60524242 ASTM Standards for Wood

April 30, 2019 | Author: Cakra Winata | Category: N/A
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Fire Performance of Wood Designation

D2898 - 09

Title Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood for Fire Testing

D3201 - 08a Standard Test Method for Hygroscopic Properties of Fire-Retardant Wood and e1 Wood-Based Products

D5516 - 09

Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Fleural Properties of Fire-Retardant  Treated  T reated Soft!ood Ply!ood Eposed to Elevated Elevated Te"peratur e"peratures es

D5664 - 08

Standard Test Method for Evaluating the E#ects of Fire-Retardant Treat"ents and Elevated Te"peratures on Strength Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated $u"%er

D6305 - 08

Standard Practice for &alculating Bending Strength 'esign Ad(ust"ent Factors for Fire-Retardantire-Retardant-T Treated Ply!ood Ply!o od Roof Sheathing Sheath ing

D6841 - 08

Standard Practice for &alculating 'esign )alue Treat"ent Ad(ust"ent Factors for Fire-Retardantire-Retardant-T Treated $u"%er

E69 - 022 20 0 Standard Test Method for &o"%usti%le Properties of Treated Wood %y the 0!" Fire-Tu%e Apparatus Forests Designation


D5 536 - 942 Standard Practice for Sa"pling Forest Trees for 'eter"ination of &lear D55 004" Wood Properties D!480 - 08

Standard *uide for Evaluating the Attri%utes of a Forest Manage"ent Plan F#ndamental Test $et%ods and Pro&erties



D143 - 09

Standard Test Methods for S"all &lear Speci"ens of Ti"%er

D198 - 09

Standard Test Methods of Static Tests of $u"%er in Structural Si+es

D110 D1 102 2 - 84 842 200 00!" !" Standard Test Method for Ash in Wood

D1105 - 96200!" Standard Test Method for Preparation of Etractive-Free Wood D1106 - 96200!" Standard Test Method for Acid-,nsolu%le $ignin in Wood D110! - 96200!" Standard Test Method for Ethanol-Toluene Solu%ility of Wood D1108 - 96200!" Standard Test Method for 'ichloro"ethane Solu%les in Wood D1109 - 84200!" Standard Test Method for . Sodiu" Hydroide Solu%ility of Wood D1110 - 84200!" Standard Test Methods for Water Solu%ility of Wood

D1166 - 84200!"

Standard Test Method for Methoyl *roups in Wood and Related Materials

D1666 - 8!2004"

Standard Test Methods for &onducting Machining Tests of Wood and Wood-Base Materials

D1!62 - 84200!" Standard Test Method for &he"ical Analysis of Wood &harcoal

D2394 - 05e1

Standard Test Methods for Si"ulated Service Testing of Wood and Wood-Base Finish Flooring

D2395 - 0!ae1

Standard Test Methods for Speci/c *ravity of Wood and Wood-Based Materials

D2555 - 06

Standard Practice for Esta%lishing &lear Wood Strength )alues

D4442 - 0!

Standard Test Methods for 'irect Moisture &ontent Measure"ent of Wood and Wood-Base Materials

D4444 - 08

Standard Test Method for $a%oratory Standardi+ation and &ali%ration of Hand-Held Moisture Meters

D4!61 - 05

Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Properties of $u"%er and Wood-Base Structural Material

D4933 - 992004"

Standard *uide for Moisture &onditioning of Wood and Wood-Base Materials

D6!82 - 05

Standard Test Methods for Standardi+ation and &ali%ration of ,n-$ine 'ry $u"%er Moisture Meters

Standard Speci/cation for Evaluation of 'uration of $oad and &reep E#ects of Wood and Wood-Based Products

D6815 - 09

D68!4 - 032009" Standard Test Methods for 0ondestructive Evaluation of Wood-Based e1 Fleural Me"%ers 1sing Transverse )i%ration

D6958 - 032009"

Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Side-Bonding Potential of Wood &oatings

D!438 - 08

Standard Practice for Field &ali%ration and Application of Hand-Held Moisture Meters

D!469 - 09

Standard Test Methods for End-2oints in Structural Wood Products '#m(er and Engineered Wood Prod#cts



D245 - 06

Standard Practice for Esta%lishing Structural *rades and Related Allo!a%le Properties for )isually *raded $u"%er

D1990 - 0!

Standard Practice for Esta%lishing Allo!a%le Properties for )isually*raded 'i"ension $u"%er fro" ,n-*rade Tests of Full-Si+e Speci"ens

D2915 - 03

Standard Practice for Evaluating Allo!a%le Properties for *rades of Structural $u"%er

D3!3! - 09

Standard Practice for Esta%lishing Allo!a%le Properties for Structural *lued $a"inated Ti"%er 3*lula"4

D395! - 09

Standard Practices for Esta%lishing Stress *rades for Structural Me"%ers 1sed in $og Buildings

D5055 - 10

Standard Speci/cation for Esta%lishing and Monitoring Structural &apacities of Prefa%ricated Wood ,-2oists

D5456 - 10

Standard Speci/cation for Evaluation of Structural &o"posite $u"%er Products

D545! - 04a

Standard Speci/cation for &o"puting Reference Resistance of WoodBased Materials and Structural &onnections for $oad and Resistance Factor 'esign

D65!0 - 04e1 Standard Practice for Assigning Allo!a%le Properties for Mechanically

*raded $u"%er

D!031 - 04

Standard *uide for Evaluating Mechanical and Physical Properties of Wood-Plastic &o"posite Products

D!032 - 10

Standard Speci/cation for Esta%lishing Perfor"ance Ratings for WoodPlastic &o"posite 'ec5 Boards and *uardrail Syste"s 3*uards or Handrails4

D!199 - 0!

Standard Practice for Esta%lishing &haracteristic )alues for Reinforced *lued $a"inated Ti"%er 3*lula"4 Bea"s 1sing Mechanics-Based Models

D!341 - 09

Standard Practice for Esta%lishing &haracteristic )alues for Fleural Properties of Structural *lued $a"inated Ti"%er %y Full-Scale Testing

D!3!4 - 08

Standard Practice for Evaluating Elevated Te"perature Perfor"ance of Adhesives 1sed in End-2ointed $u"%er

D!4!0 - 08

Standard Practice for Evaluating Elevated Te"perature Perfor"ance of End-2ointed $u"%er Studs Panel Prod#cts



D103! - 06a

Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Properties of Wood-Base Fi%er and Particle Panel Materials

D1038 - 83200 5"

Standard Ter"inology Relating to )eneer and Ply!ood

D1554 - 01200 5"

Standard Ter"inology Relating to Wood-Base Fi%er and Particle Panel Materials

D2!18 - 00200 6"

Standard Test Methods for Structural Panels in Planar Shear 3Rolling Shear4

D2!19 - 89200 Standard Test Methods for Structural Panels in Shear Through-the!"  Thic5ness D3043 - 00200 6"

Standard Test Methods for Structural Panels in Fleure

D3044 - 94200 6"

Standard Test Method for Shear Modulus of Wood-Based Structural Panels

D3499 - 94200 5"

Standard Test Method for Toughness of Wood-Based Structural Panels

D3500 - 90200 3"

Standard Test Methods for Structural Panels in Tension

D3501 - 05a

Standard Test Methods for Wood-Based Structural Panels in &o"pression

D5582 - 00200 6"

Standard Test Method for 'eter"ining For"aldehyde $evels fro" Wood Products 1sing a 'esiccator

D5651 - 95a20 08"

Standard Test Method for Surface Bond Strength of Wood-Base Fi%er and Particle Panel Materials

D600! - 02200 8"

Standard Test Method for 'eter"ining For"aldehyde &oncentration in Air fro" Wood Products 1sing a S"all Scale &ha"%er

D6643 - 01200 6"

Standard Test Method for Testing Wood-Base Panel &orner ,"pact Resistance

D!033 - 0!

Standard Practice for Esta%lishing 'esign &apacities for 6riented Strand Board 36SB4 Wood-Based Structural-1se Panels

D!433 - 08

Standard Test Method for Measuring Surface Water A%sorption of 6verlaid Wood-Based Panels

E1333 - 962002 Standard Test Method for 'eter"ining For"aldehyde &oncentrations " in Air and E"ission Rates fro" Wood Products 1sing a $arge &ha"%er Pole and Pile Prod#cts Designation


D25 - 992005"

Standard Speci/cation for Round Ti"%er Piles

D1036 - 992005"

Standard Test Methods of Static Tests of Wood Poles

D2899 - 03

Standard Practice for Esta%lishing Allo!a%le Stresses for Round  Ti"%er Piles

D3200 - !42005"

Standard Speci/cation and Test Method for Esta%lishing Reco""ended 'esign Stresses for Round Ti"%er &onstruction Poles Standard Practice for Esta%lishing Allo!a%le Stresses for Round  Ti"%ers for Piles fro" Tests of Full-Si+e Material

D!381 - 0!

Terminolog) and Editorial Designation


D9 - 09a

Standard Ter"inology Relating to Wood and Wood-Based Products

D1165 - 0!

Standard 0o"enclature of &o""ercial Hard!oods and Soft!oods Treatments for Wood Prod#cts


D1413 - 0!e1

Title Standard Test Method for Wood Preservatives %y $a%oratory SoilBloc5 &ultures

D1!58 - 06

Standard Test Method of Evaluating Wood Preservatives %y Field  Tests !ith Sta5es

D201! - 05

Standard Test Method of Accelerated $a%oratory Test of 0atural 'ecay Resistance of Woods

D22!8 - 06

Standard Test Method for Field Evaluation of Wood Preservatives in Round Post-Si+e Speci"ens

D2481 - 05

Standard Test Method for Accelerated Evaluation of Wood Preservatives for Marine Services %y Means of S"all Si+e Speci"ens

D3345 - 08

Standard Test Method for $a%oratory Evaluation of Wood and 6ther &ellulosic Materials for Resistance to Ter"ites

D4445 - 09a

Standard Test Method for Fungicides for &ontrolling Sapstain and Mold on 1nseasoned $u"%er 3$a%oratory Method4

D5583 - 06

Standard Test Method for 'etection and Esti"ation of Retention of Wood Preservatives %y Aspergillus Bioassaying

Wood *ssem(lies Designation


D1!61 - 06

Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood

D5124 - 96200!"

Standard Practice for Testing and 1se of a Rando" 0u"%er *enerator in $u"%er and Wood Products Si"ulation

D5652 - 95200!"

Standard Test Methods for Bolted &onnections in Wood and WoodBase Products

D5!64 - 9!a200! Standard Test Method for Evaluating 'o!el-Bearing Strength of " Wood and Wood-Based Products

D5933 - 96200!"

Standard Speci/cation for 7 89:-in; and
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