October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
The Seventy-Two Angels of the Shemhamphorash Their Derivation, Correspondences, and Invocation
Presented September 16, 2015 to the Brethren of St. Johns Lodge No. 1 A.Y A.Y.M. of New York York City, City, New York, York, operating under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New York York F&AM. John Samuel, Worshipfu Worshipfull Master
William S. Burkle Bur kle Ph.D., MM, KT, KT, 32o, KCRBE, SRICF IX o email:
[email protected] [email protected] om Cell and Text: (801) 205 - 4375
Moses M oses said to God, Suppose Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, “
‘ ’
What is his name? Then what shall I tell them? ” Exodus 3:13 "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT THAT I AM:
and He said, Thus Ishalt thou sent say unto the children of Israel, AM hath me unto you." Exodus 3:14
Divine Names •
In Hebrew language, el, e elohi lohim m and eloah, all the three words mean god (or
God) according to the person’s the person’s own own concept. In Greek language language there is a word ‘theos’ that is used for god or gods, gods, and also for God God .
In Latin langu language age the word word ‘deus’ is meant for god or deity which is derived from the word ‘deiuos’ which refers to the idea of a luminous sky (a shiny thing or some kind of heaven).
In common common Germanic, also also cal called led Teut eutoni onicc lan langua guage, ge, (be (befor foree 800 AD) there was a word ‘ gutha gutha’’ that was used for for ‘god. ‘god.’ It meant the invoked being, guth being, guth (single) (single) and gutha and gutha (plural). (plural).
Divine Hebrew Names More ore co com mmon name namess incl includ ude e “E “Elo lohi him” m”,, “She “Shekh khin ina” a”,, “El “El Shadd Shaddai” ai” (Shem" ad"da(lit i.s “Th theenName ame f”), ou, nTdheorn em maen zu oallm ) oers eavsew ne"lH Sh Shem (liit. “The Name”) e tahre yzoathhescrrn l aasvaria ariati tion onss of th thes ese e name names. s. Substitute Name
Substitute Name
Ro’eh Yisrael
"Shephe "Sh epherd rd of Isr Israel" ael"
Tzur Israe Israell
"Rock "Ro ck of Isra Israel" el"
Ha-Kaddosh, Baruch Hu
"The "The Hol Holy y On One, e, Bles Blessed sed be He" He"
Ehy Ehyeh eh ash asher er Ehy Ehyeh eh
"I Am That I Am"
Kaddo Kaddosh sh Israe Israell
"Holy "Holy On One e of Isr Israe ael" l"
El `Elyon
"Most "Mo st Hig High h God”
Melec Melech h ha-Me ha-Melachim lachim
"The "The Ki King ng of Ki King ngs" s"
El `Olam
"Everlasting "Everl asting God"
Avraham m Magen Avraha
"Shiel "Sh ield d of Abr Abraham aham""
El Hai
"Living "Liv ing God"
YHWHYHWH-Yireh Yireh (Yahw (Yahweh-Yir eh-Yireh) eh)
"The "The Lord Lord wi will ll prov provid ide" e" (G (Gen enes esis is 22:1 22:13, 3, 14)
El Ro’i
"God "God of Se Seein eing" g"
"the Creator Creator""
“The Lord that heal healeth" eth" (Ex (Exodus odus 15:26) 15:26)
Avinu Malke Malkeinu inu
"Our "Our Fath Father, er, our our Ki King ng""
"Strong "Stron g One"
Elohe Eloheii Avraha Avraham, m, Elohei Elohei Yitzch Yitzchak ak ve Elohei Elohei,Ya`a ,Ya`aqov qov
"God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God God of Jacob Jacob""
"The Lor Lord d our our Bann Banner" er" (Exod (Exodus us 17:817:8-15) 15) YHWH-Niss"i (Yahweh-Nissi) "The YHWH-Shalom
"The "The Lor Lord d our our Peac Peace" e" (J (Jud udge gess 6:2 6:24) 4)
"The "The Lor Lord d my Sh Sheph epherd erd"" (P (Psa salms23:1) lms23:1)
El ha-Gibbor
"God "God the Stron Strong g one one""
"The Lord our Rig "The Righte hteous ousnes ness" s" (Jer (Jeremi emiah ah 23:6)
"The "The Lor Lord d is pre presen sent" t" (Ezek (Ezekiel iel 48:35 48:35))
E’in Sof
"Endless, Infinite", e", name name of God God