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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Training Session #1 By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion 101 What is Forbidden Persuasion actually? Well, Forbidden Persuasion really is to steer a person’s mind in a specific direction to do the things you want them to do without them being conscious about it. It’s literally like ‘hacking’ into someone’s mind and commanding it from within. The key thing to remember, is that the person you’re trying to influence cannot be ‘conscious’ of any form of blatant manipulation, otherwise you’ll encounter a lot of resistance. This is not to say they can’t be manipulated. You just don’t want them to ‘feel it’. As such, Forbidden Persuasion strategies are designed to work on the ‘subconscious’ or ‘unconscious’ mind. You see, the conscious mind is like a servo-mechanism to the subconscious mind. It only does what the subconscious tells it to do.

Infiltrate Anyone’s Mental Command Center Try this little experiment now… “Don’t think of a pink elephant”. Whatever you do, do not think of a pink elephant. Guess what? You really can’t help but think of a pink elephant can’t you? This is exactly why you realize that we really couldn’t help but consciously disobey our parents when we were young and they told us stuff like… “Don’t touch that stove…” “Don’t pick your nose…” Our conscious mind can NOT be told what not to do. It can only do what the unconscious mind tells it to do. So one of the most powerful tools in your persuasion arsenal is commands. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Naturally if you were to try to directly command someone by barking an order, you’ll encounter a lot of resistance. But as you master more Forbidden Persuasion skills, the easier and more automatic it gets to embed commands like this without people realizing it. Did you see how I just embedded a ‘command’ there? Try reading that sentence out and emphasizing the words in bold slightly. You feel it don’t you?

Weasel Yourself To Riches There a countless ways to embed commands in your language so that your object of influence ‘hears and obeys’ on an unconscious level. One of my favorite and easiest ways to do this is to use what is termed in ‘seduction’ circles as weasel phrases. This term ‘weasel phrase’ was coined and popularized by ‘seduction guru’ Ross Jeffries. Weasel phrases are seemingly innocent phrases that would cause your listener’s brain to momentarily ‘buzz out’ and ‘drop their guard’ so that it would be the perfect time for you to embed any command of your choice. Here are my top weasel phrases… • • • • • • • • • • •

What’s it like when you… If you were to… As you… What would it be like to… I invite you to notice… It’s not necessary to… To the point where… Have you ever… You don’t have to… How does it feel like to… You really shouldn’t…

So if we were to embed the command “have sex”, it’ll look the following. Weasels are in italics and embedded commands are in bold. (I invite you to say these out loud and subtly emphasize the embedded commands) ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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What’s it like when you want to have sex? If you were to feel like having sex… As you feel like having sex… What would it be like to feel like having sex… I invite you to notice what it’s like to want to have sex… It’s not necessary to feel like having sex… Have you ever gotten so horny to the point where you feel like you must have sex now? You don’t have to feel like having sex… How does it feel like to want sex now… You really shouldn’t feel compelled to have sex…

There. You feel like having sex now? Sidenote: The way you use weasels and embedded commands in print are exactly as illustrated. Italics for weasels and bold for embedded commands.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Creating Magic Moments One of my biggest secrets for writing copy that brings in an avalanche of sales is called the ‘magic moment’. You see, one of the major keys to selling anything at all, is really not to ‘sell the product’ but to sell how the prospect will benefit from the product. And unless your prospect can ‘see’ himself/herself benefiting from your product, it’s hard to clinch the sales. So when you write any form of copy, you wanna communicate to your prospect as though they already purchased your product. For example: As you are participating in this program, you will feel as if you are on top of the world. Literally, you’ll feel like a million bucks. Your entire life will be brighter, more fulfilled and you’re friends will be jealous. With writing in this manner, you will have your prospects visualizing what it will be like to own your product. One way to accomplish this is to spend some time thinking to yourself what your ideal prospects (the positive ones) will feel and experience owning your product. Visualize them sending you testimonials and expressing to you how great your product is. Write down those feelings your ideal prospects will experience, and then put that in your salesletter… It is powerful. Here’s an example I remember hearing when buying a car… “Your car also comes with a 10 year warranty” Well, now, it’s already my car and I have not even bought it yet. That is a good example of selling on assumption. A better example would be: “You will feel rich driving your car with the leather seats and the custom trim it has.” ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Notice in that example above “feelings” was involved. In that example, the car salesperson focused more on my feelings of how I will feel driving the car.

APPEAL TO THEIR EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS. Again, people buy on emotion. People do not buy on logic often. I mean, do you really need that big screen TV with surround sound? Of course not, you wanted it. People are interested in buying stuff they want… not need. Here’s a 26 point checklist by direct mail hall of fame winner Ed Mayer of why people buy, and if you align your appeals to any one of these reasons, it’ll be hard not to get money. 1. To make money. 2. To save money. 3. To save time. 4. To avoid effort. 5. To get more comfort. 6. To achieve greater cleanliness. 7. To attain fuller health. 8. To escape physical pain. 9. To gain praise. 10. To be popular. 11. To attract the opposite sex. 12. To conserve possessions. 13. To increase enjoyment. 14. To gratify curiosity. 15. To protect family. 16. To be in style. 17. To have or hold beautiful possessions. 18. To satisfy appetite. 19. To emulate others. 20. To avoid trouble. 21. To avoid criticism. 22. To be individual. 23. To protect reputation. 24. To take advantage of opportunities. 25. To have safety. 26. To make work easier. That is why the entire planet is in debt. They finance everything they want and ignore paying things they need to pay for. Well, not the entire planet, but many… ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Do you really need that steak dinner out on the town, or would a ham sandwich provide the same thing? Of course not, you wanted the steak dinner out on the town. If you can appeal to your prospect’s wants and desires and couple that with feelings and emotions… and in a manner where they ALREADY purchased your product, you are well on your way to making more sales… Just to recap this section, here is a breakdown: --Appeal to their wants, not their needs --Focus on the end results --Focus on them, them, them… not you --Focus on their emotions and feelings Also, get them to visualize themselves with your product. Most people are visual and those who are not are just weird. Actually, even those who are not visual and are more auditory, can still be focused on… Just use certain words to get them to picture or hear what you want them to see or hear… For example: Auditory I bet you can hear the engine roaring as you are speeding down the highway. The sound of the wind whipping around your new car is magical. Doesn’t that sound great? Visual I bet you can see yourself speeding down the road as onlookers gaze at your new shiny luxury car. The metallic paint is radiant and you are just smiling from ear to ear as you take a quick peek at yourself in the mirror… Again, these methods we are discussing right now are what 98% of the population knows nothing about… All of these methods capture your prospects and get them to identify with your sales message. These methods get them involved and interactive. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ One other similar stimulus is to focus on people who are kinesthetic. These people are more attracted to touch. You can frame your statements to focus (or hit on…) those who are kinesthetic. Here’s a quick example: The leather seats feel great and are comfy. You can almost take a nap in these and rest beautifully as they are so cushiony. The instruments are slick and sleek. Notice how it feels to turn corners in this luxury car. Feels pretty good doesn’t it? With sales messages, you have no idea if the prospect is visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Therefore, you can mix in one of these types of stimulating statements for each.

Visual Phrases Let me show you See it Focus Watch this Show me Look into it

Auditory Phrases Rings true I hear you Sounds good Call me Lend an ear to this Loud and clear I'm in tune with you Voice your opinion

Kinesthetic Phrases Grasp this Get a feel for this Get a hold on this Stir it up Toss it around ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Here’s a list of words I often use to jumpstart the ‘magic moment’.

Magic Moment Trance Words • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pretend Reflect back on Picture Listen Vision Think See yourself Mentally observe Envision Mindfully project Look back to when Mentally see Mentally hear Mindfully listen Mentally feel Mindfully sense Mindfully watch View yourself Mentally watch Remember Fantasize Dream about Imagine Mentally experience Recall Visualize Mindfully view Make believe Drift back to Daydream about

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Logical, Factual Appeals Facts can be quite compelling if you use them correctly and psychologically. It is quite important, in your sales message, to get the prospects to identify with you, agree with you, trust you, see you as a credible source, and BELIVE YOU! One way to do just that is to use facts.

Factual Verbiage You Can Use This statement is supported by. Proven Fact: Here's a fact for you FACT! Absolute Fact! Studies will soon prove that... Many studies have already proven that.... The future will prove this fact:... Scientific Fact: Read these facts carefully. Pure Fact! Here's the bottom line... This fact is verified by.... Want more proof? A new study conducted by (insert word) proved... Face it... This fact is verified by...

Plausible Verbiage You Can Use In every instance... Everyone knows... ...Always... Everybody... ...Never... ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ The fact of the matter is... The question is... Most people know... Most of us... Let's face another harsh reality that... You've probably heard... ...Because... Overtime... Everyone... Everywhere... The problem is... To further reinforce this fact... There is only one solution to this... The correct thing to do is... The right thing to do is.... That's not... You are never... What does this all mean... It is quite obvious... Any expert will agree that... What this all means... As a matter of fact... The important thing is... Here's the truth... What is important... The reality is... What is really going on is... The truth of the matter is... There is no reason for this... What is the true of meaning of this... There is no other way to... You are absolutely right ... This must be what is going on... At the beginning of your sales letter, state some relevant facts. These facts are not about your product per say. Rather, they have to do with your industry, or your target market. For example, if your product is “how to lower your high blood pressure”, then you may state a fact such as: High blood pressure (hypertension) killed 54,186 people in the United States ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Of those people with high blood pressure, 71.8 percent were aware of their condition. Now, that is a simple fact taken from The American Heart Association. It says nothing about your product. It is a simple fact. However, it is quite alarming to those who are worried about having high blood pressure isn’t it? Earlier we discussed that it is important to disrupt your prospects and capture their attention. Stating facts like that can help do the trick. However, that’s not all these facts can do… read on. After you state that fact, you provide some compelling information about your product and how it will benefit the prospect. Then, you state another fact that flows with your message (or writing…). Let me provide you with further illustration…

“High blood pressure (hypertension) killed 54,186 people in the United States Of those people with high blood pressure, 71.8 percent were aware of their condition. This means that most of the people who died as a result of high blood pressure, knew they had it. In fact, a very large majority knew they had high blood pressure. With this product, you will drop your high blood pressure by using natural remedies. This extensive program is geared towards saving you tons of money as well. Did you know… There were more than 35 million physician office visits for hypertension… That means tons of money is spent on treating high blood pressure.” ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ In that example above, although it is very short, demonstrates a few things. It uses two statistics (highlighted in bold text). The writing does not say exactly how the prospect will save money, but it does show the statistic of how many physician visits took place. Therefore, the prospect may link buying this product to saving money by not needing to visit the doctor as often… That is an example of using facts and statistics to frame your message. When prospects read a letter in this manner, they will better identify with you. They will believe you more. It surely looks convincing that you are a credible source and that you know your stuff. Plus, you can use these facts in this psychological manner to implant certain emotions or thoughts into your readers’ heads… Here is another example for the “money making” niche… “This program is designed to eliminate the frustrations that most people like you have in making money in this industry. I know from years of trial and error what works and what does not work. I have coached and mentored hundreds of students and know what keeps them from succeeding. If you are serious and driven to succeed, then you are who I am looking for. You see, I know that most people want to work from home. I know most want to have freedom to enjoy life more. Nothing gives me more pleasure than helping people, like you, achieve those dreams. You are not alone though. There are plenty of people, just like you, who want what I have to provide you. However, it is unfortunate that most of them will never discover exactly how to escape the rat race. In fact, did you know that… Over 70% of the population would like to work from home or own their own small businesses That number is staggering. Most people on this planet would like to do what I am about to show you! Now’s your chance of a lifetime! While most everyone else is fighting the rat race with no clue there is a better life, you will have the advantage.”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Using facts like this can be taken out of context and used strategically to implant thoughts in your reader’s minds. The psychological impact can be quite effective. Another thing to try is using this type of tactic offline with friends or family members… Imagine being in a car on a trip with a few people. Everyone is talking along about various subjects. You decide to start talking about this pizza place you used to hang out at as a kid… People in the car will start getting hungry. Someone will mention that it’s time to eat. Although that might not be the greatest example in the world, the method works for implanting the thoughts and feelings you want your visitors to experience. One last twist on this method is that it does not need to be statistics or facts either. You can use general statements to achieve the same types of results. See if you can catch the psychology in this example below: “This software will allow you to zip through your work easily and effortlessly. Time is important, and this program will save you tons of time. Additionally, you will not have to deal with all those frustrations anymore. This software saves you from exerting yourself. One of the most common replies we have received from customers has been that this program has allowed them to not only save countless hours of work, it has also helped them pull in thousands of dollars in new revenue! Where else can you find a program that saves you time, relieve frustration and help you make a ton of money? From $40,000 per year to $1,000,000 in Six Short Months! One client has taken this program and used it to completely streamline his entire operation. He uses it for almost every portion of his entire company. His employees love it and he could not be happier. He is in the construction business and does millions of dollars of revenue per year. Recently, we asked him to join us for a quick discussion.”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ In that example above, nowhere does it say that the software was the reason the client went from 40k to a million. It is a blanket statement. It is manipulative and completely sneaky. I told you Forbidden Persuasion is controversial… Many people will read through a salesletter and catch bits and pieces of it. Some will scan the sub-headlines. Others will read every word. That blanket statement above can allow you to implant a specific “feeling” or “emotion” or “thought” in your reader’s minds. Although it is not a pure fact, it carries the same weight oftentimes… A classic example of this was an old advertisement for the Wall Street Journal, where at the beginning of the ad, it explains how two friends went to college and worked their way up the ranks for a bank. One became the president and the other remained a normal working stiff. Then, the ad goes right in to selling the readers on buying the Wall Street Journal. Nowhere does it say that the one who reached the level of president did so by reading the Journal. It says nothing about that. However, the mind links the two together. At the end, you can not help but to think or feel that by buying the Journal, you will be more successful! It is a pure classic in copywriting history… At this point in this publication, you have discovered a few methods to convert more prospects into buyers. You should be seeing that there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than one would normally catch on about… As we dive a bit deeper into more methods, please understand that much of this insight is used by the largest and most successful ad writers and copywriters alive… Many relate business to war. Competition is looked at as war. Well, if you are at war, then you need weapons. Forbidden Persuasion is your secret weapon! However, even a nuke bomb in the wrong hands is horrifying. Do your best to use these seductive methods for the greater good of business.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Promotional Peel Away: Goji Sales Letter Important Note: Here are my ‘peel away’ notes for a sales letter for a health product. Click on the ‘sticky notes’ for my full annotations.

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Nutritional Breakthrough by Californian Pharmacist!

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Special Report

"SHOCKING - A New Superfood That Can Naturally Double Your Energy, Dramatically Improves Your Mood, Reduce Feelings of Stress, Increases Your Libido And Triples Your Vitality In As Little As 3 Days!" Imagine Tapping Into The Most Powerful New Super Food On Earth That Contains More Antioxidants, Youth Restoring, Anti Fatigue, Mental Clarity Boosting Nutrients Than Any Other Food Found Anywhere Ever (And Is Becoming The New Jealously-guarded Youth-retaining Secret In Hollywood )… Read On to Discover The Real Truth Behind This Mysterious New Superfood Secret that Only 1 in 10,000 people will ever get to know about. Dear Friend,


icture yourself with...


An endless reservoir of energy


Feeling totally centered, calm and collected


Being able to sleep like a baby at night, falling into a deep slumber and awaking totally refreshed and energized, at will


Having an inexplicable inner joy and zest for life. (It seems as though you just can't stop celebrating how wonderful life is)


Finding it hard to even fall sick


Experiencing more frequent and intense orgasms


Looking younger and younger

All because you allowed this superfood to work like magic at the

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cellular level to turn you into the epitome of glowing health! But because this sounds way too good to be true,

You're Gonna Think I'm Completely Off My Rocker! And that's ok. Skepticism is perfectly normal and healthy. Take 5 short minutes to read the rest of this report. As you read every word you'll realize why this is the important thing you can ever do for you and your family's health and sense of well being. So let's open up my small cabinet of proof and peer inside...

Who Is This Californian Pharmacist And Why Is There Such A Big Fuss Over His 'Superfood'? Meet Dr. Mindell Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., M.H., Ph.D., is considered by many to be the “Father of the Nutritional Revolution”. He’s the world-famous bestselling author of 48 books, including the Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century, which has sold more than 10 million copies in 54 countries. He appears on more than 300 radio and television programs each year, including Oprah, Letterman, Regis and many others. He received his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from North Dakota State University and is currently a registered California pharmacist, master herbalist, and professor of nutrition In fact, he was largely responsible for jumpstarting our modern "nutritional revolution" with the publication of the Vitamin Bible — the best-selling nutritional book ever. He’s spent his entire life in pursuit of natural alternatives that help people like you live longer and healthier lives. Widely regarded as the world's #1 nutritionist, Dr. Earl Mindell's research has led to numerous important health discoveries:


You may already know that he was the first to introduce to the world the remarkable health benefits of soy, with his best-selling Soy Miracle book.


He also brought the power of MSM to mainstream America. (MSM is the nutrient breakthrough that has helped millions with arthritis, inflammation and many other conditions.) But what you may NOT know is this:

Dr. Mindell believes without reservation that the most astounding discovery of his 40-year career is a small berry that grows in some of the most remote regions on earth. That’s right, a small berry that goes by the name of Goji (Lycium Barbarum). It may sound incredible, but that's the god's honest truth.

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As Dr. Mindell points out, every scientist’s dream is to discover a plant like this one.

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One so nutritionally dense that, ounce for ounce, it contains more nutrients than any other food on earth… One that does more than any expensive drug can claim to do… One that turns your immune system on full blast like an air conditioner on a hot summer day… One that may very well be the most powerful anti-aging food on earth…

Can Any Supplement On Your Vitamin Shelf Do THIS? Goji berry (Lycium barbarum) has been shown to: z



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Extend your life, by protecting your body from premature aging through its powerful antioxidant activity. Increase your energy and strength, particularly when fighting disease. Make you feel and look younger (Goji berry juice can stimulate the secretion of human growth hormone, the "youth hormone"). Help you maintain healthy blood pressure. Reduce your risk of cancer. Reduce your cholesterol levels. Promote normal blood sugar, especially in early adult-onset diabetes. Enhance your sexual function and treat sexual dysfunction. Help you lose weight. Relieve your headaches and dizziness. Relieve insomnia and improve your quality of sleep. Support eye health and improve your vision. Strengthen your heart. Inhibit lipid peroxidation (a cause of heart disease). Improve your disease resistance. Improve your immune response (T-cell, IL-2, IgA, IgG). Improve the success of cancer treatment. Restore and repair DNA (preventing mutations that can cause cancer). Inhibit tumor growth. Reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Build strong blood, enhancing production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets and

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treatment of bone marrow deficiency. Improve lymphocyte count. Activate your anti-inflammatory enzymes. Provide support for your healthy liver function. Improve menopausal symptoms. Prevent morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy. Improve fertility. Strengthen your muscles and bones. Support normal kidney function. Improve your memory and recall ability. Help chronic dry cough. Alleviate your anxiety and stress. Promote cheerfulness and brighten your spirit. Improve weakened digestion.

I don't mean to be a smartass but I guess probably not...(otherwise Dr Mindell's discovery wouldn't be revolutionary at all) But the most important thing about Goji is...

Goji -Why It's the Most Powerful Anti-Aging Food on Earth... As Dr. Mindell relates it:

"One legend in Asia tells of the extraordinary life of a Chinese man named Li Qing Yuen who was born in 1678 and died in 1930. He lived 252 years! What was the secret to his long, happy, active life? It was daily consumption of a 'soup' made of the Goji berry, existing only in the remotest regions of western Asia."

Make no mistake. The 10 trillion cells in your body are under constant attack from harmful little scavengers known as free radicals. These free radicals attack your healthy cells, causing them to weaken, become susceptible to disease, even die. Unfortunately, these harmful agents accelerate the aging process by destroying vital body cells faster than they can be replaced. Goji is known as the "longevity fruit" because its unique master molecule polysaccharides and powerful antioxidants defend against premature aging, fighting free radical damage throughout the body. You already saw one of the many published studies that demonstrates how the unique Lycium barbarum polysaccharides reduce the effects of free radical oxidation and destruction in cells.

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Plus, Goji helps you look and feel younger by causing the pituitary gland to release hGH (human growth hormone), the 'youth hormone'. Just a few of hGH’s extensive benefits include reduced body fat, improved sleep, better memory, faster healing, revived libido, and a more youthful appearance.

EMPIRICAL PROOF: Scientists at the Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases in the Department of Anatomy at the University of Hong Kong (International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2006) report on recent studies demonstrating that L. barbarum possesses biological activities including anti-aging, anti-tumor, immunestimulatory and cytoprotection. Their own study investigated and proved that Lycium barbarum is not simply an antioxidant. It possesses neuroprotective effects via a mechanism that extends beyond simple antioxidant protection. Needless to say, medical science today realizes that antioxidants are your body’s primary method of outfighting free radicals by protecting your cells from the damage of oxidation and Goji is chock-full of them, including:

The complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including betacarotene (a better source than even carrots) and zeaxanthin (which protects your eyes). In fact Goji berries are among the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods.

Vitamin C (5 times more by weight than that found in oranges).

Vitamin E (usually found only in grains, nuts and seeds).

If all this weren’t enough, the berry of the Goji ALSO contains these powerhouse nutrients: 19 amino acids — the building blocks of protein — including the 8 which are absolutely essential for life! 21 trace minerals, including germanium (recently found to have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties). Sesquiterpenoids, including cyperone, which supports the heart and blood pressure, and solavetivone, a powerful antifungal and anti-bacterial compound. B-complex vitamins, important for the proper formation of every cell in your body, particularly your nerve cells. Essential fatty acids, required for your body's production of hormones and the smooth functioning of your brain and nervous system.

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Beta-sitosterol, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent which also supports healthy prostate function. Betaine, a digestive aid and nutrient that plays an important role in the health of your cardiovascular system and liver. Physalin, which supports your immune system and liver.

Quite frankly, you'd have to be insane not to make Goji a part of your diet. Who wouldn't want to look YEARS younger, have less stress, more energy, have better sex, eliminate morning backaches and headaches and feel happy all the time? But just in case you're still a little hesitant, here's 9 powerful reasons...

Why You Should Crawl Over Broken Glass To Lay Your Hot Little Hands On A Bottle Of Goji Juice! Boost Your Energy and Banish Fatigue Goji has demonstrated the ability to increase exercise tolerance, stamina, and endurance. It helps to eliminate fatigue, especially when recovering from illness. Goji has also been ranked as one of Asia’s premier adaptogens. Adaptogens are natural products that increase the body’s resistance to stresses such as trauma, anxiety and fatigue. PROOF: Chinese scientists at Hubei Medical University (2000) tested Lycium barbarum polysaccharide (LBP) on animal subjects. The results showed that LBP induced a remarkable adaptability to exercise load, enhanced resistance and accelerated elimination of fatigue.

Fire Up Your Anti-Cancer Defense Goji is one of the only plant species on earth that contains the anti-cancer trace mineral germanium. In addition, Goji’s antioxidants and unique polysaccharides can halt the genetic mutations that can lead to cancer. Some scientists hypothesize that Goji may be an especially good supplement to prevent liver cancer because it exerts both liver protection and anti-cancer effects. This is particularly important since the liver is the body’s primary detoxifying organ. PROOF: Researchers concluded in a 2005 issue of the Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine that LBP has an anti-tumor effect — probably by increasing the numbers of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in TIL to relieve immunosuppression and enhance the antitumor function of the immune system (murine study)

Cut Your Cholesterol

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Goji contains beta-sitosterol (shown to lower cholesterol levels). Its antioxidants keep cholesterol from oxidizing and forming dangerous arterial plaques. And, the flavonoids in Goji help to keep your arteries open and flowing smoothly. PROOF: A 2004 study reported in Life Sciences demonstrated that Lycium barbarum fruit extract significantly reduced total serum cholesterol, triglyceride concentration and blood glucose, while markedly increasing HLD cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol).

Prevent Neurodegenerative Diseases Like Alzheimer’s If you are like most people, you don’t want to suffer the devastation of losing your memory, your mind…or even your life…to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). PROOF: Scientists at the Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Department of Anatomy at The University of Hong Kong examined the effects of natural plant extracts of Lycium barbarum. Their findings, reported in 2005 in the journal Experimental Gerontology, demonstrated that L. barbarum showed neuroprotective effects against aging-related neurodegenerative diseases. The researchers further stated: “Study on antiaging herbal medicine like L. barbarum may open a new therapeutic window for the prevention of AD.”

Counteract High Blood Pressure Naturally If you are among the one in four U.S. adults with hypertension (high blood pressure), you are at risk for numerous problems — including heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. For this reason, high blood pressure is often called the "silent killer." PROOF: Researchers from Beijing Medical University reported in a June 1998 issue of the journal Acta Physiologica Sinica that increased blood pressure could be prevented significantly by Goji’s unique polysaccharide.

Balance Your Blood Sugar — Even if You Already Have Diabetes The Chinese have used Goji to treat adult-onset diabetes for many years. Goji’s master polysaccharides have been shown to help balance blood sugar and insulin response. The betaine contained in Goji can also assist in preventing fatty liver disease and the vascular damage often seen in diabetics. PROOF: From the Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 2006: Clinical findings suggest that Lycium barbarum polysaccharide can control blood glucose and modulate the metabolism of glucose, leading to significant improvement of oxidative stress markers in rats with NIDDM (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus). They also found that LBP decreases damage to DNA, possibly via a decrease in oxidative stress levels.

Enhance Your Libido with this Natural Aphrodisiac (and Recharge Your Fertility if Necessary) Not surprisingly, the Goji fruit is revered as one of the premier sexual tonic herbs in all of traditional Asian medicine, and is downright legendary for helping to spark the passion. So much so that an old Chinese proverb recommends caution to men who are traveling far from their wives and families: "He who travels one thousand kilometers

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from home should not eat Goji!” Modern findings indicate that Goji markedly increases testosterone in the blood, thereby increasing libido in both men and women. Goji has long been used by Asian doctors in the treatment of infertility in both sexes. In women, Goji is said to have an unmatched ability to restore jing, or reproductive essence. In men, the Goji polysaccharides have been shown to extend the life of sperm cells, and have also been found to be potent inhibitors of stress-induced structural degradation and cell death in testicular cells. PROOF: Life Sciences, 2006: These study findings support the reputation of L. barbarum fruits as an aphrodisiac and fertility-facilitating agent, and provide scientific evidence for a basis for the extensive use of L. barbarum fruits as a traditional remedy for male infertility.

Improve Your Vision & Ward Off Eye Disease Since ancient times, berries of the Goji vine have been popularly used in China to improve vision. More recently, Chinese scientists have found that Goji helps to reduce the time it takes for vision to adapt to darkness. It also improves eyesight under subdued light. Blind spots were found to be reduced in patients taking Goji. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common eye diseases of elderly individuals — and currently, there is no cure. Goji’s powerful antioxidant carotenoids may protect against AMD and cataracts. PROOF: A 2005 study reported in the prestigious British Journal of Nutrition demonstrated that the rich concentration of zeaxanthin in Lycium barbarum is bioavailable through human supplementation. These researchers note that increased intake of foods containing zeaxanthin may be effective in preventing age-related macular degeneration because the macula is able to accumulate zeaxanthin, an oxygenated antioxidant carotenoid. I could go on and on to furnish you with all the 'proof' you need, but that'll be of not much use, cos I'm convinced that if your health wasn't important to you, you wouldn't make it this far into the report. So to help you prove to yourself that Goji can totally change your life...

I'll Put The Money Where My Mouth Is And Let You Try Goji For FREE If You Choose! Here's the deal... I've made a special financing arrangement for you to have a generous $15 price break off a one liter bottle of Goji juice. This means your investment for a one liter bottle of Goji is only $49.95 $34.95 That works out to approximately $3 a day!

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Think of it as your liquid insurance to less stress, more energy, more satisfying sex and a stronger immune system, for less than the price of a coffee at Starbucks.(Plus you can be sure your coffee definitely cannot do what Goji can do) Of course, talk is cheap, so I invite you to notice the major health shifts that occur when you drink the Goji juice. What could be simpler than just taking some juice, and sitting back and allowing it to work it's magic on your body? And in the event I'm just blowing hot air about Goji and you're convinced that it's pure B.S, simply return the empty bottles and we'll give you back your money, no questions asked, no weasel clauses.

Why Would I Make Such A Lopsided Guarantee In Your Favor? Well, it's simple really. Goji works. There's no doubt about it. We have a countless number of documented case studies and success stories on file. Here's just a few of them...

What People Say After Trying Goji... "A True Blessing!" “…Goji Juice has been a true blessing in my life, from increased energy and clarity of thought to so much more.” — Joyce Schneider

"The Right Decision" "My experience in pharmaceutical sales and the many resulting side effects of meds has made me acutely aware of the need for preventative health and wellness. Choosing Goji Juice was the right decision for me, not just for my health, but for the health of others. Finally, an ‘alternative’ therapy that is getting the attention of the ‘traditional’ medical community!”

— Susan Saraca

"Full of Energy & 10 Years Younger"

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"Full of energy and ten years younger! That's the best way to describe how I feel after drinking…Goji Juice. And monthly cramps -- they're HISTORY! We have three daughters, and as parents, what a great feeling it is to know that we're giving our kids the BEST nutrition available in the world to fortify their immune system." — Deb & Mark Bruckschen

"‘Blown Away’ by Health Improvements!" "In April of 2004 I was facing severe health challenges, which required a great deal of medical attention. By August I was in tough shape. But a friend told me about …Goji Juice and I decided to try it. Four weeks later my speech therapist saw me and was 'blown away' by my progress. One month later my other specialist was thrilled with my dramatic improvement. You don't have to convince me how great Goji Juice is!” — Douglas Clark

"Just Keeps Getting Better With Goji" "The Goji experience just keeps getting better. I've really only been able to run 5 miles once or twice a week for 4 months now because of a hamstring injury. I know you're not supposed to increase mileage abruptly, but today I went for it. I ran 9 miles, including hills, as hard as I could. I just felt great and strong. I broke my old record by six minutes from the days when I was training a lot and running longer distances. When I got home I honestly had as much energy as when I started! I can't wait to see my friends at work tomorrow. Goji Juice is truly a wonderful thing for people." — Dr. Ron Friedman

"Love the Taste!" "I love the taste of…Goji Juice, and within few days I noticed increased energy levels and greater clarity of thinking. This amazing product has intensified my health…” — Mark Peterson

And WAY too many success stories to list over here. At $3 a day, and my outrageous 'try it for free' guarantee, there's no way you can lose.

So The BIG Question Is... You shouldn't ask yourself what Goji costs, but rather what it'll cost

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you if you do not drink Goji juice? Quit being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Do the right thing, and grab your bottle of Goji juice immediately!

"Activate My FREE Goji Trial!" YES! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! Ship me a bottle of Goji immediately! I can't wait to take my first sip of Goji and start feeling totally rejuvnated! I know it took Dr. Mindell seven painstaking years to perfect the best harvesting and processing formula (and another 2 full years to research the best balance of flavor and optimum health benefits) and only the original Mindell Goji juice is not from crappy sun dried Goji berries. I will be able to feel the effects of Goji and will have z z z z z z z z

A whole lot more energy A immune system that functions like an invisible force field Less stress and more zest for life No more morning headaches and backaches Better sexual performance Higher libido Feel happy and well all the time And most importantly, reverse all the toll age has taken on me!

I know that you're offering a $15 price break off the retail price for a very limited time only, and in the unlikely event that I feel Goji doesn't do what is described, I can send in the empty bottles and get all of my money back. With your incredibly outrageous guarantee, coupled with the fact that this truly is a time limited offer, this could be the best risk-free decision I can ever make for my health, so go ahead and send me my Goji immediately! z A delicious fruity flavor you and your whole family will love… z A proprietary formula of high-quality Goji berry

nutrients… z 100% juice product…no sugar added… z No artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors or dyes… z Each 1-liter bottle of Goji Juice contains the equivalent of at

least 2 pounds of fresh Goji berries… z Safe for all ages (and even pregnant women)…

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z Downright perfect for your whole family… z Just as with other fruit juice, there’s no risk of drinking

too much… z Strict patented manufacturing processes to ensure that you

experience the same nutritional potency with each sip… z Pharmaceutical grade bottles prevent leaching and

ensure freshness… z Spectral signature seal guarantees consistent potency… z Recommended by health practitioners around the


(Insert Order Button Here)

Yours to a healthier and more fulfilling life! Jodi Hans & Justin Blake P.S. Don't envy the folks who look years younger than they actually are. Do something about it and join them! With Goji, you DO have a choice. Go for it! This page is provided solely for educational purposes, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not test or review products classed as “food supplements” but requires this statement: This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Practical Assignment: Your practical assignment for this training session is to create a ‘magic’ moment’ paragraph of at least 300 words, outlining of how a prospect will benefit from Goji juice. You should sneak in at least 5 weasels and 3 embedded commands. You should refer to the sales letter exhibit. Go through the lessons thoroughly, and write your 300 word page paragraph. In the following pages, you’ll find my critiques of actual submitted homework by my students. Use my comments as a benchmark for your own practical assignment.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Assignment #1 Critiques By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Assignment #1 by Paul Chow: How would it feel to drink Goji juice and be on top of the world each and every day as you roll out of bed in the morning? No headaches, no pain, and boundless energy to take you through the day? You will feel energized, refreshed, and incredibly motivated to confront life on your own terms and conditions. This is no idle pipe dream or fantasy. Imagine drinking Goji juice and acquiring almost superhuman vitality that will empower you to take on any challenges that come your way, and shrug them off like they were nothing more than inconsequential flies?? Picture yourself being in the pink of health, and possessing the feeling that you can go out and conquer the world? If you were to drink Goji juice, you will feel exactly this way! Studies have proven that this juice is a virtual fountain of youth in a bottle that will turn back the hands of time and make you look and feel younger than ever before. As you drink the Goji juice, you will begin to notice a remarkable change in yourself. Painstaking research has shown Goji is capable of astounding feats that no other vitamin, supplement or liquid known to man can do! Besides the well-known benefits which include strengthening your immune system and prolonging your life span, it will also help you to maintain a healthy weight, promote normal blood sugar levels, enhance sexual function, restore and repair DNA, improve fertility….the list goes on and on!! I have saved the most important point for last. Did you know that Goji is the most powerful anti-aging food and supplement on earth? Its powerful blend of unique master molecule polysaccharides and potent antioxidants help prevent premature aging as they help your body fight the free radicals that bombard it constantly. In addition to that, you will look and feel younger due to Goji’s ability to stimulate your pituitary gland to produce hGH (Human Growth Hormone), also known as the ‘youth hormone’ since it rejuvenates your body and turns back your biological clock! As you review the jawdropping, awe-inspiring benefits of drinking Goji juice, would it make any sense at all not to?? Jo Han’s Comments: This is great. The embedded commands have been used appropriately alongside with the ‘weasels’ and trance words. However, if you want to use these hypnotic devices in print, it’ll be more appropriate to add italics, to the weasels and trance words. Underlining is also a great way to deliver added emphasis. Notice how I’ve also included a line break right after the trance word ‘imagine’. It’s always a good idea to keep your sentences and pargaphs short. Short, is hypnotic. For example… ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ “Imagine… Drinking Goji juice and acquiring almost superhuman vitality that will empower you to take on any challenges that come your way, and shrug them off like they were nothing more than inconsequential flies” Paul can certainly do with a lot more ‘word pictures’. Stuff on health tends to include boring jargon, and the word pictures he used like ‘fountain of youth in a bottle’ that will ‘turn back the hands of time’ make it easier for the prospect to imagine the benefits even better, and should be sprinkled liberally into the copy.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #1: by Tim Johnson

Dear Friend, Image if you will, • • • • • • • • • •

Waking up every morning feeling great…with that oh so rested feeling only experienced from having a wonderful peace-full sleep You spring out of bed with a surge of energy You will feel great, ready to start another wonderful day Feeling cool, calm and collected Feeling radiant and excited, you give yourself a thumbs up after you glance at yourself in the mirror You have a warm glow and radiant color in your cheeks Your step is light and your movement swift You are confident and sure of your self Excited and pumped up knowing it’s going to be a super day and everything is going to go your way You have been feeling like this since you started taking that new antioxidant drink a week ago

OK...back to the present for a minute… It’s true and I am here right now to let you in on one of the world’s biggest secrets about antioxidants. Picture this… The facts are overwhelming…hundreds of university studies have proved that regular use of antioxidants dramatically increases total circulation in the human body. When this happens all parts of your body respond. The physician’s desk reference cites over a hundred effects brought about by improved circulation, here’s a few: • • • •

Improves heart and lung function Increase blood flow in veins, arteries, capillaries and capillary beds Increased memory as higher levels of oxygen feed the brain Increased muscle tone as blood and oxygen is instantly available to repair muscle fibers • Increase blood flow to arms, legs and genitals, and; ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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Increased sexual performance with greater pleasure

You don’t need a PhD. to figure out that means, thousands of people that have increased their circulation and raved about their increased sex drive and explosive orgasms. Just wait it gets better… It’s not only for men, women find that there desire for love making increases 10 fold. Just what was in that drink? For hundreds of years Eastern cultures have known the secrets of achieving all the benefits listed above. Hidden manuscripts have revealed that Goji has been a secret that has been passed on from Emperor to Emperor as far back as the Ming Dynasty. The secret is found in the bright red berry call Goji berry. The scientific name is Lycium barbarum. It turns out that Goji is classed super oxidant, having the highest antioxidant values of any substance. When crushed and dried the cherry red powder can be mixed with water or juice making a flavorful pleasant drink. The powder can also be lightly rubbed onto the skin where it is absorbed quickly resulting in a warm tingling sensation. Let me show you hundreds of testimonials from totally satisfied customers, I am sure you we see that what they had to say was pure happiness…their message is loud and clear. You too will know the feeling as soon as you experience the magic of Gogi. Order today! Warmly, Tim Johnson PS. While you wait for your Gogi to arrive by express mail, I would suggest you get some sleep, because you are going need your rest after your woman tries Gogi. You are going to be busy lad! Get ready because it’s going to be on hell of a wild ride! Jo Han’s Comments: First of all Tim, you gotta check on the grammar. The first word should be ‘Imagine’ and not ‘Image’. Oh well, it was probably a typo cos I know how excited you are about this course. Secondly, I am very impressed in how comprehensive the ‘benefits’ of Goji are and how you’ve enunciated so many of them in the copy. One big mistake though, early in the copy, is that you don’t want to do things like “OK...back to the present for a minute…” Big BIG mistake. You’ve worked hard in the opener to create a trance state, and with that statement you’ve erased everything you’ve done earlier because you’re implying “Hey, that stuff you were thinking about ain’t real!” ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ When you evoke a trance state, you wanna KEEP them there! Also, I don’t see many ‘weasel phrases’ and embedded commands. You want to highlight these by italicizing the weasel phrases and bolding the embedded commands. Also, there are hardly any word pictures. So make sure you try to use more of these devices.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #1 by Andy Graham See yourself at your check up with your doctor. What would it be like to hear that your blood pressure is now down to normal levels? You can now count yourself outside the one in four U.S. adults with hypertension, so you are now less at risk from heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. (Researchers from Beijing Medical University reported in a June 1998 issue of the journal Acta Physiologica Sinica that increased blood pressure could be prevented significantly by Goji's unique polysaccharide.) And what if you were to be told that your cholesterol had reduced to an acceptable level.? (A 2004 study reported in Life Sciences demonstrated that Lycium barbarum fruit extract significantly reduced total serum cholesterol, triglyceride concentration and blood glucose, while markedly increasing HLD cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol).) How does it feel to learn that your blood sugar is now under control? (From the Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 2006: Clinical findings suggest that Lycium barbarum polysaccharide can control blood glucose and modulate the metabolism of glucose, leading to significant improvement of oxidative stress markers in rats with NIDDM (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus). They also found that LBP decreases damage to DNA, possibly via a decrease in oxidative stress levels.) As you realise that this is all down to your drinking Goji juice, you appreciate that this is the most important thing you have ever done for you and your family's health and well being. It's not necessary to understand how Goji juice works at a cellular level, just allow this super food to work like magic to turn you into the epitome of glowing health! And you don't have to be a highly qualified medical practitioner to notice the major health shifts that occur when you drink the Goji juice. Quit being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Do the right thing - grab your bottle of Goji juice NOW! Jo Han’s Comments: Andy, this is a great angle to use. The ‘set up’ was pretty poor though. It take s a lot more details to get people to ‘see themselves’ at their checkup with their doctor. You need to dramatize it more. An example would be… “You hand your appointment card over to the nurse and you’re ushered to the waiting room. Beads of sweat gather around your forehead, and you feel your heartbeat racing at a 100 miles per hour. What would the results of this health check be like?” ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Make it seem like it’s gonna be a ‘bad’ scenario and then turn it ‘around’ with amazing great results cos the guy drank a lot of Goji. Other than that, the usual applies. The word pictures, italicization of the weasel phrases and trance words and bolding embedded commands. Assignment 1 Due 4/29/07 11:00 EST Submitted by Eric Grigsby If you were to look at your body under a high powered microscope you could see the battle that is raging every minute of every day as your bodies cells fight for their very survival. This fight rages against disease, and foreign chemicals that are harmful, and are literaly sucking the energy and youth right out of you. Once every 40 to 50 there is a major breakthrough of discovery and in field of medicine. In the last 50 years no medical discovery will have more profound affect on your life. Hidden high in the remote mountain regions of Asia, this tiny fruit has more disease fighting life-force per ounce then any other natural substance known to man. You don’t have to be a health expert to take charge of tapping into the best kept secret to doubling your energy, clearing your mind, improving your mood, and sustaining your life. Three days after taking this new superfood I invite you to notice how you consistently feel great, are full of youthful energy. What would it be like to have total confidence and peace about your health while others around you are attacked by cold and flu symptoms. These bugs have no chance of making you sick because of your daily intake of Goji, your bodies 10 trillion cells, have an unfair advantage to protect and defend your body against sickness, disease. Jo Han’s Comments: This is perfect! This is THE model assignment.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #1 by Steve McCann SHOCKING REPORT BELOW.....

"Miraculous New Superfood Found Deep In The Amazon Rainforest That Can Automatically Explode Your Energy Levels, Make You Feel And Look Years Younger, Expotentially Improve Your Health And Fire Up Your Sex Drive In As Little As a 3 Short Days!"

Imagine yourself a year from now, looking back on the moment when you decided to make the decision that ultimately changed your life forever. That first purchase of goji juice. •

You look and feel much more healthly than you ever have in you life

Your friends are envious of your new youthful exuberance

Your doctor is stunned by remarkable improvement in you health

Feeling more confident in yourself than ever before

Experiencing a never ending river of new-found happiness and joy every single day

Now Imagine what it would feel like for all this to happen easily and automatically without any effort on your part. It would feel really good wouldnt it? Now what if I told you that this was infact a proven possibility.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Would you be skeptical? Of course you would. I mean how could a fruit produce such stunning health and wellness benefits. Believe Me I have asked myself the same question When you take a few minutes to read this letter all will be revealed.... One of the first things you will begin to notice is you start to feel more relaxed and that you’re more aware of your day to day life. You will begin to have more boundless energy throughout the day than you ever had before. Which will improve your sex life no end! Increasing your desire to want it more! While keeping your performance at a high level. So tell me this do you want to bulletproof your immune system so that you can say goodbye sickness forever? Of course you do! If you could no longer become sick… Just think right now how that will feel …What would your life look like? Im sure you’’l agree that this will be the best decision to buy you’ll ever make!

Jo Han’s Comments: This is a pretty well done assignment. Here are some ways to make it more effective. 1. Remove the phrase “The first purchase of Goji juice”. That will put your prospect ‘on guard’ as you’re trying to sell them something in the first line. 2. I do not know why you capitalized the first letter of the word imagine in the sentence. “Now Imagine what it would feel like…” As I’ve mentioned previously, trance words are best italicized, and embedded commands bolded. #3: Do not use a command ‘Believe Me”. Whether you use it as a command or just include it on your copy, it’s not a good position to take as people perceive it as you ‘begging’ for the sale. A much superior approach would be to tell the prospect • • • •

NOT to believe you. Acknowledge they’re skeptical and that this seems too good to be true. . Provide them proof and testimonials about how this could change their life and how everyone else’s life has changed Have them make up their own mind about it. Your life doesn’t change one bit whether they buy or not. But their decision to buy could change their life forever.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #1 by Dave Thomas

Visualise yourself … •

What its like when you go to bed and have such a deep and restful sleep, to the point where that when you wake up you are so full of energy and enthusiasm that you are able to deal with everything the day can throw at you.

Knowing that each and every day you have the ability to remain centred, calm and collected even when everyone else is flapping around struggling to deal with the issues to hand.

You don’t have to deal with the stress and anxiety that so may people suffer in today’s fast paced society

If you were to have a body that would resist disease and infections that the average person succumbs to

What it’s like when you are the envy of your friends and family as you start to feel and look younger they will be amazed at the new slimmer trimmer you.

What would it be like to consistently have blood pressure that stays comfortably within the prescribed limits without having to stick to eating tasteless bland food every single day.

How would it feel to control your digestion and reduce your cholesterol levels whilst enjoying the benefits of a drink that not only tastes great but is actually good for your body?

If you were to enjoy greater virility and be able to make love for longer, to the point where your love life reached heights that you had never imagined were possible in the past.

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________________________________________________________________________ •

Just think what would it be like enjoy great health each and every day and to have such a feeling of inner well being that you cannot stop being happy.

All of these benefits and many more are yours because you made the decision to allow your body to benefit from one of the greatest super foods ever found, one that can aid in the development not only of your body but also helps to stimulate your mind and improve your memory. Jo Han’s Comments: This is the best example of weasel phrases. Dave, you did a good job including so many of them. It’s a great assignment with little correction needed. Just 2 things though. 1. It’ll be more powerful to just use the word “Visualize…” instead of “Visualize yourself…” 2. You didn’t really use much word pictures. Fix this and you’ll be all set.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #1: by Luiz What would it be like to melt 10 pounds easily in one week? Picture how your life would be different… Feelings of shame and unimportance are long gone. They were exchanged by the happiness and power your slim new sexy body gives you. You now feel more respected, more energetic and most important more attractive. I invite you to notice how all the men that ignored you are on their knees with hope you will accept their date invitation. To the point where you have to turn down all invitations to go out with that one special guy you always day dreamed about. You really shouldn't care about all the other guys you didn't go out with… Face it there's nothing you can do, all you can think about is how rewarding and rewarding your new life is. How does it feel like to wake up on comfy bed besides your secret crush after a perfect night? All you can think about is how he passionately kisses your whole body and brings your favorite fresh squeezed juice… Jo Han’s Comments: This is another great example of superb use of weasels and embedded commands. My take on this assignment is this: 1. Sometimes, weasel phrases can be more effective when replaced with a trance word. For example “What would it be like to…” becomes “Imagine...” There is a delicate balance between the two. An overdose of weasel phrases makes it seem like you’re incoherent. 2. There are still not enough word pictures being used.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #1: by Theodore Chan What’s it like when you feel years younger after drinking your Goji juice? Your friends will accuse you of using an illegal stimulant because you will have so much energy you’ll feel like a teenager who can work all day, play all night and still ace the final exam. Goji is the ancient nutrient rich natural fruit that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for nearly 2,000 years. “Legend has it that a man named Li Qing Yuen who was born in 1678 and died in 1930. He lived 252 years! What was the secret to his long, happy, active life? It was daily consumption of a 'soup' made of the Goji berry, existing only in the remotest regions of western Asia.” Imagine having the libido of a teenager who just can’t turn off their sex drive and appeals to the opposite sex without even trying. No more looking for those pills online and worrying if they’re legit, or before someone catches you taking a look at those spam emails for \/ | /\ *#! that keep clogging your inbox and spam folders. You’d want to experience more frequent and intense orgasms, wouldn’t you? Not surprisingly, the Goji fruit is revered as one of the premier sexual tonic herbs in all of traditional Asian medicine, and is downright legendary for helping to spark the passion. So much so that an old Chinese proverb recommends caution to men who are traveling far from their wives and families: "He who travels one thousand kilometers from home should not eat Goji!” What would it be like to be able to see without glasses or contact lenses anymore? Goji’s powerful antioxidant carotenoids may protect against AMD and cataracts.

FACT: The complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including betacarotene (a better source than even carrots) and zeaxanthin (which ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ protects your eyes). In fact Goji berries are among the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods. What would it be like to feel younger, have more energy, less stress, better sex, eliminate morning headaches and feel happy all the time? Just listen to what others who have tried it have said … You are special, you are now one, one of the ten thousand who will ever get to know about this Mysterious Superfood Secret. You really shouldn’t tell your friends and family about this secret Superfood Secret because you’ll want to keep it all to yourself. It’ll be just our little secret between you and me. They’ll never know. But if they continue to pester you how about why you look so good, and what did you do to your hair, clothes etc. Just wink and smile. It’s our little secret. They can get a new suit, or hair cut, or even a new car. So what? Because you’ll have the secret Goji Juice that’ll make you feel great, “rest” and sleep more easily and they’ll be jealous of you because they won’t know how you do it. You’ll definitely be the envy of your friends. Jo Han’s Comments: Yet another model assignment. I’m speechless! One thing to make sure of is that you break up your paragraphs into short ones, and try to use short sentences. Remember, short is hypnotic.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Training Session #2 By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion 102 A key ability for practitioners of the persuasion arts is the ability to put your subjects into trances and get them to do your bidding. Some might know this as hypnosis. But do note, that this has nothing to do with the hokey stage performances typically seen on TV sideshows, where you have members of the audience barking like dogs, or rolling on the floor, scratching themselves. For our purposes, we want to do something much more insidious. Because we want our subjects to do our bidding, all while they’re fully awake, and yet haplessly following our every command.

The Mental Iceberg Is The Path To Success One of the landmark contributions to persuasion theory was created by none other than the 20th centuries greatest authors Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway formulated the Iceberg Theory, based on the fact that most of communication transpires in an incognito fashion. To sum it in Hemingway’s words:

If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action.

Just imagine this for a moment, every iceberg you’ve ever seen in any documentary, represents only a tiny fraction of it’s total mass. Close to 90% of the iceberg lies hidden below the murky depths. You might even go as far as to question “What the hell does a hidden iceberg have to do with persuasion!”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ And you’d be right to not care about this. That is, unless you were on board the RMS Titanic in 1912. Part of a trio of SuperLiners, the Titanic, expected to be a juggernaut in Transatlantic travel met it’s unfortunate end at the hands of an iceberg! Imagine that, the SuperLiner with a Gross Registered Tonnage of more than 46,000 tonnes, named as the pinnacle of naval architecture and epitomizing the height of technological progress was brought down by a block of frozen water! To be successful in the field of forbidden persuasion requires that we undertake the steps to unlock the secrets of the mental iceberg, incorporate the secrets within to apply it effectively.

Anatomy of the Mental Iceberg Most people will only ever communicate at a conscious level, like the tip of the iceberg which is seen above the waterline. What is visibly seen can be labeled as conscious communication. This form of communication is purely functional in nature and represents 10% of what is being said. Studying the communication patterns of the world’s most powerful politicians, negotiators and “Go To” guys, reveals that they commonly access the elements of the hidden 90% mental iceberg, a skill which makes them ruthlessly effective in all sales, communication and persuasion.

The Mental Iceberg Prime Principle If you fail in your attempts to influence others, it will be because you have failed to follow the prime principle behind the Mental Iceberg system, that is: People are more interested in themselves, and couldn’t care about you! Well, that’s not entirely true, but they care about themselves about 1,000 times more than they do about you. And if you think about this for a moment, the same holds true for you too. The single most important person you are interested in, is yourself. So bear in mind that the other person’s self-interest will be placed above everything else. They may not say it, or even hint at it, but it sure as heck, rides tall above all other priorities in their unconscious thinking. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Others fail at persuasion because they fail to appeal to this self-interest, but by following the steps listed below, you’d have the power and skills to get others to do your bidding. Let’s begin:

The Driver Must Know The Destination When was the last time you were in your car driving to a new location, perhaps a friends new home for a housewarming? Like it or not, your fellow passengers in the car were with you the entire trip (unless they jumped out of your moving car). Likewise, in effective persuasion, you MUST communicate with a clear goal in mind. Before you even start applying any of the Mental Iceberg strategies in any of your communication, you will already have in mind: • The Direction of the communication • The Goal of the communication The direction of the communication has to do with knowing how to navigate and steer the conversation. As you’re interacting with the other person, you’ll inevitably encounter road blocks in your communication. The resistance that others will place in front of you, is an indication that you need to use your skills to clear any objections or resistance they might have. If you want to reach your eventual destination, you will need to clear the path of these expected, and unexpected obstacles along the way. The goal is something you should have in mind as you’re interacting. What action is the other person supposed to take. Would you expect them to make a financial commitment? Or take a particular action? If you have a clear picture of the outcome you expect to achieve, you will have a greater chance of achieving success.

There is a saying that “Nice Guys Finish Last” and there is more than a kernel of truth in this. Nice guys will finish last because that’s just it, they are too nice, to have any goal in mind. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ To be blunt, they are too clueless to have a clear goal in mind, and that is why they fail.

Why You Cannot Afford To Have Your Audience Sit On The Fence The death knell is any interaction is hearing the other person tell you that you “should just be friends”. The worst emotional state is for someone to feel neutral, or even worse, indifferent towards you. A stationery iceberg will be near impossible to move. But one that is moving, even if it’s in the wrong direction, can be brought about and steered to be moved in the right direction. In any relationship, you can work with negative emotions like jealousy, hatred, or even pity. In the hands of a masterful practitioner, these emotions can be steered into positions of like, love, or even lust! Just imagine what it could do for your relationships, and your business. As you’ve just discovered, emotions are the master to accessing the unconscious 90% of the mental iceberg. Step 1: Create the Emotional Connection Most information exchanged on a daily basis will be of an informational nature, such as: • “What time is it?” • “Is the project complete?” • “Where would you like to go for lunch?” It’s no secret that women are usually more adept when it comes to getting men to do their bidding. The difference lies in the emotional connection. Emotions don’t serve any ‘useful’ function, compared to facts and figures, but they are important because they trigger our innermost motivations. We might do something out of a sense of pride, or duty, or jealousy. When meeting someone for the first time, create an emotional connection. Here’s an example: ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ After introducing yourself and making some small talk to break the ice, you launch into the following: YOU: Have you ever felt an INSTANTANEOUS CONNECTION with someone? (point at yourself). Perhaps you were looking at them, and you started to PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to what they were saying, as if there was a strong MAGNETIC FORCE, drawing you closer to them, and building a CONNECTION to them? And you might have this SENSATION that you have known them for years, and years, and felt a CLOSENESS? THEM: Hmm…yes YOU: And I think it’s quite funny how some people can JUST DO THAT and LET IT HAPPEN NATURALLY because for me I take time to WARM UP TO OTHERS. But I find that if you really PAY ATTENTION to the other person during the conversation, and you START TO RECOGNIZE those qualities in them that you hold dearly in yourself…(pause)…WITH ME…that is the time when you make the CONNECTION and FEEL THE GROWING BOND As you’re reading through the sequence above, you will realize that there isn’t a whole lot of ‘information’ or ‘facts’ being exchanged. Rather the conversation is focused very much on the person you are talking to. It builds on the fact that you are paying attention to how they’re feeling, and building on your observations and subsequently, you steer the direction of the conversation towards your desired outcome (a growing bond with you). By it’s very nature, persuasion is often more experiential, and based on a feeling, rather than cold, hard facts. When was the last time you made a big ticket item choice, or a major decision in your life based on drawing up a list of Pros and Cons, creating a spreadsheet and running a computation to get the results? Or did you think about it, while you were laying in bed, tossing and turning, and finally arriving at some solution, when you woke up one morning? Interesting, isn’t it? Step 2: Steering The Conversation Once you have established an emotional connection with the person (also known as close rapport), you can be proactive in moving towards your outcome. One of the ways to slip in your commands are to use conversational softeners. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ These are particular words that you use, that soften the impact of what you say, so that it doesn’t sound like a command. But at the same time, these words allow you to give commands, while you slip in ‘under the radar’ and just like a stealth bomber infiltrating into enemy airspace, they will never know what hit them.

Here are some examples: “You know, I hope you don’t mind me asking you this, but one of the things I like to do is to find out about the person I’m getting to know, and I do that by asking questions about what’s important to them. So as you look at me and think about what we’re talking about, I’d just like to ask you:” Other examples of conversational softeners could be: • I know this might sound a little out of the ordinary, but just for the sake of this casual conversation that we’re having… • I just wanted to mention this, and I hope you don’t find this too intrusive… • Would you mind if I asked you something, just for the sake of helping me to better understand… These softeners work because they put the person’s unconscious mind at easy before you include your commands. Note: Use softeners liberally, as they become more natural to you, you will find that you’re able to ask probing questions, and come across as a polite and respectful person, instead of a manipulative conversationalist.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


The Power of Negation In the course of putting your skills into practice, you will encounter resistance. You could try to reason your way through these objections, and likely be partially successful. If you choose an emotional approach, you will stand more than a fighting chance. The principle of negation rests on acknowledging the resistance you encounter, at the same time including embedded commands into the mix. Look at the following: • •

Yes, you’re right. I shouldn’t be asking for a lower price. I shouldn’t be pressing so hard to get a better deal out of this discussion. And you don’t have to agree with everything I am saying right now!” Yes, you don’t need to imagine yourself a month from now, having accepted all the conditions I’m asking for now, already having been totally satisfied with our partnership, and looking back on today as having been the start of it.

Quotes Quotes are a way of repeating what someone else has said (but it’s what you want the person you’re talking to to hear). When the direct approach (saying what you want to) will not likely work, having someone else say it in the form of a quote would work very well. Here’s an example: •

“I was walking down the street, when I overheard this guy say to the person next to him “Hey, could you imagine that she passed up on the opportunity to partner with the big company? She just gave up on a huge quantity of new business! It’s unthinkable!” “I was sitting down at lunch with a colleague and he looked at me and said “Hey, you know for every one of us, there’s a perfect person out there just sitting there right in front of us, and as we look at them in the eyes, we realize that they’ve been there for us all along”

Quotes are a powerful way of saying what we mean to say, but going through the other person’s alert radar. Because we’re relating a command indirectly, the person will have little resistance to our suggestion. Here’s how to use quotes: ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ • • • •

Think of what you want to say to someone, but that you can’t say to them directly Start off by telling the person “You wouldn’t believe what I heard this guy tell a girl earlier today! He walked up to her and said” Insert your command Include elements of curiosity or intrigue to make them continue to think about it.

Stories Stories may sound similar to quotes, but where quotes are focused on what someone else has said, stories focus on what someone else has experienced. This is more powerful because it will put your subject in the shoes of the person in the story. Example: What’s the feeling of running a successful business? It’s like the lifestyle of my friend, Jeff, who is just like you or I. And when Jeff wakes up in the morning, his typical day is something along the lines of: Waking up whenever he wants to, typically after everyone has gone to the offices hours ago. He just lies in his large, soft bed, waking up sometime near noon. Then he takes five steps to his computer, logs into his payment processing account, and looks at how much his businesses have earned in the night, when he was asleep. If he feels like it, he’ll go for a jog. Otherwise, he’s log on and chat with his friends about the upcoming vacation that they’re planning. After lunch (and an afternoon nap), he’ll either go for a game of tennis with his girlfriend, or catch a movie at the theatre. He’s watched all the recent releases, good and bad. And as he’s sitting there, just feeling contented about the lifestyle that he has created for himself, the sensation of being satisfied, spreads like a warm feeling throughout his body, giving him an aura of contentment and peace, knowing that he has created the lifestyle he truly desires for himself. By describing the physical and emotional aspects of what you want your subject to experience, you put them in the shoes of the person in the story. This creates a personal “virtual reality” for the person involved, and they will relate as if they’ve gone through the experience themselves. So far, we’ve covered the primary steps in the Mental Iceberg theory, the stages are: 1) Have a clear idea of your intended direction and outcome 2) Create an emotional connection 3) Steer the Conversation toward an intended goal 4) Amplify the feelings you create and then link them to the intended goal The process of creating the outcome you want lies squarely in your ability to raise the emotions you want. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Remember the mantra: “He who controls the emotions win”. Too often, people are caught up in the false belief that “He who has the most facts win”. The reason why some legal cases (especially in front of a jury) are won on the basis not of evidentiary proof, but because the lawyer was adept in swaying the emotions of the jury. In recent years, there have been a number of high profile legal cases involving celebrities. Due to the skills of their legal counsel, the defendant was judged innocent of all charges. Despite your personal beliefs, you have to give credit to the legal defense team on their ability to convince the jury of their clients innocence. There are several elements of the Mental Iceberg theory if you study their statements carefully. If you want to get your subject to take the action you desire, it requires that you put them into a trance state. The definition of a trance state is one where your subject is in an altered state of consciousness. Which may not mean a lot to you now, but it will make a major difference in the results you see. Your consciousness is how you are feeling right now, at this moment. And your state of mind, changes from moment to moment. You can feel happy one moment, and sad the next. It is this ability to switch states from something that you don’t want (resistance) to something that you want (your goal), that gives you powerful to influence others.

Pattern Interrupt At any point in time, everyone has a goal or outcome they want to achieve. The behavior they exhibit is a way of reaching this goal. For example, walking up to someone and saying “No” is a way of closing off the option. But what if you want a person to say “Yes”, when the word “No” is in their minds? That’s where the Pattern Interrupt comes in. You want to break their “No” pattern. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ To break their “No” pattern and replace it with another response, you can use one of the following conversation killers: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Do you really believe what you thought you knew? If you expected me to believe that, you wouldn’t have said that. Why are you asking me what you don’t know for sure? Your question is what you knew it would be, isn’t it? Could you give me…an example…would be helpful Your response says what you’re unaware of. Do you believe what you knew you thought? I understand what you’re saying it doesn’t make it true. You can pretend anything and master it. What happens when you get a thought? Are you unaware of what you’ll forgot? The less you try, the more you’ll agree. Why are you agreeing with what you already know? Why would you believe something that’s not true?

What these statements will do is stop your subject dead in their tracks in a “Huh?” moment, and you will follow these statements with a command immediately. Creating a state of confusion means that their conscious mind has to focus on understanding what you just said. While their conscious mind is fully occupies on what you just said, you slip in a command “under their radar” and their unconscious mind accepts the command and follows it. So the name of the game is to confuse the conscious or active mind, taking up its full attention, so you can slip commands to their unconscious mind. Mastering these mind numbing techniques will give you unlimited access to insert commands, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the influence you’ll be exerting. Here are more techniques:

Unspecified Nouns A noun is a person or object. By making reference to something and leaving out important information, you force the person to use their mind to sort out what you’re saying and what you means. While their mind is occupied, your command will be accepted by their unconscious mind. For example: ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ • • •

He is a very influential figure Å Who are you referring to? They think that I have a lot of potential Å Who are the ‘they’ you are referring to? I am eagerly awaiting it’s arrival, it can work wonders! Å What is “it”?

As you’re throwing up all these mental obstacles, you occupy your subjects frontline of resistance, meanwhile your embedded commands are like commandos slipping into their unconscious, and you’ll observe that they start following your commands word-for-word. Skeptical? These sequences work precisely because they go against the grain of common sense (which is factually-based and mostly ineffective anyway). Test it out and see the results for yourself.

Unspecified Verbs Verbs are action words. When you include the generalized version of a verb in your conversation, you create an open situation, where your subject has to unconsciously figure out “how exactly” you expect your words to be interpreted. For example: • • • •

Get the project completed now Å How do you want the project to be completed? I want you to resolve this argument Å How would the argument be resolved? He hurt me Å How exactly did he hurt you? I’m trying to fix my computer Å How are you going to fix your computer?

When you generalize a verb, the person you’re talking to will do their best to understand what you’re saying. By leaving out the exact steps or context, you make them work to understand what you’re saying. And when their conscious mind is focused on understand the obvious part of your speech, you include an embedded command. For example: “Please fix my computer before the end of the day, when you go downstairs, take the trashcan and tie up the bag and bring it outside now, and while you’re outside clear the snow from the sidewalk --- it’ll only take you five minutes to do, so get a move on, and you’ll be done in no time.” The usage of unspecified verbs seems like common sense. And when you think about it, as a child you needed to have the exact steps spelled out for you. For example, instead of “clean your room”, you might be told: ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ • • • • •

Make your bed Get the toys off the floor Draw the curtains Clean your desk Close the windows and door

And as you grew older, “clean your room” represented those small tasks. What we’re doing is to reverse engineer the process, by using the reverse word “clean your room” to get the conscious mind cranking on figuring out the small tasks. While that is going on, the embedded commands do the dirty work for you.

Presuppositions Based on our experiences, we carry a set of beliefs and attitudes and we make assumptions based on these expriences. It’d be impossible to live without the benefit of what we’ve done before, because we’d need to relearn a new task or skill every time we needed to (imagine having to relearn how to open a jar of jam every time!) Presuppositions help us by ‘predicting’ what is going to happen, based on what has happened previously. You use this in the following manner: Give a fact, then start with a word that usually ends in “–ly”, and then say what you want to get into the unconscious mind. Here are some examples: • • • • • • • •

Clearly, you are learning bookkeeping skills Obviously, you can spend more time practicing Suddenly, you find yourself feeling attracted to me Objectively…That’s the truth. We must go now. Easily, you’ll get a handle on this However, that doesn’t always mean… Now, just by investing a small sum now, you’ll… Again, you need to confirm that…

Can you see how presuppositions make assumptions that the commands that follow are logical and “make sense”? ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ “Presupposition” words that you can use include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Clearly Obviously Suddenly Objectively Naturally Easily Ethically Apparently Actually Evidently Normally Shortly However Now So Again Anyway Duh….. Think about it You see Remember

Linguistic Binds Linguistic binds are simple and powerful. The listener will think that what you say makes sense, and it’s another powerful form of hypnotic persuasion. Linguistic binds consist of two parts, the first is something that the person experiences, the second part is what you want them to think or feel. For example: • • •

As you sit there and read this text, you will find your awareness of persuasion secrets increasing by the second, growing to make you an expert in this hidden art. Now that you’ve learned to use the computer better, I’m sure you will feel more confident about starting up your own online business today, won’t you? As you think about what others are doing around you, you’ll realize that you only have one choice to take and that’s to make a commitment to spend time practicing your persuasion techniques daily to reach your goals.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Another form of linguistic bind is the “the more you ____, the more you ____” structure. For example: • •

The more you realize the power of persuasion techniques, the more effectively you will convert your prospects into sales. The more you read, the more you realize that success is all about applying these techniques into action, to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Cause and Effect The human mind can be lazy, and if a link can be made between an action, and a result it creates, and it sounds reasonable the mind is likely to accept it. For example: It rained, and I got wet. (It rained, and you were standing in a park, and you got wet). So it sounds logical. But at the same time, with umbrellas and rain shelters being easily available, the fact that you got wet when it rains, doesn’t need to be true. If your mind doesn’t go into these details, you will tend to accept the statements as they are presented. More examples: • •

Traffic was heavy, so I was late. [Again, traffic jams will not be a cause of you being late if you leave early enough to avoid any delays…But the mind is lazy and will latch on to the reason for that.] It’s tax season and I owe more taxes than I expected. Here’s a firesale on all my products. You can benefit! [What does paying taxes have to do with discounting your products???]

The human mind will always look for the easiest path out to explain and understand any situation it’s presented with. Cause and effect can be particular devastating because popular culture creates the belief that person or things can cause emotional changes. Witness the sentiments expressed in popular song lyrics: • “When you’re gone, you take my heart with you” • “You make me feel sad” • “I’m on the top of the world when I’m with you” ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ •

“You make all my dreams come true”

Notice how there is an extraordinary amount of responsibility placed on you as: • The creator of emotions (you take my heart with you, you make me feel sad) • The creator of that person’s existence (making dreams come true, helping them get the “top of the world” feeling) Popular culture already creates the belief (and countless subscribe to them), that people have the power to create emotions, or beliefs in others. Even though the truth is that people are responsible for their own emotions. To use cause and effect is not easy though, it requires you to understand your subject well, so that your statements are consistent with their beliefs. “I make miracles happen!” will work with someone who trusts what you’re saying. But walking up to a stranger on the street, and saying that without first establishing an emotional connection, will only get you strange looks.

Comparisons A powerful technique when offering an option to your audience is to make a judgement of its value by using a comparison. For example: • This is the best product in the market today [what market are you referring to? It’s the best compared to what else?] • New, Fridges are better [better compared to what?] • XYZ Widget are absolutely terrible! [terrible compared to what?] Any statement containing an element of comparison: • • • •

Best Better Worse Worst

You’ll notice that the thing it is being compared to is missing. This opens the floodgates for you to follow up with a followup “because…” statement, such as: •

Product ABC is the best because it uses steel-enhanced tips, instead of many competitors who use copper, in the market today.

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________________________________________________________________________ •

Our new widgets are better. Take a look at our competition. As you’re looking, you notice flaw A, and flaw B. Now mind you, our product doesn’t look that great, and is in fact a little cheap, isn’t it? But when you compare the benefits, you realize that our widgets are much more effective than the one you’re holding

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Summary Many would be persuader fail because they only use the head-on “facts and figures” approach which will lead to a collision when they face massive resistance from their prospects “mental iceberg” (where more than 90% of the resistance resides below the level of consciousness) Instead if you focus on: • Establishing an emotional connection • Steering the communication to your desired outcome • Amplifying the emotions you desire You will achieve your goal.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Title: Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his most famous address, "I have a dream" Speaker: Martin Luther King, Jr Audio/Video Available: Listen

Transcript/Log: Martin Luther King at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28, 1963) "I Have a Dream" I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But 100 years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men - yes, black men as well as white men - would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check that has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and security of justice. We have also come to his hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children. It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end but a beginning. Those who hoped that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating "for whites only." We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today my friends - so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day, this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning "My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my father's died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!" And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.

Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.

But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.

Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.

Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi - from every mountainside.

Let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring - when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children - black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics - will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ --Distribution statement: Accepted as part of the Douglass Archives of American Public Address (http://douglass.speech.nwu.edu) on May 26, 1999. Prepared by D. Oetting (http://nonce.com/oetting). Permission is hereby granted to download, reprint, and/or otherwise redistribute this file, provided this distribution statement is included and appropriate point of origin credit is given to the preparer and Douglass.

Title: Inauguration of John F. Kennedy Speaker: John F Kennedy Audio/Video Available: Listen

Transcript/Log: Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, Reverend Clergy, fellow citizens: We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end as well as a beginning--signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago. The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge--and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do--for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom--and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside. To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required--not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge--to convert our good words into good deeds--in a new alliance for progress--to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house. To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support--to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective--to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak--and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run. Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction. We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed. But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course--both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war. So let us begin anew--remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ which divide us. Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms--and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce. Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah--to "undo the heavy burdens . . . (and) let the oppressed go free." And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved. All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe. Now the trumpet summons us again--not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need--not as a call to battle, though embattled we are-- but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"--a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort? In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own. Title: The sinews of peace Speaker: Winston Churchill Audio/Video Available: Listen

Transcript/Log: I am glad to come to Westminster College this afternoon, and am complimented that you should give me a degree. The name "Westminster" is somehow familiar to me. I seem to have heard of it before. Indeed, it was at Westminster that I received a very large part of my education in politics, dialectic, rhetoric, and one or two other things. In fact we have both been educated at the same, or similar, or, at any rate, kindred establishments. It is also an honor, perhaps almost unique, for a private visitor to be introduced to an academic audience by the President of the United States. Amid his heavy burdens, duties, and responsibilities - unsought but not recoiled from - the President has traveled a thousand miles to dignify and magnify our meeting here to-day and to give me an opportunity of addressing this kindred nation, as well as my own countrymen across the ocean, and perhaps some other countries too. The President has told you that it is his wish, as I am sure it is yours, that I should have full liberty to give my true and faithful counsel in these anxious and baffling times. I shall certainly avail myself of this freedom, and feel the more right to do so because any private ambitions I may have cherished in my younger days have been satisfied beyond my wildest dreams. Let me, however, make it clear that I have no official mission or status of any kind, and that I speak only for myself. There is nothing here but what you see. I can therefore allow my mind, with the experience of a lifetime, to play over the problems which beset us on the morrow of our absolute victory in arms, and to try to make sure with what strength I have that what has been gained with so much sacrifice and suffering shall be preserved for the future glory and safety of mankind. The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an aweinspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-time. It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement. When American military men approach some serious situation they are wont to write at the head of their directive the words "over-all strategic concept." There is wisdom in this, as it leads to clarity of thought. What then is the over-all strategic concept which we should inscribe today? It is nothing less than the safety and welfare, the freedom and progress, of all the homes and families of all the men and women in all the lands. And here I speak particularly of the myriad cottage or apartment homes where the wageearner strives amid the accidents and difficulties of life to guard his wife and children from privation and bring the family up in the fear of the Lord, or upon ethical conceptions which often play their potent part. To give security to these countless homes, they must be shielded from the two giant marauders, war and tyranny. We all know the frightful disturbances in which the ordinary family is plunged when the curse of war swoops down upon the bread-winner and those for whom he works and contrives. The awful ruin of Europe, with all its vanished glories, and of large parts of Asia glares us in the eyes. When the designs of wicked men or the aggressive urge of mighty States dissolve over large areas the frame of civilized society, humble folk are confronted with difficulties with which they cannot cope. For them all is distorted, all is broken, even ground to pulp. When I stand here this quiet afternoon I shudder to visualize what is actually happening to millions now and what is going to happen in this period when famine stalks the earth. None can compute what has been called "the unestimated sum of human pain." Our supreme task and duty is to guard the homes of the common people from the horrors and miseries of another war. We are all agreed on that. Our American military colleagues, after having proclaimed their "over-all strategic concept" and computed available resources, always proceed to the next step-namely, the method. Here again there is widespread agreement. A world organization has already been erected for the prime purpose of preventing war, UNO, the successor of the League of Nations, with the decisive addition of the United States and all that means, is already at work. We must make sure that its work is fruitful, that it is a reality and not a sham, that it is a force for action, and not merely a frothing of words, that it is a true temple of peace in which the shields of many nations can some day be hung up, and not merely a cockpit in a Tower of Babel. Before we cast away the solid assurances of national armaments for self-preservation we must be certain that our temple is built, not upon shifting sands or quagmires, but upon the rock. Anyone can see with his eyes open that our path will be difficult and also long, but if we persevere together as we did in the two world wars though not, alas, in the interval between them - I cannot doubt that we shall achieve our common purpose in the end. I have, however, a definite and practical proposal to make for action. Courts and ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ magistrates may be set up but they cannot function without sheriffs and constables. The United Nations Organization must immediately begin to be equipped with an international armed force. In such a matter we can only go step by step, but we must begin now. I propose that each of the Powers and States should be invited to delegate a certain number of air squadrons to the service of the world organization. These squadrons would be trained and prepared in their own countries, but would move around in rotation from one country to another. They would wear the uniform of their own countries but with different badges. They would not be required to act against their own nation, but in other respects they would be directed by the world organization. This might be started on a modest scale and would grow as confidence grew. I wished to see this done after the first world war, and I devoutly trust it may be done forthwith. It would nevertheless be wrong and imprudent to entrust the secret knowledge or experience of the atomic bomb, which the United States, Great Britain, and Canada now share, to the world organization, while it is still in its infancy. It would be criminal madness to cast it adrift in this still agitated and un-united world. No one in any country has slept less well in their beds because this knowledge and the method and the raw materials to apply it, are at present largely retained in American hands. I do not believe we should all have slept so soundly had the positions been reversed and if some Communist or neo-Fascist State monopolized for the time being these dread agencies. The fear of them alone might easily have been used to enforce totalitarian systems upon the free democratic world, with consequences appalling to human imagination. God has willed that this shall not be and we have at least a breathing space to set our house in order before this peril has to be encountered: and even then, if no effort is spared, we should still possess so formidable a superiority as to impose effective deterrents upon its employment, or threat of employment, by others. Ultimately, when the essential brotherhood of man is truly embodied and expressed in a world organization with all the necessary practical safeguards to make it effective, these powers would naturally be confided to that world organization. Now I come to the second danger of these two marauders which threatens the cottage, the home, and the ordinary people - namely, tyranny. We cannot be blind to the fact that the liberties enjoyed by individual citizens throughout the British Empire are not valid in a considerable number of countries, some of which are very powerful. In these States control is enforced upon the common people by various kinds of all-embracing police governments. The power of the State is exercised without restraint, either by dictators or by compact oligarchies operating through a privileged party and a political police. It is not our duty at this time when difficulties are so numerous to interfere forcibly in the internal affairs of countries which we have not conquered in war. But we must never cease to proclaim in fearless tones the great principles of freedom and the rights of man which are the joint inheritance of the English-speaking world and which through Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Habeas Corpus, trial by jury, and the English common law find their most famous expression in the American Declaration of Independence. All this means that the people of any country have the right, and should have the power ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ by constitutional action, by free unfettered elections, with secret ballot, to choose or change the character or form of government under which they dwell; that freedom of speech and thought should reign; that courts of justice, independent of the executive, unbiased by any party, should administer laws which have received the broad assent of large majorities or are consecrated by time and custom. Here are the title deeds of freedom which should lie in every cottage home. Here is the message of the British and American peoples to mankind. Let us preach what we practice - let us practice - what we preach. I have now stated the two great dangers which menace the homes of the people: War and Tyranny. I have not yet spoken of poverty and privation which are in many cases the prevailing anxiety. But if the dangers of war and tyranny are removed, there is no doubt that science and co-operation can bring in the next few years to the world, certainly in the next few decades newly taught in the sharpening school of war, an expansion of material well-being beyond anything that has yet occurred in human experience. Now, at this sad and breathless moment, we are plunged in the hunger and distress which are the aftermath of our stupendous struggle; but this will pass and may pass quickly, and there is no reason except human folly or sub-human crime which should deny to all the nations the inauguration and enjoyment of an age of plenty. I have often used words which I learned fifty years ago from a great Irish-American orator, a friend of mine, Mr. Bourke Cockran. "There is enough for all. The earth is a generous mother; she will provide in plentiful abundance food for all her children if they will but cultivate her soil in justice and in peace." So far I feel that we are in full agreement. Now, while still pursuing the method of realizing our overall strategic concept, I come to the crux of what I have traveled here to say. Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organization will be gained without what I have called the fraternal association of the English-speaking peoples. This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States. This is no time for generalities, and I will venture to be precise. Fraternal association requires not only the growing friendship and mutual understanding between our two vast but kindred systems of society, but the continuance of the intimate relationship between our military advisers, leading to common study of potential dangers, the similarity of weapons and manuals of instructions, and to the interchange of officers and cadets at technical colleges. It should carry with it the continuance of the present facilities for mutual security by the joint use of all Naval and Air Force bases in the possession of either country all over the world. This would perhaps double the mobility of the American Navy and Air Force. It would greatly expand that of the British Empire Forces and it might well lead, if and as the world calms down, to important financial savings. Already we use together a large number of islands; more may well be entrusted to our joint care in the near future. The United States has already a Permanent Defense Agreement with the Dominion of Canada, which is so devotedly attached to the British Commonwealth and Empire. This Agreement is more effective than many of those which have often been made under formal alliances. This principle should be extended to all British Commonwealths with full reciprocity. Thus, whatever happens, and thus only, shall we be secure ourselves and ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ able to work together for the high and simple causes that are dear to us and bode no ill to any. Eventually there may come - I feel eventually there will come - the principle of common citizenship, but that we may be content to leave to destiny, whose outstretched arm many of us can already clearly see. There is however an important question we must ask ourselves. Would a special relationship between the United States and the British Commonwealth be inconsistent with our over-riding loyalties to the World Organization? I reply that, on the contrary, it is probably the only means by which that organization will achieve its full stature and strength. There are already the special United States relations with Canada which I have just mentioned, and there are the special relations between the United States and the South American Republics. We British have our twenty years Treaty of Collaboration and Mutual Assistance with Soviet Russia. I agree with Mr. Bevin, the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, that it might well be a fifty years Treaty so far as we are concerned. We aim at nothing but mutual assistance and collaboration. The British have an alliance with Portugal unbroken since 1384, and which produced fruitful results at critical moments in the late war. None of these clash with the general interest of a world agreement, or a world organization; on the contrary they help it. "In my father's house are many mansions." Special associations between members of the United Nations which have no aggressive point against any other country, which harbor no design incompatible with the Charter of the United Nations, far from being harmful, are beneficial and, as I believe, indispensable. I spoke earlier of the Temple of Peace. Workmen from all countries must build that temple. If two of the workmen know each other particularly well and are old friends, if their families are inter-mingled, and if they have "faith in each other's purpose, hope in each other's future and charity towards each other's shortcomings" - to quote some good words I read here the other day - why cannot they work together at the common task as friends and partners? Why cannot they share their tools and thus increase each other's working powers? Indeed they must do so or else the temple may not be built, or, being built, it may collapse, and we shall all be proved again unteachable and have to go and try to learn again for a third time in a school of war, incomparably more rigorous than that from which we have just been released. The dark ages may return, the Stone Age may return on the gleaming wings of science, and what might now shower immeasurable material blessings upon mankind, may even bring about its total destruction. Beware, I say; time may be short. Do not let us take the course of allowing events to drift along until it is too late. If there is to be a fraternal association of the kind I have described, with all the extra strength and security which both our countries can derive from it, let us make sure that that great fact is known to the world, and that it plays its part in steadying and stabilizing the foundations of peace. There is the path of wisdom. Prevention is better than cure. A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately lighted by the Allied victory. Nobody knows what Soviet Russia and its Communist international organization intends to do in the immediate future, or what are the limits, if any, to their expansive and proselytizing ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ tendencies. I have a strong admiration and regard for the valiant Russian people and for my wartime comrade, Marshal Stalin. There is deep sympathy and goodwill in Britain and I doubt not here also - towards the peoples of all the Russias and a resolve to persevere through many differences and rebuffs in establishing lasting friendships. We understand the Russian need to be secure on her western frontiers by the removal of all possibility of German aggression. We welcome Russia to her rightful place among the leading nations of the world. We welcome her flag upon the seas. Above all, we welcome constant, frequent and growing contacts between the Russian people and our own people on both sides of the Atlantic. It is my duty however, for I am sure you would wish me to state the facts as I see them to you, to place before you certain facts about the present position in Europe. From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow. Athens alone - Greece with its immortal glories - is free to decide its future at an election under British, American and French observation. The Russian- dominated Polish Government has been encouraged to make enormous and wrongful inroads upon Germany, and mass expulsions of millions of Germans on a scale grievous and undreamed-of are now taking place. The Communist parties, which were very small in all these Eastern States of Europe, have been raised to pre-eminence and power far beyond their numbers and are seeking everywhere to obtain totalitarian control. Police governments are prevailing in nearly every case, and so far, except in Czechoslovakia, there is no true democracy. Turkey and Persia are both profoundly alarmed and disturbed at the claims which are being made upon them and at the pressure being exerted by the Moscow Government. An attempt is being made by the Russians in Berlin to build up a quasi-Communist party in their zone of Occupied Germany by showing special favors to groups of left-wing German leaders. At the end of the fighting last June, the American and British Armies withdrew westwards, in accordance with an earlier agreement, to a depth at some points of 150 miles upon a front of nearly four hundred miles, in order to allow our Russian allies to occupy this vast expanse of territory which the Western Democracies had conquered. If now the Soviet Government tries, by separate action, to build up a pro-Communist Germany in their areas, this will cause new serious difficulties in the British and American zones, and will give the defeated Germans the power of putting themselves up to auction between the Soviets and the Western Democracies. Whatever conclusions may be drawn from these facts - and facts they are - this is certainly not the Liberated Europe we fought to build up. Nor is it one which contains the essentials of permanent peace. The safety of the world requires a new unity in Europe, from which no nation should be permanently outcast. It is from the quarrels of the strong parent races in Europe that the ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ world wars we have witnessed, or which occurred in former times, have sprung. Twice in our own lifetime we have seen the United States, against their wishes and their traditions, against arguments, the force of which it is impossible not to comprehend, drawn by irresistible forces, into these wars in time to secure the victory of the good cause, but only after frightful slaughter and devastation had occurred. Twice the United States has had to send several millions of its young men across the Atlantic to find the war; but now war can find any nation, wherever it may dwell between dusk and dawn. Surely we should work with conscious purpose for a grand pacification of Europe, within the structure of the United Nations and in accordance with its Charter. That I feel is an open cause of policy of very great importance . In front of the iron curtain which lies across Europe are other causes for anxiety. In Italy the Communist Party is seriously hampered by having to support the Communist-trained Marshal Tito's claims to former Italian territory at the head of the Adriatic. Nevertheless the future of Italy hangs in the balance. Again one cannot imagine a regenerated Europe without a strong France. All my public life I have worked for a strong France and I never lost faith in her destiny, even in the darkest hours. I will not lose faith now. However, in a great number of countries, far from the Russian frontiers and throughout the world, Communist fifth columns are established and work in complete unity and absolute obedience to the directions they receive from the Communist center. Except in the British Commonwealth and in the United States where Communism is in its infancy, the Communist parties or fifth columns constitute a growing challenge and peril to Christian civilization. These are somber facts for anyone to have to recite on the morrow of a victory gained by so much splendid comradeship in arms and in the cause of freedom and democracy; but we should be most unwise not to face them squarely while time remains. The outlook is also anxious in the Far East and especially in Manchuria. The Agreement which was made at Yalta, to which I was a party, was extremely favorable to Soviet Russia, but it was made at a time when no one could say that the German war might not extend all through the summer and autumn of 1945 and when the Japanese war was expected to last for a further 18 months from the end of the German war. In this country you are all so well-informed about the Far East, and such devoted friends of China, that I do not need to expatiate on the situation there. I have felt bound to portray the shadow which, alike in the west and in the east, falls upon the world. I was a high minister at the time of the Versailles Treaty and a close friend of Mr. Lloyd-George, who was the head of the British delegation at Versailles. I did not myself agree with many things that were done, but I have a very strong impression in my mind of that situation, and I find it painful to contrast it with that which prevails now. In those days there were high hopes and unbounded confidence that the wars were over, and that the League of Nations would become all-powerful. I do not see or feel that same confidence or even the same hopes in the haggard world at the present time. On the other hand I repulse the idea that a new war is inevitable; still more that it is imminent. It is because I am sure that our fortunes are still in our own hands and that we ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ hold the power to save the future, that I feel the duty to speak out now that I have the occasion and the opportunity to do so. I do not believe that Soviet Russia desires war. What they desire is the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines. But what we have to consider here to-day while time remains, is the permanent prevention of war and the establishment of conditions of freedom and democracy as rapidly as possible in all countries. Our difficulties and dangers will not be removed by closing our eyes to them. They will not be removed by mere waiting to see what happens; nor will they be removed by a policy of appeasement. What is needed is a settlement, and the longer this is delayed, the more difficult it will be and the greater our dangers will become. From what I have seen of our Russian friends and Allies during the war, I am convinced that there is nothing they admire so much as strength, and there is nothing for which they have less respect than for weakness, especially military weakness. For that reason the old doctrine of a balance of power is unsound. We cannot afford, if we can help it, to work on narrow margins, offering temptations to a trial of strength. If the Western Democracies stand together in strict adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter, their influence for furthering those principles will be immense and no one is likely to molest them. If however they become divided or falter in their duty and if these all-important years are allowed to slip away then indeed catastrophe may overwhelm us all. Last time I saw it all coming and cried aloud to my own fellow-countrymen and to the world, but no one paid any attention. Up till the year 1933 or even 1935, Germany might have been saved from the awful fate which has overtaken her and we might all have been spared the miseries Hitler let loose upon mankind. There never was a war in all history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe. It could have been prevented in my belief without the firing of a single shot, and Germany might be powerful, prosperous and honored to-day; but no one would listen and one by one we were all sucked into the awful whirlpool. We surely must not let that happen again. This can only be achieved by reaching now, in 1946, a good understanding on all points with Russia under the general authority of the United Nations Organization and by the maintenance of that good understanding through many peaceful years, by the world instrument, supported by the whole strength of the English-speaking world and all its connections. There is the solution which I respectfully offer to you in this Address to which I have given the title "The Sinews of Peace." Let no man underrate the abiding power of the British Empire and Common-wealth. Because you see the 46 millions in our island harassed about their food supply, of which they only grow one half, even in war-time, or because we have difficulty in restarting our industries and export trade after six years of passionate war effort, do not suppose that we shall not come through these dark years of privation as we have come through the glorious years of agony, or that half a century from now, you will not see 70 or 80 millions of Britons spread about the world and united in defense of our traditions, our way of life, and of the world causes which you and we espouse. If the population of the ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ English-speaking Commonwealths be added to that of the United States with all that such co-operation implies in the air, on the sea, all over the globe and in science and in industry, and in moral force, there will be no quivering, precarious balance of power to offer its temptation to ambition or adventure. On the contrary, there will be an overwhelming assurance of security. If we adhere faithfully to the Charter of the United Nations and walk forward in sedate and sober strength seeking no one's land or treasure, seeking to lay no arbitrary control upon the thoughts of men; if all British moral and material forces and convictions are joined with your own in fraternal association, the high-roads of the future will be clear, not only for us but for all, not only for our time, but for a century to come.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Promotional Peel Away: Axtion Plus Sales Letter Important Note: Here are my ‘peel away’ notes for a sales letter for a herbal sex supplement. Click on the ‘sticky notes’ for my full annotations.

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

AXTION Plus - The Ultimate Slower-acting Herbal Sex Enhancer!

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If You're Taking Or Considering A Fast Acting Herbal Sexual Enhancement Supplement, Ask Yourself This...

"Do You Know What's REALLY Inside Your Fast Acting Herbal Sex Enhancing Pill?" As You Read Every Word Of This Special Report, You'll Realize That It's Really Not Worth Losing Your Life Over A Few Minutes Of Pleasure... Dear Friend:


his is probably the most politically incorrect letter

you'll ever read... Cos in a moment , you might wind up getting so pissed off you may just smash your fist right through the computer screen. But I don't really care. Because if I can save your life at the expense of pissing you off, then it'll be worth it.

A Blast of Brutal Honesty About Fast Acting Sex Enhancing Pills! Let's face it. The sex enhancing pill industry preys on your desperation. Whether you're a premature ejaculator, unable to obtain and maintain an erection or just want to increase your capacity to perform sexually, the most important things is results isn't it?

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As human beings we all want instant gratification. As a hot blooded male, who wouldn't want to be able to fuck all night without taking a break? And if you've tried a fast acting sexual enhancing pill before, you know they work amazing fast. It's like, down the pill goes, and UP goes your weiner. You're amazed at how little time it takes to transform 'Little Willy' into 'Steel Member'. In fact, you might even be of the opinion that they work better than ED drugs. I'm certainly not psychic, but I'm sure with your 'erectile' powers, your partner would have been impressed with your ability to rise to the occasion and perform. Maybe the pill made you a stud. Maybe the pill made you gain a whole load of newfound self confidence and respect. Maybe you even wound up 'inspiring' yourself Maybe you think the pill is a mini modern day miracle. Sure you would. But...

Is Your Hard On Worth Suffering Side Effects Like These? If you've taken any fast acting sexual enhancing pill before, chances are you probably might have experienced... z




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AXTION Plus - The Ultimate Slower-acting Herbal Sex Enhancer!


Blue Vision


Nasal Congestion


Facial Flushing


Heart Palpitations

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All these are pretty 'part and parcel' of taking any fast acting sexual enhancing pill. Sure, these side effects may not seem to be 'fatal' and you may be apt to just simply dismiss them. Nothing could be further from the truth... These side effects could be more 'dangerous' than you think, and are good indications that your supposed 'herbal' sex pill is adulterated!

Wisen Up Bucko. It's Time To Smell The Roses! I'm pretty sure if you've read this far, you probably don't have your brain in your dick like so many of the guys out there. These guys will have sex on the freeway, with a HIV positive hooker, all for the sake of cheap thrill. They throw all caution to the wind, and if they were reading this, they'd say, "I don't give 2 shits about what goes into those pills as long as they work!" Who cares? I do. And you probably do too, which is why you're still reading this.

Ex Chemist Spills The Beans On The Scandalous Truth About The Sex Supplement Industry! It's a dirty world out there.

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AXTION Plus - The Ultimate Slower-acting Herbal Sex Enhancer!

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I'll give you a hint. Where do you think your neighborhood friendly sex supplement manufacturer gets it's raw materials from? FACT: Most the raw materials used by sex supplement manufacturers come from... CHINA!! Does that send alarm bells in your head ringing? I ain't racist, and I have nothing against the Chinese. But in this vast country where "anything goes", patents and trademarks are not respected and the mixing of chemicals with drugs are actually... legal. There's an inside joke about "copyright" in China. In China, "Copy IS right!" Says a lot... The truth is, these guys really don't care if its illegal elsewhere in the world. While it is true that China has more beneficial herbs than anywhere else in the world, it is the production and quality control (or lack of it) that causes major problems. So much so that many European countries prohibit the importation of TCM (traditional chinese medicine) products, because most of them are laced with harmful substances like mecury. Scary isn't it? Even in a strict county like Singapore, a 'slimming supplement' manufactured in China managed to slip under the radar of it's health body and actually caused a local celebrity to lose her LIVER. And how about the massive death in babies and toddlers a couple of years ago because they drank milk that contained rat poison? Apparently, the manufacturer had added in rat poison in an effort to reduce his raw materials cost! How about the incident where an unscrupulous

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manufacturer for sausages 're-manufactured' expired sausages in new skins? (You can make a good guess about what happened to the people who consumed the sausages) I ain't trying to scare you bucko.

This Is Really As Real As It Gets... And it gets even scarier... Do you know what Sildenafil is? Sildenafil and vardenafil are selective inhibitors of 5phosphodiesterase (PDE5), an enzyme that degrades the second-messenger molecule cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which is chiefly responsible for the smooth muscle relaxation of blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum of the penis. These ingredients can interact with medications and dangerously lower their blood pressure. In geeky medical speak... PDE5 inhibitors also affect the nitric oxide/cGMP pathway in blood vessels in the cardiovascular circulation and may potentiate the blood-pressure lowering effects of nitrates used to treated angina. In fact, the blue pill was originally developed as an anti-angina agent. Its effect on erectile function was discovered serendipitously, when investigators noticed that men involved in the original clinical trials were reluctant to return their unused medication. Men with diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol or heart disease often have erectile dysfunction and may be also be taking nitrates, unaware that there could be seriously or potentially fatal drug interactions with the hidden ingredients in the mail-order drugs. What's dangerous is that these pharmaceuticals and their analogs are extremely hard to detect and can only be detected through 'molecular separation' techniques and 'Raman Analysis'.

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AXTION Plus - The Ultimate Slower-acting Herbal Sex Enhancer!

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But I'll spare you all the technical details for now... What I do want to bring to your attention, is that there is a

100% Safe, SLOWER Acting Natural Alternative! (Insert Graphic Here) Introducing AXTION Plus, the world's first 100% SLOWER acting natural sexual performance booster. Unlike the 'rest', the effect of AXTION Plus takes a few hours to kick in, rather than a few minutes. As you'll discover, this little 'trade off' in time is absolutely worth it. Quit toying with your life over trying to get an erection. I think you'll agree, it really aint' worth it. Who really needs ED drugs when a natural product works just as well, if not better? If you want to get your 'male blood' gushing back to it's healthy robust levels and do it naturally without putting your health at risk and jeopardizing your life, then AXTION Plus is probably exactly what you're looking for. AXTION Plus, unlike many 'others' comes with no bullshit. I'll tell you exactly what goes into every 300 mg pill right here, right now.

"Here's The Magic That Goes Into Each And Every AXTION Plus Capsule!"

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Power Booster Herb #1: Tribulus Terrestris Tribulus has been used by men in India and China for centuries. Sports supplement experts have touted Tribulus as the best natural safe alternative to pro-hormones to boost testostorone production. Primarily used to promote libido, potency, strength of erections and even the quality and quantity of sperm production, it's been enjoying popularity in the sports supplement industry as the best alternative to controversial 'pro-hormones' as a testostorone booster. One way tribulus improves sexual performance is by increasing concentrations of several sex hormones, which are needed to maintain sexual health. Scientists believe that the herb is able to do this by directly stimulating the hypothalamus - a major hormone-producing gland in your brain. This action then helps to boost the levels of your sex hormones such as testosterone, which influences libido and the ability to get and maintain an erection, and luteinising hormone, which acts on the sperm-producing tissues of the testicles to improve the quality and quantity of sperm being produced.

Power Booster Herb #2: Saw Palmetto (Serenoa Repens) Saw Palmetto is well known for its efficiency over control of enlargement of prostate. It is the most natural therapy for chronic urinary tract infections and helps increase sperm production and sex drive in men

Power Booster Herb #3: Herba Parsley (Petroselinum Sativum) Herba Parsley helps eliminate bloating and excess water weight. It maitains both skin and hair health and eases the pain of flatulence(gas) and cotic, It also helps promote the digestive system and freashens your breath

Power Booster Herb #4: Pumpkin Seed (Cucurbita Pepo)

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This herb was made infamous by Sigmund Freud when he recommended it as an aphrodisiac. It has been scientifically proven to have positive effects on one's health. Pumpkin seed promotes male potency, and effectively prevents cardiovascular diseases, and lowers cholesterol levels.

Power Booster Herb #5: Epimedium Grandiflorum More commonly known as Horny Goat Weed, it dates back to at least 400 A.D., where it has been used as a tonic for the reproductive system (boosting libido and treating impotence) and as a rejuvenating tonic (to relieve fatigue). The Chinese refer to epimedium as "yin yang huo", of which a loose translation would equate to "licentious goat plant". The plant was reputedly a favorite of the sexually hyperactive yin yang, a mythic creature which enjoyed one hundred orgasms a day. Used in traditional botonical medicine in China, South America And Ayurveda, Horny Goat Weed is a robust all-natural stimulant that can support a more robust life as well as love-life. Horny Goat Weed has testosterone-like effects. It stimulates sexual activity in both men and women, increases sperm production, stimulates the sensory nerves, and increases sexual desire.

Power Booster Herb #6: Dioscorea Bulbifera Dioscorea bulbifera (commonly known as air potato or bitter yam) is a member of the yam family Dioscoreaceae and is native to tropical Asia where it is utilized as a food crop. The plant has been used as an herbal remedy for many years as an antispasmodic, analgesic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, and a rejuvenative tonic. Recently, D. bulbifera extracts have been found to exhibit anti-tumor and antibacterial activity, anti-hypoglycaemic and antidiabetic effects in vitro. Most populations contain the steroid pre-cursor diosgenin, which increases body strenth and stamina

Total: 300 mg per capsule

Warning: Do Not Take Any Other So Called Herbal Sexual

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AXTION Plus - The Ultimate Slower-acting Herbal Sex Enhancer!

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Enhancer Unless It Meets The Following Criteria! 1. All ingredients have to be safe for consumption AXTION Plus uses only 100% FDA approved ingredients. As you know, a lot of the rest of the stuff out there contain lots of potentially 'dangerous' ingredients that aren't FDA approved, and may be a threat to your health. 2. There must be no side effects Look, common sense tells you that you probably can't have very good sex if you have heart palpitations, indigestion, nasal congestion, blue vision and a massive headache. A good male potency booster should not come with all these side effects. AXTION Plus has absolutely no known side effects, and is 100% safe for consumption. 3. Does not give you embarrassing uncontrollable erections Hey, how embarrassing would it be if you were to have a huge boner in a public swimming pool or in the subway? AXTION Plus is totally discreet, and it's amazing 'smart' formula only springs into action on demand when there's actual stimulation. Plus...

AXTION Plus Stays Put In Your Body For Up To 4 Full Days! Axtion Plus is not only safe, but it's also extremely economical. All you have to do is take 1-2 capsules in the morning on an empty stomach, and you'll be 'armed and loaded' for the next 4 days, ready to have the most sizzling sex anytime you want. Sure, there are some other 'pills' out there that purportedly can last for 4 days as well, but guess what?

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SO DO THE SIDE EFFECTS! Quit screwing around with needless side effects and try the new 100% safe alternative, AXTION Plus now!

Will AXTION Plus Make YOUR Partner Thank You In The Morning? Maybe. Maybe not. I've to be honest.... I don't know you personally, nor do I know your current health condition, so I can't make any empty promises. What I CAN deliver, is a solid supplement that will 'restore' your vitality, add more 'oomph' to your bedroom fun, and invigorate you so that you feel like a real stallion again. It's as though you can take on the world with all that new stamina and boundless energy you experience. Still, I ain't gonna 'guaranteee' anything though. If you want 'guaranteed' results, you can try one of those 'fast acting' pills that all claim are the 'instant' cure to whatever sexual problems you have. But personally, if it were me, I'd run like the wind. NOBODY can guarantee, ethically or legally that one pill can solve all your sexual problems. It's all a crock of shit if you ask me. Which is why...

You Can Try AXTION Plus For FREE If You Choose... Go ahead.

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AXTION Plus - The Ultimate Slower-acting Herbal Sex Enhancer!

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Grab a bottle, or a few, and put it to the test. See if AXTION Plus will work for you. What I do KNOW for sure, is that these amazing herbs contained in AXTION Plus are known for boosting sexual desire and sensitivity, strengthening erections, and enabling men of all ages to enjoy frequent, longlasting sex. If AXTION Plus works for you, and your partner thanks you for it, all I ask for in return is that you share your success story with me. If it doesn't simply ship the bottles back and get a FULL refund. No questions asked, no weasel clauses. Try it out and see if AXTION Plus makes you...

A Gladiator In The Bedroom! You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Frankly, I'm not sure if you can recall when sex was fun – when you’d go at it like a raging bull for the WHOLE NIGHT, even if you have to show up at work at 8 in the morning the next day. All that 'horniness', all that 'boundless energy'. Ask yourself honestly, When was the last time it felt like that for you? As men, age is our biggest enemy. The older we get, and our hormone levels dip, our zest for life dips too, and this takes it's toll on the frequent, invigorating sex you may have enjoyed for years. With AXTION Plus , it doesn’t have to be that way anymore… You can replenish (and manage) a flood of fresh, youthful testostorone... allowing you to finally experience more frequesnt, more intense and more pleasurable orgasms.

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There’s hundreds of years worth of hardcore 'evidence' on your side that the key ingredients in AXTION Plus can put the 'schwing' back into your magic wand and turbocharge your libido like nothing else out there. So go ahead and click on the order button now below. When your bottle of AXTION Plus arrives, take it as per the simple instructions and give it a few days to 'kick in'. AXTION Plus comes in totally discreet packaging so you can be sure it won't send any alarm bells ringing. And with the fast shipping option (US only. Express Mail option for International), AXTION plus will be at your doorstep sooner than you think. The next time you draw your sword, you'll be surprise at what a 'killer' you've become. All the best in the bedroom!

Paul T Biomax Nutritionals

P.S. Ok big deal, so AXTION Plus takes a few hours to kick in. But, it's 100% safe, natural, and as much as you and I both like to screw, I'd think it's a wise idea not to screw with your life. Do it with your wife or girlfriend, girlfriends, boyfriend, boyfriends, whatever. I don't care. AXTION Plus can help you get the best 'screw' of your life without jeopardizing it, so screw the fast acting killers, and go for AXTION Plus!

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Practical Assignment: Your practical assignment for this training session is to create a fictional conversation on any topic of your choice that does the following: • • •

Establishing an emotional connection Steering the communication to your desired outcome Amplifying the emotions you desire

You can use any of the hypnotic devices you’ve learnt to do this. Remember, the ‘outcome’ has to be crystal clear. “Give me the job”, “ have sex with me”, “buy this product now”. I’d recommend a weasel opener that leads into a story with strong embedded commands which are disguised by ‘softeners’ and vivid word picture painting to ‘future pace’ the reader. In the following pages, you’ll find my critiques of actual submitted homework by my students. Use my comments as a benchmark for your own practical assignment.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Assignment #2 Critiques By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Assignment #2: by Theodore Chan I invite you to notice what it feels like to spend every day like it was a lazy Sunday. That is exactly the lifestyle that my friend, Fred, who is just like you, now enjoys. Imagine the birds are singing and twerping, the sky is blue and you roll out of bed fully rested and energized. You feel so happy and peaceful and know that you will have a fulfilling day, doing exactly what you want; when you want with whomever you want. Fred has never been healthier, happier, and looks years younger since he discovered ASR. He was just like you, maybe even worse… He would wake up at 4:00 AM every day, commute 2 hours each way to do some computer work, be a drone in a cube. The work was alright, the pay was decent, but could’ve been higher (whoever says they get paid enough anyways?), but something was just missing. The first time Fred read about ASR, he immediately bought it and devoured the contents. It filled the gap. They thought that he had a lot of potential. They were right! Fred was able to easily make enough money so that he could quit his J-O-B and do what he truly loved, watch his infant daughter learn to crawl and coaching high school basketball. Obviously, you can generate more income. Fred has the freedom of life and the time to enjoy it. He can now do what he wants, when he wants with whomever he wants. When your ASR package arrives, immediately devour the content, then follow it as per the step by step outline and give it a week to ‘load up’ bank account. Jo Han’s Comments: This is very well done assignment. It could do with more ‘word pictures’ to make it more powerful. There is also a little ‘too much’ going on about Fred, and you need to ‘throw it back’ to the prospect as a way of eliciting more ‘criteria’ and ‘values’ so that you can sprinkle them in the form of embedded commands later. Here’s an example of criteria and value elicitation: “Firstname, what is the most important thing you look for in a business opportunity” “How do you feel about ‘whatever answer he provides’?

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #2 by Paul Chow: Me: Ever feel like you could go for a drive somewhere just for the sake of the sheer fun of doing it? 2nd person: I have thought about it, yes. Me: Haven’t you ever felt like just getting into your car and just driving because you feel like it? Not because you need to get somewhere or do something, but just to enjoy the sheer unadulterated experience of controlling a powerful and precise machine that literally reads your will and obeys, and rewards you with input that shows you precisely what it is doing? 2nd person: Hmm, well, I have never really thought about driving in that way before. Me: There are times when I just feel like getting in it and driving and driving without stopping except to sleep; I can’t wait to hear the intoxicating mellifluous roar of the engine, the wind in my hair, and the subtle vibrations and kickback in the steering wheel as it reacts to the road. I also get such a thrill from rowing through the gears and pointing and twirling the steering wheel, making it bend to my will almost like it was an extension of my body. 2nd Person: What do you think could cause you to feel such passion and derive such enjoyment from driving? Me: Naturally, everyone has to feel a connection with the car that they are driving. One has to feel at one with the road and the machine, because driving is all about being immersed in the experience. This is actually very thrilling and addictive, if one goes about it the right way. 2nd Person: This is a very unusual way of looking at driving. Please go and tell me more, I am really curious to hear more about your take on it. Quite truthfully, I have never ever really looked at it this way before. Me: A friend of mine who is a Formula 1 race car driver puts it very succinctly when he says, “Driving is all about interaction between man and the machine. It is almost like a love affair between the two, and the closer they are, the more one will enjoy driving. You have to hear it, feel it, smell it even.” 2nd Person: Wow, I have never really heard driving described in such passionate terms! Me: Well, this is a true story; three years ago he let me take the reins of his sports car as I had won a little bet over a woman we were both interested in. I won’t bore you with the ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ excruciating details as this is a story for another time and place! Anyway, we left from his place up in the hills, and started driving down this incredibly twisty and winding mountain road that leads up to his house. The narrowness and bumpiness of the road forced me, initially at least, to concentrate on steering it and judiciously using the gas pedal so as not to over inadvertently drive off the edge of the mountain! Strangely enough, after several minutes I started to feel at home in it, and I was twirling the wheel fluidly and working the brake and gas pedals gracefully, making the car fly and sing its beautiful aria, reaching obscene and illegal speeds in the process. 2nd Person: Wow, what car were you driving? Me: Well, I was driving a very rare and obscure car called the Pagani Zonda. It is a limited edition sports car of which only 800 copies are produced every year. It is an exquisite car produced in a little village in Italy, where artisans cut and stitch everything in the upholstery, and practically everything is handcrafted, from the dashboard to seats to the engine, which is painstakingly assembled by just two highly trained craftsmen who also place their autographs on it. The car is rigorously tested on the highway at extremely high speeds and also on a test track before even going on sale. It is so technically sophisticated that you become a better driver by default! 2nd Person: Wow, I had no idea that so much attention and care could be lavished on what is basically an automotive conveyance. Me: As you sit in the car, you will feel at one with the road, and it will make you drive better, smoother, and faster than ever before. It is almost effortless in the way it makes you a better driver. It leaves me with no other choice than to recommend you to go out and buy one for yourself. 2nd Person: It sounds like a really awesome car, but it sounds really expensive and maybe even a little frivolous. Me: The less you try to understand, the more you’ll get it. 2nd Person: Huh? What do you mean? Me: You just have to buy the Pagani to understand what I mean. 2nd Person: Hmm, I’m still not so sure about this. Me: Follow along with me for a moment here. Pretend that you don’t want to enjoy driving, you don’t want to feel the thrill of controlling and machine and becoming one with the road, you don’t want to clip apexes on the road with the same precision that surgeon wields his scalpel. Think about how dull and unrewarding driving an automotive appliance just designed to convey you from point A to point B would be. Imagine never ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ being able to enjoy the thrill of driving just for the sheer enjoyment of it; would you want to be driving like this for the rest of your life? 2nd person: Well of course I wouldn’t. Me: Well, that is why you need to buy the Pagani Zonda, and leave behind the dreariness of automotive appliances designed by bean counters. 2nd person: You could be right. I should see about test driving the Pagani. Me: You are doing the right thing, believe me when I say this. You will not be disappointed. Jo Han’s Comments: This is an excellent use of hypnotic devices. What would make this much more powerful is not to ‘hard sell’ the car too much. Too many of the commands seem like you’re asking the prospect to buy the car. The objective would be to get the prospect in a ‘trance’ to imagine the ultimate driving experience, and then shoot to ‘close’ test drive. The easiest way obviously, would be to say, nothing beats you actually experiencing it for yourself. Also, a little bit of flattery and pacing would be appropriate. Here’s an example: “Mr Prospect, just from the watch you’re wearing, I can tell that you obviously go for the finer things in life. Clearly a normal ‘run of the mill’ vehicle to take you from point A to point B will not be enough for a person like you. You want flash, you want speed, you want performance blah blah…” It’s important at the end of it all, you wanna ‘take it away’ a little and just tell the prospect to decide for himself, and whether or not he can live with himself settling for ‘second best’.

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #2 by Tim Johnson Big Oil and Ducks

The setting is a presentation in a board room at an oil company. The oil company has a bad record of environmental compliance and I am there to convince them that they require my services in environmental auditing. Its an beautiful fall day, the sun is shining brightly through the big boardroom windows. It’s 8am and I arrive at the office of Big Oil. I am there early to set up my laptop and projector for my presentation. I mention to the receptionist that is very nice of her let me into the boardroom before everyone arrives. It’s 8:15 and incomes Big Oils environmental coordinator. His name is Ken; this is great that I get some face time one on one with him because he has a lot of pull when it comes to deciding on who get the environment auditing contract. He enters the room and looks surprised to see me all set up and ready to go, his comment was: Howdy Tim you sure are an early bird, I am usually the first guy in the boardroom for these early meetings. My response was hi Ken it’s nice to see you again (nice firm handshake and eye contact), thanks for setting up this meeting; I’ve got great photos from our helicopter flight last week… You know it’s funny, but you and I were the only Troopers that didn’t get sick when we hit that turbulence on last leg of the flight. Ken…that’s right Tim, now that mention it those others guys woofed their cookies… (We both laugh)…I respond I could tell when they showed up for the chopper ride with street shoes and dress pants that they were not experienced, but when I saw you with your hiking boots, backpack and rain jacket I could see you were a seasoned field guy…a Trooper…Funny but we were the only ones that packed extra food and a tent, good thing because when we had to put the chopper down and spend the night I knew that you were the one guy that I could depend on…with my life. Funny how near death situations bring people together and you know I really felt comfortable when we communicating with hand signals on the pontoons…like we both had ESP…yah funny eigh…Yup…sure is! ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Hey, last night when we finally got the tent set up you mentioned something about the problems with wildlife study from your last consultant…the wind was blowing so hard that I couldn’t hear everything you said, just so I understand was that the Duck Study in the marshland. Yes Tim, what a disaster. Its 8:30 now and here is the section Director and his two planners. Ken introduces me and for the next 20 minutes I walked them through the slide presentation and when we got to the discussion on my fees I encountered some resistance. I stated the following: Yes, you’re right. I wouldn’t ask for you to give me a higher fee, it’s up to you. I wouldn’t be pressing hard to get a better deal out of this discussion. And you don’t have to agree with everything I am saying right now! Yes, you don’t need to imagine yourself a month from now, having accepted all the conditions I’m asking for now, already having been totally satisfied with our partnership and looking back on today as having been the start of it. Upon reviewing the wildlife study the conservation offer was wondering why would you believe something that’s not true. I wouldn’t condemn my peers from the other company that conducted the Duck study; I just feel it’s my duty to pass on what the Conservation Officer mentioned. Ethically, I can’t say they broke the law with false results, that’s up to the judge. As you think about what others are saying in town, you might be in a position where you have to defend your decisions, I can’t advise you to act quickly and make a commitment to spend right now, and it’s up to you. In summary, I can’t say my company is better or even best for this job because that’s not the way we operate, we just do our very best every time for every customer and we fully guarantee our work 100%. It’s up to you to decide, I don’t have a crystal ball, and I can’t tell you that the CEO will go to jail over the Duck report scandal. What I can tell you is we are here for you and we have arranged to have the best wildlife biologist ready on short notice when you need us. The End PS. The charges were dropped. My company now advises Big Oil Ltd on all environmental matters. Jo Han’s Comments: Good use of weasels and trance words. Once again, the big thing here that would make a critical difference is word pictures. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #2 by David Thomas Have you ever found yourself when meeting someone for the first time warming to them immediately; suddenly it’s as if you have known them for years. You don’t know why but for some strange reason you listen closely to what they have to say, clearly there seems to be a real connection between you, instinctively you know this person is someone you can trust and rely on. You may not see each other for months but as soon as you meet up again that bond is there Well my friend Tom is someone who falls in to that category as soon as I met him I thought this guy is genuine he tells it as it is and over the years that has proved to be the case. Picture this I had not seen Tom for around four months when out of the blue I get a call from him asking if I would like to meet up for lunch one day the following week, so without any hesitation I told him that I would love to meet up with him On the allotted day I made my way to this little Italian Bistro in the centre of town you know the type of place, the red and white checked table cloths the waiters in their white aprons and big genuine smiles and lots of loud banter back and forth, as soon as you walk in you feel your spirits lift. Looking around the place I spot Tom at a table over in the corner and make my way across to him as I get closer I can see that he is well tanned and looking full of the joys of life, It transpired that he had just returned from a month long vacation to Barbados where he had been having a great time Scuba Diving, Water Skiing, Para gliding etc through the day and dining out on fine food and drink every night. As I said earlier Tom and I get on really well so I just came straight out and asked him, how could he afford to pay for such a holiday and how did he get a month off work? ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Well I have got to say I nearly fell off my chair when he told me he was working for himself on his Internet Business. To give you a little background Tom and I used to work together in the Financial Services Industry and to say that Tom was a little technically challenged when it came to computers would be an understatement, even though the programs we were using were basic menu driven ones Tom was regularly at my door asking for help. You can imagine how shocked I was when he told me he was making thousands a week on the internet. The one thing I did know was that if Tom was telling me this, then it had to be the truth. The next thing that came into my mind was I had to know how he was doing this. With a slightly disbelieving look I said to him “Tom no offence mate but you were never the most computer literate person in the world so how can you be making all this money on the internet?” He just laughed when I said that and said Dave I remember all the times I used to come to you for help, so I can understand your disbelief. If someone had said to me a year ago that I would be making my fortune on the internet and only having to work an hour or two a day I would have told them they must have got me confused with someone who actually knows how to use a computer. Then came the role reversal when we worked together I used to be the Manager and Tom the Financial Adviser I could see the twinkle in his eyes as he said to me What would it be like if I could show you a way to earn thousands a month and only work an hour or two a day would this be of interest to you? Me - yes Tom Tom - If you had a step by step foolproof plan laid out for you to follow would this be of benefit to you Me – of course it would Tom

Tom - What if you had every step available to you on video showing you not just what to do but more importantly how to do it and a timescale to do everything in would you like that. Me – to true I would Tom - If you were to have everything you needed to get your business up and running and making a profit in just a few days available to you at no extra cost would this help you ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Me - you know it would. Tom – If 97% of the work was already done for you, so that you don’t need to be a computer whiz to get your business up and running do you think you would want to get started right away? Me - are you calling for the check or am I Tom - What if I was to tell you that you could get all of this for less than the price of our lunch today! Me - Tom stop prolonging the agony just tell me where to sign up!!! Well that was 3 months ago, has it been as good as Tom said? Well let’s say that I have just booked a month’s holiday with my mate Tom we are going to Bali this time. Why don’t you join us? Just go to the order button below sign up and see how easy it is to be able to live your life instead of just existing.

Jo Han’s Comments: Almost impeccable application of hypnotic devices. This example is definitely worth of study, especially the beginning portions and description of Tom. My only comment is that the hypnotic devices seem to ‘fade away’ and skew a little towards hype at the end. Otherwise, VERY well done!

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #2 by Craig Harrison I have based the assignment for lesson 2 on a fictional situation where I am providing a live sales presentation to a struggling firm, who require assistance in business strategy and optimizing employee performance. I chose this as a challenge as I know very little about the subject and actually repossess houses for a living! ME: Have you ever heard of the real story of how one man's amazing rise to personal financial wealth also catapulted America into the most powerful nation at the start of the century? FIRM: No, can't say I recall the story to hand ME: Well, this incredibly influential man spotted a major flaw in working methods in his industry, a flaw which is still been used in companies in many industries all around the world today leading to stagnation, lack of growth and the eventual demise of many companies. It's this flaw which is clearly hindering many companies growth and the worst part it is ... nobody knows how to solve it even though this secret has been used by all of the most successful companies all over the world. Instead, firms are been ripped apart and go out of business because:

a.. Employees are leaving companies in droves, with skyrocketing turnover rates b.. Managers are losing control leading to a sharp decline in productivity for the manager and employees below c.. Sales and profits are reducing as the domino effect begins to take hold d.. Companies growth begins to slide and sink into quicksand and desperately clinging on to dear life ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ e.. Clients expectations are not been met and the shocking likelyhood is your business could drop down dead

Now I just wanted to ask you this, and I hope you don't find it too intrusive but is your employee turnover high, and has your companies growth come to halt? FIRM: Yeah, our average employee retention is less than 7 months and we have been struggling to grow as a company over the last couple of years or so. ME: Your response says what you are unaware of. Clearly you require a new way of thinking, which is what you are receiving today. Now, picture your company as it begins to march forward, your competitors scratching their heads wondering how you are suddenly so profitable, you have the freedom to spend more time with your families ... you are truly enjoying life now that you have left all the stress behind ... you are on your 3rd dream vacation already this year ... your stress has just vanished into thin air. And all it takes to achieve this is implementing just a few secrets that this one man used to build a global wealth empire. You know, it was just a year ago when I shared these lost secrets with another business leader called John Smith, and you wouldn't believe what he said at the time. He said, 'Whoa! I can't believe that these secrets have not been unleashed before! It's amazing to think that I can take my business to a whole new level by just changing a few small things that nobody else in my industry even knows exist'. Now you are maybe feeling really skeptical about this, and that's cool. I would be skeptical too. But just one year later, John Smith's profits have quadrupled ... his staff are now extremely happy ... staff turnover has declined faster than a rapid river ... he has zero stress in his life ... John has taken 3 dream holidays this year ... basking in the sun as the waves lap gently at his feet ... he can go pick up his kids from school everyday and is now even known as superdad to all the other parents! Suddenly, you begin to realize just how powerful this information you are implementing is, and as you listen to my voice you are beginning to understand how important it is to have these secrets in your possession today. And as you picture the competitors that seek to destroy your business for their own gain, you will begin to realize that owning these secrets is your only chance to fight back and ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ win in the business minefield. FIRM: Now, you have mentioned these secrets a few times. Sounds unique, but what exactly are these secrets, and you haven't mentioned who the man was who discovered these secrets. Can you tell us more about the specifics of what you have to offer? ME: Yes. The man I have mentioned is known by all. His amazing breakthroughs revolutionized an industry, brought stunning personal wealth, as well as an amazing lifestyle to macth. The company he started in 1903 is still building wealth to this very day all over the world. His name was Henry Ford creator of the Ford Motor Company. Oh and the secrets that he personally used boiled down just 2 things, which amazingly, virtually most people don't even know about: a.. Integration b.. The Division of labour In fact without implementing these 2 small secrets any business will die. Picture the scene at the turn of the century ... the motor car is now available and man can can get from A to B without horse and wagon. Henry Ford sat down and said to himself "How can I get more cars produced faster, more efficiently, at less cost, with less stress whilst demolishing my competition like a sledgehammer?" And it came to him as if by magic ... "These 2 little secrets will propel my company forward, make the automobile available to everyone and bring me amazing wealth". And the assembly line was born. Now here is the real secret to his incredible wealth ... It wasn't with working harder ... it wasn't through working longer hours ... It was working smarter. FIRM: So what you're saying is that we need to develop an assembly line to develop our products? That's no secret, we have been using an assembly line since we started the company 3 years ago. ME: Yes you're right. The assembly line is used by everyone. It isn't a secret that many companies now use an assembly line. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ But just imagine for second as you listen to my voice, if you were to use this division of labor technique with your own daily tasks. And visualize your employees and managers utilizing this mind blowing concept in their own working day. a.. Productivity would quadruple at the very least b.. Managers would have a complete iron grip and even the smallest details c.. Employees will be be working in a happy environment d.. People will be literally begging to work for you e.. Profits will will soar like an eagle f.. Competitors will be left in the dust as you burst on ahead and leave them trailing behind g.. You will have tons more free time as the business takes care of you h.. The dream lifestyle ... the holidays ... more time with the family will become a reality You see, everyone is reacting to the work around them instead of controlling the work. With me on your side your employees will fully understand how to control their work and quadruple their productivity and finally give you the dream lifestyle, exceptional profits that will turn others green with envy. (I would at this point hand out testimonials from other business owners stating how their business as quadrupled in profit, living the dream etc) FIRM: This sounds quite incredible, but how exactly would this work? What exactly is you are offering? ME: Clearly you are beginning to see just how powerful this information is. And if you are ready to achieve optimal business growth you will receive the following:

a.. 1 week with me eating, living, and sleeping your business.

b.. I work with all employees both one on one and in workshops teaching how to implement the division of labor into their own day to achieve optimal productivity and job satisfaction

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ c.. We develop a titanium strength business plan for you to carry out to crush your competition and bring unheard of profit levels in your business

d.. An 8 part DVD recording of my breakthrough workshop from 2004 detailing in exact steps how I took several companies to millions of pounds worth of profit each year

e.. A 12 part DVD set explaining the division of labor concept and how to utilize it in your own working day, so that new starters in your growing company quickly grasp the concepts and begin implementing them seamlessly f.. Phone support for a whole 12 months so that you can call me anytime, anywhere to discuss any challenges you have. Obviously this is something that will transport your business to new levels at warp speed and the more you begin realize just how powerful this division of labor is, the more you will begin to see a seismic shift in your company growth and quality of life your life. And just by investing the small sum of £9,997.00 your business will be rocketed to a whole new level, an amazing lifestyle will be literally handed to you on a plate as your business begins to look after you whilst earning more money than you ever thought possible. FIRM: I see the value in what you are offering, but I know that another firm offer business coaching for less than half what you are charging. Why should I pick you over them? ME: The business coaching you will receive from me is the best because I offer a number of things other companies simply cannot provide. I know one firm who don't provide any ongoing support whereas with me I hold you by the hand for a whole year. Other firms I know don't even realize that you will have new employees who will need to master these unique secrets so your business ends up where you started. That is where my 12 part DVD set comes in. So although you invest more with me, you begin to realize the benefits and long term gains were worth 10 times the investment at least. Jo Han’s Comments: This is a very good script. In fact, I’d say this is THE model assignment of the week. Craig, I think you’ll be reasonably pleased when you try out this script. The only caveat is that you must prepare multiple ‘outs’. In short, your script should be a framework that is flexible enough to accommodate the prospect should they choose to say ‘no’ anytime in the process. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Also, I’d tweak the opener, as it’s not easy to ‘lead into’ the opener in real life.

Assignment #2 by Amy Blain I know that more than anything else in the world, you want to know what it’s like to be a pop singing star – it’s what you’ve been dreaming about. You watch American Idol every week desperately wishing you were one of the contestants. What would you say if I told you that it isn’t necessary to participate in the American Idol contest to win – and that it’s also isn’t even necessary to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars trying to record your own demo cd to try to attract a recording company to sign you as one of their artists? What if I further told you that in order to achieve your goal of becoming a famous singer – with all that goes with it – is as simple as buying a short book and following the instructions to a “T”? Imagine the joy you’ll feel when you hear the crowd at your sold-out concert cheer for you to sing one more encore. Feel the jealous vibes you get from other “wannabe” celebrities who haven’t quite achieved the level of success that you have. Envision the adoring fans fighting through the throng to get your autograph. You’re probably saying “it can’t possibly be that simple” – and in a way, you’re right. It actually is simple: but it’s not easy. And you probably know that anything really worth having isn’t easy. But the simple. “follow the steps”, guide book to becoming a star is very doable. Many have done it – and it’s built the foundation of adoring fans that propelled those who have followed it to stardom. But, you have to follow the instructions – and do the work. If you don’t, you might as well keep watching those episodes of American Idol and continue dreaming. But if achieving your goal without having to be one of thousands to make it to the final few who actually compete on American Idol – and do it in a systematic way that almost ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ ensure success – is for you – then click the link below to buy the book that will teach you the industry secrets of how to become a singing sensation. Jo Han’s Comments: Good use of weasels. This is more of sales copy rather than a conversation. One thing to note Amy, is that hypnosis is usually a result of ‘vagueness’. Being deliberately vague about something somewhat forces a person to go into a ‘trance’ as he has to imagine what you actually mean. For instance, in your ‘opener’...rather than saying ‘I know…” Why not use the ‘invisible man’ technique and say “I’m not psyhic, but I can pretty much guess that there a ‘part’ of you that secretly yearns to be a pop star. I mean, who doesn’t want to be famous? But maybe…you decided to lock up that part of yourself. •

Maybe you think you’re not ‘star material’.

Maybe you think you can’t sing

Maybe you blah blah…”

Can you see the ‘difference’ from copy like this versus the traditional ‘sales letter’? Look at how many times I’ve used the word “maybe”. I use this because one of the biggest reasons people don’t buy your product is not because your product is bad, or the sales copy is bad. It is because they lack confidence, so making them go ‘maybe’ unlocks their dreams and hopes again. Why did I do it so many times? Cos repetition is hypnotic. So apply what I’m teaching you here, and you’ll find your speech and copy acquiring a more hypnotic quality faster and easier than ever before.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #2 by Cliff Rose Location: Horse Show. Outcome: Sell the luxury horse cover to man at the show. Man is standing with his horse in a stall after competing, grooming his horse down. I approach with keen and admiring look. (Me) Well hello there, what a beautiful mount she is, isn't she ?. (man) yeah, she's a real beaut allright !. (me) I have a feeling you did really well in that round. It must be a magnificent feeling ... when you're riding her. How does it feel, riding such a magnificent horse ?. (man) Well, quite frankly, there's nothing else comes close, it's total bliss riding this girl !. (me) Has she been with you for long ?. (man) oh, only a couple of years, not that long really.

(me) ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ Wow, is that all ?. Seeing you ride, I would have thought you and your mare were life long partners. Man, she just looks so "majestic", I bet you feel like a king riding her ?. (man) Well ... (me) I hope you don't mind me asking, but ... oh, never mind, it doesn't matter ... (man) No, it's OK, don't be shy, just ask away ... (me) I don't want to be nosey, but I can't help wondering how much she cost ?. I mean, well, she looks like a million dollars, really ... (man) Well, lets' put it this way, I could have built a new house for less. (me) Hell ... I'm not surprised though, I bet she's worth every cent !. (man) Hmm ... I sometimes wonder myself.

(me) Ahh maybe, but I'm sure there are times you wouldn't part with her for any amount of cash, aren't there ?. I know that I'd do anything for a horse like her. (man) Ha, you've got me there ... if push came to shove, I really don't think I'd let her go for any sum. She's really part of the family now. (me) I knew it !, I could tell when I saw you riding her, it's as if you are "One". I couldn't even see you giving her any aids, and the way you performed that dressage test was absolutely beautiful ... picture perfect. Can't you just see youself taking the grand prix cup with her ?. (man) I'd like to ... a fair bit of work to do before we reach that level though. (me) So you can see it ?, I didn't doubt you would. (man) We'll get there I suppose, it's all in the practice. (me) ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ Is that her cover on the fence there ?. (man) Yep, I better get it on before she cools off too much, can't have her catching a chill now. (me) I wasn't sure if that was her's or not ... I though it might have belonged to that shabby looking horse in the next stall. (man) No, that's hers alright. (me) See my old mare in that stall over there ?.(I point to stall) In the royal blue cover ?. (man) Hmm, oh yeah, I see. What would it be like to parade your horse in such stylish dress ?. Can you imagine how proud you'd feel ?, having your prize mount in the best looking attire, standing head and shoulders above the rest. (man) Yeah, it looks pretty good from here. You'd certainly be noticed. (me) I know my old mare's no champion, but I still feel like the proudest man on earth when she's so smartly dressed, and you can't help but notice all the passers by admiring her and her cover. Can you see everyone looking at her ?. (man) Yes, I see what you mean. (me) Can you see yourself stealing the show in one of those covers ?. I'm sure you'll agree it's the best looking horse cover you've ever laid eyes on. (man) No, I can't disagree with that, it looks pretty stunning actually, can I take a closer look ?. (me) We can do better than that. She looks like a five foot to me and I've got one right here. Let's try this on her now, and I'll help you fit it up correctly so she'll be in total comfort. (man) Don't go to any bother, we've got her covers right here. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ (me) It's no bother, I'm sure you'll be impressed when you see how well it fits and how comefortable she is. (as I lay the cover out) (man) Oh well, since you've got it out already. (me) Here, (as I place the cover on horse) can you check the front strap while I do the leg straps and adjust them ?. (man) No problem. (me) Here we go (as I adjust and check fitting), look at that !. When you see how much she loves this cover, you won't want to take it off her. Notice just how perfectly that fits her ? As you check where the pressure and rubbing points are on standard covers, you'll notice how superior this cover is. I'm sure you can see how free these shoulders are. (man) Hmm, that's pretty impressive, but her old covers don't rub on the shoulders anyway. (me) Yes, you're right, I see her shoulders haven't been rubbed. But just check this out. I invite you to put her saddle on and ride her ... with the new cover on !. (man) You are joking, aren't you ?. (me) No joke. This cover is so well designed, you can even saddle up and ride in it, no rubs or pressure points, guaranteed. Notice the fit over her withers ?. Perfect, even, and no pressure points. See how the saddle fits straight over the cover without a saddle blanket ? (as I place the saddle over the cover) (man) Amazing, I never would have thought it possible to put a saddle on over a cover. (me) Come on then, really, adjust that saddle and slip her bridle on. (man) O.K., we'll give it a try then. (me) ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ Let me trot her up the race while you look from behind and check how free the leg movement is. (man) O.K., away you go then. (me) (trot horse up and back) I'm sure you'll agree, this is the only cover which your horse can move so freely in. Let me see you rider her. (man) Unbelieveable, this is going to seem really wierd. (me) You'll be surprised just how comefortable it is for both of you. With your new cover, you can take a quick ride in any weather without any of the normal hassles. Just five minutes to thow on the saddle and slip on the bridle, and you're away ... it's that easy !. (man) Right, we're away then. (Man mounts horse and trots off down the race, turns and canter's back). (me) Isn't that truly amazing ?, and I bet it wasn't all that wierd !. (man) Incredible, what's wierd is knowing she has a cover on, but it actually feels great. (me) You like it then ?. (man) I've never seen anything like it. How much are they ?. (me) Come on, let's take her tack off and leave her in her new cover. Today at the show only, this cover is hers at only $337, and that's after taking the $112 show discount from the retail of $449. (man) That could be a bit of a problem, I'm not holding any extra cash here. (me) No problem, come on down to my tent and we can do EFTPOS, put it on your visa, or any other card you might prefer. (man) O.K. it's a done deal then. Thanks you so much, I wish I'd known about these covers before. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ (me) It's fantastic to be able to help you, it's my pleasure, and I hope I can help you again. Come on down then, I have some other amazing things you should see too. Jo Han’s Comments: The next model assignment of the week. This is perfect! Cliff, it definitely sounds like you’ve actually used the script in real life before. : - )

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Training Session #3 By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion 103 By now you would have gained the ability to put your audience into a trance, ready to obey your hypnotic commands. Contrary to it’s portrayal on TV and the movies, hypnotism has little to do with brainwashing and neither is it a supernatural power. You will not be able to walk through walls, but you will be able to get people to obey your commands. Here’s a more realistic picture of why hypnotism works: hypnotism as a form of communication. Your audience follows what you say not because you command them to do so, but because they want to do it. Picture this: Your nephew takes out the trash because he wants to. The child in your home volunteers to do the dishes. While this can seem trivial, imagine the power when you apply this through the Internet and reach an audience of millions, and compel them to buy your products because it solves a problem they are facing. Within the context of this forbidden persuasion lesson, you will understand and learn to apply hypnotic techniques that you might already be practicing on an unconscious level, and further refine it to be more effective.

Is Hypnotism an Art? You may have observed people on a stage in a “Hypnosis Demonstration” bark like dogs or remove their clothes. It might seem wacky and wild. Some find the experience scary and even bordering on the occult. Contrary to what you might believe, hypnotism is not a subjective, anything goes “wild” theory. It is something that you can follow, especially if you understand the system and apply it. Although there are “subjective” elements involved, it is more a science than an art.

The Hypnotism Center Everyone’s brain is like a computer, as we go about our daily business, we are faced with choices. We have to decide what to wear, what to eat for lunch, whether we want to watch the Late Show on TV. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ We feed thoughts and feelings into our brain, and we make decisions based on the “output” or the commands that we get. Hypnotism is a way of accessing this computer. The keys to unlocking the hypnotism center lies in our imagination and emotions. We will go into these details shortly.

Hypnotism: The Uncontrollable Driving Force You can read hypnotism books and go through thousands of pages to get at this, and the bottom line is that hypnotism succeeds when you put your audience into a trance and: • • •

Create a virtual reality inside their mind Link that reality to their emotions Build up the internal motivation to make that artificial reality a real one

Hypnotism is an irresistible force, and if you’ve ever been watching a show on TV and felt uncontrollably excited, or you’ve seen someone whom you haven’t seen in a long time step off the airplane and you run towards them, you’ve experienced a form of hypnotization. That’s because you’ve seen the “visualized reality” on TV (maybe when an underdog triumphed over their rivals), or you’ve been expecting to see your friend for weeks and weeks and finally see them. You connect that reality with the feeling you create and you take that uncontrollable action, whether it’s jumping and screaming, or smiling from earto-ear and laughing. 3 Critical Factors to Your Hypnotic Success Although you will be able to create a hypnotic trance as you get more experienced, newer practitioners will want to keep the following in mind: Intention: • •

How consistent is the action you want the person to take in line with their personal beliefs. Is it something they’d be predisposed to doing already?

Process: • •

How are you going to initiate the process? What are the steps you’ll be taking to guiding the person through.

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________________________________________________________________________ • •

What will be the elements of the hypnotic process they’ll be taking? How will you deal with any resistance that might arise?

Outcome: • • •

What will make the outcome a successful one? Are there any consequences after the session? How will you deal with the person’s emotions?

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Unlocking the Subconscious Mind As you recall from the previous lesson, the subconscious mind like an iceberg which resides below the “waterline” of consciousness, can be very powerful in determining our behavior. The human mind is unable to tell the difference between something that is imagined, and something that has happened in reality. If you concentrate hard enough and recall a sad experience, you will find that your body will go into a “sad” posture, you might even find tears dripping from your eyes. And you will discover that physical sensations such as a sense of loss seem to come from within your chest. The longer you focus on this experience, the more intense the emotion will become. As you continue to visualize how the scene might look, you will discover that the emotion will become more intense too. The two critical components of how “deep” you go into the trance depends on how long you spend focusing on the experience and how vivid you make it. Whether through a verbal, face-to-face hypnotic session or through written sales copy, the same principles apply. The longer a visitor spends reading your sales copy, the more likely they will buy. If your copy is engaging and they come back repeatedly to read it, they will find themselves being more and more attracted to your product before they finally buy it. There are various ways to guide their imagination as you induct them through the trance. Here are three approaches: Their own perspective: This is where they are themselves, and they will feel in contact with their body and their limbs. Suggestions such as “look at your hands” will be especially vivid as they’ll more readily identify with their own body. Your point of view: This applies especially well with stories (to be covered later in this lesson), where you relate an experience that happened/will happen to you. If they are in a trance, they will readily identify with you and experience the same emotions that you relate to them. Third-Person point of view: Relate a story that involves a famous personality or another person or made up person’s point of view.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ For example, you could tell the story of a king who lived a long time ago and had to make a decision which would alter the course of his life and his kingdom. To come to a decision, he came to an expert [you can point to yourself ] and asked him: “What should I do?” Your audience should identify with the king, or one of the characters in the story.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Creating Word Pictures Of the five senses, the sense of sight is the most powerful in creating a picture. You would want to use visual words like: • • • • • • • • • •

Picture this Visualize See Mentally Observe Dream about Recall View See through your mind’s eye Drift back to Observe

And you can further enhance this experience with hearing/auditory words like “hear”, “listen” and feeling/kinesthetic words like “sense”, “go back to”, “feeling”. By involving all the aspect of the sense, you will create an all-encompassing environment. For example: As you look back on the time when you were a young child, you can picture how the favourite room in your house looked like. And you can remember the color of the wall and smell the familiar smells, maybe it was the aroma of freshly baked bread, and as you sat on the floor, I want you to imagine the texture of the floor below you. How it feels on your fingers. Crafting a New Reality Once you’ve brought them into a trance, you can guide them to a new outcome. You “bring” them to their desired location through your words. It could contain phrases like: • • • • • • •

Getting that promotion Getting a raise Seeing your business grow Working in your pajamas Spending time with your kids Watching your portfolio grow Eliminating your debt

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________________________________________________________________________ • •

Having excellent credit Buying whatever you want

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________________________________________________________________________ The outcomes are not restricted to only positive ones though. It can also include situations like: • Getting laid off/fired • Going bankrupt • Having zero credit • Dying at a young age • Being ignorant • Ignored by the opposite sex • Getting divorced • Feeling hungry • Challenging authority • Feeling old Perhaps some have been “brainwashed” by motivational gurus, but not every situation has to be a “happy-happy” scenario. You can use the power of “negative” scenarios (being broke, divorced, old) as a driver for people who like to resist authority or have a rebellious streak in them. There is no “right” or “wrong” outcome. The best outcome is one that fits into the IPO (Intention-Process-Outcome) you mapped out at the start of the process.

The Emotional Outcome After you create the mental picture, you want to link it to an emotion, so your subject will full the full force of the direction you want to move them in. By this stage you’d have engaged their minds with the picture and physical sensations of the experience, by including the emotional component, you would create a complete experience which involves their mind and feelings. Here are a sample of emotions you can include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Agonized Annoyed Betrayed Burdened Pitful Conflicted Comfortable Defeated Happy Eager Enraged

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________________________________________________________________________ • • • • •

Foolish Frightened Hopeful Greedy Lazy

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The Others Up to this point, we’ve talked only about your subjects thoughts and feelings. But a large part of why we do what we do is because of the people around us. Here are some principles that will have an effect on us: • The Need to conform: Except for a few individuals, most people will want to fit into a crowd (how many nude people do you see walking around in the streets of your city?). Being part of a group helps us feel connected. Likewise, the need to conform gives you a chance to relax because we can follow what others do, and we don’t have to make all the decisions ourselves. • Following the crowd Besides the need to fit in, we will usually do what others do too. There are a few reasons for this. The easiest answer is that it doesn’t require any thought. The other reason which has been handed down from our ancient past is that doing what someone else has done (and is living) means that it’s safe to do. For that reason, we don’t stick our hands on hot saucepans or electric sockets because we’ve been told not to do so. To complete the hypnotic experience, we bring in the “others” which are significant people in our lives because of the relationships we’ve established. Examples of these significant others include: • • • • • • • • • •

Grandparents Parents Best Friend Spouse Significant other Enemy Boss Teacher Children Niece/Nephew

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________________________________________________________________________ Interaction with the crowd You can create interaction with the people in the scenario with the following language: • Watching them • Laughing with them • Holding them in your arms • Looking them in the eye • Arguing with them • Kissing them • Hugging them • Punishing them • Shocked at them • Punching them • Yelling at them Again, emotions are neither “positive” nor “negative”, you can use them to shape your communication.

Jedi Persuasion Mind Tricks You can layer your hypnotic commands with the following techniques: Metaphors: Metaphors are figures of speech which refer to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance. Metaphors attach to a concept or idea that is already in your mind, and it latches on what you know and is very powerful. Examples: • A mighty fortress is our God • Not giving in is equal to failure • Walk proud in the race of life

Symbols and Representation As we grew up, we were exposed to lots of symbols and seeing these symbols bring up an unconscious association. By tapping on the feelings and emotions attached to these emotions, you can create a powerful link in your hypnotic commands. Examples: ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ • • • • • • • •

Dog: Man’s best friend / loyalty Flag: Patriotism Nature: Peace, tranquility Ice cream: indulgence Milk and cookies: comfort food Fireworks: celebration Airport: Seeing friends off, or waiting for the arrival of friends Money: freedom / greed

Symbols need not be physical objects, they can be a song or a movie, or an experience.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Subtle Communication The details in the experience you relate will carry meaning too. The fact that one of the characters has well-polished shoes, a crisp suit and neatly combed hair has a different meaning from a man in tattered clothes who smells like he hasn’t showered in weeks, with leaves in his beard, will leave different emotions in your audience.

Trigger Words and Themes You may want to choose specific words like “work” or “Internet Marketing” and repeat them at appropriate points during the session, as you build meaning around these words, you can link emotions to them. For example: Just imagine the freedom of working from home in your pajamas on your Internet Marketing projects. How different it will be from the 9-to-5 cubicle existence in your office. Fighting rush hour traffic to get to work, and spending another hour each evening driving home. Wouldn’t you prefer the freedom of the Internet Marketing lifestyle where you can wake up, walk to your computer a few steps away and see how much you’ve been earning while you were asleep?

Word Tone The tone of your words has an impact on your subjects. Saying “sex” and laughing has a different impact from saying “sex” in a low voice and embedding a feeling of closeness into the word. “There was no more joy in his existence now that Sally had left him” has a different meaning from “He jumped for joy at the great news!”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Hypnotic Process Tips As you bring your prospects into the trance state and guide them through the hypnosis, pay attention to the following principles to ensure your success: Focus on their problems: The key point here is that the emphasis is them, and seeing it from their point of view. Looking at their problem will bring it to the forefront where they cannot run away from the problem or procrastinate it away any longer. It may sound a little sadistic, but the more pain they experience while they are recalling the experience, the more compelled they will be to do something about it. If they have been holding back on investing in your product or service, and it’s causing them pain or loss in their relationships or their financial well being, it is your responsibility to help them realize that they need your product to have a better quality of life. This epitomizes the phrase “short term pain for long term gain”

We all have the same beginnings Establish common ground with your subject, show that you were all the same at some point in time, but perhaps you are different because you have taken some action and progressed from your situation in the past (single parent, overweight, losing hair, depressed, etc). We intuitively identify with people who are like us, and frequently see ourselves in their shoes. Using this model, and seeing the success portrayed after can be a powerful attractor. Witness the weight loss “Before” and “After” photos which work on this principle. Adapt this system to your specific product, because people usually trust and agree with people who are like them

The Floodgates of Guilt Chances are that whatever problem the person is facing now has been there for a period of time. It could be months, it could be years. Again, people have an almost unlimited capacity for self-denial and blocking out reality. If you can unlock the floodgates to let them fully experience the guilt that they have been holding back all this time, it will be a powerful motivator. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ We have seen people take immediate action because they feel compelled to do something about their situation. Picture this: your product is an instant “guilt release” mechanism for all the guilt they’ve been holding back all these years.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Secrets Revealed The human mind has a “curiosity killed the cat” gene implanted in it. Everyone has this gene. If you start to disclose a secret and suddenly pull back, it will have the effect of a magnet in piquing the person’s curiosity and getting them motivated to find out more. An example: You know, for the longest time I had the biggest difficulty losing weight and keeping it off. Until the other day, I bumped into this strange man in the library, and he whispered two things to me which he said would help me, and then he just disappeared. I’ve put those 2 simple techniques into action and I’ve lost 7lbs over the last 2 weeks. I’m really impressed with it, especially since it’s different from all those yo-yo diets and pills I’ve tried and haven’t worked out for me in the past. Might that suddenly activate their curiosity radar?

Experience Your Product/Service If the benefits of your product are clear to them, the battle would already be won. Put your prospect in the shoes of having already benefited from your product and help them see the type of life they would be leading…if they invested in your product. Make it a multi-sensory experience. What would they see, what would they hear, what would they feel after they have bought and used your product?

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Hypnotized…And being totally unaware Did you know that you are subject to hundreds of hypnotic messages every day and you are probably aware of less than one-tenth of them? Look at the billboards on the freeway, listen to the ads on the radio, the ads that pop up on your Internet browser. There are at least 10 things around you at any point in time affecting you on a subconscious level, and you might only be aware of the ad on TV. Maybe you saw a burger on TV and your mouth started salivating. Or you looked at the ad in the paper for an upcoming movie and saw yourself as the hero in that epic. If you haven’t been exposed to hypnotism, your brain is absorbing all these hypnotic suggestions like a sponge, and leaving you vulnerable to calling 1-800 numbers to order products you don’t need now. Instead, why not turn the tables on them? Spend time scrutinizing the influences around you. As you look at them, ask yourself these questions: What is their intention?: • What do they want me to do? • Am I supposed to get information? Call now? Buy something? Process: • How are they doing what they want to achieve? • What are the tactics involved? • Is it successful? Outcome: • Were they successful? • What was the turning point? • How could I do it better? Through adapting techniques we see around us, we can become experts in the art of hypnotic persuasion.

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Hypnotic Selling Stories Using stories in your persuasion process will be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal of persuasion weapons. Stories sound like they are just entertainment, but because they have embedded meanings behind them, and even more insidiously, embedded commands, people listening to the stories will experience an overwhelming urges to take action, and they will not even be aware where this motivation came from. Let’s look at a story that all of us will be familiar with: The three little pigs One pig built his house of straw and started goofing off, the second built his house of sticks and also goofed off. The third build his house of bricks, and he took a long time and the other 2 pigs laughed at him. Fast forward to the part where the wolf breaks down the straw house, and eats the pig. He does the same to the pig living in the stick house, gobbling him up. When he gets to the brick house, he’s unable to open the door, tries to climb down the chimney and lands in a pot of hot water and dies. It’s a pretty violent story, and we might not realize the impact it has on our children, especially when they turn violent on us! But here’s the deeper meanings embedded in the story: • The wolf represents adversity • Building the houses represents the efforts to prepare ourselves against adversity • If you goof off and don’t prepare well, you won’t be able to withstand adversity and might not survive Whether we realize it or not, these deeper meanings are being imprinted into our consciousness and is one of the motivators used to persuade children to do well in school.

There is another (possibly bastardized) version of this story which involves the straw house pig running into the stick house pig’s house after his house collapsed, and the two pigs running to the brick house pig when the stick house collapses. While this version is less violent (all 3 pigs survive), it does contain further lessons: •

You don’t need to work all that hard because there is always a fallback (running to another house) ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ •

As long as you have a strong mentor (brick house pig) at your back, you will have a security blanket to protect against failure

Incorporating stories into your persuasion will require more effort, because stories are more complex than straight copy or straight dialogue. Often the message you want to get across, isn’t even in the story itself, that is what makes the story so potent. If you execute it effectively, the message of the story will mysteriously appear in the reader or listener’s mind and not knowing where it came from, they will assume it’s their own thought and take action based on what they think and feel at that point in time. Stories can take on many forms, and they are known by various names, such as: • Tales • Anedotes • Movies • Novels • Fiction • Non-fiction • Biographies/Autobiographies • Jokes • Similes • Movies • Documentaries • History • News updates • Nursery Rhymes • And so on All effective hypnotic stories have 2 common factors. They must: • Grab your attention • Cause you to take an action at the end Here’s how good stories work: • Your subject hears, sees or reads a story • It triggers off mental pictures • Emotions are attached to those pictures • The emotions compel the subject to take some form of action Here’s an example of a story:

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________________________________________________________________________ My family and I got back after a great dinner on Friday evening and after I put the kids in their beds and lay in my bed reading the paper, I heard the smash of glass. I looked out the window and saw three men in black hoods climb through the living room window. I picked up the phone to call the police, but the line had gone dead. I woke my wife and told her to remain calm, before I crept out to the hallway and sat at the top of the stairs, holding my baseball bat. My heart was thumping. After what felt like an eternity, I heard the blare of sirens before a squad car pulled up and the cops stormed the house and arrested the 3 men. The lead officer came up to me and said “Sir, it’s a good think you’re a member of the Neighbourhood Watch and you have a Silent Alarm fitted to all your windows. Those guys had guns on them See how stories can raise emotions and carry your message?

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


The Hypnotic Story Sequence The following sequence will help you shape a powerful story: Create the Storyline The storyline functions as a roadmap to guide you along your path. As you plan it, be sure to include: • • • •

Characters Situation Plot and Development Conclusion

You don’t need to have all the details in place before you start the story, but you must have an idea how the story will develop. Some plot ideas include: • • •

Rags to riches themes Hometown boy makes good Once a bankrupt, now...

For inspiration, you can read business biographies, movies, children’s stories. The best plots are those adapted from real life. The most effective stories are typically: • Simple to understand • Consist of short sentences • Contain a few key characters (sometimes there is only 1 character) • Contain one key point (You can include minor points, but they tend to distract from the message)

Create the headline or opening for the story You need to include headlines intended to grab your prospect’s attention. The headline must be related to the story. Some examples: • Bald Man grows back hair with ancient Chinese formula • Miracle Dog saves family of four from drowning • Scientist finally discover cure for cancer

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Introduction of characters and situation You want to introduce the characters and situation, and goals. Include enough detail for the prospect to continue reading. Include details on the problem or situation For Example: Joe was a frustrated business executive. He had been in the position for the past 5 years and although he worked hard and got pay raises regularly, he felt he could be doing much better than he was now…

Create the trigger point (or a possible solution) This is when the character finds a possible way to solve their problem or reach their goal, like buying your product. Joe was constantly looking for something which might provide the missing link to the emptiness he was feeling. And one day he was surfing on the Internet and clicked on an ad that looked interesting, It read “Unlimited income potential…working from your home”. With a 30 day money back guarantee, he had nothing to lose. He brought out his credit card and ordered a copy.

Develop the story This is when the character uses your product to solve their problem or reach their goal, but hasn’t achieved it yet. Joe practically ripped open the package the day it arrived and that night started building a profit website. When he work up the next morning, he was shocked to see money waiting in his payment account.

Build the story The story continues to unfold and the character develops further. Joe found himself sitting down at the computer, building a website every evening, and the funniest thing is that he found it to be quite fun and easy. At the end of his first month, he received his first check for $2,437. Not bad for 2 weeks work.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Conclude the story The character benefits immensely from using your product. You can leave the end of the story to the reader’s imagination. After 2 months, Joe decided to take a break. He hired a girl out of college and showed her how to create the websites. Meanwhile, he took time out to meet up with old friends, calling the office every 2 days to find out how things were going. He then started planning for his round the world trip.

Close the sale Get the reader to invest in your product while they’re still hypnotized. Joe is off on his second trip this month to Switzerland for his skiing holiday. If a overworked, frustrated business executive can achieve this success in less than a year, what about you? Take up the same no-risk guarantee and order your copy now!

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Promotional Peel Away: Reader’s Digest Sweepstakes Sales Letter Important Note: Here are my ‘peel away’ notes for a sales letter for the Reader’s Digest Sweepstakes ‘control’. Click on the ‘sticky notes’ for my full annotations.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control



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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control



Feel free to ‘sneak in’ additional weasels, trance words and embedded commands as well as sensory type words. Once you master how to use this ‘template’, you’ll have a powerful way to ‘suck in’ any prospect for any product/service you’re gonna sell. You should refer to the sales letter exhibit. Go through the lessons thoroughly, and ‘plug’ your product into this template. In the following pages, you’ll find my critiques of actual submitted homework by my students. Use my comments as a benchmark for your own practical assignment. Important: Please pay attention to the cosmetics. Remember, ‘weasels’ and ‘trance words’ should be italicized, and embedded commands bolded. Do not USE ALL CAPS LIKE THE EXAMPLE TEMPLATE.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Assignment #3 Critiques By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Assignment #3: by Cliff Rose Plug in product to Sweepstakes Opener. Imagine the thrill of walking into a bank near the hodgson home--and surprising the teller as you deposited a check for $250,000.00 into your account. And think of the look on the faces of your West Chester neighbors if you drove down Johnnys Way in a brand new car--A car you completely paid for in cash. Or how would you like to start out from Philadelphia International Airport on an Around-the -World vacation -- your pockets bulging with spending money ?. These dreams could come true because your sweepstakes deposit slip above gives you a chance to win the grand prize of $250,000.00 cash (or $125,000.00 Now Plus $1,000.00 a month for Life -- Your Choice) in the Globe Crest Online $1,000,000.00 Sweepstakes.

A MAILMAN FROM YOUR WEST CHESTER POST OFFICE MAY SOON BE KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR WITH A CHECK FOR $250,000.00! But ... you can ONLY win when you've Entered. And you must be entered before the February 28th deadline if you want the chance for the thrill of a lifetime. In fact the sooner you send in your sweepstakes entry, the more money you can win. Simply return your entry right now and make sure You're in for the $250,000.00 Grand Prize draw. To take advantage of this no obligation offer, simply return your personal sweepstakes deposit form in either the YES or NO envelope today. Your entry must be received by 28th February to ensure you qualify for the $250,000.00 Grand Prize draw. Late entries received by March 2nd will still qualify to win any of the 40,710 other Cash Prizes, but NOT the $250,000.00 Grand Prize.

Why are you receiving this incredible sweepstakes offer ?. That's a fair question, so let me tell you exactly why. You, as a proud owner of our "KeyWords that Bring You Riches" have been selected to gain immediate access to the most powerful information to hit your eyes this year.

If you've ever wondered how you can gain the financial freedom, lifestyle, and control you truly desire in life, then You need to read every word in this letter.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


You've received this important letter today, to draw you attention to our brand new lineup of "Lightning Fast Super Profit" marketing tools and information, so You Too can enjoy the lifestyle you desire by making that crucial, yet simple decision. How would it feel to show your friends and family how you've learned to quickly and easily crank out online profits at lightning speed ?. You see, what I want to show you is much more than just another bunch of second rate scripts accompanied by a plethora of success stories from marketers, telling you "what they did" to make their "Online Millions". You're about to see a complete "How To ..." (not just what to ...) take you by the hand and walk you through, step by step from A - Z" System, for creating Simple Profit Pulling websites. I'm inviting you to take this brand new system for a no obligation test drive, so you can prove the incredible power of this system for yourself at absolutely Zero Risk !. Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine, Theo, who desperately tried for nearly two whole years to pull his first dollar online before he nearly gave up. You see, this friend of mine was not alone. I'm sure you're well aware of the huge numbers of wannabe internet marketers who struggle day after day, spending hours toiling away on their websites, yet never pull a dime ... Many of them “just get stuck”. I bet you know that feeling just oh too well ... and don't try to lie about it !. I reckon we all know that feeling. Sure, you know ? some people are just plain "doing it all wrong" because they really don't have a clue. Sadly, often they just don't know any better and chug along until ... usually they eventually give up. What can I say ? It sucks, really !. You see unfortunately, for many of those people who are "doing it all wrong", they believe they're doing it right and "it just ain't working for them".

You know it's amazing the numbers of different places, and different ways people get stuck when trying to create their "Online Profit Center". For a lot of people, their problems begin simply because ...

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ + They've been taught wrongly. + get stuck, then just make it up as they go (badly). + run their entire online presence by "guesswork". (and Guess What ?


Hmm exactly !)

+ write sales copy that sucks. (or copy someone else's copy that sucks) + fail to test their ads, or anything else for that matter. ('cos they don't know how) + waste their advertizing budget because of all the above. + don't have a A -> Z system to follow.

See, I was talking to Theo, telling him about just One of my successful sites, when suddenly he launched into a huge "rant" at me about what a lot of BS and hot air all this internet marketing stuff was. After Theo finished venting his frustrations at me, I invited him over to have a look at exactly how I'm able to rake in obscene amounts of cash, while hardly lifting a finger to do it. Picture this ... he arrived a 7:10 pm, we sat down at the computer with a good old cuppa at 7:20 pm. 7:30 pm, a whole ten minutes, and Theo's ranting at me again, almost screaming at me because he's been trying so hard, yet failing so miserably to achieve the huge successes that I'm now showing him are real. You don't have to think very hard to imagine Theo's frustration ... can you see him pulling out the last of his hair from around his ever growing bald patch !. If I had a photo, I'd put it right here for you !. Anyway, haven't you ever gotten so frustrated with something, you've given up trying because it just seems too damn hard ?. Something you've invested some real energy into, you know, really poured some sweat and made your biggest efforts, ... tried your heart out at it ... That's where Theo was right then. Sound familiar ?. Just about to throw in the towel, 'cos it all just seemed too hard. Ready to give it all up. Now ... what happened next literally changed Theo's life, forever !. I invited myself over to Theo's, so we could check out exactly what

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ he's been up to, and what a shock !. This poor guy had wasted literally thousands of hours, not to mention $Dollars$ ... Doing it All Wrong. (well, not All of it, but some real Key things to being successful anyways). Over the next few days I sat with my friend Theo, and as we worked through his portfolio, we found some amazing stuff. Theo was literally sitting upon goldmines, but just hadn't managed to strike his pick into the veins of gold ... YET !. So one by one, we took stock of Theo's sites, Tested, and either Transformed or Trashed them based on Results. Within hours ... Theo could see exactly that ... Results. As I led Theo through right from the beginning, we developed the exact same "take you by the hand and walk you through, step by step from A Z" System that I'm offering you now. I don't need to tell you "how disgusted Theo was", at all the time and money he'd wasted buying and trying hype filled (but sadly flat) ebooks and courses that simply didn't deliver. On the other side of the coin, once we finished putting the final touches on my new system, we went back to check and compile the statistics from Theo's new found "Profit Pulling Websites".

Theo was happily disgusted at ... How fast the money was just pouring in to his accounts. How easy it was to crank out winner after winner in record time. How anyone could do the same, as long as they have my new system !. How easy it is, "Just like anything", he said, "Easy If you Know How ?" How Hard it is, if you Don't Know How.

How many "What to" (not How to) products are out there.

It's having that total picture, knowing not just "what to", but "How to" is the key to your success. It always makes me laugh when I think of the saying "Yeah, I know what to do, I just don't know How To ?" And then of course there's the old cliché "It's easy ... if you know how ?."

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ You know who's saying which, don't you ?. And you also know how simple and true they are. So simply return your sweepstakes in the YES envelope now to cash in and learn "How To" from A - Z, how to create Simple Profit Pulling websites at lightning speed today. For saying Yes today, you also get the One Low Discount Price of only $297.00, that's over $100.00 discount off the standard retail of $399.00 Your complete system including 6 Audio CD's, 3 DVD's, and printed A4 course and reference material will be shipped immediately, and if you're not totally impressed and don't want to keep it, then return the full package withing 60 days for a full refund. If you just want to enter the sweepstakes, then just return your slip in the NO envelope. You'll still be in to win the cash, but you'll be missing the exclusive discount offer we're giving you now which we may not do again.

Thanks for your participation, I really hope receiving this is to your benefit.

To your success, Cliff Rose. Managing Director.

P.S. If you have internet access, you can lodge your sweepstakes slip and place your order securely online at our website. Avoid the snail mail, get instant access and more. Just go to: http://www.mymadeupcompany.com/mysweepstakes

You'll also get Instant Access to the download version of “the primer download file” to get you started the minute you place your order online.

Jo Han’s Comments: This assignment is good as a whole. Clearly you’ve mastered the use of hypnotic verbiage. The only bone I’d have to pick is the ‘content’, as the connection between the ‘discount’ and the sweepstakes does not seem too congruent. Other than subject matter, well done. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ his is very well done assignment. It could do with more ‘word pictures’ to make it more powerful.

Assignment #3: by Paul Chow My product is a hedge trading fund (called APEX) that generates a fixed and predictable 20% per month on your capital. I have deliberately tried to pick a harder target market – wealthy millionaires who are looking for a safe AND hyper-profitable investment that will pay consistently for years to come. How does it feel like to invest in the Apex hedge trading fund and have the security of the world’s biggest Investment Trading Firm literally guarantee an astounding 20% interest per month year after year after year? Do you think this is a pipe dream, and something that only exists in fantasy land? Have I gone crazy or out of my mind in even making such a statement? The less you try to fathom this, the more you will understand. As you are investing in the Apex fund, you will find that all your financial worries will literally melt away and vanish. No longer do you have to worry about your investment funds vacillating in tandem with the swings of the stock market. You will also never have to stay glued to a computer screen or phone to monitor your investments. You can now deal with the demands of your surely very important businesses and affairs without having to resort to gluing yourself to the computer screen. Wealthy people like you lead complex multi-faceted lives that are eventful and exciting, and the last thing you need is to baby sit your investments day in and day out. You have been lied to by the investment industry and its so-called experts! Don’t believe me? Industry statistics have shown that over 70% of wealthy investors who hand over their money to traditional investment advisors end up doing worse than the Dow Jones index! In other words, you could have easily invested in a Dow Jones Index Fund available to the masses, and actually realized greater gains than entrusting your wealth to some exclusive (and expensive!) investment “expert” who professes to know the market like the back of his hand. Why on earth would anyone wealthy like you place significant sums with these clowns, and wonder if they are doing a good job with your money or not? There is no investment product out there that compares with Apex for several simple reasons. I will not bore you and take up your obviously valuable time with mumbo jumbo and industry buzzwords in the hopes of bedazzling and bamboozling you. I am going to break it down for you simply and clearly so that you will have no doubt whatsoever about the superiority of Apex. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ 1) The Apex fund functions on a commission basis. This is unheard of. All the other large investment funds and advisors out there require some kind of a retainer / initial fee before they will even start trading for you. Apex is completely different from this, and will turn the industry around on its head. For the first time ever, Apex will require no upfront fee from its clients to trade their money, and it will work on a very reasonable graduated commission scheme. All you will pay us is a straight commission based on how much profit we manage to amass for you. In other words, we only get paid when we make you money, and how much money we make is entirely dependent on our trading performance. Our incentive is obviously to make you as much money as we possibly can, and we don’t get a single penny if we fail. Our motivations are entirely different from the traditional investment vehicles out there. 2) Apex is the most diversified investment fund out there. Most investment funds concentrate on just one segment of the market, be it large cap stocks, a specific currency, or the futures market. The main tenet of investing is to diversify. The more you diversify, the less affected your returns will be by any market issues or calamities, short of a nuclear missile attack. Apex is the only investment fund out there that invests in world currencies, all the major stock markets of the world, and also commodity futures. 3) Apex is helmed by the ex-chairman of the World Bank. You could not ask for better credentials than Leo Holmes, who was chairman of the World Bank from 2000-2005. He has such an astute understanding of the world economy and its intricacies, gleaned from his previous in-depth work that dealt with world finances and politics. He has a bird’s eye view of the world economy that cannot be paralleled by anyone else due to his immense experience and knowledge, and he will be the one overseeing your investments at Apex. You investment could not be in safer hands. 4) Unsurpassed track record of 20% investment returns per month. Apex has only been in existence for just about 3 years now, and not once has it produced returns below 20% month! Due to the incredible diversification of your funds and the amazing leadership and management behind the scenes, we have managed to pull off this unheard of feat that will be surely recorded down in the annals of history. We have now determined that 20% per month is our minimum target to hit, and we will strive to do this for as long as we are here. We obviously cannot put a formal guarantee on this performance, but our track record speaks for itself. There is no one out there that even comes close to our returns. You have obviously worked long and hard to get where you are today. You surely know the value of something special when you see it. The benefits of Apex are crystal clear and there is absolutely nothing that can compete with it! ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ To make things even easier for you, we are offering an unprecedented 90-day no risk trial offer. Try us out risk-free for 90 days and place your investment funds with us. Kick the tires and analyze our investment performance. Feel free to ask any questions you wish. Quiz us about our strategies and investment mindset. Come visit us at the office you’d like. Watch your money grow. If you are unsatisfied in any way, shape or form with the way we do business, feel free to cancel at anytime during this 90 day trial. We will return your entire investment, including profit, without reservations. There is no fine print. We have presented the bare and naked facts that validate Apex as the obvious choice. We now leave it up to your obviously knowledgeable and experienced mind to decide. Do the right thing and place your funds with us. You will not regret it. Jo Han’s Comments: Good job! The only thing I’d be careful about is using the ‘right’ weasels. For example: How does it feel like to invest in the Apex hedge trading fund This would be better served with “What would it feel like…” Another example: As you are investing in the Apex fund, you will find that all your financial worries will literally melt away and vanish. This would be better served with “Once you invest…”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #3 by Dave Thomas:


the feeling of walking into your local bank and seeing the tellers face as you deposit a bundle of checks for $20,000 into your account and then imagine doing this each and every month without fail. What would it be like when you see the looks on the faces of your neighbours as you pull into your driveway in a top of the range car of your choice – a car that you had paid for outright in cold hard cash. What colour will you choose and will it be a convertible? so that you can feel the wind blowing through your hair on those glorious sunny days as you head down to the beach. Why are you heading to the beach? Well it’s to hear the deep throb of the engine and feel the spray in your face as you spend some time out on the water in your new power boat, you know the one you have just taken delivery of, the one that you had been dreaming about for years the one that you thought that you would never be able to own. These dreams do not have to be dreams they can very quickly become a reality for you if you were to make the decision to take control of your life and allow us to help you achieve the massive success you so richly deserve. Have you ever wondered what differentiates the successful people from everyone else? Do you believe is it because they have outstanding knowledge in all of the key areas? Could it be due to the people that they know?

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Maybe they have a huge list of people that they can contact any time they want to pitch their offers to. Of course the points above can contribute to their success provided that they take the correct actions. Remember the majority of these people started out just like you, they did not have huge lists they did not have the contacts they now have they did not have a portfolio of their own products they could sell, they did not understand html and SEO optimisation. Most of them had full time jobs; some were stay at home parents and some were still in college

However the real reason for their success is that they all have systems - not just any system! But automated systems that take away 90% of the drudge work. Systems that allow them to focus on the areas that make them even more money. Let me tell you about Ralph, now Ralph is just an average guy he worked fairly long hours as a delivery driver, he used to come home after work grab something to eat and then sit in front of his computer getting more and more frustrated at his inability to make serious money on line. He listened to and tried to follow what all the gurus told him to do but still something was missing. He bought countless e-books on everything from understanding html, SEO tactics, how to drive massive amounts of traffic to his websites etc the list was endless, yes Ralph made a couple of dollars here and there but never enough to make a difference. One day quite by accident Ralph stumbled across a website and realised that it contained the one thing that all the other programs and e-books had left out - that was a system, a system that provided he followed the step by step program laid out for him would give him the success he so desperately desired. There and then Ralph made the decision to invest the $127 in the program and is now able to enjoy the quality of life he had always dreamed about. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ So what do you get for your small one time investment? You get a suite of software that: Automatically creates SEO optimised websites for whatever niche you desire – absolutely no HTML skills needed Software that drives targeted traffic to your sites at no cost to you. Private Label products with unrestricted rights so that you can put your name as the author and start to build your own branded presence on the net Step by step video’s that walk you through the whole process in an easy to follow stages, so simple that a seven year old can do this. The beauty of this system is that you can try it out for 30 days at no cost to you. yes that’s right your card will not be billed until 30 days from your sign up date. If within that 30 day period you follow the step by step actions laid out for you and do not agree that this system delivers exactly as stated above then you will not be billed. Click the link below to get immediate access to the software and video downloads. XXXXXXXXX J o Han’s Comments: Dave, you got all the verbiage down. But the ‘content’ once again is not too congruent. You have a very powerful ‘start’ that shoots for the ‘trance’ but then the ‘content’ and the ‘sales pitch’ is all over the place after that. So watch the congruency.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #3: by Craig Harrison

What if you were confronted by a pack of youths hell bent on humiliating you and beating you up for simply for ‘kicks’ (I can guarantee this will never happen to you) Picture the scene. You and your wife have spent a wonderful evening together and are taking relaxing stroll home as a light summer breeze calmly laps your face as the sun sets behind you, but then you are suddenly ambushed by a pack of youths. Before you can cross the road to safety, your path is blocked and the snarling leader slaps you across the face whilst his friends laugh. Humiliated and petrified, you stand frozen as the laughter turns to growling menace and you are savagely attacked. You are knocked senseless as your blood spills out into the street, the screams of your loved one fills the air. You hear the coins from your pockets fall to them floor and scatter like broken glass. No help arrives. Sadly, this trend is snowballing up and down the country and is only getting worse. The odds of this happening are spiralling upwards as copy cat beatings take place by ‘happy slapping’ youths who even take sick videos of attacks and post them online. Everyday it seems there are more and more reports in the papers about violent attack by feral youths. I hope this never happens to you like it did to me. In fact I can guarantee that once you have this read letter that this will never happen to you. But to reach that summit where you can calmly walk down even the most dangerous streets is a painful climb. Consider this letter your painful climb. Once you have read every word you will have no dount about what to do to protect yourself and your family from any attack or threat. In fact you will be almost laughing at any would be criminal attacker. How do I know this?

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Just over 3 years ago in July, me, my wife and 2 little boys aged 3 and 7 were walking back to our car, on a beautiful summers evening when a pack of ‘hoodies’ cornered me and my family. My heart was racing, and my feet trembled. Desperately trying take my family to safety I was slapped across the face. Panicked, I didn’t know what to do. Worse still, my children began to cry as my wife clutched my shirt obviously terrified. As I tried to move away, that’s when it happened. I was pounced on, kicked around like a football, as my captors laughed, my face contorted with rage, pain and humiliation. As I screamed for my children to run, I saw my wife pinned down, tears streaming down her face as she was repeatedly slapped. I screamed for help but none arrived. A few minutes later, our ordeal was over. I will spare you the full details of the following year as I came to terms with what happened but suffice to say, next to death, a man reaches his lowest point when his masculinity is stripped away in such a degrading way. I hope you never have to go through the same heartache I did. I went to pieces. I couldn’t leave the house for 6 months, my fear had grown to such dramatic levels. My mind kept wandering back to that fateful night and I began to suffer from panic attacks and the mental torture I went through coursed through my body like poison every single day. Drink then entered my life as I desperately tried to block out the visions of my tormentors kicking me around like a rag doll and slapping my wife as she lay helpless. You could say I reached rock bottom. Imagine crying yourself to sleep all because you froze up when confronted by an angry mob baying for your blood simply because you didn’t know what to int heat of the moment. Clearly you wish to avoid the same nightmarish scenario that I had to go through and if you take decisive action today, you will ensure you are fully protected against any violent confrontation that is thrown at you. Everyday, virtually every second, I agonized over that fateful moment. Was there something I could have done? Should I have fought back? Eventually, my wife left me. To be honest, I wasn’t exactly fun to live with. Even the kids became wary around me as I wandered around in a drunken stupor day after day. Then one day, I received a phone call out of the blue which changed my life forever. It was from my old school friend Ben who I had not heard from in years. Needless to say, he was shocked when he discovered the state of my life. I was always a happy go lucky kind of guy but I was a total mess at this point.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ I finally broke down, as I told my gut wrenching tale, how I felt I had let down my family, the helplessness of the attack. “Craig”, he said, “pop over to my house, I have something to show you which will change your life. In fact I guarantee that after you leave, you will never worry about been attacked again after what I have shown you”. And with that, he put the phone down. I was skeptical at first. I had tried everything before to try and go back to ‘normal’ but nothing had worked. But at the same time I was incredibly excited too. Racing out of the house (a rare excursion), I hopped into the car, almost dropping my keys. My heart was thumping as something told me this was moment I had been waiting for. Finally I reached Ben’s house. I nervously rapped the door and Ben ushered me into his home. I perched myself on the edge of his sofa waiting anxiously to discover what Ben had in store. “Right Craig”, he said, “I want you to come at me and try and hit me and wrestle me to the floor”. At the time I had no idea why, but as I said I was desperate, for something to work. In fact at first I thought he was joking but a glint in his eyes said he was deadly serious. I felt compelled to act as instructed and imagined I was facing one of my tormentors from my nightmares and let fly! Next thing I know, I am laying helpless on the floor, my right arm twisted behind my back and my face contorted with pain. I was completely paralyzed. Funny thing was, Ben was quite weedy looking, skinny, with childish features and stood only 5’6” tall! I can’t tell you here exactly what I said to him, needless to say I was not happy at the time! Finally though, something shifted in my head. I understood what Ben had done and begged him to show me how to stop any attack and in any situation. We spent the next 2 hours, as Ben (who told me after he had dropped me to the floor that he was a certified self defence expert) showed me every single self defence technique that he knew. I left the housing buzzing, realising I could now walk the streets again without fear. I drove calmly home through the rush hour traffic. I felt at peace, and miraculously, my confidence returned, my self esteem sky rocketed and I felt no fear again about any situation and still don’t to this day. I felt instantly transformed. It was an amazing transformation. I went home and poured all the alcohol down the drain, crying tears of liberation. I felt free from my the shackles which had bound me

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ for the past year. Excited, I phoned my wife telling her everything was all right and that she could come home now. “Yeah right, I have heard all this before” she said skeptically, and decided not come home. She sensed though that this time something was different. (We are now back together ;-) Amazingly, it was only days later when it happened. Pacing down the street, I came across a young woman, she must have only in her early 20’s, surrounded by a young gang who were snatching her bag. Next thing I know they are wrestling her to the floor, her face filled with horror and screaming for help. To my fury, I realized she was pregnant too. This was my moment. I ran, lungs pumping, and heart racing. It took only 2 techniques that Ben had shown me to halt the attackers. It was an amazing feeling to see them fleeing down the street! I even became something of a hero to the woman and ended up in the local newspaper! After I helped the young woman to her feet, it suddenly dawned on me. What if hadn’t been there? That poor woman would have no doubt been in the same situation as me. Obviously many people are out there at the mercy of these thugs with no protection and probably many others just like me who had been humiliated and left shattered by these devastating attacks. I had to do something. I simply couldn’t stand by and watch helpless people’s lives been destroyed like this, but I couldn’t possibly reach out to people who needed protection the most. Then it hit me. I quickly phoned up Ben and arranged for it to happen. He spent the following day going through every single self defence technique he knew whilst been filmed live on camera and created the remarkable “Self defence protection kit” DVD. Obviously you don’t want to experience the anguish and terror I went through that year. But you can’t protect yourself and your family if you don’t have the the insider knowledge that can save you. As an owner of the Self Defence Protection Kit you will never fear any attack and will be prepared for any violent confrontation. Your confidence will be catapulted and you may even be regarded as hero yourself! But you can’t be expected to protect yourself if don't invest in your future. All you have to do is simply fill in the attached Self Defence Protection Form attached, and you will never have to worry about any attack and will stand tall and proud, knowing you can handle any situation.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ And the sooner you act, the less chance you have of becoming a victim to one of these shocking attacks. There are not many sets left either as word begins to spread about this insider DVD so you must act today. And even if you decide for whatever reason that you cannot implement these insider secrets to self defence then you can send it back within 30 days and you will receive a full refund. Don’t be like me, frozen in the headlights, letting your life fall apart. Don’t delay any longer as your very future and families future depends on it. Whatever decision you make today, I wish you the best of luck.

Jo Han’s Comments: This is PERFECT!

Assignment #3 by Amy Blain Imagine the rush of becoming a new pop singing sensation by pulling back the curtain on the secrets in “American Idol without the Hassle”.

It’s such a great feeling to see the shock and jealous looks you now get from your acquaintances back home all because you followed a simple set of instructions out of a manual.

Maybe you’ve dreamed about a life where everyone treats you like royalty because you’re a celebrity – and having the money to get and do the things you always wanted to do - like buy the latest fashions and travel the world. It’s really as simple as using the information that’s available to you now.

This life can now be yours – if only you’ll take advantage of the secrets that can unlock your dream future.

Jo Han’s Comments: Amy, you got the verbiage down. What I think can be improved is your ability to ‘tell more’ in order to ‘sell more’. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Take for example this sentence: It’s such a great feeling to see the shock and jealous looks you now get from your acquaintances back home all because you followed a simple set of instructions out of a manual.

You’re not making enough of a ‘connection’ to a manual. It’s as though the ‘manual’ just popped out of nowhere. The person listening or reading will go “Huh, what manual?” Get my drift? Otherwise, your skills are pretty down par.

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Training Session #4 By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion 104 As you continue to develop your persuasion skills, you will inevitably hit a brick wall when you encounter “tough nuts” who seem immune to your persuasion skills. In these cases, you have to break out the heavy artillery and get ready to break down their resistance. Resistance (also known as objections) is encountered when the other person has a different point of view from you. Before we go into objections, let’s look at opinions, which form the basis of objections.

The Origins of Opinions Opinions are nothing more than our thoughts and feelings towards a person or thing. Opinions can originate because of our personal background. For example, if you grew in a family where the political preference was toward a republican style of government, you will have a higher chance of selecting a republican political stance, especially if you admired the character and behavior of other family members who had this attitude. On the contrary, if a family member smokes heavily and suffers related health problems, you might be less inclined to take up smoking, even though you witness this behavior in your own home. A large part of how our values, beliefs and opinions are shaped are determined by our background. Where we came from and the environment we were exposed too. Opinions can also be formed by the socialization process. We observe the behavior of people on television, radio and the Internet. In recent years, the unruly and promiscuous behavior of teen actors and musicians has led to many parents complaining that their children were more receptive to the influences of TV, rather than their own family members. This has led to family and religious groups lobbying for the government to exercise a heavier hand on mass media channels.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Dealing with Objections and Changing Opinions By the time most individuals turn 21, their personal, values and attitudes tend to be quite “fixed”, meaning they are quite constant throughout the rest of their lives, unless a major event takes place. Major events can include: failed relationships, death in the family, divorce, as well as positive life events such as childbirth, adoption, reconciliation and reunification with family members. Research has shown that highly educated individuals tend to have more flexibility in being able to change their opinions. When two opposing opinions are brought against each other, the majority point of view is considered the “opinion”, while the weaker point of view is considered the “objection”.

An equal society? Although some would like to think that everyone in a society is an individual, the truth is that people are usually more similar than they are different. There are usually two or three major groups in each category. For example: • The major political orientations are Democrats, Republicans, and minority parties like Green environmental political parties • The most popular ice-cream flavors are chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, while the other flavors represent a minority Why do people object? Although most will prefer for complete agreement in every situation in life, it’s an impossible task. And it’s usually the more “important” questions that raise the most violent objections. The terrible three are: • Sex • Politics • Religion If you get objections, it is a reflection that you are doing your job, you are prodding prospects or family members to think about your message and do something about it. It’s dealing with these objections which will reap you the richest rewards.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ The “Impossible” Objection You may believe that some objections cannot be overcome. Being fearful of objections, could stunt your personal growth, whether it’s in your career, your social or family life. In extreme cases, individuals are unable to progress further in life, or get “stuck” at a certain place because they are unable to overcome an objection. For example: After the failure of a long term relationship, a distraught individual might be tempted to declare that “All men (or all women) are scum” and fail to progress further in their social life. Here’s a secret: No objection is truly unsolvable. Even “factual” objections might be disproved at a future point in time. In ancient times, nearly everyone believed the world was flat, and sailing too far on the ocean, one might hit the edge and “fall over”. Only after Greek scientists and philosophers proposed the idea of a spherical Earth did the people’s beliefs change to the point that they heaved a sign of relief that they would not fall off the Earth’s edge. Unlike physical objects or one’s weight or height, opinions can be changed instantly. Let’s look at dealing with objections.

Why do people object? You might have heard the saying that objections are a sign that it is a sign that the person wants more information. The person lacks the information to make a choice, so they slam on the brakes and procrastinate on making a decision. It’s healthy to see that objections are just one of the elements in a conversation. It is neither “good” or “bad”, or helpful or discouraging. Rather than focus on the “purpose” of the objection (which may be a fruitless exercise), instead focus on how you might deal and overcome the resistance you encounter.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


The Two Categories of Objections Objections can be divided into 2 categories: • Fact-based • Opinion-based Fact-based objections are based on an objective or quantitative basis. For example: • The Sun burns brightly • We need oxygen to live • I burned the newspapers These statements are accepted as fact, and you’ll not have much leeway to negotiate. (Unless you are performing stage magic and make a torn dollar bill, appear whole).

Opinion-based objections on the other hand are based on a person’s view of a situation, although it can have some basis in fact, it opens up the possibilities of forbidden persuasion. Examples of subjective objections include: • That girl is ugly • Your product is expensive • I am having a miserable day As children growing up, we encountered lots of objections, and these objections shape a great deal of our personality. Objections can influence major life decisions, and are responsible for making and breaking billion dollar business deals.

Ducking Objections A common tactic among some those in sales and marketing is to tackle objections head on. Upon hearing the objection, the person might say something like: • The price is not expensive • There is nothing wrong with the product • The pasta dish looks perfectly fine to me Ignoring the objection will not make it away. In fact, it will probably make your prospect upset, impatient or angry. Evading the objection ranks among the worst ways to deal with the objection. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ If you plan to be in business long, or build relationships, this is probably one of the worst ways to go about doing it.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Dealing with Objections Head-On Whether you’re marketing a product or service, or marketing yourself to a potential business partner or aiming to establish a new relationship with someone new, you need to take care of the objection basics. These objection basics include: • Product/service objections: price, functions, usefulness, effectiveness • Your presentation/delivery: product knowledge, personal ability The key weapon to addressing these objections has to do with preparation. As you’ve learned from the previous lesson, you’d ideally use the product yourself. Familiarizing yourself with the products functions, and common objections are part of the preparation. This preparation should be done before you start marketing the product. If you are unsure about any information, you should check with a product expert. A good approach is to ensure you have at least 30% more information than what you expect to present or talk about. It’s also a given that people tend to have the same questions. A new customer patronizing a restaurant for the first time will be likely to ask: • What are the specialties? • How a particular dish is prepared? • What is the soup of the day/ dessert of the day? • Are there any promotions or incentives being offered? • What credit cards are accepted? As a wait staff at this establishment, you should have this information at your fingertips, or ask the cook. I’ve been to more restaurants than I care to count where my simple questions send the staff scurrying to the kitchen several times. At best, you’ll look like it’s your first day on the job, as worst, you’ll seem like a complete idiot. You can use the evergreen “Let me check on that for you, anything else?” as a lifesaver, but you should use it sparingly.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ This approach can be one of the most effective ways of dealing with objections because you’re answering the objection (a sign of asking for information) with the appropriate information for the prospect to decide.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion Objection Crusher Although the head-on approach can handle fact-based objections, it may not be as effective in addressing opinion-based objections. “I don’t think this color suits me” “Red is the color of the season, it looks good on you” And you could encounter a decision stalemate. Here are some tips you can use to tip the persuasion scales in your favor:

Act ignorant: Ignorance is a state of not having information to make the appropriate information. This is not to be confused with acting stupid, which involves a “Huh?” and staring dumbly at the person. You can act ignorant by acting as if you don’t understand the basis for the person’s opinion. “Your dress is expensive! It’s out of this world!” “You say my price is expensive and out of this world. Explain what you mean” This will get the person talking and trying to explain why the dress is expensive. She could have difficulty justifying why the dress is expensive and her objection will naturally die out. On the other hand, with some probing from you, she might even talking herself into believing that the dress really isn’t that expensive after all. Using this technique, you will be able to uncover the true intent behind the objection. There could be a secondary reason (perhaps she just doesn’t want to buy the dress now) that lurks behind her false objection.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Get them to come clean: If you start to hear what sounds like a false objection, you can go on the offensive. Many people are hesitant and possibly afraid of confrontations and might be uncomfortable with this approach. But consider this for a moment, would you prefer to deal with the issue there and then? Or would you prefer to dance around the issue and not settle it? Leaving too many unsettled objections in the air will eventually load to frustration building up and will leave you feeling unhappy with the person. Sometimes it’s just good to ‘air the dirty laundry’. Here’re some suggested approaches: “Hi, I can tell that what you’re saying may not be the whole picture, can you tell me what you’re really focusing on?” “I hear the words you are saying, and somehow I have difficulty understanding it from your point of view. Is there something you want to tell me?”

When prospects are consciously trying to hide something from you, their natural instinct will cause them to feel uneasy as they’re saying it. If you can tell that they’ve not giving you the whole picture, you can insert emotions like guilt, duty or honesty into your response: “That’s not really the key reason is it? After all, your company spends much more on marketing than what my product costs. When you say it’s too pricey, what do you really mean?” “I hear what you’re saying, and it doesn’t sound like the whole story. Based on your earlier interest, and sudden decision to back out, I know that something has changed. Can you tell me what it is?

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Compare the objection with a similar objection When you hear the objection, make a comparison to another client who used your product or service and illustrate how they had a similar objection and later found that the product delivered. Example 1: “You know, it’s strange how your objection reminds me of the same concern Mr Jones from the Garment District has about my Lint Vaporizer. I suggested he test out the product for himself to see how powerful it really is. It’s been six years since he first took delivery of the product and he has five units running in his factory.” Example 2: “The Training Director at Paper Consolidated also wondered if a new company like ours could really deliver quality team building training, as you’re mentioning now. We made the same offer as we’re doing now and he’s retained 95% of his staff over the last 3 years. He’s been very happy with us and has also engaged us to conduct similar training in Atlanta, New York and Baltimore.”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Objection Akido Akido is a Japanese martial art where the force of one’s opponent is absorbed and used against them. Through a series of holds and throws, the opponents force is used to throw them against the floor. This is one of the most powerful objection crushing techniques in your arsenal. Example 1: “The training package is too expensive? It’s expensive because we have recruited qualified trainers who have created one of the most comprehensive programs available anywhere. A cheap training package will fail to achieve your goals and it will put you in a worst shape, compared to now” Example 2: “You don’t have time to take the course? It will help you manage your time better, CREATING more time in your life to do the things you enjoy. Procrastinating in investing in the time management package today means you will benefit less when you eventually do take it up”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ The Bleak Future If a prospect doesn’t take up your offer now, it will come back to haunt them, either because of lost business opportunity, a failure to reach the next level in their development, or just because they would waste a lot of time and resources otherwise. You can get the person to paint the scenario themselves: “What would you do to cope with the fact that your lead generation efforts are not giving much new customers? How would that affect your profit and ability to continue?” Or you could verbalize the consequences yourself: “If you choose not to invest in the product today, I can see that six months down the road, you’ll be sitting beside your phone in a room like this one, just waiting for it to ring. It may ring once or twice that day. Based on your company’s current marketing system, it looks like meeting your sales objectives is going to be nearly impossible. I can’t imagine the prospect of having 15-30 possible sales a month in an organization with 50 people, can you?”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Joining Forces Your goal is to frame her objection as a goal you need to achieve in order to close the sale. For example: “Your product is too expensive!” “So our goal is to make it less expensive, so you will buy the product” You make the objection a common goal, so that both of you can solve it and close the sale. Example 2: “You can’t deliver it on March 3rd.” “So if I can arrange delivery on March 3rd, you will buy a unit today?” Once you have agreement on the objection, confirm the details and close the sale. If the prospect doesn’t agree to your proposal, it may be a false objection and you should find out what their true objection is.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Covert Persuasion Tactics Preempting Objections An effective way to deal with objections is to raise them first and address them. This will show that you have thought about issues they might have, and demonstrates that you have their interest at heart. The first stage involves raising the objection and the second stage involves providing a credible and rational answer to the question: Example 1: “Some might say that investing 10% of your budget on a new research program will not yield results. And you will realize that at the rate that technology is developing in the computer industry, choosing not to invest in the future will mean we will get left in the past”

Example 2: “As you’re sitting there listening to my presentation, the first thought that might come to mind is: Can we turn around the company in 2 years. That’s a reasonable thought and I would be concerned about that too. This is why we have recruited some of the best mind available in our industry to help us through this difficult time. We can’t guarantee that we will pull through, but we have the best possible team to aid us in our efforts.”

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Fragmenting Objections You can diffuse the power of objections by giving examples of situations where the objections prove to be an advantage. Key to this skill is the power of lateral thinking to consider “In what other time or situation, would this objection be an advantage?” Example 1: “I know what you might be thinking, that 150 horsepower is way too powerful for a vacuum cleaner. And when it comes to spring cleaning and doing a thorough job of removing every trace of dirt from your lovely home before the relatives visit, you will appreciate the fact that it is 5 times as powerful as any other product in the market.”

Example 2: “I know the idea of a round-the-world trip seems like it will take a lot of time, and cost a lot. Your friends might even be asking if you’ve gone off the deep end. But when you consider that we have one life to live and most would kill for an opportunity to see the world and visit places that they’ve only read about, then you’ll see that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity few will ever have the fortune to consider!”

The Objection Crushing Mindset It is easy to get confused or experience momentary panic when faced with an objection that seems difficult or even nearly impossible to counter. The most important skill you will have is to remain calm, reflect on the objection and understand what the person might be saying. As you deal with more objections, you will see patterns emerge and there are only so many different “types” of objections. A positive attitude will give you an aura of confidence, and people are most affected by non-verbal aspects of communication. As you hear and process the objection, you can observe how the other person is reacting and behave appropriately. If they look angry, you can express concern, nod your head slowly and vocalize a “I can see why you’re upset”. Take note, this is different from agreeing with them, you are merely acknowledging their emotions.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Show of objection crushing strength Our minds are like powerful computers and process all the thoughts and emotions we feed into them. If you start to feel fearful, your body will react accordingly and you may feel your heart racing, your palms sweating and you may even feel like you’re quivering or shaking. Instead you need to focus on the following: • You are an expert • You have a product or service which will vastly improve the lives of those who invest in it. When you start from this mindset, you will speak from a position of authority and your audience will react appropriately.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Reframing The psychology concept of reframing involves adopt a different perspective to see how an objection can be perceived as a disadvantage in a different time and in a different situation. Objectives can often be reframed so that they exhibit positive attributes. Witness the following: Objection I have no money My staff are lazy and unmotivated

I dropped out of college

I’ve just been fired

My wife has left me This material is confusing, my mind seems like it’s going to explode My team keeps yelling at me

They slashed our salaries and more than half the staff left My new business venture flopped and I am looking at a $20,000 loss. There is no demand for my products in my city

Reframe This means you will have the hunger to succeed and make your own success You have the opportunity to put your qualities as a true leader into practice and lead them You are not bound by what they teach you in school, and you can come up with unconventional ideas You have the opportunity for a fresh start and finally start up the business that you’ve already dreamed of She didn’t deserve you anyway. There are much better fish in the sea. It’s a sign that you’re learning something new. Everything always starts out hard before it becomes easy. They are concerned enough about you to give you direct feedback. They could have just ignored you. The most loyal and committed team members have remained to battle on. You can learn from this experience and will be in a better position when you’re building a bigger business in the future. You now have the opportunity to expand state wide and maybe even nationally or internationally to find your crowd of hungry customers

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Proficiency in reframing only comes about with practice. Here are a number of situations for you to reframe: Objection Our competition is using cutthroat pricing to edge us out of the market


I only have 6 hours to finish this project

Let’s be friends…

One of our key staff has just been poached by our competitor

That new product upgrade costs $10,000 more than what we can afford at the moment

The weather forecast predicts that hail is expected to hit this evening, just as we are about to harvest the crops We have just received a cease-and-desist letter, and we’re about to launch our product

The client says he wants to make his buying decision 3 months down the road and he won’t change his mind no matter what I say The flight has been delayed 3 hours due to severe turbulence at your destination

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Promotional Peel Away: Instant Hot Rod Sales Letter Important Note: Here are my ‘peel away’ notes for a sales letter for a herbal sex booster. Click on the ‘sticky notes’ for my full annotations.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


"BREAKTHROUGH - Ancient Medical Discovery Reveals Rare Secret Ingredient Not Found In Other Herbal Sex Pills As The Missing Link To Stud-like Performance Between The Sheets!" No prescription Needed, Works Just Like Magic! * Works In 20 minutes * Last Up To 4 Days * Increase Penis Size * Increase Cum Load * Works Great With Alcohol * No Side Effects * Fast Delivery * Discreet Packaging * One-Year Money-Back Guarantee

With your permission (and with strict precautions for privacy), I'm gonna reveal the most important and exciting breakthroughs in male sexual health. News of this breakthrough is spreading like wildfire among men in every age group. In fact, this breakthrough is so radical, it's astonished the doctors and sex experts who discovered it!

The Little Known Secret "Herb Of Kings" Ever heard of this Chinese Medicinal Classic called "Ben Cao Gang Mu" written by the famed 'granddaddy of Traditional Chinese Medicine", Li Shi Zhen? Well, in it, Uncle Li reveals what he considers to be the herb of the highest order used by only Emperors and Noblemen as clearly stated in Imperial Records. Guess what it is? It'll blow your mind...it's... an ANT! Apparently ants are a superior tonic with such excellent curative powers that it's various beneficial effects include: increased strength, energy, stamina; strengthens the nervous system, digestive functions, detoxification functions and muscular system; boosts mental and physical energy. Of course, not every ant qualify. The specific ant mentioned is the Polyrachis Vicinia. To quote Uncle Li... "Ginseng may be the King of Herbs, but ANT is the Herb of Kings!" I know... sounds like a whole load of B.S.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Don't be too quick to dismiss it just because you only believe in Western Science though. You don't need me to tell you this, but the Chinese have identified stuff like "Meridian points" and you know acupuncture has only been proven to be 'real' recently. (Though the Chinese have been doing it for thousands of years) Hey, they invented gunpowder and got ripped off by Marco Polo who 'invented' Spaghetti, but that it is a totally different story. The point is, the Chinese are far more 'advanced' than you think. And as far as I'm concerned, Western science sometimes makes a mockery of itself in validating what the Chinese have already known for YEARS.

Need An Extra 'Lift' From The Strongest Living Creature On Earth? Antsy Fact #1: Ants can lift up to 400 times their own weight and pull up to 1700 times their own weight, making them the world champions in terms of strength Antsy Fact #2: Ant contains 8-13 times the protein of milk, chicken, duck, beef, mutton and fish. Antsy Fact #3: Ants are extremely rich in nutrients, including significant amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B12, D and E. Antsy Fact #4: Ant contains more than 42% protein and provide 8 essential amino acids. It contains enzymes and other active substances. The ATP in ants can provide energy directly to the human body. Antsy Fact #5: Ant can increase the amount of DNA and RNA inside of human cells. This is believed to slow down aging and to aid in the regeneration, and even rejuvenation of tissue. Antsy Fact #6: Ants are rich in more than 20 trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, and especially zinc. You might be surprised to know that the zinc content of Polyrachis is the highest (180 mg) among all known living organisms, and we know how important zinc is in the manufacture of the bingo love chemical - Testosterone Of course, even with all those facts, you might still be skeptical (which is perfectly normal and healthy). So...

Try An "Ant Fortified" Hot Rod Capsule And Experience For Yourself, What You've Been Missing! Imagine this...

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ You're lazing on the couch watching your favorite TV program. You casually pop 1 Hot Rod pill and 'chase' it down with some lukewarm water. Your eyes continue to be glued to the screen. 10 minutes later, something strange happens... You feel a HUGE bulge starting to form in your crotch area. It's almost as if you can start to feel a raging 'hyperspeed' rush of blood engorging your penis, making it swell with excitement. Yeah, it's fast, and it's furious. You are totally amazed...your dick has never felt this 'alive' since puberty, and within seconds, you realize you have a solid, rock hard boner. You can totally 'feel it' in your veins. There's a 'fire' going on. You're on the brink of a MAJOR explosion and nothing can contain your 'brother' anymore! All you need right now to complete this magical experience is a woman. (or several if that's your kinda thing).

Turbocharged Male Sexual Performance Within Minutes! Sounds too good to be true? Maybe. I wouldn't argue with that. But what I do know is...

Virility, Stamina, And A Lava-hot Love Life Is Right Within Your Grasp! Can Hot Rod really change the way you think, perform and feel about sex? It's hard not to be skeptical when you discover the potential benefits of Hot Rod: Sends Your Sex Life Surging Into New Heights Of Intensity! • • • • • •

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________________________________________________________________________ • • •

(Go ahead and erase the word 'limp' from your dictionary) Hot Rod stays in your body for up to 4 days. If you need to have sex repeatedly (and you'll probably want to), you will be able to do so with absolute ease! Hot Rod gives you all the OOMPH without any nasty side effects. Hot Rod eliminates 'performance anxiety' in men!

You Have The Amazing Opportunity To Enjoy What Other Men Can Only Dream About! Isn't it crystal clear why Hot Rod is causing a sensation among men (of all ages) everywhere? Of course, you're probably dying to know...

What ELSE Goes Into Nature's Mysterious Pleasure Generator? For hundreds of years, men around the world have relied on natural herbal remedies to help them maintain their vigor and virility. The 100% natural herbal blend for Hot Rod was formulated with 3 core objectives in mind. Objective #1: To help increase "Chi" or life force energy. Objective #2: To channel maximum blood flow to the penis. Objective #3: To skyrocket your libido All 3 objectives had to be achieved concurrently. Obviously you already know about the 'mighty' ant and it's incredible aphrodisiac properties. But what you may not know is that the 'ant tonics' used by the ancient Chinese imperial emperors, were used to increase their Yang Jing, or 'Chi'. You see, the Chinese believe that ejaculation of the male seed for purposes other than having children is a wasteful loss of an extremely precious treasure. The energy loss over long periods of time weakens the physical health of the male. You may or may not buy this 'theory', but it may make sense to you when you realize that if ALL of your sperm that you ejaculated was fertilized, then you could have produced the equivalent of a COUNTRY'S population.

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________________________________________________________________________ Think about how much 'energy' is needed to engineer such a phenomenon. Which is why we added Deer Velvet as a 2nd ingredient to double the 'chi' tonifying effects of the Polyrachis ant, so that you can have as much sex as you want without feeling 'zapped'. Hot Rod Ingredient #2: Deer Antler Velvet All species of deer (even moose) will have antlers sprouting, maturing and hardening within 4 to 5 months every year. And these impressive male structures owe their very existence to a very special bioactive substance called velvet, a fuzzy external membrane that channels blood and nutrients to the growing antler, Deer Velvet also protects the fragile, pre-hardened antler from harm. What’s this have to do with sex? A whole lot apparently... As antlers are how deers maintain their 'pecking order', this velvet is chock full of hormones that stimulate both growth and testosterone production Dr. Peter Yoon of Seoul, South Korea, use velvet deer antler to treat impotence in men. It has been noted that deer velvet appears to strengthen the body as it is balancing the hormones needed for peak sexual function. Deer velvet has been believed to strengthen the 'Chi' or life force energy. The velvet from the deer antlers is harvested at peak mating season, when the testosterone levels in the blood that circulates throughout the cartilage of the antler are at it's highest. Lots of documented research on the benefits of deer velvet antler has also been done in China, Russia, Korea and Japan. From these reports, here are some excerpts which relate directly to its sexual benefits: Recover sexual functioning and experience a return of potency and libido. Strong kidney function, strengthen the heart, increase blood circulation, strengthen the mind and the central nervous system and to have a positive mood. Directly controlling the reproductive hormone production of the gonads. Hot Rod Ingredient #3: Eurycoma Longifolia Eurycoma Longifolia (or more popularly known as Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi in Southeast Asia) is a scientifically-proven herbal aphrodisiac and testosterone

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________________________________________________________________________ booster that is enjoying growing popularity in the Western world. If you're reading a letter like this, it's close to impossible that you don't know about the powerful effects of Tongkat Ali. Hot Rod Ingredient #4: Butea Superba Butea superba is Thailand’s endemic species known amongst local people as Red Kwao Krua and was used as traditional medicine for tonic and rejuvenation for a long time in Thailand. This plant can be found growing in forests in the Northern regions, in the Eastern regions and along Kanchanaburi Province.The crude extract of this herb showed the same vsodilation effect as the blue pill. Its chemicals also promote energetic body without any nervous or muscular or cardiac over stimulation.

Clinical trial of Butea superba, an alternative herbal treatment for erectile dysfunction. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.

AIM: To study the effect of Butea superba on erectile dysfunction (ED) in Thai males. METHODS: A 3-month randomized doubleblind clinical trial was carried out in volunteers with ED, aged 30 years approximately 70 years, to evaluate the therapeutic effect of the crude preparation of Butea superba tubers on ED. RESULTS: There was a significant upgrading in 4 of the 5 descriptive evaluations of the IIEF-5 questionnaire. Estimation of the sexual record indicated that 82.4% of the patients exhibited noticeable improvement. Haematology and blood chemistry analysis revealed no apparent change. CONCLUSION: The plant preparation appears to improve the erectile function in ED patients without apparent toxicity. Hot Rod Ingredient #5: Diascoria Bulbifera Diascoria Bulbifera or 'Virahi Kand', a plant species found in the Himalayas, not only resembles human testicles but also contains hormonal contents similar to testosterone. If this is not enough, the medicinal formulation made from the herb was described as 'Shukral' and 'Vajikaran' a property which improves the quality of human semen in Ayurvedic books. "The resemblance of the fruit to a part of the human organ is nothing short of the eighth wonder of the world!" Dr Raj Kumar Sharma, Principal of Dayanand Ayurvedic College, the oldest

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________________________________________________________________________ Ayurvedic college in north India

Hot Rod Ingredient #6: Tribulus Terrestris Tribulus Terrestris, also called "puncture vine" is a plant long used around the world for the treatment of various ailments. It is widely acknowledged to improve sexual function in humans. One rodent study found the herb to be helpful as a sex booster. Sexual behavior and intracavernous pressure (ICP) were studied in both normal and castrated rats to further understand the role of tribulus as an aphrodisiac. ICP refers to blood flow into the corpus cavernosa of the penis. Adult rats were divided into groups of 8 each that included distilled water treated (normal and castrated), testosterone treated (normal and castrated) and Tribulus treated (castrated). Compared to the castrated control, treatment of castrated rats (with either testosterone or Tribulus extract) showed increase in prostate weight and ICP. There was also a mild to moderate improvement in sexual behavior as evidenced by an increase in mounting frequency. Tribulus Terrestris works by relaxing smooth muscles and increasing blood flow into the corpus cavernosa. The relaxant effect observed is probably due to the increase in the release of nitric oxide from the endothelium and nerve endings, which helps to increase testosterone production and enhance erection. Hot Rod Ingredient #7: Smilax Myosotiflora Smilax myosotiflora or ‘Ubi Jaga’ (UJ) is a native herb traditionally used by indigenous folk for its aphrodisiac effects. Ubi Jaga is a creeper plant that grown wild in the tropical forest in South East Asia. It improves blood circulation. It is traditionally used as one of herbal medicine to strengthen male energy, as a general tonic, and to increase body metabolism. As you're reading this, I think you do realize that Hot Rod really does contain an incredible blend that helps intensify sexual desire, increase sensitivity, strengthen erections, and enable men of all ages to enjoy more frequent, and longer lasting sex. Plus, there are also the effects of mood stabilization, promotion of healthy blood pressure levels, and energy level support; all of which contribute in a major way to great performance between the sheets So, unless you've been living in some cave, you'd know that the efficacy of these ancient remedies have been so impressive they’ve now gotten the attention of mainstream medical science.

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________________________________________________________________________ What Men In Other Countries Already know That Makes Their Wives Thank Them In The Morning! The reason why Hot Rod works so well is that conventional erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs treat impotency by merely redirecting blood flow. Hot Rod, on the other hand, goes one step further by rectifying the problem at it's core level your libido. Hence, this is tantamount to killing two birds with one stone.

Re-ignite The White Hot Passion! This is crucial as scientific research reveals that many erectile problems of men have erectile problems are not necessarily due to blood flow issues, but rather an inherent lack of desire. And I guess we 'nailed' it on the head when Hot Rod was...

The Obvious Winner... Between Jan to July 2006, we placed online ads offering free samples to users of other brands of herbal enhancers. A total of 10,000 capsules were give away. Users of leading brands, including Enzyte, Libidus, Orexis, Vicerex, Vipra, Herbal V and Vigrx, were part of this online survey to determine the brand that delivered most in terms of: 1) Speed of reaction 2) Duration of effectiveness. And as predicted, Hot Rod came out tops in both categories.

Here Are Our Herbal Aphrodisiac Survey Results For Erectile Function Index... 1) How confident are you that you can get and sustain an erection? Before Taking Hot Rod: 66% had little confidence in getting or sustaining an erection. After Taking Hot Rod: 95% had confidence that they could get and sustain an erection. 2) When you had an erection, how often was it hard enough for penetration? Before Taking Hot Rod: 60% said sometimes it was hard enough for penetration. After Taking Hot Rod: Half said most times they could get and sustain an erection and the other half said they could ALWAYS get and sustain an

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________________________________________________________________________ erection. 3) During intercourse, how easy was it to maintain your erection until completion? Before Taking Hot Rod: Half said "extremely difficult" and the other half said "very difficult" to maintain an erection. After Taking Hot Rod: 90% said it was NOT difficult to maintain their erection until completion. 4) How often are you satisfied with intercourse? Before Taking Hot Rod: 60% said they were "rarely satisfied with intercourse". After Taking Hot Rod: Half said most times they were "satisfied with intercourse" and the other half said "always satisfied with intercourse". Herbal Aphrodisiac Survey Results For General Comments While Using Hot Rod... 1) Regarding the firmness of your erection: Very positive: 80% improvement and 90% had an increase in penis size when erect and flaccid. 2) Regarding the ease of orgasm: All noticed a vast improvement in control of their orgasm. 3) How long could you feel the effects? Effects ranged from 24 hours to as long as one week. 4) How long did it take before you felt Hot Rod was active in your system? From 10 to 40 minutes.

Why Hot Rod... Well... We charted the survey results and if you look at it, you'll be surprised... Brand

Speed of Reaction


Enlargement of Penis

Lasting Effect?

Stops premature ejaculation?

Supports multiple ejaculation?

Hot Rod

20 minutes



Up to 4 days



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________________________________________________________________________ Vigrx

No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term


60 minutes


Not noticeable

2 hours




No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term


No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term


40 minutes



Up to 4 days



Herbal V

60 minutes



1 hour




40 minutes



Up to 4 days




No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term


No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term

Blue Steel

60 minutes



1 day




No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term


60 minutes



4 hours




No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term


No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term

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________________________________________________________________________ Bali Mojo

40 minutes



Up to 4 days




60 minutes


Not noticeable

2 hours




No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term


No effect over shortterm

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over shortterm

Not obvious over short-term

Not obvious over short-term


45 minutes


Not noticeable

3 hours



Plus, I'll let you in on an insider secret. FACT: We have a list on our hands of many herbal sexual enhancers that have been banned by the ministry of health of several countries due to the presence of presence of controlled chemicals and harmful steroids.

And YET, these very same brands are being sold freely over the internet... to unsuspecting customers who think that they are buying a 100% herbal-based product! "How can this be!", you protest...

I'm Ready To Spit Fire! Well, like it or not, the laws governing herbal products in many countries, including the US, are still lax. For instance, the US FDA does NOT require a manufacturer to send it's product for thorough testing before it can be sold openly to the public. Instead, they leave it entirely to the manufacturer to ensure that the product is safe for public consumption! Dangerous? You bet! So why jeopardize your health - and possibly even your life - with untested products when you can have 100% confidence in the fact that Hot Rod can produce the results you desire, with complete safety?

"No Headaches And Nausea!" "Prior to becoming an Hot Rod fan, I used to take a very

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________________________________________________________________________ popular Herbal enhancer that got busted recently by the FDA. But I would say in in all fairness, it worked like a charm, and you could have sex like 9 times in a row with it. The only problem was, it'd give you a fucking headache and sometimes you'll feel nauseated. It just doesn't feel good despite the 'kick' it provides you in between the sheets. With Hot Rod though, I can go at it for 12 times and NOT have to suffer a headache or feel nauseated. In fact, with Hot Rod, I feel pretty darn good! Hot Rod gets my two thumbs up and send me another pack will ya?" - Sent via email by Piper, San Diego CA on 9th of July 2006

Hot Rod is manufactured in a GMP factory and has gone through rigorous testing at two independent labs to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Test results confirm that Hot Rod does not contain Yohimbe, Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil and Yohimbe. Chemical Compound

Test Method














Which is why...

Hot Rod Comes Without Any Of The Nasty Side Effects 'Other' Performance Enhancers Bring To The Table! Statistically, as many as 90% of our customers said that they did not experience any unpleasant side effects - like headache, extreme palpitation, sweating and dizziness - that are so commonly associated with other sexual enhancers. The remaining 10% did feel some minor facial flushing and warmness in the body, all of which are tolerable reactions. These are caused by the blood-circulation enhancing herbs in Hot Rod, and do not remotely pose as any form of threat to your well-being in any way. You'll be assured to know, Hot Rod...

Does NOT Contain Yohimbe! Unlike 95% of the sexual enhancers in the market, Hot Rod does not contain Yohimbe, a proven herbal aphrodisiac that works well but... can cause very unpleasant side effects like palpitation,

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________________________________________________________________________ vomiting, insomnia, body aches and aggressive behavior. While Yohimbe is not illegal in the US, it is banned in many countries throughout the world. That in itself speaks volume about the safety of the herb, especially when you intend to use it for a long period of time. Your safety and well being is our number one concern, and if you've made it this far, you really owe it to yourself to...

Try Hot Rod Before You Try Anything Else! If you are looking for a herbal sexual enhancer to elevate your sexual performance to levels never experienced before... you owe it to yourself to use a proven, and 100% natural product like Hot Rod. Think about it... No matter how 'nice' a person your partner is, she will be sorely disappointed when you are unable to perform. Sure, she might say 'nice things' like "It's okay...I understand" blah blah when what she really means is, "You're such a loser!" And that's totally ok. I've not had medical problems, and before Hot Rod was conceived, I had a few occasions when I was unable to 'rise to the occasion'. As men, we can take it in our stride. It happens sometimes... But what happens if she misinterprets your inability to perform and apparent lack of desire as not finding her 'attractive or desirable enough?' What kind of damper will that put on YOUR relationship? Will she look for someone else whom she thinks will appreciate her more? Will she look for someone else who can fulfill her innermost deepest desires and totally satisfy her at the core of her being? Think about it... I think you'll realize why spending a few measly dollars on a 100% safe, natural herbal performance enhancer can be the best investment you'll make in both yourself and your loved one.

What Takes A Minute Works Up to 4 Days And MORE... Hot Rod can cause dramatic and wonderful changes in your life in literally every level. You'll surprise yourself when you discover why you don't have to take Hot Rod for weeks or months to feel its invigorating and revitalizing effects.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ That's because Hot Rod works within 10 - 30 minutes for a majority of the individuals... even without sexual stimulation. And the most amazing thing is that once the herbs are in your body, they have the innate ability to remain there for up to 4 days! And during this time, you will be like a loaded gun, 'armed and ready' for any sexual encounters that might come your way... even if you are currently impotent!

Make Love Like An Animal! You'll be totally empowered with the supreme confidence and rest assured that any performance you have in bed will be nothing short of explosive and stunning. In fact, when you try Hot Rod yourself, not only can you potentially inspire your partner, you might even end up inspiring yourself!

Can I Take You Aside For A Minute For Some Straight Blunt Talk? Listen... I'm not gonna bullshit you into believing that Hot Rod will work for you 100%. You don't need me to tell you this, but even ED drugs don't work for everyone, every time. What I DO know, is that Hot Rod has worked exceedingly well in many circumstances, is 100% safe to consume, and as high as 93% of all our customers are satisfied with the results produced by Hot Rod. And let's get real. This is webpage. I don't really know you from a bar of soap. I don't know the least about your personal health condition, age etc, all of which may affect how well Hot Rod can work for you. Which is why...

All You Have To Do Is Say 'Maybe' Simply test drive Hot Rod, absolutely risk-free. If, at anytime during a one year period, you are not satisfied with Hot Rod in ANY way at all, simply return it for a full refund. No weasel clauses, no questions asked, and we'll still remain friends. No hard feelings.

Why Would I Make Such A Lopsided Guarantee In Your Favor? Well...

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ My personal philosophy is that I have NO unhappy customers. You MUST be totally happy and satisfied with Hot Rod. And while I cannot legally guarantee that Hot Rod WILL work for you,100%, the evidence and proof of how well Hot Rod has worked for our existing customers stacks the odds heavily on my side. Plus I know for sure that in the event Hot Rod works as I have promised, you will re-order Hot Rod from me.

You Be The Judge, Jury And If Need Be, The Executioner! Of course, the big question is, do I issue refunds? Heck YEAH! Check out the following testimonials...

Solid Proof Of My No Weasel Clauses Guarantee "Over the last 2 years, I have probably bought most of the sex enhancers on the net. Alas, none worked for me because of my seriously deteriorating health. I am writing to you to express my appreciation because your company is the ONLY one that gave me back a refund - as promised!" "Thank you for the prompt refund. I never expected to get a refund but was surprised when it showed up on my credit card statement." "You really stood by your guarantee. Thanks for the refund!"

So you have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Simply click ORDER NOW to start your risk free Hot Rod Test drive immediately!

Mark Benson P.S. #1: If you're sick of not being able to 'get it up' and you've tried everything on the market and suffered nothing but nasty side effects, Hot Rod could be the final answer.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ P.S. #2: You alone know how important fulfilling sex is to you. If you've read all the way up to here, and you're convinced at how Hot Rod can change your sex life but you've not taken up your risk free test drive of Hot Rod, then maybe sex isn't as important to you as you think. I recommend collecting stamps. P.S. #3: Here are a few more unsolicited testimonials about how Hot Rod has changed the life of our customers...(All testimonials are verifiable and on file.)

Rave Reviews From Our Customers "I have erections even if i don't want them and the dosage of 2 capsules lasts for at least 3 days in my case. I have never had stronger erections in my life and they last a long time, I am ecstatic with the product and so is my wife, thank you and I will be placing an order soon." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I have tried virtually all brands of fast-acting pills in the market. While few did give me the desired effect, I had to live with some major side effects, including thumping headaches, indigestion and palpitation. Sometimes I managed to ignore it, but often, the discomfort was so bad that I had to forego sex! When Hot Rod was offered to me, I grabbed the opportunity to test drive. I took 1 capsule and within 10 minutes, I had the hardest erection since high school. Funny thing is that I wasn't even thinking dirty. I just can't wait for my lover to return home tonight... she's going to find out what a real man I am!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I am writing to tell you that I am very pleased with the product Hot Rod. I am 49 years old and Hot Rod does exactly what it claims to do. I have spent well over $600.00 last year on mostly worthless products. Some of the products I have tried are: Invigorex, Pro Plus, Size Pro, Stamanex, Extegen, just to name a few. I used these products well beyond there recommended time and got no results. They say their products may not work for everyone, but I have used so many of them with no results that I do believe that it isn't me with the problem but the products I am using. When I would have sex with my wife I would always try to rush because I was afraid I would lose my erection. Since I've started taking Hot Rod I am having incredible sex and I feel like I am in full charge of my abilities, and now I take the time to pleasure her first. That's how well Hot Rod works for me. I read in one of your testimonials that it caused an erection while not even thinking sexual thoughts. THAT is VERY TRUE because it happened to me also. I am so pleased with the results that I will become a life time customer as

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________________________________________________________________________ long as Hot Rod is around. Thanks again." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "To be frank, I was an ardent user of another brand until it went off the market recently. That was a great product and it literally saved my marriage. I needed a replacement that works just as well, if not better. I tested several promising brands but they fell all flat. I didn't expect much from Hot Rod either but when I took it for a test drive, it was simply awesome! I can now say that I have found the perfect replacement for my old brand! Way to go, Hot Rod!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Whilst at the age of 63, I still have an excellent sex drive without taking Hot Rod, but what a terrific difference it has made, and I find the effect lasts more than 4 days, more like 5-8 days." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I'm writing this email with your assurance of confidentiality. I am a porn actor by profession, and a well-known one I might add. In my line of work, I need to be able to maintain an erection for hours, especially when I'm required to have sex with several actresses, without a break. For most of the time, I can stay pretty hard for an extended period of time without any erection aids. But sometimes, I simply can't. At times like this, I need a fast-acting erection enhancer that can get me hard quickly, and more importantly, helps me to maintain the hardness. Having tried ED drugs and many herbal ones as well but didn't like the headaches and nausea, I'm glad to have found Hot Rod. Your product gives me the rock-hard effect that I need, without any side effects. Thank you for helping me stay on top of my game!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Let me mention that my wife and I have a fairly normal sex drive for our ages. We are both in our late 50's, but because of our ages, we just naturally assumed that the sex of old was gone forever and we had to settle for what we now have. I have not been the man of old for many years and she has not been the same woman of old either. She suffered from dryness and not a lot of sex drive and I suffered from not as much drive and not near as much performance as I used to be capable of. Let me tell you! We both took 2 capsules of Hot Rod with a

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________________________________________________________________________ cup of coffee and after about an hour we were both feeling charged up and eager to go the distance with our new-found energy and desire. She was very uninhibited and we both teased and played to our hearts desire. She was very receptive, shall we say, and the woman of years gone by. I was very energized, the largest and strongest in years and we had the best sex that we both have had in a decade or more. I couldn't believe the change in her, yet alone the improvement in me. I read that Hot Rod could help me be more of the man I used to be and this morning as I type this, I still feel the effects and desire of last night. Just wanted to pass this on to the husbands of the world. Get some Hot Rod, not only for you, but for your wife. We still look at each other with a smile and a glow that we have not had for years. You will surely love the new-found desire in her and the desire and performance that you will be capable of. It was almost like starting over, learning about each other and satisfying each others needs...and being able to. Great stuff! I sure hope we have more late suppers."

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Practical Assignment: Your practical assignment for this training session is to reframe 7 core ‘negative’ objections you think you will encounter when you’re selling your product and turn them into ‘positive’ outcomes. You can use this template here: Objection


Objection #1:

Objection #2:

Objection #3:

Objection #4:

Objection #5:

Objection #6:

In the following pages, you’ll find my critiques of actual submitted homework by my students. Use my comments as a benchmark for your own practical assignment.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Assignment #4 Critiques By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Important note from Jo Han: All these exhibits in Assignment #4 were so good that I didn’t critique any of them. They’re almost perfect!

Assignment #4: by Paul Chow

Objection 1) I do not have the time to do this.

Reframe With the Apex fund, about the only thing you need to do (if you wish) is call us up every now and then just to see how your investment is doing. We do all the investing work for you, and this is about as hands-off as it gets. 2) I am not sure if the returns will be We have compiled an enviable 3-year plus consistent. record of monthly returns exceeding 20%. It is next to impossible to get more consistent than that. 3) I do not think that I have enough money If you knew of an investment fund like ours to do this. that has returned at least 20% monthly over the last 3 years, you would find a way and try your utmost to acquire the funds to invest with us. Opportunities like this come around once in a lifetime. 4) I am not sure if I can trust you with my We have the ex-chairman of the World money. Bank as the head of our firm. He has the highest ethical standards acquired from his many years working there, and he wouldn't dream of compromising your funds in any way, shape, or form. His integrity is at stake in every single transaction that our firm undertakes. 5) I feel that I am more comfortable with We have done comprehensive research on another investment fund that I've been investment returns, and there is absolutely looking at recently. nothing out there that can approach our enviable and unsurpassed track record. There would be no point in investing with another fund that has inferior performance when compared to us . 6) I feel this is too risky. I prefer something With risk comes great reward. In the case of more solid that is guaranteed. Apex, you get incredibly high and consistent returns that don't really seem like a risk at all when you factor in its 3 year record. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ 7) I am not interested in investing.

Investing is the only way to generate consistent and potentially large returns without doing any work at all. I am sure an obviously wealthy and busy person like you can appreciate the importance of being able to increase your wealth without entailing any additional work.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #4: by Amy Blain Objection Objection #1: This can’t possibly work. Objection #2: I don’t have the money to have a cd professionally recorded.

Reframe It’s worked for hundreds of other people who became successful recording artists. You don’t need to have a professional record your cd. There are many computer programs available that can create amazing music along with the equipment you probably already use with your band. Objection #3: I don’t have You need to determine how badly you want to be a successful recording artist. If it’s something you want badly enough, the time to promote you’ll find the time by eliminating recreational activities like myself. watching tv. Almost every artist who’s ever been successful has made some sort of sacrifice – if not many for years and years. It’s a small price to pay for the success you say you want. We give you a script that you can read word for word that Objection #4: I won’t includes all of the key phrases that these execs. need to hear to know how to approach radio station execs or what convince them to play your tracks on their station. With the right positioning, the radio folks will be begging for the to say. privilege to play your songs. We give you a step by step guide to find just the right “gigs” Objection #5: I don’t that will have strangers clamoring to buy your cds. Not only know where to start to will you be building a strong fan base, you’ll be bringing in find local “gigs” so I can hard cash to finance your professional career. build up a fan base. Objection #6: If this works Because this is the “missing link” between what most people think you have to do to become a successful recording artist so well, why doesn’t and what the experts know – how to start your career at a everyone do it? grassroots level where you have control over y our destiny instead of trying to thousands of other “wanna bes” via American Idol or trying to get the attention of a label executive.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #4: by David Thomas


I do not have the time

Reframe You now have the opportunity of removing the financial barriers that are restricting your desire to achieve the financial success you so richly Deserve. Now you will be able to control how you will spend your time rather than letting time control how you live your life.

My family think that I have wasted enough time and money on this business

You can finally show your family that You were right to focus your time and money in your business

I don’t have the skill’s to be able to use it

This is a great opportunity for you to be able to develop skills that will take your business to levels that you had only dreamed of achieving.

I can’t afford to buy it ………….

I don’t see how this will improve my Business.

This product is too new and does not have a track record

Implementing this in your business will give You an advantage over your competitors that Will have them going crazy trying to find out How you are taking all their business.

You can show your customers that you are Investing in the latest technology to give them a cutting edge advantage over their competitors

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


I can get a similar product cheaper

This is your chance to get the top of the range product so that your customers know that they are dealing with a quality company.

Assignment #4: by Eric Grigsby My product is a real estate finance course designed to teach Residentail investors to upgrade their skills and their income by showing the insider secrets to investing in and financing commercial real estate projects without brokers or realtors. Objection The Price is to high…..

This is too good to be true….

I find it difficult to learn over the web…

I do not have time….

I believe that you can do this, but I am not

Reframe The price is to high if you are basing it on your current experience, however; if you are able to apply the information the value far exceeds the cost at any price point. You should be skeptical, this program would not be a good fit for you if you were not skeptical at this point…. If we look at this documented proof you will see for yourself, that it is “all good and all true” Using a new method of learning in any situation will take some getting used too, but the advantage is that the content is available 24 hours a day 7 days week, and allows you to learn on your schedule, and not force you to adjust your life to get the value out of this training.

It is a common problem, and the truth is you are going to have solve it, you are going to have to decide if what is consuming your time now, is going to help you make the income that this training will provide….. Many of my students had the same challenge, and they all will tell you that they are glad they made room in their lives…. Yes, you can, and I am going to help you

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ sure that I can….. Talking to people on the phone scares me

succeed, until you believe in yourself enough to this on your own… This is quite easy to overcome, in this situation you actually have an advantage the people who you will be talking to already know the value of what you offer, they are happy that you called because you are solving a huge problem for them, you are a breath of fresh air….

I am not a good sales person Assignment #4: by Craig Harrison Hi Jo This is based upon a live sales presentation to a skeptical 'hardgainer' who is looking to seek huge bulging muscles. The product and service is a DVD set, workbook, Muscle Tracking Software, Manual and year long support by e-mail and phone. It costs $297.00. In this scenario I have given my pitch, explained what the customer is to receive but then instead of him whipping out his credit card, some objections are raised instead .... Thanks Craig -- Start Conversation -CUSTOMER: I see what you are offering, but it just won't work for me. I have tried everything over the last few years and nothing has worked. ME: You remind me of Jim. CUSTOMER: Who is Jim? ME: Jim was a young guy just like you, who just 12 months ago came to me, looking just like a skinny little rake. The first time I met him he almost bit my head off like an angry shark he was that frustrated by his lack of muscle gains! His face was red, his arms were flapping like a pelican's wings and his eyes were bulging like a madman.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ He said “Craig, I have tried everything, multiple sets, super slow sets, supplements. I have listened to and read everything by all the 'guru's' and nothing has happened”. His daily life before he met me was one of embarrassment, shame and humiliation because of his skinny body. He was ridiculed almost daily he was that thin. It was torture for Jim. In fact he was that skeptical about my claims he even accused me of 'been on the juice' and it was only a urine sample proved to him I was the real deal. Well, just 12 months later, Jim is absolutely huge, with massive slabs of rock hard muscle all over his body. In fact, we rarely call him Jim anymore, he is now simply known as 'Arnie'.

Imagine this happening to you like it has for Jim. Picture yourself with huge pecs ... arms like tree trunks and abs showing off an 8 pack never mind a six pack. Jim knows how this feels. He gets an incredible amount of respect from other men and he is almost batting away women with a tennis racket he gets that many offers these days. Once you invest in the Muscle Mania program, you will even get to meet Jim in our closed door forum. CUSTOMER: I guess I see why this could be different and would work, but I am not sure I have the time to focus on all of this. ME: I understand your concern but I don't think that's the key reason that you are delaying your investment. You have said you have tried everything in the past so obviously you have spent a lot of time trying to build muscle in the past. Is there something else you are focusing on instead? CUSTOMER: Well, I don't know ... er ... it seems a little pricey. ME: Yes it is more expensive than our competitors because of the incredible support you get from our world class group of muscle growth specialists who will hold your hand during your muscle building journey. We have the most comprehensive program available in the country and once you have made your investment you will realize that you have made a wise choice. Clearly you have used inferior products which have held you back and wasted far too long and stole more of your time and money than you can count. Obviously if you leave here today without investing, I can almost guarantee you will spend tons of dollars on cheap imitations which won't even give you 1 pound of muscle. Customer is looking a little sheepish still and scratching his head a little nervously

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ ME: Is there something else? I can see that there is something holding you back. I don't mean to intrude but could you share with me what your concern is and I might be able help? CUSTOMER: Well, this is kinda embarrassing, but I don't have a DVD player so I won't be able to even watch the DVD's so I won't be able follow the program. ME: Hey, that's no problem, I have a spare DVD player I was going to put up on EBay, but when you invest today, and I will let you have it for free. CUSTOMER: Whoa! That's pretty great thanks Craig, but I am not 100% sure about this... ME: Well, if you don't invest today I can see that in 12 months time you are going to be stuck in the same position you are in now, depressed because of your lack of muscle gains, still unhappy every single day because you don't have the body you deserve and you will feel that burning pain of frustration in the pit of your stomach, knowing that you have passed the opportunity of a lifetime.

Obviously I can only offer so many places on my program and places are filling up fast, in fact there a just 3 places left so if you want to discover the sheer thrill of watching your muscles bulge up like a balloon, you must act now. CUSTOMER: Yeah OK, here is my card!

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Training Session #5 By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion 105 While you continue to develop your formidable set of persuasion skills, you might come across individuals at work or in your community that have a high “Persuasion Quotient”. We’ll give you a set of techniques to effectively analyze, adapt and copy these set of skills, so you can benefit from their experience. In the field of psychology, this is called “modeling”. Modeling is not copying Bear in mind that this approach is not copying. Copying something means to parrot everything you see, often with disastrous results. Imagine a middle-aged man, emulating a giggly teenage girl, or a demure, quiet lady shouting and huffing and puffing and demanding to get immediate service. Modeling is adaptive: applied correctly, it gives you the ability to analyze anyone, male or female, young or old, even someone from a different culture or nationality and make their techniques your own.

Modeling is bad and unoriginal! I am aware that some of you might be facing inner voices that tell you “copying is bad! Stay away!” After all we have all been brainwashed in school that copying is bad. You might even have been punished for it. I certainly don’t want you to be in a conflicted state as you read this, so let me give you an “alternative world view”. How do you learn? When you were a baby, not knowing any language, or what things meant, people pointed at objects and gave them a name “apple” or “dog”, and you mimicked what they said. You pointed at the dog, and said “dog” and someone clapped and said “Good boy!” or “good girl!”. As an adult, when you want to learn something, maybe replacing the sump filter in your pool, or a new stitch pattern for your quilting, you might go to the Internet, or buy a book, or ask someone. So you’re learning by copying or emulating an expert in the field. That’s the nature of how learning takes place. Whether you’re modeling someone living who write the book a few years ago, or lived 500 years ago in England, the process is the same. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Am I a good modeler? Some will inevitably ask if becoming a mirror image or a spitting image of your model is the ideal to strive for. Emphatically no! Your success is determined by the outcome you achieved. As in all parts of the forbidden persuasion techniques you have learned till now, you need to have the outcome in mind before you engage in your campaign. Achieving the outcome is just one step in the forbidden persuasion process.

How do I start modeling forbidden persuaders? The greatest modelers possess the skills of adaptation. Adaptation refers to the ability to transfer the skills from one situation to another situation. You might admire your plumber’s ability to close sales, and if you successfully adapt his approach, you might be able to apply the same set of skills in another context or industry like in real estate or internet marketing. The key factors to identify when you are adapting a persuasion process are: • What is the person’s intention? • What is the person’s attitude? • How does their intention translate into action? • How does the subject react to their action? • How does the person react to objections that the subject might pose?

Modeling Resources When you start modeling, the first instinct might be to model your boss or your neighbor or maybe even your significant other. While this is better than the alternative (having no one to model), you can certainly do better. Look for role models you aspire towards, they can be living or deceased, the key condition is that you must have some access to them. By access I am referring to a book, a sound recording or a video recording of them. You can also adopt multiple “models”. For example, you might have one model for sales, one model for relationships, one for sports. Let’s look at a few situations to get a better idea.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Modelling for Leadership Blueprint Let’s say you admire former president John F Kennedy and choose to adopt him for your “leadership model”. Your first step is to access his speech transcripts, and audio recordings of his speeches. Do your research to find the situations, the contexts, and with the benefit of history, see how the speech might have affected the course of history.

John F. Kennedy Ich bin ein Berliner ("I am a 'Berliner'")

I am proud to come to this city as the guest of your distinguished Mayor, who has symbolized throughout the world the fighting spirit of West Berlin. And I am proud --

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ And I am proud to visit the Federal Republic with your distinguished Chancellor who for so many years has committed Germany to democracy and freedom and progress, and to come here in the company of my fellow American, General Clay, who -- who has been in this city during its great moments of crisis and will come again if ever needed. Two thousand years ago -- Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was "civis Romanus sum." Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Ich bin ein Berliner." There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world. Let them come to Berlin. There are some who say -- There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin. And there are some who say, in Europe and elsewhere, we can work with the Communists. Let them come to Berlin. And there are even a few who say that it is true that communism is an evil system, but it permits us to make economic progress. Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen. Let them come to Berlin.

[Note: You can download the speech in MP3 format at: 4444444iiiiii4444444444444.mp3]

As you can see from the above example, speech patterns for leadership will vary differently from everyday speech. Speaking in everyday speech when attempting to inspire and motivate your audience will obviously not have the same effect. Likewise, you would not want to speak in a “leadership tone” in everyday conversations, unless you wanted to be accused of trying to act “presidential”. For speeches and video broadcasts, you can visit the White House website at http://whitehouse.gov. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Modelling for Romance Blueprint One way to standout from others in the journey to start a relationship is to adopt a romance model. Besides emulating how the characters act in a romance movie, you can also take a look at romantic novels and plays. For example, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet contains sections such as: ROMEO O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand, And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night. While the language is dated, the concepts and language patterns can be adopted to the modern context. It might be rephrased as: The light of the city lamps pale in comparison to your beauty. My heart has never experienced true love till now. I never saw true beauty until tonight. That’s an example of how phrases might be adapted and used effectively. You will also notice that the vocal tone and vocal speed will tend to be lower and slower in romantic situations compared to everyday speech. Incorporating these and other observations into your delivery will enhance your effectiveness.

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Assembling Your Modeling Toolkit Looking for inspiration can be challenging especially when you first begin modeling. Besides books, you might like to look at speech transcripts online at http://library.albany.edu/reference/speeches.html. Speeches by media and sports personalities, as well as politicians are usually written by professional script writers, so by analyzing and modeling these speech structures, you will have the world’s best script writers at your beck and call. For video resources, you can find documentaries as well as non-fiction movies to model this from. Movies from the 60s to 80s tend to contain more dialogue to model off of. While movies from the 90s onwards tend to be more action oriented. You can also search for and find movie clips from online video hosting sites like YouTube and Google Video.

What to analyze and adapt when modeling Besides modeling the content of the speech, you will also want to take note of phrases used in communication. Many of these can be multi-dimensional and very visual in nature. What would happen if you used “word pictures” in your communication, phrases like: • I am struck by the strength of the character of the people who live here in the Plains -- people who refuse to be -- who refuse to have their spirit affected by this storm •

My mission is to -- today, though, is to lift people's spirits as best as I possibly can and to hopefully touch somebody's soul by representing our country, and to let people know that while there was a dark day in the past, there's brighter days ahead.

Over our six days in the United States, we have much enjoyed the chance to dwell on the history of the relationship between our two countries, as well as celebrating its present strength and vitality. I would like to thank everyone for the warmth and kindness extended to us.

The friendship between the British and American people is one of the oldest and most enduring in history. This friendship has been built on the common ideal of freedom, and forged by our shared sacrifices in freedom's defense.

Troops from our two countries are serving side by side to bring the hope of liberty to regions that have not known it. Together we're supporting young democracies that are taking their first steps on the path to free and peaceful societies.

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________________________________________________________________________ •

This morning the world witnessed yet another advance for freedom and peace -the people of Northern Ireland took control of their future when Catholics and Protestants came together to form a new government that offers the prospect of peace and reconciliation after years of violence and division. In Belfast today, we're seeing once again how democracy and freedom can help heal a wounded world.

The excerpts were taken from the speeches of England’s Queen Elizabeth II and President George Bush at Whitehouse.gov After examining the content of the speech, you will also want to take note of the: • Speech patterns • Speaking speed And you will notice that the slower you speak and in a deeper voice, the more authority is associated with that way of speaking. In contrast, speaking quickly, and in a high pitch tends to carry with it qualities of being young, dynamic, and perhaps even naïve. Accents can come into play to establish rapport with your audience. During former president Bill Clinton’s election campaign, it was reported that when he toured the Southern United States, he spoke with a Southern drawl, or accent. While he was in the North, he tended to speak with a neutral accent. By constantly adapting to your audience, you will discover that you will constantly improve your modeling skills.

Non-verbal dimensions of Modeling Research has shown that words are only responsible for 7% of the communication that takes place. The bulk of communication which accounts for the other 93% is achieved through: • Tonality: 38% (how you say the words) • Physiology: 55% (your body movement when you speak those words) Although words may not seem that important because they only represent 7% of communication, they are one of the most important elements in the modeling process. In the next section, we will go into detail on how you can select and construct your word sequence to powerful effect. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Advanced Modeling Strategies: Representational Systems To be an expert in forbidden persuasion, you will need to understand a key concept which will unlocking your understanding. That is: The meaning of communication is determined by how your audience perceives it. Our minds process information constantly depending on the situation. We may not react the same way if someone says the phrase “You are fired!” to us. If you are in a job which you enjoy and pays you handsomely, you will be very sad when you hear those words. On the other hand, if you work for an oppressive boss, put in long hours, receive little pay and are constantly being insulted, the sound of those words might be pure music to your ears! The meaning of our words depends on many other factors than just the words themselves. Layered on this principle is the concept of representational systems. Like fingerprints, two people will not communicate in exactly the same way. We have specific cues in the way we communicate that is our personal “communication fingerprint”. Most people will never be able to identify or recognize these communication fingerprints, much less use them. For the forbidden persuasion minority who have access to these skills, you will have an unfair advantage. Let’s break down the representational system. We perceive reality according to how we ‘see’ the word. Just like some might be lefthanded and others might be right-handed, so too will we use each of our five senses in a specific manner. We have specific names for these five senses: Visual Representational System Associated with the sense of sight. This representational system is typically associated with “seeing” related words. Someone who is actively visual will tend to use words like: • I see what you’re saying • It’s clear that… • If you can picture this… ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ • • • • • •

It’s quite clear cut… You have a dim view In light of our current circumstances You are a sight for sore eyes Tunnel vision is going to… In your mind’s eye

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Auditory Representational System Associated with the sense of hearing. This representational system is typically associated with “hearing” related words. Someone who is actively auditory will tend to use words like: • It’s clear like a bell • Clean like a whistle • Lend me your ear • In a manner of speaking • Hold your tongue • Silence your critics • State your intention • Unheard of • Sounds like a good idea

Kinesthetic Representational System Associated with the sense of touch. This representation system is typically associated with “feeling” related words. Besides words to do with the body, it includes words associated to emotions. Someone who is actively kinesthetic will tend to use words like: • Come to grips with • Get a handle on • Hang in there • Hold on • Heart in your hands • Feel out the opposition • Good vibrations • Unlock the secrets

Olfactory/Gustatory Representational System Associated with the sense of smell (olfactory) and taste (gustatory). This representation system tends to be less prominent in the mental processing of information. They are jointly considered as one representational system. Words associated with the olfactory/gustatory system include: • Leave a bad taste in my mouth • Harboring Sour grapes • Smells fishy • Smelling of roses • It’s a dose of bitter medicine • Smells like a recipe for trouble ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ The 4-tuple Model in Modeling The 4-tuple model is a way of analyzing communication. It combines the elements of the 4 representational systems we have covered: visual (v), auditory (a), kinesthetic (k), and olfactory/gustatory (og) (a total of 4 elements). By analyzing the sequence, you might notice that someone might say: “If you can see what I’m saying, you will get a grip on the situation and sound the alarm now” Analyzing the above sentence you will notice the following representational systems: • See: visual • Grip: kinesthetic • Sound the alarm: auditory So the person is communicating to you in a visual-kinethetic-auditory or VKA sequence. If you wanted to establish rapport with him, you would communicate following the VKA sequence. “I can picture your concern, and I will handle the situation so things are clean as a bell’s whistle” The sentence contains the keywords: • Picture: visual • Handle: kinesthetic • Bell’s whistle: auditory Correctly executed your audience will not be aware of what you have done, especially if you have performed it subtly. But on a subconscious level, their mind will recognize that you used the same language sequence and feel affinity towards you.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Note: As we have previously mentioned, no two individuals will have the same representational system communication pattern (which we call a strategy). So you might encounter situations where someone might say: “I hear that many people are rushing out to grab the bargains at the great sale” (A-K-K) “You see my children are yelling for attention again and crying out for help” (V-A-A) So you can expect to see strategies consisting of various combinations such as V-V-V, VA-K, K-K-V, V-K-A. Take note that the strategies I have presented are to build rapport with your audience. If on the other hand you want to break rapport with someone, you can choose to deliberately mismatch what they’re saying. If they say “I don’t see what you’re saying at all. It sounds like the price is sky high” (VA-V). You can mismatch them by saying “Sounds like you are not in touch with the issues here. Our pricing is very sound.” (A-K-A).

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ The following are a sequence of transcripts of an interview Milton H Erickson, MD, conducted which demonstrates hypnotic principles. In this interview, Erickson talks to Monde, 32 years old, married and mother of 3 children. Her major concern was her insecurity about herself as a person, wife and mother. Nick is 20 years old and single. He volunteered as a demonstration subject. Here are a few patterns in the following sequence you need to be aware of: Presupposition: an assumption about the world whose truth is taken for granted. Examples of presuppositions include: •

Do you want to do it again? (Presupposition: You have done it already, at least once.)

• •

My wife is pregnant. (Presupposition: I have a wife.) Will you be paying by cash or credit card? (Presupposition: You will be buying the product or service)

Mind Reading: refers to situations when one person knows another well enough to be able to suggest what the other is thinking. Examples include: • At this moment, your mind will be racing as you think of the possibilities of this product. • I know what you are going through now because I have been through it myself. • You realize this is probably one of the best offers you would ever see in your life.

Missing Referential Index: making reference to unspecified objects or people. “It”, “She” “Them”. A lack of a definition of what the “thing” or person is missing. Examples include: • A lot of things • It won’t be about cars • They don’t show up often, do they? Causal modeling conjunction: A way of linking two thoughts together using a conjunction such as “so” “and” “while” “as”. To maintain the hypnotic trance, we ensure that everything seems to be flowing fluidly in a single thought. • You close your eyes. And feel yourself relaxing deeper into a state of peace and tranquility. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

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________________________________________________________________________ • •

As you sit in your chair and open your mind to the possibility You can sit in your chair thinking, while the opportunity presents itself to you

Implied causative: There is a link established between what is happening now to something which is said to have caused it. While in every day usage, you might encounter “if you put you hand in the fire, you will get burned” and “if you don’t sleep, you will feel tired” which seems like common sense. You can take it a step further by introducing variations like: • As you spend time with her, you will become more attracted to her [There’s no logical link between time spent with someone and being attracted] • As you spend more time reading this sales letter, you will feel your more becoming more receptive to the opportunity before you. [Again, no clear link between time spent reading and buying the product/service, but it’s implied] • When you’ve bought a BMW, you know you’ve arrived. Sentence fragment: These can be useful. Because each phrase contains a thought. The fragment can change the pace. For your subject. As they focus on each word. They become more. And more receptive. To your suggestions. Embedded command: These generally have a context beyond what they seem to be saying. It’s a phrase or sentence which contains a hidden command. Some examples: • I feel thirsty, it would be good to have a glass of water [embedded: get me a glass of water] • I wonder what your name is [embedded: what is your name?] • My mother used to say that the best way to recover from a flu is to stay in bed all day [embedded: go rest in bed] Nominalization: a state of being which exists in name only. Intangible. Examples include: happiness, social pressure, desperation, rebellion. Deletion: A process of excluding information or providing a “shortcut” to understanding. This prevents being overwhelmed by information. Examples: • I am waiting for you [deletion: how long have you been waiting? Why are you waiting?] • It is a good program [deletion: why is it a good program? What are you comparing it to?] Ambiguity scope: A sentence which can be interpreted in a variety of ways. • Visiting the town, Tom dressed up with a lady in a grey hat. [Was Tom wearing the grey hat? Or was the lady wearing a grey hat?] • Let your mind wander with me everywhere [Let your mind wander everywhere? Or wander with me everywhere?]

Erickson speaks throughout the hypnotic sequence. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Well, Monde, this time, I’d like to have you take your time about going into a trance I don’t want you to go into a trance too soon

Presupposition: …this time…take your time about going…

Presupposition: …into a trance too soon.

And you know how easy it is for you.

• • • •

Mind reading:…you know…: Presupposition: …know…how easy Missing referential index: it Causal modeling conjunction: And you know…

Causal modeling – conjunction: And while Nick… Implied causative: …while Sentence fragment …I’d like to have you watch how Monde’s face Embedded command: watch how Monde’s…

Erickson turns to Nick And while Nick is here, I’d like to have you watch how Monde’s face…

• • •

And your unconscious mind will learn a great deal

• • • •

So turn and look so you can see her.

• •

Erickson turns to Monde Not quite that fast, Monde.

Let's have a little talk first, 'cause in the trance I will want you to do something of importance for you.

Causal modeling – conjunction: And your… Embedded command: …learn a great deal Nominalizations: mind, deal Presupposition: …learn…a great deal. Causal modeling implied causative: ...So turn..., Embedded command:... turn and look...

Presupposition:... that fast, ... quite that fast. • Deletion: …not quite. • • •

Nominalizations: talk, trance, importance; Presupposition: . first... ... in trance. Missing referential index: ... something of importance

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ And just for you.

• • •

Presupposition: …just… Deletion: what just for you?; Casual modeling - conjunction: And...

And just waiting,

Causal modeling - conjunction: And ... Presupposition: ...just.. ; Mind reading:.waiting... Deletion: who's waiting for whom/what? Sentence fragment: And just wait.

• • • • And you know why I'm waiting for.

• •

Causal modeling - conjunction: And you. Sentence fragment: And you know why I'm waiting for.; Mind reading:... you know... Deletion:... waiting for what?

Missing referential index: That's..

Deletion:.. . right for whom/what?

Missing referential index: That's. . .

Deletion:... right for whom/what?

Deletion: . . . what all the way shut:..., Presupposition: . . . all the way... Sentence fragment: . . . all the way shut ... Nominalization: ...way....

That’s right. (M's face flattens)

That’s right

All the way shut. (M's eyes close)

• • • Now go deeply into trance, so that your unconscious can deal with that vast store of memories that you have

• • •

Presupposition: .. . deeply ............................................... memorie s that you have... . . . vast... Nominalizations: . . . trance,store, memories, unconscious... Causal modeling - implied causative: .. so..

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


And I'd like to have you feel very comfortable

Embedded command: deal with that...

Causal modeling - conjunction: And... , Presupposition: ... comfortable…very comfortable... Embedded command: .. . feel very comfortable.. .

• • And while you're in the trance, I would like to have you feel the coolness, not too cold, but just coolness-just enough coolness so that you might want it to get just a bit warmer.

Causal modeling - conjunction: And. ..

Implied causative: ...while so. ..

Presupposition: . , . while you're in not too just. .., . . . just enough just. . ., . . , a bit. . . ,

Deletion: . . . too cold for what/whom? a bit warmer compared to what/whom?. . .

Nominalizations:. . . trance, coolness, coolness. . . , Missing referential index: . , . it. . ., Embedded command: . . . feel the coolness. . .

• •

Now, while you go deeper and deeper into the trance, it is as if you're traveling a highway, passing this scene, that scene, in your life.

Nominalizations: . . .trance, scene, scene, life . . . ,

Casual modeling - implied causative: . .while. . . ,

Ambiguity scope: .., in your life. . . ,

Presupposition: . . . deeper and deeper. ..

Missing referential index;. . . it…this scene…that scene…a highway. . . , Embedded command: . . . go deeper. . . Unspecified verb: . . . traveling passing. . .

• •

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ And perhaps something very nice that you could recall that you haven't thought about for years.

• • • •

And I think it'd be most interesting if you would find some childhood, infantile memory that you haven't thought of for years-such as the time when you discovered you could stand up and the entire world looked different.

• • • • • • • • • • •

The world suddenly takes on a wonderful look when you stand up and are no longer creeping.

• • • • • •

And, older, you bent over and looked at the world from between your legs,

• •

So you would have another view of this world look, that you looked at and found so interesting.

Causal modeling - conjunction: And. . ., Missing referential index; . . . something very nice. . ., Sentence fragment: And perhaps. . , for years, Unspecified verb: . recall.. thought.. Causal modeling - conjunction: And…and. . Missing referential index: ... it.. . some childhood, infantile memory that… Presupposition:. most interesting.. Nominalization: .. .memory. . Causal modeling implied causative: ... such as... , Missing referential index:... the time.. Unspecified verb: ... discovered.. , Presupposition:... you discovered.... Deletion: ... looked different to whom/different how? ... , Presupposition:... looked different... Nominalization: .. . world.. . Nominalization: .. . world... , Unspecified verb:.. , takes on.. , Presupposition: . takes on... , Embedded command:... takes on a wonderful look when .. Presupposition: ...`stand up.... Implied causative: ... when Causal modeling - conjunction: .. and.. Deletion: ... older than whom?..

Causal modeling implied causative: …and…, …so… • Embedded command: …you would have…view • Unspeicifed verb: …have… • Referential index: …this world look… ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


I would like to have you single out some one thing that you could talk to me about, that you could talk to strangers about, that you could share.

Something very pleasing, very charming

• • • •

Nominalization: …world look… Unspecified verb: …found… Deletion: …found interesting how Presuppositions: …would have…, …you looked at…

Embedded command: …single out…thing… Missing referential index: …thing… Unspecified verb: …single out... Implied causative: …that…, …that…, Embedded command: you could share… Unspecified verb: …share… Sentence fragment: something…, …charming… Referential index: …something… Presuppositions: …very…, …very…

• • • • • • • •

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Promotional Peel Away: DM Pledge Sales Letter Important Note: Here are my ‘peel away’ notes for a sales letter by DM Legend Bob Stone. Click on the ‘sticky notes’ for my full annotations.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Mr. John Jones Jones Manufacturing Co. 1621 Main Street Ottumwa, Iowa 52501 Dear John, Remember when you were a kid. A "dreamer" was put down as someone who would never amount to anything -- destined to be a "non-achiever" for life. What a myth! Let me tell you about some "dreamers" who became super achievers in direct marketing. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. There's the thrilling story of L. L. Bean in Maine. For years they ran a successful mail order business...catering to outdoorsmen. But Leon Gorman dreamed of new horizons...a new world out there of men and women who never fished or hunted -- dressed the way outdoors people dress. A pipe dream? Hardly. Leon Gorman turned dream to reality. Sales - plateaued at the $50 million level - boomed past the $100 million level in a few short years. What about the legendary "kitchen table" people? Len Carlson, out in California, is a part of the legend. Len and his wife Gloria shared a dream. They dreamed they could put together a catalog of hardto-find gadgets that would appeal to the masses. Thus Sunset House was born. Fifteen years and a customer base of 6.5 million names later, the press announced Sunset House had been acquired by a major corporation for a price reported to be in the millions. The most remarkable dream story on the agency side is that of Lester Wunderman. Les was an account person with the Max Sackheim agency. He dreamed of having his own agency. But an agency that would apply sophisticated direct response techniques to all media -- including a "new" medium called television. Today his firm - Wunderman, Ricotta & Kline - has billings in excess of $100 million, with offices in New York and 12 foreign countries. As you read of these dreams-come-true I hope you are recalling your own. The dreams you have had which have helped you to get to where you are today. But of all the dreams-come-true which I have witnessed over the years there is one which supersedes all others. A dream-come-true which has touched all our lives, a dream which will live on beyond our lifetimes. The year was 1965. Lewis Kleid, a leading list broker in his day, was a close friend of Edward N. Mayer, Jr., known around the world as "Mr. Direct Mail."

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Lew made a proposition to Ed. He said, "Ed - if you will devote time to teaching the rudiments of direct marketing to college kids, I'll provide the seed money to make it happen." Thus, with the simplicity that was a trademark of Ed Mayer, the Lewis Kleid Institute was launched. Today, almost 17 years later, The Direct Mail/Marketing Educational Foundation, a non-profit organization which sponsors Kleid Institutes, continues in the Ed Mayer image. Over the past 17 years over 1,000 bright college students have taken the 5-day intensive course, sponsored by the Foundation...all expenses paid. It is estimated that over 50% of these students have entered into a direct marketing career. As one of the privileged few who has had the honor of lecturing each new group of candidates over many years -- I only wish you could witness, as I have, the excitement that comes to each as they are introduced to the wonders of direct marketing disciplines. "I learned more in five days than in my four years as a marketing major," is a somewhat typical statement from one of these exuberant students. But let me give you just a few quotes from hundreds in file. "I learned so very much -- the week just set my spark for direct marketing into a big roaring fire!" Marilee Gibson Yorchak New Mexico State University "The Institute has greatly increased my awareness and understanding of direct marketing, and furthered my career interest." Tim Harrison University of North Carolina "If one of your objectives was to stimulate young, ambitious people to enter your field, you succeeded with me." Paula Miante College Of William and Mary I guess from all of this one would have to conclude our dream has truly come true. Well - not exactly. None of us ever dreamed that direct marketing would have the explosive growth we have all experienced. (As an aside - when I wrote my first book I trumpeted that total sales of goods and services via the direct marketing method had reached the staggering figure of $300 million. The estimated figure for 1981 is $120 billion!) So now we realize that if our true dream is to be realized - growing our own at the college level to people our future growth - we are going to have to raise our sights beyond the far horizon.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Where we are bringing the gifted student to the Institute - only one each from about 35 colleges twice each year - we've got to get Direct Marketing taught on the college campus in full semester courses. Not to three score and ten for five days. Instead - to hundreds for full semesters. Is this "The Impossible Dream"? No! I'm now going to tell you about what some regard to be an emerging "miracle," which is in the process of happening as I pen this letter. At a Board of Directors meeting a few months ago in the offices of The Direct Mail/Marketing Educational Foundation, Richard L. Montesi, President, made a startling proposal. A proposal which he stated would make our ultimate dream come true. The ultimate dream, as he expressed it, is to establish a Chair for a Direct Marketing Center in three major universities: one in the Middle West; one in the East; and one in the West. The full-scale curriculums will be structured to earn a degree in Direct Marketing for each graduate, carrying with them a stature similar to that enjoyed by a graduate from the Wharton School of Business or Harvard Business School. "An exciting idea," we said. "But how are we going to fund these centers?" "From a capital fund of $1.2 million," Dick said. "$1.2 million. Good God!" was the reaction. Well then the miracle started happening. Andy Andrews, one of the directors, said - "Why don't we go around the table right now and see how much commitment we can get over the next three years from the small group of directors at this table?" Would you believe we raised $120,000.00 - 10% of our goal within five minutes! When we left that day a few of us agreed to write some letters and make some phone calls. And what happened as a result surpasses anything in my experience. Remember those "dreamers" I talked about earlier? Well let me tell you what happened with some of them. Remember Leon Gorman of L. L. Bean? He's committed $15,000 over three years. And Len Carlson - another $15,000. And Les Wunderman - $15,000. They're putting their money where their dreams are. The list goes on. "Dusty" Loo of Looart Press - a major commitment. John Flieder of Allstate Insurance - "Count us in." Kiplinger Washington Editors. The Kleid Company. Jim Kobs of Kobs & Brady - "Absolutely!" Publishers Clearing House. Grolier. Colonial Penn. Rodale Press. Spiegel. American Express. John Yeck of Yeck Brothers Group - "You can count on us." Eddie Bauer. Rapp & Collins. Ogilvy & Mather. Alan Drey. The DR Group. Hanover House. And on and on. To this moment, these people and some others we have contacted bring total commitments to $725,000. So we have reached 60% of our goal!

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________________________________________________________________________ This is exciting in itself, but equally exciting is the fact that we have two formal proposals from two major universities detailing how a Chair would be established for Direct Marketing. And the cost. One proposal is from UMKC - University of Missouri, where Martin Baier of Old American has taught Direct Marketing classes for a number of years. The other proposal is from New York University. Both universities are ready when we are. So we are this close to bringing off a 20th Century miracle! Now we come to you to ask you to share in this dream of dreams. There is a pledge card inside of the enclosed envelope. The amount suggested is just that. A suggestion. You are the best judge of what your company should pledge against the future. I have asked for and have gotten approval to have your response come back to me personally. I'd like to hear from you even if there is some unforseen circumstance under which you cannot make a pledge. We must decide very soon upon the first university to establish a Direct Marketing Center. Therefore I will appreciate it if you will reply within the next 10 days. Thank you so very much. Sincerely, Bob Stone P.S.

It is my fondest dream that you and I will be there to witness the commencement exercises of the first graduating class with a degree in Direct Marketing.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Practical Assignment: Your practical assignment for this training session is to model Erickson’s ‘session’ with Nick and Monde to create your own fictional ‘session’. You should try to use his ‘patterns’ as a template. Go through the lessons thoroughly, and write your 300 word page paragraph. In the following pages, you’ll find my critiques of actual submitted homework by my students. Use my comments as a benchmark for your own practical assignment.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Forbidden Persuasion Secrets Assignment #5 Critiques By Jo Han Mok #1 Bestselling Author of The E-Code

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Assignment #5: by Ted Chan Monde, this time, take a step back and take your time going into a trance. I don’t want you too easily into a trance soon. Begin to relax your whole body as your mind loosens up. Erickson turns to Nick And while Nick is here, standing next to you, I’d like you to watch Monde’s face … And your mind’s eye will feel out a great deal. So turn and see the connection to hear her. Erickson turns to Monde Not quite so fast, Monde. Let’s have a brief chat first, ‘cause during your trance you will do something important to you. And just for you. Just waiting. And you know why I’m waiting for. That’s right. And them all the way shut. Now go deeply into a trance, so your unconscious can find your secret combination in the vast stores of your. And I’d like to feel even more relaxed and comfortable. And while you’re in the trance, I’d like you to hear the waves crashing over and over again, calming your inner being. You feel the gentle breeze against your face and soft warm glow of the sun. Getting warmer and you unbutton your top button. Now, while you go further and further into your trance, it’s as if you’re zooming through the trees of your life in the forest. And perhaps something that you hadn’t thought about for years percolates up to the top of your consciousness. And I’d think it be most interesting, if you would find some childhood picture memory that you haven’t thought of for years – such as the time you discovered how to say your first words and your entire world felt different. The world suddenly seems a lot brighter, and takes on a spectacular hue, as you say your first syllables for the very first time.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ So you discovered a whole new world where you interact and use very powerful words and received all the attention. I would like you to single out some one thing that you could talk to me about, that you could share. Something very empowering, very exciting

Jo Han’s Comments: There are some missing words from this assignment. It is well done, and what I feel can be improved, is that even though your objective is to inject ambiguity, you want to make it somewhat easy to understand as well. There’s a very thin line between being ambiguous and not being able to be understood. Avoid big words like ‘percolate’ and try to use more ‘childlike’ language.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #5: Paul Chow This sequence takes place between Dr. John House, PhD, and teenager Bebe Williams, who has been traumatized by her mother’s 3 divorces, mistreatment by her stepfathers, and extreme promiscuity. John has invited Bebe’s boyfriend Matt to the session to be a catalyst in her recovery process.

Bebe, this time let’s do it slightly differently from before. It’s okay to change things around. Change is good. Let’s approach things differently and try a different paradigm. Sometimes it requires change and flux…. And it may be uncomfortable, so it won’t be a walk in the park. At this time, your mind may be whirling around and you may be thinking about the approach I am going to take. Don’t. Just relax. Leave your thoughts behind. John turns to Matt and addresses him now. Which is why you’re here. And you may think this is silly. But you will realize how much importance you have. Turn around and look Bebe straight in the eyes. And see into the depths of her soul. At this point Bebe starts to squirm and is visibly uncomfortable, a look of alarm surfacing in her eyes and expression. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ Not so fast, Bebe. Keep yourself calm, and you will see. The way to resolve this. Keep in your mind’s eye the comforting presence of Matt as you are going deeper into this very unique and comforting trance. You will go deep so that you can recall and experience everything. Your eyelids begin to feel heavy now. So heavy. And you feel warm and fuzzy. And relaxed. But just a tad warm, just a notch above what your ideal temperature would be. Your eyelids are almost closed now. Closed. That’s it. (Bebe’s eyes are completely shut now, and her face looks tranquil and calm.) Let your mind’s eye run through your life’s experiences, all of them. And find the pleasant ones you would like to share with Matt that make you feel so loved and appreciated. That make you proud to be a loving and wonderful human being, at peace with yourself. You are so peaceful there that nothing, absolutely nothing, can upset or disturb the tranquility. Go back. Way back…… As far as needed. Find it. And see it….. ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ The one experience that makes you feel the most loved and appreciated, where you are completely at one with the world and yourself. You do not want for anything and everything is in order, so you have nothing to do at all except to be. Even looking back at this through the vagaries of time and space, you still feel the peacefulness and stillness of the moment. No conflict. No tension. Just stillness…. It would be very interesting if you could share this most peaceful moment with Matt and relive it with him. Make him see it and feel it like he was next to you, experiencing it.

Jo Han’s Comments: Same issue as Ted in the previous assignment. You want to avoid big words, and make it simple to understand. Words like “vagaries” may sound good, but are rarely understood for by educated people.

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Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control


Assignment #5: by David Thomas Monde has been suffering from a fear of open spaces for a considerable period of time and Nick is her next door neighbour who is getting to be very keen on Monde and would like to be able to get to know her better and start taking her out on dates. Well Monde, this time, I would like for you to recall how relaxed you felt after our last session together And before we get too deeply into the trance lets have a little talk, as in the trance I want you to think of something that is important to you And you know how easy you find it Just relax and enjoy it Dave turns to Nick And while Nick is present, I would like you share in Monde’s journey as she goes into her trance. And you will learn how you can assist Monde in her day to day life So Nick turn and watch her now Dave Turns back to Monde Slow down and take your time Monde. Lets just talk And just for you And taking the time And you know why I’m waiting That’s the way (Monde’s face relaxes) ________________________________________________________________________ Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

Forbidden Persuasion: The Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control

________________________________________________________________________ All the way in (Monde closes her eyes) Now slip deeply into that warm comfortable place so that you’re unconscious can access and cope with the depth of memories you have And now you are feeling very comfortable and relaxed. And now that you are feeling comfortable and relaxed I want you to feel the warmth of the sun on your body feel the breeze on your skin just enough to take the edge off the heat, cool but not to cool. Now while you slip deeper and deeper into the trance picture yourself just hovering above the earth it is as if you are totally weightless and looking down on yourself an observer - observing yourself. And now I want you to recall something some distant memory perhaps the first time you went out to play in the park with your parents do you remember how good it felt to play on the swings and to run around in the park. Suddenly you have this immense sense of freedom – wide open spaces for you to run and play your legs never seem to get tired as you are revelling in this newfound sense of freedom Everything is so different and exciting I want you to pick out just one memory from that period one that you want to share, one that you would feel comfortable talking to total strangers about. One that brings that warm feeling of pleasing memories one that makes you feel like you are a small child again enjoying this newfound experience. Jo Han’s Comments: Smooth induction, great word pictures. Almost perfect!

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