75 Key Jyotish Principles from Garga Hora

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Jyotish [Vedic Astrology] May 2015

75 Important Principles from Garga Hora

(c) Varahamihira [email protected] http://varahamihira.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/srivarahamihira https://twitter.com/srivarahamihira

Long life and wealth 1

Jupiter in Own sign + Saturn & Mercury Jupiter in his own sign along with Saturn and Mercury bestows long life. Such native often begets plenty of wealth. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Kingly fortune, good family & children 2

Venus in Pisces + Jupiter & Moon

When Venus is in Pisces along with Jupiter and the Moon, the native acquires kingly fortunes and has a good family and many children. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

8 years longevity 3

Malefic Lagna, Lagnesha 7H, Jup-Sun 8H

When the Lagna in a malefic Rāśi, and Lagnesha occupies 7th house and Jupiter-Sun are placed in the 8th, the child dies at the age of 8 years. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Indulge in sinful activties 4

Merc-Mars in Lagna/6H/8H When Mercury and Mars are placed in the Lagna, 6th or the 8th, the native is either a thief, or indulge in sinful acts. Such a person often has defects in the hands or legs. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

4 years longevity 5

Mercury in the Lagna/6H/8H

When Mercury in the Lagna, 6th or 8th, it can cause death at the age of 4 years. Even if the child is dipped in nectar, it is of no avail. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

12 years longevity 6

Mars - Jupiter exchange When Mars and Jupiter exchange their Rāśi, they can inflict death at the age of 12 years. Even though Lord Siva may desire to save the person, it is rare to escape death in such a case. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

6 years longevity 7

Jupiter in Mars’s sign in 2H/6H/8H

When Jupiter occupies a Rāśi of Mars identical with 2nd, 6th or 8th from the Lagna, this child doubtlessly faces death in the 6th year. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Infant mortality 8

Rahu-Moon causing infant mortality 1 When Rahu occupies the Lagna, and the Moon is in the 6th or 9th, the child dies within 20 days of birth. Similar effects prevail when Rahu is in the 4th from Lagna, while the Moon occupies a Kendra. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

10 years longevity 9

Rahu-Moon causing infant mortality 2 Death is be inflicted by Rahu in the 7th from Lagna, while the Moon is in the Lagna. Even nectar is not going to save him and the death comes to pass in the 10th year of the child. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Short life, stomach disorders 10

Moon in 12H & Malefics in 6H

When the Moon occupies the 12th house, while malefics are in the 6th house, the native is short-lived. He also suffers from stomach disorders. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

16 years longevity 11

Rahu in 9H/10H causing death in 16 years

When Rahu occupies the 9th, or the 10th house, the native dies at 16 years, though Indra, Lord of the Lords, may try to protect him. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

20 years longevity 12

Saturn - Sun exchanging signs

Death happens at the age of 20 years, when Saturn and the Sun exchange their Rāśis. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Indigestion, deficiency in the limb 13

Rahu-Moon yoga in 6H When Rahu occupies the Lagna, while the Moon is in the 6th, or they conjoin in the 6th house, they cause diseases in the rectum, indigestion and deficiency of a limb. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Death through leprosy or tuberculosis 14

Sun in the 8H & Saturn in the 6H

Death is caused due to leprosy or tuberculosis, when the Sun is in the 8th house while Saturn is in 6th. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Mental worries, no own home 15

Sun in the Lagna

When the Sun occupies the Lagna, the native is subjected to mental worries and has no place of his own. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Infant mortality 16

Rahu in Lagna/8H & aspected by theMoon

The child dies instantly, when Rahu occupies the Lagna or the 8th house and aspected by the Moon. Even Indra cannot save such child. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

100 years longevity 17

Jup-Ven in 2 Kendras, Sun in 12H, Merc in Lg

The native has a life-span of 100 years, if two Kendras are occupied by Jupiter and Venus, while the Sun is in 12th and Mercury is in Lagna. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Nulification of danger to life 18

Jupiter in Kendra / Kona or in Strength There is be no danger to life, when Jupiter occupies a Kendra or a Trine, or in own sign / exaltation. This protection continues throughout life. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Nulification of danger to life 19

Jupiter-Venus-Mercury in Kendra

There is be no danger to life, when one of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury is in an Kendra and endowed with positional strength. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Nulification of danger to life 20

Saturn in Lagna/3H/6H in Strength

There is no danger to life, when Saturn occupies the Lagna, 3rd, or the 6th and at the same time is in Libra, Aquarius, or Capricorn. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Death of either Mother or father 21

Saturn in Lagna/3H/6H in Strength

When 2nd house is occupied by Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the Sun together, the mother dies soon. Alternatively it can be the father who dies. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Nulification of danger to life 22

Sun in 6H/11H in Strength

When the Sun is in Leo or Aries identical with the 6th or the 11th house and is aspected by a friendly planet, the danger to life, if any, are nullified. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Nulification of danger to life 23

Rahu in Lagna in Ar/Ta/Cn & under benefic influences

When Rahu be in the Lagna identical with Aries, Taurus, or Cancer and aspected by a benefic planet, no danger exists in the horoscope. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga 24

Saturn-Moon in Lagna, Sun-Jup in Trine, Mars in 10H

Rajayoga is caused, when Saturn and the Moon occupy the Lagna, while their trines are occupied by the Sun and Jupiter. Mars should be simultaneously placed in the 10th house. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Co-born becoming a king 25

Sun in the 9th house in Leo

When the Sun occupies the 9th house in Leo, the native does not have a surviving co-born. If however, one exists, he becomes a king. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Ups and Downs in life 26

Rahu in 10H in own sign conjunct Ma-Me-Ve When Rahu is in 10th house, identical with own sign and in the company of Mars, Mercury and Venus, the native sometimes prospers and yet sometimes has downfall. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Born in a mean descent 27

PapaGrahas in 2H, Rahu in 3H, Jupiter in 5H

The native is born in a mean descent, when malefics are in the 2nd, Rahu is in the 3rd and Jupiter is in the 5th. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Loss of first child, later ones survive 28

Sun and papa-grahas in 4H, 5H & 9H

When the Sun and other papa grahas are in the 4th, 5th and 9th, the native loses his first child, while the later ones may survive. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Early demise of Co-borns 29

Malefics, Mars, Saturn in 2H & Rahu in 3H

When malefics occupy the 2nd house along with Mars and Saturn, while Rahu is in the 3rd, the co-borns don’t survive. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Leader of the Community 30

Chhatra Yoga Chhatra Yoga is formed, when all planets are in the Lagna, 2nd, 7th and 12th. Under this Yoga, the native becomes a leader of his race. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga 31

Venus in Lagna, Merc in 12H, PapaGrahas in 2H

When Venus occupies the Lagna, Mercury the 12th house and malefics in the 2nd house, a Rajayoga is formed whereby the native becomes a king. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Daridra yoga 32

Sun in 12H transforming Raja to Daridra yoga

In the previous combination (VeLg, Me-12H, Papa-2H), if the Sun occupies 12th house, the yoga transforms into a Daridra Yoga. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Destruction of relatives 33

PapaGrahas in 12H-7H and ShubhaGrahas in 2H

The relatives of the native perish, when the 12th and the 7th are occupied by malefics, while the 2nd by benefics. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga 34

Mo-Sa in 2H, Ra-Ve in 10H, Ju in Ar

A Rajayoga is formed, when Moon-Saturn are in the 2nd house, while Jupiter occupies Aries and Rahu-Venus is in the 10th. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Loss of eye 35

PapaGrahas in 2H-8H-12H

When malefics occupy the 2nd, 8th and 12th, the native loses his eyes in his 8th, or 12th year of age. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Death of co-borns 36

Ma in 8H, Ma-Ra-Sa in 7H The co-born does not survive, when Mars is in the 8th house. Similar effect prevails, when Mars joins Rahu and Saturn in the 7th house. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Lack of success in endeavours 37

Ma aspects 10H from Ar/Sc, Me conjunct PapaGraha

The results concerning 10th house is be meagrely felt, when Mars aspects the 10th house from Aries or Scorpio, while Mercury is conjoined with malefics. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Head of a community 38

Ju in Le, Ve in Vi, Sa in Ge, Ma in 4H in Ar/Sc

The native heads over many people, when Jupiter occupies Leo, while Venus is in Virgo, Saturn is in Gemini and Mars in in the 4th in own sign. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga 39

Sa-Mo in Vi, Ma in Cp, Ra in Aq, Ju in Le When Saturn-Moon occupy Virgo, while Mars is in Capricorn, Rahu is in Aquarius and, Jupiter is in Leo, the native destroys the band of enemies. One born with such planetary array is not an ordinary man. He advances his family to a good position and enjoys Rajayoga. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Notorious acts in the 20th year 40

Ve in Sg, Su in Aq, Ma in Pi

The native indulges in notorious acts from the age of 20 years, if Venus is in Sagittarius, the Sun is in Aquarius and Mars in Pisces simultaneously. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

1st child female, troubles to mother 41

PapaGraha in 11H, Ve-Mo in 5H,

When a malefic occupies the 11th house, while Venus-Moon are in the 5th house, the native’s first issue is a female and the mother is subjected to many troubles. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Destruction of relatives 42

Rahu in 4H, Ju in 2H, Me in 6H/9H

There is destruction of relatives, when Rahu occupies the 4th house, the Jupiter is in 2nd house, and Mercury occupies the 6th or the 9th house. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Success in all endeavours, honor by the King 43

Ju, Me, Ve, Mo in 9H

When Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon occupy the 9th house, the native acquires success in all undertakings and is honoured by the king. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Honoured by the King but many hardships 44

Grahas in 6H, 8H, 5H, 9H & 12H

When both malefics and benefics occupy severally the 6th, 8th, 5th, 9th and the 12th, the native is honoured by the king. But he faces many hardships in life. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Protector of own people 45

Ma in 5H, Ra in 6H, Ve in 8H, Su in 9H

When the 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th are occupied by Mars, Rahu, Venus and the Sun respectively, the native protects his own people. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Strong libido. Honoured by the King, but still unhappy 46

Sa-Mo in Lg, Ve in 8H When the Saturn-Moon occupies the Lagna, while Venus is in 8th house, the native is highly libidinous. Though he is honoured by a King, he is not able to enjoy any happiness. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Danger to co-borns 47

Mo in Cp, conjunct deb. Ju or papa-graha

When Moon occupies Capricorn along with debilitated Jupiter, or with an inimical planet and aspected by Saturn, the native augurs danger to his own co-born. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga 48

Ra in Ge, Ma in Le & Ju in Sc

When Rahu occupies Gemini, while Mars is in Leo and Jupiter is in Scorpio, the native becomes equal to a king. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Wealth from father or self-effort 49

Sa in Aq, Ma in Cp, Mo in Ar & Su in 2H When Saturn occupies Aquarius, Mars is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Aries, while Sun is in the 2nd house, the subject enjoys paternal wealth (legacy), or his own wealth (self-earned). (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Lord of many people 50

Me-Su in 10H & Ra in 6H

When Mercury-Sun occupy the 10th, while Rahu is in the 6th, the native lords over many people. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga 51

Su-Le-10H, Sa-Li-6H or Mo-Me-Ge-9H

When the Sun occupies the 10th house in Leo, or Saturn occupies 6th in Libra, or the Moon & Mercury are in the 9th in Gemini, a Rajayoga is formed. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga: Success to native’s family 52

Ju-Lg, Ve-12H & all Grahas between them When Jupiter occupies the Lagna, while Venus is in 12th house, and all grahas placed between them, a Rajayoga is caused. This is to the advantage of the native’s family to become strong (in all respects) (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga 53

Ju in 8H, Ve in 3H & all placed between them

The native doubtlessly becomes a king, when Jupiter occupies the 8th and Venus is in the 3rd and all others are placed between them. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga 54

Sa-Li in Lg, Ju in Ta, Mo in Ge, Ma in Cp, Ve in Le, Me-Su in Vi When Saturn is exalted in Libra Lagna, while Jupiter is in Taurus, the Moon is in Gemini, Mars is in Capricorn, Venus is in Leo and Mercury-Sun are in Virgo, a Rajayoga is formed. One born with this yoga is just, involved in good deeds and has many auspiciousness in his life. However, there is a possibility of Balarishta in the 8th or the 12th year. Also, the native later on proves inauspicious for the elder siblings. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Utter poverty and inauspicious for kinsmen 55

PapaGraha in Libra in 2H or Kendra When Libra falls in the 2nd house (Vi Lg), or a Kendra and is occupied by a malefic, the native faces utter poverty. He also does not prove auspicious for his own people. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

End of the dynasty 56

Moon in 10H, Venus in 7H and Malefics in 4H

When the Moon occupies the 10th house, while Venus is in the 7th house and malefics are in the 4th, the native’s dynasty ends with him. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Mother does not live long 57

Saturn in 2H, Rahu in 3H, Jupiter in Pisces

The mother does not live (long), when Saturn occupies the 2nd, Rahu is in the 3rd and Jupiter is in Pisces. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Short life 58

Mars in 7H, Venus in 8H and Sun in 9H

When Mars occupies the 7th house, while Venus is in the 8th house and the Sun in the 9th house, the native is short-lived. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Very auspicious yoga 59

Jupiter in Lagna, Mars not in 7H, Venus not in 8H & Sun not in 9H When Jupiter occupies the Lagna, while Mars is not in the 7th and Venus is not in the 8th and the Sun is not in the 9th an auspicious Yoga is caused. The native has a long life, many co-borns, heads many people, remains mirthful, leads himself and his coborns to prosperity, is humble, and remain contented in all aspects of life. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Many auspicious yogas 60

Saturn in Cancer, Rahu in Taurus When Saturn occupies Cancer, while Rahu is in Taurus (exalt), the native is very liberal, enjoys numerous auspicious Yogas, i.e. reaches a very high position in life, becomes famous, becomes a chief in his race and marries many women. If however, the said Saturn is alone and aspects the 5th, only one marriage results. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Danger to life in the 13th year 61

Jupiter-Rahu in Lagna or 4th house The native meets with his end in the 13th year, when Jupiter and Rahu conjoin in the Lagna, or the 4th. Even if Lord Siva may try to save him, it is of no avail. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Blessings of Laxmi 62

Mars in 8H, Sun in deb in 5H/9H, Guru atichara When Mars occupies the 8th (Cp or Vi), while the Sun is debilitated in the 5th (Ge Lg), or the 9th (Aq Lg) and Jupiter is in accelerated motion (ati-chara), the native is blessed by Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Rajayoga with International fame 63

Ven-Mer in Pi, Su in Lg, Mo-2H, Ma-3H When Venus & Mercury occupy Pisces, while the Lagna, 2nd and 3rd are respectively occupied by the Sun, Moon and Mars, a Rajayoga is constituted. One born under this combination respects Gods and preceptors. He achieves great fame in his both his homeland and abroad. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Father’s death during native’s marriage time 64

Jupiter in 12H, Sat-Sun-Mar-Mer in 2H

When Jupiter occupies the 12th house, while the 2nd house has Saturn, Sun, Mars and Mercury, the father passes away at the time of marriage of the native. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Famous in the Lineage 65

Jupiter in 3H, Venus in 11H When Jupiter occupies the 3rd house, while the Venus is in the 11th house, the native becomes famous among his relatives and shines like a lamp among the men of his race. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Devoid of paternal legacy 66

Venus in Lagna, Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 3H

When Venus occupies the Lagna is unaspected by anyone, while the Moon is in the 2nd and Jupiter is in the 3rd, the native cannot enjoy any paternal earnings. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Early loss of mother 67

Mars-Saturn in Le, Ve in Vi, Ra in Ge

When Mars and Saturn occupy Leo, while Venus is in Virgo and Rahu is in Gemini, the child loses the mother early. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Poverty in childhood 68

Mars-Saturn in Le, Ve in Vi, Ra in Ge When Mars and Saturn occupy Leo, while Venus is in Virgo and Rahu is in Gemini, this causes poverty in the childhood. However, happiness is acquired in the later part, when the Moon conjoins Mars. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

6 years longevity and danger to maternal relatives 69

Kendra-PapaGraha yoga When Lagna falls in a malefic sign and is occupied by the malefic Lagnesha, while one among the 4th, 7th and the 10th is a malefic sign and occupied by its own malefic-lord, the child lives only up to 6 years. He also proves inauspicious to the mother. There is also destruction of maternal relatives, when the 6th house is “not” aspected by Jupiter. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

6 years longevity 70

Sun in Leo, PapaGraha in Vi, Rahu in a malefic sign

The child, who has the Sun in Leo, a malefic in Virgo and Rahu in a malefic’s sign will only live for 6 years. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

19 years longevity 71

Chandrastama, PapaGraha Kendra, Rahu-Karma

The longevity is only for 19 years, when the Moon is in the 8th house, malefics in Kendras and Rahu in the 10th at birth. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Aquiring Kingdom and looking after family 72

Benefic exalted in the Kendra When a benefic planet is exalted in a Kendra, the native acquires a large kingdom and is a keeper of his family (community). (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Death of father 73

Rahu in Lg, Sun in 7H, Mars in invisible half

Death of the father is imminent, if the child is born with Rahu occupying the Lagna, the Sun in the 7th, while Mars is in the invisible half (Lagna to the 7H). (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Sickly disposition 74

PapaGraha in7H-12H-3H-8H

When malefics occupy the 7th, 12th, 3rd and 8th simultaneously, the child has a sickly disposition. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

Death of parents in childhood 75

Malefics in the Lagna/12H/8H

When malefics occupy the Lagna, 12th and 8th simultaneously, the mother dies during childbirth, while the father leaves the world in the 4th or 10th year of age. (c) Varahamihira, May 2015, [email protected]

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