5e lesson plan periodic table

January 15, 2019 | Author: api-264713930 | Category: Periodic Table, Classroom, Chemistry, Lesson Plan, Atoms
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Download 5e lesson plan periodic table...


5E Periodic Table Lesson Plan Time: 110 110 minutes (to be divided into two 55 minute class periods)




Marissa Beaith Janelle Ruiz

hemistr!" #eriodic Table


Standard: %trand 5: #h!sical %cience oncept 1: #roperties and han&es o' #roperties in Matter  nderstand ph!sical and chemical properties o' matter •

#*+: ,-plain the s!stematic or&anization o' the periodic table

Objective (Explicit): • •

%.B/T create a pe riodic table model (da! 1) %.B/T identi'! patterns in the periodic table 'or: (da! ) o Metal" nonmetal" metalloid amil!" &roup characteristics o o  /tomic numbers

Evidence of aster! (easurable): • •

reation o' a periodic table model (da! 1) ompletion o' a &raphic or&anizer2 where students are as3ed to list 'ive 3e! concepts learned and additional 4uestions the! ma! still have (da! )

Sub"objectives# S$%&T ('nolede# s'ill# purpose): •


*e! vocabular!:


1 atter" 6as wei&ht and ta3es up space 1 #erio #eriodic dic table table elemen elementt cards cards  Ele+ent" / Ele+ent" / t!pe t!pe o' atom (provided b! the teacher) 7 Periodic Table" / Table"  / model used to or&anize or&anize the  Blan Blan3 3 perio periodi dic c tab table le elements based on patterns and trends (provided b! the teacher) 4. ,a+il!-Group" olumns ( &o down) on the periodic 7 i deo clip" cli p" inte i nterne rnet t conne connecti ction on elements &ain protons and electrons (in a neutral https:""wwwteachin&channel https:""www teachin&channelor&"videos"periodi or&"videos"periodi atom) as we move 'rom le't to ri&ht across the ctable ctable  period + &to+ic .u+ber  umber o' an element on the periodic table ; &to+ic ass ass Total mass o' one atom o' an element $ /eactivit! /eactivit! /bilit! /bilit! o' an element to &o throu&h a chemical chan&e (reacts with another element) 00/evie (12+in)00 Review from previous days discussion on atoms, molecules, and elements. Introduce that day’s activity on elements (in the periodic table) -

Enae (5+in) 6ow do !ou or&anize thin&s?

or e-ample: Music on !our i#od2 clothes in !our closet2 school binders" comp boo3s2 ect

Teacher $ill: • •

irculate and ma3e sure students are on tas3
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