December 21, 2016 | Author: Jagabar Sathik | Category: N/A
Short Description
1. Forensic Medicine a. Involves medicine in courts c. Is related to civil cases
b. Concerns the criminal law d. Helps in administration of justice
2. Medical Jurisprudence a. Is related to social rights of physicians patients b. Relevant laws must be known to the physician
b. Deals with social rights of d. Deals with the social rights of all
3. Clinical Forensic Medicine relates to a. Injured persons examinations b. Examination of living individuals for court purposes c. Sexually assaulted persons d. Examination of drunken persons 4. Examination of teeth a. Is important for age determination b. May help in positive personal identification c. May identify a criminal d. May give a clue to the personal habits 5. The most important specialty of today’s forensic sciences is a. Ballistics b. Fingers prints analysis c. Forensic Toxicology d. DNA profiling 6. The medicolegal system of Pakistan is a. Coroner system b. Medial examiner c. Continental system d. Modified continental system 7. Medicolegal reporting can be performed by a. Authorized Medical Officer College c. Registered Medical Practitioner in private clinic 8. The evidence by an RMP may be a. Oral b. Documentary c. Oral & documentary d. Hearsay evidence 9. Expert witness a. Narrates what he has seen b. Includes finger print expert c. Draws inference from his observations d. Specializes in Forensic Sciences 10. Forensic Medicine a. Is a state subject b. Involves all medical sciences c. Deals with the living and dead d. Helps in administration of justice 11. Objectives of learning of Forensic Medicine include a. Personal identification b. Reporting on sexually assaulted c. Report on injuries d. All medicolegal certifications 12. The relevant laws regulating the medical practice are a. Drug act 1976 b. Dangerous drug act 1930
b. Professor of a Medical d. Medical Officer
c. Medical and Dental Ordinance 1980 d. Allopathic system prevention of misuse act 1962 13. The ethical principles are a. Autonomy b. Beneficence c. Non melificence d. Justice 14. A medical practitioner will not diverge the secret of the patients except a. With his / her consent b. In the interest of the community c. In the interest of the state d. As a qualified privilege 15. Serious charges of professional misconduct includes a. Association with unqualified persons b. Adultery with patients c. Disclosing patients secrets d. Advertising 16. Regarding Medical Ethics a. It is a code of moral principles b. Concerned with welfare of patients c. Protects the rights and privileges of patients d. Include professional secrecy 17. A patient suffering from a contagious disease should be treated a. When he gives implied consent b. When he gives expressed consent c. When he gives written consent d. When he desires so e. Even if he does not desires so 18. A 20 years old male with incised wound on his left wrist with profuse bleeding comes to casualty department for treatment, the type of consent in this case will be a. Expressed consent b. Oral consent c. Written consent d. Implied consent e. No need of consent 19. To make the patient understand about the nature of treatment, getting permission before start of treatment and explaining the possible risks involved is a. Modified procedure of consent b. Correct procedure of consent c. Standard procedure of consent d. Acceptable procedure of consent e. Blanket consent 20. A 30 yrs female come to her doctor for insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device for contraception, the doctor will a. Obtain consent of husband b. Obtain consent of the female c. Insert the contraceptive device d. Refuse insertion of the device 21. Permanent sterilization of a male and a female (couple) after the age of majority just for contraceptive purpose with the consent of both is
a. b. c. d. e.
Acceptable Justifiable Non-justifiable Ethical Unethical
22. Important medical documentation include a. Record of patients b. Medical prescription c. Medical reports d. Medical notifications 23. Regarding medical treatment the obligation of the patient include a. Giving correct history b. Payment of fees c. Submission for examination d. Permission for physical examination 24. The obligations of a physician towards patient a. Applies skill and exercise reasonable care b. To continue the treatment he has started c. Discontinue the treatment on the request of the patient d. Maintains record of the patient 25. Medical negligence is a. An omission on the part of Practitioner resulting in damage to patient b. Act of omission by a Health Care Provider c. Act of omission d. Act of commission 26. The charge of negligence stains when a. Duty of care exist b. There is breach of duty c. Breach of duty causes injury d. The damages must be assessed 27. Negligence may a. Be compensated in terms of money b. Not be resolved by monitory consideration c. Put the burden on practitioner due to facts d. Have to be proved by the Plaintiff 28. Cases of medical negligence may be settled in a. Civil courts b. Criminal courts c. PM&DC d. Any of the above according to the facts
29. The identity of a person can be established by a. CNIC b. Photograph c. Identification marks d. Thumb impression 30. The sure methods of identification are a. Finger printing b. Radiology c. Osteology
d. DNA profiling 31. Tatoos are a. Pigment may be found in regional lymph glands b. Produced by pricking of pigment in the dermis c. Removed by electrolysis / surgery / laser d. In the form of names / patterns 32. Regarding scars: a. Result from healing of wounds by fibrosis b. Removed by plastic surgery c. In small superficial cuts they are formed in 4 – 5 days d. Surgical scar has a linear shape 33. Regarding trace evidence a. Blood is important trace evidence b. DNA profiling of secretions may identify individual c. May be biological d. May help reconstruct the scene of crime 34. According to Edmond Locard in transfer of trace evidence a. Exchange of trace is a two way process b. In rape assailant may leave trace on the victim c. Grit / gravel may be picked up by the victim of road traffic accidents d. Hair is an important exchange element in rape 35. Regarding tattoo marks a. May be it the form of mole or pattern b. Removed by electrolysis c. Pigment may be present in regional lymph nodes d. May cause infection 36. Scars a. May help in identification b. Irregular scar results from lacerations c. On the neck and wrists indicate suicidal attempt d. Fresh scars are red and tender 37. Trace evidence a. May be biological and non-biological b. DNA profiling can be done on trace evidence c. In sexual contact semen is transferred to female garments d. May help in the reconstruction of occurrence 38. Blood groups: a. Inherited by the off springs b. Each group has two pairs of genes c. O group of both parents can have only O children d. Homozygous blood group antigen has two similar alleles 39. Sex in decomposed bodies can best be determined from a. Nuclear chromosomal studies b. Long bones c. Pelvis d. Skull and pelvis 40. The fetal age determination is important in a. Asqat-e-Hamal b. Viability
c. Infant killing d. Confirming pregnancy 41. Fetal age is best determine by a. Size and weight b. Centers of ossification c. Hasse’s formula d. Status of papillary membrane 42. Regarding age a. Can be determined from general physical development b. Secondary sexual characters may help determine age c. Opinion of Odontologist and Radiologist is important d. Examination of clothes may provide an idea about the age 43. Age 16 years a. A person cannot be given capital punishment b. Epiphysial union occurs at elbow joint c. Hair appears on face d. Taking away a person constitutes kidnapping 44. At age 40 a. Liping of bones occurs b. Xiphoid process unites with sternum c. Fracture of hyoid bone is evident in strangulation d. Union occurs at coronoid suture 45. The information from the long bones includes a. Stature estimation b. Age determination c. Sex determination d. Epiphysial union 46. The teeth may provide information regarding a. Age b. Sex c. Identity of a dead person d. Identity in the living 47. Hair examination is important in a. Crime investigation b. Assessing age c. DNA profiling d. Sexual offenses 48. Readily available samples for DNA profiling include a. Semen b. Soft tissues c. Paraffin tissue box d. Biopsy samples 49. Death is defined as a. Cessation of respiration b. The terminal event of life c. Cessation of function of nervous system d. Persistent stoppage of vital functions of body 50. Sudden unexpected death is defined as a. Death occurring immediately or within 24 hrs of the first symptom
b. Death where medical certification poses a problem to the physician c. Natural sudden death due to disease or old age d. Death due to trauma / asphyxia / poisoning 51. Clinical Death is diagnosed by a. Flaccid muscles b. Facial failure c. Fixed mid dilated pupils d. Loss of corneal reflex 52. Brain death is diagnosed by a. Complete apmoea after ventilator disconnection b. Coma c. Loss of papillary reflex d. Loss of superficial and deep reflexes 53. The sure early physical change after death is a. Cooling of body b. Secondary flaccidity of muscles c. Hypostasis d. Trucking in the retinal vessels 54. Regarding hypostasis a. Blood remains fluid b. Changes its position with change of body position c. Starts developing in 2 hrs d. Absent from pressure points 55. Postmortem lividity differentiated from bruise by a. Position b. Margins c. Color changes d. Incision test 56. Regarding rigor mortis a. Develops 4 – 6 hrs b. Is due to decomposition of ATP e. Quickly develops in imitated bodies a. First appears in muscles of eyelids and face 57. Regarding putrifaction a. Is caused by autolysis b. Is caused by autolysis and bacteria c. Body contents converted into gases, liquid and salts d. Optimum temperature for putrifaction is 37oC 58. Putrifaction a. Retarded below 10oC b. Eye balls are the first to putrify c. Prostate is the last organ to putrify d. Infections enhance the rate of putrifaction 59. Putrifaction a. Slow in cold running water b. Rapid in warm media c. Marbling is a constant feature of putrifaction d. Does not occur in fetus
60. Maceration is recognized by a. Autolysis b. Dusky red color of skin c. Absence of foul smell d. Spalding sign 61. Adipocere a. Cl. Welchii are must b. Cause of death can be determined c. Would not occur in thin initiated bodies d. Takes 3 – 6 months to develop 62. Mummification a. Absence of moisture essential b. Features are preserved c. Dry and hot weather essential d. Time for development is 3 weeks to 3 months 63. Regarding post mortem interval a. Ocular changes give limited time estimation b. Can be determined from hypostasis c. The development and progression of rigor mortis is more reliable d. Putrifaction gives a wider range of postmortem interval 64. A dead body of a female of about 30 yrs of age was recovered in her bedroom in the month of June. The body emitted foul smell and the abdomen was showing greenish discoloration and was distended. Some marbling had appeared on the area of the upper chest. The likely postmortem interval is: a. 12 – 24 hrs b. 24 – 36 hrs c. 36 – 48 hrs d. 3 – 4 days 65. Wound a. Is caused by blunt weapon b. Force is an essential element in its causation c. Is a break in the continuation of tissues d. Has not been defined by law 66. Hurt a. Has been defined by PPC b. Hurt may not result in death c. Hurt may include impairment of vision d. Qisas and Diyat ordinance defines all hurts 67. Abrasions a. b. c. d.
Are superficial injuries They are caused by friction of hard and rough object on the skin Radiator grill May contain trace evidence
68. Abrasions a. Are red congested b. Are covered scab in 2 – 3 days c. Caused by ants d. May help in detection of crime 69. Bruise
a. b. c. d.
Caused by blunt weapon Is extravasation of blood in the subcutaneous tissue due to blunt trauma Changes colors May help determine the time of infliction
70. Color of the bruise is a. Bluish / purple after 24 – 48 hrs b. Greenish on 5th day c. Yellowish on 7th day d. Dependant upon the compounds of released hemoglobin 71. Bruise a. May appear immediately b. With in hours c. Re examination is important d. May not appear at all 72. Bruise may a. Be produced after death b. Incision test confirms ante mortem bruise c. Resemble postmortem lividity d. Not be produced after death 73. Laceration is a. An open wound b. Caused by a blunt weapon c. Caused by heavy cutting weapon d. Recognized by tearing of skin and tissues 74. Split laceration a. Occurs by sudden compression of skin between two hard objects b. Is a type of laceration c. Occurs on forehead d. Looks like incised wound 75. Grinding laceration a. Accompanied by extreme extravasation of blood b. Caused by heavy weight with avulsion of skin from underlying tissues c. Occurs in road traffic accidents d. May result in crush syndrome 76. Laceration of the scalp produced by a metallic rod a. Are homicidal in nature b. Is accompanied by severe bruising c. Is linear with Y split at the end d. May be accompanied by fracture of skull 77. Incised wound a. A wound with clean edges is incised wound b. Is always caused by a sharp weapon c. Bleeds profusely d. The maximum measurement of the incised wound is its length 78. An incised wound a. Accompanied by tentative cuts is indicative of suicide b. On the neck is homicidal c. On non vital areas may be fabricated d. On easily accessible areas is suicidal / self suffered
79. A stab a. Is produced by a knife b. May present with a wedge shaped external wound c. Has the depth as its maximum dimension d. In the epigastrium may be suicidal 80. The depth of stab be measured by a. A soft rubber catheter b. Clinical examination and investigations c. Probe inserted inside the wound d. X-Ray of the area 81. X-Ray chest in stab wound a. May show Pneumothorax b. May show Hemopneumothorax c. Should always be done in erect posture d. Shows normal appearance 82. A stab wound a. b. c. d.
Reaching a body cavity is Jurh Jaifa Is commonly produced by a knife Having entry and exit is called perforating May have greater depth than the length of blade
83. Defense wounds a. Are commonly situated on back of hands b. With sharp weapons may exhibit as incised wounds on fingers and palms c. May be present on forearms d. In firearm assaults present on the hands 84. Transportation injuries results from a. Faulty vehicles b. Inappropriate roads c. Traffic congestion d. Negligence of driver, negligence of vehicle examiner and doctors 85. Fabricated injuries a. Are inflicted on accessible parts b. Are superficial and multiple c. Inflicted by firearm are diagnosed by site, direction and range d. May not correspond with the evidence on clothes 86. A pedestrian hit by a vehicle may a. Sustain coupe and contre coupe injury b. Sustain primary impact injuries c. Have primary and secondary injuries d. Have grease stains on his body 87. Whiplash injury a. Is sustained by the driver b. Passenger in the front seat c. May be minimized by the head rest of the seat d. May be accompanied by injuries of the chest 88. Rifling a. Is conversion of the barrel into grooves and lands b. Increases the penetrating power c. Imparts true gyroscopic movement to the bullet
d. Leaves impressions on the body of bullet 89. Bore is: a. The internal diameter of the barrel of rifled weapons b. The diameter of the barrel in pistols c. The diameter of the barrel before grooves are made d. Expressed in mm 90. Muzzle velocity is: a. Affected by rifling b. Greater in rifles c. Important in determining the wound complex d. The velocity of bullet in the air 91. Fire arm classification is based on: a. Length of the barrel b. Muzzle velocity c. The nature of projectile d. Length and inside of the barrel 92. Bullets are a. Soft bullets b. Hard bullets c. Copying impressions from the barrel d. Spinning in the air 93. Magazines a. May be in built b. Are in continuation with barrel c. May accommodate many rounds d. In revolvers have a space between it and the barrel 94. The wounding elements of firearm blast include a. Compressed gases b. Flame c. Projectile d. Un burnt powder grains 95. The explosive entry wound occurs a. At the temple b. At contact range c. Due to reflection of gases from underlying bone d. In association with searing
96. Muzzle imprint: a. Caused by the distal end of the barrel b. On selective sites is indicative of suicide c. May not be obvious in soft tissues d. Specifies range 97. Soot in the firearm blast a. Is due to burning of propellant charge b. Is deposited inside the wound c. In loose contact range deposits around the wound d. May not be seen on the wound even at contact range
98. The entry wound a. At contact range may exhibit irregular margins b. Has inverted margins c. Has round or oval shape d. Margins may show collar of abrasion 99. The collar of abrasion is due to a. Absent in shotgun injuries b. The spin of the bullet c. May help determine the angle and range of fire d. May help determine the angle of fire 100. A bullet may produce a. An entry wound and track b. Entry wound c. Exit wound d. May not produce exit wound 101. A high velocity bullet a. Fired from shoulder rifles b. From assault rifles produces large permanent cavitation c. Is usually conical d. May produce extensive damage of tissues at entry a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
102. At contact range the entry wound on the temple: Is firm contact wound Is loose contact wound Is suicidal Shows explosive appearance 103. Soot is deposited: Around the wound Inside the wound Indicates the range May not be seen on the wound 104. The muzzle imprint is a. Accompanied by deposition of soot b. Indicative of firm contact range c. Not readily visible in torn entry wounds d. Produced by the reflection of gases 105. The collar of abrasion a. Indicates range and angle of fire b. Indicates long range c. If oval indicates tangentional angle d. Produced by spin of the bullet 106. Tattooing a. Indicates medium range b. Not easily removed by wiping c. Caused by powder grains d. Points towards homicide 107. A bullet of high velocity a. Produces large permanent cavitation b. May be recovered from the resting place c. Produces collar of abrasion d. Produces defect at entry and exit
108. A bullet fired at an angle may a. Produce an oval entry wound b. Show internal ricocheting c. Be ricocheted externally d. The internal ricocheting may produce exit at odd place 109. Exit wound is a. Having everted margins b. Larger than entry wound c. Not accompanied by collar of soiling d. Smaller than entry in assault rifles 110. In skull a. A bullet may produce entry and exits b. The bullet may be deflected c. The bullet produces a track d. The exit wound has beveled margins 111. In suicidal wounds by revolver a. The soot is deposited on the wound b. The soot is deposited away from the wound c. The wound and soot distribution may indicate the manner of firing d. The bullet may not exit from the skull 112. The firm contact entry wound on the temple a. Shows tearing of edges due to blast of gases b. Is stellate shaped c. Accompanied by muzzle imprint d. Shows cherry red color 113. The range of fire is determined by a. The shape of the wound b. Collar of abrasion c. The presence of powder grains d. The effects of wounding elements 114. Beveling of the skull bone a. Determines the angle of fire b. Helps determine the weapon c. On the outer table denotes exit wound d. Is accompanied by radiating fractures
115. In firearm injuries a. Representative sample of pallets be removed b. Odd and even rule must be applied c. Removal of the projectile is mandatory d. Numbering of the wounds is important 116. In fire arm exits the wound a. Does not exhibit collar of abrasion in forearm b. Is always larger than entry wound c. Is situated at an odd place d. Has everted margins
117. Fire arm injuries on the head a. Are always homicidal in nature b. May indicate the manner of wounding c. Are almost always fatal d. May not produce injuries of the brain 118. The victim of explosions may a. Exhibit lacerations b. Die of traumatic asphyxia c. Be identified by DNA profiling d. Not be identified 119. In shotgun injuries a. The pallets produce single wound b. The pallets rarely make exits c. Range of fire determined by spread of pallets d. Multiple wounds in the vicinity of entry wound indicate mono wad injury 120. The primary modes of death are a. Asphyxia b. Coma c. Syncope d. Asphyxia refers to mechanical obstruction 121. The most common cause of asphyxial deaths are a. Low oxygen tension in the environment b. Restriction of respiratory movements c. Obstruction of external respiratory passages d. Choking 122. Suffocation may be affected by a. Smothering b. Pressure marks may be diagnostic c. Plastic bags d. Overlaying 123. Pathological findings in asphyxia include a. Horizontal ligature on the neck b. Tardieu’s spots c. Congestion of face d. Finger nail marks 124. Café coronary is a. Not related to heart b. Sudden death c. Sudden death due to vagal stimulation d. Diagnosed by presence of foreign body in the larynx 125. Strangulation is a. Diagnosed by general pathological signs b. In females may be accompanied by sexual violation c. Evident by the presence of ligature mark d. Almost always homicidal 126. The internal autopsy findings in strangulation include a. Congestion of lungs b. Carotid artery injury c. Fracture of thyroid cartilage d. Patechial hemorrhages on the surface of the heart
127. Hyoid bone fracture a. Involves greater cornu b. Occurs due to direct pressure c. Is rare before age 40 d. May not be demonstrated in throttling 128. A dead new born baby was found on the street by the police and brought to the mortuary for opinion the most important opinion would be a. Age of the new born b. Cause of death c. Post mortem interval d. Viability 129. In a viable new born the following must be present a. Center of ossification must be seen in the Talus b. Length – 35 cm c. Testes in the external inguinal ring d. Weight – 1 kg 130. The age of the new born is determined by a. Hasse formula b. Length of fetus c. Status of the nails d. Weight of the fetus 131. The live birth is proved by a. Crying b. Ligated umbilical cord c. Movements of body d. Respiration 132. The respiration can be proved by a. Color of the lungs b. Hydrostatic test c. Position of the diaphragm d. Shape of the chest 133. Presence of air and milk in the stomach indicates a. Crying at birth b. Existence after birth c. Feeding d. Live birth 134. Still birth is diagnosed from a. Absence of body movements b. Absence of milk in the stomach c. Flat chest d. Non respired lungs 135. Maceration of the fetus a. Exhibits overlapping of skull bones b. Has sweetish disagreeable smell c. Is abacterial autolysis d. Shows dusky red skin 136. Autopsy of the new born shows that the baby had died of criminal violence and cause of death has been determined as mechanical asphyxia. This opinion is based on the following a. Abrasions and bruises on the neck b. Bruises on the lips
c. Ligature mark on the neck d. Abrasions and bruises on the neck with signs of asphyxia 137. The above signs are explained by the defense as due to injuries sustained during birth and umbilical cord around the neck. The defense is weakened by a. Absence of umbilical cord around the neck on a previous examination b. Lengthening and rupture of umbilical cord c. Severity of abrasions and bruises d. The deep ligature mark on the neck 138. Fracture of the skull bones may be present in a victim of infant killing. This pathology may be due to a. Criminal violence b. Congenitally weak skull bones c. Fall of the new born on the floor d. Precipitate labour 139. A healthy baby of about 6 months of age put to bed at night and found dead in the morning. The likely cause of death is a. Milk allergy b. Respiratory infection c. SIDS d. Suffocation 140. SIDS is diagnosed by absence of a. Asphyxial signs b. History of illness c. Pathology on autopsy / investigations d. Respiratory infection 141. Muhsan means a. Muslim adult man b. Muslim adult man / woman / sane and validly married c. Muslim adult woman d. Muslim adult man / woman who is not insane 142. Fornication is a. Equivalent to rape b. Equivalent to Zina c. Punished by stoning to death d. Punished by imprisonment 143. Sexual perversions is a. Abnormal behavior for sexual gratification without sexual contact b. Normal behavior c. Punishable under law d. Abnormal sexual behavior 144. In the examination of rape victim: a. Examination of the scene is important b. Clothes should be returned after examination c. Trace evidence may provide better clue to the offense d. Body may show evidence of consent 145. The best position for examining the victim is: a. Standing b. Lithotomy c. Knee elbow d. Lying on the left side
146. The purpose of visual scrutiny is: a. Examine the neck for signs of violence b. To identify the trace evidence c. To locate injuries on the breasts d. To ascertain the hymeneal status 147. The defloration is determined by a. Introduction of fingers b. Bleeding c. Rupture at 5 O’clock position d. Tenderness 148. In Zina Bil Jibr the post hymeneal swabs a. Be collected in all the victims b. Collected in recently violated victims c. Should not be collected if victim has passed urine d. May not reveal any information 149. The time of intercourse can be assessed from a. The history of the victim b. Presence of sperms in swabs c. Examination of local injuries d. Motility of sperms in vaginal fluid 150. The instrumental examination a. Reveals injuries b. Reveals seminal deposit c. Is contra indicated with intact hymen d. Assesses the tenderness of the vaginal wall 151. The positive signs in victim of sodomy include a. Presence of spermatozoa in the anal swabs b. Relaxed anal sphincter c. Abrasions and bruises on the buttocks d. Presence of lubricants in the anal canal 152. In bestiality the assailant may show a. Injuries in the groins b. Soiling of clothes c. On pubic Hair of the animal region d. Oozing of seminal fluid e. 153. The medicolegal importance of pregnancy includes a. Exemption from court attendance b. Enhanced compensation c. Maternity leave d. Exemption from capital punishment 154. Diagnosis of pregnancy is done a. From history and morning sickness b. Ultrasonography c. Enlargement of abdomen d. X-ray abdomen 155. Justifiable abortion is performed a. By an obstetrician b. In a woman with a large family c. For social reasons d. For saving the life of the mother
156. The most common complications of criminal abortion include a. Sudden death b. Infection c. Embolism d. Sterility 157. Abortion performed by a technical hand is diagnosed by a. Marks of volselum forceps on the cervix b. Absence of bleeding c. Absence of sepsis d. Absence of tearing of cervix 158. Signs of delivery include: a. The pale appearance of the mother b. Enlarged flabby abdomen c. Vaginal secretions d. Injuries of the cervix 159. Impotence a. Is inability to grant sexual gratification b. May be a cause for nullity of marriage c. Most often is psychological d. Can be treated 160. The paternity of a child can be determined from a. Facial features b. DNA profiling c. Color of the eyes d. Blood grouping 161. A patient suffering from a contagious disease should be treated a. When he gives implied consent b. When he gives expressed consent c. When he gives written consent d. When he desires so e. Even if he does not desires so 162. A 20 years old male with incised wound on his left wrist with profuse bleeding comes to casualty department for treatment, the type of consent in this case will be a. Expressed consent b. Oral consent c. Written consent d. Implied consent e. No need of consent 163. To make the patient understand about the nature of treatment, getting permission before start of treatment and explaining the possible risks involved is a. Modified procedure of consent b. Correct procedure of consent c. Standard procedure of consent d. Acceptable procedure of consent e. Blanket consent 164. A 30 yrs female come to her doctor for insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device for contraception, the doctor will a. Obtain consent of husband b. Obtain consent of the female c. Insert the contraceptive device d. Refuse insertion of the device
165. Permanent sterilization of a male and a female (couple) after the age of majority just for contraceptive purpose with the consent of both is a. Acceptable b. Justifiable c. Non-justifiable d. Ethical e. Unethical 166. A surgeon was called upon outside the operation theater to settle the dispute of operation charges with attendants of the patient, when he had already opened the abdomen of the patient, this constitutes a. Negligence b. Third party negligence c. Contributory negligence d. Civil negligence e. Criminal negligence 167. In a very busy casualty department, the casualty medical officer failed to X-Ray a fractured limb of an earth quack affected patient, the consequences in this case will be a. Simple imprisonment b. Rigorous imprisonment c. A warning notice d. Suspension of the doctor e. Compensation in terms of money 168. Due to much bleeding and lack of an assistant, a surgeon left an artery forcep inside the abdomen of a patient, the case will be brought before a. Session court b. High court c. Negligence court d. Civil court e. Criminal court 169. Amongst the four main patterns of fingerprints, the commonest is a. Arch b. Loop c. Composite d. Whorl 170. The information which cannot be obtained from teeth is a. Root infection b. Dermal bite c. Economic status d. Faulty development 171. Regarding different patterns of finger prints, which one does not contain any delta? a. Loop b. Whorl c. Arch d. Composite 172. Regarding Galton system of personal identity, which one is the best statement? a. Prints can be transmitted from one place to another b. Prints are obtained from putrified bodies c. Absolute identification is possible d. It is applicable to persons of all ages
173. According to Kroagman, 95% accurate information about the sex of an adult skeleton can be obtained from a. Skull b. Skull plus long bones c. Long bones alone d. Pelvis 174. In cell sexing, Davidson body is seen in a. Female’s lymphocytes b. Female’s monocytes c. Female’s eosinophils d. Female’s neutrophils 175. In intrauterine life, hairs first appear on a. Scalp b. Chest c. Ears d. Eye brows e. Pubis 176. Growth of hairs stops in a. Anagen phase b. Catagen phase c. Telogen phase d. In resting phase e. In old age 177. A common or ordinary witness a. Is non skilled person b. Testifies what he actually perceives c. Cannot draw inferences from his observations d. Cannot express any opinion on observations 178. An expert witness a. Is a skilled person b. Cannot express opinion on his observations c. Draw inferences from other’s observations d. Can be a common witness 179. Regarding dying declaration a. It is a hearsay evidence b. Any person can record it c. Carries more value than dying deposition d. Should preferably be recorded by magistrate 180. Regarding dying declaration a. The statement may be verbal or written b. It narrates the cause of death c. The assault must be a criminal one d. May be recorded by doctor or magistrate 181. In dying declaration a. The victim should be compos mentis b. It is recorded in declarants language c. Leading questions are not allowed d. Ceases its value if the victim survives 182. Dying deposition is
a. b. c. d.
Statement on oath Recorded by magistrate in presence of accused Victim should be certified compos mentis Opportunity of cross examination is present
183. Teeth, ossification of bones, height and weight and changes at puberty are helpful to determine age upto a. 15 yrs b. 20 yrs c. 25 yrs d. 30 yrs e. 35 yrs 184. An average child of 1½ yrs age has number of deciduous teeth a. Fourteen b. Sixteen c. Eighteen d. Twenty e. Thirteen 185. The period of mixed dentition is a. 6 – 12 yrs b. 6 – 14 yrs c. 6 – 10 yrs d. 5 – 12 yrs e. 5 – 11 yrs 186. The most accurate method to estimate age of a person from dental dated is a. Time of teeth eruption b. Time of teeth shedding c. Time of root calafication d. Gustafson’s method e. Boyde’s method 187. X-Ray of wrist joint is useful to estimate age between a. 1 – 5 yrs b. 2 – 6 yrs c. 2 – 7 yrs d. 1 – 6 yrs e. 2 – 8 yrs 188. What will be most valuable finding on X-Ray to label a person as 40 yrs old a. Absence of closure of any skull suture b. Zipping of lumber vertebrae c. Atrophic changes in intervertebral disc d. Manubrium united with sternum e. Xipoid process united with sternum 189. DNA molecule a. Is genetic make-up of a person b. Of each person is unique structurally c. Is composed of functional units, nucleotides d. In combination form double stranded helix pattern 190. Which one of the following does not serve as a specimen for DNA fingerprinting a. Lymphocytes b. Hypersegmented nutrophils c. Mature RBCs d. Skeletal muscle cell e. Dental pulp
191. In forensic criminology, the criminals are detected by a. Ascertening their blood group from blood stains b. Knowing their secretor states from secretions c. Hair study, recovered from crime scene d. Comparing DNA profile of accused with that form of crime scene 192. Forensic thanatology is the subject concerned with a. The process of death b. Molecular death c. Irreversible cessation of vital functions of the brain d. Medicolegal study of death process 193. Somatic death is due to a. Complete cessation of vital functions of the body b. Irreversible cessation of functions of heart and lungs c. Complete and irreversible cessation of brain functions d. Cessation of function of lungs followed by other changes 194. Molecular death is a. Death of individual tissues and cells b. Death of individual tissues after somatic death c. Always preceded by somatic death d. Variable for different tissues duration wise 195. Suspended animation is a. Common in cases of barbiturate poisoning b. Associated with extreme hypothermia c. Clinically undetectable minimal body metabolism d. A reversible condition when cause is removed 196. A man trying to prevent his 25 yrs old wife from shouting, puts his hands on her mouth and instantly the lady dropped dead. The most likely diagnosis will be a. Neurogenic shock b. Smothering c. Asphyxia d. Mental shock 197. A sixteen yrs old boy presented with headache and fits. C.T scan of skull showed a hemorrhage into brain tissue with a midline shift. The primary mode of death in this case will be a. Hemorrhage sock b. Coma c. Cerebrovascular accident d. Asphyxia 198. Diagnosis of death is a. Possible through Philadelphia criteria b. Related with complete absence of respiration c. Difficult in cases of suspended animation d. Sure if the pupils are bilaterally dilated and fixed 199. For diagnosis of brain death a. Complete loss of brainstem functions is essential b. Most Asian countries lacks its legal definition c. Intoxication, hypothermia and metabolic disorders should be excluded d. Patient should remain comatosed while on ventilator
200. Certification of death for transplant purposes: a. The decision should be on clinical grounds b. Should be made by a Physician c. Should be made by members of transplant team d. By at least two uninterested doctor is essential 201. Suspended animation a. Is temporary cessation of circulation and respiration b. Level of body metabolism not detectable clinically c. Lowest body metabolism compatible with life d. Is common in barbiturates and opiates poisoning 202. Cooling of a male dead body, suspected to be subjected to sexual activity is best judged by inserting the thermometer in a. Rectum b. Axilla c. Oral cavity d. Subhepatic slit 203. A 65 years old hypertensive patient suddenly collapsed due to an attack of stroke and expired after a period of two hours, the phenomenon of postmortem caloricity was noted. The most probable cause of this rise in temperature is a. Sunstroke b. Stroke c. Vigorous activity of muscles d. Pontine hemorrhage 204. Regarding coding of a dead body a. Body and environmental temperature difference is important b. Should be recorded by using thanatometer c. Core body temperature is more important for postmortem interval d. Factors affecting rate of coding include age, body fats and mode of death 205. Postmortem lividity a. Is an active process b. Is due to clot blood in dependent vessels c. Hemoglobin staining of tissues is basis of fixation d. May be absent if body is running in flowing water 206. Most important factor differentiating postmortem lividity from a bruise is a. Incision shows extravasated blood in a bruise b. Abrasions over the staining points toward postmortem lividity c. No uniformity in color in case of a bruise d. Situated on dependent parts in case of postmortem staining 207. Cadaveric spasm a. Is grasping of grass or weed in hands after death b. Is due to somatic death occurring at great speed c. Commonly involves voluntary muscles d. Is stiffening of muscles not proceeded by primary relaxation after death 208. An object in hand of a dead body a. May serve as a conclusive evidence in cadaveric spasm b. Can be introduced after death of a person c. Can be removed by exerting considerable force d. Is sometimes helpful to indicate circumstances of death
209. The dead body of an average built 30 yrs old lady was found in an open area during the month of June. The body was cold, rigor mortis absent, abdomen greenish in color and was distended with gases. The probable time since death is a. 12 – 24 hrs b. 24 – 36 hrs c. 36 – 48 hrs d. 48 – 72 hrs 210. The process of putrefaction in order of increasing rate occurs in following media a. Water, soil, air b. Water, air, soil c. Soil, air, water d. Soil, water, air 211. Which of the following is more suitable regarding putrefaction of internal organs in sequence? a. Liver, lungs, prostate b. Liver, prostate, lungs c. Lungs, liver, prostate d. Prostate, liver, lungs 212. Regarding the subject of forensic entomology a. It is helpful to estimate time since death accurately b. Maggots can reveal the presence of drugs c. Flies lay their eggs in body orifices in 48 hrs d. Larvae develop into adult flies in 4 – 5 days 213. A skeletonized dead body a. Is the result of colliquative putrifaction b. Is helpful to estimate absolute time since death c. Skeletonized is affected by medium of burial and temperature d. Will be the result in a few days if buried body is attacked by wild animals 214. Due to lack of a seat built, a driver sustained head injury when the vehicle suddenly collided with a tree a. The cerebrospinal fluid act as a cushion b. Counter coup injury occur only when the head is stationary c. The site contralateral to the impact will suffer concentration affect d. Counter coup injury occur only the head is free to move 215. Abrasion a. b. c. d.
Is limited to epidermis only Bleeds minimally Leaves no scar Heaped up epithelium shows the direction of application of force
216. Patterned abrasion is a. Mild type of injury b. Usually not associated with bruising c. The result of indirect impact of an object d. Seen in ligature strangulation and thumb impression 217. The main factors responsible for production of a mechanical injury includes a. Force applied b. Area of application c. Time required for transfer of energy d. All the three factors
218. A scab of reddish brown color was found on forearm of an individual involved in a road traffic accident. The probable age of this injury is a. 12 – 24 hrs b. 24 – 48 hrs c. 48 – 72 hrs d. 72 – 96 hrs 219. Regarding injuries sustained by a moving head when it comes in contact with a stationary object a. Impact injury is at the site of contact b. Process of deceleration is important for coup injury c. The coup injury is much greater than counter coup injury d. The counter coup injury is much greater than the coup injury 220. The best single criterion for judging the age of an adult skeleton is: a. Closure of cranial sutures. b. Closure of epiphyseal-metaphyseal line. c. Symphysis pubis morphoqenesis. d. Vertebral fusion e. Sternal union. 221. Recognizable external genitalia in the fetus are seen in the. a. Second calendar month. b. Third calendar month. c. Fourth calendar month. d. Fifth calendar month. e. Sixth calendar month. 222. Cross sections of Caucasian hair tend to be: a. Flattened. b. Circular. c. Tria ngular d. Oval e. Trapezoid 223. nucleated oval re blood cells are commonly seen in: a. Humans b. Snakes c. Camels d. Cats e. Dogs 224. Bite marks may become more visible under: a. Infra-red light b. Ultra-violet light c. Polarized light d. Reflected light e. Tangential light 225. The best bones for "Sexing" a skeleton are: a. Pelvis and skull b. Pelvis and long bones c. Skull and long bones d. Ventral surfaces of symphysis pubis e. The long bones of extremities 226. The presence of fully erupted third molars usually indicates an age of :
a. b. c. d. e.
5-7 years 8-10 years 11-13 years 14-16 years Over 17 years
227. The number of centers of bone growth at birth is: a. 206 b. 250 c. 350 d. 450 e. 550 228. Cephalic index gives clue to determine a. Age b. Sex c. Race d. Abnormality of skull e. Weight of skull 229. The obturator foraen in female is: a. Oval b. Round c. Square d. Triangular e. Irregular 230. Lipping of the clavicular facet of scapula begins at the age of: a. 15-20 years b. 20-25 years c. 25-30 years d. 30-35 years e. 35-40 years 231. the period of mixed dentition persists in person till: a. 6-8 years b. 9-11 years c. 12-13 years d. 13-15 years e. 15-17 years 232. the xiphoid process unites with the body of the sternum at the age of: a. 20 years b. 25 years c. 30 years d. 40 years e. 60 years
233. Following part of the hip bone helps to know whether it belongs to multiparous woman or not? a. Obturator foramen b. Pubic symphysis c. Ischial tuberosity d. Ilium e. Iliac crest 234. The greater cornu of hyoid bone unites with the body after the age of :
a. b. c. d. e.
10 years 15 years 20 years 30 years 35 years
235. The corner’s office is first mentioned in English historical documents in the: a. Seventh century b. Tenth century c. Fourteenth century d. Sixteenth century e. Eighteenth century 236. Post mortem changes occur progressively faster in the following environments: a. Air, water, ground b. Air, ground, water c. Ground, air, water d. Ground, water, air e. Water, ground, air 237. The following features of finger nails can be best used for identification purposes and matching: a. Longitudinal striations b. Transverse striations c. Shape of the lunula d. Contour of the nail e. Microscope structure of keratin 238. Neuropathological examination of battered children not uncommonly reveals a. Necrosis of globi pallidi b. Necrosis of putamen c. Necrosis of corpora mamillaria d. Tears of white matter e. Wernicke syndrome-like changes 239. The second most common fatal complication of criminal abortion is: a. Infection b. Hemorrhage c. Venous air embolism d. Systemic poisoning by abortifacient e. Neurogenic shock 240. Stabbing by an instrument with the cross section of a square usually produces a (an): a. Square wound b. Rhomboid wound c. Oval wound d. Cruciate wound e. Round wound
241. Heat cramps are due to : a. Paralysis of medullary temperature regulation centre b. Stoppage of sweating c. Salt loss d. Hyperthymia e. Infectious hyperpyrexia
242. Artefactual changes in fire victims include all but one of the following: a. Pugilistic attitude b. Fractures of extremities c. Epidural hematoma d. Subdural hematoma e. Dkin lacerations 243. Presence of pus over a wound suggests that its minimum age is: a. 2 weeks b. 10 days c. 8 days d. 6 days e. 3 days 244. Ewing’s postulates deal with trauma and: a. Heart disease b. Cancer c. Brain disease d. Psychological disorder e. Renal disorder 245. An injured person was brought to medicolegal centre for examination. The medicolegal examiner found two abrasions on the back of right forearm. These abrasions were having reddish brown scab on them. The time interval between infliction of injuries and examination by the medicolegal examiner was: a. 12-24 hours b. 48-72 hours c. 4-5 day d. 5-6 day e. 7-8 day 246. A person committed suicide by cutting his throat with the help of a knife. On autopsy examination cause of death was established as air embolism. The air entered the circulatory system through the damaged: a. External carotid artery b. Internal carotid artery c. External jugular vein d. Aorta. e. Vertebral artery. 247. Specific pulmonary injury seen in bomb explosion is known as a. Explosive lung b. Blast lung c. Frothy lung. d. Cor-pulmonale e. Ruptured lung 248. The best method to record temperature of a dead body (with history of sodomy) is by introducing thermometer into: a. Rectum b. Mouth c. Axilla. d. Groin e. In the abdomen (after making a slit). 249. A young male was taken into custody by the police. On 7'h day he developed oliguria, anuria leading to failure of kidneys and death. On examination innumerable bruises were present on both the lower limbs, buttocks and back of the trunk. Cause of death in this case is: a. Neurogenic shock. b. Haemorrhage. c. Thromboembolism
d. Crush syndrome. e. Fat embolism. 250. Test for seminal fluid do not include: a. Alkaline phosphatase test. b. Florence test. c. Gold -chloride test. d. Barberio test. e. Naphthyl-yellow sulphur test. 251. The most common agent responsible for anaphylactic shock : a. Penicillin. b. Streptomycin c. Polymyxine. d. Tetracycline. e. Streptokinine. 252. Sex chromosomal study shows following results in cases of mosaic klinefelter syndrome: a. XXY b. XXXY c. XXX d. XO e. XY 253. A subject will be chromation negative in the following genetic make up: a. XX b. XY c. XXY d. XXX e. XXXY 254. Davidson’s bodies are observed under microscope in: a. Neutrophils. b. RBCs c. Lymphocytes d. Eosinophils e. Basophils 255. Forensic serology deals with: a. Medicolegal aspects of examination of blood. b. Clinical effects of blood diseases. c. Legal aspect of examination of blood. d. Chemical analysis of blood. e. Management of blood diseases 256. Mature human RBC is: a. Circular, concave and non-nucleated. b. Circular, convex and non-nucleated. c. Oval, convex and non-nucleated d. Oval, convex and nucleated. e. Circular, convex and nucleated 257. Principle of precipitin test is: a. Antigen-antibody reaction. b. Formation of ring. c. Formation of a precipitate
d. Antigen versus host reaction. e. Agglutination 258. Classical "0" blood group possesses on the surface of RBC: a. A, B and H antigen. b. H antigen. c. No antigen. d. A and B antigen. e. D antigen 259. Medicolegal significance of screening test while examining blood in forensic serology lab lies in its: a. Negativity b. Positivity c. Precipitate formation. d. Agglutination e. Color development 260. Spectroscopic examination confirms the presence of: a. Human blood. b. Animal blood. c. Both human and animal blood d. Blood. e. Blood mixed with seminal stain 261. DNA profiling confirms: a. Identity of a species. b. Identity of a person. c. Identity of both species and person d. Determination of age and sex. e. Determination of age, sex and race 262. DNA profiling can be done by: a. RFLP technique only. b. STR technique only. c. Both RFLP and STR. d. Only allele specific technique. e. PCR. 263. Confirmatory test for the presence of semen are: a. Microscopic examination and LDH and PAP determination. b. Chemical examination. c. Grouping d. Precipitin test. e. Florence test 264. Bands of carboxy haemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin in the spectroscope can be differentiated by adding: a. Sodium chloride. b. Calcium sulphate c. Ammonium sulphide. d. Phosphates e. Estrases. 265. The purpose of criminal law is to a. Safeguard the interests of community /society b. Punish the criminals in society. c. Safeguard the interests of civilians
d. Safeguard the interests of people of different religion e. Safeguard the interests of women and children. 266. Medical register is the register that contains the names of: a. All medicines available in the country. b. All the available medical practitioners in the country c. All the dangerous drugs available in the country. d. All the medical specialist in the country e. All the clinics / hospitals in the country 267. All but one of the following are true concerning informed consent: a. The consent is invalid if the act consented to obligation of is unlawful. b. Operations on the wife require informed consent of the husband c. If minor is over 13 years old, his or her consent should also be obtained d. Free treatment do not cancel the Obtaining an informed consent of the husband e. The consent implies an understanding of the risks involved 267. The medical speciality having the highest risk of professional liability litigation is: a. Orthopaedic surgery. b. Neurosurgery. c. General surgery. d. Internal medicine e. Radiology. 268. Under the Qisas and Diyat Act, injuries present on the neck are classified as: a. Jaifa Hurts b. Other hurts falling U/S 337 L II c. Shajjah d. Jurh e. Damiyah 269. Cases of sexual offences under woman protection act 2006 are tried in the court of: a. Special judicial magistrate. b. Federal shariat court. c. Court of Session. d. High court. e. Magistrate section – 30 270. Offence of Qatl liable to Qisas according to the Qisas and Diyat act include: a. Murder b. Oatl-E-Amd c. Qatl Shiba-i-Amad d. Justifiable homicide e. Qatl Bis-Sabab 271. Isqat E Janin is the miscarriage of pregnancy: a. During the 1st trimester. b. During the 2nd trimester. c. When foetus has become viable d. When some organs or limbs may be formed e. During 3rd trimester
272. Offence of vitriolage under Qisas and Diyat act may result in: a. Atlaf E Udu. b. Shajjah
c. Atlaf E Salahivat-e- Udu d. Jurh. e. Other hurt falling under sec 337 LI 273. Legal procedure in Pakistan are: a. Under Coroner's office. b. Under medical examiner system. c. Under Shariat Laws. d. Under modified continental system. e. Under Federal Bureau of Investigation 274. Qisas and Diyat act compensation for causing death viz specified in the law payable to the heirs of victim by the offender is called: a. Qisas b. Arsh. c. Daman d. Tazeer e. Diyat. 275. "Arsh" for causing Atlaf of an organ which is found singly in the human body is equal to the value of: a. Half of the diyat. b. Quarter of the diyat. c. 1/10 of diyat d. Full diyat. e. Daman 276. Prescribing narcotics for non therapeutic purposes exposes the RMP to the following charge: a. Civil negligence. b. Criminal negligence c. Professional misconduct. d. Divulgence of professional secrecy. e. Abuse of professional knowledge 277. Police inquest in Pakistan is carried out under section: a. 174 CRPC b. 176 CRPC. c. Sec-4 enforcement of Hadood Ordinance. d. Qisas and Diyat act. e. Pakistan Penal Code i.e; PPc. 278. Exhumation is carried out under section: a. Qisas and Diyat Act-Section 334. b. Enforcement of Hadood Ordinance-Sec-5. c. CRPC Sec 176. d. Pakistan Penal Code. e. CRPC Sec 174. 279. Punjab prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) RuleS 1979 is related to the examination and certification in regard to: a. Natural sexual offences. b. Un-natural sexual offences c. Qatl d. Volentorv intoxication. e. Intention to cause hurt. 280. Following is not the symptoms of intoxication under Law (Hadood Ordinance):
a. b. c. d. e.
Gastritis. Thirst. Fever Physical/mental incompitance Dysphoria.
281. Hurt labelled as Shajjah Damighah U/S 337 (3)/vi occurs when: a. Bone is exposed without causing fracture. b. Fracture of skull with wound rupturing brain membrane. c. Fracture of skull with wound touching brain membrane d. Bone fracture with dislocation. e. Sub arachnoid haemorrhage. 282. Post mortem examination for legal purposes can be conducted by the following only: a. Any registered medical practitioner. b. Any medical or women medical officer in Government service. c. Medical officer/ women medical officer in the service of Health Department. d. Medical officer/ women medical officer in the service of Health Department posted at an RHC or higher level hospital. e. Any permanent employee and selectee of Public Service Commission. 283. Following is the hallmark of "Insanity”: a. Illusion. b. Delusion. c. Hallucination d. Delerium. e. Dementia 284. A patient dying on operation table due to Wreckless attitude of an addict anaesthetist is an example of: a. Civil negligence. b. Criminal medical negligence. c. Contributory negligence. d. Third party negligence. e. Inherent risk of anaesthesia 285. An injured person was brought by the police for medicolegal examination. The medicolegal examiner found an abrasion on the neck. He would declare this injury as: a. Jurh Jaifah. b. Jurh Ghayr Jaifah Damiah c. Jurh Ghayr Jaifah Mutlahimah d. Jurh Ghayr Jaifah Badia. e. Jurh Ghayr Jaifah Hashima 286. Leading question is allowed in: a. Examination in chief. b. Cross examination. c. Re-examination. d. Police inquest e. Privileged communication. 287. Consent given for appendicectomy operation is no legacy valid if it is given by: a. Blind person b. Man above 80 years c. Insane person. d. Woman above 18 years e. Man suffering from paraplegia
288. A young man was brought for medicolegal examination in the casualty department of a hospital. On clinical examination the person was stable. There was only one injury on his forehead. It was a bruise measuring 2cm x 2cm. The medicolegal examiner in accordance with Qisas and Diyat Law declared this injury as: a. Shajjah Ammah b. Shaiiah Khafifah c. Shajjah Hashima d. Shajjah Damighah e. Shajjah Moduah 289. Mr. Daniel McNaughtan was a citizen of: a. America. b. Great Britain c. Germany d. France e. Spain 290. Rate of silver is fixed every year by the Federal Government (for the purpose of determination of Diyat) on the following date: a. 1st January b. 1st December 1st Ramadan c. 1st July d. 1st Moharam 291. Unnatural sexual offences are punished under following Law in Pakistan: a. Hadood Ordinance. b. Qisas and Diyat Law c. Section 377 PPC. d. Section 84 PPC e. Section 380 PPC. 292. In Pakistan Hadood Ordinance was introduced in: a. 1959 b. 1969 c. 1977 d. 1979 e. 1989 293. The President of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council is elected for this office for a period of: a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 4 years e. 5 years 294. You are working as consultant surgeon in a hospital. You are going to do operation of cholecystectomy on a woman whose age is above 40 years. What type of consent you will take: a. Implied. b. Blanket. c. Oral. d. Oral in presence of third party e. Written informed. 296. A doctor is doing private practice in Lahore. In one day he receives five cases of cholera. It is his statutory duty to report these cases to the authority which qualifies to receive this information. He will pass on information to:
a. b. c. d. e.
District Nazim. Area Magisterate. Local Police Station District Health Authorities District Police Officer
297. A renowned political leader was assassinated after addressing a public meeting. The investigating officer was legally bound to get the autopsy performed by the nearest qualified doctor under the following section of Pakistan Criminal Procedure Code: a. 170 b. 172 c. 173 d. 174 e. 177 298. In case of sodomy maximum punishment is imprisonment upto: a. 2 years b. 4 years c. 8 years d. 10 years. e. 14 years 299. Dying declaration is an example of: a. Hearsay evidence. b. Direct evidence. c. Inceptive evidence d. Circumstantial evidence. e. Corroborative evidence. 300. After the implementation of Shariat Ordinance 1988 whenever question should arise before a court that the existing law is repugnant to Shariat the court shall refer the matter to: a. Federal Law Minister. b. Federal Shariat Court. c. The President of Pakistan. d. The Prime Minister. e. The National Assembly. 301. Medical notification is communication between: a. Two doctors. b. Doctor and court c. Doctor and police. d. Doctor and Health Authorities. e. Doctor and patient. 302. Re-examination of a challenged initial medicolegal case in Punjab is performed by: a. District medicolegal board b. Surgeon medicolegal Punjab c. District medicolegal officer d. Medical superintendent of the teaching hospital. e. Professor of forensic medicine 303. An injured person was received in the casualty department of a hospital. On examination one lacerated wound was found on right leg but the bone was not exposed. Legal nature of this injury is: a. Jurh Jaifah b. Jurh Ghayr Jaifah Badiah c. Jurh Ghayr Jaifah Mutlahimah. d. Falls U/S 337 L2. e. Jurh Ghayr Jaifah Munaqilah
304. Judicial inquest is conducted in: a. Every murder case b. Death in police custody. c. Death in road side accident d. Death by a stray bullet e. Death inside the home 305. George Engel put forward the concept of Biopsychosocial perspective of health and disease which stresses on the understanding of: a. Holistic medicine b. Social milieu of the patient c. Better communication skills d. Personality of the patient e. Psychosocial environment of patient in the same way as pathophysiological processes 306. While the physician is expected to know the patient's language, the patient is often unaware of the medical jargon. Therefore: a. The responsibility lies with the physician to bridge the communication gap b. The physician must first simplify and explain the medical terminology c. The physician must explore the psychosocial background of each patient d. Medical jargon must be banned. e. The physician must learn other languages 307. Active listening is a complex process which involves a simultaneous focus on patient's words as well as: a. Body language b. Paralinguistic aspects c. Active prompting d. Adequate eye contact. e. Open ended questions 308. Empathy building refers to the statements of the doctor that: a. Conveys to the patient that his feelings have been well-understood b. Show his sincere sympathy for the patient. c. Relaxes the patient d. Reflect his good upbringing. e. Indicate good communication skills. 309. Empathic skills are essential for better therapeutic relationship and include reflection, validation, support, respect and: a. Exclusivity. b. Partnership. c. Unconditional positive regard. d. Informational care e. Friendship. 310. Counseling is a technique which aims at: a. Making people less emotional. b. Achieving a greater depth of understanding and clarification of the problem c. Comparing the patient's experiences with one's own. d. Giving sincere advice and solutions to the patients problems e. Breaking bad news in a professional manner. 311. A doctor aiming to adopt the role of a counselor must exhibit and develop attributes such as:
a. Wide ranging knowledge base b. Charismatic personality c. Mastery of the local dialect d. Unconditional positive regard. e. Honest and simple life style. 312. A 56 years old male patient has just been diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. His physician is concerned about his treatment compliance with the prescribed regimen of medication and dietary changes. The patient is most likely to follow the instructions given by the physician if the conversation with the physician makes the patient: a. Calm and collected b. Calm and questioning c. Concerned and attentive d. Worried and distracted. e. Fearful and self absorbed 313. Consent is the agreement of the patient to an examination, procedure, treatment or intervention. Which of the following pillars of medical ethics does it represent? a. Justice b. Beneficence c. Autonomy d. Non-malaficence e. Confidentiality 314. A patient constantly defying prohibitions by the doctors in spite of repeated warnings of serious consequences is displaying the phenomena of : a. Transference b. Resistance c. Counter-transference d. Non-compliance e. Emotional instability 315. A researcher refers to "Pub Med Central" to do literature search for the topic. Which of the following reasons best explains his/her desire? a. It offers barrier-free access to peer-reviewed primary research reports b. It provides instructions to the researcher to select or not to select a particular topic. c. It is a free service, so there is no harm in utilizing it d. Researcher knows, whom to contact for getting guidance. e. It provides the final confirmed research results which are absolutely reliable. 316. A researcher undertakes a 'Probability' sampling technique for his/her research. Which of the following best describes the condition? a. Probability sampling being on random selection makes the sample representative b. It is easy to select by this technique and is least time consuming c. The selection is conveniently made on the purposive basis and is best suited d. We are only interested in the group to be best describes the condition: e. This makes our study best suited for international comparison. 317. A good research topic is said to be feasible, interesting, novel, ethical and relevant. How feasibility is taken into the consideration: a. It reflects the interest of the researcher and his commitment. b. It ensures availability of resources and skills. c. Researcher ensures a prospective help from some funding agency and guidance. d. There is sufficientir1centive for the researcher and subjects. e. It ensures safety of the subjects and their approval for joining the study 318. In quantitative research we refer to the normal distribution curve. Which of the following statements best describes Normal Distribution Curve? a. All physiological and pathological conditions follow this pattern.
b. The curve classifies various normal people to clearly demarcate healthy from sick. c. Bell shaped, smooth and symmetrical curve describing the distribution of mainly the healthy population. d. Helps in comparing the opinions of various people on an in-depth interview result. e. Mean, median and mode may be at different points to suggest variation of a character 319. A researcher has to worry about the identification of "Confounding Variables". This is because Confounding variable may be the true cause of the problem. a. In final search for cause, confounders are best intermediate factors. b. The study design should ensure that one group has the confounding variables and the other group should be without them. c. There can be only one confounding variable in a study which should be confirmed. d. Confounder provides alternate etiology, but is not the true cause, so it should be eliminated 320. An injury caused by a pointed weapon when driver trough the skin is: a. Oral wound b. Circular wound c. Stab wound d. Cruciate wound 321. A 15 years old boy was brought to casualty department of a hospital with history of penetrating wound to his chest, the most important dimension of the wound the casualty medical officer will be looking for is : a. Length of the wound b. Circumference of the wound c. Depth of the wound d. Width of the wound 322. A victim of assault was found to have an elliptical shaped stab wound on back of chest. The history pointed to a single thrust, the causative weapon in this case is: a. Knife b. Double edged knife c. Sword d. Dagger 323. A lacerated wound: a. Is always an open wound on external surface b. Contain a foreign body in all cases c. There may be no tissue bridging d. The margins are irregular and commonly abraded 324. A blunt pointed metallic rod will produce: a. Stellate laceration b. Round shaped laceration c. Crescentic laceration d. Linear laceration with “Y” split at the end 325. Avulsion or grinding compression type of laceration: a. Is the result of passing a small wheel over a limb b. Bleeds minimally as underlying blood vessels are crushed c. Results in ischemia of distal limb d. Over a wide area may precipitate fat embolism or equal syrdsonce 326. All, but one, are types of laceration a. Splet laceration b. Overstretch laceration c. All open wounds by a knife
d. Grinding compression
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