7 Keys To Personal Change

December 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Seven "Keys" to Personal ChangeTen Years of NLP Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.!n. or the #ast ten years $ have #o%red my l!fe !nto learn!ng NLP and a##ly!ng !t !n the thera#e%t!&, tea&h!ng and 'r!t!ng 'orld. (ver the #ast ten years $ have had the honor of 'or)!ng '!th a##ro*!mately + thera#y &l!ents !nvolv!ng a##ro*!mately - ho%rs of thera#y. $ have also had the %n!%e #r!v!lege of tea&h!ng NLP at Gast Gaston on College for the #ast seven and one/half years. $n add!t!on $ have ta%ght seven Pra&t!t!oner Cert!f!&at!on Co%rses and fo%r aster Pra&t!t!oner Co%rses. The n%mbers of one/sess!on one/sess!on sem!nars $ have led are too n%mero%s to &o%nt.  Needless to to say say,, the #ast ten years have been been %!te eventf%l. 0hat a 1oy and #r!v!lege l!fe has afforded afforded me '!th all the above e*#er!en&es. e*#er!en&es. 0ell, 0ell, so 'hat2 That !s a %est!on $ have been as)!ng myself myself.. So 'hat2 $f $ 'ere to ta)e all the above and s%mmar!3e !t do'n to !ts essen&e 4a&&ord!ng to Bob of &o%rse5, ho' 'o%l 'o%ld d $ s%mmar!3e 'hat $ have learned !nto one art!&le2  No', s!n&e  No', s!n&e the ma1or thr%st of the 'or) $ do !nvolves ass!st!ng ass!st!ng thera#y &l!ents and &lass #art!&!#ants to'ard #os!t!ve #os!t!ve &hange, $ '!ll d!re&t the follo' follo'!ng !ng remar)s to 'hat $ bel!eve !s the essen&e of #ersonal #ersonal &hange from the str%&t%ral v!e'#o!nt of NLP and eta/States as develo#ed my L. !&hael 6all, Ph.D. 0e &all the merged f!elds of NLP and eta States, Ne%ro/Semant!&s. 0hat 'ere the )ey elements !n the l!ves of those &o%ntless h%ndreds 'hom !t has been my  #r!v!lege to 'or) '!th '!th that bro%ght abo%t #os!t!ve &hanges !n the!r l!ves2 Seven Key Str%&t%ral 7lements $nvolved !n Personal Change8 Cha nge8 $n th!s art!&le $ '!ll #rov!de the gro%nd'or) by def!n!ng some bas!& bel!efs 'e have !n Ne%ro/Semant!&s abo%t 1%st 9ho': yo%r bra!n 'or)s. Note the 'ord 9ho'.: 9ho'.: That 'ord !s !m#ortant. $n Ne%ro/Semant!&s 'e #la&e #r!me !m#ortan&e on the mental #ro&esses that determ!ne behav!or. 0hat do yo% do !ns!de yo%r head !n order to have a #roblem and 'hat do yo% have to do !ns!de yo%r head !n order to 9f!*: yo%r #roblem2 0hat 0hat )!nd of #!&t%res, feel!ngs, so%nds and 'ord mean!ngs do yo% need !ns!de yo%r head !n order to do the #roblem2 0hat )!nd of #!&t%res, feel!ngs, so%nds and 'ord mean!ngs do yo% need to a&t!vate !n yo%r head !n order to not to have the #roblem2 By the 'ay 'ay,, 'e bel bel!eve !eve that bra!ns aren;t bro)en< they  1%st r%n s!&) tho%ght #atterns really 'ell. 'ell. $ndeed, the bra!n doesn;t &are 'hether or not yo% th!n) yo%rself s!&) s!&) or 'hether yo% th!n) yo%rself 'ell. Yo%r Yo%r bra!n 1%st does 'hat yo% tell !t to do. Th!s !s 'hat th!s art!&le !s abo%t. Those 'ho &hange the!r th!n)!ng %nderstand and a&&e#t these bel!efs8 =. The bra!n #r!mar!ly #ro&esses !nformat!on from the o%ts!de 'orld thro%gh the f!ve senses. Y Yo% o% e*#er!en&e yo%r yo%r 'orld thro%gh 'hat yo% see, hear, feel, smell and taste. No', No', !m#ortantly to Ne%ro/Semant!&s, 'e bel!eve bel!eve that 'hen yo% re/  #resent yo%r 'orld 'orld on the s&reen of yo%r &ons &ons&!o%sness, &!o%sness, y yo% o% %t!l!3e the same #rograms !nvolved !n the event of re&all. 0hen yo% re&all someth!ng yo% have seen before, yo% yo% '!ll re&all !t '!th a #!&t%re 4>!s%al5. 4>!s%al5. 0hen yo% re&all someth!ng yo% have heard befor before, e, yo% '!ll re&all !t '!th remembered so%nds 4?%d!tory5. The same !s tr%e for feel!ngs 4K!nesthet!&5, smells 4(lfa&tory5 and tastes 4G%statory5. 0e &all these the @e#resentat!onal Systems or >?K for short. Yo Yo%r %r bra!n not only does th!s '!th remembered e*#er!en&es, !t does the same '!th &onstr%&ted e*#er!en&es. $ &an as) yo% to !mag!ne see!ng yo%rself 'here yo% 'ant to be one year from no'. Yo%r bra!n )no's ho' to &onstr%&t a #!&t%re of the des!red yo% one year from no'.  No',, the  No' these se e*#er!en&es 'e re/#resent on the s&reen of o%r m!nds 4!mages5 often &onta!n more than 1%st one system. 0e 0e &an &an re&all a #!&t%re and also have so%nds '!th !t as 'ell as feel!ngs. %rthermore, these !mages have f!ner %al!t!es. As%ally !mages that 'e hold as very !m#ortant to %s '!ll be very &lose to o%r eyes v!s%ally. They '!ll often be very br!ght and &olorf%l to let %s )no' th!s !mage !s !m#ortant. . The bra!n g!ves mean!ng to these !mages '!th 'ords. So, $ have #!&t%res, feel!ngs, so%nds, smells and tastes !n my m!nd, so 'hat2 Yo%r Yo%r bra!n doesn;t sto# there, as a th!n)!ng &lass of l!fe l!fe
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