60 day speed training plan

August 15, 2017 | Author: xceelent | Category: Hobbies, Athletic Sports, Sports, Recreation
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Schuman Speed 60 Days Booklet...


Phone: 1-866-Schuman Fax: 201-221-7605 www.schumanspeed.com [email protected] Developing Sport Specific Speed for Athletic Superiority!


SPECIFIC SPEED WELCOME TO OUR WORLD OF SPEED! Faster, Quicker, More Agile, Higher, More Explosive, and Stronger 99 pages to glory!!! Inquire about our VIP Membership Program to Save on Programs like These and More!!!! Go To www.schumanspeed.com/member.htm

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Overall Training Program: 12 - 37

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.

Phone: 1-866-Schuman Fax: 201-221-7605 www.schumanspeed.com [email protected] Developing Sport Specific Speed for Athletic Superiority!

8 Week Speed, Quickness, and Agility Program Athletic Readiness Program All Grades Program 1.Program Overview Program Focus: • Sprint Development • Sprint Technique • Sprint Mechanics • Foot Quickness and Foot Speed • Quickness through Agility work and Plyometrics • Flexibility and Dynamic Stretching • Explosion and Leaping Strength Philosophy of Program: Build athlete’s confidence and provide them with multiple opportunities to succeed and they will define their path to success! • Success Breeds Success • Develop Sound Mind and Sound Body • Personal Improvement is a Must • Always Build Confidence of Athletes General Principles for Speed Coaches: • Bring great enthusiasm to the program • Positive attitude is contagious, always compliment and be specific when making corrections • Be friendly and courteous to parents and athletes • Focus on self-image improvement of athletes • Be a technician, know mistakes, identify them and correct them • Be prompt and be courteous • Exude confidence and build their confidence • Greatness lies within and it is your job to help them achieve their maximum goals

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Be aware of each individuals capabilities, skill level, and needs so as to push them hard enough to accomplish their goals, but to also enable them to love and enjoy their improvement • Never use sarcasm! • BECOME A MOTIVATION MACHINE! IF THEY BELIEVE IN YOU, YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING AND ANY PROGRAM YOU RUN WILL BE A SUCCESS Testing (done the last day of program): • 40 yard dash • 20 yard dash • Standing broad jump • 20 yard shuttle run • 3 cone drill • Vertical jump Program Must Include in Each Session: • Dynamic Warm-up and Stretching • Quickness and Agility Drills (including some plyometrics) • Sprinting and or Sprint Conditioning • Sport Specific Work • Warm-Down Equipment Needed (if you have access to it): • 5-10 Mini Hurdles • 10-15 Cones or half Cones • 2 Parachutes/Sprint Sleds • 2 Sprint Cords • Vertical Jump Board or Chalk • One Quickness/Agility Ladder • 2 Stopwatches for Timing Athletes • 1 Dot Mat Schuman’s Speed Center Sprinting System Includes: 1. Head is upright 2. Eyes straight ahead 3. Toes straight ahead or slightly inward 4. Back should be upright and slightly arched 5. Shoulders rotate with elbows at 90 degrees 6. Wrists should be loose and whip with arm action 7. Feet should be planted directly under the hips 8. Legs should move forward not up 9. Knees should be fully extended on follow through 10. On recovery leg should paw ground on contact 11. Feet should be dorsi-flexed and r unning on balls of feet (not toes)

Make speed development fun for the athletes and for you!

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


1A. Program Set up

Dynamic Dynamic Warmup: Warmup: When kids get settled have them go to fence or wall and do front and side swings. 2 minutes Once that is completed have them form big circle and go through static stretch routine 7 minutes

Dynamic Warmup



Dynamic Warmup: Athletes positioned in a circle on athletic field Coach(es) are positioned inside the circle

Once that is completed have kids form lines for dynamic warm-up exercises 5 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Dynamic Warmup Setup Advanced Group Warmup Team Dynamic Warmup Routine Easy 20 Yard Strides - 2 Rep High Knees - 2x20 Butt Kicker - 2x20 High Skips - 2x20 Marches - 2x20 Side Shuffle - 2x20 Carioca - 2x20 Quick Carioca - 2x20 75% Sprint - 2x20


Beginner Group Warmup Team


Quickness gility Statio ns: Agility Stations: Quickness and and A • •

Once Warm-up is Complete Athletes Move to Agility Stations Coach Determines Whether the Campers will be across 2 or 4 stations. That is up to the coaches’ discretion based on # of kids in program and time to complete program. For one hour programs we recommend 2 stations, for 1 ½ hour programs we recommend 4 stations.

Group Agility and Quickness Groups By Age, Skill Level, and Sport!

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Field Layout For Speed, Quickness and Agility Stations Quickness and Plyo Station

Plyo Boxes

Jumping Drills Station

or BFS Dot Mat

Plyo Boxes


Mini Hurdles Station

Water Station

Foot Speed and Quickness Station

Foot Quickness Ladder Station

Agilities Station


Director 4 Cone Drill

Pro 3 Cone Agility

20 Yard Shuttle

Weave and Direction Change Station

Speed Development and Speed Power Station Coach

Speed Cord Training

Sprinting and Starting Station (will be on the track if track is available)

Speed Parachute Training

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


With 2 Stations Coaches you will need only 1-2 coaches in program. With 4 stations set up you will need 2-3 coaches depending on # of kids in program.

With Agility Stations Coaches should only have 2 activities going on per station. 1 hour programs will have 10-15 minutes for the Quickness and Agilities Stations-5-7 ½ minutes per station time. 1 ½ hour programs will have 25 (on average) minutes for Quickness and Agility Stations with 12-13 minutes per station. All groups will only cover two stations per any one training period. (i.e. Groups 1 and 2 will train only stations 1 and 2, they will not also train stations 3 and 4)

Rotate stations per session having 2 different groups doing a new station each training session, groups should not do the same station two training days in a row, unless otherwise noted. (This will keep the kids interested and excited by having them learning new activities)

Total Time: 10-15 minutes-1 hour program 25 minutes- 1 ½ hour program

SSppeeeedd D Deevveellooppm Meecchhaanniiccss:: meenntt//SSpprriinntt D Deevveellooppm meenntt//SSppeeeedd M •

Once Stations are over take 2 minute water break. Once break is over have kids move to Speed Development/Sprinting.

You should follow workout prescribed, but do not force kids with injuries or who are hurting to participate.

Set up should be done on track if available, if track is not available it should be done on Grass to the side of the agility stations. Adjust workouts according to space you have. Be creative to get the prescribed work-out done.

Sprint Sessions for 1 hour groups should go for 15-20 minutes, Sprint Sessions for 1 ½ groups should go for 25 minutes

Group Sprint Groups By Age, Skill Level, and Sport!

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Schuman’s Speed Center Sprint Area



Sprinting is done to Left of Agility Stations if Track is Not Available



20 yard Pro Shuttle test if Track Available. If not use Blacktop or Field

Sprinting Coach is done to Right of Agility Stations if Track is Not Available

Sprinting done on track area if available Start

Sprint in groups based on skill level, age, and sport preference if possible

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Sport Training:: Sport Specific Specific Training Take 2 minute break after sprinting. If time permits put into sport specific groups. • Group Football/Soccer/Lacrosse/Field Hockey together • Group Basketball/Volleyball/B aseball/Softball together • Basketball can go with the football group depending on drills Put the groups into the areas where the agility stations were held. Do Sport Specific Work depending on how much time is left. 5-10 minutes is generally enough for the 1 hour long group and 15 minutes is enough for the 1 ½ hour groups.

W a rm-Down: Warm-Down: • •

Bring Kids Back into Circle For Warm Dow n Recap Session and Solicit Feedback as Warm-Down ends. Let kids go, encourage them and let them know they are doing a great job and we look forward to seeing them at the next session.

Dynamic Warmup



Dynamic Warmup: Athletes positioned in a circle on athletic field Coach(es) are positioned inside the circle

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


2. Overall 60 Day Program * Note: Set up 2 Stations for 1 hr program and 4 stations for 1 ½ hour program, only cover 2 stations for any group, so break up the athletes accordingly: Type Exercises Timeframe Discipline- Week One: Day One: Test Day Warm-up



20 yard dash 40 yard dash 20 yard shuttle 3 cone drill Vertical Jump Broad Jump none

20 minutes DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23 Time Each One and measure each one: 50 minutes 20 yard dash can be taken as a split of the 40. Give two attempts per athlete for each test. Record Results on Attached Sheet Per Athlete and Send all Final Results to us with Assessments.

Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities Sprinting/Sprint none Conditioning Sport Specific none Warm-Down


WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5,WD6,WD7 20 minutes/Review ,WD8 days Session

We will send athletes all test results for program to their house so they can see their results and where they compare to other athletes in their age group and sport.

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline- Week One: Day Three: Hard Day/Assessment Program learning Warm-up





DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW1 0 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23 SS2

15 minutes

WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5 ,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Sprinting Form, Quickness Drills Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

20 yard shuttle drill and learning 4 cone drill and learning 3 cone drill and learning

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific

Short sprints


Lacrosse-Cutting Drills, First Step Football- Cutting Drills, First Step Soccer/Field Hockey- Cutting Drills, First Step Basketball- Cutting Drills, First Step Baseball/Softball-First Step Volleyball-First Step Stretching

20 minutes 20 Station 1:DM1,DM2,DM3,DM4,DM minutes 5 Station3: PASR1, 4CD1,3CD1 Station 4: SC1,SCH1 or SCH2 SS5 20 minutes Choose Drills from Charts- 5 minutes Coaches Discretion if time permits

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline Week One: Day 5






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4, DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9, DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,D W15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

15 minutes

Assessment/Testing none Q and A Stations Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific


Sprint Technique Lacrosse/Field HockeyCutting Drills, First Step, Weave Drill Football- Cutting Drills, First Step, Working Breaks Soccer- Cutting Drills, First Step, Acceleration Basketball/Volleyball/Baseb all/Softball- First Step, Mirror Drill Stretching

Station 1:PA1,PA5,PA8,PA11 Station 2: QL1,QL2,QL3,QL4, QL5,QL6,QL7,QL8,QL 9 Station 3: 4CD1,4CD2,4CD3,4CD 4, 3CD1 Station 4:SC1,SCH2 or SCH1 SS4

25 minutes Split into 4 groups if possible having each group cover 2 stations per period: • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and so on • On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

20 minutes

Choose Drills from Charts-Coaches Discretion

15 minutes

WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline Week Two: Day One






DW1,DW2,DW3,D W4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,D W9,DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14 ,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

15 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A StationsThree Specific Drills

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific

Speed Work



Working Breaks and Cutting for All Sports

25 minutes Station 1:PA1,PA5,PA8,PA • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and so on 11 • On Switch, Group 1 moves Station 2: to Station 2 Group 2 moves QL1,QL2,QL3,QL4, to Station 1, Group 3 Moves QL5,QL6,QL7,QL8, to Station 4 and Group 4 QL9 Moves to Station 3 Station 3: 4CD1,4CD2,4CD3,4 CD4, 3CD1 Station 4:SC1,SCH2 or SCH1 SS6 30 minutes Choose Cutting Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,W D4,WD5,WD6,WD7 ,WD8

5 minutes

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline Week Two: Day Three






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

15 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A StationsTwo Specific Drills

Station 1:DM1,DM2,DM3,DM4, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA11 Station 2: PASR1, TT1, ID1 Station 3-Group One:BH1, BH2, BH3, BH4 Station 3- Group Two: ID1,PASR1,PASR2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start

SS1, SS6

30 minutes

Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section

10 minutes

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning

Sport Specific


Show Football Sprint Start/ Sprint Conditioning Test Mirror Drill and Variations for All Sports Stretching

at Station 1 and so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5,WD6, 5-10 minutes WD7,WD8

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline Week Two: Day Five:






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

15 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Station Work Plyometric Jumping

Station 1:DM1,DM2,DM3,DM4, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA11 Station 2: PASR1, TT1, ID1 Station 3-Group Three:BH1, BH2, BH3, BH4 Station 3- Group Four: ID1,PASR1,PASR2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at

SS1, CS11 younger kids have them down Long Relays-CS16

30 minutes

Choose Cutting Drills From Sport Specific Section

10 minutes

WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5,WD 6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning

Sport Specific


Work Football Sprint Starts Speed Conditioning Workout Work Cutting for Specific Sports Stretching

Station 1 and so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline Week Three: Day One





DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 15 minutes DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW1 0 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

Assessment/Testing none Plyometrics, Q and A StationsQuickness, Full Station Work Agilities

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning

Sport Specific


Work Football Sprint Starts/Standing Start/Acceleration Speed Workout Work Mirroring and First Step for Specific Sports Stretching


Station 1: DM1, DM2,DM3, 25 minutes DM4, DM5, PA1, PA2 • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and so on Station 2:BH6, BH7, BH8, • On Switch, Group 1 QL8,Ql2 moves to Station 2 Group Station 3: TT1, 4CD2,4CD4, 2 moves to Station 1, 3CD1 Group 3 Moves to Station Station 4: SC1,SCH1 or 4 and Group 4 Moves to SCH2 Station 3 SS1,SS2,SS7 30 minutes

Choose Mirroring, and 10 minutes First Step Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5 5-10 minutes ,WD6,WD7,WD8

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Three: Day Three






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW1 5 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

15 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A StationsFull stations

Station 1: DM1, DM2,DM3, DM4, DM5, PA1, PA2 Station 2:BH6, BH7, BH8, QL8,Ql2 Station 3: 4CD2,4CD3,4CD4, 3CD1 Station 4: SC1,SCH1 or SCH2 CS12 for younger kids,CS14 for older kidsfootball, CS5 for soccer/lax/FH, CS6 for BBall

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1

Choose First Step Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,W D5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5 minutes

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning

Sprint Conditioning Full speed

Sport Specific

First Step Work



and so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

30 minutes

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline- Week Three: Day Five






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4, DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9, DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,D W15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

15 minutes

Station 2:BH6,BH7,BH8 Station 3: Group 1:ID1, Group 2: PASR1, 3CD1 Station 4: SCH1, SC1

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and

Assessment/Testing none Q and A StationsPlyometrics, 3 drills Quickness, Agilities

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific


Short Sprint SS5 Work/Accelerators Cutting, Mirroring Choose Cutting and for Sport Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section Stretching WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

30 minutes 5 minutes

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Four: Day One






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW1 5 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 2:BH2,BH4, BH5, BH7,QL1, QL2, QL3, QL4,QL5,QL8,QL9 Station 3: Group3:ID1 Group 4: 3CD1, PASR1 Station 4: SCH1, SC1 SS1, Station 4: SCH1, SC1 Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,W D5,WD6,WD7,WD8

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific





and so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

30 minutes 5 minutes

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Four: Day Three






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 2:BH2,BH4, BH5, BH7 Station 3: 3CD1, ID1, PASR1

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and

SS1,SS6 Station 4: SCH1, SC1 Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

30 minutes

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific





so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

5 minutes

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Four: Day Five






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 2:BH2,BH4, BH5, BH7,QL1, QL2, QL3, QL4,QL5,QL8,QL9 All Four Groups within Station

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at •

Station 1 and so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific


SS4, SS7

30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5,W D6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Four: Day Three Easy Day






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 2:BH2,BH4, BH5, BH7,QL1, QL2, QL3, QL4,QL5,QL8,QL9

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at •

Station 1 and so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific


SS4, SS7

30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5,W D6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline- Week Five Day One: limited Testing






15 minutes


• • • •

DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23 Time Everything! Give two attempts per athlete for each test. Record Results on Attached Sheet Per Athlete and Send all Final Results to us with Assessments.

WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5,WD6,WD 7,WD8

5 minutes/ Awards

Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific Warm-Down

40 yard dash Illinois Drill Vertical Jump Touch Down Drive Test or Other Sport Conditioning Test none

60 minutes

none none Stretching

We will send athletes all test results for program to their house so they can see their results and where they compare to other athletes in their age group and sport.

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Five: Day Three






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: PA3,PA4,PA5, PA6,PA7 Station 2:BH5, BH6, BH8 Station 3: 4CD4,PASR2 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific



30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Five: Day Five






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: PA3,PA4,PA5, PA6,PA7 Station 2:BH5, BH6, BH8 Station 3: 4CD4,PASR2 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and

SS7- Team w ith Fastest Time Gets Prize at the

30 minutes

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning


so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

End of Camp-$10 off any Training Products or Services

Sport Specific




Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5 minutes

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Six, Day One






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: Dot Mat Test Station 2:QL8,QL9,QL10,QL12, QL13 Station 3: TT1,PASR1,ID1 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific



30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Six, Day Three






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: Dot Mat Test Station 2:QL8,QL9,QL10,QL12, QL13 Station 3: TT1,PASR1,ID1 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific



30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Six, Day Five






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: PA1,PA3, PA5 Station 2:QL8,QL9,BH2,BH3,B H7 Station 3: T-Test, ID1 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific



30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Seven, Day One






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: PA1,PA3, PA5 Station 2:QL8,QL9,BH2,BH3,B H7 Station 3: T-Test, ID1 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific



30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Seven, Day Three






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: PA2,PA4, DM1,DM2,DM3 Station 2:BH1,BH2,BH3,BH4 Station 3: 3CD1,4CD4 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific



30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Seven, Day Five






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: PA2,PA4, DM1,DM2,DM3 Station 2:BH1,BH2,BH3,BH4 Station 3: 3CD1,4CD4 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific



30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Eight, Day One






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: DM1-DM5 Station 2:BH5,BH6,BH7,BH8, Station 3: PASR1,ID1 Station 4:SC1, SCH1 or SCH2

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific



30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline –Week Eight, Day Three






DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,D W5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,D W10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW 15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23

10 minutes

Assessment/Testing Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities

none Q and A Stations- Full Stations

Station 1: DM1-DM5 Station 2:BH5,BH6,BH7,BH8, Station 3: PASR1,3CD1

25 minutes • Groups 1-Start at Station 1 and •

so on On Switch, Group 1 moves to Station 2 Group 2 moves to Station 1, Group 3 Moves to Station 4 and Group 4 Moves to Station 3

Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific


SS1, SS2 (50%)

30 minutes


5 minutes



Choose Mirroring Drills From Sport Specific Section WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4, WD5,WD6,WD7,WD8

5-10 minutes

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Discipline- Week Eight Day Five: Final Testing






15 minutes


• 40 yard dash • 20 yard dash • Vertical Jump • Broad Jump • 3 Cone Drill • Pro Agility Shuttle none

DW1,DW2,DW3,DW4,DW5 DW6,DW7,DW8,DW9,DW10 DW11,DW13,DW14,DW15 DW16, DW18,DW19,DW20 DW21,DW22,DW23 Time Everything! 20 yard dash is timed as part of the 40 as a split. Give two attempts per athlete for each test. Record Results on Attached Sheet Per Athlete and Send all Final Results to us with Assessments.

WD1,WD2,WD3,WD4,WD5,WD6,WD 7,WD8

15 minutes/ Awards

Plyometrics, Quickness, Agilities Sprinting/Sprint Conditioning Sport Specific Warm-Down

60 minutes

none none Stretching

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Exercise Descriptions and Technique Descriptions: 40 - 72

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Dynamic Warmup: 40 - 43

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


3. Dynamic Warmup DYNAMIC WARMUP DRILLS Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. # DW1

Exercise Front Leg Swings *Drill Addendum DW1

Reps 2x15 seconds each leg


Side Leg Swings *Drill Addendum DW2

2x15 seconds each leg


Front Deep Lunge Steps

2x15 meters


Side Groin Stretch

Each Leg 20 seconds


Hip Flexor Stretch

Each Leg 20 seconds


PartnH eramstring Stretches

Each Leg 20 seconds


PartnQ eruad Stretches

Each Leg 20 seconds

Type Notes/Coaching Points Dynamic Focus on slowly swinging Stretching the leg higher and fastercan be done against a wall or with a partner to lean against Dynamic Focus on slowly swinging Stretching the leg higher and faster can be done against a wall or with a partner to lean against Dynamic Focus on taking large Stretching deep steps to stretch the front leg and the hip flexor-should be done in lines of several individuals going forward Static Move to the right to Stretching stretch the groin then to the left Static Step with one leg in front Stretching and other leg extended back stretch top part of quadriceps (hip flexor) Static Partner up and person Stretching one puts leg up while the second person holds the leg to stretch hamstrings and then switch: (substitute exercise is the hurdlers stretch for hamstrings) Static Partner up, one person Stretching leans on the other while the first person gently pulls their ankle behind their leg to stretch quad

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Calf Stretches

Each Leg 20 seconds


Arm Circles

Both Arms at a time 20 seconds, one arm at a time 10 seconds One Knee, Two Knee-10 seconds each

DW10 Back Stretches

DW11 Supermans

10 seconds 2 reps

DW12 Leg Cycling

10 reps each leg

DW13 High Knees

2x20 meters

DW14 Butt Kickers

2x20 meters

DW15 High Skips

2x20 meters

and then switch: (also can be done without partner which teaches balance as well) Static Lean against wall, Stretching person, or ground and stretch the back of the lower leg by slowly leaning against the wall and flexing the ankle Dynamic Bring arms slowly in a Stretching circle rotating them back and forth

Static Lay on back and slowly Stretching bring one leg to chest and hold and then two legs to chest and hold Dynamic Lay on stomach, slowly Stretching raise upper back and head while keeping abdomen, legs, and torso on ground, then hold. * note do very slowly Dynamic Stand against wall or Stretching fence; start with leg raise with knee bent as in ending sprint position; then quickly cycle leg back and underneath buttocks and back to original position. Each rep get more dynamic and quick Dynamic Focus on good forward Warmup arm action and running on balls of feet Dynamic Focus on good forward Warmup arm action, running on balls of feet Dynamic Focus driving arms Warmup forward and skipping high with drive leg.

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


DW16 March Walk

2 x20 meters

Dynamic Warmup

DW17 B March

2 x 20 meters Dynamic Warm-up

DW18 Ballerinas

2 x 20 meters Dynamic Warmup

DW19 Side Shuffle

2 x 20 meters Dynamic Warmup

DW20 Carioca

2x 20 meters

Dynamic Warmup

DW21 Tapioca

2x 20 meters

Dynamic Warmup

DW22 50% sprint

2x 20 meters

Dynamic Warmup

Alternate legs back and forth, skipping for 20 meters March using perfect posture and arm action, recovery leg should be brought high, while stayinf fully flexed, keeping the ankle close to the gluteus and dorsiflexed. When recovery knee is at the highest point, the ground foot should emphasize proper take off March like in normal marches, but allow the drive leg to extend in from of you after high knee block. Then paw down and drive hips through Slide side ways while allowing arms to raise in circular motion up and down like a ballerina. Slide sideways with hips low and back font like playing defense in basketball Carioca twisting hips and arms, crossing feet over in run Same as Carioca with shorter and quicker steps and hip swiveling Sprint half speed for 20 meters (focus on arms picking back pocket and swinging forward almost straight and coming up to neck level and focus on knees driving forward and turning legs over. Must run on balls

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


DW23 75% sprint

2x 20 meters

Dynamic Warmup

of feet and turn legs over fast. Remember to stay relaxed when sprinting.) Sprint ¾ speed for 20 meters (focus on arms picking back pocket and swinging forward almost straight and coming up to neck level and focus on knees driving forward and turning legs over. Must run on balls of feet and turn legs over fast. Remember to stay relaxed when sprinting.)

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



SSttaattioonn 11 PPllyyoom meettrriiccss aanndd Q Quuiicckknneessss Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise i noted. EEX XEER DO RC CIISSEE G OTT M MA GR RO ATT OU UPP:: D * do the drill right and get the coordination correct before moving quickly through each exercise # Exercise DM1 Up and Back

Reps Up and back 5 reps

Type Quickness/A gility

DM2 Right leg around the world

5 reps

Quickness/A gility

DM3 Left leg around the world

5 reps

Quickness/A gility

Notes/Coaching Points 1. Start at bottom end with left foot on L and right foot on R 2. jump to center landing with both feet 3. jump to top end with left foot on L and right foot on R 4. come back the same way First focus on hitting each dot and then focus on getting quicker 1.With Right Foot on R at bottom 2.Jump on Right Foot to center 3.Staying on Right Foot jump to R at top end, then across to L, and back to center, then to L at bottom and finally back across to R on bottom where you began First focus on hitting each dot and then focus on getting quicker 4.With Left Foot on L at bottom 5.Jump on Left Foot to center 6.Staying on Left Foot

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


jump to L at top end, then across to R, and back to center, then to R at bottom and finally back across to L on bottom where you began

DM4 Two legs around the world

DM5 Turn Around

5 reps

5 Reps

Quickness/A gility

Quickness /Agilities

First focus on hitting each dot and then focus on getting quicker 1.Start at the bottom right circle and then touch every circle with the both foot and then come back the opposite way touch every circle with each foot. First focus on hitting each dot and then focus on getting quicker 6.Beginning in the bottom Right go to center with both feet 6.go to top right and left as in up and back 6.turn around 180 degrees now facing the bottom 6.go to center with both feet 6.get to the bottom-just as you were at the top 6.finally quickly turn to face the top again First focus on hitting each dot and then focus on getting quicker

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


SSttaattioonn 11 PPllyyoom meettrriiccss aanndd Q Quuiicckknneessss Each iexercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G YO OM GR MEETTR RO OU RIIC UPP:: PPLLY CSS A AN ND D BBO OU UN ND DIIN NG G # PA1

Exercise Burpees

Reps 5 reps 3 sets

Type Plyometrics


Burpees extended

10 reps 3 sets



LeapinBgroad Jump using cords *Drill Addendum PA3

10 total reps



OnLeegged Bounding

20 yards 2 reps



TwLoegged Bounding

20 yards 2 reps



Speed Bounding

20 yards 2 reps



10 reps Rim Touchers/Goalpost Touchers



Vertical Jumps

10 reps




10 reps 3 sets


Notes/Coaching Points Standing in place jump as high as you can bringing knees to chest Standing in place jump as high as you can bringing knees to chest Put belt and cord on athlete 1, have coach or other athlete stand on cord and have athlete 1 jump as high and as far as possible. Have athletes bound from one leg to the other working on gaining distance. (can also do drill working on gaining height) Have athletes bound with two legs working on gaining distance. (can also do drill working on gaining height) Have athletes bound with two legs working moving as quickly as possible Have athletes jog up and try to touch rim or goalpost by taking off ; two legs, left leg, right leg; focus on taking off on landing flat rolling to balls of feet swinging drive leg up high and using arms to generate height Have athletes stand in place and jump as high as they can reaching to the sky Have athletes stand in place and jump high quickly tapping on wall or reaching

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


PA10 BoxJumping-two legs

10 reps



20 yards 2 reps each leg


PA12 BoxJumping-two legs *Drill Addendum PA12

5 sets


PA13 ConeHops *Drill Addendum PA13

5 sets


One legged hops

as high as possible and then recoiling and jumping consecutively for 10 reps Have athletes jump on to highest possible box they can handle with two legs or one and then have them step down and do it again Have athletes hop with on one leg covering 20 yards gaining as much distance as possible with each hop Set up three boxes of gradually higher boxes. Have athletes jump on each box then jump down then jump up on next box then jump down and then jump onto third and final box then jump down. Do 5 times Have 1 cone for each athlete, Athletes jump over cone side to side for 15 seconds and then rest. (variation athletes jump over cone front to back)

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


SSttaattioonn 22 FFoooott Q Quuiicckknneessss Each iexercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G GR RO OU UPP:: BBaannaannaa H Drriillllss Huurrddllee D # BH1

Exercise Quick Feet

Reps 5 reps, over 10 hurdles 5 reps over 5 hurdles 5 reps


SprintinQguick Feet


GraduSapleed Development


Quick Jumps

5 reps


Side Stepping

5 reps



5 reps


GeaSrhifting *Drill Addendum BH7

5 reps

Type Quickness

Notes/Coaching Points Set up 10 Hurdles 5 feet apart, sprinting over and in between hurdles Quickness Set up 5 hurdles 10 feet apart sprinting over and in between hurdles Quickness Set up 5 hurdles setting up hurdle two , four feet away, hurdle three, 5 feet away, hurdle four, six feet away, hurdle five, seven feet away Quickness Set up 5 hurdles, 15 feet apart, running up to each hurdle, exploding upward and jumping over and then relaxing, and then sprinting to the next hurdle and perform the same thing through all five hurdles. Quickness Set up 10 hurdles five feet apart each running over each hurdles sideways Quickness/Speed Set up 3 hurdles 10 yards apart sprinting to each hurdle and then accelerating over the hurdle and running faster to the next hurdle and then accelerate over the next hurdle and sprint 10 hurdles Quickness/Speed Set up 4 hurdles 20 yards apart, run to the first, run over and sprint all out to the second hurdle,

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Sprint-JumpSprint *Drill Addendum BH8

5 reps


run over and coast to the third hurdle, run and over and sprint to the fourth hurdle, coast 10 yards to finish Set up 4 hurdles 10 yards apart, sprint to the first hurdle explode up and leap over first hurdle jumping off one leg (like a lay-up), then sprint to second hurdle and sprint over and run to third hurdle and jump over third hurdle and then sprint and run over fourth hurdle to finish

SSttaattiioonn 22 FFoooott Q Quuiicckknneessss//C Chhaannggee ooff D Diirreeccttiioonn Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER GR RC RO OU CIISSEE G UPP:: Q Quuiicckk LLaaddddeerr SSeerriieess # QL1 QL2 QL3 QL4 QL5

Exercise One foot in Two foot in Three Feet in Four feet in Bunny hops

Reps 3 reps 3 reps 3 reps 3 reps 3 reps


Left leg hop

3 reps


Right leg hop

3 reps


Cutting *Drill Addendum QL8

10 reps


Forward Shuffling *Drill Addendum

3 reps

Type Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness

Notes/Coaching Points One foot in each space Two feet in each space Three feet in each space Four feet in each space Bunny hop through each space Quickness Left leg hop through each space Quickness Right leg hop through each space Quickness/cutting Start on left side of space, Step in with right foot, then step in with left foot, then step out with right foot, then cut off right foot and move across space the opposite way Quickness/Cutting Start on left side, shuffle across space to right, when you get across

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



QL10 Backward Shuffling

3 reps

QL12 SlalomJumps *Drill Addendum QL12

3 reps

QL13 Backward Run

3 reps

space break and shuffle across the next space up, then break and repeat across the whole ladder Quickness/Cutting Same as forward shuffling except going backwards angling with hips Quickness/Cutting Start at left, jump across space touch left foot in space and right foot outside the space, come across the next space angling hips and touch right foot in space and left foot outside space, repeat throughout ladder Quickness Run backwards through each space, keeping hips low and eyes forward

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


SSttaattioonn 33 A Aggiilliittiieess Each iexercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G GR RO OU UPP:: 33 C Coonnee D Drriillll # Exercise 3CD1 3 Cone Drill *Drill Addendum 3CD1

3CD2 Backward 3 Cone Drill

Reps 5 reps

5 reps

Type Agility/Quickness


Notes/Coaching Points Run to second cone, break right and go towards third cone, wheel around third cone and sprint to second cone, break left and sprint to first cone/finish lone. *note stay low and make cuts sharp and accelerate off each cut Run backwards to second cone, sprint and wheel around third cone sprint back to second cone and turn and run backwards to first cone/finish *note stay low and make cuts sharp

SSttaattiioonn 33 A Aggiilliittiieess Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G GR RO OU UPP:: 44 C Coonnee D Drriillll # Exercise 4CD1 4 Cone Drill: sprint-shufflebackpedal-sprint Cones 10 yards apart *Drill Addendum

Reps 5 reps

Type Agility/Quickness

Notes/Coaching Points Start at first cone, sprint to second cone, break right and turn and shuffle to third cone, turn and backpedal to fourth

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



4CD2 4 Cone Drill: Sprint-SprintSprint-Sprint Cones 10 yards apart *Drill Addendum 4CD2

Agility/Quickness 2 reps breaking right, 2 reps breaking left

4CD3 4 Cone Drill: Backpedal-SprintSprint-Backpedal *Drill Addendum 4CD3

Agility/Quickness 2 reps breaking right, 2 reps breaking left

4CD4 4 Cone Drill: Call out #’s *Drill Addendum 4CD4

5 reps


cone, break and sprint to first cone. *Stay low and make cuts sharp and accelerate off each cut Start at first cone, sprint to second cone, break right and sprint to third cone, break right and sprint to fourth cone, break right and sprint to first cone. (can also be done in opposite direction breaking with all lefts) *note stay low and make cuts sharp Same as other drills but you backpedal to cone 2 then sprint to cone 3 then sprint to cone 4 then backpedal to cone 1 *note stay low and make cuts sharp Sprint to # called start at cone one.

SSttaattiioonn 33 A Aggiilliittiieess Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G GR RO OU UPP:: PPrroo A Ruunn Aggiilliittyy SShhuuttttllee R # Exercise PASR1 ProAgility Shuttle Run *Drill Addendum PASR1

Reps 5 reps

Type Agility/Quickness

Notes/Coaching Points Set three cones five yards apart. Have athlete start at cone 2, sprint to cone three, break sprint back to cone one, break, sprint back to cone 2. *note stay low and

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


PASR2 ProAgility Shuttle Shuffle Run

5 reps


make cuts sharp, short steps before break and be under body Same as above, but with shuffling. *note stay low and make cuts sharp, short steps before break and be under body

SSttaattiioonn 33 A Aggiilliittiieess Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G GR RO OU UPP:: IIlllliinnooiiss D Drriillll # ID1

Exercise Illidnroiilsl *Drill Addendum ID1

Reps 3 reps

Type Agility/Quickness

Notes/Coaching Points You need 8 cones, see graph for setup. Start at cone one, sprint to cone two, cut and wheel around to cone 3, cut and run in and out of cone 4, 5, and 6 and then wheel and cut and run in and out of cone 5, 4, and 3 and then wheel around and sprint to cone 7 and then cut and wheel around and sprint to cone 8 for the finish.

SSttaattiioonn 33 A Aggiilliittiieess Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G GR RO OU UPP:: TT--TTeesstt # TT1

Exercise T-Test *Drill Addendum

Reps 3 reps

Type Agility/Quickness

Notes/Coaching Points You will need 4 cones: Start at Cone 1 sprint

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



to cone two, pivot and shuffle to cone 3 shuffle back to cone 4, shuffle back to cone 2, pivot and backpedal to cone 1/finish

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


SSttaattioonn 44 SSppeeeedd D Deevveellooppm meenntt Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise notedi. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G GR RO OU UPP:: SSpprriinntt C Coorrddss # SC1

Exercise Overspeed/Power Speed *Drill Addendum SC1

Reps 3 reps each way

Type Speed

Notes/Coaching Points Start at one cone let partner sprint for 7-8 yards then you chase, run for 30 yards, do three reps then switch with you pulling and partner chasing

SSttaattiioonn 44 SSppeeeedd D Deevveellooppm meenntt Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EEX XEER RC CIISSEE G GR RO OU UPP:: SSpprriinntt SSlleeddss # SD1

Exercise Power Development

Reps Type Speed/Power 5 reps Add weight to sled as necessary

Notes/Coaching Points Start from Football or standing start, explode and sprint for 20 yards (can do variation with 10 yards, 30 yards, 40 yards, or 50 yards)

SSttaattiioonn 44 SSppeeeedd D Deevveellooppm meenntt Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. EXERCISE GROUP: Speed Chutes EXERCISE GROUP: Speed Chutes # Exercise Reps Type Notes/Coaching Points SCH1 Small Chutes 5 reps Speed/Power Start from Football or standing start, explode and sprint for 30 yards (can do variation with 40 yards, 50 yards, 60 yards, 80 yards, 100 meters, 150 meters) SCH2

Big Chutes

5 reps


Start from Football or

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


standing start, explode and sprint for 30 yards (can do variation with 40 yards, 50 yards, 60 yards, 80 yards, 100 meters, 150 meters)

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Sprinting, Sprint Mechanics, Speed Training, and Speed Conditioning: 57 - 72

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


5. Sprint Development/Speed Development

SSpprriinntt D Deevveellooppm meenntt//SSppeeeedd D Deevveellooppm meenntt//SSpprriinntt M Meecchhaanniiccss The Speed Workouts below are meant to be used with discrection. If athlete is having trouble finishing workout, adjust workout to their ability levels. The key point with sprinting are below: Schuman’s Speed Center Sprinting System Includes: 1. Head is upright 2. Eyes straight ahead 3. Toes straight ahead or slightly inward 4. Back should be upright and slightly arched 5. Shoulders rotate with elbows at 90 degrees (pick your pockets) 6. Wrists should be loose and whip with arm action (hands should not go higher than shoulders) 7. Feet should be planted directly under the hips (legs have cycle action) 8. Legs and Knees should drive forward not up 9. Knees should be fully extended on follow through 10. On recovery leg should paw ground on contact 11. Feet should be dorsi-flexed and r unning on balls of feet (not toes)

The key point with starting for the 40 yard dash or any speed test are below: Schuman’s Speed Center Starting System Includes: 1. Drive leg should be positioned 4 inches to no more than 9 inches from starting line 2. Hand opposite of drive leg should be as close to the line as possible and turned outwards, and on fingertips 3. Back Leg should be positioned with front of foot even with back foot of drive leg and should legs should be shoulder width apart 4. Hand opposite back leg should be back and behind hips 5. Weight should be on balls of feet and y ou should fee like a cheetah coiled and ready to explode 6. Body should be positioned with head down and weight going slightly forward 7. Shoulders should be in front of body and slightly leaning forward ready to explode 8. On takeoff, you should drive back arm forward and drive off front leg 9. Drive out low and hard and explosive (stay low) 10. You should explode gaining ground with fast, driving steps 11. Keep head down and let body slowly raise itself up (do not raise yourself up) 12. Keep Driving forward with arm pumping

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


TTrroouubbllee S Shhoooottiinngg S Spprriinnttiinngg M Meecchhaanniiccss Below are Flaws in Sprinting Mechanics that Our Instructors Must Learn to Progress: Arm Action: If the athlete runs with tense arms, have them practice loose, swinging movements from a standing position. Remember to have t hem swing from the shoulder and keep the arms relaxed and at approximately 90° of flexion at all times. Think about picking your pocket! Although the arms work in opposite direction to the legs, they must be coordinated with the action of the legs for maximum sprinting efficiency. Body Lean: The athlete’s body should have a slight forward lean (no more than 4-6°). It is important to note that the angle of lean comes from the ground and not from the waist. The lean is caused by displacing the athlete’s center of gravity in the direction they are running and leaning and bending from the waist will interfere with the correct mechanics of sprinting. Foot Contact: Run on the balls of your feet! DO NOT RUN UP ON YOUR TOES!!! The toes offer no power or stability to the runner and if they run on their toes, they will not be able to run fast. Instead, have them stay on the balls of their feet and paw and push the ground, but don’t reach and pull toward the ground. Never reach your foot to the ground to sprint! Overstriding: Don’t have them reach and overstride to increase stride length, but rather have them paw and push the ground and let the foot land underneath the center of gravity. Any placement of the foot in front of the center of gravity will cause "braking forces" that will result in the body slowing down. Focus on cyc ling action of sprinting. The right stride for the right body is the most effective and efficient way to sprint. Understriding: Don’t take short choppy steps. Remember that quality sprint speed is a combination of stride length and stride frequency and one does not replace the other. Tension: Don’t try to power through a race or sprint effort. To run fast, stay relaxed, keep a loose face, hands, and body, running tight will slow you down.

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


W Woorrkkoouuttss ffoorr SSppeeeedd C Caam mpp SShhoorrtt SSppeeeedd Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. # SS1

Exercise Starts

Reps 5 reps

Type Quick Speed


Flying Sprints

8 reps

Quick Speed


40 yard dashes

8 reps

Quick Speed


60 yard dashes

8 reps

Quick Speed


Sprint Ladder



25, 40, 50, Quick Speed 60, 75 meters 6 reps, 75 Quick Speed meters


Sprint Relays

5 sets-40 yards

Quick Speed


Short Suicides

5 sets-

Quick Speed

Notes/Coaching Points Concentrate on driving out low and hard Jog 10 yards then hit starting line and sprint 30 yards (variations can be done with 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 yard sprints From starting or rolling position From starting or rolling position From starting or rolling position Sprint to first 25 meters, sprint harder to next 25 meters, and sprint harder to final 25 meters. * lift knees and drive arms harder through each 25 meters 4 to a team, sprint 40 yards tag teammate he sprints 40, tag teammate, he sprints 40, tag teammate, he sprints 40 to finish. Time teams and let team know who ran fastest 5 yards up and back, 10 yards up and back, 15 yards up and back, 20 yards up and back

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


C Coonnddiittiioonniinngg SSppeeeedd D Deevveellooppm meenntt Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. # Exercise Reps Type Notes/Coaching Points CS6 150 meter 8 reps Speed From Starting or Rolling dashes Conditioning Position CS7 200 meter 6 reps Speed From Starting or Rolling dashes Conditioning Position CS8 300 meter 4 reps Speed From Starting or Rolling dashes Conditioning Position From Starting or Rolling CS9 Low to High 50,100,150, 200, Speed 250 Conditioning Position Sprint Ladder From Starting or Rolling CS1 High to Low 250,200,150,100, Speed 50 Conditioning Position 0 Sprint Ladder CS1 300 yard 2 sets of 2 reps Speed 60 yards up 60 back 60 up 1 shuttle test Conditioning 60 back 60 up. 2 minute break run shuttle test again Time shuttles and give results CS1 Suicides Speed 50 yards up and back, 75 3 reps 2 Conditioning yards up and back, 100 yards up and back CS1 3

Long Relays

3 reps

Speed Conditioning

CS1 4

Touchdown Drive Test

1 set

Speed Conditioning


1 set Soccer/ Lacrosse/ Field Hockey Conditioning test

Speed Conditioning

200 yards (meters) relays with 2 members to a team, each team member runs tags next team member to finish. Time teams and give results 10- 40 yard with 30 second rest in between each dash. Time each one then add up times and divided by best time*10 {Sum=(sprint 1+sprint 2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)/(B est 40*10) } 15- 30 yard with 20 second rest in between each dash. Time each one then add up times and divided by best time*10

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



1 set Basketball Conditioning Test

Speed Conditioning

{Sum=(sprint 1+sprint 2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 +12+13+14+15)/(Best 30*15) } 20- 20 yard dashes with 10 second rest in between each dash. Time each one then add up times and divided by best time*10 {Sum=(sprint 1+sprint 2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 +12+13+14+15)/(Best 30*15) }

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


6. Sport Specific Drills Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted.

F Fiirrsstt SStteepp W Woorrkk F Foooottbbaallll #




FBFS1 Stance Explosion

10 reps

First Step


Back Step

10 reps

First Step

QB drop

5 reps

First Step

DB Break

5 reps

First Step


LB First Step

5 reps

First Step

Notes/Coaching Points One step, 5 yards and 10 yard variations For Lineman pass sets 3 step, 5 step, 7 step drop DB or WR start from Stand still or stance and breaks forward or off line ( for DB’s Variation can be to back pedal) Linebacker step to hole from stance (variation can retreat into drop)

F Fiirrsstt SStteepp W Woorrkk LLaaccrroossssee//F Fiieelldd H Hoocckkeeyy//SSoocccceerr #





Jab left Sprint Right

5 reps

First Step

Notes/Coaching Points Jab step to left and then dart/sprint to right cone 10 yards (do opposite where jab right and sprint to left 10 yard)

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Defend and Move

5 reps

First Step

Defend Cone 2 seconds and then sprint to next cone 5 yards away



BBFS1 Fake Left Go Right

5 reps

First Step

BBFS2 Defend and Move

5 reps

First Step

Notes/Coaching Points Step to left and sprint back to zone area on right 5 -10 yards Defend Cone 2 seconds shuffle and then sprint to next cone 5 yards away




BSFS1 Break Left, Break Right

5 reps

First Step


5 reps

First Step



5 reps

First Step

F Fiirrsstt SStteepp W Woorrkk B Baasskkeettbbaallll #


F Fiirrsstt SStteepp W Woorrkk B Baasseebbaallll//SSoofttbbaallll f #

Break up, Break Back

Notes/Coaching Points On command break to left 5 yards and then on command break to right Same as above but break forward 5 yards or break back 5 yards

F Fiirrsstt SStteepp W Woorrkk V Voolllleeyybbaallll #


VBFS1 Step and Jump

Notes/Coaching Points Set up two cones 3 yards apart, Athlete

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


VBFS2 Break up, Break Back

5 reps

First Step




FBCB1 Weaver Drill *Drill Addendum FBCB1

5 reps

Cutting and Breaking

FBCB2 Run, Backpedal, Run

5 reps

Cutting and Breaking

FBCB3 DB Agility Drill

3 reps

Cutting and Breaking

must sprint to cone two, get themselves gathered in Volleyball Spike or Blocking position and and jump as high as possible Same as above but break forward 5 yards or break back 5 yards

C Cuuttttiinngg aanndd B Brreeaakkiinngg F Foooottbbaallll #

*Drill Addendum FBCB3

Notes/Coaching Points Set up 6 cones, weave in and out of cones breaking off outside foot Set up 2 cones 10 yards apart, start from farthest cone, sprint forward when get to cone backpedal, when come to back cone run forward Set up 5 cones, three in front and two in back. Set the two in front 5 yards apart, set the three in back 5 yards apart

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


C Cuuttttiinngg aanndd B Brreeaakkiinngg B Baasskkeettbbaallll #




BBCB1 Weaver Drill *Drill Addendum BBCB1

5 reps

Cutting and Breaking

BBCB2 Shuffle, Run, Shuffle

5 reps

Cutting and Breaking

Notes/Coaching Points Set up 6 cones, weave in and out of cones breaking off outside foot Set up 2 cones 10 yards apart, start from farthest cone, Shuffle toward first cone, when get to cone turn and run back, when get to cone shuffle back to first cone.

C Cuuttttiinngg aanndd B Brreeaakkiinngg LLaaccrroossssee//F Hoocckkeeyy//SSoocccceerr Fiieelldd H #





Weaver Drill *Drill Addendum LCB1

5 reps

Cutting and Breaking


Shuffle, Run, Shuffle

5 reps

Cutting and Breaking


Skill Athlete A gility

3 reps

Cutting and

Notes/Coaching Points Set up 6 cones, weave in and out of cones breaking off outside foot Set up 2 cones 10 yards apart, start from farthest cone, Shuffle toward first cone, when get to cone turn and run back, when get to cone shuffle back to first cone. Set up 5 cones,

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Drill *Drill Addendum LCB3

three in front and two in back. Set the two in front 5 yards apart, set the three in back 5 yards apart

C Cuuttttiinngg aanndd B Brreeaakkiinngg V Voolllleeyybbaallll #




VBCB1 Step, Sprint, Jump

5 reps

VBCB2 Shuffle, Run, Shuffle

5 reps

Notes/Coaching Points Cutting and Set up 4 cones, Breaking Cone #1 is set up 1 yard from Cone #2, Cone #2 is 3 yards from Cone #3, and Cone # 3 is 2 yards from Cone #4. Athlete Steps to cone #2, sprints to cone #3, gathers themselves and jumps like a block or spike at cone #4 Cutting and Set up 2 cones 10 Breaking yards apart, start from farthest cone, Shuffle toward first cone, when get to cone turn and run back, when get to cone shuffle back to first cone.

M Miirrrroorriinngg F Foooottbbaallll #


FBCB1 One on One Mirroring-Shuffling



5 reps


Notes/Coaching Points Set up two cones 5 yards apart, two

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


FBCB2 One on One Mirroring-Sprinting

5 reps


FBCB3 DL/OL Blitz and Block Mirror Drill

3 reps


people work together and mirror each other shuffling. Line up opposite of each other one guys picks a path and sprints and the other person mirrors him staying in his hip pocket. 5 seconds of mirroring Have DL Lineman line up in stance and blitz within two cones, OL must mirror DL without engaging him

M Miirrrroorriinngg B Baasskkeettbbaallll #





One on One Mirroring-Shuffling

5 reps




5 reps


Notes/Coaching Points Set up two cones 5 yards apart, two people work together and mirror each other shuffling.

M Miirrrroorriinngg LLaaccrroossssee//F Fiieelldd H Hoocckkeey//SSoocccceerr y #


FBCB2 One on One Mirroring-Sprinting

Notes/Coaching Points Line up opposite of each other one guys picks a path and sprints and the other person mirrors him staying in his hip pocket. 5 seconds of

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.




One on One Mirroring-Shuffling

5 reps


Set up two cones 5 yards apart, two people work together and mirror each other shuffling.

M Miirrrroorriinngg V Voolllleeybbaallll y #





Shuffle-Jump Mirroring

5 reps



Notes/Coaching Points Set up two cones 5 yards apart, two people work together and mirror each other shuffling and then have one athlete leap to spike and have the other athlete set up to block. 5 reps each then switch


FFiinnaall W Waarrm mD Doow wnn Get in Circle and Perform Stretches that will cool down the athlete and loosen them up for the next day of training. Each exercise is labeled and corresponds to the work out above unless otherwise noted. # Exercise Reps Type Notes/Coaching Points WD1 Side Groin Stretch Each Leg 20 Static Move to the right to seconds Stretching stretch the groin then to the left

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Hip Flexor Stretch

Each Leg 20 seconds


Partner Hamstring Stretches

Each Leg 20 seconds


Partner Quad Stretches

Each Leg 20 seconds


Calf Stretches

Each Leg 20 seconds


Arm Circles


Back Stretches

Both Arms at a time 20 seconds, one arm at a time 10 seconds One Knee, Two Knee-10 seconds each



10 seconds 2 reps

Static Step with one leg in front Stretching and other leg extended back stretch top part of quadriceps (hip flexor) Static Partner up and person Stretching one puts leg up while the second person holds the leg to stretch hamstrings and then switch: (substitute exercise is the hurdlers stretch for hamstrings) Static Partner up, one person Stretching leans on the other while the first person gently pulls their ankle behind their leg to stretch quad and then switch: (also can be done without partner which teaches balance as well) Static Lean against wall, Stretching person, or ground and stretch the back of the lower leg by slowly leaning against the wall and flexing the ankle Dynamic Bring arms slowly in a Stretching circle rotating them back and forth

Static Lay on back and slowly Stretching bring one leg to chest and hold and then two legs to chest and hold Dynamic Lay on stomach, slowly Stretching raise upper back and head while keeping abdomen, legs, and torso on ground, then hold. * note do very slowly

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Exercise Diagrams, Appendix & Descriptions: 72 - 97

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


7. Drill Addendums

D Drriillllss aanndd A Assssoocciiaatteedd D Diiaaggrraam mss A m Addddeenndduum TThhiiss aaddddeenndduum m iiss ffoorr ddrriillllss tthhaatt m maayy nneeeedd ttoo bbee eexxppllaaiinneedd w wiitthh ppiiccttuurreess.. TThheessee ppiiccttuurreess aarree aa vviissuuaall aaiiddee ffoorr ssoom e b o e d f t i h n e d r i l l s d e s c r i me of the drills described in tthhee pprrooggrraam m..

IInncclluuddeess:: 1. DW1/ DW2-Side Swings/Front Swings 2. PA3-Leaping Broad Jumps Using Cords 3. PA12-Box Jumping-Two Legs 4. PA13-Cone Hops 5. BH7-Gear Shifting 6. BH8-Sprint-Jump-Sprint 7. QL8-Cutting/Breaking 8. QL9-Forward Shuffling 9. QL12-Slalom Jumps 10. 3CD1-3 Cone Drill 11. 4CD1-4 Cone Drill 12. 4CD2-4 Cone Drill-Variation 13. 4CD3-4 Cone Drill-Variation 14. 4CD4-4 Cone Drill- Call out # Variation 15. PASR1-Pro Agility Shuttle 16. ID1-Illinois Test/Drill 17. TT1-T-Test/Drill 18. SC1-Overspeed/Power Speed 19. FBCB1/BBCB1/LCB1-Weave Drill 20. FBCB3/LCB3-DB Agility Drill/Skill Athlete Agility Drill

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Side Swings & Front Swings

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 1 Plyos - Leaping Broad Jump For Distance & Height

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 1 Plyos - Box jumping 2 Legs

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 1 Plyos - Cone Hops

Hop Back & Forth Over Cones

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 2 Foot Quickness: Gear Shifting Banana Hurdles Series

Sprint Over Sprint Over Sprint Over Sprint Over Accelerate Accelerate Coast Run FINISH

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 2 Foot Quickness: Sprint - Jump - Sprint Banana Hurdles Series

Jump Over Run Over Jump Over Run Over Sprint To Sprint To Sprint To Sprint To FINISH

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 2 Quickness/Cutting Cutting/Breaking Sprint LR Cut


Cut LR




Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 2 Quickness/Cutting Forward Shuffling





Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 2 Quickness/Cutting Slalom Jump



Jump R Jump L Jump R Jump L



Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 3 Agilities 3 Cone Drill 5 Yards Right Hand Turn

Sprint Wheel Sprint

Sprint 5 Yards



Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 3 Agilities 4 Cone Drill 10 Yards Shuttle 10 Yards

Backpedal 10 Yards



Start Finish

10 Yards

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 3 Agilities 4 Cone Drill 10 Yards Sprint 10 Yards



10 Yards


Start Finish

10 Yards

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 3 Agilities 4 Cone Drill 10 Yards Sprint 10 Yards



10 Yards


Start Finish

10 Yards

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 3 Agilities Call Out # & Sprint 10 Yards



10 Yards

10 Yards #4

#1 10 Yards

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 3 Agilities Pro Agility Shuttle Run 5 Yards

5 Yards #1






Start at Cone #2 #1 - Sprint to Left Touch #2 - Sprint Across to Cone #3 #3 - Sprint back to Finish Cone #2

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 3 Agilities Illinois Test/Drill 30 Feet #2


Start #6






30 Feet


Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 3 Agilities T-Drill 5 Yards

5 Yards #3

Shuttle #2


Sprint 10 Yards






Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 4 Speed Development Over Speed Power Speed



Over Speed

Under Speed Power

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 4 Sport Specific Drills Cutting & breaking Weave Drill Break

Break Sprint


• Stay low on breaks • Keep your hips underneath you • Break off outside foot

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



Station 4 DB Agility Drill Skill Athlete Agility Drill 5 Yards 5 Yards

Turn & Run





5 Yards

On Command Sprint Forward

5 Yards

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Sprint Test Assesments and Tracking: 88 - 96

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Phone: 1-866-Schuman Fax: 201-221-7605 www.schumanspeed.com [email protected] Developing Sport Specific Speed for Athletic Superiority!

Beginni g Sprinting Beginning Sprinting Assessments Assessments SPRINT TECHNIQUE POINTS: Athlete Name: Athlete Sport: Athlete Age: Athlete Gender: Athlete Name

Schuman’s Speed Center: Sprinting Assessment Guidelines

Rating: What Can Be Rate 1-5 with: Improved? (write notes here) • 1 Needs to Change • 2 Make more than 3 corrections

• 3 Make 2-3 corrections • 4 Make one correction • 5 Perfect form 1. Head is upright

Write in here your initial impressions of athlete from doing assessments.

2. Eyes straight ahead 3. Toes straight ahead or slightly inward 4. Back should be upright and slightly arched

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


5. Shoulders rotate with elbows at 90 degrees 6. Wrists should be loose and whip with arm action 7. Feet should be planted directly under the hips 8. Legs should move forward not up 9. Knees should be fully extended on follow through 10. On recovery leg should paw ground on contact 11. Feet should be dorsi-flexed and running on balls of feet (not toes)

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Phone: 1-866-Schuman Fax: 201-221-7605 www.schumanspeed.com [email protected] Developing Sport Specific Speed for Athletic Superiority!

Final Assessmentss Final Sprinting Sprinting Assessmen SPRINT TECHNIQUE POINTS: Athlete Name: Athlete Sport: Athlete Age: Athlete Gender: Athlete Name

Schuman’s Speed Center: Sprinting Assessment Guidelines

Rating: Rate 1-5 with: • 1 Needs to Change • 2 Make more than 3

What Has Changed and What Has Improved? (write notes here)

corrections • 3 Make 2-3 corrections • 4 Make one correction • 5 Perfect form 1. Head is upright

Write in here your final impressions of athlete from doing assessments. What has improved, stayed the same and what should athlete continue to work

2. Eyes straight ahead 3. Toes straight ahead or slightly inward 4. Back should be upright and slightly arched

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.



5. Shoulders rotate with elbows at 90 degrees 6. Wrists should be loose and whip with arm action 7. Feet should be planted directly under the hips 8. Legs should move forward not up 9. Knees should be fully extended on follow through 10. On recovery leg should paw ground on contact 11. Feet should be dorsi-flexed and running on balls of feet (not toes)

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Phone: 1-866-Schuman Fax: 201-221-7605 www.schumanspeed.com [email protected] Developing Sport Specific Speed for Athletic Superiority!

Athlete sting Testing Athlete Beginning Beginning T All All Sports Sports Athlete Name: Athlete Sport: Athlete Age: Athlete Gender: Athlete Name

Times or Distance

Schuman’s Speed Center: Athletic Tests

What Can Be Improved? (write notes here)

40 Yard Dash

Write in here your initial impressions of athlete from doing assessments.

20 Yard Dash (timed as a split of the 40 yard dash) Vertical Jump Standing Broad Jump Pro Agility Shuttle 3 Cone Drill

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Phone: 1-866-Schuman Fax: 201-221-7605 www.schumanspeed.com [email protected] Developing Sport Specific Speed for Athletic Superiority!

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Schuman’s Speed Center: Athletic Tests

Times or Distance

Beginning Test Times or Distance


40 Yard Dash 20 Yard Dash (timed as a split of the 40 yard dash) Vertical Jump Standing Broad Jump Pro Agility Shuttle 3 Cone Drill Sport Specific Tes t: (List Test) Sport Specific Tes t: (List Below) Sport Conditioning Test: (List Below)

Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Copyright of Schuman’s Speed Center 2003. Not be duplicated or replicated in any way without express written consent from David Schuman of Schuman’s Speed Center. This program is Confidential and is subject to all Copyright laws.


Phone: 1-866-Schuman Fax: 201-221-7605 www.schumanspeed.com [email protected] Developing Sport Specific Speed for Athletic Superiority!

David Schuman, Founder Schuman’s Speed [email protected]

As owner and founder of Schuman’s Speed Center, David has trained over 1000 athletes in speed, quickness and agility training and has trained numerous collegiate, pro and top scholastic athletes. His athletes and students have competed at the highest levels and have trained with him to become faster and stronger. His team training with Saddle Brook High School and Saddle Brook Recreation Football has netted two of the quickest and most talented programs in North Jersey. Both teams will be competing this year for league and state championships. He has trained numerous all –state and all-county athletes in softball, baseball, track and field, football, field hockey, basketball and soccer. His collegiate athletes all tested in 2003 in the top 5% of their associated position in their sport.

David has been a highly successful athlete and coach. As a coach David is currently an assistant on Saddle Brook HS 10-1 football state semi-final and league championship team. His defensive backs led the league with 21 interceptions and had several athletes make all-state, all-county, and all-league teams. He is also the associate head coach of track at Saddle Brook, having help led the boys to this years indoor county championships and his top girl athlete won the county championships in the pentathlon in 2003 and is second team all state in the triple jump.

As an athlete David prospered in high school and college. He was a starting linebacker on the University of Connecticut's nationally ranked football team and on the track has scored over 6400 points in the Decathlon in 2002. He was all-academic allYankee conference in football and received num erous athletic and student-athlete awards while at the University of Connecticut. In High School David was a State Champion High Hurdler and was nationally ranked in the Pentathlon. As a football player David was named First Team All-American by Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine in 1992 and was also named to several all-state, allcounty, and all-area teams. David has a master’s degree from the University of Connecticut and is currently studying for a second master’s in Physical Education and Biomechanics from the prestigious Columbia University’s, Teacher’s College. David's experience and knowledge has helped him to develop the best speed, power, weight lifting and conditioning program suited each athlete's need and their sport.

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