7th Sea 1868

August 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Tenkoge bhki to Páhm. Qou Qou ghy jotake h cew `asterejkes sajke tme nhst tage you vasate`. H jew `askapnaje khnne` „skaejke‗ mhs neh` to `askoveraes hj` revonutaojhry kmhjdes over tme nhst two kejturaes. Pe Jhtaojs stann reghaj, but mhve beej trhjscorge` by sokahn hj` ekojogak upmehvhns. Hj` uj`ersthj`ajd uj`ersthj`ajd oc tme ojke nedej`hry 4tm [eh mhs hnnowe` Páhjs to expnore pnhkes tmey jever tmoudmt possabne.

Pme Pwanadmt oc Krowjs

H [eh oc Nugajacerous Ãtmer

Pe 81tm Kejtury as h `hjderous tage aj Páhj mastory, mastory, h tage oc trhjsataoj, hj` h tage oc revonutaoj. revonutaoj. Pe krowje` meh`s hre bedajjajd to rehnaze tmear kojtron as snowny snappajd tmroudm tmear ﬈jders. [oge `o tmear best to mon` oj to tmear power, otmers surrej`er at wmane tryajd to dua`e tmear peopne towhr` h bradmter cuture, hj` otmers ﬈j` at thiej t hiej crog tmear bnee`ajd mhj`s aj vaonejt revonutaojs. Rh`akhn ponatakhn govegejts mhve swept tmroudm Páhm. Cor tme nhst oje muj`re` yehrs, ehkm Jhtaoj mhs seej ponatakhn turbunejke. [oge mhve evej beej overthiej by tme whve oc recorg. Pree agporthjt evejts‐or „rev„revonutaojs‗‐okkurre` tmht krehte` tme Páhm we see jow. jow. Ehkm oc tmeg mh` tmear owj agphkt tmht rappne` r appne` tmroudm tme jhtaojs hj` beyoj`. But tme gost agporthjt „revonutaoj „revonutaoj‗‗ whs jot h sokahn overtmrow, but rhtmer, h tekmjonodakhn h`vhjke tmht woun` kmhjde hnn tme worn` corever. corever.

Ac oje `askovery kmhjde` errh gore tmhj hjy otmer, at whs tme `askovery oc Ãtmer. Aj 8426, tme Hvhnojahj pmanosopmer Nnajos Owej `evenope` h mypotmesas redhr`ajd tme praghry enegejts oc tme 4tm [eh. Usajd mer hnkmegakhn kogphss, sme trhvenne` tages tmroudm tme 4tm [eh guntapne tages, thiajd reh`ajds hj` percorgajd experagejts. [me `e`uke` tme 4tm [eh kojthaje` hj enegejt jot presejt aj our owj worn` hj` khnne` at „Nugajacerous Ãtmer.‗ Pas substhjke whs jot ojny respojsabne cor tme strhjde quhnataes oc tme 4tm [eh, but hnso seepe` see pe` ajto tme „rehn „rehn worn`,‗‗ khusajd strhjdejess aj Páhm hs wenn. Pese pnhkes worn`, were „knose‗ to tme 4tm [eh sukm hs Ne Ceuannes Bnhjkmes aj Bnhjkmes aj Gojthadje, davajd tmose pnhkes (hj` tme peopne jehr tmeg) strhjde hbanataes. [me hrdue` hnn oc Páhm‑s sorkeraes koun` be expnhaje` by tme Ãtmer‑s ajfluejke. [kaejtasts boane` bnaj` duesses hj` ajcerejkes `owj to provhbne,, testhbne hj` repehthbne tmeoraes expnhajajd tme provhbne exastejke oc sorkery hj` tme [yrje.

4tm [eh< 8=3=




[ajke tmej, ghjy otmers mhve httegpte` to test hj` chnsacy mer tmeory. Pear experagejts mhve smowj Ãtmer‑s exastejke, hntmoudm ats renhtaojsmap watm sorkery as stann motny `ebhte`. Aj 8=2=, tme Ghrkmes skaejtast hj` ajvejtor, ajvejtor, Lhges Brh`ney, krehte` h `evake me khnne` „tme Ãtmer Ejdaje.‗ Pe `evake khudmt Ãtmer aj tme htgospmere hj` use` at to dejerhte meht hj` nadmt. H bypro`ukt oc mas ajvejtaoj hnso khuse` tme ejdaje atsenc to dejtny nact crog ats pnhtcorg, `ecyajd drhvaty. But But mas kojtrhptaoj whs ajkojsastejt hj` requare` hj ajkre`abne hgoujt oc exterjhn ejerdy, aj tme corg oc mughj bnoo`. Brh`ney smenve` mas `evake, khnnajd at „ujwaen`y hj` ujwortmy oc curtmer expnorhtaoj.‗ expnorhtaoj.‗ But aj 8=36, praor to tme Xuhjhmonyte Kavan Thr, Xuhjhmo skaejtast, Ihtera egpnetoj‑s, resehrkm neh` to h `evake tmht gh`e Brh`ney‑s Ãtmer Ejdaje wortmwmane, hj` hnnowe` at to dejerhte ejoudm power to nact h sghnn vessen gh`e hngost ejtareny oc aroj. Pas `evake, wmakm sme khnne` tme „Ãtmer Koan‗ (hs at resegbne` tme koans oj h stann), kojkejtrhte` Ãtmer crog ojny h sghnn hgoujt oc bnoo`, hnnowajd cor

H Sery Bnoo`y Qehr

tme krehtaoj oc vhst hgoujts oc tme substhjke. [me renehse` at to tme pubnak to prova`e kmehp hj` knehj ejerdy cor hnn. Nhter, sme `egojstrhte` ats true power wmej sme `ebute` mer „Ãhtmerjhudmt,‗ „Ãhtmerjhudmt,‗ hj arojknh` vessen tmht t mht resegbne` h dahjt kynaj`er. At `e﬈e` drhvaty hj` whs hbne to jhvadhte usajd skrews, twastajd aj tme waj`. Tatm tmht sajdne ajvejtaoj, sme sajdne-mhj`e`ny ej`e` tme Hde oc [han hj` woo`ej smaps. Hjotmer ajjovhtaoj ne` to Ãtmerjhudmts beajd hbne to ejter tme 4tm [eh upoj kogghj`. Ghss pro`uktaoj oc hnkmegakhn kogphsses hnnowe` trhven to hj` crog tme 4tm [eh watm ehse. Jow, voyhders aj Xuhjhmonyte koun` bohr` hj Ãtmerjhudmt hj` trhven to Gojthadje aj ojny h cew mours. Drhjte`, trhven aj tme 4tm [eh whs sogetages s ogetages `hjderous watm htthkis crog morrabne, agpossabne agpossabne gojsters, but gost smaps khge hrge` watm wehpojs hj` ghrajes. Aj 8=5=, Khstannahj skmonhr hj` expnorer Vhz O`hnas Rakhr`o Cerjèj`ez benaeve` me koun` use tme 4tm [eh to rehkm errh‑ errh‑s jehrest jeadmbor< tme Re` Vnhjet oc Hn-Xhmarh (so jhge` by Kreskejt skmonhrs). Me nect aj 8=5= hj` whs jot mehr` crog hdhaj ujtan 8=32 wmej mas smap returje`, madmny go`a﬈e` hj` `hghde`. Mas sekoj` ghte, h [hrghtahj expnorer hj` h`vejturer jhge` Crhjkasih Iozahn whs aj kogghj` oc tme smap. [me ton` storaes oc peopne navajd oj Hn-Xhmarh watm hghzajd tekmjonody sme khnne` „reverse ghtmeghtaks.‗ [ajke tmej, ehkm Jhtaoj mhs trae` to

Pe peopne rose up, `eghj`ajd represejthtaoj hj` equhn radmts. Pey poajte` ht otmer pnhkes hkross Páhm hs posatave exhgpnes ex hgpnes oc wmht tmey whjte` crog Hvhnoj‑ Hvhnoj‑s Vhrnahgejt to tme Koggojwehntm‑s selg. Pey whjte` h voake aj tmear owj `estajy. `estajy. Oc kourse, tme runajd powers aj Gojthadje `asgasse` tmear `eghj`s, `espate pnehs crog otmer,, gore ejnadmteje`, Gojthadje jobanaty‐to tmear otmer untaghte `oog. Usajd H`hnae‑s ajvejtaoj, tme Gojthadje peopne seaze` kojtron oc tmear Jhtaoj. me koggojers khpture` tme Iajd hj` Xueej hj` otmer gegbers oc tme hrastokrhky, tmrowajd tmeg ajto lhan cor „krages hdhajst tme peopne.‗ Mope oc h jew Jhtaoj buant oj rehsoj hj` lustake bedhj to ﬈nn tme mehrts oc tme peopne...but tmht mope whs smort-nave`. Hjdry gobs quakiny tooi over tme revont, turjajd h gostny pehkecun govegejt ajto h bnoo`y hj` vaonejt gess. Pas whs jot h prou` Jhtaoj naie tme [hrghtahj Koggojwehntm, jor whs at tme Repubnak tmey mope` to buan`. Pas whs gob rune. Pe bnoo`sme` nhste` cor over h yehr. Gur`er hcter gur`er hcter gur`er. Pere whs jo sajdne Sannhaj respojsabne< tme ﬈ej` whs tme peopne tmegsenves. Hs terror kojtronne` tme Jhtaoj, Meroes Meroes crog watmaj hj` outsa`e Gojthadje httegpte` to protekt tme menpness. Oje Mero

esthbnasm h konojy oj Hn-Xhmarh watm gaxe` sukkess.

aj phrtakunhr, h ﬈dure `resse` aj h ghsi hj` rose re`

Aj 84=1, Gojthajde cent tme ﬈rst surdes oc revonutaoj. Cor kejturaes, Gojthadje Gojthadje struddne` uj`er tme rune oc gerkaness Sannhajs Sannhajs wmo dneecunny iept tme poor `owj wmane tme rakm kojtajue` to det rakmer. Kmhjde mh` beej kogajd, snowny but sureny, hj` tme revenhtaoj oc Ãtmer dhve peopne h jew perspektave p erspektave oj wmht ghies h jobne aj Gojthadje. me ajvejtor, H`hnae Ghrtaj, whs tme carst to experagejt watm Ãtmer aj h why tmht expnore` ats kojjektaoj to sorkery. Aj h cnuie experagejt, sme `askovere` sme koun` mhrjess ats power to pro`uke hj „hjta-sorkery caen`,‗ wmakm woun` promabat Vortá‑s use aj sghnn hrehs. mas `askovery whs tme tappajd poajt cor tme rest oc Gojthadje. Pe koggoj peopne oc Gojthadje shw Ãtmer‑s estekts oj Vortá hs h sadj tmht tme jobanaty tmey nojd men` hs superaor were jo `asterejt crog tme pehshjts pehs hjts tmey rune`.

4tm [eh< 8=3=




knohi, Ne Soneur `e Rose Roude, Roude, worie` to restore pehke to tme bnee`ajd Jhtaoj. Ghjy hssuge` tme ﬈dure whs En Shdhbuj`o uj`er h `asterejt jhge, but mas (or mer) a`ejtaty whs jever `askovere`. Cajhnny, tme Bnoo`y Qehr ej`e` hj` pehke whs restore`, but ojny by h ganathry koup neh` by h brannahjt dejerhn. H dejerhn wmo woun` trhjscorg hnn oc Páhm becore beajd overtmrowj by Easej hj` Hvhno Hvhnoj... j...

Pme Thr oc Knhsses H cew `ekh`es nhter, h phgpmnet pubnasme` uj`er tme pseu`ojyg „Rote Repubnaihjer‗ bedhj to karkunhte hgojd Páhm‑s popunhke. At whs tme sekoj` ajdre`aejt aj wmht woun` evejtuhnny bekoge tme bnhki pow`er ied tmht woun` kmhjde Páhm corever. corever. me phgpmnet, ejtatne` me Thr Thr oc Knhsses, Knhsses , whs wrattej by two rejedh`e hdejts oc tme Ranhskahre. Ujagpresse` hj` `asshtascae` watm tme iaj` oc „snow kmhjde‗ tme ordhjazhtaoj whs ghiajd, at egpmhsase` tme agporthjke oc tme woriajd knhss, knhagajd hnn vhnue hj` wortm khge crog krhctsgej hj` woriers. me chrger, tme bnhkisgatm, tme kobbner< tmese were tme peopne wmo hktuhnny kojtrabute` to h Jhtaoj‑s wehntm wmane tme upper knhss sagpny ce` tmear owj bennaes oj tme wori oc otmers. Pe a`ehs presejte` aj tme 8= phde phgpmnet spreh` hkross Páhm quakiny, quakiny, adjatajd revonutaojs hkross tme kojtajejt. Ehkm hj` every Jhtaoj whs kmhjde` by ats at s ajfluejke. [oge egbrhke` tme kmhjde hj` otmers coudmt at to tme bnoo`y ej`.

Kavan Thr aj tme Konojaes [mortny hcter tme ajvejtaoj ajvejtaoj oc tme Ãtmer Koan, aj`ustrahnazhtaoj oc Ãtmer spreh` worn`wa`e hj` `eghj` cor tme ejerdy e jerdy sourke drew expojejtahnny. expojejtahnny. [ooj, ajstatutaojs hrose to mhrjess pro`uktaoj hj` geet tme drowajd `eghj` tmroudm tme use oc aj`ejture` servhjts to cuen Ãtmer ghkmajes. Pe Ãtmer Koan‑s ajvejtor, Ihtera egpnetoj, rhane` hdhajst tme why mer ajvejtaoj whs beajd use` to ghie tme wehntmy gore powercun hj` subludhte tme poor. [me mh` mope` mer ajvejtaoj woun` menp to bra`de tme knhss `asterejkes, but ajsteh` at ojny exhkerbhte` tmeg. Ihtera phpere` Xuhjhmonyte watm phgpmnets hj` naterhture hbout gojetazajd Ãtmer hj` tme ajmerejt assues watm aj`ejture` servatu`e. Evejtuhnny, tme `asphraty betweej knhss khuse` by tme aj`ustrahnazhtaoj oc Ãtmer rehkme` h boanajd poajt hj` Ihtera‑s khgphadj erupte` ajto h cunn bnowj knhss whr. Pe poor hj` subludhte` rose up hdhajst tme aj`ustraes httegptajd to mhrjess Ãtmer hj` tme doverjgejts ﬈dmtajd nhj` whrs over tme resourke. Pas hkt oc revonutaoj mhs tmrowj Xuhjhmonyte ajto h kavan whr watm knhss hj` rhke krehtajd najes oc bhttne. Pe Xuhjhmonyte Kavan Thr Thr mhs `asrupte` Ãtmer pro`uktaoj hj` suppny najes to tme rest oc tme worn`, ghiajd at h topak thnie` hbout hkross Páhm, ajsparajd nower knhss peopne to hktaoj aj severhn jhtaojs. Crog tme sthrt oc tme Bnoo`y Qehr to tme `astrabutaoj oc Rote Repubnaihjer hj` jow tme Xuhjhmonyte Kavan Thr, tme peopne aj máhm hre rane` hj` ht h tappajd poajt.

4tm [eh< 8=3=




Pme Jhtaojs Naste` benow hre tme Jhtaojs oc Páhm hj` mow tmey kurrejtny sat aj 8=3=.

Hvhnoj Pe kurrejt gojhrkm oc Hvhnoj Hvhnoj as Xueej Sardajah A. Mer rune as jot iaj`. ia j`. Dua`e` by hgbataous expnorers oc `ubaous gorhns, Hvhnoj Hvhnoj mhs bekoge oje oc tme gost powercun egpares aj tme worn`. [me mhs hutmoraze` konojaes everywmere mer expnorers khj ﬈j` resourkes hj` peopne wortm expnoatajd. Mer obsessaoj watm gorhn puraty mhs neh` to repressaoj oc every iaj`. Pe neds oc thbnes hj` kmhars hre kovere` watm knotm „to protekt tmear go`esty.‗ Veopne spehi oc „wmate hj` `hri geht‗ so tmey `o jot jee` to shy „brehst‗ or „tmadm. „tmadm.‗‗ [me mhs stafle` tme Vhrnahgejt Vhrnahgejt bekhuse oc mer `astrust oc „koggoj „koggoj gorhns hj` was`og,‗ was`og,‗ precerrajd tme h`vake oc mer pravy koujkan. [me mhs corba``ej tme On` Chatm oc Hvhnoj aj precerejke cor h strakt hj` ujcordavajd ajterprethtaoj oc tme Vropmet‑s Chatm. Chatm. Hj` wmane at seege` cor h wmane tmht tme Madmnhj` Ghrkmes hj` Ajasgore ghy mhve bekoge aj`epej`ejt Jhtaojs, sme mhs gh`e kerthaj tmht wann jever mhppej. [on`aers duhr` tme smores hj` kataes oc botm Jhtaojs, ejsurajd Hvhnoj‑s Hvhnoj‑s rune wann jever be smhiej. Hs cor tme sygbon oc Hvhnoj‐tme Hvhnoj‐tme Drhhn‐at reghajs aj hj aroj kmest, nokie` sekureny hwhy. hwhy. Jever toukme` by mughj mhj`s, cordottej aj `hrijess.

ats power aj Páhm. At mhs beej tme sublekt oc ht nehst twejty ajvhsaojs crog otmer Jhtaojs (gost octej Easej hj` Gojthadje), but mhs so chr ghjhde` to ujate ejoudm to `asphtkm tme ajvh`ers. Mowever, Khstanne reghajs treh`ajd whter, nosajd drouj` to tme prodress oc otmer Jhtaojs wmane at traes to `eka`e `ek a`e ats `estajy. Khstanne‑s Xueej Khthrajh SA, as h sekret hnny oc tme oberos, but `oes jot mhve tme ponatakhn knout to vokhnaze mer support. Ajspare` by tme [hrghtahj Koggojwehntm hj` tme quakiny drowajd Jhtaojs oc tme Konojaes, sme mopes to ghie mer Jhtaoj `egokrhtak, but hcter tme morrors oc tme Gojthadje revonutaoj, cehrs wmht ghy mhppej to mer peopne.

Easej Pe ojke spnajtere` Jhtaoj oc Easej as ﬈jhnny ujate`. At bedhj aj 8=0= watm „tme „tme Easej @ebhte,‗ hj ujhjswere` questaoj hbout tme cuture oc tme Jhtaoj. Over twejty yehrs, tme `ebhte rhde` ujtan ﬈jhnny, aj Lhjuhry oc 8=3=,

Khstanne mhs ijowj jotmajd but kojsthjt revonutaoj hj` ajjer turgoan cor hngost 866 yehrs. wo wo `avasave ponatap onatakhn chktaojs mhve vae` cor kojtron oc tme Jhtaoj, puttajd gojhrkms oj tme tmroje wmo sygphtmaze watm tmear sa`e. Kojsthjt whrchre mhs gh`e Khstanne nooi gore naie 84tm Kejtury Easej tmhj at‑s 833= koujterphrt. Bnoo`sme` hj` whrchre mhve hnn but `estroye` everytmajd tmht whs wh s ojke dreht hbout tme Jhtaoj. Pe two ravhnajd ponatakhn chktaojs `ashdree `ash dree hbout everytmajd. Pe oberos soudmt to kmhjde Khstanne usajd tme vasaoj aj Pe Thr oc Knhsses wmane tme trh`akaojhnasths trh`akaojhnasths   soudmt to ghajthaj tme sthtus quo. Pey `aspute` everytmajd< tme rone oc tme gojhrkm, tme rone oc tme peopne, p eopne, tme rone Khstanne smoun` pnhy aj tme worn`. Tatm kojsthjt

tme Jhtaoj ujate` uj`er h sajdne ghjtne oc „Kmhjkennor.‗ Pe Buj`esihj Buj`esihjzner zner voj Easej, Easej, E`uhr` voj [kmójmhusej, as h kogpnakhte`, brannahjt ghj, mhujte` by tme morrors oc mas Jhtaoj‑s phst. Me mopes to jever returj to tme `hri `hys oc Easej, Ea sej, wmere jhgeness terrors mhujt every smh`ow. smh`ow. Pe peopne khnn mag „tme „tme Aroj Mhj`,‗ watm tme agpnakhtaoj tmere as jo venvet dnove. Mas troops mujt `owj hj` iann hnn superjhturhn krehtures, redhr`ness oc tmear mastory. mastory. Pere as jo roog aj [kmójmhusej‑s Easej Ease j cor sorkery. sorkery. Jekroghjky as h knoseny duhr`e` sekret, ghajthaje` ojny by mas mhj`-senekte` watkm mujters. Hnn Hnn oc tmas stegs crog mas owj mastory, h mastory cunn oc bnoo` hj` smh`ow. Gehjwmane, [kmójmhusej mhs egbrhke` tme jew a`ehs sweepajd Páhm. Me mhs h``e` recorgs tmht egpower tme woriajd knhss, ajknu`ajd nhbor ujaojs, sokahn servake cor tme poor hj` recorgs otmer Jhtaojs vaew hs h s chr too rh`akhn. Aj oje yehr, [kmójmhusej‑s [kmójmhusej‑s recorgs mhve gh`e Ea Easej sej ajto h worn` power, eknapsajd ats jeadmbors hj` ravhnnajd tme dreht Hvhnojahj Hvhn ojahj Egpare. Me mhs h vasaoj oc exphj`ajd Easej‑s recorgs hkross Páhm hj` mopes mas owj hktaojs wann ajspare otmer gojhrkms to whni aj mas cootsteps. Mowever,, `espate [kmójmhusej‑ Mowever [ kmójmhusej‑s estorts, Easej as jot truny uja﬈e`. Oje Easejcþrst recuse` to subgat to tme jew Buj`esihjzner< tme @ukmess Roswatmh voj Tarskme‐ dreht-drhj``hudmter oc tme oradajhn „Bnoo`y Ta`ow.‗ [me

bakierajd hj` bhttnes, Khstanne mhs jo `arektaoj, nowerajd

woun` jot subgat to [kmþojmhusej [ kmþojmhusej‑s ‑s hutmoraty hj` iept


4tm [eh< 8=3=




mer nhj`s to mersenc, esthbnasmajd tme @ukmy oc Tarskme. Hntmoudm otmer Jhtaojs see Tarskme Tarskme hs h vhsshn vh sshn to Easej‐gukm naie Ajasgore as to Hvhnoj‐ at as ats owj aj`epej`ejt Jhtaoj. At as mere tme on` whys oc Easej hre stann ajthkt. Pe jekroghjkers, tme watkmes, tme on` chatm...at as aj Tarskme, rune` by ats phne, ogajous @ukmess.

Pme [hrghtahj Koggojwehntm

Pe Egperor oc Gojthadje, Baejvejue AAA, as tme jepmew oc tme nedej`hry dejerhn hj` ﬈rst Egperor oc Páhm, Crhjkesku Bejvejuto, aj Gojthadje ijowj hs Crhjäoas Baejvejue. Mas ujkne kojquere` gost oc ghajnhj` Páhm hj` men` at cor hngost two `ekh`es becore mas ﬈jhn `eceht. Tmane me nost mas knhag to be Egperor oc Páhm, mas mon` oj Gojthadje reghaje`, davajd mas jepmew tme radmt to khnn magsenc „Egperor.‗ Baejvejue‑s readj mhs mh s beej kojtroversahn to shy s hy tme nehst. Me mhs bhjje` hjy kratakasg oc mas readj hj` sejt tmoushj`s to prasoj konojaes aj tme chr west. Tmane mas

 Lust oje yehr hdo, h geteor cenn ojto tme khpathn oc tme Koggojwehntm,, spreh`ajd crhdgejts oc aroj hj` otmer Koggojwehntm gajerhns cor ganes. Ghjy shw tmas hs hj ogej wmane otmers `asgasse` at hs h geteoronodakhn hjoghny. hjoghny. Pe corger were radmt. But becore tmht, net us lugp bhki aj tage. t age. Hcter Hcter tme `ehtm oc [thjasnhw AA, AA , tme Koggojwehntm Koggojwehntm chke` ghjy kmhnnejdes. Easej httegpte` hj ajvhsaoj lust h gojtm hcter tme gojhrkm‑s `ehtm, connowe` by hjotmer ajvhsaoj crog Ussurh. Pe Ussurh ajvhsaoj sukkee`e` hj` hj Ussurhj jobne sht oj tme tmroje, tme Xueej oc Rzekzposponath Rzekzposp onath hj` Kurhjah. Pe Xueej or`ere` tme selg `asbhj`e` hj` hnn tme koujtraes‑ resourkes gove` to cee` Ussurh. Mer readj nhste` jehrny ﬈ve yehrs becore h voanejt koup regove` mer crog power. Hcterwhr`, tme Koggojwehntm reajsthte` tme selg se lg but jot tme gojhrkmy. gojhrkmy. @ekh`es oc kojflakt connowe`< kojsthjt whrs watm Ussurh hj` Easej. At seege` tme Koggojwehntm whs hnwhys oj tme e`de

ujkne krehte` h jew set oc nhws tmht kegejte` tme radmts oc tme Gojthadje peopne (ijowj hs „tme Baejvejue Ko`e‗), tme Egperor hnn but adjores tmeg, `oajd hjytmajd me khj to ghajthaj mas power p ower hj` kojtron over Gojthadje. Me Me as sthujkm hnnaes watm Hvhnoj‑ Hvhnoj‑s Xueej Sardajah hj` ha`e` mer aj h sukkesscun whr hdhajst Ussurh, exphj`ajd Hvhnojahj Hvhnojahj hj` Gojthadje ajterests. Gore tmhj hjy otmer Páhj gojhrkms, Baejvejue Baejvejue sees h badder pakture. Me whjts to agpose Gojthadje rune over tme ejtare worn`, jot lust Páhm. o o tmht ej`, me ejdhdes aj whrchre‐botm pubnak hj` pravhte. Me uses mas hrgaes to exphj` Gojthadje‑s bor`ers hj` spaes to uj`ergaje tme hutmoraty oc otmer gojhrkms‐evej mas hnnaes. Usajd Vortá, Gojthadje‑s jetwori oc spaes as oje oc tme gost e﬋kaejt hj` `eh`ny aj tme worn`. Me as h `upnakatous hj` kon`-mehrte` ghj wmo mhs ojny oje dohn< to eknapse mas ujkne‑s rune. Hj` wmane me kejsors oblektors, me hnso ejkourhdes skaejta﬈k hj` sorkerous `askoveraes. Uj`er mas rune, Gojthadje skaejtasts mhve `askovere` menaug hj` mhve put at to use watm tekmjonody hnnowajd fladmt. Kogbaje` watm tme Ãtmer Ejdaje, Gojthadje as tme ﬈rst Jhtaoj watm h ﬈dmtajd har corke, h resourke Baejvejue mhs put to doo` use. Mas „Nádaoj `e Bhnnojs‗ mhs beej tme turjajd poajt aj ghjy bhttnes.

oc `estruktaoj. Pej, lust nhst yehr, yehr, h geteor smower‐tme nhrdest aj Páhj mastory‐flew over tme chke c hke oc tme Koggojwehntm. Jot ojny whs ats saze sadja﬈khjt, but skaejtasts exhgajajd tme stojes bedhj to benaeve tme kmujis oc hnaej stoje ghy mhve koge crog tme 4tm [eh. Pe stojes khrrae` madm hgoujts oc Ãtmerak resa`ue. [u``ejny, [u``ejny, tme Koggojwehntm bekhge h mub oc Ãtmerak stu`y s tu`y hj` experagejthtaoj. Tatm tmht quaki h`vhjke, Ussurhj Ussurhj hj` Easej Eas ej ajvhsaojs bekhge agpotejt. Pe Koggojwehntm as jow h powermouse oc skaejta﬈k wehpojry hj` tekmjonody. tekmjonody. Connowajd Connowajd Gojthadje‑s exhgpne, tme Koggojwehntm‑s flyajd fleet oc hrgore` smaps‐true wajde` Musshrs‐ieeps tme Koggojwehntm shce crog ajvhsaoj. Tatm tmht shcety khge h ponatakhn revonutaoj. Pe Koggojwehntm Koggoj wehntm mhs wrattej w rattej ats owj Kojstatutaoj‐ saganhr to tme oje couj` aj Xuhjhmonyte crog yehrs yehrs becore‐duhrhjteeajd ats katazejs cunn radmts. Hnn katazejs. H jew pubnak ordhjazhtaoj khnne` „Craej`s oc Naberty‗ mhs spreh` crog tme Koggojwehntm Koggojwehntm hnn hkross Páhm, ajcektajd tme nower knhsses watm tme kojkepts oc koggoj radmts.


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Sestejgejjhvejlhr Hs tme rest oc Páhm struddne` bejehtm tme oppressaoj oc `espotak hj` tyrhjjakhn gojhrkms, Sestejgejjhvejlhr Sestejgejjhvejlhr tmrave` uj`er tme dua`hjke oc tme Sej`en Nehdue. Pe Duan`er quakiny bekhge tme kurrejky oc kmoake aj gost Páhj jhtaojs, hj` tme wehntm hj` power oc tme Nehdue drew over tme yehrs. [ooj, lhrns hj` khrns were neh`ers aj jhge ojny hs Nehdue represejthtaves set up o﬋kes hkross tme jhtaoj hj` doverjgejthn kojtron snowny snowny sna` ajto hj onadhrkmy wmere tmose watm Nehdue bhkiajd hj` Duan`ers to tmear jhge kojtronne` tme kataes tmey nave` aj. Pe Sej`en Sej`en Nehdue sejt represejthtaves hkross Páhm hs spaes hj` ponatakhn hktors aj hj httegpt to ajfluejke jhtaojs hj` ajkrehse ekojogak drowtm. Egbroane` Egbroane` aj tmear owj ponataks, p onataks, gost adjore` tme vhst ajfluejke Sestej Sestej gerkmhjts mh` over tmear owj ponataks ujtan at whs too nhte. Tmej Easej bedhj to punn atsenc out oc tme `hrijess hj` `ekry sorkery hj` ghdak, Sestej Sestej drew `asthjt crog tmear corger hnnaes. Pey punne` troops hj` cuj`ajd, but jee`e` h jew pnhke to drow. Sestej‑s eyes turje` towhr`s Ussurh, wmo whs busy puttajd out rebennaojs aj tme [hrghtahj Koggojwehntm. Sestej whs tme ﬈rst to sukkesscunny knhag nhj` crog Ussurh aj ats mastory, mastory, tmoudm tme kost oc tme khgphadj whs ejoudm to prevejt Sestej Sestej crog ghiajd ajroh`s ajto otmer phrts oc Páhm. Tmej tme Xuhjhmonyte Kavan Thr broie out, Sestejgejjhvejlhr poure` cuj`s ajto botm sa`es nooiajd to dhaj h cootmon`. Pey hbhj`oje` tmear Ussurh khgphadj cor wmht hppehre` to be hj ehsaer waj. Hs hj estekt, Sestej aggadrhjts mhve floo`e` tme Jhtaoj nooiajd cor wori. Xuhjhmonyte‑s knhss whr mhs ajspare` tme poor aj jhtaojs to seei cree`og crog tyrhjjakhn rune. Sestejgejjhvejlhr as jo `asterejt. Pe Nehdue‑s drhsp oj tme jhtaoj krehte` h mude `ava`e betweej tme extregeny wehntmy hj` tme koggoj peopne. Pe koggoj peopne whjte` represejthtaoj, ajsteh` oc poor navajd koj`ataojs hj` jehr snhve-naie woriajd koj`ataojs. Oc hnn pnhkes wmere tme peopne rose up to ajstann h jew doverjgejt, Sestegejjhvejlhr Sestegejjhvejlhr whs tme gost pehkecun. Aj ehrny 8=3=, koggojers storge` tme Nehdue meh`quhrters aj Sej`en Sej`en khrryajd `okugejts hj` nasts oc `eghj`s hj` wmhtever Duan`er tmey koun` guster. Pe Nehdue httegpte` to `asperse tme peopne watm tmear pravhte ganatah, but tme peopne mh` koge prephre` watm Dnh`r tmey use`

quakiny `ekaghte` atsenc hj` wmht reghaje` set `owj tmear hrgs hj` loaje` tme peopne. Over tme kourse oc h weei tmey worie` out h jew kojstatutaoj hj` ajsthnne` h `egokrhky. Pe jext gojtm tme jhtaoj vote` aj h jew doverjgejt hj` tme Nehdue whs `asbhj`e`. Pe jhtaoj‑s hkkugunhte` wehntm whs put ajto sokahn prodrhgs to agprove ajcrhstrukture, tme navajd koj`ataojs oc tme woriajd poor hj` h`optajd xejopmobak ponakaes tmht ajsunhte` tme jhtaoj hdhajst tmear troubne` jeadmbors.

So`hkke wo muj`re` yehrs hdo, tme gej oc So`hkke kojtronne` tmear owj `estajy hj` tme `estajy oc tmear Jhtaoj. Gerkmhjt-Vrajkes men` tme nhj` watm aroj ﬈sts hj` `hdders poajte` ht tmear kousajs. Gehjwmane, tme wogej oc So`hkke So`hkke stoo` aj tme smh`ows hs tmear musbhj`s, brotmers, hj` chtmers iept tmeg aj kmeki. Om, mow tmajds mhve kmhjde`. mere as jow h Iajd oc So`hkke sattajd oj h tmroje aj An Bosko. But bemaj` mas tmroje hre h jugber oc Chte Tatkmes, ehkm watm h mhj` oj mas `estajy. me [orte [tredh oc So`hkke hre jow kogpneteny aj kmhrde oc tme Jhtaoj‑s chte. mey senekt wmo bekoges Iajd, tmey senekt mas hktaojs, hj` tmey `eka`e wmej mas readj as `oje. Cor too nojd tme wogej oc So`hkke were corke` to be vaktags. Jo nojder. Pe wogej oc So`hkke mhve seaze` tmear cree`og tmroudm tmrehts botm ghdakhn hj` guj`hje. At At as jow tme wogej wmo ghie tme `ekasaojs wmane tme gej sagpny khrry tmeg out. Pe [orte [tredh see So`hkke‑ So`hkke‑s chte hj` ghjapunhte tme strhj`s to dua`e tme Jhtaoj towhr` drehtjess hj` power, evej ac tmht gehjs soge gust chnn aj tme phtm. [hkra﬈ke as jekesshry cor drehtjess. Pe wogej oc So`hkke nehrje` tmht crog tme gej, hj` jow, jow, tmey hre tehkmajd tmose shge gej tme true jhture oc power p ower.. Hrouj` ﬈cty yehrs hdo, h droup oc [orte [tredh coreshw kojflakt watm Khstanne Kh stanne over kojtron oc tme Shtakaje Shtakaje Kmurkm. So`hkke struki ﬈rst, hj` struki `ekasaveny, seazajd tme asnhj` watm ganathry corke. Pe Kmurkm jow benojds to So`hkke hj` sme mhs jo ajtejt oj nettajd do hjy tage sooj.

to turj vaonejke hdhajst hdhaj st tme waen`er w aen`er.. Pe Nehdue‑s ganatah

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[ekret [okaetaes Gost oc tme [ekret [okaetaes oc 833= reghaj, but h cew mhve uj`erdoje ajkre`abne kmhjdes.

Pme Don`ej @oktraje Pe ordhjazhtaoj ijowj hs Pe Don`ej @oktraje evonve` crog h konnasaoj oc a`ehs betweej neh`ers oc [opmah‑s @hudmters hj` tme Ijadmts oc tme Rose hj` Kross. Aj tme ehrny 8=tm Kejtury, [opmah‑s @hudmters mh` krehte` h sthbne power jetwori tmroudmout nhrde phrts oc Pehm hnnowajd tmeg to sguddne wogej watm ghdak to shcety. Pas ne` to h ghssave pusm by tme Shtakaje Ajquasataoj to ujrhven tme ordhjazhtaoj. Ujhbne to sthj` by hj` whtkm wogej be persekute`, persek ute`, h chktaoj aj tme Ijadmts oc tme Rose hj` Kross ajterveje`. Tmej tme `ust settne`, tmese ijadmts egbrhke` tme hkkepthjke oc ghdak prhktake` by tme @hudmters hj` kogbaje` to krehte h jew ordhjazhtaoj. Aj ats ehrny `hys, tme jew hnnahjke exaste` ojny cor gutuhn protektaoj hj` survavhn. Qet Qet two kmhrasghtak neh`ers smhpe` h jew `arektaoj cor tme ordhjazhtaoj. Ussurhj watkm, Ihtrajh Otrhyh, hj` mer Hvhnojahj Hvhnojahj hssokahte, Tannahg Tannahg [anverghje, presejte` h konnektaoj oc sparatuhn a`ehs tmey khnne` Pe Don`ej @oktraje to tme hnnahjke. Pe jew pmanosopmy hage` to spreh` ejnadmtejgejt by `envajd ajto tme sekrets oc nace hj` krehtaoj tmroudm tme stu`y hj` uj`ersthj`ajd oc ghdak. Gegbers sekretny egbrhke jew connowers hnn hkross errh, konnektajd esoterak ijowne`de hj` ujnokiajd tmear gysteraes cor tme curtmer evonutaoj e vonutaoj oc tme @oktraje‑s gegbers.

Bnhjkmhr`‑s chgous trehtase trehtas e dhve bartm to tme hjhrkmy govegejt, wmakm tme Ranhskahre mhve beej ﬈dmtajd hdhajst renejtnessny watm ojny sghnn vaktoraes mere hj` tmere. Pe hjhrkmasts hre wannajd to `o wmht tme Ranhskahre hre jot, hj` tmht daves tmeg h powercun p owercun h`vhjthde. Gehjwmane, h kenn watmaj tme Creetmajiers‐tme Craej`s oc Naberty‐mhs provej hj ajkre`abny powercun toon to uj`ergaje tme wo wo Vannhrs. Doajd hdhajst tme Ranhskahre pmanosopmy oc aj`epej`ejt kenns, tme Craej`s oc Naberty Nabert y mhve gh`e doo` use oc koor`ajhtaoj, spreh`ajd tmear gesshde hnn hkross Páhm.

Pme Ajvasabne Konnede Pe bartm oc tme skaejta﬈k getmo` khge crog tme knhj`estaje mhnns oc tme Ajvasabne Konnede. Tatm Tatm tme `askovery oc Ãtmer hj` at‑ at ‑s spuraous kojjektaojs to sorkery, sorkery, tme Ajquasataoj nost soge oc ats at s mon` oj Shtakaje tmoudmt. Ghjy resehrkmers hj` tmeonodahjs shw tmas hs prooc tmht sorkery whs sagpny phrt oc tme jhturhn worn`, hj` h corg oc skaejke. H cew men` benaec tmht tme Ajquasataoj whs radmt hnn hnojd, but tmose quakiny nost trhktaoj. Tatm tme egbrhke oc skaejta﬈k tmajiajd, tme Ajvasabne Konnede hnn but tooi kojtron over tme Shtakaje Kmurkm, govajd at towhr` h gore corwhr` tmajiajd go`en. Pht whs becore So`hkke So`hkke khpture` tme Kmurkm hwhy crog Khstanne, hcter h So`hkke ajvhsaoj oc Shtakaje Asnhj`. Pe jew Maeropmhjt jow pnhys h `enakhte `hjke betweej phyajd moghde to So`hkke So`hkke hj` curtmerajd skaejta﬈k ajvestadhtaojs. Gore tmhj oje Maeropmhjt mhs ej`e` mas tejure uj`er gysteraous karkugsthjkes, hj` jow h [orte [tredh sats by mas sa`e hs hj h`vasor hj` „sorkerous „sorkerous protektor,,‗ ghiajd sure tme Maeropmhjt reghajs shce. protektor

Pme Ranhskahre

Over tme nhst two kejturaes, tme Creetmajiers mhve gh`e gukm prodress, but mhve hnso beej maj`ere` by spnajter droups egbrhkajd vaonejke hj` mhtre`. Pe Ranhskahre mhve hnwhys rhnnae` hdhajst tme wo wo Vannhrs oc Kmurkm hj` Gojhrkmy, Gojhrkmy, but aj rekejt tages, hjhrkmast droups mhve turje` tmht struddne crog hj ajtennektuhn govegejt ajto h vaonejt oje. „Kmhjdajd gaj`s as agpossabne,‗ wrote tme Gojthadje pmanosopmer,, Lehj-Bhptaste Bnhjkmhr`. „Te pmanosopmer „Te gust regove tme tmoudmts oc tmose gaj`s, hj` tme ojny why to `o tmht as to regove tme gaj`s tmegsenves.‗ Hj` so bedhj tme expnosaojs aj pubnak buan`ajds set by hjojygous hdejts.

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