5e Critical Hit and Fumble Charts

April 24, 2017 | Author: Atilla Büyükurvay | Category: N/A
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Critical hit and fumble charts add another layer of variability to combat encounters. A natural 1 or 20 goes from being ...



Critical hit and fumble charts add another layer of variability to combat encounters. A natural 1 or 20 goes from being merely a miss or double damage to an exciting escalation of danger. These universal charts maintain an inherent balance between playability and overarching threat, so don't be afraid to add them to your 5e game.

by The Vulture GM

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Critical Hit Table Roll 01-05 06-09 10-15 16-19 20-25 26-29 30-35 36-39 40-45 46-49 50-53 54-56 57-59 60-63 64-65 66 67-69 70-73 74-76 77-79 80-83 84-86 87-89 90-93 94-96 97-98 99 100

Description Ludicrous Maneuver. All allies with Passive Perception 12 get +2 on next roll. Late Timing. As an immediate action attack the same opponent at disadvantage. Wide Open. Target incapacitated 1 round. No 1's or 2's on damage die. Guarded Strike. +2AC for 1 round. No 1's or 2's on damage die. Savage Chop. Ignore damage resistance. No 1's or 2's on damage die. Retaliation. As an immediate action attack the same opponent. No 1's or 2's on damage die. Ruthless Assault. Extra damage die. Defensive Strike. +4 AC for 1 round. Extra damage die. Traumatic Injury. Ignore damage resistance. Extra damage die. Victimized. Opponent provokes attacks of opportunity. Extra damage die. Calamitous Fall. DC 13 DEX save or prone. Extra damage die. Disoriented. DC 13 CON save or stunned for 1 round. Extra damage die. Dirt in Eye. DC 13 WIS save or blinded for 1 round. Extra damage die. Bleeder. 1d6 bleeding damage per round. Extra damage die. Rout. Attacker has melee advantage and the target has disadvantage for 1 round. Extra damage die. The Gods Have Spoken. Roll twice and take the better result. Momentum. As an immediate action attack the same opponent. Extra damage die. Great Hit. Ignore damage resistance. Double Damage. Inspirational Display. All allies receive advantage on next roll. Double Damage. Vertigo. Drop all items in hand. Knocked back 1d3 squares. DC 15 DEX save or prone. Double Damage. Perplexed Reaction. Target incapacitated 1 round, provokes attacks of opportunity. Double Damage. …and Stay Down. Prone and stunned 1 round. DC 15 CON save or move halved until rest. Double Damage. Astute Counter. As an immediate action attack the same opponent with advantage. Double Damage. Impaled. 1d10 bleeding damage per round. Stunned 1 round. Triple Damage. Conspiracy. The next hit landed on the foe is an automatic critical hit. Blinded 1 round. Triple Damage. Demoralized. Prone. Stunned 2 rounds. Triple Damage. Knockout. DC 16 CON save or unconscious. Prone. Stunned 2 rounds. Triple Damage. Final Strike. DC 18 CON save or die. Prone 1d4 squares back. Stunned 3 rounds. Quadruple Damage.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. THE VULTURES CRITICAL HIT AND FUMBLE CHARTS


Fumble Table Roll 01 02-03 04-06 07-09 10-13 14-16 17-19 20-23 24-26 27-29 30-33 34-36 37-39 40-45 46-49 50-55 56-60 61-67 68-80 81-100

Description Seppuku. Knocked prone. Disarmed 1d3 squares away. Stunned 2 rounds. Critical hit on self. Total Failure. Knocked prone. Disarmed 1d3 squares away. Stunned 1 round. Critical hit on self. Predictable Parry. Knocked prone. Disarmed. Stunned 1 round. Damage to ally (self). Bloody Mess. Bleeding 1d6 per round. Disarmed. Stunned 1 round. Damage to self. Gut Check. Damage to ally (self). Incapacitated for 1 round. In Your Face. Damage to self. Incapacitated for 1 round. Tipping the Scales. Opponent has advantage and attacker has disadvantage for 1 round. Mighty Disarm. Disarmed 1d6 squares away. Disadvantage 1 round. Terrible Maneuver. Nearest opponent gets a free attack with advantage as an immediate action. The Bigger They Are... Knocked back 1d3 squares before falling prone. Butterfingers. Disarmed. Disadvantage on next attack roll. Dropped Guard. Nearest opponent gets a free attack as an immediate action, if possible Vision Impairment. Blinded 1 round. Loss of Resolve. The next saving throw in combat automatically fails. Partial Blow. Half damage to self. Wide Open. Provoke attack of opportunity from closest melee opponent, if possible. Poor Karma. The next saving throw in combat is at disadvantage. Slow to Respond. No bonus action or reaction next round. Tough Recovery. Go last in initiative next round. Nothing unusual happens.

Optional Rules • Confirmation of Crit / Fumble: Roll a second d20. After a successful Critical Hit, a second successful attack roll vs. Armor Class confirms the critical hit succeeds. After a fumble, a second attack roll vs. Armor Class that misses the target confirms the fumble occurred. • Martial Advantage: Fighters, Barbarians, Paladins, Rangers, and Monks may add their class level to both Critical Hit and Fumble roll totals.

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Critical Hit Table Roll Description 01-05 Ludicrous Maneuver. All allies with Passive Perception 12 get +2 on next roll. 06-09 Late Timing. As an immediate action attack the same opponent at disadvantage. 10-15 Wide Open. Target incapacitated 1 round. No 1's or 2's on damage die. 16-19 Guarded Strike. +2AC for 1 round. No 1's or 2's on damage die. 20-25 Savage Chop. Ignore damage resistance. No 1's or 2's on damage die. 26-29 Retaliation. As an immediate action attack the same opponent. No 1's or 2's on damage die. 30-35 Ruthless Assault. Extra damage die. 36-39 Defensive Strike. +4 AC for 1 round. Extra damage die. 40-45 Traumatic Injury. Ignore damage resistance. Extra damage die. 46-49 Victimized. Opponent provokes attacks of opportunity. Extra damage die. 50-53 Calamitous Fall. DC 13 DEX save or prone. Extra damage die. 54-56 Disoriented. DC 13 CON save or stunned for 1 round. Extra damage die. 57-59 Dirt in Eye. DC 13 WIS save or blinded for 1 round. Extra damage die. 60-63 Bleeder. 1d6 bleeding damage per round. Extra damage die. 64-65 Rout. Attacker has melee advantage and the target has disadvantage for 1 round. Extra damage die. 66 The Gods Have Spoken. Roll twice and take the better result. 67-69 Momentum. As an immediate action attack the same opponent. Extra damage die. 70-73 Great Hit. Ignore damage resistance. Double Damage. 74-76 Inspirational Display. All allies receive advantage on next roll. Double Damage. 77-79 Vertigo. Drop all items in hand. Knocked back 1d3 squares. DC 15 DEX save or prone. Double Damage. 80-83 Perplexed Reaction. Target incapacitated 1 round, provokes attacks of opportunity. Double Damage. 84-86 …and Stay Down. Prone and stunned 1 round. DC 15 CON save or move halved until rest. Double Damage. 87-89 Astute Counter. As an immediate action attack the same opponent with advantage. Double Damage. 90-93 Impaled. 1d10 bleeding damage per round. Stunned 1 round. Triple Damage. 94-96 Conspiracy. The next hit landed on the foe is an automatic critical hit. Blinded 1 round. Triple Damage. 97-98 Demoralized. Prone. Stunned 2 rounds. Triple Damage. 99 Knockout. DC 16 CON save or unconscious. Prone. Stunned 2 rounds. Triple Damage. 100 Final Strike. DC 18 CON save or die. Prone 1d4 squares back. Stunned 3 rounds. Quadruple Damage. Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. THE VULTURES CRITICAL HIT AND FUMBLE CHARTS

Fumble Table Roll Description 01 Seppuku. Knocked prone. Disarmed 1d3 squares away. Stunned 2 rounds. Critical hit on self. 02-03 Total Failure. Knocked prone. Disarmed 1d3 squares away. Stunned 1 round. Critical hit on self. 04-06 Predictable Parry. Knocked prone. Disarmed. Stunned 1 round. Damage to ally (self). 07-09 Bloody Mess. Bleeding 1d6 per round. Disarmed. Stunned 1 round. Damage to self. 10-13 Gut Check. Damage to ally (self). Incapacitated for 1 round. 14-16 In Your Face. Damage to self. Incapacitated for 1 round. 17-19 Tipping the Scales. Opponent has advantage and attacker has disadvantage for 1 round. 20-23 Mighty Disarm. Disarmed 1d6 squares away. Disadvantage 1 round. 24-26 Terrible Maneuver. Nearest opponent gets a free attack with advantage as an immediate action. 27-29 The Bigger They Are... Knocked back 1d3 squares before falling prone. 30-33 Butterfingers. Disarmed. Disadvantage on next attack roll. 34-36 Dropped Guard. Nearest opponent gets a free attack as an immediate action, if possible 37-39 Vision Impairment. Blinded 1 round. 40-45 Loss of Resolve. The next saving throw in combat automatically fails. 46-49 Partial Blow. Half damage to self. 50-55 Wide Open. Provoke attack of opportunity from closest melee opponent, if possible. 56-60 Poor Karma. The next saving throw in combat is at disadvantage. 61-67 Slow to Respond. No bonus action or reaction next round. 68-80 Tough Recovery. Go last in initiative next round. 81-100 Nothing unusual happens.


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