Review questions: 1. For numbe numbers rs 1-3 refer refer to to the followin following g informatio information: n: The duly approved ABM for the F !"13 showed the following: Allotment Appropriatio Not Needing Needing Clearance Class n Clearance #$ !1%"""%""" 1&%"""%""" 3%"""%""" M''( 1)%"""%""" 1"%"""%""" )%"""%""" *apital 'utlay 13%"""%""" 1"%"""%""" 3%"""%""" Total Total # +,%"""%""" # 3&%"""%""" # 11%"""%""" The orres orresponding ponding otie of *ash *ash Alloation /*A0 was issued by the the epartment epartment of Budget Budget and Management. 'ne of the transations transations during the 2rst uarter of the year inluded the payment of salaries and allowanes thru ash advanes: $alaries and 4ages #(5A 4ithholding Ta6 5etirement and 9ife nsurane #ag-B; #hil A. 1&%"""%""" *. 3%"""%""" B. )%3)"%""" . !1%"""%""" !. A. !"%)&" !"%)&"%"" %""" " ? 1!%3)" 1!%3)"%"" %""" " B. 1"%"""%""" ? )%"""%""" *. 1"%"""%""" ? 1"%"""%""" . 18%1"" 18%1""%"" %""" " ? ,%)""% ,%)""%""" """ 3. A. 5etirement and 9ife nsurane *ontribution 66 #ag-B; *ontribution 66 #hilhealth *ontribution 66 (** *ontribution 66 *ash @M$% 5egular 66 B. 5etirement and 9ife nsurane *ontribution 66 #ag-B; *ontribution 66 #hilhealth *ontribution 66 (** *ontribution 66 *ash @ isbursing 'er 66 *. ue to ;$$ 66 ue to #ag-B; 66 ue to #hilhealth 66 'ther #ayables 66 *ash @ T% M$ 66 . ue to ;$$ 66 ue to #ag-B; 66 ue to #hilhealth 66 'ther #ayables 66 *ash @ isbursing 'er 66
). The Ageny paid a (*' bill amounting to #+"%"""% inluding ta6 of 3%""". The entry to reord this transation would be: A. (letriity +"%""" *ash @ T% M$ +"%""" B. Aounts #ayable +"%""" *ash @ T% M$ 38%""" ue to B5 3%""" *. Memo entry only. . o entry reuired. 7. n what registry should allotment for purhases of T euipment be reorded> A. 5A'-#$ B. 5A'-M' *. 5A'-*' . 5A'-F( For uestions 8-11% refer to the following problem: Allotment in the amount of #)%)""%""" was released by the BM with the orresponding *A. The release was for the onstrution of an oe building. The '$T awarded the ontrat to AB* *onstrution *ompany for a ontrat prie of #)%"""%""". AB* paid the reuired ash bond while '$T issued a heC to over the mobiliDation fee. The billings are shown as follows: 1st Billing 3)E ompleted /1"E retention fee0 !nd Billing &"E ompleted /1"E retention fee0 Final Billing 1""E ompleted /1"E retention fee0 8. A. )%"""%""" *. +%8)"%""" B. )%)""%""" . )%!!)%""" &. 4hat is the ournal entry to reord the mobiliDation fee> A. Advanes to *ontrators !)"%""" *ash @ M$% 5egular !)"%""" B. Advanes to *ontrators 8)"%""" *ash @ M$% 5egular 8)"%""" *. Advanes to *ontrators !)"%""" #erfGBidGBB# !)"%""" . Advanes to *ontrators 8)"%""" #erfGBidGBB# 8)"%""" ,. For the 2rst billing% how muh should be redited to ;uarantee $eurityGeposits #ayable> A. )""%""" *. 1,!%)"" B. 18)%""" . !7!%)"" 1". A. !%+8)%""" *. !%!)"%""" B. 1%8)"%""" . !%1)"%""" 11. A. #338%)"" *. #7""%""" B. #!7!%)"" . # 1)"%""" 1!. Ageny A* sold a 7"E depreiated motor vehile whih had an original ost of #3""%""" for #!""%""". The proeeds shall be deemed automatially appropriated for the purhase of replaement higher apaity vehile worth #)""%"""% net of appliable ta6. The ageny subseuently reeived an *A of #)""%""" for the purhase of the said vehile. 4hat is the entry to reord the reeipt from the disposal of the motor vehile> A. *ash @ *olleting 'er !""%""" ue to BTr !""%""" B. *ash @ *olleting 'er !""%""" ;ain on $ale of isposed Assets !""%""" *. *ash @ *olleting 'er !""%""" Aumulated epHn. @ ehiles 1)"%""" Motor ehiles 3""%""" ue to BTr )"%""" . *ash @ *olleting 'er !""%""" Aumulated epHn. @ ehiles 1)"%""" Motor ehiles 3""%""" ;ain on $ale of isposed Assets )"%"""
13. Ageny I have an obligation for euipment per purhase order amounting to #&""%""". $ubseuently% the ageny liuidates the euipment auired in full. The auisition was provided from the #rourement $erie. The entry to reord this transation would be: a. Memorandum entry in 5A'*' b. 'e (uipment &""%""" ue from ;A &""%""" . $ubsidy from ational ;ovHt &""%""" *ash @ M$% 5egular &""%""" d. Aounts #ayable &""%""" *ash @ M$% 5egular &""%""" 1+. The ageny obligates the purhase of euipment per purhase order amounting to #!""%""". The entry for this transation would be: A. Memo entry only B. 'e (uipment !""%""" Aounts #ayable !""%""" *. 'e (uipment !""%""" *ash-ational Treasury% M$ !""%""" . 'e (uipment !""%""" $; !""%""" 1). 4hat is the proforma entry to reord the anellation of a stale M$ heC> A. *ash @ M$ 66 Aounts #ayable 66 B. *ash @ M$% 5egular 66 *ash @ *olleting 'er 66 *. *ash @ M$% 5egular 66 Aumulated $urplus 66 . *ash @ *olleting 'er 66 Aumulated $urplus 66 For items 17 and 18 A ash advane was set up to over the payment of salaries of employees in the amount of #&"%""". The ash advane was liuidated during the year. A weeC after the payment% the booCCeeper found out that the employees were overpaid by #!%""". $ubseuently% the booCCeeper noti2ed the onerned employees of said overpayment and reuested for the refund. 17. 4hat is the ournal entry to reord the remittane of the overpayment to the ational Treasury> a. $ubsidy from ational ;overnment !%""" *ash @ M$% 5egular !%""" b. $ubsidy from ational ;overnment !%""" *ash @ *olleting 'er !%""" . *ash @ M$% 5egular !%""" ue from 'ers and (mployees !%""" d. $ubsidy from ational ;overnment !%""" ue from 'ers and (mployees !%""" 18. 4hat is the ournal entry to reord the overpayment> a. ue from 'ers and (mployees !%""" . *onsolidation priniples . Aounting for long-term investments . Adoption of poliy on inreasing bene2t entitlements of the program members . All hanges in lassi2ation of aounts a. % % only *. and only b. and only . All must be dislosed in the otes to F$
n answering numbers 1-1"% refer to the following hoies: a. The 2rst statement is true but the seond statement is false. b. The 2rst statement is false but the seond statement is true. . Both statements are true. d. either of the statements is true. 1. $1: ;eneral inome aounts of the government enompass all ta6es imposed on inome% properties and use or sale of goods and servies% ta6es on international trade and transations and other ta6es inluding 2nes and penalties. $!: $pei2 inome aounts of the government inlude all types of revenue or inome generated by agenies in the e6erise of their administrative and regulatory funtion% inome from publi entities or inome from investments and inome from grants and donations. !. $1: A prelosing trial balane is prepared after adusting entries are reorded in the general ournal and posted to the general ledger and shows the adusted balanes of all aounts. $!: The statement of 2nanial position is prepared from information taCen diretly from the prelosing trial balane. 3. $1: The Budgetary aounts onsist of appropriations% obligations and disbursements. $!: Budgetary aounts are reorded in the agenyHs booCs of aounts. +. $1: The *A is the share of the Ageny in the inome of the ational ;overnment. $!: The otie of *ash Alloation reeived by the ageny is net of the )E ta6 for #ersonal $ervies and &E ta6 for Maintenane and 'ther 'perating (6penses and *apital 'utlays to be withheld by the ageny. ). $1: The entry to reord the auisition of a 26ed asset using the prourement arm of the BM will inlude a debit to the orresponding 26ed asset auired.
$!: 4hen a government ageny deides to purhase supplies from outside suppliers% the entry to reord the reeipt of the supplies will most liCely inlude a redit to *ash-ational Treasury% M$. 7. $1: Aording to Administrative 'rder o. 11,% the responsibility for the 2sal operations of oes and agenies of government is hereby delared to reside primarily with the respetive
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