Therefore organisms need to produce new cells to : •
replace those cells that are worn out, damaged or dead Perpetuate their own species either by asexual or sexual reproduction
Why produce new cells
Two types of cell division: a) itosis b) eiosis
Types o! cells d"#"s"on
Cell division
Cells wear out Cells get damaged Cells grow old and die
(rganisms grow *eed more cells for reproduction
Cell divide !by mitosis) to supply new daughter cells that are identical to parents cells
$ignificance Repair of tissues: "dentical new cells to replace worn out or damaged cells# $%in cells and cells lining gut constantly die and are replaced
utation : the change in the /*- structure of the cell
0ead to uncontrolled mitosis 1 tumors
Tumors : •
2ave no function
"nterfere with the normal activity of surrounding cells
Two Tw o types ty pes : •
&enign tumors
alignant tumors
"nactive, relatively harmless emain at its original site 3 do not spread to other parts of the body $ome may progress to become cancerous tumors if left untreated 4sually treated by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy
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