7 WONDERS Full Player Aid v1.1

March 12, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download 7 WONDERS Full Player Aid v1.1...



7 Wonders Player Aid General

(including the Leaders, Cities and Wonder Pack expansions, as well as the Catan and Leaders goodies)

You receive 1 VP for each complete set of 3 coins present in your treasury. Note: this gain is added to the one already granted by the coins.

You pay the manufactured goods bought from your neighbours for 1 coin instead of 2.

The card produces the pictured raw material.

You recruit your Leaders for free (cost: 0 coin).

Each turn, You get a rebate of one coin on the firs t resource

The card produces the pictured manufactured goods.

Each player, other than the one who has put this card in play (or built the Wonder stage), must pay the number of coins indicated to the bank.

you purchase from the city indicated neighbouring

These symbols can be found on cards (buildings), Leaders and Wonders. All effects apply when a card enters play (is built), or when the Wonder stage it’s assigned to is built.

The card/wonder is worth the number of VPs pictured. The card/wonder is worth the number of shield Symbols pictured.

You take a Diplomacy token. At the end of the current Age, you discard this token and don’t take part in the Conflict resolution. The city to your left therefore fights against the one to your right. Note : the effect of Diplomacy tokens changes when using team rules.

The card comes into account when counting VPs with science buildings. The card comes into account when counting VPs with science buildings. The card comes into account when counting VPs with science buildings.

The card produces two units of the pictured raw material. The card is worth 1/2 coin(s) per brown/grey brown/grey card built in your city AND in the two neighbouring cities. You can build your Wonder stages without having to pay their resource costs.

Each turn, the card produces a resource of your choice from among those not produced by your city through its brown and grey cards, as well as a possible initial resource from your board.

Each turn, the card/wonder produces a unit of one of the four raw materials pictured, of Your choice. Clarification: these resources cannot be bought by neighbouring cities.

You take the depicted large number of coins from the bank. Your two neighbours each take the depicted smaller number of coins from the bank.

The card/wonder produces one unit of one of the three manufactured goods pictured of your choice. Clarification : these resources cannot be bought by neighbouring cities.

Age I cards

You gain an extra scientific symbol of your choice. Clarification : the choice of the symbol is made at the end of the game and not when the Guild is built.

from the ‘Leaders’ expansion

Age II cards

At the end of the game, the mask copies the scientific symbol of a green card present in one of your two neighbouring cities.

The card/wonder is worth the amount of coins pictured, the coins are taken from the bank only once, when the card/wonder phase is built.

You can look at all cards discarded since the beginning of the game, pick one and build it for free.

Each turn, the card produces an extra resource of your choice from among those that your city already produces (resource cards or initial resource of your board).

from the ‘Cities’ expansion

The card produces one of the two pictured raw resources each turn. You purchase raw materials from the neighbouring city indicated by the arrow for 1 coin instead of 2.

from the ‘Catan’ goodie

Each player, other than the one who has put this card in play, must pay 1 coin to the bank for each Victory token in their possession.

Age III cards The card gives 3 coins per Wonder stage constructed in your home city at the time it comes into play (3, 6, 9 or 12 coins). At the end of the game, the card is worth 1 VP per Wonder stage built in your home city (1, 2, 3 or 4 points). The card earns 1 coin for each Victory token present in your city at the moment when it is put into play. At the end of the game, this card earns 1 VP for each Victory token present in your city. from the ‘Wonder Pack’ expansion

The card gives 1 (or 2) coin(s) per card of the depicted colour present in your city when it is played. At the end of the game, the card is worth 1 (or 2) VP (s) for each card of the depicted colour present in your city. Each player, other than the one who has put this card in play, must discard 1 coin for each stage of their Wonder that’s already been built.

Guilds You receive 1, 2 or 3 VPs for each card of the depicted colour present in both neighbouring cities. Note : the two arrows, on both sides of the pictured card, means that the cards from the neighbouring cities are counted, but not yours. 1 VP for each Wonder stage built in the neighbouring cities AND in your own city. 1 VP for each brown, grey and purple card in your city. Clarification : this card counts towards this total. You receive 1 VP for each defeat token present in your neighbouring cities. 1 VP for each Leader (white card) present in your neighbouring cities. When you build the Courtesan’s Guild, you must immediately place the “Courtesan” Token on one of the Leaders present in one of your neighbouring cities. You then gains the benefits of that Leader and its associated effect. The card is worth 1 VP for each Victory Conflict token present in each of your two neighbouring cities.


Leaders At the end of the game, Amytis is worth 2 VPs (VP) for each Wonder stage you built. At the end of the game, Alexander adds 1 VP to each victory token (the value of the victory tokens therefore goes from 1, 3 and 5 VP to 2, 4 and 6 VP). At the end of the game, Aristotle adds 3 VP to each set of different scientific symbols in your city (meaning that the bonus goes from 7 VP to 10 VP per set). At the end of the game,  Justinian is worth 3 VPs for each set of 3 Age cards (red, blue, green) in your city. At the end of the game, Plato is worth 7 VPs for each set of 7 Age cards (brown, grey, blue, yellow, green, red, purple) in your city. Once she enters play, Bilkis allows you to purchase any resource by paying 1 coin to the bank once per turn. As soon as Ramses enters play, you can build all of your Guilds for free, without having to pay your resource costs. Once Tomyris enters play, during conflict resolution, the Defeat tokens you receive are given to the victorious neighbouring city.

You receive 2 coins for each yellow/black card that You builds from this point forward. The coins are taken from the bank, at the moment when the structures are built.


From the moment they enter play, these Leaders allow you to build Structures of the corresponding colour (Wonder colour (Wonder stages for Imhotep) for Imhotep) for one resource less than your written cost. From the moment this enters play, each amount of coins taken from the bank is increased by 1. This increase is limited to one coin per turn. You can build one black card per Age for free. From the moment this enters play, each defeat conflict token counts as a Shield symbol for all future conflict phases.

Once Hatsepsut enters play, each purchase of one or more resources from a neighbour grants 1 coin from the bank. Note that this gain is limited to

Esteban allows you, once per game, to “freeze” the passing of Age cards to the next player. Before all players put their current card in play, you can announce the “freezing” of passing Age cards to the next player. Each player performs their action as planned and then each player chooses and plays another card from that same hand. The game then resumes as normal, with cards

1 coin per neighbour per turn.

being passed on as normal.

1 Each card of the depicted colour is worth 1/2 VP(s) at the end of the game.

from the ‘Leaders’ expansion

from the ‘Cities’ expansion

Stevie allows a player to build a Wonder stage be replacing its resource cost with a cost in coins instead. Stevie’s cost is variable: it corresponds to the number of resources required for the construction of the Wonder stage for which he is used. Stevie is then placed pla ced face up as a construction marker under the Wonder board.

Nero grants 2 coins for each victory token earned by You from this point forward. These coins are taken from the bank when the victory tokens are

Once he enters play, Vitruvius grants 2 coins whenever You builds a structure for free, through building chains. The coins are taken from the bank when the structures are built.

from the ‘Catan’ goodie

The island of Catan produces no resources at the beginning. However,, it possesses an excellent However sea harbour which allows the trade of goods! Once per round you may use two identical resources which you produce (brown or grey cards), in order to receive any resource of your choice.

At the end of the game, Louis is worth 7 VPs minus the number of Victory tokens you possess (the token value is not taken into account).

Wonders Allows you to purchase raw materials from your two neighbouring cities for the price of one coin instead of two. Once per age, you can construct a building from your hand for free.

You immediately take one of the remaining leader cards up into his +1

hand. You may then immediately recruit one of your leaders according to the usual rules. When built, you must choose one of your previously recruited Leaders and place it face-down on the space reserved for that on your board. You can no longer benefit from the chosen Leader’s effect. At the end of the game, you score a number of points equivalent to double the Leader’s cost. At the end of the game, you score 2 VPs for each Stone resource present on your brown cards.

You can play the last card of each age instead of discarding it. This card can be played by paying its cost, discarded to gain 3 coins or used in the construction of your Wonder.

This stage grants 1 coin for each Stone resource symbol present on Your brown cards when it is built. At the end of the game, this Stage scores 1 VP for each Stone resource symbol present on your brown cards.

You can, at the end of the game, “copy” a Guild of your choice (purple card), built by one of your two neighbouring

At the end of the game, You flip the card used to build this Stage faceup. Then, You score 1 VP for each


card of that colour neighbouring cities.present in both

Rome produces no resource, but you benefit from a 2 coin reduction to the recruitment of all your Leaders (some Leaders are thus free). Neighbouring cities benefit from a reduction of 1 coin on the recruitment of your Leaders. You immediately draw 4 Leader cards from those in the box and adds them to your hand of Leader cards. You can immediately put an extra Leader in play (by paying 2 coins less than its printed cost). from the ‘Wonder Pack’ expansion

You apply the effect of the first Stage of the Wonder board to your left. You apply the effect of the second Stage of the Wonder board to your right. You apply the effect of the last Stage of the Wonder board to your left. You have the right to get a wellchilled beer from whoever wins the game ! Cheers!

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