February 28, 2017 | Author: akhileshraj | Category: N/A
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English-Hindi Dictionary A ,d] d¨bZ A reference is invited dh v¨j /;ku vkdf"kZr fd;k tk jgk gS A review in audit disclosed ys[kkijh{kk esa laeh{kk ls irk yxkuk A.C. Mechanic okrkuqdwy fMCck esdSfud( okrkuqdwyu esdSfud A.D. bZloh lu~ Aabbreviation laf{kIr :i] la{¨i] ladsr fpUg AALCC Asian African Legal Consultative Committee
,f'k;kbZ vÝhdh fofo/k ijke'kZnk=h lfefr
AAP Anual Action Plan okf"kZd dk;Z ;¨tuk Ab initio vkjaHk ls] vkfnr Aback ihNs] pfdr] Hk©pd Abacus ,csdl@fxurkjk Abaft ihNs] tgkt ds fiNys Hkkx dh v¨j Abandon ifjR;kx djuk] N¨M+ nsuk Abandoned assets ifjR;r ifjlaiRrfr;ka Abandoned cargo ifjR;Dr eky Abandonment ifjR;kx Abandonment of works fuekZ.k&dk;Z dk ifjR;kx Abase uhpk fn[kkuk] vour djuk] inkour djuk Abash yfTtr dj nsuk Abate mi'keu djuk( deh djuk( deh g¨uk Abatement deh] dV©rh] NwV Abatement certificate dV©rh çek.k i= Abatement of purchase money Ø; /ku esa deh] [kjhn dh jde esa deh Abatement of rent fdjk;s@HkkM+s esa deh
Abatis >kM+cUn Abattoir dlkbZ [kkuk] cwpM+[kkuk] o/k LFky Abaxial vik{k] rus ls ijs Abba vCck] rkr] firk Abbess elaf{kIr djuk] N¨Vk djuk Abbreviation laf{kfIr Abbreviations la{ksik{kj Abdicable vf/kR;kT; Abdicate in R;kx nsuk Abdomen mnj] isV Abduct vigj.k djuk] cyiwoZd Hkxkdj ys tkuk] Hkxkuk Abduction vigj.k( Hkxk ys tkuk Abecedarian o.kkZuqØfed] çkjfEHkd] t¨ vHkh o.kZekyk lh[k jgk g¨ Abed iyax] fcLrj Abele 'osrd Aberrance foiFkxeu] vilj.k] mRØe] vlkekU;rk Aberration foiFkxeu] foiFku Abestos ,csLVkWl Abet nq"çsf"kr djuk Abettor nq"çsjd Abeyance çkLFkxu Abeyance, held in j¨d j[kh xbZ] vkLFkfxr j[kh xbZ Abhor ls ?k`.kk djuk] ?k`f.kr le>uk] uQjr djuk Abhorrence chHkRl] f?ku©uk] ?k`.kk] uQjr Abidance fuokl] ikyu] çpyu Abide çrh{kk djuk] Lohdkj djuk] fVds jguk] vVy jguk Abide by ikyu djuk] ekuuk Abide by the rules fu;e¨a dk ikyu djuk Abiding fpj LFkk;h] fVdkÅ Ability ;¨X;rk Ability to invest fuos'k lkeF;Z@{kerk] iSlk yxkus dh {kerk Ability to pay Hkqxrku@vnk;xh {kerk Abiogenesis vthokr~] tho¨RifRr Abiotic vtSo] fuZtho
Abirritant çnkggj Abirritate çnkg 'kkUr djuk Abject ?k`f.kr] v/ke] uhp Abjuration l'kiFk R;kx Abjure 'kiFkiwoZd R;kxuk ;k R;kx nsuk Ablactation nw/kNqM+kbZ] LrU;R;ktu Ablation viorZu] mPNsnu Ablative viknku dkjd] iapeh Ablaut viJqfr Ablaze çTofyr] tyrk gqvk] t¨'khyk Able ;¨X; Able Seaman ;¨X; ukfod( ,cy lheSu Abloom iqf"ir] Qyrk-Qøyrk Abluent ç{kkyd] viektZd Ablush yfTtr Ablution ç{kkyu] Luku Ablutionary ç{kkyu Ably ;¨X; jhfr ls] d÷'kyrk iwoZd] lQkbZ ls Abnegate vLohdkj djuk] N¨M+ nsuk Abnegator vLohdrkZ] vkReR;kxh Abnormal vlkekU;] vlk/kkj.k Abnormal increase vilkekU; o`f) Abnormal method of finance foRri¨"k.k dh vlkekU;@vlk/kkj.k ç.kkyh Abnormal termination vilkekU; Hkax Abnormity vfu;ferrk Aboard tgkt ij] tgkt esa] i¨r ij Abode vkokl] fuokl Aboil mcyrk gqvk Abolish mBk nsuk] mUewyu djuk] lekIr djuk Abolition mUewyu Abolition of Zamindari t+ehankjh mUewyu Abolition of posts in¨a dk var@dh lekfIr Abolition of Zamindari tehankjh mUewyu Abomasum prqFkZ vkek'k;
Abominable ?k`f.kr] cqjk] vfç; Aboriginal vkfnoklh Aboriginal Welfare Officer Abstractor vkfnoklh dY;k.k vf/kdkjh la{ksidkj Abort xHkZikr g¨uk] fu"Qy] O;FkZ g¨ tkuk Abort timer foQyu dkyn Abortion xHkZikr g¨uk] Hkzw.kgR;k Abound ls Hkjiqj g¨uk About ikl] pkj¨ v¨sj] vklikl] yxHkx] çpfyr] ds ckjs esa Above ds Åij] ds ijs Above average v©lr ls vf/kd Above Board lansg ls f?kjs] fuPNy] fu"diV Above cited Åij m)`r Above cited/above quoted mifj mn~/k`r] Åij fn;k gqvk Above given mifjfyf[kr] Åij fn;k gqvk Above mentioned mi;Zqr Above par vf/kewY; ij Above quoted Åij m)`r Above resolution be published in the gazette
mi;ZqDr ladYi Hkkjr ds jkti= esa çdkf'kr fd;k tk,
Above said mi;ZqDr Abracadabra chteU=] vuki 'kuki Abradant vi?k"kZd Abrade f?kluk Abraham vczgke Abrasion f?klkbZ] ?k"kZ.k] [kj¨ap Abrasive vio"khZ] vio"kZd Abreast iafDrc)] cjkcj Abridge de djuk ¼tSls 'kfr½( laf{kIr djuk ¼tSls fji¨VZ½ Abridged report laf{kIr fji¨VZ Abridgement la{ksi.k( deh ¼tSls 'kfr½ Abroach [kqyk] xfreku] lfØ; Abroad fons'k esa] ckgj Abrogable fujkdj.kh;] fujkdj.k Abrogate fujkdj.k Abrogation fujkdj.k
Abroma myVdEcy Abrupt vkdfLed] vpkud] :[kk Abscess Q¨M+k] foæf/k Abscissa Hkqt Abscission viPNsnu] foxyu Abscond iyk;u djuk] Qjkj g¨uk Absconder Q+jkj( Q+jkjh Absence vuqifLFkfr( xSjgkft+jh( vHkko Absence from duty dk;Z@M~+;wVh ls vuqifLFkfr Absent vuqifLFkr] vueuk Absent Debtor Qjkj nsunkj Absent without leave fcuk NqV~Vh ds vuqifLFkfr Absentee vuqifLFkfr( x+Sjgkft+j Absentee allowance vuqifLFkfr HkRrrk Absentee statement vuqifLFkfr&fooj.k Absolute iw.kZ] laiw.kZ] fujis{k] ije Absolute programming fujis{k Øekns'ku@fujis{k çksxzkeu Absolute address fujis{k irk Absolute addressing fujis{k irkfHkxeu Absolute and relative terms, In lexz v©j lkis{k n`f"V ls Absolute and unconditional iw.kZ v©j 'krZjfgr Absolute assembler fujis{k dksMkarjd Absolute cell address fujis{k dksf"Vdk irk Absolute cell reference fujis{k dksf"Vdk funsZ'k Absolute code fujis{k dksM Absolute coding fujis{k dksMu Absolute command fujis{k lekns'k Absolute contiction
[email protected] /kkj.kk@fo'+okl@çR;;] iw.kZ n¨"k flf) ¼fof/k½ Absolute contract
[email protected]@fujis{k lafonk Absolute conveyance
[email protected] gLrkarj.k Absolute conviction
[email protected] /kkj.kk@fo'okl@çR;;] iw.kZ n¨"k flf) ¼fof/k½ Absolute coordinate fujis{k funsZ'kkad Absolute data fujis{k vkadM+s Absolute discretion
[email protected]@ije foosd
Absolute error fujis{k =qfV Absolute estate laiw.kZ@fuckZ/k laink Absolute expression fujis{k O;atd Absolute instruction fujis{k vuqns'k Absolute Interest vkR;afrd
[email protected] fgr Absolute law laiw.kZ@fuckZ/k fof/k Absolute level dqy Lrj Absolute loader fujis{k Hkkjd Absolute location fujis{k fLFkfr Absolute mode fujis{k fo/kk Absolute monopoly iw.kZ ,dkf/kdkj Absolute order fujis{k Øe Absolute owner iw.kZ Lokeh] ,dek= ekfyd Absolute ownership iw.kZ LokfeRo] ,dek= ekfydh Absolute path name fujis{k iFk uke Absolute property
[email protected] laifRr] iwjh fefYd;r Absolute rent
[email protected] fdjk;k@HkkM+k Absolute scarcity Hkkjh deh] vR;ar deh Absolute term fujis{k in Absolute title
[email protected] LoRokf/kdkj@vf/kdkj] iwjk g+d+ Absolute value
[email protected]@fujis{k ewY; Absolute vector fujis{k lfn'k Absolutely iw.kZr;k] fcyd÷y Absolutely necessary ije vko';d Absolution fueqZfDr] {keknku Absolve foeqr djuk Absonant cslqjk] ddZ'k] csrqdk Absorb vkesyu( vo'k¨"k.k djuk Absorbed fufo"V] vo'k¨f"kr Absorption varyZ;u] lafoy;u Absorption of a company daiuh dk varyZ;u@lafoy;u Absorption of company daiuh dk varyZ;u@lafoy;u Absorption of credit _.k dk [kik;k tkuk Absorption property vo'kks"k.k xq.k/keZ
Abstain çfojr jguk Abstemious ferkgkjh] la;eh Abstersion viektZu Abstinence ijgst] la;e] e|R;kx Abstract lkj Abstract book lkj&iqfLrdk Abstract class vewrZ oxZ Abstract contingent laf{kir vkdfLed O;; fcy Abstract Contingent Bill laf{kIr vkdfLed O;; fcy Abstract data types vewrZ vkadM+k ç:i Abstract of account ys[kklkj Abstract of cost ykxr&lkj Abstract of estimate çkDdyu&lkj] vuqeku&lkj Abstract of teller's receipt x.kd dh jlhn dk lkj Abstract of teller's receipts x.kd dh çkfIr;¨a dk lkj Abstract of tender fufonk@VsaMj dk lkj Abstract of title LoRo&çys[k lkj] gd+ foys[k dk lkj Abstract operation vewrZ lafØ;k Abstract sheet lkj i=d Abstract statement of disposed cases fuiVk;s gq, ekey¨a dk laf{kIr fooj.k Abstract symbol vewrZ çrhd Abstract syntax vewrZ okD; foU;kl Abstract syntax notation one vewrZ okD; foU;kl ladsru Abstraction vewrZu Abstractor lkjdrkZ Abstruse nq:g] nqc¨Z/k] xwh x;h jkf'k
Amount considered fully recoverable iw.kZr% olwyh ;¨X; le>h x;h jkf'k Amount deposited tek dh x;h jde Amount drawn vkgfjr jkf'k
Amount due on account of credit sales m/kkj fcØh dh ,ot esa çkI; jkf'k Amount earmarked mfí"V jkf'k Amount in default vupqdh jkf'k] vnk;xh esa pwd dh jkf'k Amount of issue fuxZe jkf'k Amount outstanding cdk;k jkf'k Amount placed under objection vkiRrfrxr jde@jkf'k Amount prepaid iwoZnRrr jkf'k@jde Amount realised çkIr jkf'k] olwy gqbZ jde Amount withdrawn vakgfjr jkf'k Amounting to lerqY; g¨uk] d¨fV esa vkuk Amount-wise jdeokj] jkf'k ds vuqlkj Amour xqIr çse lEcU/k Ampere ,sfEi;j( /kkjk Ampersand ,aijlSaM &/kkjk dk fpUg Amphibian mHk;pj Amphora n¨gRFkk dy'k Ample yEck p©Mk] foLr`r] i;kZIr Amplexicaul LrEHkkfyaxh Ampliative foLrkjd] foLrkjh Amplification foLrkj.k] csnkjh ds varfuZ;e Articular lafU/k Articulation mPpkj.k] t¨M+] lfU/k;¨tu] O;atu
Articulation point laf/k fcUnq Artifact f'kYi&rF; Artifact simulation fo:i.k lk{; vuqdj.k Artifact software f'kYirF; lk¶Vos;j Artifice d©'ky] pkykdh Artificer ifjf'kYih Artificial Ñf=e] cukoVh] udyh Artificial cognition Ñf=e cqf) Artificial farm manure Ñf=e Ñf"k [kkn Artificial humidification Ñf=e uehdj.k Artificial hybridisation Ñf=e ladj.k Artificial Insemination Officer Ñf=e xHkkZ/kku vf/kdkjh Artificial intelligence Ñf=e Hkk"kk Artificial intelligence(AI) Ñfre lans'k@Ñfre ekfgrh Artificial juridicial person Ñf=e fof/kd O;fr Artificial life Ñf=e thou Artificial Limb Centre Ñf=ekax dsaæ Artificial Respiration Centre Ñf=e '+olu dsaæ Artificial transanctions Ñf=e ysunsu Artificial variable Ñf=e pj Artillerist r¨iph Artillery r¨i[k+kuk Artisan f'kYih] f'kYidkj] dkjhxj Artist dykdkj Artiste xk;d] xkf;dk] uV Arts and crafts dyk v©j f'kYi Arts application data bank dyk vuqç;ksx vkadM+k caSd Arts application pattern generation dyk vuqç;ksx çfr:i tuu Arum vjch] /kqb;k¡ As tSlk] ds leku] D;¨afd] tSls] ;|fi As above tSlk Åij fn;k gS As against dh vis{kk] dh rqyuk esa As already pointed out tSlk fd igys crk;k tk pqdk gS As amended ;Fkk la'k¨f/kr
As an exceptional case viokn ds :i esa As arrear of land revenue Hkw&jktLo ds cdk;k ds r©j ij As before iwoZor] ;FkkiwoZ As brought out in the succeeding paragraphs
ftudk mYys[k vuqorhZ iSjkxzkQ¨a esa fd;k x;k gS
As coincidence la;¨xo'k As compared to dh rqyuk esa As compared with dh rqyuk esa As compromise le>©rs ds :i esa As decided ;Fkk fu.kZhZr] fu.kZ; ds vuqlkj As defined ;Fkk ifjHkkf"kr As desired by dh bPNkuqlkj@funs'kkuqlkj As directed funs'kkuqlkj As envisaged in the project tSlk fd ifj;¨tuk esa vfHkdfYir fd;k x;k Fkk As expedtiously as possible ;FkklaHko 'kh?kzrk ds lkFk As far as tgka rd As far as may be ;Fkk'kD;] tgk¡ rd g¨ lds As far as possible ;Fkk laHko] tgka rd laHko g¨ lds As far as practicable tgka rd O;ogkFkZ g¨ As fixed by the Company dEiuh }kjk ;Fkk fu/kkZfjr As herein after provided tSlk uhps fy[kk gS] blds vkxs fn, vuqlkj As if eku¨ As in force for the time being tSlk fd fQygky ykxw gS As is where is tSls gS tgk¡ gS As it stands tSlk gS As laid down ;Fkk fu/kkZfjr As laid down in esa ;Fkkfu/kkZfjr As last resort vafre mik; ds :i esa As major constraint eq[; ck/kk ds :i esa As matter of fact ;FkkFkZr%] oLrqr%] okLro esa As matter of fact ;FkkFkZr%] oLrqr% As matter of right vf/kdkj ds :i es] lkf/kdkj As may be considered expedient tSlk fd lehphu çrhr g¨ As may be necessary ;Fkko';d] tSlk vko';d g¨f"kr As may be specified tSlk fofufnZ"V fd;k tk,] ;Fkk fofufnZ"V
As modified ;Fkk vk'k¨f/kr] rjehe ds lkFk As notified ;Fkk vf/klwfpr As of right lkf/kdkj As per ds vuqlkj] ds vuq:i As per details below uhps fy[ks C;©j¨a ds vuqlkj As per instructions vuqns'kkuqlkj As per opinion of ds erkuqlkj As proposed ;Fkk çLrkfor As recommended ;FkklaLrqr] flQkfj'k ds vuqlkj As recommended by dh flQkfj'k ds vuqlkj As regards ds ckjs@laca/k@fo"k; esa As required vko';drkuqlkj] ;Fkk visf{kr] tSlk t:jh g¨ As required under the rules tSlk fd fu;e¨a ds v/khu visf{kr@g¨ As result of ds ifj.kkeLo:i As revealed in test audit tSlk uewuk ys[kkijh{kk esa irk yxk As revised ;Fkk la'k¨f/kr@iqujhf{kr@ifj'k¨f/kr As rule fu;er% As soon as ;Fkk'kh?kz As stipulated in the contract Bsds esa ;Fkkvuqcaf/kr As stood on tSlk---¼rkjh[k½ d¨ Fkk As the case may be ;FkkfLFkfr] tSlh fLFkfr g¨( ;Fkk çdj.k As the cause may be ;Fkk fLFkfr] tSlh ckr g¨ ;Fkk çlax] ;Fkk voLFkk As unwrought copper vuxuk Bell ?k.Vk] ?kfM+;ky Bell hop lwpd( lans'kh Belladonna csykM¨uk] d.Vkfydk Belle lqUnjh] loZlqUnjh Belles letters yfyr ¼;k mnkRr½ lkfgR; Bellicose yM+kdø
Belligerence ;q)fLFkrh Bellona j.kp.Mh Bellow ph[kuk Bellows /k©+duh Belly mnj] isV Belong ls lEcfU/kr Beloved ijefç; Below uhps Below average v©lr ls de Below par voewY; ij Belt iÍk] bykdk Belt-line rail-road es[kyk jsy ekxZ Beltman iV~Vsokyk Belvedere cqtZ Bemire dhpM+ ls yFkiFk djuk Bemock f[kYyh mM+kuk Benami csukeh Benami loan csukeh _.k@dtZ Bench U;k;ihB( csap Bench and bar U;k;k/kh'k v©j vf/koDrk Bench Clerk U;k;ihB fyfid Bench Fitter csap fQVj Bench mark vk/kkj Bench mark year ¼fLFkfr½ fu/kkZj.k@vk/kkj o"kZ Benchmark ry fpUg Benchmark test funsZ'kekud ijh{k.k Bend e¨M+( >qduk( eqM+uk( e¨M+uk Bending >qdko] cadu Beneath uhps] rys Benedick uofookfgr Benediction vk'khZokn Benefaction midkj Beneficial fgrdkjh] ykHknk;d] ykHkdkjh Beneficial interest ykHkdkjh fgr
Beneficiary fgrkf/kdkjh] ykHkkfUor g¨us okys Beneficiary owner fgrkf/kdkjh Lokeh Beneficient Expenditure fgrdkjh O;; Benefit ykHk] fgr Benefit of doubt lansg ykHk Benefit of partnership lk>snkjh dh lqfo/kk Benefit period ykHk vof/k Benefit society fgrdkjh lfefr Benefit theory ykHk fl)kar Benefit theory of taxation fgrkuqlkj djk/kku dk fl)kar Benevolence fgrdkfjrk Benevolent fund fgrdkjh fuf/k Benign Hkæ Benjamin dfu"V] ykMyk Bent >qdko] eqM+uk Benthos tholewg Benumb 'kfDrghu dj nsuk Bequeath olh;r djuk( olh;r }kjk nsuk Bequest olh;r Bequests olh;r Berate QVdkjuk Berceuse y¨jh Bereave Nhu ysuk Bereaved 'k¨dlarIr Berkeley Unix cdZys ;wfuDl Berm iVjh Berry cnjh] ljlQy Berserk mUer Berth 'kkf;dk] cFkZ Berth rate lkekU; nj Beseem mfpr g¨uk Beset ?¨j ysuk Beside ikl esa] cxy Besides ds vfrfjr
Besiege ?¨juk Beslaver ykj Vidkuk Besom >kM+w Best mRre Best endeavours iwjk ç;kl( Hkjld ç;Ru Best fit algorithm csLV fQV ,YxksfjFke@loksZre vUok;ksftr ,YxksfjFke Best judgement assessment lo¨ZRrre] foosd] cqf) ds vuqlkj fu/kkZj.k Best judgement basis lo¨ZRre fu.kZ; ds vk/kkj ij Best price obtainable vf/kdre çkI; dher@ewY; Bestead lgk;rk djuk Bestial ik'kfod Bestir çsfjr djuk Bestow çnku djuk Bestrew ij fNrjkuk Bestride Vk¡xsa QSykdj cSBuk ;k [kM+k g¨uk Bet i.k] ckth] 'krZ] i.k yxkuk] ckth yxkuk] 'krZ yxkuk Betake tkuk] vkJ; ysuk Betel iku] rkEcwy Bethink fopkj djuk] ;kn djuk Betide ?kVuk] ?kfVr g¨uk Betimes ;Fkkle;] Bhd le; Betoken lwfpr djuk] trkuk Betray fo'+okl?kkr djuk Betroth okXnku djuk] eaxuh Better csgrj] vf/kd vPNk Better farming society Ñf"k lq/kkj lfefr Better living csgrj( thou&Lrj( mU+ur thou&Lrj Better tax compliance dj lEcU/kh vkns'k¨a dk csgrj ifjikyu Better title csgrj gd+ Betterment leqU+ufr] lq/kkj] [kq'kgkyh Betterment Fund lq/kkj fuf/k Betterment levy leqU+ufr@[kq'kgkyh ysoh Betterment tax leqU+ufr@[kq'kgkyh dj Betting i.k@ckth@'krZ yxkuk
Betting tax ckth dj] i.k dj Between ds chp esa] e/; esa Bevel xqfu;k] ço.krk Beverage is; Bevy V¨yh] e.Myh Bewail ij foyki djuk Beware p©dl] lpsr Bewilder ?kcjk nsuk Bewitch tknw Mkyuk Beyond ds ijs] ikj ckgj Beyond of scope of dh ifjf/k ds ckgj Beyond reasonable doubt mfpr lansg ls ijs Beyond the said period mr vof/k ds ckn Bezel frjNh Qfydk Bezoars ck&tgj Bhabha Atomic Research Centre HkkHkk ijek.kq 'k¨/k dsaæ Bhakra Beas Management Board Hkk[kM+k&C;kl çca/k c¨MZ Bhakra Management Board Hkk[kM+k çca/k c¨MZ Bhang Hkk¡x Bhisty fHk'rh Bhutanese Unit HkwVkuh ,dd Bi des eye view ljdkjh fuxkg] fogaxe n`f"V Biangular f}d¨.kh; Biannul v/kZokf"kZd] Nekgh Bias vfHkufr( >qdko Biased opinion iwokZxzgh er Biaxial f}&v{kh; Bibcock V¨aVh Bibelot N¨Vh dykÑfr Bible ckbfcy] /keZxzaUFk Bibliographer xzaFklwphdkj Bibliography lanHkZxzaFk lwph Bibulous 'kjkch] e|i Bicameral f}lnu( f}lnuh
Bicentenary f}'krh Bicentennial f}'krokf"kZd Bicephalous f}f'kjLd Bicker >xM+uk] dyg djuk Biconcave mHk;kory Biconnected graph f};ksth xzkQ@f};ksth vkys[k Biconvex mHk;¨Rry Bicorn f}J`axh Bicuspid };xzh Bicycle lkbfdy Bid c¨yh] c¨yh yxkuk@nsuk Bidder c¨yh nsusokyk@yxkusokyk Bidding c¨yh nsuk] c¨yh yxkuk Bidding sheet c¨yh&i=d Bide çrh{kk djuk Bidimensional f}foe Bidirectional communication f}fn'k lapkj Bidirectional link f}fn'k dM+h Bidirectional parallel post f}fn'k lekarj iksLV Biennial f}okf"kZd Biennial reports f}okf"kZd fji¨VZ Bier vFkhZ] jRFkh Bifid f}'kkf[kr Bifocal f}Q¨dlh Bifoliate f}i.khZ BIFR Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruc
v©|¨fxd v©j foRrh; iqufuZekZ.k c¨MZ
Bifurcate n¨ Hkkx¨a esa c¡Vuk( n¨ Hkkx¨a esa ck¡Vuk( f}Hkktu Bifurcation f}Hkktu] f}'kk[ku Big cM+k Big blue fcx CY;w Big cultivators cM+s Ñ"kd Big o- notation nh?kZ&0&ladsru Big ticket item dherh oLrq Big ticket line dherh oLrq O;;olk;
Bigamist f}iRuhd] f}ifrdk Bigamy f}fookg¼çFkk½ Bight [kkM+h Bigot dV`dj] /kekZU/k Bijection f}var¢{ksi.k Bijou jRu Bilateral f}i{kh;] f}ns'kh; Bilateral account countries f}ns'kh;@f}i{kh; ys[ksokys ns'k Bilateral agreement f}ns'kh;@f}i{kh; djkj@le>©rk Bilateral balancing f}i{kh;@f}ns'kh; larqyu Bilateral group of countries f}i{kh; [kkrk lewg ds ns'k Bilateral tariff concession f}ns'kh;@f}i{kh; 'kqYd fj;k;r Bilateral trade accounts f}ns'kh;@f}i{kh; O;kikj ys[ks Bilateral trade agreement f}i{kh;@f}i{kh; O;kikj le>©rk@djkj Bile fiRr Bilge mHkkM+ Biliary iSfRrd Bilingual f}Hkk"kh Bilk /k¨[kk nsuk Bill fcy] foi=] gqaMh] fo/ks;d Bill at sight n'kZuh gqaMh@fcy Bill backing gqaMh@fcy leFkZu Bill book fcy@gqaMh cgh Bill broker fcy gqaMh nyky Bill buying fcy@gqaMh [kjhnuk Bill clean vxzys[kh fcy@gqaMh Bill clerk fcy DydZ@fyfid Bill counter fcy iVy( fcy dkmaVj Bill diary gqaMh@fcy Mk;jh@nSfudh Bill encashed on d¨ fcy Hkquk;k x;k Bill for collection olwyh ds fy, gqaMh@fcy Bill Form gqaMh@fcy QkeZ Bill in a set cgqçfr gqaMh@fcy Bill in set cgqçfr gqaMh@fcy
Bill journal gqaMh cgh] fcy tuZy@cgh Bill market gqaMh cktkj] fcy cktkj Bill of costs ykxr fcy] [kpZs dk fcy Bill of entry vkxe i=] vk;kr i= Bill of exchange gqaMh] fcy] fofue; i= Bill of lading ynku fcy@i= Bill of payment ns;d fcy Bill of quantities
[email protected] fcy Bill of sale fcØh fcy Bill payable on demand ekax ns; gqaMh@fcy Bill rate gqaMh@fcy nj Bill Receivable Book çkI; fcy cgh Bill renewal gqaMh@fcy uohdj.k Bill Transit Register fcy lapyu jftLVj Bill, Accept a fcy Lohdkj djuk@gqaMh ldkjuk Bill, Acceptance fcy Lohdkj djuk@gqaMh ldkjuk Bill, Accommodation vuqxzg fcy@gqaMh Bill, Blank d¨jk fcy@gqaMh Bill, Clean fucZa/k@vçys[kh gqaMh@fcy Bill, Contingent vkdfLed ¼O;;½ fcy Bill, Currency of gqaMh@fcy dh vof/k Bill, Discharge of gqaMh@fcy dh pqd©rh Bill, Discharged pqdkbZ xbZ gqaMh] pqdk;k x;k fcy Bill, Discount cV~Vs ij gqaMh Hkqukuk Bill, Discount a cV~Vs ij gqaMh Hkqukuk Bill, Dishonour fcy@gqaMh udkjuk Bill, Dishonour a fcy@gqaMh udkjuk Bill, Disputed fooknxzLr fcy@gqaMh Bill, Documentary çys[kh gqaMh@fcy Bill, Domestic ns'kh fcy@gqaMh Bill, Drawn vkgfjr gqaMh@fcy Bill, Duplicate of fcy dh çfrfyfi Bill, External fons'kh gqaMh@fcy Bill, Foreign fons'kh fcy
Bill, Gilt edged Js"B gqaMh@fcy Bill, Honour fcy@gqaMh@ldkjuk Bill, Honoured ldkjh gqaMh@ldkjk gqvk fcy Bill, Inland ns'kh; fcy@gqaMh Bill, lodged tek fd;k x;k fcy] tek dh xbZ gqaMh Bill, Lost yqIr fcy@[k¨;h gqaMh Bill, Mutilated dVk&QVk fcy Bill, Negotiate fcy@gqaMh dk cspku@ijØke.k Bill, Negotiate a fcy@gqaMh dk cspku@ijØke.k Bill, Non-mercantile xSjO;kikfjd gqaMh@fcy Bill, Noting of fcy@gqaMh dh fudjkbZ Bill, Noting of a fcy@gqaMh dh fudjkbZ Bill, Overdue vfrns; gqaMh@fcy Bill, Overtime le;¨ifj HkRrk fcy Bill, Pay osru fcy Bill, Protesting fcy@gqaMh dh fl#jkbZ Bill, Protesting a fcy@gqaMh dh fldjkbZ Bill, Retirement of gqaMh@fcy dk iwoZ Hkqxrku Bill, tenure of a or Bill, term of fcy@gqaMh dh fe;kn Bill, tenure of or Bill, term of fcy@gqaMh dh fe;kn Bill, Trade O;kikj fcy@gqaMh Bill, Usance of gqaMh@fcy dh vof/k@fe;kn Bill. Pay osru fcy Billed weight fcy esa fufnZ"V Hkkj@otu Billet fVdkuk Billets & Blooms fcysV ,oa Cywe Billets Blooms fcysV ,oa Cywe Billiards v.Vk] fcfy;MZ Billingsgate xkyh] xkyh xy¨t Billion ,d vjc Billow egkrjax] ygj Bills discounted Hkquk;s x;s fcy Bills discounting gqaMh@fcy Hkqukuk Bills for collection mxkgh@olwyh ds fy, fcy
Bills for collection rate mxkgh fcy@gqaMh nj Bills for negotiation ijØke.k@cspku gsrq fcy@gqaMh Bills of exchange account fofue; fcy ys[kk Bills of exchange rediscounted and outstanding
iqu% Hkquk;s x;s v©j cdk;k fofue; fcy
Bills payable ns; fcy@gqafM;ka Bills payable Book ns; fcy cgh Bills purchased [kjhns x, fcy Bills receivable çkI; fcy@gqafM;ka Bills under collection olwyh ds fy, fcy Billy ykBh Bilocation vusdns'kh;rk Bimanual nqgRFkk Bimetallic f}/kkrq Bimetallism f}/kkrqokn Bimonthly }Sekfld Bimonthly report f}okf"kZd fji¨VZ( v/kZokf"kZd fji¨VZ Bin /kkuh Bin Card fcu dkMZ Bin Keeper /kkuhiky Binary n¨gjk] f}vk/kkjh Binary arithmetic operation f}vk/kkjh vadxf.krh; lafØ;k Binary code f}vk/kkjh dwV@f}vk/kkjh dksM Binary coded character f}vk/kkjh dksfMr laçrhd Binary coded decimal f}vk/kkjh dksfMr n'keyo Binary coded decimal code f}vk/kkjh dksfMr n'keyo dwV Binary coded decimal notation f}vk/kkjh dwV n'keyo vadu@f}vk/kkjh dksM n'keyo vadu Binary coded decimal system f}vk/kkjh dwVfyf[kr n'keyo i}fr Binary coding f}vk/kkjh dksMu Binary half adder f}vk/kkjh v/kZ ;kstd Binary loader f}vk/kkjh Hkkjd Binary number f}vk/kkjh la[;k Binary number system f}vk/kkjh la[;k i}fr Binary operation f}&vk/kkjh lafØ;k Binary operator f}vk/kkjh ladkjd
Binary relation f}&vk/kkjh laca/k Binary search }Sad [kkst Binary search tree f}vk/kkjh vUos"k.k r:@f}Hkkxh vUos"k.k o`{k Binary semaphore f}vk/kkjh lsekQWj Binary separation f}vk/kkjh i`Fkddj.k@f}Hkkth i`Fkddj.k Binary synchronous communication f}vk/kkjh rqY;dkfyd lapkj Binary synchronous control f}vk/kkjh rqY;dkfyd fu;a=.k Binary transfer f}vk/kkjh VªkalQj@f}vk/kkjh varj.k Binary tree f}Hkkt o`{k Binaural f}d.khZ Bind ck¡/kuk Binder ftYnlkt+ Binding ck/;d( ca/kudkjh Binding Boy (Binder Boy) lgk;d ftYnlkt+ Binding folder ca/kd Q+¨YMj Binding offset ca/ku vkWQlsV Bine csy] yrk Bing ©rk
Bipartite graph f}/kkjh xzkQ@f}HkkT; xzkQ Bipartite Settlement f}i{kh; le>©rk Biped f}ikn Bipinnate f}fiPNdh Biploar f}/kzqoh; Bipolar encoding f}/kzqoh dwVys[ku Bipolar memory f}/kzqoh Le`fr@f}/kzqoh eSeksjh Biquadratic prq?kkZr Birch HkwtZ Bird i{kh] fpfM+;k Birds eye view ljdkjh fuxkg] fogaxe n`f"V Biretta V¨ih Birth tUe Birth certificate tUe çek.ki= Birth control larfr&fuj¨/k Birth date tUe&frfFk( tUe dh rkjh[k Birth death model tUe ej.k ekWMy@tUe ej.k çfrn'kZ Birth death process tUe ej.k çØe Birth mark tUe&fpUg Birth place tUe&LFkku Birth rate tUe&nj Births, Deaths and Marriage Registration Act, 1886
tUe] e`R;q v©j fookg jftLVªhdj.k vf/kfu;e] 1886
BIS Bank for International Settlement varjkZ"Vªh; fuiVku cSad Biscuit fcLd÷V Bisect f}Hkkftr djuk Bisection algorithm f}Hkktu ,YxksfjFe@f}Hkktu dyu fof/k Bisexual mHk;fyaxh f}fyaxh Bishop fc'ki] /kekZ/;{k Bisiness letter O;kolk; i= Bisiness man O;olk;h Bisiness name O;olk; uke Bismuth foLeFk Bison xoy Bissextile vf/kfnuh;
Bistoury {kqfjdk Bisynchronous f}rqY;dkfyd Bit VqdM+k Bit fault fcV nks"k Bit map fcV çfrfp= Bit map protocol fcV çfrfp= çksVksdkWy Bit oriented protocol fcV mUeq[kh çksVksdkWy Bit parallel transmission fcV lekarj laçs"k.k Bit pattern fcV çfr:i Bit position fcV fLFkfr Bit rate fcV nj Bit relocation };ad LFkku fu/kkZj.k Bit slice fcV dryh Bit stuffing fcV Hkj.k Bitch d÷fr;k] d÷Rrh Bite nk¡r ls dkVuk Biting pqHkrk gqvk Bitter dM+qvk] rh[kk Bittern fcVZu Bitts edjh Bitumen Mkej Bivalent f}la;¨td Bivalve f}dikVh Bivouac iM+ko Biweekly ikf{kd( v/kZ&lkIrkfgd Bizarre vu¨[kk Blab H¨n [k¨yuk] x¨iuh; ckr çdV djuk Black dkyk] Ñ".k Black and white In fyf[kr esa Black bird dLrwjk Black gold isVª¨fy;e Black leg gM+rkyHksnh Black list oT;Z lwph] dkyh lwph Black listing dkyh lwph esa uke fy[kuk
Black market p¨j cktkj( dkyk cktkj Blacksmith yqgkj( y¨gdkj Bladder ew=k'k;] ofLr Blade Qyd Blague xi¨M+k Blain QQ¨yk] Nkyk Blamable fuUnuh; Blame fuUnk djuk] n¨"k Blanch ihyk iM+uk Bland l©E;] uje Blandish pkiywlh djuk Blank d¨jk( lknk( fujad( [kkyh( fjr Blank acceptance d¨jk fcy@d¨jh gqaMh ldkjuk Blank bill d¨jh gqaMh] d¨jk fcy] vuke fcy Blank cheque d¨jk psd Blank credit or open credit d¨jh lk[k@m/kkj Blank draft form d¨jk Mªk¶V QkeZ@çi= Blank endorsed security d¨jk i`"Bkadu;qDr çfrHkwfri= Blank endorsement d¨jk cspku@i`"Bkadu Blank Form d¨jk QkeZ Blank Record d¨jk vfHkys[k@fjdkMZ Blank Transfer vukeh varj.k Blanket fucZa/k] O;kid Blanket Agreement O;kikj djkj Blanket deal O;kid l©nk Blanket enhancement O;kid o`f) Blanket exchange [kqyk@fucZa/k fons'kh eqæk Blanket Insurance cgqO;kih chek Blanket licence O;kid@fucZa/k ykblsal Blanket order O;kid vkns'k Blanket permit fucZa/k@cgqO;kih ijfeV Blare xjtuk Blarney pkiywlh Blase vfrr`Ir
Blaspheme bZ'k&fuUnk djuk Blast /kekdk Blast protocol CykLV çksVksdkWy Blastoderm chp&tuLrj Blatant Å/keh Blaze Tokyk] /k/kd Blazon d÷yfpUg Bleach fojaftr djuk] ihyk iM+uk Bleak mtkM+ Blear /kq¡/kyk Bleat fefe;kuk Bleed jDr fudyuk Blemish /kCck] nkx Blench ihNs gVuk Blend lfEeJ.k Blending lfEeJ.k Bless vk'khZokn nsuk Blether çyki Blight vaxekjh] fouk'k Blind va/kk] us=ghu Blind keyboard va/k dqathiVy@va/k dhcksMZ Blind school va/k fo|ky; Blindage vkM+] v¨V Blink fVefVekuk] vk[kas >iduk Blinking fVefVekuk Bliss ijekuUn Blister QQ¨yk] Nkyk Blithe çlé] çQYy Blithering cdoknh] iDdk Blitz gokbZ vkØe.k Blizzard fge>a>okr] cQkZuh rwQkuh Bloat Qøyuk] Q÷ykuk Blob x¨fydk Bloc xqV] xqV`Vªz
Block ç[kaM] [kaM] CykWd Block And Signal Maintainer CykWd v©j flxuy vuqj{kd Block assets Fk¨d vkfLr;ka Block cache [kaM æqfrdk@CykWd dS'ks Block capital la?kfVr@leqPpf;r@Fk¨d iwath Block check [kaMd tk¡p Block copy [kaM çfrfyfi Block Development Officer [kaM fodkl vf/kdkjh Block diagram [kaMd vkjs[k Block Editing [kaM lEiknu Block Grant lkekU; vuqnku Block grants and loans leqPpf;r vuqnku v©j _.k Block headquarters [k.M eq[;ky; Block Inspector CykWd fujh{kd Block Instrument Mistry xqVdk ;a= feL=h Block letter lkQ v{kj( lqLi"V v{kj Block Loans ,d eq'r _.k Block Maker CykWd fuekZrk Block multiplexer vojks/kh xq.kd ¼CykWd ladsrd½ Block multiplexor channel [kaM cgqladsrd pSuy@[kaM cgqladsrd ç.kkyh Block paragraph p©d¨j iSjk( CykWd iSjk Block Signaller CykWd rkjckcw( CykWd flxuyj Block Signalman CykWd flxuyokyk Block size [kaMd vkeki Block Tester CykWd ijh{kd Block transfer [kaM varj.k Block transmission [kaMd lapj.k Blockade ukdkcanh Blocked account fu#) ys[kk( fu#) [kkrk Blocked accounts vo#)@fu#) [kkrs Blocked balances vo#) tek jde 'ks"k Blocked capital vo#) iwath Blocked deposits vo#) tek jde Blocked overdues vo#) vfrns; jkf'k
Blocking fu#)@vo#) djuk Blocking communicating prioritive vojks/kh lapkj iw|kxZ Blocking factor [kaMd xq.kd Blocking network vojks/kh usVodZ@vojks/kh tkyØe Blocking of accounts ys[k¨a dk fuj¨/ku@voj¨/ku Blocking oscillator CykWd nksyd Bloke O;fDr] vkneh Blood jDr] [kwu Blood bank jr d¨"k( jr cSad Blood donation jrnku Blood relations jr&laca/kh Blood Transfusion Officer jrk/kku vf/kdkjh Bloom Qøy] iq"i Bloomers lyokj Blossom eatjh] dyh] c©j] Qyuk-Qøyuk Blot /kCck Blotch Nkyk] oz.k Blotpaper l¨[krk Blotting paper L;kghl¨[k( l¨[rk dkx+t+ Blouse d÷jrk] d÷jrh Blow Q¡wduk] cguk] vk?kkr] QVuk Blowzy yyeq¡gk Bludgeon xnk] l¨aVk Blue uhyk Blue chip fo'+oluh; 'ks;j@va'k Blue collar job dkf;d dk;Z Blue print :ijs[kk] [kkdk] uD'kk Blueprint CywfçaV( [kkdk Bluff >k¡lk Blunder Hkíh] Hkkjh Hkwy] pwd Blunt Hk¨Fkjk] d÷Un] :[kk Blur /kq¡/kyk Blurt out dg Mkyuk Blush eq[k ij ykyh] yTtk
Bluster vk¡/kh] vkfn dk çp.M g¨uk] xjt BMP ch ,e ih BMP bitmap graphics ch ,e ih ¼}Sa;ad çfrfp= xzkfQDl½ BNF notation ch ,u ,Q ladsr@ch ,u ,Q ladsr i)fr Boa vtxj Boar 'kwdj Board c¨MZ] eaMy Board level appoint c¨MZ Lrjh; fu;qfr;k¡ Board level appointments c¨MZ Lrjh; fu;qfDr;k¡ Board meeting c¨MZ dh cSBd Board of Arbitration ek/;LFke~c¨MZ Board of Directors funs'kd c¨MZ] funs'kd eaMy Board of Extra-Mural Studies cfg%'kky v/;;u c¨MZ Board of Governors xouZj@'kkld eaMy Board of Higher Secondary Education mPprj ek/;fed f'k{kk c¨MZ Board of referees fu.kkZ;d c¨MZ@eaMy Board of reference fu.kZsrk
[email protected] c¨MZ Board of revenue jktLo c¨MZ] jktLo eaMy Board of studies ik+; lfefr Board of trade O;kikj eaMy Board resolution eaMy çLrko@ladYi Board sheet & Objection Book Section czkM'khV v©j vkifRr iqLrd vuqHkkx Board sheet Objection czkM'khV v©j vkiRrfr iqLrdsa Board, Arbitration fookpu eaMy@c¨MZ Board, Conciliation lek/kku@lqyg eaMy@c¨MZ Boarder vkoklh Boarding and lodging vkokl v©j Hk¨tu Boarding Officer u©&vkj¨g.k vf/kdkjh Boast M+hx] '¨[kh Boat uko Boatswain Store Keeper c¨lqu HkaMkjh Bob x¨yd Bobber mRikr] miæo Bobbin ijsrk] fQjdh
Bobsled Lyst] fge'kdV Bobstay jLlk Bode dk 'kd÷u g¨uk Bodice d÷jrh] p¨yh Bodkin lqvk] lqrkjh Body fudk; Body component dk; ?kVd Body corporate fuxfer fudk;@daiuh Body of individuals O;f"V;¨a dk fudk; Body of individuals O;fDr;¨a dk fudk; Bodyguard vaxj{kd Bog nyny esa Qluk Bogey c¨xh Boggle fBBduk Bogie c¨xh Bogus [k¨Vk] cukoVh] tkyh Bohea ?kfV;k dkyh pk; Bohemian c¨fgfe;kbZ] datj] ftIlh BOI Book of Instructions vuqns'k iqLrd Boil Q¨M+k] mcyuk Boiler Assistant ckW;yj lgk;d Boiler Attendant ckW;yj ifjpj Boiler House Operator ckW;yj&?kj çpkyd Boiler Maker ckW;yj esdj Boiler Maker Chargeman ckW;yj esdj pktZeSu Boiler Maker Foreman ckW;yj esdj Q¨jeSu Boiler Mechanic ckW;yjeSu Boiler Supervisor ckW;yj esdSfud Boisterous Å/keh] rst Bold fuHkhZd] fuMj] cs'keZ Bold letter e¨Vk v{kj Bole /kM+] ruk Bolides mYdk Boll M¨Mk] chtd¨.k
Bollard tgkth [kWwVk Bolometer rstekih Bolster rfd;k] Fkkeuk Bolt flVfduh Bolus fi.M Bomb ce] x¨yk Bombard x¨ykckjh Bombardment x¨ykckjh( ceo"kkZ Bon mot lwfDr] lqHkkf"kr Bona fide fu"diV Bonafide okLrfodp ln~Hkko( ln~Hkkoh( lnk'k;h Bonafide annual value okLrfod okf"kZd ewY; Bonafide dispute okLrfod fookn Bonafide investment okLrfod fuos'k Bonafide Luggage okLrfod lkeku Bonafide owner okLrfod Lokeh@ekfyd Bonafide payment okLrfod Hkqxrku Bonafide purchaser okLrfod Øsrk@[kjhnkj Bonafides usduh;rh( ln~Hkko( lnk'k;rk Bonafied okLrfod] ln~Hkkoh Bonanza le`f} Bon-Bon feBkbZ Bond ckaM] ca/k&i= Bond certificate ckaM çek.k&i= Bond Creditor ck.M/kkjh ysunkj Bond Debtor ck.M/kkjh nsunkj Bond forms ckaM çi= Bond holder ca/k&i=/kkjh] ckaM/kkjh Bond Market ckaM@ca/k&i= cktkj Bond Note ck.M u¨V Bond prospectus ckaM
[email protected]&i= Bond Tester ckW;yj i;Zos{kd Bond yield ckaM vk;] ca/ki= vk; Bond, Annuity okf"kZdh ckaM@ca/k&i=
Bond, Bail tekur ckaM@ca/k&i= Bond, Deferred vkLFkfxr ckaM@ca/k&i= Bond, Guarantee xkjaVh ckaM@ca/k&i= Bond, Indemnity {kfriwfrZ ckaM@ca/k&i= Bond, Instalment fdLr ckaM Bond, Medium term e/;kof/k ckaM Bond, Registered iathÑr ckaM Bond, Security çfrHkwfr ckaM Bond, Short-term vYikof/k ckaM Bond, Simple lk/kkj.k ckaM Bonded deal vuqc) l©nk@ysunsu Bonded goods vkc) eky Bonded labour c¡/kqvk et+nwj Bonded Stock ca/kd LVkd Bonded value dj jfgr ewY; Bonded Warehouses vkc) eky x¨nke Bonduc-nut feyulkjh Bone gìh Bone of contention >xM+s dk dkj.k] Qlkn dh tM+ Bonfire mRlkokfXu] g¨yh Bonhomie feyulkjh] l©tU; Bonne u©djkuh Bonnet V¨ih Bonus c¨ul Bonus Issue c¨ul fuxZe Bonus share c¨ul 'ks;j Bonus share Issue c¨ul 'ks;j fuxZe Bonus shares c¨ul 'ks;j Bonus system c¨ul&i)fr@ç.kkyh Bonus, Cash udn@j¨dM+ c¨ul Bonus, Commuted :ikarfjr c¨ul Bonus, Contingency çklafxd c¨ul Bonus, Guaranteed xkjaVhÑr c¨ul Bonus, Interim varfje c¨ul
Bonus, Reversionary nkok çkI; c¨ul Bony vfLFk Bonze c©) fHk{kq Boo Nh&Nh Booby ew[kZ] paMwy Boodle lewpk Boohoo j¨uk&/k¨uk Book iqLrd cgh Book adjustment cgh lek;¨tu Book asset cgh vkfLr Book Balance [kkrk 'ks"k@cgh 'ks"k Book Binder ftYnlkt+ Book binding ftYnlkt+h Book Clerk ca/k&ijh{kd Book credit [kkrk m/kkj Book Debt [kkrk _.k Book debts and other accounts receivable
cgh _.k v©j vU; ysunkjh ys[ks
Book deposit [kkrk tek Book Jacket iqLrdkoj.k Book Keeper cgh ys[kd] equhe Book keeping cgh [kkrk] cgh [kkrk i)fr] cgh [kkrk j[kuk Book keeping machine cgh [kkrk e'khu Book Keeping Machine Operator cgh [kkrk e'khu&çpkyd Book of accounts [kkrk cgh Book of financial powers foRrrh; 'kfr;¨a dh iqLrd Book of instructions vuqns'k iqLrd Book of original entry ewy çfof"V dh cgh Book of treasury receipts [ktkuk jlhn iqfLrdk Book post cqd i¨LV( iqLrd Mkd Book Profit [kkrk ykHk Book Section vuqHkkx Book Section & Deposit Section ys[kk lesdu iqfLrdk,a vuqHkkx v©j tek vuqHkkx Book Section Deposit Section ys[kk lesdu iqfLrdk,a vuqHkkx v©j tek vuwHkkx Book transactions [kkrk ysu&nsu
Book transfer cgh [kkrk varj.k Book value vafdr ewY;] cgh ewY; Book value of stores lkeku dk cgh ewY; Book, Bought Ø;@[kjhn cgh Book, Invoice chtd cgh Book, Main eq[; cgh Book, Purchases Ø;@[kjhn cgh Book, Returns Inward fcØh okilh cgh Book, Returns Outward [kjhn okilh cgh Book, Sales foØ; cgh Book, Statistical lkaf[;dh; iqLrd Book, Subsidiary lgk;d iqLrd@cgh Booking cqd djuk( cqfdax Booking Clerk fVdV&ckcw Booking of exchange profits fofue; ykHk¨a d¨ ntZ djuk Booking of forward exchange contracts ok;nk fofue; lafonkv¨a@Bsd¨a d¨ ntZ djuk Booking office fVdV?kjp cqfdax dk;kZy; Booking Supervisor ftYnlkt+ Book-keeper cgh ys[kd( equhe Book-keeping cgh[kkrk fy[kuk( cgh[kkrk i)fr Booklet iqfLrdk Bookmark i`"B Le`fr Books of accounts ys[kk iqLrdsa] ys[kk cfg;ka] cgh [kkrs Books of original entry ewy çfof"V dh cfg;ka Boolean cwfy;u Boolean algebra cwyh; chtxf.kr Boolean data type cwyh; ç:i vkadMk Boolean expression cwyh; O;atd Boom rsth] O;kikj mRd"kZ Boom-Man cwe eSu Boon oj] ojnku Boorish vlH; Boost cqduk Bowdlerize ifj'k¨/ku djuk Bowel vk¡r] va=] varM+h Bower d÷t] fudaqt] yrke.Mi Bowl dV¨jk] xsanckth] ydM+h dk xsan Bowman c¨eSu Bow-window esgjkcnkj f[kM+dh
Bow-Wow Hk¨a&Hk¨a Box cDl( isVh Box Balance xYys dh j¨dM+ ckdh] isVh 'ks"k Box Room x¨nke Boxing Instructor eqDdsckth vuqns'kd Boy ckW; Boycott cfg"dkj( ckW;dkV BPE Bureau of Public Enterprises y¨d m|e dk;kZy; BRA Banking Regulation Act cSaddkjh fofue; vf/kfu;e Brace cU/kuh Brace Fitter ca/ku ;¨tuk( czsl fQVj Bracelet dxau Bracing LQøfrZdkjd Bracket d¨"Bd Bracketing d¨"Bfdr djuk Brackish [kkjk Bract lgi= Brad piVh dhy] p¨ck Brag Mhax] '¨[kh Brahmin czkã.k Braid os.kh] p¨Vh Braille cSzy] mRdh.kZ ys[k Brain efLr"d] fnekx Brain drain çfrHkk iyk;u Brain-drain çfrHkk iyk;u Braise ne nsuk] ne nsdj idkuk Brake czsd j¨d Brake distance j¨d nwjh Brake rigging and gear czsd fjfxax v©j fx;j Brakesman czsdeSu Bran Hkwlh Branch 'kk[kk Branch Account 'kk[kk ys[kk Branch adjustment 'kk[kk lek;¨tu
Branch adjustment account 'kk[kk lek;¨tu ys[kk Branch advisory committee 'kk[kk lykgdkj@ijke'kZnkrk lfefr Branch agent 'kk[kk ,tsaV@vfHkdrkZ Branch and bound 'kk[kk vkSj ifjca/k Branch audit 'kk[kk ys[kk ijh{kk Branch auditors 'kk[kk ys[kk ijh{kd Branch banking policy 'kk[kk cSafdax uhfr Branch banking statistics 'kk[kk cSafdax lkaf[;dh@vkadM+s Branch card 'kk[kk dkMZ Branch clearing code 'kk[kk lek'k¨/ku d¨M@lafgrk Branch committee 'kk[kk lfefr Branch control 'kk[kk fu;a=.k Branch expansion 'kk[kk foLrkj Branch expansion programme Department
'kk[kk foLrkj dk;ZØe
Branch Inspection 'kk[kk fujh{k.k foHkkx Branch inspection note 'kk[kk fujh{k.k fVIi.kh Branch ledger 'kk[kk [kkrk Branch licensing 'kk[kk ykblsalhdj.k Branch Line 'kk[kk ykbu Branch Manager 'kk[kk çca/kd Branch net work 'kk[kk ra= Branch Office 'kk[kk dk;kZy; Branch office account 'kk[kk dk;kZy; ys[kk Branch office daily account 'kk[kk dk;kZy; nSfud ys[kk Branch officer slip 'kk[kk dk;kZy; ipZhZ Branch Recruitment Office 'kk[kk HkrZh dk;kZy; Branch remittance account 'kk[kk çs"k.k ys[kk Branch returns 'kk[kk foojf.k;ka Branch supplies book 'kk[kk vkiwfrZ cgh Branch testing 'kk[kk ijh{k.k Branch transfer scroll 'kk[kk varj.k lwph Branch, Foreign fons'kh 'kk[kk Branches of foreign companies fons'kh daifu;¨a dh 'kk[kk,a Branchiae Dy¨e
Branchiate lDy¨e Branching out the activities xfrfof/k;¨a dk çlkj djuk Branch-wise data 'kk[kkokj vkadM+s Brand Nki] czk.M Brand money ekdkZ@Nki dh jkf'k] jf{kr /ku Brandish ?kqekuk] Hkk¡tuk Brandy czk.Mh Brash VqdM+s] Njs] Nk¡V Brass ihry] fuyZTtrk] csg;kbZ Brass seal ihry dh eqæk Brassage xM+k djuk Brawn ckgqcy Bray jsduk Braze ihry dk jax pkM+uk Brussels p¨dh x¨Hkh Brutal u`'kal] fuZn;rk Brute i'kq] cqf)ghu BSR Basic Statistical Return ewyHkwr lkaf[;dh; fooj.kh BSRB Banking Services Recruitment Board
cSafdax lsok HkrZh c¨MZ
BTC Bankers Training College cSadj çf'k{k.k egkfo|ky; B-tree ch o`{k@ch r: Bubble cqycqyk Bubble memory cqncqn Le`fr@cqncqn eSeksjh Bubble sort cqycqyh NaVkbZ Buccal di¨y] eq[k Buck uj] Nsyk Bucket ckYVh
Bucket sort ckYVh NVkbZ Buckle cdlqvk] dej dluk Buckram :[kkiu Bud dyh] dye yxkuk Buddy system ca/kqrk ra=@cM~Mh ra=@cbth ra= ç.kkyh Budge fgyuk] gVkuk Budget ctV Budget And Accounts Section ctV v©j ys[kk vuqHkkx Budget and revised estimates ctV ,oa ifj'k¨f/kr çkDdyu@vuqeku Budget clerk ctV DydZ@fyfid Budget effective control ctV çHkkoh fu;a=.k Budget estimate ctV çkDdyu] ctV vuqeku Budget estimation ctV vkdyu Budget flexing ctV vkueu Budget grant ctV vuqnku Budget Grants ctV vuqnku Budget interrelationship ctV ijLij lac/k Budget leakage ctV dk le;iw.kZ çdVu] ctV dk yhd g¨uk Budget Officer ctV vf/kdkjh( vk;&O;;d vf/kdkjh Budget orders ctV vkns'k Budget preparation ctV rS;kjh Budget proposals ctV çLrko Budget provision ctV O;oLFkk@çko/kku Budget provision exists ctV esa O;oLFkk gS Budget reform ctV lq/kkj Budget Research & Statistics Section ceV] vuqla/kku rFkk lkaf[;dh vuqHkkx Budget Research Statistics Secti ceV] vuqla/kku rrk lkaf[;dh vuqHkkx Budget Section ctV vuqHkkx Budget session ctV l=@vf/kos'ku Budget speech ctV Hkk"k.k Budget, Balanced larqfyr ctV Budget, Capital iwath ctV Budget, Deficit ?kkVs dk ctV Budget, Emergency vkikrh ctV
Budget, Family ifjokj ctV Budget, Reappropriation iqufuZ;¨tu ctV Budget, Revised la'k¨f/kr ctV Budget, Supplementary vuqiwjd ctV Budget, Surplus vf/k'ks"k ctV] cpr dk ctV] cs'kh dk ctV Budgetary ctVh; Budgetary allocation ctV fofonku Budgetary allotment ctV }kjk fu"Qy Budgetary balance ctV larqyu@ctVh; larqyu Budgetary control ctV fu;a=.k Budgetary deficit ctV ?kkVk Budgetary powers ctV 'kfDr;ka Budgetary procedure ctV çfØ;k Budgetary resources ctV lk/ku Budgetary surplus ctV vf/k'ks"k@cs'kh Budgeted works ctV fofgr fuekZ.k dk;Z Budgets ctV Budla transactions cnyk l©nk@ysunsu Buffalo H©alk Buffer cQ+j Buffer conflict cQj varfoZjks/k Buffer context index array cQj lanHkZ lwpdkad lj.kh Buffer I/O Device cQj fuos'k@fuxZe ;qfDr@cQj vkbZ@vks ;qfDr Buffer register cQj jftLVj Buffer stock lehdj.k HkaMkj] lqjf{kr HkaMkj] cQj LVkd Buffer stock plan lehdj.k@lqjf{kr HkaMkj ;¨tuk] cQj LVkd ;¨tuk Buffer storage cQj HkaMkj.k Buffered amplifier p;fdr ço/kZd@cQj ,eifyQk;j Buffet migkj&d{k] vyekjh Buffet Car Hk¨tu ;ku] cqd dkj Buffoon HkkaM] fonw"kd Bug [kVey] eRd÷.k Bugger y©Msackth Buggy ?k¨M+kxkM+h
Bugle fcxqy Bugler fcxqyj Build cukuk] fuekZ.k Building Hkou( bekjr Building Clerk fuekZ.k DydZ( fuekZ.k fyfid Building Division fuekZ.k çHkkx Building fund Hkou fuf/k Building Supervisor fuekZ.k i;Zos{kd Built up o`f)] fufeZr Built-in function varfuZfeZr Qyu Built-in procedure varfuZfeZr çfØ;k Built-up area fufeZr {ks=] ¼fufeZr {ks=Qy½ Bulbul cqycqy Bulgaria - Lev, Lew cqYxkfj;k - ysc Bulge mHkkM] mHkkj] mHkuk Bulimia {kq?kkfr'k; Bulk Fk¨d( vackj(