5.1 Concept of Inheritance Based on Mendel’s Experiment
Short Description
Biology Form 5 Chapter 5: Inheritance...
5.1 Concept of inheritance based on Mendel’s eperi!ent
"enetics #t$d% of &enes' heredit%' heredit%' and and (ariation in (ariation in li(in& or&anis!s )ased on eperi!ents cond$cted b% "re&or *ohann Mendel
Gregor Johann Mendel
Gregor Mendel Conducted experiments on pea plants Pisum sativum
+h% Pisum Sativum?
It is easy to grow
Life cycle is short
Pollination of this plant can be easily controlled controlled
Traits Traits of this plant can can be easily observed
As a result, Mendel made a statement: ‘ A certain trait that is determined by internal factors that exist in pair of these factors, only one factor (now known as allele) allele ) is carried in every gamete
!his statement is called Mendels "st #aw $ #aw of segregation %:" : &eferred as Mendels Monohybrid 'nheritance &atio
Gene & Alleles Alleles
E(er% &ene sit$ated in specific position referred as loc$s
A stretch of NA 2 RNA that deter!ine a certain traits
nits of inheritance that are passed on to the net &eneration
"enes that are alleles of one another al3a%s control the sa!e characteristic
"enes fo$nd at the sa!e loc$s on different ho!olo&o$s chro!oso!es are alleles of one
Phenotype & Genotype
Phenotype • expressed trait of an organism • characteristics that are visile! detectale or measurale
Phenotype • can & may chan&e throughout life due to en(iron!ental infl$ences • E"g" # $air # $eight # %ody eight
Genotype • genetic composition of all the cells • depends on the inheritance of genes from its parents
Phenot%pe 4 &enot%pe en(iron!ent
• E"g" #Even # Even though a child has inherited the genes for a ig ody si'e 6&enot%pe7 form his parents! his groth might e stunted 6phenot%pe7 if he does not get suff su fficient icient & alanced food 6en(iron!ent7
()M*+A+, & -ECESS*.E GE+E
(ominant gene • gene that can sho3 the phenot%pic epression for a trait that is under its control in either a homo'ygous / hetero'ygous state
-ecessive Genes • can only sho its phenotypic expression for a particular trait that is under its control in a ho!o8%&o$s state
Genotypic combination
Phenotype (h (hair texture)
CC (homoygous)
Curly hair
Cc (heteroygous)
Curly hair
cc (homoygous)
!traight hair
MENE/’# 9IR#T /A+ M)+)$0%-*( *+$E-*,A *+$E-*,A+CE +CE
Mendel1s 2irst La " Law of segregation " used pure breeding pea plants
Purple PP
3hite pp
Pure %reeding "plants that carries # same alleles for a particular trait " These genes are passed on from the parent to the progeny through selffertiliation only
Purple PP
3hite pp
• Explanation4 ,he inheritance of an organism is determined y &enes &enes that that exist in pairs (uring the formation of gametes! every gamete only rings ith it one factor from the factors 3hen to alternate for one factor exist in an organism! only the do!inant factor ill e seen as phenot%pe
Male &a!ete
9e!ale &a!ete
-- 5round6
-r 5round6
-r 5 round6
rr 5rin7led6
Punnett s8uare
Exercise 9
2igure shos the inheritance of height in plants" a6 *f , represents represents the the dominant dominant allele allele for tallnes tallness s & t the recessi recessive ve allele for darfness! complete the information given in the figure" 6 *f the 29! generation plants are self:pollinated! dra a genetic diagram to find out the percentage of the offspring of 2 ; generation that ould e a tall plant
• 3hat is the proaility of -r < -r producing rin7led seed=
• 3hat is the proaility of 0y < yy producing green seed=
Mendelian traits in humans
+)+ ME+(EL*A+ ,-A*,S *+ $>MA+
*s it possile for a ron:eyed parents to have a lue:eyed child==
MENE/’# #EC-N /A+ ih%brid Inheritance
Crossing of ,all Pea Plants hich have round seeds ith darf pea plants hich have rin7led seeds
,,-5tall! round6
,,-r 5,all!round6
,t-r 5tall!round6
,,-r 5,all!round6
,,rr 5tall!rin7led6
,t-r 5tall!round6
,trr 5,all!rin7led6
,t-r 5tall!round6
tt-tt-r 5(arf! round6 5darf!round6
,t-r 5tall!round6
,trr 5,all!rin7led6
tt-r 5darf!round6
ttrr 5darf!rin7led6
Genotype 5,otal +umer6
,,-- 596 ,,-r 5;6 ,t-- 5;6 ,t-r 5?6
,,rr 596 ,trr 5;6
tt-- 596 tt-r 5;6
,trr 596
2; Phenotype ratio
Mendel’s #econd /a3 • /a3 of independent assort!ent • during gamete formation! each memer of a pair of alleles may comine rando!l% ith either memer of another pair of alleles
Exercise 9
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