lJnifr)m or lnslizal krss of Thic&n'la (lencral Damatc [techrnilDr - nrfning Indlrtry R.cfincryt)pcntionr ror
Mfllulc 6 Mqlul€ 7 Modui. S
D.y S!
Puttint it All ToSetler - Prmesr Unitr Reriew of aI Modulei
Dry 6:
TL|stPreporsti'otr 'fest
TheRurt Busterr
Day r: . . .
Module r - The API 57r Test Overrriew
lnlroductior o What to bring lbr the API tcst - llring sweral perrcils,and your brain. lhis is an cntirely closedkxrk tcst, and therc are no cnlculationsthat requirea calculator. . What to expect- By my Estimates,about 75% of thc questionsrcquie deductivc rcasonint. Ihe other 2595otthe questionssre strsight out ofthe API 571 document. . I low to preparc. Pa.ssing thc test requiresa basicknowlalge ot: o
Thcoccbnicrofcortocimmechaoim Corrmioo mcchmisos spccific to vrrious uniti, o . ltis classWILL NOT teachyou the test"but it will adequatelyprcpareyou tor it. We will cover thesethreeareasin class. o Rcadingthe c"ntireAPI J7l is not sunething wc will havetime to do in class. -that will bc yur respnnsibility. . Most of this materialy
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