the fastestHero,causing Woundsimmediately. THIEVES Spend a Danger Point and they steal one DUELISTS item currently in a Hero’s possession.Ti s Spend a Danger Point and they attack a reducestheBruteSquad’ estheBruteSquad’sStrengthby h by 1as second time,choosing either the same Hero a single member of the Squad escapes the

Squadstohis service,bribesnoblesandlocalofficials,andotherwiseinfluencestheworld into doingwhathe wantsit to do.

or adifferent one.

Scene withthe item.



H ir e or r ec ru it a no th th er V li al in

2 p e r5 S tr tr en gt gt h of t he V il la n i

Employ a Brute Squad

1 per 10 Brute Points

C on vi nc nc e a H er o’ s al al yl t o b et ra ra y hi hi m

H er o’ s Pa na na ch e s co re re

Bribe an official


Discover a rival NPC’s identity


D si co ve ra r vi al H er o' s d i en ti ty

H er o’ s Wi ts s co re

Find a secret location


Escape a scene

Highest Trait present

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