Nakshatra 5: Mrigashira 53 0 20' to 66 0 40' of the zodiac akshatra : Mrigashira In the Sky Symbol: ;nteo$e's or ma 9Shakti *as orn #nder Mrigashira" and they *ere aso married here% residing deity is Soma" and the attri#te here is the mystic nectar that gi+es enightenment% &rahis$hati 9B#$iter *as married to -ara -ara #t #nae to gi+e her h er a chid or enightenment% Soma ecame infat#ated *ith -ara" -ara" tricked B#$iter into ea+ing her aone" and stoe -ara -ara *ho did not *ant to ret#rn to B#$iter eca#se she *as getting enightenment from Merc#ry% Merc#ry% -he gods inter+ened and made her ret#rn #t she *as $regnant *ith ddhi 9Merc#ry y Soma% B#$iter fo#nd Merc#ry charming and decided to father him any*ay% any*ay% e$resents the da*n of inteigence JUP as the ridge et*een -a#r#s -a#r#s C emini . 11112S6Story : ra8a$ati *anted to create ea#tif# eings to $o$#ate #t there *ere no eings yet so he *anted to fornicate *ith his most ea#tif# da#ghter" da#ghter" ohini% She did not *ant it so she t#rned hersef into a deer and ran a*ay% Mrigashira is that Nakshatra *here ohini has t#rned hersef into a deer and Ded% She does not #nderstand that he *ants to create $hysica eings and do it *ith the most ea#tif# of his ceestia da#ghters% Mrigashira has that kind of energy -he deity is Soma *ho is the god of the immorta nectar% nectar% -he Soma is the nectar of immortaity that dri$s do*n from the head or the cro*n chakra% It is in the mind" ike *hen *e reach those dee$ states of inner inn er iss and ecstasy% -hat iss of creation and e(istence" eing dr#nk *ith god is eing dr#nk on the Soma-here *ere o#ter manifestations of Soma% -he Soma *as kind of a +ersion of *hat they ha+e no* that *e kno* of ike ;ya*aska" magic m#shrooms and a that st# E% -hese kinds of things ha+e een in a c#t#res% Fo# Fo# can connect that o#ter e($erience of Soma to those dee$er states of a*areness% -his is the feeing of Mrigashira and it is act#ay reated to the deer that is dri+en y ecstasy and the ea#ty of creation% -his *as Gord &rahma7s moti+ation in $#rs#ing ohini" his da#ghter" da#ghter" to fornicate and create create eings to $o$#ate the creation% It *as not to get his rocks oE" it *as this nectar of immortaity-he deer is a ea#tif# symo in et*een -a#r#s and emini eca#se it is a fo#r=egged anima ike -a#r#s -a#r#s #t it is skittish ike a deer% It is aso +ery tactie and H#ite sens#a ike a deer *i sme the earth and en8oy the ea#ty of nat#re% -hese are a H#aities of Mrigashira%It is caed the *andering starJ" *here *e are *andering and searching for that ideaic ea#ty% ea#ty% It is that innocent search of a deer connected *ith the iss of the so#% Imagine a deer issed= o#t and en8oying ife #t a*ays *atching for $redators eca#se it is de.nitey $rey" $rey" a*ays skittish%%-hat is Mrigashira" the deer head et*een -a#r#s and eminiS611111122"raapati ecame osessed *ith his ea#tif# da#ghter ohini and chased her tho#gh this $art of the sky" changing forms for s*iftness% !ne of the forms *as the anteo$e% -o -o sa+e ohini" Shi+a shot an arro* thro#gh ra8a$ati sending him crashing do*n to earth" destroying the oneness of the >ni+erse%-he *ord Mriga re$resents
Nakshatra 5: Mrigashira / Mirigaseersham
forests" gardens" a search" a seeking to .nd" to roam ao#t in the forests and a h#nter" to seek" to aze the trai" a g#ide and $rece$tor% ;n erotic aEair" ea#ty of the co#ntenance *ith $artic#ar em$hasis on the radiant #ster of the face" eca#se of handra% -o seek as the $rimary characteristic of the star" to disco+er hidden treas#res after the ch#rning of the Sea" the Sam#dra Manthan of the ,ind# Mythoogy" the mother" mothery cond#ct that is to say materna instincts" sef=sacri.ce *itho#t ho$e of reH#ita etc%%handra is the ord of the mind" so a menta attit#de" good or ad" sym$athies and anti$athies" $atience and im$atience" the .dgetiness and $acidity" imagination" the gift of $oetry" $#rity" s*eetness and ight" $hysica and menta as$ects" a these come *ithin this star% Sh#kra and handra oth are femae grahas 9 $anets *ith diEerence that *hie handra is the Gord of motherhood" materna instincts and a that" Sh#kra is the ord of feminine ea#ty" the str#ct#re of feminine form" the $hysica e(ceence of *omen and a that% In the former there is eegance and dignity of the feminine *hie in the atter" the $hysica ea#ty and the #re of feminine form" *hich eads a mae ca$ti+e" dominates% handra is the ord of marine $rod#cts and of medicinesK that it *as from the sea that handra raised% ;nd it is to handra that the inD#ences and ca#saities ha+e to e tracedSoma is the Moon god" aso kno*n as handra" son of 1ar#na the ord of the oceans% !riginay Soma *as the god of ecstasy" *hose nectar *as amrita" the food of the ods% Soma and amrita is simiar to d#$a 9the Moon" So#mya 9a#s$icio#s ike Soma" the Moon" and ;grahayani 9day of the f# moon% -he Moon reDects the ight of the S#n" the eterna so#" in each indi+id#a7s mind/$syche%%@ittingy" Mrigashira7s r#ing deity is Soma" the Moon" and its r#ing $anet is Mars% >nder the inD#ence of Mrigashira" the mind 9inc#ding emotions and the #nconscio#s ream is ready to search" take action" e inH#isiti+e" and earn ao#t ife and the *ord" and for some to raise their e+e of conscio#sness% -he -a#r#s/1en#s inD#ence *o#d incine one to e more creati+e" sens#a" and dra*n to earthy $eas#res" *hereas the emini/Merc#ry inD#ence *o#d ead one to*ards more inteect#a acti+ities and $#rs#itsnti today" this is #nkno*n;fter the 1edic $eriod" the origin of Soma sank into oi+ion% Soma is aso the s#stance that is reeased from the cro*n chakra #$on reaching a state of enightenment 9samadhi% -his sho*s that it is $ossie to $rod#ce this s#stance o#rse+es% Gike ohini this #nar consteation has to dea *ith ecstasy and the en8oyment of ife% It can ring #neasiness" #t this is often the initiation to ne* e($eriences% -he sign Mrigashirsha can sometimes aso sho* a ack of $erse+erance%%-he consteation is associated *ith tra+e and search% It symoises the s$irit#a seeker *ith a romantic tendency" *ho is a*ays ooking for ne* e($eriences% -he s$irit#a $ath of -antra is aso s#itae for this consteation% ;our Strengths: -he Mrigashira O Mars O 1en#s comination $ro+ides an en+ironment from *here gro*th can take $ace oth in*ardy and o#t*ardy% -here is a great #rge to $enetrate the ream of materiaism and e+a#ate its $ros and cons according to one7s o*n #nderstanding% It is +ery im$ortant to #nderstand as *e as in+estigate that *ordy im$act of $ossessions on the ife of an indi+id#a% @or the $eo$e orn #nder this nakshatra" there is a tendency to*ards $ossessi+eness% ,o*e+er" yo# fee a dee$er #rge to get o#t of this *ordiness and #nderstand the tota $henomenon as a mirageK yo# soon get dissatis.ed and ook for inner consoation% I#sions and conf#sions cear *ith $assage of time%Mrigashira O Mars O Merc#ry $rom$ts an indi+id#a to discriminate his tho#ght $rocess and come o#t *ith a cear c#t $ict#re of his f#t#re $ans% -he $erson is o+ercharged *ith f#t#ristic tho#ghts and $#ts in a his energy *itho#t *eighing the r ea *orth of his tho#ghts% Mars O Merc#ry comination he$s him to o+ercome his Da*s% Mrigashira esses him *ith $ositi+e energy so that the mission is accom$ished%Fo# are essed *ith tremendo#s energy and it takes yo# a *hie to channeize this reser+oir% Fo# are aso#tey foc#sed and *ork to*ards creati+ity% Fo# #nderstand that yo#r $erce$tions ha+e the $otentia to create a ne* *ord on their o*n% !nce yo#r tho#ght $rocess is cear to yo# then yo# $#t in a yo#r eEorts to achie+e yo#r goas% rimariy" yo# eie+e in yo#rsef *hich is *hy yo# concentrate on yo#r
Nakshatra 5: Mrigashira / Mirigaseersham
$riorities and yo# hesitate to take s#$$ort from others eca#se dee$ do*n yo# kno* that yo# ha+e the aiity and $otentia to achie+e yo#r targets% -he moment yo# conH#er the heights" yo# are *iing to $ro+ide tota s#$$ort to anyone ese *ho *ishes to do so-here is a tremendo#s #rge in yo# to a*ays e($erience something ne* in ife% -here is an inherent dissatisfaction *ith yo#r e(istence and disorientation is created y de+astating e+ents% -herefore" yo#r entire energy *orks for correcti+e meas#res +is=P= +is diEerent sit#ations or e+ents% Fo# #nderstand int#iti+ey that a meaningf# ife can ony e achie+ed y going thro#gh the $rocess of d#aity% !nce yo# .nd a $ath for yo#rsef" yo# *ant to he$ those *ho matter to yo#%%;our Dra
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