6RDM 39 Assignment on MIS in Rural Development

January 31, 2017 | Author: Shashidhar Ramagundam | Category: N/A
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Assignment On Management Information System in Rural Development

Management Information System


Submitted by: Shashidhar R, Roll No: 6RDM 39, PGDRDM- Batch 6 NIRD


Topic: Determine the need of MIS in Rural Development projects? And Take an organization of your knowledge and give a conceptual view of MIS and physical view of MIS. Introduction: The concepts of management information systems were developed to counteract such in efficient development and in effective use of the computer. The MIS concepts are vital to efficient and effective computer use in business of two major reasons:  It serves as a systems framework for organizing business computer applications. Business applications of computers should be viewed as interrelated and integrated computer – based information systems and not as independent data processing job. In emphasizes the management orientation of electronics information processing in business. The primary goal of computer based information systems should be the processing of data generated by business operations. Generally, MIS deals with information that is systematically and routinely collected in accordance with a well-defined set of rules. Thus, and MIS is a part of the formal information network in an organization. Information that has major managerial planning significance is sometimes collected at golf courses. Such information is not part of MIS; however, one- shot market research data collected to gauge the potential of a new product does not come within the scope of an MIS by our definition because although such information may be very systematically collected it is not collected on a regular basis. Generally MIS has all the ingredients that are employed in providing information support to manager to making planning and control decisions. Managers often use historical data on an organization’s activities as well as current status data make planning and control decisions. Such data comes from a data base which is contained in files maintained by the organization. This data base is an essential component of an MIS. Manual procedures that are used to collect and process information and computer hardware are obvious ingredients of an MIS. These also form part of the MIS. In summary , when we say that “ an MIS is an integrated man – machine systems that provided information to supports the planning and control function of managers in an origination Role of Management Information System in Rural Development: As far as concerned about MIS in rural development, Transparency, Accountability in funds transfers from the Central government to state Governments is very important. Maintaining the database of each and every job seeker/ villager/ wage labour is the key data for the MIS applications like NREGA Soft, Safal Jeevika MIS (BRLPS), NRLM, PIA units, PMGSY, IAY-AWAAS soft. Without Input data or information, database doesn’t works. The statistical data provided by the VO’s, District Officers, Project Coordinators will act as the Input to the MIS application. Decision making system or Decision Support System makes the manager to decide the works, Change the Project activities, funds distribution, and Budget allocation to the project sites; Uploading the Photographs, Videos and analyzing them through MIS application and Wage allocation can be made easy by using the MIS application.


Organizational and Conceptual view of MIS: Aajeevika or National Rural Livelihood Mission provides wide range Skills and Development and Training for the Rural Youth for getting better sustainable livelihoods and Sustainable growth. In order to work better, there should be a proper channel for move forward to lay the success stones for future. So here MIS play a vital role in connecting the bridge between the PIA (Project Implementation Agencies) to communicate with the SRLMS and NIRD (TSA, Technical Support Agency). PIA’s needs to send daily reports, Placement records, Photographs of Institution Infrastructure, Maintaining the database with the NIRD-TSA. Conceptually, Support software is provided by the NRLM.

The above diagram says about Conceptual View of MIS. It is a Top to bottom and Bottom to Top Approach system. Everyone in the organization is responsible for the Support the system. First of all the providing the IT and enterprise software to the NRLM and it is connected to the Database for knowledge sharing and Data sharing. The foundation of MIS is the principles of management and its practices. MIS uses the concept of management control in its design and relies heavily on the fact that the decision maker is a human being and is a human processor of information. A MIS can be evolved for a specific objective it is evolved after systematic planning and design. It calls for an analysis of business, management views and policies, organization culture and the management style. All this is conceptualized and connected to the MIS system where decision can be easily taken and shared and monitored.


Physical view of MIS:

A management information system (MIS) is an organized combination of people, hardware, communication networks and data sources that collects, transforms and distributes information in an organization. An MIS helps decision making by providing timely, relevant and accurate information to managers. The physical components of an MIS include hardware, software, database, personnel and procedures. Hardware All physical components of a computer system compose the computer hardware. Important components include the central processing unit, input/output devices, storage units and communication devices. Communication can be over fiber-optic cables or wireless networks. Software Software provides the interface between users and the information system. Software can be divided into two generic types: system software and applications. The system software comprises of the operating system, utility programs and special purpose programs. Applications are developed to accomplish a specific task. For users of MIS it is much more important to understand the software than the hardware. Software maintenance can take 50 to 70 percent of all personnel activity in the MIS function. When the organization moves to implement an advanced information system the hardware and software environment becomes more complex. Database A database is a centrally controlled collection of organized data. The database improves efficiency of storage by elimination of redundant files and improves efficiency of processing by providing all required data in a single file rather than separate files. This also improves efficiency of information retrieval. Procedures Three types of procedures are required for an MIS to operate effectively: user instructions, instructions for input preparation and operating instructions for MIS


Personnel The personnel in the MIS function include computer operators, programmers, systems analysts and managers. Human resource requirements should be assessed by considering both the present system needs and the future system growth. The quality of MIS personnel is a key factor in its effectiveness. An MIS manager needs a combination of both managerial and technical skills. From the physical view of the MIS diagram, we can say that there is much importance in carrying the information or data into the system OLTP. Online Transaction Processing with bi-communicates with the database servers for exchanging the information. And authenticating the data. Functional Information System is based on the various business functions such as Production, Marketing, Finance and Personnel. These departments or functions are known as functional areas of business. Each functional area requires applications to perform all information processing related to the function. Business Information System bring business functions and information modules together for establishing effective communication channels which are useful for making timely and accurate decisions and in turn contribute to organizational productivity and competitiveness. This paradigm shift leads to global outsourcing, strategic alliances and partnerships to be competitive in terms of price, quality, flexibility, dependability, responsiveness. An executive information system (EIS) is a decision support system (DSS) used to assist senior executives in the decision-making process. It does this by providing easy access to important data needed to achieve strategic goals in an organization. An EIS normally features graphical displays on an easy-to-use interface. Executive information systems can be used in many different types of organizations to monitor enterprise performance as well as to identify opportunities and problems. Conclusion: In an Organizational level, Management Information System supports in making various decisions. To implement it, manager level tasks are created and implemented for better results. MIS helps in identify the problems in the Data collections, Data analysis, preparing Data sheets or reports. In Rural development perspective, we can call it as a Development tool for implementing various government schemes and provides transparency and accountability in the system. NRLM, MNREGA, IAY schemes are laid there foundation in providing facilities and implementation of several project for achieving Sustainable Growth and to Empower the poor people.


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