576 Oracle DBA Interview Questions

January 30, 2017 | Author: pankajh | Category: N/A
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576 Oracle DBA Interview Questions 1) How to check privileges granted on a particular table? 2) How to check permissions given to a particular user? 3) How to Resize a datafile? 4) How to see the Installed product details of Oracle Database? 5) Find out the tables that are ANALYZED in the Database? 6) Show all Active Users in the System? 7) How to identify what a current user is doing? 8) How will I find the Count of Tables available in the Database? 9) How will we see the available ALL INDEXES in a database? 10) Show ALL TABLES available in a database? 11) Identify the Space Used by Tablespace? 12) Identify the Space Used by Users/Schema in a database? 13) How to find the OS Version, Database Version in Unix and Windows? 14) Identify the Reads and Writes of Datafiles in a Database? 15) Identify the SEGMENTS that are getting CLOSE TO MAX_EXTENT values? 16) Identify the SEGMENTS that are getting CLOSE TO RUNNING CONTIGUOUS FREE SPACE? 17) How will we display Archived Log Information? v$archive_dest 18) How to see the HISTORICAL ARCHIVED LOG information from a Control File? v$archived_log 19) How to find current archived log destinations? Archive log list 20) I want to know the details of BACKUP’s of ARCHIVED LOG files? 21) How to check the ALL ONLINE REDO LOG GROUPS and MEMBERS in a database? V$log-CURRENT STATUS, v$logfile-group&member details,V$log_history-history of logs

22) Show ALL DATAFILES of a TABLESPACE? V$datafile –ts#=v$tablespace-ts# or dba_data_files 23) How to find SCHEMA / USER SIZE in a database? Dba_segments 24) What is the Size of QOUTA allocated for a particular user/schema? Dba_ts_quotas 25) How to find TABLESPACE Usage in %, Blocks Used and Blocks Empty? Usage%:- sum(sys.seg$.blocks)*sys.ts$.blocksize*count(distinct(sys.file$.file#))*100 Total Available:- sum(sys.file$.blocks)*t.blocksize Total Used:- sum(sys.seg$.blocks)*sys.ts$.blocksize Total Space Remaining:- Total Available in sys.file$.blocks minus total used in sys.seg$ 26) Display all tables in current schema along with TABLESPACE and TABLE SIZE in GB? 27) How to find ROWS spread across different TABLESPACES and DATAFILES? How many rows are there in each DATAFILE for EACH TABLE? 28) How to Recover Data after the loss of Redo Log Files in Archive mode & NoArchiveLog mode? 29) How to Recovering After the Loss of All Members of an Online Redo Log Group? 30) How to recover table from DROP/DELETE/TRUNCATE commands in Oracle Database? Flashback table rman.rman_table to before drop; Flashback table rman.rman_table to timestamp (systimestamp –interval ‘05’ minute); 31) How to recover database when ALL DATAFILES lost in User Managed Databases? 32) How to recover DATAFILE when there is no Backup available? 33) How to Restore and Recover database to a NEW HOST using RMAN? 34) How to SKIP a Tablespace for Restore Operation in RMAN? 35) Explain about Restore and Recover database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode? 36) Explain Restore and Recovery of INDIVIDUAL TABLESPACES / DATAFILES?

37) How to Restore SPFILE from a recent Backup? 38) How to Restore an SPFILE from Older backup more than 7 days / upto specific days? 39) Explain about Restore POINT and FLASHBACK DATABASE? 40) Write a script to TRACK SPACE UTILIZATION of your Database over time? 41) Cold backup procedure and Hot Backup Procedure explanation? 42) How to check ALERT LOG in oracle 11g? 43) What will happen if Oracle unable to write ALERT LOG, CORE DUMP OR TRACE FILES? 44) Stop ALERT NOTIFICATION for a specified period of time as when you plan to bring downtime for the database? 45) What is Server-Generated Alerts like Threshold Alerts, Event Based Alerts? 46) How to view and change Threshold Settings for Threshold Alerts? 47) How to notify or send email Event in oracle from EM? 48) What are the mandatory Variables to be declared for LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT? 49) Solution for ORA-16014 ORA-00312 ORA-16038 ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files 50) Enable Archive Log Mode for RAC Database? 51) Solution for ORA-000257: Archive Error. Connect Internal Only, Until Freed? 52) Solution for ORA-16038,ORA-00354,ORA-00312 corrupt redo log block header 53) Recovering a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode 54) User Managed, Consistent Backup in Noarchivelog Mode 55) User Managed hot backup of oracle database 56) ORA-16018 And ORA-16019 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST with LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n 57) How to know dependent objects/which objects are dependent under an objects

58) RMAN-03002, RMAN-06059, ORA-19625 and ORA-27037 during RMAN archivelog backup. The problem happened because Oracle archivelog files were deleted at OS level. 59) What happens during oracle database hot backup 60) How to perform RMAN Incremental database backup in Oracle 61) I mounted remote location jupiter:/export/home/oracle on my local server as /export/home/oracle/remote and then I wanted to take RMAN backup on the mapped drive but it fails with ORA-19504: and ORA-27054. 62) How to take RMAN backup on a Remote Location? 63) How to extract data from a CORRUPT table? 64) WHERE Clause Fails with ORA-01578(Data block corrupted). This problem is caused due to a corrupted block in one or more blocks belonging to an index type of segment. Since the corrupted block does not belong to the table, some statements could be executed successfully if the information is retrieved via full tablescan. 65) How to handle Block Corruptions in ORACLE and How to Recover Data from Corrupted Blocks. 66) What is the solution for Solution of ORA-600 [4194] or ORA-600 [4193]. The problem ORA-600[4194] or ORA-600[4193] occurs when there is mismatch detected between Redo records and rollback (Undo) records. 67) Solution for ORA-600 or Data Corruption during database shutdown of RAC instance 68) Oracle data pump import fails with ORA-39002 and ORA-39322 during importing transport tablespaces? 69) Data pump import fails with ORA-29913 when used PARALLEL and REMAP_SCHEMA 70) Backup controlfile to trace fails with ORA-600 [2662] 71) UnixChk.sh fails with Host not found, try again 72) ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [dbgrmqmqpk_query_pick_key()+217 73) ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ldxite()+16] [SIGBUS]

74) ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [nstimexp()+28] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x58] [PC:0x107D6071C] [Address not mapped to object] [] 75) ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [osnsgl()+625] [SIGSEGV] [Invalid permissions for mapped object] [0x000000068] [] [] 76) ORA-07445 [MSQSUB()+32] When Select From V$SQL_PLAN 77) ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kotgtsch()+9] 78) Database Crash With ORA-07445 [_ndoprnt()+4]. Sorry, no swap space to grow stack for pid 6048 (oracle) 79) ORA-07445: EXCEPTION ENCOUNTERED: CORE DUMP [ASM_IO()+20] 80) ORA-27103: internal error when MEMORY_TARGET is set to greater than 3G 81) ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [SIGILL] [Illegal opcode] 82) ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump slaac_int unknown signal, unknown code 83) Drop user hangs or it returns ORA-01940. SESSION HANGS WHEN TRYING TO DROP A USER 84) Drop user cascade takes more than 1 day. Dropping a simple user takes hour after hours and after 1 day it is not completed yet 85) Clusterware Installation fails at the end of CRS on Red Hat Linux 5 86) Overview of Oracle Clusterware and Oracle RAC 87) ORA-00054, ORA-04022 while gathering table statistics. The following errors are reprted when executing DBMS_STATS procedures simultaneously in order to collect database tables statistics. 88) ORA-13503: Creating SYSAUX tablespace with invalid attributes. While creating SYSAUX tablespace manually it fails with error ORA-13503. 89) What is an Oracle database instance? Also, showing the steps in creating an Oracle instance? 90) What is OEM (including showing some of its contents)? Also explain its advantages. 91) What is OFA? Also, what is the reason and purpose of adopting OFA?

92) What are the usages of the control and redo log files? What kind of relationship exists between these two types of file. 93) Based on the logic structure (table, segment, extent, & data block) discussed in the textbook, explain how can a database table (e.g. CUSTOMER table which stores all customer data) be split and stored within the logic structure. 94) When creating an Oracle database table, the storage settings are optional, why? 95) What is the advantage and reasoning to include storage settings when creating a new database table? 96) What is a “role”? What are the advantages of creating and using roles? 97) Script to check list of inactive users or inactive sessions in a database 98) What is Dead Connection and Inactive Session and differences between them 99) What to do when we found in trace fil WAITED TOO LONG FOR A ROW CACHE ENQUEUE LOCK!. 100)

Name the different types of Constraints

101) What are the DDL statements? 102) What are the Transaction Control (TC) statements? 103) What are the Session Control statements? 104) What are the System Control statements? 105) What are the Possible Limitations When Adding Datafiles to a Tablespace 106) While connecting to oracle database it fails with ORA-12532: TNS:invalid argument like below. 107) It is used LDAP, sqlnet.ora entry is NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH = (LDAP) and Tnsping fails with TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name or TNS-12154 / ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name. 108) Troubleshoot ORA-12154 TNS-12154 TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name 109) ORA-28547 connection to server failed, probable Net8 admin Error 110) ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

111) How to find the User who is connected to Oracle 112) ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER 113) Troubleshooting ORA-2085 "database link %s connects to %s" 114) What is Connection Pooling? 115) In RAC database alert log reports ORA-00202 ORA-17510 116) RMAN-00571, RMAN-00569, RMAN-00571, RMAN-03002, RMAN-05021 117) ORA-00205: error in identifying control file. Whenever you try to start your oracle database instance or mount your database it fails with ORA-00205 error message 118) ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2141]. While starting up or shutting down the database it fails with oracle error message ORA-00600 119) ORA-01665: control file is not a standby control file. While recovering standby database, using command alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session it fails with message ORA-01665 120) Recover database after only lose of all controlfiles. You have lost all your current and backup of controlfile. You have avaiable your current data files. You have available your online redo log files. 121) MAXDATAFILES , DB_FILES parameters and ORA-00059. Whenever I try to create tablespace it fails with error message, ORA-00059 122) ORA-01667: cannot add any more tablespaces: limit of exceeded. If your database version is higher than 8 suppose 10.2g then when MAXDATAFILES of your control file reached then MAXDATAFILES parameter would expand automatically unless you hit bug. You can see the post here, New Feature of 10.2g Eliminate Control file Recreation However if you are before 8 then while creating any tablespace and while adding a datafile to a tablespace you may get ORA-01667: cannot add any more tablespaces: limit of exceeded 123) What you do if all copies of your control files are lost. 124) Both Data files and Online Redo logs are in tact

125) Data files are intact but Online Redo logs are lost 126) Data files are lost but online redo logs are available 127) Both Data files and redo logs file are lost 128) File size is not a multiple of logical block size ORA-00202,ORA-27046. Whenever you tried to start the database the database failed to mount 129) How to Restore the Controlfile from Backup. If you loss or if your all copies of control file is corrupted and if you have backup of your control file then it is required to restore your control file from your backup 130) New Feature of 10.2g: Eliminate Control File Re-Creation. Before Oracle 10.2g if we need to change the limit of MAXLOGFILE, MAXLOGMEMBERS, MAXLOGHISTORY, MAXDATAFILES, and MAXINSTANCES then the possible solutions is either RE-create new controlfile or create a new database. But from Oracle 10.2g all sections of the control file are now automatically extended when they run out of space. This means that there is no longer a requirement to re-create the control file when changes in the configuration parameter the MAXLOGFILE, MAXLOGMEMBERS, MAXLOGHISTORY, MAXDATAFILES, and MAXINSTANCES are needed 131) kccrsz: denied expansion of controlfile section 9 by 65535 record(s). The machine did not respond properly and in the alert log you the got the following. kccrsz: denied expansion of controlfile section 9 by 65535 record(s) the number of records is already at maximum value (65535). 132) ORA-01450: maximum key length (3215) exceeded. Whenever I try to rebuild index online then it fails with message ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 along with ORA-01450: maximum key length (3215) exceeded. 133) How to determine OS block size for windows or unix. In many times you probably have heard about set the oracle db block size as a multiple of the OS block size. But whenever you ask how I can determine or find OS block size for windows or Unix then many one get stopped. In fact this question is OS related. 134) Overview of Extents and when extents are allocated, When Extents are de-allocated. 135) Playing with Oracle data block size. I have experiment of oracle data block size with 8k and 16K. I performed DML operation against both 8k and 16k data block size. I

created two tables table_8k under 8k tablespace tbs_8k and table_16k under 16k tablespace tbs_16k. The summary of the experiment is bigger data block cause more time while update but less time while insert operation. 136) Explain Row Chaining, Migrating, PCTFREE, PCTUSE, Details of Data Block Format in Oracle 137) Advantages and Disadvantages of using smaller and bigger data blocks 138) DB_BLOCK_SIZE, DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE and BLOCKSIZE. First I want to say about BLOCKSIZE cluase in oracle. The BLOCKSIZE cluase is used to specify the block size for the tablespace. If you don't specify this clause while tablespace creation then standard that is default blocksize is used which is specified by parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE. 139) When datafile bytes size greater than maxbytes. From dba_data_files we can check the size of the datafile, the maximum size of the datafile it can grows if AUTOEXTENSIBLE option is set and their status with many other fields. 140) How to find Which Options are installed on your oracle database. 141) ORA-01295: DB_ID mismatch between dictionary USE_ONLINE_CATALOG and logfiles. While doing remote mining in the mining database through logminer START_LOGMNR procedure fails with ORA-01295. May be you want to analysis redo log files of the production database in the testing environment. 142) How to Resize a Datafile 143) Difference between V$parameter and v$spparameter 144) How to determine free memory and used memory in Oracle 145) Available Views for Oracle Wait Events 146) How to Create the Data Dictionary in Oracle 147) Archiving not possible: No primary destinations. Today I got a very interesting problem. The developer told me that they can't connect to database. It says ORA00257: archiver error. Then I log on to the database and it was ok. I asked developer it is fine. After some time developers again asked me they are having the same problem. I then look for alert log and saw the following stack of message.

148) What is Optimizer Statistics? 149) Table, View, Tablespace Creation Script in Oracle, In order to get definitions of view, table ,tablespace etc we can use GET_DDL function of DBMS_METADATA package. 150) How to check which option is not installed to your database. 151) ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 152) Causes and Solution of ORA-00376: ORA-01110:, Whenever I try to access a objects it fails with errors. 153) Troubleshooting ORA-00942: ORA-04043: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist, ORA-04043: object %s does not exist 154) Know how many database register in Recovery Catalog Views 155) How to create recovery catalog and use it 156) Startup of RAC database fails with ORA-01105 & ORA-01677 157) Diagnosis Oracle Logical Standby Data Guard Configuration 158) Error ORA-01555 on Active Data Guard Standby Database We have active data guard setup in our version of Oracle database. It is upgraded to version and now we see this ORA-1555 on the Standby Database. We can't logon to database with system, dbsnmp or other database users. Only sys as sysdba is working. Also we have investigated that we are running on system's undo Tablespace, - and not the one which has been created for undo. 159) Convert a Physical Standby Database into a Snapshot Standby Database using dgmgrl 160) Converting a Physical Standby Database into a Snapshot Standby Database Manually 161) Creation of second standby database using RMAN DUPLICATE fails with RMAN20242 162) Prerequisites for Oracle Data Guard Broker

163) Primary DB freezed with waited too long for a row cache enqueue lock. On Oracle database Data Guard with Broker configuration whenever there is an attempting to restart the standby in read only 164) While startup standby database it fails with ORA-01154. Whenever you try to open or shutdown a standby database it fails with error ORA-01154 165) ORA-01665: control file is not a standby control file. While recovering standby database, using command alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session it fails with message ORA-01665: control file is not a standby control file like below. 166) Impdp fails with ORA-39002 and ORA-39322 during importing transport tablespaces 167) Data pump import fails with ORA-29913 when used PARALLEL and REMAP_SCHEMA 168) List of possible errors that can be generated during DataPump Export job 169) UDE-00018: Data Pump client is incompatible with database version 170) Expdp fails with ORA-39126, ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small 171) Data pump export is hung /horrible slow - Bug 8467825 172) Data Pump export hang with INCLUDE=OBJECT_GRANT ORA-39029, ORA-4030 173) How to recreate or reload Datapump Utility EXPDP/IMPDP to overcome internal corruption 174) ORA-28365: wallet is not open 175) impdp fails with ORA-39174 or ORA-39176. You have transparent data encryption feature enabled in your database. You took your dump with expdp utility with the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter. Now whenever you try to import your dump without ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter you will get ORA-39174 error. 176) How to export table containing encrypted columns. Let's first check whether database has any encrypted columns or not by querying dba_encrypted_columns view

177) EXP-00107: Feature (COLUMN ENCRYPTION) of column is not supported. While exporting encrypted table using oracle export utility it fails with EXP-00107 error and encrypted table is not exported. 178) ORA-39097, ORA-39065, ORA-31643, ORA-19510, ORA-27045 Linux-x86_64 Error: 5. Oracle data pump export operation on database into CIFS file system fails with error ORA-39097, ORA-39065, ORA-31643, ORA-19510, ORA-27045 Linuxx86_64 Error: 5. 179) ORA-39029, ORA-31671, ORA-39078 received during Oracle Parallel data pump Import. Oracle data pump import operation is working fine without PARALLEL parameter. But whenever we specify PARALLEL parameter within the import statement it fails with this error. 180) Data pump fails with ORA-31626: job does not exist. Data pump export jobs failed with following errors: 181) ORA-31626 ORA-31650 while using Oracle DataPump export in RAC database. ORA-31626: job does not exist ORA-31650: timeout waiting for master process response 182) Restrict DDL on a Schema 183) Create Read only user for a Schema 184) Moving a Table to a New Segment or Tablespace 185) How to Export data to a flat file 186) What is the overall database sizeHow to Create and Use OMF. Enable the Creation of OMFs 187) How to Change Database Name and DBID? 188) DBConsole does not start due to TimeZone mismatch 189) EMCA fails with ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small 190) EM Daemon is not running. On windows whenever I try to start my dbconsole in one time during process it shows me message EM Daemon is not running.

191) Authentication failed!null. After upgrading the database containing dbconsole's repository whenever you try to logon to Enterprise Manager or DBCONSOLE it succeed but return with error 192) How to Change DB Control Http Port 193) Login to Dbconsole, Authentication failed!null Returned 194) An Stack of Problems while creating Repository using emca. In my database I tried to create repository and stopped several times while creating repository. I spend a significant amount of time to create repository and after analysis I got the following 195) Running EMCA Fails To Accept the DBSNMP Password. Today when I tried to create DB Control on my computer I got an interesting problem. 196) How to Access Database using Database Control 197) How To Drop, Create And Recreate DB Control In 10g Database 198) Troubleshooting DbConsole Error - OC4J Configuration issue 199) Java.lang.Exception: IOException in sending Request. this problem will appear if you just change the Time Zone of your system. 200) You must have CREATE TARGET privilege to perform this operation. In the Enterprise Manager main page (connected with SYS as SYSDBA or as SYSTEM), when I click on performance tab, it gives me following notification 201) How to get port number list of EM and isqlplus 202) In EM connection fails with ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix-only). This problem is notified on Unix system only. Whenever you try to connect to enterprise manager after giving host username and password as prompted it fails with message HostPassword - Connection to host as user oracle failed: ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix-only) 203) Options for Shuting Down a Database using RMAN 204) Does oversize of datatype VARCHAR2 causes performance problem. From the beginning of learning Oracle SQL you have possibly heard that in case of VARCHAR2 datatype it allocates space exactly what it needs. So if you allocates 4000 bytes of

VARCHAR2 data type and database needs 10 bytes only then exactly 10 bytes are allocated 205) Curtesian Join in Execution Plan 206) How the Query Optimizer Chooses Execution Plans for Joins 207) Index Skip, Full, Fast Full Index, Index Joins Bitmap Indexes Scan 208) What and when Index Scans is used 209) What and when oracle uses Rowid Scans in execution plans 210) What and when oracle use Full Table Scans in explain plans 211) Understanding Access Paths for the Query Optimizer 212) Optimizer Operations while executing SQL statement 213) How does one prevent Oracle from using an Index? 214) How to see Explain Plan from SQL*Plus 215) Export from 11g using exp utility version 9iR2 produces corrupted dumpfile 216) List of possible errors that can be generated during DataPump Export job 217) Exporting database fails with PLS-00201: identifier 'XDB.DBMS_XDBUTIL_INT' must be declared 218) UDE-00018: Data Pump client is incompatible with database version 219) Export fails with ORA-24324 ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION]. Database export operation fails with ORA-24324 and ORA07445 220) ORA-31693 ORA-01466 Errors During Datapump Export Using Flashback 221) EXP-00008: ORA-00904: invalid column name during Export 222) Data Pump Export Fails With ORA-39125 ORA-19502 ORA-27072 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable 223) EXP-00008 ORA-37002: Oracle OLAP failed to initialize 224) Export a domain Index fails with ORA-39127 and PLS-0030

225) Expdp fails with ORA-39126, ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small 226) FULL Export with AUDIT enabled fails with ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated 227) ORA-02298 cannot enable constraint - parent keys not found 228) ORA-39173: Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set 229) How to export table containing encrypted columns 230) EXP-00107: Feature (COLUMN ENCRYPTION) of column is not supported 231) DataPump Export (EXPDP) Client Gets UDE-8 ORA-31626 ORA-39086. Doing Oracle data pump export operation from client side reports error UDE-00008, ORA31626, ORA-39086 and ORA-06512. 232) Export fails with ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated. Exporting oracle 11g database using 10g exp utility fails with ORA-01406 errors 233) exp fails with EXP-00023 and expdp fails with ORA-31631, ORA-39161, It is needed to export/import full database. To export full database, "EXPORT FULL DATABASE" privilege is granted and to import full database "IMPORT FULL DATABASE" privilege is granted. Now while doing full database export/import, exp fails with EXP-00023 and expdp fails with ORA-31631: privileges are required , ORA-39161: Full database jobs require privileges 234) ORA-38760: This database instance failed to turn on flashback database ORA-38701 ORA-27037 235) Version Query Pseudocolumns, The version query pseudocolumns are only valid for flashback version query which are discussed on Flashback Version Query. 236) ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed, Whenever you tried to flashback of a table immediately after creating table and inserting data into it, or you tried to flashback of the table to a time or to a SCN before creating it then flashback table or flashback query fails with error message, 237) ORA-08189: cannot flashback row movement is not enabled, Whenever I tried to Flashback Table feature of oracle the following error occurs.

238) Can you use flashback database if a period of noarchivelog exists, 239) Flashback ON fails with ORA-38706 and ORA-38714, Whenever you tried to enable your database flashback feature it failed with errors. 240) How to get back dropped Tablespace using Flashback Database, It needs to remember that if you drop your tablespace with including datafiles option then it is not possible to get your tablespace back with flashback database. While dropping if you use DROP TABLESPACE INCLUDING CONTENTS option then it is possible to get back tablespace. 241) How to restore the old data using flashback query, My intention is , I want to get back past data of database after erroneously updated and committed. 242) Limitation of Flashback Database, The Flashback Database allows you to get back the entire database to a specific point-in-time 243) Flashback Database To The Right of Open Resetlogs, In some cases, you may need to return the database to a point in time in the parent incarnation, later than the SCN of the OPEN RESETLOGS at which the current incarnation path branched from the old incarnation. 244) Flashback Database to Undo an OPEN RESETLOGS, Suppose you have opened your database with OPEN RESETLOGS option after performing flashback feature. And after that you have made unwanted changes in your database. 245) Performing Flashback Database, Before going any production upgrade to database we can make a guaranteed restore point to database and if any wrong then we can get back to the restore point state. Guaranteed restore point always ensure that we can get back data to our restore point creation time. 246) ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Flashback Database, While trying to enable flashback feature the error comes. 247) Restore Point and Flashback Database. Flashback database enables us to get back our database to a prior time 248) How to Enable Flashback Database, To enable flashback database the following operations is needed

249) Flashback Table and Flashback Drop, The FLASHBACK TABLE statement enables users to get a table to a previous point in time. It provides a fast, online solution to get back a table that has been accidentally modified or deleted by a user or application. It eliminates the DBA to perform more complicated point in time recovery operations. 250) Numeric REMAINDER ROUND SIGN SIN SINH SQRT TAN TANH TRUNC function 251) Numeric EXP FLOOR LN LOG MOD NANVL POWER functions 252) Numeric ABS ACOS ASIN ATAN ATAN2 BITAND CEIL COS COSH functions 253) List of Object Reference and Model functions 254) List of Analytic functions in oracle 255) List of Aggregate functions in Oracle 256) List of Single row functions in Oracle 257) Types of SQL function in Oracle 258) ORA-01843: not a valid month, 259) CSSCAN fails with ORA-00600, CSS-00152, CSS-00120, While running csscan it fails with error message ORA-600, CSS-00152: failed to enumerate all tables and CSS00120 as below 260) CSSCAN fails with error while loading shared libraries: libclntsh.so.10.1, While running csscan in order to check all character data in the database and tests for the effects and problems of changing the character set, it fails with error while loading shared libraries: libclntsh.so.10.1: cannot open shared object file as below 261) How to run csscan in the background as a sysdba 262) What is NLS_LANG environmental variable? Different ways to set up NLS parameters 263) How to know whether there is N-type columns on database, Which datatypes use the National Character Set? 264) ORA-39014 ORA-39029 ORA-31672 One or more workers have prematurely exited, Whenever you tried to import data into the database it failed with error as below 265) How to Import data without Dumpfile-Network Mode Import, It is possible to import data in a database without the dump file. From network the data will be retrieved from

one database and then import that data back to the target database. There are no dump files involved. 266) Import Oracle Data from Anywhere, Suppose, I have server machine named "NEPTUNE". In the server machine under /oradata2 directory there is a dump file named net.dmp. However to run import operation we need not connect to server "NEPTUNE" and then perform import operation. From any machine which have data pump import client can do the operation. 267) Original Export and Import Versus Data Pump Export and Import 268) Verify Physical Data Structure in Oracle 269) Extract DDL from Dump/ Read contents of dumpfile 270) How does one use the import/export utilities? 271) Export and Import from Enterprise Manager 272) How does one prevent Oracle from using an Index? 273) Troubleshoot unusable Index in Oracle 274) How to determine the name of the trace file to be generated 275) ORA-32010: cannot find entry to delete in SPFILE 276) How to avoid of recreating pfile or spfile if any error in spfile 277) What is REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE? 278) What is O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY and effect of it 279) Using ALTER SYSTEM to Change Initialization Parameter Values 280) Change NLS_DATE_FORMAT Parmanently 281) How to Start your database with non default spfile 282) How to know My Database Start with Spfile/Pfile? 283) ORA-07283/ORA-32004: obsolete and/or deprecated parameter(s) specified 284) Check whether required packages are installed on Red Hat Linux to install Oracle 11gR2

285) Running catqm.sql generates ORA-04098 Trigger 'SYS.XDB_INSTALLATION_TRIGGER' is Invalid 286) How to Deinstall and Reinstall XML Database (XDB) in Oracle 9.2 and 10.2 287) OUI-11108 error during OUI OS package requirements check 288) Relink Fails On Target "Client_sharedlib" During Install Of Interim Patch Or CPU Patch 289) How to install Oracle 10g on windows vista or windows 7 290) How to uninstall Oracle 11g , Uninstall Oracle software 11.2g 291) Oracle Installation fails with OUI-10133: Invalid staging area 292) How to Identify OS or Oracle 64 bit or 32 bit on Unix 293) How to configure(modify,see) Kernel Parameters in Linux 294) Exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file 295) Resolve of DIM-00019: create service error 296) Hidden Parameters in Oracle. How to Change Hidden Parameter 297) How to discover DBID 298) How undo Space Allocation Works 299) Example of Antijoin, Semijoin, Curtesian Product,Self join 300) Difference between join, Inner join,Equijoin and Natural Join 301) Process and Runtime Limits, Logical Database Limits in Oracle 302) Physical Database Limits in oracle 303) LONG Datatype and its restriction in Oracle 304) Feature and Restriction of Temporary Table 305) Purpose and Restriction of Recover Command in Oracle 306) Limitations of Tablespace point-in-time Recovery 307) ORA-19566: exceeded limit of 0 corrupt blocks for file, While I am taking a database backup it halt with returning an error,

308) How to display the number of processors in Linux 309) How to disable SELinux, Before going to directly disabling SELinux let's have an idea about what SELinux is. SELinux indicates Security Enhanced Linux which is a security patch applied to Linux kernel. When it is enabled in the kernel it follows some principle of least privilege. It is an implementation of mandatory access control using Linux Security Modules. 310) Check whether required packages are installed on Red Hat Linux to install Oracle 11gR2 311) Find command in Linux 312) While startup listener it fails with HPUX Error: 29: Illegal seek, While issuing "lsnrctl start" command on HP-UX it fails with HPUX Error: 29: Illegal seek error like below 313) TNS-01169: The listener has not recognized the password, The TNS-01169 error occurred because security feature is enabled for listener i.e password is set in listener.ora file but lsnrctl command is issued without proper authentication 314) How to set oracle listener password 315) ORA-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection 316) The listener supports no services, Whenever I issue lsnrctl status command it says "The listener supports no services" and no one from outside could not connect to database through listener 317) Listener Hangs, Child listener process remains persistence, Some days ago in our database server we got a problem regarding listener issue. Our TNS Listener hangs. Below is the problem symtompts. 318) ORA-12541: TNS:no listener, For newbie users they found ORA-12541 and search here and there to solve the problem. But it is one word about the error which it says no listener and think next what to do. Never mix this error with another error like ORA12514: which are different and mutually exclusive. 319) ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor, I will try to show how efficiently we can avoid error ORA-12514. My

suggestion is whenever you get this error forget about tnsnames.ora and other stuff related to it. Start fixing problem step by step. 320) How to Enable Listener Logging and Tracing, I will try to show two different ways to enable logging and tracing of listener.ora file. These logging and tracing helps you to identify the network problems and troubleshooting connection problems in oracle.It also help to identify when a client is connected to oracle database. 321) RMAN login fails with ORA-12638, RMAN login to the target database fails with the following errors 322) CONFIG: Error uploading configuration data to the repository while, While configuring dbconsole it fails with error message oracle.sysman.emdrep.config.ConfigurationException: FATAL Configuration Exceptions. 323) What is Tnsnames.ora and sample Tnsnames.ora in Oracle 324) Service Names Using LDAP Fails With TNS-03505 and ORA-12154 325) Troubleshoot ORA-12154 TNS-12154 TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name 326) ORA-12641: Authentication service failed to initialize 327) CONFIG: Error uploading configuration data to the repository while 328) How to Check Your IP Address in Windows and Unix 329) Who is connected to your windows machine using which port 330) How to Monitor traffic between nodes, With the command netstat -i we can monitor the traffic in the network nodes. The sample output of netstat -i is below 331) Types of Operators in Orace? Concatenation, Arthimetic, User-Defined, Hierarchial, Set Operators? 332) Automatic startup and shutdown oracle on linux 333) Null value Concept in Oracle 334) Schema Object Naming Rules 335) Database Objects in Oracle, If we look for database objects in oracle then there comes two types of objects, one is schema objects that are associated with a particular

schema or in other word they are owned by a database user. And the other is nonschema Objects that are not reside in a particular schema 336) How to Rename a User Through Oracle, There is nothing straight forward command in oracle to rename a user. You have to do it through several steps. In following I have shown it. 337) Required users and groups while installing oracle, Drop Table Command, Default Tablespace in Oracle 338) About Opening database with the RESETLOGS Option 339) Working an object that resides on multiple datafile, An object can span in multiple datafiles within a single tablespace. In this case if I make one datafile offline then the contents within that datafile will be affected, other datafile is online and can be possible to query which may return rows with errors. To illustarte this scenario I will make two datafiles inside a tablespace. 340) Use SELECT ANY DICTIONARY or SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE or SELECT ANY TABLE 341) About Oracle Certifications of 10g 342) Requirements of Tablespace Point-in-time Recovery 343) User Managed Restore Operation in oracle Loss datafile loss controlfile loss spfile 344) Requirements for Using Guaranteed Restore Points 345) How to find swap, RAM and OS version on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 346) How to check or identify which process is listening to port 80 in windows 347) How to know process ID or PID on windows 348) Different ways to open Office .docx documents 349) RMAN-06172: no autobackup found, While performing disaster recovery I get the error RMAN-06172 as below 350) How to get Oracle Error Message from Database or OS 351) OUI-10020: A write lock cannot be obtained

352) Installing Clusterware through OUI fails Cheking OS version in RHL-5 353) Oracle UTL_FILE package practice examples 354) Online Redefinition fails with ORA-23540: Redefinition not defined or initiated, While doing online redefinition on a table dbms_redefinition.copy_table_dependents fails with error ORA-23540 355) How to know whether I use analyze or DBMS_STATS 356) ORA-31605 returned from LpxXSLResetAllVars in routine kuxslResetParams 357) ORA-39212: installation error: XSL stylesheets not loaded correctly 358) How to use Oracle Logminer to analysis Logfile 359) ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty, Whenever you try to access temporary tablespace it fails with error ORA-25153. Suppose I want to get the user creation script of user ARJU but it fails with following message 360) Logminer fails with ORA-01284, ORA-00308, ORA-27047, Whenever you try to run the logminer in the mining database (different from source database. Source database is one in which redo or archived redo logs are generated and mining database is one in which you try to analysis those logs) to add logfile using DBMS_LOGMNR.ADD_LOGFILE it generates error ORA-01284, ORA-00308, ORA27047 361) How to Insert Blob data(image, video) into oracle BLOB size 362) How to get SCN from database. Timestamp against SCN 363) Switch From DBMS_JOB to DBMS_SCHEDULAR 364) How to resolve ORA-4030 errors on UNIX 365) How to monitor alert log file in Oracle 366) ORA-00019: maximum number of session licenses exceeded 367) ORA-00018, ORA-00020 maximum number of sessions exceeded 368) Database Startup fails with error ORA-16038,ORA-19809, ORA-00312 369) ORA-1000 Maximum Number of Cursors Exceeded

370) Parameters that control the behavior of Query Optimizer 371) Parameters that enable and control Query Optimizer Features 372) Use of Dynamic Sampling while estimating Statistics 373) About STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter in Oracle 374) Example of global partitioned, global non-partitioned and local Indexes 375) How to avoid rebuild of indexes if DDL performed on partitioned table 376) ORA-14120: incompletely specified partition bound for a DATE column 377) Partitioning in Oracle- How to do partition 378) java.util.zip.ZipException: reading zip file central directory failed, While applying opatch, from the front end I see following message. 379) OPatch failed with error code = 1 java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError 380) OPatch supported patch methods in RAC environment 381) SEVERE:OUI-67073: Apply Session failed: ApplySession::processLocal() failed in system 382) SEVERE: OUI-67073: ApplySession failed: Patch ID is null. 383) UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed 384) OPatch failed with error code 74 - CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables failed 385) How to Download Patchset or Opatch from metalink 386) How To Check if Asynchronous I/O is Working On Linux 387) How to check long running operations in Oracle 388) LRM-00123: invalid character 0 found in the input file 389) ORA-17510: Attempt to do i/o beyond file size ORA-00600 kmgs_parameter_update_timeout_1 390) Recover database Issue after missing spfile or pfile 391) How to know database initialization parameter in oracle 392) Rules to Specify values in an initialization parameter

393) Startup fails with oracle error ORA-00119, ORA-00132 394) Startup fails with ORA-27102: out of memory Solaris-AMD64 Error 395) Types of Initialization Parameters in Oracle 396) Troubleshoot ORA-06512: at line, ORA-06512 is a common error faced by Oracle DBA, programmers as well as end users. ORA-06512 does not identify the root cause of the problem, rather it only prints the line number where the errors or exception happened. So just before ORA-06512 there will be additional error which we may need to investigate. If the errors come from any function or package or package body or procedure then with ORA-06512 there exists the name of the function or package or package body or procedure as well as the line number of those objects where error is occurred. 397) Database design practice for a Movie Company 398) ORA-28003, ORA-20002 while changing user password, 399) ORA-28000: the account is locked 400) User Resource Limits in Oracle

401) How to clone database on the same host with different name 402) How to recover or recreate temporary tablespace in 10g 403) Restore operation fails with RMAN-11003 ORA-01511 ORA-01516, I am performing disaster recovery operation. The new host path are different than from original host. So for the datafile I used SET NEWNAME .. clause. And for the online redo log file I used SQL "ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE .. " clause to rename the online logfiles to a valid location on to a new host. I have already ran the restore srcipt in previous but it fails to rename third online redo logfiles due to invalid location. And after fixing location whenever I ran the script again it fails with serveral RMAN and Oracle error 404) Recover database after missing online redo logs and all controlfiles 405) How to restore an Spfile from autobackup older than 7 days 406) Crash Recovery Fails With ORA-27067, After performing shutdown abort whenever I try to start my database it fails to perform crash recovery. Below is from alert log. 407) Allow Recovery to Corrupt Blocks, Whenever during recovery database finds corrupt block then recovery will automatically stops. In order to do recovery with skipping corrupt blocks run the RECOVER command with the ALLOW n CORRUPTION clause, where n is the number of allowable corrupt blocks. 408) Recovering Through an Added Datafile with a Backup Control File, If database recovery with a backup control file rolls forward through a CREATE TABLESPACE or an ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE operation, then the database stops recovery when applying the redo record for the added files and lets you confirm the filenames. 409) ORA-01547,ORA-01194,ORA-01589 During Recovery, 410) Media recovery can be used to recover from a lost or damaged current datafile, SPFILE or control file 411) Causes and Solutions on ORA-1113 Error File Needs Media Recovery 412) ORA-16086: Redo data cannot be written to the standby redo log 413) ORA-01624: log needed for crash recovery

414) Database Startup fails with error ORA-16038,ORA-19809, ORA-00312 415) ORA-00354 ORA-00353 ORA-00312 Corrupt redo block header 416) ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 417) ORA-16038,ORA-00354,ORA-00312 corrupt redo log block header 418) ORA-3135: connection lost contact during RMAN backup 419) RMAN backup Fails with ORA-19510 and ORA-27046 420) ORA-19510, ORA-27044 HP-UX Error: 2: No such file or directory 421) RMAN-03002, RMAN-06059, ORA-19625 and ORA-27037 during RMAN archivelog backup 422) Creation of second standby database using RMAN DUPLICATE fails with RMAN20242 423) RMAN duplicate fails with RMAN-10006, ORA-03113, ORA-01092 424) RMAN duplicate database fails with RMAN-00601, RMAN-10006, ORA-00704, ORA39700 425) crosscheck archivelog fails with validation failed for archived log 426) About RMAN Compatibility Matrix 427) RMAN-06900 RMAN-06901 ORA-19921: maximum number of 64 rows exceeded 428) ORA-00204 ORA-00202 ORA-27071 HP-UX Error: 9: Bad file number 429) File Deletion Policy from Flash Recovery Area (FRA) 430) RMAN-06091 no channel allocated for maintenance (of an appropriate type) 431) RMAN-06429: TARGET database is not compatible with this version of RMAN 432) How to take RMAN backup on a remote disk/ location 433) RMAN-00554,RMAN-04005,ORA-0103 when remote connection by rman 434) Set Date format inside RMAN environment 435) How to get description of all tables in database

436) Script to Check Schemas with Stale Statistics, This script is an automated way to deal with stale statistics operations that are required to be done as part of manual upgrade OR when reported by DBUA 437) Script to check details database growth per month 438) A complete RMAN shell script backup for Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g 439) Script to report used space in database tablespaces 440) Script to report free space and fragmentation in tablespaces 441) Script to calculate average row size for all tables in a schema 442) Script to delete duplicate rows from a table based on column values 443) Script to list of users and roles having privileges on a table 444) List of Privileges in Oracle 445) Password Policy Management in Oracle 10g and 11g 446) ORA-01031 while connecting as sysdba from remote machine, Connect / AS SYSDBA fails with ORA-01031 on HP-UX Itanium 447) ORA-1031 insufficient privileges during OS and password file authentication 448) RMAN login fails with ORA-12638 449) ORA-28008: invalid old password, We have a 2 node RAC database. We wanted to change our database password. As it is 2 node Oracle RAC so in the first node I changed the password. 450) How to setup Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) 451) How to install whmautopilot software for your domain 452) ORA-01012: not logged on, No other user can connect to database. Whenever user with sysdba privilege try to login to database it shows connected but it does not allow to happen any query to database instead it fails with ORA-01012: not logged on as below 453) How to determine the software version of the database and the Data Pump client 454) How to determine database compatibility level 455) ORA-02082: a loopback database link must have a connection qualifier

456) ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system 457) How to make global read only user 458) Implicitly Assigned temp tablespace changes after database default tablespace change 459) All Purge commands in Oracle -Delete an object permanently 460) Drop Temporary Tablespace Hangs 461) Relationship between Transaction and Undo Segments. 462) Managing Archive Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST, LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n 463) Relocate Datafiles in Oracle Database, Rename/relocate datafiles operation vary based on the log mode of the database. Database may be in archival mode or noarchive mode. 464) ORA-01940: Cannot drop a user that is currently connected 465) How to check whether it is binary or ascii file in Linux 466) List of Operators in Linux Shell Script 467) List of comparison made by test operator in shell script 468) Control Characters in Linux and shell script 469) How to share and Access file on Solaris machine 470) On Solaris putty login fails with Using keyboard-interactive authentication 471) X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication 472) Running Runinstaller fails with DISPLAY not set 473) Startup fails with ORA-27102: out of memory Solaris-AMD64 Error 474) ORA-27123 unable to attach to shared memory segment 475) Swap Space in Solaris 476) OMF, init.ora Parameter files, Startup, Shutdown Exercises 477) While startup ORA-27046: file size is not a multiple of logical block size 478) Recover database Issue after missing spfile or pfile

479) How to restore an Spfile from autobackup older than 7 days 480) How to know database initialization parameter in oracle 481) About STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter in Oracle 482) Rules to Specify values in an initialization parameter 483) Drop user cascade takes more than 1 day 484) ORA-29857: domain indexes and/or secondary objects exist in the tablespace 485) Script to report used space in database tablespaces 486) Script to calculate average row size for all tables in a schema 487) Script to delete duplicate rows from a table based on column values 488) Script to list of users and roles having privileges on a table 489) ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [15264] 490) Script to check list of inactive users or inactive sessions in a database 491) SQL*Plus shows error SP2-0575 use of Oracle sql feature not in sql92 entry level 492) ORA-04043 on DBA_* Views if they are described while database is mount stage 493) Non-Oracle user hits SP2-0642 or SP2-1503/SP2-152 after DST patch 494) After 11.2g new installation invoking sqlplus fails with SP2-1503 SP2-0152 495) SP2-0734: unknown command beginning rest of line ignored 496) Understanding Execution Plan Statistics 497) Controlling the Autotrace Report in sql*plus 498) Communicate with the user through Accept and Prompt in Sql*plus 499) Working with Sql*plus Scripts 500) Error 45 initializing SQL*Plus Internal error 501) How to see Explain Plan from SQL*Plus 502) LRM-00123: invalid character 0 found in the input file 503) Oracle is extremely buggy database - ORA-00600 [3020]

504) ORA-12709: error while loading create database character set 505) ORA-29760: instance_number parameter not specified 506) Database startup fails with ORA-00064 507) startup migrate fails with ORA-00064 while upgrading to with DBUA 508) ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode 509) ORA-27100: shared memory realm already exists, when you try to startup your database instance even you issue startup nomount ORA-27100 is reported. 510) ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress 511) Database startup fails with ORA-27302: failure occurred at: sskgpsemsper 512) Database Startup fails with ORA-00444, ORA-07446 513) Startup fails with ORA-01261: Parameter db_recovery_file_dest destination string cannot be translated 514) RMAN-04014: startup failed: ORA-07446: sdnfy: bad value 515) ORA-12906 cannot drop default temporary tablespace 516) How to move LOB data to another tablespace 517) ORA-12906 cannot drop default temporary tablespace 518) How to recover or recreate temporary tablespace in 10g 519) Possible Limitations When Adding Datafiles to a Tablespace 520) ORA-01548: active rollback segment '_SYSSMU1$' found, terminate dropping tablespace 521) ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty 522) Benefits and Considerations of Using Bigfile tablespaces 523) ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 524) ORA-30041: Cannot grant quota on the tablespace 525) Free space in Temporary Tablespace 526) ORA-01650,ORA-01652,ORA-01653,ORA-01654,ORA-01688 Unable to Extend

527) ORA-01110 ORA-01187: cannot read from file because it failed verification tests 528) How to recover or recreate temporary tablespace in 10g 529) Feature and Restriction of Temporary Table 530) The operation that require sort area or Temporary Tablespace 531) Information about Temporary Segments 532) ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified 533) Troubleshoot TNS-12535 or ORA-12535 or ORA-12170 Errors 534) Troubleshoot ORA-12547: TNS: lost contact 535) In 10g listener log WARNING: Subscription for node down event still pending 536) ORA-12557: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable 537) After changing Database name startup fails with ORA-01103: database name in controlfile 538) How to make INVALID OLAP Catalog VALID 539) $_GET request does not show expected result but forwarded to homepage 540) ORA-39029, ORA-31671, ORA-39078 received during Oracle Parallel data pump Import 541) UDE-00008, ORA-39078, ORA-25205, ORA-06512 during Oracle data pump export 542) ORA-32018: parameter cannot be modified in memory on another instance 543) DIM-04503: Message 4503 not found 544) ORA-12709: error while loading create database character set 545) ORA-28056: Writing audit records to Windows Event Log failed 546) General Solutions of ORA-12547: TNS: lost contact 547) EXP-00008, ORA-04063, ORA-06508, EXP-00083 PL/SQL: could not find program unit 548) Check whether required packages are installed on Red Hat Linux to install Oracle 11gR2

549) Prerequisites for Oracle Database Installation on Linux x86 550) How to find swap, RAM and OS version on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 551) How to determine kernel parameters on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 552) Summary of Less command in Unix/Linux 553) ORA-01295: DB_ID mismatch between dictionary USE_ONLINE_CATALOG and logfiles 554) How to generate External Table from sql loader 555) How to load data using external table into oracle database 556) Logminer fails with ORA-01284, ORA-00308, ORA-27047 557) How to Load or copy data from SQL Server or excel to Oracle 558) LRM-00116: ORA-39001 ORA-39071 ORA-00907 in impdp 559) Import Oracle Data from Anywhere. 560) Original Export and Import Versus Data Pump Export and Import 561) Verify Physical Data Structure in Oracle. 562) How does one use the import/export utilities? 563) Export and Import from Enterprise Manager 564) DIM-04503: Message 4503 not found 565) Turn off Fn key - weird behavior of keyboard 566) Huge number of oracle processes and oracle is not releasing process 567) How to open an odt file 568) How to delete duplicate rows from a excel file 569) How to know process ID or PID on windows 570) How to check or identify which process is listening to port 80 in windows 571) Automatic startup issues of oracle database on windows 572) How to get GUI from windows to linux/Unix computer

573) Copy files between Unix and Windows with rcp 574) Who is connected to your windows machine using which port 575) How to start services from command prompt on windows 576) ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified

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