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Csernókné Jezerniczky Éva

ANGOL NYELVTANI GYAKORLÓKÖNYV kommunikációközpontú nyelvvizsgákra készülőknek



ELŐSZÓ Kedves nyelvtanulók!

Az utóbbi néhány évben egymás után akkreditáltatták magukat a különböző nyelvvizsgaközpontok újabbnál újabb egynyelvű és kétnyelvű vizsgákkal. Az új vizsgák deklaráltan kommunikációközpontúak, és azt vizsgálják, hogy a jelölt tudja-e alkalmazni a nyelvet. Ezért a feladatok is más típusúak, mint a nyelvkönyvekben és a nyelvórákon megszokottak. Összefüggő szövegeken alapulnak, és másféle készségeket igényelnek, mint amilyenekkel a nyelvtanulók eddig találkoztak. A vizsgák általában írásbeli és szóbeli részből állnak, hallásértés feladattal. Az írásbeli vizsga különböző olvasásértési, nyelvtani valamint önálló vagy irányított szövegalkotási feladatokat tartalmaz. Ennek a könyvnek az a célja, hogy eligazítást nyújtson a különböző új típusú nyelvtani feladatok között, rámutasson a „miértekre” és a „hogyanokra”, továbbá segítsen elsajátítani egy olyan megközelítési módot, amelynek segítségével megoldhatók az eddig boszorkányságnak hitt feladatok. Az újfajta nyelvvizsgák nyelvtani feladatai között leggyakrabban a „multiple choice”,feleletválasztós gyakorlat ( 3 vagy 4 megoldási javaslattal), a „cloze” azaz „lyukas szöveg” különböző változatai, (meghatározott sorszámú szó kihagyása, nyelvtani elem kihagyása), illetőleg olyan feladatok szerepelnek, amelyekben meghatározott számú (pl. 10) üres helyre több (pl. 15) szóból, kifejezésből kell kiválasztani a megfelelőt. Szerencsére az angol nyelv meglepően logikus, és nagyon sok mindent megmutat, annak, aki tudja, mit hol kell keresnie, ezért a feladatok megoldásának a megközelítési módja nagyon hasonló. Az egymást követő fejezetekben leírom, hogy 25 év tanítási tapasztalatával a hátam mögött, hogyan tanítom a különböző nyelvtani szerkezeteket, továbbá azt, hogy a szerkezetek hogyan jelennek meg a különböző tesztfeladatokban. Az elmélet és a tematikus gyakorlatok után következik a vizsgára való gyakorlás, amikor egyszerre kell alkalmazni az összes eddig elsajátított ismeretet. Az egyéni tanulás megkönnyítésére a könyv végén megoldókucs található, de ha kérdésük van, írjanak a [email protected] e-mail címre, szívesen segítek. Nos, kalandra fel! Kitartást, türelmet és végül sikeres vizsgát kívánok!

Siófok, 2004. december

Csernókné Jezerniczky Éva



Első fejezet 1. Szórend………………………………………………………………....4 a. Állítások, kérdések………………………………………………..4 b. Ugye?..............................................................................................5 c. Beékelt kérdés…………………………………………………….6 d. Kiemelő szórend………………………………………………….6 Gyakorlatok………………………………………………………………..7 2. Azok a csodálatos igék…………………………………………………….15 a. Igeidők………………………………………………………… 15 b. Cselekszik vagy "szenved" ?………………………… ……… 19 c. Igeidő egyeztetés, függő beszéd…………………………………19 d. Műveltetés……………………………………………………….22 Gyakorlatok…………………………………………………………….....23 3. Feltételes mód……………………………………………………………..26 4. Segédigék első és második jelentésben……………………………………27 Gyakorlatok………………………………………………………………..31 5. Infinitive, Gerund, Participle………………………………………..……..35 Gyakorlatok………………………………………………………………..37 6. Összetett mondatok, kötőszók…………………………………………….40 Gyakorlatok………………………………………………………………..42 7. Főnevek, névelők………………………………………………………….45 Gyakorlatok……………………………………………………………….47 8. Melléknevek, hasonlító szerkezetek…………………… ………………..50 Gyakorlatok………………………………………………………………. 53 9. Számnevek és névmások…………………………………………………..56 Gyakorlatok………………………………………………………………..59 10. Elöljárók, vonzatok………………………………………………………...62 Gyakorlatok………………………………………………………………..64 11. Megoldások…………………………………………………………….…. 67 Második fejezet 1. 2. 3.

Gyakorlatok (feleletválasztós)……………………...………………………69 Megoldások……………………………………………………………… . 75 Gyakorlatok (tizenötből tíz)………………………………………………. 76 Megoldások………………………………………………………………..86 Gyakorlatok (Cloze)………………………………………………………..87 Megoldások……………………………………………………………..…97


1. Szórend a. Állítások, kérdések Az angolban a szórend kötött. Egyéb nyelvtani lehetőségek híján a szó mondatrészi szerepét a mondatrész helye határozza meg, például az első főnév az alany. Az állító és a kérdő mondatokat a szórendjük különbözteti meg egymástól. Eszerint: Az állító mondat szórendje: (Időhatározó) Alany + Állítmány + Tárgy + Módhatározó + Helyhatározó +Időhatározó (segédige + ige) -

Az időhatározó állhat a mondatban a legelső, illetve a legutolsó helyen, de az úgynevezett gyakorisági időhatározók, (never, seldom, often, always, *usually, *sometimes) illetve néhány más időhatározó (already, just, still) beékelődik a segédige és az ige közé.

A *usually és *sometimes állhat mind a három időhatározóhelyen. pl. Usually I go to bed early. I usually go to bed early. I go to bed early usually. -




Minden angol mondat alannyal kezdődik, persze állhat előtte időhatározó, ezért az alanyt a mondat elején keressük. Az állítmány mindig két részből áll, segédigéből és igéből, két igeidő, a Simple Present és a Simple Past kivételével, amelyekben az állító mondatban nem jelenik meg a segédige a do, does és a did. A mondatban a második főnév általában a tárgy, de az angol mondatrészek nem mindig felelnek meg a magyar mondatrészeknek. pl. I showed the lady the way to the station.− Megmutattam a hölgynek az állomásra vezető utat. A határozók sorrendje: MÓD-, HELY-, IDŐHATÁROZÓ kivétel, ha az ige helyváltoztatást, utazást, jövés-menést jelent, mert az ilyen igék a helyhatározójukkal együtt alkotnak egy egységet. pl. I go to school by bus. Hiába magasabb rendű a by bus, mégis a helyhatározó áll előbb, mert közvetlenül az igéhez kapcsolódik. Ha a mondatban több idő- vagy helyhatározó áll, a legkisebbtől haladunk a legnagyobb felé pl. I live at 25, Baross utca Budapest. (házszám, utca, város) I was born on the 23rd of January, 1978. (nap, hónap. év) (szóban) I was born on 23/01/1978. (írásban)

Ezek a szabályok nagyon általános jellegűek és eltérni tőlük alapos indok nélkül nem lehet. Elképzelhetjük úgy is az angol mondatot, mint egy sor leragasztott gyufaskatulyát, amelyeket nem lehet csak úgy felkapni, és máshova tenni. Egy kivétel van csak, egy doboz nincs leragasztva, a segédige, amit más helyre kell tennünk, hogy kérdő mondatokat alkothassunk.


A kérdő mondat szórendje: (Kérdő rész) Segédige +Alany +Ige + Tárgy + Határozók Mi változott az állító mondathoz képest? Az időhatározó eltűnt az első helyről, helyére kerülhet a kérdő rész, amely állhat egy kérdőszóból, vagy egy kérdőszavas kifejezésből. A segédige az alany elé került, minden más mondatrész a helyén maradt.


A kérdőszavak közül a who és a what kettős jelentésű. Kérdezhet alanyra és tárgyra is, viszont nem mindegy, hogy Ki? Mi? vagy Kit? Mit?, ezért az alanyra állító szórenddel, a tárgyra kérdő szórenddel kérdezünk. pl. Who loves me? – Ki szeret engem? Who do I love? – Kit szeretek én?


Hogyan kérdezünk elöljáróval? Ha kérdőszó a mondat elején áll, az elöljáró marad az igével, és általában a mondat végére kerül. pl. Who are you waiting for? What are you talking about?


A mondat első igéje szokott kérdő szórendben állni, ezért még az olyan összetett mondatokban is, amelyekben a tagmondatok sorrendje tetszőleges, a kérdő tagmondat előre „törekszik”. pl. if-es tagmondat. Where do you go if you have time?

A tagadó mondat szórendje csak annyiban tér el az állítóétól, hogy a segédige minden igeidőben megjelenik és felveszi a not szócskát, általában összevont formában. pl. I don’t like cats. Eddig mindenféle mondatrészről beszéltünk, csak a jelzőkről nem. A jelző ugyanis felveszi a jelzett szó mondatrészi értékét, és azzal egy egységként működik. A blue book ugyanúgy, mint a book, lehet a mondatban alany, tárgy, vagy valamelyik határozó része. Az egyelemű jelzők egymás után állnak a jelzett szó előtt, pl. two used English books A kifejezés értékű jelzők a jelzett szó után állnak. pl. a mountain covered with snow

b. Ugye? A visszakérdezésnek rengeteg funkciója van, a tényleges információkéréstől a társalgás továbbgördítéséig, de a nyelvtani szabályai ugyanazok. Állító szórenddel kezdődik a mondat, majd vesszőt teszünk és visszakérdezünk, a mondat tartalmával ellentétesen, állító mondatra tagadással, tagadó mondatra állítással. Csak a segédigét ismételjük állító vagy tagadó formában, több segédige esetén az elsőt, és az alanyt személyes névmás formájában. pl. You can swim, can’t you? This isn’t your pen, is it? We should have done this long ago, shouldn’t we? Néhány tudnivaló: -

There is/there are kezdetű mondatok visszakérdezésénél there-t használunk. pl. There is a church in Queen street, isn’t there?


Somebody, anybody, nobody visszakérdezésben they


pl. Somebody will help him, won’t they? -

A let’s visszakérdezése shall we?, a felszólító módé will you? pl. Let’s buy some chocolate, shall we? Open the door, will you?


Az I’m visszakérdezése aren’t I? pl. I’m very ill, aren’t I.

c. Beékelt kérdés Mit gondolsz, ki vagy te? Legyen ez a megjegyezni való példamondatunk, azaz Who do you think you are? A magyarhoz képest a második kérdőszóval indítunk, majd a beékelt kérdés következik kérdő szórendben, mert ez az első igehely, ahol kérdezni lehet, viszont az eredeti kérdés igéje a második igehelyre került, ahol a függő kérdés szabályai szerint már nem állhat kérdő szórendben. Kérdőszó nélkül is működik. Pl. Do you think he has finished the job? Ha az első ige múlt idejű, akkor a többi függő beszédes szabály is vonatkozik rá, az igét is egyeztetnünk kell. pl. Mit mondtál, hol lakik? — Where did you say he lived? Nagyon gyakran használjuk ezt a szerkezetet, ha megbeszélünk valamit, vagy javaslatokkal állunk elő. pl. Do you think we should buy this jumper? Where do you think we should put the mirror?

d. Kiemelő szórend A szórend kötött, alapos ok nélkül nem térhetünk el tőle, de néha szükségünk van igazán erős, nyomatékos mondatokra. A magyarban ilyenkor erősebb jelentésű szavakat használunk, az angolban a szórend megfordítása adja meg a kellő nyomatékot. Never in my life do I want to see you again. – A büdös életben nem akarlak látni többet! Only after he had left did I realize he had cheated me. – Csak miután elment jöttem rá, hogy becsapott Persze van ennél gyakoribb használata is. Például, ha azt akarom kifejezni, hogy alighogy valami történt, történt valami más. Pl: Alighogy megvette az új kocsiját, már össze is törte. – No sooner had he bought his new car than he crashed it. Alig léptem ki a házból, eleredt az eső. – Hardly had I left the house when it started to rain. Feltételes módnál is használjuk a kiemelő szerkezetet. Ilyenkor az if kiesik, és állító szórend helyett kérdő szórend áll. Pl: Were I in his place, I would tell them what I think. – Lennék csak a helyében, majd én megmondanám a magamét! Had I known this before, I would never have gone there. – Hogyha én ezt előbb tudom, az életben soha nem mentem volna oda.

Ezek a mondatok igen erőteljesek, óvatosan bánjunk velük. Idegen nyelvű beszélőként ritkán kerülünk olyan helyzetbe, hogy érzelmileg túlfűtött mondatokat kelljen használnunk, de ha látjuk, vagy halljuk őket, ismerjük fel a plusz jelentésüket.


Gyakorlatok Nézzünk néhány szöveget, példákat a különböző feladattípusokra. A legkönnyebb a „multiple choice” mert ott csak rá kell ismerni a helyes megoldásra. i.

Bermuda Tourism Ads Shot in Other Edens HAMILTON, Bermuda (Reuters) - Bermuda, the picturesque Atlantic island …1…its pink beaches, has admitted using pictures …2…in other locales in tourism ads, a newspaper reported Friday. Three photographs in the advertising campaign were stock images that were not shot in the British colony, the island's Royal Gazette newspaper quoted the Department of Tourism's …3…director of marketing, Michael DeCouto, as saying. One …4…a model shot on a beach in Hawaii. Another shows a scuba diver surrounded by fish, …5…to have been taken in the Seychelles. The third shows a woman swimming with a dolphin, photographed in Florida, the newspaper reported. "The images in question, you could never tell where in the world…6…, and they portray more of a feeling and position for Bermuda in our profile of sophisticated contemporaries. Stock images are used …7…in the industry," DeCouto told the newspaper. The advertisements appear in the February editions of Travel and Leisure magazine and Conde Nast Traveler. They are part of a campaign launched in January and …8…by New York-based Arnold Worldwide, which did not return a call from the newspaper for comment. Stock images are often used in ad campaigns to save costs. "Using pictures taken in other travel destinations to promote Bermuda is …9….and unethical," Graeme Outerbridge, local photographer and vice chairman of Bermuda's National Liberal Party, told the newspaper. "…10… soon Hawaii will be using Bermuda beach shots for their ad campaign." Bermuda, 560 miles east of North Carolina, is an up-market resort island and offshore finance center of 62,000 people.

1.a. knows well b. famed for c. with famous

2. a. has been shot b. were taken c. shot

6. a. can they be b. were they c they are.

7. a. all the time b. usually c. whenever

3.a. assisted b. assistant c. assisting

4. a. features b. photos c. films

5. a. is thought b. thought c. has thought

8. a.creative b.creating c. created

9. a. wrongly b. wrong c. worse

10. a. Maybe b. One day c. It can happen

Ha jól megfigyeljük a szövegkörnyezetet, nagyon könnyen rájövünk a helyes megoldásra. Lássuk csak sorban őket. 1. Az eredeti mondat: Bermuda has admitted using pictures… Ebben a mondatban két vessző közé illesztett rész csak kiegészítés, jelzős szerkezet, tehát az 1. nem lehet ige, az a megoldást kizárhatjuk. A b és c megoldás közül a c nem lehet helyes, mert az its szócska rossz helyre kerül, helyesen with its famous pink… . Tehát a helyes megoldás : b. 2. ez is jelző, tehát az igealakok (a, b) számításba sem jöhetnek : c 3. Department of Tourism's – birtokos ’s, tehát az üres helyre az utána következő főnévhez jelző kell, nem igealak, megoldás: b 4. One – első főnév, alany. Az üres hely után is főnév következik, a model, ez a tárgy, alany és tárgy közé állítmány kívánkozik, még akkor is,ha a megoldások úgy is néznek ki, mintha többes számú főnevek lennének, az egyik ige. Megoldás: a 5. nem ige, hanem jelző, tehát a megoldás sem igealak, hanem Participle: b 6. a megoldások közül kettő kérdő szórendben áll, de ez nem a mondat első igéje, tehát állító szórend kell: c 7. Melyik időhatározó állhat ezen a helyen? All the time? – igen. Usually? – a segédige és az ige közé. Whenever? – a mondat elejére. A megoldás: a 8. Az üres hely az and kötősző után található. Mire vonatkozik ez az and? Menjünk vissza a szerkezet elejére. … campaign launched … Az and kötőszóval összekapcsolt mondatok párhuzamos szerkezetűek tehát ha előtte Participle van, akkor utána is, a megoldás: c 9. Ez is egy párhuzamos szerkezet. Milyen? Unethical. Milyen? Wrong. b. 10. A három lehetőség közül melyikkel kezdhetünk mondatot így? One day – túl általános, ( nem tehetem utána hogy hamarosan.) It can happen – mellékmondattal lehetne csak folytatni, de az nincs. Marad az első változat– Maybe. A


Tehát a helyes megoldás: 1.b, 2.c, 3.b, 4.a, 5. b, 6.c, 7.a, 8.c, 9.b, 10. a

A második szövegből csináljunk kissé nehezebb feladatot. A tíz üres helyre keressük ki a megoldást 15 megadott szóból. Ez is könnyen fog menni, ha nyitva tartjuk a szemünket. ii.

Museum Exhibit Slapped with Road Fine LONDON (Reuters) - A 105-year-old car which has been off the road …1…1947 has been slapped with a penalty notice for allegedly …2…London's recently introduced congestion charge scheme. The Daimler, nicknamed Fiery Liz, was apparently spotted in south London on February 17, the day …3…was introduced. It was identified by…4… number plate, Y99, and a $63 fine was sent to staff at the museum in the southern city of Bristol …5…the car has been housed for the past 25 years. "We were surprised to get the …6…because the Daimler has not moved under its …7…power for decades," museum curator Andrew King told Thursday's Daily Telegraph newspaper. The scheme's organizers …8….the penalty notice might be one of a number of "individual errors" in the scheme, which aims to cut traffic in …9…London by 15 percent. Drivers who fail to pay the five-pound charge for entering central London …10…fines ranging from $63 to $189, depending on how quickly they pay.

a. where

b. own

e. its

h. annoying

c. since

f. central

i. evading

l. accepted

d. head

g. it’s


m. job

o the scheme

k. face

n. paperwork


Első lépésként megnézzük, mit jelentenek a megadott szavak. Ne felejtsük el, hogy ugyanaz a szó többféle szófaj is lehet. Pl. own – saját, vagy birtokol Utána meghatározzuk, hogy az üres hely nagy valószínűséggel milyen mondatrész, kikeressük az ennek megfelelő néhány szót és a legmegfelelőbbet behelyettesítjük. Végigolvassuk a kiegészített szerkezetet, ha jól hangzik, hagyjuk, ha nem, belepróbáljuk a másik lehetséges variációt. Ha mind a kettő beleillik szerintünk, tegyünk kérdőjelet, és térjünk vissza a feladat végén. Nem kell sorrendben megoldani a feladatokat, van olyan szöveg, amelyben az utolsó üres helytől előre haladva egyszerűbb a megoldás. Más esetekben pont valamelyik középső szó a legkönnyebben behelyettesíthető. Kezdjük azzal, ami a legnyilvánvalóbb, ami nem megy, hagyjuk a végére. Minden behelyettesített szót húzzunk ki, így szűkül a választék, és könnyebben megtaláljuk a problémás eseteket a feladat végén. Ha van olyan szó, amit sehogy sem találunk meg, hagyjuk utolsónak. Ha minden mást behelyettesítettünk, marad a „maradék”, amiből húzzuk ki a nyilvánvalóan nem helyes megoldásokat, és a fennmaradó egy-két szót próbáljuk bele a mondatba. Hangzás után valószínűleg megtaláljuk a helyes megoldást. 1. Ezen a helyen elöljárószónak kell állnia. Csak egy elöljárónk van, a since. c. 2. For – valamiért. Főnév, vagy ige+ing állhat utána. A job és a paperwork, a két főnév kizárható, marad a két " inges" alak, annoying és az evading. Annoy – idegesít – nem állhat azzal a főnévvel, amire vonatkoznia kellene, (scheme) marad az evading, még akkor is, ha nem ismerjük az ige jelentését. Evade – elkerül Megoldás: i 3. ... the day…3… was introduced.-- … azon a napon, amikor bevezettek valamit. Mit is? Főnév kell valamilyen névelővel, egy ilyen szerkezet van – the scheme, o. 4. A főnév megvan, csak valami hiányzik elé. Névelő, vagy birtokos névmás. Ilyen csak egy van: its, e. Az it’s rövid alak, it is vagy it has. 5. Ez a mellékmondat a múzeumra vonatkozik, ahol a kocsit tárolták stb. Megoldás: where, a. 6. A névelő mutatja, hogy csak főnév jöhet utána. Két főnevünk van: job és paperwork. Munkáról egy árva szó nem esik, ezért nem a job, marad a paperwork, ami jelen esetben a bírság dokumentumait jelenti. n. 7. A power elé valamilyen jelző kell Az ő milyen erejéből? Ugyan vannak itt melléknevek, és melléknévi igenevek, de csak egy értelmes ebben a szerkezetben , a saját erejéből, own, azaz b. 8. Van alany és van tárgy. A kettő közé állítmánynak, azaz igének kell kerülnie. Van két múlt idejű, és egy jelen idejű igénk. Mivel erről a bizonyos bírságról van szó, már megtörtént, tehát nem lehet jelen idejű az igénk. Marad az accepted és az expected, elfogad, elismer, illetőleg elvár valamit. Azt, hogy valami hiba volt elismerjük, tehát accepted, azaz l. 9. Elöljáró, üres hely, főnév, ez jelző lesz, central, azaz f. 10. Akármilyen hosszú is a bevezető rész, mondatrészi értéke csak annyi, mintha a drivers egymagában állna. Tehát a drivers+jelzős szerkezet az alany, fines a tárgy, kettő közé ige kellene, méghozzá többes szám jelen időben, mert általánosságban beszélünk a járművezetőkről. Úgy néz ki, mintha nem, maradt volna igénk, pedig a face lehet ige is, szembenéz, számíthat valamire jelentéssel. Ha nem ismerjük ezt a jelentését, akkor is megtalálhatjuk a helyes megoldást. Ha a maradék hat szót megnézzük, rögtön kiderül, hogy más nem jöhet számításba. Megoldás: k. A megoldások még egyszer: 1.c, 2.i, 3.o, 4.e, 5.a, 6.n, 7.b, 8.l, 9. f, 10. k.


Nézzünk egy kicsit nehezebbet. Most nincsenek megadott szavak, amelyekből válogatni lehet, de csak olyan szavak maradtak ki a szövegből, amelyek nyelvtani viszonyt jelölnek. Nem feltétlenül egy helyes megoldás van, több szó is tökéletesen passzolhat az üres helyre, viszont mindig csak egy szót tehetünk be, a több szóból álló kifejezés eleve kiesik. iii.

Harry Potter for Governor? MOSCOW (Reuters) - Harry Potter has captivated readers and cinema-goers worldwide, …1.. a Russian man has decided to see if the famous name can pass an altogether different test -- winning him election …2…a provincial governor. …3…previous unsuccessful election campaigns in the Sverdlovsk region, the 32-year-old hopes…4… enlist a little magical help from the boy wizard …5…changing his name to Harry Ivanovich Potter, NTV television reported. Russians …6…change their family name, but must always have a middle name derived from …7…father's first name -- a law that prevented the aspiring politicians from being called plain Harry Potter. The boy wizard, created by British author J.K. Rowling …8…proved a controversial figure in Russia where some Russian Orthodox priests have said the Harry Potter stories encourage satanism …9…undermine Christianity. "People are going mad, they are doing things unthinkable for …10…sane person," said Archbishop Vikenty of Ekaterinburg, capital of the Urals region, when NTV told him about the challenge. 1. Még vessző is elválasztja a két mellékmondatot egymástól. Két mondat közé valami kapcsolóelem kell. Az and nem igazán jó, mert nem egyszerű mellérendelés. Állítsuk szembe, vagy következzen a második az elsőből. Jó megoldás lehet a but, vagy a so. 2. Ennyire a mondat végén általában elöljáró, vagy valami hasonló hiányzik egy főnév elől. Főleg, hogy még jelzője is van, de mintha nem igazán találhatnánk megfelelő elöljárót arra, hogy mint kormányzó. Marad a hasonlítás: as 3. A mondat első szava lehet időhatározó. Korábbi sikertelen kampányok után… After. 4. A hope olyan ige, amelyik után a következő ige to+infinitive alakban áll. Az első alak megvan, hiányzik a to. 5. Ige+ing csak úgy nem áll egy mondat közepén. Ebben a mondatban megvan az ige a hopes, tehát ez nem igealak, hanem elöljárós szerkezet. …azzal, hogy megváltoztatja a nevét… by. 6. Megvan az alany, és az üres hely után első alakos ige áll, akkor valamelyik módbeli segédigét keressük. Megváltoztathatják: can, esetleg may. 7. Az oroszokról van szó, tehát az övék, their 8. Megint egy igealak elé keresünk segédigét. Proved – harmadik alak, tehát has, have vagy had állhat elé. Az alany the boy wizard, egyes szám harmadik személyű, és ha tovább olvassuk a mondatot jelen idejű igét találunk benne, tehát nem lehet Past Perfect, csak Present Perfect: has 9. …encourage satanism – undermine Christianity párhuzamos szerkezet, felsorolás, és a kötőszó hiányzik, and 10. …person − egy és megszámlálható, viszont hiányzik előle a határozatlan névelő, a. A megoldások még egyszer: 1.but, so 2. as 3. After 4. to 5. by 6. can, may 7. their 8. has

9. and

10. a

Remélem eddig sikerrel vettünk minden akadályt, és nekivághatunk a legnehezebb feladatnak. Nincsenek megadott szavak, és bármilyen, akár jelentést hordozó szó is kerülhet az üres helyekre. Még jobban kell figyelnünk, de ez sem megoldhatatlan feladat. Először olvassuk végig a szöveget, hogy tudjuk, miről szól, majd próbáljuk megtalálni a legmegfelelőbb megoldásokat. Ebben a feladatban is előfordulhat, hogy nemcsak egy jó megoldás van, de csak egyetlen egy szót írhatunk be minden üres helyre. Ez a szöveg körülbelül 180 szóból áll, kivettünk belőle 10 szót, megközelítőleg minden tizenhatodikat.



Women Dance Naked for Rain MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Hundreds of Australian women danced naked at a secluded location amid droughtravaged farmland on Sunday…1… a ritual intended to bring rain. Organizers from the small town of Ouyen in far northwest Victoria …2…said up to 500 women danced and chanted in a ceremony inspired by a Nepali drought-breaking…3…. "We are all pretty positive that it is going to work and the community here …4…got behind it just so well," organizing committee chairwoman Lynne Healy told Reuters. "We are …5…rain within the next few days, or a week anyway." The dance was held alongside regional …6…day festivities, with the women taken by buses to the secret location to complete the …7…either naked or partially clothed, in sarongs. "It has been a great day for community connectedness …8…positive mental health for people in droughtaffected areas, and that was one of the …9…behind it too," Healy said. Rain fell in the region last week, following a rehearsal dance, but farmers …10…more in the next few months to let them plant crops. 1.

Már említettük, hogy ennyire a mondat végén valószínűleg valamilyen határozó áll, elöljárós szerkezettel. Ez itt most időhatározó, tehát in, vagy during. 2. A mondat alanya az organizers, állítmánya : said. Ami a kettő között van, azt mondja el, honnan származnak a szervezők. Ausztráliáról van szó, tehát Victoria állam, a megoldás state. Elfogadható megoldás minden, ami országnál eggyel kisebb egységre utal: province, territory, county 3. Van egy névelőnk, két jelzőnk, tehát főnév kell, méghozzá elég tág jelentésű, amibe a tánc és az ének is belefér. Hagyomány — tradition, vagy szokás – custom 4. Igealak elé keresünk segédigét. Jelen idejű minden, előtte, utána, tehát nekünk Present Perfect segédige kell a harmadik alak elé: has 5. Most segédigéhez keresünk igealakot, tehát ige+ing lesz a megoldás. Várjuk az esőt. A wait for szerkezet nem lesz jó, mert két szóból áll, vár egy szóval – expect, megoldás expecting. 6. Ez a feladat nehéz. A festivities főnévhez kellene még egy jelzőt találnunk a két meglévő — regional és day – közé. Ez az ünnep nem kapcsolható egy bizonyos naphoz, inkább közösséghez. Az eredeti szó family. Elfogadható még women’s vagy community. A traditional nem, mert nem ezen a helyen áll. 7. A névelő azt mutatja, hogy főnév következik. Mit kell teljesíteni? A táncot.–dance. Esetleg performance. 8. Két egyenértékű mondatrész közé kötőszó kerül. Ez felsorolás, tehát and. 9. Névelő van előtte, tehát főnév. Egyike valaminek, ezért többes szám, reasons, ideas vagy thoughts. 10. Alany és tárgy közé most is ige kell, jelen időben. Szükségük van rá, need A megoldások még egyszer: 1. in, during 2. state (province, territory, county) 3. tradition, custom 4. has 5. expecting 6. family (women’s, community) 7. dance (performance) 8. and 9. reasons, ideas, thoughts 10. need

Ha végignéztük a feladatmegoldásokat, itt az ideje, hogy egyedül is megpróbálkozzunk a feladatokkal. A fejezet végén megtalálható a megoldókulcs, (67. old)de csak ellenőrzésképpen használjuk, puskának csak végszükség esetén.



Lioness Baffles Experts by Adopting Oryx NAIROBI (Reuters) - A grown lioness who baffled experts in Kenya by adopting a baby oryx, a kind of antelope Africa's top predator…1… to eat, lost its companion on to a hungry male lion with a strictly …2…diet. The lioness came across the oryx shortly after it was born two weeks ago in Samburu National Park, …3…it lying in wait for its mother who had gone to search for food, staff at the nearby Samburu lodge said on Monday. Defying nature, the lioness …4…adopted the oryx, giving it affection and protection from other predators as if it were her own cub, though strangely …5…allowing the mother oryx to come and feed her calf occasionally before scaring her away. ``The baby oryx was very close to the lioness,'' Patrick Muriungi, a receptionist at the lodge said. ``Once, there was a leopard …6…wanted to kill the oryx, and the lioness was really protecting the calf.'' On Sunday, the lioness -- weakened by a lack of food after two weeks of protecting ``her'' baby -- led the oryx to the river to drink. ``By bad luck the…7… lion was somewhere behind the bushes,'' Muriungi said. ``When the lioness went to take a nap, the baby oryx was playing …8…and it was caught by the lion. The baby was killed. ``The lioness roared. She was very angry. She went around the lion about 10 times roaring, …9…then the lioness disappeared. Then the lion took the carcass down by the tree and ate half of it. The lioness has not been seen since.'' Nature expert Vincent Kapeen told the Daily Nation newspaper that the lioness may …10…adopted the calf because it had lost the company of its pride and was feeling lonely. ``What is baffling is why the relationship lasted so long,'' he said.

1.a. like b. likes c. preferred

2. a. traditional 3. a. found b. customary b. finding c. original c. founded

4. a. no time b. shortly c. quickly

5. a. still b. yet c. more

6. a. who b. − c. which

7. a. man b. male c. he

9. a. and b. after c. since

10.a. still b. have c. already

8. a. rounded b. rounds c. around



Body Piercing a Pain for Some ROCHESTER, Minn. (Reuters) - Piercings of navels, ears and other parts of the body caused problems from infections to …1…for nearly one in five pierced students at a college in New York state, school researchers …2…on Tuesday. About half last year's student body …3…Pace University in Pleasantville, New York, had piercings and one quarter had …4…and doctors there decided to survey students to gauge the medical implications. Bacterial infection was the …5…commonly reported problem, followed by bleeding and injury or tearing at the site of the piercing, based on the survey of 454 undergraduates. Among …6…students with piercing other than their earlobes, the navel was the most common site, followed by the …7…of the ear. For men, the ear was most popular. Male athletes commonly had tattoos. Though there were no …8…medical complications from the students' tattoos, the report said the bad news may come later when infections with hepatitis B or C or the AIDS virus become apparent. ``If our prevalence and …9…rates are representative for this age group, these morbid events comprise a considerable demand on and cost to the health care system,'' study author Dr. Lester Mayers of Pace University's Division of Sports Medicine wrote in the January …10…of the journal, ''Mayo Clinic Proceedings.''

a. most

b. gave

e. piercing

h. said

c. at

f. bleeding


l. rest

j. female

m. tattoos

o. issue

d. ache

g. reported

k. matter

n. complication



Prisoner Gets Cash for Bunking with Smoker TORONTO (Reuters) - The Canadian government has paid $1,600 in compensation …1…a nonsmoking prisoner forced to share a cell with a smoker, officials say. William Canning, 44, took the government to court in late 1999, complaining …2…he was exposed to secondhand smoke …3…serving part of his 22-year sentence at La Macaza, a federal prison in Quebec. He said his rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights …4…violated because he was exposed to "cruel and unusual punishment.'' The government dismissed Canning's contention, stating that ''the plaintiff suffered no damages from …5…been bunked with a smoker …6…his consent for a total period of 17 days.'' But the government later abandoned the court case …7…granted Canning compensation. A spokeswoman for the Correctional Service of Canada said Monday the federal prison system allows inmates to smoke in …8…prison cells and this policy would not change. ``To take away smoking just like that when you are incarcerated is a bit tricky,'' said Michele Pilon-Santilli. Pilon-Santilli said Canning …9…``double-bunked,'' a common practice when federal prisons are tight for space. In …10…normal circumstances, Canning would have had a cell of his own, she said.


Wartime Bomb Under Berlin Olympic Stadium Defused BERLIN (Reuters) - Explosives experts defused a 500-pound World War Two bomb that was found beneath a section of Berlin's Olympic Stadium, police said Tuesday. The British bomb was dropped during the war and was not detected until construction workers …1…renovation work on the stadium found it Monday, a police spokesman said. A 300-yard radius …2…the stadium was evacuated. ``If you can imagine that peak crowds of nearly 100,000 people…3… been in the stadium at times, it would have been a disaster with many people …4…and many with serious injuries if the bomb had gone off,'' said …5…spokesman Friedrich Christian Wehmann. The Olympic Stadium, built for the 1936 Olympics, is Germany's largest …6…with a seating capacity for some 76,000 spectators. Tens of thousands of soccer fans fill …7…stadium, home for Hertha Berlin soccer team, during the football season. The rusting bomb with…8… defective trigger was found buried in the soil beneath the stadium's floor in a section …9…the stands where many Hertha fans stand -- the so-called ``fan curve.'' The spot was …10…about 50 meters from the tribune where Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was often photographed watching the Olympics. Dozens of unexploded World War Two bombs are found in Germany each year, buried beneath the ground or under buildings. Most are defused without incident, but several construction workers have been killed in recent years by the bombs.


2. Azok a csodálatos igék a. Igeidők

Ahhoz, hogy az angol igeidőket megértsük, félre kell tenni a magyar gondolkodást. A magyar nagyon bonyolult nyelv, egyetlen egyszerű dolog van benne, az igeidőrendszer, az angol ezzel ellentétben viszonylag egyszerű, de az igeidőrendszere bonyolult, vagy legalábbis annak tűnik. A magyarban két igeidőt használunk, jelent és múltat, ritkán a jövő időt fog …-ni formában, de mindenféle időviszonyt kifejezünk az időhatározókkal, és ha jobban belegondolunk, az időhatározókból pontosan tudjuk hogy a cselekvések mikor is történtek. Az angolban tizenkét igeidő van, és számtalan időhatározó, amelyek megfelelnek az igeidőknek. Az időhatározók fognak bennünket eligazítani, azokra kell figyelnünk a tesztfeladatok megoldásakor.

Mind a három igeidőhöz (Present, Past és Future) négy típus tartozik (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, és Perfect Continuous), használatuk más és más, de a különböző igeidőkben párhuzamokat mutat. Lássunk az igealakokra és a használatukra egy táblázatot.

Present Simple



wrote (did) was, were writing

will write


write (-s) (do, does ) am, is, are writing


have/has written

had written

will have written

Perfect Continuous

have/has been writing

had been writing

will have been writing

will be writing

Ahogy látjuk, az igealakok egymásból következnek, használatuk is hasonló a különböző igeidőkben.

Simple azt jelenti, hogy egy cselekvés általános, vagy ismétlődő a jelenben, a múltban, és a jövőben. Continuous – éppen most, vagy éppen akkor a múltban vagy a jövőben. Perfect – az adott pontszerű igeidő előtt, hozzá tartozva. Perfect Continuous – az adott pontszerű igeidő előtt sokáig, huzamosan. Vannak olyan igék, amelyeket nem használhatunk a Continuous alakokban. Pl. az általános jelentésű igéket, a létigét, és azokat az igéket, amelyek egy pillanat alatt lezajló cselekvést jelentenek. Pl. like, want, drop etc.


Nézzük az igeidőket külön. PRESENT





ige 1. alakja E/3 -s kérdés/tagadás: do/does

- általános és ismétlődő cselekvések -Children go to school. -Every day I get up at 6. - jövő idő kifejezésére, - Your train arrives at 5. programból, menetrendből,

Continuous am, is, are + ige+ing - éppen most folyamatban levő csel. - Are you sleeping? - közeljövőben megbeszélt dolog - Tomorrow I’m seeing időhatározóval my doctor. Perfect

have/has + 3. alak

Perfect have/has been + Continuous ige+ing

- meghatározatlan idejű cselekvés a - Have you seen my bag? jelen pont előtt. - valamikor elkezdődött, most is tart - I have learnt English for two years. - valamikor elkezdődött, most is - He has been working here for FOLYAMATOSAN tart. twenty years. - I’m tired, I have been working - jelen állapotom oka too much.

PAST alak Simple


ige 2. alakja kérdés/tagadás: did+1.alak Continuous was, were+ ige+ing


- általános, és ismétlődő kifejezések a múltban - több ige—egymás után történtek - éppen akkor - több ige – egyszerre történtek Past Cont. – Simple Past: eredeti cselekvés közben történt valami Past Cont. – Past Cont: egymás mellett futó cselekvések had + 3. alak - valamikorra már valami kész volt (vele álló igeidő: - több ige – amelyik előbb történt, Simple Past) mint a másik.

Perfect had been +ing - valamikorra már valami sokáig Continuous (vele álló igeidő: tartott Simple Past) - múltbeli állapotom oka - több ige – amelyik előbb történt, mint a másik) és hangsúlyozom, hogy sokáig tartott

példa - Last year I went to Spain. - Yesterday I went to the shops and bought a pair of shoes. - What were you doing at 8 yesterday? - They were playing when I got home. - They were playing while I was working. - By 3 o’clock we had finished it. - I had read the book before I gave it to you. - After I had finished work I went home - By then we had been waiting for hours. - I had a headache because I had been reading too long. - After I had been standing in the rain for ten minutes I went home.

A múlt időket csak akkor használhatjuk, ha a cselekvés lezárult, befejeződött, és tudjuk mikor volt. Ha a cselekvés a jelenre vonatkozik, vagy nem tudjuk mikor volt, illetve nincs még vége, csak jelen időket használhatunk.


FUTURE alak Simple



will + 1. alak

- általános és ismétlődő cselekvések - People will travel to Mars in less - hirtelen elhatározások than 50 years. - OK, I will help you. Continuous will be+ ige+ing - éppen akkor - This time tomorrow I will be - közeljövő időhatározóval travelling to Paris. - In a few minutes we will be landing in Budapest. Perfect will have + 3. alak - valamikorra már valami kész lesz - We will have finished it by three. (vele álló igeidő: - By the time you come home I will Simple Present) have made your dinner. Perfect will have been - valamikorra már valami sokáig - She will have been working here Continuous +ige+ing tart for twenty years in/by April. (vele álló igeidő: - By the time we arrive Simple Present) we will have been flying for twenty hours. Gyakorlati szabály, hogy egy mondatban egy jövő időt használunk, a vele álló igeidő általában Simple Present, néha Present Continuous vagy Perfect. Ez azért van, mert az időhatározó szavak után nem használhatunk jövő időt. Pl. As soon as I arrive in London, I will phone you. A Present Perfect ilyen esetben befejezettséget jelent. Jövök, mihelyt befejezem a munkám. I will come as soon as I finish work. Jövök, mihelyt befejeztem a munkám.  I will come as soon as I have finished work. Nézzük magyar példamondatokon, hogyan változnak az időviszonyok és ezeknek milyen angol igeidők felelnek meg. Minden reggel hétkor megyek munkába.—Simple Present, mert ismétlődő cselekvés Hét óra van, megyek a munkába. – Present Continuous, mert éppen most. Már elindultam dolgozni. – Present Perfect, mert a jelen pont előtt meghatározatlan időben, nem mondom meg mikor, nem is érdekes. Öt éve dolgozom ebben a gyárban. – Present Perfect Continuous, mert öt éve kezdtem, és azóta folyamatosan csinálom. Tavaly egy órával később kezdtünk. – Simple Past, mert megmondom pontosan, mikor. Éppen dolgoztam, amikor telefonáltál. – Past Continuous, mert az eredeti cselekvést szakította félbe egy másik. (a második ige Simple Past) Miután befejeztem a munkám, hazamentem.—Past Perfect, mert a két cselekvés közül ez történt korábban. (a második ige Simple Past) Egész nap dolgoztam, ezért voltam fáradt. – Past Perfect Continuous, azért is, mert a két cselekvés közül ez történt korábban ráadásul megszakítás nélkül, és azért is, mert a múltbeli állapotom oka. (a második ige Simple Past) Nem hiszem, hogy be fogom fejezni a munkát időben. – Simple Future, mert csak „tiszta” jövő idő, semmi bizonyos, vagy közeljövő. Holnap ilyenkor már ezen fogunk dolgozni. – Future Continuous, mert éppen akkor (két időhatározóm van.) Hat órára már minden munkánkat be fogjuk fejezni. – Future Perfect, mert valamikorra valami már kész lesz. Holnap lesz egy hete, hogy ezt a munkát csináljuk. -- Future Perfect Continuous, mert valamikorra már valami sokáig tart. (két időhatározóm van.)

Láttuk, hogy az időhatározót kell megváltoztatnunk ahhoz, hogy a mondat más igeidőbe kerüljön angolul, tehát a feladatokban is az időhatározókra és az időviszonyokra kell figyelnünk.


Néhány igeidőre jellemző időhatározó:



Simple Present

always, usually, sometimes, never, rarely, every day, these days etc

Present Continuous

now, at the moment, still, any longer, just etc

Present Perfect

already, yet, just, ever, never, since, for, lately, recently, this year etc

Present Continuous Simple Past

Perfect since, for etc last week, yesterday, ago, for (ha befejezett cselekvésről van szó) etc.

Past Continuous Past Perfect

between five and six yesterday (két időhatározó) when, while (két párhuzamos cselekvés) etc before, after, when, as soon as, hardly, no sooner, by etc

Past Perfect before, after, when, as soon as, hardly, no sooner, by etc + since, for etc Continuous (két időhatározó) Simple Future tomorrow, next week, in etc Future Continuous

this time tomorrow, etc (két időhatározó)

Future Perfect

by, by the time etc

Future Continuous

Perfect by, by the time etc+ since, for etc (két időhatározó)

Természetesen ezek csak példák, még nagyon sok időhatározó állhat a különböző igeidőkkel. Mindig azt kell figyelnünk, hogy melyek az időviszonyok a mondatban, pontosan mikor is történik az, ami történik, mert akkor nem tévesztjük el az igeidőket, és természetesen a táblázatban szereplő alakokat és használati szabályokat betéve kell tudnunk, mert csak így leszünk képesek alkalmazni is őket. Megérteni nem elég, meg is kell tanulni. (És csak azután jöhet a gyakorlás, amíg a kisujjunkból ki nem tudjuk rázni a megfelelő igeidőket.)


b. Cselekszik vagy "szenved"?

Minden igeidős feladat tulajdonképpen kettős, mert először azt kell megnéznünk, hogy cselekvő vagy szenvedő, utána, hogy ténylegesen milyen igeidőben áll. A cselekvő és a szenvedő igéknek az alanya különböző, tehát először a mondat elején megkeressük az alanyt. A szabály nagyon egyszerű: Cselekvő alanyhoz cselekvő ige (active) Szenvedő alanyhoz szenvedő ige (passive) Cselekvő alany az, aki ténylegesen elvégzi a cselekvést, szenvedő alany az, akire a cselekvés irányul. Miután megállapítottuk, hogy az alany ténylegesen megcsinálja-e az adott cselekvést, vagy vele csinálják meg, jöhet egy pillantás az időhatározókra, hogy tulajdonképpen milyen igeidő is kell. A cselekvő és a szenvedő igék használati szabályai ugyanazok, csak az alakjuk más. A szenvedő igék mindig a be segédige valamelyik alakjából és a jelentést hordozó ige 3. alakjából állnak. (v.ö. a macska fel van mászva a fára) Az ige 3. alakjával nem tudunk semmit csinálni, tehát minden igeidős problémánkat kénytelenek vagyunk a be segédigén elvégezni. Készítsük el a write ige szenvedő alakjainak a táblázatát. Present




am, is, are written

was, were written

will be written


am, is, are being written

was, were being writen

will be being written


have, has been written

had been written

will have been written

Perfect Continuous

have, has been being written

had been being written

will have written



Minden folyamatos szenvedő alakban megjelenik a being , mert másképp nem tudjuk kifejezni a folyamatosságot. Természetesen, nem mindegyik alakot használjuk egyfomán gyakran, lehet, hogy húsz évig nem látunk Future Perfect Continuous Passive mondatot, de lehet, hogy az a következő, hiszen egy ilyen mondat, mint -- Májusban lesz három éve, hogy ezt a házat építik. – bármelyik percben előkerülhet.

c. Igeidő egyeztetés, függő beszéd Két nagy első igés szabály van az angolban 1. 2.

A mondat első igéje áll kérdő szórendben, a többi állítóban. pl. I don’t know what my name is. A mondat első igéjének az ideje meghatározza az összes többiét. pl. He asked where I was.

Az igeidők két csoportban szeretnek állni. A Present és Future igeidők együtt, és a Past igeidők külön. Maguktól ritkán keverednek, probléma csak akkor van, ha a mondat elé teszünk egy bevezető mondatot, azaz függő beszédet használunk. Ha a mondat elé Present, vagy Future bevezető igét teszünk, az eredeti mondatban KÉT dolog változik. 1. 2.

Változnak az alanyok az első alanyhoz. Az eredeti kérdő szórend állító szórendre változik.

Az alanyok változása értelemszerű, a magyarban is ugyanúgy megtörténik. pl. Nem szeretem a tejet. – Azt mondja, nem szereti a tejet I don’t like milk.  He says he doesn’t like milk. A kérdés pedig elkerül az első igehelyről, így többé nem állhat kérdő szórendben. What’s your name?  He asks me what my name is.


Ha a mondat elé Past bevezető igét teszünk, az eredeti mondatban NÉGY dolog változik 1. 2. 3.


Változnak az alanyok az első alanyhoz Az eredeti kérdő szórend állító szórendre változik Változnak az igeidők : eredeti Presentből Past will-ből would minden másból Past Perfect lesz Változnak a mostani perchez rendelt időhatározók - today → that day - yesterday → the day before - tomorrow → the following day - last → the previous - ago → before - next → the following , next - now → eltűnik, vagy at that time, at the moment - this (időhat) → that etc.

What were you doing yesterday afternoon?  He asked me what I was doing the afternoon before. Ha kérdést teszünk függő beszédbe, a kérdőszóval kötjük össze a két mondatot. Tell me what your name is. Ha nincs kérdőszó, if vagy whether lesz a kapcsolóelem. If, ha egy dologról van szó, whether, ha egyről vagy többről. I asked him if he had already visited the museum. I asked him whether he had visited the museum or not. Csak a whether állhat párban →whether – or Természetesen állhat magában is, csak az if nem állhat párban. A felszólító mondatokat másként tesszük függő beszédbe, kihasználva a bevezető igék, ask, tell, promise, order stb, azt a tulajdonságát, hogy az utánuk következő ige to+ infinitive alakban áll. Go home, children. →He told the children to go home. Ha a mondat megy tovább, és a felszólító módú ige után következik más, akkor a függő beszéd általános szabályai lépnek életbe. Go and see what the children are doing. →He told me to go and see what the children were doing. Ha elkezdték nekünk a mondatot más igével, ami után a to+infinitive alak nem állhat, pl. He said …, a should segédigéve fejezzük be. pl. Go home, children. →He said that the children should go home.

A függő beszéd szabályai a mondat végéig tartanak. Ha két, vagy több mondatot akarunk idézni, akkor vagy egy mondatot csinálunk belőle, vagy újból kell használnunk a bevezető igét. Itt mondjuk el, hogy a mellérendelő mondatok között a kapcsolat olyan laza, mintha külön mondatok lennének, ezért előfordulhat, hogy nem vonatkoznak rájuk az első igés szabályok. pl . párbeszédet a következők szerint teszünk függő beszédbe „Do you like football?” „No.” →He asked me if I liked football and I answered I didn’t.


Két mondatot pedig így: „May I take an apple? They look so nice” →He asked me if he might take an apple adding that they looked so nice. A MAY segédigének a MIGHT csak függő beszédben második alakja, egyébként mást jelent. Kiegészítő információt is adhatunk, például így: He promised that he would bring the books by Monday, but he hasn’t brought them yet. A mondat második fele olyan lazán kapcsolódik az elsőhöz, mintha külön mondat lenne. Gyakran a mondat tulajdonképpen mást jelent, mint amit a formája mutat. A magyarban is, ha azt kérdezem valakitől, miért nem megy már el a fogorvoshoz, nem az okára vagyok kíváncsi, hanem tanácsot akarok neki adni. Az ilyen mondatokat értelem szerint tesszük függő beszédbe. „Why don’t you go to the dentist?” →I advised him to go to the dentist. I suggested that he should go to the dentist. „Can I have a cup of tea?” →He asked (me) for a cup of tea. „Would you mind waiting a little?” →He asked me to wait. A függő beszéd igeidő egyeztetése alól van egypár kivétel. 1.

Ami mindig úgy van, természeti törvény vagy társadalmi igazság. pl. In the Middle Ages people didn’t know that the Earth goes round the Sun. Ha tudták, ha nem, ez így van.


A dátumos múlt idő, akkor is, ha a dátum tulajdonképpen mellékmondat. pl. He said he was born in 1982. He said he wasn’t at home when the postman came.


A második és harmadik feltételes mondat (Present Conditional, Past Conditional), és minden kötött szerkezet, hiszen az igealakok ilyenkor nem igeidők. pl. He said they could do it if they wanted to. He said it was high time I washed my hair. Ebben a mondatban a washed a szerkezet miatt van második alakban, tehát nem egyeztetjük.


A tényleges mai, tegnapi vagy holnapi napot, de ez a szövegkörnyezetből kiderül, és ilyenkor az időhatározók is változatlanul maradnak. pl. He told me this morning that his father is ill.

Ha a feladatainkban igealakot kell megtalálnunk, megnézzük az alanyt, az időhatározókat, és a mondat többi igéjét, így biztosan megtaláljuk a helyes megoldást.


d. Műveltetés

A műveltető igék helyes használatához azt kell megnéznünk, hogy ki mindenki van a mondatban. 1.

Ha a műveltető alany, aki csináltatja, és a cselekvést végző alany, aki csinálja, akkor a műveltető ige make, a jelentést hordozó ige pedig 1. alakban áll. Somebody makes somebody do something pl. The dog made the boy run. What makes you think I’m stupid? This smell makes me remember my old school. Ha két személy van ebben a szerkezetben, akkor elég durva, közvetlen kényszerítést jelent. Pl. My teacher made me do my homework all over again. – A tanár addig ott ült, amíg meg nem csináltam. Ezt a szerkezetet lehet melléknévvel is használni. Pl.It makes me sad – Elszomorít. Don’t make it dirty – Ne piszkítsd be


Ha csak a műveltető alany van a mondatban, akkor a műveltető ige have,néha get, aztán jön a tárgy, és végül a jelentést hordozó ige harmadik alakban I have something done pl: I’m going to have my hair cut. Ezt a szerkezetet használom akkor is, ha valamivel finomabban akarom kifejezni, hogy valakivel csináltatok valamit. Pl: Csináltasd meg valaki mással. – Have it done by somebody else.


Ha csak a cselekvést végző alany van a mondatban, a műveltető ige szenvedő, be made és a jelentést hordozó ige to+infinitive alakban áll. pl. I was made to do it again.

Van két ige, amelynek műveltető a jelentése, a get – rávesz, és a persuade – rábeszél. Mindkettő után to+infinitive áll. pl. Somehow she got him to carry her bag. My mother persuaded me to buy the green dress. Van egypár ige, amelyikhez még egy alanyt kapcsolhatunk a szerkezet megváltoztatása nélkül, pl: want, would like I want you to come with me. → Azt akarom, hogy velem gyere. I would like you to marry me. → Azt szeretném, ha hozzám jönnél feleségül. What do you want me to do? → Mit akarsz, mit csináljak? I’d rather szerkezet viszont megváltozik, ha még egy személy kerül bele. I’d rather, you stayed at home. → Én inkább azt szeretném, ha otthon maradnál. Néha műveltető jelentésben cselekvő igéket használunk, pl. walk the dog, fly a kite, wash the baby etc, más esetben pedig teljesen más igét, pl. eszik →eat, etet → feed


Gyakorlatok 5.

Trial to Determine Who Owns Moon Rock MIAMI - A well-traveled moon rock worth up to $5 million was the star Monday in a trial to determine its ownership. The fingertip-size piece of lunar material …1…to the Honduran government by U.S. officials. Broward County businessman Alan Rosen insists he got the ancient rock legally from a retired Honduran colonel. But the Justice Department says it was stolen and should be forfeited to the federal government. Honduras, which is not part of the court case, …2…the rock back. The rock was dug up by the Apollo 17 crew on the last manned moon mission and given by then-U.S. President Richard Nixon to Honduras in 1972. Federal agents …3…it from Rosen more than four years ago. "No one even knew it was missing until November 1998," Rosen's attorney Peter Herrick said. "What …4…for 25 years?" U.S. District Judge Adalberto Jordan must decide whether the rock was stolen to determine what to do with it. He heard the trial in two hours Monday and …5…to rule in two to three weeks. Rosen testified Monday that one of the country's dictators …6…the rock to the Honduran colonel as a gift, and he has a contract with the colonel to sell it. Rosen, who did business in Honduras for years, …7…to pay $50,000 and offered a contract in Spanish as proof of his legal claim. He testified as the only trial witness that he has already paid $20,000 cash and handed over a refrigerated truck worth about $15,000. Rosen said he set up a scientific authenticity test at Harvard University after talking to someone at the Smithsonian Institution about the rock. A Web site to promote the sale of the rock went online in 1996. "Since I never …8….there was a reason to hide it, I posted it," Rosen said. Rosen said he believed the rock was worth about $5 million, based that on a report that a moon rock given to the government of Nicaragua sold for $5 million to $10 million. No one ever told U.S. customs agents about the rock when it …9…into the United States, a point stressed by Assistant U.S. Attorney James Swain as evidence that it was stolen. NASA 's position …10…that the only moon mission memorabilia — from the 842 pounds (379 kilograms) of excavated moon rock to spacesuit patches — that can be sold legally must have its backing or paperwork to prove its ownership trail. Paperwork on the Honduran rock is missing between the U.S. gift and Rosen's sales contract.

1. a. has been given b. was given c. gave

2. a. wanted b. is wanted c. wants

3.a. have seized 4. a. happened 5.a. is promising b. seized b. has happened b. will promise c. had seized c. has been happening c. promised

6. a. has given b. was given c. gave

7. a. agreed 8. a. is believed 9. a. was brought b. has agreed b. believe b. had brought c. was agreed c. believed c. had been brought

10.a. was b. is c. has been



3 Boys Survive Plane Crash, Frozen Night MONTEREY, Mass. - They had been searching the mountains and forests all morning when the missing plane was finally spotted, its nose buried in snow, a child waving nearby and an arm moving stiffly back and forth through an opening in the battered fuselage. After rescuers…1… Monday from a helicopter to the site, they found a remarkable sight amid the frozen carnage: Three young boys and their father …2…both the crash and 18 hours in bone-chilling cold in a remote Massachusetts state forest. Ronald K. Ferris, 39, later …3…in Fairfield Hospital in Great Barrington after he suffered a heart attack. His wife, Tayne, and two other sons, Shawn and Kyle, died when the family's small plane crashed 1,700-feet up Mount Wilcox. But three of the couple's boys — Ryan, 2, Jordan, 5, and Tyler, 10 — survived the ordeal and …4…in critical condition Monday night in Albany Medical Center Hospital. "I'm totally amazed. They…5… very, very tough to have made it through the night," said Richard Toman, state police civilian search and rescue administrator. "This is the stuff movies are made of." New York State Police Sgt. T.J. Corrigan, who…6… in a helicopter above the crash site looking for survivors, said he saw a small child moving about 40 feet away from the plane's cabin. It was not clear whether the child …7…from the fuselage or had crawled from it. As Corrigan waited for more personnel, minutes later, someone — possibly the father — put an arm out of the cabin, waving to the helicopter. When rescuers on foot…8…, the father was cold and confused but talking, medical workers said. "It was shock and horror at the same time, because now there were people alive but the elements outside would quickly take their toll," Corrigan said. "And I …9…any gloved hands or hats, it was street clothes." The rescuers dropped to the crash site from helicopters and …10…the toddler in a thermal blanket. When they searched the cabin, they found the family's luggage, CD players and clothes "all over the place," said Charles Rappazzo, an EMS worker from Colonie, N.Y.

a. arrived

b. are


h. hovered

f. were lowered

i. were listed

l. notices

c. died

j. wrapped

m. didn't see

o. had survived

d. was

g. threw

k. had been thrown

n. had been killed



Revellers parade till dawn in Rio RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) - Rio de Janeiro's famed Carnival parade …1…come to a close at dawn after tons of body glitter and 20 hours of samba dazzled millions of viewers in Brazil and beyond Under threat from drug gangs that terrorised Rio last week, the two-day competition between 14 samba schools …2…place under its heaviest security as 3,000 army troops…3… called in to back up 30,000 police safeguarding the city. It was the first time the army …4…to be deployed to help keep the city safe during the annual bash. It is an anything goes farewell to sin, ushering in the 40 days of Lent before Easter in this predominantly Catholic nation of 170 million people. But the fears of violence and the military presence …5…little to spoil the party, which was expected to attract some 400,000 out-of-town visitors, including 4,000 foreigners. It …6…also broadcast live to millions in Brazil and abroad. "You …7… think you're going to make it, and then you hear all those people screaming and you get another burst of energy and just keep going," said an exhausted Larry Karpen, a 34-year-old music producer from New York City. He spent $125 (79 pounds) to don a costume and parade before 70,000 cheering fans in Rio's massive "Sambadrome" stadium. Decked out in elaborate, shimmering costumes, or as little as possible to avoid breaking the no-nudity rule, thousands of revellers in each samba school parade down a 700-metre runway backed by a thundering drum section and giant floats. Each group…8… made up of about 4,000 people, many of whom… 9…spent months rehearsing, and has 80 minutes to finish the course. They…10… judged on criteria including music, percussion, costumes, floats, originality and enthusiasm. 8.

Canadians Bask in Unwintery Pineapple Express By Kanina Holmes WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Winter hats have been doffed and coats unbuttoned in many regions of Canada, even the normally frigid Prairies, thanks to a wave of warm air meteorologists have …1…the Pineapple Express. ``It's all in the jet stream,'' said Jay Anderson, a weather expert with Environment Canada who …2…based in the western city of Winnipeg. ``It's coming from a long way south, pulling up warm air down in the sub-tropics, and …3…it over Vancouver Island,'' Anderson said on Tuesday. In the westernmost province British Columbia, several days of balmy weather blowing in from the Pacific has …4…an early blooming of some trees, but the mild temperatures were accompanied by heavy rains that …5…mudslides and flooding. The Trans-Canada Highway was closed near Hope, British Columbia, about 98 miles east of Vancouver, after a section of the roadway was washed out on Monday. Several homes were also …6…near Hope because of the mudslide threat. In Winnipeg, often referred to as ``Winterpeg,'' residents, who would normally…7… shivering through bone chilling temperatures saw thermometers rise 20 degrees above normal. While bottles of bright blue windshield washer fluid flew off store shelves as the snow melted into brown slush, the warm weather caused frost to form on some rural highways, creating perilously slippery conditions. Two people …8…killed in southern Manitoba on Monday after a driver lost control of her vehicle on ice. Temperatures in this Prairie capital…9… to more than 41 degrees Fahrenheit on Tuesday, eclipsing the previous record set in 1986, and marking the highest temperature for this date since local weather data was first begun to be regularly recorded in 1873. ``It's phenomenal. I can't believe it. It's sun-tanning weather,'' said one Winnipeg woman strolling along a downtown street during her lunch break. ``I'm …10…what impact it will have on the birth rate,'' laughed another.


3. Feltételes mód Háromféle feltételes mondat van. A jövőre vonatkozó, a tényleges feltételes, és a múlt idejű, ugyanúgy, ahogy a magyarban. A magyar mondat párhuzamos szerkezetű. az angol mondat viszont nem, mert az időhatározószók után nincs jövő idő, tehát más igealak áll az időhatározós felében, mint abban, amelyikben nincs időhatározó.


Ha jó idő lesz, elmegyünk kirándulni. If it is fine, we will go for a trip. if + 1. alak --- will + 1. alak Az if helyett használhatunk más időhatározószókat, pl. when, as soon as, stb. A will helyett állhat – can – plusz lehetőség kifejezésére - felszólító mód - Simple Present (állító, vagy tagadó-kérdő)


Ha jó idő lenne, elmennénk kirándulni. If it were fine, we would go for a trip. if + 2. alak --- would + 1. alak A would helyett állhat – could – plusz lehetőség kifejezésére - might –„esetleg” jelentésben If után általában nem használunk was, csak were segédigét. If I were a rich man … énekli a hegedűs a háztetőn.


Ha jó idő lett volna, elmentünk volna kirándulni. If it had been fine, we would have gone for a trip. if + had + 3. alak --- would have + 3. alak A would have helyett állhat – could have – plusz lehetőség kifejezésére – might have – „esetleg” jelentésben

Néha egy mondatban alkalmazhatunk feltételes múltat (3) és feltételes jelent (2) is. Ha nem ettél volna annyit, most nem lennél beteg. → If you hadn’t eaten so much, now you wouldn’t be sick. If you would → Ha volnál szíves… If you should → Ha véletlenül … A feltételes mondatoknak van kiemelő szerkezetük, lásd a Szórend című fejezetben. Néhány másik szerkezet is úgy viselkedik, mint a feltételes mondatok, például a „Bárcsak” kezdetű óhajtó mondatok. Bárcsak – I wish…/ If only … Bárcsak valami lenne – I wish + 2.alak I wish you were here. Bárcsak valami lett volna – I wish + had+3.alak I wish I had never met you. Bárcsak valami lenne a tényleges jövőben – I wish + would I wish you would stop quarrelling. Ezt a harmadik típust akkor használhatom, ha benne vagyok a szituációban, és akár teljesülhet is a kívánságom.


4. Segédigék első és második jelentésben A segédigéket az igéktől az különbözteti meg, hogy fel tudják venni a tagadás not szócskáját, és hogy lehet velük kérdezni. Némelyiknek nincs jelentése, csak igeidőbe teszi a főigét. Viszont a módbeli segédigéknek van jelentésük, és azon kívül, hogy kérdezni, tagadni és igeidőt kifejezni lehet velük, még módosítják is a főige jelentését. A módbeli segédigéket használjuk igei és nem igei jelentésben. Vegyük először az első, igei jelentésüket.

Módbeli segédigék elsődleges jelentésben Can – tud, képes, -hat,-het

Must – kell, muszáj

May – szabad, lehet

Egyiknek sincs meg a három alakja, tehát egy hasonló jelentésű ige veszi át a jelentésüket azokban az igeidőkben, amelyekben nem tudjuk őket használni. Nézzük őket egyesével 1.Can – tud, képes, -hat,-het Használhatjuk jelen időben és jövő időben időhatározóval. pl: I can help you now. I can help you tomorrow. Tagadása → can’t / cannot Második alakja van : could /couldn’t , ami általános múltbeli képességet vagy lehetőséget jelent. Minden más esetben a be able to – képesnek lenni – ige helyettesíti, tehát ha Infinitive alakra van szükségem, időhatározó nélküli jövő időre, vagy harmadik alakokra. pl: You must be able to understand English texts. I hope, I will be able to do it. How long have you been able to play the guitar? Az ige múlt idejű alakja was/were able to egyszeri dolgot fejez ki, inkább azt, hogy sikerült valamit megcsinálni. pl: I could swim when I was five. – általános Though I was tired, I was able to swim to the shore. – sikerült You are able to do it. Képes vagy megcsinálni.− You can do it. Meg tudod csinálni. A két mondat jelentése eltér egymástól. Ha tagadom, inkább unable, mint a tagadó alak.→ I’m unable to do it. Képtelen vagyok megcsinálni. A segédigés tagadó mondat jelentése más. I can’t do it. – Nem tudom megcsinálni.



Must – kell, muszáj

Három segédigével és két igével tudjuk kifejezni a „kell” különböző árnyalatait. A sor a legenyhébbtől a legerősebbig a következő: should → have to → must → to be to → shall Jelen időben, és időhatározóval jövő időben mindegyiket használhatom, ezért a jelentésük eltér egymástól. should – kellene Ezt a segédigét használom, ha tanácsot akarok valakinek adni, illetve, egyenrangú felek közötti társalgásban, hiszen ki vagyok én, hogy parancsokat osztogassak, és nem engedem meg senkinek, hogy parancsolgasson nekem tehát csak szép szelíden, udvariasan. Mi magyarok keményen odamondogatunk, hogy ezt kell, meg azt kell, angolul ez udvariatlanság, tehát válasszuk ezt a segédigét. have to – kell, mert a körülmények úgy hozták Korán kell kelnem. →I have to get up early. De nem azért, mert kizavarnak az ágyból, hanem mert a buszom hétkor indul, akár rajta vagyok, akár nem. Várnom kell a vonatra? → Do I have to wait for the train? Éppen nem muszáj, de ha fel akarok szállni rá, nem árt. must – kell, mert muszáj Meg kell mosnom a hajam. →I must wash my hair. Mert olyan koszos, hogy így nem lehet emberek közé menni. Erős belső késztetés, jelen esetben az, hogy belenéztem a tükörbe. Első személyben mindig használhatok ilyen erős segédigét, de már más személyeknél vigyázni kell. Tényleg olyan-e a helyzet, hogy lehet parancsolgatni? You must eat what I give to you. → Meg kell enned, amit eléd teszek. Csak akkor mondhatom, ha tényleg rendelkezem akkora hatalommal, hogy akár a fejére is boríthassam a spenótot. Muszáj elolvasnod ezt a könyvet, nagyon érdekes. → You must read this book, it’s so interesting. Ha valamit feltétel nélkül ajánlok a másiknak, használhatom a must segédigét, de még itt is biztonságosabb azt mondani: You really should … to be to – kell, mert ez a parancs Ha a must segédige használatához spenót-fejreborítási hatalommal kellett rendelkeznem, itt élet-halál ura vagyok. Soldiers are to do what the officers tell them.→ A katonáknak meg kell tenniük, amit a tisztek mondanak. Próbálnák meg nem. Sokkal gyakrabban használjuk ezt az igét egy szelídebb szerkezetben. Úgy volt, hogy összeházasodnak, de valami közbejött.→ They were to get married, but something happened. shall – kell, mert különben … Parancs és komoly fenyegetés egyszerre. You shall stay here. →Maradsz, ahol vagy. Máskülönben…(akkorát kapsz, hogy a fal adja a másikat) Annyira erős, hogy ez jelenik meg a Tízparancsolatban és szerződésekben is. You shan’t kill. →Ne ölj!


A segédigéket csak jelen időben, illetve időhatározóval jövő időben használhatjuk. Ha más igeidőre van szükségünk a választék már csak a két ige, egy gyengébb, a have to és egy erősebb, a to be to. Általában a have to elég, de néha szükségünk van a másikra, főleg függő beszédben, ha az a must tényleg muszáj. pl: Yesterday I had to help my father. I have had to clean my room since I was seven. Will you have to do it again? de: My mother was very angry and told me I was to eat everything she gave me. (és röpült a spenót) Nézzük a tagadó alakokat, mert nem mindig ugyanabban a jelentésben állnak. should – kellene shouldn’t – nem lenne szabad have to – kell, don’t have to  nem kell  needn’t must – muszáj mustn’t – tilos to be to → to be not to shall→ shan’t A needn’t segédige, azt jelenti, nem szükséges, nem kell, ugyanúgy jelen és időhatározós jövő időben állhat, mint a többi, más igeidőkben és alakokban a have to tagadó alakjai helyettesítik.Viszont a need ige, és igeként is viselkedik. 3. May – szabad, lehet Használhatjuk jelen időben és jövő időben időhatározóval engedély kérésére és udvarias kérdéseknél. Ellentéte a mustn’t, tilos, sokkal erősebb, ezért gondoljuk meg mikor használjuk. Az ige, amit a helyettesítésére használunk, a be allowed to – megengedték. Függő beszédben a may második alakja might, de csak akkor. Pl: He told me that I might go home. Egy sima múlt idejű mondatban viszont was allowed to. Pl: Yesterday I was allowed to go home early. Különbség van a „nem volt szabad” és a „tilos volt” között is. A gyengébb mondatokban wasn’t allowed to, és csak az igazán erősekbe kerül a wasn’t to. A segédigéket gyakran csak azért használjuk, mert udvariasabbak akarunk lenni. Can I have a look at your new printer? – Megnézhetem az új nyomtatódat? Hétköznapi udvariasság Could I use your pen, please? – Használhatom a tollát, kérem? Sokkal udvariasabb. (Mindkettőre a pozitív válasz: Yes, you may.– Mert engedélyt adok. Ha negatív választ akarok adni, már körültekintőbben kell eljárnom, pl: Well, actually I need it myself. ) May I take an apple? – Még udvariasabb körültekintően kell eljárni.)

(A válasz hasonló, mint az előbb, nemleges válasz esetén

Ha igazán udvariasak akarunk lenni, a következő szerkezetet használjuk. pl: Do you mind if I open the window? – Kinyithatom az ablakot? No, not at all. – Igen, persze. Well, actually I’m rather cold. -- Inkább ne, mert fázom. Néhány egyéb segédigés probléma: Nem nyílik az ajtó. – The door won’t open. (Múlt időben wouldn’t) Javításra szorul az óra. – The clock needs repairing/to be repaired. Régen több időnk volt.—We used to have more time. (Régen igen, de már nem) used to + 1. alak – Régebben szokásos cselekvés. Kérdésben, tagadásban múlt idejű igeként viselkedik.


Módbeli segédigék másodlagos jelentésben A segédigéket használjuk bizonyosság vagy bizonytalanság kifejezésére is, ilyenkor másképp viselkednek. must – bizonyára may – lehetséges might – elképzelhető can’t – olyan nincs, az nem lehet, nem valószínű They must be at home, somebody is moving behind the curtain.→ Biztos, otthon vannak, valaki mozog a függöny mögött. He may get your letter in time if you send it today. →Lehet, hogy időben megkapja a leveledet, ha ma feladod. I wouldn’t buy him a pink shirt, if I were you, he might not like it.→ Én a te helyedben nem vennék neki rózsaszín inget, előfordulhat, hogy nem tetszik neki. He can’t be at school today, it’s Sunday. → Nem valószínű, hogy az iskolában van vasárnap. Ha előidejűvé akarjuk tenni ezeket a mondatokat, segédige +have + 3. alakot használunk It must have rained here. →Bizonyára esett az eső. He may have met her. →Lehet, hogy már találkozott vele. You might have put it in your bag. →Esetleg betetted a táskádba. You can’t have met my grandmother, she died long ago.→ Nem találkozhattál a nagyanyámmal, már régen meghalt.

Ugyanígy tesszük előidejűvé a következő segédigéket: should /shouldn’t ought to/ ought not to needn’t We should have informed the police. →Értesítenünk kellett volna a rendőrséget. You ought to have sent it by post. →Postán kellett volna elküldened. You shouldn’t have kicked the dog. →Nem lett volna szabad megrúgnod a kutyát. You oughtn’t to have hidden in the cupboard. →Nem lett volna szabad elbújnod a szekrényben. I needn’t have got up at five. →Nem kellett volna / Felesleges volt ötkor felkelnem. (De amennyi eszem van, felkeltem. Ha nem kellett, és nem is csináltam meg: didn’t need to )

Kérdéshez a can, vagy a could segédigéket használjuk. Where can it be? →Ugyan hol lehet? Could she be the boss? →Lehet, hogy ez a nő volt a főnök? A must segédigének nem használjuk a tagadó formáját, tagadáshoz a can’t kell. A may és a might állhat tagadó alakban, de nem vonjuk össze az alakokat. He may not come back. →Lehet, hogy nem is jön vissza. He might not like doughnuts. →Előfordulhat, hogy nem is szereti a fánkot.


Gyakorlatok 9.

Nyuk, Nyuk - Court Sides with Stooges Heirs By James Vicini WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday sided with the heirs of the Three Stooges in a dispute with a Los Angeles artist over lithographs and T-shirts depicting the slapstick comedians who first became famous in the 1920s. The justices let stand a California Supreme Court ruling that an artist…1… get approval and pay licensing fees to depict a celebrity unless the new work contains ''significant creative elements.'' The U.S. top court …2…without comment or dissent an appeal by artist Gary Saderup, who made a charcoal drawing of the Three Stooges, known for their head-slapping, eye-poking brand of comedy, and then reproduced it as lithographs and silk-screened images on T-shirts, making $75,000 in profits. The California court decision upheld an award to the Stooges' heirs of the $75,000, plus $150,000 in attorney's fees and other costs. The ruling by the California court …3…as a victory for celebrities or their heirs in the battle over who should control publicity rights -- similar to trademarks or copyrights -- to famous names and images. Saderup argued his use of the images…4… not violate any of the heirs' rights because the lithographs and Tshirts did not constitute an advertisement, endorsement, or sponsorship of any product. In their appeal, Saderup's lawyers said the Supreme Court …5…use the case to determine the extent that freespeech rights limit a state's power to impose liability for works of visual art depicting deceased celebrities. Under the California Supreme Court ruling, the artist ..6…be held liable unless judges find the portrait added ''significant creative elements'' that transforms it beyond something more than a mere celebrity likeness or imitation. "Judges become art critics,'' the lawyers argued, saying the ruling…7… also affect professional photographers who sell photos of celebrities. Under the existing California ''right of publicity'' law, the right of the heirs …8…for 70 years after the celebrity's death, they said. Lawyers for the heirs of Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Jerome (Curly) Howard said the law gives celebrities' heirs the rights to likenesses, names, voices and signatures. It exempts original works of art, news publications, books, music, radio, television and movies. They said there …9…no constitutional problems with a law that requires permission of the heirs for the sale of products using images of deceased celebrities. At stake were property rights involving images of the Three Stooges. "There is nothing about this case that is really new, and this …10…the case to test the outer limits of the right of publicity,'' they told the high court.

1.a. have to b. must c. can

2.a. rejected 3. a. viewed b. has rejected b. was viewed c. was rejected c. has been viewed

4. a. can b. will c. did

5. a. should b. has to c. could have

6. a. have to b. is to c. can

7. a. was to b. could c. may

9.a. is b. were c. has been

10. a. is not b. cannot c. wouldn’t

8. a. continued b. is continued c. continues



Untimely Blossoms Upset Leisure Industry TOKYO (Reuters) - Balmy weather …1…Japan's much-loved cherry trees into bloom two weeks early this year, but not everyone is thrilled to see the blossoms ahead of time. Some in the leisure and retail industries are watching carefully …2…plans fall apart. The emergence of the pale pink flowers…3… a national obsession, with TV networks frequently airing blossom updates on their news programs. Families, companies and friends pack Tokyo's parks during the season to picnic under the trees in full bloom. These parties …4…organized at the last minute, but for businesses that organize flower-viewing tours, timing is everything. "If it turns out that people …5…able to see cherry blossoms at all, we'd have to cancel the tours," a spokeswoman for travel agent Nihon Ryoko said. "Actually, some of our tours have no bookings anyway, because customers…6… see the situation for themselves on television." A group of retailers in Chiyoda ward in central Tokyo …7…off a cherry-blossom festival scheduled for next month, when the flowers will be gone. One office worker, however, …8…the early blossoms as a good omen for the ailing economy. "For the past 10 years Japan's economy …9…a late bloomer. Now it …10…finally blossom," he told Fuji Television. a. has also called

b. has brought

e. can


c. might

f. will

i. saw

l. was

g. can be

j. laid

m. won't be

o. is

d. has been

k.may be

n. should be called


11. Melyik segédigék hiányoznak a szövegből?

Thinkers Seek Lingua Franca with Aliens PARIS (Reuters) - It seemed an unlikely place to discuss how to communicate with aliens -- a gray house off a nondescript alley in a none-too-interesting suburb of Paris. But as rain poured from the heavens outdoors, scientists, astronomers, artists and musicians hunkered down in the warm sitting room of the private home to swap ideas on how to chat with E.T. -- if he ever calls. And what, if anything, to say. Seemingly fulfilling every possible cliche -- from a young computer whiz, to a softly-spoken NASA scientist, a professor with a shock of white hair and an excitable Russian -- the group of respectable professionals were earnest in their arcane endeavors. Mathematical equations filled overhead projection slides, exotic Indonesian gong music rang out and the talk was of complex scientific phenomena and deeply philosophical questions about the nature of human beings and their relationships. "We are not trying to find the best message or even the most intelligible," said Douglas Vakoch, who led the Paris workshop. In his other incarnation, Vakoch runs the interstellar message group at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) institute in the United States. "I think we…1… construct thousands of messages in the hope one of them…2…be understood...I think there is a reasonable chance we …3…overcome the barriers between human and extraterrestrial worlds, but maybe we can't." "Maybe, even if we get a signal from them, their way of conceptualizing …4… be so alien to us that we just… 5…." SETI, a private non-profit organization sponsored by the U.S. government, NASA and technology giants such as Sun Microsystems,…6… been monitoring radio signals for the past 40 years in the hope of picking up a transmission from outer space. "We …7…to use the tools that we have right now to search for signs of alien life. We are very hopeful," Vakoch said, as he sat in the kitchen of the Paris house. "We are looking for signals by radio...but we …8… rule out that they …9…already be trying to contact us and we can't detect them." But, with computer and other technologies making advances all the time, Vakoch argues it …10…time to get serious about working out what, if anything, humanity …11…want to say to an alien civilization. The assumption is that any signals picked up by SETI will be in radio form and therefore the alien sending the message …12…likely have similar technology and share our language of physics and math -- making possible a conversation, of sorts. And that is where the Paris meeting comes in. In the house of the late Frank Malina, a U.S. pioneer in jet propulsion, and in the very rooms that some of the early Russian cosmonauts spent time learning English, the assembled artists and scientists put their heads together to brainstorm possible messages. "Today the focus…13… been on whether we …14…explain something about our aesthetic sensibilities. Is there something about art that is either universal or that …15…be taught, step by step, to another intelligence?" Vakoch said. Surrounded by walls covered in Malina's kinetic art -- pulses of electric light shining through moving elements -people from six nations discussed what aspects of the human understanding of art and beauty …16…be revealed to other beings. A professor of theoretical computer science suggested using music as a teaching aid to help aliens learn a coded language for cosmic conversations. He suggested employing the strange sounds of Indonesian gongs and gave a demonstration -- once he …17…worked out how to switch on the tape recorder. An artist suggested using a rainbow as a metaphor for mankind's unity through diversity; a symbol of peace and a bridge. He …18…like to transmit the mathematical formulae for color wavelengths so that alien beings…19… create rainbows for themselves. "Imagine how amazing it …20...be if we introduced color into an alien species' life for the first time," he said. Others talked of algorithmic communication or computer systems that mimic human responses. For Vakoch, all the theorizing serves another useful purpose. "The truth is we don't know if there …21…alien life out there but in thinking about how we …22…communicate something about our sense of beauty or who we are, we …23…forced to reflect differently on ourselves and question our basic assumptions," he says. In discussing alien life and how it may or …24…not differ from our own, Vakoch says, the differences here on earth between cultures, ethnic groups, nationalities and the sexes …25…put into a context which renders them less significant.



'Street War' Over Mother Teresa's Name CALCUTTA, India (Reuters) - A dispute has erupted in the Indian city of Calcutta over a plan to rename …1…street known for its throbbing night life after Mother Teresa, the Roman Catholic nun revered …2…her work with the city's poor. "There are other ways to honor Mother Teresa," Dwijen Mukherjee, a Bengali singer, …3…Reuters. Calcutta mayor Subrata Mukherjee sparked the controversy this month by …4…that bustling Park Street be renamed after the nun, who founded the global Missionaries …5…Charity order in the city and died in 1997. Mukherjee's suggestion outraged some of the city's 100,000 Roman Catholics, who …6…this would taint the "spirituality" surrounding her life. Mother Teresa, of Albanian origin, won the Nobel …7…prize for her work. The Vatican is considering the case for her eventual canonization. "I …8…not like my son to visit a disco and tell me that it is located on Mother Teresa Sarani (street)," said Suman Gupta, a Roman Catholic, who …9…with 19 others has urged the mayor to reconsider. The Missionaries of Charity, founded in 1950, back Mukherjee's plan. Sister Christie, the religious order's spokeswoman, told Reuters she did not think renaming Park Street …10…sully Mother Teresa's memory. "It will keep alive her memory," she said. Others in the street agree. "Park Street also has a famous college, cemetery, art gallery, and a library. This is an unnecessary controversy," said Pradyot Chattopadhyay, manager of Cambridge Bookshop, one of the landmarks of Park Street. Mayor Mukherjee himself is unfazed. "It would be only proper that we have a landmark of the city named after Mother Teresa," he said.


5. Infinitive, Gerund, Participle Az Infinitive lehet to + 1. alak, illetve sima első alak. A Gerund az ige+ing, a Participle lehet ige+ing, illetve 3. alak. Ezek nyelvtanilag nagyon sokrétű és különböző kategóriák, nekünk viszont a tesztmegoldásokhoz csak az kell, hogy mi jön mi után. Ezek szerint sima első alakot használunk: - segédigék után, kivéve have és be - let – hagy enged, és a műveltető make után - help után (lehet to + 1. alak is) - néhány kifejezésben pl: You had better leave now. →Most jobban tennéd, ha elmennél. I would rather go to the cinema. →Én inkább moziba mennék. Ebbe a mondatba beletehetünk még egy alanyt, Én azt szeretném, ha te… de akkor a következő ige második alakba kerül. Második alany, második alak, ne felejtsük el. pl: I’d rather you went home now.→ Jobban szeretném, ha most hazamennél. - érzékelést kifejező igék után, ha általánosságban beszélünk valamiről see, hear, feel, watch+ 1. alak → láttam, hallottam, stb, hogy… see, hear watch, feel, smell + ige+ing → láttam, hallottam stb, miközben… smell+ ige+ing → mindig ez az alak áll utána, mert szagot érezni, csak akkor lehet, ha szag van, általánosságban nem. I can smell something burning. →Valami égett szagot érzek. - Why? kérdőszó után pl: Miért segítsek neki?→Why help him? To + első alakot használunk: - szenvedő igék után Pl: I was told to go home. - melléknevek után It’s good to see you again. It was too cold to go swimming. It’s important for me to talk to him. - It’s time + to , egyes vagy többes szám első személyben. Ha más személyben áll, az ige második alakba kerül. Pl: It’s time you bought a new suit. - sok ige után Pl: ask, tell, promise, order etc. - az akaratot kifejező igék után Pl: want, wish, refuse, would like etc. - kérdőszavak után (kivéve why?) Pl:Melyik könyvet olvassam el először?→ Which book to read first? - azért, hogy… szerkezetben, ha a két tagmondat alanya megegyezik. Pl. Did you come to help me? Ha a két tagmondat alanya különböző, vagy a mondatban van egy plusz feltétel a szerkezet más: so that … can/could/should Pl: He works day and night so that his daughter can go to university. Az infinitive -nek van folyamatos alakja is, azt fejezi ki, hogy a cselekvés éppen folyamatban van. Általában a seem ige után használjuk. Pl: He seems to be waiting for you. →Úgy tűnik, rád vár. Azt mondják… Azt mondják, az olaszok megeszik a macskát. →Italians are said to eat cats. Azt mondják nagyon megváltozott. →He is said to have changed a lot. to have changed – Perfect Infinitive, azt fejezi ki, hogy előbb történt a főigéhez képest. Azt mondják most, hogy megváltozott ezelőtt. Ige +ing: - az ige+ing a cselekvés neve pl: Running is a sport. - ezt használjuk a szeretős-utálós igék után (hate, dislike, prefer, would mind/ don’t mind, like, enjoy,love etc) - néhány ige után (finish, avoid, deny, admit etc.)


- néhány kifejezésben pl: it is worth → érdemes, it’s no good/use →semmi értelme I can’t help → Nem tehetek róla, de… A magyartól eltérően ez nem összetett mondat, és nincs benne de. I couldn’t help laughing when I saw her new boyfriend. → Muszáj volt nevetnem, amikor megláttam az új fiúját - minden elöljáró után pl: Who is responsible for watering the flowers? néha a to is elöljáró: pl: I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. He isn’t used to getting up early. - Ige +ing lehet a mondatban határozó a.)egyidejű időhatározó: pl:Going to school I met the postman. b.) having + 3. alak (Perfect Gerund) előidejű időhatározó pl. Having done my homework I went out to play c.) Mivel… pl: Not having a work permit he worked illegally. d.) állapothatározó pl: Two policemen came running down the street.→ Két rendőr jött futva az utcán. He was sitting at the window watching us. → Az ablaknál ült, és minket nézett. - Participle mint melléknévi igenév, azaz jelző a folyamatos melléknévi igenév – Ige + ing pl. running water → folyó víz smiling girls → mosolygó lányok a befejezett melléknévi igenév – 3. alak pl. boiled egg → főtt tojás used car → használt autó a beálló melléknévi igenév – to + 1. alak pl. things to do →elvégzendő dolgok a book to read → egy elolvasni való könyv (az újságcikkek címében ez a szerkezet jövő időt jelent) Ne felejtsük el, hogy a jelző felveszi a jelzett szó mondatbeli értékét, vele mindig szoros egységben áll. Ha a jelző egyelemű, a jelzett szó előtt, kifejezésértékű jelző viszont a jelzett szó után áll. Who is that smiling girl? Who is that smiling girl wearing a red pullover? Néhány ige után állhat to + 1. alak és Ige + ing - jelentéskülönbség nélkül pl: start, begin It started/began to rain/raining.→ Elkezdett esni az eső. Azt használom, ami eszembe jut, a jelentés nem változik. - különböző jelentéssel pl: stop, try, forget, remember etc. stop + to+1.alak→megáll, hogy csináljon valamit pl: He stopped to talk to his old friend. →Megállt, hogy beszélgessen a régi barátjával. stop + ige+ ing→abbahagy valamit pl. They used to be good friends, but they fell out and stopped talking to each other. →Régebben jó barátok voltak, de összevesztek és nem beszélnek egymással. try, forget, remember – ha előre nézek, és a következő cselekvést mondom, akkor to + 1. alakot kell használni. pl. I forgot to lock the door. →Elfelejtettem bezárni az ajtót. Ha visszanézek és azt mondom el, hogy eddig mit próbáltam, vagy felejtettem el, akkor ige + ing pl. I can’t remember meeting him. → Nem emlékszem a vele való találkozásra. I tried everything, even putting some oil in the lock. → Mindent megpróbáltam, még olajat is próbáltam tenni a zárba.


Gyakorlatok 13.

Key West Barber to Trim Chicken Population By Laura Myers KEY WEST, Fla. (Reuters) - In the latest of battles against the strutting, …1…population of cocks, hens and chicks, city officials in Florida's southernmost city are hiring a local barber…2… and curb the feathered fowl. Key West's city commission agreed on Tuesday night …3…up to $20,000 to hire Key West native Armando Para to capture the cluckers and haul them out of town, likely to a farm in Brooksville, Florida, north of Tampa. "There's some places chickens shouldn't…4…," Para said on Wednesday, …5…to follow the city's orders when his contract is finalized in late January. Assistant City Manager John Jones estimates Key West has 1,500 to 2,000 chickens roaming the free-spirited 2mile-by-4-mile island, one of Florida's most popular tourist destinations. Jones envisions a …6…population of 1,000 to quiet the complaints of bleary-eyed residents -- many who work nights and are awakened by crowing creatures. The chickens -- a presence in Key West since the early 1900s, when cockfighting was popular in the rowdy …7…village -- also are a nuisance to the island's newer breed. "One of the other problems is that rich people come down here, landscape their yards and don't appreciate the chickens …8…them up," Jones said. Tom Hambright, Monroe County's historian, said the chicken population has exploded within the last decade. "In the 1970s, we had a lot of street people and a lot of the chickens disappeared into pots." he said. Katha Sheehan, …9….around town as the "chicken lady" and owner of a popular memorabilia store dedicated to chickens, ran for mayor in October, but wasn't elected. …10…city leaders with 4,700 signatures from people favoring chickens, she urged creation of a chicken park. "We ask that you hold them dear," she said. "We can't export our problems."

1. a. free-roaming b. roaming free c. freely

2. a. catch b. to catch c. caught

3. a. to pay b. paying c. pay

4. a. is b. to be c. be

5. a. pledged b. pledging c. to pledge

6. a. reducing b. reduce c. reduced

7. a. fishers b. fishing c. fishermen

8. a. messing b. to mess c. mess

9. a. to know b. knowing c. known

10. a. Presented b. Presenting c. To present



'Viking Village' Hopes Cruelly Dashed LONDON (Reuters) - Archaeologists were excited …1…what they thought was the first evidence of ninth century Viking settlement in Scotland. They had spent days painstakingly …2…the site after 50-year old Marion Garry said she had …3…an unusual arrangement of smooth, flat stones a few feet below the surface of her garden in Fife. "We thought we'd hit the jackpot," Scottish archaeologist Douglas Speirs told newspapers. But as they cleared the site, doubts began …4…− what for example was a 1940s baby pacifier doing in there? Never mind, modern objects are often …5…in archaeological digs. Only when the area was completely excavated and materials…6… did the horrible truth dawn -- the stones were nothing more significant than a 1940s sunken patio. "After all our efforts, you can…7… how silly we feel," said Speirs. Ms Garry said that she was looking forward to …8…the patio into a new garden feature. "It looks quite messy now but I think it will …9…very pretty with flowers and plants …10…around it during the summer," she said.

a. excavating

b. look

e. found

h. uncovered

l. imagine

c. to arise

f. to find

i.be changed

d. turning


j. analyzed

m.turned out

o. raised

k. explore

n. growing



'Honey, Feel Like Saving a Little Water?' MANILA (Reuters) - Couples in the Philippine capital have been asked…1… start sharing the tub at bath time as part of a conservation drive. "Start sharing baths …2…your partner…3… conserve water," the environment department advised the parched capital's 12 million residents. Unseasonably dry weather …4…depleted water levels in the main reservoirs supplying the metropolis and officials …5…meeting on Friday …6…consider rationing and other measures. Environment Secretary Elisea Gozun warned things…7… get worse before the monsoon season begins in May and said officials were "sounding the alarm early…8… avoid a water shortage." As a haze of pollution masked blue skies over Manila on Friday, the weather bureau said fewer typhoons…9… normal at the end of last year caused water levels to drop and that the city …10…not expect a rainy reprieve for several months. To hurry things along, officials plan to start cloud-seeding to raise water levels in the reservoir.


No Mini-Skirts, Country Tells Women Workers KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Authorities in Malaysia's conservative Terengganu state plan…1… ban nonMuslim women …2…mini-skirts or figure-hugging dresses …3…work as part of a drive against indecency, state officials…4… Monday. Muslim women will …5…to wear headscarves and loose dresses to office, they said, …6…employers risked …7….their business licenses and face fines…8… the staff flouted the rules. "The general policy is that non-Muslim women …9…dress decently," said Hadi Awang, chief minister of the northeastern state …10…leader of the hardline Islamic party PAS. PAS or Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS) is the main opposition party in Malaysia where general elections …11…due this year. "The PAS government …12…not tolerate females, including those from different religions, …13….such clothes during working hours," one state official said. It wasn't immediately known when the ban…14… come into force. Women's groups railed against the …15…ban. "It's clearly an encroachment of the private space of women …16…in Terengganu," said Cynthia Gabriel, a women's rights advocate for the Kuala Lumpur-based Voice of Malaysia. "It's certainly a step backward," she…17….. PAS, the main threat to Malaysia's multi-racial government coalition, recently unveiled plans for an orthodox Islamic state, …18…strict sharia laws. It rules just two of the 13 states in multi-racial, multi-religious Malaysia. But in the two states PAS runs, gambling is banned and so …19…dancing and public consumption of liquor by non-Muslims. Men and women are required…20… use separate checkouts at supermarkets.


6. Összetett mondatok, kötőszók Ahogy már eddig is láttuk, a magyar nyelv több összetett mondatot használ. Angolul igeneves szerkezettel, vagy a segédigék második jelentésével, vagy egyéb módokon fejezik ki ugyanazt a tartalmat. De vannak összetett mondatok, a tagmondatok kezdetét az új alany jelzi. Vesszőt, mint a magyarban, ne keressünk, nem feltétlenül van. Ha a nyelvtani feladatunkban két tagmondat között van az a bizonyos számozott üres hely, akkor nagy valószínűséggel kötőszót keresünk. A mondat értelméből kiindulva találjuk meg a legmegfelelőbbet a mellérendelő összetett mondatok kötőszói közül. and, or, but – igen laza kapcsolatot feltételez, lehet a második tagmondatban is kérdő szórend, vagy jövő idő általában a két tagmondatban párhuzamos a nyelvtani szerkezet, de a but ki is szólhat a szituációból és használhatok pl. más igeidőt, mint ami a mondat elejéből következne. although, though – habár A magyarhoz hasonlóan használjuk, általában az első tagmondat elején. however – azonban Nem tartozik közvetlenül a mondatba, vesszővel választjuk el tőle still – mégis, mégsem Ezt is vessző választja el a mondattól. if, provided, even if,− ha, feltéve, mégha, as if, as though − mintha, úgy mintha, when, as soon as – amikor, mihelyt A feltételes mondatok szabályai szerint. because – mert that’s why – ezért so – így A függő kérdésnél az összes kérdőszó egyben kötőszó is. Kérdőszó nélküli kérdéseknél if/whether. Ha több dolog közül kell választani, akkor csak a whether – or használható. A magyartól eltérően nincs utalószó –kötőszó azaz pl. akkor, amikor, csak a kötőszó maga pl. when. A függő beszéd állító mondatait összeköthetjük a that kötőszóval, de nem mindig szükséges. pl. He told me that he wanted to buy a new car. He said (that) he wanted to buy a new car. Vonatkozó mellékmondatok Két fajtája van, az elsőben a mellékmondat tartalmilag fontos része a főmondatnak. (Defining) A második mondatban a főmondathoz plusz információt fűz. (Non- defining) A kötőszavak a what kivételével azonosak a kérdőszavakkal, az ami/amit – that, illetve which. Ezek szerint: who – aki/akit, that/which – ami/amit, amely/amelyet, where—ahol, when—amikor (the way) how – ahogy, (the reason) why – amiért Ha a mellékmondat fontos része a főmondatnak, néha bele is olvad kijelölő jelzőként. Megteheti ezt akkor, ha tárgy, vagy pedig elöljárós szerkezet. pl. A pohár, amelyből iszol, az enyém. Melyik pohár? Amelyből iszol. – kijelölő jelző The glass you are drinking from is mine. De meg is maradhat kijelölő jelzős mellékmondatnak. The glass that you are drinking from is mine. Ha ez a mondatot feleletválasztós tesztfeladatban a következőképpen fordulhat elő: The glass …1…you are drinking from is mine. 1. a. what b. who c. – Természetesen a c a helyes válasz, mert a what nem vonatkozó névmás, a who személyre vonatkozik, de ez a mellékmondat jelzőként beépülhet a főmondatba. Ránézésre a glass is főnév, a you is főnévi értékű, nincs vessző köztük, tehát semmi akadálya. Ha a c.—helyett c. that lenne megadva, az is helyes lenne. Ha viszont ugyanez a mondat Cloze, azaz kiegészítős feladatban jelenik meg, akkor csak a that a helyes, mert az üres helyre egy szót kell írnom.


Ugyanez személyekről. pl: A fiú, akivel beszéltél, a barátom. Melyik fiú? Akivel beszéltél – kijelölő jelző The boy you talked to is my friend. Ezt a fajta kijelölő szerkezetet nagyon gyakran használják, ha a mellékmondat állítmánya létige lenne. (magyarul lévő, álló, fekvő stb) pl. Ülj a sarokban lévő székre. Sit down on the chair in the corner. A pad, amelyik a kertben áll, még a nagyanyámé volt. The bench in the garden belonged to my grandmother. Ha a mellékmondat alany, akkor természetesen nem építhető jelzőként a főmondatba, és nem hagyható el a kötőszó sem. pl. A fiú, aki ebben a házban lakik, Péter iskolatársa. The boy who lives in this house goes to the same school as Peter. A pohár, ami tegnap érkezett, az enyém. The glass that arrived yesterday is mine. Ez a mondat feleletválasztós tesztfeladatként az alábbi módon fordulhat elő. The glass …1….arrived yesterday is mine. 1.a. that b. – c. what Természetesen az a. lenne a megoldás, mert főnév és ige találkozik, ami azt jelenti, hogy valami kell, a what nem vonatkozó névmás, tehát marad a that helyes megoldásnak. Ha az „ami” az egész mondatra vonatkozik, akkor vesszővel választjuk el a főmondattól és which kötőszót használunk. pl: He played the piano all day, which annoyed the neighbours. Egész nap zongorázott, ami idegesítette a szomszédokat. Ugyancsak which áll that helyett, ha az elöljáró előre kerül. pl. This is the painting about which I have already talked to you.

A többi vonatkozó névmás mindig megjelenik a mondatban.pl: This is the hotel where I stayed. It was a Sunday when I first saw you. This is the way how it is done. That’s the reason why he never visited us again.

Ha a főmondat szempontjából elhagyható plusz információt akarok közölni, megtehetem közbeékeléssel, két vessző közé. Ilyenkor a that helyett mindig which áll, és megjelenhet a who tárgyesete a whom, elöljáróval, vagy anélkül. pl: Budapest, which is the capital of Hungary, is a beautiful city. My grandmother, who is over eighty, likes chocolate very much. My half-sister, who(m) I have never met, lives in the USA. Madrid, where I spent my holiday last year, is the capital of Spain.


Gyakorlatok 17.

Some Opera Really Is Hard to Follow, Study Finds By Paul Tait SYDNEY (Reuters) - Perplexed by Puccini? Bewildered by Berlioz? Opera buffs …1…have to sneak a peek at the subtitles to understand the words being sung no longer need to feel embarrassed. A new study has found it's not their hearing that's the problem …2…the way sopranos amplify their voices to be heard above the boom of the orchestra. A study by physicists at the University of New South Wales has found …3…a soprano's ability to sing powerfully in the high register comes at the cost of clarity. A study published in the Nature journal Thursday (www.phys.unsw.edu.au/~jw/soprane.html) examined …4…sopranos boost the sounds coming from their vocal cords by adjusting the shape of their vocal tract. The vocal tract is a fleshy tunnel, including the mouth and tongue, through …5…sound travels and resonates. It has several resonances that boost or amplify sounds produced in the larynx. "It's a bit like a megaphone except…6… we can change the megaphone's shape and different frequencies get amplified," Professor Joe Wolfe, a physicist at the university, told Reuters. The study measured four specific vowel sounds -- "la," "lore," "loo" and "le" -- and found that in the top half of their range sopranos tuned vocal tract resonances quite accurately to the pitch they were singing. This makes the voice louder and more homogenous, …7…the vowels end up sounding very similar, explaining …8…opera is difficult to understand even for those who speak the language in which it is sung. Composers such as Berlioz have warned about the effects of "resonance tuning" but joint author Elodie Joliveau, a French soprano and physics honors student, said it had not been confirmed before …9…the technical difficulty of measuring the acoustics of the vocal tract. The study's authors did about 70 measurements of nine sopranos singing the four vowel sounds in a two octave range. Using technology developed by Wolfe and colleague John Smith for applications in speech therapy, they were able to transmit different frequencies into the singers' mouths while they were singing. They then measured…10… the frequencies were amplified independently of the frequencies present in the voice.

1. a. which b. — c. who

2. a. though b. however c. but

3. a. what b. that c. whether

4. a. way b. who c. how

5.a. which b. that c. what

6. a. that b. what c. where

7. a. and b. also c. but

8.a. how b. why c. when

9. a. because 10. a. how b. that’s why b. what c. because of c. where



Writer Deported for Insulting President LUSAKA (Reuters) - Zambia said Monday it had given a controversial British writer 24 hours …1…the country for insulting President Levy Mwanawasa …2…calling two of his ministers "baboons." Home Affairs permanent secretary Peter Mumba said Roy Clarke, a satirical writer for the privately …3….daily Post newspaper, was told Monday to leave Zambia Tuesday. Clarke was not available for comment. Clarke, …4…writes a column known as the "The Spectator," referred last Thursday to Mwanawasa as a "foolish elephant" and two of his ministers as "baboons" …5…Mwanawasa visited a game park for his Christmas holiday. "Yes, he will be deported to Britain," Mumba told Reuters after …6…asked to confirm reports of Clarke's deportation. "We will buy a ticket for him on British Airways …7…he cannot continue to live with people he thinks are baboons," Mumba said. Clarke has…8… annoyed authorities with his satirical column, …9…portrayed government leaders as living lavishly in this impoverished southern African country of 10 million people. He …10…in Zambia for many years and had a permanent residence permit

b. regularly

a. who

e. had lived

h. owned

c. and

f. because

i. when

l. but

d. what

g. has been

j. where

m. to leave

o. asking

k. which

n. being



Cat and Bear Odd Couple Reunited in Zoo BERLIN (Reuters) - Muschi, a small cat …1…formed an unlikely friendship with a half-ton bear called "mouse" in Berlin Zoo, has been reunited with her companion after pining outside the bear's cage for months, the zoo said Friday. Muschi, …2…means "pussy," has been popular with zoo visitors ever since she appeared in the bear's enclosure three years ago. …3… the pair were split up last October …4…the bear was locked in a cage …5…her living space was enlarged. Zoo keepers took pity on the distraught cat …6…had taken to roaming around the zoo and sitting outside the cage, and this week allowed her in the cage with the shaggy female Asiatic black bear called "Maeuschen," …7…means little mouse. "They greeted each other …8…had a cuddle and now they're happy," said Heiner Kloes, a member of the zoo's management board. "The cat has a real fan club, mostly among our older, regular visitors." No one knows …9…Muschi, a normal black domestic cat, came from. "She appeared from nowhere in 2000 and we decided to leave them together …10…they got on so well," said Kloes. "They sunbathed together and shared meals of raw meat, dead mice, fruit and bread." The enlarged enclosure will reopen in the spring. 20.

Study: Worldwide Demand for Herbal Remedies Threatens Plants LONDON (Reuters) - Worldwide demand for herbal remedies is threatening natural habitats …1…endangering up to a fifth of wild medicinal plant species …2…are being harvested to extinction, a leading science magazine said on Wednesday. A study to be published later …3…year by the conservation organization WWF warns …4…between 4,000 and 10,000 plants may be at risk. "It's an extremely serious problem," study author Alan Hamilton …5…New Scientist magazine. According to the research, the market for herbal remedies …6…risen by 10 percent a year for the past decade in North America …7…Europe and is now thought to be worth at least 11 billion pounds ($20 billion). The findings…8…. based on an analysis of the number of species at risk on the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List of threatened plants. Two-thirds of the 50,000 medicinal …9…being used are harvested from the wild. Hamilton, a member of the IUCN's Medicinal Plant Specialist Group, also contributed to a report …10…will be unveiled by …11…conservation organization Plantlife International next week. …12…the threatened plants are tetu lakha, a tree found in south India and Sri Lanka …13…used for anti-cancer drugs in Europe; an Indian root called saw-wort …14…is used for skin disorders and tendrilled fritillary, a Chinese plant …15…to treat respiratory infections. "With demand and commercialization growing fast, the future of the wild plants which …16…helped most of humanity for centuries is now more uncertain …17…it has ever been," Martin Harper, of Plantlife, told New Scientist. The group, …18…says the problem has been looming for years, blames the herbal medicinal industry for not guaranteeing the sustainability of supplies. "It is time for the industry…19… join forces with environmental organizations to ensure …20…herbal harvests have a sustainable future," Harper added.


7. Főnevek, névelők A főneveknél az egyik legfontosabb kategória, ami a magyarban egyáltalán nem kérdés, hogy mi megszámlálható, mi megszámlálhatatlan. Megszámlálható minden, ami darabra megy, pl: egg, roll, banana, child etc. Nem megszámlálhatók - az anyagnevek, pl: milk, flour, water, bread, money - a gyűjtő főnevek pl: furniture, luggage - az elvont főnevek pl: love, health Nem mindig esnek egybe a magyar és az angol kategóriák. Például, mitől gyűjtő főnév a gyümölcs, (fruit), ha a zöldség (vegetables) nem az, vagy mitől elvont főnév a házi feladat (homework), ha a lecke (lesson) nem az. De lehetne számtalan példát felhozni, nem érdemes (itt sem) automatikusan követni a magyar nyelvhasználati szabályokat. Ez az egész megszámlálható – nem megszámlálható szembeállítás azért fontos, mert csak a megszámlálható főnevek kerülhetnek többes számba, illetve, csak a megszámlálható főnevek elé lehet tenni határozatlan névelőt. (a, an). A sok – kevés is különbözőképpen áll a megszámlálható és a megszámlálhatatlan főnevek előtt. Állító mondatban a sok → a lot of mindkét esetben tagadó és kérdő mondatban many → megszámlálható much → megszámlálhatatlan kevés → few →megszámlálható little → megszámlálhatatlan a few → egypár (quite a few – jónéhány) a little → egy kis I have few friends. – Kevés barátom van. (Szeretném, ha több lenne, a mondat negatív tartalmú) I have a few friends. – Van néhány barátom. (Legalább kettő minden fontos pozícióban. Pozitív tartalmú.) I have little money. – Kevés pénzem van. (Kenyérre is alig elég. Negatív) I have a little money. – Van egy kis pénzem. (Húszmillió, dollárban. Pozitív)

Ha megszámlálható főnévről általánosságban beszélünk, többes számba tesszük, a nem megszámlálható természetesen egyes számban marad. Pl: Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet.. (and so are you) A megszámolható főnevek többes száma -s,-es, de ne felejtsük el a rendhagyó többes számokat sem. Pl: children, policemen, people, teeth, wives Az állatnevek közül sok rendhagyó: mouse → mice (louse →lice – tetű) , goose → geese – liba, wolf → wolves – farkas (calf → calves – borjú) ox → oxen – ökör etc. A birka (sheep) és néhány szarvas (deer, reindeer, elk, moose etc) többes száma ugyanaz, mint az egyes szám, de az ige mellette állhat többes számban. Pl. Santa has six white reindeer. Their names are… Hogyan tesszük a nem megszámlálható főneveket mégis többes számba, ha úgy hozza a szükség? Mértékegység megadásával. Pl: two pieces of good advice two lots of homework two items of information Természetesen az anyagneveket a nekik megfelelő mértékegységgel.pl. a loaf of bread, a bottle of beer, a bar of chocolate, a bag of rice, a kilo of sugar, a packet of butter etc. Néhány főnév megszámlálható és nem megszámlálható alakja mást jelent. Pl. experience – tapasztalat, gyakorlat an experience – élmény paper – papír, a paper – újság; chocolate – csoki, a chocolate – bonbon; ice-cream – fagyi, an ice-cream – jégkrém etc…


Névelők a, an – határozatlan névelő. Minden egy és megszámlálható főnév előtt használjuk. pl: My father is an engineer. There is a cat in front of the house. An American would never have said that. Tulajdonnév előtt „egy bizonyos” jelentésben áll. pl: A Mr Smith called you in the afternoon.— Valamilyen Smith úr telefonált délután. the – határozott névelő. Akkor használjuk, amikor tudjuk, hogy melyikről van szó. pl: The children are playing in the garden. NEM használjuk: - általános jelentésben pl. Children like ice-cream. - Tulajdonnevek előtt pl. Peter is my best friend. Budapest people are like that. Kivétel, ha egy családról van szó. pl: The Joneses live here.→Jonesék itt laknak. - Elvont főnevek előtt, általános jelentésben. pl. Life is hard. DE. His new novel is about the life of Hemingway. A földrajzi neveknél meg kell jegyeznünk egypár névelőhasználati szabályt. - Egyelemű országneveknél nincs the, többeleműeknél, vagy többesszámúaknál van. pl. Hungary, Switzerland, Brazil DE The Netherlands, the Hungarian Republic, the USA - Városneveknél nincs pl. London, New York, Seoul, DE The Hague - Folyók nevénél van pl: the Thames, the Nile, the Danube, the river Szárazér - Tavak nevénél nincs, viszont használjuk a lake szót. pl: Lake Balaton, Lake Ontario - Hegységek nevénél van pl: the Alps, the Himalayas, the Mátra - Hegycsúcsok nevénél nincs pl: Mount Everest, Kékes - Égitestek nevénél van pl: the Sun, the Moon, the Mars Általában van mindennél, amiből csak egy van. pl. the Prince of Wales, the Prime Minister Van a hajók nevénél. pl. the Queen Mary; az újságok folyóiratok nevénél . pl.The Guardian, a szállodák nevénél. pl. the Hilton Hotel Van a sorszámneveknél, dátumokban is (nem mindig írjuk ki, de mondani akkor is kell.) pl. on the first of November Általában van a felsőfokú mellékneveknél is, ha azt akarom kifejezni, hogy valami a legszebb, legjobb stb, de nincs olyankor, amikor nem pontosan meghatározott. pl. Peter is the oldest boy in the family. DE: A legtöbben úgy gondolják…→ Most people think… some, any – nem megszámolható főnevek előtt névelőt helyettesít, megszámolható főnevek előtt azt jelenti, néhány pl. There is some milk in the bottle. → Van tej az üvegben. There are some apples in the basket. → Van néhány alma a kosárban. some – állító mondatban áll, vagy olyan kérdésben, amelyre határozott igen választ várok, pl kérek, vagy kínálok valamit. pl. Would you like/Can I have some chocolate? any – tagadó mondatban áll, és minden más típusú kérdésben. állító mondatban a jelentése → bár- , akárÖsszetételekben is ugyanez a szabály. pl. Is there anybody in the kitchen? „any” kerül a mondatba, ha azt akarom kifejezni, hogy valamiből egyáltalán nincs. Pl: Paul can’t eat any chocolate. → Paul nem ehet csokit. (egyáltalán)


Gyakorlatok 21.

Peter Jackson Sadly Faces Life After 'Rings' By Chris Gardner LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - The past seven days were good to Peter Jackson, the writer/director/producer of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. He received a Directors Guild of America Award nomination for "The Return of the King" Tuesday, watched …1…film cross $300 million in domestic ticket sales Friday, and nabbed …2…top helmer prize from the Broadcast Film Critics Saturday. And while good things are likely to keep coming for the native New Zealander in …3…current awards season, now that the third film is out, his "Rings" journey is almost over. So, now what? "The sense of closure, I haven't quite gotten used to yet," Jackson said by…4… phone from Down Under. "I'm aware of the impact the movies have had on people and on the box office obviously too, and I realize what…5… significant .role these movies will play in my career and in my life. Now …6…it is finishing, it does really feel like one chapter of my life is closing and everything now is what I do after 'The Lord of the Rings.' It's a bit sad." But don't expect Jackson to tumble under the weight of expectation hovering over what he does next. The helmer is quite frank when it comes to …7…future and how "Rings" will ultimately fit in. "It very well may be that I never make anything as big as 'Lord of the Rings,' and I certainly will never make three films at once again, which I'm very happy about," he admits. "I can't get locked into …8…trap where I'm trying to top these movies for the rest of my life, which would be a very unsatisfying career. The only responsibility you have as a filmmaker is to make a good movie, and that's what I plan to do." And do he will this August when he directs "King Kong" starring Naomi Watts for Universal. It's a gig that will earn Jackson and his partners $20 million. "People don't have…9… right idea about the $20 million," Jackson says of the total payout. "It's a lot of money obviously, but it covers three people writing, two producers and the directing fee. And we will be making …10…$180 million movie for $150 million using the infrastructure we put into place on 'Lord of the Rings,' so it makes sense." Jackson's "King Kong" is due in theaters in Christmas 2005.

1. a. − b. the c. a

2 .a. the b. this c. a

3. a. a b. this c. that

4. a. this b. the c. −

5. a. a b. one c. some

6. a. the b. this c. that

7. a. a b. − c. the

8. a. some b. the c. one

9. a. any b. the c. some

10. a. a b. the c. –



'Doggy Dancing' Lessons? AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - It has long been said that a dog is …1…man's best friend, but a Dutch dog trainer is taking…2… relationship one step further -- offering "doggy dancing" lessons to …3…wanting a …4…dancing partner. Ten owners and …5…dogs -- including a border collie and a German …6…-- have signed up to learn to waltz, tango and boogie with Annette Helder at her training school in the northern Netherlands. "Dogs love when they get …7….from their owners...You teach the dog certain basic…8…, like weaving between your legs, circling, walking backwards...rolling over," said Helder, who charges 45 euros ($60) for eight lessons. Dogs and owners will learn to move in …9…to music in what has become a competitive sport in countries including …10…and Britain, she said of the classes near Groningen.

a. people

b. Americans

e. their

h. the United States

l. canine

c. shepherd

f. moves


d. the

g. these

j. a

m. snack

o. attention

k. sheepdogs

n. time


23. Tegyünk az üres helyekre névelőt, ha szükséges.

U.S. Troops Plan Olympics Security Drill-Daily ATHENS (Reuters) - U.S troops plan to stage exercises in…1…Greece from March as part of security preparations for …2…Olympic Games, …3…Greek newspaper said on Monday. Quoting government sources, …4…Eleftherotypia daily said Greece's Public Order ministry has agreed with U.S. authorities for …5…first exercise to take place in…6…March, with at least five more taking place before August. The Games open on August 13. There was no immediate official comment on …7…report. "The plan sees …8…unknown number of C-130 aircraft transport planes landing in Athens in early March, transporting …9…U.S. troops for their first exercise, under …10…real conditions, for Olympic Games security," …11…newspaper said. Eleftherotypia noted without …12…special law…13… U.S military exercises would be against …14… Greek constitution, which forbids…15… presence or operation of foreign military groups in …16…country unless …17…Greek Parliament authorizes it. The daily said with …18…Parliament closing on February 6 before…19… general election on March 7, time was running out to sort out constitutional issues involved. Against …20…background of September 11 2001's al-Qaeda attacks on …21…United States, …22…issue of foreign teams using their own security guards during…23… August 13 to 29 Athens Olympics has been …24…thorny one for Greek authorities. There has still not been …25…full formal resolution over whether …26…foreign security guards could carry weapons and exactly what role they could play. Greece is spending…27… record 650 million euros to protect …28…world's largest sporting event, mobilizing 45,000 personnel, three times…29… number used at …30…last summer Olympics in Sydney in 2000. 24.

Woman on Billboard Looking for Love At age 39, Julie Koehnen decided that she was looking for …1…in all the wrong places. So this week, she began having her dates at…2… foot of a Sunset Strip billboard featuring her own face -surrounded by publicists, camera crews and reporters. The screenwriter is also the poster girl in…3… new advertising campaign for Yahoo! Personals, which features real users of the service in a bid to make …4…more comfortable with online dating. But how comfortable was Julie, sitting on the famed Sunset Strip in a fake living…5… attached to the billboard, eating meat loaf, French …6…and a brownie with her first date, police officer Rick Farfan? And what was she looking for in a…7… that she couldn't find in America's second-largest city? "I'm looking for a man's man in the middle of Hollywood," Koehnen said with a slight roll of the eyes, as Farfan dined on …8…chopped veggie salad catered by the trendy Ivy restaurant. Most…9… in Los Angeles, she said, were too laid back and "ambivalent" to sweep her off her…10... "I like it when a man says he wants to go out with me," Koehnen, a slender …11…with a Meg Ryan flip and bubbly personality, said. "I grew up in Minnesota, so I'm looking for …12…a little more familiar." She said this is perhaps why most of …13…men she found herself selecting from the service came from outlying parts of Southern California, away from her trendier Los Angeles habitat. Koehnen, who joined Yahoo! Personals in …14…bid to find a husband, said the billboard stunt had gone well -except for when she momentarily forgot where she was and performed the "downward dog" yoga…15… in full view of Sunset Boulevard. "Downward dog. I don't think I'll do that again," she said, shuddering slightly at …16…thought of all and sundry watching as she thrust her backside in the air and bowed her head. Farfan, meanwhile, said he was impressed with a woman who had the sense of …17..to go along with the experiment and added that the date was going well -- as far as he could tell, since the …18…had had little chance for one-on-one conversation. As a man drove by in a black …19…utility vehicle and screamed to Koehnen: "I'll marry you!!," Farfan did his best to show her his manly man side, confiding: "I'm very sensitive and kind, and I can also kick somebody's ass if I have to." Koehnen, who was one of 50 "real people" chosen as part of the advertising campaign, was expected to have eight brief dates while sitting on her billboard before choosing one "real man" for an …20…out on the town.


8. Melléknevek, összehasonlítás A mellékneveket a fokozásuk szerint három csoportra osztjuk. 1. Rövid melléknevek. Ide tartoznak az egy-, vagy kétszótagos, képzetlen, angol melléknevek Fokozásuk középfokban –er, felsőfokban –est képzővel történik. pl: strong – stronger – the strongest long – longer – the longest Ha a melléknév egy magánhangzóra és egy mássalhangzóra végződik, toldalék előtt kettőzi a mássalhangzót. (Ez általános helyesírási szabály!!) pl. big – bigger – the biggest fat – fatter – the fattest Ha a melléknév mássalhangzó + y végű, az y →ie –re változik.

(Ez is általános helyesírási szabály!!)

pl. happy – happier – the happiest 2. Hosszú melléknevek Ide tartoznak a két szótagnál hosszabb, képzett és az idegen eredetű melléknevek Fokozásuk a more, most szócskával történik pl. beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful interesting – more interesting – the most interesting 3. Rendhagyók Néhány igen gyakran használt melléknév tartozik ide good – better –the best bad – worse –the worst little – less – the least many, much – more – the most far – farther – the farthest → térbeli távolságot jelent far – further – the furthest → időben, vagy elvont értelemben további Lehet „visszafelé” is fokozni azaz, „kevésbé” és „ legkevésbé” a less és a least segítségével. pl. intelligent – less intelligent – the least intelligent fat – less fat – the least fat Összehasonlítás 1. alapfokú, „olyan, mint” as – alapfok – as, tagadó formában not so/as – alapfok – as pl. He is as tall as his father. I’m not so clever as my sister is. 2. középfokú, „olyanabb, mint” középfok + than pl. He is two years older than me. This building is much bigger than our house. Ha azt akarjuk kifejezni, hogy sokkal, vagy kicsit, használjuk az a lot, much, vagy a bit, a little kifejezéseket a középfokú melléknév előtt.


Az összehasonlítás második fele tárgy, vagy mellékmondat. I’m older than you. – Tárgy. Ha megfordítjuk a személyeket, rögtön látszik. You are younger than me. I’m older than you are. – Mellékmondat Ha cselekvést hasonlítunk össze jobb a mellékmondatos változat a félreértések elkerülése miatt. He likes chocolate better than I do. → Jobban szereti a csokit, mint én. He likes chocolate better than me. → Jobban szereti a csokit, mint engem.

3. felsőfokú, „legolyanabb” the + felsőfok (valami közül) pl. He is the youngest in the family. This is the biggest city in my country. Túlzófoknál (legesleg-) → by far the …est pl. Mary is by far the most beautiful girl in the school.

Vannak olyan melléknevek, amelyek magukban is erős jelentésűek, nem fokozzuk őket, és nem használjuk hozzá a very szót sem. pl. good bad funny angry large

→ → → → →

perfect disastrous hillarious furious tremendous

Ha mégis nyomatékosítani akarjuk az erős jelentésű mellékneveket, az absolutely szót tegyük eléjük. pl. It’s very good. → Its absolutely perfect. Határozó képzése melléknévből Melléknevekből határozót általában a –ly képzővel alkotunk, de nem mindig. pl. happy → happily, awful → awfully, enormous → enormously etc DE fast → fast, hard → hard, good → well Ha a határozót is fokozni kell a –ly végűek általában a hosszú melléknevek szerint more, the most segítségével, a nem –ly végűek közül a rövidek a rövidek szerint. pl. This car can go faster than mine. Egyéb mellékneves kifejezések Kék szemű, hosszú hajú és a többiek. Blue-eyed, long -haired etc. Ha a kifejezés hosszabb, akkor with pl. Kétzsebes kabát → a coat with two pockets fürdőszobás szoba → a room with a bathroom


Váltogatni is lehet.. A blue-eyed girl with long black hair… Ha piros szoknyás, szemüveges, akkor wearing… A blue-eyed girl with long black hair wearing a red skirt and glasses …. - Borízű, halszagú, azaz az érzékelést kifejező igék taste, smell, feel, sound, look + melléknév taste, smell, feel, sound, look + like + főnév Kérdésben mindig ott van a like. pl. Hogy nézel ki? → Pocsékul nézel ki. → Úgy nézel ki, mint egy betörő. →

What do you look like? You look awful. You look like a gangster.

Ugyanígy a többi igével is, tehát Borízű. → It tastes like wine. Halszagú→ It smells like fish. Jól hangzik. → It sounds good. Sima. → It feels smooth. - A melléknévi igeneveket Participle címszó alatt már megtárgyaltuk az ötödik fejezetben, de ismétlés a tudás anyja. Participle mint melléknévi igenév, azaz jelző a folyamatos melléknévi igenév – Ige + ing pl. running water  folyó víz smiling girls  mosolygó lányok a befejezett melléknévi igenév – 3. alak pl. boiled egg  főtt tojás used car  használt autó a beálló melléknévi igenév – to + 1. alak pl. things to do  elvégzendő dolgok a book to read  egy elolvasni való könyv (az újságcikkek címében ez a szerkezet jövő időt jelent) Ne felejtsük el, hogy a jelző felveszi a jelzett szó mondatbeli értékét, vele mindig szoros egységben áll. Ha a jelző egyelemű, a jelzett szó előtt, kifejezésértékű jelző viszont a jelzett szó után áll. Who is that smiling girl? Who is that smiling girl wearing a red pullover? - hároméves, nyolcnapos Az unokám három éves. → My granddaughter is three years old. Ebben az esetben a három éves nem jelző, tehát külön írjuk , és a years többes számba kerül. Van egy hároméves kislány unokám. → I have a three-year-old granddaughter. Itt a hároméves jelző, ezért kötőjellel írjuk, és a year nem kerül többes számba. Hasonlóképpen.: a one-day exhibition, an eighteen-year-old girl, a two-week




Gyakorlatok 25

SAUSAGES Sausages are considered the …1…convenience foods of civilization. A clever butcher had the ingenious idea of gathering all the small bits and pieces of meats …2…for eating or cooking to salt, spice and enrich the mixture with a binding agent. Then he stuffed the mass into a clean intestine for immediate cooking, smoking or drying. Smoking was, and still is one of the …3…methods of preservation. It imparts a special taste. The word “sausage” is derived from the Latin salsicia (something salted). Today, sausages are produced in many countries throughout the world. The following nations continue to produce sausages reaching the epitome of taste and texture: Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Armenia. Sausages can be produced using beef, veal, pork, chicken, turkey, or lamb. They can be …4…or hard. Pudding sausages must be cooked prior to consumption. …5…of all pudding sausages is called “haggis” which, since the eighteenth century, has been quite wrongly regarded as a specialty originating in Scotland. The word goes back only to fifteenth-century English, and may have a French origin. The idea may be traced to the earliest days of cooking food. This …6…pudding is made by stuffing a sheep’s stomach with chopped sheep’s offal (variety meats), oatmeal and seasonings. Now it is also made using calf’s stomach and offal. Indeed, the sausage may have started out as an economical convenience food; thanks to the ingenuity of European cooks. Over time, it has become a delicacy enhancing many meals and feasts. Today haggis is famous in Scotland only and celebrated annually, particularly after the Scottish poet R Burns wrote an ode to it. Good quality sausages prepared by caring craftsmen and presented in an appealing fashion can increase restaurant sales. An enticing sausage selection can lead to …7…word of mouth advertising. Sausages by definition are prepared from the flesh of meat animals, ad from their fat, blood, offals including brains, heart, liver, lung, jowls, kidneys, stomach, tongue by addition of preservatives such as salt, herbs, spices, beer, wine, milk, dairy products, and eggs; ingredients are…8… chopped or worked to a puree and put in natural or synthetic material casings. The incorporation of breadcrumbs, soybean meal and other stretchers are permitted, although all dilute the taste and change the texture of the sausage. It is …9…to buy sausages from reputable manufactures of butchers even if the cost may appear to be …10… There are hundreds of sausages, which may different names and forms in various cities, pending on the history, and/or the perceptions of the citizens.

1. a. earliest b. earlier c. early

2. a. proper 3. a. most popular b. well enough b. favourable c. unsuitable c. accepting

6. a. excess b. excellent c. excelling

7. a. differently 8. a. small b. certain b. finely c. positive c. finally

4. a. cooked b. soft c. easy

9. a. OK b. tradition c. best

5. a. The oldest b. One of the c. The older

10. a. little more b. bit expensive c. somewhat high



The Governator, a 'Strong' Beer for California SEATTLE (Reuters) - For Californians who can't get enough of bodybuilder …1…film star turned governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a brewery in the neighboring state of Oregon is offering a new …2…beer labeled "The Governator." Portland-based MacTarnahan's Brewing Co., which brews a…3… regional beer of the …4…name, came up with the idea for the strong brew just before the holidays last year and has seen brisk demand for the ESB, or …5…bitter ale. Called "The Governator Ale," the label features a man flexing his muscles beneath a logo of the state of California with the words "Pumpin Iron Brewing" superimposed on top. "The …6…surprise is that The Governator, behind its …7…packaging, is actually top-notch," MacTarnahan's chief executive Jerome Chicvara said in a statement…8… when the beer went on sale. "We're hoping this is a sign of things to come in Sacramento." The beer, which is also …9…in alcohol content, comes in oversized 22-ounce (625-ml) bottles that retail for about $2.99 each. It is available in California but, so far, distributors in the states of Oregon and Washington…10…, said company spokeswoman Renee Daniels.

a. big

b. issued

e. small

h. same

f. turned

i. became

l. higher

c. aren't interested

d. popular

g. highest

j. novelty

m. extra special

o. full-bodied


n. new fashion



Shotgun 'Priests' Rob Belgrade Bank BELGRADE (Reuters) - Three tall men disguised …1…bearded Orthodox Christian priests robbed a Belgrade bank and removed three security video tapes of the heist …2…making a getaway with $300,000. But the men attracted lots of attention…3… overlooked a fourth surveillance recording of the robbery Thursday -- the day after Orthodox Christmas in Serbia. "They caught my attention. You …4… see three two-meter (6 ft 6.in) tall priests …5…day," a witness told the Belgrade daily, Balkan. The trio, dressed in ankle-length black cassocks, entered …6…bank in Zemun district and one robber gave the traditional greeting "Christ is born." All three …7…pulled out shotguns and ordered guards, staff and customers to lie down …8…they emptied the tills, according to police sources. The five-minute robbery netted some $300,000 in various currencies, the Vecernje Novosti newspaper reported. Newspapers quoted police …9…saying the men had removed three tapes from the bank's surveillance cameras …10…had not spotted a fourth recording. 28.

Afternoon tea or high tea Before there was oil there was tea. The original “…1… gold” has been the social fuel of the British …2…since the 17th century. It filled the coffers of …3…East Indian Tea Company, the treasury of the British Empire, …4…wars, calmed nerves and helped generations through stressful situations. In fact, tea by …5…exceeds the popularity of coffee in most Middle Eastern…6…. British merchants devised processing methods for “black tea”(fully fermented) …7…marketed tea both in England and…8…. The Tea Exchange, where millions of “tea chests” are …9…annually is still in London, whereas the Coffee Exchange…10… in N.Y. London is still the place to go for a …11…served afternoon tea, which depending on the establishment, may …12…of a couple of cups of tea along with some pastries, but …13…often than not is a meal. First, be aware that no self-respecting tearoom will use …14…bags, always loose leaves. In 1610, Dutch traders brought the …15…commercial shipment of tea to Europe from China. Even tough it took cargo …16…four years to get to China and back, tea…17… swept Europe by the late 17th century. In London, two events helped herald…18… era of tea. The plague outbreak of 1665 made the population crave a healthy life – boiled …19…and fresh air. One of the upsides of the Great Fire of London (1666) was the creation of open …20…in the overcrowded town. Soon vacant lots became the new fashionable places, leafy, gentle gardens with names such as the Temple of Flora. As tea consumption caught on they changed into tea gardens. The government was …21…to realize an excellent tax revenue source and imposed a considerable tax on tea …22…in the U K and all colonies. The tax was…23… unpopular in some places, i.e. Boston in 1773, which started the War of Independence. China, at the time the…24… source of tea, was insisting on being paid in silver for tea and in 1793, Lord Macartney was dispatched to China in an attempt …25…convince the Chinese to accept British goods instead. He failed,…26… British merchants came up with a more sinister plan – smuggling opium …27…China and demanding payment in silver. The situation deteriorated and created havoc …28…the social fabric having made a large proportion…29… the population heroin addicts. In 1893, Chinese authorities destroyed 20,000 chests of British opium and a year…30…, the Admiralty sent a fleet to force China to open her ports to buy their “drug”. While the opium …31…were raging in China, British merchants started growing tea in northern India (Darjeeling) and later in Africa and a …32…later in Sri Lanka (then called Ceylon). Soon they were shipping tea from India, which was served in Chinese porcelain teacups, …33…with sugar from the Americas, cultivated by African slaves, supplied …34…Arab middlemen on location. World War II brought the bombing of warehouses in London and rationing, and …35…tea bags were introduced in an attempt to use tea dust profitably. In fact, no self-respecting tea consumer today will use …36…bags since they literally consist of low …37…tea dust. In London and elsewhere in England, there are still establishments that serve crustless cucumber sandwiches, …38…baked scones served with strawberry jam and …39…Devonshire cream, biscuits, along with an assortment of loose teas – Lapsang Souchong, Darjeeling, Orange Pekoe, Sri Lankan Highland grown or blends


invested by Harrod’s, Fortnum and Mason, Taylor. Here are a few London establishments you may want to try. The Ritz (Palmcourt). The tea is served in silver pots with Limoges china cups. …40…piano background music provides discreet sound entertainment. They serve afternoon tea in three settings 1.30, 3.30 and 5.30 p m . Book in advance.

9. Számnevek és névmások - A tőszámnevek és a sorszámnevek one, two, three, four … etc illetve first, second, third, fourth…etc. 21- től a számok nevét kötőjellel írjuk: twenty-one, twenty-two, etc A százas és a tízes közé and kerül: One hundred and one Dalmatians A százashoz mindig oda kell tennünk, hogy hány száz: one hundred/a hundred, two hundred etc A hundred szó nem kerül többes számba, csak, ha határozatlan számnevet akarunk kifejezni vele: pl. Hundreds of people → Emberek százai … A sorszámokat nagy valószínűséggel nem kell kiírnunk, viszont figyeljünk a rövidítésekre: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th …20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th…etc Persze a first, second, third megjelenhet kiírva is. Ne felejtsük el, hogy ezek után, ugyanúgy mint a melléknevek után a következő ige to + 1. alakban áll. pl: I was the first to come and the last to leave. →Én jöttem elsőnek, és utolsónak távoztam. Egy másik mondatszerkezet : Most először látom a tengert → It is the first time I have seen the sea.. Most először láttam a tengert. →It was the first time I had seen the sea. Azaz, most először ( másodszor, ezredszer) + jelen → It is the …th time + Present Perfect Ugyanez múlt időben az igeidő-egyeztetési szabályok szerint →It was …+ Past Perfect. Az egyik nagyon jellemző magyar hiba ( lesz még ebben a fejezetben másik is) az ilyen kezdetű mondatokban fordul elő: Négyen (nyolcan, huszonhárman) vagyunk a családban (csoportban…) There are four of us in the family. Kettőtök jöhet. → Two of you can come. Négyen közülük beférnek ebbe az autóba. → Four of them can get into this car. Le se merem írni, hogy mi szokott előfordulni a helyes megoldás helyett, nehogy valakit megzavarjon. Nagyon figyeljünk rá, mert csak így helyes. Lakásproblémák Sem 120 négyzetméteres, sem másfélszobás lakás nincs az angolban. A lakás és a ház hálószobáinak száma mutatja a lakás nagyságát, tehát a 120 négyzetméteres valószínűleg három hálószobás, azaz a house/flat with three bedrooms, a másfélszobás a small one-bedroomed flat. (Sőt, hogy továbbmenjünk a kétszobás lakás nem two-roomed flat. A two-roomed flat, mint a nagyszüleimé volt Pesterzsébeten, szoba-konyha, budi az udvarban.) kétszobás lakás → a flat with two bedrooms A szobám sem 25 négyzetméteres. legfeljebb ötször ötös, azaz five meters by the five. - Törtek fél → half (többes szám halves)

negyed → quarter

harmad, ötöd, heted → third, fifth, seventh

kétharmad → two third, négyötöd → four fifth etc A tizedestörteknél gondoljunk arra a bizonyos Ph értékre 5.5 → five point five Ha 5.51 lenne → five point five one


A tizedesjel pont, a vessző az ezrest választja el a százastól. 2,321→ two thousand three hundred and twenty-one

- határozatlan számnevek sok megszámolható és megszámolhatatlan → a lot (of) állító mondatban many ↔ few megszámolható sok és kevés much ↔ little megszámolhatatlan sok és kevés Nem állítom, hogy nem láttam még állító mondatban much és many szavakat, de általában a hosszabb alakot szeretik ( a lot of), a much, és a many általában tagadó és kérdő mondatban áll. több → more, csak a tényleges középfokú hasonlításban használjuk pl: This year more children can learn English than last year. Ha a több csak azt jelenti, hogy nem egy, akkor mást használunk pl: several, some, many etc tucat, csapat, kismillió: dozen→ tucat és score→ húsz ugyanúgy működik, mit a száz one hundred, two hundred…, one dozen, two dozen …, four score Többes számba akkor tesszük ha határozatlan számnévként használjuk. Pl. emberek tucatostul, csapatostul dozens/ scores of people ugyanígy thousands/ millions of … ( a kismillió → zillion) mindegyik, egyik sem: Különbséget kell tennünk, hogy kettő közül, vagy sok közül. both→ mindkettő ( + többes szám) either → egyik, vagy bármelyik kettő közül (+ egyes szám) neither → egyik sem kettő közül (+ egyes szám) all → összes sok közül one→ egy sok közül (+ egyes szám) none → egy sem sok közül (+egyes szám) Néhány más hasonló kifejezés: Every – minden + egyes szám pl. Every child likes chocolate. Each – minden egyes (külön, vagy a jelenlevők közül) pl. The apples are 25 Forints each. →25Ft az alma darabja. I gave each boy an apple. → Mindegyik fiúnak adtam egy almát. all – összes + többes szám (megszámolhatóknál, nem megszámolhatóknál egyes) pl. All Mondays are horrible. → Minden hétfő utálatos. all the – az összes (ami van) + többes szám (megszámolhatóknál, nem megszámolhatóknál egyes) pl. He spent all the money he had on brandy. → Az összes pénzét pálinkára költötte. „the” helyett állhat „his” azaz birtokos névmás. minden második, minden ötödik… every second, every other, one in five, every fifth pl. Write on every other line. → Írj minden második sorba. One in five families has a PC at home. → Minden ötödik családnak van otthoni számítógépe.


Névmások Az angolban egyetlen ragozási táblázat van, a személyes névmásoké. Jegyezzük meg jól! Alany


Birtokos jelző

Birtokos állítmány
















he she it we

him her it us

his her its our

his hers its ours

himself herself itself ourselves













Az alanyt csak az alany helyén használhatjuk pl.He is my best friend. Én vagyok az. → It’s me. Ilyenkor a magyarral ellentétben mindig tárgyesetet használunk. A birtokos jelző után mindig áll főnév pl. Where is my book? A birtokos állítmány a magyar enyém, tiéd övé sorhoz hasonlóan saját maga a főnév. pl. This pen is mine. A visszaható névmás nyomatékosításra, vagy tényleg annak a kifejezésére, hogy valamit magam csinálok, és nem más. pl. I couldn’t believe it myself. → Magam sem hittem. (nyomatékosítás) I always decorate the house myself. → Mindig magam festem a házat. (Nem a szobafestő) A valahogyan érzem magam típusú mondatokban nincs visszaható névmás → I feel good. I feel sick. Ha egy társaságban érzem jól magam, teljesen más szerkezetet használok. → I’m having a good time. I’m enjoying the party.

Általános névmások: somebody, someone,→ valaki, something → valami, somewhere→ valahol, valahová , somehow→ valahogy Állító mondatban, vagy olyan kérdésben, ahol határozott igen választ várok. Egyéb kérdésekben, vagy tagadásban anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere, anyhow. nobody, no-one, nothing, nowhere csak állító mondatban használhatjuk, tagadóban nem, mert dupla tagadás nincs. anybody, anything …etc állító mondatban azt jelenti, bárki, bármi Anybody can do this. → Ezt bárki meg tudja csinálni. Ha a bárki, bármi, stb hangsúlyos helyzetben áll, akkor whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever. Whoever calls, tell them I’m out. /Should anyone cal,l tell them I’m out. → Akárki hív, tagadj le. Wherever you g,o I will find you. → Megtalállak, akárhová mész is. (Ha az ever külön áll, akkor csodálkozást fejez ki. Who ever is that man next to the President? → Ki a csuda az az ember az elnök mellett?) Kölcsönös névmások each other →egymás (kettő) one another → egymás (legalább három) The four contestants greeted one another. → A négy versenyző köszöntötte egymást.


Gyakorlatok 29.

PARIS, FRANCE Fall 2000 It was Tuesday, November 7th, 2000 and instead of facing two or three days on the road, we were heading to Paris for three weeks, delighted with …1…decision to sell our apartment in Florida to allow us this freedom. Our previous visits to Paris had been just 2-4 days, just enough time to develop an appetite to explore …2…of the neighborhoods of this fascinating city. We arrived at Pearson Airport, Toronto, …3…hours prior to our evening departure from Terminal 1, which Air Canada recently began using for international flights. As we approached the departure area we were cheerfully greeted by a smiling hostess who checked our documents and directed …4….to the appropriate counter. The service was cordial and efficient and within minutes we were on our way to the Maple Leaf Lounge. Previously a restaurant, the large space has been redesigned, the glass wall overlooking the runways thankfully retained. Linda camped-out at a computer while…5… watched the U.S. election coverage on TV while enjoying the beverages and snacks. Time flew and we were soon boarding. The Executive First (love those frequent flyer miles!) cabin crew were experienced professionals with the sense of humor that always makes a long flight more bearable. The accommodating and pampering flight attendants kept up a stream of food and beverage service to meet …6… individual needs. Most important, the size of the seat and the ample cabin space afforded maximum comfort and …7…of us curled-up after dinner and slept for several hours. We arrived at Charles De Gaulle airport early, thanks to a brisk tail wind, well-rested and ready to enjoy the day. It was a short walk to immigration and customs and we moved right through, once again feeling very pleased with …8…for having mastered the wheeled-carry-on-for-each-of-us concept. On the way to the RER, we stopped at a bank machine to withdraw …9…francs. We always use bank machines, with our ATM cards, for the convenience and because we get the most beneficial exchange rates. The second class, round-trip fare was 49FF per person and the ride to the Chatelet Les Halles station in the city center took just 25 minutes. We decided to exit and walk to our hotel. We could have switched to metro line 1 in the direction of Chateau de Vincennes for just one stop to the Hotel de Ville station. That would have brought us closer to our destination but we were anxious to hit the streets. It was only a …10…walk and it gave us a chance to use our umbrellas as it began to rain as soon as we exited the station. In fact, the rain was with us a good part of the three weeks, but not enough to dampen our enjoyment.

1. a. ours b. our c. us

2 .a. much b. lot c. some

6. a. somebody’s 7. a. none b. everyone's b. two c. anyone c. both

3. a. a lot b. several c. much

4. a. us b. our c. we

5. a. I b. he c. her

8. a ourselves b. us c. myself

9. a. a lot b. several c. some

10. a. ten-minute b. ten minutes c. of ten minutes



Hospitals Plead for Their Clothes Back EDMONTON, Alberta (Reuters) - Western Canadian hospitals are losing …1…of thousands of dollars each year as staff pilfer medical uniforms that have become a fashion statement thanks to U.S. television shows "ER" and "Scrubs," officials said. Now, …2…medical agency is trying to cure the problem facing an already cash-strapped public health system by offering amnesty to doctors and nurses who return the blue medical uniforms, commonly called scrubs. Edmonton's Capital Health Authority said …3..losses in the form of unreturned scrubs piled up to more than C$250,000 ($195,000) last year. Hospitals in Calgary, Alberta, and Vancouver, British Columbia, are …4…seeing high volumes of the casual, loose-fitting garments disappear as …5…become permanent fixtures in wardrobes of medical professionals. The Edmonton agency said it was encouraging staff to return uniforms to hospitals and clinics throughout the city by Feb. 6 with no questions asked. "Scrubs are very comfortable, and they've been popularized as a fashion item through TV shows like 'ER'," said Wendy Hill, Capital Health's chief operating officer. "As part of …6…initiative, we want to work with …7…staff to make them more aware of the operational impact of scrub availability and cost implications associated with replacing scrubs." Money spent replacing Edmonton's missing medical attire would fund …8…than 500 MRI tests, two pediatric heart transplants or about 75 individual visits for chemotherapy, Hill said. The city's two …9…hospitals have also installed scrub dispensing machines that require staff to return the uniforms …10…they can receive a new set.

a. also

b. our

e. they

h. before

c. one

f. main

i. too

l. more

d. still

g. two

j. hundreds

m. several

o. its

k. theirs

n. this



Golden Gate Bridge History The Golden Gate Bridge, symbol of San Francisco, engineering marvel, subject of many photographs, the result of …1…man's vision and persistence, spans the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. How can …2…visit San Francisco and not see the Golden Gate Bridge? For …3…years before the Golden Gate Bridge was built, the only way to get across San Francisco Bay was by ferry, and by the early twentieth century the Bay was clogged with ferries. In the 1920s, engineer and bridge-builder Joseph Strauss became convinced …4…a bridge should be constructed across the Golden Gate. Many groups opposed him, …5…for their own selfish reasons: the military, loggers, the railroads. The engineering challenge was also enormous - the Golden Gate Bridge area has winds of up to 60 miles per hour, and strong ocean currents sweep through a rugged canyon below the surface. If …6…that weren't enough, it was the middle of the Great Depression, funds were scarce, and the San Francisco Bay Bridge was already under construction. In spite of…7…, Strauss persisted, and San Francisco voters overwhelmingly approved $35 million in bonds to construct the Golden Gate Bridge. The now-familiar art deco Golden Gate Bridge design and International Red color were chosen, and construction began in 1933. The Golden Gate Bridge project was completed in 1937. Strauss was a pioneer in building safety, with innovations including hard hats and daily sobriety tests. The Bay Bridge (which was being built at the …8…time) lost 24 lives while the Golden Gate Bridge lost only 12, an outstanding accomplishment in an era when one man was killed on …9…construction projects for …10…million spent. 32.

Saint Patrick The person who was to become St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was born in Wales about AD 385. His given name was Maewyn. When he was 16, he was sold into slavery to Ireland where …1…was a shepherd for 6 years. While in captivity he studied…2… turned to religion. He escaped slavery and…3… returned to Ireland as a missionary, determined to convert Ireland …4…Christianity. He used the shamrock to …5…the Holy Trinity. Patrick was …6…successful at winning converts. And …7…fact upset the Celtic Druids. Patrick was arrested several times, but escaped …8…time. He traveled throughout Ireland, establishing monasteries …9…the country. He also set up schools and churches,…10… would aid him in his conversion of the Irish country to Christianity. His mission in Ireland …11…for thirty years. After that time, Patrick…12.. to County Down. He died on March 17 in AD 461. That day has been commemorated as St. Patrick's Day ever since. …13… Irish folklore surrounds St. Patrick's Day. Not much of it is actually substantiated. …14…of this lore includes the belief that Patrick raised …15…from the dead. He is also said to have given a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland. Though …16…a Catholic holy day, St. Patrick's Day has evolved into more of a secular holiday. One …17…symbol of the day is the shamrock. And this stems from an Irish tale …18…tells how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to …19…the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent …20…the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day. The holiday, March 17th, is marked by parades in cities across the United States. The largest of these, held since 1762, is in New York City, and draws more than one million spectators each year. In Ireland, it is a religious holiday similar to Christmas and Easter.


10. Elöljárók, vonzatok Az elöljárók – ki gondolná − az előtt a szó előtt állnak, amelyre vonatkoznak. Általában időt, helyet, vagy másféle viszonyt fejeznek ki sokféle árnyalatban. Kapcsolatuk azzal a szóval, amelyre utalnak, lehet 1. laza, amikor a páros mindkét tagja a saját eredeti jelentését hordozza, és 2. szoros, amikor összetételként mást jelentenek, mint külön- külön. pl. Come out of the kitchen. → Gyere ki a konyhából. He is sitting in the pub. → A kocsmában ül. I live in a flat on the second floor. → Egy lakásban lakom, a második emeleten. Ezekben a mondatokban az elöljáró is, és a szó is csak azt jelenti, amit eredetileg is. Viszont a következő mondatokban a jelentés nem összegződik, hanem eltér az eredetitől. He takes after his grandfather. → A nagyapjára hasonlít. I made for the door. → Az ajtó felé igyekeztem. I’m afraid, you have just made it up. → Attól tartok, csak kitaláltad. Look his number up in the directory. → Nézd meg a számát a telefonkönyvben.

Kérdőszavas kérdésnél az elöljáró NEM a kérdőszóval áll, hanem az igével, azaz, a mondat végén. pl. Who are you waiting for? → Kire vársz? Where are you from? → Honnan származol? Ha az elöljáró csak lazán kapcsolódik a tárgyához, akkor is előtte áll, ha ez a tárgy személyes névmás. pl. I couldn’t get across the street. → I couldn’t get across it. Give the tickets to Peter. → Give the tickets to him. Ha az elöljáró igevonzat, akkor jelentést hordozó szó előtt és után is állhat, de a személyes névmás után áll. pl: Look up the new words in a dictionary. / Look the new words up in a dictionary. DE: Look them up in a dictionary. Az igevonzatokat legjobb az igével együtt megtanulni, mert utólag már nem könnyű. Az elöljáróknál figyelnünk kell, hogy melyik elöljáró mit jelent, ha helyviszonyt, és mit, ha időviszonyt fejezünk ki vele. Helyviszonyt fejeznek ki: In - ban, ben , on - rajta, under - alatta (térben) above - felette, behind - mögötte, in front of - előtt, next to - mellett, below - alatt (síkban) to - felé, vhová, vkinek, from -ból, -ből, -tól,-től, inside - bent, outside - kint,előtt, etc past - mellette el, over - fölötte mozgásban etc - mozgást is kifejeznek a helyviszony mellett across - keresztül vmi felületén, through - keresztül vmiben (mint forró kés a vajban) between - között (kettő) among - között (sok) Állhat két, vagy több elöljáró is bonyolultabb helyviszony kifejezésére I took it from behind the cupboard. → A szekrény mögül vettem elő. Come out of my room. → Gyere ki a szobámból. Come with me as far as the bridge. → Gyere velem a hídig.


Időviszonyt fejeznek ki: Since - óta, for - vmennyi ideje, vmeddig, ago - ezelőtt, before - előtt, after - után, in - múlva, within - belül, stb in - napszakban, hónapban, évben on - egy adott napon, vagy jelzős szerkezetben (on a winter day) at - órakor, két- vagy háromnapos ünnepen, éjjel (at the weekend, at Christmas, at 2 o’clock, at night) Egyéb viszonyt fejeznek ki: Of - birtok, with - val-vel, by - által, without - nélkül, besides - azon kívül, hogy, instead of - helyette, about –ról, -ről, Against - ellen, neki-, beyond - túl, despite - ellenére, like - mint, hasonló, except - kivéve, stb like - hasonlóan , as - azonosulva vmivel He lives like a king. → Él, mint „Marci Hevesen”, azaz királyi módon, de ettől még nem ő a király. She works as a secretary. → Titkárnőként dolgozik. (Ő a titkárnő) Ne felejtsük el, elöljáró után a következő ige ige+ing alakban áll.


Gyakorlatok 33.

And the 'Most Fashionable' University Is... NEW YORK (Reuters) - Learning lofty ideas, engaging …1…philosophical debate and cramming for a careermaking degree may be job No. 1 for students, but the New York University campus is also a place to develop fashion sense. Or so says Women's Wear Daily, which …2…Thursday honored New York University…3… the most fashionable college in the United States. The influential fashion newspaper lauded movie star Woody Allen's Greenwich Village alma mater …4…showing off the fashion stylings of "artists, business types, skaters, punks, hippies and bookworms." "The sidewalks are …5…catwalks," the magazine quoted one New York University freshman as saying. Coming…6… second was Washington's Howard University, where students "have an air…7… confidence, a sense of where they're going." Third place went to Texas' Southern Methodist University, where "students can recite the names of the city's newest boutiques as easily as any local style editor," the magazine said. In its first ranking of colleges, the magazine said the university population is essential …8…the fashion industry. "…9… boasting considerable discretionary dollars, the demographic comprises the premier consumers of the near future," wrote Executive Editor Bridget Foley. "…10… its ranks will come a new wave of industry leaders, both creative and business-oriented."

1. a. with b. of c. in

2. a. in b. at c. on

3. a. for b. as c. with

4. a. for b. to c. at

5. a. with b. like c. as

6. a. in b. on c. to

7. a. of b. with c. for

8. a. of b. to c. at

9. a. Always b. Almost c. Already

10. a. For b. From c. Off



Bush Stops at Diner to Boost U.S. Economy ROSWELL, N.M. (Reuters) - President Bush …1…fire for a U.S. economy not producing many new jobs, tried to encourage consumer spending ...2…Thursday from behind the counter …3…the Nothin' Fancy Cafe. Bush's motorcade stopped at the Roswell, New Mexico eatery …4…lunch and Bush stepped behind the counter, threw his arm …5…the shoulder of the owner and said: "I need some ribs." When reporters began hitting him ….6….questions, he declined to cooperate and challenged them to buy something since "you've got plenty of money …7….your pocket." "This is my chance to help this lady put some money in her pocket," Bush said. "Let me explain how the economy works. When you spend money to buy food, it helps this lady's business. It makes it more likely somebody is going to find work." The stop was evidence that Bush is moving into campaign mode …8…of the November presidential election. He bought a $42.95 takeout order …9…ribs, fried okra, cornbread and buttermilk pie for the Air Force One flight to Washington. Democrats have accused Bush of leading a jobless recovery because the economy is growing at a strong pace but not producing a high number of jobs.

a. over

b. of

e. under

h. during

c. at

f. in

i. for

l. on



j. back

m. since

o. ahead

k. with

n. outside



Elephant Makes Daring Escape from Zoo AUCKLAND (Reuters) - An elephant briefly escaped from New Zealand's Auckland zoo on Friday after dropping a log on an electrified fence and crashing …1…a gate. Twenty-year-old Burma, one of two elephants …2…the zoo, was free …3…about half an hour, forcing some road closures during the morning commuter rush, but posed no threat to people and did no damage to any other property. The 2.8-ton Asian elephant, which stands …4…two-and-a-half meters (eight feet) tall, was found in a park behind the zoo and keepers walked her …5…to her enclosure to join the other elephant. "When the keepers found her she vocally responded -- it was almost a 'thank goodness you're here'," said Maria Finnegan, the zoo's director …6…life sciences. "She was a little shaken and both the girls were clearly happy to be reunited." Burma had neutralized the electrified fence around the elephant enclosure …7…dropping a large log onto it, then climbed into a moat and walked along the perimeter fence …8…pushing through a gate to enter the neighboring park, she said. "We think it was an opportunistic thing, not a deliberate action, she's realized the fence was not there and then decided to roam...." Finnegan said the elephants had recently been allowed to roam their enclosure …9…the warm summer nights, but the zoo would now strengthen the fence and keep the pair indoors overnight …10…the control of keepers.


Great Wall Getting Less Great BEIJING (Reuters) - The Great Wall of China is shrinking as tourism and development take their toll …1…one of the world's most famous monuments, state media said Monday. "Only one third of the 3,950 miles …2…wall now exists and the length is still shortening," the official Xinhua news agency said, citing a recent report. The Great Wall was begun in 221 B.C. …3…the Qin dynasty as an earthen structure to ward off invaders. Much of the heavy stonework and parapets seen snaking …4…the hills and plains of north China were built …5…the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). The United Nations listed it …6…a World Heritage Site in 1987, and it was protected …7…development by Chinese law. But developers continued …8…encroach and farmers ignorant of laws protecting the wall used its bricks …9…their courtyards and even pigpens, Xinhua said. It cited one recent instance of damage…10… a Hebei province developer, who removed a portion of the wall 600 years old. "The blocks removed …11…the Great Wall rampart had been set aside and …12…both sides of the breach, two sections …13…1,000-meter new cement wall replaced the original wall," Xinhua said. The developer was fined 100,000 yuan ($12,080), it said, quoting him …14…saying he was only trying to keep the wall …15…deteriorating. "Improper repair is just one kind …16…destruction," Dong Yaohui, general-secretary of the Great Wall Society …17…China was quoted as saying. "It's much better to keep it…18… it was if we can't repair it properly." The number of visitors -- ten million a year -- also has contributed to wear and tear, Dong said, calling …19…tourism departments to "find a balance …20…development and protection."


MEGOLDÁSOK 1. 1. b, 2. a, 3 .b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. b, 8. c, 9. a, 10. b 2. 1. f , 2. h , 3. c, 4. m, 5. a , 6. j , 7. l , 8. g , 9. n , 10. o 3. 1. to, 2. that, 3. while, 4. were, 5. having, 6. without, 7. and, 8. their, 9. was, 10.more 4. 1. doing, completing, 2. around, 3. have, 4. killed, 5. police, 6. arena, stadium, 7. the, this, 8. a, 9. of, 10. only, mere, 5. 1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. a, 5. c, 6. c, 7. a, 8. c, 9. a, 10. b 6. 1. f, 2. o, 3. c, 4. i, 5. b, 6. h, 7. k, 8. a, 9. m, 10. j 7. 1. has, 2. took, 3. were, 4. had, 5. did, 6. was, 7. don't, 8. is, 9. have, 10. are 8. 1. dubbed, named, called, 2. is, 3. brings, carries, 4. prompted, caused, 5. caused, 6. evacuated, emptied 7. be, 8. were, 9. rose, got, 10. wondering 9. 1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c , 5. a, 6. c, 7. b, 8. c, 9. b, 10. a, 10. 1. b, 2. j, 3. o, 4. g, 5. m, 6. e, 7.a, 8. i, 9. d, 10. f, 11. 1. should, 2. could, 3. can, 4. will, 5. can't, 6. has, 7. have, 8. can't, 9. may, 10. is, 11. would, 12. will, 13. has, 14.can, 15. can, 16. could, 17. had, 18. would, 19. could, 20. would, 21.is, 22. would, 23. are, 24. may, 25. are 12. 1. a, 2. for, 3. told, 4. proposing, offering, recommending, 5. of, 6. said, thought, 7. peace, 8. would, 9. along, together, 10. would, 13. 1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b, 6. c, 7. b, 8. a, 9. c, 10. b 14. 1. f, 2. a, 3. h, 4. c, 5 .e, 6. j, 7. l, 8. d, 9. b, 10. n 15. 1. to, 2. with, 3. to, 4. has, 5. were, 6. to , 7.could, 8. to, 9. than , 10.could 16. 1. to , 2.wearing , 3.to, at, 4. said, 5. have, 6. adding, saying, 7. losing , 8. if , 9. should, must, 10.and , 11.are, 12. will, 13. wearing, 14. would, 15. planned, 16. living, working, 17. added, said, 18. including, 19. are, 20. to 17. 1. c, 2. c, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. a, 7. c, 8. b, 9. c, 10. a 18. 1. m, 2. c, 3. h, 4. a, 5. i, 6. n, 7. f 8. b, 9. k, 10. e 19. 1. that, which 2. which , 3.But, 4. when, 5. while, when 6. that, which, 7. which, 8. and , 9.where, 10. because 20. 1.and 2. which, that, 3. this 4. that 5.told, informed, 6. has, 7. and, 8. are, 9. plants, 10. which, that, 11. the, 12. Among, 13. and, 14. which, that, 15. used, 16. have, 17. than, 18. which, 19. to, 20. that 21. 1. b, 2. a, 3. b. 4. c, 5.a, 6.c, 7.c, 8.a, 9 .b, 10. a 22. 1. j, 2. d, 3. a, 4. l, 5. e, 6. c,7. o, 8. f, 9. n, 10. h 23. 1.−, 2. the, 3. a, 4. the, 5. the, 6. −, 7. the, 8. an, 9. −, 10.−, 11. the, 12. a, 13. −, 14. the, 15. the, 16. the, 17. the, 18.−,19. a, 20. the, 21. the, 22. the, 23. the, 24. a, 25. a, 26. the, 27. a, 28. the, 29. the, 30. the


24. 1. love, 2. the, 3. a, 4. singles, people, men , women, 5. room, 6. fries, 7. man, guy, 8. a, 9. men, guys, 10. feet , 11.blond, woman, girl, 12. something, 13. the, 14. a, 15. position, 16. the, 17. humor, 18. couple, two, pair, 19.sports, 20. evening 25. 1. a, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. c, 8. b, 9. c, 10. c 26. 1. f, 2. o, 3. d, 4. h, 5. m, 6. a, 7. j, 8. b, 9. l, 10. c 27. 1. as, 2. before, 3. and, 4. don't, 5. every, 6. the, 7. then, 8. while, 9. as, 10. but 28. 1. black , 2.Empire, 3. the, 4. started, began, 5. far, 6. countries, 7. and, 8. abroad, 9. traded, sold, purchased, bought, 10. is, 11. perfectly, well, nicely, 12. consist, 13. more, 14. tea , 15. first, 16.ships, 17. drinking, consumption, 18. the, 19. water, 20. spaces, squares, lots, places 21.quick, 22. both, 23. totally, fatally,very, 24. only, 25. to, 26. but, 27. into, 28. with, 29. of, 30. later, 31. wars, 32. little, bit, 33.sweetened, 34. by, 35. soon, later 36. tea, 37. quality, 38. freshly, 39. clotted, whipped, 40. Live 29. 1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b, 7. c, 8. a, 9. c, 10.a 30. 1. j, 2. c, 3. o, 4. a, 5. e, 6. n, 7. b, 8. l, 9. f, 10. h, 31. 1. one, a, 2. you, one, 3. many, 4. that, 5. each, 6. all, 7. everything, that, 8. same, 9. most, 10. every 32. 1. he , 2. and , 3. later,then, 4. to, 5. explain, demonstrate, 6.quite ,very, 7. this ,the, 8.each ,every, 9.across , 10. which , 11.lasted , 12. retired, went ,13. Much , 14. Some, 15. people ,men, 16. originally, first , 17.traditional, old , 18. that,which, 19. explain, demonstrate , 20. how 33. 1. c, 2. c, 3. b,4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. a, 8. b, 9. c, 10. b 34. 1. e, 2. l, 3. c, 4. i, 5. a, 6. k, 7. f, 8. o, 9. b, 10. j 35. 1. through, 2. at, 3. for, 4. about, 5. back 6. of, 7. by, 8. before, 9. during, 10. under 36. 1. on , 2. of , 3. during , 4. across , 5. during , 6. as, 7. against, 8. to, 9. for , 10. by , 11. from , 12. on 13. of , 14. as , 15. from , 16. of , 17. of , 18. as , 19. on , 20. between


Második fejezet



Feleletválasztós feladatok 1.

Army Joins Struggle to Save Beer MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has sent in the army to bolster a …1…struggle to rescue 10 tons of beer trapped …2…Siberian ice, Itar-Tass news agency said Tuesday. A lorry …3…the beer sank when trying to cross the …4…Irtysh river,…5… a rescue team of six divers, 10 workers and a modified T-72 tank from the emergencies ministry have so far failed to save the load. "The situation …6…according to our ideal scenario," the deputy head of the Cherlaksky region, told the agency. Temperatures were around minus 27 degrees Celsius (minus 17 degrees Fahrenheit) in the region, near the Siberian city of Omsk and …7…1,400 miles from Moscow. A week-long effort to cut a 100 yard corridor to the river …8…to pull the truck to dry land failed when the vehicle …9…away from the rescue site, Tass said. But it said the soldiers were confident it would take them just a day …10…the beer. 1. a. weekly b. week-long c. one week

2. a. over b. below c. under

3. a. carried b. carrying c. carry in

4. a. freezing b. frozen c. icing

5. a. and b. so c. still

6. a. wasn’t developing b. did develop c. hasn't developed

7. a. around b. along c. more

8. a. beach b.shore c. bank

9. a. was swept b. was sweeping c. has swept

10. a. to retrieve b. retrieving c. retrieved


Police Told to Watch Their Ps and Qs LONDON (Reuters) - Scottish police have been told not to ask people if they are married in case it causes offence to gays, and to refrain …1…calling elderly people "old." New directives issued to Lothian and Borders police …2…in new guidelines that also instruct officers not to refer to women as "pet," "love" or "dear." The word "homosexual"…3… also be avoided because it is derogatory and stems from a…4…century notion that homosexuality was an illness, the guidelines say. "Embarrassment can also be caused to people by asking them questions …5…appear to assume a particular sexual orientation, …6…"Are you married?..".," according to a booklet, issued after officers were sent on political correctness courses. Calling people "old" can be offensive as it suggests "worn out" and "of little use," officers were advised. Older or elderly are deemed …7…appropriate, while terms such as "old fool" should be avoided by all means. The police force, which covers around a third of Scotland's population including in the capital Edinburgh, said Monday it realized that …8…language was difficult. But it denied the booklet was a result of political correctness gone mad. "We live in very dangerous and sensitive times …9…language and attitudes," Lothian and Borders Deputy Chief Constable Tom Wood said. "People are very quick …10….offence." 1. a. from b.with c. by

2. a. include b. are included c. included

3. a. should b. would c. might

4. a. latest b. 19. c. 19th

5. a. which b. what c. −

6. a. example b. or such c. such as

7. a. by far b. little bit c. much more

8. a. changed b. changing c. having changed

9. a. concerns b. in terms of c. in the name

10. a. taken b. to take c. taking



You'll Never Guess Who's Still Alive LONDON (Reuters) - British war leader Winston Churchill's foul-mouthed 104-year old parrot refused to surrender to newshounds Monday …1…a British newspaper tracked the bird down and discovered it was still alive. "They've been trying to get him …2…all day, but he's not saying much," said Sylvia Martin, who manages Heathfield Nurseries where parrot Charlie has lived …3…12 years. Charlie, who kept Churchill company during World War II, was famous…4… occasionally squawking fourletter obscenities about Hitler. But Martin told Reuters the bird has mellowed. "He …5…very much anymore -- usually just hello and goodbye. But he does get so …6…about music and dances to it. He's very fit." Charlie -- invariably referred to as "he" despite being female -- is now owned by Peter Oram, the garden center's owner, Martin said. Oram's father-in-law sold Churchill the bird and …7…to take it back after the prime minister died in 1965. Steve Nichols, founder of Britain's National Parrot Sanctuary, said that …8…parrots did not …9…live longer than 40 in the wild, some had lived to up to 110. "It's obviously had the best life…10," he said. 1. a during b. before c. after

2. a. speaking b. to talk c. chat

3. a. for the last b. since c. in the

4. a. of b. for c. from

5. a. hasn’t said b. didn’t speak c. doesn't say

6. a. angry b. excited c. annoyed

7. a. was asked b. had asked c. was asking

8. a. also b. although c. not all

9. a. often b. more c. somehow

10. a. since b. possible c. can be


Athens Greece is a very exciting but…1… place to visit. In fact it was one of the first things I noticed - how laid-back Greeks can be. When in Athens, we stayed at the Plaka Hotel, which, as the name indicates, is in the Plaka area of Athens. The Plaka is a labyrinth of white streets full of markets, shops, people, tavernas, cafes and more people. …2…places of …3…in Athens can be found in and around the Plaka vicinity. Here you can also enjoy a great view of the Acropolis both day and night. The entrance to the Acropolis is only 20 minutes walk from the Plaka. It's best to get there early…4…, before crowds swarm the area. Most of the Acropolis has taken a beating from the weather of the centuries and most of it has been covered by scaffold for some years. It seems …5…it is under constant renovation. Unfortunately, many of the artifacts around the complex …6…or moved to museums, being replaced by replicas. It was fascinating to view the changing of the Guards at Parliament House, which…7… came from Macedonia. Tall, thick-set men dressed in pleated skirt-like costumes and shoes …8…resemble pom-pom adorned clogs. A must see! Monastriaki is one of Athen's markets districts,…9… it has an Eastern feel with street vendors, pavement stalls, shouting and bargaining etc. Another interesting observation, was the pockets of ancient ruins (rubble) scattered around the Plaka area. My recommendation is that you would not really need …10…three full days in Athens to see everything - get yourself to the Greek Islands! 1. a resting b. relaxing c. getting tired

2. a. More b. Lot c. Most

3. a. important b. interesting c. significance

4. a. explore b. to explore c. exploring

5. a. as if b. when c. to be

6. a. have been stolen b. have taken c. have gone

7. a. original b. lately c. traditionally

8. a. − b. what c. that

9. a. where b. which c. that

10. a. as little b. so long c. more than



Cat A Norse legend tells of the chariot of Freya, the witch, which was pulled by black cats that became black horses. They were exceedingly swift and surely possessed by the Devil. After serving Freya …1…seven years, the cats were rewarded by …2…into witches, disguised as black cats. This seems …3…to the belief in the Middle Ages that black cats were familiars of witches, and after seven years, became witches…4…. They believed if a black cat crossed your path, Satan was taking notice of you. A black cat is lucky or unlucky, depending on …5…you live. Cats were sacred to the goddess, Isis, in Egyptian mythology. Bast or Pasht, the daughter of Isis, was represented with the face of a cat. …6…who killed a cat was put to death. Archaeologists in Egypt found cat cemeteries from which a shipment of embalmed cats …7…to England. In Egypt it was believed that a black cat crossing one's path brought good luck. In East Anglia, England, they used to mummify cats and place them in the walls of their homes to ward off evil spirits. If a black cat walks …8…you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it …9…the good luck with it. Keep cats away from babies because they "suck the breath" of the child. A cat on board of a ship …10…to bring luck. 1. a. to b. for c. since

2. a. turned b. turning c. being turned

3. a. being led b. to be leading c. to have led

4. a. theirs b. themselves c. they

5. a. where b. place c. home

6. a. Anyone b. Somebody c. Whoever

7. a. were taken b. was taken c. were taking

8. a. forward b. across c. towards

9. a. takes b. brings c. fetches

10. a. is considered b. is thinking c. is watched


The age of conversion The Viking Age was a period of considerable religious change in Scandinavia. Part of the popular image of the Vikings …1…they were all pagans, with a hatred of the Christian Church, but this view is very misleading. It is true that …2…the entire population of Scandinavia was pagan at the beginning of the Viking Age, but the Vikings had many gods, and it was no problem for them …3…the Christian god alongside their own. Most scholars today believe that Viking attacks on Christian churches had nothing to do with religion, but …4…to do with the fact that monasteries were typically …5…wealthy and poorly defended, making them an easy target for plunder. The Vikings came into contact with Christianity …6…their raids, and when they settled in lands with a Christian population, they adopted Christianity quite quickly. This was true in Normandy, Ireland, and throughout the British Isles. …7…contemporary accounts say little about this, we can see it in the archaeological evidence. Pagans buried their dead with grave goods, but Christians normally didn't, and this makes it relatively easy to spot the change in religion. As well as conversion abroad, the Viking Age also saw a …8…conversion in Scandinavia itself, as Anglo-Saxon and German missionaries arrived to convert the pagans. By the mid-11th century, Christianity was well established in Denmark and most of Norway. Although there was a temporary conversion in Sweden in the early 11th century, …9…until the mid-12th century that Christianity became established there. As part of the process of conversion the Christians took over traditional pagan sites. A good example of this can be seen at Gamle Uppsala in Sweden, where the remains of an early church …10…alongside a series of huge pagan burial mounds. 1. a is that b. that is c. are that

2. a. most b. almost c. more

3. a. to except b. to expect c. to accept

4. a. many b. more c. most

5. a. same b. both c. two

6. a. through b. after c. with

7. a. However b. Although c. In spite

8. a. gradual b. slowly c. soon

9. a. it couldn’t b. it didn’t c. it wasn't

10. a. stand b. stay c. remain



Summer Feeders For …1….reason, people seem to think that the only time to feed birds in the backyard is in fall and winter. The truth is, birds can be enjoyed at feeders the year around, and feeding birds in summer …2…be even more rewarding than at any other time of the year. First, we must understand why …3…birds. It is not to help the birds, …4…they can survive very well without any help …5…us. A study of Black-capped Chickadees in Wisconsin in winter showed that the birds obtained only 25 percent of their daily diet from feeders, even when feeder food …6…readily available. Birds are not dependent on us for food, and the only reason to feed them is for our own enjoyment. Summer feeding of birds gives us even more enjoyment, because the birds are in their breeding plumage, they…7… by their youngsters, and there are species …8…feeders in summer that are not present in winter. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks in the East and Black-headed Grosbeaks in the West are good examples. There are hummingbirds and orioles, …9…to sugar water throughout the continent in summer, which are not present in winter. Bluebirds and American Robins, and some woodpeckers and sparrows, are all common feeder birds in summer that are in warmer climates in winter. So, this summer, feed and water the birds, and see if you don’t get an …10…kick out of the sport than even before. 1. a anything b. whatever c. any other

2. a. may b. must c. need

3. a. do we feed b. feed us c. we feed

4. a. because b. although c. so

5. a. with b. for c. from

6. a. is b. could c. was

7. a.often accompany b. are often accompanied c. accompanying

8. a. using b. usable c. used

9. a. attracted b. appealed c. pleased

10. a. much still b. even bigger c. evenly strong


Coney Island and Simple Pleasures I am originally from Brooklyn, New York and I have many memories when I was growing up there. I remember going to Coney Island and …1…hot dogs and fries in a cone. There was never …2…hot dog than Coney Island.It took …3…years for Nathan's hot dogs to finally make their ways into the American grocery stores. Now, it's like tasting an …4…youthful meal. At Coney Island, they had an amusement park called Steeplechase. I remember that I thought the rides there were the scariest there ever were. They had the one price for a day’s fun with the "hole punching" necklace. They counted your rides by a countdown system and the "no lose" necklace. I remember going to the movies with 50 cents and …5…enter the double feature plus cartoons and have …6..money left for popcorn, a soda AND a candybar. It seemed like lot of money in those days!! I can remember driving for hours …7…to see the beach and go swimming. When we moved to California, I was amazed to see the beach so close to our house. Saturday afternoons were sometimes spent in an indoor skating rink. I remember spending the …8…day there and not complain that there was "nothing to do". Transportation was so different growing up in the city. It was a daily thing for a kid to take the bus alone or go somewhere on the train. Nowadays, it's too dangerous. Life sure did seem …9…easier when I was growing up. Now nothing seems …10…kids.!!! 1. a to be bought b. to buy c. buying

2. a. so nice b. as good c. a better

3. a. many b. lot c. plenty

4. a. enjoying b. enjoyable c. enjoyed

5. a. you could b. being able to c. and can

6. a. almost b. too c. enough

7. a. just b. so c. till

8. a. whole b. full c. length

9. a. much more b. by far c. so much

10. a. to please b. to be like c. to be fond



Study: Learning to Juggle Causes Changes in Brain LONDON (Reuters) - It's a great party trick and useful for circus performers but scientists said Wednesday …1…learning to juggle can cause changes in areas of the adult brain. Mastering the skill …2…the amount of gray matter in areas of the brain that process and store visual information, proving what was not thought …3…-- that new stimuli can alter the brain's structure. A comparison of brain-imaging scans of non-jugglers and other volunteers …4…they learned to juggle and three months later, revealed an increase in gray matter in certain areas of the …5…trained jugglers' brains. "Our results challenge our view of the human central nervous system. Human brains probably …6…be viewed as dynamic, changing with development and normal learning," said Arne May, of the University of Regensburg in Germany, who headed the research team. Gray matter …7…to parts of the brain and spinal cord that are comprised of the tightly packed nuclei of nerve cells. In the brain it is mainly found in the outer layers of the cerebrum which is responsible…8… advanced mental functions. In a report in the science journal Nature, May and his colleagues said brain scans done three months after the new jugglers …9…juggling showed the increase in gray matter had been reduced. "I believe the challenge we face is...to be able to adapt and modulate this knowledge into disease management," May …10…in an email interview. 1. a that b. if c. so

2. a. increases b. makes c. growths

3. a. probably b. maybe c. possible

4. a. before b. since c. previous

5. a. fresh b. newly c. brand new

6. a. must b. has to c. ought

7. a. referring b. refers c. is referred

8. a. to b. for c. of

9. a. have stopped b. had stopped c. stopped

10. a. adding b. add c. added


Off Key? Off Color? City Bans Karaoke Booths SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Karaoke singers in the California city of San Mateo can still sound as …1…as they want, but now they will have to do it in public. The city council of San Mateo, located just south of San Francisco, voted unanimously on Tuesday in favor of a 45-day emergency ban on karaoke booths, …2…the sound-proofed rooms found in clubs a potential haven for prostitution, underage drinking, fights and robberies. "Our police department thinks there …3…significant problems in the greater Bay area with private karaoke rooms," San Mateo council member John Lee said. "It is hard …4…the law in private rooms." Karaoke,…5… popular in Asia where customers pack clubs offering private singing rooms, is starting to gain a big following in the United States. The San Mateo ban does not affect the one public karaoke room operating in the city. Police …6…now decide how they want the city to address the private rooms …7…customers can sing without having to perform for others, Lee said. A restaurant owner in San Mateo has applied…8… a permit to operate four private karaoke booths. Some opponents of the ban …9…testified before Tuesday night's vote argued that the private rooms offered poor singers a chance to sing a love song without fear of embarrassment. "My voice is terrible," Walter Lei, a San Francisco bus driver told the San Francisco Chronicle. "If I were singing here, everybody …10…off." 1. a worse b. bad c. terribly

2. a. called b. to call c. calling

3. a. have been b. should be c. has to be

4. a. to enforce b. enfocing c. we enforce

5. a. a lot b. hugely c. wide

6. a. might b. will c. would

7. a. where b. which c. in what

8. a. to b. of c. for

9. a. − b. who c. which

10. a. would run b. runs c. may run


Megoldások 1. 1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. b, 5. a, 6. c, 7. a, 8. c, 9. a, 10. a 2. 1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. c, 8. b, 9. b, 10. b 3. 1. c, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. a. 10. b 4. 1. b, 2. c, 3. c, 4. b ,5. a ,6. a ,7. c, 8. c, 9. a, 10. c 5. 1. b, 2. c, 3. c, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. c, 9. a, 10. a 6. 1. a, 2. b, 3. c, 4. b, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. c, 10. a 7. 1. b, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a, 5. c, 6. c, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b 8. 1. c, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. c, 7 .a, 8. a, 9. c, 10. a 9. 1. a, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. b, 9. b, 10. c 10. 1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. c, 9. b, 10. a


Tizenötből tíz


High on Own Supply, Drug Smuggler Left Shirtless BANGKOK (Reuters) - A 35-year-old Briton, high on his own supply, smuggled 9,000 ecstasy tablets past eight customs officials in Thailand before being stopped on the street the next day and arrested for not wearing a shirt. Alan John Kiernan arrived…1… Thailand from Switzerland Friday and made it through customs with the ecstasy haul -- …2…5 million baht ($127,600) -- hidden in special panels sewn into his sweat pants. If found guilty, he could face the death penalty. Police said Kiernan, …3…travel documents said he came from Southampton in southern England, had told them he wanted to sell the pills to…4… in Bangkok. "The pills were found wrapped neatly in a plastic bag and hidden in his sweat pants. They were …5…made with several layers," one police officer said. Paraded in handcuffs before television …6…at a police news conference, Kiernan confessed to smuggling the tablets but said he had…7… been caught because he was walking around a park topless while trying to phone his local contact. "They didn't catch me at the airport," he told Reuters Television. "I got through eight …8…without being stopped once. "This morning that copper over there arrested me for not having a shirt on. The next thing you know, he's pulled out these ecstasy tablets," he said, …9…to his trousers. He added he had taken a few pills himself and appeared to accept his fate relatively calmly. His only regret was not being able to see a bit more of the sprawling Thai capital, he said. "I can't even get out …10…a look around," he complained.

a. specially

b. in

e. worth

h. cameras

c. to have

f. customs

i. habit

l. foreigners

d. only

g. while

j. whose

m. for

o. since

k. teenager

n. pointing



Oh, Baby It's Cold Inside, Town Loses Heat WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - What happens when it's -40 C (-40 F) outside and the heat goes off? Residents in the small Canadian town of Stonewall, Manitoba, found out on Thursday morning after natural gas stopped…1… to the town's more than 1,500 homes and business overnight, leaving them …2…heat as the wind chill hit a bone-numbing -52 C. "I think it's going to be more than a three-dog night tonight," Ross Thompson, …3…of Stonewall, told CBC Radio. Emergency officials quickly …4…patients from the town's small hospital to heated hospitals in …5…towns, and were helping people find ways to stay warm, he said. "Nobody's …6…panicking," Thompson said. Natural gas supplier Manitoba Hydro said it …7…the reason for the gas disruption but expected to start relighting furnace pilot lights on Thursday afternoon. It advised …8…to use electric heaters, wood fireplaces and even electric ovens …9…warm and keep their water pipes from freezing. "I'm running the water, and my wife …10… have any dishes to do when she gets home, because I've had the dishwater going all morning," Stonewall resident Gerry Holmstrom said.

b. residents

a. mayor

e. nearby

h. moved

f. majority

i. to run

l. thought

c. won't

d. without

g. to stay

j. really

m. flowing

o. didn't know

k. to flow

n. close



New Coins Being Gobbled Up HANOI (Reuters) - New coins introduced by Vietnam's Central Bank are being gobbled up -- not by collectors, but rather by…1… who swallow them after mistaking them for sweets. Since three coins were made available in mid-December after a …2…absence, doctors have treated at least 17 children for swallowing them. Over the…3… Lunar New Year holidays, six children aged between two and 10 …4…in the central province of Quang Nam after swallowing coins, the Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported Thursday. Money is a…5… good luck gift for children during the festival. The mishaps are an unforeseen headache for Vietnam's central bank, which …6…the coins would promote the use of vending machines …7…other conveniences. The launch of Vietnam's new money has faced other glitches. Polymer-based, counterfeit proof banknotes that were also introduced last month were hit …8…rumors that the bills would be withdrawn because they had no year of issue …9…on them. Then jewelry shops complained that their counting machines couldn't read the new notes. The central bank has been forced to issue stern admonitions. "Any individual …10…refuses to circulate the bank notes issued by the State Bank of Vietnam will be named as a lawbreaker and will face tough punishments," deputy governor Nguyen Thi Kim Phung said last month. In addition to a new 500,000 dong ($32) note, Vietnam also circulated a new design of its 50,000-dong note.

b. and

a. two-decade

e. were treated

h. little boy

f. who

i. by

l. recent

c. with

d. traditional

g. printed

j. children

m. was given

o. had hoped

k. twenty years

n. so



Badly Behaved American Kicked Out of Brazil SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) - An American tourist who splashed a cup of water …1…a crying baby on a flight from the United States headed back home two days after being barred from entering Brazil, police said on Friday. Ronald Duffy, a 35-year-old from Pennsylvania, had been denied …2…to the country on Wednesday morning because of the incident and was then kicked off another flight back to Miami on Thursday after he began …3…again before take-off. He eventually left just before midnight on Thursday after spending …4…of the day in police custody, a police spokeswoman said. Duffy had planned …5…Carnival in the northern city of Salvador with his Brazilian girlfriend. His woes …6…in Miami on Tuesday. American Airlines refused to board him on its flight to Sao Paulo …7…of his behavior at check-in. He got on a TAM airlines flight and found himself sitting by a couple with a baby. Annoyed by the toddler's crying, he asked for a cup of water then doused the baby with it. He said he …8…to sleep. Police said later he was drunk. Duffy narrowly avoided being beaten up by other passengers and was arrested -- to applause -- when the plane landed in Sao Paulo. "He can try and …9…another visa but he might find it difficult as his last one was canceled for bad behavior," the spokeswoman said." It was the …10…incident involving a U.S. citizen at Sao Paulo airport this month. Two weeks ago, an American Airlines pilot was arrested and fined almost $13,000 after making an obscene gesture while being photographed by immigration officials.

a. began

b. moment

e. entry

h. second

f. because

i. had wanted

l. most

c. over

d. get

g. was trying

j. to apply for

m. entering

o. following

k. misbehaving

n. to spend



Dingo Howls His Way Into History CANBERRA (Reuters) - A howling success in outback Australia, Dinky, a singing and piano-playing dingo, is about…1… immortalized in a board game. The three-year-old native wild dog has won a …2…competition to identify the Australian with the most trivial feat, to star in a question in a 20th anniversary …3…of the local version of the board game Trivial Pursuit. The dingo was saved from a wild dog culling program …4…a six-week-old pup by Jim Cotterill, the owner of a roadhouse in central Australia, who…5… discovered his new pet had talent. Dinky began impromptu performances whenever Jim's two daughters played the piano and, with a little encouragement, …6…also strut across the keyboard. His act has become a …7…attraction at Jim's Place Roadhouse at Stuart's Well, 61 miles south …8…Alice Springs in the red center of Australia. "He'll sing to …9…really but he prefers a happy song, something …10…and high," Carole Levesque, the manager of Jim's Place, told Reuters Friday.

a. sad

b. as

e. nationwide

h. of

c. tourist

f. from

i. soon

l. edition

d. like

g. to be

j. anything

m. gay

o. international

k. getting

n. would



Police Arrest 52 in Email Scam Raids AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Amsterdam police said on Thursday …1…had arrested 52 people in the Dutch capital in …2…with an email scam designed to defraud the gullible with get-rich-quick schemes. Police said the group was suspected of …3…some 100,000 email messages to …4…in Japan and the United States. The emails claim to be …5…a well-known individual or the individual's relative and …6…the recipient a percentage payment from a sum of up to $20 million for help in transferring frozen funds to an accessible place. In such scams -- made infamous by West African fraudsters -- once the victim…7…, he or she is then is usually asked to put up hefty sums for air fares or other pretences. "It is surprising that despite …8…reports about this people continue to be so naive as to take part in these proposals," the statement said. A police spokesman declined to say whether those arrested were Dutch citizens or foreign nationals. The …9…were seized in raids on 23 locations around Amsterdam, along with a number of personal computers, mobile phones,…10… documents and a total of 50,000 euros ($62,340) in cash.

a. they

b. false

e. repeated

h. criminal

c. is hooked

f. promise

i. sending

l. addresses

d. from

g. again

j. contact

m. suspects

o. place


n. connection



Polish President: I Was a Suspected Illegal Alien WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski said on Wednesday he was…1… suspected by Canadian authorities of being an illegal immigrant, during an unexpected stopover on a flight back from Washington. Kwasniewski said a snowstorm forced his plane …2…from Gander, Newfoundland, to nearby St. John's, as he returned from the U.S. visit during which he asked President Bush to relax visa requirements for Polish citizens. "We saw what it feels …3…when an unexpected guest arrives -- who in the beginning is treated as a potential illegal immigrant. And that is…4… we were treated," a good humored Kwasniewski told a news conference. "The passengers from my plane were held in a place where we could not leave ... it all …5…about three hours," he said. A Canadian foreign ministry spokeswoman said that, because the plane had landed late in the evening, the passengers …6…to a transit area to see whether they wanted temporary visas for an overnight stay. "At no time were they detained ... at no time was President Kwasniewski ever suspected of …7…an illegal alien," said Kimberly Phillips, adding that Kwasniewski himself had been given a police escort and taken to an executive boardroom. She said officials had expressed their …8…to the Polish government for any inconvenience that Kwasniewski might have suffered. Kwasniewski said the group was released after several Polish sailors saw him and began asking for autographs, demonstrating that he was famous. Phillips said she could not comment on this. Poland …9…one reward for its help in the U.S.-led war on Iraq would be an easing of visa rules to match the visa exemptions enjoyed by other European nations, including …10…that opposed the war. "The U.S. ambassador, (Christopher) Hill, was traveling with us, and he said: 'I hope you won't be so upset about U.S. visa rules, now that you've seen how it is in Canada'," Kwasniewski said.

a. land

b. took

e. briefly

h. regrets

c .transfering

f. being

i. more

l. how

d. to divert

g. several

j. like

m. they are

o. makes

k. had hoped

n. were taken



Investigation of Stand-In Prisoners COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark's judicial establishment demanded an investigation into the practice of criminals paying stand-ins to serve their prison…1… . Danish prison authorities …2…the tools to check prisoners' identities thoroughly, giving rise to the scam. "We know …3…six cases of stand-in inmates since 1996 but we can of course not guarantee …4…haven't been other cases that we don't know of," Annette Esdorf, deputy head of the Department of Prison and Probation, told Reuters Wednesday. Prison officials cannot demand photo identification and are not …5…to take fingerprints, so a substitute only has to …6…the original written conviction and a doctor's certificate as proof of his identity, officials said. Danish Justice Minister Lene Espersen demanded an investigation and said the matter …7…"very serious." "It is of course completely unacceptable if you can cheat your way out of a prison sentence," she said in a statement. Esdorf said all Danish jails …8…to inform her if they had problems identifying prisoners,…9… her office was considering investing in fingerprinting equipment. Hiring a prison stand-in and serving time for another person are …10…by fines or jail terms of up to one year.

a. there

b. don’t need

e. product

h. lack

f. was

i. punishable

l. present

c. it

d. of

g. equipped

j. while

m. convicting

o. had been asked

k. time

n. sentences



The year 2000 The year 2000 is history. This was it-the Big Bang. Two thousand zero-zero. MM. We lived it. Or, at the very least, we lived…1… it. The year 2000 began auspiciously. …2…the Y2K Crisis? That was the year's first millisecond. The next 366 days featured a razor-thin Presidential election, the sinking of a Russian nuclear…3…, the crash of a Concorde jet, the emergence of Napster and the phenomenon of "Survivor." All in all, an interesting year but …4…rated "once-in-a-millennium." In the end 2000 was a hanging chad, a year of inconclusive decisions and unfinished efforts. …5…was supposed to happen didn't. Apocalypse? Later. Nostradamus …6…terror raining down from the skies but the Y2K bug didn't strike until November 7, Election Day. And what about all of those pie-in-the-sky forecasts about flying cars and food pills and robots …7…your laundry-a technological utopia devoid of chaos and disorder? We can …8…say with certainty: never have so many been so wrong about so much. The fantasy of the year 2000 did not deliver. The miracle year did not arrive. The most anticipated moment in human history came and went. And, basically, it left a blank. If something spectacular …9…-if Elvis Presley had magically reappeared in the middle of Times Square singing "My Way" in a white cape-then maybe we could say that fantasy and reality had briefly merged to match our expectations. But it didn't. On the bright side, at least it wasn't 1976, the American Bicentennial (yawn), or George Orwell's 1984 (anticlimactic). It was an interesting year and we …10…something valuable: sometimes a year is just a year. No one really expects a Kubrick-like odyssey in 2001. But we haven't given up hope. It's time to cross that bridge to...whatever...and start anew. The year 2000 may be history but the future is still waiting to happen. a. end

b. predicted

e. finally

h. think

c. had occurred

f. submarine

i. nothing

l. whatever

d. anything

g. through

j. learned

m. remember

o. clean

k. have studied

n. to do



A wet story I got lucky and won a trip to New York, and of course Lisa was more …1…happy to accompany me. For three weeks before we left, I spent most of my waking hours trying to decide …2…the time was right to ask her to marry me. I knew that I …3…her, and I knew that she loved me. I'm not sure what finally made up my mind, but I do know that I spent a fair amount of time talking it out with my roommate. Once I knew for sure that I wanted to propose, I had …4…my sister, Sarah, to help me get my father's mother's engagement ring. She'd said, years ago, she…5…. leave it to me, but there was no way that I could get it before I left. To cut a long story short, Sarah came through with flying colors. When Sarah delivered it, it was in dire need of a good cleaning, so we took it to a jeweler, who gave it a thorough cleaning. After Lisa and I arrived in New York, I soon determined that I …6…to propose in any ordinary place, which meant that the top of the Empire State Building was right out. Fortunately, the perfect opportunity soon presented itself. One day, after spending a couple of hours at the Metropolitan Museum, we walked out to discover that it was drizzling. She asked if I would mind …7…back to the hotel, and after I realized it was only a mile or so, I said no. We started down the street, and after we'd walked a few blocks, it began raining harder and harder. At about that point I looked at Lisa, and she smiled and said, 'I love the rain.' We continued, and the rain came down harder, and harder, and harder. Within …8…three blocks, we'd both begun to resemble drowned rats, and Lisa was muttering to herself. It was readily apparent that she didn't love the rain quite as much as she…9… . I was amused, but not being a total twit, I concealed the fact. As we crossed the street opposite St. Pat's, and Lisa growled, I said, 'Hold on, Lisa. I have a question for you.' She looked up at me, not in the best of all …10…moods, and asked, 'What?' As we'd crossed the street, I had put my hand in my pocket and slid the ring on my left ring finger, with the diamond toward the inside of my hand. I looked down at her, and asked, 'Will you marry me?', as I simultaneously lifted my hand to show her the ring. At first, she didn't say anything, she just shrieked. Really. And jumped up and down. When a moment passed, and nothing like English passed her lips, I asked, 'Is that a yes?' and she said, "Yesyesyesyesyesyes!' Needless to say, I was very happy. Funny thing, neither of us really cared about being drenched, at that moment.

a. intend

b. loved

e. to convince

h. walking

c. thought

f. than

i. didn't want

l. as

d. has supposed

g. would

j. get

m. that

o. possible

k. whether

n. another


Megoldások 1. 1. b, 2. e, 3. j, 4. l, 5. a, 6. h, 7. d, 8. f, 9. n, 10. c 2. 1. m, 2. d, 3. a, 4. h, 5. e, 6. j, 7. o, 8. b, 9. g, 10. c 3. 1. j, 2. a, 3. l, 4. e, 5. d, 6. o, 7. b, 8. i, 9. g, 10. f 4. 1. c, 2. e, 3. k., 4. l, 5. n, 6. a, 7. f, 8. i, 9. d, 10. h 5. 1. g, 2. e, 3. l, 4. b, 5. i, 6. n, 7. c, 8. h, 9. j, 10. m 6. 1. a, 2. n, 3. i, 4. l, 5. d, 6. f, 7. c, 8. e, 9. m, 10. b 7. 1. e, 2. d, 3. j, 4. l, 5. b , 6. n, 7. f, 8. h, 9. k, 10. g 8. 1. n, 2. h, 3. d. 4. a, 5. g, 6. l, 7. f, 8. o, 9. j, 10. i 9. 1. g, 2. m, 3. f, 4. i, 5. l, 6. b, 7. n, 8. e, 9. c, 10.j 10. 1. f, 2. k, 3. b, 4. e, 5. g, 6. i, 7. h, 8. n, 9. c, 10. o


Cloze tesztek 1.

The history of Aborigines The last great landmass …1…be discovered by the European explorers and …2…was Australia. Europeans dreamt of finding all the wonderful things Australia had …3…offer. They didn't know there were people that had been there for …4…of thousands of years. Archaeologists are almost positive the first humans went…5… the ocean from South-East Asia. Heavy-boned people, archaeologists call 'Robust', went to …6…70,000 years ago. Smaller boned people called 'Gracile' traveled to Australia 50,000 …7…ago. That far back in time the sea level was 50 meters …8…than it is now. This means that there was less water for …9…aborigines to travel over to get to Australia. At the end of …10…Ice Age the sea level rose a lot. It formed vast deserts. …11..the sea level stopped moving all the time, the Aborigines settled and …12…a great culture. The Aborigines usually lived in the desert, inland non-desert…13…, the coast, and Tasmania. The Aborigines that lived in the desert or …14…ate insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals. They also ate lots of fruit. …15…Aborigines on the coast ate roots, fruits, small animals, reptiles, fish, and…16…. Aborigines are natives to Australia and Tasmania. They have lived there for …17…35,000 to 70,000 years. Their skin and hair are both dark. There …18…about 500 recorded tribes, some of which are Aranda, Bidjandjadjara, Gurindji, Gunwinggu, Kamilaroi, Murngin, Tiwi, Wailbri, Wurora, and Yir-yoront. ….19…tribes didn't usually stay in one place for long, moving to watering…20… and setting up camp there. Aborigines lived in family groups and clans. …21…clan has a place on their land where …22…spirits return when …23…die. They have to protect these places so they won't upset their …24…beings. The men …25…custodians, tool-makers, and hunters. The women took care…26… the children and gathered and fixed their food. The Aborigines used the …27…wisely and knew when to harvest the many plants they…28…. Dingoes …29…their homes and helped the men hunt. The Aborigines were also traders. …30…were trade routes across the country. They …31…stones, shells, boomerangs, and ocher, …32…yellow paint pigment. Along these trade routes they would have exchange …33…where they traded, sang songs, and danced. The Aborigines were totally isolated …34…1788, when the English arrived. Their traditions included music, singing, dancing, and …35…. . They did paintings on dried tree bark with natural black, brown, yellow, …36…, and sometimes red colors. The paintings were originally used for tribal ceremonies …37…then destroyed shortly after the ceremonies were finished. In the 1940's, however, …38…paintings became popular with art collectors and they became more widely made …39…distributed, provided that there were enough eucalyptus trees in the area because …40…needed the bark from the tree to draw on. At the time …41…Sydney Cove was settled by the British there were 300,000 Aborigines in …42…and about 250 different languages were spoken. Since they didn't have a …43…of government, no permanent settlement, and no land ownership, the British made …44…move. Many of the Aborigines got smallpox, measles, venereal disease, influenza, whooping…45…, pneumonia, and tuberculosis and died. European invaders cut down forests and brought …46…animals to Australia. By 1860 there were 20 million sheep in Australia. …47…cattle and sheep destroyed the Aborigines' water holes. White settlers and Aborigines …48…at war for the land and water. By 1900, traditional Aboriginal society…49… still in small groups in central and northern Australia. In the early 1900's, …50…to protect the Aborigines were passed in every state. They also …51…restrictions for the Aborigines on owning land, where they could live, and …52…to whom they could marry. In 1967 the Australians voted Aborigines real…53…. They were given the same rights as everyone else. In 1971, Geoffrey Bardon, …54…had a close relationship with a local tribe, and one of the …55…nonAboriginal people who was allowed to take part in the rituals and…56…, began painting a wall mural with his students and some tribe members. …57…was the first example of shared Aboriginal artwork besides bark paintings. After…58…, the Australian government realized that Aboriginal artwork was a resource and tried …59…conserve it. This is how they live today and still try to …60…their culture alive.



Court Puts Brakes on Driving Test Conman LONDON (Reuters) - Learner drivers, stumped by three-point turns and terrified by …1…centers, were ideal partners for a British conman jailed …2…Friday for impersonating other people to take their driving…3… . While many struggle to pass once, Danny Sorhaindo paid…4… take the practical test 99 times, charging his "…5…." 550 pounds ($1,000) a time for his driving expertise. One …6…even paid Sorhaindo for a driving license which they …7…gave away as a Christmas present, police said. Authorities …8…caught up with Sorhaindo and he was sentenced to nine months in …9…by London's Kingston Crown Court after pleading…10… to conspiracy to obtain property by deception. "All the officers who worked on this case were horrified at the ease with which Sorhaindo was able to impersonate so many others," London Police's Chief Inspector Mike Harper said.

Man Gets 10 Years for Heroin-Soaked Clothes HOUSTON (Reuters) - A Colombian man has been sentenced to 10 years in U.S. prison for trying to smuggle in three kilograms of heroin that had …11…soaked into his clothes, authorities said on Friday. David Jose Hernandez, 65, …12…nabbed at the Houston airport on May 29, 2002, when…13… arrived on a flight from Caracas, Venezuela, and customs agents…14… a "very strong vinegary odor emanating from his…15…," U.S. Attorney Michael Shelby said in a statement. "Further …16…resulted in the discovery the clothing contained in the luggage…17… apparently been soaked in heroin," the statement said. Hernandez …18…he knew nothing about the drug, but was arrested. A U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration chemist …19…in Hernandez's trial in November that he leached three kilograms …20…heroin out of the clothes, the statement said.

Dome Robbers Refused Right to Appeal Conviction LONDON (Reuters) - Two men jailed for their part in an attempted diamond …21…at London's Millennium Dome were refused the right to …22…their convictions Wednesday after claiming the judge had nodded …23…during their trial. Raymond Betson and William Cockram, both jailed for 18 years …24…plotting what police said would have been the …25…heist in history, claimed the judge had distracted the jury …26…snoring loudly, rendering their convictions unsafe. But judges sitting…27… London's Appeal Court Wednesday refused the men permission to appeal…28… convictions. They will give their reasons Thursday. The two …29…were however given permission to proceed with an appeal …30…their jail terms. In a plot worthy of James Bond, Betson and Cockram were convicted …31…two other men of conspiring to steal diamonds worth 200 …32…pounds ($366 million) from the Dome, escape along the River Thames in a …33…and smuggle them out of the country. Among the…34… they had hoped to steal was the Millennium Star, at 77 carats …35…of the world's largest gems. The robbers may have …36…inspired by the Bond film "The World is Not Enough," which featured a speedboat chase to the Dome -- showpiece of Britain's year 2000 celebrations. The audacious plan was foiled by the Flying Squad, …37…had switched the real diamonds for fakes and were …38…in wait. Edmund Romilly, counsel for 41-year-old Betson, told the court Wednesday the judge had fallen …39…on a number of occasions during the trial, which …40…in February 2002. "Not only did he fall asleep in full view of the jury, he was also snoring," he said. Romilly argued that the judge's behavior had distracted the jury and given them the impression he was uninterested in the proceedings. This had reflected prejudicially on the people being tried, he said. Lord Justice Rose, who was hearing the appeal along with Mr Justice Poole and Mr Justice Davis, said the trial judge had admitted falling asleep but did not accept "snoring audibly." The appeal against the jail sentences will continue on Thursday.



Report: N. America, Europe May Cool in Warmer World STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Parts of Europe and North America could get drastically colder if warming Atlantic …1…currents are halted by a surprise side-effect of global warming, scientists …2…on Wednesday. The possible shut-down of the Gulf Stream is one …3…several catastrophic changes -- ranging from collapses of fish stocks to more frequent …4….fires -- that could be triggered by human activities, they said in a …5…launched in Sweden. "In the worst case it (the Gulf Stream) could shut…6…. ... it might even happen this century," said Stefan Rahmstorf of …7…Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. "This would trigger a …8…cooling, but not an Ice Age." Climate models indicated a surge of …9…water into the North Atlantic from a melting of northern glaciers caused …10…global warming could stop the current that sweeps warm waters from the Gulf of Mexico toward Europe. "The Eastern coast of Canada and the United States would also be…11… . This is sometimes wrongly perceived as a European problem by American politicians," …12…told Reuters. He said the Gulf Stream had collapsed about 20 times …13…the past 100,000 years, most recently at the tail of the last …14…Age about 8,000 years ago after an abrupt melting of icecaps. If …15…Gulf Stream stopped, average temperatures might fall by 5-10 Celsius (10-20F) in Scandinavia or by 34C …16…Germany. By contrast, global warming, widely blamed on emissions of gases like …17…dioxide from cars and factories, is expected to raise global average temperatures …18…1.4-5.8C by 2100. The U.N. Kyoto Protocol on limiting global warming hinges on Russia's yes or…19…. Moscow is undecided and President Vladimir Putin said his country might benefit from warmer …20…weather, though a halt of Gulf Stream would make northwest Russia colder. Rahmstorf's …21…was included in a new book, "Global Change and the Earth System: …22…planet under pressure," which looks at the impact of the surge in the …23…population to six billion people, ranging from stripped forests to rising temperatures. "A …24…finding is that change will not be progressive. There will be abrupt …25…and tipping points," said Will Steffen, executive director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program which issued …26…book based on work by 5,000 scientists. "Never before have we seen…27… range of change or the rate of change at the same time," …28…told Reuters. "You can get to a point where forests are too …29…and too dry and sudden fires rip through them," he said, …30…to blazes last year in nations from Australia to France. "Global warming may make these events more frequent." And another report indicated that fish stocks might not recover even if nations ban fishing. Depletion of cod stocks, for instance, lets smaller species flourish and these may prey on the young of any surviving cod and prevent stock recovery.



South China Farms Ever Ripe for Pandemic NANZHENCUN, China (Reuters) - Fowl breeder Chen Huaping thinks SARS, as flu-like …1… go, is mere chicken feed. He witnessed the wrath of …2…flu -- potentially more infectious -- in October, when a freshly …3…yellow duckling dropped dead in his backyard 20 miles …4…the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou. Within a week, …5…bug had wiped out 300 of his 500 baby…6…. "I took the body to a veterinarian and he…7…, 'If they catch a flu, you might as well …8…let them die off. You can't cure it.' When …9…die, they die fast." No need to tell that …10…breeders devastated by avian flu this winter in South Korea, Japan …11…most alarmingly Vietnam, where the World Health Organization …12…the bug had hurdled the species barrier and …13…at least five people. Chen, 45, boasts that he …14…never fallen sick on the farm. But his lifestyle …15…the sort that makes epidemiologists cringe. He lives beside …16…mucky pond in a tree bark cabin abutting a corrugated steel shelter, …17…the ducks waddle up the banks to …18…and scatter their droppings on the way down. LETHAL NEW STRAINS Small …19…like his, squalid and teeming with fetid animals, are …20…believed to make southern China and other densely populated …21…across Asia caldrons for lethal new flu strains. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, …22…flu-like illness that first swept out of Guangdong …23…year to claim 800 lives around the globe, was…24… the latest warning sign. In response to new suspected…25…, Guangdong has declared war on the civet cat and …26…species, based on lab evidence that they harbor a coronavirus …27…to the SARS pathogen. Rats, meanwhile, are the target …28…a spring cleanup drive. But the rural breeding grounds …29…mutant flu offshoots have not changed. Scientists, though often stymied in …30…attempts to connect the dots, commonly point to …31…triangle of contagion linking man, bird and pigs. As the …32…goes, viruses of farmers and fowl may co-mingle or …33…genes. An avian flu byproduct can then incubate in pigs, …34…in turn re-infects humans. Farmers and traders go …35…to mix with city folk who hop the globe …36…jet, while trucks haul their teeming flocks to faraway…37…. Thus the scale of disease mushrooms. "A pandemic influenza…38… certainly much bigger than SARS," said microbiologist Malik Peiris, a SARS …39…at the University of Hong Kong. NEXT BIG PANDEMIC The prospect of …40…next big pandemic haunts Southeast Asia. Asian flu in 1957-58 …41…Hong Kong flu in 1967-68 killed 4.5 million people…42…. Scientists in recent years have even traced the 1918-19 "Spanish flu"…43…, in which 40 million to 50 million people perished, …44…to southern China. Doctors emphasize that Guangdong, home to 90 …45…people, is but one of many places where new viral …46…may emerge. The deadly West Nile and Ebola viruses …47…out in Africa. "But what is unique in the southern China …48…or that part of Asia is the live animal …49…scenario," said Peiris. "They can exchange viruses, they can amplify …50…those markets and you have humans coming into repeated …51…with animals, a wide diversity of people." The …52…vulnerable may not be farmers or traders. SARS studies, …53…example, have revealed a relatively high infection rate among food …54…workers, who tend not to be as exposed. This…55… civet cull marked what many observers consider the first …56…crackdown on unhygienic markets in Guangzhou. Many experts said…57… was long overdue. Now one big question is how…58… the government can go in tidying up the animal …59…business without stripping people of their livelihoods. Another is …60…the clean-up can even work, as long as people and animals live in close quarters.



Woman's 25-Year Hunt for Son Ends Happily MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (Reuters) - For more than 25 years, Uruguayan Sara Mendez chased down false leads …1…searched the world for her infant son, who had …2…snatched away in the night by a group of…3… . Her hunt ended on Tuesday when a DNA test …4…that a man raised by an adoptive family in Argentina …5…the son of Mendez and Mauricio Gatti, …6…accused leftists who had fled to neighboring Argentina to …7…Uruguay's brutal 1973-85 dictatorship. "The search has ended, but …8…another stage begins: that of a mother and a…9… who are starting to get to know each other," Mendez …10…a Uruguayan television station after learning the test results. …11…source close to the search said the son, whose…12… was not revealed, had brought his mother flowers when …13…met and bore a striking resemblance to the…14…, who died from cancer a decade ago in Europe. In a …15…that opened up old wounds as South America deals …16…its bloody authoritarian past, Mendez alleged that Uruguayan soldiers …17…into her Buenos Aires apartment in 1976, arrested her …18…abducted her 20-day-old son, Simon. About 170 Uruguayans disappeared …19…the dictatorship, the majority of them in Argentina, as …20…officers around the troubled region coordinated efforts to crack …21…on suspected leftist guerrillas. Tiny Uruguay's death toll from …22…repression paled in relative comparison to Argentina or Chile, …23…thousands were jailed and many more went into exile, …24…to return. Mendez spent five years in jail and …25…began the search for her son when democracy returned …26…Uruguay in 1985. False clues led her to a …27…named Gerardo Vazquez, who then refused to take DNA …28…to confirm he was her son. A personal plea …29…Uruguayan President Jorge Batlle in 2000 finally convinced Vazquez …30…take the DNA test, which proved negative. But a…31… Argentine military officer then told an Uruguayan journalist that …32…baby had been abandoned in a clinic and given …33…an adoptive family. The subsequent search led to the …34…living in Buenos Aires. Batlle, who has made reconciling Uruguay's turbulent …35…a major focus of his presidency, congratulated Mendez on …36…happy reunion. "The whole country should be content and …37…because of what has happened, the fruit of an …38…by a mother who never lost hope," the president said.

Irish Prefer Pub to Church, Survey Says DUBLIN (Reuters) - Going to the pub is a more important part …39…life in Ireland than attending church, the authors of …40…survey on social attitudes said Tuesday. Only 22 percent …41…people in the Irish Republic view regular church-going …42…important, compared with 35 percent who said going to …43…pub at least once a week was a priority, …44…survey by Mintel Ireland said. It also indicated that …45…with the most money to spend were more likely …46…hand it over for a pint of beer than…47… it in a church collection plate. "As you become…48…, your likelihood of being a regular church-goer decreases," said Mark O'Connell, managing …49…of Mintel Ireland. "It seems the higher up the …50…you go, the more difficult it gets to pass …51…the eye of the needle." People questioned in British-ruled …52…Ireland were more abstemious, with only 20 percent listing …53…as a priority -- although the number of regular church-goers …54…not much higher at 23 percent. The authors of …55…survey, "Irish Lifestyles: The Rise of the Immoral Majority," …56…it showed the rapid advance of consumerism in both the Republic …57…witnessed an unprecedented economic boom in the latter half…58… the 1990s − and Northern Ireland. "Owning a flash car …59…a mobile phone, being a member of a private …60…club and having a home computer are the new ….61…of Irish success on both sides of the border," …62…report said. Older people living in rural areas were …63…likely to attend church than young citydwellers. "Traditional values…64… a successful marriage, children, financial security and regular attendance …65…Sunday worship have all taken a back seat in …66…households." The report was based on recent interviews with …67…than 2,000 people in the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland.



Surgeons Cut Out the Blushes LONDON (Reuters) - Hot under the collar? A London clinic is charging stressed professionals $5,680 to drill a hole in their armpits, snip away their nerve endings and eliminate their blushes for good. Its …1…include television presenters and financiers, fearful that any sign of weakness could damage their…2…. "We're talking about professional people whose lives have been blighted …3…blushing," Anthony Mitra, surgical director of the exclusive Highgate Private Hospital in north London, told Reuters. In the 40-minute….4…, surgeons drill a hole near the patient's armpit and …5…a telescope to view the delicate procedure which involves …6…the nerve endings at the base of the neck …7…trigger blushing. Mitra said business was brisk. Recent …8…included a TV presenter and bankers who said they …9…opted out of front-line jobs on trading floors and …10…a lower profile due to their excessive blushing. "If …11… negotiating a deal or a contract and you blush, …12…you give your position away. When you're in business, …13…only emotions you want to convey are the ones …14… in charge of," Mitra said. Patients are kept overnight, …15…Mitra said the effects of the treatment were immediate. The …16…does not leave any visible scars. Side-effects …17…include increased sweating. Mitra said patients were an …18…mix of men and women and that celebrities sometimes …19…the clinic, though he declined to name names. "Whoever …20…blushing was a serious problem?" he said

Nation of Dog Lovers Divided Over Tail Docking LONDON (Reuters) - Dogs are a man's best friend − but British animal lovers are divided over whether docking …21…tails amounts to cruelty. Owners and breeders are howling in protest over suggestions from …22…British government that a ban on canine tail docking …23…be included in new animal welfare legislation due toward…24… end of the year. But the Royal Society for …25…Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) says the practice is …26…and amounts to little more than mutilation in the …27…of cosmetics. "If you take a dog's tail off, …28…take away its ability to express itself," Chris Laurence, …29…RSPCA's chief vet, told Reuters. "We all know about …30…wagging their tails when they're happy. It's a bit …31…preventing a human smiling or frowning." There are two …32…used for tail docking, which can only be done …33…a vet. "Banding" is the most common and involves …34…a ligature around a puppy's tail to cut off …35…blood supply causing it to drop off after three days. The….36… way is for a vet to simply cut the …37…off. The Council of Docked Breeds, a group set…38… to protect tail docking, argues that the practice has …39…carried out for centuries to avoid tail damage and …40…reasons. "It is not cruel. Dogs, which are asked …41…hunt and work as they are bred , …42…from the most appalling tail injury if they are …43…docked," a spokesman said. This year's winner of Best ..44…Show at Crufts, Britain's world famous dog's show, was …45…standard poodle that had had its tail docked, he…46…. "People do not want to exhibit their dogs with …47…long tail because they don't like the look of…48…," he said. Docking is outlawed in 13 European countries, ….49…it is allowed in the United States, which Laurence …50…was "way behind the times" by permitting canine ear-cropping.



Wordsworth Fans Get Daffodil Hotline LONDON (Reuters) - Tourists wandering through Britain's Lake District hoping to spot "a host of golden daffodils" can now call a telephone hotline to identify the best place to see the wild blooms. The local tourist board in Cumbria, northern England, set up the hotline Monday as part of this …1…bicentenary celebrations of William Wordsworth's untitled poem that has become …2…as "Daffodils." In April, 1802, Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy …3…to Gowbarrow Park by Ullswater, in the Lake District - a walk that provided …4…inspiration for the poem he wrote two years later. According …5…Cumbria Tourist Board Chief Executive Chris Collier, Ullswater is not usually the best …6…to see the carpets of wild daffodils. "Over Easter,…7…. views at Dora's Field in and around Rydal will be …8…spectacular," said Collier. Dora's Field was bought by Wordsworth and …9…with thousands of daffodil bulbs in memory of his …10…daughter. Collier added that she was unaware of any …11…flower hotline in Britain, claiming a first for the …12…daffodil. The tourist board said the daffodil hotline was…13… used 10 years ago. The Royal Horticultural Society recently …14…that wild daffodils were under increasing threat from crosspollination…15… more common varieties. The telephone hotline is on 08705 133059.

Protesters Condemn 'Immoral' Waitresses TUNCELI, Turkey (Reuters) - Only "moral" waitresses will be allowed to work in Tunceli, eastern Turkey, following mass protests demanding that women serving drinks quit their jobs, the city's mayor …16…Tuesday. Hasan Korkmaz said most of the 20 waitresses working …17…Tunceli's 10 beer halls left the mainly Kurdish city late …18…Monday, a few hours after the demonstrations. Some 5,000 …19…and women spilled onto streets and shouted: "We don't …20…waitresses in our bars," and "Tunceli, defend your honor." "Since …21…waitresses came to work in Tunceli last year people have …22…that they have had immoral relations. It's natural the …23…have responded in this way," Korkmaz told reporters. "Waitresses …24…work in our city only if they behave morally," …25…said. Residents blame the women for inciting a brawl …26…week among jealous suitors that left two men dead …27…four wounded. Muslim Turkey strictly separates state and religion, but …28…tradition, especially in conservative eastern regions, can prevent women …29…working and attending school. Honor killings, in which women …30…killed for "shaming" their family, still occasionally occur …31…the east. Monday's protest broke out after local political …32…officials, civic groups and union leaders held a news conference and …33….the waitresses of flirting with male customers and disrupting …34…peace. "These waitresses have (caused) the collapse of honor …35…have ruined the peace of families. They should …36…Tunceli," the groups said in a joint statement. The…37…, most of them unmarried or divorced, moved from cities …38…western Turkey last year after fighting between government forces …39…Kurdish rebels in Tunceli subsided. Three women have refused….40… quit and remain employed by the halls, Korkmaz said.

Smooth-Talking Criminal Fools Police LONDON (Reuters) - Red-faced British police on Wednesday promised to find out why officers allowed a burglar to walk free after they accepted his made-up story over the telephone. Newspapers reported that the mix-up started when a…41… neighbor called police in Manchester after he saw a …42…loitering near a friend's van. Instead of sending out a …43…car, officers asked that the suspect be put on …44…telephone -- and then accepted his story that he was not ….45…a crime. Police later admitted the smooth-talking criminal made …46…with 600 pounds ($1,000) worth of tools from the…47… . "It is extremely embarrassing...I was appalled by the…48…," a Manchester Police spokesman told BBC radio. "I'm determined …49…will put this right and mount a full investigation…50… find out what went wrong," he said. Carole Curley, …51…of the owners of the burgled van, told…52… Daily Mail: "This is an absolute disgrace. A crime was being …53….and police could not send anyone out". The police…54…. said the force was overstretched on the night of …55…embarrassing crime, but was "determined to catch the perpetrator".



Calendars Since the genesis of civilization, people have kept track of the days by the procession of daylight and darkness and of the changing seasons in order to know when to plant crops and to get …1…for winter. Sometimes they kept the record by notching…2… stick or knotting a cord once every day. They …3…watched the changing positions of the sun and stars, …4…changes of the moon, and the habits of plants …5…animals. The making of an exact calendar, however, perplexed …6…for ages because the divisions of time by days, …7…, months, and years did not seem to fit together…8…. The Sumerians of Babylonia were probably the first people…9… make a calendar. They used the phases of the…10…, counting twelve lunar months as a year. To make …11…for the difference between this year and the year…12… the seasons, they inserted an extra month in the calendar ….13…every four years. The early Egyptians, Greeks, and Semitic…14… copied this calendar. Later the Egyptians worked out …15…calendar that corresponded almost exactly to the seasons. The…16… Romans also used a calendar that was based on …17…Moon. The year in this calendar was 355 days…18…. The months corresponding to March, May, July,and October …19…had 31 days; February had 28 days; and …20…rest had 29. An extra month was added about …21…fourth year. The high priest regulated the calendar. On…22… calends, or day of the new moon, he announced …23…the people the times of the nones (first quarter) …24…ides (full moon) for that month. Most of the holy …25…celebrated or noted in Pagan and Christian religions are…26…, meaning that they are celebrated on the same day …27…year. Other sacred or festival days are movable and …28…every year as the equinoxes and solstices vary by …29…much as a day from year to year. Many …30…the traditions and customs practiced on holy days and …31…celebrations can be traced back to the Druids. The natural …32…teemed with life: animals, stones, plants, rivers and wells …33…endowed with feelings which mankind had to respect and …34…to terms with. These customs were so firmly embraced …35…the hearts and minds of the people that when ….36…was established the Church of Rome integrated and sanctified…37…. The Church slowly drew the people in by allowing …38…festivals to continue with a coat of Christianity overlaid…39… them. The magical powers believed to be associated with …40…places were transferred, their powers now attributed to God.

Into Edinburgh Morning .. chill and dreary. We start our day with porridge, fruit and toast, discussing whether to drive into Edinburgh or take the train from nearby Falkirk. Wanting to maintain the level of flexibility we have enjoyed throughout our trip, we decide to take the car. Knowing that today is our …41…day before leaving Scotland, Penny has kindly offered to …42…any laundry we might have, so we can head …43…with clean clothes. We hastily put together a small …44…with our thanks. Having repacked the night before, I …45…through my suitcase and carry-on carefully, removing teeshirts and …46…that need laundering. Our schedule for the day is …47…light; a visit to the Museum of History .. and shopping, …48…does not bode well for my overstuffed luggage. I'm …49…much of a shopper, but still have tee-shirts …50…other souvenirs to purchase for friends and family at …51… There's also the gift shop at the museum to…52… . I had seen several items from the museum offered …53…a catalog called Past Times that I've received in the mail …54…several years. They've always made me ooh and ahh. I'm excited that I will be seeing them in person, rather than from the glossy pages of a …55…and admonish myself to maintain control. Although very quiet and seemingly secluded, Oaklands is …56…five minutes from the M-9 and soon we are away …57…driving east. Before long we are in the midst …58…morning traffic, circling around roundabouts with the thousands of others …59…their way into the city. Towering buildings, of diverse …60…styles, close in on either side. We pass through …61…succession of residential areas, giving me my first view …62…Scottish city-life. It's not much different from my own; …63…are petrol stations, newsagents, grocers .. children being walked to…64… by their mothers, men and women in both business …65….and labourer's clothing heading out to work. The residents …66…this city obviously take great pride in their homes. …67….a Victorian era manse or a modern high rise….68…, flowerpots and gardens are abundant and well tended. Edinburgh very alive without the bounds of the historical …70…which draw so many tourists here throughout the year.



One in Five Too Busy to Take Holidays LONDON (Reuters) - One in five British workers spend longer in the …1…than they have to, losing over onethird of their …2….entitlement, a survey showed on Monday. The survey, commissioned …3…budget airline Buzz, showed a staggering 49 million holiday …4….went unclaimed last year, largely because of work pressures. ``…5… are frankly too busy,'' a Buzz spokesman told Reuters, …6…that by breaking up their days off into a …7…of long weekends rather than two-week holidays, people would …8…more likely to find the time to relax. The 5.6 …9…British workers who do not take their holidays in full …10…out on 8.7 days of the average entitlement of 24 …11…days a year, the survey found. A quarter of …12…who passed up their chance of sun, sea and …13…were not reimbursed for their dedication to work. The …14…were either paid for their extra time or were …15…to tack the days on to next year's holiday. ``Money …16…not the real issue here,'' said the Buzz spokesman. He …17…60 percent of the 1,169 adults questioned would choose an extra week's holiday over an extra week's pay.

Rival Says Miss France Too Short to Carry Crown PARIS (Reuters) - Last time it was sex and this time it's size …18…counts in a feud over who should …19…Miss France. A disappointed contender for the title of France's …20…woman feels she was unfairly disqualified from the Miss …21…2002 contest. Aurelie Brun has demanded that legal experts …22…whether winner Sylvie Tellier reaches the requisite minimum height …23…5 feet 6 inches. ``I want to be sure …24…tall enough and I would be surprised if she…25…,'' said Brun, who was stripped of her crown as …26…regional beauty queen and subsequently disqualified from the national …27…last December. ``I've heard from lots of girls who …28…her (Tellier)... and they told me she must only …29…around 1.68 meters (5 feet 5 inches),'' Brun told…30… daily France Soir. The title is no stranger to …31…feuds and gossip. France's leading beauty queen impresario was …32…to publicly deny a whirl of rumors in the …33…last year that Miss France 2001, Elodie Gossuin, had …34…fact been born a man. Brun, who falls short …35…the height requirement herself, seems to be fighting a …36…cause to get Tellier to undergo re-measurement. ``It's out …37…the question,'' Miss France organizer Genevieve de Fontenay told the paper. Brun …38…not ruled out of de Fontenay's contest merely for …39…a bit on the short side. She was also excluded …40…taking part previously in a rival pageant.

Be Adventurous if You Want to Be Sexy LONDON (Reuters) - Extreme sports can make you more interesting, exciting and …41…in the eyes of potential admirers, a survey showed …42…Tuesday. Research for The Daily Telegraph Adventure Travel and Sports Show …43…found that Brits were a brave lot, overcoming their …44…for an adrenaline rush. Over a quarter of those …45…had dived with the fish admitted to suffering from claustrophobia …46…one in 10 who braved …47…parachute jump had vertigo. With 49 percent of respondents …48…adventurous people exciting, and 17 percent attracted by their …49…side, it is unsurprising that, having completed an adventure…50… want everyone to know about it. Twelve percent said …51…boasted about their adventures, but less than one in 20 …52…to inventing their heroics in the survey of 1,267…53…. Earlier this week, another survey found that 80 percent …54…job seekers were ``creative'' with the hobbies section of …55…CV, although here extreme sports were not always seen as a bonus. Some employers disapproved of excessive risk taking. The Daily Telegraph Adventure Travel and Sports Show 2002 takes place at London's Olympia on January 11 to 13.



It's a Sweet Big Apple, Survey Shows By Gail Appleson NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sweet is far from the first word that comes …1…mind in describing New York City and its often surly…2…, yet the Big Apple ranks among the nation's …3…ten sweetest cities, a survey released this week says. And…4… is based on data, including volunteerism and heroism, collected before …5…September 11th attacks, said Bert Sperling, …6…firm Fast Forward conducted the study for the Hershey Foods Corp . Sperling, who …7…the ``Best Places to Live'' study for Money magazine, …8…to Reuters on Wednesday. But New York, which …9…sixth, is not as sweet as top rated Seattle …10…even Cleveland, which came in fifth. Boston, Savannah, Georgia…11… Des Moines, Iowa came in second, third and fourth…12…. At the end of the list were Portland, Oregon, Daytona Beach, Florida and Cincinnati, Ohio, …13…were 48th, 49th and 50th. Hershey sponsored the study…14… recognize ``America's 50 Sweet Spots'' that are clean, safe, family-friendly …15…with high rates of volunteerism, a spirit of community …16…a ''lifestyle that enables residents to embrace all that …17…good and sweet in life.'' The survey, which was …18…for the first time, is part of a national promotion …19…includes a contest in which consumers, who are found …20…``Hershey spotters'' to be carrying Hershey candy wrappers, can …21…25 sports utility vehicles through the end of the…22…. The aim is to get people to visit some …23…the cities named on the ``Sweetest'' list. ``We took …24…very seriously,'' said Sperling explaining that survey results were …25…on information taken from government and private sources over …26…three-year period that ended at the close of 2000. He …27…cities were rated on a point system that included …28…things as per capita spending on charities and recreational …29…as well as the number of awards given to…30… for community, philanthropic or military service. Sperling said one …31…the things he learned about New York in doing …32…research was that 447 residents of the metropolitan area…33… received the Medal of Honor dating back to the Spanish American War. ``That's the …34…of any metro area,'' Sperling said. Other criteria included romantic …35…such as restaurants and beaches, historical landmarks and…36…. Sperling said New York also had high figures when …37…came to money spent on health club memberships and…38… activities, the performing arts and it was one of …39…tops on gifts of flowers and plants. While it…40… a bit surprising that New York City would rank …41…high in a study of ``clean, safe and family-friendly'' …42….to live, the results followed other unexpected findings by …43…etiquette expert whose own survey showed New York was …44…of the two most polite American cities. Etiquette author Marjabelle Young Stewart, who …45…through tens of thousands of nominations to compile her list, handed the honor in December to the Big Apple and Charleston, South Carolina. New York may have the image of being a rough and gruff place populated by rude people, but Stewart said the city actually is one of the most polished for manners in the United States.


Megoldások 1. 1. to, 2. traders, merchants, soldiers, 3. to, 4. tens, 5. across, 6. Australia, 7. years, 8. lower, 9. the, 10. the, 11. After, When, 12. developed, started, made, built, 13. areas, 14. inland, 15. The, 16. shellfish, oysters, crabs, 17. about, 18. are, 19. Aboriginal,Australian, 20. places, holes, 21. Each,every, 22. their, the, 23. they, 24. ancestral,ancient, old, spirit, 25. were, 26. of, 27. land, 28. ate,used, 29. guarded, protected, 30. There, 31. traded, sold, 32. a, 33. ceremonies, festivals, 34. until, till, 35. art, painting, 36. white, 37. and, 38. the, 39. and, 40. they, 41. when , 42. Australia , 43. system, 44. them, 45. cough , 46. foreign ,alien, 47. The , 48. were , 49. was , 50. laws , 51. made , 52. even, 53. citizens, 54. who , 55. few , 56. ceremonies, festivals, 57. This, it, 58. that, it, this, 59. to , 60. keep, 2. 1. test, exam, 2. on, 3. exams, tests, 4. to, 5. clients, customers, 6. person, 7. then, later, promptly, 8. finally. 9. prison, jail, 10. guilty, 11. been, 12. was, 13. he, 14. noticed, smelled, 15. luggage, baggage, bag, 16. examination, tests, 17. had, 18. said, insisted, 19. testified, proved, said, 20. of, 21. robbery, 22. appeal, 23. off, 24. for, 25. biggest, 26. by, 27. at, 28. their, 29. men, robbers, convicts, conmen, 30. against, 31. with, 32. million, 33. speedboat, boat, ship, 34. stones, gems, diamonds, 35. one, 36. been, 37. who, 38. lying, sitting, 39. asleep, 40. ended,

3. 1. ocean, 2. said,warned, announced, 3. of, 4. forest, 5. book, study, 6.down, 7. the, 8. regional, moderate, 9. fresh, 10. by 11. affected, 12. he, Rahmstorf, 13. in, during, 14. Ice, 15. the, 16. in, 17. carbon, 18. by, 19. no, 20. world, global, 21. study, work, 22. a, our, 23. human, world’s, global, 24. major, big, huge, 25. changes, 26. the, 27. the, 28. he, 29. hot, 30. referring 4. 1. infections, illnesses, diseases, 2. bird, chicken, 3. bought, hatched, 4. outside, away, off, 5. the, 6. ducks, birds, 7. said, 8. just, 9. they, 10. to, 11. and, 12. confirmed, found, 13. killed, infected, 14. has, 15. is, 16. a, 17. where, 18. feed, eat, 19. farms, 20. widely, commonly, 21. areas, places, countries, 22. the, 23. last, this, 24. only, just, 25. cases, 26. similar, 27. similar, 28. of, 29. for, 30. their, 31. a, the, 32. theory, 33. trade, swap, exchange, 34. which, 35. on, 36. by, 37. locales, places, countries, cities, 38. is, 39. expert, doctor, researcher, 40. the, 41. and, 42. combined, together, 43. pandemic, epidemic, disease, 44. back, 45. million, 46. diseases, epidemics, pandemics, 47. broke, 48. region, territory, area, 49. market, farming, trading, 50. within, inside, in, 51, contact, 52. most, 53. for, 54. industry, factory, market, 55. month's, week’s, year’s, 56. serious, real, major, 57. it, 58. far, 59. husbandry, farming, breeding, raising, 60. whether, if,


5. 1. and, 2. been, got, 3. soldiers, people, men, guerillas, 4. confirmed, proved, 5. was, 6. both, 7. escape, avoid, flee, 8. now, today, 9. son, child, 10. told, informed, 11. A, 12. name, identity, 13. they, 14. father, 15. case, 16. with, 17. broke, 18. and, 19. during, 20. military, army, 21. down, 22. the, 23. but, 24. never, 25. then, later, 26. to, 27. man, 28. tests, 29. from, 30. to, 31. former, 32. the, 33. to, 34. man, 35. past, history, 36. the, 37. happy, 38. effort, 39. of, 40. a, 41. of, 42. as, 43. the, 44. the, 45. those, 46. to, 47. put, drop, 48. wealthier, richer, 49. director, 50. ladder, 51. through, 52. Northern, 53. pubs, 54. was, 55. the, 56. said, reported, 57. which, 58. of, 59. and, 60. health, fitness, 61. symbols, 62. the, 63. more, 64. of, 65. at, 66. many, 67. more,

6. 1. patients, 2. careers, image,3. by, 4. operation, 5. insert, put, 6. clipping, cutting, 7. that, 8. visitors, patients, clients, 9. had, 10. chosen, started, 11. you're, 12. then, 13. the, 14. you're, 15. but, 16. surgery, operation, 17. can, may, might, 18. even, 19. visited, 20. thought, imagined, 21. their, 22. the, 23. could, might, 24. the, 25, the, 26. cruel, bad, 27. name, 28. you, 29. the, 30. dogs, 31. like, 32. methods, ways, 33. by, 34. placing, putting, 35. the, 36. other, second, 37. tail, 38. up, 39. been, 40. health, other, different, practical, 41. to, 42. suffer, 43. not, 44. of, 45. a, 46. added, said, 47. a, 48. them, 49. although, though, 50. said, 7. 1. year's, 2. known, famous, 3. walked, went, 4. the, 5. to, 6. place, spot, 7. the, 8. more, rather, quite, very, 9. planted, 10. favorite, beloved, only, 11. other, 12. wild, 13. last, only, 14. said, 15. of, 16. said, 17. in, 18. on, 19. men, 20. want, wish, 21. these, the, 22. complained,23. people,24. can, may,25. he, 26. last, this, 27. and, 28. religious, muslim, old, 29. from, 30. are, 31. into, 32. party, 33. accused, 34. the, 35. and, 36. leave, 37. waitresses, 38. in, 39. and, 40. to, 41. suspicious, 42. man, person, 43. patrol, police, 44. the, 45. committing, 46. off, 47. van, car, 48. story, 49. we, I, 50. to, 51. one, 52. the, 53. committed, 54. spokesman, spokesperson, officer, 55. the, 8. 1. ready, 2. a, 3. also, 4. the, 5. and, 6. mankind, humanity, people, 7. weeks, 8. properly, well, 9. to, 10. moon, 11. up, 12. of, 13. about, in, 14. peoples, people, 15. a, 16. early, ancient, 17. the, 18. long, 19. each, 20. the, 21. every, 22. the, 23. to, 24. and, 25. days, times, periods, 26. fixed, 27. every, each, 28. change, move, differ, 29. as, 30. of, 31. during, 32. world, 33. were, became, 34. come, 35. in, 36. Christianity, 37. them, 38. old, ancient, pagan, 39. upon, on, 40. specific, special, certain, many, several 41. final, last, 42. do, wash, clean, 43. home, 44. load, bundle, pack, 45. paw, look, go, 46. socks, pants, shirts etc, 47. very, really, quite, fairly, 48. which, 49. not, 50. and, 51. home, 52. explore, visit, see, 53. in, 54. for, 55. magazine, catalog, leaflet, 56. only, just, 57. and, 58. of, 59. making, 60. architectural, building, historic, 61. a, 62. of, 63. there, 64. school, kindergarten,, 65. suits, 66. of, 67. Whether, 68. apartment, block, building, 69. is, 70. sights, places, buildings, monuments

9. 1. office, workplace, 2. holiday, 3. by, 4. days, 5. People, Workers, 6. adding, saying, 7. series, string, 8. be, 9. million, 10. miss, 11. working, 12. those, 13. sand, fun, 14. rest, others, 15. permitted, allowed, 16. is, 17. said 18. that, 19. be, 20. prettiest, nicest, 21. France, 22. check, examine, 23. of, 24. she's, 25. is, 26. a, 27. contest, competition, pageant, 28. knew, 29. be, 30. the, 31. nasty, bad, terrible, 32. forced, made, 33. media, papers, press, 34. in, 35. of, 36.lost, 37. of, 38. was, 39. being, 40.for 41. attractive, 42. on, 43. also, 44. fears, fear, phobia, 45. who, 46. while, 47. a, 48. finding, 49. wild, 50, we, they, 51. they, 52. admitted, 53. adults, people, 54. of, 55. their


10. 1. to, 2. denizens, residents, people, 3. top, 4. this, it, 5. the, 6. whose, 7. created, made,wrote, 8. spoke, 9. ranked, came,is, 10. or, 11. and, 12. respectively, each, 13. which, 14. to, 15. places, cities, 16. and, 17. is, 18. done, 19. that, which, 20. by, 21.win, 22. month, 23. of, 24. this, it, 25. based, 26. a, 27. said, 28. such, 29. activities, 30. denizens, residents, people, 31. of, 32. the, this, 33. have, 34. most, 35. settings, 36.museums, monuments, 37. it, 38. recreational, leisure,39. the, 40. seems, looks, 41. so, 42. places, cities, 43. an, 44. one, 45. sorted, looked, read,

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