5810_Manual (1) (1)
Short Description
5810_Manual (1) (1)...
Chapter 1 Survey of Tower Crane 1.1Survey Thank you for choosing the product of Huaxia Group. Please read the Manual carefully to know the tower crane well rapidly install and correctly use it. Please follow the !ethods and re"uire!ents of the Manual to handle the tower crane. #$1% tower crane is a new type tower crane &ointly designed 'y our co!pany and Changsha (uilding Machine )cade!e according to the latest version of *G+T#%,-/, Tower Crane Classification. The crane is a !ultipurpose tower crane with hori0ontal &i' trolley radiuschanging function top swing function and auto!atic rising function. The crane has the following features 1. 2ts functional para!eters and technical indexes are leading in China and up to international advanced level. 2ts !axi!u! working radius is #$!. 3. The crane has the 'eautiful outline and is very popular to custo!ers. ,. The crane has two working !odels the anchoring !odel and the cli!'ing !odel. The hoisting height of the anchoring crane crane is 4%! and that of the cli!'ing one is up to 14%! through adding standard sections and supporting devices. 4. 2t has high working speed good speed ad&ust!ent function and sta'le working state. 2ts swing !echanis! adopts planet reducer and its toprising !echanis! has co!pac co!pactt struc structur ture e and and high high effic efficien iency cy.. They They are easy easy to !aint !aintena enanc nce e and safe safe to operate. #. 2t has relia'le safety devices which are !echanical and electrical devices and are adapta'le to 'ad outdoor environ!ent. 5.2t has dou'le'ar hanging &i' with good rigidity and s!all weight. 2t has 'eautiful figure and s!all wind resistance. -.The ca' is installed separately with 'ig space and visual field. $ .2t has no center collector ring so as to prevent fro! rain short circuit and other failure. 2t is easy for operate to go through. 6or the a'ove features it is suita'le for high civil 'uildings 'ridges workshops and high wall 'uildings such as chi!neys.
1.2 Safety Notice of the Manual 1.3.1 The Manual is only for usual installations. The installation under the following conditions !ay cause da!age of crane and casualty of workers )7 The anchorage of the crane is not done done according to the Manual8 Manual8 (7 The space space 'etween 'etween two two cranes cranes is is less than than the space space in in 3.4.48 3.4.48 C7 The hoisting hoisting height height exceed exceeds s the stipulate stipulated d height height in the Manual8 Manual8 97 The &i' is not not asse!'led asse!'led accord according ing to the asse! asse!'ly 'ly !ethod. !ethod.
1.3.3 6or the change of crane parts or renewal of relevant standards and criteria the crane !ay has s!all changes. :e shall !ake co!ple!entary notice for the !a&or changes and shall not !ake that for !inor changes. Please check the Manual with parts na!eplates and overall structure outline.
1.3 Main Technical Parameters Please see 6igure 11 for !ain technical para!eters and see 6igure 13 for parts technical para!eters.
6igure 11 Main Technical Para!eters Load Ratio
Hoisting Mechanism
Swing Mechanism
Traction mechanism
Ma# $oading(t) Radi(s(m) Hoisting mechanism
Ratio S*eed(m+m in) Hoisting weight(t ) -ower(./ ) Swing Mechanism
Traction Mechanism To* Rising Mechanism
6an$ance /eight
Anchor height
Free standing height 4
5" m %i&
52m %i&
4'm %i&
' Ma#) Radi(s Min) Radi(s α=2 ")5 4
5" 2)5 "
α=4 2
! )5
/or.ing -ress(re3M-a
Length o7 8i&3m
6an$ance /eight3t
Tota$ -ower39/
52 !2)5 4' !)" ,4)"3:#c$(ding To* rising Mechanism -ower
05;04; 3
6igure 13 Technical Para!eters of Main Parts
Hoisting Mechanism
Hoisting Mechanis!
2te! which erodes the groundworB o the crane"
2"3"3 SaetA
de#ices are ,rohi?ited to adCust
shall taBe no res,onsi?ilitA or anA
accidents arising herein"
2"3"4 8hecB saetA de#ices and limiter switches regularlA to ensure o accurate and relia?le worBing"
2"3") radient hoisting or ,ulling is ,rohi?ited"
2"3"0 Aou must lower the crane or anchor it" +r> there maA ?e an accident" ;ower the Ci? rame o tower crane without wall-su,,orting de#ices to near ground and lower that o tower crane with wall-su,,orting de#ices to near ?uilding to," It can ?e reinorced ?A anchoring mast" ll these measures must ensure the Ci? rame o ree circling with wind" 2"4"3 he ma" swing radius o crane shall ?e o#er 3m awaA rom low #oltage aerial ca?le and o#er 0m awaA rom high #oltage aerial ca?le" 2"4"4 Ehen two tower crane worB at same time> the Ci? nose o the lower tower cra ne shall ?e at least 2m awaA rom the mast o the other crane" =e sure that in anA case the #ertical s,ace
?etween two tower cranes is not less than 2m" 2"4") he s,ace ?etween mo#ing ,arts o tower crane and ?uilding and its outer attachments should not ?e less than 1m" 2"4"0 here should ?e s,eciallA assigned ,erson to taBe charge o the crane" +ther anA ,erson is not allowed to enter ca? or o,erate the crane" he crane o,erator should ha#e s,ecial training and get o,erator license rom la?or authoritA" he ,erson ece,t installation stas or maintenance stas is ,rohi?ited to clim? the crane" 7urthermore> the o,erator should get on or get down the crane through ladder" 2"4"* he o,erator shall estimate the weight o hoisting o?Cect and worBing radius to a#oid o#erload or o#er moment" here should ?e s,ecial guider> who has o,erator certiicate issued ?A la?or authoritA" he saetA de#ices are or the ,ur,ose o a#oiding wrong o,eration" 2"4"' I there is strange sound during installation> to, rising or o,eration> sto, the crane immediatelA and checB it" all tests such as test without load> test with statistic load or test o hoisting load shall ?e done" nd all de?ugging o saetA de#ices shall ?e done" 2"4"11 oil cotton Aarn or other tinder in ca?" =e careul o ire when heating ?A electric o#en in winter" 2"4"12 #oid shocBing mast or damaging ,arts o crane ?A har, starting" Re#erse mechanism onlA ater motor sto,s and inertia disa,,ears" Sudden re#ersion is ,rohi?ited" 2"4"13 he gear with manA s,eeds shall o,erate rom low s,eed to high s,eed or rom high s,eed to low s,eed graduallA" J#erA s,eed should ?e o#er 4sec"> which is su?Cect to mechanism ,erormance> ,arameters> o,eratorDs sBill or relaA o mechanism" 2"4"14 not more than 2 ,ersons in the ca?" 2"4"10 when hoisting> no ,erson is allow to stand on ladder or ,latorm" Ehen the crane worBs> donDt adCust or maintain mechanisms or electric de#ices" 2"4"1* Ehen hooB touch ground> donDt loose hoisting wire ro,e anA long"
2.# $lectric Safety 2")"1 ter e#erA installation o the crane> maBe electric checBu, careullA and necessarA de?ugging" +nlA conirming e#erAthing is oB> the crane can ?e ,ut into use" 2")"2 =eore the crane starts to worB> checB the electric circuit" ter connecting ,ower su,,lA> checB it> cut-o ?utton and electric ?ell" 2")"3 he tower crane shall ?e earthed well" he resistance o earth-,late shall ?e not o#er 4 ohms" he num?er or earth-,lates is su?Cect to ield conditions and theA shall ?e em?edded in
humid land" I the land is not electric well> ,our some ?rine in the land" 8hecB the earth resistance once in s,ring and once in autumn" 2")"4 Ehen worBing at night> the mast> Ci? and tower to, shall ha#e lightings and the ield also needs lightings" 2")") ter installing the crane> the user shall i the main ca?le on mast ?A insulation iers at e#erA 3m ,oint" 2")"0 he electrician shall i the ca?le through u,,er and lower swi#el ta?les well" 8hecB the ca?le ?eore e#erA starting o the crane to a#oid loose" 2")"* 8ut o ,ower ?eore lea#ing ca? and locB the door o the ca?" ter getting down the crane> cut o the ,ower su,,lA" he o,erator shall maBe maintenance record and shit record" He shall tell the net o,erator a?out all ,ro?lems ace-to-ace"
2.% Notice to &ell'supporting (evices 2"0"1 I the worBing height eceeds the height o anchoring crane" Jm?ed ?olts in wall 9,lease reer to 7igure 1-1:" he ma" worBing height o anchoring crane with wall-su,,orting de#ices is 4&m" 2"0"2 he ma" hoisting height o the crane is 14&m" It hoists at 2 or 4 s,eed i the worBing height is less than *&m" I the worBing height eceeds *&m> it can hoist onlA can at 2 s,eed"
Chapter , Tower Crane Structure 3.1 Metal Structure 3"1"1 nchorage 97igure 3-1 4: he anchorage is the a?utment o the crane and is made o steel ?ars and concrete" he connection o anchoring ?olts em?edded in anchorage and tower crane ?odA shall ?e a?ricated strictlA according to nchorage 8hart" Re.uirements or anchorageK 91: he anchorage shall ?e near the ?iggest ,rea? ,iece" 92: he anchorage shall ?e as close to the ?uilding as ,ossi?le" 93: he surace shall ?e e#en with the e#enness error less than &")mm" he tower crane ?odA is connected to the anchorage ?A sitA ?olted em?edded in the anchorage"
3"1"2 Standard mast section 97igure 3-2: he cross mast section is 1"0mL1"0m" J#erA standard section is 2"'m long and theA are connected to each ?A eight M3&L33& strong ?olts" he section ?ar is made o 13)L12 S.uare tu?e steel" 3"1"3 Mast 7rame97igure 3-3: Mast rame consists o rame> hAdraulic to,-rising mechanism and standard section inserting de#ice" he mast rame co#ers standard sections and connects to lower swi#el ta?le ?A ,in ales" It is )"%'m high and its cross section is 2"&42m 2" It has a o,eration ,latorm or to,rising installation" here are eight idler wheels in its u,,er rame and inner rame to su,,ort it to mast ?ars" 3"1"4 ;ower Swi#el a?le he ta?le is in shell sha,e" Its ?ottom connects to standard section and mast rame and its to, connects to swing a?utment ?A strong ?olts" 3"1")
U,,er swi#el ta?le 9net weightK 1*4)Bg: he ta?le is in shell sha,e and there is a su,,orting ?ar welded on its let or installation o
ca? and a swing mechanism on its right" It also has a ,latorm and handrail" 3"1"0
ower to,97igure 3-4: he to, is in the sha,e o .uadrangular ta,er" he ,ull ?ars on the u,,er end o to, Bee, Ci?
and ?alance ?eam at ?alance" Its ?ottom connects to u,,er swi#el ta?le with 4 ,in ales" +n the to, there are idler ,ulleAs to enlace hoisting ro,e" +n the to,> there is a ,latorm connecting to the tower to, with ?olts" he ,latorm can ?e remo#ed" here is a moment limiter in the ront o tower to, and a ladder on the rear to the ,latorm"
17 0 0 5 1
0 0 5 1
22 '
' 2 2
5 ' 4 !
!)The reaction o7 anchorage is not $ess than )2M-a ) 2)The anchorage gro(ndwor. coDers Em) ,) The intensitC o7 concrete is not $ess than @,5) 4) The eDenness o7 anchorage is $ess than !)55mm) 5) The gro(nd &o$ts sho($d not &e we$ded3or *ac.ed &C wire ro*e) ,
') The intensitC o7 concrete is 2)4t+m )
A0 A ! 4
22 '
! 2 ,
4 !
5 '
' !
5 2 ! 5 !
4 ,
@arrier Ring
1( t ro(nd 6o$t
" !
6ac.ing -$ate
2 !
T(&e Stee$
45+?(enching and Tem*ering
,2 ?t
6igure ,1 )nchorage Groundwork
)igure 3'2 Mast
*($$ &ars o7 &a$ance &eam
0 . 0 8 9 5
" ! " '
2042. 0 !2
)igure 3'3 *over )rame
)igure 3'4To+er Top
)igure 3'# ,ib 3"1"* i? 97igure 3-): he u,,er ?ars o Ci? are made o seamless steel tu?es and the lower ?ars are made o N-iron" he cross section o whole Ci? is in triangle sha,e" It is 1"&0m hight> 1"324m width and )'m long" It consists o nine sections" Sections are connected ?A ,in ales" he Ci? has two hoisting ,oints se,aratelA on the third section and the se#enth section" Radius-changing mechanism is in the irst section or easA maintenance" i? root is connected with tower to, ?A ,in ales" nd worBing radius is )'m" 3"1"' =alance =eam 97igure 3-0: he ?alance ?eam is in trussed structure made o N-iron and angle iron in two sections" he two sections are connected each other ?A ,in ales" he ?alance ?eam is 12"0&'m long and 1"233m wide" here are ,assage and handrails on it" Hoisting mechanism and ?allast are on its nose and electrical control ?o on its root" he root o ?alance ?eam is connected to tower to, ?A ,in ales" he hoisting mechanism has its own a?utment> which is connected to ?alance ?eam ?A 4 ,in ales" he ?allast is 14"2t 9it is 12")t at )2m ,oint o Ci?> 1&"'t at 40m:"
7igure 3-0 ?anlance ?oom 3"1"% Jarth electric control ?o> and resistance ?o and ,ull ?ars on it" Hoist ?alance ?eam and use ,in ales to connect the ?eam with tower to," Raise the ?eam until connecting the ,ull ?ars ?A ,in ales" hen lower the ?eam or the ?ars to hold it" 8hecB Coints and assem?lA ,oints" t last> hoist two ?allasts to the rear o the ?alance ?eam" /oteK
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