7 Adv 11
December 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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0 Jramdgotfcr 9 Garnlnsa fasm„t cmtcrcd om amy iarccr patf yct. @ut sfc fas am nmtcrcst art aivncs lnhc icragnis, wrncm sogc poctry, iogposcd a lnlc gusni. Tfcm, sfc plammcd to study ciomognis or Ypamnsf lntcraturc 4 sfc ns sll mot domc tfc trcatgcmt to tfc Rroicss `ciausc ns too youmj.
1 Ycvcm garrnajc `ceorc gcct Garnlnsa. Fc wamts Garnlnsa was fcr last wnec, fc docsm„t wamt to cmd tfc garrnajc. 0 Fc fas : cx-wnec, fc fas a som iallcd Eyodor 9 Fc fas a lot oe iarccrs, fc rcnmvcmts fngscle cvcry dciadc or two. 4 fc was tfrcc fumdrcd amd snxty-tfrcc
Tfc Cxtraordnmary Ilowm Ensf ECZ sf jra` our acmom tfc way tfc ilowm sf docs. Rcrfaps nt wnms our fcarts wntf nts eamiy iolornmj, wfnif gay rcgnmd us oe a inrius ilowm. Or gay`c wc arc struih `y nts surprnsnmj ifonic oe fogc—agomj tfc smjnmj tcmtailcs oe a sca amcgomc. Mot surprnsnmjly, amotfcr magc eor tfc ilowm sf ns amcgomcsf. Lnhc gamy Follywood aitors, ilowm sf arc mot avcrsc to pfotojrapfs. “Dnvcrs amd smorhclcrs iam usually cxpcit ilowm sf to posc eor pniturcs, snmic tfcy rarcly stray ear erog fogc amd arc mot pariularly sfy‗, says Davnd Zclls, wfo ns mot omly am cxpcrt nm oicams amd garnmc lnec, `ut also am agatcur aitor. @ut wfat gahcs ilowm sf cxtraordnmary ns tfcnr sccgnmjly rnshy lnecstylc. Lnvnmj agomj ponsomous tcmtailcs would sccg to `c iogpara`lc to scmj up fogc nm a mcst oe scrpcmts. Yll, ilowm sf amd tfcnr amcgomc oe ifonic arc nmscpara`lc. Zfat gahcs tfns stramjc partmcrsfnp possn`lc amd suiicsseul? Lnhc gost jood partmcrsfnps, ilowm sf amd amcgomcs jnvc amd tahc. Tfc rclaomsfnp ns mot gcrcly iomvcmncmt eor tfc ilowm sf8 nt ns vntal. Garnmc `nolojnsts favc iomrgcd tfat ilowm sf iammot lnvc nm tfc wnld wntfout a fost amcgomc. Tfcy arc poor swnggcrs amd would `c at
tfc gcriy oe fumjry prcdators wntfout tfc amcgomc„s protciom. Fowcvcr, `y usnmj tfc amcgomc as a fogc `asc amd as a saec sfcltcr wfcm tfrcatcmcd, tfc ilowm sf gay rcaif tcm ycars oe ajc.
(1) Tfc amcgomc provndcs a saec mcsmj sntc as wcll as a fogc. Tfc ilowm sf dcposnt tfcnr cjjs at tfc `asc oe tfc fost amcgomc, wfcrc `otf parcmts hccp iarceul watif ovcr tfcg. Latcr, tfc ilowm sf eagnly iam `c sccm swnggnmj aroumd tfat sagc amcgomc. Zfat docs tfc amcgomc jct out oe tfns rclaomsfnp? Tfc ilowm sf scrvc as garnmc `odyjuards, drnvnmj away `ucry sf tfat lnhc to eccd om amcgomc tcmtailcs. At lcast omc spcincs oe amcgomc iammot lnvc wntfout rcsndcmt ilowm sf. Zfcm rcscarifcrs rcgovcd tfc ilowm sf, wntfnm kust 04 fours, tfc amcgomcs fad dnsappcarcd iogplctcly. (0) Apparcmtly,
`ucry sf fad iomsugcd tfcg. (9) Nt sccgs tfat ilowm sf cvcm provndc tfcnr fost wntf cmcrjy. Tfc aggomnug tfat ilowm sf cxirctc fclps spur jrowtf nm tfc fost amcgomc. Amd as tfc ilowm sf swng agomj tfc tcmtailcs, tfcy fclp inriulatc oxyjcm-rnif watcr to tfc amcgomc.
Yfc was iomstamtly fovcrnmj a`out
“N wamt you to gcct our eatfcr„s mcwcst toy,‗ Eyodor sand oe fcr omic
“N would lnhc tfns garrnajc mcvcr to cmd,‗ fc tclls fcr. “N„d lnhc nt to jo om amd om amd om. To iommuc to tfc cmd oe gc. Ns tfat all rnjft? Ns suif a scmgcmt10pcrgnssn`lc, do you tfnmh?‗
“Iam tfat rcally `c so?‗ sfc ashs.“Oe ioursc. Eorcvcr amd cvcr, as nt ns tfns gogcmt.‗
Rarra 99 Yfc tfnmhs erog gc to gc oe tfc gcm sfc wnll garry acr sfc amd Lco favc jomc tfcnr scparatc ways. Eor sfc hmows tfat sfc wnll. Rcrfaps sfc„ll stay wntf Lco eor tcm ycars, pcrfaps eor y8 `ut ulgatcly, dcspntc all fns assuramics to tfc iomtrary,19omc or tfc otfcr oe tfcg wnll wamt to govc om. Mo omc stays garrncd eorcvcr.
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