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SAP Interview Questions and Answers
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SAP Interview Questions and Answers What is ERP? - ERP is a package with the techniques and concepts for the integrated management of business as a whole, for effective use of management resources, to improve the efficiency of an enterprise. Initially, ERP was targeted for manufacturing industry mainly for planning and managing core business like production and financial market. As the growth and merits of ERP package ERP software is designed for basic process of a company from manufacturing to small shops with a target of integrating information across the company.
Different types of ERP? - SAP, BAAN, JD Edwards, Oracle Financials, Siebel, PeopleSoft. Among all the ERP’s most of the companies implemented or trying to implement SAP because of number of advantages aver other ERP packages. What is SAP? - SAP is the name of the company founded in 1972 under the German name (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) is the leading ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software package. Explain the concept of “Business Content” in SAP Business Information Warehouse? - Business Content is a pre-configured set of role and task-relevant information models based on consistent Metadata in the SAP Business Information Warehouse. Business Content provides selected roles within a company with the information they need to carry out their tasks. These information models essentially contain roles, workbooks, queries, InfoSources, InfoCubes, key figures, characteristics, update rules and extractors for SAP R/3, mySAP.com Business Applications and other selected applications. Why do you usually choose to implement SAP? - There are number of technical reasons numbers of companies are planning to implement SAP. It’s highly configurable, highly secure data handling, min data redundancy, max data consistency, you can capitalize on economics of sales like purchasing, tight integration-cross function. Can BW run without a SAP R/3 implementation? - Certainly. You can run BW without R/3 implementation. You can use pre-defined business content in BW using your non-SAP data. Here you simply need to map the transfer structures associated with BW data sources (InfoCubes, ODS tables) to the inbound data files or use 3rd part tool to connect your flat files and other data sources and load data in BW. Several third party ETL products such as Acta, Infomatica, DataStage and others will have been certified to load data in BW. What is IDES? - International Demonstration and Education System. A sample application provided for faster learning and implementation. What is WF and its importance? - Business Work Flow: Tool for automatic control and execution of crossapplication processes. This involves coordinating the persons involved, the work steps required, the data, which needs to be processed (business objects). The main advantage is reduction in throughput times and the costs involved in managing business processes. Transparency and quality are enhanced by its use. What is SAP R/3? - A third generation set of highly integrated software modules that performs common business function based on multinational leading practice. Takes care of any enterprise however diverse in operation, spread over the world. In R/3 system all the three servers like presentation, application server and database server are located at different system. What are presentation, application and database servers in SAP R/3? - The application layer of an R/3 System is made up of the application servers and the message server. Application programs in an R/3 System are run on application servers. The application servers communicate with the presentation components, the database, and also with each other, using the message server. All the data are stored in a centralized server. This server is called database server. What should be the approach for writing a BDC program? - Convert the legacy system data to a flat file and convert flat file into internal table. Transfer the flat file into sap system called “sap data transfer”. Call transaction(Write the program explicitly) or create sessions (sessions are created and processed ,if success data will transfer). Explain open SQL vs native SQL? - ABAP Native SQL allows you to include database-specific SQL statements in an ABAP program. Most ABAP programs containing database-specific SQL statements do not run with different databases. If different databases are involved, use Open SQL. To execute ABAP Native SQL in an ABAP program, use the statement EXEC. Open SQL (Subset of standard SQL statements), allows you to access all database tables available in the R/3 System, regardless of the manufacturer. To avoid conflicts between database tables and to keep ABAP programs independent from the database system used, SAP has generated its own set of SQL statements known as Open SQL. What are datasets? - The sequential files (processed on application server) are called datasets. They are used for file handling in SAP. What are internal tables check table, value table, and transparent table? - Internal table: It is a standard data type object, which exists only during the runtime of the program. Check table: Check table will be at field level checking. Value table: Value table will be at domain level checking ex: scarr table is check table for carrid. Transparent table: - Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in database exactly with the same data and fields. What are the major benefits of reporting with BW over R/3? Would it be sufficient just to Web-enable R/3 Reports? - Performance — Heavy reporting along with regular OLTP transactions can produce a lot of load both on the R/3 and the database (cpu, memory, disks, etc). Just take a look at the load put on your system during a month end, quarter end, or year-end — now imagine that occurring even more frequently. Data analysis — BW uses a Data Warehouse and OLAP concepts for storing and analyzing data, where R/3 was designed for transaction processing. With a lot of work you can get the same analysis out of R/3 but most likely would be easier from a BW.
How can an ERP such as SAP help a business owner learn more about how business operates? In order to use an ERP system, a business person must understand the business processes and how they work together from one functional area to the other. This knowledge gives the student a much deeper understanding of how a business operates. Using SAP as a tool to learn about ERP systems will require that the people understand the business processes and how they integrate. What is the difference between OLAP and Data Mining? - OLAP - On line Analytical processing is a reporting tool configured to understand your database schema ,composition facts and dimensions . By simple point-n-clicking, a user can run any number of canned or user-designed reports without having to know anything of SQL or the schema. Because of that prior configuration, the OLAP engine “builds” and executes the appropriate SQL. Mining is to build the application to specifically look at detailed analyses, often algorithmic; even more often misappropriate called “reporting. What is “Extended Star Schema†ン and how did it emerge? - The Star Schema consists of the Dimension Tables and the Fact Table. The Master Data related tables are kept in separate tables, which has reference to the characteristics in the dimension table(s). These separate tables for master data is termed as the Extended Star Schema. Define Meta data, Master data and Transaction data - Meta Data: Data that describes the structure of data or MetaObjects is called Metadata. In other words data about data is known as Meta Data. Master Data: Master data is data that remains unchanged over a long period of time. It contains information that is always needed in the same way. Characteristics can bear master data in BW. With master data you are dealing with attributes, texts or hierarchies. Transaction data: Data relating to the day-to-day transactions is the Transaction data. Name some drawbacks of SAP - Interfaces are huge problem, Determine where master data resides, Expensive, very complex, demands highly trained staff, lengthy implementation time. What is Bex? - Bex stands for Business Explorer. Bex enables end user to locate reports, view reports, analyze information and can execute queries. The queries in workbook can be saved to there respective roles in the Bex browser. Bex has the following components: Bex Browser, Bex analyzer, Bex Map, Bex Web. What are variables? - Variables are parameters of a query that are set in the parameter query definition and are not filled with values until the queries are inserted into workbooks. There are different types of variables which are used in different application: Characteristics variables, Hierarchies and hierarchy node, Texts, Formulas, Processing types, User entry/Default type, Replacment Path. What is AWB?. What is its purpose? - AWB stands for Administrator WorkBench. AWB is a tool for controlling, monitoring and maintaining all the processes connected with data staging and processing in the business information whearhousing. What is the significance of ODS in BIW? - An ODS Object serves to store consolidated and debugged transaction data on a document level (atomic level). It describes a consolidated dataset from one or more InfoSources. This dataset can be analyzed with a BEx Query or InfoSet Query. The data of an ODS Object can be updated with a delta update into InfoCubes and/or other ODS Objects in the same system or across systems. In contrast to multi-dimensional data storage with InfoCubes, the data in ODS Objects is stored in transparent, flat database tables. What are the different types of source system? - SAP R/3 Source Systems, SAP BW, Flat Files and External Systems. What is Extractor? - Extractors is a data retrieval mechanisms in the SAP source system. Which can fill the extract structure of a data source with the data from the SAP source system datasets. The extractor may be able to supply data to more fields than exist in the extract structure. 1. What is transfer order? Here are some basic points for Transfer order1)TO is movement of goods within warehouse. It can be within storage types and storage bins. 2)TO can be created manually, with reference to delivery, for posting change notice and for transfer requirement 3)The control for TO, like whether it is confirmed automatically or not, whether screen for TO should appear after material document is posted is all controlled in configuration of movement types in WM 4) TO once confirmed cannot be cancelled. only if it is not confirmed can you cancel it. 5)Some Transactions are LT01(manual), LT03(create with ref to delivery), LT11/Lt12(confirmation), LT06(TO for material document). 6) Then there is something consisdered while creating TO is quant.Quant is combination of plant, material, batch, storage type, storage bin, stock category, special stock. when any one of these changes, new quant is generated.while creaing TO, system automatically determines the quants. 2. What are the fields in pricing procedure? 16 fileds in pricing which is back bone when configuring the pricing. Step/ Counter/ condition type/ description/ from/ to/ manual/ mandatory/ statistical/ print/ subtotal/ requrirement/ alternative calclutation type/ alternative condition base value /account key/ accrual/
3. What are the Standard output types in SD? 1. Sales Order Confirmation: BA00 2. Outbound Delivery Note: LD00 3. Billing Document: RD00 5. Cash Sales: RD03 6. Inquiry: AF00 7. Quotation: AN00 8. Contract: KO00 9. Picking List: EK00 4. What is Condition type? 5. What is difference between delivery document & scheduling? 6. What is Extract used in condition tech. in pricing? 7. What is the purpose of sales document type? A sales document type fullfills a requirement of a specific business transaction.. for example in a cash sale you would require the delivery to be happenign immediately after the order and you would require a invoice slip to be handed over to the customer immediately after his purchase..These things are customised in your Cash sales(CS) document type.. Also, It can determine whether the sales docs of that type are blocked or not No ranges for the documents whether a reference doc is mandatory or not whether it should read cus.material info record whether the system should run credit checks and how it should respond etc..
8. What are MRP types? 9. What is the difference between incomplete order and backorder processing? 10. Why does the customer master have different views? 11.What is t-code for listing the blocked documents? SM12 12.What is Product attributes? Summary Normal Sales Process involves, that Customers ordering certain quantity of general Material without any special requirements. Once these Materials are ready it will be shipped to the customer and the Invoice document will be sent to the customer for receiving payment. For these Customers one can sell the Finished Goods without any constraints. However, there are few Customers who will have a specific Clause while placing the Order. The Clause could be like; they do not want the Finished Product made out of Raw Material imported from certain countries or in case of Chemical Products, the quantity of certain Chemicals used during Production of the Finished Product must not exceed a particular quantity. These kinds of Customer clauses are really difficult to check manually while selling / shipping the Finished Products and somehow we need to have auto check before the Goods are shipped to the Customers to have repetitive business. We will see how this Product Attributes Functionality in SAP helps us in achieving this requirement. 1. Master Data Settings To achieve this functionality, we need to do the appropriate settings in Material Master Data and Customer Master Data. Also we have the Customization part, which we will be discussing below. Now let us see the Master Data setting involved enabling the complete business process flow. 2. Define Product Attributes in Material Master Follow the below menu path to define Product Attributes in Material Master: Logistics - SD - Products - Material - Other Material - Create or Change: Or Can use the Transaction Code - MM01 / MM02:
Here, you can enter the Material Number for which you need to assign the Product Attribute values. Go to Sales Org 2 view in Material Master Record and in that select appropriate Product Attributes as per requirement. For Example, Select "Product Attribute - 3" for materials with more than or equal to 1% of specific Chemical used (like Benzene related content) during its production. 3. Define Product Attributes in Customer Master Follow the below menu path for defining the Product Attributes in Customer Master: Logistics - SD - Business Partner - Customer - Create or Change: Or Use the Transaction Code - XD01 / XD02.
Here, you can enter the Customer Number, for which the Product Attribute value has to be assigned. Go to Sales Area Data in Customer Master and in that Sales View, Select the "Product attributes" field highlighted in the above screenshot and in that select the appropriate Product Attributes. For Example, Select "Product Attribute - 3" for materials with more than or equal to 1% of specific Chemical used (like Benzene related content) during that material production. 4. Required Customization Settings Follow the below menu path to determine how the system has to behave if the Product Attributes of the Material and Customer is well matched: SPRO - SD - Sales - Sales Documents - Sales Document Header - Define Sales Document Types: Or Transaction Code - VOV8:
Here, select the appropriate Sales Document Type for which you need this Product Attribute functionality. If needed for all the Sales Document types, then the following Customization has to be done in all the Sales Document Types. Go to Transaction VOV8 or to the above said Menupath:
Here, let us take Standard Order Type for example. Select "OR" and then click on the details button to do the necessary customization.
Here, select the appropriate behavior for Product Attributes Field as per your requirement. In the Sales Order, for this Sales Document Type, the system will carry out a check on the compatibility of the Product Attributes selected in Customer Master (Ship to Party) and in Material Master. If the Product Attributes of the Customer and Material matches, then depending upon the indicator set in Sales Document Type for the Product Attribute Field, the system will behave. For example, the Product Attribute field in Sales Document Type can be set with the following available options: None A B -
No Messages will be displayed Displays a Warning message. Displays a Error message and blocks further processing.
5. Functionality Testing Go to Transaction VA01 - Sales Order Creation and enter the Order Type, for which we have maintained the Product Attribute Field messages.
Enter the Product Attribute enabled Customer Number in Ship to Party field and the Material Number for testing this Functionality. After entering all the required data in the Sales Order Creation Screen, select "OK" button. Now the system will check for the Product Attributes of the Customer Master (Ship to Party) and the Product Attributes maintained in the Material Master, if matches, then the System will behave as per the settings in the Sales Document Type.
The above screenshots displays the Warning Message, as the Product Attribute is compatible for the Customer (Ship to Party) - 7600012 and the Material - 1245 in the Sales Order created with Sales Document Type - OR. However, this functionality will not be working if the Product Attribute for Customer and the Material entered in the Sales Order is not compatible. 6. Advantage of Product Attribute Functionality over Material Exclusion •
The material exclusion functionality gives only an option to exclude selling specific material to specific customers with condition technique, where as product attribute gives us the option of excluding sales of materials with particular attribute to the customers who did not accept the product with same kind of attribute. Product Attribute functionality requires only minimal Configuration settings when compared to that of Material Exclusion.
What is difference between SD account key and FI account key? What are a variant and its use? 14. How is credit control determined? 15.What are the parameters in FD32? 16. What is the difference between routine and requirements? 17. What is condition supplement and why is it used? 18. What is the difference between milestone and periodic billing? 19.What is the landscape? Landscape is like a server system or like a layout of the servers or some may even call it the architecture of the servers viz. SAP is divided into three different lanscape DEV, QAS and PROD. - DEV would have multiple clients for ex: 190- Sandbox, 100- Golden, 180- Unit Test. - QAS may again have mutiple clients for ex: 300- Integration Test, 700 to 710 Training. - PROD may have something like a 200 Production. These names and numbers are the implementer's discreet on how they want it or they have been using in their previous implementations or how is the client's business scenario. Now whatever you do in the Sandbox doesn't affect the other servers or clients. Whenever you think you are satisfied with your configuration and you think you can use it moving forward, you RE-DO it in the golden client (remember, this is a very neat and clean client and you cannot use it for rough usage). As you re-do everything that you had thought was important and usable, you get a transport request pop up upon saving everytime. You save it under a transport request and give your description to it. Thus the configuration is transported to the Unit Test client (180 in this example). You don't run any transaction or even use the SAP Easy Access screen on the 100 (golden) client. This is a configuration only client. Now upon a successful tranport by the Basis guy, you have all the configuration in the Testing client, just as it is in the Golden client. The configuration remains in sync between these two clients. But in the Testing client you can not even access SPRO (Display IMG) screen. It's a transaction only client where you perform the unit test. Upon a satisfactory unit test, you move the good configuration to the next SERVER (DEV). The incorrect or unsatisfactory configuration is corrected in Golden (may again as well be practised in the sandbox prior to Golden) and accordingly transported back to 180 (Unit Test) until the unit test affected by that particular config is satisfactory. The Golden client remains the 'database' (if you wanna call it that) or you may rather call it the 'ultimate' reference client for all the good, complete and final configuration that is being used in the implementation. In summary: Landscape : is the arrangement for the servers IDES : is purely for education purpose and is NOT INCLUDED in the landscape. DEVELOPMENT ---> QUALITY ----> PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT : is where the the consultants do the customization as per the company's requirement. QUALITY : is where the core team members and other members test the customization. PRODUCTION : is where the live data of the company is recorded. A request will flow from Dev->Qual->Prod and not backwards. 1. Sandbox server: In the initial stages of any implementation project, You are given a sandbox server where you do all the configuration/customization as per the companies business process. 2. Development Server: - Once the BBP gets signed off, the configuration is done is development server and saved in workbench requests, to be transported to Production server. 3. Production Server: This is the last/ most refined client where the user will work after project GO LIVE. Any changes/ new develpoment is done is development client and the request is transported to production.
These three are landscape of any Company. They organised their office in these three way. Developer develop their program in Development server and then transport it to test server. In testing server tester check/test the program and then transport it to Production Server. Later it will deploy to client from production server. Presentaion Server- Where SAP GUI have. Application Server - Where SAP Installed. Database Server - Where Database installed. What is the meaning of "R" in R/3 systems? R/3 stands for realtime three tier architecture. This is the kind of architrecture SAP R/3 system has. R/3 means three layers are installed in Different system/server and they are connected with each other. 1) Presentation 2) Application 3) Database Why do we call client 000 as golden client? Golden client contains all the configuration data and master data so some extent. All the configuration settings are done in golden clients and then moved to other clients. Hence this client acts as a master record for all transaction settings, hence the name "Golden Client". 20. How variant is used in reporting? 21. What is the difference between Static and Dynamic Credit Check? 22. What is difference between the item proposal and dynamic proposal? 23. What are the issues u have faced in integration testing? 24.What is a field catalog? New Fields in Pricing To use a field in pricing, one creates a condition table. This condition table is created using the allowed fields from the field catalog. Should the fields one requires not be included in the list of allowed fields, one can add the fields from the list of available fields. However, one may find that a new field may not be in the list of available fields. For this reason, one must create new fields for pricing. The document and item data in SD is stored in data tables, such as VBAK and VBAP (for the order transaction). Many of the fields from these tables are available in the field catalog. The field catalog is a structure (KOMG) that consists of two tables (KOMK and KOMP). These tables contain the header and item data for pricing respectively. They are called KOM “x” because they are communications structures used to communicate the transaction data with the pricing procedure. Table KOMG contains the fields of tables KOMK and KOMP. If you require a field that is not in KOMG, it means that it is not in KOMK or KOMP. This means that the field you require cannot be used in pricing because there is no communication of this field from the transaction to the pricing procedure via the communication structures. To use a field not defined in the field catalog, you need to add this field to the KOMK or KOMP structures, and then write the ABAP code to transfer the data in the field from the transaction tables to the communication structure. Follow these steps: 1. Create the field in the KOMK (header data) and KOMP (item data) tables using the standard includes provided for this requirement. 2. Write the code in the user exit to read the transaction data and transfer it to the KOM “x” structures. Menu Path The menu path here is IMG, Sales and distribution, System modification, Create new fields (using the condition technique), New fields for pricing. Adding the Field to KOMK and KOMP This process requires some knowledge of the ABAP dictionary and how to use the ABAP dictionary to create and change fields and tables. You may have to use an ABAP skill to assist you. If the field is from the header table (for example, the order table VBAK), you’ll need to add it to the include table KOMKAZ in table KOMK. If the field is from the item table (for example, the order item table VBAP), you’ll need to add it to the include table KOMPAZ in table KOMP.
Let’s say you need to use the “base material” to define a price and the base material is not in the pricing field catalog. The base material is a field on the material master basic data screen and is defined as MARA-WRKST. Since this relates to the material, it is at the item level, so you would add the field to the KOMPAZ include table. Note When you add a field to these tables, it must start with “ZZ.” Therefore, the field you add would be ZZWRKST. In ABAP, when you add the field, use the same domain as in the field in the original table MARAWRKST. After adding the field, generate the structure KOMP. This field is not available in the field catalog and can be used in condition tables. Writing the ABAP Code The field in the communications structure will be blank unless the ABAP code transfers the data from the material master to the field KOMPZZWRKST. Pricing occurs in the order and in the invoice, so you need to put this code in both places. For the order transaction, write the ABAP code in user exit USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP in include program MV45AFZZ. For the billing transaction, write the ABAP code in user exit USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP in RV60AFZZ. Note : The TKOMP is for the item level. If you are writing the code for a field at the header level, you would use the user exits that end with TKOMK. The ABAP code would select the Base material field from the material master table using the material from table VBAP/VBRP. It would then transfer this field to the structure TKOMP from MOVE MARAWRKST to TKOMP-ZZWRKST. 25.What is the difference between condition type EK01 and EK02? These are the condition type that will display the results of the unit costing for certain type of sales document. EK01 If you use this condition type, the result of unit costing is issued to the first position on the conditions screen for the item. The value can be used as a basis for price determination. EK02: If you use this condition type, the result of unit costing is simply a statistical value which you can compare with the price. Please note the following points : 1) The condition type must have condition category 'Q' (costing). 2) The condition type must agree with the condition type defined for unit costing in the pricing procedure. 35.I have a customer who is being offered two discounts ie k007 and k005, now I want to exclude k007 for the next 2 orders or so? I have set the exclusion indicator for the condition type,but still the condition is being accepted when I create a sales order. Am I missing something, how do I do it? I think u need to change the validity of the condition record for the condition type K007 defining it not valid for that particular 2 months. And also the settings of the Requirements as it is correct that it overrules the exclusion. 26. What are the user exits? 27. What is the Function of item category group? 28. What is pricing procedure? 29. What is condition exclusion? 30. Which delivery document type for STO (STOCK TRANSFER ORDER) process? INTRA---NL INTER---NLCC
Standard document type Delivery type Movement type Single step
Issuing plant
Receiving plant
Two step
Issuing plant Receiving plant
31. What is difference between the header level condition 32. What is the link between credit management and subtotals? 33. What is Delivery group and what is its purpose? 34.What is main purpose of maintaining the master data? Common Distribution Channel and Common Divison are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master records. Eg: A customer is created for say sales area 1000/20/00 then the same customer can be used in sales area 1000/30/00 if we maintain 20 as common distribution channel. Hence no need for extending the customers...the same for materials also. 35. What is line item? 36. What is a Transfer order? 37. What is value SAP? 38.What is difference between listing and exclusion? Listing is nothing but what ever material u assigned to particular customer, then he can access those materials but exclusion is nothing but excluding the particular material to the customer , then customer cannot access those materials 39. What happens when you overrate the customer? 40. What are the functions performed in a support client? You can opt for any of the following 3 : 1)credit the customer for the amount of short-charged invoice by creating a Credit Memo Request with reference to the previous invoice and create a new sales order with correct rate 2)you can make a Credit Memo Request for the overcharged amount and make a Credit Note Billing Document to give credit for the difference amount 3)you may make an Invoice Correction Request 41. What is the access sequence for header conditions? 42. What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM, PP and FICO? 43. What is the functionality of negative posting in billing document? 44. What is mean of Rebate processing? 45. How is shipping point determined? Criteria for Proposing a Shipping Point A shipping point can be determined for each order item. How the shipping point is determined depends on three factors: • The shipping conditions from the customer master record (Shipping screen) For example, it might have been agreed with the customer that the goods are to be delivered as soon as possible. • The loading group from the material master record (Sales/Plant Data screen) You could, for example, specify a loading group that defines that the goods must always be loaded with a crane or a forklift. • The delivering plant This plant is determined per order item either from the customer master record or from the material master record. However, you can also enter it manually for each order item. For more information on determining the delivering plant, refer to the section The following figure shows how the shipping point is determined using the data listed above.
On the basis of shipping condition 01, the loading group CRANE and the plant 0001, the system determines shipping point 0001 for the item. Instead of this shipping point, you can also select shipping points 0002 and 0003 if, for example, you know that shipping point 0001 is out of operation or does not have the capacity to deal with the item at the time when delivery is to take place. Changing a Shipping Point You are still able to change the shipping point proposed by the system in the sales order within specified limits. If you enter a shipping point that is not valid, you will receive the following error message from the system: "Shipping point is not available for this activity." If the shipping point cannot be determined because, for example, the delivering plant could not be found in the sales order, an entry is made in the incompletion log in the standard version of the SAP R/3 System. This ensures that the shipping point is entered before the sales order can be processed for delivery. You can obtain an overview of the shipping points for all order items by choosing Overview ® Shipping in the sales order. You will find the shipping points in the ShPt column. If you enter a delivery for the sales order, you must always specify the shipping point from which the sales order is to be delivered. The shipping point cannot be changed in the delivery. Delivery by a Shipping Point You can only carry out delivery processing for the items in a sales order for which a shipping point has been defined. If different shipping points have been assigned to the various items in a sales order, the deliveries have to be processed for each shipping point. If you create a delivery for a sales order that contains several shipping points, the system reacts as follows: • If you create an individual delivery, you receive a note in the log that the items with different shipping points have not been included in the delivery. • If you process a delivery via the delivery due list, no note is entered in the log. When you process the delivery due list, the system only informs you of errors that occur during processing. If the customer requests complete delivery of the sales order, it does not make sense to define different shipping points for the order items since this would lead to the sales order being split into several deliveries. 46.What is difference between transport and task? Task-Information carrier in the Transport Organizer for entering and managing all changes to Repository objects and Customizing settings performed by employees within a development project. A task is assigned to a change request Change Request An information source in the Transport Organizer that records and manages all modifications made to Repository objects and Customizing settings during a development project. You can not release change request prior to release task(s). 47. What is the client specific data? 48. How subtotal in pp is related to credit limit? 49. What is the difference between discount and rebate? 50. What are the influencing factors for account determination 51. What are dependencies in variant configuration? 52. How alternate condition base value? 53. What is the use of pod?
54. What is difference between listing and exclusion? 55. How revenue account is determined? 56.When will you combine deliveries into one invoice? we will compile multiple deliveries into one invoice, when the bill to party , payment terms and billing date is same. And also when billing date, that means billing is done only once in a month for that particular customer, then you combine all deliveris of that month create invoice 57. How will be the Ticket process flow happens in a Production support project? 58. What is transfer order? 59. What are the fields in pricing procedure? 60.What are the Standard output types in SD? Standard Output Types in SD are as under: 1. Sales Order Confirmation: BA00 2. Outbound Delivery Note: LD00 3. Billing Document: RD00 4. Inquiry: AF00 5. Quotation: AN00 6. Contract: KO00
61. 62. 63.
What is Condition type? Why does the customer master have different views? What is t-code for listing the blocked documents? SM12,
What is difference between SD account key and FI account key? Account key is created and provided by FI. Account key determines the G/L account to which the amount is to be posted.. SD defines account key in pricing and FI uses it for posting taxes.
65. How will access the data in to production? 66. What is consumption based planning? 67.What is Item Category Control? An item category controls the overall behaviour of an item.it determines whether the item is relevant for pricing or not,whether it is relevant for delivery or not, whether it is relevant for billing or not.it also detrmines whether it is a free item,text item and it also help to determine the sales document type. 68. What is Returnable packaging processing means? 69.What is IMG? The Implementation Guide (IMG) is the tool which adjusts the R/3 System to the requirements of a company. You use the implementation guide to structure and organize the implementation of the R/3 System in your company. Implementation Guide structure The implementation guide is a hierarchical structure of the application areas in the component hierarchy. It contains all the work steps required for the implementation with documentation. There are three implementation guide variants: • the SAP Reference IMG • Project IMGs • Project view IMGs 70. What are the Differences between invoice and billing doc? 71.What are the user exits? A user exit is a place in a software program where a customer can arrange for their own tailor-made program to be called. SAP creates user exits for specific programs, screens, and menus within standard R/3 applications. These exits do not contain any functionality. Instead, the customer exits act as hooks. You can hang your own add-on functionality onto these hooks. 72. What is a handling unit? What is the access sequence for header conditions? Handling unit is = packaging materials + Materials to be packed + Vehicle
There is no access sequence for header conditions coz we enter all the header conditions manually 73.What is Lump sum payment? Customer is used for generating statistics and also used to give group pricing, and discounts etc...
What is the advantage of using the text as a reference To reduce load on the system referencing is considered better than copying. 75. What are the Steps in consignment processing? 76.What is the difference between VK11 & VK31 VK11 is to maintain a single condition record and VK 31 is to maintain a group of condition records according to the situations In vk11 u can update for particuler condition record. where as in vk31 u can do the Mass changes The bottom line difference between VK11 and VK31 is that VK31, VK32 ONLY work for standard SAP delivered Condition Types (ex. PR00). If you create any customer specific Condition Type codes (ex. ZXXX)you can only create / maintain Condition Records for them using VK11, VK12. BOTH transactions allow mass entry and changes. 77. What basic questions do they ask relating to order management? 78. How is storage location determined? 79.What is the difference between ATP check and availability check? ATP Check is checking of availablty quantities i.e ATP = Total Warehouse Stock + Planned receipts(Incoming Stock) - Planned Issues (Out going stock)
Availbilty Check is an integral part of business process it determines the if the desire deliverible quantity can be met on requested delivery date or not.Then it passes to Material Requirement Planning.
80. What is the purpose to differentiate the sales document type? 81. What is the importance of release status and dynamic field? The importance of release status in release procedures is to create the condition records purely for the planning purpose.for further clarification see release procedures in pricing. The Dynamic field check is to determine the customer-specific fields, even the text fields. 82. What is the parent and child relationship? Question from MDM data management . 83.How to configure partial deliveries? You can configure the system for partial deliveries in two places 1. In Customer-material info.2. Customer Master. If you allow the system for partial deliveries there. Then you can change Partial to complete delivery in sales order. 84.What are the effects of PGI? The following are the effects of PGI: 1.stock quantity is updated. 2.Values are updated in inventory accounting. 3.Status in all sales document is updated. 4.cost of goods sold is updated. 5.Requirments is updated. 6.Billing index is updated. cost of goods gl acount increases- credited.inventory GL account decrease -debited 85.What is cut over strategy? Cutover strategy depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, you decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then you make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies.
Cutover strategy depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, you decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then you make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies. Cutover planning is highly site specific. There's no thumb rule. The stock data as on the date of going live should be correctly entered. But stock being a highly dynamic quantity, the strategy for loading should be crystal clear. Then you have to load all the back dated transaction on the stock. Some stock comes into your plant/storage location as return and some stock is actually delivered to your customer through sales orders of various kinds. The final phase before going live with SAP is often referred to as the cutover phase, which is the process of transitioning from one system to a new one. The organization needs to plan, prepare and execute the cutover, by creating a cutover plan that describes all cutover tasks that have to be performed before the actual go-live. Examples of cutover tasks are: Review and update all systems-related operations procedures like backup policies and system monitoring Assign ownership of SAP’s functional processes to individuals Let SAP AG do a Going Live check, to get their blessing to go live with the system Lock down the system, i.e. do not make any more changes to the SAP system Cut-Over Activities: Cutover Plan - The details of how to move to the production environment and go live. Ensuring that all master data to be loaded to production server is ready & in correct format. User training is conducted & user is in a comfort or atleast managable position to work on production server. Preparation of user manual. All go-live preparatory activities. Open Client activity: The activity or configuration to be done in production server, by opening an client should be ensured that it is done before go-live. Cutover Activities At the end of Phase 4, it is necessary to refine and validate the cutover plans generated in the Realization phase. Among other things, this includes tasks such as the reviewing of the runtime of test runs to estimate runtime for the complete data size. A conversion checklist for transporting all changes into the productive system is provided for all the configuration settings to be imported. At this stage, it is important to verify that required tasks have been successfully completed, for example, that the technical environment is in place, the cutover programs are ready and the application data is verified. Approval is now sought from project management and company senior management to start the cutover process. Here you can also refer to the Data Transfer Made Easy Guidebook created especially for this purpose. It is located in the Knowledge Corner of the ASAP CD. The help desk is particularly important in the first weeks after going live, but you will require help desk support throughout the productive life of your R/3 System. An internal help desk should be staffed and supported mainly by employees of the enterprise. Setting up a help desk involves, among other things, installing office and technical equipment and defining OSS users. Problems which cannot be solved by this internal help desk are forwarded to SAP via the OSS system. As soon as you know when you will go live with the R/3 System or with new R/3 applications you should inform SAP. Thus you can ensure that SAP can provide optimal support throughout your goinglive phase. For the last weeks before and first weeks after the go-live date, SAP offers the R/3 GoingLive Customer Care Service, accessible via SAPNet and OSS 86.What is the relation between PGI and TOR? PGI is the last step we can say at the delivery, It depends on the client requirement for the process flow, PGI is issuing the Goods after the TO creation and picking TOR is transfer of requirements to the production Dept, this can be Individual and collective requirments, what ever the orders created which has no confirmed quantity will be transferred for the requirements which in turn creates PR and POs and For this at the schedule lines should have TR/assembly activated
87.What are the Differences between invoice and billing doc? Both are same in SD point of view. - In SD terminology we call as Billing Document and - In FI terminology we call as INVOICE. - In MM again only INVOICE will be there for Vendors. Invoice is document indicating to delivery goods and Billing is a receipt of payment. If we receive the goods from vendors that is called bill if we give the goods to customer that is called invoice. Bill means we have to pay the amount against bill : invoice means we have to receive the amount against invoice. Invoice is for both : Vendor Invoice and Customer Invoice. Literally meaning of bill is to charge for product & services where invoice is itemized bill. Billing Tcodes: - VF01 create billing document. The delivery order comes up auto. - VF02 the billing doc comes up auto . View the accounting enteries Invoice Tcodes: - FB60 Create invoice with respect to rawmaterial and tax. - FB70 Invoice entries with respect to sales and tax 88. What is the functionality of negative posting in billing document? 89.What is mean of Rebate processing? A rebate is a discount which is granted subsequently to a rebate recepient on the basis of defined sales volume within certain period. there are three process on rebate.. 1:- Configuring Rebate 2:- Setting of rebate agreements 3:- managing rebate agreement & payments But before the processing the rebate you need to activate the following fields :- in Payer master record :- Sales organisation :- Billing document type. You have following rebate agreement types for your customer. 1:- Material rebate 2:- customer rebate 3:- customer Hierarchy rebate 4:- Material group rebate 5:- Independent of sales volume. 90.How is shipping point determined? shipping conditions + loading group + Delivery plant = Shipping point 91. What is the client specific data? 92. What is ABAP debugging? 93.How subtotal in pp is related to credit limit? 94.What is the difference between discount and rebate? Rebate is a partial repayment, whereas a refund is a repayment of the total purchase price , Discount is reduction in Price Discount means ...it happens on a single purchase...when comes to rebate.....it happens on only after some particular period of time. Rebates are retrospective in nature with a specific time frame or other conditions like Sales Volume Sales Quantity attached to it. Rebate:an incentive to be given to a customer .clubbed with qty purchased by a customer within the period specified (say one month)-conditional.
Discount:unconditional to be given to a customer on account of heavy purchase by one single billing.-From the price List(Base price). Or Rebate is a partial repayment, whereas a refund is a repayment of the total purchase price Discount is reduction in Price or discount means ...it happens on a single purchase...when comes to rebate .....it happens on only after some particular period of time. or Rebates are retrospective in nature with a specific time frame or other conditions like Sales Volume, Sales Quantity attached to it. Rebate:an incentive to be given to a customer .clubbed with qty purchased by a customer within the period specified (say one month)-conditional. Discount:unconditional,to be given to a customer on account of heavy purchase by one single billing.-From the price List(Base price). or reabte is a discount which is settled ate the end of a perod of a contract or an agreement. discounts normally given anytime. or Rebate is basically Discuont on turover,means if u buy 3 shirts u will get discount of 20%,whereas if the no of shirts het reduced the discount will get reduced. Discount doesnt depends upon the turover,it is fixed.and can only differ from customer to customer. or Rebate is a retroactive agreement.it is given to a partial payment to perticular secheduled time. (1yr or 3 Yr). discount is given at a time to the customer. or Rebate is given for the purchase of specified quantity or on the volume of the sales over a given period of time . Discount is given on every goods purchased by the customer 95.What are the routines? Routines Routines are short sub-programs that carry out various checks during document processing. In the SD module, you can create and process routines for copying requirements, data transfer, requirements and formulas using transaction VOFM. Besides the routines delivered to you with the system, you can create your own individual routines. Transaction VOFM allows you to follow a standardized procedure for creating routines. The name ranges are predefined for routines delivered to you with the system and for routines created by the customer. This name convention guarantees that your own routines are not overwritten during a Release upgrade. What are routines? are Transfer/Update rules and routines one and the same? Routines are like conditions or business rules that could be applied to filter the data while entering the BW system or could be used to apply certain conditions on the info objects itself. There are 4 types of routines 1. Start routine- Could be used at two levels (transfer rule level and the Update rule level) This Start routine written at the transfer rule level helps filter the necessary data coming from the source system. For Example: If you decide to extract data that contain only quantity greater than 500 , then you could specify the Start rouitne to achieve this. The Start routine at the Update rule level provides similar functionality but at this point it helps direct specific data to different data targets. For Example: If there 3 data targets being fed from the Infosource, you may want to apply some condition to each data target, like send year 2000 data ti Data target1, 2001 to data target 2 and so on. This can be achieved by using Start routine at the Update rule level 2. Transfer Routine: This feature is available at the transfer rule levels While performing the transfer rules operation, there are 4 features available to the developers to create business rules on top pf the Infoobjects. 1. You could do a one to one mappping of the Infoobject 2. Provide a constant value 3. Include a formula 4. Write an ABAp routine.
These 4 options refers to the transfer routine 3. Update Routine: The limitations of just having 4 options in the transfer routine is overcome at the update rule level. There are various other sophisticated features avaialable apart from the 4 options mentioned above. These business rules could be specified pertaining to each data target. 4. Conversion Routine: It provides functionality to do Currency and unit conversion. 96.What are the reports u have generated with help of ABAP? 97. What is meant by Variant Configuration? Some light on Variant Configuration in Detail. The procedure is as follows: • Create a Material - KMAT type with Item category (002) • Create Charateristics in CT04 - Zbike, where in values mention the Color of the bile like Red, Blue etc • Create another characteristics in CT04 - ZPrice, where directly go the additional data tab and maintain the table SDCOM and field VKOND (ABAP Dictionary it will ask for) • Assign these two characteristics to a Class in CL01 - ZBikeclass ( Type 300) in characteristics tab page. • Then go to CU41 Configuration profile select the material and enter the description click on the class assignment ie assign Zbikclass. • Now go back to CT04 - enter Zbike -go to values- select Red- go to extras - Other Dependencies Select Procedure enter in front 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Red' and save • Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will come just save) • Now select Blue- go to extras - Other Dependencies - Editor - Select Procedure enter in front of 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Blue' and save • Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will come just save) • Now go to VK11 - Enter VA00 (Condition)(For Std RVA001 Pricing Procedure) - enter variant Red and Blue give the rates accordingly and create the sales order. Tell me about variant configaration? What are the type of questions we can expect in that? Variant configuration is used where you have a configurable material like computer (made up of components like processor, monitor, keyboard, mouse etc). These components are called as characteristics in variant config. Again this will be having values like processor can be either P4 or P3, monitor can be 15" or 17" etc. Based on the values selected the variant pricing will happen using the condition type VA00. Possible questions you can expect are: -
What is variant configuration? What is characteristic? What is value? What is class? What is configuration profile? What is dependency and what are the types? What is a variant table? And the transaction codes for the above.
What is the difference of VK11 and VK31 (condition records)? My condition type is PR00 and Access sequence is PR02. And in this access sequence table 304 is available. Now when I was entering the PR00 in VK31 it shows error Table 304 is not defining for the condition type PR02. But when I was entering the PR00 at VK11 it is accepting it. Difference between VK11 and VK31 - if you go through the menu path you will get the vk 31 as condition record from the tamplets whereas vk11 as simple condition record. In VK11 you can store condition record for more than one condition type. This means you can have same condition record for different condition types.This feature is given to enhance the system's performane and not to create the duplcation of the work for each condition type.
Again system is not allowing to store the record in the vk31 for the condition type pr00 and access sequence pr02.This is because if you see this ac seq cointains two accessses 20 and 30 having the same table no.But you see there is the difference between the technical view of it for transfering the data from document field and condition field,so you can not maintain the data at VK31.
What is the difference between Header condition and Item condition? I know item condition applies to each item in a sales document. Header condition can only be applied to an entire document. Difference between header and item condition - as YOU CORRECTLY SAID HEADER CONDITION IS APPLICABLE FOR THE WHOLE DOCUMENT where as item is for item.Ex-Say fright is dependent on the total weight of all the items in the documents then header condition adds on weights of all items and calculates the record accordingly. You have two different types of the header conditions. a) In one you can duplicate the same value throughout the document for each item.Say discount 2% at header level which is also applicable to all the items b)Second is the accumulation of the values of all the item at the header level,as earlier explained for the weight/fright. These differenes are controlled through the indicator of group condition in the cond.type configuration. And so obviously header condition can not have the condition record and hence access sequence.
100. Disallowing Condition Types - How I can accomplish the following: Be able to DISALLOW Z0BP Condition type to be negative ( Invoice Block) You can modify condition type from customising; Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing>Pricing Control->Define Condition Types->Maintain Condition Types-Change condition type ZOBP's plus/minus indicator to "A" which means only positive is allowed.
101. In pricing procedure there are column such as requirement, sub total altclty, altbv, accurals. What are these and where we calculate all these values which we put. 1 Requirement: Denoted by nos and maintained in VOFM, this is a condition required for a particular condition type to be executed. Eg. PR00: req 2 ie item relevant for pricing VPRS/EKO1: req 4 ie cost Rebate BAO1 Req 24/Req 25 etc 2. Subtotal: this represents where a which table a value is stored, which can be processed for further calculation. Eg. for PR00, if this value is to be used for credt check of a customer, we mark the subtotal as A. 3 Alternate Calculation type: this is also denoted by numbers and maintained in VOFM. Eg. Suppose for 45 units , each unit is charged $100 per unit, the order value comes out to be $4500, that is calculation is done as per unit price, if the client wants calculation type to be based on volume or wieght, alternate calculation type can be configured. 4. Alternate base value: Denoted by no. and maintained in VOFM. Eg, if the pricing scale is maintained and pricing for 45 units comes under the scale of $100 per unit., the base value is 45 units, but if the client wants a standard base value in some casesto be assumed inspite of maintaining the scale, an alternate base value is confihured, that is the base value based on which the order value is to be calculated changes. 5. Accruals: Accruals are maintained for rebate agreements, it constitutes the total accumulated value which customer has earned through rebate, one the rebate for certain amount is settled the amount from the accruals get deducted. Gap Analysis Gap Analysis: In simple terms: Gap means small cracks. In SAP world or in Information Technology world, gap analysis is the study of the differences between two different information systems or applications( ex; existing system or legacy system with Client and new is SAP), often for the purpose of determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimes spoken of as "the space between where we are and where we want to be." Gap Analysis is undertaken as a means of bridging that space. Actual Gap Analysis is time consuming and it plays vital role in Business Blueprint[AS IS Process] stage. A through Gap Analysis will identify the gaps between how the business operates and its needs against what the package can can't do. For each gap there will be one of three outcomes which must be recorded and actioned, 1. GAP must be closed and customised software can be developed 2. GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is required 3. GAP does not need to be closed.
A point worth mentioning here is that at time people confuse between user-exits and Gap Analysis. User exits are standard gate ways provided by SAP to exit the standard code and we can write our own code with the help of ABAP workbench, its not new functionality which we are trying to build in sap but its slight enhancement within the same code. Gap analysis is start point of Realization and once business Blueprint is finished we have to find the realization of sap system for client requirment and there will be certain gaps when compared to system fit. Those gaps can be closed either by re-engineering of business process to fit with SAP or we have to use USER exits in case of small deviations or complete enhancements with the help of ABAP to fit with the SAP system. The Gaps can differ from company to company. Most commonly, however, missing functionality is industry-specific. Scrap Sales Order Cycle:Step 1: Sales Document TypeIMG > Sales and Distribution > Sales > Sales Documents >Sales Document Header:1. Sales Document Type:The sales document types represent the different business transactions, such as Inquiry, Quotation, Sales Order, etc. To create new sales order type, always copy as with reference to similar sales order. If possible use standard sales order.2. Define Number Ranges For Sales Documents: Maintain number range with discussion with core team.3. Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types: A. Combine sales organizations / Combine distribution channels / Combine divisions: Ensure to maintain these, else Sales Order creation will give error.B. Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas: Assign only required Sales Order Types to required Sales Area. This will minimize selection of Sales Order Type as per sales area. Sales Document Item:1. Define Item Categories: If possible use Standard Item Category. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.2. Assign Item Categories: If possible, use standard. Formula for deriving item category: Sales Document Type + Item Category Group + Usage + Higher Level Item Category = Item Category Schedule Line:1. Define Schedule Line Categories: If possible use Standard Schedule Lines. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.2. Assign Schedule Line Categories: If possible, use standard. Formula for deriving Schedule Line: Item Category + MRP Type / No MRP Type. Step 2:IMG > Logistic Execution > Shipping > Deliveries > 1. Define Delivery Types: If possible use Standard Delivery Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.2. Define Item Categories for Deliveries: If possible use Standard Item Categories for Delivery Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.3. DefineNumberRanges for Deliveries: Ensure to maintain number range. Step 3: IMG > Sales and Distribution > Billing >1. Define Billing Types: If possible use Standard Billing Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.2. Define Number Range For Billing Documents: Ensure to maintain number range. 3. Maintain Copying Control For Billing Documents: Maintain relevant copy controls such as Sales Order to Billing, Deliver to Billing, etc. Stock for Scrap Sale:There are 2 options 1. Scrap material can be identified as regular material at the point of sale. If yes, then we can use the same material in Sales Order. 2. Scrap material cannot be identified as regular material at the point of sale. For Eg: A Automotive seat manufacturing company purchases different grades of foam, but has a single scrap yard for foams. Now at the point of sale it may not be possible to differentiate. But we require a material & stock to sell scrap. We can create a dummy material say 'scrapfoam' & as concerned for stock, we can generate stock as per requirement through T.Code: MB1A, using movement type 502. Note: In Indian Environment, ensure to add TCS (Tax Collected at Source) Condition Type in Pricing Procedure. Labels parameters What is the Difference between Consultant & End users? SAP consultant role is to build the system, changes & modification/updation in currently installed SAP system for the end users. SAP End user only use the SAP system just to fetch some info, or to create new thing. So a end user is just using the final product which it is meant for and consultnat design the product/updation and modification. The roles and responsibilities of end users is working in easy access menu they will not have authorizations of using img settings if they get doubt they will send query to the implemented company and just entering day to day transactions. Roles and Responsibilities of End User: Using the software at the end or after the implementation is an End User. In sap HR , we do come across entire Org Management creation by an end user after the Personnel strucutre is created. OM objects like creation of Org Unit means functional area or dpt , creation Job and
Position and its occupancy is with in the limits of an enduser. Initiallly the OM is created by sap consultant . In course of time a new department has appeared in the company of the client .. this has to be created by the enduser rather than depending up on the implementor... similarly new job and position..like this small things are always done by the enduser. The entire work of OM is purely depends upon the enduser. After from this running periodical payroll and Ensuring of the Time schedules ( Work Schedules) of each employee is done from sap easy access by an enduser and the show run of payroll everymonth is by the enduser only. Like this lot of roles are there for an end user. Whatever the problems come across during the enduser utilisation of sap ...that will reach as ticket to the support team Explain what are the job responsibilities of END user & POWER user. One would need user id and password to access SAP be it a developer, consultant, administrator, or end user. End user is the one who performs transactions in SAP after it goes live. Such as posting an invoice, goods receipt, creating purchase orders, sales orders etc. Power Users are users with advanced knowledge in certain applications and with special permissions or roles. They work in the specialist departments in the company and are available to other users as contact persons. During the SAP Implementation Project, what is the Role of Core Team Membere & Consultants? The main responsibility of the core team member will to impart knowledge about the companies processes to the SAP Consultants. The consultants will be providing the core team members with templets, that will describe the format of the AS-IS documentation wherein the core team members will write the different processes of the company into these documents and submit it to the SAP Consultants. The SAP consultants will then start mapping this into the system and provide the best possible solution that can be incorporated using the TO-BE documents. The main aim is to map the companies processes into the system. The SAP consultants will then train the core team members for how to use the SAP system. What Are SAP End User Manual It is the same for every other modules although here I reference it mainly for SAP HR. 1) You should understand which targeted group for the end-user training is for. Do they have any computer background or not. 2) In what way they are going to make use of the manuals supplied to them during the course of training. Let us focus on how to prepare manuals: In the client side , End Users are not permanent. If they get any better job outside they will resign and go out. Even if you train them well, again the end-user team disappears after some time. That is why implementing company( Client ) expects SAP Consultants to prepare documents which are self explanatory (even to a layman in SAP) and study themselves and use the sap easy access very comfortably. Hence we should prepare a document which explains the following things comfortably: A) All the buttons and Screens we have in sap and its importance for an end-user. B) All the transaction codes used by end user. C) The STEP by STEP usage methodology with screen shots and explanatory foot notes for each Transaction code. D) Prepare a book a table and columns which should have the following information: - Sl.NO. - Transaction Code - Navigation path - Use of the Code - Expected Result - Achieved Result - Remarks/Any Comment E) Highlight the common troubles during the usage of SAP by an end- user and give the solutions (ready to use) These problems you can come across while giving the in house training for the end-users. You just place them at one place and publish it for their usage in future for any of their new joinees as an end-user. F) Every consultant is aware that the entire Organsiational Management is with end user only. Means consultant should train the end user in entire OM.
G) We should inform the importance of info types and usage for our purposes at expert mode, PA30, PA40 etc., H) Each field in the international infotypes should be explained very clearly and ensure that they are comfortable with the fields of infotypes which have been configured for their company. For example : info type 0001 Org Assignment insists about the three structures of the HR. We should explain each sub field like Emp Group, Emp Sub Group, Personnel Area and Sub Area and its importance and relevance to their company so as to understand while processing them from the end- user point of view . When an employee is hired into the company , now the end-user in a position to understand which employee group and subgroup, Personnel Area And Sub Area etc., should allotted.. Like this whatever comes across in SAP Easy Access should be insisted through the training of end users. I) Demo, exercises and solutions should be provided in the manuals. J) Glossary of terms and expansion of Acronyms, Abbreviations should be given. Like this each consultant should focus on end user training and prepare the documents. What are the different types of picking strategy? Picking Strategies The WM system includes the following picking strategies: 1) FIFO - First In First Out: The system proposes the oldest quant for the stock pick. 2) LIFO - Last In First Out: The system proposes the most recent quant for picking (quant with most recent goods receipt date). 3) Partial quantity - Removal of broken pallets first, then standard pallets. 4) Large/small - Pick proposal based on quantity. 5) Shelf-life expiration date (SLED) - Similar to FIFO, the oldest quant is proposed for picking (the quant with the oldest shelf-life expiration date). 6) Fixed bin - The quant is posted to the fixed bin. 7) No pick strategy - Manual entry of storage bin. The strategy "stringent FIFO" is also available as a material-dependent pick strategy. Here, the FIFO principle is applied across all the storage types. 1. What is the role of SD Consultant in Testing while implementing the project? 2. What is Unit testing and Integration Testing? Testing : the core team members along with endusers will test whether the postings done in SAP is resulting as per the requirements of the organisation. They will test whether the output documents such as purchase order, invoice document are printed in the required format and showing the correct data. Unit testing is refer to the module which are going to implement. SD, MM, FICO etc. there will be test script based on that testing will be performed. Integration testing will be cross the modules. MM-SD-FICO for example. Integration testing is also called SIT ( System integration testing) Testing mathologies and types: there are 6 types of testings: 1. Unit Testing 2. System Testing 3. System Integration security Testing 4. Performance Testing 5. User Acceptance testing 6. Regression Testing Unit testing is done in bit and pieces. Like e.g. in SD standard order cycle; we do have 1-create order, then 2-delivery, then 3-transfer order, then 4-PGI and then 5-Invoice. So we will be testing 1,2,3,4 and 5 seperately alone one by one using test cases and test data. We will not be looking and checking/testing any integration between order and delivery; delivery and TO; TO and PGI and then invoice. Whrereas System testing you will be testing the full cycle with it's integration, and you will be testing using test cases which give a full cyclic test from order to invoice. Security testing you will be testing different roles and functionalities and will check and signoff. Performance testing is refered to as how much time / second will take to perform some actions, like e.g. PGI. If BPP defination says 5 seconds for PGI then it should be 5 and not 6 second. Usually it is done using software. Regression testing is reffered to a test which verfies that some new configuration doesnot adversly impact existing functionality. This will be done on each phase of testing. User Acceptance Testing: Refers to Customer testing. The UAT will be performed through the execution of predefined business scenarios, which combine various business processes. The user test model is comprised of a sub-set of system integration test cases. We use different software during testing. Most commonly use are
Test Director: which is used to record requirement, preparing test plan and then recording the progress. We will be incorporating defects that are coming during these testings using different test cases. Mercury Load Runner: is used for performance testing. This is an automatic tool. What does the following terms means : - Technical Unit Testing - Functional Unit Testing - IntegrationTesting - Volume Testing - Parallel Testing? Technical Unit Testing= Test of some technical development such as a user exit, custom program, or interface. the test usually consists of a test data set that is processed according to the new program. A successful test only proves the developed code works and that it performed the process as as designed. Functional Unit Testing= Test of configuration, system settings or a custom development (it may follow the technical unit testing) These usually use actual data or data that is masked but essentially the same as a real data set. A successful test shows that the development or configuration works as designed and the data is accurate as a result. IntegrationTesting= Testing a process, development or configuration within the context of any other functions that the process, development or functionality will touch or integrate . The test should examine all data involved across all modules and any data indirectly affected. A successful test indicates that the processes work as designed and integrate with other functions without causing any problems in any integrated areas. Volume Testing= testing a full data set that is either actual or masked to insure that the entire volume does cause system problems such as network transmission problems, system resources issues, or any systemic problem, A successful test indicates that the processes will not slow or crash the system due to a full data set being utilized. Parallel Testing= Testing the new system or processes with a complete data set while running the same processes in the legacy system. A successful test will show identical results when both the legacy system and new system results are compared. I would also note that when a new implementation is being done you will want to conduct at least one cut over test from the old system to the new and you should probably do several. What kind of testings that are carried out in testing server? 1. Individual Testing ( Individually which we've created) 2. Regressive Testing ( Entire Process) 3. Integration Testing ( Along with other integrated modules) The 3 types of testing is as follows:1. Unit testing (where an individual process relevant to a SD or MM etc is tested) 2. Integration testing (where a process is tested that cuts across all areas of SAP). 3. Stress testing (where lots of transactions are run to see if the system can handle the data) What are the differences between a functional and business consultant? The difference between Functional consultant and Business consultant are as follows: 1) A funcitonal consultant is able to configure the system unlike business consultant. 2) Functional consultant know more about business process unlike Business consultant. 3) A business consultant will bring business process knowledge and provide it to functional consultant who in turn used this knowledge to configure the system. 4) Functional consultant has more configuration knolwledge then Business consultant. The responsibilities of a support consultant are: - Primarily responsible for Handling tickets and application support to the endusers - When an issue comes diagnose, analyse and solve the issue - Responsible for any enhancements - Writing functional specs and interacting with Abapers to develop any user exits - Training the end users and preparing end user training material For those who wished to know the role of a functional consultant. Below is one view: A functional consultant evaluates the demands in talking with the customer's representatives, transforms the essence into an abstract and algorithmic business model. Hence, he identifies the use cases and transforms them into logical and technical views. Then the main task starts: customizing the respective business area and making sure the system reacts in the manner according to the constraints of the requested use case. The consultant documents the settings and prepares proper guidelines that allow other consultants to do further changes or repairs with due efforts. The consultant takes care that proper training is given to the users and that the system is usable, performing appropriately and the business flow is complete and correct. During go live he assists the technical staff by testing the behaviour of the system.
After go live he guarantees that the procedures remain usable and consistent in real live situation and proposes enhancements. The main duty of a consultant is to transfer external know-how to the client. It is not manpower that counts but intelligence, understanding of processes, a feeling for defects and general a common sense. SAP Tickets - What Is That? Handling tickets is called Issue Tracking system. The errors or bugs forwarded by the end user to the support team are prioritized under three seviority High, Medium and Low. Each and every seviority as got its time limits before that we have to fix the error. The main job of the supporting consultant is to provide assistance on line to the customer or the organisation where SAP is already implemented for which the person should be very strong in the subject and the process which are implemented in SAP at the client side to understand,to analyse,to actuate and to give the right solution in right time.This is the job of the support consultant. The issues or the tickets(problems) which are arised is taken care of on priority basis by the support team consultants. The work process in support projects are given below for your reference. 1. The customer or the end user logs a call through any tool or by mail (RADIX). 2. Each one of the support team is a part of support group. 3. Whenever a customer logs a call he /she has to mention to which work group (by name). 4. Once the calls came to the work group the support consultant or the team need to send an IR (Initial Response) to the user depending upon the priority of the calls. (Top,High,Med,Low,None) 5. Then the error is fixed, debugged by the support consultant or the team. Then after testing properly by generating TR(Transport Request through the basis admin) 6. Then it is informed to the end user/customer/super user about the changes which have moved to the production server by CTS process. These are the process. In summary, what I understand is that if any configuration or customization is required to solve the issue, then the consultant have to work on DEV Client, then the end user will test it in the QA client and after approval the BASIS consultant has to transport it to the PRODUCTION client. An example: Tickets in SD can be considered as the problems which the end user or the employee in the company face while working on R/3. Tickets usually occur during the implementation or after theimplementation of the project. There can be numerous problem which can occur in the production support and a person who is working in the support has to resolve those tickets in the limited duration, every ticket has the particular deadline alert so your responsibility is to finish it before that deadline. To begin with , we should give "TICKET" to you for not knowing it. Here is an eg of a ticket raise: End user is not able to 1. Create Sales order for a customer from a New plant , since shipping point determination is not happened . ( Without Shipping point the document becomes INCOMPLETE and he will not be able to proceed further like DELIVERY, BILLING). He raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the below: 1. Low 2. Medium 3. High. Now you need to solve this ticket. You would analyze the problem and identify that the SP configuration has to be done for the new plant. You would request a transport for DEV CLIENT to BASIS. You do the change and Request one more Transport to BASIS for QA client. The End user will test the same by creating a sales order for the new plant and approve it. Finally, you request a transport to move the changes to PRODUCTION. Once the change is deployed in production the TICKET is closed. What I have given is a small example. You would get some real issues with severity HIGH in your day-day support. What is maintaining SLA in production support? SLA is an abbreviation for "Service Level Agreement". It means to have guaranteed reaction or resolving times for incidents (= trouble tickets). For instance you could have defined the following SLA levels For example: Gold: Reaction time = 30 minutes, resolving time = 4 hours Silver: Reaction time = 4 hours, resolving time = 24 hours SLAs normally are part of a contract between a customer and a service provider. *Or in details description:* SLA are Service Level Agreements to resolve the tickets by the market. SLA means Service Level agreement. It is the service agreement between a Company and a service provider. For example an IT Organization providing support of SAP / other software / hardware has a agreement. This can be for
example categorized based on criticality of the incident. High priority incident has to be resolved on 10 hours. Medium priority incident has a 3 days time to resolve etc *-- Anu radha SLA's are nothing but Service level agreements. These are defined in project preparation phase and client would have made an agreement with the company for the level of service. The SLA's are applicable in Production as well as maintanence support projects. For example: if your company follows a ticketing process(a ticket is nothing but an environment contains complete description of the problem which contains Short description, problem, customer contact details, sreen shots of the error etxc.,) and for each ticket there will be a severity for example business critical issues or problems may be treated as high or top severitie's. In those case your company or your team has to deliver the solution to the customer in agreed time limit or otherwise you might end up missing SLA's. SLA's has two important time specifications 1. IPRT --- initial problem response time --- this is nothing but time taken to respond to the problem. 2. PRT --- Problem response time ----- this is nothing but time taken to solve the issue or problem. Both IPRT and PRT will be different for different severitie's. Where to find the User Exits on Sales and Distribution along with functionality? To see the detail go to SPRO --- Sales and Distribution ---- System Modifications --- User Exits There you will find all the details by checking IMG Activity Documentation. You will have User exit for Sales Document Processing. This IMG step describes additional installation-specific processing in sales document processing. In particular, the required INCLUDES and user exits are described. Involved program components System modifications for sales document processing affect different areas. Depending on the modification, you make the changes in the program components provided: - MV45ATZZ For entering metadata for sales document processing. User-specific metadata must start with "ZZ". - MV45AOZZ For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing which are called up by the screen and run under PBO (Process Before Output) prior to output of the screen. The modules must start with "ZZ". - MV45AIZZ For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing. These are called up by the screen and run under PAI (Process After Input) after data input (for example, data validation). The modules must start with "ZZ". - MV45AFZZ and MV45EFZ1 For entering installation-specific FORM routines and for using user exits, which may be required and can be used if necessary. These program components are called up by the modules in MV45AOZZ or MV45AIZZ. You will find all User Exits on Sales and Distribution along with functionality.
SD Integration points with other modules SD module is highly integrated with the other modules in SAP. Sales Order – Integration Points •Availability Check •Credit Check •Costing •Tax Determination •Transfer of Requirements
Delivery & Goods Issue – Integration Points •Availability Check •Credit Check •Reduces stock •Reduces Inventory $ •Requirement Eliminated
Billing Integration Points •Debit A/R •Credit Revenue •Updates G/ L (Tax, discounts, surcharges, etc.) •Milestone Billing Return Delivery & Credit Memo Integration Points •Increases Inventory •Updates G/ L •Credit Memo •Adjustment to A/R •Reduces Revenue -
Module FI/ CO FI/ CO FI/ CO PS Module MM FI FI FI FI
4. How we can do invoice split depending on item category in which scenario we will use? You first need to go for copying controls either from sales to billing (invoice) or delivery to billing or billing to billing use transactions (vtaa,vtaf,vtla,vtfa,vtfl,vtff) all possibilities for copy controls. this basicly is flow of doc to doc. (may it be sales to billing, del to bil, or bil to bil etc..) -> this is where you see the Item category and you control whether split is possible or not with the indicator"B". eg: representing split in invoice based on item category. The field here "data VBRK/VBRP" (headre/item)whcih actually is used for splits or combining different deliveries. create a splitting rule using VOFM (you need access key to get here). Here you define comparisions for the fields at header table and item tables and the comparision fields say SPART"division". "purchase order "BSTKD Instance: 5 sales orders combined into 2 deliveries and the split at the invoice would be 5 individual billing with respect to fields PO and DIv. of each sales order would let you create 5 billings. You need to define the exact "field" in the comparisions both at header and item level that could lead to invoice split. the key here is the field that is different from header to item will cause split at the item level. What is the different between ALE, IDOC and BAPI? ALE ALE is SAP proprietary technology that enables data communications between two or more SAP R/3 systems and/or R/3 and external systems. When a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution such as R/3 is implemented, companies have to interface the ERP system with legacy systems or other ERP systems. ALE provides intelligent mechanisms where by clients can achieve integration as well as distribution of applications and data. ALE technology facilitates rapid application prototyping and application interface development, thus reducing implementation time. The ALE components are inherently integrated with SAP applications and are robust, leading to a highly reliable system. ALE comes with application distribution/integration scenarios as well as a set of tools, programs, data definitions, and methodologies that you can easily configure to get an interface up and running. BAPI BAPIs provide a stable, standardized method for third-party applications and components to integrate into the Business Framework. These interfaces are being specified as part of SAP's initiative with customers, partners and leading standards organizations. Also, SAP has implemented the emerging Object Application Group (OAG) specifications with BAPIs. Pros and Cons for both BAPI and Call Transaction BAPI One of the big plusses for BAPIs is that the interface and function are not supposed to change. This is a big plus when you do upgrades or hot packs because the transaction can change (format, required inputs etc) which means you then need to update the call transaction. Some of the BAPIs are better documented and easier to use than others. You usually need to perform the BAPI that actually does the COMMIT after you call your BAPI. The Program coding for calling a BAPI is usually cleaner than setting up the screen flow etc for the Call Transaction. You don't need to worry about special data circumstances interrupting the normal data flow of the screens and causing errors because of that. BAPIs probably have better performance since they don't do the screen flow processing.
In general if the BAPI exists for the transaction you want to perform and you can figure out how to use it the BAPI is probably the best way to go. This is just from my experience working with both BAPI and Call Transaction. I have had some very good successes with BAPIs, but very occasionally found that I could not get the BAPI to perform the update I needed. ABAP Tips The interface concept of the classic R/3 is based on two different strategies: Remote Function Calls (RFC) and data exchange through IDoc message documents. RFC makes direct and synchronous calls of a program in the remote system. If the caller is an external program it will call an RFC-enabled function in R/3 and if the calling program is the R/3 system it will call an RFC-function in another R/3-system or it will call a non-R/3 program through a gateway-proxy (usually rfcexec.exe). BAPIs are a subset of the RFC-enabled function modules, especially designed as Application Programming Interface (API) to the SAP business object, or in other words: are function modules officially released by SAP to be called from external programs. IDocs are text encoded documents with a rigid structure that are used to exchange data between R/3 and a foreign system. Instead of calling a program in the destination system directly, the data is first packed into an IDoc and then sent to the receiving system, where it is analyzed and properly processed. Therefore an IDoc data exchange is always an asynchronous process. The significant difference between simple RFC-calls and IDoc data exchange is the fact, that every action performed on IDocs are protocolled by R/3 and IDocs can be reprocessed if an error occurred in one of the message steps. While IDocs have to be understood as a data exchange protocol, EDI and ALE are typical use cases for IDocs. R/3 uses IDocs for both EDI and ALE to deliver data to the receiving system. ALE is basically the scheduling mechanism that defines when and between which partners and what kind of data will be exchanged on a regular or event triggered basis. Such a set-up is called an ALE-scenario. The philosophical difference between EDI and ALE can be pinned as follows: If we send data to an external partner, we generally speak of EDI, while ALE is a mechanism to reliable replicate data between trusting systems to store a redundant copy of the IDoc data. The difference is made clear, when we think of a purchase order that is sent as an IDoc. If we send the purchase order to a supplier then the supplier will store the purchase order as a sales order. However, if we send the purchase order via ALE to another R/3 system, then the receiving system will store the purchase order also as a purchase order. MILESTONE BILLING CONFIGURATION Milestone billing means distributing the total amount to be billed over multiple billing dates in the billing plan. As each milestone is successfully reached, the customer is billed either a percentage of the entire project cost or simply a pre-defined amount. During sales order processing, the system determines from the item category whether a billing plan is required and, if so, which type of plan The type of billing plan that is determined at this point is set up in Customizing and cannot be changed in the sales document. Billing plans for periodic billing and milestone billing plans for project-related milestone billing have different overview screens so that you can enter data relevant to your processing. For example, for milestone billing, you must be able to enter data to identify the individual milestones. IMG configuration requires :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Maintain billing plan types for milestone billing in OVBO. Define date description in SM30 - V_TVTB. Maintain Date Category for Billing Plan Type IN OVBJ. Allocate date category in SM30 - V_TFPLA_TY. Maintain date proposal for Billing Plan Type in OVBM. Assign Billing Plan Type to Sales Documents Type in OVBP. Assign Billing Plan Type to Item Categories in OVBR. Define rules for determining the date in OVBS.
Milestone billing is typically used for billing projects, such as plant engineering and construction projects. Such projects often include a series of milestones that mark the completion of different stages of the work. In the SAP R/3 System, milestones are defined in a network along with planned and actual dates for the completion of work. The milestones are also assigned to the billing dates in the billing plan. Each milestone-related billing date is blocked for processing until the Project System confirms that the milestone is completed. Delivery-relevant order items for which a milestone billing plan applies are billed on the basis of the requested delivery quantity and not on the total of the confirmed quantities. The
connection between the project and the sales document item is made in the individual schedule lines of the item. Each schedule item can be assigned to a network in a project. To display the project-related data for a schedule line, proceed as follows: In one of the overview screens of the sales document, select 1. Item -> Schedule lines. 2. Mark the schedule line and select Procurement details. The following figure shows an example of milestone billing where only the Contract have been billed : Order Item Turbine 100,000 Billing Plan Billing date Description % Value Billing Block Milestone Billing Status 01-10-94 Contract 10 10,000 - x x 01-03-95 Assembly 30 30,000 x x 01-04-95 Maintenance 30 30,000 x x 01-05-95 Acceptance 30 30,000 x x 01-06-95 Final invoice .. .. x Network/Activities Milestone Estimate Actual Assembly 01-03-95 01-03-95 Maintenance 01-04-95 Acceptance 01-05-95 For each billing date in a milestone billing plan, you can specify whether the billing date is: 1. fixed 2. always updated with the actual date of the milestone 3. updated with the actual date of the milestone, if the date is earlier than the planned billing date for the date Reasons For Making Any Pricing Procedure in SAP 1. Why we are maintaining separate pricing procedure for inter company sales and business processs. 2. What is the different between standard and inter company pricing procedure and what type condition type we are using in this intercompany. There are two simple reasons for making any Pricing Procedure in SAP SD Modules. 1) Business Reason. What are the pricing aspects or strategies you want to apply for the client requirement in order to sell their goods or render services, is all about the reason for various pricing procedures. Eg: Domestic sales pricing procedure, - Export Pricing Procedure, - A rebate pricing procedure or - A High Discount oriented pricing Procedures. - A repair pricing procedures. You have your own conditions intended to few transactions only. Put all this conditions as a set defining your own Procedures. It may even include special requirements and formulas applied for such Pricing Procedures. 2) A special pricing procedures, in order to facilitate added functionalities of SAP pricing architecture, we must define new pricing procedure. SAP Standard programmes checks these special Indicators in-order to do some required functions. As a example 1, you need to have a Pricing procedure for condition supplement inorder to use the condition supplements. The condition supplement pricing procedure must be given in the condition type definitions (v/06) of the Pricing Condition where you need to supplement, without which SAP SD Condtion Supplements functionality doesnt work. As a example 2, you need to have a Pricing procedure for Inter Company Billing Conditions(IV01 & IV02) inorder to be active for Inter Company Billing specific transactions. Thus make sure that, the procedure wouldnot apply for non-Inter company transactions. Eg: KA0000 for Condition Supplement for KA00 - PR0000 for Condition Supplement for PR00 - ICAA01 for Inter-Company Billing Here I would like to remind about a important field in pricing.
In V/08 of defining a new Pricing Procedure, in main screen, you have a field called TSPP (Transaction Specific Pricing Procedure). This has to be ticked on for Intercompany Billings. The SAP help reads for this field as Under: Transaction-specific pricing procedure Pricing procedure transaction-specific indicator Before Release 4.0A, no special pricing procedures were used for intercompany billing and rebate credit memos, programs were just set accordingly to deal with these situations. As of Release 4.0A you are offered greater flexibility in the form of the option to define special pricing procedures for intercompany billing and rebate credit memos. For reasons of future compatability, you will still be able to use the old program specifications. For this reason, you must set this indicator if you want to create a special pricing procedure. This is to prevent the program settings being used. This indicator is also used as of Release 4.0A to redetermine the condition class and the statistical condition indicator when copying from a reference document. Example: You copy prices from a shipment document to the billing document. The prices should lead to a surcharge in the billing document. This is guaranteed by the redetermination of the condition class in the pricing procedure. Same case with Standard Pricing procedure or Inter Company Pricing Procedure. This configuration is done when user request for new pricing condition type other than the standard ones provided by the system.
Important Tables for SAP SD Sales and Distribution: Table Customers acct)
Sales Documents
General Data Customer Master – Co. Code Data (payment method, reconciliation
Customer Payment History Customer Master – Dunning info Customer Master Bank Data Customer Master Credit Mgmt. Customer Master Credit Control Area Data (credit limits) Sales Area Data (terms, order probability) Customer Master Tax Indicator Partner Function key Output type Customer Master Ship Data Customer/Vendor Link
VBAK + VBUK Header Status and Administrative Data Sales Document - Header Data Sales Document - Business Data Item Status Sales Document - Item Data Partners Document Flow Sales Document Schedule Line Sales Requirements: Individual Records
SD Delivery DocumeLIPS LIKP
Delivery Document item data, includes referencing PO Delivery Document Header data
Billing Document
Billing Document Header Billing Document Item
SD Shipping Unit
Shipping Unit Item (Content) Shipping Unit Header
Sales Document Header and Status Data
Sales Document Header Status and Administrative Data
Sales Document Business Data
Sales Document Schedule Line Data
Sales Document Flow
Sales Document Header Data
Sales Document Item Status
Sales Document Item Data
Sales Document Partner
Sales Requirements Individual Records
Customer Master Sales Data
Customer Master Tax Indicator
Customer Master Partner Functions
Customer master record sales request form
Customer Master Shipping Data
Customer/Vendor Linking
General Data in Customer Master
Customer Master (Company Code)
Customer Payment History
Customer master (dunning data)
Customer Master (Bank Details)
Customer master credit management: Central data
Customer master credit management: Control area data
Conditions (Transaction Data)
SD Document: Delivery Header Data
SD document: Delivery: Item data
Schedule line history
Sales document: Release order data
SD Document: Delivery Note Header
Billing: Header Data
Billing: Item Data
Handling Unit - Header Table
Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)
Delivery Due Index
Fundamentals of SAP SD Pricing Concepts Pricing is one of the core concepts in SAP SD and all SD consultants need to know pricing. Just as the name says, SAP SD Pricing is configuring the system to effectively determine the price of a product under different circumstances. The most easiest example to explore pricing is to take a simple grocery bill and expand on it.
Consider this as an extract of a grocery bill. You have purchased some items from the Produce section and some from the stationery section. Your Produce sub-total is 18.00 and your stationery sub-total is 10.00. You have been taxed 10% and your total comes to 27.00 as shown in the picture above.
Let's just explore on how the pricing is calculated on line item No. 10 - Milk. However, they might not be shown on the bill but are internal to the company selling the product. Let's explore how a potential bill could be created. As you can see from the picture below, there is a Base Price from the price list - 5.00 . And since the bill is for a retail customer , there is a retail discount of 1.00. So the subtotal for the line item 10 is 4.00.
Condition Type : The types of calculation ( whether its a price, discount or a tax calculation, and in price - if its a retail price or a wholesale price or a variant price etc ) are called condition type. Normally, condition types of a particular kind are not cumulative - Meaning if there are more than 1 Pricing condition type, they don't add up - instead the last pricing condition type is taken by the system. There are some exceptions to this however. For example when pricing a car, its the sum of the different pricing condition types that gives you the Price. They are called variant condition types.
Requirement A requirement is a piece of code that calculates if a particular condition type should be evaluated or not. This is not necessarily the only way to check if. However, since this involves hard-coding the logic in the system, this functionality should be used sparingly. For example, the following piece of code says, "If the item is not relevant for pricing - do not price it". Functional consultants should be aware of the final result SY-SUBRC. SUBRC stands for SUB Routine Return Code. Typically in SAP, a return code of 0 signifies a success. Otherwise its a failure. * Pricing is turned on in item category configuration (TVAP) form kobed_002. sy-subrc = 4. if komp-kposn ne 0. check: komp-prsfd ca 'BX'. check: komp-kznep = space. endif. sy-subrc = 0. endform. * Prestep form kobev_002. sy-subrc = 0.
endform. * Pricing is turned on in item category configuration (TVAP) form kobed_002. sy-subrc = 4. if komp-kposn ne 0. check: komp-prsfd ca 'BX'. check: komp-kznep = space. endif. sy-subrc = 0. endform. * Prestep form kobev_002. sy-subrc = 0. endform. Similarly, the following picture shows a simple requirement. There are 2 types of discount condition types - Retail and Wholesale. If the customer is retail, then apply that discount. If the customer is wholesale, then apply the other discount. So the actual total depends on who the Order's customer is. The same can be achieved using many different ways, but this is sure one hard-coded way to do it.
Sub-Total A sub-total as the name implies holds temporary totals before the final price is calculated. As shown in the picture below, the Gross price is a sub-total that results from the base price. The Net Price is a sub-total that is arrived at subtracting the Discount percentage off of the Gross Price. There are many additional steps that might be required to arrive at the final price. For example, if the item is taxable, should the tax be applied on the Gross Price or the Net Price..? That actually depends on the business scenario. However, the Sub-totals allow for easily identifying and computing values for further use.
Alternative Calculation Type The value 5.00 for the Base Price ( shown in the picture above ) is derived based on condition records which we will see much further in the discussion. However, if the condition type should NOT be calculated based on a condition record, but should be calculated based on an external or internal logic, then an alternative calculation routine should be used. Each alternative calculation routine is a 3 digit number between 1 and 999 that contains a piece of code that does some calculation either internally or externally and returns a value. That value will be used to calculate the condition type as opposed to a condition record. A simple example for the same is US Taxes. Taxes in the US and Canada are based on Jurisdiction code. There are around 50000+ jurisdiction codes in the US alone ( Based on all possible variations of City, County, State and District ). And they change continuously. So it is not practical for companies to keep track of the changes in tax rates. There are external tax companies ( Called Tax Vendors ) that only does this. So it is wiser for companies to just call an external tax vendor using a remote function call, get the tax rate as relevant for the corresponding jurisdiction code and return that value to the pricing procedure.
Account Key When an invoice is created, the finance departments wants the corresponding Sales, expenses, tax accounts etc to be updated on the fly. The account key in the pricing procedure ( with the help of Account Determination ) helps in identifying which G/L account this should the amount flow into. A simple example could be
Description Sales Sales Discounts Discounts
Customer A/C Group Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale
Material A/C Group Consumables Stationery Consumables Stationery
G/L Account 1000040 1000050 1100040 1100050
Statistical This is a flag ( A Check mark ) that is used to signify if the pricing condition type is being used in the calculation or not. For example, the actual cost of the material ( not the price but the cost price ) is available in all pricing procedures, since this is used by Controlling ( CO ) to evaluate profitability. However, the value should not be relevant when pricing to the customer. So, if you need informational condition types for further analysis set them up in the pricing procedure as statistical.
Print Flag The print flag is another check mar that is used to tell SAP if the particular pricing condition type should be printed on the final bill or not. As discussed in the previous example, the cost condition type should not be printed on the invoice. With the advent of advanced technologies like SmartForms, Adobe Forms etc, this flag has almost no use ( Since what is printed and what is not is decided mostly by these programs ).
SAP Pricing Configuration Now that we have understood the basic terminology used in Pricing, let's dig deeper into the configuration. The configuration is very similar to SAP Condition Technique. We will only discuss the rest of the pricing relevant stuff going forward.
Maintain Condition Records A condition record is actually a row in a database table. The actual database table is defined in the Condition Table assigned to the Access Sequence. Let's start by creating an condition record for a condition type PR00. The transaction code to create the same is [VK11]. The menu path is [ Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Condition -> Select Using Condition Type ]. Enter the pricing condition type, and select the right Condition Table.
Enter the values and save the record. There are some advanced concepts like rebate functionality, condition supplements, scales etc which will not be discussed here.
SAP Pricing DEMO Let's start by creating a new sales order for the customer and material that we have created condition records for and see the effect of the condition records on the sales order pricing. A sales order is shown below for Customer 1400 and for the material M-01 that we created the condition record for with a price value PR00 of 50. Select the line item and click on the Nickel button in the bottom ( Pricing button ) to view the pricing details for that line item.
You will be taken to the Line Item's Condition tab where the pricing details can be viewed specific to that line item. As you can see, the PR00 value is set as 50.00 which is exactly what we have set in the pricing condition record.
Let's say somebody else has entered the condition record for that material and you have just created the sales order. Now if you want to analyze and backtrack why the pricing is coming up as 50.00 click on the Analysis button as shown below.
A new screen opens up where if you explore the particular condition type ( PR00 in this case ) you will see for which combination ( customer material in this case ) that pricing has been picked up.
You can just click on the area highlighted above to see further details of the condition record. For example, if you click on PR00 above, you will be taken to a new screen that shows you the actual condition record, its validity ( Valid From and Valid To dates ) along with the value for PR00.
This concludes SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals.
BAPIs realted to SD BAPI_SALESGROUP_GET_DETAIL Sales Group: Display Name BAPI_SALESOFFICE_GET_DETAIL Sales Office: Display Name BAPI_SALESOFFICE_GRP_EXIST Sales Office / Sales Group: Existence Check BAPI_SALESORG_EXIST Sales Organization: Existence Check BAPI_SALESORG_GET_DETAIL Sales Organization: Display Data BAPISDORDER_GETDETAILEDLIST Sales Order: List of All Order Data BAPI_ORDER_CHANGE_STATUS_GET Change status for order BAPI_SALESDOCU_CREATEFROMDATA Creating a Sales Document
BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE Sales Order: Change Sales Order BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT1 Sales Order: Create Sales Order BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 Sales Order: Create Sales Order BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDATA Create sales order, no more maintenance BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST Sales order: List of all orders for customer BAPI_SALESORDER_GETSTATUS Sales order: Display status BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE Sales Order: Simulate Sales Order Sales related exits Customer exits (CMOD transaction) Enhancement code Description SDAPO001 Activating Sourcing Subitem Quantity Propagation SDTRM001 Reschedule schedule lines without a new ATP check V45A0001 Determine alternative materials for product selection V45A0002 Predefine sold-to party in sales document V45A0003 Collector for customer function modulpool MV45A V45A0004 Copy packing proposal V45E0001 Update the purchase order from the sales order V45E0002 Data transfer in procurement elements (PRreq., assembly) V45L0001 SD component supplier processing (customer enhancements) V45P0001 SD customer function for cross-company code sales V45S0001 Update sales document from configuration V45S0003 MRP-relevance for incomplete configuration V45S0004 Effectivity type in sales order V45W0001 SD Service Management: Forward Contract Data to Item V46H0001 SD Customer functions for resource-related billing V60F0001 SD Billing plan (customer enhancement) diff. to billing plan Include routines reserved for customers (need a modification key) Include Description MV45ATZZ For entering metadata for sales document processing MV45AOZZ For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing which are called up by the screen and run under PBO (Process Before Output) prior to output of the screen. MV45AIZZ For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing. These are called up by the screen and run under PAI (Process After Input) after data input (for example, data validation). MV45AFZZ and MV45EFZ1 For entering installation-specific FORM routines and for using user exits, which may be required and can be used if necessary. Billing related exits Customer exits (CMOD transaction) Enhancement code Description SDVFX001 User exit header line in delivery to accounting SDVFX002 User exit for A/R line in transfer to accounting SDVFX003 User exit cash clearing in transfer to accounting SDVFX004 User exit G/L line in transfer to accounting SDVFX005 User exit reserves in transfer to accounting SDVFX006 User exit tax line in transfer to accounting SDVFX007 User exit: Billing plan during transfer to Accounting SDVFX008 User exit: Processing of transfer structures SD-FI SDVFX009 Billing doc. processing KIDONO (payment reference number) SDVFX010 User exit item table for the customer lines SDVFX011 Userexit for the komkcv- and kompcv-structures V05I0001 User exits for billing index V05N0001 User Exits for Printing Billing Docs. using POR Procedure V60A0001 Customer functions in the billing document
V60P0001 Data provision for additional fields for display in lists V61A0001 Customer enhancement: Pricing Delivery related exits Customer exits (CMOD transaction) Enhancement code Description V50PSTAT Delivery: Item Status Calculation V50Q0001 Delivery Monitor: User Exits for Filling Display Fields V50R0001 Collective processing for delivery creation V50R0002 Collective processing for delivery creation V50R0004 Calculation of Stock for POs for Shipping Due Date List V50S0001 User Exits for Delivery Processing V53C0001 Rough workload calculation in time per item V53C0002 W&S: RWE enhancement - shipping material type/time slot V53W0001 User exits for creating picking waves VMDE0001 Shipping Interface: Error Handling - Inbound IDoc VMDE0002 Shipping Interface: Message PICKSD (Picking, Outbound) VMDE0003 Shipping Interface: Message SDPICK (Picking, Inbound) VMDE0004 Shipping Interface: Message SDPACK (Packing, Inbound) V02V0001 Sales area determination for stock transport order V02V0002 User exit for storage location determination V02V0003 User exit for gate + matl staging area determination (headr) V02V0004 User Exit for Staging Area Determination (Item) Include routines reserved for customers (need a modification key) Include Description MV50AFZ1 User Exits for Delivery Processing MV50AFZ2 User Exit for Batch Quantity Allocation MV50AFZ3 LIPS-KOQUI (Picking is subject to confirmation) determination MV50AFZK The user exits in this include can be used to fill the condition tables for material listing and material exclusion (KOMKG and KOMPG) and product selection (KOMKD and KOMPD) with own data. MV50AFZL In delivery creation process for sales orders there is the possibility to restrict the delivery creation to some order items. If these order items are member of a delivery group, but not all items of this delivery group are includes in the restriction range of the order item nubers, you can specify in this routine what to do. MV50AFZP This user exit can be used to modify change mode of pricing screens in delivery processing. MV50AFZZ Users Exit for Batch Determination; LIPS-LGORT determination User Exits for Transportation Include routines reserved for customers (need a modification key) Include Description MV56AOZZ You can include your own modules in this program, to be processed in shipment processing screens during PBO. MV56AIZZ You can include your own modules in this program, to be processed in shipment processing screens during PAI. MV56AFZY You can include your own FORM routines in this program. They can contain your own adjustments for shipment processsing. MV56AFZZ This program contains pre-defined FORM routines, in which you can carry out your own adjustments for transportation processing. User Exits for Price Determination Routine Module pool or function group Include Description USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK SAPLV60A RV60AFZZ This user exit allows you to copy additional fields for pricing in the TKOMK communication structure (header fields), which have not been provided in the standard SAP system. These fields can also be used for pricing in the billing document. This user exit is described in detail in the "New fields in pricing" section. USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP SAPLV60A RV60AFZZ This user exit allows you to copy additional fields for pricing in the TKOMP communication structure (item fields), which have not been provided in the standard SAP system. These fields can also be used for pricing. This user exit is described in detail in the "New fields in pricing" section. USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION SAPMV61A MV61AFZA You can use this user exit to adjust the display of individual lines in the condition screen by changing the display attributes of the screen fields. This does not include the display of subtotals. This user exit is also used in order processing. USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFIC_KZWI SAPMV61A MV61AFZB You can change the display of subtotals in the condition screen by changing the display attributes of the screen fields. This user exit is also used in order processing.
USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFIC_KOPF SAPMV61A MV61AFZB You can adjust the display of subtotals in the condition screen to your requirements by changing the display attributes of the screen fields. This user exit is also used in order processing. USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFIC_LEER SAPMV61A MV61AFZB You can adjust the display of blank lines in the condition screen to your requirements by changing the display attributes of the screen fields. This user exit is also used in order processing. USEREXIT_PRICING_CHECK SAPMV61 MV61AFZA You can install additional checks to the standard checks of condition lines (e.g. maximum/minimum value). USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE SAPLV61A RV61AFZA In the standard SAP system, it is predefined which condition categories and classes can be copied or recalculated per pricing type. You can change the predefined standard procedure for each pricing type. USEREXIT_CHANGE_PRICING_RULE SAPMV61A MV61AFZA You can use this user exit to change the pricing type that has been predefined in the copying control table in billing. USEREXIT_XKOMV_BEWERTEN_INIT SAPLV61A RV61AFZB This field is used in the formulas and therefore initialized before the loop for the pricing procedure starts. USEREXIT_XKOMV_BEWERTEN_END SAPLV61A RV61AFZB Within a loop for the price components during pricing, specific values can be transferred into the communication structures in pricing to be further processed. USEREXIT_XKOMV_ERGAENZEN SAPLV61A RV61AFZB In change mode, you can change the dynamic part of the condition record (KONVD) that is always redetermined (i.e. it is not stored in database table KONV). USEREXIT_XKOMV_ERGAENZEN_MANU SAPLV61A RV61AFZB You can use this user exit to change the ready-for-input fields of the manually entered condition record in add mode in the condition screen. USEREXIT_XKOMV_FUELLEN SAPLV61A RV61AFZB This user exit is always called up during a redetermination of all or individual price components. You can change the work fields of the condition line. However, this only applies to conditions that have been determined via a condition record. USEREXIT_XKOMV_FUELLEN_O_KONP SAPLV61A RV61AFZB This user exit is always called up during a redetermination of all or individual price components. You can change the work fields of the condition line. However, this only applies to conditions that have been determined via a condition record. This may include subtotals, manually entered conditions or conditions that have been calculated with a formula. USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY SAPLV61A RV61AFZA You can change the KONV fields for copied price components. Note: as of Release 4.6A, the display of the condition screen (screen 6201) has been converted from a full screen to a subscreen. The full screen is included in the SAPMV61A module pool, the subscreen, however, in program SAPLV69A. Therefore, instead of MV61AFZA and MV61AFZB, the user exits in LV69AFZZ should be used. For reference, see OSS note 313569. User Exits for Partner Determination Partner determination contains the following user exits for your use: EXIT_SAPLV09A_001 You can use this user exit to control whether an address that was entered manually and has already been used in other documents (referenced), should be referenced again if it changes or whether a new address shold be created (duplicated). EXIT_SAPLV09A_002 Call up this user exit if a customer has not been maintained in the current sales area. EXIT_SAPLV09A_003 Use this user exit to control the origin of partners in the partner determination procedure (origin X, Y or Z). If X, Y, or Z has been entered in the Origin field, this user exit is automatically called up during partner determination. EXIT_SAPLV09A_004 Use this user exit to integrate your own check in a program, that runs before the partner is saved in the document. For more detailed information, see the program documentation for each ofthe user exits. User Exits For Credit Checks If you want to carry out your own individual credit checks, that differ from those in the standard system, you must define them in the following user exits: LVKMPTZZ LVKMPFZ1: USER_CREDIT_CHECK1 LVKMPFZ2: USER_CREDIT_CHECK2 LVKMPFZ3: USER_CREDIT_CHECK3 User Exit for availability check User exit USEREXIT_AVAIL_CHECK_CREDIT exists in Include MV45AFZF. This user exit allows you to determine whether the system should or should not carry out an availability check after a blocked document has been released or after a new credit check.
User Exit for Risk Management for Receivables RVKMPUS2 Using this user exit, you can define new forms of payment guarantee. User Exits for Billing Plan RV60FUS1 User Exit from SAPLV60F, Billing Plan: Distribute Difference •BILLING_SCHEDULE_DELTA For milestone billing a percentage value is fully invoiced for each billing deadline. In the case of deviations between the original item value and any later changes, you can use the user exit to determine whether the difference should be stored in the final invoice or sent to the next deadline. •USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_FPLT : This user exit allows you to create your own fields in table FPLT. •USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_FPLA : This user exit allows you to create your own fields in table FPLA. RV60FUS2 User exit from SAPLV60F, Billing plan: Prepare pricing •USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMX This user exit is used to copy or create an additional field in the definitive communication structure for pricing. The user exit is also often used to change the duration of a billing plan deadline. You can do this by overwriting the following fields: ◦tkomp-anz_tage (Number of days in a deadline) ◦tkomp-anz_monate (Number of months in a deadline) ◦tkomp-anz_jahre (Number of years in a deadline) ◦tkomp-anz_wochen (Number of weeks in a deadline) RV60FUS3 User Exit From SAPLV60F, Bill. Plan: Deadline Proposal From Source •USEREXIT_DATE_PROPOSAL In the standard release deadlines are set according to a template in the billing plan. This grid entry list sets the deadlines for each day but you can adjust the template with the user exit so that the grid entry list could, for example, follow a monthly pattern instead. Modification report for billing plan SDFPLA02 This report enables you to update the header data for a billing plan with the result that new billing plan deadlines are determined and set in the billing plan. In this way you can, for example, set the goods issue date as the starting date for the billing plan. Additions to billing plan with transaction SMOD •User exit SDVAX001 In the standard release the billing plan type is determined from the item category of the sales document and set in the billing plan. You can also use the user exit to determine the billing plan type dependent on data from the order header, order item, etc. •User exit V60F0001 This user exit is for changing the deviating billing date (FPLT-AFDAT). RV60FUS4 User exit from SAPLV60F, field preparation field selection for screen RV60FUS5 This userexit can be used to split date lines TKOMK for Header fields RV60FUST User Part for Billing Plan - Data Definition
Characteristics of the Various Stock Transfer Procedures The following table lists the characteristics of the individual procedures used for stock transfer. Plant to plant 1 step
Plant to plant 2 steps
St. trnsp. ord. w/o SD
St. trnsp. ord. with SD
St. trnsp. ord. with billing
Order type MM-PUR
Movement type MM-IM
Transfer postg. using 301
GI: 303 GR: 305
GI: 351 GR: 101
GI: 641 GR: 101
GI: 643 GR: 101
Delivery type SD
Billing type SD
Doc. type MM-IV
Valuation price
Valuation price
Valuation price
Valuation price
Pricing in SD and MM
Planning via...
Purchase order
Purchase order
Purchase order
Stock after GI
Stock in transfer
Stock in Transit
Stock in Transit
(Stock in transit CC)
Delivery costs
Company code clearing
Company code clearing
Company code clearing
Revenue account; GR/IR clearing
Cross-company-code Company code via... clearing