5.Del Socorro vs. Van Wilsen, 744 SCRA 516, G.R. No. 193707 December 10, 2014

July 17, 2019 | Author: Ismael Nogoy | Category: N/A
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Del Socorro vs. Van Wilsen G.R. No. 193707 December 10, 2014 Facts

Norm Norma a A. Del Del So Soco corr rro o and and respo respond nden entt Erns Ernstt Joha Johan n Brin Brinkm kman an Va Van n Wilsem contracted marriage in Holland and were blessed with a son named Roderigo Noro Van Wilsem! who at the time o" the "iling o" the instant petition was si#teen $%&' (ears o" age. )n"ort*natel(! their marriage bond ende ended d on J*l( J*l( %+! %+! %++, %++, b( -irt -irt*e *e o" a Di-o Di-orc rce e Decr Decree ee iss* iss*ed ed b( the the appropriate o*rt o" Holland. According to petitioner! respondent made a promise to pro-ide monthl( s*pport to their son howe-er! howe-er! since the arri-al o"  petitioner and her son in the /hilippines! respondent ne-er ga-e s*pport to the son! Roderigo. Not long therea"ter! respondent came to the /hilippines and remarried in /inam*ngahan! eb*! and since then! ha-e been residing thereat. /etitioner "iled a complaint0a""ida-it with the /ro-incial /rosec*tor o"  eb* it( against respondent "or -iolation o" Section ,! paragraph E$1' o"  R.A. No. +1&1 "or the latter2s *n*st re"*sal to s*pport his minor child with petitioner. !ss"e

Whet Whethe herr or no nott Wilse Wilsem! m! a "ore "oreig ign n citi3 citi3en en!! ma( ma( be held held liabl liable e "or "or -olation o" RA +1&14 #el$ 

5es. 5es. 6he 6he depr deprii-at atio ion n or denia deniall o" "ina "inanc ncial ial s*pp s*ppor ortt to the the chil child d is conside considered red an act o" -iolen -iolence ce agains againstt women women and childr children. en. 7n additi addition! on! considering that respondent is c*rrentl( li-ing in the /hilippines! we "ind strength in petitioner2s claim that the 6erritorialit( 6erritorialit( /rinciple in criminal law! in relation to Article %8 o" the New i-il ode! applies to the instant case! which pro-ides that9 :penal laws and those o" p*blic sec*rit( and sa"et( shall be obligator( *pon all who li-e and soo*rn in /hilippine territor(! s*bect to the principle o" p*blic international law and to treat( stip*lations.;
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