7th Grade Scientific Method 2015

August 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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I. The scientific method   -is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions and solve problems.


A. Steps to the Scientifc 1. Ask a queston 


Identfy he problem you are rying o solve (ask a queston).

Example: Will the amount of water that I give my plant aect how tall it grows?  

Plan A

Plan B


2.) Hypothesis An

educaed guess about what you think  will  will happen.

Wrien in the form In


Greek the word hypothesis means “to suppose”

 Usually based

on informaon you gathered from research.

Example: If  I  I water plant B more than plant A, hen hen plant  plant B will grow taller because because plants  plants need water to grow.  


3.) Experiment: Setting up a controlled experiment. •

Decide materials. Design a sep-by-sep procedure to prove or disprove your hypothesis.

Conrolled experiments test only one factor (variable)) at a me. There are 2 “groups” (variable “groups”..


Controlled experiments have two groups: Experimental group- group in experiment that receives the compared to tthe he ccontrol ontrol ggroup. roup. variable being tested. It is compared •

Control group -group that does NOT receive the variable being tested. •

Control Group

Experimental Group


Write a procedure for pbj sandwich


Variables- any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in Variablesdiffering amounts or types. THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF VARIABLES:   •

Independent (Manipulated) VariableVariable- the factor in an experiment being manipulated or tested by the experimenter. Example: Amount of Water Dependent (Responding) Variable- the factor in an experiment being measured. (The results/Data)   Example: height of plant


Trick Remember Dr. It Dependent = Results Results Independent = tested *The depedent DEPENDS on the indepndent


Trick *The depedent DEPENDS on the indepndent Amount I water my plant depends on plant height 0R Plant height depends on the amount I water my plant


Controls/constants- what you leave the

same between both groups in your same between experiment. Example:: temperature, amount of sunlight, size Example of pot, type of soil. EVERYTHING BUT the independent variable.


4.) Data Collection •

Data and observations can then be compared Data  between groups to make inferences and inferences and draw conclusions. conclusions.

Plant A

Plant B


Par of daa collecton is making chars and graphs Plant Growth over 5 weeks

Plant Growth over 5 weeks


Plan Plantt A Heig Height ht (cm) Plan Plantt B Heig Height ht (cm)

Week 1



Week 2



Week 3



Week 4



Week 5




. Conclusion/Communicatio n Analyze and draw conclusions to reveal paerns and relatonships. paerns and relatonships .

Your conclu conclusion sion should should compare compare how your results relate to your original hypothesis. Results should be consisen and repeaable repeaable in  in order to VALIDATE one’s work!!!


Time for Brain Blasts!!


10 minue mission: Pung he Scientc mehod ino Acton: •

On a piece of poster paper, develop a QUESTION that you can survey your classmates on. (You have 2 minutes to decide) Develop Hypothesis: Be sure to state it IF (independent variable), THEN (dependent variable). Create a DATA table that you can use to collect the informaon. You will have 5 minutes to send ONE reporter out to collect informaon informa on and put it into your table. Write a conclusion.  –

Include a reecon- was your group’s hypothesis correct?


What were the results?

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