60 Years of Challenge
August 21, 2018 | Author: Lynn Beck | Category: N/A
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*n I#port!nt (ess!ge "ro# Sixty +tarting in une -00 on the mA+/ forum over at fastseduction.com started writing about a concept called 1micro2escalation3. The concept of micro2 escalation consisted of escalating the vibe with a woman to create attraction, se!ual tension and move the seduction forward in a subtle way. 4y definition of micro2escalation5 nstead of making 7# big verbal or physical move to escalate the seduction, you should use a series of small non2verbal moves. /or e!ample, you should focus on holding seductive eye contact, moving closer, talking slower and listening versus worrying about big moves like lunging at her for a kiss. %hile obviously none of these ideas or moves used by themselves is original, made a specific point of emphasi8ing in all of my articles that the main benefit of this strategy was the following5 9y not saying or doing anything at first besides slowly escalating the vibe it made it almost impossible for a woman to resist you verbally or re"ect you physically. Thus giving you time to escalate and create attraction before she even knew what you were up to. n other word the concept had labeled micro2escalation was in a way 1re"ection proof3. 7ot only did say that escalating the vibe was re"ection proof also made it clear that using these micro2escalation increases se!ual tension and creates attraction. also pointed out that micro2escalation was really great news for guys who were afraid to escalate by going for big moves like a kiss because all of these moves were very small, thus under the radar. Another insight from that time period included a concept called 1seductive listening3 which gave you the option of seducing her with micro2escalations while both talking and listening.
To give the reader insight into how the idea was originally developed over at fast seduction, have decided to put together a special report on the sub"ect of micro2escalation and give it away for free. hope you all en"oy the special report and learn something new about seduction. 9est, Sixty Years of Challenge
Learn More Free Seduction & Relationship Secrets: 60yearsofchallenge.co
+h!t is (icro-,sc!l!tion :ate5 7ovember ;0th, -00 0 ?4 #+T Broup5 alt.seduction.fast.general Author5 60 years of challenge This article is under strict C copyright rules. /or personal use only. donDt talk much anymore. "ust listen. #verything use to seduce is non2verbal. /or e!ample only use non2verbal statements of interest like moving closer. The person who is talking is the person who is Eualifying. 9y not talking much you are the one screening her. f course when you listen to her you want to make sure to use Fseductive listening* versus the GDm "ust so happy to be hereG facial e!pression. t*s much easier to escalate the vibe when listening versus talking, but you should be able to be seductive doing both. oing "or the .iss (!kes (e /eros
$ere is a common scenario. You are sitting and talking with a cute girl. You assume she probably likes you because she hasnDt left and she keeps asking you Euestions. +o now all you can think about is G need to escalate3. You start to get really nervous. /or most guys escalation means only one thing, going for a kiss. t*s no secret guys constantly worry !"o# can $ %iss her! There is no need to worry about going for the kiss because there are so many micro2escalations you can use to seduce her besides kissing. You can start with very small moves. 60yearsofchallenge.com
+o what e!actly is micro2escalationH +hutting up. That is an escalation. (ook in her eyes. That is an escalation. +tare at her lips. That is an escalation. 4ove closer to her. That is an escalation. (eave your hand on her lower back for a few seconds and then take it away. That is an escalation. An additional benefit is "ust by using these micro2escalations you will be perceived as more attractive to women. %hen you tell guys that using seductive eye contact is an escalation and that itDs attractive they get really e!cited because they understand that what they are doing will help them get closer to their goal. 4y riginal ?ost
(icro-,sc!l!tions Cre!te Sex!l 'ension :ate5 +eptember ;=th, -00 0;5;;506 A4 #:T Broup5 alt.seduction.fast.advanced Author5 60 years of challenge This article is under strict C copyright rules. /or personal use only. 17one of these non2verbal seductive micro2escalations break rapport, but they definitely create se!ual tension3 2 +i!ty %hen it comes to attracting women your main tool for seducing her is to assume attraction and create se!ual tension through small, seductive non2verbal escalations that make you attractive "ust by using them. /or e!ample the following escalations are attractive, show confidence, and create se!ual tension. Things like seductive eye contact, shutting up, and looking at her lips. You can also build se!ual tension by using pauses, seductive listening, moving closer and visuali8ing kissing her. All of these non2verbal seductive micro2escalations create se!ual tension and keep the vibe from becoming social. +he may suspect you are up to something but you have given her no e!cuse to re"ect you. 4y riginal ?ost from mA+/
/othing Ver$!l to e3ect or Physic!l to esist :ate5 anuary -nd, -00< ;;5I65=< A4 #+T Broup5 alt.seduction.fast.general Author5 60 years of challenge This article is under strict C copyright rules. /or personal use only. f you are scared to escalate the solution is to reali8e that escalation in itself is attractive. 4eaning you are both escalating and creating attraction at the same time. 4y saying 1#scalation is Attractive3 basically means there is little downside to escalating. tDs not about whether she accepts your escalation or not. The mere fact that you escalated the vibe, because it shows confidence, makes you more attractive than you were a few seconds ago. n other words there is really no risk. Buys think if they escalate they can no longer be a challenge because she will already know you like her. This is why we use non2verbal micro2escalations like vibe which are almost impossible for her to resist. 9y escalating with your vibe there is nothing verbal for her to re"ect. /or e!ample if you say 1can get your numberH3 she might say no. n addition, there is nothing physical for her to resist 60yearsofchallenge.com
either. /or e!ample if out of nowhere you lunge at her for a kiss she can "ust turn her head away making the situation awkward. You want to start the interaction by only escalating the vibe and then use one kino move. /or e!ample grab her hand and make the attraction official. 4y riginal ?ost /rom mA+/
It’s e3ection Proo" :ate5 :ecember th, -00 05--5;< ?4 #+T Broup5 alt.seduction.fast.general Author5 60 years of challenge This article is under strict C copyright rules. /or personal use only. n my e!perience itDs definitely better to start by using non2verbal statements of interest like seductive eye contact, touch, and moving closer versus using verbal statements of interest. $owever, this is not an indirect method. You still show her you are interested, but you do it non2verbally. The main advantage is there can be no verbal re"ection of vibe. tDs all happening on a different channel of communication. /or e!ample let*s assume you move closer to her which is a non2verbal statement of interest but she takes a step back. :espite this temporary setback, escalating in this manner keeps the logic of why she is resisting you from becoming real in her mind. n other words, because her resistance has not been verbali8ed it*s almost like it never happened. /or e!ample, if you blurt out Gwe should e!change numbersG or Gyou are cuteG as your first sign that you are interested she can simply re"ect you. +he can say 1why donDt you give me your number3 or give you some other e!cuse. This idea is similar to when an orbiter finally caves by blurting out GwhatDs going on with usG and gets the let*s "ust be friends speech. 60yearsofchallenge.com
7ow his re"ection is out in the open. t has become official and real. $e has little chance of turning that frame around and getting the girl. As such, he was much better off keeping his big mouth shut and escalating the vibe with her non2verbally instead. %henever you make verbal statements of interest like giving compliments you run the risk of getting verbal resistance. This is bad because even if she does like you this GDm resisting himG frame becomes real. t becomes real because she is the one verbali8ing it. 9y showing your interest non2verbally you can get away with many more points of resistance in the back and forth dance of seduction. n contrast, you do not have as much leeway with constant resistance to your verbal escalations or physical displays of interest. ?lus you can tell way more about her real interest in you with moves like moving closer or holding seductive eye contact. That*s because when you escalate verbally or physically she will sometimes resist you even if she likes you so she doesn*t seem promiscuous. #specially if her friends or co2workers are watching her. &sing non2verbal statements of interest escalating vibe gives you unlimited escalation opportunities with the same girl. 7o matter what happens, itDs almost as if you have never been officially re"ected. There are many e!amples of how talking can lead to bad things. As such, never ask a Euestion you donDt know the answer to.
4y riginal ?ost
from mA+/
ener!ting *ttr!ction $y ,sc!l!ting the Vi$e :ate5 anuary =rd, -00< 0J50J5-= ?4 #+T Broup5 alt.seduction.fast.general Author5 60 years of challenge This article is under strict C copyright rules. /or personal use only. You can generate attraction and seduce women "ust by escalating the vibe. /or e!ample, holding eye contact, se!ual visuali8ations and talking slowly. r "ust shut up and get her talking while you look at her seductively. This is what refer to as seductive listening. t*s your se!ual vibe not your talking or touching that creates the initial attraction. The best part is by escalating the vibe she has nothing verbal to re"ect or physical to resist. There is no risk of re"ection. ThatDs great news all you guys who are afraid to reveal your interest verbally and escalate physically. n contrast verbal escalations such as verbal statements of interest compliments or se! talk can be verbally re"ected. You can create all the se!ual tension you need with small escalations. You can calibrate much better with small escalations. And there is less verbal re"ection and physical resistance when you micro2escalate. The only thing you have to do is calibrate to how she reacts to things like your seductive eye contact. After escalating the vibe if she chooses to stay talking to a man with such an obvious Gmasculine presenceG 60yearsofchallenge.com
and Gse!ual auraG you know you have a good lead on your hands. 9elieve me women know e!actly what your intentions are when you escalate the vibe. You don*t have to tell them verbally or physically. The ne!t step after escalating the vibe is to solidify the connection you are building physically. f she stays with you after you escalate the vibe you should definitely touch her. :on*t worry you can still micro2escalate physically. /or e!ample move closer and brush against her. :oes she move back or stayH Brab her hand for a few seconds and let go. :oes she look nervous out or is she comfortable with youH These physical escalations are also attractive so they generate even more interest. Again in this system both the attraction and the escalation are happening at the e!act same time. As such proper calibration to her reactions is key. 4y riginal ?ost from mA+/
(icro-,sc!l!tions *re *ttr!ctie :ate5 :ecember th, -00 0
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