64 Treats Puja

May 15, 2018 | Author: viky24 | Category: N/A
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1 64 Treats

64 Treats By Shankara Bhagavatpaada

चत  ःषय  पचा प  जा    ुःषय    ुपचा प    ूजा 

जपो जपः जपो  जपः शपं सकलमप  सकलमप म  म  ावचना    ुावचना  िगतः ादयमणमशनााह  ितवीधः।   ु ितवीधः। णामसंवेवशस  श े स  खमखलमामापरणशा  णशा    ुखमखलमामापर सपयारपयार पयारयतव भवत  यतव भवत    ु यमे वलसतम   ्  ्॥॥

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे वसे मागरशीषर शीषर क  ण नवमी भान  भान  वासे   ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी 

06 - 01 - 2013

2 64 Treats


Early in the morning, listining to the holy songs of the singres, get awakend, get awakened mother, get up fast. With your mercyful look make this world happy.  | ||2|| Shining with steps of Gold, with golden pots at all the eight directions, come on to the stage of jewels, O Mother, to kindly receive the pooja.  |  ||3|| O mother, I offer this home of jewels for your good living, which has a golden apex and the flag almost touching the clouds.  |  ||4|| O Mother, this Palanquin (Paalaki) is offered to you by me, which has warm bed and a very soft cover sheet, and decorated with nine jewels.  |  ||5|| Mother, placing your legs on the golden stool, kindly rest of the the throne made of  jewels which is placed on the golden stage with soft seat and spread with various flowers, shining as rising sun.  |  ||6|| Mother, made out of various jewels, with four golden pillers, looking fantastic, I offer you the new gate. By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

3 64 Treats

 |  ||7|| O Mother, Please receive the water for washing your lotus feet, which is containing lotus, doorva ( a holy grass), and other flowers like vishnukraanti. |  ||8|| O Mother, please accept the water for washing your hands, which contains fragrance, flowers, grains, musterd, doorva, sesame, darbha (a holy grass) from this golden pot with jewels inside it.  | ||9|| O Bhagavati, please perform the mouth wash with your lotus hands using the water containing spices of various fragrance, and as cool as nectar. | ||10|| Placed in the golden pot, covered with the plate made of jewels, O Mother of the worlds, please accept the Madhuparka (curd, honey and ghee).


 ||11|| O Mother, this oil having fragrance of various flowers, in the golden pot decorated by  jewels and is held by the angles. The bees are attraced as if it is flower. I apply this oil to your black hair which is comparable to lines of bees and also on to your body.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

4 64 Treats


 ||12|| O mother, I message your body with the grinded saffron, golden powder and with the dust of other flowers. I also message your hair with powder of gooseberry and musk. I bathe you with the warm water which is scented and ready in pots decorated by nine jewels.

 |  ||13|| O Mother, I bathe you with the five nectars (curd, milk, ghee, honey and sugar) and again with the warm water.


 ||14|| O Mother, chanting Vedic and tantric mantras, I bathe you with the holy waters from rivers Ganga etc, as clean as ruby, with fragrance of various spices and flowers. Please accept with love.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

5 64 Treats


 ||15|| O Mother, I offer you the special saree, which is as red as rising sun and comparable with the pomegranate. I also offer you the blouse stitched with pearls. Also please accept this golden coloured cloth over your upper body.

 | ||16|| O Devi, Please place your feet on the sandals offered by me, made of gold and decorated by the nine jewels.

 |  ||17|| O Bhagavati, I dry your hair with the smoke of various scent. Also comb them neatly. Decorate them with various flowers and tie them with golden thread.

|  ||18|| O Mother, with the golden wire piece, Black (Anjana) is applied onto your eyes. It is black in colour normally people don’t like. However since it is with your eyes, even the great gods appreciate it.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

6 64 Treats


||19|| In this sequence, I decorate your feet with anklets, Girdle on t o your waist, garland of pearls on your chest and the necklace of stars on your neck. Armlets on to your four arms, bangles decorated with jewes on to your hands, ear rings on your ears and crest jewel on your head.


 ||20|| O Devi, I decorate your hair with golden flowers, golden tilaka (Bindi) with pearls around it on the forehead, a peal on your nose, a web of pearls on your chest, rings on all your fingers, a tinkling golden ornament on your waist and ornament of jewes on your ears.  |

||21|| O Mother, I worship you with the tilaka (bindi) on your forehead with the mixure of saffron, kasturi and other fragrance. Also apply cosmetic called angaraaga on to your body. Another cosmetic on your chest and on the feet I apply the paste of sandalwood.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

7 64 Treats

 |  ||22|| O Devi, I worship you with small jewels, niece pearls, whole wheet and raw rice mixed with safffon.  | ||23|| O Mother, This is the oil of champak flower in front of you. This is the cream with kasturi. These are the special fragrances (body spray). Please accept all of them at once.  |  ||24|| O Bhagavati, on your border of hair, the vermilion applied is showering pleasant feeling in my heart. It’s colur of rising sun, removes all inner ignorance just by thinking of it.  |  ||25|| O Devi, I worship you with various flowers including mandaara. I also offer you various flowers like jasmine and others.  |  ||26|| O mother of the world, I worship your body with jasmine and other flowers.  |  ||27|| O Mother of the world, I worship your body with various flowers including paarijaata.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

8 64 Treats


 ||28|| O Mother, with love, I offer to you the smoke of fragrance containing various frangrances including lac. Kindly accept it.


 ||29|| In the golden plate decorated by jewels, I offer you the lights filled with ghee of cow, capable of removing long standing darkness, with the colur of countless rising suns, O mother, I offer you these lights with respect everyday.


||30|| O Mother, I offer you the feast containing curd, milk, kheer, various dishes prepared by rice, Soup, various fried items, banana with honey on it, and various dishes made of various spices, All these are tastier than nectar.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

9 64 Treats

 |  ||31|| O Mother of the world, please have the various dishes offered by me which include various fried items, soup, curd, milk, ghee and sugar, and others including payasam. It also contains other food containing various spices.  |  ||32|| O mother, this is very good milk, this is great ghee, this is the sweetest honey, this is nectar like water, Drink them again with interest.  |  ||33|| O Mother, please wash your hands and mouth with the hot water in this finger bowl.  Also apply the paste of fragrance on to your hands.

 | ||34|| O Mother, this cool water is placed in the golden pot. This is from the river Ganga, cleaned well and with added fragrance. Please drink it.  |  ||35|| O Devi, I offer you various fruits including banana and grapes along with honey.  |  ||36|| O Devi, I offer you many other fruits including lemon and orange.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

10 64 Treats


 ||37|| O Mother, Please accept happily the tamboola (mouth freshner) containing camphor, clove, betel nut, tender betel leaf and other items,

 |  ||38|| O Devi, I offer you the tamboola (mouth freshner) containing cardamom, clove, camphor, betel leaf and betel nut. |  ||39|| Tender betel leaves of golden colour, betel nut and powdered pearls and gold are kept in the golden plate. Please take them into your lotus mouth.

 ||40|| On the big golden plate, are kept the lights of damaru ( hour glass) shape made of powder of wheet. More ghee is put into them and are lit properly. O Mother of worlds I offer them to you.

: ||41|| With respect I have kneeled down with the plate of lights on my head. O Mother, Let your merciful look be on me, while I wave the lights near your lotus face three and a half times.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

11 64 Treats

 |  ||42|| I have poured many jewels and pearls on you. I offer you expensive and beautiful clothes. O Mother, I make a shower of golden coins along with various pearls and ruby.


||43|| O Mother, decorated with golden handle, having colour of full moon, decorated with various jewels and an apex of gold, which is beautiful in the three worlds. I hold this umbrella decorated with chains of pearls made by the God Tvashtaa himself.  |  ||44|| Colourful like autumn moon, decorated with pearls and golden handle, O Mother of Worlds, I happily wave the hand fan at you.  |  ||45|| O Mother of worlds, this Mirror as shining as the sun, with the handle made of  jewels is offerd to you. Kindly look at your face whis is comparable to the full moon in the mirror.  |  ||46|| O Mother, Gods like Indra are lighting your feet with the shining of their crowns. Hence, I shine rest of your body by lighting thousands of lamps.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

12 64 Treats

 |  ||47|| Which is a good walking style, with a saddle of jewels, decorated with golden chains, which neigh aloud, the horse with with the speed of air is offered by me to you along with one hundred such horses.  |  ||48|| O mother, covered with the dust of flowers because bees are attracted on to the sides, decorated with golden bell tied to the neck which make a sweet noise, which is moving its ears, this elephant be for your pleasure. |  ||49|| Tied with speedy horses, containing four wheels decorated by jewels, which has the golden gates, O Bhagavati, I offer you this chariot.  |  ||50|| Containing Horse, elephant, chariots and soldiers, making sound like clouds in all the directions, I offer you this big army, O Bhagavati, with extreme devotion.  |  ||51|| Seven oceans are the channel, having lot of wealth in it, very strong known as earth, This fort is offerd to you.  |  ||52|| With hundreds of petels, cool by nature, having fragrance of various flowers, because of which bees are attracted to it, I wave the hand fan at you.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

13 64 Treats

 |  ||53|| Lock of hair pulled by the bees, dancing with flowers falling on the stage, this beautiful dancer let bring happiness to your heart.  |  ||54|| With quickly moving the face, eyes and the hair, with falling flowers from the hair, whose dance bring happiness to the youth, such girls, O Bhagavati, are dancing in front of you.  |  ||55|| The hairs making fasle impression of flying bees, with smiling face are singing good songs, these actress are decorated with many costumes, let they remove sadness from you.  |  ||56|| Various sounds of musical instruments such as drum, cymbal etc bring happiness to your merciful heart.  |  ||57|| O mother, I have a request. These angles are playing instruments, singing at your door. Kindly have little time to listen to them.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

14 64 Treats

 |  || 58|| O Mother, after you saw and listen to the dance and music of these dances and angels, I myself now sing and dance to please your mind.  |  ||59|| O Devi, to describe your qualities even the four faced Brahma is not qualified. Who is able to describe them in the species having a single face ?  |  ||60|| On movement of every feet, you offer greater virtue to who worship you. So, in order to remove all my sins, I walk around you like pradakshinaa.  |  ||61|| Your feet are having sole as red as red lotus. It has various good marks in them. They are saluted by all the Gods, Salute to such feet of Goddess Bhavaani.  |  ||62|| O Mother, I worship your feet with lotus. I offer golden ornaments onto your neck. On your head this flower offer containing jewels is made. Let devi bring happiness to my lotus heart.  |  ||63|| Then, the cot decorated by jewels, with golden bars around, scented with fragrance is the home. Let this be home for your relaxation.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

15 64 Treats

 |  ||64|| In this golden seat decorated by jewels, keeping the hands which are able to protect and bless the three worlds, sit on this very soft bed covered with soft cover cloth.  |  ||65|| O Devi, your feet are with lotus marks and comparable to ruby, but still I apply the red lac on to your feet to make them even more r ed.  | ||66|| O Mother, please rinse your mouth which has become red by consuming the tamboola into this pot.  |  ||67|| O Mother of world, on this very soft bed, kindly have good sleep with your consort Shiva in secret, but remember to bless me.


 ||68|| Very fair like pearl and jasmine, having crown of pearls, having ear rings of jewels, holding rosary, lotus, and gesture of protection and blessing by hands, decorated by crescent moon, three eyed, having various ornaments, feet are shining by the lights of crowns of gods, happy, pleasant , mother of three worlds, I imagine her in mind.

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

16 64 Treats


 ||69|| This worship has been offerd by me with great devotion. Kindly accept it immediately and forgive all my mistakes. If any shortcoming in the worship, let it be complete with your mercy. Let your happy presence be always in my heart.  |  ||70|| Who recites this pooja either in morning, noon or at eveing, he gets the fir st three objects of human persuit and on death becomes God Shiva.  |  ||71|| This pooja is to be recited daily, if one is unable to perform it. He gets and virture of actually performing the pooja and all his desires fulfilled. | ||72|| Everyday with devotion, who recites this worship, by the blessings of of Goddess Vagvaadini etc, he becomes poet ( or realizing mantra) within a year.

 At the feet of Shankara and Shankari, Sriram

By Srirama Dongre

नदनसंवसे मागरशीषर क    ुवासे   ृ ण नवमी भान 

06 - 01 - 2013

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