7 Tonify Yang and Yin

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Chapter 12: Herbs that Tonify 12C: Tonify Yang Lu jiao jiao gelatinum cornu cervi Mature Deer  antler gelatin warm Sweet,salty,warm Sweet,salty, LV,KI 6-12 gm

Lu rong cornu cervi pantotrichum Immature deer antler  warm Sweet,salty,warm Sweet,salty, KI,LV .3-1 gm in powd powder  er  Drug interaction: w/ diabetic meds

Ba ji tian

radix morindae officinalis Morinda root  Acrid,sweet,sl. warm KI,LV 6-15gm

Yin yang huo aka Xian Ling Pi herba epimedii Horny goat herb  Acrid,sweet,  Acrid,swee t,warm warm KD,LV 6-15gm

Xian mao rhizoma curculiginis curculiginis Golden eye grass rhizome hot,, “sl  “sl  toxic”  Acrid,  Acrid,hot KI,LV 3-10gm

12D: Tonify Yin

tonifies LV/KI, nourishes essence & blood, blood , stops bleeding – xu and wasted essence 1) 1)tonifies and blood w/ bleeding; yin sores, combine with gui ban jiao to nourish yin and yang, Zuo Gui Wan, You Gui Wan 1) 1)tonify tonify KI, fortify Yang Yang,, (stabilize essence essence)) – anti-arrhythmia a,, inc fatigue,impotence, infertility, fatigue,impotence, infertility, cold h/f, lightheaded, tinnitus, plasma levels of  hearing loss, chronic fracture difficult to heal, freq urination testosterone, stim roduction of PGE2 (primarily male adults) for treatment of  nourish essence & blood, 2) 2)nourish blood, strengthen sinews & bones – peptic ulcers, general physical/developmental physical/de velopmental delay in children tonic to inc effectiveness in work 3) 3)regulates regulates Chong & Ren, stabilize Dai –  – deficient cold capacity, sleep, vaginal discharge or ut bleeding, infertile cold womb appetite, and dec promotes pus discharge, generates flesh – chronic ulcers, ulcers, 4) 4)promotes mm fatigue yin boils (ie Huang qi), 1) 1)tonifies tonifies KI, fortifies yang – impotence impotence,, male/female infertility (helps pre/post ovulation), premature ejaculation, freq urination, incontinence, irreg menses, ( Er   Xian Tang – Tang – menopause menopause)) strengthens tendons and bones bones,, expels wind-cold-damp – low back and 2) 2)strengthens muscular dystrophy, dystrophy, WDC painful bi, leg qi pain in back of legs inc sperm Yan g – impotence impotence,infertility, ,infertility, 1)tonifies KI, fortifies Yang production, stim   e   c spermatorrhea, freq urination, forgetfullness, withdrawal, pain sensory nerves and   n sexual desire (esp & cold in low back/knees, modern use for menopause HTN d/t   e    t leaves/root); anti  o KI yin & yang xu w/ LV yang rising tussive,expectorant,   p 2) 2)strengthen bones strengthen tendons & bones, , expels wind-damp – WD Bi anti-asthma; abx;   m    i anti-HTN,anti-lipid,    t with spasms or cramps of hands/feet, joint pain, numb   a anti-diabetic, anti  e extremities inflamm   r    T  , 1) tonifies – impotence, impotence , incontinence, nocturnal emissions, 1)tonifies KI, fortifies Yang   g   n infertility d/t cold womb or cold essence, (Er (Er Xian Mao – menopause menopause), ), HTN   a   y 2) 2)strengthen strengthen tendons & bones bones,, expels cold damp(#1 in category) - DC Bi with   y    f generalized pain, pain, weakness & pain in bones, sinews esp in low back/knees back/knees,, cold    i    t   r diarrhea d/t SP/KD yang xu (strongest for DC)   o    F caution: pregnancy immunostim, stim secrtion by hypothalamus, pituitary and reproductiveglands; inc peristalsis of  intestines and dec water re-absorption on in LI to relieve constipation

1) 1)tonifies tonifies KI yang yang,, nourishes essence & blood – impotence impotence,, spermatorrhea, spermator rhea, urinary incontinence, post urinary dripping, infertility, excess uterine bleeding, vag disch d/t cold womb (like lu rong) moistens intestines, unblocks bowels – dry constipatio constipation n in 2) 2)moistens elderly or debilitated pt w/ essence and blood and yang xu

Rou cong rong herba cistanches warm Sweet,salty,warm Sweet,salty, KI,LI 10-20 gm

1) 1)tonifiy tonifiy KI, fortifies Yang Yang,, stabilize essence, retains urine – impotence,, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, enuresis, impotence

Hai ma hippocampus Seahorse warm Sweet,salty,warm Sweet,salty, KI,LV 1-1.5gm in powder  powder 

Yi zhi ren fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae Black cardamon  Acrid,warm  Acrid,warm KI,SP KI,SP 3-9 gm Crush first

1) 1)warms warms KI, stabilize essence, retain urine – enuresis, freq copious urination, (Suo ( Suo Quan Wan - urinary incontinence), incontinence), dribbling urine, spermatorrhe spermatorrhea a 2) 2)warms warms SP SP,, stops diarrhea – deficient cold in SP/ST, diarrhea diarrhea,, cold abd pain, excessive salivation (different from pei lan)

Du zhong cortex eucommia Sweet,warm Sweet, warm KI,LV 6-15 gm

Xu duan radix dipsaci teasel root Bitter,sweet,acrid, sl warm KI,LV 10-20 gm

Tu su zi semen cuscutae Chinese dodder seeds  Acrid,sweet,neutral  Acrid,sweet,ne utral KI,LV 9-15 gm

Sha yuan zi semen astragali complanati  Astragulus seed seed Sweet,warm Sweet, warm KI,LV 9-15 gm

Dong chong xia cao cordyceps Sweet,warm Sweet, warm LU,KI 5-10 gm

Hu tao ren semen juglandis Walnut Sweet,warm Sweet, warm KI,LI,LU 9-30 gm

Zi he che human placenta Sweet,salty,sl warm LV,LU,KI 1.5-3 gm powder 

sedative, immunostim, antiinflamm, anti-HTN, uterine relaxant, adaptogenic, adaptoge nic, abx

  e   g   a    i   r   r   a   c 1) tonifies LV/KI, strengthens sinews & bones – sore/painful low back, knees; stiff    s 1)tonifies    i weakness in legs legs from KI/LV KI/LV xu, tonifies w/ w/o o causing s stagnation tagnation   m joints, weakness    t 2) stops uterine bleeding, calms fetus (chao) – ut bleeding d/t xu, restless fetus, fetus,   n 2)stops   e bleeding during pregnancy, threatened miscarriage (d/t LV/KD xu)   v   e invigorates blood, promotes mending sinews & bones – topical or internal use for  3)invigorates   r 3)   p trauma/fractures,, pain/swell pain/swelling ing in low back, back , limbs d/t trauma, painful bi; in  , trauma/fractures   s   u combo for boils/sores; Jie Gu San    t   e 1) tonifies KI yang >yin >yin  (stronger than sha yuan zi), zi ),  stabilize essence, retains urine –    f   1)tonifies   m KI xu w/ impotence, noct emiss, premature ejac, polyuria, tinnitus, sore/painful low    l   a back, vag disch; Zuo Gui Wan, You Gui Wan    C

2) 2)tonifies tonifies LV/KI, improves vision – LV& KD xu w/ dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision calms fetus – restless fetus, habitual or threatened miscarriage 3) 3)calms benefits SP/KI stops diarrhea (not as strong) – loose stool, LOA (mild) 4) 4)benefits caution: constipation on

1) 1)tonifies yin, stabilize essence (stronger than tu su zi) – tonifies KI yang & yin, zi) – low back pain, tinnitus, impotence, premature ejac, urinary frequency, incontinence, vag disch; Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan tonifies LV/KI, improves vision – blurred vision or reduced acuity 2) 2)tonifies

Ge jie Gecko Salty, neutral LU,KI 1-2 gm (powde (powders) rs)

inc HT blood perfusion; antiasthmatic, abx, immunostim, stim smooth intestine mm but relaxes uterine mm, antiCa

1) 1)tonifies tonifies KI, fortifies Yang – impotence impotence,, urinary incontinence, incontinence, deficient wheezing, invigorates blood, dispels stasis, dissipate nodules – abd masses, swelling d/t sores 2) 2)invigorates & boils; boils; topical for bleeding/pain from blood stasis contra: pregnancy

1) 1)tonifies tonifies LV/KI, treats HTN, strengthens sinews & bones – weak sore/painful low back, knees, fatigue, freq urination, impotence, freq urination; (Du (Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan – WDB) 2) 2)calms calms fetus – deficient cold of KI w/ bleeding during pregnancy, prevent prevent  miscarriage miscarriage,, low back pain, and LV/KD xu

   i   q   p   s   a   r   g   o    t    I    K   s    d    i   a  ,    I    K    &    U    L   y    f    i   n   o    T

radix glehnia Sweet,sl Sweet, sl cold LU,ST 9-15 gm Incomp: Li Lu

Mai dong radix ophiopogonis Sweet,sl bitter,sl bitter,sl cold LU,ST LU,ST,,HT 6-15 gm

Yu zhu

rhizoma polygonati odorati Solomon seal’s rhizome Sweet,slcold/neutral LU,ST 9-15gm less cloying

Gou qi zi fructus lycii chinese wolfberry Sweet,neutral LV,KI LV,KI,LU ,LU 5-15gm Less cloying

Sang shen (zi) fructus mori Mulberry fruit Sweet,cold Sweet, cold LV,KD 6-15 gm

Han lian cao Herba eclipta sour , cold Sweet, Sweet,sour  KI,LV 9-15 gm

vasodilation of  coronary arteries and

urinary incontinence, freq urination warms SP,  2) 2)warms SP, stops diarrhea – deficient cold diarrhea, borborygmus, abd pain SP/KD yang xu, (Si ( Si Shen Wan – cocks crow diarrhea) 3) 3)aids aids KI to grasp Qi – asthma due to KI qi xu 4)treats skin disorders – topical for alopecia for  alopecia,, psoriasis psoriasis,, vitiligo

Bu gu zhi

fructus psoraleae very warm  Acrid,bitter,very  Acrid,bitter, KI,SP KI,SP 3-9 gm

(Bei) Sha shen

Nu zhen zi

fructus ligustri lucidi Privet fruit Sweet,bitter ,cool KI,LV 9-15 gm

Gui ban Gui Jia Fresh water turtle shell (ventral) cold Salty,sweet, Salty,sweet,cold LV,KI,HT 9-30 gm Cloying Crush/cook first

Bie jia  carapax trionycis Soft shell turtle (dorsal shell) Salty cold LV,Ki 9-30 gm crush/cook first

Hei zhi ma semen sesami nigrum Black sesame seed Sweet,neutral KI,LV,LI 9-30 gm

Tian dong radix asparagi cold Sweet,bitter,cold Sweet,bitter, LU,KI 6-15 gm

Bai he bulbus lilii Sweet,sl bitter,sl cold LU,HT 9-30 gm

1) 1)benefits benefits KI, tonifies LU – cough, (Ren (Ren Shen Ge Jie Wan - asthma d/t KI/LU xu, wheezing w/ difficulty inhaling, consumptive cough/TB or blood streaked sputum fortifies KI yang yang,, augments essence & blood – 2) 2)fortifies impotence,, daybreak diarrhea, polyuria impotence

inc fertility, relaxes bronchi, anti-asthma, immunostim (inc WBC, phagocytic actiivity), inc adrenocrotical hormone production

herba dendrobii Sweet,bland,slightly cold Sweet,bland,slightly ST,KI 6-15 gm

1) 1)augments augments KI, tonifies yang – impotence, sore/weak LBP tonifies LU/KI LU/KI,, transforms phlegm phlegm,, stops bleeding bleeding   – – 2) 2)tonifies chronic cough, wheezing , blood streaked sputum, sputum, spont sweating

adrenocortical stimulation, adrenocortical immunostim, inc sperm count and motility, sedative, hypnotic, dec HR/BP and dec O2 requirement, antiarrhythmic, anti-lipid, abx, antiCa, dilates and relaxes bronchial mm

rhizoma polygonati Siberian Solomon seal rhizome Sweet, neutral, KI,LU,SP 10-15 gm treats U, M, LJ

1) 1)tonifies tonifies KI, strengthens back/bones – cold, painful back/knees, back/knees, freq urine, poor  memory warms LU, helps KI grasp Qi – chronic cough & wheezing from deficient LU/KI 2) 2)warms moistens intestines, unblocks bowels – constipation in elderly or injured body 3) 3)moistens fluids d/t febrile dz, food supplement 1)tonifies KI yang, augments essence – infertility, impotence, spermatorrhea, 2)augments qi, nourishes blood – emaciation, pallor, SOB or insufficient lactation 3) 3)tonifies tonifies LU & KD, grasp qi – esp useful between acute asthmatic attacks

Shi hu

Huang jing

   d    i   u    l    f    d   n   a   n    i   y    U    L    &    T    S    h    t   o    b    h   s    i   r   u   o    N

1) 1)nourish nourish LU yin(NAN), clear LU Heat – ((Sha Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Tang  -dry, nonproductive cough d/t LU yin xu), (Sang ( Sang Xing Tang Tang - LU dryness), TB w/ blood in sputum, hoarseness d/t chronic cough (better for warm dryness) 2) 2)nourish yin, generates fluids(BEI) – sequela of febrile dz, yin xu or ST yin xu nourish ST yin, w/ dry mouth and throat; (Yi ( Yi Guan Jian – LV/ST yin xu ) 1) 1)nourish nourish LU yin, yin, clear LU Heat – ((Qing Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang – Tang  – LU warm dryness) nourishes ST yin, Mai Men Dong Tang – Tang  – LU/ST yin xu), dry 2) 2)nourishes yin, generates fluids – ((Mai mouth, (Zeng (Zeng Ye Tang – Tang – constipation), (Yu ( Yu Nu Jian - xiao ke w/ ST fire and KI yin xu), ((Yi Yi Wei Tang – Tang  – ST yin xu from warm febrile dz), 3) 3)clears yin , eliminates irritability – ((Tian clears HT, nourish HT yin, Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan irritability d/t yin xu or warm febrile dz at yin level), fever and irritability at night, insomnia (zhou likes this fxn more) Caution: cloying nature (more than sha shen) 1) 1)nourish nourish yin, moisten LU dryness –yin xu w/ cough, dry throat 2) 2)generates generates fluids, relieves thirst –( –(Yi Yi Wei Tang Tang - ST yin xu), xiao ke/diabetes 3)treats yin xu with WH invasion (gentle) – concurrent yin  yin xu & external WH, WH, thirst, dry throat (Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang 

vasodilation, mild vasodilation, stim of uterus, anti-diabetic

1) 1)tonfiy tonfiy LV/KD – sore back/legs, dizziness, premature gray hair, infertility, nocturnal emission, xiao ke, consumption d/t KI essence & yin xu and LV blood/yin xu 2) 2)benefits benefits LV & KD, brightens eyes – LV/KD xu w/ eye problems, problems, blurred, diminished vision 3) 3)enriches enriches yin, moistens LU – consumptive cough

1) nourishes LV & KD yin & nourishes blood – dizziness, tinnitus, blurry vision, noct emission, insomnia, premature graying grayin g 2) 2)generates generates fluids, fluids,  moistens intestines,  – – constipation d/t fluid xu, xu, xiao ke

1) 1)nourishes nourishes LV & KD yin – LV/KD yin xu w/ dizziness, blurred vision, vertigo, premature gray hair; Er Zhi Wan cools blood, stops bleeding – yin xu, heat in blood causing 2) 2)cools hematemesis , hemptysis, epistaxis, blood in stool, ut bleeding, hematuria

hemostatic, abx

  e   c   n   e immunostim (inc   s WBC, reverse   s   e 1) nourishes LV/KD yin, clears deficient heat – LV/KD yin xu w/ 1)nourishes neutropenia post chemo); anti   d   n dizziness, sore low back, premature gray hair , tinnitus, deficient diabetic;anti-lipid;   a heat, irritability;  Er Zhi Wan stim blood   n    i augments LV/KI, acuity   2)augments LV/KI, improves vision – diminished visual acuity  production, anti  y 2) inflamm,    I d/t LV/KI xu hepatoprotective,    K  , abx    V    L 1) 1)nourishes yin, anchors yang, clears deficient heat nourishes – yin xu and yang rising w/    h   s    i   r night sweats, dizziness, tinnitus, steaming bone disorder, internal wind   u 2) benefits KI, KI,  strengthens bones – soreness & weakness of low back/legs, retarded   o 2)benefits    N skeletal development or failure of fontanel in children to close (may treat

osteoporosis) cools blood, stops uterine bleeding – excessive menstrual bleeding d/t yin xu 3) 3)cools (heat) nourishes blood, tonifies HT – HT xu w/ forgetfulness, insomnia, anxiety (HT 4) 4)nourishes yin/xue xu) 1) 1)nourishes nourishes yin, anchors yang, clears deficient heat – LV/KI yin xu night sweats, steaming bone ds, consumption, internal LV wind (heat at night, cool in morning esp at end of warm disease) invigorates blood, promotes menstruation, dissipates nodules – 2) 2)invigorates chest/flank chest/fla nk accum causing pain, amenorrhea, malarial ds w/ palpable masses (enlg SP) contra: pregnancy

inhibits proliferation proliferatio n of  connective tissue, inc plasma protein for anemia from LV ds

1) 1)nourishes nourishes LV/KD – blood and essence xu of LV/KI, LV/KI , blurred vision, tinnitus, dizziness, HA, numbness moistens & lubricates intestines – constipation d/t dry intestines 2) 2)moistens

reduces of  plasma glucose and inc glycogen storage in LV and mm;

or blood xu

relieves constipation

nourishes LU Yin, clears LU heat – LU dryness or  yin xu w/ heat signs in UJ esp 1) 1)nourishes mouth dryness, thick or blood streaked sputum that is difficult to expectorate nourishes KI, generates fluid – KI yin xu, xiao ke, consumption w/ low grade afternoon 2) 2)nourishes fever, constipation d/t dry intestines; Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan 1) 1)nourishes nourishes yin, moistens LU, stops cough – LU dryness, Lu yin deficient cough and dry throat, blood streaked sputum, TB; Bai He Gu Jin Tang  clears HT, calms spirit – insomnia w/ deficient heat, heat , low grade fever, 2) 2)clears restlessness, irritability,bai irritability,bai he dz, palpitations d/t residual heat after  warm febrile dz; Bai He Di Huang Tang 

anti-tussive, expectorant; adaptogenic (inc resistance to hypoxia)

1) 1)nourishes yin,  generates fluid, clears heat – ST ache, dry heaves, shiny tongue w/ nourishes ST yin,  little coat, xiao ke, diabetes, dry mouth, thirst, thirst , intractable fever associated with yin xu from warm febrile dz brightens vision, vision,  strengthens lower back – blurry vision, (Shi (Shi Hu Ye Guang Wan  Wan   2) 2)brightens -night blindness), blindness), weak low back and knees 1) 1)nourish nourish KI KI,, moistens LU – yin xu or LU dryness, dry cough 2)tonifies SP qi and yin – fatigue, poor appetite, dry mouth, red tongue, little coat tonifies KI essence – low back pain, dizziness, premature gray hair, 3) 3)tonifies xiao ke *may be used for fertility (gentle)

 abx, antidiabetic, adaptogenic, inc HR, dec BP, vasodilation of  CA, anti-lipid


Chapter 13: Herbs to Stabilize and Bind 13A: Stabilize the Lung and Intestines

Wu wei zi fructus schisandrae chinensis Sour ,sweet,warm Sour ,sweet, warm LU,HT,KI 1.5-6 “enter all 5 organs” treats all leakage except uterine bleeding

Wu mei fructus mume umeboshi plum ,astringent,neutral Sour ,astringent, LI,LV,LU,SP 3-9 gm

He zi fructus chebulae Myrobalan fruit Bitter,sour  Bitter,sour , astringent,neutral LU,ST,LI 3-9 gm Crush first

Rou dou kou semen myristicae Nutmeg seed warm  Acrid,  Acrid,warm LI,SP,ST 3-9 gm Crush first, cook short time

Chi shi zhi halloysitumrubrum Kaolinite ,astringent,warm warm Sweet,sour  Sweet, sour ,astringent, LI,SP,ST 10-20 gm  Ant: rou gui

Wu bei zi galla chinensis Gallnut of chinese sumac Sour ,salty, ,salty,cold cold Sour  KI,LU,LI 3-9 gm 1-1.5g in powder  Crush first

Ying su ke pericarpium papaveris Opium poppy husk Sour  Sour astringent, astringent, neutral, toxic LU,LI,KI 1.5-6gm

Chun gen pi cortex ailanthi bitter, astringent, cold LI, ST, LV 3-5gm

1) 1)contains contains leakage of LU Qi, stops cough – chronic cough & wheeze d/t LU xu or LU/KI xu; Bu Fei Tang , Xiao Qing Long Long Tang, Tang,   2) 2)tonifies tonifies KI, binds KI essence essence,, stops diarrhea – noct emiss, spermatorrhea, vag disch, urinary freq d/t KI xu, cock’s crow diarrhea (ie bu gu zhi) Qi Wei Du Qi Wan inhibits sweating sweating,, generates fluids – excessive sweat esp w/ dry 3) 3)inhibits throat & thirst from qi collapse, spont/night sweat, Sheng Mai San, San, (Yu Ye Tang – Tang – xiaoke) *modern use for improving LV fxn in hep patients to LFT’s quiet spirit, and calm HT – blood & yin deficiency of HT/KI, irritability, 4) 4)quiet palpitations, DDS, insomnia; Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan

13C: Stabilize KI (sperm, urine, vaginal discharge)

CNS stim; hepatoprotective , inhibits gastric acid secretion; regulates cardiovascular  system, stim LU to inc rate and depth of  respiration;; stim respiration reproductive organs; immuno-stim; abx

1) 1)inhibits inhibits leakage of LU qi, stops cough – chronic cough d/t LU xu 2) 2)binds binds up LI, stops diarrhea – unremitting chronic diarrhea, dysentery generates fluids & alleviates thirst – thirst d/t deficient heat, or qi/yin 3) 3)generates xu, xiao ke sedates roundworms & alleviates pain – roundworm induced 4) 4)sedates vomiting, abd pain, frigid extremeties; Wu Mei Wan treats corns & warts – made into plaster bound in gauze for topical 5) 5)treats application, helps dissolve scar tissue 6) 6)stops stops bleeding – blood in stool or excessive ut bleeding w/ symptoms of blood xu w/ dryness, thirst, parched parched mouth, blood in urine

abx, skeletal mm inhibits intestines, antiparasitic, antiaging

1) 1)binds binds up LI, stops diarrhea – like wu mei 2) 2)contains contains leakage of LU qi, stops cough , benefits throat (downward) – chronic cough, wheeze, loss of voice, in combo for phlegm heat obst LU (more like chan tui)

abx, antispasmodic, initial purgative then subsequent astringent effects

1) 1)binds binds up LI, stops diarrhea – chronic intractable diarrhea, (Si (Si Shen Wan - cock’s crow diarrhea d/t deficient cold of SP/KI) warms middle jiao, moves qi qi,, alleviates pain – pain/distention in 2) 2)warms epig/abd, poor appetite, vomiting d/t deficient cold of SP/ST 1) 1)binds binds up LI, stops diarrhea – chronic diarrhea d/t cold or dysenteric ds w/ mucous or blood 2) 2)contains contains blood, stops bleeding – ut bleeding, excessive menses, vag disch, blood in stool, bleeding in prolapsed rectum d/t cold from LJ xu, xu, topical for traumatic for  traumatic bleeding 3) 3)promotes promotes healing of wounds – ground and applied topically for non

Shan zhu yu fructus corni  Asiatic cornelia an n cherry fruit Sour ,sl warm KI,LV 3-12 gm

Fu pen zi fructus rubi Chinese raspberry seed sl warm Sweet,astringent,sl Sweet,astringent, KI,LV 4.5-10gm

  m   r   e   p   s   s   e   z    i    l    i    b   a    t    S  ,    I    K   y    f    i   n   o    T

Sang piao xiao ootheca mantidis

Lotus seed Sweet,astringent,neutral KI KI,,SP SP,HT ,HT 6-15gm

sedative, hypnotic; abx; anesthetic

binding (d/t aluminum silicate); hemostatic

healing ulcers, weeping damp sores caution: pregnancy 1) 1)contains contains leakage of LU Qi, stops cough – chronic cough d/t LU xu binds up LI, stops diarrhea – chronic diarrhea, dysent ds, rectal prolapse 2) 2)binds 3)preserves & restrains – wide variety of leakages, nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhea, excessive sweat, bleeding (KI essence), for childhood bedwetting as topical on umbilicus, absorbs moisture, reduces swelling, relieves toxicity – topically as powder or wash for  4) 4)absorbs sores, ringworm, toxic swellings, damp ulcerated skin, scar tissue, hemorrhoids contains leakage of LU qi – chronic cough 1) 1)contains binds up LI, stops diarrhea – dysent ds 2) 2)binds alleviates pain – any kid of pain of sinews bones, or epig/abd 3) 3)alleviates 4)stabilizes lower burner – spermatorrhea, vag disch newborn,, lactation, hypothyro hypothyroidism idism Contra: preg, newborn

analgesic; antitussive, respiratory depression, CNS suppressant; reduces secretion of  digestive fluids (constipation)

1) 1)clears clears  heat, dries damp, binds intestines – chronic diarrhea (dysenteric) stop bleeding – uterine bleeding or red/white leukorrh leukorrhea ea 2) 2)stop kills parasites – roundworms, fungal infections 3) 3)kills


Qian shi semen eurales Sweet,astringent,neutral KI,SP 9-15 gm

Jin ying zi fructus rosae laevigatae Cherokee rosehip Sour ,astringent,neutral ,astringent,neutral UB,KI,LI 4.5-10gm

Hai piao xiao endoconcha sepiae Cuttlefish bone Salty,astringent,sl warm Salty,astringent,sl KI,LV,ST 4.5-12gm

anti-inflamm, abx, diuretic, prevents sharp rise in plasma glucose

1) 1)tonifies tonifies KI KI,, binds essence, essence, restrains urine – urinary freq or enuresis, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, wet dreams d/t KI xu (improves mobility and sperm count) 2) 2)benefits benefits KI & LV LV,, improves vision – poor vision, sore lower back, impotence d/t LV/KI (not strong) 1)tonifies KI yang, binds essence essence,, restrains urine – KI yang xu w/ dribbling urine, urinary freq, nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhea, enuresis in children, impotence, vaginal disch

Mantis egg case Sweet,salty,neutral KI,LV 3-9 gm

Lian zi

1) 1)tonifies tonifies LV & KI KI,, binds essence – lightheadedness, lightheadedness, dizziness, sore/weak low back/knees, impotence, tonifies yin & assists yang, leakage of fluids d/t weak essence, excessive urination, urination, incontinence, spermatorrhea; Jing Gui Shen Qi Wan, Wan, Liu Wei Di  Huang Wan stabilizes menses, stops bleeding – deficient paterns of ut 2) 2)stabilizes bleeding stops excessive sweating, rescues qi collapse – exess sweat 3) 3)stops for devasted yang and collapsed qi, xiao ke (tonify yang)

  m   r   e   p   s   s   e   z    i    l    i    b   a    t    S  ,   a   e    h   r   r   a    i    D   s   p   o    t    S

1) 1)tonifies tonifies KI, stabilizes essence/sperm – prem ejacul, spermatorrhea, enuresis, vag disharge; Jing Suo Gu Jing Wan tonifies SP & stops diarrhea – ((Shen Shen Ling Bai Zhu San -SP xu w/ chronic 2) 2)tonifies diarrhea, loss of appetite) 3) 3)nourishes nourishes HT, calms spirit – palpitations w/ anxiety, deficient irritability, insomnia, esp d/t KI/HT disharmony tonifies KI, stabilizes essence/sperm  – Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan 1) 1)tonifies essence/sperm  – 2)tonifies SP, stops diarrhea – like lian zi expels dampness, stops vaginal discharge – vag disch d/t xu or DH; Yi  3) 3)expels Huang Tang  binds essence/sperm, restrains urine – spermatorrhea, urinary incontinence, 1) 1)binds vaginal discharge d/t KI xu, prolapsed ut, ut, excess ut bleeding binds up LI, stops diarrhea – chronic diarrhea, dysenteric ds, prolapsed anus 2) 2)binds

retains essence – noct emission, prem ejaculation, vag disch d/t KI xu 1) 1)retains stops bleeding – in combo for ut bleeding, bloody stools, hematemesis, topical for  2) 2)stops trauma w/ bleeding controls acidity, alleviates pain – ST or epigastric pain, distasteful belching, acid 3) 3)controls regurg, ht burn (used more than hai ge ke, wa leng zi) 4) 4)resolve resolve dampness, promotes healing – topical powder for chronic non healing skin ulcers or damp rash, eczema

13B: Stabilize sweat (LU/HT) Ma huang gen radix ephedrae Sweet,neutral LU 3-10 gm

Fu xiao mai semen tritici aestivi levis Light wheat grain cool Sweet,salty,cool Sweet,salty, HT 15-30 gm

Nuo dao gen Glutinous rice root Sweet,neutral HT,KI,LV,LU 15-30 gm

1) 1)stops stops sweating sweating  caused by deficiency – spontaneous sweating, night sweats w/ yin xu, postpartum sweating; Mu Li San, San, Ma Huang Gen San

stops sweating sweating  caused by deficiency, deficiency, clears yin deficient heat – spont sweat d/t qi 1) 1)stops xu, night sweats with yin xu, postpartum sweating, sweating, yin xu heat, steaming bone ds; Mu Li San 2) nourishes HT and calms spirit (Xiao spirit  (Xiao Mai or ripened wheat grain only)– palpitations, insomnia, irritability, emotional stability disorientation disorientation assoc w/ restless organ; Gan Mai Da Zao Tang  1) 1)stops sweating caused by deficiency – night sweats w/ yin xu, spont sweat d/t qi xu stops sweating  clears yin deficient heat – thirst d/t yin xu, steaming bone ds 2) 2)clears

Chapter 14: Calm Spirit 14A: Anchor and sedate the spirit Zhu sha Cinnabaris mercuric sulfide cold,, toxic Sweet, cold HT .3-1 gm

Long gu os draconis Dragon bone Sweet,astringent, neutral Sweet,astringent, HT,KI,LV 15-30 gm Crush and cook 20-30 min 15 gm powder 

Ci shi Magnetitum cold  Acrid,salty,cold  Acrid,salty, HT,KI,LV 9-30 gm

Hu po succinum  Amber  Sweet, neutral HT,LV,UB 1.5-3gm Grind to powder, dissolve in decoction

1)  Anchor Anchor HT and calm spirit – restlessness, palpitations w/ anxiety, insomnia, convulsions, epilepsy; in combo use for excess heat, hot phlegm, blood xu; Zhu Sha An Shen Wan, Wan, Ci Zhu Wan 2) 2)clears clears heat, relieves toxicity – topical/internal use for carbuncles, mouth sores, sore throat, snake bite contra: pregnancy 1) 1)anchors anchors HT and calms spirit (sheng)– (Chai (Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li San - emotional distress, restlessness, insomnia, palpitations w/ anxiety, seizures or mania, withdrawal) 2) 2)calms calms LV, anchors floating yang (sheng)– irritability, restlesness, dizziness, vertigo, blurry vision, (Zhen (Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang – Tang  – LV wind) prevents leakage of fluids (duan) (duan) –  – fluid loss d/t xu, , night sw sweats, eats, ((Jin Jin Suo Gu Jing  3) 3)prevents Wan - noct emissions, spermatorrhea); (Sang Piao Xiao San – night urination), urine incontinence, chronic diarrhea, dysent ds, prolpase of anus (not for cough) generates flesh, treats sores – chronic, non healing sores/ulcers (topical) 4) 4)generates **Long Chi (dragon’s teeth) – goes to HT/LV, astringent, cool; most effective for palp w/ anxiety; neuresthenia anchors and calms spirit – restlessness, palpitations, insomnia; Ci Zhu Wan 1) 1)anchors calms LV, anchors floating yang – tremors,dizziness, tremors,dizziness, vertigo, convulsions in children 2) 2)calms caused by fear, irritability, restlessness, seizures 3) 3)nourishes nourishes KI/LV KI/LV,, improves hearing and vision – impaired hearing or deafness, tinnitus, visual disturbance, d/t LV/KI xu; Er Long Zuo Ci Wan aids KI to grasp qi – chronic asthma 4) 4)aids Caution: long term use leads to indigestion (add shen qu) 1) 1)anchors anchors and calms spirit – palps w/ anxiety, ex dreams, insomnia, forgetfullness, childhood high fever, convulsions and seizures; Hu Po Ding Zhi Wan invigorates blood, dissipates stasis – amenorrhea, trauma, pain w/ palp immobile 2) 2)invigorates masses d/t blood stasis, recent use for CAD, topical for trauma/bruising 3) 3)promotes urination, unblocks PUD – urine ret, lin syndrome, esp xue lin, (Hu promotes ( Hu Po San  San   – bloody urine) urine) generates flesh, promotes healing – top for chronic sores, carbuncles, ulcerations 4) 4)generates

14B: Nourish and calm the spirit Suan zao ren

1) 1)nourishes nourishes HT/LV, quiets spirit – irritability, insomnia, palp w/

semen zizyphus spinosae Sour jujube seed ,neutral Sweet,sour  Sweet,sour ,neutral LV,HT,GB 9-18 gm Crush first

anxiety yin xu (Suan ( xu), Suan ZaoZiRen Tang  Tang -LV blood xu), ((Gui Guid/t Piblood Tang or Tang – – HT/SP (Bai (Bai Yang Xin -LV Tang  Tang – – HT qi and blood xu) prevents abnormal sweating – spont sweat or night sweats 2) 2)prevents

Bai zi ren Biota seed Sweet,neutral HT,KI,LI 6-18 gm

He huan pi cortex albiziae Mimosa tree bark Sweet,neutral HT,LV 9-15 gm

Ye jiao teng Fleeceflower vine Fleeceflower Sweet,neutral HT,LV 9-30 gm

Yuan zhi radix polygalae Bitter,acrid,sl warm Bitter,acrid,sl HT,KI,LU 3-9 gm

Ling zhi ganoderma sweet, neutral HT,LV,LU 3-15gm

sedative, hypnotic, antiarrhythmic, ut stim, analgesic,anti-pyretic

1) 1)nourishes nourishes HT yin and blood, calms spirit – HT xue xu w/ palps and anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability, night sweats (from yin xu); Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan moistens intestines, unblocks bowels – constipation in elderly, debilitated patients 2) 2)moistens and p-p women d/t blood or yin xu 1) 1)calms calms spirit, relieves constraint – bad temper, irritability, depresion, insomnia, poor  memory d/t constrained emotions, LV qi stag invigorates blood, alleviates pain, dissipates swelling – pain, swelling, d/t trauma or  2) 2)invigorates fractures, abscesses, carbuncles, sores *He Huan Hua: promotes qi mov’t  caution: pregnancy nourishes HT yin & blood, calms spirit – insomnia & irritability, particularly for dream 1) 1)nourishes disturbed sleep (difficult to distinguish from reality) 2) 2)nourishes blood, dispels wind, unblocks channels – generalized weakness, nourishes blood, soreness, pain, numbness d/t blood xu, WDB; ext wash wash for skin rash and itch (l ike ji xue teng-to move/nourish blood) 1) 1)calms calms spirit, quiets HT (mi zhi) – insomnia, palps/ anxiety, restlessness, restlessne ss, disorientation, excessive brooding or  constrained emotion; An emotion; An Shen Ding Zhi Wan, Wan, Gui Pi Tang  expels phlegm and opens orifices, expels phlegm from LU 2) 2)expels (sheng) – phlegm block HT orifice w/ emotional and mental disorientation or seizures, coughs swelling w/ copious sputum 3) 3)reduces reduces abscesses, dissipates (mild) – boils, abscess, sores, swollen, painful breasts, Topical: w/ yellow wine nourish HT, calm shen – restlessness, insomnia, 1) 1)nourish forgetfullness 2)stops coughing, arrests wheezing – asthma, cough w/ profuse sputum 3)tonify qi, nourish blood – weak digestion, poor appetite, listlessness, fatigue, dizziness

expectorant, CNS suppressant, diuretic, abx, ut stim

antiCa (inc monocytes, macrophages, macrophage s, Tlymphocytes; inc cytokine, interleukin and tnf and interferon; inc cardiac contractility, lower BP, inc resistance to hypoxia; abx

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