5S Audit Form
November 21, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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5S Production Area Audit Location: Date: 0
Not started; zero effort Activity started, slight effort
Check Item
5S No.
Detailed Audit Guide - Sort
STEP 1: Sort 1 2 3
Score: Previous Score:
MY office
Components, materials & parts. Machines, benches, cabinets & furniture. Tools, fixtures & other equipment.
Bulletin Boards
First Impression Overall
Widespread activity; however still many opportunities for improvement
Minimum acceptable level sustained for at least one (1) month
90.8 80
Best in Class results; Manager/Superintend ent review; Sustained for one (1) month
Best Practice; World Class; General Manager review ;Sustained for at least six (6) months
Description Average
Scored by: Me
Detailed Audit Guide - Straighten
6 7 8
Area layout Aisles, walkways and floor markings Documentation and Visual signals
Visual displays and storage
Specific locations for fixtures & tooling
11 Items on Floor 12 Hazmat Storage 13 Emergency Access 14 Equip. Maintenance
4 3 5 3 2 17
Machines, benches, etc. are arranged in a logical & neat fashion to promote a smooth product flow through the work area. Lines on the floor clearly mark aisles, walkways, work areas, storage locations and danger areas. Only current labeled documents and binders necessary to do the work are stored at workstations. Documents and binders are stored in a neat and orderly manner. Items are arranged, divided, and clearly labeled such that it is obvious where things are stored and if they are missing. Tools, gages and fixtures are arranged neatly and stored, kept clean and free of any risk from damage. They are located for easy access for changeovers. Few, if any, items are stored on the floor. Those items stored on the floor are clearly indicated with floor markings and labeling. Liquids, solvents, flamables, and other chemicals are properly labeled and stored. MSDS's are available. Safety devices are clearly marked, highly visible and unobstructed. Emergency egress routes are marked and exit signs, lights, etc. are in good condition. Equipment is properly maintained and labeled. Critical points for daily maintenance checks are clearly marked (fluid levels, etc).
3 4 5 3 2 4 4 3 4
Detailed Audit Guide - Shine
STEP 3: Shine 15 Condition of floors 16 Machines/Equipment 17 Cleaning supplies and tools 18 Cleaning beyond machines 19 Cleaning due diligence 20 FOD Compliance
All floors are clean and free of debris, oil, and dirt. Cleaning of floors is done routinely and at appropriate predetermined intervals. Routine cleaning of machines is apparent, there is no oil, chips, scrap laying on work surfaces. Glass view windows, guards, deflectors are clean & in place. All cleaning equipment (trash cans, brooms, floor sweep, etc.) are stored in a neat manner. It is obvious where it belongs and is easily available when needed. All equipment, benches, fans… everything in the area is cleaned on a regular basis, and ownership by operators goes beyond just the machine they run. When unexpected delays occur, operators habitually & automatically sweep floors & wipe equipment. Where applicable, FOD prevention procedures (QPD102) are enforced. All loose items removed before entering FOD prevention area. Shadow boxes kept clean.
4 3 5 5 4 3
Detailed Audit Guide - Standardize
STEP 3 TOTAL SCORE STEP 4: Standardize 21 Visual Control 22 Weekly/Monthly audits 23 Safety 24 Standard work 25 Methods reviewed
Display boards are present in each production work area and accessible to all personnel in the area. 5S audits are performed in each work area at least monthly, results are shared with all workers and goals for new levels set with action items. PPE notices are posted in every area and all employees are wearing the required PPE's. It is obvious that workers who perform similar duties, use standard methods to achieve consistent results. Methods are reviewed on a regular basis, and as new methods are developed, they are quickly documented and adopted by others.
4 3 4 5 3
STEP 4 TOTAL SCORE Detailed Audit Guide - Sustain
STEP 5: Sustain 26 Maintenance 27 Area Responsibility 28 Documents: Control 29 Work Area Visits 30 5S Control & Sustaining
5 Tot
Only the current levels of inventory in the area is needed for the work at hand. Scrap and rework items are placed in clearly marked containers. Only the necessary items to perform the work at hand are located in the area. There are no unneeded machines, tools or furniture in the area. All tools, fixtures and jigs in the area are used on a regular basis. Any items that are used less than once a day, are stored out of the way. No outdated, torn or soiled announcements are displayed. All bulletins are arranged in a straight and neat manner. Your general impression should tell you this is the best you have seen for a manufacturing environment.
Employees are adequately deployed to keep equipment operating properly. A Preventive Maintenance program is in place and functions at a high level. Each area of the operation, inside and out, falls under the responsibility of a manager with 5S auditing and assignment authority. All documents and binders are clearly labeled as to their contents. Responsibility for control & revisions is clear. Nothing is unlabeled. Responsible manager/staff person visits each work area on a regular basis and provides feedback on 5S efforts and results. Disciplined controls to assure each of above items is maintained at highest level. There is a sense of responsibility by all employees to maintain systems.
4 3 3 3 4
STEP 5 TOTAL SCORE Overall Average:
5S Office Area Audit Location: Date: 0
Score: Previous Score: 1
Not started; zero effort Activity started, slight effort
Check Item
5S No. STEP 1: Sort 1
Office Supplies
Desks, chairs, cabinets & furniture.
Documents, Files & Folders.
Bulletin Boards
First Impression Overall
2 Widespread activity; however still many opportunities for improvement
3 Minimum acceptable level sustained for at least one (1) month
Best in Class results; Manager/Superintend ent review; Sustained for one (1) month
Best Practice; World Class; General Manager review ;Sustained for at least six (6) months
Description Average:
Scored by:
Work station arrangement
Aisles and hallways
Documentation and Visual signals
Tables, shelves and cabinets
10 Closets and storage
Desks, tables and files are arranged in a logical & neat fashion to promote a smooth flow of information through the work area. Hallways and walk areas are free from materials, obstructions. Nothing leans against walls, and exits are clearly marked. Only current labeled documents and binders necessary to do the work are stored at workstations. Documents and binders are stored in a neat and orderly manner. Tables, shelves and cabinets are free of surface clutter. No papers or objects are sitting on top of cabinets waiting to be filed. Closets and storage areas are clean, well lit with clearly designated storage locations for all items. It is easy to find what you need, and return it.
STEP 2 TOTAL SCORE STEP 3: Shine 11 Condition of floors 12 Equipment and furniture 13 Walls, cubical and windows 14 Electrical Usage 15
Storage of Cleaning Equipment and supplies
All floors are clean and free of debris, oil, and dirt. Cleaning of floors is done routinely and at appropriate predetermined intervals. Desks, computer screens, and office equipment is clean and free from dust or soil. All office equipment is in excellent working order. All walls, cubical dividers, and windows are kept clean on a regular basis. Unsuitable conditions are promptly addressed. All electrical connections are within specifications, there are no potential overloads. Portable heaters and other appliances are used only in safe locations. All cleaning equipment (vacuums, trash cans…) are stored in a neat manner. It is obvious where things belong, and available when needed.
STEP 3 TOTAL SCORE STEP 4: Standardize 16 Standard work 17 Methods reviewed 18 Visual Display 19 Visual Control 20 Monthly audits
It is obvious that workers who perform similar duties, use standard methods to achieve consistent results. Methods are reviewed on a regular basis, and as new methods are developed, they are quickly documented and adopted by others. Display boards are present in each designated work area and accessible to all personnel in the area. Standard methods sheets and visual aids are present in the area, they are stored in neat and logical locations, with fast and easy access to workers. 5S audits are performed in each work area at least monthly, results are shared with all workers and goals for new levels set with action items.
STEP 4 TOTAL SCORE STEP 5: Sustain 21 Maintenance 22 Document Control 23 Area Responsibility 24 Supervisor Area Visits 25 5S Control & Sustaining
5 Tot
Only the current levels of office supplies in the area are needed for the work at hand. There are no excess forms, paper, pens. Only the necessary items to perform the work are located in the area. There are no unneeded tables, chairs, cabinets... in the area. Only the documents used on a regular basis are stored in the area. Old and dated material is removed on a regular basis. No outdated, torn or soiled announcements are displayed. All bulletins are arranged in a straight and neat manner. Your general impression should tell you this is the best you have seen for an office area.
Employees are adequately deployed to keep office equipment and computers operating properly. All documents are labeled clearly as to contents. Responsibility for control & revisions is clear. Nothing is unlabeled or unclear as to its origin/source. Each area of the operation, inside and out, falls under the responsibility of a manager with 5S auditing and assignment authority. Responsible manager/staff person visits each work area on a regular basis and provides feedback on 5S efforts and results. Disciplined controls to assure each of above items is maintained at highest level. There is a sense of responsibility by all employees to maintain systems.
STEP 5 TOTAL SCORE Overall Average: ###
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