50 Year Doctoral Dissertations by Title

July 7, 2016 | Author: Fernando Pinheiro | Category: N/A
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DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS BY TITLE 1959-2007 A. E. Smith and the Canadian Labour Defense League, by Jaroslav Petryshyn, 1978. A. S. Suvorin: From Nihilist to Mrakobes, 1861-1881, by Effie King Ambler, 1969. Abbe Democrate Picard, Un: Charles Calippe. Sa Pen see Sociale, 1893-1914, by Rene O. Poirier, 1972. Abolitionism and the American Churches, 1830-1865: A Study of Attitudes and Tactics, by John Raymond McKivigan, 1978. Abolitionism in the Illinois Churches, 1830-1865, by Linda Jeanne Evans, 1982. Abortion and the Body Politic: An Anthropological Analysis of Legislative Activity in Massachusetts, by Kathleen Rudd, 1981. Abortion in Judaism: The History of a Struggle to Choose Life, by Daniel Leonard Schiff, 2000. Abortion Issue Within the Southern Baptist Convention, 1969-1988, The, by Paul L. Sadler, 1991. Abortion Politics and Family Life: An Interpretation, by Patricia Therese Coen Lynch, 1982. Abortion, Religion, and Politics: A Comparative Study of the Abortion Debate in Kenya, Mexico, and Poland, by Andrzej Jerzy Kulczcki, 1995. Absolutely Pietist: Patronage, Factionalism, and State-building in the Early Eighteenth-century Prussian Army Chaplaincy (King Friedrich Wilhelm I), by Benjamin Marschke, 2003. Abraham Furtado and the Sephardi Jews of France: A Study of Emancipation During the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era, by Frances Malino Hoffman, 1972. Abraham Lincoln’s Theological Outlook, by Charles David Hein, 1983. Academic Corporations of England in the Middle Ages, The: Oxford and Cambridge, 1150-1509, by Alan Karp, 1978. Academic Achievement and Socialization of College Students Who Were Home Schooled, by Melvin A. Holder, 2001. Academic Freedom in Church-Related Colleges and Universities: A Theological and Educational Analysis, by James Jeffery Tillman, 1991. Academic Freedom in Islam and the West: A Study of the Philosophical Foundations of Academic Freedom in Islam and the Western Liberal Philosophy, by Ahmed Othman Altwaijri, 1983. Academic Freedom Policies in Selected Christian Colleges, Universities, and Seminaries, by Robert Karl Poch, 1990. Academy Keeping and the Great Awakening: The Presbyterian Academies, College of New Jersey, and Revivalism, 1727-1768, by Murray S. Shereshewsky, 1981. Acceptance of Pacifism in The Challenge of Peace, The, by Robert Paul Marko, 1989. Accommodation and Resistance: A Study of Church-State Relations in the German Democratic Republic, by George Howard Brand, 1978. Acculturation among Swedish Immigrants in Kansas and Nebraska, 1870-1900, by Terrence Jon Lindell, 1987. Action Liberale Populaire, The: French Catholic Politics, 1901-1914, by Patrick Michel Valentine, 1978. Acton Circle, 1864-1871, The: The Chronicle and the North British Review, by Guy A. Ryan, 1970.

Adam and Eve in Exile: Politics and Innocence After the Fall, by Karen Diane Csajko, 1996. Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.: A Historical Exposition and Theological Analysis, by John William Kinney, 1981. Adam Ferguson: The Good Preceptor of Empire, by James Steven Sheets, 1993. Adjustment of Irish Immigrants to Urban Life, The: The Philadelphia Experience, 1840-1870, by John Dennis J. Clark, 1972. Administration of Simon de Anda y Salazar, Governor-General of the Philippines, 1770-1776, The, by Salvador P. Escoto, 1974. Administration of the Statute of Mortmain, The, by Sumner Anthony Standen, 1974. Administrative and Judicial Elite in Ireland, 1892-1922, The, by Lawrence William McBride, 1979. Administrator’s Concept of the Organizational Religionship of the Campus Ministry to the Publicly Sponsored University, The, by Loyd A. Bates, 1965. Administrator’s Views of Religious Practices in Selected Texas Public High Schools, by John Hancock, 1983. Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention From the Perspectives of Adolescent Mothers and National Policymakers: An Interpretive Policy Analysis, by Elizabeth McDonald, 2005. Adolescent Socialization and Avoiding Trouble: A Perspective on Religious Influences, by Mark Daniel Regnerus, 2000. African Theology and Black Theology in South Africa: Toward a Synthesis of Inculturation and Liberation, by Emmanuel Marty, 1992. African Zion: The Attempt to Establish a Jewish Colony in the East Africa Protectorate, 1903-1905, by Robert G. Weisbord, 1968. After Religion: Christianity, Politics, and the Search for Objectivity in the Thought of Alasdair MacIntyre, by Lori Carsen Kelly, 1992. After the Spiritual Conquest: Patrimonialism and Politics in the Mexican Church, 1573-1586, by Victoria Hennessey Cummins, 1980. Against the Current: The Political Mobilization of the Shi’a Community in Lebanon, by Majed Halawi, 1991. Against the Swastika! The Challenge of the Anti-Nazi Film to Political Theology, by Paul Arthur Leggett, 1983. Agony of Christian Realism, The: The Historical Relevance of the Pre-World War II Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr, by Claude Lee Black, 1982. Agrarian Socialism in America: Marx and Jesus in the Oklahoma Countryside, by James Scott Bissett, 1989. Aid to Private Schools and the Child Benefit Theory-A Historical Study of the Legal Impact of Two Key Supreme Court Decisions, by Gerald Joseph Rivell, 1973. Alexander Garden: The Commissary in Church and State, by James Barney Hawkins IV, 1982. Alfred E. Smith, the Religious Issue: Oklahoma City, September 20, 1928, by Elton Harvey Wallace, 1967. Algernon Sidney Crapsey, the Last of the Heretics, by Stephen Todd Neese, 2002. Alienation: An Existential Reading of Whitehead’s Philosophy, by Marshall Kent Osman, 1980. Alienation in Nature’s Nation: A Practical-Theological Analysis of the Resource Conservation and Wilderness Preservation Peities in American Civil Religion, by Robert Calvin Nygaard Kispert, 1997. Ali Shari’ati and the Islamic Renaissance, by Abbas Monoochehri, 1988.

All Good Books are Catholic Books: Literature, Censorship and the Americanization of Catholics, 1920-1960, by Una Mary Cadegan, 1987. All Manner of Error and Delusion: Josiah Cotton and the Religious Transformation of Southeastern New England, 1700-1770, by Douglas Leo Winiarski, 2000. All-Union Council of Evangelical Christians Baptists in the Soviet Union, 1944-1964, The, by Steve Durasoff, 1969. Al-mughtaribun: Law and the Transformation of Muslim Life in North America, by Kathleen M. Moore, 1992. Alternative Approach to Private School Demand, An, by John Austin Hatch, 1998. Amana Society, 1867-1932: The Accommodation of Old World Beliefs in a New World Frontier Setting, by Frank Myron Moore, 1988. A Man Chosen by God: The Office of Archbishop in Novgorod, Russia (1165-1478), by Michael Christopher Paul, 2003. Ambrosius Blaurer and the Reformation in Constance, by Marcia Kay Lewis, 1975. America for Americans: The Southern Know Nothing Party and the Politics of Nativism, 1854-1856, by John David Bladek, 1998. American Acropolis: The West End of the Washington Mall, by Richard Allen Hyde, 1998. American Board in China: The Missionaries’Experiences and Attitudes, 1911-1952, The, by Janet Elaine Heininger, 1982. American Catholic Call for Liberty and Justice for All, The: An Analysis in the Sociology of Knowledge, by Joseph Anthony Varacalli, 1980. American Catholic China Missionaries, 1918-1941, by Thomas A. Breslin, 1973. American Catholic Missions and Communist China, 1945-1953, by Virginia F. Unsworth, 1978. American Catholic Opinions of Mexican Anticlericalism, by Robert Edward Quigley, 1966. American Catholic Peace Movement, 1928-1972, The, by Patricia F. McNeal, 1975. American Catholic Political Position at Mid-Century, The: Archbishop Hughes as a Test Case, by Charles Patrick Connor, 1980. American Catholic Press as an Instrument of Social Education in the Emergence of Nazism, The, by Robert B. Winkowski, 1988. American Catholics and Franco’s Spain, 1935-1975: A Study of Evolving Perceptions, by Francis Patrick Kilcoyne, 1996. American Catholics and the Formation of the United Nations, by Joseph Samuel Rossi, 1989. American Catholics and the African-American Migration: 1919-1970, by John T. McGreevy, 1992. American Catholics and the Spanish Civil War, 1931-1939, by John David Valaik, 1965. American Catholic Social Thought in the 1930’s, by David Joseph O’Brien, 1966. American Christian Press and Pre-War Hitler’s Germany, 1933-1939, The, by Fredrick Ira Murphy, 1971. American Christian Press and the SinoJapanese Crisis of 1931-1933, The: An Aspect of Public Response to the Breakdown of World Peace, by Alden Bryan Pearson, Jr., 1969. American Christian Thinkers and the Function of War, 1861-1920, by Darrel E. Bigham, 1971. American Church Attitudes Toward Social Catastrophe: The Panic of 1873 as a Case Study, by Charles David Cashdollar, 1970.

American Church Meets Secular Society, The: A Study and Comparison of the Official Documents of Three American Churches on Politics and Social Issues, 1940-1965, by Daniel A. Brown, 1974. American Church’s Reaction to the Homophile Movement, 1948-1978, The, by Thomas Furman Hewitt, 1983. American Civil Religion: The History and Evaluation of aSociological Concept, by Gail Gehrig, 1980. American Congregational Missonaries and Social Reform in Meiji Japan (18701900), by Gladys Eugenia Bryant, 1972. American Core Value and the Character of Sociomoral Guidance in the Elementary School, by Frank Leonard Pasquale, 1983. American Council of Christian Churches, The: A Study of Its Origin, Leaders, and Characteristic Positions, by John Albert Stroman, 1967. American Faith in the Schools as an Agency of Progress: Promise and Fulfillment, by Jeffrey Roy Herold, 1970. American Fundamentalism and the Disruption of Traditional Gender Roles, 18801930, by Betty A. DeBerg, 1988. American Involvement with the Vatican as a Moral Force in International Politics, 1939-1945, by William Aloysius Kerr, 1976. American Jewry and United States Immigration Policy, 1881-1953, by Sheldon Morris Neuringer, 1972. American Lutheran Church and Public Policy, The, by Byron Lee Schmid, 1972. American Lutheran Pietism, Activist and Abolitionist, by Paul Phillip Kuenning, 1985. American Missionaries and the Chinese Communists: A Study of Views Expressed by Methodist Episcopal Church Missionaries, 1921-1941, by Milo Lancaster Thornberry, Jr., 1975. American Missionaries’Involvement in Higher Education in India in the Nineteenth Century, by Animas Bose, 1972. American Orthodoxy and the First Amendment Freedoms: The Law and Public Dialogue of Early Virginia, by Robert Eugene McDonough, 1971. American Periodicals and the Palestine Triangle, April, 1936, to February, 1947, by Michael Arthur Dohse, 1967. American Protestant Conspiracy Theory of Mexican History, The: A Case Study in the Literature of Mexican Militant Catholicism, by Dennis Ray Palmer, 1979. American Protestant Educational Missi, Their Influence on Syria and II Nationalism, 1820-1923, by Wah George Antakly, 1977. American Protestantism and the of State Israel: 1937-1967, by Hertzel Fishman, 1972. American Protestant Liberalism as Exemplified in the Life and Thought of Harry Emerson Fosdick, by Henry Eugene Ernst, 1988. American Revolution and the Baptist Presbyterian Clergy of Virginia, The, Study of Dissenter Opinion and Act by William Jennings Terman, Jr., 1975. American School Controversy Among Norwegian-Americans, 1845-1881, by Frank Charles Nelson, 1970. American Schools in the Republic of Turkey, 1923-1933, The: A Case Study; Missionary Problems in International Relations, by Hugh Grayson Johnson, 1976. Americans in China and the Formation of American Policy, 1925-1937, by Frederick Bernard Hoyt, 1973. American University of Beirut and Its Educational Activities in Lebanon, 1920-1967, The, by Edward Nassif Sayah, 1988.

American Tract Society, 1825-1865, An: Examination of Its Religious, Economic, Social and Political Ideas, by Harvey George Neufeldt, 1972. American Unitarians, 1830-1865: A Study of Religious Opinion on War, Slavery, the Union, by Charles Richard Denton, 1971. American Zionism in the 1920s, by Maier Bryan Fox, 1980. American Zionist Leaders and the Palestinian Arabs, 1898-1948, by Rafael Medoff, 1991. Americanization of German Immigration, The: Language, Religion and School Nineteenth-Century Rural Wisconsin, by Susan Jean Kuyper, 1981. Anabaptism and the Reformation in France, 1534-1648, by Eric William Fruge, 1992. Analysis of Buddhist Philosophy of Education in Thailand, An, by Chumpol Poolpatarachewin, 1984. Analysis of Congregational Debate in United States Senate on the Kennedy Proposals for Federal Aid to Education, An, by Paul Henry Winters, 1970. Analysis of Desired Student Outcomes of Catholic Elementary Schools as Perceived by Principals, Teachers, Parents, and Board Members, An, by Mary Leanne Welch, 1988. Analysis of Factors Influencing the Teaching of Evolution and Creation by Arizona High School Biology Teachers, An, by Susan Jorstad, 2002. Analysis of First Amendment Issues Concerning Public Funding of Private Schools with an Emphasis on Voucher Plans in Cases Adjudicated by the United States Supreme Court as of 2002, An, by Ann Redmond Iparraguirre, 2003. Analysis of First Amendment Jurisprudence and School Voucher Programs after Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002), An, by Lori A. Stengel, 2003. Analysis of Jewish Religious Observance in Nazi-occupied Europe During World War II, 1939-1945, by Berta Stein Bienenstock, 1991. Analysis of Legal Issues Affecting the Inclusive Education of Children with Special Needs in Catholic Schools, An, by Mary Elizabeth Depp-Blackett, 1997. Analysis of Nuclear Warfare in Light of the Traditional Just War Theory: An American Roman Catholic Perspective, An, by Judith A. Dwyer, 1983. Analysis of Parental Choise: Islamic School Enrollment in Florida, by Feryal Younis Elkhaldy, 1996. Analysis of School Board Policies Relating to the Establishment Clause, by Charlie Jeff Perry, 1994. Analysis of Southern Baptist Response to Diplomatic Relations between the United States and the Vatican, An, by Vicki Ann Crumpton, 1988. Analysis of the Conflict Between the Clergy of the Reformed Church and the Leaders of the Anabaptist Movement in Strasbourg, 1524-1534, An, by Henry George Krahn, 1971. Analysis of the Congruence of Official School District Philosophies, Humanistic Education Philosophy, and School Board Members’Perceptions of Humanistic Teachers, An, by Judith Ann DuShane, 1983. Analysis of the Drive for Public Funds Parochial Schools, An: 1945-1963, by George Alvis Kizer, 1967. Analysis of the Effect of Religion on Malagasy Culture, An, by Andrew Severin Burgess, 1948. Analysis of the Hunger Debate From a Christian Perspective, An, by Kent Bernard Belvins, 1983. Analysis of the Purpose and Administration of the Academic Study of Religious Public Higher Education with Special Emphasis on Florida’s Public Universities,

An, by Jeremiah James Ashcroft II, 1974. Analysis of the Relationship Between Internal Church Conflict and Church Growth, An: With Selected Case Studies of Southern Baptist Churches in the Shelby Association, by Jeffrey Lynn Gaskins, 1999. Analysis of the Responses to a Religious Television Question and Answer Program as Related to the Major Expressed Interests of the New Right, An, by John Milton Banks, 1986. Analysis of the Teaching of Religion in State Universities of Texas, An, by Kenneth Wayne Greene, 1975. Analysis of the Transition of Three Universities from Private to State Status, An, by Charles Robert Dees, Jr., 1974. Anatomy of a Hate Movement: The German American Bund, 1936-1941, by Leland Virgil Bell, 1970. And Be Ye Transformed: The Socio-economic Consequences of the Evangelical Explosion in Guatemala, by Amy Lynn Sherman, 1994. Angevin Church in the First Feudal Age, The: A Study of the Career, Family, and Politics of Bishop Rainald II (973-1005), by Richard Michael Hogan, 1979. Anglican Church and Native Education, The: Residential Schools and Assimiliation, by Eric Ronald Porter, 1982. Anglican Clergy in Maryland, 1692-1776, The, by Carol Lee Van Voorst, 1979. Anglican Evangelicals in British Politics, 1780-1833, The, by Ian W. Brown, 1966. Anglican Left, The: Radical Social Reformers in the Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1846-1954, by Bernard Kent Markwell, 1978. Anglican Ministry in Virginia 1723-1776, The: A Study of Social Class, by Joan Rezner Gunderson, 1973. Anglican Resistance to an American Episcopate, 1761-1789, by Frederick Vandever Mills, Sr., 1968. Anglican Vestry in Colonial America, The, by Borden W. Painter, Jr., 1966. Anglican Vestry in Colonial Maryland, The, by Gerald Eugene Hartdagen, 1966. Anglicans and Orthodox between the Wars, by Bryn Ivan Geffert, 2003. Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry(AACI), The, by Allen Howard Podet, 1980. Anglo-Saxon and Norman Eigenkirche and the Ecclesiastical Policy of William I, The, by Albert Simeon Cote; Jr., 1982. Angry Catholics, The: American Catholics and Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, 19501957, by Donald F. Crosby, 1974. Antebellum Southern Evangelical and State Supported Colleges, The: A Comparative Study, by Joe Lyons Kincheloe, 1981. Anti-Christian Movement in China, 1922-1927, With Special Reference to the Experience of Protestant Missions, The, by Da-che Yip, 1972. Anti-Christian Movement in Paris During the French Revolution, 1789-1794, The, by Charles Anthony Gliozzo, 1967. Anti-Christian Persecution of 1616-1617 in Nanking, The, by Edward Thomas Kelly, 1972. Anticlericalism Among the English Deists, by Janet Griffin, 1971. Anticlericalism in the Writings of Pierre Joseph Broughon, by Barbara Ann Hughes, 1973. Anti-Confucian Movement in the People’s Republic of China, 1966-1974, The, by Tesheng Meng, 1980. Anti-Madalyn Majority: Secular Left, Religious Right, and the Rise of Reagan’s America (Madalyn Murray O’Hair), The, by Benjamin Eric Sasse, 2004.

Anti-Religious Propaganda in the Soviet Union, 1959-1963, by David Edward Powell, 1968. Antisemitic Arguments of Russian Nationalists, The: Varieties of Anti-liberalism, by Vadim Joseph Rossman, 1998. Anti-Semitic Political Parties in the German Empire, by Richard Simon Levy, 1970. Antislavery Thought of Jose Agustin Caballero, Juan Jose Diaz de Espada, and Felix Varela, in Cuba, 1791-1823, The, by Joseph Augustine Fahy, 1983. Antoine Lefevre de la Boderie’s Mission to England: A Study of French-English Relations, 1606-1611, by Robert Orval Lindsay, 1967. A. Philip Randolph and the Transformation of the Negro Church, by Cynthia Taylor, 2003. Apocalyptic Literature: “The Mother of Justice Education”: A Design for the Use of the Book of Revelation in Religious Education, by Maryanne Stevens, 1987. Apocalyptic Politics of Price and Priestley, The: Political Change, The Historical Process and Civic Reponsibility in Late Eighteenth-Century Republican Millennialism, by Jack Fruchtman, Jr., 1981. Applicability of Islamic Penal Law (Quisas and Diyah) in the Sudan, by Mohamad A. EI-Sheikh, 1987. Application of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Two-Tiered Political Ethic to the Business Realm with the Challenger Catastrophe as a Case Study, The, by Jeffrey L. Rarich, 1991. Apportionment in American Democracy: A Critical Examination from the Perspective of Christian Ethics, by Joseph Carl Hough, Jr., 1966. Appraisal of the Private School as Established by the Christian Church (Churches of Christ) Denomination in the United States, An, by Stanley Elwood Letcher, 1982. Approaching Opposition: Henry A. Wallace, Reinhold Niebuhr and the Emergence of American Liberal Internationalism, 1920-1942, by Mark Louis Kleinman, 1991. Approach to Church and State Relations in Puerto Rico, An, by Maria Mercedes Diaz Alonso, 1972. Arab Cultural Nationalism in Palestine, 1919-1948, by Adnan Mohammed Abu Ghazaleh, 1969. Arabization and Islamization in the Algerian University, by James Michael Coffman, 1992. Arab Nationalism and Lebanese Particularism in the Foreign Policy of Lebanon, by Burhan Mohamed Al-Ajouz, 1976. Arab-Turkish Relations from the Emergence of Arab Nationalism to the Arab Revolt, 1848-1916, by Mumtaz Ayoub Fargo, 1970. Archaic Utopias in the Modern Imagination, by Julia Margaret Hardy, 1990. Archbishop and Count: Rivals for the Touraine in the Tenth Century, by Mary Stewart Woodward, 1978. Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims (circa 806882): His Idea of Ministerium in Theory and Praxis, by Howard Haines Brown III, 1969. Archbishop John Baptist Purcell of Cincinnati: Pre-Civil War Years, by Anthony H. Deye, 1968. Archbishop John Hughes and the Common School Controversy, 1840-1842, by Vincent Peter Lannie, 1965. Archbishop John Ireland and the Faribault Stillwater School Plan of the 1890’s: A Reappraisal, by Timothy Hughes Morrissey, 1976. Architects of Yiddishism at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: A Study of Jewish Cultural History, by Emanuel Sidney Goldsmith, 1973.

Are Conservative Evangelicals Antidemocratic? Elite-level Examination of the Southern Baptist Convention, by William Leon Lester, Jr., 2000. A Relation between Us: Religion and the Political Thought of Edmund Burke, by Steven Paul Millies, 2003. Argentine Baptists and Politics: An Analysis of Relations (Spanish Text) by Pablo Alberto Deiros, 1985. Argentine Nationalism of the Right: The History of an Ideological Development, 1930-1946, by Marysa Gerassi, 1966. Aristocratic Widow in Law and Society According to the Canon Law and the Customary Law of France During the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, The, by George Duncan Turner, 1971. Armageddon Now! The Premillennarian Response to Russia and Israel since 1917, by Dwight Julian Wilson, 1978. Armenian Evangelical Youth and Political Identity: The Socio-political Aloofness of the Armenian Evangelical Church in the Near East in View of Hovhannes Aharonian’s Agenda for an Involved Ecclesiology and Erik H. Erikson’s Understanding of the Continuity between Individual and Community, by Paul Ara Haidostian, 1994. Armenianism in England, 1595-1629, by Betsy Halpern Amaru, 1971. Arthur Preuss, Journalist and Voice of German and Conservative Catholics in America, 1871-1934, by Rory Thomas Conley, 1995. Articulation and Synthesis of Jimmy Carter’s Human Rights Policy, The, by Frank Andrew Rueschel, 1990. Artisans, Evangelicals, and the City: A Social History of Abolition and Labor Reform in Jacksonian New York, by John Barkley Jentz, 1978. Ascension of Annie Rix Militz and the Home(s) of Truth: Perfection Meets Paradise in Early 20th Century Los Angeles, by John Kent Simmons, 1987. Ascent of Boston’s Jews, 1630-1918, The, by William Alan Braverman, 1990. Aspects of English Anti-Catholic Propaganda, 1667-1692, by Joseph Thomas Huston, 1966. Aspects of Hindu-Muslim Relations in British India: A Study of Arya Samaj Activities, Government of India Policies and Communal Conflict in the Period 19231928, by Gene Robert Thursby, 1973. Aspects of Political Thought in the Talmud and Midrash, by Gordon Michael Freeman, 1977. Aspects of the Islamic State: Religious Norms and Political Realities, by Manouchehr Paydar, 1974. Aspects of the Life and Theology of Pierre Viret (1511-1571), by Anne-Marie Salgat, 1972. Aspirations of the Enlightenment and the Politics of Modernity: An Assessment of the Potential for Moral Conversation in America after Liberalism, The, by Andrew Carpenter Wicks, 1992. Asserting Americanness: Race, Religion, and Nationalism in the Turn-of-the-Century American West, by Daniel J. Moos, 2003. Assessment of the Influence by Lobbyists on Appropriations by the Alabama Legislature to Public Four-Year Universities in Alabama, An, by Donna Robertson Gaston, 1983. Association Between Attributional Styles and Academic Performance of Students in a Program of Religious Studies, The, by Charles W. Ward, 1992. At the Crossroads of Secularism and Islamism (Turkey), by Soon-Yong Pak, 2002.

At the Foundations of Anabaptism: A Study of Thomas Muntzer, Hans Denck, and Hans Hut, by Willis Milton Stoesz, 1968. Attitude of American Catholics Toward Italian Fascism Between the Two World Wars, The, by William Barry Smith, 1970. Attitude of the Soviet State to Religion, 1959-1965, As Expressed in Official Russian Periodicals, The, by Benjamin Leighton Armstrong, 1969. Attitudes and Activities of American Catholics Regarding the Proposals to Establish a Federal Department of Education Between World War I and the Great Depression, The, by Douglas James Slawson, 1982. Attitudes of Chaplains in the United States Army in Europe Toward Clinical Pas. toral Education, by Charles Douglass Burge, 1983. Attitudes of the American Religious Press Toward Soviet Russia, 1939-1941, by Ronald Earnest Magflen, 1965. Attitudes of the Oriental Jewish Elite in Israel toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict, by Renee Taft, 1989. Attitudes of Zionist Intellectuals to the Arab Population in Palestine as Expressed in the Literature before the Young Turk Revolution of 1908, by Chana Sosevsky, 1981. Attitudes on Religious Toleration as Expressed in English Parliamentary Debates, 1660-1719, by Raymond Clarke Mensing, 1971. Attitudes toward Church and State Relationship of the Methodist Episcopal Church, by Robert William Huston, 1965. Attitudes toward Political Violence: A Survey of Catholics and Protestants in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, by Robe Francis Mulvihill, 1980. Atto of Vercelli: Church, State and Society the Tenth Century, by Suzanne Fon Wemple, 1971. A uniquely dangerous and promising time: America’s Protestant Establishment Confronts a New World, 1941-1950, by Robert Alan Johnson, 2001. Authority of the Text and the Limits of Religious Tolerance in Islamic Political Thought: The Case of Ahmad Ibn Taymiyah, by Abdullah Alhomaid, 1996. Autonomy, Community and the Moral Self: A Christian and Feminist Analysis, by Susan Mary Dolan, 1994. Avoiding the Greater Evil: The Response the Argentine Catholic Church to Juan Peron, 1943-55, by Noreen Franc Stack, 1977. Baldus de Ubaldis’ Concept of State: A Study in Fourteenth-Century Legal Theory, by James Albert Wahl, 1969. Baptist Approaches to the Issue of Church and State in Canada: Contributions and Evaluation of William Aberhart, Thomas Clement Douglas, and Thomas Todhunter Shields, by Robert David Blackaby, 1998. Baptist Republicanism, by Smith Oran Perry, 1995. Baptist Response to Immigration in the United States 1880-1925, The, by Lawren Bennion Davis, 1969. Baptists in Oregon, The, by Albert William Wardin, Jr., 1968. Barbadian Cross-Currents: Church-State Confrontation with Quaker and Negro, 1660-1689, by Winnifred V. Winkelman, 1978. Barbershops, Bible, and B.E.T.: Dialogue and the Development of Black Political Thought, by Melissa Victoria Harris-Lakewell, 1999. Base Ecclesial Communities: A New Form of Christian Organizational Response to the World Today, by Jeanne Gallo, 1989. Basis and Limits of Political Obligatic The: A Theological and Philosophical Analysis

of Civil Disobedience, by Jan Franklin Childress, 1969. Battle for the Sabbath, The: The Sabbatari Lobby in Canada, 1890-1912, by Shar Patricia Meen, 1980. Bavarian Kulturkampf, The: A Chapter Government, Church, and Society in the Early Bismarckreich, by Gilbert Edwin Southern, Jr., 1978. Becoming a Black Muslim: A Study Commitment Processes in a Deviant Political Organization, by John Rob Howard, 1966. Becoming Alive: Individual and Collective Recovery in a Multicultural Church, by Timothy L. Weitzel, 2006. Becoming All We’re Meant To Be: A Social History of the Contemporary Evangelical Feminist Movement, a Case Study of the Evangelical and Ecumenical Women’s Caucus, by Sandra Sue Geeting Horner, 2000. Becoming a Moonie: An Interview Study Religious Conversion, by John Edward Harrigan, 1981. Becoming an Activist: Believers, Sympathizers, and Mobilization in the American Pro-life Movement, by Ziad Wael Munson, 2002. Becoming Sinners: Christian Transformations of Morality and Culture in a Papua New Guinea Society, by Joel Lee Robbins, 1998. Beecher-Tilton Adultery Scandal, The: Family, Religion, and Politics in Brooklyn, 1865-1875, by Altina Laura Wall, 1980. Before the Molly Maguires: The Emerger of the Ethno-Religious Factor in the Politics of the Lower Anthracite Region, by William Anthony Gudelunas, Jr., 1974. Beginning and the End of the Catholic Eon Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, The, by Andrew Burke, 1976. Beginnings of Mexican Nationalism, The Growth of an Ideology, by Peggy Ann Korn, 1966. Being Human, Being Good: The Source and Summit of Universal Human Rights (Saint Thomas Aquinas, Hugo Grotius, John Locke), by Janey Holl Madigan, 2004. Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo: A Study of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia Before World War II, by Harriet Zivia pass Freidenreich, 1974. Beliefs of Faculty Members at the University of Michigan on the Nature of Truth and Morality, by Charles J. Roeper, 2001. Belknap of New Hampshire: Human Experience in Early America, by Russell M. Lawson, 1987. Bench of Bishops, The: A Study of the Secular Activities of the Bishops of the Church of England and of Ireland, 1801-1871, by Thomas Bailey Lundeen, 1965. Beneath the Image: The Civil Rights Movement and Race Relations in Atlanta, Georgia, 1946-1981, by David Andrew Harmond, 1993. Benedictines without Monasteries: Homeschoolers and the Contradictions of Community, by Pamela Ann Moss, 1995. Bengalis in America: Relationship, Affect, Person, and Self, by Dorothy Angell Rutherford, 1984. Ben-Gurion Period in the History and Politics of the State of Israel, 1948-1965, The, by Joseph Badi, 1971. Benito Juarez: Government by Carriage, 1863-1867, by Robert Chellis Overfelt, Jr., 1974. Benjamin M. Thomas: Career in the Southwest, 1870-1892, by Reba N. Benge, 1980. Benjamin Orr Peers and the Beginnings of the Public School Movement in Ken tucky, 1826 to 1842, by Doris Lynn Koch Moore, 1982. Benjamin Rush: An Intellectual Biography, by Donald John D’Elia, 1966.

Benjamin Rush and the Theory and Practice of Republican Education in Pennsylvania, by James Arthur Bonar, 1966. Bennett Law of 1889, The: Education and Politics in Wisconsin, by Robert James Ulrich, 1966. Bern Reformation of 1528, The: The Preacher’s Vision, the People’s Work, an Occasion of State, by Dan Lee Hendricks, 1978. Bernhard Rothmann 1495-1535, Royal Orator of the Munster Anabaptist Kingdom, by Jack Wallace Porter, 1965. Between Awakenings: Learned Men and the Transformations of Public Discourse in Connecticut, 1740-1800, by Christopher Daniel Grasso, 1992. Between Exile and Redemption: Political Theology and the Shaping of Modern Jewish Thought, by Jerome Eric Coplusky, 2004. Between Heaven and Earth: Moody Bible Institute and the Politics of the Moderate Christian Right, 1945-1985, by Michael Jay Sider-Rose, 2000. Between Ideology and Compassion. The Cuban Insurrection of 1895-98, through the Private Correspondence of Cuba’s Two Prelates with the Holy See (Volumes I and II), by Manuel Pablo Maza Miquel, 1987. Between Religion and Revolution: A Study of Grassroots Christian Communities in Managua, Nicaragua, by Eric Jon Canin, 1993. Between the Human and the Divine: The Political Thought of Simone Weil, by Mary Golden Dietz, 1983. Beyond Incoherance: Making Sense of the Church-State Debate, by Frank Galiuzza, 1990. Beyond Revolution: The Social Concern of Moises Saenz, Mexican Educator (18881941), by Harry Edwin Rosser, 1972. Beyond Suspicion: Post-Christendom Protestant Political Theology in the Thought of John Howard Yoder and Oliver O’Donovan, by Paul Doerksen, McMaster University, 2006. Beyond Toleration: The Religious Origins of American Pluralism, by Chris Beneke, 2001. Bible and Political Change, The: A Study of White Bible-based Protestant Southerners, by Cifford Anthony Grammich, 1996. Bible-Belt Catholicism: A History of the Roman Catholic Church in Oklahoma, 19051945, by Thomas Elton Brown, 1975. Bible College Accreditation by the North Central Association: 1970-1980, by Herbert Cocking, 1983. Bible College and American Moral Culture, The, by Gary Richard Moncher, 1987. Bibles, Benevolence and Emerging Bureaucracy: The Persistence of the American Bible Society, 1816-1890, by Peter J. Wosh, 1988. Biblical and Ethical Elements in the Preaching of Martin Luther King, Jr, The: A Theology of Black Hope, by Cornelius Alex Tray, 1988. Biblical Authority in Modern Christian Political Ethics: A Study Contrasting Karl Barth and Helmut Thielicke on the Subject, by George Lewis Frear, Jr., 1969. Biblical Hermeneutics and the Teaching of Reading, by Pamela Eileen Adams, 1995. Biblical Legacy of Religious Violence: The Evolution of Deuteronomic Law and Israelite Religious Culture, The, by William Ernest Herbrechtsmeier, 1987. Biblical Preaching That Establishes the Norm for Social Activism, by Joel Damon Taylor, 1998. Biblical Republicanism: Abraham Lincoln’s Civil Theology, by Joseph Robert Fornieri, 1996.

Bill Passage in the United States House of Representatives, by Okiyoshi Takeda, Princeton University, Princeton, 2000. Billy Graham and the Race Problem, 1949-1969, by Jerry Berl Hopkins, 1986. Billy James Hargis: A Case Study of the American Far Right, by John Harold Redekop, 1967. Birth-Control Policies and Practices in California Welfare and Health Departments, by Carl Reiterman, 1970. Bishop as Educator: Episcopal Attitudes and Actions toward Catholic Schooling in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas, 1874-1979, The, by Robert Benson O’Connor, 1990. Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid and Catholic Education, by Norlene Mary Kunkel, 1975. Bishop Bonner: Bulwark Against Heresy, by Merrill F. Sherr, 1970. Bishop John Hooper, A Link Connecting the Reformation Thought of Ulrich Zwingli and the Zurich Tradition with the Earliest English Pietistic Puritanism, by Edwin Clyde Deibler, Jr., 1971. Bishop John Williams and Dissent, by Harold Tyler Blethen III, 1973. Bishop Milton Wright and the Quest for a Christian America, by Daryl Melvin Elliott, 1992. Bishop Severus and the Conversion of Jews in Early Fifth Century Minorca: The Social Role of the Bishop and the Christianization of the Later Roman Empire, by Kenneth D. Snyder, 1996. Bishop Strossmayer’s Political Career, 1860-1873, by James Bernard Bukowski, 1974. Bishops in Parliament, 1559-1601, The, by Gerald Robert Brunk, 1970. Bishops of France in the Reign of Louis IX (1226-70), The, by Fernando Alberto Pica, 1971. Bishops of the United States at the First Vatican Council, The, by James John Hennesey, 1965. Bishops, Priests, and Prophecy: A Study in the Sociology of Religious Protest, by Patrick Hayes McNamara, 1969. Black Attitudes to Jews in the United States from World War II to 1976, by Marvin Weitz, 1978. Blacklo: An Essay in Counter-Reform, by Robert Ignatius Bradley, 1965. Blessed Assurance? Depraved Saints, Philosophers, and the Problem of Knowledge for Self and State in New England, 1630-1820, by James Spencer Lamborn, 2002. Board Member Practice and Knowledge: Students’First Amendment Rights in Library Selections, by Elizabeth Chalmers Burns, 2001. Body and Nation: The Female Body, Religious Radicalism and Nationalist Discourse in Modern Turkey, by Kim Louise Shively, 2002. Body Politic of Sir John Fortescue: A Late Medieval Political Theology, The, by Edwin T. Callahan, 1994. Body Politic, The: Nature, Politics, and the Body in American Political Culture, 17761875, by Catherine Alsie Holland, 1996. Boff’s Use of the Bible in Selected Christological Passages, by Oscar López Marroquín, 1993. Bonaventure, John Paul II and a Humane Economy, by D. Joseph M. Patee, Duquesne University, 2000. Bondage and Benevolence: An Evangelical Calvinist Approaches Slavery-Samuel Hanson Cox, by Dwyn Mecklin Mounger, 1977. Boniface of Canterbury, 1241-1270, by Alexander Jasper Simpson, 1971.

Boniface of Savoy, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1245-1270: His Role in English Politics, by Leland Edward Wilshire, 1968. Bordering on the Sacred: Religion, Nation and United States-Mexican Relations, 1910-1929, by Anne M. Martinez, 2003. Born-Again Politics: The Persistence of Revival Traditions, by Timothy Alan Crippen, 1983. Born of Water and Spirit: Popular Religion and Early American Baptists in Kentucky, 1776-1860, by Richrd Claude Traylor II, 2003. Boston Catholics and Modern American Culture, 1900-1920, by Paula Marie Kane, 1987. Bound by the Spirit, Found on the Journey: The Methodist Women’s Campaign for Southern Civil Rights, 1940-1968, by Alice G. Knotts, 1989. Boundless Courtyard, The: Palestinian Israelis and the Politics of Uncertainty, by Davida Rachel Wood, 1994. Brandeis, Progressivism, and Zionism: A Study in the Interaction of Ideas and School Background, by Allon Gal, 1977. Brandenburg and the Edict of Restoration: A Study of the Impact of the Imperial , Catholic and Swedish Threats on the Policies of the Electorate of Brandenburg in the Years 1628-1931, by Bodo Nischan, 1972. Break Every Yoke: American Evangelicals against Slavery, 1770-1808, by James David Essig, 1979. Breaking Loose Together: Religion and Rebellion in the North Carolina Piedmont, 1730-1790, by Marjoleine Kars, 1994. Breaking of the Elizabethan Settlement of Religion, The: Puritan Spiritual Experience and the Theological Division of the English Church, by Robert Orkney Stuart, 1977. Breton Refugee Clergy in Exile on the Channel Island of Jersey-1792-1801, The, by Kathleen Connell, 1972. Bridges across the Atlantic: Relating Black Theologies in the United States and South Africa Focusing on Social Analytical Methodologies and Utilizing James Cone and Desmond Tutu as Respective Symbolic Figures, by Julian Edward Kunnie, 1990. Brigham Young University/Public School Partnership, 1978-1988, The, by Richard Macintosh, 1996. Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1939, by Joshua Berton Stein, 1973. Britain’s Eastern Policy and the Ottoman Christians, 1856-1877, by Gordon Llewellyn Iseminger, 1966. British Catholic Policy in Eighteenth-century Ireland and Quebec, by Karen Anita Stanbridge, 1998. British Catholic Press and the Educational Controversy, 1847-1865, The, by Mary Griset Holland, 1976. British Catholic Press and the Rise of Nazi Germany, 1933-1940, The, by Mario Dominic Mazzarella, 1978. British Evangelicals, Native Peoples and the Concept of Empire, 1837-1852, by Raymond McIntyre Cooke, 1965. British Policy and Mission Education in the Southern Sudan: 1928-1946, by David Joseph Sconyers, 1979. Buddhism and Politics in Southeast Asia, by Tran Thanh Hung, 1971. Buddhist Politics: Japan’s Clean Government Party, by Arthur Arvin Palmer, 1971.

Building Basic Christian Communities: Religion, Symbolism and Ideology in a National Movement to Change Local Level Power Relations in the Philippines, by Catherine Elisabeth (Rineke) Coumans, 1993. Building God’s Kingdom: Society and Order in a Japanese Utopian Community, by Karen Kerner, 1982. Building of an American Catholic Church, The: The Episcopacy of John Carroll, by Joseph Anthony Agonito, 1973. Bulgaria and the Jews: The Final Solution, 1940-1944, by Frederick Barry Chary, 1970. Bundy Legislation and Diversity in New York State, The: Six Institutional Responses to the Hypothetical Imperative for Funding by Mary Lee Farrell, 1987. Burden of the Cross, The: Southern Literature and the Bible Belt Mystique, by Steve Rea, 1994. Bureaucratic Change in the Mexican Catholic Church: 1926-1950, by Ralph Carleton Beals, 1968. Business of Religion, The: Institutional Isomorphism and the Quest for Black Baptist Unity, 1880-1915, by Quinton Hosford Dixie, 1999. Caesar’s Sabbath: The Sunday-Law Controversy in the United States, 1879-1892, by Dennis Lynn Pettibone, 1908. Caldeirao Movement, The: A Case Study in Brazilian Messianism, 1926-1938, by James Charnel Anderson, 1971. California Public Universities and Religious Cults: The Law, Liability Assessment, and Risk Reduction, by Shannon E. Ellis, 1987. Calling the heart back home: Irish Catholic Women in America, 1845-1915, by Elizabeth Pollard Grayson, 2001. Call to Battle: The Stances of Parker, Finney, Beecher, and Brooks on the Great Issues Surrounding the Civil War and a Comparison of Those Stances with Other Clergy in the Nation, The, by David Bruce Chesebrough, 1988. Calvinism and Commonwealth: An Attempt to Define the Reformed Tradition of Social Concern, by Paul Frederick Scotchmer, 1983. Calvinism and Culture in America, 1870-1915, by Gary Scott Smith, 1982. Calvinism and the Political Elite of Sixteenth Century Nimes, by Ann H. Guggenheim, 1970. Calvinism and the Rise of the Protestant Political Movement in the Netherlands, by Steven Edward Meyer, 1979. Calvin, Jews, and Intra-Christian Polemics, by Mary Sweetland Laver, 1988. Camilo Torres Restrepo and the Christian Left in the Tradition of Colombian ChurchState Relations, by Richard Harries Funk, 1973. Campaign for the Abolition of the British Slave Trade, The: The Quaker Contribu tion, 1757-1807, by Judith Gaile Jennings, 1978. Campomanes and the Secular Clergy in Spain, 1760-1780: Enlightenment vs. Tradition, by Charles Curtis Noel, Jr., 1971. Canada and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Study of the Yom Kippur War and the Domestic Political Environment, by David Taras, 1983. Can Christian Realists Support Black Power Strategies?, by David James Snider, 1971. Canisius, Buffalo’s Catholic Street Car College: A Study on How Ethnic Catholics in Buffalo, New York, Used Canisius College to Facilitate Movement from Blue-Collar to White-Collar Occupations, 1884-1937, by Irene E. Cuddihy, 1989. Canonical Collection of the Farfa Register, The, by Bryan Stephen Pedeaux, 1977.

Canonical Impediment, The: John F. Kennedy and the Religious Issue During the 1960 Presidential Campaign, by Teddy David Lisle, 1983. Canonical Status of Catholic Health Care Facilities in the Province of New Brunswick in the Light of Recent Provincial Government Legislations, The, by Michael Dennis McGowan, 1998. Canonical Status of Marriages Attempted before Civil Authorities: A Historical Analysis from the Council of Trent to the 1983 Code* (Canon Law Studies No. 529), The, by Richard Joseph Ryan, 1989. Can There Be a Just War?, by Daniel Francis Montaldi, 1983. Cao Dai, The: The Politics of a Vietnamese Syncretic Religious Movement, by Jayne Susan Werner, 1977. Capotian Conquest of Anjou, The, by Arthur James Lyons, 1977. Captive Church in the Land of the Free, A: E. Y. Mullins, Walter Rauschenbusch, George Truett, and the Rise of Baptist Democracy, 1900-1925, by Christopher L. Canipe, 2004. Cardinal Gasparo Contarini (1483-1542 and the Beginning of Catholic Reform, by Elisabeth Gregoric Gleason, 1965. Cardinal Manning and the London Dock Strike of 1889, by Arthur Francis Wheeler, 1980. Career of Christoph von Utenheim, Bishop of Basel, 1502-1526, The, by John Patrick Higgins, 1975. Career Paths of Presidents of Institutions Belonging to the Coalition for Christian Colleges and Universities, by John George Plotts, 1998. Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: The Political Thought of Jan Patoka, by Edward Francis Findlay, 2000. Carlton. H. Hayes: Teacher and Historian, by Arthur Joseph Hughes, 1973. Cartesianism in the Netherlands, 1639-1676: The New Science and the Calvinist Counter-Reformation, by Thomas Arth McGahagan, 1977. Case for Abolition in the Writings of William Wells Brown, The, by Love Henry Whelchel, Jr., 1962. Case Study: A Faith-based Organization’s Collaborative Effort with the Private, Public, and Nonprofit Sectors, by Christine Denning Chapman, 2002. Case Study in Social Ethics, A: The Hungarian Lutheran Church in Socialism, 19451989, by Helmut David Baer, 1999. Catholic Activities in Kwangtung Provin and Chinese Responses, 1848-1885, by Jean-Paul Wiest, 1979. Catholic and Protestant Missionaries Argentina, 1938-1962, by Ernest Stanislaus Sweeney, 1971. Catholic Capitalism: Charles Vatterott, Civil Rights, and Suburbanization in St. Louis and the Nation, 1919-1971 (Missouri), by Cornelia Frances Sexauer, 2003. Catholic Church and American Intellectuals, The: From Cooper to Santayana, by Keith Robert Burich, 1980. Catholic Church and Colombian Education 1886-1930, The: In Search of a Tradition, by Robert Vincent Farrell, 1976. Catholic Church and Elections, The: Study of the Catholic Thought on t Moral Obligations of Voting, by Jo Carlos Brandi Aleixo, 1969. Catholic Church and Political Change Chile, 1920-1979, The, by Brian Henry Smith, 1980. Catholic Church and Politics in Brazil, 1916-1982, The, by Scott Patterson Mainwaring, 1983.

Catholic Church and the Authoritarian Regime in Austria, 1933-1938, The, by Laura Suzanne Gellott, 1983. Catholic Church and the Christian Socialist Party in Lower Austria, 1885-1907, The, by Gavin Lewis, 1973. Catholic Church and the Congress of Industrial Organizations, The: The Case of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists, 1937-1950, by Douglas Paul Seaton, 1978. Catholic Church and the Peruvian Revolution, The: Resource Exchange in Authoritarian Setting, by Thomas James Maloney, 1979. Catholic Church and the Protestant Party in Languedoc during the Wars of Religion, 1559-1598, The, by Gerard Thomas Moran, 1978. Catholic Church and the Rebirth of Civil Society, The: Elite Convergence, Mobilization and Democratic Transitions in East-central Europe, by Nathalie Gagnere, 1998. Catholic Church and the Re-emergence of Civil Society in Czechoslovakia, The: 1985-1990, by Edward Joseph Valla, 1997. Catholic Church’s Role in the Americanization of Chicago’s Immigrants, The, 18331928, by Charles H. Shanabruch, 1976. Catholic Communal Welfare Institution in a Changing Society, Montreal, A: 19311986, by Francis Kun Suk Han, 1988. Catholic-Communist Dialogue in Italy, The: 1944 to the Present by Rosanna Mulazzi Giammanco, 1986. Catholic Educational Policy and the Dedi of Protestant Influence in Wisconsin Schools During the Late Nineteen Century, by Thomas Caspar Hunt, 1972. Catholic Education in Sri Lanka during Its First Century as a British Colony, 17961901, by Justin Bernard Gnanapragasam, 1988. Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Corporatism, The: Historical and Contemporary Links between Church and State in Social Services, Health Care and Education, by Richard Louis Metafora, 1999. Catholic High: Themes in the Contemporary Experience of Traditional Education by David Lee Forrest, 1985. Catholic Identity at Risk: Case Study of Two Colleges, by Mary E. Salvaterra, 1990. Catholic Laity and Secular Education in New South Wales, 1860-1885, by Gregory John Haines, 1978. Catholic Loyalism and the Anti-Jesuit Party in Elizabethan Catholicism, by Arnold Jan Pritchard, 1978. Catholic Opinion and United States Recognition Policy, by Patrick Thomas Dougherty, 1965. Catholic Parochial Schools in the Austin Diocese: Background, Development since 1849, and Present Status, by Nancy Jane Newton Kuhr, 1975. Catholic Periodical Press and Issues of War and Peace, The: 1914-1946, by Esther Josephine MacCarthy, 1978. Catholic Political Activity in France, 1892-1914, by Mary Xavier Detert, 1965. Catholic Press and Nativism, 1840-1860, The, by Robert Francis Hueston, 1973. Catholics and the Missions of the Pacific 1826-1853, by George L. Thomas, 1986. Catholic Secondary Education in France: 1851-1882, by Patrick Joseph Harrigan, 1972. Catholic Social Teaching U.S. Welfare Reform: A Religious Contribution Toward an Overlapping Consensus on Post-Industrial Social Policy, by Thomas Joseph Massaro, 1997.

Catholic Social Thought and Human Emancipation: Critical Theory, Political Theology and the Social Teachings of the Church, by Joseph Anthony Fardella, 1992. Catholic Trade Unionists 1937-1950, by Douglas Paul Seato, 1978. Catholic Worker and the Origin of Catholic Radicalism in America, The, by Mel W. Piehl, 1980. Catholicism and Civic Identity in Cologne, 1475-1570, by Janis Marie Gibbs, 1996. Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy: Cultural Influences on the Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, by Tihomir Nedelchev Enev, 2001. Catholicism and Sociopolitical Change in Argentina: 1943-1973, by Robert McGeach, 1976. Catholicism and the Industrial Worker During the Great Depression, by Neil Bernard Betten, 1969. Catholicism, Reform and Development in Latin America, 1959-67, by Matthew John O’Meagher, Duke University, 1994. Catholics and Politics in Czechoslovakia, 1918c1929: Jan Sramek and the People’s Party, by Frank Joseph Hajek, 1976. Catholics in the Modern South: The Transformation of a Religion and a Region, 1945-1975, by Andrew Scott Moore, 2000. Catholics, Protestants and Workers: Ethnic Identity and Class Politics in Northern Ireland, by Evan Keith Preston, 1992. Catholic Theology of Social Justice Supporting Preferential Treatment for Black Americans, A, by John George Yockey, 1984. Catonsville Nine Action, The: A Study of an American Catholic Resistance Position, by Sarah A. Fahy, 18:422. Causes and Consequences of Alienation, The: Public and Catholic Secondary Schools Compared by Daniel Michael Newland, 1987. Causes of the Separation of the Armenian Evangelicals from the Armenian Apostolic Church, The, by Giragos Haroutune Chopourian, 1972. Caution Christian Soldiers: The Mainline Protestant Churches and the Cold War, by Randall Dean Austin, 1997. Celebrating Zion: Pioneers in Mormon Popular Historical Expression, by Eric Alden Eliason, 1998. Center Party and the Agrarian Interest in Germany, 1890-1914, The, by David Warren Hendon, 1978. Central Person in Martin Buber’s Political Theory, The, by Dan A. Avnon, 1990. Centrality of Jesus Christ for American Protestant Liberalism, 1884-1934, The, by Bradford Alan Mullen, 1990. Century of Compromise, A: New Jersey Methodists on the Status and Role of Blacks in the Church and Society, by Robert John Williams, 1983. Challenge of Dissent, The: Religious Conditions in New Hampshire in the Early Nineteenth Century, by Richard Lloyd Hudson, 1972. Challenge of Liberal Political Culture in the Thought of John Courtney Murray, The, by William Gould, 1997. Challenge Posed by Autonomy in Medical Ethics, The, by J. Alan Branch, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2000. Challenges of Faith and Family in the Lives of Defense Workers, by Mary B. Johnson, 1993. Challenges to American Corporations in the 1970s by Protestant Churches on the Issues of Corporate Social Responsibility, The, by Roy William Morano, 1983.

Challenge to Authority: Catholic Laity in Chile and the United States, 1966-1987, by Mary H. Moony, 1995. Change and Conflict in the Contemporary Mexican Catholic Church, by Dennis Michael Hanratty, 1981. Changing Conceptions of the Role of Religion with Reference to Social Justice as Reflected in the Congressional Record, 1930-1960, The, by Everett Gladstone Beckman, 1966. Changing Protestant Landscape on Campus: A Case Study of One Midwestern Public Library, The, by Thomas Wayne Atkinson, 1991. Changing Thought Patterns of Three Generations of Catholic Clergymen of the Boston Archdiocese from 1850 to 1910, by Donna Jeanne Merwick, 1969. Changing Understanding of the Church-State Relationship: The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod, 1914-1969, by Wayne William Wilke, 1990. Changing View of Religious Liberty: Reflection on Tax Support for ChurchRelated Elementary and Secondary Education from 1945 to July 1, 1971, by Catherine Mary McPherson, 1974. Chapter in Mexican Church-State Relations, A: Socialist Education, 1934-1940, by Maria Ann Kelly, 1978. Character Education and the Kingdom of God: Liberal Progressivism and the Search for a Modern Morality, 1917-1940, by David Parker Setran, 2000. Character Education in the Public Schools: A Christian Theological Construct and Model, by Wade Edward Smith, 1998. Character in the Schoolhouse: A Qualitative Assessment of the Moral Education at an Independent Christian Academy, by James Leonard Drexler, 2000. Character of the Good Ruler, The: A Study of Puritan Political Ideas in New Eng land, 1630-1730, by Timothy Hall Breen, 1969. Charitable Choice in Florida: The Politics, Ethics and Implications of Social Policy, by Angela Gomez, 2003. Charitas Pirckheimer: A Study of the Impact of the Clarine Tradition in the Process of Reformation in Nuremberg, 1525, by Catherine Bernardi Ryan, 1978. Charles Augustus Briggs and the Crisis of Historical Criticism, by Mark Stephen Massa, 1987. Charles Cardinal Lavigerie and the Establishment ofthe 1881 French Protectorate in Tunisia, by Joseph Dean O’Donnell, Jr., 1971. Charles Finney and the Utica Revival of 1826: The Social Effect of a New Religious Paradigm, by Tyler Owen Hendricks, 1983. Charles I and the Popish Plot, by Caroline Marsh Hibbard, 1976. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, A Preacher’s Progress, by Patricia Stallings Kruppa, 1972. Charles Ives: Prophet of American Civil Religion, by Mark Summer Harvey, 1983. Charles Kingsley, His Religious and Social Ideas: The Critique of an Age, by Douglas Lloyd Saxby, 1966. Charles Walmesley and the Episcopal Opposition to English Catholic Cisalpinism, 1782-1797, by Gary Lee Nelson, 1978. Charter Schools: Why States and Communities Select Them, and Their Effect on Educational Outcomes, by Matthew Rex Metzgar, 2001. Charting a Third Way in Minority Education: Transformative Community in the Old Order Mennonite Church, by Spencer L. Cowles, 2003. Chicago Catholic Worker Movement, The: 1939 to the Present, by Francis Joseph Sicius, 1980.

Chiefs, Headmen, and Warriors: Oglala Politics, 1851-1889, by Catherine Margaret Price, 1987. Chieftaincy and Christianity in Cameroon, 1886-1926: A Historical Comparative Analysis of the Evangelistic Strategy of the Basel Mission by Edward Forcha Lekunze, 1987. Child and His Book, The: Children and Children’s Moral and Religious Literature, 1700-1850, by Martha Irene Pallante, 1988. Children in the New Testament: A Linguistic and Historical Analysis, by Thomas M. Tehan, 1987. Chilean Christian Democratic Party, The: Genesis and Development, by George Wallace Grayson, Jr., 1968. Chinese State and the Catholic Church, The: The Politics of Religion within the Confucian-sectarian Dynamic, by Eric Osborne Hanson, 1977. Christ as Peitho: Classical Rhetoric and the Humanist Defense of Religious Toleration, by Gary Alan Remer, 1989. Children of Wrath: Political Violence in Northern Ireland, by Michael Douglas MacDonald, 1983. Chilean Catholic Church as a Political Institution, Especially Between 1970-1982, The, by Carl Elliott Meacham, 1983. Christ and Caste in Conflict: Creating a Racially Inclusive Methodist Church, by Peter Carlisle Murray, 1985. Christ Church, Summerfield: Community Centres and Logical Government Funding. A Case Study Approach, by John Bernard Knight, 1991. Christian Colleges: Addressing the Service Mandate, by Robin Ware, 1999. Christian Colleges and the Chinese Revolution, 1840-1940: A Case Study in the Impact of the West, by Loren William Crabtree, 1970. Christian Contribution to Revolutionary Praxis? An Examination of the Significance of Religious Belief for the Political Philosophies of Gerrard Winstanley and Camilo Torres, A, by Andrew William Bradstock, 1989. Christian Conviction and Public Moral Discourse: The Pursuit of Civility in the Moral Theology of Roger Williams, by James Calvin Davis, 2001. Christian Democracy in Peru, by Virginia O’Grady Forrester, 1975. Christian Discipleship and Social Solidarity: A Study of Walter Rauschenbusch and Richard T. Ely, by David Traynham Anderson, 1991. Christian Ethics and Political Realism, by Danny Dean Rhoades, 1972. Christian Ethics and Responsible Citizenship in Church-State Affairs: The Debate Over Prayer in the Public Schools, by James David Knight, 1986. Christian Ethics in the Juridical Philosophy of Charles Evans Hughes, by James Anson Farrar, 1969. Christian Freedom and Liberation: A Biblical and Theological Critique of the Concept of Salvation in the Theology of Gustavo Gutierrez, by Peter Wright Kendrick, 1990. Christian Intentional Community in New South Wales: A Study of the Desecularisation Process, by Jim McKnight, 1987. Christian Labor and the Politics of Frustration in Imperial Germany, by Eric Dorn Brose, 1979. Christian Labor Leader, A: Kagawa Toyohiko (1888-1960), by Willie Tsunetaka Nagai, 1978. Christian Minority in India, 1947-1980, The, by Asish Kuymar Mondal, 1985. Christian Moral Argument and United States Policy in Viet Nam, by Don Fred eric

Colenback, 1976. Christian Political Witness of the Church of the Poor: A Study of the Political Ecclesiology of the Basic Ecclesial Communities in Brazil by Gerardo Cristian Viviers, 1984. Christian Social Thought in Great Britain Between the Wars, by Bruce Gary Wollenberg, 1986. Christian Understanding of and Response to Violent Revolution, A, by Brent Philip Waters, 1984. Christianity and American Economics from Puritanism to Neoconservatism, by William Stanley Smith, 1995. Christianity and Capitalism: A Critique of Selected Roman Catholic and Protestant Accounts of Economic Ethics, by James Wilton Lewis, 1994. Christianity and Crisis in Rwanda: Religion, Civil Society, Democratization and Decline, by Timothy Paul Longman, 1995. Christianity and Marxism in Poland: Foundations for Dialogue in the Works of Adam Schaff and Jozef Tischner, by Helena Julia Czosnyka, 1990. Christianity and Modern Democracy: The Theological Anthropology and Political Vision of Reinhold Niebuhr and Yves R. Simon, by Jeanne Marie Heffernan, 2000. Christianity in the Constitution: The Intended Meaning of the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment, by Archie Preston Jones, 1991. Christianizing the Soul, Disembodying Science, Americanizing the Flesh, 1498-1627, by Heather Elaine Martel, 2001. Christian Nation, A: Evangelical Protestantism and Religious Conflict in Antebellum Philadelphia, by Daniel Lee Crosby, 1997. Christian Response to Philippine Liberation Movements, A, by Alfredo San Pedro Agtarap, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1991. Christian Right and Congressional Elections in Oklahoma, The: Can a Social Movement Impact Candidate Centered Elections?, by Nancy Louise Bednar, 1999. Christian Rock Goes Mainstream: Youth Culture, Politics and Popular Music in the United States, by Silvia Giagnoni, 2007. Christian Soldiers on Local Battlefields: Campaigning for Control of America’s School Boards, by Melissa M. Deckman, 1999. Christopher Dawson’s Cultural Morphogy: The Process of Secularization in the West, by Charles B. Cushing, 1972. Church and Commune in Medieval Asti, The: Political, Social, and Economic Change in the Astigiana, 9-13th Centuries, by Richard Gabriel McLaughlin, 1974. Church and Community: The Parish Priest and the Counter Reformation in the Diocese of Lyon, 1500-1789, by Philip Thomas Hoffman, 1980. Church and Community: Town Life a Ministerial Ideals in Revolutionary New Hampshire, by Douglas Hardy Sweet, 1981. Church and Dictatorship in Argentina: The Bishops’Struggle for Documentary Integrity, by William Timothy Hamilton, 2000. Church and Education in a Peripheral Conflicting Society of the Contemporary World System (A Case Study of the Bolivian Catholic Bishop’s Committee for Education [1970-1980]), by Eduardo Gonzalez, 1984. Church and Feudal Society in Tenth Century France, The, by William Christopher Morgan III, 1967. Church and Gentry in Reformation Kent: 1533-1553, by Michael Louis Zell, 1975.

Church and Human Liberation: The Ecclesiology of Gustavo Gutierrez, The, by James B. Nickoloff, 1989. Church and Its Influence on Democratic Transitions, The: Brazil, The Philippines, and Kenya Compared, by Thomas Dale Hofman, 1995. Church and Parliament in Brazil During the First Empire, 1823-1831, by Bede Anthony Dauphinee, 1966. Church and Politics in Argentina: Challenge and Dilemma, by Felipe Negri Cornejo, 1974. Church and Politics in Time of Crisis: Noriega’s Panama, by Stanley Michael Muschet Ibarra, 1992. Church and School in the Immigrant City: A Social History of Public Education in Jersey City, 1830-1930, by Barbara Burns Petrick, 1995. Church and Society in the Diocese of Vich in the Twelfth Century, by Paul Harris Freedman, 1979. Church and Society in Tuvalu, by Michael Rowland Goldsmith, 1989. Church and State: A Critical Evaluation the Official Social Statements and Study Reports (1962-72) of the Lutheran Church in America, in the Light of the Augsburg Confession and Luther’s Thought, by Robert Earl Mansbach, 1978. Church and State According to John Wyclyf, by Edith Comfort Tatnall, 1966. Church and State: AIDS in Rural Kenya, by Beverly Jill Smith, 2001. Church and State in a Pluralistic Society: Study of Changing Attitudes Among America’s Major Religious Communities Since the Second World War, by John Richard Hanson, 1970. Church and State in Ecuador: A History Politico-Ecclesiastical Relations During the Age of Gabriel Garcia Moreno, 1860-1875, by Cesar Bustos-Videla, 1967. Church and State in Hegel’s System, by John Francis Donovan, 1982. Church and State in Hungary, 1919-1945, by Leslie Laszlo, 1974. Church and State in Italian Education, by Anthony Scarangello, 1968. Church and State in Namibia, 1806-1989, by Shekutaamba V. Nambala, 1990. Church and State in Poland: Political Conflict Between the Catholic Church and the Communist Regime, by Frank Dinka, 1965. Church and State in the Middle Colonies, 1689-1763, by Edward James Cody, 1972. Church and State in the Theology of Karl Barth, by Ernie William Dyer Young, 1972. Church and State in the Thought and Life of John Wesley, by Leon Orville Hynson, 1972. Church and State in Veracruz, 1840-1940: The Concord and Conflicts of a Century, by John Baker Williman, 1972. Church and State in Virginia, 1776-1787, by Thomas Edwin Buckley, 1975. Church and State Question in Guatemala, 1871-1885, The, by Hubert J. Miller, 1965. Church and the Cold War, The: Protestants and Conscription, 1940-1955, by Joe Pender Dunn, 1974. Church and the Land, The: The National Catholic Rural Life Conference and American Society, 1923-1985, by David Steven Bovee, 1986. Church and World: A Critical Evaluation of the Corpus Christianum Approach in the Thought of John Baillie, V. A. Demant, and T. S. Eliot, by John Mack Stanley, 1970. Church as a Viable Force in Shaping Eastern European Politics during the Fall of Communism, The: The Cases of East Germany, Poland, and Romania, by Ruth Marie Ediger, 1996.

Church Come of Age, A: American Lutheranism and National Socialism, the German Church Conflict, and the Reconstitution of the Church: 1933-1948, by James David Kegel, 1988. Church, Economy, and Society in Fin de Siecle Austria: The Origins of the Christian Social Movement, 1875-1897, by John W. Boyer, 1976. Churches as Political Actors in Ukraine, by Gretchen Knudson Gee, 1995. Churches at Work: Richmond, Virginia, White Protestant Leaders and Social Change in a Southern City, 1900-1929, by Samuel Claude Shepherd, Jr., 1981. Churches of Christ and the War Question, The: The Influence of Church Journals, by Mark Alan Elrod, 1995. Church Growth in Japan: A Study in the Development of Eight Denominations, 18591939, by Tetsunao Yamamori, 1972. Church Investments and South Africa: Policy Formulation in the Lutheran Church in America, the Southern Baptist Convention, and the United Church of Christ, by Elaine Louise Lewis-Small, 1993. Church Lobbying in the Federal Government: A Comparative Study of Four Church Agencies in Washington, by James Allen Nash, 1968. Church Membership and the American Revolution: An Aspect of Religion and Society in New England from the Revival to the War for Independence, by Mark Allen Noll, 1976. Church Missionary Society and the Establishment of British Rule in Nigeria, 18491894, The, by Ibiba Sasime, 1978. Church Missionary Society, the Imperial Factor, and Yoruba Politics, 1842-1873, The, by Earl Harold Phillips, 1967. Church of England as a Pressure Group in Recent British Politics, 1950-1960, The: The Effectiveness of Establishment, by Roderick Bruce Dugliss, 1965. Church of Ireland as a Church in Ireland, The: A Study of the Anglican Church in the Irish Free State, 1922-1935, by Annie Kathleen Garvin, 1978. Church Peace Union, The: Vision of Peace in Troubled Times, by Karen Kennedy Sinclair, 1987. Church, People, and Government: A Reformed Perspective, by Willem Akkerhuys Dreyer, 1995. Church Reform, Reconquest, and Christian Society in Castile-Leon at the Time of the Gregorian Reform (1050-1135), by John Frank Stephens, Jr., 1978. Church’s Educational Ministry for Adults in Korea, The: A Framework for Curriculum Design, by Yong Soo Koh, 1983. Church, State, and Press: Twentieth-Century Episodes in the United States, by Donald Frederick Brod, 1970. Church, State, and Religious Liberty: The Views of the American Catholic Bishops of the 1890’s in Perspective, by Ralph William Nary, 1968. Church, State and Revolution: The Political Theory of Liberation Theology, by John Robert Pottenger, 1984. Church-State Controversy in the Early Fourteenth Century, The: A Study in Late Medieval Publicistic Literature, by William David McCready, 1972. Church-State Issues in Education as Seen in the Light of Selected Supreme Court Decisions, by John Frederick Garrahan, 1970. Church-State Problem in Contemporary American Roman Catholic Thought with Special Reference to its Restatement by Father John Murray, S.J., The, by Thomas Teel Love, 1965. Church-State Relations in Education in Argentina since 1943, by Virginia Waugh

Leonard, 1978. Church-State Relations in Italy: L ‘ Aperture a Sinsitra, 1958-1963, by Richard Joseph Dalton, 1973. Church-State Relations in Poland, 1956-1970; The Znak Group: Priests or Jesters?, by Stefania Szlek Miller, 1979. Church-State Relations in the Churches of Christ Since 1945: A Study in Religion and Politics, by Royce L. Money, 1975. Church-State Relations in the Federal Policy Process, by George R. La Noue, 1967. Church-State Relations in the Late AngloSaxon Period, 871-1066: A Study of Reciprocal Influence and Support, by Dale Ellwood Landon, 1970. Church/State Separation in Education: A Comparative Study of Parochial High School Students and Public High School Students on Measures of Religious Beliefs, Self-esteem, and Academic Achievement, by Laura Elizabeth Foster, 1995. Citizen as Believer, The: Religion and Politics in the Constitution of the Modern Self, by Simona Goi, 2000. Citizen Opposition to Mobile-Basing of the MX Missle: An Interpretation of the Potentials for Democratic Citizenship in the Face of Instrumental Reason, by Matthew James Glass, 1989. Citizenship Education in the Thought of Leo XIII, by Jose Cursino De Freitas, 1965. Citizenship Schools, by David Paul Levine, 1999. City of Brotherly Hatred: The Philadelphia School Controversy, by Bernard Christopher Diethron, 1968. City of Brotherly Love: Religious Benevolence, Gender, and Reform in Philadelphia, 1780-1844, by Bruce Allen Dorsey, II, 1993. City of Magdeburg before and after the Reformation, The: A Study in the Process of Historical Change, by Dwaine Charles Brandt, 1976. Civil Establishment of Ireland, 1690-1730, The, by Barbara Ann Sorensen, 1976. Civilian Leadership of the Cristero Movement: The Liga Naciona/ Defensora de /a Libertad Re/igiosa and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico, 1925-1938, by Timothy Clarke Hanley, 1978. Civil Liberties and the Canadian Minorities, by Joseph Francis Krauter, 1970. Civil Moral Language and the Assurance of Religious Tolerance, by P. Lance Ternasky, 1994. Civil Religion of Benjamin Franklin as Reflected in His Life and Works, The, by Albert Dale Hamlin, 1991. Civil Religion of the Modern State, The: A Historiographical Study, by Nelson Lehman DaSilva, 1981. Civil Religions in the South: Desegregation and Southern Images of America, 19471957, by Andrew Michael Manis, 1984. Civil Rights Biography, A, by Elliott Collins, 2000. Claiming a Place in Polis and Empire: The Significance of Imperial Cults and Connections among Associations, Synagogues and Christian Groups in Roman Asia (c. 27BCE-13CE), by Philip Alan Harland, 1999. Classical Concept of State in Islam, The, by Akram Rasian Deiranieh, 1977. Class, Piety, and Politics: Workers, Orthodoxy, and the Problem of Religious Identity in Russia, 1881-1914, by Kimberly Page Herrlinger, 1996. Clergy, Lay Leaders, and the People: An Analysis of Faith and Works in Albany and Boston, 1630-1750, by George Kennedy McFarland, 1992. Clergymen in the 95th Congress: A Case Study of Religion in Politics, by Neal

Edward Wise, 1983. Clergy of Leicestershire and the Clergy of Lincoln Cathedral, 1660-1714, The, by John Haywood Pruett, 1974. Clergy of the Carolinas and the American Revolution, The, by Durward Turrentine Stokes, 1969. Clerical Contribution to the Revolutionary Mind in New England, The, by Edwin Adams Hartney, 1984. Clerical Exemption from Military Training and Service: Historical and Ethical Analysis, by Donald Edward Messer, 1970. Clerical Immunity in the Vice-royalty of Peru, 1684-1692: A Study of CivilEcclesiastical Relations, by Margaret Ellen Crahan, 1968. Cluniac Political Thought, by Daniel James Kelly, 1977. Coalition Networks and Policy Learning: Interest Groups on the Losing Side of Legal Change, by Ronald B. Millar, 2005. Coercion and Dissent: The Government of the Holy Roman Empire and Anabaptism, 1527-1566 (Germany), by Edward Page Wilson, 2003. Cognitive Dissonance in the Lives of Working LDS Women, by Mistalyn Leis, Capella University, 2006. Colima, Mexico, and the Cristero Rebellion, by John Adrian Foley, 1980. College of San Pablo in Lima, The: 1568-1767. History of a Colonial Institution, by Luis Martin, 1967. Colonial Colleges and Politics: Yale, King’s College, and the College of Philadelphia, 1740-1764, by Elizabeth H. Lang, 1978. Collective Action, Individual Incentives, and Political Intent: The Sanctuary Movement, by Anne Marie Hildreth, 1989. Collective Sin in Africa: A Missiological Approach to the African Crisis, by Kabala Emmanual Tshilenga, 1999. Comintern and Zionism in Palestine, The: An Inquiry into the Circumstances Surrounding the Comintern’s Involvement in the 1929 Riots in Palestine, by Jacob Hen-Tov, 1970. Committed to Their Own: African American Women Leaders in the YWCA. The YWCA of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1870-1970, by Stephanie Yvette Felix, 1999. Common Law and Canon Law During the Reign of Edward I, by David Millon, 1983. Commonweal and American Catholicism, The, by Rodger Van Allen, 1974. Commonweal Catholic, The: 1924-1960, by Paul Edward Czuchlewski, 1974. Commonweal, 1924-1938, The: The Williams Shuster Years, by Robert Brooke Clements, 1973. Communal Conflict in Lebanon from a Sunnite Muslim Perspective: A Survey Research, by Hilal Khashan, 1981. Communal Discipline in the Early Anabaptist Communities of Switzerland, South and Central Germany, Austria, and Moravia, 1525-1550, by Jean Ellen Goodban Runzo, 1979. Communalization of Politics, The: National Political Activity in India, 1926-1930, by Barbara Wilmot Flynn, 1975. Communist Government of Poland as Affecting the Rights of the Church from 1944 to 1960, The, by Marion Stanislaus Mazgaj, 1971. Communist Rule in Kerala, by Ampat Koreth Baby, 1966. Communities of Faith: Sectarianism, Identity, and Social Change on a Danish Island, by Andrew Stanley Buckser, 1993.

Community and Conflict: The English Church; 1350-1381, by Rosalie Burrows Fitzgerald, 1977. Community and Morality in African Thought: A Critique of Tempels’ Bantu Ontology, Its Impact and Its Implications for the Role of Community in African Moral Thinking, by D. Elliott Wreh-Wilson, 1994. Community Suicide: Secularization in Catholic Nuns with the Manipulation of Ritual and Symbol, by Barbara Ellen Zajac, 1999. Comparative Analysis of Bible College Quality, A, by Daniel Alan Brown, 1983. Comparative Analysis of Community in Western and Islamic Political Thought, A, by Jiman Abbas Tagavi, 1981. Comparative Analysis of the Men and Religion Forward Movement and Promise Keepers, A, by Larry Dean Allen, II, 2000. Comparative Analysis of Theories of Religion and Politics as Applied to Relevant Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, A, by John Paul Jones, 1970. Comparative and Critical Analysis of the Preaching of Harry Emerson Fosdick and Clarence Edward Macartney on the Issue of War and Peace, by Ted C. Spear, 1987. Comparative Approach to Religious Fundamentalism Equptian Sunni Islam and American Protestant Christianity, A, by James Darrell Chancellor, 1988. Comparative Study of Catholic and Public High School Graduates on the Differences in Attitudes Toward Selected Contemporary and Moral Issues, by Joseph Paul Kane, 1987. Comparative Study of Jewish and Christian Responses to the Holocaust, A, by Isabel Louise Wollaston, 1989. Comparative Study of Public School and Christian School Classroom Environments, A, by Stephen Grant Stein, 2001. Comparative Study of the Political Idea, Two Contemporary Theologians, Reinhold Niebuhr and Jacques Maritain, by Chee Soon Ahn, 1967. Comparative Study of Wills in Canon 1 and in the Civil Code of the Philippines, A, by Feliciano M. Palma, Jr., 1966. Comparison Among Black, Hispanic, and White Parental Expectations of Evangelical Christian School, A, by John Carl Holmes, 1983. Comparison Between Elements of Protestant Fundamentalism and McCarthyism, A, by Warren Lang Vinz, 1969. Comparison Between the Down Grade Controversy and Tensions Over Biblical Errancy in the Southern Baptist Convention, A, by Thomas Jerrell Sutton, 1983. Comparison of Critical Thinking and Spiritual Discernment in the Interest of Public and Christian Education, A, by Shawn David Vecellio, 2000. Comparison of Liberal and Conservative Religious Groups with Respect to Values and Attitudes Toward Peace as Indicators of Worldview, A, by Joy Ann Lee Carey, 1985. Comparison of Organizational Climate and Teacher Values of Secondary Public and Catholic School Teachers in Connecticut, A, by Jean Ann Considine, 1988. Comparison of Perceptions of Iranian Educators and Students Concerning Iranian Education, Pre- and Post-Revolution, and Their Expectations for the Future of Iranian Expectations for the Future of Iranian Education, A, by Parichehr Navai, 1983. Comparison of the Educational Thought of Joseph Smith with That of Certain Contemporary Educators, by James I. Harris, 1967.

Comparison of the Political Philosophies of John Winthrop and John Wise, A, by William Paul Wood, 1989. Comparison of Public and Parochial School Student Religious Attitudes, A, by John Joseph Keeley, 1983. Comparison of Reading Achievement and School Attitudes of Rural Seventh-day Adventist Multi-grade Students in the State of Arkansas, A, by Arlene Boyko Zabolotney, 1983. Comparison of the Organizational Structures of Public and Catholic High Schools, A, by Margaret Mary Camarena, 1987. Comparison of the Value Preferences of Christian and Public High School Students, by Tommy J. Bonine, 1990. Compassionate Solidarity: Toward a Feminist Pedagogy for Justice, by Kathleen T. Talvacchia, 1992. Competing Views of Human Nature in the Politics of Peace: Integrating Ideas of Cobb, Galtung, Gewirth, and Tillich, by Gordon Louis Anderson, 1986. Compliance and the State Legislature: Empirical Analysis of Abortion and to NonPublic Schools in Illinois, Minnesota, by Charles Edward Neal, 1981. Compromise of Mission in Church-Related Colleges, The, by Robert James Radcliffe, 1983. Concept and Behavior in a Tlaxcalan Religious Officeholding System, by Garry Edward Chick, 1981. Concept of Christian Militancy in the First Decade of the German Reformation, The, by Douglas Dwight Overmyer, 1973. Concept of Church and State in the English Religious Establishment, 1595-11, The, by George Calhoun Field, 1971. Concept of Civil Religion in American Political Analysis and Political Philosophy, The, by Kalmin Dexter Smith, 1978. Concept of Christian Citizenship in the Declaration on Religious Liberty, The, by Michael Thomas Grey, 1997. Concept of Community, The : A Study of the Communitarian Programs of the New Deal, by William Edward Bennett, 1983. Concept of Equality in Social Justice, The: A Philosophical, Historical, and Theological Analysis from a Presbyterian Perspective, by Mark A. Duntley, Jr.,1988. Concept of Grace in the Ethics of John Wesley, The, by Robert Vincent Rakestraw, 1985. Concept of Heterodoxy in the Thought of Marcelino Menendez y Pelayo, The, by Eduardo L. Bodipo-Malumba, 1976. Concept of Religion for Religious Education in Public Schools, A, by Ian George Mavor, 1975. Concept of Religious Fit and Student Retention at Christian Colleges, The, by Gerald Daniel Forbes, 1998. Concept of Secularization in the Thought of Friedrich Gogarten and Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Its Implications for American Higher Education, The, by Harry Edmund Smith, 1967. Conceptions of Common Religion: A Study of Developing Alternatives in English Thought, 1558-1629, by James Charles Herbert, 1971. Concepts Relating to Civil Rule in Works of St. Augustine and John Wyclif, by James Nelson Welch, 1965. Conceptual Frameworks for Evaluating Negative Moral Formation: Problems and Contributions of Catholic Moral Theology Since Vatican II, by William P. Bolan,

2005. Conceptualizing the Enemy: An Exploration into the Moral Discourse over Nuclear Weapons, by Gary Lee Ball-Kilbourne, 1988. Conceptually and Culturally Redressing Black Liberation Theology, by Charles Miles Sutton, 1999. Conditions for Revolution: The Case of Iran, 1978-1979, by Mahmood Pollnaie, 1982. Confessional Political Parties in the Netherlands, 1813-1946, by Johan Gerard Westra, 1974. Confessional Protest: The Evangelical Origins of Social Movements in the United States, 1800-1840, by Michael P. Young, 2000. Confession at Bethel, August 1933-Enduring Witness: The Formation, Revision, and Significance of the First Full Theological Confession of the Evangelical Church Struggle in Nazi Germany, by Guy Christopher Carter, 1987. Confession, Contrition and Forgiveness: The Intersection of Religion and Politics in Bill Clinton’s Explanation of the Monica Lewinsky Affair, by Matthew H. Barton, 2002. Confiscation and Administration of Jesuit Property Under the Jurisdiction of the Parlement of Paris, 1762-1798, The, by Dorothy Gillian Thompson, 1974. Conflict and Concord Among Protestant Dissenters in London, 1787 to 1813, by Thomas Webster Davis, 1974. Conflict and Cooperation among Christians and Muslims in Egypt: Communal Relations, Toleration, and Civil Society, by Peter Emmanuel Makari, 2003. Conflict and the Erosion of Authority: The Impact of a Modern Western Mind Set Upon Religious Education’s Way of Knowing, by Douglas John Tracy, 1988. Conflict Between the Government of Napoleon III and the Society of Saint Vincent De Paul, 1860-1862, The, by Lawrence Jefferson Wheeler, 1973. Conflict Between Western and Traditional Iranian Educational Values, by Khadijeh Khatami Dodge, 1983. Conflicting Christologies Met at Puebla, by Manual Maria Barreno Barreno, 1983. Conflict Resolution Strategies and the Church: The Church’s Role as an Agent of Social Change in the Political Conflict in South Africa, by Thomas Frank Cunningham, 1997. Conflicts in Thought Over the Role of Religion in American Higher Education, 18651910, The, by Edmund Emmet Lacy, 1970. Conflicts of Providence: The Rise of Christianity in the Roman Web of Power, by Kenneth R. Calvert, 2000. Congregational Policy and Administration in London, 1642-1660, by Linda Kay Hayner, 1983. Congress in Modern Islam, The: On the Origins of an Innovation, by Martin Seth Kramer, 1982. Congressional Church Membership of Westport, Connecticut, The: 1835-1880 vs. the Land Structure in a Nineteenth-Century New England Town, by Mary Ann Rossi, 1983. Connecticut Clergy in the Second Great Awakening, The, by Richard Douglas Shiels, 1978. Connecticut Colony Government and the Polity of the Congregational Churches, 1708-1760, The, by Sheldon Samuel Cohen, 1966. Conscience and Community: Revisiting Toleration and Religious Dissent in Early Modern England, by Andrew Robert Murphy, 1996. Conscientious Cooperators: The Seventh-Day Adventists and Military Service, 1860-

1945, by Roger Guion Davis, 1971. Conservatism and the Problem of Change in the Congregational Churches of Connecticut, 1660-1760, by Samuel Harrison Rankin, Jr., 1972. Conservative Leadership and Dissent among the Mexican Hierarchy, 1913-1929, by Francis E. Wakely, 1975. Conservatives and the Development of the English Educational System, 1891-1902, The, by David Eugene Garibaldi, 1971. Conservatives in Crisis: The Bavarian Christian Social Union and the Ideology of Anti-modernism, by Aline Marie Kuntz, 1987. Considering Religious Discourse and Debates Concerning American Public Education, by Ginger Marie Reynolds, 2000. Conspiratorial Ideology of Right-wing Extremism in the 1990s, The: A Cultural Analysis of Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Oklahoma City, by Wayne Donovan Sneath, 2000. Constantia in fide: The Persistence of Traditional Religion in Early Modern Ireland, 1400-1690, by Samantha Ann Meigs, 1993. Constant Samaritans: Quaker Philanthropy in Philadelphia, 1680-1799, by Rosemary Abend, 1988. Constantine and the Militarization of Christianity: A Contribution to the Study of Christian Attitudes toward War and Military Service, by Charles Matson Odahl, 1978. Constitutional Democracy and Islam: A Comparative Study, by Shwikar Ibrahim Elwan, 1972. Constitutionality of Religion-based Charter Schools: Answering Practical Legal Questions, The, by Lawrence D. Weinberg, 2004. Constitutional Rights and the Federal Grand Jury, by Michael Allen Graham, 1983. Constitutional Right to Operate Sectarian Public Charter Schools? Considerations of Free Speech and Free Exercise of Religion in California Charter Schools, by J. Shelton Baxter, 2004. Constructing Abolition: Theaters of Protest in American Antislavery Movements, by Alonford James Robinson, Jr., 2001. Construction of a Plan for the Ettectlve Influence of an Urban Church on Public Policy, The, by Calvin Otis Butts III, 1983. Constructivist Inquiry of Church-state Relationships for Faith-based Organizations, A, by Jon Eric Singletary, 2003. Contemporary American Evangelicalism: Conservative Religion and the Quandry of Modernity, by James Davison Hunter, 1981. Contemporary Marxist-Christian Dialogue, The: A Study in the Political Economy of Religion with Special Reference to Quebec, by Jennie Mary Hornosty, 1980. Contemporary Muslim Religio-Political Thought in Indonesia: The Response to New Order Modernization, by Mohammed Kamal Hassan, 1977. Contemporary Theological Approaches and the Political Role of the Anglo-American Protestant Denominations in an Urban Complex, by Ernest Eugene Chapman, 1968. Contemporary Women’s Participation in Public Activities: Differences Between Ideal Islam and Musilm Interpretation with Emphasis on Saudi Arabia, by Abdalkhalem Al-abd Al-Hay, 1983. Contending Notions of Liberation in Black Political Theology in South Africa: An Analysis and Evaluation, by Vuyani Prince Ntintili, 1992.

Content and Process of Women’s Decision-making Viewed Through the Lenses of Feminine/feminist Ethics and Roman Catholicism, The, by Nancy Paent Bancroft, 1999. Contesting the Constitution: Conservative Christian Litigators and Their Impact, by Hans J. Hacker, 2000. Continuity and Change in Levels of Respect for Human Rights: Botswana and Lesotho in the Traditional, Colonial and Independence Periods, by David R. Penna, 1993. Contribution of the English Baptists to Education, 1660-1820, The, by Thomas Perry Dixon, 1976. Contributions of George A. Smith to the Establishment of the Mormon Society in the Territory of Utah, The, by Charles Kent Dunford, 1971. Controversy Among Lutherans in the United States Over Public Funds to Church Schools, 1960-1969, The, by Edgar Ernest Twedt, 1972. Controversy Not Merely Religions: The Anti-Catholic Tradition in Colonial New England, A, by Gayle Kathleen Pluta Brown, 1990. Controversy over French Quietism During the Reign of Louis XIV, The: Doctrine and Politics, 1686-1700, by George Daniel Balsama, 1982. Convergence of Support for Issues by the Anitabortion Movement and the Religious New Right: An Examination of Social Movement Newsletters, by Frances Johnson Pery, 1985. Converging Arguments of Conflicting Moral Points of View: The Moral Foundations of Moral Education in Public Schools, by Andrew Gordon Blair, 1984. Conversion of the Jews and the Origins of Jewish Emancipation in England, The, by Melvin Meyer Scult, 1969. Cooperation among American Jewish Organizations in Their Efforts to Rescue European Jewry during the Holocaust, 1939-1945, by Edward David Pinsky, 1981. Cooperative Collective Action: Faith-Based Community Development Organizations and the State, by Scott Thomas Fitzgerald, 2003. COPEI, An Experiment in Ideological Commitment, by Leroy Clemens Hoinacki, 1974. COPEI of Venezuela: Evolution from Catholic Party to Social Christian Party, 19361952, by Thomas Allyn Clayton, 1974. Corporality and Orthodoxy in Early New England: Plymouth Colony, 1620-1692, by Martha Lawrence Finch, University of California/Santa Barbara, 2000. Corporations as Moral Persons with Responsibility for the Environment: A JudeoChristian Challenge, by Stacy Lee Patty, 1994. Cosmic Kingdom in the Rise of the Christian Interpretation of the State, The: A Study of the Interaction of Religious and Political Mythology from Hebraic Prophetism Through John Calvin, by John Curtis Raines, 1968. Costa Rican Catholic Church, Social Justice, and the Rights of Workers, 1979-1996, The, by Dana Marie Sawchuk, 2001. Costa Rican Voting: Its Socio-Economic Correlates, by Robert Hervey Trudeau, 1972. Cost of Apartheid for White South Africans, The, by Derek Alan Maker, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1984. Counselors of Louis IX, The, by Quenton Griffiths, 1965. Court, Convent, and Counter-Reformation: Ursulines in the Farnese Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, 1575-1731 (Italy), by Danielle Culpepper, 2002. Court of the Archdeacon of Essex, 1571-1609, The: An Institutional and Social Study, by Jay Pascal Anglin, 1966.

Covenant and Society: The Respublica Christiana in the Thought of Heinrich Bullinger, by Joseph Wayne Baker, 1971. Covenantal Interpretation of the Business Corporation, by Kihyoung Shin, 1998. Covenanted Uniformity in Religion: The Influence of the Scottish Commissioners upon the Ecclesiology of the Westminster Assembly, by Wayne Renwick Spear, 1978. Creating an American Will: Evangelical Democracy and National Security, 19131964, by Lori Lynn Bogle, 1997. Creating a Temple and a Forum: Religion, Culture and Politics in the Harlem Unitarian Church, 1920-1956, by Juan Marcial Floyd-Thomas, 2000. Creating Space: Organization, Ideology, and Leadership in the Palestinian Intifada, by Glenn Edward Robinson, 1992. Creating the Good American: Religion and Education in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts, by Joseph Patrick Delaney, 2000. Creationism in the American Context: An Intellectual History for a Cultural War, by Robert Jeffrey Golden, 2003. Creationism vs. Evolution: A Study of the Opinions of Georgia Science Teachers, by Paula Garrison Eglin, 1983. Creative Moral Protest: The Spiritual Relationship Between the Moral Protestor and his Opponent According to the Example and Teaching of Mohandas K. Gandhi, by William C. Cenkner, 1971. Creoles and Catholics in Freetown, 1864-1896, by James William Dunne, 1993. Crest and Crisis of the Social Gospel in Canada, 1916-1927, The, by Alexander Richard Allen, 1968. Crisis of the Believers, The: Anticlericalism in Mexican Government, 1855-1857, by Elizabeth Nadler McGranahan, 1976. Crisis of the Unreformed Church of England, 1828-1833, by Robert Leyburne Patterson, Jr., 1960. Cristero Rebellion and the Religious Conflict in Mexico, 1926-1929, The, by David Charles Bailey, 1971. Cristero Rebellion, 1926-1929, The: Its Diplomacy and Solution, by Brian John Kelly, 1975. Cristeros, Calles and Mexican Catholicism, The, by Francis Patrick Dooley, 1974. Critical Analysis and Comparison of Selected British Feminist and Church of England Writings on Marriage (1950-1981), A, by M.E. Dummer, 1987. Critical Analysis of Current American Agricultural Structure in Light of the Christian Ethical Principles of Justice and Stewardship, A, by David Royce Currie, 1987. Critical Analysis of Democratic Capitalism, A, by James Neal Rodgers, 1985. Critical Analysis of Liberation Theology in the Works of Jose Miguez Bonino and Ronald J. Sider, A, by Roy Bissell Cooper, 1986. Critical Analysis of Selected Urban Church and Community Classifications, by James Harold Furr, 1987. Critical Analysis of the Endowment Funds of the Denominational Colleges and Universities of Texas with Special Emphasis on the Baptist Institutions, A, by Albert Clay Grigson, 1969. Critical Analysis of the Concept of Christian Education with Particular Reference to Education Discussions after 1957, A, by Frederick E. Hughes, 1983. Critical Analysis of the Reasons Iowa Parents Enroll Their Children in Fundamental and Evangelical Christian Schools, A, by Stanley Eugene Jensen, 1989. Critical Analysis of the Theological, Sociological, Educational, and Organizational

Dimensions of Westerhoff’s Socialization Enculturation Program, A, by John Patrick Nicholson, 1981. Critical Assessment of Just War Theory and Political Realism as Methods for Evaluating Modern War, A, by Bernard Temple Adeney, 1983. Critical Edition of George Johnson’s A Discourse of Some Troubles and Excommunications in the Banished English Church at Amsterdam, 1603, A, by Michael Edward Moody, 1979. Critical Examination of the Sociology of Religion of J. Milton Yinger, A: Implications for Selected Problems in Church and Community, by Frederick Wilhelm Andrea III, 1983. Critical Investigation of Mahatma Gandhi’s Philosophy of Non-Violence, A, by William Alan Borman, 1983. Critical Reflections on Theories of Revolution: A Lesson from Iran, by Abbass Manafy, 1987. Critique and Conversion: Orestes A. Brownson’s Catholic Critique of Industrialization, by Patricia O’Connell Killen, 1987. Critique of the Concepts Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness as They Are Discussed in Sermons of Selected American Preachers from 1750 to 1783, A, by Everett Randall Adams, Jr., 1993. Crossed Swords: Entanglements Between Church and State in America, by Steven Alan Samson, 1984. Crown and Mitre, 1461-1483: The Episcopate during the Reign of Edward IV, by Nanette Yvonne Mollere, 1993. Crown, Lords, and God: The Establishment of Secular Authority and the Pacification of Lower Austria, 1618-1648, by Robert Douglas Chesler, 1979. Crusade Against Drink in Victorian England, by Lilian Lewis Shiman, 1972. Crusade for the Faith: The Protestant Fundamentalist Movement in Texas, by Patsy Spencer Ledbetter, 1978. Cult of Liberation, The: The Berkeley Free Church and the Radical Church Movement, 1967-1972, by Harlan Douglas Anthony Stelmach, 1978. Cultural Change and Protestantism in Puerto Rico, 1945-1966, by Edward Baselga, 1972. Cultural History of Apartheid and the Politics of Healing in a South African Indigenous Church, The, by Linda Elaine Thomas, 1993. Cultural Ideologies and The Political Economy of Water in the United States West: Northern Ute Indians and Rural Mormons in the Utah Basin, Utah, by Joanna Lynne Endter, 1987. Cultural Politics of Religious Experience, The: African American Women’s Spirituality and Activism in the Contemporary US South, by Marla Faye Frederick, 2000. Culture and Church Growth: A Study on Cross-Cultural Mission Affected Church Growth in Korea, 1884-1910 by Chang-Shik Lee, 1983. Culture and Education in Ireland, 1920-1960, by Sean Farren, 1989. Culture and Movement-Countermovement Dynamics: The Struggle over Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Rights, by Kimberly Beth Dugan, 1999. Culture and Politics of Drink in Colonial and Revolutionary Massachusetts, 16811790, The, by David Weir Conroy, 1987. Culture of Liberty: History of Americans United for Separation of Church State, 1947-1973, by Ronald James Boggs, 1979. Culture of Protest: Religious Activism and the U.S. Sanctuary Movement, The, by Susan Bibler Coutin, 1990.

Cultures in Conflict: Congregationalism, Mormonism and Schooling in Utah, 18801893, by Dee Richard Darling, 1991. Curricular Status of Religion in Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, The, by Weldon Lee Estes, 1965. Culture Wars: The Christian Right and the Battle Against Evolution and Secular Humanism, 1980 to 1988, by Bernard Mason Myatt, 1996. Current Legal Status of Religious Exercise in Public Schools: Principles for Administrators and Policy Makers, The, by Martine Griffith Bates, 1996. “Dam Against the Currents of Time, A”: Criticism of the Episcopate in the Swedish Estate and Unified Church/State Society of the Mid-19 th Century, by Jakob Marrias Evertsson, 2003. Dangerous Memory: Toward a Pedagogical Strategy and Language for Social Justice Education, by Russell A. Butkus, 1985. Daniel O’Connell and Religious Freedom, by Helen F. Coldrick, 1975. Daughters of the Book: A Study of Gender and Ethnicity in the Lives of Three American Jewish Women, by Harriet Marla Sigerman, 1992. Dawn of the Ecumenical Age, The: Anglican, Old Catholic, and Orthodox Reunion Negotiations of the 1870s, by LeRoy Albrecht Boerneke, 1978. Dawson Brothers and the Virginia Commissariat, 1743-1760, The, by Daniel Mack Hockman, 1976. Debating Liberal Values: The Heritage of Church and State from Early America, by Christopher S. Grenda, 2003. Decade of Home Schooling in Saskatchewan, Canada (1984-1994), A, by Sandra Christine Hill, 1995. Deep Structure of Contemporary Constitutional Controversy, The: Morality, Skepticism and Augustine, by Graham Hewitt Walker, 1987. Defining Noah Webster: Mind and Morals in the Early Republic, by Kim Alan Snyder, 1989. De His Qui Foris Sunt: The Teachings of the Medieval Canon and Civil Lawyers concerning the Jews, by Walter Jay Pacter, 1975. De la Huerta Rebellion in Mexico, 1923-1924, The, by David Allen Brush, 1978. Debates on Church Government at Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1643-1646, The, by Paul Joseph Smith, 1975. Decade of Church-State Relations in Puerto Rico, A, by Watson Stanley Custer, 1966. Decade of Dissent in Germany, A: An Historical Study of the Society of Protestant Friends and the German-Catholic Church, 1840-1848, by Catherine Magil-Holden Prelinger, 1971. Decade of The Miracle, 1952-1962, The, A Study in the Censorship of the American Motion Picture, by Ernest David Giglio, 1965. Decade of Zionism in Hungary, the Formative Years—The Post- World War I Period, A: 1918-1928, by Livia Elvira Bitton, 1971. Decision Making for Incompetent Persons: A Study in Law and Morality, by Shannon Mcintyre Jordan, 1982. Decline of the Protestant Ascendancy: Church of Ireland in the-Age of Catholic Emancipation, by Edward Paul Brynn, 1970. Demise of the Antislavery Movement among Baptists in America, 1783-1830, by Ricky Joe McClatchy, 1990. Democracy and Class Rule in a Cola City, by Jose Fernando Ocampo, 1972.

Democratic Education? The State’s Role in Institutionalizing Christianity as a Civil Religion in a German Christian Public School System and Its Effect on Jewish and Islamic Identity Formation, by Dana Lee Simel, 1995. Democratic Pluralism ahd Human Rights: The Political Theologies of Jacques Maritain and Reinhold Niebuhr, by Wesley Cooper, 1983. Democratic Religion: Freedom, Authority, and Church Discipline in the Baptist South, 1785-1900, by Gregory Alan Wills, 1995. Democracy, Religion and Identity in Socialist Greece: Church-State Relations under PASOK, 1981-1989, by Elizabeth H. Prodromou, 1993. Denis J. O’Connell: Americanist Agent to the Vatican, 1885-1903, by Gerald Philip Fogarty, 1970. Denominationalism, Politics, and Social Class: An Anthropological Analysis of Southern Protestantism, by Daryl Clark White, 1985. Description of an Evangelical College, A, by Bernard Rossier, University of Pennsylvania, 1988. Design of Heaven, The: Massachusetts Congregationalist Political Thought, 17601790, by Dale Stanway Kuehne, 1993. Desmond Rebellions, 1569-1573 and 1583, The, by Claude Ronald Sasso, 1980. Detente and Conservatizing Liberalization: The State and the Evangelical Church in the German Democratic Republic, 1968-1974, by Robert Frederick Goeckel, 1983. Determinants of Voting Decisions in the 1960 Presidential Election: Buffalo, N.Y., a Case Study, by Irving Seymour Foldare, 1967. Determination of the Level of Participation in Federal and State Educational Services and Programs by Children Attending Lutheran Elementary Schools in the Northwest and an Appraisal of Factors Inhibiting Access to These Services and Programs, A, by Gerhardt Martin Meyer, 1994. Deutschtum and Judentum: Jewish Liberalism and Zionism in Germany, 1893-1914, by Jehuda Reinharz, 1973. Developing a Liberation Education Model for the Methodist Theological College in the Figi Islands, by Jovili Iliesa Meo, 1989. Developing an Alliance of Political Action Committees in Oregon Including Evangelical and Mainline Churches, by Frank W. Shields, 1982. Developing Christian Self Understanding in a Catacomb Situation, by Richard C. Nevius, 1987. Developing Programs in Social Justice Education: Case Studies at Catholic Colleges in California, by Thomas E. Reynolds, 1985. Developmental Processes of Spirituality and Leadership Practices among a Selected Group of Higher Education Leaders, by Peter Kirby Pintus, 1998. Development of Calvinistic Political Theory in the Netherlands, With Special Reference to the Thought of Herman Dooyeweerd, The, by James William Skillen, 1975. Development of Diocesan Supervision in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, by Anne Louise Perret, 1968. Development of Doctrine, A: The Challenge of Slavery to Moral Theology, by Joseph Edward Capizzi, 1999. Development of Education in Ecuador, The, by Jacques Marcel Patrick Wilson, 1967. Development of Freedom in the Politics and Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr, by Charles Thomas Rush, Jr., 1991. Development of Islam as the Ideology of Arab Unity, A.D. 622-632, by Gholam

Hossein Dargahi, 1971. Development of Religious Education in Nigeria, The, by Barnaba Bariyakaad Lekwat, 1984. Development of Religious Liberty in Canada Since the British Conquest, The, by Victor Richard Lebedoff, 1967. Development of the American Catholic Diocesan Board of Education, 1884-1955, The, by William G. Scanlan, 1969. Development of the Protestant Missionary Church in Madras, 1870-1920, The: The Impoverishment of Dependency, by Graham Whitfield Houghton, 1981. Developments of Roman Catholic Social Liberalism in the United States, 1887-1935, The, by Anthony Sean Pastor-Zelaya, 1988. Devil Unhorned, The: King John in English Renaissance Historiography, by Carole B. Levin, 1977. Dialectical Theology and Critical Theory: Revelation, Self, and Society under Commodification, by Larry Abbott Goleman, 1998. Dialectic of Disillusionment: Adorno, American Decline, and the Christian Right, by Paul Constantine Apostolidis, 1996. Dialectic of Salvation and Liberation, The: A Critical Analysis of the Correlation Models and a Construction of the Two Kingdoms Theology as a Theological Critical Model of Correlation, by Molefe Samuel Tsele, 1995. Dialectics of Liberation Theology: A Marxist Critique, by Sangrin Lee, 1989. Dialogue and Moral Education: Rethinking the Concepts of Moral Education through the Philosophy of Martin Buber, by Robert Paul Nicholas Rainsberry, 1982. Die Preien: The Young Hegelians of Berlin and the Religious Politics of 1840s Prussia, by Robert James Hellman, 1978. Differences in Academic Achievement in Public and Catholic High Schools in the United States, by Mohammed Louguit, 1985. Differences in Self-efficacy and Global Mindedness between Short-term and Semester-long Study Abroad Participants at Selected Christian Universities, by Kevin L. Kehl, 2006. Differential Effectiveness: Catholic and Public School Fourth Graders’Performance on the 1992 NAEP Mathematics Assessment, by Ann Margaret Jones, 1997. Differential Responses of Protestant Church Politics to Racial Change in an Urban Area, The, by Roland Edward Holstead, 1983. Different Kind of Mandate: Latino Faith-Based Organizations and the Communitarian Impulse, A, by Catherine Evans Wilson, 2003. Difficult Belonging: An Ethnographic Look at How the Church Excludes, by Michael Lloyd Burk, 1998. Dilemma of Henrician Catholicism, The, by Paul Gerald O’Grady, 1975. Dilemma of the Roman Catholic Church’s Evangelization Mission To World Hunger, The, by Patrick Joseph Diffley, 1983. Dilemmas in Liberal Democratic Thought since Max Weber, by Richard M. Wellen, 1993. Diplomacy for the Honor of God: A Study of the Papal Nunciature in France (157290), by Jane Ellen Crawford, 1975. Diplomacy of the Weak: American Zionist Leadership during the Truman Era, 19451949, by Zvi Ganin, 1975. Diplomatic Background of the REICHSKON-KORDAT of 1933, The, by Mary Alberta Kieker, 1970. Diplomatic Mission of Archbishop Flavio Chigi, Apostolic Nuncio to Paris, 187071,

The, by Christopher Gerard Kinsella, 1975. Directives in Catholic Social Teaching for the Promotion of Justice within Educational Activities in Catholic Schools, by Michael Duffy, 2005. Disamortization and Nationalization of Ecclesiastical Property in Mexico, 1856-1910, The, by Robert James Knowlton, 1965. Disestablishment of the Anglican Church in Wales, The, by William Bedford George, 1967. Disestablishmentarianism: The Liberationist Crusade Against the Church of England, 1868-1886, by Albert Richard Vogeler, 1974. Disintegration of Faith, The: The Social Gospel and Modem American Culture, by Susan Curtis Mernitz, 1986. Dispute Between a Priest and a Knight, A, by Norma Nadine Erickson, 1967. Dissensus and Discontent: The Clientele of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, by Sheilah Rosenhack Koeppen, 1969. Dissent and the Religious Issue in British Politics: 1840-1868, by Earl Morris Sider, 1967. Dissenters in Colonial North Carolina, by Gloria Beth Baker, 1971. Dissolution of the Religious Houses of Hesse During the Reformation, The, by David Bruce Miller, 1972. Distribution of the Expropriated Jesuit Properties in Mexico, with Special Reference to Chihuahua (1767-1790), The, by Harold Bradley Benedict, 1972. Disturbance ofthe Spring, The: The Attitude of Selected American Clergy Toward the Use of Violence Against British Authority, 1763-1776, by Jon Albert Alexander, 1972. Divine Economy, The: Evangelicalism and the Defense of Slavery, 1830-1865, by John Patrick Daly, 1993. Divine Governance, Miracles, and Laws of Nature in the Early Middle Ages: The De Mirabilibus Sacrae Scripturae, by Carol Susan Anderson, 1983. Divine Inspiration: Women, Religion and Politics, by Anna Gabrielle Greenberg, 1997. Divines of the Westminster Assembly, The: A Study of Puritanism and Parliament, by Larry Jackson Holley, 1980 Doctrine of Creation in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a Basis for Catechesis in Post-colonial Africa, The, by Joseph Njoroge wa Ngugi, 2001. Doctrine of Political Obligation in the New Testament, and Some Modern Protestant Interpreters, The, by Rodney Glenn Grubb, 1968. Doctrine of the Sword in the First Decade of Anabaptism, The, by James Mentzer Stayer, 1965. Does Faith Matter? A Correlational Study of Spirituality and Nonviolence among High School Students, by Maxina Kostes, 2007. Does Majority Religion Rule the Bench? A Study of United States Supreme Court Treatment of Minority Religions, by Sherryl Leigh Wright, 2002. Does Religion Play a Role in Adolescents’Sexual Activity? An Investigation of High School Seniors’Beliefs and Behaviors, by Kathleen C. Leonard, 2006. Does Religious Participation Promote Educational Attainment Among Youth?, by Nancy Y. Augustine, 2006. Doing the Truth: The Catholic Interracial Council of New York, 1945-1965, by Martin Adam Zielinski, 1989. Dom Helder Camara: A Study in Polarity, by Patrick Joseph Leonard, 1976. Domesticating the Clergy: The Inception of the Reformation in Strasbourg, 1522-

1524, by William Sutherland Stafford, 1975. Dominican Theories of the Papal Primacy, 1250-1320, by Charles Abraham Zuckerman, 1972. Dondomar Embassy, The: Religious Aspects, 1613-1614, by Calvin Frank Senning, 1969. Doukhobors, 1801-1855, The: The Origins of a Successful Dissident Sect, by Gary Dean Fry, 1978. Dragon King Valley, The: Popular Religion, Socialist State, and Agrarian Society in Shaanbei, North-Central China, by Adam Yuet Chau, 2001. Dr. Ambedkar and the Mahar Movement, by Eleanor Mae Zelliot, 1970. Drawing the Line: American Mennonites, the State, and Social Change, 1935-1973, by Perry Jonathan Bush, 1990. Dr. John Malcus Ellsion: Prototype of the Black Preacher Educator, by Ernestine Leach, 1985. Drummer Changed Cadence, The: The Impact of the Dissident Movement on the Churches in the 1960s, by Linda Marie Bos, 1994. Dry Crusade: The Prohibition Movement in Colorado, 1858-1933, by William Elliott West, 1972. Dual Commitments: Feminism, Socialism, and Women’s Political Activism in California, 1890-1920, by Sherry Jeanne Katz, 1991. Durkheimian Analysis and Synthesis of Four Contemporary Approaches to Moral Education, A, by Keiichi Ito, 1993. Dutch Reformed Church and the Government on Apartheid, 1948-1991, The: A Church Historical Study, by Barry John Tolmay, 1995. Dutch Religion in an English World: Political Upheaval and Ethnic Conflict in the Middle Colonies, by Randall Herbert Balmer, 1985. Dwight Morrow’s Role in the Mexican Revolution: Good Neighbor or Meddling Yankee? by Richard Anthony Melzer, 1980. Dynamics of Change in Mrican Christianity: African Theology through Historical and Socio-Political Change, by Timothy Murere Njoya, 1977. Dynamics of Israel in American Jewish Life, The: An Analysis of Education Means as Cultural Texts, by David L. Breakstone, 1987. Early Israelite Monarchy against Its Ancient Near-Eastern Background, The, by Gerald Mazabow, 1980. Early Norbertines on the Religious Frontiers of Northeastern Germany, The, by Walter Froese, 1979. Early Parliamentary Career of John Pym, The, by William W. MacDonald, 1967. Early Political Career of Aristide Briand, 1902-1914, The, by James C. Claypool, 1970. Ebenezer Gay: New England’s Arminian Patriarch, 1696-1787, by Robert John Wilson III, 1980. Eberlin von Giinzburg and the German Reformation, by Richard Glenn Cole, 1965. Ecclesiastical and Secular Politics of Monsignor Marie-Donimique-Auguste Sibour, 1847-1852, The, by Mark Allan Gabbert, 1976. Ecclesiastical Career of Wilbur Fisk: Methodist Educator, Theologian, Reformer, Controversialist, The, by Douglas James Williamson, 1988. Ecclesiastical Courts in Pre-Reformation London, by Richard Monson Wunderli, 1977. Ecclesiastical Legislation in the Justinian Code, by Frederick Growcock, 1966. Ecclesiastical Policy of the Grand Duke Leopold of Tuscany, 1765-1790, The, by Frank Joseph Garosi, 1966.

Ecclesiastical Reforms of Patriarch Athanasi us of Constantinople (1289-1293; 13031309), The, by John Lawrence Boojamra, 1977. Ecclesiological and Political Thought of Patrus Ancharano 1330(?)-1416, The, by John Joseph Sawicki, 1978. Ecclesiology of Gratian, The, by Stanley Alan Chodorow, 1969. Ecclesiology of Gustavo Guitérrez Merino, The: Contours, Sources and Impact, by Robert Leroy Breckenridge, 1993. Echo of Barmen, An: The Social Ethics of the Evangelical Church Leadership in the German Democratic Republic (1969-1980), by Paul Stuart Spalding, 1982. Economic Analysis of the Demand and Supply for Private Schooling, An, by Stella Koutroumanes, 1992. Economics and Politics of Religion, The: A Study of the Development of the Igbo Spirit of Enterprise, 1800-1955, by Austin Metumara Ahanotu, 1972. Economic Consequences of the InterestFree Islamic Banking System, by Nader Habibi, 1987. Economic Determinants of Home Education, The, by Robert Grant Houston, Jr., 1999. Economic Justice for All: The Goal of Full Employment, by Richard Charles Bayer, 1990. Economic Rights: The Status of the Debate in the United States, by James Lyman Nash, 1990. Ecuadorian Church and State Relations under Garcia Moreno, 1859-1863, by William Martin King, 1974. Edgar Young Mullins: Southern Baptist Theologian, Administrator, and Denominational Leader, by William Elliott Ellis, 1976. Edgeline of the Mainline, The: Nascent Prophets or Wayward Sheep, by Susan L. Kendall, 2005. Editorial Reaction of Certain Catholic Periodicals to United States Department State Policy in the Far East: 1950, by Joseph Maurice Collier, 1970. Educacion dans Ie Diocese de Mont: d’apres la Correspondence de ses D Premiers Eveques: Mgr. J. J. Lartigue, Mgr. I. Bourget, de 1820 a 1867, by L’Yvette V. Majerus, 1972. Education as a Means for National Integration: Historical and Comparative Study of Chinese and Muslim Assimilation in Thailand, by Kanniga Sachakul, 1984. Education, Faith and the Critique of Reason, by Mary Ellington Quinn, 1997. Education of Religious Toleration in Seventeenth-Century Maryland, by Eric Robert Ebeling, 1991. Education, the State and the Cultural Crisis in Iran During the Pahlavi Period, 19251979: A Critical Evaluation, by Abdol Rasool Nafisi, 1986. Educational Contributions of Dr. W.A. Criswell, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, 1944-1987, The, by Robert Allen Rohm, 1988. Educational Efforts of the American Jewish Congress to Combat Anti-Semitism in the United States, 1946-1980, The, by Gerald Rosenbaum, 1992. Educational Foundations of Elizabet: Puritanism, The: With Special Reference to Richard Greenham (1535?-1594), by Kenneth Richard MacDonald Short, 1971. Educational Fund-Raising in Church-Affiliated Colleges: A Predictive and Prescriptive Model, by Joseph Oral Dean, 1985. Educational Impact of American Chv Missionaries on the Educational Programs of Iran (1834-1925 C.E.), The, by Mansoor Soleimani, 1981. Educational Intentions and Practices of Presbyterian Church of the United States in

Northeast Brazil: A Case Study of Agnes Erskine School and the Quinze School, by Judy Ann Myers, 1981. Educational Missionaries in China: A Case Study of the Educational Enterprise, the Canadian Methodist Mission Szechwan, West China, 1891-1925, by Bruce Raymond Lawrie, 1980. Educational Philosophy of Ignacio Mal Altamirano and His Contribution to Public Primary Education in Nineteenth Century Mexico, The, by Michael Machlis, 1975. Educational Policy Change for International, Professional Training and Development: A Study of the Maryknoll Fathers, 1912-1978, by Raymond F. Kelly, 1981. Educational Programs and Policies for Gifted Children Enrolled in Selected Christian Elementary Schools, by Ellen Lowrie Black, 1988. Educational Thought of Confucius, The, by Helma Sin-Yu Wan, 1981. Edward Beecher, the Deacon of the Civil War Generation: A Biographical Study of the Conflict between Ortha Theology and Radical Politics, by Robert Dean Merideth, 1965. Edward Stillingfleet, Bishop of Worcester (1635-99): Anglican Bishop and Conversialist, by Joel Harris Fishman, 1978. Edwin Saridys Role in the Anglican Reformation, by Sarah Mae Johnston, 1974. Effect of Religion on Political Attitt, The, by Kathlene Ann Frankovic, 1974. Effect of United States Supreme Court Intervention on the Innovation and Diffusion of post-Roe Abortion Policies in the American States, 1973-2000, The, by Dana Jill Patton, 2003. Effectiveness of Catholic School Mission Statements, The, by Ann Dominic Stewart, 2000. Effects of Catholic Church Teaching and Ministry on the Process of Economic Development in Latin America, The, by Lorraine Marie Connell, 1988. Effects of Religion on Abortion PolicyMaking, The: A Study of Voting Behavior in the U.S. Congress, 1976-1980, by Charles Fimian, 1983. Effects of Religious Fundamentalist Groups on Curriculum in Texas Public Schools as Perceived by Superintendents, by Alicia Ragan, 1996. Effects of Ritual and Charisma, The: The Creation of Collective Effervescence and the Support of Psychic Strength, by Steven Lewis Carlton-Ford, 1986. Effects of Spirituality on the Adjustment to College of African American Students Who Attend a Predominantly White Institution, The, by Ferna Lenise Silva Phillips, 2000. Effects of the Laic Laws of 1901 and 190 the Benedictines in France, The, Mary Verona Kessler, 1965. Efficacy of Amicus Curiae Briefs in the School Prayer Decision, The, by Catharina Csaky Hirt, 1995. Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness in Private and Public Schools: Micro-financial Expenditure Analysis, by Edward Christopher Meier, 1994. Egypt Land: Race and the Cultural Politics of American Egyptomania, 1800-1900, by Scott Driskell Trafton, 1998. Electoral Stability and Electoral Change: The Case of the Catholic Party in the Netherlands, by Herman Bakvis, 1979. Electorate of Religiously-Based Political Parties, The: The Case of the Italian Christian Democratic Party, by Douglas Allen Wertman, 1975. Elementary and Secondary Education Practiced by Kansas Mennonites, by Lester D. Schrag, 1973.

Elementary School Accreditation in a Midwest Urban Archdiocese, by Beverly Paurazas, 1997. Elementary School Reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II in Bohemia, The, by Janet Woff Berls, 1971. Elias Smith and the Quest for Gospel Liberty: Popular Religion and Democratic Radicalism in Early Nineteenth-century New England, by Timothy Earl Fulop, 1992. Elizabethan Bishop of Durham, An: Tobias Matthew, 1595-1606, by Joseph Benjamin Gavin, 1973. Emergence of Brigham Young and the Twelve to Mormon Leadership, The: 18301841, by Ronald Kent Esplin, 1982. Emergence of Jewish Scholarship in America, The: The Publication of the Jewish Encyclopedia, by Shuly Rubin Schwartz, 1987. Emergence of Liberation Theology: Radical Religion and Social Movement Theory, The, by Christian Stephen Smith, 1990. Emergence of Minjung as the Subjects of History: A Christian Political Ethic in the Perspective of Minjung Theology, The, by Jin-Kwan K. Kwon, 1990. Emergence of Political Statements and Political Theology in the History of the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church, The, by Chon-gyiau Wong, 1992. Emergence of the Protestant Clergy in Central Germany, The: The Case of Hesse, by John Culp Stalnaker, 1971. Emerson and Fuller: Consciousness and Politics, by Kathleen Sharon Moran, 1981. Emerson, Thoreau, and Fuller: Transcendentalist Insights for Education, by Wayne Corlin Olson, 1981. Emperor Liang Wu-ti and Buddhism, The, by Warner Chen, 1993. Emperor Menelik’s Ethiopia, 1865-1916: National Unification or Amhara Communal Domination, by Getahun Dilebo, 1975. Encounter of Christianity with Traditional Culture and Ethics in Korea, The: An Essay in Christian Self-understanding, by Pong Bae Park, 1972. Ends of Government in the Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr and Jacques Maritain, The: A Study in Christian Social Ethics, by Walter Merle Longwood, 1971. Endurance of the Olive Tree, The: Tradition and Identity in Two West Bank Palestinian Villages, by Marisa Escribano, 1987. England against the Papacy, 1858-1861: Tories, Whigs, and the Overthrow of Papal Temporal Power during the Italian Risorgimento, by Carl Thomas McIntire, 1978. England as Papal Fief: The Role of the Papal Legate in the Early Period, 1216-1241, by Rose Catherine Clifford, 1973. English and Irish Catholics in Northumberland, c.1745-c.1860, by Stephen Doherty, 1987. English Catholics and the Recusancy Laws, 1558-1625: A Study in Religion and. Politics, by John Joseph LaRocca, 1978. English Conservative Political Thought, 1678-1688, by Alan Peter Kimmel, 1977. English Episcopate and the Crown, 1437-1450, The, by John Martin George, Jr., 1977. English Episcopate in the Reign of Henry VII, The, by Rosemary Masek, 1966. English Government and the Huguenot Settlement, 1680-1702, The, by Malcolm Ray Thorp, 1973. English Interest in Southern Ireland, 1641-1650, The, by Karl Sigmund Bottigheimer, 1966. English Power Struggle, 1628-1635: Laudand Wentworth vs. Western and Cot-

tington, by Ann L. Gohl, 1977. English Press on the Ecclesiastical Changes in the French Revolution, The, by Ruth Graham, 1972. English Protestant Apocalyptic Visions, c. 1536-1642, by Paul Kenneth Christianson, 1972. English Quakers and World War I, 19141920, The, by Leigh Royal Tucker, 1973. Entrance into the Covenant through Baptism: Cartwright in Controversy with Whitgift and Hooker, by Alan M. Koller, 1978. Episcopal Church in Louisiana, 1805-1861, The, by Robert Campbell Witcher, 1970. Episcopalians Against War: Individual Conscience and Institutional Reform, by Ellen Margaret Thompson, 1988. Episcopate of Michael O’Connor, First Bishop of Pittsburgh, 1843-1860, The, by Henry A. Szarnicki, 1972. Epistemology for Liberation: Marxist Questions to Liberation Theology, An, by Peter Manley Scott, 1990. Epperson v. Arkansas: A Question of Control Over Curriculum and Instruction Decision Making in the Public Schools, by John William Keienburg III, 1979. Equal Educational Opportunity: The Courts and the Christian Citizen, by Janet Dickey McDowell, 1981. Erastianism in England, 1640-1662, by Weldon Samuel Crowley, 1967. Ernest Trice Thompson: Prophet for a Changing South, by Peter Hairston Hobbie, 1987. Errand into the Wilderness and America: An Analysis of the Effects of Puritan Symbols on the Perceived Purpose of Education in America, by E. Douglas McKnight, 1997. Escape to the Mountains: A Case Study of the Church Universal and Triumphant, by Bradley Christian Whitsel, 1998. Eschatology and Social Action in the Work of Paul Ricoeur, by Sally Ann McReynolds, 1988. Eschatology and the Political Life: An Analysis of Seventeenth Century Origins in Puritan New England, by Jack Lichtenthal, 1972. Eschatology and Utopis: The Relationship between the Eschaton and Utopis in a Historical Perspective, by Jose Luis Lana Solano, 1988. Esh Kodesh: The Teachings of Rabbi Kalonymos Shapiro in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1939-1943, by Nathan Polen, 1983. Essays in Mormon Historiography, by Clara Marie Victor Dobay, 1981. Established Church in Colonial Virginia, 1689-1785, The, by Thomas Edgar Gage, 1975. Establishment of Royal Government in Maryland, The: A Study of Crown Policy and Provincial Politics, 1680-1700, by Richard Anthony Gleissner, 1969. Establishment of the Bulgarian Ministry of Public Instruction and Its Role in the Development of Modern Bulgaria, 1878-1965, The, by Roy E. Heath, 1980. Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church during the Soviet Period, 1940-1991, The, by Michael Gustav Viise, 1995. Ethical Analysis of the Churches’Use of Power: The Nestlé Boycott Case, An, by William Roy Hemmig, 1990. Ethical Analysis of Conscientious Objection to World War II, An, by Theodore Glenn Grimsrud, 1988. Ethical Analysis of Conscientious Objection to World War II, by Craig Matthew Gay, 1989.

Ethical Analysis of the Christian Social Strategiesin the Writings of John C. Bennett, Jacques Ellul, and John Howard Yoder, An, by Robert Mereman Parham, 1984. Ethical Analysis of Selected Leaders and Issues of the New Religious Right, An, by John Leland Berg, 1985. Ethical Analysis of United States Policy Toward South Africa, An, by Nkanga Bokembya, 1984. Ethical and Practical Implications of American Pluralism for the Long-term Ministry Effectiveness of Youth for Christ, The, by Carla Christenson Waterman, 1993. Ethical Internalism: A Critical Examination, by Martin Paul Willard, John Hopkins University, 1984. Ethical Issues in Compulsory Medical Treatment: A Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusion, by Joel Stephen Williams, 1987. Ethical Issues in the Tax Status of Churches, by Frank Wilbur Gunn, 1974. Ethical Postulates for African Development, by Udo-Akpan Etuk, 1983. Ethics and Imprisonment: A Study of the Social Function of Contemporary United States Imprisonment in Critical Engagement with the Theological Ethics of Stanley Hauerwas, by James Samuel Logan, 2005. Ethics and Public Policy: The Conditions of Public Moral Discourse, by Joseph Ernest Monti, 1982. Ethics of Abortion, The, by Marc Alan Gellman, 1982. Ethnic and Religious Group Politics in the United States: The Case of the American Jewish Committee, 1982-1987, by Richard David Zelin, 1992. Ethnic Community in Economic Crisis: New York Jews and the Great Depression, by Beth S. Wenger, 1992. Ethnic Linkage and Foreign Policy: A Study of the Linkage Role of American Jews in Relations Between the United States and Israel, 1956-1968, by Etta Zablocki Bick, 1983. Ethnic Politics, Religion, and the Public Schools of San Francisco, 1849-1933, by Victor Lee Shradar, 1975. Ethnic Religious Ideas of ‘Umar II, by Hasan Qasim Murad, 1982. Ethnographic and Historical Study of the Religious System of the Hualqui people in Northern Peru, An, by Alonzo Ramirez Alvarado, 2001. Ethnographic Approach to the Study of Sociopolitical Views in Two Mennonite High Schools, An, by Kenneth Lee Sensenig, 1991. Ethnographic Study of an African American Pentecostal-Holiness Church in the 1990s, An: An Exploration of Free Space, Empowerment and Alternative Education, by Adrianne Nichelle Morton-Christmas, 2000. Ethos of the Secondary School: A Comparative Description of Attitudes Found in Benedictine Communities and in Proposals for Educational Reform, The, by Marilyn Daniels, 1989. Ethos of the University in John Henry Newman and Karl Theodor Jaspers, The, by Ramonclaro Gorriceta Mendez, 1992. Etienne Pasquierand the High Magistracy During the French Wars of Religion, by Diana Carol Troik Flamholtz, 1974. Euthanasia: A Social Justice Perspective, by Virginia Maria Ryan, 1998. Euthanasia of Mission or Partnership? An Evaluative Study of the Policy of Disengagement of Church of Christ Missionaries in Rural Kenya, by Monte Bret Cox, 1999. Evaluation and Implications of Tilton v. Richardson, The: The First United States Supreme Court Test of the Constitutionality of Federal Grants to Religion--

Affiliated Colleges and Universities, by Frederick Hamilton Lorenson, 1980. Evangelical Alliance for the United States of America, The: An Evangelical Search for Identity in Ecumenicity During the Nineteenth Century, by Philip Dean Jordan, 1972. Evangelical Anabaptism and the Medieval Ascetic Tradition: A Study in Intellectual Origins, by Kenneth Ronald Davis, 1972. Evangelical Churches and the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933, The, by Frank Joseph Gordon, 1978. Evangelical Economies of Violence and the Politics of Imaginary Publics, by Christian O. Lundberg, 2006. Evangelical Meltdown: Modernity and the Hysteresis of Habitus, The, by David John Seel, Jr., 1992. Evangelical Presbyterian Church (Ghana and Togo), 1914-1946, The: A Study in European Mission Relations Affecting the Beginning of an Indigenous Church, by Eugene Emil Grau, 1965. Evangelical Protestant Defense of Americanism, 1945-1960, The, by Macel D. Ezell, 1970. Evangelicalism and Capitalism: A Critical Study of the Doctrine of Atonement in the History of American Religion, by Anton K. Jacobs, 1985. Evangelicalism Divided: An Examination of Factors Contributing to Evangelical Political Diversity, by Randall Takashi Chun, 1988. Evangelicals and Public Education, by Gerald Johnston Stiles, 1981. “Evangelicals in the City”: Evangelical Protestant Social Concerns in Early Chicago, 1837-1860, by Joseph Lee Lukonic, 1980. Evangelizing the South: Gender, Race, and Politics in the Early Evangelical South, 1765-1815, by Monica Elizabeth Najar, 2000. Ever Ancient, Ever New: Catholic Intellectuals and the Progressive Era, by Thomas Ernest Woods, Jr., 2000. “Everything that is Lovely and of Good Report”: The Hawaiian Chief’s Children’s School, 1839-1850, by Linda Menton, 1982. Evidence on the Correlation Between Religiosity and Social/Psychological Behavior and the Resulting Impact on Student Performance, by Deborah Mi Oh, 1998. Evolution of Friedrich Schleiermacher as a Nationalist, The, by Jerry Floyd Dawson, 1965. Evolution of Islam in West Africa: The Wahhabi Movement and Its Contribution to Political Development 1945-1958, by Lansine Kaba, 1973. Evolution of Jewish Religious Education in America in the Twentieth Century, The, by Bernette K. Jaffe, 1981. Evolution of Moral Education in Public Schools in the United States, The, by Mary Holt Campbell, 1983. Evolution of the Contemporary Abortion Conflict, The: Activists and Non-Activists in Two U.S. Cities, by Perry Chang, 2001. Evolution of the Political Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr, The, by Jean Marie Danielson, 1967. Examination of American Law and Civil Liberties in Light of the Judaeo-Christian Conceptions of Justice, An, by Craig Franklin Schindler, 1980. Examination of Policies on Academic Freedom at Selected Religiously-Affiliated, Liberal Arts Colleges, An, by David George Homer, 1983. Examination of the Issue of Violence in the Writing of Selected Latin American Liberation Theologians, An, by Ransom Eugene Casey-Rutland, 1991.

Examination of the Influence of Baptist Belief on the Governing Style of President Jimmy Carter: 1977-1980, An, by James Allen Speer, 1989. Examination of the Relationship Between Student Vocational Talents and Freshman Satisfaction, Academic Achievement, and Retention at a Small Private College, An, by David William McCarthy, 1999. Excommunication in the Reformation: A Comparative Study of Six Reformers, by Edward Allen Nieminen, 1975. Exegesis or Expediency: An Analysis of the New Christian Right’s Interpretation of the Relationship of the Believer and the State in Paul, by Robert Keith Martin, 1990. Existence and Utopia: The Political Philosophy of Martin Buber, by Bernard Arnold Susser, 1973. Exitus acta probat: George Washington and the American Civil Religion, by Hamerling Geoffrey Gilbert, 1993. Expanding Public Theology: Insights Provoked by the Recent Work of Jürgen Habermas, by Mark Edward Stenberg, 2000. Expansion of the Fourteenth Amendment to Include Personal Liberties, 1920-1941, The, by Montgomery Browning Carrott, 1967. Expectations for the Role of the Board of Education Held by Parochial- and Public School Oriented Parents, by John F. Meggers, 1968. Experience Must Be Our Only Guide: John Dickinson and the Spirit of American Republicanism, by Gregory Stephen Ahern, 1997. Experience of Christian Religious Education, The: An Interpretation by Bernard Lawrence Potvin, 1987. Experiences of South Asian American Muslim Women, The: A Postmodern Approach, by Tabassum Abid Rahman, 2003. Experience of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond with ESEA Title I, April 1965December 1976, The, by Richard John Fenchak, 1986. Exploration of Conservative Ideology in African American Political Thought, Attitudes, and Behavior, An, by Georgia Edmondson Conic, 2005. Exploratory Study of the Impact of the Salesian Charism on the Alumni of Salesianum School, An, by John Joseph Fisher, 2003. Exploring Elements of Religious Organizations that Affect Participation and Success in Obtaining Funding from Faith-based Initiatives, by Roger Larkin Morton, 2003. Exploring the Conservative Voice: Conservatism and Education, by Peter W. Bonaker, 1995. Expulsion of the Jesuits from the Viceroyality of New Granada, 1767, The, by Charles Joseph Fleener, 1971. Face of Faith during National Crisis, The: News Coverage of Faith and Religion following September 11, 2001, by Ryan, J. Marcus, 2004. Facsimile of Grace, A: The Protestant Basis for Order in the Early American Republic, by Stephen Dawson, 2005. Factors Associated with Field Instructors’Use of Religious and Spiritual Interventions with Clients and the Inclusion of Religious and Spiritual Content in Teaching Students, by Joyce Ann Bell, 2003. Factors in the Involvement of Southern Baptist Pastors in Governmental Decision Making, by William David Sapp, 1976. Factors That Influence Omaha Public Schools African-American and Caucasian Males’ Decisions to Become Educators (Nebraska), by Jerry M. Bartee, 2003. Factors Which Led Christian School Parents to Leave Public School, by Martha

Elizabeth MacCullough, 1984. Faculty Attitudes toward Academic Freedom, by Kent Marsteller Keith, 1996. Faculty Participation in Governance: The Status of Private Liberal Arts College Faculty under Yeshiv, by Nancy Schnuer Nash, 1983. Failure of Jeffersonian Reform: Religious Groups and the Politics of Morality in Early National Virginia, The, by Thomas Charles Thompson, 1990. Faith Active in Love and Truth Realized in Love: A Comparative Study of the Ethics of Martin Luther and Mahatma Gandhi, by J. Paul William Rajashekar, 1982. Faith and Chaos: The Quest for Meaning in the Writings of Jonathan Edwards William James, by Barbara Jean Pan Scott, 1980. Faith and Economic Practice: Protestant Businessmen in Chicago, 1900-1920, by Paul Henry Heidebrecht, 1986. Faith and Force: Groundwork for Social Responsibility in the Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas, by Daniel James Malotky, 1999. Faith and Nation: Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China (1902-1958), by Gray Warren Tuttle, 2002. Faith and Responsibility in H. Richard Niebuhr and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Comparison of Their Concepts of God and Their Understandings of Christian Ethics, by Yolande Jacqueline Murie Rhoades, 1970. Faith and the Human Condition: Paul Tillich’s Politicization of Theology, by Stephen Shek Lam Lau, 1983. Faith and Toleration in Late Seventeenth-century England, by Lisa Clark Diller, 2003. Faith in Politics: The Place of Religion in Liberal Democratic Theory and Practice, by Bryan Travis McGraw, 2005. Faith in Schools? Autonomy, Citizenship, and Religious Education in the Liberal State, by Ian Robert MacMullen, 2004. “Faith is a Noble Duchess”: Piety, Patronage, and Kinship in the Career of Katherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk, 1519-1580 (England), by Melissa Lianne Franklin-Harkrider, 2003. Faith, Learning, and Living in the Evangelical Christian School, by Kim Alison Winsor, 2004. Faith of Our Fathers: Religion, Politics and Social Change in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1924-1940, by Jeremy Bonner, 2001. Faith, Truth, and Tolerance: Religion and Political Tolerance in the United States, by Beverly G. Busch, 1998. Fallacies of the American Welfare State: The Enduring Response of Community and Faith-based Organizations. Homeless Shelters and Relief Services in New York City during the 1920s and 1990s, by Deidre Ann Oakley, 2003. Families Are Needed: A Church-based Family Support Alternative to Charter Schools, by Barbara Seniors Harkins, 2003. Family, Church, and School: Life in a Rural Village, 1837 to 1980. A Life-Course Study of Mediating Structures and Symbolic States, by Richard Park Fricks, 1982. Fate of the Catholic Schools in the Third Reich, The: A Case Study, by M. Janet McCauley, 1967. Father Huntington’s Formative Years (1854-1892): Monasticism and Social Christianity, by Robert William Adamson, 1972. FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr., from “SOLO” to Memphis, The, by David Jeffries Garrow, 1983. F.D.R. and American Religious Leaders: A Study of President Franklin D. Roosevelt

and His Relationship to Selected American Religious Leaders, by Kurt A. Klingbell, 1973. Fear of an Oath: Piety, Hypocrisy, and the Dilemma of Puritan Identity, by John M. Lund, 2001. Federal Aid and the Church-Operated College: A Case Study, by William Alfred Loveless, 1965. Federation and Fullness: A History of the Early Years of Federation at the University of Toronto from the Viewpoint of the Three Denominational Colleges, by George Terence Smith, 1997. Fellowship of Reconciliation, The: Pacifism, Labor, and Social Welfare, 1915-1960, by Betty Lynn Barton, 1976. Fellowship of Socialist Christians and Antecedents, The, by Anwar Masih Barkat, 1967. Feminist Demand for Legal Abortion, The: A Disruption of the Mexican State and Catholic Church Relations (1871-1995), by Adriana Nohemi Ortiz-Ortega, 1996. “Fighting Bob” Schuler: Fundamentalist and Reformer, by Mark Sumner Still, Claremont Graduate School, 1988. Fighting Christians: Violence and Religion in Early American Methodism, by Jeffrey Williams, 2005. Fighting Poverty in the United States: Past, Present, and Future Roles of the Churches and the State, by Joe M. Hendrixson, 1984. Filled with Spirit and Power: The Political Involvment of Protestant Clergy, by Laura Ruth Olson, 1996. Financial Future of Canadian Bible Colleges, The, by Henry Harold Budd, 1981. Finding Points of Communication Contact with Secular Culture: Attitudes Toward and Perceptions of Christianity and Its Followers, by John W. Stiles, 2005. Fine Arts Education and Religion: An Analysis of Primary Sources of Law for Establishment Clause Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Practice, by Sheron Ruth Dewberry, 2003. First 1000 Days of the Governorship of Luis Munoz Marin in Puerto Rico, 1949-1952, The, by Joseph A. Gaudet, 1972. First Twenty-five Years of Zionism in United States, 1882-1906, The, by Marnin Feinstein, 1965. Flight from Politics: Imaginative Devaluation of the Political Will of Plato, St. Paul, and Rousseau, The, by James Murray Miclot, 1990. Flooding the Kingdom: The Intellectual Development of Fundamentalism, 19301941, by Douglas Edward Hern, 1980. Focus on Watergate: An Examination of a National Dilemma in the Light of Civil Religion, by H. Dale Crockett, 1980. Fontological Investigation of the Muscovite Church Council of 1503, A, by Donald Gary Ostrowski, 1978. For Christ and the People: The Ideology of the Good Old Cause, 1653-1660, by Marilyn Anne Hartman, 1978. Foreign Missions and the Politics of Evangelical Culture: Civilization, Race and Evangelism, 1810-1860, by Eric DeWitt Altice, 2004. Forging a Northern Strategy: Civil Rights in Liberal Democratic Politics, 1940-1948, by Jennifer Alice Delton, 1997. Forging the Bonds of Sympathy: Spirituality, Individualism and Empiricism in the Ecological Thought of Liberty Hyde Bailey and Its Implications for Environmental Education, by John Paul Azelvandre, 2001.

For God and Country: Catholic Schooling in the 1920’s, by Fayette Breaux Veverka, 1984. For God and Country: Conservative Ideology and Federal School Policy During the First Term of President Ronald Reagan, by Catherine Anne Lugg, 1995. For God and Home and Native Land: The Kansas Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, 1878-1938, by Nancy Gail Garner, 1994. For God and Liberty: Propaganda and Ideology in Civil War America, by Andrew Seth Coopersmith, 1999. Formation in Moral Judgment: An Essay on the Social Context of Christian Life, by Lorentz Gregory Jones, 1988. Formation of Augustine’s Just War Principles, The, by David Lawrence Burggraff, 2000. Formation of Habsburg Rule in Spain, 1517-1528 (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V), The, by Aurelio Espinosa, 2003. Formation of the Whole Person, The: An Interpretative Study of Thomas Merton’s Ideas on Education, by Thomas Andrew Del Prete, 1987. Formative Social Presence: The Primordial Call to Authentic Political, Economic, and Social Justice, Peace and Mercy in the World, by Mary Jennifer Wandia, 1998. Formulation of City Council Policy and the Introduction of the Protestant Reformation in Nuremberg, 1524-1525, The, by Jann Whitehead Gates, 1976. For Our City’s Welfare: Building a Protestant Establishment in Late Nineteenthcentury Hartford, by Andrew Harold Walsh, 1996. “For Reformation and Uniformity”: George Gillespie (1613-1648) and the Scottish Covenanter Revolution, by James Kevin Culberson, 2003. Foundations for Teaching Moral and Religious Values in Nigeria, by Anthony J.V. Obinna, 1984. Foundations of Education in Iran and Education after the Cultural Revolution of 1980, by Mitra Fallahi, 1993. Foundations of Medieval Papal Representation, The, by Richard Antone Schmutz, 1967. Founders Remembered, The: The Anglicization of the Puritan Tradition in New England, 1690-1760, by Edward Bruce Tucker, 1980. Fracture of Good Order, The: Christian Anti-liberalism and the Challenge to Postwar American Politics, by Jason Caulfield Bivins, 2000. Framing the Abortion Debate: Public Opinion and the Manipulation of Ambivalence, by Paul B. Freedman, 1999. Framing Values of World Magazine, The: A Weekly Newsmagazine with a Biblical Perspective, by Wayne Byron Lewis, 2003. Frances Elizabeth Williard: Religious Leader and Social Reformer, by Ida Tetreault Miller, 1979. Francis Bacon, Christianity and the Hope of Modern Science, by David Colin Innes, 1992. Francis J. Haas: Priest in Public Service, by Thomas Edward Blantz, 1970. Francisco de Paula Gonzalez Vigil: Peruvian Pensador, by John Christian Broadhurst, Jr., 1975. Franciscus de Zabarellis (1360-1417) and the Conciliarist Traditions, by Thomas Edward Morrissey, 1974. Frankish Monarchy and the Papacy, 750-774, The: A Study of the Frankish-Papal Alliance in the Eighth Century, by Jan T. Hallenbeck, 1968. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Catholicism, 1932-1936, by George Quitman

Flynn, 1967. Frederick G. Hochwalt: Builder of the National Catholic Educational Association, 1944-1966, by Donald Charles Horrigan, 1978. Freedom and Self-Realization: Toward a Theology of Human Rights, by Kenneth Robert Himes, 1982. Freedom Center, The: A Case Study of a Politico-Religious Sect, by Scott Grant McNall, 1966. Freedom of Expression and Human Dignity, by Bede Xavier Peter Harris, 1996. Freedom of Obedience, The: The Political Thought of William Tyndale, by Bernard Emile La Berge, 1974. Freedom of Religion in the Province of Quebec with Particular Reference to the Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Church-State Relations, 1930-1960, by William David Kenneth Kernaghan, 1967. Freemasonry in Connecticut, 1789-1835, by Dorothy Ann Lipson, 1975. French Anticlericalism After the Separation of Church and State (1906-1910), by Keith Aldwyn Schulle, 1974. French Antisemitism During the Years of Drumont and Dreyfus, 1886-1906, by Norman James Clary, 1971. French Catholics Left and Right: Ralliements and the Action Francaise, by Oscar Leon Arnal, 1976. French Church at Mid-Century, The: An Analysis of Religious Attitudes in the Popular Literature of the Fronde, by Thomas C. Sosnowski, 1976. French Clergy and the Development of the Capetian Dynasty in the Twelfth Century, The, by Gordon James Hanson, 1966. French Jewry and the Problem of Church and State: 1848-1905, by Zvi Jonathan Kaplan, 2003. French Left and National Education, The: 1919-1939, by Brian Joseph Jackson, 1965. French Reformed Protestantism: The Problems of Social Integration, Doctrinal Crisis, and Institutional Identity, by Robert B. Turnbull, 1988. Frequency of Selected Religious Practices in Mississippi Public Schools and an Assessment of the Legal Knowledge Level of Mississippi Public School Superintendents Concerning Religious Practices in Public Schools, The, by Harold Wayne Barnett, 1998. Friends and Strangers: Religion, Diversity, and the Ordering of Public Life in Colonial Pennsylvania, 1681-1764, by John Justin Smolenski, 2001. Froebel Movement and State Schooling, 1880-1914, The: A Study in Educational Ideology (Vols. I and II), by Kevin Joseph Brehony, 1987. From Alienation to Integration: A Social History of Baptists in Antebellum Natchez, Mississippi, by Robert Clinton Rogers, 1990. From Ancient Justice to Modern Rights: The Christian Theory of Justice in the Epistle to the Romans, by James Michael Sloat, 1997. From a Puritan City to a Cosmopolitan City: Cleveland Protestants in the Changing Social Order, 1898-1940, by Darry Kyong Ho Lee, 1994. From Calling to Career: Work and Professional Identity among American Women Missionaries to China, 1900-1950, by Carol Marie DeSmither, 1987. From Consensus to Conflict: A Categorization of American State Political Culture, by Mark M. Springer, 2004. From Confidence to Confusion in Moral Teaching: Episcopalians, Pluralism and Gender, 1892-1997, by David Alexander Tait, Oklahoma State University, 1999.

From Conquest to Struggle: Jesus of Nazareth in the Liberation Christology of Latin America, by David Bruce Batstone, Graduate Theological Union and University of California, 1989. From Christendom to Pluralism in the South Seas: Church-State Relations in the Twentieth Century, by Leslie Douglas Fullerton, 1970. From Community to Nation: The Development of the Idea of Pakistan, by Abdul Lateef, 1966. From Deep Wells of Religious Faith: An Interpretation of Vida Scudder’s Activism, 1887-1912, by Margaret Mary McManus, 1999. From Development to Liberation: Perspectives in the Emergence of Liberation Theology in India, by Joseph K. Murickan, 1985. From English Mission to Samoan Congregation: Women and the Church in Rural Western Samoa, by Elizabeth Marchette Roach, 1984. From Everson tD Zorach: A Triumph of Conservatism in Church-State Cases, 194752, by Norman Arthur Enhorning, 1971. From Knox to Melville: The Social Background of Conflicts within the Reformed Church of Scotland, 1555-1580, by Russell Knapp Bishop, 1976. From Opposition to Dialogue: New Directions in Catholic Thought toward the Legalization of Voluntary Euthanasia, by Robert Joseph Comiskey, 1978. From Opposition to Revolution: The Dynamics of Change in Iran and Afganistan, by Mehdi Noorbaksh-Dehkordi, 1996. From Puritan to Evangelical: Changing Culture in New England, 1689-1740, by Thomas Saunders Kidd, 2001. From Protectorate to Empire: A Study of Roman Policy in Judaea and Other Ethnic States in the Eastern Provinces of the Empire from ca. 14 to 73 C.E., by Eliezor Paltiel, 1977. From Pure Church to Pure Nation: Massachusetts Bay, 1630-1692, by Rosemary Katherine Twomey, 1972. From Recognition to Reconciliation: The Catholic Church and the Jewish State, by Racelle R. Weiman, 1996. From the Quebec Act to the French Alliance: The Catholic Question in Revolutionary New England, by Charles Parker Hanson, 1993. From Theodicy to Ideology: The Origins of the American Temperance Movement, by Joel Charles Bernard, 1983. From the Pews to the Polls: The Formation of a Southern Christian Right, by Daniel Kenneth Williams, 2005. From the Sun King to Citizen Capet: The Desacralization of the French Monarchy in the Eighteenth Century, by Jeffrey Willson Merrick, 1980. From Theocracy to Voluntary Church and Secularized Community: A Study of the Moravians in Salem, North Carolina, 1772-1860, by Jerry Lee Surratt, 1969. From UCSS to UCM: An Historical Inquiry with Emphasis on the Last Ten Years of the Student Christian Movements in the U.S.A. and Their Struggle for SelfUnderstanding and Growing Involvement in Social and Political Issues, by Franklin Jung Woo, 1972. From Usury to Public Finance: The Ecclesiastical Controversy over the Public Debts of Florence, Genoa and Venice (1300-1500), by Julius Kirshner, 1973. Frontier Religion in an Era of Transition: Los Angeles, 1848-1885, by Michael Eric Engh, 1987. Function of the Church as Critic of Society Exemplified in the Area of United States International Policy, The, by Patricia Ann Cole, 1965.

Fundamentalism and Political Activism: A Study of the New Christian Right, by James Richard Southern, 1987. Fundamentalism and the Radical Right: A Theoretical Exploration and Analysis, by Jerry Lee Bonham, 1976. Fundamentalist Reactions to the Civil Rights Movement Since 1954, by Julia Kirk Blackwelder, 1973. Fundamentalist Thought and Its Impact in Kentucky, 1900-1928, by Milo Martin Meadows, Jr., 1973. Fundamentalists and Democracy: The Political Culture of Indonesian Islamist Students, by Robin Madrid, 2001. Fundamentalist Foundations of the Moral Majority, The by W. Craig Bledsoe, 1986. Fund Raising in Small Colleges with Membership in the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges, by Rita Emily Meadows, 1999. Gallicanism of Claude Fleury, The, by Marie T. Callahan, 1971. Gandhian Theology of Liberation, A, By Ignatius Jesudason, 1981. Gariqua, the Sotho-Tswana, and the Miss aries, 1780-1840, The: The Politic Frontier Zone, by Martin Chad Legassick, 1970. Garveyism as a Religious Movement, by Randall Keith Burkett, 1976. Gauging the Impact of Religion and Culture on Public Opinion: A Multi-method Cross-national and Cross-cultural Examination of Mormons, by Jeffrey Carl Fox, 1998. General Synod of 1872 of the French Reformed Church, The: A Study of a Crisis of Authority, by Stephen Foster Englehart, 1978. Genesis of Temperance in Ontario, 1828-1850, The, by Frank Laurie Barron, 1978. Genetic Engineering: A Fundamental Moral Approach, by Robert Steven Ackerman, 2007. Genetic Testing for Delayed Onset Disease: A Feminist Theological Virtue Approach, by Donna Marie McKenzie, 1999. George I. Sanchez, Don Quixote of the Southwest, by Gladys Ruth Leff, 1978. George Reynolds: Secretary, Sacrificial Lamb, and Seventy, by Bruce Arthur Van Orden, 1986. George Whitefield and Colonial Revivalism: The Social Sources of Charismatic Authority, 1737-1770, by William Howland Kenny III, 1967. Gerald B. Winrod and the Defender: A Case Study of the Radical Right, by Gail Ann Sindell, 1974. German Faith, American Faithful: Religion and Ethnicity in the Early American Republic, by Steven M. Nolt, 1998. German Nationalist Fiction andthe Jewish Question, 1918-1933, by Rodier Frederick Morris, 22:599 German Political Catholicism, 1912-1919, by Ralph Rene Mendershausen, 1974. German Social Democracy Confronts the Problem of Anti-Semitism, 1918-1933, by Donald Lee Niewyk, 1969. Germany and the Papal Peace Proposal of August, 1917, by Charles Joseph Herber, 1966. Gilbert Haven, Racial Equalitarian: A Study of His Career in Racial Reform, 18501880, by William Bernard Gravely, 1970. Gilded Crosses: Race, Religion, and the Reforming of American Nationalism, 18651898, by Edward J. Blum, 2003. God and Gentry: Public and Private Religion in Tidewater Virginia, 1607-1800, by Anne Sorrell Dent, 2001.

Godbeite Protest in the Making of Modern Utah, The, by Ronald Warren Walker, 1978. Godesberg Socialists and the German Catholic Community, The: An Appraisal of Their Relationship, 1959-1966, The, by Vagn Aage Carisius Christensen, 1969. God, Grace, and Government: Taylor and Mary Ealy in the American Southwest, 1874-1881, by Ellen Marie Cain, The University of New Mexico, 2001. God Image, Self-image, and Length of Abstinence Among Active Members of Alcoholics Anonymous, by Gail S. Harber, 2006. God’s Gardeners: American Protestant Evangelicals Confront Environmentalism, 1967-2000, by David Kenneth Larsen, The University of Chicago, 2001. God’s State and the Conditions of Power: Political Ideals in Vadstena Abbey, c. 13701470 (Sweden), by Louise Ann-Charlotte Berglund. Uppsala Universitet (Sweden), 2003. God, the State, and War: Toward a Containment Strategy for Religious Militancy, by Jonathan C. Eastvold, 2006. Golden Years of the Hutterites, The: The Witness and Thought of the Communal Moravian Anabaptists during the Walpot Era, 1565-1578, by Leonard Gross, 1976. Good Life, The: Religious NGOs and the Moral Politics of Economic Development in Zimbabwe, by Erica Lynn Bornstein, University of California/Irvine, 2001. Good People: Revolution, Community and Conciencia in a Maya-K’iche’Village in Guatemala, by Carlota Pierce McAllister, The Johns Hopkins University, 2003. Germans of the Central Dakotas, The: Their Language and Culture, by Shirley Fischer Arends, Georgetown University, 1988. Getting Right with God: Southern Baptists and Race Relations, 1945-1980, by Mark Newman, The University of Mississippi, 1993. Global Education in Two Christian Colleges: A Descriptive Study of Students’Global Understanding in Relation to Faculty Members’Perceptions of Global Education Goals, by Donna L. Peterson, 1989. Glory in Gloom: Abram J. Ryan, Southern Catholicism, and the Lost Cause, by John Charles Bowles, 1996. God and Caesar at the Rio Grande: The Sanctuary Movement and the Politicization of Religion in the United States, by Mary Hilary Cunningham, 1993. Godly Interchange: The Appropriation of Nonchristian Symbols in the Development of Christianty in Spain and the Valley of Mexico, by Margaret Anne Beemer, 1988. God’s Country, Uncle Sam’s Land: Religious Exceptionalism, the Myth of the West, and Federal Force, by Todd M. Kerstetter, 1997. Gospel According to the Church of England Clergymen as Social Critics, 1681-1685, The, by Richard Lee Harvey, 1967. Gospel of Patriotism, The: The Nationalism of the German Protestant Clergy (18061815), by Arlie Jack Hoover, 1966. Gott Mit Uns: Germany’s Protestant Theologians in the First World War, by Charles Edward Bailey, 1979. Governance of Catholic Colleges Sponsored by Religious Communities: A Case Study, by Therese Antone, 1981. Government of St. John’s, Newfoundland, 1800-1921, The, by Melvin Baker, 1982. Government Shall Be Upon Their Shoulders, The: The Catholic Church and Democratization in Chiapas, Mexico, by J. Charlene Floyd, 1997. Granges and Other Landholdings of Roberts bridge Abbey, by Anne Chapman, 1978.

Grappling with the Good and the Right: Religious-ethical Dialogue in Public School Classrooms, by Robert Eugene Kunzman, 2003. Great Britain and the Armenian Crisis, 1912-1914, by David Earl Nunn, 1979. Greater Official Priests of Rome Under Flavian-Antonine Emperors, The, by Stephen Joseph Simon, 1974. Great School Wars, The: New York City, 1805-1973, by Diane Silvers Ravitch, 1977. Great Strike, The: Religion, Labor and Refonn in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 18901916, by Jeffrey David Kleiman, 1985. Greeks and Latins of Thirteenth-Century Cyprus: A Study of Churchmen and Crusaders, by Miltiades Basi Efthimi, 1975. Greeks in Medieval Islamic Egypt: A Melkite dhimmi Community under the Patriarch of Alexandria (640-1095), The, by Stanley H. Skreslet, 1987. Groupism in American Politics: An Analysis of a Religious Interest Group and a Labor Interest Group, by Timothy Joseph O’Brien, 1981. Grove City College and the United States Government Since 1977: A Case Study of Autonomy vs. Authority by Leslie Bartok, 1983. Growth and Development of Roman Catholic Education in New York City, 18421875, The, by Howard LeRoy Mattice, 1979. Growth in the Number and Population of Christian Schools since 1966, The Profile of Parental Views Concen Factors Which Led Them to Enroll Their Children in a Christian School, by George Edward Ballweg, Jr., 1981. Growth of Christian Missionary Interest in West Africa among Southeastern Black Baptists, 1880-1915, The, by Sandy Dwayne Martin, 1981. Growth of Disagreement Among Teachers Over the Dual School System in the Province of Quebec, The, by Barbara Cannon Matthews, 1974. Growth of the Fear of France in the Reign of Charles II, The, by Hugh Eisen Boyer, 1971. Guadelupe: Political Authority and Religious Identity in Fifteenth-century Spain, by Gretchen Dorothea Starr-LeBeau, 1996. Guardians in the Gap: Religious Heterodoxy and the Puritan Officer Corps in Seventeenth-century Massachusetts, by Louise Ann Breen, 1993. Guided by God: The Catholic Church and Political Legitimacy in the Philippines, by Steven Bond Shirley, 2003. Guiding the Wild Heart: Steering the State Safely Between Scylla and Charybdis, by Robert P. Brown, 1994. Gujarati Transnationals: Re-Creation of Identity and Community in the Context of an Ethnic Enclave, by Surekha Acharya, 2001. Gustavo Guiterrez’s Concepts and Images of God, by Mary J. Hynes, 1991. Gustavo Gutiérrez’s Understanding of the Kingdom of God in the Light of the Second Vatican Council, by Victor Figueroa-Villarreal, 2000. Gutierrez’s Theology and Freire’s Pedagogy with Implications for Christian Education, by Marcia Marie Druliner, 1992. H. J. Desmond, Catholic, Citizen, Reformer: The Quest for Justice Through Educational and Social Reform, by J O. Geiger, 1974. Halle and Ebenezer: Pietism, Agriculture and Commerce in Colonial Georgia, by Renate Wilson, 1988. Hamdanid Dynasty of Mesopotamia North Syria, 254-404/868-1014, The, by Ramzi Jibran Bikhazi, 1981. Hamiltonian Ideals and the Bill of Rights: American Rejection and Canadian Compromise: A Comparative Study of American and Canadian Jewish

Communities, Religious Freedom Guarantees and Constitutional Implications, by Gary Paul Gershman, 1992. Hamlet of Reform, The: The Early Poli Career of Lord John Russell, 1819-1841, by George Robert Grame, 1970. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Holiness Crusade Against Slavery, by Theodore Richard Hovet, 1971. Haunting Reason: Spiritualism and the Cultural Politics of Nineteenth-Century America, by Molly K. McGarry, 1999. Having Faith in NGOS: A Comparison of Faith-based and Secular Nongovernmental Organizations Engaged in International Peacebuilding, by Loramy Conradi Gerstbauer, 2002. Hawks and Doves: Southern Baptist Responses to Military Intervention in Southeast Asia, 1965-1973, by Gregory Dale Tomlin, 2003. Hayek’s Philosophy of Liberty, by Calvin M. Hoy, 1983. Hearts and Minds, Water and Fish: Support for the IRA. and I.N.L.A. in a Northern Irish Ghetto, by Jeffrey Alan Sluka, 1986. Heavenly Merchandize: An Archeology of Culture and Consciousness in Puritan New England, by Joseph Samuel La Sala, 2001. He Changed Things: The Life and Thought of J. Frank Norris, by Clovis Gwin Morris, 1974. Hegel: Protestantism, Christian Reform and Secularization, by Lawrence Winant Dickey, 1981. Hegemony as Educational Practice: Catholicism, Traditionalism and the Fate of the Progressive Historical Bloc in Malta: A Gramscian Analysis, by Carmel Borg, 1995. Henderson State College: The Methodist Years, 1890-1929, by John Gladden Hall, 1973. Henri Gregoire, A Study in French Church-State Relations from 1790 to 1802, by William Joseph Greytak, 1969. Henry Burton: A Study in Religion and Politics in Seventeenth Century England, by Richard Thomas Hughes, 1972. Henry David Thoreau and the Anti-democratic Nature of Five American Institutions, by Frederick Delbert Balkwill, 1999. Henry Jacob (1563-1624) and the Separatists, by Walter R. Goehring, 1976. Henry McNeal Turner and Black Religion in the South, 1865-1900, by Stephen Warder Angell, 1988. Henry Somerville and the Development of Catholic Social Thought in Canada: Somerville’s Role in the Archdiocese of Toronto, 1915-1943, by Jeanne Ruth Merifield Beck, 1979. Henry III and the Jesuit Politicians, by Austin Lynn Martin, 1972. Henry Ward Beecher and the Political Pulpit, by James Michael Dudiut, 1983. Herbert Butterfield’s Concept of International Relations: An Analysis and Comparison of a Christian Approach, by Brady Bradford Tyson, 1966. Heresy and Popular Protestantism in England, 1527-1553, by William Dellile Saffady, 1972. Heresy Proceedings in Languedoc, 1500-1560, by Raymond A. Mentzer, Jr., 1974. Hermann Dalton and Protestantism in Russia, by Benjamin Lee Benford, 1974. High Churchmen and Politics, 1845-1865, by John Peter Blythe Kenyon, 1969.

Hidden in the Books: Biobibliography and Religious Authority in the Work of an Eleventh-century Shi’ite Jurist and Theologian, by Scott Christopher Alexander, 1993. Higher Law: Its Development and Application to the American Antislavery Controversy, by Russel Dean Parker, 1967. Historians of the English Reformation 1780-1850, The, by John Edward Drabble, 1976. Historic and Economic Roots of the Iranian Revolution, by Behzad Touhidi-Baghini, 1983. Historical Account of the Controversy over State Support of Church-Related Higher Education in the Fifty States, A, by Ernest Bernard Bolick, Jr., 1979. Historical Analysis of Critical Transformations in the Evolution of the Baha’i World Faith, An, by Vernon Elvin Johnson, 1975. Historical and Case Study Approach to Teaching Human Rights in Secondary Schools, An, by Michael Eugene Smith, 1992. Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Inter-Religious Relations in Dutch Education and Society, by Donald John Weeren, 1968. Historical and Legal Analysis of United States Supreme Court Decision Concerning the Use of Public Funds to Support Private Education through Vouchers Programs, and Their Relevance to State Court Decisions in Four Regions of the United States, An, by Frances Joyce Emsellem Gerber, 2005. Historical and Theological Bases of the Christian Religious Education Program in Ontario Public Schools, The, by Michael L. Perry, 2000. Historical Argument in French Religious Controversy, 1671-1691, The, by Elisabeth Miriam Israels, 1968. Historical Background and Spiritual Authority of the Lanbeth Conferences and Their Impact on the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America with Particular Emphasis on the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood, The, by Michael McFarlene Marrett, 1981. Historical Context of 20th Century Theologies of Society [Afrikaans text], The, by Jacobus Petrus Labuschagne, 1988. Historical Development and Legal Status of the Public Schools in Puerto Rico, The, by Manuel Rosado Diaz, 1968. Historical Development of the Public Secondary School Curriculum in Saudi Arabia from 1930 to the Present, A, by Hamad AI-AliAl Ajroush, 1981. Historical Investigation of the Opposition to Jefferson’s Educational Proposals in the Commonwealth of Virginia, An, by Robert Orvis Woodburn, 1976. Historical Overview of Anti-Semitism in Minnesota, 1920-1960, with Particular Emphasis on Minneapolis and St. Paul, An, by Michael Gerald Rapp, 1978. Historical Perspective on Religious Practices in Selected Ohio City School Districts, An, by Nancy Russell Hamant, 1968. Historical Review of Secondary Education in Western Nigeria, A: 1842-1976, by Oyewole Olayioye Ajala, 1978. Historical Study of Development of Education in Iran Between 1963 and 1978, by Mariam Baradar, 1987. Historical Study of the Association of Teachers of Christian Schools, 1958-1979, A, by David Leon Roth, 1982. Historical Study of the Mission of the Church in Geneva, 1536-1564, A, by B. Harrison Taylor, 1978.

Historical Study of the Problems Faced by the Day-schools of the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod during the Years 1914-1935, by Dwight Douglas Stelling, 1996. Historical Survey of the Sociology of the Black Church, A, by Kim Queen Boyd Leathers, 1999. Historical Transformation, People’s Movement, and Messianic Koinonia: A Study of the Relationship of Christian and Tonghak Religious Communities to the March First Independence Movement in Korea, by Yong-Bock Kim, 1981. Historiography of the Causes of the 1793 Counterrevolution in Western France, The, by James Stewart Alverson, 1974. History and Development of the Office of Religious Education/CCD of the Archdiocese of Boston from 1962 to 1982, The, by Robert Lyle Connors, 1988. History and Ideology: American Mennonite Identity Definition through History, by Rodney James Sawatsky, 1978. History of a Jewish Burial Society: An Examination of Secularization, by Marelyn Schneider, 1988. History of Catholic Education in the Present Diocese of St. Cloud, Minnesota, 18551965, The, by Nora Luetmer, 1972. History of Christianity in Egyptto 451 A.D., The, by Charles Wilfred Griggs, 1980. History of Church Related Teacher Education Colleges in Zimbabwe, 1928 to 1976, A, by Ben John Siyakwazi, 1980. History of Claflin College, 1869-1987, A, by Charlestine Romelle Fairley, 1990. History of Cooperation between the Cleveland Public Schools and the Cleveland Catholic Diocesan Schools, 1966-1976, A, by Arthur John Caliquire, 1980. History of Governance at Lee College, A: A Study in Pentecostal Higher Education, by Raphael Weller Stephens III, 1982. History of Hadassah, 1912-1935, A, by Donald Herbet Miller, 1969. History of Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Schools in Wisconsin: National Policies and Local Implementation, A, by John Peter Boubel, 1989. History of Protestant Missions to Brazil, 1850-1914, A, by Walter Wedemann, 1978. History of the Abbey of the Genesee (Nigeria, Brazil, Korea), A, by Timothy J. Davis, 2003. History of the Adventist Christian Educationin Kenya, A: Illustrated in the Light of Its Impact on the Africans’Social, Economic, Religious and Political Development, 1906-1963, by Gershom N. Amayo, 1975. History of the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, 1946-1971, A, by Stanley LeRoy Hastey, 1974. History of the Chilean Vicariate of the Precious Blood Fathers, 1947-1972, A, by Robert Loyis Conway, 1980. History of the Christian School Movement in the State of Ohio: 1955-1990, by David E. Clark, 1991. History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Germany Between 1840 and 1968, by Gilbert Woodrow Scharffs, 1970. History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Sweden, 1850-1905, A, by Arthur Dean Wengreen, 1969. History of the Conservative Administrations, 1891 to 1896, A, by Lovell Crosby Clark, 1971. History of the First Fifty Years of the Claretian Apostolate in Chile, 1870-1920, A, by Ann Keith Naumann, 1975. History of the Foundations of Catholicism in North New York, A, by Mary Christine

Taylor, 1968. History of the Jews of Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, by Judith Laikin Elkin, 1977. History of the Korea Mission, Presbyterian Church, U.S., from 1892 to 1962, A, by George Thompson Brown, 1976. History of the Latter-Day Saints in Northern Missouri from 1836 to 1839, A, by Leland Homer Gentry, 1966. History of the Mennonite Elementary School Movement, A, by Jacob Lester Brubaker, 1967. History of the National Association of Christian Schools during the Period of 19471972, A, by Warren Sten Benson, 1975. History of the National, Catholic Unions in Canada; 1901-1965, A, by Alexander Fraser Isbester, 1969. History of the Persian Jews, A, by Daniel Earl Spector, 1977. History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in America to 1871, A, by David Melville Carson, 1965. History of the Roman Catholic Educational System in Mississippi, The, by Charles Conrad Di Michele, 1974. History of the Roman Catholic Parochial School System in the United States, A: A Documentary Interpretation, by Glen E. Gabert, 1972. History of the Roman Catholic School System in the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, 1900-1965, A, by Carmine Anthony Loffredo, 1968. History of the U.S.A. Presbyterian Church in Texas and Louisiana, 1868-1920, The, by George H. Paschal, Jr., 1968. Hitler Youth and Catholic Youth, 1933-1936: A Study in Totalitarian Conquest, by Lawrence David Walker, 1966. Hold Fast That Which Is Good: The Public Theology of Robert Lewis Dabney, by Sean Michael Lucas, 2002. Holocaust, The: The Response of the Religious Press in the Pacific Northwest to the Anti-Semitic Policies of the Third Reich, by Joseph Daniel Ban, 1975. Holy Commonwealth, A: The Political Thought of Richard Baxter, by Thomas Wheeler Nickols, 1969. Holy Experiment and Education, The: The Public School Bible Reading Legislation of 1913 in Pennsylvania by John William, Lowe, Jr., 1987. Holy See and Soviet Russia, 1918-1930, The: A Study in Full-Circle Diplomacy, by Henry Lane Hull, 1971. Holy War Within the Mythic Horizon of American Christian Biblical Fundamentalism, by William Roy Summerhill, 1985. Home Schoolers: Their Academic and Social Well-being and Their Use of Public Libraries in Willow, California, by Kent Richard Parsons, 1995. Horace M.Kallen and the Americanization of Zionism, by Sarah Leff Schmidt, 1974. Horny-Handed Sons of Toil: Workers, Politics, and Religion in Augusta, Georgia, 1880-1910, by Julia Mary Walsh, 1999. House Divided, A: British Evangelical Parliamentary Influence in the Latter Ninteenth Century, 1860-1902, by Rob, Sydney Wilson, 1975. How High the “Wall”? A Comparison of the Church-state Separation Positions of Thomas Jefferson and John Leland, by Richard Curry Huff, 2003. How Much Speech is Free: An Examination of Supreme Court Philosophies Regarding Freedom of Expression, by Deborah Marie Geisler, 1983.

How Religious, Political, and Emotional Predispositions Affect Prospects for Civil Society in Post-Soviet Belarus, by Peter Dawson Clark, 1999. How to Talk about Religion in Politics, by Austin Warren Dacey-Groth, Bowling Green State University, 2002. Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr., by Charles Lloyd Garrettson, III, 1986. Hugh Boulter: Primate of Ireland, 1724-1742, by Lois Eby McMahon, 1975. Hugh Latimer—Humanism and the English Reformation, by Natalie Ann B. Galdi, 1979. Huguenots and the War of the Spanish Marriages, The, by James Samuel Valone, 1966. Huguenots of Colonial New Paltz and New Rochelle, The: A Social and Religious History, by Paula Wheeler Carlo, 2001. Human Nature in Question: Protestant Responses to Selected Political and Social Issues, 1917-1941, by Roger Willand Fjeld, 1974. Human Rights: A Global Faith, by Robert A. Traer, 1988. Human Rights and Contemporary World Politics: An Analysis from East Asian Experience, by David Joseph Wessels, 1982. Human Rights in Postcommunism: Discourse and Parties in the Development of Religious Freedom, by Beth Marie Admiraal, 2004. Human Rights Language and the Liberation of Women, by Bridget Mary BurkeRavissa, 1999. Human Rights Policy of Jimmy Carter, The: Foundations for Understanding, by Michael Leroy Allen, 1984. Hungarian Church-State Relationships: A Socio-historical Analysis, by Peter Torok, 2000. Idea and Conception: The Relationship Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Essay on The Constitution of the Church and State to the Church and State Depicted in the Novels of Anthony Trollope, by Timothy Joe Evans, 1979. Idea of Perfectability (From Condorcet Gandhi), The, by Virginia Lewis Mull, 1982. Ideal of Comprehension in the Church of England, 1593-1689, The, by James Baughman, 1977. Ideal of Nationalism, The: The Intellect Development and Historiographical Contribution of Hans Kohn, by Kenneth Wolf, 1973. Identifying the Image Of God: A Theology of Nonviolent Power in the Antebellum United States, by Daniel Patrick Buchanan, 1998. Identity Crisis Within the Islamic Movement: The Dilemma of Tajdidization, by Muhammad Abdul-Ghaffar Abdulla, 1991. Ideological Politics in Mexico and the Partido Accion Nacional: A Case Study in Political Alienation, by Franz Alfred Von Sauer, 1972. Ideological Tendencies Within Chile Christian Democracy, by Michael Howard Fleet, 1972. Ideology and Diplomacy: The Impact Reformed Religion on Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Practice in the First Decade of Elizabeth I, by Warren Stephens Curry, 1978. Ideology and Pneumapathological Consciousness: Eric Voegelin’s Analysis of the Spiritual Roots of Political Disorder, by Michael G. Franz, 1989. Ideology of Americanization in Puerto Rico 1898-1909, The: Conquest and Disestablishment, by Peter Steven Gann, 1980. Ideology of Revolution: A Nonnative Study of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, by Najibullah Lafraie, 1986.

Ideology of the Action Francaise, The, by Frank Charles Huntington, 1971. Ideology, Political Institutions, and Social Movement Activism: A Comparison of the Mobilization of British and American Evangelical Christians, by J. Christopher Soper, 1992. Idolatry and the Reformation: A Study of Protestant Attack on Catholic Worship in Germany, Switzerland and France, 1500-1580, by Carlos Mario Nieto Eire, 1980. If God Be For Us: Religious Nationalism in Modern Europe, by Philip W. Barker, 2005. Immediate Successors of Justinian, The: A Study of the Persian Problem and of Continuity and Change in Internal Secular Affairs in the Later Roman Empire during the Reigns of Justin II and Tiberius II Constantine (A.D. 565-582), by Harry Norman Turtledove, 1978. Impact of Alvin Daniel Mattson Upon the Social Consciousness of the Augustana Synod, The, by Gregory Lee Jackson, 1983. Impact of Bishop Charles Henry Brent upon American Colonial and Foreign Policy, 1901-1917, The, by Emma J. Portuondo, 1970. Impact of State Aid Upon Church-Related Higher Education in the State of New York, The: The First Amendment Issues, by Maureen Deborah Manion, 1983. Impactof State Assistance on Oregon’s Private Colleges and Universities, The, by Larry Denton Large, 1975. Impact of the Black Church on the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Black Communities of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties (Immune deficiency, Florida), The, by John Frank White, 2003. Impact of the Christian Right Social Movement on Republican Party Development in the South, The, by Paige Leigh Schneider, 2000. Impact of the Dreyfus Affair on Great Britain, The, by Deborah Yellin Bachrach, 1979. Impact of the Establishment of the State of Israel on the Attitude of the Catholic Church towards Israel during the Years 1948-1975, as Reflected in American Catholic Periodicals, The, by George Garber, 1978. Impact of the Evangelicals and the Humanitarians on the Political Situation in South Africa, The, by Richard Cameron Lipsey, 1971. Impact of the Jesuits’Estates Act on Canadian Politics, 1888-1891, The, by James Rodger Miller, 1974. Impact of the United States Supreme Court Decision in Grove City College v. Bell (1984) on the Adjudication of Discrimination Suits and the Outcome of Civil Rights Complaints Filed Against Ohio Colleges and Universities, The, by Dale David Lanigan, 1988. Impact of Volunteerism on the Academic Achievement of Students, The: A Case Study of the One-Church-One School Program at an Urban Elementary School, by Erma Brooks Williams, 2001. Imperialism and Religion: Assyria, Judah and Israel in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries B.C., by Morton Cogan, 1972. Implications of Disestablishment for Catholic Objectives in Higher Education in Ireland, 1869-1879, by Sandy Macpherson Pemberton, 1971. Implications of Horace Mann’s Educational Philosophy and Praxis in Relation to Secular Humanism in Public Schools, by Helen Poarch Barnette, 1987. Implications of Nonfoundationalist Moral Epistemologies for Theological Ethics in Public Moral Discourse, by Mark Jeffrey Hanson, 1993. Importance of and a Curriculum for Teaching the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church, The, by Judy Flanegin, 1987.

Importance of the Rihia for the Islamization of Spain, The, by Michael Karl Lenker, 1983. In a Parting Sea: The Apostolic Tracks of Christian Controversy in the Lives of Athanasius, Jerome, and Rufinus, 325 to 411 A.D., by Ellen S. Poteet, 1998. In Behalf of a Just and Durable Peace: The Attitudes of American Protestantism toward War and Military-Related Affairs Involving the United States, 1945-1953, by Jerrold Lee Brooks, 1978. In Behalf of the True Protestant’s Religion: The Glorious Revolution in New York, by David William Voorhees, 1988. Incorporating Moral Education into the Jewish Secondary School Curriculum, by Morris Sosevsky, 1981. Incorporation of Massachusetts Congregational Churches, 1692-1833, The: The Preservation of Religious Autonomy, by Kirk Gilbert Alliman, 1971. In Defense of Liberal Democracy: An Inquiry into the Philosophical Premises. Underlying Canadian Liberalism’s Battle with Theocracy and Nationalism, by Rainer Knopff, 1982. Independent and Presbyterian: A Study of Religious and Political Language and the Politics of Words during the’English Civil War, c. 1640-1646, by John Kendell Graham, 1979. Indifferent Mean, The: Adiaphorism in the English Reformation to 1554, by Bernard Joseph Verkamp, 1973. Indigenous Arabic-SpeaKing Christian Communities of Greater Syria and Mesopotamia, The: A History of Their Rites, A Demographic Survey of Their Geographical Distribution, and An Analysis of Their Role in the Political, Social and Economic Life of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Iraq Since National Independence, by Robert Brenton Betts, 1969. Indigenous Baptists and Foreign Missionaries: Baptist Communities in Romaina, Hungary, and Yugoslavia, 1872-1980, by R. Tandy McConnell, 1996. Individual and Social Responsibility in Islamic Thought, by Abdulmunim Ahmad Shakir, 1969. Individual and Society in Reinhold Niebuhr and Karl Marx, The, by Ruth Lynette Smith, 1983. Indoctrination and Contemporary Approaches to Moral Education, by William R. Casement, 1982. Indoctrination, Education, and Religion: A Philosophical Analysis, by Elmer John Thiessen, 1981. Infinite Clamor, An: Clerical Anticlericalism in Pre-Reformation England, by Loretta Turner Johnson, 1980. Influence of Brigham Young on the Development of Education in Early Utah, The, by Lee Howard Grisham, 1983. Influence of Epideictic Rhetoric on Eusebius of Caesarea’s Political Theology, The, by Gerald S. Vigna, 1981. Influence of Islam, Gender Roles, and Social Class on Educational Attainment of Pakistanis in Los Angeles County and Lahore, Pakistan, The, by Dabbie Ismat Abu Halimeh, 2000. Influence of Islam on the Afar, The, by Kassim Shehim, 1983. Influence of National Fundamentalist Religious Organizations on the Introduction of a Sex Education Program in Worcester, Massachusetts Public Schools, The, by Frank Christopher Pizziferri, 1986.

Influence of Pressure Groups on the Education Policymaking Decisions of the Minnesota Legislature, The, by Richard Arnold Krueger, 1997. Influence of Religion on National Integration in Zaire, The, by Kenneth Lee Adelman, 1976. Influence of the Ishriniyat on Arabic and Islamic Culture in Nigeria, The, by Rasheed Ajani Raji, 1983. Influence of Special Education on Education Support of Ethnic Students As Perceived by Administrators and Teachers in Selected Rural Secondary Schools in Education Service Center, Regions 13 and 20, Texas, The, by Herman Oliver King, 2003. Influence of the Oxford Movement Upon the Church of England in the Province of the West Indies, 1850-1900, The, by Etienne Everette Edison Bowleg, 1987. Influence of the Religious Factor on Political Interest, 1960-84, The, by Changsu Kim, 1985. Influence of the Roman Catholic Church on Slavery in Colonial Louisiana under French Domination, 1718-1763, The, by Mary Veronica Miceli, 1980. Influence of the Scottish Clergy on Politics, The: 1616-1638, by Allen Burl Birchler, 1967. Influence of the Traditional African Religion on the Political Structure of the Ashanti and Oyo Empires, 1700-1817, The: A Comparative Study, by Richard E. Nzeadighbe, 1976. In God We Trust: Religion, the Cold War, and Civil Rights in Milwaukee, 1947-1963, by Kevin David Smith, 1999. In His Steps: A Biography of Dan Beach Bradley, Medical Missionary to Thai land, 1835-1873, by Donald Charles Lord, 1965. Inner Light and Popular Enlightenment, The: Philadelphia Quakers and Charity Schooling, 1770-1820, by William C. Kashatus , III, 1993. Inquiry into Spanish Roman Catholic Preaching on Social Issues, An, by Daniel Chavez, 1981. Inquiry on the Relevance of Latin American Liberation Theology to West African Christianity Through a Cameroonian Case Study, An, by Victor Fon Wan-Tatah, 1984. Inquisition and Its American Interpreters, 1800-1900, The, by John Bertram Starkey, 1967. Inscriptional Evidence for Women as Leaders in the Ancient Synagogue, by Bernadette Joan Brooten, 1983. In Search of an Integral Liberation: A Study of the Thai Struggle for Social Justice from a Christian Perspective—The Contemporary Thai Farmers’ Movement as a Case Study, by Nantawan Boonprasat Lewis, 1983. In Search of the American Spirit: The Political Thought of Orestes Brownson, by Gregory Scott Butler, 1989. In Smith’s Wake: The Impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Peyote Decision in the Lower Courts, by John P. Forren, 2001. Institutional Distinctiveness, Interpretive Strategy, and Financial Stability Among Church-Related Less Selective Liberal Arts Colleges, by Charles Jeffrey Woods, 1987. Institutional Environments as Perceived by the Faculty and Administrators at Six Small Liberal Arts Christian Colleges, by Jeffrey Thomas Fouts, 1983. Institutionalization of the Inferior Status and Socio-Political Role of the NonMuslim Groups in the Colonial Hierarchical Structure of the Northern Region of Nigeria,

The: A Socio-Ethical Analysis of the Colonial Legacy, by Yusufu Turaki, 1983. Institutionalizing Reform Judaism: The Accommodation of the UAHC and Its Affiliated Congregations to America’s Environment: 1873-1930, by Alan Silverstein, 1992. Institutional Planning Practices in Bible Colleges Accredited by the American Association of Bible Colleges, by Larry John Eagan, 1981. Institutions of Self Government of Palestinian Jewry and Their Demographic Concomitants, 141 B.C.E.-217 C.E., by Leo Realburg, 1978. Instructional Status of Academic Religion in Large Public High Schools in the United States, by J. B. Morris, 1971. Insurmountable Wall: A Study of the Attempts to Secure State Aid for Private School Tuition in Ohio in the 1930s, The, by John Austin Leahy, 1988. Integral Development: The Catholic Church and Human Development in Sri Lanka, by George B. Perera, 1983. Integration of Marxist Constructs into the Theology of Liberation from Latin America, by Carol Sue Robb, 1978. Intellectuals, Religion, and Politics in a Divided Society: Malaysia, by Daniel Regan, 1978. Interaction of Church and State for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, The, by Curtiss Brooks Barby, 1973. Interchurch World Movement of North America, 1919-1920, The, by Eldon Gilbert Ernst, 1969. Interest Group Participation and the United States Supreme Court: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Rise of Interest Group Litigation in First Amendment Religion Cases, by Andrew Jay Koshner, 1996. Interest Groups and Poltical Change in Israel, by Marcia Drezon-Tepler, 1985. Interest Groups in Conflict: Equality of Education, 1954-1979, by W. Pearl Mitchell, 1988. Internalization of Gospel Values by Eighth-Grade Students Having 8 Years of Catholic Elementary School Education, The, by Aurelia Marie V. Montgomery, 1999. Internment of the Japanese in America during World WarIl, The: An Interpretation According to the Ethics of Character, by Wallace Hisahsi Ryan Kuroiwa, 1983. Interpretation of the Evangelical and Reformed Church in a Changing American Society, An, by Alfred Clinton Bartholomew, 1950. Interpretations of American Catholic Church History: A Comparative Analysis of Representative Catholic Historians, 18751975, by J. Douglas Thomas, 1977. Interpretations of Transactional Analysis: Theology of Culture in the Practice of Pastoral Ministry, by Robert Marsden Knight, 1988. Interpreting U.S. Policy toward Iran During the Early Cold-War Years, by Dariush Haghighat, 1988. Interregnum Bishops of the Anglican Church and the Ideas of Church and State in Caroline England, The, by Harry Franklin Snapp, 1965. Interrelationship Between Sociocultural Factors and Denominationalism, The: A Comparison of the Early and Modern Sociocultural Profiles of the North American Baptist General Conference, 1874-1974, by Ernest Kurt Pasiciel, 1975. In the Age of Exclusion: Race, Religion and Chinese Identity in the Making of the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands, 1863-1943, by Grace Peña Delgado, 2000. In the Lion’s Den: The Social Catholicism of Daniel and Phillip Berrigan, 1955-1965, by Anne Klejment, 1981.

In the Lord’s Army: The United States Christian Commission in the Civil War, by David Alan Raney, 2001. In the Shadow of Muratori: A History of the Politics Ideology of Censorship in the Duchy of Modena (1750-1780), by Michael Alan Abelson, 1978. In the Valley of the Shadow of Death: American Churches and the Bomb, 19451970, by Matthew Carpenter Lee, 1991. In the Wilds of America: The Early Republican Origins of American Judaism, 17901830, by Jay Michael Eidelman, 1997. In the World But Not of It: Conservative Christian Students in Public Schools, by Joanne M. Marshall, Harvard University, 2000. In the World But Not of the World: Religiosity, Alienation, and Philosophy of Human Nature Among Bible College and Liberal Arts College Students, by Terry E. Huffman, 1988. In the World but Not of the World: The Humanitarian Activities of Philadelphia Quakers, 1790-1820, by Margaret Morris Haviland, 1992. Invalidity of Marriage in the Roman Catholic Church and in the Civil Law the United States, The, by James Connor, 1969. Investigation of Attitudes and Prac6 Regarding Bible Reading and Praye: the Public Schools of Oklahoma, An. Donald Wayne Graves, 1971. Investigation of Female Students’Perceptions of Discipline and Sense of Community in School Sisters of Notre Dame High Schools in the United States, An, by Nancy E. Gilchriest, 2001. Investigation of Social Justice as it Relates to the Message of Amos, An, by Edward Lamar Mahaffey, 1993. Investigation of Religious Climate at Protestant Church-Related Colleges in the United States, An, by Ruth Ruud Gough, 1982. Investigation of the Ideological Foundation and Administrative Structure of Higher Education in Iran from Islamic Madressahs to Western Style University, An, by Ali Akbar Farhangi, 1981. Investigation of the Influence of the Accelerated Christian Education Program of Instruction Upon Student Academic Achievement in a Christian College Environment, An, by Kenneth Louis Allison, 1982. Investigation of the Relationship between Religiosity, Amount of Exposure SeventhDay Adventist Parochial Education and Other Selected Variables among SeventhDay Adventist Secondary Students in Sao Paulo, Brazil, An, by Eli Nevil Menegusso, 1981. Investigation of the Role of Religion in Ethics of Antonio Caso Andrade, An, by Robert Carl Fricke, 19: 417 Invitation to the Table Community, An: A Biblical and Cultural Image for Asian Christians Theory of Religious Education that Takes Account of Religious Pluralism, by Hope S. Antone, 2001. Involvement in the World Council of Churches with the Racial Question in South Africa: An Historical-Analytical Survey of the Period 1950-1970 [Afrikaans text], The, by John Jacob Steenkamp, 1988. Inward Promptings: Orestes Augustus Brownson, Outsidership and Roman Catholicism in the United States, by Craig Wesley Pilant, 1997. In Washington but Not of It: Religious Lobbyists Challenge the State, by Daniel James Brown Hofrenning, 1992. Iowa Amish and Their Education, The, by Donald Paul Hayes, 1973. Iran: From Rebellion to Revolution. Economic Development and Political Decay,

1963-1979, by Mohsen Malkzadeh Milani, 1985. Iranian Revolution and Its Theoretical Implications, by Shahin Mossavar Rahmani, 1987. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: Radical Ideology Despite Institutionalization in the Islamic Republic, by Kenneth Bruce Katzman, 1991. Irish-American and Italian-American Educational Views and Activities, 1870-1900: A Comparison, by Howard Ralph Weisz, 1971. Irish-Catholic Nuns and the Development of New York City’s Welfare System, 18401900, by Maureen Fitzgerald, 1992. Irish Catholic Whigs in Parliament, 1174, The, by David Thomas Horgan, 1978. Isaiah’s Fast: The Practice of Hospitality in the Catholic Worker Movement, by Harry William Murray, 1987. Islam and African Socialism: A Study of the Interactions between Islam and Ujamaa Socialism in Tanzania, by Imtiyaz S. Yusuf, 1990. Islam and Development: An Ethical Analysis with Special Emphasis on Public Resource-Utilization in Malaysia, by Mohd Shahar Bin Sidek, 1989. Islam and Political Attitudes in Pakistan Bangladesh: A Thematic and Quantitative Approach, by Nasim Ahmad Jawed, 1976. Islam and Political Legitimacy: The Case of Egypt, 1952-1981, by Mounir Mahmoud Badawy El-Sayed, 1992. Islam and Politics in Aceh: A Study of Centerperiphery Relations in Indonesia, by Eric Eugene Morris, 1983. Islam and Politics in Malaysia, 1969-1982: The Dynamics of Competing Traditions, by S. Ahmad Hussein, 1988. Islam and Politics: Philippine Government Policies and Muslim Responses, 19461976, Volume I and II, by Vivienne Angeles SM, 1987. Islam and Radication of Poverty: An Ethical Dimension of Development with Special Reference to Malaysia’s Five Year Plans, by Nasseri Bin Taib, 1989. Islam and Sociopolitical Change: A Comparative Study of Egyptian, Kuwaiti, and Palestinian Attitudes, by Jarmal Ali Sanad, 1990. Islam and the Politics of Art in Post-independence Malaysia, by Sulaiman Bin Esa, 1997. Islam and the Search for a Social Order in Modem Egypt: An Intellectual Biography of Shaykh ‘ Abdal-Halim, by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi’, 1987. Islam, Democracy, and Human Rights: A Cross-national Analysis, by Daniel Erwin Price, 1996. Islam, Democracy and Religious Modernism in Iran (1953-1997): From Bazaragan to Soroush, by Forough Jahanbakhsh, 1997. Islam, Democracy and Social Studies Education: A Quest for Possibilities, by Bernadette Louise Dean, 2000. Islam, Elite Competition, and Ethnic Mobilization: Forms of Domination and Dissent in Cotabato, Southern Phillipines, by Thomas Michael McKenna, 1990. Islam Reaffirmed: The Denial of a Dream in Iran, by Seyed-Ali Mortazavi, Temple University, 1987. Islam under the Soviets, by Allen Hetmal, 1966. Islamic Concept of Socio-Political Leadership in Iran, The, by Mohamad-Sad Pourghourian-Najafabadi, 1982. Islamic Education: A Resource Unit Secondary Schools in Egypt, by Nmane Abdulhameed Elanshar, 1983. Islamic Historiography: The Case of al-Tabari’s Ta’rikh al-rusul wa ‘ l-Muluk on the

Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, by Abdulkader Ismail Tayob, 1989. Islamic Justice in Transition: A Socio-legal Study of the Agama Court Judges in Indonesia, by Nur Ahma Fadhil Lubis, 1994. Islamic Modernism in Indonesian Politics: The Muhammadijah Movement during the Dutch Colonial Period (1912-1942), by Alfian, 1970. Islamic Organization Theory, by Seyed Mehdi Alvani, 1983. Islamic Perspectives on the Question of Nationalism and National Integration: The Case of the Sudan, by Ibrahim El Bashir Osman, 1984. Islamic Political Culture and Authoritarian-Military Rule: An Analysis of the Nature of Rule in Pakistan, by Ashraful Hasan, 1989. Islamic Political Thought: The Case of Fstan, by Raja Mohammed Naib, 1965. Islamic Populism and Dissent: A Theoretical Study of Shi’i Militancy in Iran from Early Islam to the Revolution of 1979, by Manochehr Dorraj, 1984. Islamic Reform and Revival in Nineteenth-Century India: The Tariqah-i Muhammadizah, by Harlan Otto Pearson, 1980. Islamic Sermon as a Channel of Political Communication in Syria, Jordan and Egypt, The, by Bruce Maynard Borthwick, 1966. Islamic State, The: A Perspective of the Islamic Holy Revolution, by Abdulrahman Abdulkadir Kurdi, 1983. Islamic State in Light of the Qur’on and Sunnah, The, by Abdulaziz Saddiq Jastaniah, 1982. Islamic Theory of Government According to Ibn Taymiyah, The, by Khalid Ibrahim Jindan, 1981. Islamic Values and Their Reflection in the Iranian Elementary Textbooks: Islamization in Post-revolutionary Iran, by Mohammad Javad Zarean, 1998. Islamism Among the Urban Poor of Turkey: Religion, Space, and Class in Everyday Political Interaction, by Cihan Zira Tugal, 2003. Islamization of the State in a Dualistic Culture: The Case of Bangladesh, by Aziz-al Ahsan Syed, 1990. Is Life Sacred? The Incoherence of the Sanctity of Life As a Moral Principle Within the Christian Churches, by Geoffrey Gilbert Drutchas, 1996. Issue of Public Support for Church-Related Education in the 1967 New York State Constitutional Convention, The: A Study in the Decision-Making Process, by Irving H. Freedman, 1970. Issues and Guidelines for the Academic Study of Religions in Michigan Public Secondary Schools, by Henry Jay Hoeks, 1978. Issues in Educational Innovation for an Urban Black Baptist Church-based School, by Kathryne Helena Leak, 2003. Israel and the Jewish Identity Crisis, by Moshe Amon, 1974. Israel and the Nations in Deutero-Isaiah: The Political Terminology in Form-Critical Perspective, by Bruce David Naidoff, 1981. Is Whitehead a Platonist? Creation and Causation in Plato’s Timaeus and Whitehead Philosophy of Organism, by Bruce Gordon Epperly, 1980. Italian Cardinals, Reform, and the Church as Property: 1492-1563, by Barbara McClung Hallman, 1975. Italian Catholic Action: A Case Study of a Sponsored Organization, by Gianfranco Poggi, 1965. It’s All About an Ideology: An Analysis of Grassroots Conflicts Over Sex Education in the Public Schools, by Kelly Lyn Nelson, 1997.

Jacques Maritain and the Moral Foundation of Democracy, by John M. DiJoseph, 1993. Jacobite Bishop of Rochester, The, by Patricia Kneas Hill, 1970. Jacques Ellul: Theologian and Social Critic, by David John Burke, 1981. Jaime Balmes and the Politics of Reconciliation in Spain, 1843-1848, by Walter Marshal Odum, 1979. James I and European Ideological Controversy, by Lawrence Robert Greene, 1975. James Luther Adams and His Demand for an Effective Religious Liberalism, by James Dennis Hunt, 1967. James Pilkington: The Study of an Elizabethan Bishop, by Larry Martin Robinsky, 1976. James Theodore Holly, 1829-1911, Black Nationalist and Bishop, by David McEwen Dean, 15:345 Jansenists and Ideologues: Opposition Theory in the Parlement of Paris, 1750-1775, by Daniel Carroll Joynes, 1982. Jansenists and the Expulsion of the Jesuits from France, 1757-1765, The, by Dale Kenneth Van Kley, 1972. Japan’s Kakure Kirishitan, by Ann Mary Harrington, 1978. Jedidiah Morse’s Christian Republicanism: Reform and the Young Nation, by Timothy Lee Dillon, 1987. Jefferson’s Politics of Morality: The Purpose and Meaning of His Extracts from the Evangelists, “The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth” and “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth,” by Dickinson Ward Adams, 1976. Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Supreme Court: An Examination of the Cases Brought Before the United States Supreme Court Involving the Rights Claimed by Jehovah’s Witnesses, from 1938-1960, by Richard Chong Chin Kim, 1965. Jehovah’s Witnesses: The Effects of Millenarianism on the Maintenance of a Religious Sect, by Melvin Dotson Curry, Jr., 1980. Jeremy Belknap and Early American Nationalism: A Study in the Political and Theological Foundations of American Liberty, by Stephis Walter Haycox, 1972. Jeremy Bentham on the Utility of Religion and the Church of England, by James Edward Crammins, 1984. Jerusalem Bishopric-1841, The, by Shlomit Elbaum Horn, 1979. Jesuit Search for Social Justice, A: The Public Career of Louis J. Twomey, S.J., 19471969, by John Robert Payne, 1977. Jesus and Liberation: A Critical Analysis of the Christology of Latin American Liberation Theology with Special Emphasis on Leonardo Boff, John Sobrino, and Juan L. Segundo, by Carlos Raimundo Pair, 1991. Jewish Attitudes of the 1979 Graduates of Suffolk Conservative Afternoon Schools, by Levi Ness, 1981. Jewish Community of Zagreb, The: Negotiating Identity in the New Eastern Europe, by Nila Ginger Hoifman, 2000. Jewish Education in the United States, 1840-1920, by Eduardo Luttinger Rauch, 1979. Jewish Leadership and Anti-Semitism in Britain, 1898-1918, by Steven Gilbert Bayme, 1978. Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union, The: A Critical Study, by Thomas Ellwood Saw yer, 1979. Jewish Schools in the Soviet Union, 1917-1941: An Aspect of Soviet Minorities Policy, by Harry Lipset, 1967.

Jewish Sections of the Communist Party and the Modernization of the Soviet Jewry, The, by Zvi Yechiel Gitelman, 1969. Jews and the Minorities Treaties, 1918-1929, The, by Margaret Regina Thompson, 1968. Jews in Byzantium, 1261-1453, The, by Steven Barrie Bowman, 1975. Jews in France Before the Revolution, The: Prelude to Emancipation, by Arthur Hertzberg, 1970. Jews in Mexico, The: A History with Special Emphasis on the Period From 1857-1930, by Coring Azen Krause, 1971. Jews in Post-Dreyfus France, 1906-1939, The, by Paula E. Hyman, 1976. Jews of Miskolc, 1780-1848, The: The Expansion and Development of Traditional Society in the Age of Royal Absolutism and Liberal Reform, by Howard Nathan Lupovitch, 1996. Jews Under Soviet Rule During World War II, The, by Shimon Redlich, 1970. Jews under the Tsars and Commissars, The: The History and Culture of Russian Jewry, by Rachel Abramowitz, 1976. Jimmy Carter: The Effect of Personal Religious Beliefs on His Presidency and Their Relationship to the Christian Realism of Reinhold Niebuhr, by Clyde M. DeLoach, 1985. Johann Eck and Humanism, by Stanley Milton Burgess, 1972. Johannes Brenz and the Problem of Church Order in the German Reformation, by James Martin Estes, 1965. John A. Ryan’s Theory of the State, by John William Gouldrick, 1980. John Austin Grace (1800-1866): Educator (Vols. I and II), by Donald S. Blake, 1987. John Ballou Newbrough and the Oahspe Bible, by Daniel Nathan Simundson, 1974. John Bradford’s Writings: An Example of English Reformation Piety, by William Shirmer Barker II, 1971. John Calvin and the Renewal of Our Times, by James Glenn Belcher, 1996. John Calvin’s Contribution to the Emergence of Judicial Review: Source of the Judicial Duty to Disobey Unconstitutional Laws, by David T. Ball, 1998. John Calvin’s Humanistic Approach to Church History, by Richard Lyle Buehrer, 1975. John Calvin’s Theory of Political Obligation: An Examination of the Doctrine of Civil Obedience and Its Limits from the New Testament Commentaries, by Andrew Jackson Livick Waskey, Jr., 1979. John Calvin’s View of the Kingdom of God, by Timothy Pavitt Palmer, 1988. John Calvin, Theodore Beza and the Reformation in Poland, by Nancy Marilyn Conradt, 1975. John Carrell Williams, the Nonconformist Watchdog, 1821-1907, by Allen Howard Welch, 1969. John Chrysostom, a Glorious Failure: The Poor, the Rich and the Authentic Christian Community, by Eun Hye Lee, 2003. John Cosin, 1595-1672: Bishop of Durham and Champion of the Caroline Church, by John Gregory Hoffman, 1978. John Courtney Murray’s Concept and Theology of Public Religion and the Implications for American Institutional Life, by Marcon Weinning Boczek, 2001. John Courtney Murray’s Ethics of Discourse: The Public Search for Understanding, Moral Judgment, and Commitment, by John Leon Hooper, 1983. John Courtney Murray, Theologian in Conflict: Roman Catholicism and the American Experience, by Donald Edmond Pelotte, 1976.

John Dewey and Democracy, by Peter E. Okeke, 1993. John Dewey’s Philosophical Justification of Liberalism: The Natural Unity of Freedom and the Good, by Daniel Michael Savage, 1997. John England and Irish American Catholicism, 1815-1842: A Study of Conflict, by Patrick Wayne Carey, 1976. John F. Kennedy Before the Greater Houston Ministerial Association, September 12, 1960: The Religious Issue, by Deane Alwyn Kemper, 1969. John Foster Dulles and the Federal Council of Churches, 1937-1949, by Albert N. Kein, 1972. John Lancaster Spalding: Catholic Educator and Social Emissary, by Robert Newton Barger, 1977. John Locke and the Founding of American Civil Religion, by Sanford Harvey Kessler, 1980. John Makinon Robertson: Freethinker and Radical, by Conrad Joseph Maczkowski, 1966. John Ruskin and the Ethics of Consumption, by David Melville Craig, 1998. Johnson Administration, Israel and American Jewry, The: Linkages to the Vietnam War, by Judith Apter Klinghoffer, 1994. John Steinbeck’s Use of Biblical Imagery in The Grapes of Wrath: American Dreams and Realities Examined, by Jeffrey Michael Procter, 1989. John Wyclif as Legal Reformer, by William E. Farr, 1972. Joint Heirs with Christ: John Milton and the Revolutionary Sons of God, by David Frederick Turk, 1989. Jonathan Edwards’s Politicization of Millennialism, by Michael David Peters, 2000. Jose Marchena: A Spaniard of the Enlightenment, by John James Mc Kenna, 1979. Jose Maria Gil Robles: The Catholic Politician in the Second Spanish Republic, by Barbara Schmoll Mahoney, 1976. Joseph Bellamy: Conversion, Social Ethics, and Politics in the Thought of an Eighteenth-Century Calvinist, by Mark R. Valeri, 1985. Joseph de Maistre: The Relationship Between His Political Thought and His Religious Thought, by Richard Allen Lebrun, 1965. Jose Vasconcelos, Politico Mexicano, 1928-1929, by Hugo Pineda, 1972. Josiah Strong: Apostle of Anglo-Saxonism and Social Christianity, by Bong-Bai Chai, 1974. Josiah Strong: Practical Theologian and Social Crusader for a Global Kingdom, by Wendy Jane Deichmann, 1991. Jozef Tiso and Modern Slovakia, by Anthony Xavier Sutherland, 1974. JROTC: A Study of Two St. Louis Schools, by James Paul Dohle, Jr., 2001. Juan de Palafox y Mendoza: Reform Bishop, 1640-1649, by Charles Edward Phillip Simmons, 1967. Judeo-Arabis Heritage: A Historical Analysis and Teaching Curriculum, The, by Elise Gertrude Young, 1988. Judicial State: Evolution and Centralization of the Courts in Afghanistan, 1883-1896, The, by Amin Tarzi, 2003. Juraj Krizanic: Seventeenth Century Pan-Slav Visionary, by Joseph Boxicevic, 1969. Juridic Authority of the Church over Non-baptized, The, by Henry George Bowen, 1966. Just Enough Religion to Make Us Hate: An Historico-legal Study of the Red Book Case, by David Fairley Galbraith, 1999.

Justice for the Poor in a Land of Plenty: A Place at the Table, by Judith Ann Brady, 2006. Justice from the Perspective of Christian Feminist Liberation Ethics, by Delores Rose Rashford, The Union Institute, 1993. Justice, Reason, and the Human Good: On the Applicability of Rawlsian Justice to Non-democratic and Less-developed Societies, by Xiaorong Li, 1993. Justification by Grace Through Faith from an Ecological Perspective: Reformed Theology, Environmental Ethics, and Social Justice, by Ariane N. Arpels-Josiah, 2006. Kabe Rebels, The: Evangelicalism and Anti-slavery in Antebellum America, by Lawrence Thomas Lesick, 1980. Kali Mai Worship in Guyana: In Search of a New Identity, by Dennis Winston Mohamed Zamal Bassier, 1984. Karl Marx’s Critique of Religion, by Robert William Blaney, 1967. Kautsky on the Jewish Question by Jack Lester Jacobs, 1983. Kennedy Myth, The: American Civil Religion in the Sixties, by James Snow Wolfe, 1976. Khilafat Movement, The: A Study of Indian Muslim Leadership, 1919-24, by Gail Minault Graham, 1973. Kikuyu Female Circumcision Controversy With Special Reference to the Church Missionary Society’s Sphere of Influence, The, by Jocelyn Margaret Murray, 1975. Kingdom at Hand, The: Religion and Politics in Highland Bolivia, by Susan Rosales Nelson, 1984. Kingdom of God According to Thomas Aquinas, The: A Study of the Relationship Between Thomas’s Philosophy and Theology Reflected in His Doctrine of Church and State, by William Edward Vinson, Jr., 1987. Kingdom of God in America, The: An Historical Analysis and a Contemporary Inquiry, by David Jeffrey Lenn, 1982. Kingdom of God in Mormon Thought and Practice, 1830-1896, The, by Klaw Hansen, 1969. Kingdom of God in Reinhold Niebuhr, The, by Isaac Sakwe Elangwe, 1982. King Returns to His City: An Interpretation of the Great Week and Bright Week Cycle of the Orthodox Church (Jane Jacobs), The, by Timothy G. Patitsas, 2003. King’s Hammer, Francisco Bucareli y Un The: Governor of the Provinces of Rio la Plata and Buenos Aires, 1766-1770, by Mary Maloy MacMillan, 1978. Kings’ Men, The: The Ministers of Henry III and Henry IV, 1574-1610, by Edmund Howard Dickerman, 1966. Kingship and Papacy in the Thought of Reginald Pole, 1500-1558, by Peter Macaluso, 1974. Knights and the State in Sixteenth Century Germany, The, by Marlene LeGates, 1972. Knowing Multitude, The: Popular Culture and the Evangelical Revival in Wiltshire, 1739-1850, by Gregory Charles Smith, 1992. Knowledge and Agency: The Social Relations of Islamic Expertise in Zanzibar Town, by Allyson Purpura, 1997. Knowledge, Sentiment, and Sociability: The Unintended Community of Soviet Jewish Emigres, by Francine S. Markowitz, 1987. Know-Nothing Party in Massachusetts, The, John Raymond Mulkern, 1965. Know Nothings of New York, by Thomas Joseph Curran, 1965. Know-Nothings in Connecticut, The, by Robert David Parmet, 1967.

Korean Christian Church Analyzed Terms of Reformation Theology, The, by Huh Sunkyu, 1976. Korean Church Under Japanese Occupation with Special Reference to the Resistance Movement Within Presbyterianism, The, by Eui Wahn Kim, 1967. Korean Churches in Search of Self-Identity, 1930-1970: An Examination of Some Protestant Efforts during the Periods of Japanization, National Division, and Resurgence, by Myong Gul Son, 1978. Ku Klux Klan Ideology, 1954-1988, (Vols. I and II), by Evelyn Rich, 1988. Kulturkampf and German Foreign Policy, 1870-1880, The, by Juergen Carl Doerr, 1974. Kulturkampf in Austria: The Vaterland Circle and the Struggle over the Confessional Legislation of May, 1868, by Alan Wallace France, 1976. Labor, Religion and Moral Reform in Fall River, Massachusetts, 1800-1845, by Teresa Anne Murphy, 1983. Lacordaire’s Understanding of Restoration in Relation to His Refounding of the Dominican Order in the 19th Century France, by Peter M. Batts, 1999. Lactantius, Constantine and the Roman Res Publica, by Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, 1996. Land of the Fair Deal, The: Canadian Nationalism and the Social Gospel, by Elizabeth Lynne Profit, 2001. Lands of the Infidels: The Franciscans in the Central Montafia of Peru, 1709-1824, by Jay Frederick Lehnertz, 1975. La Religion Dans L’oeuvre de Thomas Jefferson, by Jean-Francois Lehoux, 1999. Last Crusade, The: France and the Papal Army of 1860, by Robert Forest Harney, 1967. Late City Reformation in Germany, The: The Case of Colmar, 1522-1628, by Kasper Hans Von Greyerz, 1979. Late Elizabethan Governmental Treatment of Religious Nonconformity, 1589-1603, by Richard Alfred Oehling, 1970. Latin American Christian Democratic Parties, The, by Edward Jerome Williams, 1967. Latin American Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (CLASC), 1954-1967, The, by Joseph John Palisi, 1969. Latin American Liberation Theology: Religion, Poetry, and Revolution in Nicaragua, by Napoleon Chow, 1992. Latitudinarianism in the Seventeenth-Century Church of England, by Martin Griffin, Jr., 1963. Lauderdale and Scotland: A Study in Restoration Politics and Administration, 16601682, by Roy Wallace Lennox, 1980. Laurence Humphrey, Elizabethan Puritan: His Life and Political Theories, by Janet Karen Kemp, 1979. Law and Religion in American Society: A Theoretical Analysis of Relationships, by James Ellis Wallace, 1966. Legality of Using Public Tax Funds for Parochial Elementary and Secondary Schools, The: The United States Supreme Court- The Nineteen Seventies, by Samuel Humes Houston, Jr., 1983. Law as Moral Guardian and Teacher, The: The Case of the Canadian Public Servant, by Vivian Monica Lochridge, 1993. Law of Saudi Arabia, The: God’s Law Modifying the Modern Era, by Ali M. AI-Sultan, 1987.

Leadership Role Expectations and Relationships of Principals and Pastors in Catholic Parochial Elementary Schools, by Duane F. Schafer, 2003. “Leap of Faith, A”: Religion and the Coming of the American Civil War, by John M. Ysura, 1996. Learning and Practice of Democratic Principles in Urban Catholic Secondary Schools, The, by Stephen Thomas Powers, 2000. Learning the Language of Canaan: Baptist Revival and Cultural Construction in the East Georgia Piedmont, 1785-1840, by James Daryl Black, 2001. Left and Neoliberalism, The: Postwar Politics in El Salvador, by Christine J. Wade, 2002. Legacy of Grace, A: Educational Contributions of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary in Oregon, 1859-1950, by Marquita Elisa Yriarte, 1988. Legal Aspects of Religion and Public Higher Education in the State of Georgia, by Martha Harriett Clarkson Braswell, 1986. Legal Formalism as World Night for Law, with Reference to the Separation of Church and State, by Jonathan Peter Mills, 1994. Legal Modernism in Iraq: A Study of the Amendments to Family Law, by Fatima Agha Al-Hayani, 1993. Legislating Morality: Problems of Religious Identity, Gender, and Pluralism in Abortion Lawmaking, by Lucinda Joy Peach, 1995. Legitimacy of Nonpublic Schools in Twentieth Century Elementary and Secondary Education, by Russell Melvin Thatcher, 1989. Lenin, Religion, the Russian Orthodox Church: An Analysis of Theory and Practice, by Michael Joseph Traina, 1971. Leopold von Ranke and the Jewish Question, by Harry Allen Butowsky, 1976. Let Your Minds be Remade: Protestants and Politics in Mexico, by Lynda Kristen Barrow, 1998. Liberal Education of Democracy, The: A Study of Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” (Alexis de Tocqueville), by Louie Joseph Herbert, Jr., 2004. Liberal Protestant Campus Ministry: The Dilemma of Modernity, by D. Keith Naylor, 1987. Liberalism and the Peasantry of Central Mexico, 1850-1876, by Thomas Gene Powell, 1974. Liberalism, Perfectionism, and Religious Communities, by Andrew Kenneth Wahlstrom, 2001. Liberalism’s Troubled Search for Equality: Religion, Public Reason, and Cultural Bias in the Oregon Debates over Physician-assisted Suicide, by Robert Patrick Jones, 2002. Liberating News: An Emerging United States Hispanic/Latina Soteriology of the Crossroads (Virgilio P. Elizondo, Orlando E. Costas), by Loida I. Martell-Otero, 2005. Liberation and Evil: A Critique of the Thought of Gustavo Gutierrez and Rubem Alves from the Standpoint of F. R. Tennant’s Theodicy, by Jose Rafael Garcia, 1976. Liberation Theology and the Allocation of Health Care Resources: A Critique of Biomedical Ethics in the United States, by Thomas Herrold Donlin-Smith, 1988. Liberation Theology and the Central American Revolution, by Blase Bonpane, 1984. Liberation Theology and Its Praxis in the Phillipine Context: A People-Empowering Response, by Teresita Arce Herrera, 1992. Liberation Theology as Political Ideology, by Charles Alan Murphy, 1989.

Liberation Theology at the Grassroots: Community Leaders in Rural Brazil, by Barbara Maryan Santos, 1993. Liberation Theology, Just-War, and Revolution: Implications for World Order, by Oliver John Snyder, 1991. Liberation Theology Method and Lonergan’s Method of Theologizing: A Universal Experience of Conversion, by Marguerite Alice McKenna, 1983. Liberation Theology, the Catholic Church and Democracy: An Examination of the Reception of Democracy as a Political Theory in Brazilian Liberation Theology, by Iain Stewart Maclean, 1996. Liberation Theology’s Use of the Exodus as a Soteriological Model, by Atilio Rene Dupertuis, 1982. Liberty of Conscience: The History of a Puritan Idea, by L. John Van Til, 1972. Liberty University: Fortress in the War for a Christian America, by R. Wesley Hurd, 1988. Life and Career of Isaac Leeser (1806-1868), The: A Study of American Judaism in Its Formative Period, by Lance J. Sussman, 1987. Life and Career of Methodist Bishop Edward J. Pendergrass, 1900-1995, The, by John Albert Burnett, 2000. Life and Career of Thomas Howard, Third Duke of Norfolk, The: The Anatomy of Tudor Politics, by David Michael Head, 1980. Life and Thought of John Owen to 1660, The: A Study of the Significance of Cal vinist Theory in English Puritanism, by Dewey D. Wallace, 1966. Life and Thought of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, The: His Contribution to Education, by Dayle Morgan Bethel, 1972. Life and Thought of Walter Nathan Johnson, The, by Robert Alfred Melvin, 1977. Life and Thought of William Walwyn, The: Seventeenth Century Englishman, by Jack Richard McMichael, 1966. Life-History Study of Social Psychological and Structural Determinants of Extraordinary Altruistic Behavior, A, by Mark Richard Templeman, 1988. Life of John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor of England, The, by Roger John Jones, 1980. Life of Patrick William Riordan, Second Bishop of San Francisco, 1841-1914, The, by James Patrick Gaffey, 1966. Life Story of Waldensian Pied-Noir Family, The: The Pichot-Orcieres in Algeria from 1848 to 1925, by Michel Picho, 1993. Like a Mighty Rushing Wind: The Religious Impulse in the Life and Writing of Reies Lopez Tijerina, by Rudy Val Busto, 1991. Like a Thief in the Night: Cotton Mather’s Millennialism, by John Stuart Erwin, 1987. Limitations of Student Expression on Evangelical Christian College Campuses, by David Wayne Tilley, 1996. Limited Nuclear Test Ban and the Churches, The-A Political and Ethical Analysis of United States Arms Control Efforts, 1958-1963, by Albert Conrad Saunders, 1969. Limits of Black Power: Carl B. Stokes and Cleveland’s African-American Community, 1945-1971, The, by Leonard Nathaniel Moore, 1998. Limits of Reform, The: Politics and Federal Aid to Education, 1937-1950, by Gilbert Elliott Smith III, 1976. Lincoln’s Religious Rhetoric: American Romanticism and the Antislavery Impulse, by Stewart Lance Winger, 1998. Line of the Imam, The, by Ahmad Doost Mohammadi, 1984.

Linkages in Higher Education Between Developed and Developing Nations: A Review of the Links Between American and Nigerian Universities, by Augustine Okon Asuquo, 1983. Lion and the Star, The: Gentile-Jewish Relations in Three Hessian Towns, Frankfurt am main, Giessen, and Geisenheim, 1919-1945, by Jonathan Charles Friedman, 1996. Liquor Reform and Social Change: A History of the Prohibition Movement in the State of Washington, by Norman Harold Clark, 1965. Literary Activities of Metropolitan Macarius, The: A Study of Muscovite Political Ideology in the Time of Ivan IV, by David Bolton Miller, 1971. Literary, Political, and Religious Ideas of James Russell Lowell with Special Consideration of His Prose Writings, The, by A. Boylan FitzGerald, Jr., 1993. Lithuania, 1939-1940: A Nation in Crisis, by Leonas Sabaliunas, 1967. Litigation Ethic, A: The Theological Challenge to the Courts, by Richard P. Church, 2005. Lives of Integrity: Factors That Influence Moral Transforming Leaders, by Nancy J. Lucas, 1999. Living Between Athens and Jerusalem: Catholics and Evangelicals in the Cultureproducing Professions, by John Arnold Schmalzbauer, 1997. Living the Questions: Undergraduates’Stories of Faith, Moral Certainty, and Their Research University’s Ethos, by Patricia Jean Hamed, 1998. Livre de Politiques of Nicole Oresme and the Political Thought and Political Development of the Fourteenth Century, The, by Susan Mary Babbitt, 1978. Longing for Justice: A Study on the Cry and Hope of the Poor in the Old Testament, by Dalton H. Said, 1987. “Long Live the True Religion”: Contesting the Meaning of Catholicism in the Mexican Reformation (1855-1860), by David Allen Gilbert, 2003. Long Reformation Magistrates, Clergy, and People in Strasbourg, 1520-1598, The, by Lorna Jane Abray, 1979. Looking for God in Brazil: The Progressive Catholic Church in Urban Brazil’s Religious Arena. (Vols. I and II), by John Samuel Burdick, 1990. Looking for Something in Common: Augustine, Rousseau, Arendt, and the Politics of Shame, by Jillian Louise Locke, 2001. Lord’s Carpetbagger, The: A Biography of Joseph Crane Hartzell, by Barbara Myers Swartz, 1973. Lordship of Jesus Christ in the Christologies of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Juan Luis Segundo, The, by Paul Edward Ritt, 1988. Lorenzo MontUfar: Central American Liberal, by Robert Howard Claxton, 1971. Louie D. Newton: A Baptist Statesman of the Twentieth Century, by Robin Winston Smith, 1980. Louis Marshall and the Defense of Jewish Rights in the United States, by Morton Rosenstock, 1965. Louis XIV’s Correspondence, Memoires, and His View of the Papacy (1661-1667), by Paul Mark Sonnino, 1965. Louis the Pious and the Papacy: Law, Politics and the Theory of Empire in the Early Ninth Century, by Thomas F. X. Noble, 1976. Lucifer of Cagliari and Constantis II: A Late Study in Religious and Political Power in the Fourth Century, by Mark Timothy Gutafson, 1994. Luther and the Empire: A Study of the Imperial Ideal in Reformation Politics, 15221540, by Frederick William Henninger, Jr., 1974.

Lutheran Pastors in Ernestine Saxony and Thuringia, 1521-1546, by Susan Karant Boles, 1972. Luther Leadership: A 16th Century Model for 21st Century Organizational Leaders, by Rodney Mark Jensen, 2001. Luther’s English Disciples: The Reformation Thought of Robert Barnes and William Tyndale, by James Edward McGoldrick, 1975. Madmen and Friends: Quakers and the Puritan Adjustment to Religious Heterodoxy in Massachusetts Bay during the Seventeenth Century, by Jonathan Moseley Chu, 1979. Magic of His Power, The: Robert G. Ingersoll and His Day, by John Edward Kleber, 1970. Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Government in the Valmiki Ramayana, by William Franklin Sands, 1994. Major Backgrounds of the Black Theology Phenomenon, 1960-1975: A Problem in Ethology, by Joseph Carrington Howard, 1988. Major Socio-Political Movements and Catholicism in Partitioned Poland, 1885-1914, by Walter J. Kapica, 1970. Making Mormonism: A Critical and Historical Analysis of Cultural Formation, by Susan O’Neal Stryker, 1992. Making of Gratian’s “Decretum”, The, by Anders Winroth, 1996. Making Saints: The Role of Religious Pluralism and Tolerance in the Reshaping of the British Army, 1809-1885, by Kenneth Elton Hendrickson, III, 1993. Makings of Christian Democracy, The: The Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana, Between Church and State, 1925-1943, by Richard Joseph Wolff, 1980. Management of Social Stability, The: A Political Ethnography of the Hutterites North America, by John A. Bad, 1971. Management of the Estates of the Jes Colegio Maximo de San Pedro y E Pablo of Mexico City in the Eighteenth Century, The, by James Denson Riley, 1973. Man and the Latin American Church in the Theology of Liberation, by Altagracia Marian Herrera, 1975. Man and the State in the Philosophy of Jacques Maritain, by Stanislaw Jan Staron, 1966. Manchu Imperial Cult of the Early Ch’ing Dynasty, The: Texts and Studies on the Tantric Sanctuary of Mahakala at Mukden, by Samuel Martin Grupper, 1980. Mandate in Moroland: The American Government of Muslim Filipinos, 1899-1920, by Peter Gordon Gowing, 1969. Manger of the Movement, The: Atlanta and the Black Freedom Struggle, 1809-1950, by James Aaron Frith, 1997. Man in Progress: The Religious and Political-Social Future of Man according to the Thoughts of Sri Aurobindo Ghose and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: A Comparative Analysis, by Bill L. Lanning, 1977. Manitoba School Question and Canad. Federal Politics, 1890-1896, The: Study in Church-State Relations, by Paul Eugene Crunican, 1971. Marian Piety as a Socio-Cultural Factor Argentina, by Jeffrey Hillsen Utter, 1982. Mark O. Hatfield and the Search for Evangelical Politics, by Robert James Eells, 1977. Maronite-Druze Relations in Leban. 1840-1860: A Prelude to Arab Nationalism, by Antoine Abraham, 1976. Marriage and the Family in French Law, Social Criticism from the End of Ancient Regime to the Civil Code, James Frederick Traer, 1971.

Marrow of Practical Divinity, The: A Study in the Theology of William Perkins, by Mark Randolph Shaw, 1982. Martha Moore Avery: The Career of a Crusader, by David Owen Carrigan, 1967. Martin Bucer (1491-1551): A Program Ecclesiastical Reform for England, 1550, by John Matthew Donahue, 1971. Martin John Spalding: Bishop of Louisv and Archbishop of Baltimore, 1810-1872, by Thomas William Spalding, 1972. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Christian Witness: An Interpretation of King Based on a Theological Model of Prophetic Witness, by Joseph Milburn Thompson, 1982. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the State, by Michael Griffith Long, 2000. Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Molding of Nonviolence as a Philosophy and Strategy, 1955-1963, by Lois Diane Wasserman, 1973. Martyr Image in American Political Culture, The, by Eyal Jehoshua Naveh, 1986. Marxist Critique of Religion, The: A New Look, by James F. Conway, 1974. Marxist Interpretation of the Reformation, The, by Abraham Friesen, 1969. Mary of Lorraine and the End of the Old Alliance, by Sallie Siegrist Sypher, 1966. Massachusetts Peace Society, 1815-1828, The: A Study in Evangelical Reform, by Clyde Winfield MacDonald, Jr., 1974. Mass Lay Meditation and State-Society Relations in Post-Independence Burma, by Ingrid Jordt, 2001. Mass Movement, Militant Religion, Democracy: The Sokagakkai in Japanese Politics, by James Wilson White, 1970. Mass, the Masses, and the Music Hall, The: A Study of Stewart Headlam’s Radical Anglicanism, by John Richard Orens, 1979. Maternity of the Spirit: Women Religious in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, 17901860, by Joseph Gerard Mannard, 1989. Matias de Alburquerque: A SeventeenthCentury Capitao-Mor of Pernambuco and Governor-General of Brazil, by Francis Anthony Dutra, 1969. Matriliny, Islam, and Capitalism: Combined and Uneven Development in the Lives of Negeri Sembilan Women, by Carol Lynn McAllister, 1987. Matthean House Church and Political Economy, The: Implications for Ethics and Spirituality Then and Now, by Michael Hugh Crosby, 1989. Matthew Parker and Cecil, by Arthur Wilson Tucker, Jr., 1965. Maurice Thorez and La Main Tendue: French Communists and Catholics, 1936-1939, by Francis J. Murphy, 1972. Max Scheler: Philosopher, Sociologist, and Critic of German Culture (1912-1928), by John Raphael Staude, 1966. Max Weber and the Sociology of Roman Catholicism, by John Patrick McKindy, 1981. Mayhew Mission to the Indians, 1643-1806, The, by Margery Ruth Johnson, 1967. McGuffy Readers and Civil Religion, 1918-1963, The, by Jason Fredrick Earle, 1994. Meaning and History: The Origins of Totalitarianism in the Decline of Mysticism and the Rise of Inner-worldly Religion, by Gregory M. Davis, 2003. Meaning and Motivation in Pro-life Direct Action, by Carol Jean Campbell Maxwell, 1994. Meaning of Embodiment in the Thought of Michael Polanyi and Maurice MerleauPonty, The, by Ellen Wells Bernal, 1981. Meaning of History and Political Ethics in the Thought of Herbert Butterfield, The, by Daniel Bennett McGee, 1967. Meaning of Religion in the Constitution, The, by Anita Olga Bowser, 1977. Medieval Origins of the State, The: The Contribution of the Cannonists from Gratian

to Hostiensis, by James Michael Muldoon, 1966. Medieval University, The: Its Influence on Latin Church and Secular Government Politics from the Later Middle Ages to Early Modern Times, by John C. Scott, 1991. Melquiades Alvarez and the Reformist Party, 1901-1936, by Edward Gerald Gingold, 1974. Members of the Essex Rebellion of 1601, by Mary Helen Fernald, 1978. Members of the Soka Gakki, A Study in Mass Political Behavior, by Tosh Lee, 1971. Membership of the Council of Basle, The, by Dean Loy Bilderback, 1967. Men in Government: The Patriciate of Leiden, 1550-1600, by Sterling Andre Lamet, 1979. Men of a Different Faith: The Anti-federalists and the Idea of Public Happiness in Early American Political Thought, by Christopher Mark Duncan, 1992. Mennonite Pacifism and State Service in Russia. A Case Study in Church-State Relations: 1789-1936, by Lawrence Klippenstein, 1984. Merchants and Messiahs: William Bentley and the Failure of Rational Christianity in the Early Republic, 1783-1805, by James Rixey Ruffin, 2001. Mercenaries and the Reformation: Zurich’s Opposition to Mercenary Service and Its Impact on the Zwinglian Reformation to 1533, by Gary Lewis Klumker, 1978. Messianic Ideal in Ludwig Lewisohn and Elie Wiesel, The, by John Stephen Jauchen, 1986. Messianic Time and German Politics Between the Wars (1919-1940): A Comparative Analysis of the Writings of Paul Tillich and Walter Benjamin, by Eugene James McBride, Graduate Theological Union, 1985. Messianism in the Jewish Community of Yemen in the Nineteenth Century, by BatZion Klorman-Eraqi, 1981. Metamorphosis of the Lithuanian Wayside Shrine, 1850-1990, The, by Milda B. Richardson, Boston University, 2003. Metaphysics of Authority, The: Louis de Bonald’s Conservative World View, by Walter Jay Reedy, 1977. Methodism and Society in Norway, 1853-1918, by Arne Hassing, 1975. Methodist Church and the Present Racial Crisis, The: A Study of Response and Action, by William Wright May, 1968. Methodist Episcopal Church in Germany, 1933-1945, The: Development of SemiAutonomy and Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Slavery, 1844-1865, The, by Lewis McCarroll Purifoy, Jr., 1966. Methodist Foreign Policy Response in the United States, The, by Bonnie Salango Wilson, 1974. Metropolitan Filaret of Moscow and the Awakening of Orthodoxy, by Robert Lewis Nichols, 1974. Metropolitan Mission: A Para-Political Problem for the Churches, by Andrew John White III, 1970. Mexican Ministry of Education, 1931-1940, The: Radicalism and Institutional Development, by John Andres Britton, 1972. Mexican Pamphleteering and the Rise of the Mexican Nation, 1808-1830, by Lynda Carol Spielman, 1978. Mexican Politics and Nationalism from Calles to Ciirdenas, by Albert Louis Michaels, 1967. Mexican Revolution and the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, 1910-1940,

The, by Marian Elizabeth McKechnie, 1972. Mexico’s Accion Nacional: A Case Study of an Opposition Party, by Felix Girard Boni, 1978. Mexico’s Reformation: A History of Mexican Protestantism from Its Inception to the Present, by Marvin James Penton, 1966. Michael Augustine Corrigan and the Shaping of Conservative Catholicism in America, 1878-1895, by Robert Emmett Curran, 1975. Michael Servetus: The Theology of Optimism, by Jerome Friedman, 1972. Might Does Not Make Right: International Law and the Question of Palestine, by Samir A. Abed-Rabbo, 1982. Mild Apocalypse, The: Domestic Millennialism in the Novels of Harriett Beecher Stowe, by Lisa Watt MacFarlane, 1987. Militant and Triumphant: William Henry O’Connell and Boston Catholicism, 18591944, by James Michael O’Toole, 1987. Military Ordinariate of the United States of America, The, by John Mortimer Smith, 1967. Militant Protestant Political Ideology: Ian Paisley and the Refol1l1ation Tradition, by Martha Abele MacIver, 1984. Military Chaplaincy, The: A Problem in Church-State Relations, by James Hartley Young, Sr., 1979. Military Chaplaincy, The: A Study in Role Conflict, by Roben Clayton Vickers, 1984. Military Ethics for Christians, Knights, and Soldiers, by Karen Anne Lee Wickens, 1994. Military Religion and Moral Ethos: An Ethical Analysis, by James Brooks, Iliff School of Theology, 1994. Millennial Misperception: The Theological Component in American Foreign Policy Thinking, by James Andrew Winship, 1982. Milton, Grotius, and the Law of War (John Milton, Hugo Grotius, The Netherlands), by Elizabeth Sue Oldham, 2003. Milton on Liberty of Conscience, by Helen Ward Evans, 1967. Mind of Gerrard Winstanley, The: From Millenarian to Socialist, by George Marion Juretic, 1973. Mingled Yarn, A: Race and Religion in Mississippi, 1803-1876, by Randy Jay Sparks, 1988. Minimalist Natural Law: A Study of the Natural Law Theories of H. L. A. Hart, John Finnis, and Lon Fuller, by Steven Alan Long, 1993. Ministers and Martyrs: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King,Jr., by David Elmer Luellen, 1973. Ministry After Freud: The Rise of the Religion and Health Movement in American Protestantism, 1906-1945, by G. Allison Stokes, 1982. Minority’s Right Is Achieved, A: A Study of the Admission of Jews to Parliament in Great Britain, by Miriam Shmidman, 1976. Miracle at Joaseiro: A Political and Economic History of a Popular Religious Movement in Brazil, 1889-1934, by Ralph Della Cava, 1972. Mission of the Church and the Kingdom of God in Latin America, The, by Oscar A. R. Campos, 2000. Mission of the Irish Holy Ghost Fathers among the Igbo of Southeastern Nigeria, 1905-1956, The, by Augustine Senan Ogunyeremuba Okwu, 1980. Mission Statement Values and Behavioral Outcomes at Seven Benedictine Colleges and Universities, by Jonathan Angelo Zingales, 2001.

Mission to America: Being a History of the Work of the Basel Foreign Missions Society in America, by David George Glezer, 1968. Missionaries, Medicine, and Modernization: Canadian Medical Missionaries in Sichuan, 1925-1952, by Karen Paula Minden, 1982. Missionary Intelligence from China: American Protestant Reports, 1930-1950, by Bruce Stephan Greenawalt, 1975. Missionary Politics in Cameroon, 1844-1914, by Gary Lynn Osteraas, 1977. Mission to Moralize: Slaves, Africans, and Missionaries in the French Colonies, 18151852, by Troy Ernest Feay, 2003. Mississippi Methodists and the Division of the Church Over Slavery, by Marjorie Waggoner Jordan, 1973. Mississippi Praying: White Religion and Black Equality, 1954-1966, by Carolyn Renee Dupont, 2003. Mixed Government, the Estates, and the Bishops: A Motif of English Political Thought. A Study with Particular Reference to the Answer to the XIX Propositions and Outbreak of the Civil War, by Michael Joseph Mendle, 1978. Mixing Religion and Politics: Catholic Bishops in Contemporary American Politics, by Timothy A. Byrnes, 1988. Modem Bilateral Higher Education Relations Between Iran and the United States: 1960-1987, by Mohammad Hossein Fereshteh, 1987. Moderado Party in Spain, 1820-1854, The, by Nancy Ann Kaltreider Rosenblatt, 1967. Modern Impact of a Traditional Institution, The: The Post-Vatican II Catholic Church’s Role in the Political Liberalization of Communist Countries (Claude Lefort, John Rawls), by Lan Thien Chu, 2005. Modernist Shi’ism and Politics: The Liberation Movement in Iran, by Houchang Esfandiar Chehabi, 1986. Modernity and the Education of American Catholics: Charles W. Eliot, Harvard Law School, and the Jesuits, by Kathleen A. Mahoney, 1995. Modernization and Islam: The Experience and Lesson of Pakistan, by Salim Syed Mansur, 1986. Modernization and Reform in Mexico, 1855-1876, by Richard Nathan Sinkin, 1973. Modernization of Massachusetts, The: The Transformation of Public Attitudes and Institutions, by David Odell Damerall, 1982. Modernization, Revolution, and the Relevance of Iran’s Islamic Republic Political Culture to Foreign Policy Decision-Making, by Mehdi H. Nazer, 2001. Modernization, Utopia, and the Rise of Islamic Radicalism in Indonesia, by June Chandra Santosa, 1996. Modern Phase and Conclusion of the Chinese Rites Controversy, The, by George Hisaharu Minamiki, 1978. Modern Religious Cults and Society: A Sociological Interpretation of a Modern Religious Phenomenon, by Louis Richard Binder, 1931. Modern Violence in Colombia, 1946-1965, The, by Russell W. Ramsey, 1974. Molding God’s Children: The History of Curriculum in Christian Schools Rooted in Dutch Calvinism, by Harro Walter Van Brummelen, 1984. Monarchy and Religious Institutions in Israel under Jeroboam I, by Wesley Irwin Toews, 1990. Monasticism and Its Role as a Liminal Community in Medieval Society, by Patricia Cricco, 1982. Monopolism, Pluralism Acceptance, and Rejection: Toward an Integrated Model for

Church-Sect Theory, by William Henry Swatos, Jr., 1974. Montaigne and Christianity, by Morris Garland Wray, 1976. Moral and Religious Arguments in Support of Pacifism: Conscientious Objectors and the Second World War, by Cynthia Eller, 1988. Moral Argument and American Consensus: An Examination Statement by U.S. Catholic Bishops on Three Public Policy Issues, 1973-1986, by Edward Robert Sunshine, 1988. Moral Autonomy and Faith Commitment: Conflict or Integrality. A Critical Assessment of Competing Perspectives of Foundational Issues in Moral Education, by Johan Harry Fernhout, 1986. Moral Basis of Renaissance Politics, The: A Study of the Humanistic Political and Social Philosophy of Poggio Braccioline (1380-1459), by John William Oppel, 1973. Moral Crime, Moral Reform, and the State in Early Eighteenth-Century Englar Study of Piety and Politics, by Tina Isaacs, 1980. Moral Education and Religious Story: An Essay in Support of Whitehead’s Contention that the Essence of Education Is That It Be Religious, by Jack Greaves Priestly, 1988. Moral Education in a Pluralistic Society: Necessity and Feasibility, by Sally Murphy Lima, 1990. Moral Education: A Comparative Study of the Confucian, Platonic and Kohlbergian Approaches, by Young Il Shin, 1989. Moral Geography: The Plan of Union Mission to the Western Reserve, 1787-1833, by Amy DeRogatis, 1998. Moral Limits of Legal Obligation, The: Contrasting Conceptions of Civil Disobedience from Freedom to Necessity, by Mark Stephen Howenstein, 1993. Moral Rhetoric of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, The, by Paul J. Maurer, 2007. Moral, Social, and Political Ideas of Methodist Episcopal Church from the Closing Years of the Civil War Through Reconstruction, 1864-1876, The, by Donald Gene Jones, 1970. Moral Status of “Presumed Consent” in a Public Policy for Procuring Transplantable Cadaver Organs: A Roman Catholic Perspective, The, by Bernard Teo, 1990. Moral Vision and Practice in the Unification Movement: A Critical Interpretation of the Sociological Literature from Unificationist Perspective, by Yoshihiko Masuda, 1987. Morality Agenda Placement in Congress: 1953-1983, by Eileen Frederica Covey, 1986. Mormon Colonies in Northern Me The: A History, 1885-1912, by Blaine Carmon Hardy, 1969. Mormon Education in Mexico: The Ri the Sociedad Educativa y Cultural, by Clark V. Johnson, 1978. Mormon Hierarchy, 1832-1932, The American Elite, by Dennis Michael Quinn, 1977. Mormon Nauvoo in Jacksonian America, by Phillip Blair Winkler, 1991. Mormon Quest for Utah Statehood, The, by Edward Leo Lyman, 1982. Mormon Theodemocracy: Theoretic Elements in the Early Latter-Day Saint Ideology, 1827-1846, by Edward Allen Warner, 1974. Mormons and the Law, The: The Polygamy Cases, by Orma Linford, 1965. Mormons in Politics, The: The Hundred Years, by Jo Ann Barnett Shipps, 1967. Most Republic Class, A: New York Catholics and the Early American Republic, by Jason Kennedy Duncan, 1999.

Motives and Motivation: Social Context, Civil Orientation, and Political Behavior, by Leniece T. Davis, 2005. Motives, Means, and Ends in Gradual A tionist Education, 1785-1830, by Claudie Christie Foster, 1978. Movement for Irish Roman Catholic Relief 1790-1793, The, by Albert James Hamilton, 1968. Movements in Conflict: The Christian Antigay Movement vs. The Lesbian and Gay Movement, by Tina Fetner, 2001. “Much Is Required”: Religious Mission and University/Community Partnerships in Urban Settings, by Jason B. Roberts, 2005. Multifaceted Liberalism: Equality, Well-Being, and Democratic Agency in the Liberal State, by Albert William Dzur, 1997. Multivariage Analysis of the Political Motivation of the Religious Right in the Greenville, South Carolina, School District, by Joe Malcolm Dowis, 1997. Muslims and Christians in North Nigeria: Political and Cultural Implications for Evangelism, by James Bakut Kantiok, 2000. Muslim Armed Struggle in the Philippines 1900-1941, The, by Samuel Kong, 1975. Muslim but Filipino: The Integration of Philippine Muslims, 1917-1946, by Ralph Benjamin Thomas, 1972. Muslim Endowments and Society in British India, by Gregory Charles Kozlowski, 1981. Muslim Filipino Rebellion, The: Meaning and Challenges to the Mission and Ministry of the Christian Church in the Philippines, by Hilario Molijan Game, 1978. Muslim School Planning in the United States: An Analysis of Issues, Prob and Possible Approaches, by Kamal Hassan Ali, 1982. Muslim School’s Response to the Dilemma of Ghetto Life, A, by Qadir Abdus-Sabur, 1998. Muslim Students’Perceptions of Prejudice and Discrimination in American Academia: Challenges, Issues, and Obstacles and the Implications for Educators, Administrators, and University Officials, by Mohamed Salem Omeish, 1999. Muslim Thought and Politics in India 1857, by Lini Sarah May, 1966. Muslim World and Its Efforts in Pan Islamism, The, by Abdulla Mohamed, 1979. Mystery and Politics, by Corina Elke Goulden, 2002. Mystic Chords of Memory: The Necessity of Narrative in American Political Theology, by Mary Doak, 1999. Mythopoeic Dimensions of Marxism: With Special Reference to Antonio Gramsci, by Michael Wayne Bledsoe, 1988. Myths and Realities of the Russian Schism: The Church and Its Dissenters in Seventeenth Century Muscovy, by Georg Bernhard Michels, 1991. “My Way or the Highway”: The Hawkins County Textbook Controversy, by David Worth Dellinger, 1991. National Identity, Religion and Democracy in Poland since 1989, by Joanna Urzula Kaftan, 2002. Nationalism and Education in Mexico, 1821-1861, by James Herbert Lee, 1974. Nationalism and Religion: A Comparative Study of the Development of Secularism in France and Turkey, by Zana Citak, 2004. Nationalism, Religion, Citizenship and Work in the Development of the Polish Working Class and the Polish Trade Union Movement, 1815-1929: A Comparative Study of Russian Poland’s Textile Workers and Upper Silesian Miners and Metalworkers, by Laura Ann Crago, 1993.

National Socialism and the Glaubensgung Deutsche Christen, 1932-1933, by Eugene Wesley Miller, Jr., 1974. National Socialist Policy and Attitude ward the Churches in Germany, 1945, by Donald Dale Wall, 1971. National Study of Community Service in Southern Baptist Institutions of Higher Education, A, by James Michael Stiles, 1998. Nation, Empire, and Church: Thomas Secker, Anglican Identity, and Public Life in Georgian Britain, 1700-1770, by Robert Glynn Ingram, 2002. Nature and Extent of the Pastoral Role of the Secondary School Principal in the State of Victoria, Australia, The, by Joseph Richard Bouchard, 1987. Nature of Salvation in the Theology of Martin Luther King Jr., The, by Dennis Ray McDonald, 2003. Nature of Shi’ite State, The: An Attempt at Defining an Ethical Theory of State and Its Dilemmas in the Modern World, by Ardestani Ahmad Bakhshayeshi, 1995. Nativist Movement in the American Republican Party in New York City During the Period 1843-1847, The, by Herbert Ira London, 1968. Nature and Authority of Christian Doctrine, The: The Debate between Renn Hampden and John Henry Newman, by Thomas Charles Hummel, 1982. Nature of Theological Political Theory under the Conditions of Modernity, The: An Augustinian Approach, by Ronald Anthony Franco, 1978. Nature, Purpose and Scope of the State in the Political Theory of the Reverend John Courtney Murray, S.J., The, by Patricia Ann Matthew, 1972. Nauvoo, Illinois, since the Exodus of the Mormons, 1846-1973, by Kenneth Otto Luke, 1975. Nazi Germany and the Vatican, July, 1933 to January, 1935, by Richard Alvin Peters, 1972. Nazi Policy Toward German Jews, 1833-1938, by Karl Albert Schleunes, 1968. Nazism and Apartheid: The Role of the Christian Churches in Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa, by Sipo Elijah Mzimela, 1982. Need for a Change in Civil Religion in the United States, The: Implications for School Policy and Curriculum Development, by John O’Neal Culley, 1981. Negotiating the Relationship between Religion and Public Education: Conceptualizing a Prophetic Pragmatic Teacher from Toni Morrison’s Beloved, by Jeffrey Ayala Milligan, 1998. Negro Culture in the United States: A Study of Four Models for Interpreting Slavery in the United States, by James Calvin Morgan, 1983. Nelly Hall: Esteemed and Questioned as a Preacher and a Missionary in Europe and United States, 1882-1901 (Sweden), by Gunilla Gunner, 2003. Networks of Contemplative Action in American Culture: A Study of Mystic Practice and Emergent Community in a Contemporary Christian-Catholic Contemplative Movement, by Lyla Yastion, 1998. Neudeutschland, German Catholic Youth, 1919 to 1939, by Ronald Alfred Warholoski, 1966. New Apologetics of Isaac Thomas Hecker (1819-99), The: Catholicity and American Culture, by Joseph Francis Gower, Jr., 1978. New Arminians, The: John Goodwin and His Coleman Street Congregation in Cromwellian England, by Ellen Singer More, 1980. New China, The: An Eastern Version of Messianic Hope, by Seung-ik Lee, 1983. New Christian Right and National Defense Policy: An Analysis of the Movement’s Ethical/ Theological Coherence with Reference to Its Historic Roots and

Comparisons to the Political Realism of Reinhold Niebuhr, The, by James Franklin Kirkley, 1989. New Christian Right and the White Fundamentalists, The: An Analysis of a Potential Political Movement, by William Clyde Wilcox, 1984. New Christian Right and the Legislative Agenda, The: The Politics of Agenda Setting in the 97th and 98th Congresses, by Matthew Cunis Moen, 1986. New Christian Right, The: The Network Structure and Suppon for the Movement, by Donna R. Kauffmann, 1987. New Churches, Old Ideology: The Role of Fundamentalism in Jamaican Politics, 1980-1988, by Judith C. Soares, 1992. New Deal and Anti-Semitism in America, The, by Myron Israel Scholnick, 1972. New Doctrine and Old Discipline: New Haven Theology and the Yale Reponse, by Wesley Vanderhoof, 1985. New England Quakerism, 1656-1830, by Arthur John Worrall, 1970. New England Transcendentalists and the Mexican War, The, by William Clough Jones, 1972. New Jerusalem, The: Aspects of Utopianism in the Thought of Kagawa Toyohiko, by George Brown Bikle, Jr., 1969. New Life Movement of Nationalist China, The: Confucianism, State Authority and Moral Formation, by Jennifer Lee Oldstone-Moore, 2000. New Perspectives on Religious Pluralism and Their Implications for Public Educa tion, by Norman Scudder DeWolf, 1972. New Politics of the Catholic Church in the United States, 1966-1978, The, by J. Brian Benestad, 1980. Newport, Indiana: A Study of Quaker Antebellum Reform, by Louis Ray Holtzclaw, 1977. New Refol1l1ation and the Electronic Media, The, by Ronald Martin Noone, 1986. New Religious Right vs. the National Endowment for the Arts: A War of Words is a War of Worlds, The, by David Scott Olsen, 1993. New Wine in Old Bottles: Anglo-Catholicism in the United States, 1840-1919, by Martha Clara Boonin-Vail, 1993. New York City Politics, 1841-1844, Nativism and Reform, by Ira Marshall Leonard, 9:147 New York Kehillah, The: 1908-1922, by Arthur Aryeh Goren, 1967. Nexus of Freedom of Religion and Separation of Church and State in the Thought of Leo Pfeffer, The, by J. David Holcomb, 1997. Nicholas I (858-867): An Analysis of His Interpretation of Papal Primacy, by John Bakita, 1979. Nietzsche among the Zionists, by Bruce Elkin Ellerin, 1990. Nobility in Polish Renaissance Society, 1548-1572, The, by James Cairns Miller, 1978. Noble Patronage and Politics in the Hussite Revolution, by Johannes Martin Klassen, 1974. Noel Aubert de Verse and the Debate over Toleration: A Study in the Theological Philosophical Controversies of the 1680’s, by Paul Joseph Mormon, 1974. No King, No Popery: Anti-popery and Revolution in New England, 1745-1791, by Francis Dominic Cogliano, 1993. No National School Board: The United States Supreme Court, Religion and Public Education, by Joe A. Fisher, 1967.

Non-Catholic Students in a Catholic Secondary School: A Participatory Study, by Susan Rothmann Seeley, 2000. Nonconformists and the Nonconformist Periodical Press in Mid-Nineteenth Century England, The, by Meredith C. Haines, 1967. Nonproliferation, the Just War Ethic, and Public Theology, by Shaun Allen Casey, 1998. Nonsectarianism and the Secularization of Indiana University, 1820-1891, by Gayle Ann Williams, 2001. Nonviolence: A Comparative Study of Mohandas K. Gandhi and the Mennonite Church on the Subject of Nonviolence, by Weyburn Woodrow Groff, 1965. Normative Library Standards for Evangelical Christian Colleges, by Gerald Dwight Moran, 1985. North Carolina Quakers and Slavery, by Hiram Horace Hilty, 1970. Northern Ireland Under Ulster Unionist Rule: The Anti-Movement Political System, 1920-1963, by Gerard Francis Rutan, 1966. Northern Protestant Churches and the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, by Ralph Alan Keller, 1971. No Shillelagh: The Life, Journalism and Politics of Timothy Warren Anglin, by William Melville Baker, 1973. Nuclear Pacifism: A Contemporary Application of the Just War Tradition, by Edward John Laarman, 1983. Obligations and Rights of the Pastor of a Parish According to Code of Canon Law, The, by Edward A. Sweeney, 1999. Official Career of Georg III Truchsess Von Waldburg, The: A Study of the Administration of Religious Policy by a Catholic Government During the First Years of the Reformation, by Virginia Marie Easley DeMarce, 1968. Official Priests of Rome in the Reigns of Trajan and Hadrian, The, by James Geraty Harrison, Jr., 1975. Ohio Protestant Clergy, The: Political Attitudes and Roles, by William Stephen Quigley, 1971. O Holy Night: The Creation of an American Christmas, by Penne Lee Restad, 1993. Old Paths, The: A Study of the Amish Response to Public Schooling in Ohio, by Frederick Stewart Buchanan, 1968. Oliver Cromwell’s Protectorate Church Settlement: The Commission for the Approbation of Publique Preachers: The Triers and the Commission for the Ejecting of Scandalous, Ignorant and Insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters: The Ejectors, by Naome Feldman-Collins, 1971. On Being the Church in the United States: Contemporary Theological Critiques of Liberalism, by Barry Penn Hollar, 1990. On Eagle’s Wings: Eric Voegelin’s Ontotheological Conception of History in the New Science of Politics, by Mary Ann Pauken Diebel, 1986. One Cato Is Not Enough; or, How James Burgh Found Nature’s Duty and Real Authority and Secured the Dignity of Human Nature Against All Manner of Public Abuse, Iniquitous Practice, Corruption, Vice, and Irreligion, by Martha Kaderly Zebrowski, 1984. One Nation Under God? President Ronald Reagan and the Religio-Political NeoConservative Movement in Contemporary America, by Kjell Olof Urban Lejon, 1987.

One Nation under Law: America’s Early National Struggles to Separate Church and State, by Mark Douglas McGarvie, 2000. One’s Own Arms: Machiavelli’s New Morality by Grant Benjamin Mindle, 1985. On Ideology: The Case of Religion in Northern Sudan, by Idris Salim el Hassan, 1981. Ontario Separate School System and Section 93 of the BNA Act, The, by Robert Thomas Dixon, 1979. On the Side of Angels: Redemption, Race and Gender in the Politics of the Christian Right, by Martha Eugenia Deerman, 2001. Open Question: The Attempt to Evolve a Consistent Philosophy of the Separation of Church and State in America, 1787-1987, An, by Monica Teply Bauer, 1989. Opinions Expressed toward the United States Supreme Court Decisions on Bible Reading and Prayer, The, by Thomas Jefferson Freeman, 1979. Opposite Sides of the Street: Religious Schism and One Jewish Community’s Struggle, by Philip Joseph Zuckerman, 1998. Opposition of the Seventeenth Century Commonwealthsmen to the Cromwellian Protectorate, The, by Robert Eldred Farrar, 1970. Opposition to the Methodist Church in Eighteenth Century Virginia, The, by Robert Alexander Armour, 1969. Option for the Poor in Penalolen: Elites, Popular Culture and Religious Congregations in Democratic Chile, by David E. Dixon, 1997. Opus Dei in Spain: A Study of an Elite Catholic Organization and the Relation of Its Teachings to Changes in the Political System, by Kathy Harmon, 1976. Ordinary Care of Providence, The: How Religious Discourse among the Anglican, Unitarian, and Puritan American Colonial Theologies Produced the Moral Roots of the First Amendment, The, by Patricia Quehrn McIntyre, 1994. Orestes Brownson: On Civil Religion, Conflicts in the Evolution of a Concept of a National Faith, by Spencer Clare Bennett, 1974. Organizational Factors as Correlates of Nonprofit Human Service Agency Advocacy in Washington, D.C., by Linda Plitt Donaldson, 2004. Organization and Ideology of Church Politics in Latin America, The, by David Edward Mutchler, 1971. Organization, Function and Contribution of the Chaplaincy in the United States Army, 1861-1865, The, by Warren Bruce Armstrong, 1966. Organization of the Kingdom of Jerusalem Under Amalric I (1163-1174), by Jerrold Atlas, 1970. Organized Liberty: Evangelical Perfectionism, Political Abolitionism, and Ecclesiastical Reform in the Burned-over District, by Douglas Mark Strong, 1990. Organizing an American Conscience: The Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion, 1940-1968. (Vols. I-III), by Fred W. Beuttler, 1995. Oriental Missionary Society Holiness Church in Japan, 1901-1983, The, by John Jennings Merwin, 1983. Origin and Development of the Science of Creative Intelligence in Five Public High Schools in New Jersey, The, by Peggy Chambers Tyler, 1983. Origin and Early Years of the National Catholic Educational Association, The, by Edgar Patrick McCarren, 1967. Origin and Evolution of Islamic Economic Thought, The, by Zohreh Ahghari, 1991. Origin of Political Society in Ancient Philosophic and Religious Texts, The, by Corinne Elizabeth Mellul, 1990. Origin of the Polish National Catholic Church of St. Joseph County, Indiana, The, by Leo Vincent Krzywkowski, 1973.

Origins and Development of Cursillo, 1939-1973, The, by Ivan John Rohloff, 1976. Origins and Meaning of America’s Special Relationship with Israel, The, by Ibrahim H. Alsaeed, 1988. Origins and Nineteenth-Century Development of Protestant Christianity in West Cameroon, 1841-1866, The, by Lloyd Emerson Kwast, 1980. Origins of the Jewish Minority Problems in Russia, 1772-1812, The, by John Doyle Klier, 1976. Origins of the Know-Nothing Party: Study of the Native American Party Philadelphia, 1844-1852, by Leona Tabachnik, 1974. Orishatukeh Faduma: An Intellectual Biography of a Liberal Evangelical PanAfricanist, 1857-1946, by Moses Nathaniel Moore, Jr., 1987. Orthodox Church of Greece from the Revolution of 1821 to 1852, The, by Charles Aaron Frazee, 1966. Orthodoxy During the Reign of Tsar Nicholas I: A Study in Church-State Relations, by David Wayne Edwards, 1968. Os Jesuitas, a Universidade de Coimbra e a Igreja Brasileira, Subsidios para a Historia do Regalismo em Portugal e no Brasil, 1750-1850, by Tarcisio Beal, 1970. Osservatore Romano and Fascism, 1919-1929: A Study in the Journalistic Opinion, by Albert Carey O’Brien, 1969. Other May Fourth Movement, The: The Chinese Christian Renaissance, 1919-1937, by Samuel D. Ling, 1982. Ottoman Jewish Communities and Tho Role in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, The, by Mark Alan Epstein, 1980. Ottoman Rule in the Province of Damascus, 1860-1909, by Max L. Gross, 1980. Owen Lovejoy: Abolitionist in Congress, by Edward Magdoi, 1972. Oxen, Women or Citizens? Slaves in the System of the Mishnah, by Paul V. Flesher, 1988. Oxford Movement and Politics, The: Church and State and Social Action, by Curtis Brad Faught, 1996. Oxford Movement in Decline, The: Lord John Russell, the Tractarians and the Church of England, 1846-1852, by John Nikol, 1972. Pacifism and American Life: 1914 to 1941, by Earl Charles Chatfield, Jr., 1966. Pamphleteering in France during the Wars of Religion: Aspects of Ephemeral and Occasional Publications, 1562-1598, by Berkley Wells Latimer, 1978. Panama: Public Administration and Censo in the Early Nineteenth Century, by J. Ignacio Mendez, 1971. Pan-Arabism and the Islamic Tradition, by Mohammed M. H. Shehab Eddin, 1967. Pantheon Politics: A Regional Analysis of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, by Deborah Winslow, 1982. Papacy and the Implementation of Council of Trent, The: 1564-1588, John Butler Tomaro, 1975. Papal Authority in Exsurge Domine, by Jesuamirtham Rosario Narchison, 1976. Papal Ideology of Social Reform, A: A Study in Historical Development, 1878-1963, by Richard Lapp Camp, 1969. Papal Legates to England in the Reign of Henry III (1216-1272), by Frances Underhill, 1966. Papal-Cistercian Relations, 1198-1241, with Particular Emphasis on France, by Sebastian Charles Joseph Naslund, 1977. Papal-Hungarian Relations During Pontificate of Innocent III, 1198-1216, by James

Ross Sweeney, 1972. Papal Statements on Rights: A Historical Contextual Study of Encyclical Teaching From Pius VI-Pius XI (1791-1939), by Mary Elsbernd, 1985. Pagans into Christians: The Political Economy or Religious Conversion Among the Harakmbut of Lowland Southeastern Peru, 1902-1982, by Lissie Wahl, 1987. Papists and Puritans in Early Maryland: Religion in the Forging of Provincial Society, 1632-1665, by Eric John Maloney, 1996. Papists in a Protestant Age: The Catholic Gentry and Community in Colonial Maryland, 1689-1776, by Beatriz Betancourt Hardy, 1993. Paradox of Pluralism, The: A Sociological, Ethical and Ecclesiological Perspective of the Church’s Vocation in the Pubic World, by Norma Cook Everist, 1988. Parental Choice of Elementary Schooling Alternatives in an Affluent Suburban Community, by Hugh Theodore Oakley, 1985. Parental Choice of Elementary Schools Within the Cleveland Catholic Diocese and Its Implications for the Financial Policies of Diocesan Schools, by Thomas Edward Garvey, 2000. Parental Reasons for School Choice: A Case Study of an Islamic School in the United States of America (Minnesota), by Badawi, Hoda, 2005. Paris Jewish Community in the 1930’s, A Case-Study of the Attitudes and Behavior of Pre-War European Jewry, by David Henry Weinberg, 1972. Parish and Cofradia in Eighteenth-Century Mexico, by Francis Joseph Brooks, 1977. Parish Life of a German-Speaking Roman Catholic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 18401920, The, by James Edward Grummer, 1989. Parish Priest in the Eighteenth-Century Diocese of Gap, The, by Timothy Neil Tackett, 1974. Park Saylor and the Eastern Kentucky Snake-handlers: A Religious History, by David L. Kimbrough, 1992. Parliamentary Puritanism, by Edward Etting Deckert, 1979. Participation of Adult Mexican-American Catholics in Religious Education Programs, by Anne Finnerty, 1983. Participatory Theocracy, A: Church Government in Colonial Massachusetts, 16291760, by James Fenimore, Jr. Cooper, 1987. Party Faithful, The: Religion in Politics in Late Nineteenth Century Ireland and Germany, by Kimberly Beth Cowell, 1998. Party of God, The: Pope Pius X and the Social Doctrine of the Church, by Sandor Agocs, 1971. Pastoral Care to the Soul of the Nation: Ludwig Ihmels and Germany’s Domestic Crises, 1902-1933, by B. Wesley Warren Smith, II, 1998. Paths of Resistance: American Indian Religion and the Quest for Unity, 1745-1815, by Gregory Evans Dowd, 1986. Patterns in Korean Civil Religions, by Stephen Winn Linto, 1989. Patriarch Nicholas Mysticos and the Fourth Marriage of Leo VI, The Wise, by Nicholas G. Itsines, 1974. Patriarchate of Jerusalem in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries, The, by David Sheldon Barry, 1977. Patrick Cardinal Hayes and the Catholic Charities in New York City, by Mary Margretta Shea, 1969. Patrick Henry Callahan (1866-1940): The Social Role of an American Lay Leader, by Joseph Gerard Green, Jr., 1965. Patriotic Priesthood, The: Mormonism and the Progressive Paradigm, by Joy Lynn

Wood Wetzel, 1978. Patronato in Colombia, 1800-1853, The: Reform and Anti-Reform in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe de Bogota, by Russ Tobias Davidson, 1979. Patterns of Interinstitutional Co-operation in Canadian Catholic Higher Education, by Arthur Dennis Sullivan, 1967. Paul I and the Jesuits in Russia, by William Alexander James, 1978. Paul Tillich and Religious Socialism: The Significance of the Early Socialist Writings for the Interpretation of His Later Thought, by John Jefferson Davis, 1976. Peaceable Adjustments: Religious Diversity and Local Control in New York State Public Schools, 1865-1900, by Benjamin James Justice, 2002. Peace Education and Action Program of the Methodist Church, 1961-1963, The, by Jack Elliott Corbett, 1968. Peace Efforts of the Popes during the First Part of the Hundred Years’ War: Case Study of Innocent VI, by Mary Agnes Cornelia Hennigan, 1978. Peace is Not the Absence of War But the Presence of Justice: The National Council of Churches’Reaction and Response to the Vietnam War, 1965-1972, by Jill Christine Gill, 1996. Pentecostals and Politics: The Creation of the Evangelical Christian Movement in Argentina, 1983-1993, by Matthew Merril Marostica, 1997. Pennsylvania and Federal Aid to Education, by Gerald Slike Brinton, 1965. Peoples Apart: Race, Religion, and Other Jewish Differences in Crown Heights, by Henry Joseph Goldschmidt, 2000. Perceived Impact of the Middle States Association Self-Study Process on the Catholic Identity of the Elementary School, by Mary Ann Keeley, 2001. Perceptions Held of Religion in Education: A Religio-educational Perspective, by Lesiba Ezekiel Matsaung, 1999. Perceptions of Parents Serving on Catholic School Boards and Priests on Selected Factors Related to Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Sioux Falls, by Thomas M. Lorang, 1987. Perceptions of Public School Superintendents Regarding the Political Agendas of Christian Fundamentalists and Secular Humanists, by Jude Lupinette, 1995. Perceptions of Social Issues as Moral Problems by Members of Three Institutions of Society, by Alice Knight Hayes, 1990. Perennial Vision, The: From Cardinal Newman to Mortimer Adler, by George Daniel Harden, 1987. Perfectionist Liberalism, by Sean David McKenzie, 1997. Perilous Experiment, A: New England Clergymen and American Destiny, 1796-1826, by J. Earle Thompson, Jr., 1967. Permanence and Change: An Analysis of the Islamic Political Culture of Saudi Arabia with Special Reference to the Royal Family, by Mashaal Abdullah Turki Al Saud, 1983. Permeation of Calvin’s Social and Economic Thought into Genevan Life, The: 15361564, by William Fred Graham, Jr., 1966. Persecution, Identity, and Politics: The English Protestant Martyr Narrative and Oppositional Politics in Early New England and Pennsylvania, by Nichole Mische Gothelf, 2001. Persecution of Protestant Christians in Colombia, 1948-1958, with an Investigation of Its Background and Causes, The, by James Ernest Goff, 1968. Persecution of the Quakers in England, The: 1650-1714, by William Wayne Spurrier, 1978.

Personality and Political Postures: The Case of the Clerical Rulers of Iran (Vols. I and II), by Charles Edward Snare, 1992. Perspectives of Christian Faculty at a Secular Higher Education Institution, by Ginger Ann Rue, 2000. Persuasive Campaign of The Christian Century Against Diplomatic Relations with the Vatican, The: 1940-1952, by Donald Bert Morian, 1971. Peruvian Educational Reform of 1968-1980 and Seventh-Day Adventist Education at Inca Union College: A Study in Models, The, by Luis Alberto del Pozo, 1988. Peruvian Revolution and Catholic Corporatism, The: Armed Forces Rule since 1968, by James R. Agut, 1976. Pharaoh, Basileus and Imperator: The Roman Imperial Cult in Egypt, by Gregory Steven Dundas, 1993. Philadelphia Parochial School System from 1830-1920: Growth and Bureaucratization, by John Edward O’Breza, 1980. Philadelphia Riots of 1844, The: A Social History, by Michael Jay Feldberg, 1971. Philip the Arab: The First Christian Emperor of Rome, by John Marvin York, Jr., 1965. Philosophy and Ethics of Alexander Campbell, The: From the Context of American Religious Thought 1800-1866 by Terry Lee Miethe, 1984. Philosophy and Virtue: Burke, Tocqueville, and the Contemporary Conservative Dilemma, by Bruce P. Frohnen, 1988. Philosophy of Education for Schools Rooted in the Charisma of the Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus, A, by Bonita Marie Moser, 1986. Physician-assisted Suicide, Moral Perspective, and the Limits of Moral Theories, by Philip D. Nist, 2006. Physician-Jewish Family Communication about Futile Medical Treatment: A Qualitative Approach, by Myer Schecter, 2001. Pier Paolo Vergerio: The Making of an Italian Reformer, by Anne Cole Jacobson Schutte, 1970. Pierre Bayle and the Development of the Idea of Religious Liberty in Late Seventeenth Century France, by Richard B. Dinsmore, 1972. Pierre Bayle and the Politics of the Huguenot Diaspora, by Herbert Schlossberg, 1968. Piety and Power: Cluniac Spirituality in the Time of St. Odo (926-942), by Barbara H. Rosenwein, 1975. Piety and Power: Gender and Religious Culture in the American Colonies, 16301700, by Leslie Jordan Lindenauser, 1997. Piety and Profit: English Puritans and the Shaping of a Godly Marketplace in the New Haven Colony, by Elizabeth Tucker Van Beek, 1993. Piety in Providence: The Class Dimensions of Religious Experience in Providence, Rhode Island, 1790-1860, by Mark Saunders Schantz, 1991. Piety, Politics, and Profit: American Indian Missions in the Colonial Colleges, by Irvin Lee Wright, 1985. Pilgrimage of Ralph Albertson (1866-1951), The: Modern American Liberalism and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Theodore Paul Kallman, 1997. Pilgrim’s Progress, The: The Progressivism of Francis Wayland Parker (1837-1902), by Matthew Stanley Fliss, 1988. Pillars of Belief: The Social Construction of Morality in Two Congregations, by Trace Haythorn, 1998. Pitt Administration and the Irish Roman Catholics, 1791-1801, The, by James McLane Murphy, 1969.

Place for God, A: Religion, State Universities, and American Society, 1865-1920, by Alfred Lindsay Skerpan, 1998. Place of Bible Literature in Public High School English Classes, The, by Marie Goughnour Wachlin, 1993. Place of Religion in the History of the NonCatholic Universities in Canada, The, by Kenneth MacLean Glazier, 1968. Pluralism of John Courtney Murray, S.J., and its Relationship to Education, The, by Raymond Anthony Hock, 1965. Pluralism, Politics, and Power Struggles: The Church of England in Colonial Philadelphia, 1695-1789, by Deborah Mathias Gough, 1979. Plural Wives and the Nineteenth-Century Mormon Marriage System: Manti, Utah, 1849-1910, by Kathryn M. Daynes, 1991. Poetry in Somali Politics: The Case of Sayyid Mahammad Abdille Hasan, by Said S.Samatar, 1980. Policing Public Opinion in the French Revolution, by George Charles Walton, 2003. Policy Agenda of the Supreme Court in Three Partisan Eras, The, by David Mark Dehnel, 1989. Policy Boards in Jesuit Secondary Schools, 1976, by Frank Joseph Cody, 1981. Policy of the Japanese Government Toward Shinto Shrines at the Town and Village Level, 1894-1914, The, by Wilbur Medbury Fridell, 1968. Policy Paradox: A Study of a Public School District’s Decision to Support the Creation from Its Own Territory a New Public School District to Exclusively Serve a Religious Group (New York), by Charlene Ann, Pepe, 2004. Policy Process in Congress, The: Passing the Higher Education Academic Facilities Act of 1963, by Lawrence Kay Pettit, 1965. Polish Settlement of St. Joseph County, Indiana, The: 1855-1935, by Frank Anthony Renkiewicz, 1968. Political Acculturation of the Kansas Mennonites, 1870-1940, The, by James Carlton Juhnke, 1969. Political Activities of the Christian Missionaries in the T’ang Dynasty, by Chi-hung Lam, 1978. Political Activity of Puritans in the County of Northampton, 1558-1603, The, by John James Arnone, 1981. Political and Constitutional Ideas Arising from the Irish Rebellion of 1641, The, by John Clifford Harmon, 1978. Political and Educational Ideas of David Lipscomb, The, by Robert Eugene Hooper, 1967. Political and Episcopal Career of William Juxon, 1582-1663, Bishop of London, Lord High Treasurer and Archbishop of Canterbury, The, by F. Thomas Mason, 1976. Political and Moral Thought of John Calvin: Its Origin and Character, The, by Danny Gene Wells, 1993. Political and Religious Thought of Henri Gregoire, The: A Contribution to the Study of the Church-State Issues in France in 1789-1830, by Dale A. Johnson, 1969. Political and Social Attitudes of Church of Christ Ministers, The, by Melvin Earl Hailey, 1988. Political and Social Thought of John Courtney Murray in the Context of the Cold War, The, by Thomas William O’Brien, 1993. Political Behavior of African Methodist Episcopal Church Members in Detroit: The Influence of Context, Cognition, and Socio-Psychological Characteristics, The, by Kenneth Hill, 1988.

Political Candidates’ Cultural Values in Voters’ Evaluations: Religiousity, Selfreliance, and Voluntarism in the United States, by Chang Nam Kim, 1995. Political Development and Social Policy in Latin America, by Carl McDougall Stone, 1972. Political Development in Guatemala, 1944-1954: The Impact of Foreign, Military, and Religious Elites, by Anita Frankel, 1970. Political Development of Costa Rica, 1936-1944, The: Politics of an Emerging Welfare State in a Patriarchal Society, by Theodore S. Creedman, 1972. Political Dimension in Liberation Theology, The: The Evolution of a Religious Praxis, by Juan Ricardo Planas, 1985. Political Disciple: The Relationship between James A. Garfield and the Disciples of Christ, by Jerry Bryant Rushford, 1978. Political Disorder and Divine Power: John Calvin and the Theistic Ground of Political Realism, by Derek Scott Jeffreys, 1999. Political Doctrines of Augustine of Hippo and Marsilius of Padua, The: A Comparison, by Mary Alice Butts, 1977. Political Dynamics in Hermit Korea: The Rise of Royal Power in the Decade of the Taewonkun, 1864-1873, by Soo Bock Choi, 1965. Political Dynamics of Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalist Movements: Comparative Case Study of Pakistan, Egypt and Iran, by Sohail Mahmood, 1993. Political Factionalism and the Conversions of the Visigoths (Spain), by Richard Samuel Rawls, 2002. Political Ideas of Pierre Viret, The, by Robert Dean Linder, 1965. Political Ideology of Italian Christian Democracy, The: A Case Study of the Genesis, Structure and Goal of an Ideology, by Kenneth Lawrence Deutsch, 1972. Political Influence of the Orthodox Church of Greece, The, by George Dan Kent, 1972. Political Integration Policy in Thailand: The Case of the Malay Muslim Minority, by Panomporn Anurugsa, 1984. Political Jesus, The: A Study of the Gospels and a Comparison with Selected Liberation Christologies, by Stanley Dale, Clark, Jr., 1990. Political Leaders of the Protestant Clergy in Prussia, 1815-1847, The, by Robert Mar tin Bigler, 1965. Political Majorities, Political Minorities and the Common Good: An Analysis of Understandings of Democracy in Recent Christian Political Ethics, by David Alan Bard, 1994. Political Modernization in Columbia, by Richard Stephen Weinert, 1968. Political Moral Hazard, by Dogan Kadia, 2006. Political Movements and Organizations in Iran: 1890-1953, by Jaleh Pirnazar, 1982. Political Obligation and the Common Good: A Study in Philosophical and the Theological Ethics, by Timothy Mark Renick, 1986. Political Opposition of the Huguenots Henry IV, 1589 to 1598, The, by JOSI Anthony Airo-Farulla, 1971. Political Orientations and the Style of Intergroup Leadership Interactions: The Cast of Iranian Political Parties, by Horn Mehrdad, 1980. Political Parishes: The Influence of Priests on the Voting Behavior and Political Attitudes of American Catholics, by Gregory Allen Smith, 2005. Political Parties in Lebanon, by Micn Wadie Suleiman, 1966. Political Philosophy and the Tragic Sense of Life: A Study of Reinhold Niebuhr (Vols. I and II), by Matthew B. Berke, 1990.

Political Philosophy of Christopher St. German, The, by Milton Charles Abrams, 1965. Political Philosophy of K’ang Yu- Wei, The: A Sociological Study of Religious Secretism, by Winston Ping Fan, 1967. Political Pluralism and Recent Christ Political Thought: A Tradition of Discourse, by Leslie E. Gerber, 1978. Political Portrait, A: Felix Varela y Morales, 1788-1853, by Gemma Marie Del Duca, 1967. Political Process and Cognitive Liberation: The Quest for Civil Rights in Northern Ireland, 1960-1972, by Kenneth Thomas Christie, 1989. Political Realism and Just-war Rhetoric: The Case of the Persian Gulf War, by Andrew D. Walsh, 1994. Political Realism of Wolfhart Pannenberg, The, by Steven John Snyder, 1995. Political Religion of the Masses in Korea: A Tillichian Interpretation, by Yu Khill Shinn, 1982. Political Representation in Islam, by Saleh Faris Zahrany, 1983. Political Resocialization of German Jews in Palestine, 1933-1939, The, by David Marvin Elcott, 1982. Political Role of Christian Missions in Belgian Congo, 1908-1960, The, by Marvin David Markowitz, 1970. Political Stands and Actions Taken by American Denominations, by Michael Gary Meacham, 1985. Political Struggle and Co-operative Visions for Change: An Analysis of the Political and Theological Thought of Major Black Leaders in South Africa, by David Luka Mosoma, 1991. Political-Religious Expressions: Liberation Theology and Christian Democracy in Latin America, by Edward Anthony Lynch, 1990. Political Teaching of John Wise’s Second Treatise on Ecclesiastical Government, The, by Donald J. Erler, 1978. Political Teaching of Pope Pius XII, The, by John Francis Ryan, 1967. Political Theology in America: Daniel Berrigan as a Contemporary Profile, by Robert Anthony Ludwig, 1978. Political Theology of the American Founding, The, by Jeremy G. Mallory, 2004. Political Theory of Civilta Cattolica from 1850-1870, The, by Walter Tomkins Odell, 1971. Political Theory of Philip Melanchth, The, by Speros Thomas Thomidis, 1966. Political Theory of Reinhold Niebuhr, The, by Lionel Earl Shaw, Jr., 1972. Political Thought in Greek Palestinian Hagiography (ca. 526-ca. 630), by Thomas Noonan, 1976. Political Thought of Carl F.H. Henry, The, by David Lee Weeks, 1991. Political Thought of F. Lamennais, The, by Guy Rochard, 1976. Political Thought of Jaime Balmes, The, by James Howard Steinel, 1965. Political Thought of John Wesley, The, by Thomas William Madron, 1967. Political Thought of Juan Montalvo, The, by Frank MacDonald Spindler, 1967. Political Thought of Samuel Rutherford, The, by Omri Kenneth Webb, Jr., 1965. Political Thought of the Ecumenical Movement, 1900-1939, The, by Thomas Sieger Derr, 1973. Political Thought of the Radicals of Catholic League of Paris, 1584-15, The, by Frederic Joseph Baumgartner, 1973. Political Thought of Walter Rauschenbush, The: Toward a Religious Theory of the Positive State, by Sherry Patricia Magill, 1984.

Political Thought under Louis XIV: The Apogee and Decline of Royal Absolutism, by Gerald Alan Greenberger, 1980. Political Values and Voting Behavior of American Catholics, The: Changes and Continuities from 1984-1998, by Lawrence John Kapp, 1999. Politician, Social Reformer, and Religious Leader: The Public Career of Brooks Hays, by John Herschel Barnhill, 1982. Politicians, Peasants and Priests: Conditions for the Emergence of Liberal Dominance in Western Europe, 1815-1914, by Andrew Cleveland Gould, 1992. Politicization of Religion in Modern Nigeria, The: The Emergence and Politics of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), by Iheanyi M. Enwerem, 1992. Politicization of Religious Sects in Borj Hammoud, Lebanon, The, by Suad Joseph, 1976. Politicizing of Religious Groups and Elites in the Latin America/Caribbean Region: Haiti, 1980-1986, The, by Gregory Kent Freeland, 1990. Politics and Belief in Modern France: Emmanuel Mounier and the Christian Democratic Movement, 1931-1950, by Rufus William Rauch, Jr., 1965. Politics and Catholic Hierarchy in France, by Brigitte Marie-Odette Vassort, 1983. Politics and Educational Reform in Interwar France, 1919-1930, by John Edwin Talbott, 1967. Politics and Government in the Borough of Colchester, 1660-1693, by Timothy Clair Glines, 1975. Politics and Prayer: The Search for a National Consensus, by Richard Edward Shugrue, 1969. Politics and Social Forces in Chilean Development, by James Frank Petras, 1968. Politics and the Arts of Peace: A Study of Religion in the Political Order Drawn From the Work of Alexis de Tocqueville, by Alfred Balitzer, 1972. Politics and the Episcopal Bench in the Struggle for Religious Toleration in England, 1688-1714, by Todd Seitner Phillips, 1977. Politics and the Full Persuasion: An Inquiry into the Source of the Puritan Project, by Stephen Francis Wasinger, 1973. Politics and the Restoration House of Lords: 1660-1685, by William Allan Vincent, 1975. Politics, Economics and the Public Morality: State Regulation of Gambling, Liquor, Divorce and Birth Control, by James David Fairbanks, 1976. Politics, Education, and Political Instability in Ceylon (Sri Lanka), by Donald Stephen Fitzgerald, 1978. Politics in Chile: A Study of Political Factions and Parties and Election Procedures, by Orville Grant Cope III, 1968. Politics in the Land of Steady Habits: Connecticut’s First Political Party System, 1789-1820, by Edmund B. Thomas, Jr., 1973. Politics in the Pews: The Creation and Maintenance of Black Political Churches, by Eric Leon McDaniel, 2004. Politics of Anticlericalism, The: WaldeckRousseau, Combes, and the Church, 18991905, by Malcolm Overstreet Partin, 1968. Politics of Arab and Persian Nationalism in the Gulf, The, by Basel Raouf Khatib, 1982. Politics of Association Confessionalism in Lebanon, by Hussein Sobhi Kanaan, 1975. Politics of Buddhist Organizations in Taiwan, 1989-1997, The, by André Roger Laliberté, 1999. Politics of Catholic Youth, The: A Comparative Study of the Young Christian Workers,

by Margaret Ann Soderberg, 1965. Politics of Compromise, The: State and Religion in Israel, by Ervin Birnbaum, 1969. Politics of Development in Peru, The, by Jane S. Jaquette, 1972. Politics of Education in Austria, The: Church, State and the Reform of Education, 1765-1962, by Michael Joseph Zeps, 1980. Politics of Educational Development in Central and Southern North Nyanza, Kenya, 1904-1939, The, by Kenneth Peter Lohrentz, 1978. Politics of Ethnic Pressure, The: The American Jewish Committee as Lobbyist, 19061917, by Judith Goldstein, 1973. Politics of Federal Aid to Education in 1965, The: A Study in Political Innovation, by Philip Joseph Meranto, 1968. Politics of Four Types of Christian Chiliasts, The, by Maurice Gene Chenoweth, 1968. Politics of Islamic Revivalism, The: A Case Study of Pakistan Under Z.A. Bhutto (1972-77), by Mir Zohair Husain, 1985. Politics, Law and the Church: An Examination of the Relationship between Catholicism and American Law as Evoked by the Exchange between Governor Mario M. Cuomo and Cardinal John J. O’Connor, by Gregory Michael Faulhaber, 1994. Politics of Acculturation: American Jewish Liberalism, 1840-1919, The, by Martha Clara Boonin-Vail, 1993. Politics of Acculturation, The: American Jewish Liberalism, 1933-1975, by Marc Lindsey Dollinger, 1993. Politics of an Islamic Movement: The Jama’at-i Islam in Pakistan, by Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr, 1991. Politics of Deification and Nationalist Ideology, The: A Case Study of Quemoy, by Chang-Hui Chi, 2000. Politics of God and the Woman’s Vote: Religion in the American Suffrage Movement, 1848-1895, The, by Elizabeth Battelle Clark, 1989. Politics of God, The: Histories, Identities, Possibilities, by Jan Patrick Lee, 1993. Politics of Jubilee: Ideological Drift and Organizational Schism in a Religious Sect, The, by Kyle Lewis Cleveland, 1990. Politics of Liberation and the Mission of the Church, The, by Theodore Richard Snyder, 1970. Politics of Martyrdom in Post-revolutionary Iran, by Mansoor Ehsan, 1992. Politics of Mass Recruitment, The: Attempts to Organize Popular Movements in Maharashtra, 1891-1908, by Richard Ian Cashman, 1970. Politics of Orthodoxy in South Korea, The: Christian Radicalism and the Heterodoxy of Minjung, by Craig Lee Mulling, 1996. Politics of Prayer, The: Feminist Perspectives for Expanding Christian Prayer, by Carolyn Jane Bohler, 1983. Politics of Protestantism in Contemporary China: State Control, Civil Society, and Social Movement in a Single Party-State, The, by Jason Kindopp, 2004. Politics of Reform, The: Marguerite of Navarre, 1521-1535, by William Lamar Graves, 1980. Politics of Religion in South Korea, 1974-89, The: The Catholic Church’s Political Opposition to the Authoritarian State, by Nyung Kim, 1993. Politics of Rescue, The: A Study of American Diplomacy and Politics Related to the Rescue of Refugees, by Henry L. Feingold, 1968. Politics of Salvation, The: A Reconstruction of the Hegelian Idea of the State, by Paul Francis Lakeland, 1982.

Politics of Sectarian Ethnicity: Segmentation in Lebanese Society, The, by As’ad Abukhalil, 1988. Politics of the Disruption, The: A Study of the Relationship Between Church and State in Scotland, 1834-1843, by Charles Brent Weasmer, 1965. Politics of the English Civil Lawyers, 1603-1629, The, by Brian Paul Levack, 1971. Politics of the Roman Catholic Episcopate in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1964-1972, The, by Diane Barbara Dailey, 1978. Politics of Virtue: St. Augustine’s Political Thought Considered for the Korean Church in National Division, by Jiwhand Lew, 2000. Politics, Society, and Religion: The Presbyterian Clergy of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, and the Formation of the Nation, 1785-1808, by Barbara Christine Gray Wingo, 1977. Politique: A Current of French Christian Democracy, by Peter Damian Smith, 1969. Pontificate of Hadrian I (772-795), The: Papal Theory and Political Reality in the Reign of Charlemagne, by David Stevens Sefton, 1976. Pontificate of Leo XII, The: A Study in Church Emancipation, by Barthelomew Patrick Lahiff, 1966. Pontificate of Pope John XXII, The: Problems of Church Reform and Centralization, by John Edgar Weakland, 1967. Poor and the Kingdom, The: God in Solidarity with the Poor by Fernando Benjamin Santillana, 1984. Poor in the Ecclesiology of Juan Luis Segundo, The, by Mary Kaye Nealen, 1989. Pope Alexander III and the East, by Joan Dale Hei, 1971. Pope as a Diplomat, The: The Study of Selected Correspondence of Gregory the Great with Secular Authorities of His Day, by Gustav Kopka, Jr., 1968. Pope Gregory IX and the Crusade, by Richard Taylor Spence, 1979. Pope Innocent III as Crusader and Canonist: His Relations with the Greeks of Constantinople, 1198-1216, by Alfred John Andrea, 1970. Pope Innocent IV and Church-State Relations, 1243-1254, by Mary Robert Reis, 1972. Pope John XXIII and American Protestantism, by Eugene Carl Bianchi, 1970. Pope Nicholas I and the First Age of Papal Independence, by Jane Carol Bishop, 1981. Pope Paul I and the Roman Revolution of the Eighth Century, by David Harry Miller, 1968. Pope, the Protestants, and the Irish, The: Papal Aggression and Anti-Catholicism in Mid-Nineteenth-Century England, by Robert James Klaus, 1974. Popular Religion and the Revolution in the Middle Atlantic Ports: The Rise of the Methodists, 1770-1800, by Doris Elisabett Andrews, 1986. Populism and Feminism in Iran: Women’s Struggle in a Male-Defined Revolutionary Movement, by Haideh Moghissi Rahnema, 1992. Populism and the Catholic Church: The Crisis of Democracy in Brazil, by Paolo Jose Krischke, 1983. Populist Religion and the Republican Left in France, 1848-1851: The Diffusion of Democrate-Socialiste Ideology in the French Countryside, by Edward Guy Berenson, 1981. Portrait of an Early American College President: Jonathan Maxcy, 1768-1820, by Richard Thomas Vann, Jr., 2000. Position of Iraqi Women within the Family: With Particular Reference to Married Women, The, by Sana Ayoub Sabri Al-Khayyat, 1985.

Positivism in Diaz Mexico, 1876-1910: An Essay in Intellectual History, by William Dirk Raat, 1968. Possible Predictive Effects of Religious Beliefs, Locus of Control, and Certain Demographic Variables on Academic Achievement, by Adonna Gay Otwell, 1988. Post-Christendom Protestant Political Theology in the Thought of John Howard Yoder and Oliver O’Donovan, by Paul Doerksen, 2006. Postsecondary Educational Offerings in Catholic Secondary Schools, by Mark Carmel Golden, 1981. Powerful Warriors and Influential Clergy: Interaction and Conflict between the Kamakura Bakufu and Religious Institutions (Japan), by Roy Ron, 2003. Powerlessness of the Poor: Toward an Alternative Kingdom of God Based Paradigm for Response, by Jayakumar Christian, 1994. Powers and the French Occupation of Rome, 1859-1865, The, by Ivan Carl Scott, 1965. Practice and Theory of Liberation Theology in Peru, The, by Arthur Joseph McDonald, 1993. Practice Makes Perfect: Christian Education Viewed as Initiation into Christianity as a Practice, by Bruce C. Meyer, 1995. Practice of Piety, The: Puritan Devotional Disciplines in Seventeenth-Century New England, by Charles Edwin Hambrick-Stowe, 1980. Pragmatic Toleration: Lived Religion, Obligation, and Political Identity in the American Revolution, by Karen Elizabeth O’Brien, 2005. Prayer, Patronage, and Power: The Abbey of La Trinite, Vendom, 1032-1187, by Penelope Delafield Johnson, 1980. Practicing Virtues: How Moral Traditions are Lived at Quaker and Military Boarding Schools, by Kim Neiter Hays, 1990. Prayerful Voice: Self-shaping, Intimacy, and the Puritan Practice and Experience of Prayer, by Robert James Naeher, 1999. Preacher and the New Light Revolution in Connecticut: The Pulpit Theology of Benjamin Trumbull, 1760-1800, The, by James Dale German, 1989. “Preachers of Sound Doctrine, Followers of the True Religion, and Learned”: The Social Impact of the Jesuit College of Naples, 1522-1600, by Mark Andrew Lewis, 1996. Preaching in a Television-saturated Culture, by Raymond John Marek, Jr., 2000. Preaching on Social Issues: A Homiletical Analysis and Comparison of Four Exemplary Preachers, by Robert Vriel Ferguson, Jr., 1982. Preach the Gospel Unto Every Creature: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Alabama, and the U.S. Supreme Court, 1939-1946, by Merlin Owen Newton, 1992. Pre-history of Indian Secularism, A: Categories of Nationalism and Communalism in Emerging Definitions of India, Bombay Presidency c. 1893-1932, by Shabnum Tejani Shaukatali, 2002. Pre-Josianic Reforms of Judah, The, by Ronny Mims Zorn, 1978. Prelude to Conflict: The Movement for Church Patronage Reform in Scotland (18241834), by Nelson Peter Ross, 1969. Preparation for Teaching Religion in Public School, The, by Harriet Lill Miller, 1968. Pre-Revolutionary Career of Provost William Smith, The, by Don Roy Byrnes, 1971. Presbyter in Carolingian Society, The, by Anthony Zito, 1972. Presbyterian Attitudes Toward Science: The Coming of Darwinism in America, 18591929, by Dennis Royal Davis, 1981. Presbyterian Clergy of the Great Awakening, The, by Wilfred Earnest Tabb, III, 1992.

Presbyterian Controversy, 1922-1936, The: Christianity, Culture, and Ecclesiastical Conflict, by Bradley J. Longfield, 1988. Presbyterian Influence on Higher Education in Tennessee, The, by Margaret Elizabeth Pritchard, 1993. Presbyterianism and the New American Nation, 1783-1826: A Case Study of Religion and National Life, by Fred J. Hood, 1970. Presbyterianism in Revolutionary Pennsylvania: Constitutionalism and Freedom, by John Murray Smoot, 1982. Presbyterians, Baptists, and the Making of a Slave Society in Virginia, 1740-1820, by Jewel L. Spangler, 1996. Presbyterians, Catholics and Grassroots Politics: Local Churches in Malawi’s Postauthoritarian Era, by Peter Anders VonDoepp, 1999. Presidential Campaign of 1928, The: Protestants’Opposition to Alfred E. Smith Reflected in Denominational Periodicals, by Donald Floyd Heath, 1974. Presidential Campaigns, White Evangelicals, and the New Republican Coalition, by Bruce Forrester Nesmith, 1987. Pressure Group Persuasion: Protestants Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State, 1947-1968, by Mary Fowler Beasley, 1971. Preventive Progress: A Study of the Relationship of Religion, Politics and Historiography of Progress in the Work of Some Nineteenth-Century British Historians, by Jeffrey Paul Von Arx, 1981. Priesthood of the Believer in the Public Square, The: Religious Conviction, Political Choice, and Fundamentalism in the Southern Baptist Convention, by Mary Elizabeth Jones, 2002. Priest in History, The: A Study in Divine Loyalties in the French Lower Clergy from 1776 to 1789, by William Hayes Williams, 1967. Priests, Religious, and Public Office in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, by Christopher Gaffney, 1990. Primitive Church as a Normative Principle in the Theology of the Sixteenth Century, The: The Anglican-Puritan Debate over Church Polity as Represented by Richard Hooker and Thomas Cartwright, by John Kenneth Reynolds Luoma, 1975. Prince Alexander N. Golitsyn, (1773-1844): Tsarist Minister of Piety, by Walter William Sawatsky, 1977. Prince Napoleon Bonaparte and the Unification of Italy, by James Edward Jordan, 1966. Principia Politica: The Political Dimensions of Jewish and Christian Self-Definition in the Greco-Roman Period, by Richard Alan Freund, 1983. Principle of Separation of Church and State as Observed by the Public School, Puerto Rico from 1898 to 1952, The, by R. Alfonso Lopez, 1972. Principles and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary Pennsylvania, 1756-1776, by John Stanley Murzyn, 1971. Principles for Improving Religious Activities at South Carolina State College, by Joseph Earl Thompson, 1968. Printing, Protestantism and Politics: Thomas Cromwell and Religious Reform, by Edward Ronald Riegler, 1978. Priorities to Democracy: The Pragmatisms of William James and Richard Rorty Compared, by Jason Matthew Boffetti, 2003. Private Education and the Subcultures of Dissent: Alternative/Free Schools (19651975) and Christian Fundamentalist Schools (1965-1990), by Peter Stephen Lewis, 1991.

Private Protestant Christian Schools as an Alternative to Public Education, by Robert Knox Herndon, 1984. Private School Enrollment, The Tiebout Hypothesis, and Public School Expenditure Equalization Policies, by Amy Beth Schmidt, 1989. Private Schools for Jewish Girls in Tsarist Russia, by Eliyana R. Adler, 2003. Private Welfare Agencies and Their Role in Government-Sponsored Welfare Programs: The Case of the War on Poverty in Chicago, by Trudy Haffron Bers, 1974. Privatization: Policy Implications for Public Education, by Clarence W. Jarboe, 1994. Probable Effect of Tuition Tax Credits and Voucher Plans on Selected Public School Systems in Northeast Ohio, The, by Cameron Curtis Buckland, 1990. Problem Awareness and Imaging: The Church’s First Steps Toward Strengthening Rural Communities School of Theology, by Philip James Freneau, 1983. Problem of Church and State in the Thought of John Wesley as Reflecting His Understanding of Providence and His Views of History, The, by Glenn Burton Hosman, Jr., 1971. Problem of Religion in the American Public Square, The: Toward an Open Socratic Model, by John Caleb Clanton, 2005. Professional and Political Socialization: High School Science Teacher Attitudes on Curriculum Decisions, in the Context of the Scientific Creationism Campaign, by Edward M. Buckner, 1983. Profile of Civil Disobedient Clergy, 1956-1968, A, by Charles William Teel, Jr., 1973. Prohibition and Virginia Politics, 1901-1916, by Robert Arthur Hohner, 1966. Prohibition Movement in Pennsylvania, 1865-1920, The, by Earl Clifford Kaylor, Jr., 1965. Propaganda Analysis of the Pacifist Communications of the Catholic Worker Movement in the United States from 1933 to 1965, A, by Donald Jerome Stinson, 1970. Property Rights in the Eighth-Century Prophets: The Conflict and Its Background, by John Andrew Dearman, 1982. Prophetic Clergy, The: Social Activism Among Protestant Ministers, by Harold Earl Quinley, 1971. Prophetic Politics in a Pluralist Land: Christian Social Movement and the Challenge of Democracy, by David S. Gutterman, 2000. Prophetic Sons and Daughters: Popular Religion and Social Change in England, 1790-1850, by Deborah Mary Valenze, 1982. Propagating the Faith: Catholic Educational Policy Making in Post-Vatican II Cleveland, by Mary Ann Kathleen Janosik, 1989. Property, Justice, and the General Duty to Assist the Needy, by Bernard Andrew Lustig, 1987. Prophetic Mission, the Catholic Church and Politics, The: Nicaragua in the Context of Central America, by Andrew James Stein, 1995. Prophetic Witness of Public Theology in Postmodern Culture Wars, The, by Ryun Ho Chang, 1996. Prophets in Caesar’s Courts: The Role of Ideas in Catholic and Evangelical Rights Advocacy, by Kevin Ronald den Dulk, 2001. Prospectus for the Establishment of a Twelve Grade Christian School, by Margaret Stainthrope Decker, 1983. Prostitution and Polygamy: The Contest over Morality in Salt Lake City, 1847-1918, by Jeffrey Donald Nichols, 1998. Protestant Activities as Contributing Factors to the 1731 Expulsion of the Salzburg

Lutherans: Viewed in Light of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, by James Francis Shearouse, 1984. Protestant and Catholic Views of Education, 1865-1900: National and Local Views Compared by Richard Thomas Ognibene, 1974. Protestant Antecedents of the Latin American Theology of Liberation, by Alan Preston Neely, 1978. Protestant Attitudes Toward Jewish Emancipation in Prussia, by David Charles Smith, 1972. Protestant Cardinal, The: Odet de Coligny (1517-1571), by Lawrence Stuart Metzger, 1979. Protestant-Catholic Relationships in America Since World War I: Historical Development and Humanistic Expression, by Lerond Loving Curry, 1968. Protestant Christian Socialism in Germany 1848-1896: Wichern, Stoecker, Naumann: The Search for a New Social Ethic, by John Calvin Fout, 1971. Protestant Christianity and Social Change in Korea, by Yong-Shin Park, 1977. Protestant Church in the Rural Midwestern Community, 1820-1870, The, by Walter Ralph Houf, 1968. Protestant Church in Wurttemberg, 1918-1925, The: Church, State and Society in the Weimar Republic, by David James Diephouse, 1975. Protestant Churches and the Religious Issue in Ontario’s Public Schools, The: A Study in Church and State, by Theodore Elia Thomas, 1974. Protestant Churches During World War I, The: The Home Front, 1917, 1918, by Russell Samuel McMahan, Jr., 1969. Protestant Clergymen and America’s World Role, 1865-1900: A Study of Christianity, Nationality, and International Relations, by John Edwin Smylie, 1972. Protestant Crisis, The: Truman’s Vatican Ambassador Controversy of 1951, by Dorsey Milam Deaton, 1971. Protestant Ethos in an American Capitalist Environment, A, by Roger Hadley Strait, 1988. Protestant Ideology and Urban Reform in the United States, by Jerry Lee Tucker, 1974. Protestant Missionary Activity and Freedom of Religion in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, by Paul E. Kuhl, 1983. Protestant Policy Statements and Programs of Adult Education About Public Education, by James Blaine Fister, 1967. Protestant Political Ethics in the Context of Latin America, by John Burton Housley, 1965. Protestant Reformation and the Institutional Church, The, by John Maxwell Tonkin, 1969. Protestantism and the Formation of Modern Korea, 1884-1894, by Chai Sik Chung, 1966. Protestantism and the Religious Question in Brazil: 1850-1875, by David Gueiros Vieira, 1974. Protestantism, Capitalism, and Nature in the United States, by Mark Richard Stoll, 1993. Protestantism, Modernization and Cultural Change in Brazil, by Esdras Borges Costa, 1980. Protestant Fundamentalism: Public Education and the Politics of Regression, by Thomas L. McCahon, 1987.

Protestants in Strasbourg, 1870-1914: Religion and Society in Late Nineteenth Century Europe, by Anthony James Steinhoff, 1996. Protestants on the Right: William Dudley Pelley, Gerald B. Winrod, and Gerald L. K. Smith, by Leo Paul Ribuffo, 1977. Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society, 1879-1922, by (Ulla Barbro) Lisbeth Kickham, 2003. Providence and Tradition in the Writings of Bonald, de Maistre, Ballanche and Buchez, 1793-1848, by Michael Francis Reardon, 1966. Prussian Ecclesiastical Reform: A Study of Official Reformers in the Vormiirz, by Gwendolyn Evans Jensen, 1972. Prussian Episcopate and the State, 1878-1890, The, by Paul Otto Marschke, 1972. Prussian State and Protestant Church in the Reign of Wilhelm II, by Arnold Melvin Horowitz, 1978. Psalms and Potatoes: The Congregations of the Polish-Speaking Protestant Mazurians in East Prussia, Suwalki, Poland, and the United States (Vols. I and II), by Karl Krueger, 1992. Pub and Parish-The Beginnings of Temperance Reform in the Church of England, 1835-1875, by Gerald Wayne Olsen, 1973. Public Address of James Cardinal Gibbons as a Catholic Spokesman on Social Issues in America, The, by Omer Urban Kline, 1965. Public Administrative Theory in the Context of an Islamic State, by Abdallah Ali Alakayleh, 1982. Public Affairs and the Jewish Community: The Changing Political World of San Francisco Jews, by David Gil Dalin, 1978. Public and Political Character of Postliberal Theology, The, by Richard Dean Crane, 2000. Public Finance and Charitable Church Activity, by Daniel Michael Hungerman, 2005. Public Opinion towards Faith-based Initiatives (George W. Bush), by Kimberly A. Mealy, 2004. Public Philosophy and the Bible: Memory and Renewal, by Richard David Gibb, 1989. Public Philosophy in a Democracy: Transcendental Values and Free Society in the Political Thought of John H. Hallowell and Irving Kristol, by Robert Felix Cuervo, 1980. Public Relations of Religious Institutions in a Pluralistic Society, by Thomas J. M. Burke, 1965. “Public Religion” and the Pancasila-based State of Indonesia: A Normative Argument within a Christian-Muslim Dialogue (1945-1998), by Benyamin Fleming Intan, 2004. Public Religious Education: The Encounter of Education and Religion in Contemporary Culture, by Andre Kieran Scott, 1979. Public Role of Religion in Modern Society: A Comparative Analysis of John Courtney Murray and Gustavo Gutierrez, The, by Mary Angela Unkelbach-Eastham, 1994. Public Schooling and Its Discontents: Religious Identities, Schooling Choices for Children, and Civic Participation, by David Hannes Sikkink, 1998. Public School Prayers and the Religion Clauses of the Constitution, by Anthony Joseph Iezzie, 1971. Public School Superintendency, The: Vocational Calling?, by William R. Harbron, 2007. Pulcheria, Empress of Byzantium: An Investigation of the Political and Religious Aspects of Her Reign (414-453 A.D.), by Miroslaw Joseph Borowski, 1978.

Purifying America: The Women’s Moral Reform Movement and Pro-censorship Activism, 1883-1993, by Allison Marie Parker, 1994. Puritan and Papist: Politics and Religion in Massachusetts and Maryland Before the Restoration of Charles II, by John David Krugler, 1972. Puritan Approach to Manifest Destiny, A: Case Studies from Artillery Election Sermons, by William Fred Ricketson, Jr., 1966. Puritan Crisis: New England and the English Civil Wars, 1630-1670, by Francis John Bremer, 1976. Puritan Power in Illinois Higher Education prior to 1870, by Daniel Thomas Johnson, 1976. Puritan Presbyterian Polity in Elizabethan England, 1559-1593, by Agha Uka Agha, 1985. Puritanism in Education: An Analysis of the Transition from Religiosity to Secular Morality as Seen in Primary Reading Materials, 1620-1775, by Margaret Eleanor Rosson Wall, 1980. Puritanism in the Making of a Nation, by Dean Carl Hammer, 1989. Puritans, Pragmatists, and Progress: The Republican Coalition in Iowa, 1854-1878, by Robert J. Cook, 1986. Puritan Thought and the Formation of the Early American Political Tradition, 16301787, by Donald D. Schmeltekopf, 1976. Puritan v. Anglican: An Attempt to Define a Difference, by James Beverly Bross, 1974. Pursuit of Justice as a Contemporary Islamic Response in the Middle East with Reference to al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun, by William Michael Chittum, 1992. Quaker Community on the Pennsylvania Frontier, A: Exeter Monthly Meeting, 17371789, by Karen Guenther, 1994. Quakerism in Germany: The Pacifist Response to Hitler, by Michael Steven Seadie, 1978. Quaker Origins of New Bedford, 1765-1815, The, by Alice Sue Friday, 1991. Quaker Relations with Midwestern Indians to 1833, by Max Leon Carter, 1989. Quakers in Essex, 1655-1725, The, by T.A. Davies, 1986. Quakers in the New South, 1865-1920, The, by Damon Douglas Hickey, 1989. Quaker, Teacher, Abolitionist: The Life of Educator-Reformer Enoch Lewis, 17761856, by Paul W. Grasek, 1996. Qualitative Study of Central New Jersey Home Schoolers As a Reform Movement, A, by Veronica Mary Denoia, 2001. Quest for Harmony: Religion in the Origin Of the Antebellum Woman’s Rights Movement, The, by Patricia B. Ash, 1998. Quest for Social Justice, The: A Study of Walter Rauschenbusch and His Influence on Reinhold Niebuhr and Martin Luther King, Jr., by Drexel Timothy Brunson, 1981. Question of Authority: Protestants in Virginia and the Carolinas and the Tension between Religion and Politics, 1835-1861, A, by R. Drew Smith, 1990. Question of Elementary Education in th Third Russian State Duma, 1907-1912, The, by Phillip Santa Maria, 1978. Question of Taxation of Catholic Church Property in Colombia Under the Concordat, The, by Thaddeus Carl Zolty, 1973. Quests for Certainty in American Social Thought since World War II, by Rameth Richard Owens, 1989. Quigzhen: A Study of Ethnoreligious Identity Among Hui Muslim Communities in China, by Dru C. Gladney, 1987.

Rabbinic Legends of Saul, Solomon, an David: Pplitical and Social Implication of Aggeda, by Sandra R. Shimoff, 1982. Rabbinic Legislation on Idolatry—Tractat Abodah Zarah, Chapter I, by Geral Jacob Blidstein, 1969. Rabbinical and Civil Courts in Israel: Dual Legal System in Action, by Hedv PoratMartin, 1980. Radhakrishnan and the Religion of the Spirit: A Vedantic Perspective on Peace and Human Rights, by Eugene Lee Gladney, Jr., 1992. Radical Catholicism: The Political Thought and Action of Emmanuel Mounie, by Kevin John Cassidy, 1978. Radical Nationalists and Protestant Christian Churches in Ghana, 1949-1966, by Francis Kwami Kokuma, 1983. Radical Protestantism in England, 1534 to 1640, by Lynnewood Frank Martin, 1972. Radical Reformation in Nurnberg, 1524-1530, The, by David McClelland Hockenbery, 1974. Radical Religious Ideas of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, The: A Comparison, by Constance Bartlett Schulz, 1974. Radical Right in Mexico, 1929-1949, The, by Hugh Gerald Campbell, 1969. Radical Royalism of Thomas Hobbes, The: An Historical Interpretation of His Political Theory, by James Jay Hamilton, 1979. Radical Tradition in Islam and the Islamist Tendency in Contemporary Egypt, The, by Syed Rashid Naim, 1990. Radio Priest: The Public Career of Father Charles Edward Coughlin, by Richard Akin Davis, 1975. Ralph D’Escures, Anglo-Norman Abb and Archbishop, by Mary Amanda Clark, 1976. Ram in the Thicket, A: The Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War, by John Frank George Yurtinus, 1978. Rather of Verona: Pre-Gregorian Reformer, by Louis Francis Lumachi III, 1978. Rationale and Frameworks for Religious Studies in Public Secondary Social Studies Education Based on the Philosophy of Philip Henry Phenix, A, by Elizabeth Otto Daniell, 1980. Reach of Congressional Power under Section Five of the Fourteenth Amendment: City of Boerne v. Archbishop Flores as a Case Study (Texas), The, by Sean Patrick Meadows, 2003. Reaction of the Protestant and the Catholic Churches in the U.S.A. to the Spanish Civil War, The, by Pedro Manuel Arrambide, 1977. Reaction of the St. Louis Jewish Community to Anti-Semitism: 1933-1945, by Burt Alan Boxerman, 1968. Reading the Clarence Thomas Hearings: Ideology, Context, Discourse and Meaning, by Valerie Elverton Dixon, 1998. Realism and Moral Enlightenment in Machiavelli’s Discourses on Livy, by Daniel T. Gallagher, 1993. Reasons Why Parents Enroll Their Children in Fundamentalist Christian Schools and Why Churches Sponsor Them, by Dalton Farrell Ham, 1983. Rebellion and Response in Ancient India: Political Dynamics of the Hindu-Buddhist Tradition. by Cynthia Keppley Mahmood, 1986. Recasting the Dream: Martin Luther King, Jr., African American Political Thought and the Third Reconstruction, 1955-1968, (Volumes I and II), by Thomas F. Jackson, 1994.

Recent Development of an Evangelical Theology of Social Concern, A: Its Implication for Christian Education in the Korean Church, by Sunki Bang, 1988. Rechristianizing America: The Reconstruction and Kingdom Now Movements in American Evangelical Christianity, by Bruce A. Barron, 1991. Reciprocity and Political Theology: Wolfhart Pannenberg and Three Americans—John B. Cobb, Jr., Carl E. Braaten, and Richard John Neuhaus, by Gary Martin Simpson, 1983. Reconstructing Belfast: The Politics of Faith and Peace in Northern Ireland, by Liam Donat Murphy, 2000. Reconstructing Community: Authority and the Politics of Islam in the Soviet Union, by Mark Andrew Saroyan, 1990. Redemptive Politics of Henry George, The: Legacy to the Social Gospel, by Eileen Williams Linder, 1985. Reenchanting the Law: The Religious Dimension of Judicial Decision-making, by Marc C. Modak-Truran, 2002. Re-evaluating the Influence of the Religious Belief on the Vote, by Robert Thomas Sims, 1996. Reevaluation of the Episcopacy of Michael Domenec, 1860-1877, Second Bishop of Pittsburgh and Only Bishop of AlIegheny, by Cecilia Murphy, 1976. Reform and Revolution in Shi’i Islam: The Thought of Ali Shariati, by Abbas Navabi, 1988. Reformation and Modernity: The Political Meaning of Calvin’s Theology, by Ralph Cornel Hancock, 1983. Reformation and Secularization of Zaytuna University, The, by Keith Wayne Martin, 1976. Reformation Clergy of Coventry and Lichfield, 1536-1559, The, by Cecilia Ann Middlemas Johnson, 1977. Reformation in La RochelIe: Religious Change, Social Stability, and Political Crisis 1500-1568, by Judith Chandler Pugh Meyer, 1978. Reformation Influence on Hessian Education, by William John Wright, 1971. Reformation, War and Society in Caen, Lower Normandy: 1558-1610, by Marelise Suffern Lamet, 1979. Reformed Community of Leiden, 1572-1620, The, by Christine Jane Kooi, 1933. Reformed Social Ethics and the Korean Church, by Nak-Heong Ynag, 1993. Reforming the Church of England, 1895-1919, by John David Zimmerman, 1977. Reform in the Central District of Oaxaca, 1856-1867, The: A Case Study, by Charles Redmon Berry, 1968. Reform Program of Dr. Mariano Galvez, Chief-of-State of Guatemala, 1831-1838, The, by Miriam Williford, 1965. Reform: The Popularization and Politicization of Judaism, by Ethan M. Fishman, 1975. Refugees and Revolutionaries: Defining Pluralism in Early America, by Elizabeth Jane Lewis Pardoe, 2000. Refusal to Cease Suffering, The: The Crucified People and the Liberation of Desire, by Daniel Milton Bell, Jr., 1998. Refusal to Utilize Judicial Machinery in Conflict Resolution, The: A Political Systems Analysis of the Amish Dispute, by Harrell Ross Rodgers, Jr., 1969. Regeneration and Politics: Buber’s Idea of Nationhood, by Janet Catherine Menard, 1989. Reginald, Cardinal Pole, 1553-1558, by Frank Vernon Barchard, Jr., 1972.

Regulating Religious Contention: Islamic Collective Action and Patterns of Mobilization in Jordan, by Quintan Wiktorowicz, 1998. Regulation of the Rights of Individuals for the Common Good: An Analysis of Canon 223 §2 in Light of American Constitutional Law as Articulated in Opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States, by David Alan Zwifka, 1998. Reinhold Niebuhr and the Rhetoric of Liberal Anti-Communism: Christian Realism and the Rise of the Cold War, by Russell Foster Sizemore, 1987. Reinhold Niebuhr’s Economic Realism: A Critical Response to Austrian Subjectivism in American Christian Economic Thought, by Charles Arthur McDaniel, 2002. Reinhold Niebuhr’s Perspective on United States Foreign Policy, by Ronald Henry Stone, 1970. Reinhold Niebuhr’s Thought on War and Peace: An Analysis of the Development of his Views, by Howard Allen Mickel, 1971. Reino de Dios e Iglesia en eI Proceso Histonco de Liberaci6n: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas, by Jorge Pantelis M., 1978. Reinstating the Religious Nation: A Study of National Religious Persuasion, Settlement, and Violence in Hebron, by Tamara Neuman, 2000. Reinterpretation of the Relevance of John Dewey’s Educational Philosophy to India, by Jyothi Raju Balla, 1981. Relation between Religious Enlightenment and Politics in America, The: 1740-1840, by Lynn Ray Wessell, 1978. Relation of the Frisian Mennonites to the Public Schools of Elkhart, Indiana, 18531885, The, by Judith K. Bailey, 1992. Relation of the State to Higher Education in Pennsylvania, 1776-1874, by Warren Bosset Fruechtel, 1966. Relations Between the Church and the State under Louis-Alexander Taschereau, 1920-1936, The, by Antonin Dupont, 1972. Relations Between the Russian Protestant Sects and the State, 1900-1921, The, by Andrew Quarels Blane, 1966. Relationship Between Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The, by Ayman Al- Y assini, 1983. Relationship of John Amos Comenius’Theology to His Educational Ideas, The, by Sook Jong Lee, 1987. Relationship of John the Baptist to the Covenanters of Qumran, The, by Harry Edward Moore, Jr., 1972. Relationship of Political Culture and Public School District Policies in Texas, by David Ray Wingard, 1997. Relationship of Spirituality and Religious Life to the Moral Development of College Students, The, by Verneda Sherall Washington, 1999. Relevance of H. R. Niebuhr’s Ethics of Response to Korean Christian Context, The: A Critical Inquiry into Niebuhr’s Ethics from a Non-Western Context, by Sung Bihn Yim, 1994. Relic State, The: St Francis Xavier and the Politics of Ritual in Portuguese India, by Pamila Gupta, 2004. Religion and Coping with Poverty in Brazil, by Cecelia Loreto Mariz, 1989. Religion and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and the Corporate Withdrawal Movement from Burma, by Lisa Wimberly Allen, 2003. Religion and Education: A Study of the Interrelationship Between Fundamentalism and Education in Contemporary America, by Lanny Ross Bowers, 1985.

Religion and Horror: The American Religious Press Views Nazi Death Camps and Holocaust Survivors, by William D. Camp, 1982. Religion and Individualism in a Democracy: Tocqueville’s Analysis Applied to Contemporary American Politics, by Deanna Henson Greisen, 1990. Religion and Law in Colonial New England, 1620-1730, by Katherine A. Hermes, 1995. Religion and National Consciousness in the History of the Rusins of CarpathoRuthenia and the Byzantine Rite Pittsburgh Exarchate, by Walter C. Warzeski, 1966. Religion and Nationalism: American Methodism and the New Nation in the Early National Period 1776-1844, by Theodore C. Linn, 1972. Religion and Nationalism in Early Zionist Movement (1882-1904), by Ehud Luz, 1977. Religion and Nation-State Formation in Melanesia: 1945 to Independence, by Graham Hume Hassell, 1990. Religion and Nationalism in a Traditional Society: Ideology, Leadership and the Role of the Umma Party as a Force for Social Change in the Northern Sudan, by Andrew Vincent, 1988. Religion and Nationalism in Quebec: The Saint-Jean Baptiste Celebrations in Sociological Perspective, by Donald Luc Boisvert, 1990. Religion and Political Development in Turkey, by Binnaz Sayari, 1977. Religion and Politics in Central America: The Religious Determinants of Political Activities and Beliefs in Costa Rica and Guatemala, by Timothy J. Steigenga, 1996. Religion and Politics in Transition: American Catholics since the Second Vatican Council, by Richard Joseph Gelm, 1991. Religion and Politics in Islam: The Case of Mihammadiyah in Indonesia’s New Order, by M. Sirajuddin Syamsuddin, 1991. Religion and Politics: Persecution of Catholics in the Late Choson Dynasty Korea, by Tai-Sik Jung, 2001. Religion and Education: A Study of the Interrelationship Between Fundamentalism and Education in Contemporary America, by Lanny Ross Bowers, 1985. Religion and Politics: A Case Study, by Steve Alden Martin, 1974. Religion and Politics: An Empirical Inquiry, by Thomas Joseph Hoffman, 1983. Religion and Politics in America, by Paul James Lopatto, 1983. Religion and Politics in the Jacksonian Era, by Earl Irvin West, 1969. Religion and Politics in the Punjab in the 1920’s, by Prem Raman Uprety, 1976. Religion and Politics in the Reformation: Philipp of Hesse and the Consolidation and Expansion of. German Protestantism, 1531-1536, by Abram Jacob Dueck, 1972. Religion and Politics: The Influence of Catholicism on American Politics in the Last Decade, by Mary Therese Hanna, 1977. Religion and Politics: The Political Behavior of West Virginia Protestant Fundamentalist Sectarians, by Robert Melvin Reinhardt, 1975. Religion and Politics: The Search for Political Legitimacy of the Pan-Islamic Party of Malaysia, by Zambry Bin Abd Kadir, 1995. Religion and Politics Under the First Two Tughluqs as Viewed in Contemporary Traditional Sources, With Special Reference to Barani, by Rivanne Melnik, 1972. Religion and Preventive Health Care Use in Older Adults, by Maureen Reindl Benjamins, 2004. Religion and Radicalism: The American Catholic Left as a Social Movement, 1961-

1975, by Charles Anthony Mecones, 1978. Religion and Reconciliation in the Multi-ethnic States of the Third World: Fiji, Trinidad, and Guyana, by Ralph R. Premdas, 1991. Religion and Reform in Peru, 1824-1945, by Jeffrey Lockwood Klaiber, 1978. Religion and Revolution in Iran: Ali Shari’ati’s Contributions to the Revival of Shi’ism, by Mohammad Naghi Yousefi-Ghadim, 1990. Religion and Social Change: The American Churches and the Anti-War Movement, 1960-1970, by Ronald Otto Haverlandt, 1972. Religion and Social Transformation: A Liberative Approach, by Arm Sabet, 1990. Religion and Society in Albany, New York, 1652-1836, by David Gray Hachett, 1986. Religion and Society in Eighteenth-Century England: Geographic, Demographic, and Occupational Patterns of Dissent in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1715-1801, by Charles Isaac Wallace, Jr., 1976. Religion and Society in Late Medieval Bavaria: The Cult of Saint Leonard, 12581500, by Steven Douglas Sargent, 1983. Religion and Southern Politics: The Political Behavior of Southern White Protestants, by Donald McKinley Freeman, 1965. Religion and the American Revolution in the South, 1760-1781, by William Everett Pauley, Jr., 1975. Religion and the Common Good: Catholic Contributions to Building Community in a Liberal Society, by Brian Edward Stiltner, 1997. Religion and the Continental Congress, 1774-1789, by Derek Hamilton Davis, 1993. Religion and the Founders of Greek Colonies, by Irad Malkin, 1982. Religion and the New Nationalisms: The Case of Quebec, by Neil Hugh Nevitte, 1979. Religion and the Public Elementary School as Viewed by the Library Media Specialist, by Wayne Gilbert Warner, 1982. Religion and the Public Schools: A Search for Consensus, by Kathryn Ogier Alexander, 1988. Religion and the Public Schools of Colorado, An Historical Analysis, 1851-1963, by Richard Vernal Anderson, 1966. Religion and the Russian Orthodox Church as Factors of National Identity ReConstruction in Postcommunist Russia, by Yuri A. Chumakov, 2003. Religion and the Schools: The Struggle for Protestant Christian Education in Utrecht in the Nineteenth Century, by John Valk, 1989. Religion and the Social Order in a Twentieth-century City: Six Dallas Leaders, by Peter Wallace Agnew, 1999. Religion and the Struggle for Hegemony in Nicaragua, by Kalowatie Deonandan, 1992. Religion as Mass Politics: State and Religion in Egypt, India and the United States, by Scott W. Hibbard, 2006. Religion as the Basis of Social Change Among the Bataks of North Sumatra, by Paul Bodholdt Pedersen, 1970. Religion, Basic Education and the First Amendment: The Supreme Court from Fuller to Warren, by Thomas F. O’Donnell, Jr., 1974. Religion, Education, and Louisiana’s Cultural Boundary, 1880-1940, by James Godfrey Dauphine, 1989. Religion, Gender, and Political Cultures: Attitudes and Participation in Brazilian Basic Christian Communities, by Carol Ann Drogus, 1991.

Religion in Indiana’s Public High Schools: A Survey of School Superintendents, Analysis of School Board Policies, and a Review of 11 th grade U. S. History Textbooks, by Thomas G. Jones, 1997. Religion in Iranian Nationalism: The Study of the Fadayan-I Islam, by Adele Kazemi Ferdows, 1968. Religion in Kansas High School Social Studies, by Allan Ray Miller, 1974. Religion in State-Supported Senior Colleges and Universities, by Robert Martin Platt, 1965. Religion in the Classroom—A Silhouette Comparison of Group Attitudes Relative to the Informal Versus the Formal Teaching Approach in the Public Schools, by Thomas Paul Hill, 1967. Religion in the First Amendment: A Social Theory Approach to Constitutional Interpretation, by J. R. Burkholder, 1972. Religion in the Undergraduate Curriculum of the American State University: An Historical Study, by Martin A. Lang, 1966. Religion in Tocqueville’s Social Thought, by Alberto Arroyo, 1994. Religion, Knowledge and Public Education, by Gordon Leslie Young, 1985. Religion, Legality, and the State: 1983 Sundanese Penal Code, by Ibrahim Zein, 1989. Religion, Morality, and America’s Public Schools, by Raymond Rohrer Roberts, 1999. Religion, Motivation, and Philanthropy to Higher Education, by Gregory Lawrence Cascione, 2000. Religion, Nationalism, and Ethnicity in Israel: The Case of the Karaite Jews, by Sumi Elaine Colligan, 1981. Religion of Democracy: William James and Practical Idealism in Evolutionary America, 1870-1910 (William M. Salter, Thomas Davidson), The, by Amy Kittelstrom, 2004. Religion, Pluralism, and the Limits of Progressive Refonn: Presbyterian Women Home Missionaries in New Mexico, 1870-1930, by Susan Mitchell Yohn, 1987. Religion, Race, and Gender in Antebellum American Radicalism: The Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society, 1833-1870, by Carolyn Luverne Williams, 1991. Religion, Regime, and Politics: The Founding and Political Development of Utah, by Roger Milton Barrus, 1984. Religion, Society, and Politics . . ., by Elizabeth Briggs, 1987. Religion, Society, and Utopia in Nineteenth-Century America, by Ira Lee Mandelker, 1983. Religion, the State, and Education: The Supreme Court and Perspectives of Theory, by Kenneth Franklin Mott, 1968. Religion Through the Times: An Examination of the Secularization Thesis Through Content Analysis of the New York Times, 1855-1975, by Robert B. Pettit, 1986. Religion y Sociedad en la Obra de Vicente Lenero, by Miguel Angel Nino, 1978. Religiosity and United States Army Spouses’ Perceptions of Coping with Deployment and Satisfaction with Life, by Janet Rae Crow, 2005. Religious Affiliation and Social Interaction in a Small Town Community, by Ellen B. Dubas, 1990. Religious Affiliation as a Factor in the Voting Records of Members of the EightyNinth Congress, by John Robert Warner, Jr., 1969. Religious Amendment Movement, The: God, People and Nation in the Gilded Age, by Stewart Olin Jacoby, 1984. Religious and Moral Legitimations of Apartheid in Nederduitse Gerefonneerde Kerk,

Nationalist Party and Broederbond, 1948-Present, by Cecil Mzingisi Ngcokovane, 1986. Religious and Political War over Jefferson’s Educational Vision, 1760-1845, The, by Cameron Clark Addis, 2000. Religious and Political Views of John Selden, The, by Richard Anthony Filloy, 1979. Religious and Social Philosophy of the S6kagakkai, The, by Daniel Alfred Metraux, 1978. Religious Antimasonry: The Genesis of a Political Party, by William Henry Brackney, 1977. Religious Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy: An Analysis of Statements by Religious Groups, by J. Andy Smith, III, 1983. Religious-based Managed Care: A Wesleyan Paradigm for Reforming Health Care, by Leslie Bryan Williams, 1998. Religious Change and the Reconstruction of Idoani (a Yoruba Community), by Abiola Monisola Olatokunbo Ogunsola, 1986. Religious Commitment and Its Political Consequences among Seventh-Day Adventists in the United States, by Edwin Ivan Hernandez, 1989. Religious Commitment and the American Political Left, by Paul Michael Perl, 2000. Religious Commitment: Its Origins and Consequences for Social Conservative and Political Action, by Evelyn Debo Jay, 1982. Religious Conflict in Nigeria: A Role for Religious Education, by Adebisi Akinde, 1989. Religious Conflict in Venezuela During the Revolutionary Age of 1810 to 1830, The, by Giacomo Cassese, 1996. Religious Content in Selected Social Studies Textbooks, by Richard Cupp McMill, 1971. Religious Content in State-Approved Textbooks Used in American Public Secondary Schools in the Fields of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies During the Year 1966, by Richard Daniel Blocker, 1969. Religious Dimensions in the Farm Worker Movement, The, by Alan J. Watt, 1999. Religious Dimensions of the Agrarian Protest in Texas, 1870-1908, by Keith Lynn King, 1985. Religious Education Program Goals, School Climate and Religious Knowledge Level in Catholic Elementary Schools, by Leslie Austin Colaco, 1982. Religious Environments and Political Actors, by Christopher Peter Gilbert, 1990. Religious Elites and Political Regime Change: The Latin American Conferences of Roman Catholic Bishops during the 1990s, by Rodolfo Soriano-Nunez, 2006. Religious Experience and Political Thought in Sweden: Basic Beliefs and the Political Culture, by Joseph Hugh Keen, 1975. Religious Factor in Canadian Political Life, The: An Application of Reference Group Theory, by Dale Eugene Schlenker, 1992. Religious Faith and Civil Religion: Evangelical Responses to the Vietnam War, 19641973, by Andrew LeRoy Pratt, 1988. Religious Faith Development in White, Christian, Undergraduate Students Involved in Religious Student Organizations, by Timothy L. Wilson, 2004. Religious Freedom in Public Education: The Relationship Between High School Educators’First Amendment Knowledge and Their Opinions about Religion in Public Schools, by Amber M. Luke, 2004. Religious Freedom in the Thought of the Reverend John Courtney Murray, S.J. and American Catholic Catechetics, by Donald Thomas Russo, 1984.

Religious Freedom on the Chopping Block: Why the Smith Rule is Preferable to the Sherbert Test, by Timothy Patrick Gordinier, 2000. Religious Goals and School Climate Selected Catholic Elementary Schools Administered by Lay and Religious Principals, by Mary Kathryn Thornton, 1981. Religious Groups as Political Organizations: A Comparative Analysis of Three Indian States, by Stephen A. Oren, 1971. Religious Groups at the United NationS: A Study of Certain Religious NonGovernmental Organizations at the United Nations, by Neal Malicky, 1971. Religious Healing and American Courts in the Twentieth Century: The Liberties and Liabilities of Healers, Patients, and Parents, by Barry Nobel, 1991. Religious Ideas’of Prosper Merimee, by John Bostwick Holley, 1972. Religious Identity of College Students the Holding Power of Church Denominations, The, by Marianne Catherine Ferguson, 1981. Religious Identity of the Church and Its Social and Political Mission in South Africa, 1948-1984, The: A Historical and Theological Analysis, by Gladstone Sandi Baai, 1988. Religious Influence upon the Law: California Substantive Criminal Law Model, by Raymond G. Decker, 1974. Religious Influences in Public Junior Colleges, by Hughbert Hall Landram, 1969. Religious Innovation and the Politics of Argentina, A: A Study of the Movement of Priests for the Third World, by Jimmie Michael Dodson, 1975. Religious Instruction Practices in Public Schools of Seven Mid-West States, by Robert Dean Looft, 1967. Religious Leaders and Social Criticism New Orleans, 1800-1861, by Timothy Frank Reilly, 1974. Religious Leaders, Religious Groups and Politics in Puerto Rico, by Héctor M. Martinez, 2000. Religious Legislation in Calvinist Geneva (1536-1564) and Modern Israel (19481975), by Philip LeRoy Culbertson, 1978. Religious Liberty and Civisme Morale: Alexandre Vinet, French Protestantism, and the Shaping of Civic Culture in Nineteenth-century France, by Ellen Astrid Koehler, 2002. Religious Liberty and the Theocratic Vision: Southern Baptists and Church-State Relations, 1960-1987, by Joseph Samuel Isgett, Jr., 1989. Religious Liberty in Israel: A Study Covering a Period of Fifteen Years—From the Founding of the State in 1948 until 1963, by Dwight Leonard Baker, 1965. Religious Lobby Groups: The Pluralism of the Catholic Community, by Thomas John O’Hara, 1988. Religious Motive in the Development of Education in Colonial Western Massachusetts, The, by Arthur Louis Bertrand, 1966. Religious Neutrality under the Constitution: An Analysis of Alternative Rationales of the First Amendment Religion Clauses, by Myles Clayton Stenshoel, 1966. Religious Pluralism and the State: A Socio-ethical Study of the Religious Factor in Nigeria’s Politics, by Simeon Olusegun Ilesanmi, 1993. Religious Pluralism and the Theory of Deep Diversity, by David Earl Sinacore-Guinn, 1997. Religious Policies and Selected Practices in Public Schools of Oklahoma, by Jack Calvin Herron, Jr., 1989. Religious Policy of Justinian I and His Religious Beliefs, The, by Asterios N. Gerostergios, 1975.

Religious Policy of the British East India Company, 1806-1814, The, by Weldon Robert Hess, 1966. Religious Question in the Early Irish National Schools, The, by Eugene Riordan, 1971. Religious Radicalism during the French Revolution: A Representative Study, by Paul Martin Priebe, Jr., 1977. Religious Resurgence and Religious Terrorism: A Study of the Actions of the Shii’s Sectarian Movements in Lebanon, by Ayla Hammond Schbley, 1988. Religious Rites and Riots: From Community Identity to Communalism in North India, 1870-1940, by Sandria B. Freitag, 1981. Religious Television and the Creation of Meaning: A Study of Evangelical Programming, by Janice Ann Peck, 1988. Religious Thought and Evolutionary Ideas: Darwin, Religious Belief, and Education in Ontario, 1860-1890, by Ruth Mary Weir, 1984. Religious Thought of the Protestant Laity in England, 1590-1640, The, by Marc Lewis Schwarz, 1966. Religious Traditions as Civil Society Actors in South Africa, 1910-2002, by Derrick Keith Hudson, 2004. Religious Unorthodoxy and Radical Politics: The Political Theory of Gerrard Winstanley, by John Milton Harvey, Jr., 1983. Religious World of the Revolutionary John Adams, The, by Philip Kevin Goff, 1993. Remembering History Presently: African-American Historiography, Jim-Crow Nostalgia, and the New American Race, by Tommy Sang-Uk Kim, 2005. Remote Control: A History of the Regulation of Religion in the Canadian Public Square, by Norman James Fennema, 2003. Remythologizing God for African American Theology, by Keith Alan Banks, 1992. Rendering unto Caesar? Religious Competition and Church-State Relations in Latin America, 1930-1979, by Anthony James Gill, 1994. Render Unto Caesar: John Sharp and Ecclesiastical Politics, 1660-1715, by Robert Barry Levis, 1972. Render to Caesar, Render to God: American Catholic Intellectuals and the Dilemma of Dual Identities, 1895-1955, by Kevin Eric Schmiesing, 1999. Renewal of the Spirit: Exploring the Religious and Spiritual Coping Strategies of the Homeless, by Kimberly Alyson Kennard, 2002. Renewed, the Destroyed, and the Remade, The: The Three Thought Worlds of the Iroquois and the Huron, 1609-1650, by Roger Merle Carpenter, 1999. Representing God in Washington: The Role of Religious Lobbies in the American Polity, by Allen Dale Hertzke, 1986. Repression of Heresy in Germany, 1348-1520, by Richard Alan Kieckhefer, 1974. Republican Virtue and Evangelical Sanctification: Changing Ethical Norms for United States Citizenship, 1791-1860, by Francis Leroy Pepper, 1993. Republican Visions: Constitutional Thought and Constitutional Revision in the Eastern United States, 1815-1830, by Gregory Glen Schmidt, 1982. Residence Hall Ministry Program and Its Contributions to the Office of Religious Affairs at the Pennsylvania State University, The, by Edmund McCormick Miller, 1968. Resilience of Religious Institutions and the Making of Protest Movements, The: A Comparative Study of Tunisia and Iran, by Kamel Ghozzi, 1994. Resistance to Absolutism: Huguenot Organization in Languedoc, 1621-1622, by Steven Mark Lowenstein, 1973.

Resisting Instructional Change: The Stories of Five Public School Teachers, by Susan L. Peligian, Harvard University, 2004. Resocialized Ethnicity: A Study of Jewish Social Scientists, by Allan Carl Mazur, 1970. Resource Management and Socioeconomic Development in the Japanese Coastal Fishing Industry, by Kevin MacEwen Short, 1991. Resource Mobilization in a Revolutionary Situation: The Case of Shi’ah Iran, by Soheyl Moayed-Amini, 1981. Response of the Episcopal Church to Social Change and Social Issues, 1960-1978, The: How These Changes Have Affected the Life and Mission of the Church as Reflected in the Diocese of Long Island, by Arthur James Kelly, 1982. Response to Reform: An Historical Interpretation of the Catholic Settlement, by Margaret Mary McGuinness, 1985. Responsibilities and Practices of Public Schools in Texas in Dealing with Reli gion, The, by Charles J. Andrews, 1976. Responsible Citizen, The: An Essay in Christian Legal Philosophy, by John Frederick Dietz, 1977. Responsible for Righteousness: Social Thought and Action in the Reformed Church in America, 1901-1941, by Lynn Winkels Japinga, 1992. Restless Hearts. Ignatian Spirituality and Justice: A Vision of a Peaceful World, by Benjamin Joseph Urmston, 1998. Restoration of the Church of Ireland, 1660-1668, The, by John Davenport Neville, 1977. Restoration, Recognition, and the Christian Coalition, by Justin Watson, 1996. Restoration Recusancy in the Northwest of England: A Social History, 1658-1673, by Michael James Galgano, 1972. Restoring Faith: The New Christian Right, Religious Liberty, and the Courts, by Steven Preston Brown, 1998. Rethinking Hinduism: A Renewed Approach to the Study of Sect and an Examination of its Relationship to Caste: A Study in the Anthropology of Religion, by Sharat Chandrika Rajagopal, 1987. Rethinking Islamic Law: Genesis and Evolution in the Islamic Legal Method and Structures: The Case of a 20th Century Alim’s Journey into His Legal Traditions. Muhammad al-Ghazali (1817-1996), by Haifaa Genidi Khalafallah, 2000. Rethinking On Liberty: John Stuart Mill, the Religion of Humanity, and the United States Supreme Court, by Christopher Budzisz, 2000. Retrieving the Importance of Social Justice Themes in the Pastoral Letters of the U.S. Catholic Bishops, 1919-1961, by David Paul Schultz, 1998. Return of the Jesuits to Chile, 1836-1866, The, by David Charles Borbridge, 1980. Reverdy C. Ransom: A Pioneer Black Social Gospeler, by Calvin Sylvester Morris, 1982. Reverend Jesse Jackson’s Push for Excellence Program in the Los Angeles Unified School District, The: From Rhetoric to Reality, by Frances Faye Holland Hogan, 1983. Reverend Samuel Johnson, 1696-1772, The: Anglican Protagonist in Colonial America, by Sean Collins Murray, 1978. Reverend Samuel Peters (1753-1826), The: Connecticut Anglican, Loyalist Priest, by Wayne Normile Metz, 1978. Reverend Thomas Allen and Revolutionary Politics in Western Massachusetts, The, by Frank Anthony DeSorbo, 1995. Revitalization of the Church School: Stage I, by LeRoy Bailey, Jr., 1983.

Revivalism and Radicalism: William Lloyd Garrison, Henry Clarke Wright and the Ideology of Nonresistance, by Jayme A. Sokolow, 1974. Revivalism, Fundamentalism, and Masculinity in the United States, 1880-1930, by Chad Alan Gregory, University of Kentucky, 1999. Revelations: Exploring a Faith-based Model of Intervention for Families Leaving Welfare for Work, by Sabrina Ann Williamson, 2003. Revolt against Modernity, A?, The New Christian Right and American Society, by Terry Ann Johnson, 1993. Revolt of Gonzalo Pizarro, The: Peru, 1544-1548, by David Adair Robinson, 1974. Revolution and Peace: The Christian Pacifism of A. J. Muste (1885-1967), by William George Batz, 1975. Revolution and the Millennium: A Comparative, Historical, and Analytical Study of the Functions of Millenarianism in the Chinese, Mexican, and Iranian Revolutions, by James Forrest Rinehart, 1993. Revolutionary Faithfulness: The Quaker Search for a Peaceable Kingdom in China, 1939-1951, by Cynthia Letts Adcock, 1975. Revolutionary Process in Iran, The: January 1978-April 1979, by Alireza Alavi, Kent State University, 1984. Revolution of 1948 in Colombia, The, by Jay Robert Grusin, 1979. Revolution Through Peace? An Inquiry into the Meaning and Significance of the Thought of Dom Helder Camara in the Light of Political Theology and the Quest for a Gospel of Liberation, by Gerald Joseph Schmitz, 1979. Rhetoric and Reality of the Christian Nation Maxim in American Law, 1810-1920, The, by Steven Keith Green, 1997. Rhetoric of a Colonial Controversy, The: Roger Williams Versus the Massachusetts Bay Colony, by John William Reed, 1967. Rhetoric of Religious Polemic, The. A Literary Study of the Church Order Debate in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth I, by Wilma Ann Dickson, 1987. Rhetoric, Religion, Politics: A Study of the Sermons of Lyman Beecher, by Phyllis Ann Della Vecchia, 1974. Richard Aubrey McLemore and Mississippi College: A Study in Educational Leadership, by Billy Ray Hicks, 1983. Richard Burke, Jr.: His Relationship with His Father, Edmund Burke, and Their Joint Efforts in Behalf of the Irish Catholics, 1790-1793, by Vincent Charles Buscareno, 1973. Richard Hooker and the Defense of the Public Orthodoxy, by Raleigh Webster Smith, Jr., 1973. Richard Morison, Humanist and Reformer under Henry VII, by Cissie Rafferty Bonini, 1975. Richard Nixon: Reresentative Religious America, by Jil Penelope Strachan, 1982. Richard T. Ely: Herald of a Positive State by Eugene Yerby Lowe, Jr., 1987. Richtungsstreit, The: Politics, Religion, and Society in Wilhelmine Germany, 19061914, by Ronald John Ross, 1972. Ridgewood School: An American Revitalization Effort, by John Richard Wood, 1983. Riga Ghetto, 1941-1943, The, by Gertrude Schneider, 1974. Right and the Righteous: The Christian Right Confronts the Republican Party, The, by Duane Murray Oldfield, 1992. Righteous Annies, Holy Cause Apocalyptic Imagery and the Civil War, by Terri Dopp Aamodt, Boston University, 1986. Righteous Executioners, The: A Comparative Analysis of Jewish Terrorists of the

1940s and the Palestinian Terrorists of the 1970s, by Gordon Elliott Rayfield, 1980. Righteous Indignation: Religion and Populism in North Carolina, 1886-1906, by Joseph Whitfield Creech, Jr., 2000. Right of Confidentiality and Diocesan Clergy Personnel Records, The, by Kevin E. McKenna, 1990. Right to Religious Autonomy, The, by Emile Lester, 2001. Right to Riot, Aspects of the London High Church Riots, 1710-1723, The, by James Leonard Fitts, 1971. Ring-Wing Politics in Mexican Education: The Textbook Controversy, by Robert Allan Manson, 1970. Rise and Development of the Modernist Muslim Movement in Indonesia During the Dutch Colonial Period (1900-1942), The, by Deliar Noer, 1965. Rise of Catholic and Evangelical Christian Schools in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, The, by Philip Donald McLeod, 1993. Rise of Evangelical Calvinism, The: A Study in Jonathan Edwards and the Puritan Tradition, by Glenn Thomas Miller, 1972. Ritual Healing and Holistic Medicine Among Zulu Zionists, by Charles Sheldon Williams, 1983. Ritualist Crisis, The: Anglo-Catholics and Authority with Special Reference to the English Church Union, 1859-1882, by William Jesse Fong, 1979. Rituals of Power: The Politics of Orisa Worship in Yoruba Society, by Andrew Hennan Apter, 1987. Rivalry for Idealogical Leadership: The German Churches and National Socialism during the Second World War, by Roland Dietwald Blaich, 1976. Rizalista Cult in Philippine Nationalism, The: A Case History of the Uses of a National Hero, by Ruth Ailene Roland, 1970. Robert Baillie and the Second Scots Reformation, by Florence Nina McCoy, 1973. Robert E. Lucey: A Texas Paradox, by Saul Edmund Bronder, 1982. Robert Sellar and the Huntingdon Gleaner: The Conscience of Rural Protestant Quebec: 1863-1919, by Robert Andrew Hill, 1972. Roger Williams and the Rhode Island Colony: A Study in Leadership Roles, by Richard Eugene Withers, 1967. Roger Williams and the Separatist Tradition: English Origins of His Religious and Political Thought, by Hugh Dwayne Spurgin, 1985. Roger Williams in History: His Image in the American Mind, by Donald Skaggs, 1973. Roger Williams’s Radical Biblicism: Scripture Versus Christendom in Puritan New England, by James Preston Byrd, Jr., 1999. Role of Adolf Cardinal Bertram, Chairman of the Fulda Bishops’Conference, in the Church’s Struggle in the Third Reich, The: 1933-1938, by Richard William Rolfs, 1977. Role of Atheism in the Marxist Tradition, The, by David Barrington Thomson Aikman, 1980. Role of Character in Social Ethics, The: An Analysis of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., by William Ronald Large, 1985. Role of Christian Missions in the Establishment of Hong Kong’s System of Education, by David Walter Vikner, 1987. Role of Church and State in Canadian Education, 1800-1867, The, by Howard Joseph Adams, 1967. Role of Conscience in Defenses of Religious Liberty, by Deborah Diamond, 1995.

Role of Doctrine in Helmut Thielicke’s Political Ethics, The, by Howard Fohs Sohn, 1974. Role of Dubois in French Foreign Affairs, 1715-1721, The, by Mary Madeline Walsh, 1966. Role of Evangelical Protestantism in the Formative Years of the Pennsylvania State University, The, by Richard Eugene Wentz, 1972. Role of Islam in the Hegemonic Strategy of Egypt’s Military Rulers (1952-1990), The, by Francis Cabrini Mullaney, 1992. Role of Manuel Doblado in the Mexican Reform Movement, 1855-1860, The, by William John Ross III, 1968. Role of Matthew and Catherine Zell in the Strassburg Reformation, The, by William Henry Klaustermeyer, 1966. Role of Patriarch Nicephorus (A.D. 828), Archbishop of Constantinop the Iconoclastic Controversy, The, John James Travis, 1978. Role of Presbyterian Dissent in Colonial Revolutionary Virginia, 1740-1785, by Katherine Lowe Brown, 1970. Role of Protestantism in the Founding of Public Primary Instruction in France, 18141833, by Paul Gene Randolph, 1973. Role of Religion at Selected State Colleges and Universities in the United States, The, by Harry Donl Peterson, 1966. Role of Religion in Abraham Lincoln’s Statesmanship, The: Moderating the Influence of Religion in a Self-governing Regime while Preserving its Legitimate Claim on the Souls of the Nation, by Lucas Eugenio Morel, 1994. Role of Religion in Higher Education, The: Evidence from Faculty Surveys at Baylor, Notre Dame, Boston College, and Brigham Young and from OLS Regression Models Based on All National Private Universities, by Stephanie Marie Litizzette Mixon, 2000. Role of Religion in the Social and Political Thought of Alexis De Tocqueville, The, by Cynthia J. Hinckley, 1986. Role of the Anglican Church and Its Clergy in the Political Life of Colonial Virginia, The, by Alan Kenneth Autin, 1970. Role of the Catholic Church in the Chilean Countryside, 1925-1964, The, by Hannah Whitman Stewart, 1985. Role of the Catholic Church in Elaborating a Counter Hegemony in Opposition to the Dominant Groups in Brazil and Poland, The, by Rosa Maria Bettencourt, 1996. Role of the Catholic Church in the Revolution Against President Juan D. Peron (Argentina, 1954-1955), The, by Ruben Jesus De Hoyos, 1972. Role of the Catholic Layman in the Church and American Society as Seen in the Editorials of Commonweal Magazine, The, by Martin James Bredeck, 1978. Role of the Catholic Worker Movement in American Pacifism, 1933-1972, The, by John Leo LeBrin, 1974. Role of the Christian Community in a Secular State, The: India as a Case Study, by Abraham Vazhayil Thomas, 1971. Role of the Church and the Military on the Southern Castilian Frontier from 11701214, The, by Meldon J. Preusser, 1974. Role of the Church in America’s Search for Its Soul in a Postmodern World, The: Defining Spirituality in Community Life, by Lowell Roger Greathouse, 2001. Role of the Clergy During the Struggle for Independence in Peru, The, by Consuelo Sparks, 1973. Role of the Episcopacy in English Municipal Politics During the Middle Ages, The: The

Example of Four Bishoprics, by David Randolph Carr, 1972. Role of the Establishment of Religion Clause as It Relates to the Church’s Activity, The, by James Lamar Cox, 1966. Role of the Ethnic Church Schools in the History of Education in the United States, The: The Detroit Experience, 1850-1920, by Malvina Hauk Abonyi, 1987. Role of the Local Pastor in the Political Mobilization of Evangelical Protestants, The, by J. Kathleen Harder, 1988. Role of the Ulama in Twentieth Century Iran with Particular Reference to Ayatullah Haj Sayyid Abul-Qasim Kashani, The, by Mohammad Hassan Faghfoory, 1980. Role of Values in Campaign Communication, The, by Christine Ann Gordon, 1999. Role of Values in Higher Education, The: A Case Study of Two Higher Education Institutions, by Bonnie Lou Burchett, 1999. Role Played by Gomes Freire de Andn the Exile of the Jesuits from the F guese Empire, The, by Mary A, Reagan, 1979. Roles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Relation to the United States Military, The, by Joseph F. Boone, 1976. Roman Catholic Church in the United States and the Civil Law of Divorce, The: A Theological Analysis and Critique of the Teaching on the Relationship Between Civil Law and Christian Morality, by Philip John Grib, 1983. Roman Catholic Church-State Relations in Poland 1944-1983, by Bogdan Szajkowski, 1987. Roman Catholicism and the Defining of Tanzanian Socialism, 1953-1985: An Analysis of the Social Ministry of the Roman Catholic Church in Tanzania, by John C. Sivalon, 1990. Romolo Murri and the First Christian Democratic Movement in Italy, by M. Martine Hundelt, 1965. Ronald Sider and Radical Evangelical Political Theology (Vols. I and II), by Jeffrey McClain Jones, 1990. Root and Branch: New England’s Religious Radicals and Their Transatlantic Community, 1600- 1660, by Barbara Ritter Dailey, 1984. Roots of Jewish Political Thought in America, The, by William Stephen Berlin, 1977. Rostopchins and Roman Catholicism in Early Nineteenth Century Russia, The, by Daniel Lyons Schlafly, Jr., 1974. Rouen during the Wars of Religion: Popular Disorder, Public Order, and the Confessional Struggle, by Philip Joseph Benedict, 1977. Royal Debt, Noble Power, Ecclesiastical Wealth: The Fiscal Crisis of the Danish Monarchy under Frederick I, 1523-1533, by William Marks Bomash, 1980. Royalism of Peter Heylyn, The: The Political Biography of A Laudian Churchman, by Rose Ethel Althaus Meza, 1979. Royal Period of Colonial Maryland, 1689-1715, The, by David William Jordan, 1968. Royal Policy and Religious Dissent Within the Parlement of Paris, 1559-1563, by Linda Constance Lovejoy Taber, 1983. Ruler Cults of the Seleucids, The, by Arthur Edward Millward, 1975. Rules, Republicans, the Right to Life, and Realignment: The Polarization of Party Platforms, 1976-1996, by Melody Rose Butler, 1997. Rural Religion: Protestant Community and the Moral Improvement of the South Jersey Countryside, 1676-1800, by John Fea, 1999. Russell H. Conwell and the Crisis of American Individualism, by Daniel W. Bjork, 1974. Russian Baptist Union, 1917-1935, The: Evangelical Awakening in Russia, by Paul D.

Steeves, 1977. Russian Bible Society, 1812-1826, The, by Judith Cohen Zacek, 1968. Russian Church and the Politics of Reform in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century, The, (Volumes I and II), by Cathy Jean Potter, 1993. Russian Orthodox Church as a Symbol of Right Order, The: A Voegelinian Analysis, by Lee David Trepanier, 2001. Russian Orthodox Church in the USSR, 1927-1943, The; A Study in Survival, by William Catherwood Fletcher, 1965. Russian Orthodox Church Under German Occupation in World War II, The, by Harvey Francis Fireside, 1969. Russian Orthodox Church Under German Occupation, 1941-1945, The, by Wassilij Alexeev, 1968. Russian Orthodoxy in Crisis and Revolution: The Church Council of 1917-1918, by George T. Kosar, 2004. Russian Parish Clergy, The: Vladimir Province in the Eighteenth Century, by Gregory Lee Freeze, 1977. Ruy Barbosa and Educational Reform in Brazil, 1868-1970, by Phillip Brian Johnson, 1972. Sabbath Crusade, The: 1810-1920, by Roy Zebulon Chamlee, Jr., 1969. Sacred and the Secular, The: Studies in the Cultural History of Protestant Ontario in the Victorian Period, by William Edward de Villiers Westfall, 1979. Sacred Cause of Liberty, The: Political Religion in New England from the First to the Second Great Awakening, by Nathan Orr Hatch, 1976. Sacred Confluence: Worship, History, and the Politics in a Himalayan Village, by Lipika Mazumda, 1998. Sacred Music in Public School: A Historical Consideration of Policy and Practice, by Amanda Kathleen Plummer, 2003. Saint Francis of Assissi and Liberation Theology, by Anthony John Ciorra, 1991. Saints and Patriots: Catholicism in the Bronx, 1920-1940, by Jane Colleen Hannon, 2000. Saints in Power: A Study of the Barebones Parliament, by Tai Liu, 1971. Saints of the Republic: Nahua Religious Obligations in Central Mexico, 1692-1810, by Edward W. Osowski, 2002. Saints, Sinners, and Subjects: Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in Transatlantic Perspective, 1636-1665, by Raymond Dye Irwin, 1996. Salvation and Indian Removal: The Career Biography of the Rev. John Freeman Schermerhorn, Indian Commissioner, by James William Van Hoeven, 1973. Salvation through Separation: The Role of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa in the Formulation of Afrikaner Race Ideology, by Susan Rennie Ritner, 1975. Samuel Richardson and the Religious and Political Controversies Confronting the London Particular Baptists, 1643 to 1658, by Paul Linton Gritz, 1987. Sanctity, Slavery, and Segregation: Methodists and Society in Nineteenth Century Georgia, by Christopher Hendrick Owen, 1991. Sane Society of Bacon and Nineteenth-Century Utopias, The: The Maturation of an Ideology, by Kerry Stephen Walters, 1985. Santarelli Affair, The: A Case Study of Ecclesiastical Policy in the Early Years of the Richelieu Ministry, by Michael Kelleher Becker, 1972. Santos Degollado and the Mexican Reforma, 1854-1861, by John Thornley Hardi, 1978.

Saving America: Fundamentalism and Politics in the Life of J. Frank Norris, by Barry Gene Hankins, 1990. Schleiermacher in Tuebingen: A Study in Reaction, by Carl Egbert Hester III, 1974. School-Based Attitudes of Students and Their Relationships to the School-Based Attitudes of Administrators, Teachers, and Parents in Colorado Seventh-Day Adventist Church Schools, The, by Jimmy Weber Rogers, 1981. School Choice: How Public and Catholic Schools Influence Their Students, by Jennie Woosley Chase, 1996. School Curriculum and the Free Exercise Clause, by Dana Mendelson, 1997. Schooling of Unmarried Sisters, The: Linden Hall and the Moravian Educational Tradition, 1863-1940, by Bonnie Silver Handler, 1981. School Policy and Cognitive Growth in Public and Catholic Secondary Schools, by Sally Barbara Ellen Kilgore, 1983. School Superintendents’Knowledge, Perception, and Attitudes Toward Current Religious Practices in Arkansas Public Schools, by Ruth Carolene Thornton, 1996. School Question in Massachusetts, 1870-1900, The: Its Background and Influence on Public Education, by James Marvin Benjamin, 1970. School Violence in Middle School Years in Japan and the U.S.: The Effects of Academic Competition on Student Violence, by Motoko Akiba, 2001. School Voucher Policy and Parents: Education As a Private Good?, by L. Elaine Halchin, 2000. Schwenkfelders in Eighteenth Century America, The, by Norman Dollin, 1972. Science, Religion, and Ethics in the Writings of Joseph Needham, by Lanny Steven Buettner, 1987. Scotland and the Catholic Emancipation Question, by Charles Gordon Moffat, 1975. Scotland and the Risorgimento, by Janet Hunter Fyfe, 1978. Scots and English Civil War Politics, 1643-1645, The, by Lawrence Kaplan, 1967. Scottish Episcopacy, 1596-1638, The, by Jacquelin Collins, 1965. Scriptures and the English Reformation, 1526-1553, by James Barrett Miller, 1983. Seamless Garment, A: Tutu’s Understanding of the Role of the Church in South Africa, by Mfanyana Gideon Khabela, 1992. Searchers, The: Twentieth Century Catholic Intellectuals and the Transformation of the Church’s Engagement with Science and Technology, by Phillip Marshall Thompson, 1999. Search for a Civic Religion, The: A History of the Character Education Movement in America, 1890-1935, by Stephen Malcolm Yulish, 1976. Search for Female Moral Authority, The: Protestant Women and Rescue Homes in the American West, by Peggy Ann Pascoe, 1986. Searching for a Policy: Attitudes and Policies of Non-governmental Agencies toward the Adjustment of Jewish Immigrants of the Holocaust Era, 1933-1953, as Reflected in Cleveland, Ohio, by Sylvia Bernice Fleck Abrams, 1988. Searching Minds and Questing Hearts: Protestantism and Social Context in Bolivia, by David Clark Knowlton, 1988. Seasons of Hope and Trial: Laws and Judgments on Civil Rights, by Arthur Vail Bridge, 1983. Sebastian Franck: Friend and Critic of Early Anabaptism, by John Aron Toews, 1966. Second-generation Korean-American Christians in Korea: The Migration of Kyopo from a Transnational Perspective, by Ji-Hoon Jamie Kim, 2004. Second Great Awakening in Virginia and Slavery Reform, 1785-1837, The, by Arthur Dicken Thomas, Jr., 1982.

Secret Cult in the West Sepik Highlands, A, by Robert Conrad Brumbaugh, 1980. Secret Societies in Russia and the Decembrist Movement, The, by Michael Krupensky, 1967. Sect and Party: Religion Under Revolution in Cuba, by Caleb Rosado, 1985. Sectarian Agency in a Changing Society, The, by Helen Marie McDaniel, 1970. Sectarianism in Colonial Massachusetts, by Carla Gardina Pestana, 1987. Sects and Politics: The Political Attitudes and Behavior of Conservative-Evangelical and Neofundamentalist Protestants, by Frederick Hans Damaske, 1972. Secular and Religious Tensions in Government-funded Faith-based Social Services Organizations, by James Robert Vanderwoerd, 2003. Secular Clergy in Sixteenth-Century Mexico, The, by John Frederick Schwaller, 1979. Secular Education as a Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Studies in the Mormon Educational Ethos, by Joel Alva Flake, 1987. Secularism of George Jacob Holyoake and Its Implication for the Secular Study of Religion, by David Jonathan Vold, 1975. Secularism Revised: Arab Islam, Religious Freedom, and Equidistance, by Scott S. Morrison, Columbia University, 2004. Secularization at the University of Puget Sound, by George Hiilani Mills, Jr., 1983. Secularization of Credit in the Cauca Valley, Colombia, 1851-1880, The, by Richard Preston Hyland, 1980. Secularization of the Academic WorId-view, The: The History of a Process and Its Consequences for the Study of Education, by Alden LeGrand Richards, 1983. Secularization of the University of Utah to 1920, The, by Joseph Horne Jeppson, 1974. Secular Religion and Social Reform: Felix Adler’s Educational Ideas and Programs, 1876-1933, by Ellen Salzman-Fiske, 1999. Securing a Faithful Ministry: Struggles of Ethnicity and Religious Epistemology in Colonial American Presbyterianism, by Thomas Henry Cornman, 1998. Seeking Zion: The Messianic Ideology of Zevi Hirsch Kalischer, 1795-1874, by Jody Elizabeth Myers, 1985. Seek Ye First the Political Kingdom: Christians and Socialism in the United States, 1890-1940, by Robert Hedborg Craig, 1976. Selected Factors Which Influence Church-Related Education in Developing Countries, by Stuart Paul Berkeley, 1967. Selected Iowa Superintendents’Perceptions of Positive and Negative Attributes of a Voucher System on Public and Private Schools in the State of Iowa, by Joseph Frank Cordaro, 1996. Selection of Fundamentals, A: The Intellectual Background of the Melanesian Mission of the Church of England, 1850-1914, by Sara Harrison Sohmer, 1988. Selective Conscientious Objection to War: The Argument for Exemption, by Steven Lafoon Dalle Mura, 1999. Selective Obedience to the State in Roman Catholic Social Philosophy, by Thomas Anthony Shannon, 1974. Seleka-Rolong and the Wesleyan Methodist Missionaries, 1823-1884, The, by Richard Lyness Watson III, 1975. Self-Concepts of Christian and Public High School Seniors, by Dorothy Potts Lee, 1988. Self-fulfilling Prophecies: Dogmatic Secularism and Political Islam in International Conflict, by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, 2002. Self-sacrifice and Self-realization in Mennonite Spirituality, by Marcus O. Smucker,

1987. Self-understanding of the Church and the Quest for Transformation: The Life and Work of the National Council of Churches in the Phillipines under a Regime of Dictatorship (1972-1986), The, by Oscar Susmirano Suarez, 1992. Selling Jesus to Modern America: Campus Crusade for Christ, Evangelical Culture, and Conservative Politics (California), by John G. Turner, 2006. Selling Sobriety: How Temperance Reshaped Culture in Antebellum America, by Graham Donald Warder, 2000. Semper Victor Ens: Evidence for the Policy and Belief of Constantine I Contained in Eusebius’Tncennial Oration, by Harold Allen Drake, 1971. Separation of Church and State in Colonial South Carolina During the American Revolution, The, by John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., 1974. Separation of Church and State in Jeffersonian Virginia, by Miryam Neulander Kay, 1970. Separation of Church and State Principles and the Use of Religious Music in Public School, The, by Edward A Morris, 1980. Separation of Church and State: The Dynamics of Supreme Court Decision Making, by Richard Merrill Johnson, 1966. Sephardic Torah Guardians: Ritual and the Politics of Piety, by Aaron Phillip Willis, 1993. Serpent-doves and Sons of Thunder in Mexico: Comparing the Politics of Latin American Evangelicals, by Paul Joseph Bonicelli, 1993. Serpentine Walls: Courts, Congress, and Church-state Policy-making, by William Steven Mandel, 1990. Servant of Millennialism in American Slavery Literature, 1850-1859, by Gerald Lyn Early, 1983. Servant of Servants . . . Cursed as Pering to the Priesthood, A: Mormon Attitudes toward Slavery and the Black Man, 1830-1880, by Newell George Bringhurst, 1978. Servant of Servants Shall He Be, A,: Paternalism and Millennialism in American Slavery Literature, 1850-1859, by Gerald Lynn Early, 1983. Service as a Vehicle of Communication of the Gospel in a Post-apartheid Society, by Johannes Stephanus Kruger, 1998. Serving God and Country: Presbyterian Leadership in Civic Affairs in North Carolina, 1750-1800, by Alfred Clarence McCall, Jr., 1996. Serving Two Masters: The Professionalization and Bureaucratization of American Military Chaplaincy, 1860-1920, by Richard Merlan Budd, 1994. Settlement on the Little Colorado 1900: A Study of the Processes and Institutions of Mormon Expansion, by Charles Sharon Peterson, 1968. Seventh-Day Adventist Concepts on Church and State, by Eric Douglas Syme, 1959. Seventh-Day Adventist Military Chaplain, The: A Study of Beliefs and Functions in Tension with Military Life, by Barry Clayton Black, 1983. Severing the Gordian Knot: The Search for a Workable Interpretation of the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses, by William Mitchell Gummerson, 1993. Sexing the Nation: State Regulation of Prostitution and Homosexuality in Britain and the Netherlands in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, by Paula Ann Nicole Frederick, 2002. Sexual Ethics and the Christian Life: A Study of 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:7, by Mark Allen Plunkett, 1988. Shaftesbury’s Liberal Critique of Locke, by Mark Andrew Lloyd, 1999.

Shaping Young San Franciscans: Public and Catholic School in San Francisco, 18511906, by Catherine Ann Curry, 1987. Sharing Testimonios: Narrative Practices, Christian Faiths, and the Formation of Transnational Mexicano Communities, by Ethan Philip Sharp, 2005. She wanted to be her own master: Women’s Suits Against Impotent and Abusive Husbands in a Spanish Church Court, 1650-1750, by Edward Joseph BehrendMartinez, 2002. Shifting Sacred Ground: California Catastrophe and Its Moral Meaning, by Edward Richard Gray, 1998. Shi’ism and Politics in Iran, with a Particular Reference to the 1979-Islamic Revolution, by Mohammad Bagher Bazaei, 1993. Shi’ism and the Rise of the Safavid, by Michel M. Mazzaoui, 1967. Shi’ism in Transition, by Mehdi Abedi, 1988. Shi’ism, Political Organization and So Change in Pre-Modern Iran: 1338, by Said Amir Arjomand, 1980. Shining City on a Hill, The: Pragmatism, Ideas of History and Christian Eschatology in North America, by Jay Emerson Johnson, 1998. Should God Bless America? American Jewish Groups in Supreme Court Religion Cases, by Gregg David Ivers, 1989. Shrine Shinto After World War II, 1965, by Wilhelmus Helena Martinus Creemers, 1967. Significance of Politics in the Liberation Theology of Juan Luis Segundo and Gustavo Gutierrez, The, by Raul Luis Cotto-Serrano, 1990. Significance of Paul Tillich’s Protestant Principle for Public Education, The, by Doris Jean Dyke, 1968. Significance of the Sermons of Wenzeslaus Linck, The, by Charles Edgar Daniel, 1970. Significant Influences of Islamic Law on Decreasing Crime Rate in Saudi Arabian Society, The: Attitudinal Comparative Study, by Bakui Mohammed Basha, 1980. Signifying Gender, Race, and Religion: Representation As Political Praxis in the Texts of Zora Neale Hurston, by Judith C. Fagan, 1996. Sign of Contradiction, The: Catholic Personalism in American Culture, 1933-1962, by James Terence Fisher, 1987. Signs of Power, The: A Study of English Anti-Slavery Thought, by Ronald Richardson, 1983. Sikhs of Northern California, The: A Historical Study, by Bruce Wilfred LaBrack, 1981. Sikhs of the Punjab, 1900-1915: A Study of Confrontation and Political Mobilization, by Sarfraz Hussain Khawaja, 1981. Sin and Politics: With Special Reference to Reformed Theology, by Jeong-Kii Min, 1997. Sir Thomas More and Holy Orders: More’s View on the English Clergy, Both Secular and Regular, by Seymour Baker House, 1987. Slave Religious Experience in Biracial Protestant Churches in North and South Carolina from 1822 to 1861, The, by Rodney Mark Nickens, 1999. Slavery Debate in Missouri, 1831-1855, by Barbara Layenette Green, 1982. Slavery in Islamic Law: An Examination of Early Makliki Jurisprudence, by Jonathan Eugene Brockopp, 1995. Slavery Issue and the Organization of a Southern Baptist Convention, by Willie Grier Todd, 1966.

Slippery Earth, The: Nahua-Christian Moral Dialogue in Sixteenth-Century Mexico, by Louise Marie Burkhart, 1986. Social and Economic Background of Philippine Nationalism, 1830-1892, The, by Oades Rizalino Aquino, 1975. Social and Moral Persspectives of Ida B. Wells-Barnett as Resources for a Contemporary Afro-Feminist Christian Social Ethic, The, by Emilie Maureen Townes, 1989. Social and Political Stance of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, The, by Richard J. Cassidy, 1977. Social and Political Thought of Simone Weil, The, by Paul Edmond King, 1976. Social and Political Views of Orestes Augustus Brownson, The, by Nancy Carol Hovarter, 1976. Social and Religious History of the English Civil War in the County of Warwick, by David Franklin Mosler, 1975. Social Aspects of Anabaptism in the Archbishopric of Cologne, 1550-1700, by Charles Thomas Eby, 1978. Social Attitudes of the Protestant Churches During the Second World War, The, by William Edward Orser, 1971. Social Catholic Movement in England, 1920-1955, The, by Mary Vivian Brand, 1965. Social Chance for Christian Education, A: Strategies for a New Approach to Christian Education in Nigeria in View of the Current Search for Educational Relevance, by Silvanus Ndukuba Chioma, 1983. Social Change Among Religious Change Agents, by Robert Allen Orr, 1988. Social Change in Iran: The Roots of the 1978-1979 Revolution, by Seyed Buik Mohammadi, 1983. Social Christianity: A Study of Four Types of Protestant Reactions to New Deal Issues, by Eugene Robbins McVicker, 1980. Social Context of Scientific Creationism, The, by Christopher Paul Tourney, 1987. Social Democratic Ecclesiology. A Study in the Outlines of Church Politics of the Social Democratic Party: 1979-1996, by Lennart Ahlback, 2003. Social Description of the Community Reflected in the Gospel of Mark, A, by James Alan Wilde, 1975. Social Differentiation and Individual Belief: Affluent Christians’Beliefs About Inequality, by Alan K. Mock, 1988. Social Dimensions of John Wesley’s Ministry as Related to His Personal Piety, The, by Robert Edwin Black, 1984. Social, Economic, and Political Preconditions of the Iranian Revolution, 1979, by Minoo Adlzarrabi, 1983. Social Ethics of Gerrard Winstanley, the English Digger (1609-1676), The: A Study of the Concept of True Magistracy as Reflected in His Pamphlets, by Jorge Luis Bardeguez-Roman, 1975. Social Ethics of the Apostolic Fathers, The, by Wesley Lee Gerig, 1966. Social Evangel as Nationalism: A Study of the Salvation Army in Japan, 1895-1940, by Albert Edward Baggs, 1967. Social Functions of Nationalism and Religion in a Pluralist Society, The, by Dorothy Marie Dohen, 1967. Social Gospel and Race, The, by Curtis Robert Grant, 1969. Social Gospel and the Cold War, The: The Melish Case, by Francis Henry Touchett, 1982. Social Gospel Background of the Federal Council of Churches, The, by Eugene Philip

Clemens, 1971. Social Gospel in Connecticut: Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Social Reform, 18931929, The, by Aldorigo Joseph Scopino, Jr., 1993. Social Gospel Movement During the Period of American Reform, 1880-1910, The, by Thomas Woodman Ryley, 1966. Social History of the Anglican Episcopate, 1660-1760, A, by Daniel Ray Hirschberg, 1977. Social History of the Secular Clergy of Lima during the Middle Decades of the Eighteenth Century, by Paul Bentley Ganster, 1975. Social History of Timbuktu, 1400-1900: The Role of Muslim Scholars and Notables, by Elias Ne’meh Saad, 1980. Social Justice and Deuteronomy: The Case of Deuteronomy 15, by Jeffries Mock Hamilton, 1990. Social Justice and Sexual Ethics: An Evaluation of Official Church Teachings on Homosexuality Using Principles of Social Justice Derived from the Papal Encyclicals and Documents of Vatican II, by Kenneth Joseph Zanca, 1988. Social Justice and the Natural Environment in the Study Program of the World Council of Churches, 1966-1990, by Joseph Earl Bush, Jr., 1993. Social Justice in Islamic Law, by Ibrahim Abdulrahman Tokhais, 1983. Social Justice in Islam: Is Islamic Activism Linked to the Government’s Accountability According to Islamic Law?, by Deina Ali Abdelkader, 1995. Social Justice, Social Selves: John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice and Christian Ethics, by William Joseph Werpehowski, 1982. Social Legitimacy and the Political Styles of Protestant Congregations in the United States, by Tony A. Beckham, 2004. Social Meanings of Faith, The, by Stephen Albert Hart, 1980. Social Organizational Aspects of Religious Change Among Basotho, by Dan Bosko, 1983. Social Origins of Bishops in the Fourth Century, The, by Frank Daniel Gilliard, 1967. Social Origins of the 1979 Iranian Revolution: Class and Gender in the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism, by Masoud Kazemzadeh, 1995. Social Origins of the Iranian Revolution: Role of the State and Social Classes, by Mohammad Amjad, 1986. Social Perspectives of Protestant Joumals During the Depression of 1893-1897, by Charles Wilson Patterson, 1971. Social Philosophy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The, by Karl Heinz Wedemeyer, 1970. Social Policy of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America During World War I, The, by John Franklin Piper, Jr., 1966. Social, Political, and Religious Involvements of American College Professors, 17501800, by William Douglass Carrell, 1969. Social Reform and Moral Uplift in the Black Community, 1890-1910: Social Settlements, Temperance, and Social Purity, by Julius Franklin Nimmons, Jr., 1983. Social Response of Christianity in Angola, The: Selected Issues, by Thomas Masaji Okuma, 1965. Social Significance of Religion in the Progressive Period, The, by David Wesley Johnson, 1973. Social Role of Religion in Contemporary Yugoslavia, The, by Norman Gerald Shenk, 1987.

Social Scientists Study Religion: A Case Study of the Literature on New Religions with Particular Reference to the Unification Movement, by James Allan Baughman, 1991. Social Stratification in the New Testament and Early Christianity through 125 C.E., by Gregory Louis Wallace, 2000. Social Structure and Political Power in Peru, by Carlos Alberto Astiz, 1970. Social Structure of the Elizabethan Episcopacy, 1558-1603, The, by Joel Alan Berlatsky, 1971. Social Teachings of the Baptist World Alliance, 1905-1980, The, by Craig Alan Sherouse, 1983. Social Theology and Religiously Affiliated Nonprofits in Migration Policy, by Robert Lane Hoover, 1998. Social Theory and Christian Praxis in the Writings of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky, 1899-1944, by Andrii Krawchuk, 1990. Social Thought of Pope Saint Pius X (1903-14), The, by Joseph Leo Kerins, 1965. Socialist Education Movement and Its Impact on Mexican Education, 1930-48, The, by Raymond T. Multerer, 1975. Socialization of Schoolchildren in the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Study of the Revolution in Values in Iranian Education, The, by Golnar Mehran, 1988. Social Welfare Program of Pope Gregory the Great, The, by John Vincent Wilkinson, 1974. Society and Politics in Counter-Reformation France: A Study of Berulle, Vincent de Paul, Olier, and Bossuet, by Paul Albert Klevgard, 1972. Society and Primary Schools in Spain, 1898-1936, by David Van Holtby, 1979. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts and the Assimilation of Foreign Protestants in British North America, The, by Anne Elizabeth Polk Diffendal, 1975. Socioeconomic Background of Nonpacificist Quakers During the American Revolution, by Kenneth Alan Radbill, 1972. Sociological and Hermeneutical Study of the Influence of Religion on the Rehabilitation of Inmates, A, by Thomas Patrick O’Connor, 2003. Socio-Political Ideology of the Park Regime, The: A Political, Ethical, and Theological Study, by Jae Hyun Nam, 1983. Socio-Religious Communities and Political Parties in the Politicization of Kerala, by Puthen-Veetil Mammen, 1973. Soldiers of the Cross: Confederate Soldier-Christians and the Impact of War on Their Faith, by Kent Toby Dollar, 2001. Solomonic Monarchy at Gonder, 1630-1755, The: An Institutional Analysis of Kingship in the Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia, by LaVerle Bennette Berry, 1977. Some American Jewish Organizational Efforts to Combat Anti-Semitism, 1906-30, by Jacob M. Sable, 1966. Some Aspects of Puritan Opposition in the First Parliament of James I, by Sheldon Hanft, 1971. Some Conditions for Collective Violence: The Charlestown Convent Riot of 1834, by Wilfred Joseph Bisson, 1975. Some Effects of the Russian Communistic Revolution upon the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Soviet Union: 1943-1962, by William Basil Stroyen, 1966. Some Ethical Issues Involved in the Statements of Representative Religious Bodies on the Allocation of Responsibility for Social Welfare, by John Walter Hunter,

1966. Some Historical Factors that Influenced the Interpretation of Religion by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation: 1926-1988, by John William Turner, 1989. Some Implications of the Strategy of the Dravida Kazhagam Movement for the Educational Endeavor of the Church of South India, by Rajamanickam Paulraj, 1973. Some Presuppositions of Released Time, by Raymond Alphonse Lucker, 1970. Some Religious Beliefs and Political Behaviors of Chicago Clergymen from Nine Denominations, by Paul Albert Zehner, 1968. “Something Beyond Religion.” The Catholic Taxpayer’s Association and the Ontario School Tax Question: A Study of Catholic Action in Education, by Peter Matthew Meehan, 2003. Something More for the Glory of God: Cornelia Connelly’s Development of Education for Girls of all Classes of Society, by Roseanne McDougall, 1991. Something Within: Religion in African American Politics, by Frederick C. Harris, 1994. Sons of Temperance: Pioneers in Total Abstinence and Constitutional Prohi bition, by Donald Weldon Beattie, 1967. Soul of American Diplomacy: Religion and Foreign Policy, 1945-1960, The, by William Charles Inboden III, 2003. Soul of Solidarity, The: The Relationship Between the I.W.W. and American Religion in the Progressive Era, by Donald Edward Winters, Jr., 1982. Soul of the City, The: The Work of the Seattle Council of Churches during World War Two, by Douglas Mark Dye, 1998. Soul of the Matter: The Impact of Government Funding on the Catholic Identity and Mission of Holy Family Institute, 1900-2002 (Pennsylvania), The, by Linda Yankoski, 2003. Soul-Politic in Antebellum America, The: The Political Implications of Alexander Campbell’s New Testament Christianity, by John Lyle Ollila, 1983. Sources and Supports for a Sense of Global Responsibility in College Students and Adults, by Cheryl Hollmann Keen, 1983. Southern Baptist and Social Christianity, 1890-1920, by Louis Keith Harper, 1991. Southern Baptist and Southern Culture: Three Visions of A Christian America, 18901945, by David Brian Whitlock, 1988. Southern Baptist Patriots: Religion, Revolution and Nationalism, 1776-1876, by David Weston Marshall, 1989. Southern Baptist Perceptions of and Responses to Roman Catholicism, 1917-1972, by Ira Vinson Birdwhistell, 1976. Southern Baptist Religious Thought, 1919-1931, by James Joseph Thompson, Jr., 1972. Southern Baptist Response to International Affairs and Threats to Peace, 1931-1941, The, by Robert Benjamin Ferguson, 1981. Southern Baptist State Newspapers and Religious Issue During the Presidel Camaigns of 1928 and 1960, The, by Beryl F. McClerren, 1965. Southern Baptists and Selected Church-State Issues: Changing Attitudes and Actiions, 1960-1976, by Stephen Truman Collier, 1979. Southern Dissenting Clergy and the American Revolution, The, by Cline Edwin Hall, 1978. Southern Methodism in the Progressive A Social History, by John Olen Fish, 1970.

Southern Souls and State Schools: Religion and Public Higher Education in the Southeast, 1776-1900, by David Wallace Bratt, Yale University, 1999. Southern White Protestantism and the Crisis of the New South: North Carolina, 1894-1903, by Frederick Augustus Bode, 1970. Sovereignty, Religion, and the Fate of Empires in Early Modern Europe, by Daniel H. Nexon, 2004. Soviet Baptist Preaching in Leningrad, 1990: An Inductive Investigation, by Rick Gordon Cash, 1991. Soweto: Urban Politics, Poverty, and Race in Apartheid Society, by Philip H. Frankel, 1983. Spanish Christian Humanism and Its Influence in Sixteenth Century New Spain, by Albert Wayne Denton, 1971. Spanish Protestant Refugees in Western Europe During the Second Part of the Sixteenth Century, by Paul Jacob Hauben, 1965. Spanish Traditionalism: The Political Thought of the Carlists, by Regina Mezei, 1975. Speaking for the Spirit: Cotton, Shepard, Edwards, Emerson, by Nancy Joy Shaw, 1988. Spindle City, The: Labor, Politics and Religion in Fall River, Massachusetts, 18701905, by Philip Thomas Silvia, 1974. Spirit of the Awakening, The: The Pneumatology of New England’s Great Awakening in Historical and Theological Context, by Thomas Templeton Taylor, 1988. Spirit that Touches the Problems of Today, A: Women and Social Reform in the Philadelphia Young Women’s Christian Association, 1920-1945, by Karen Sue Mittelman, 1987. Spiritual and Secular Activities of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Liberia, 18331933, by John Michael D’Amico, 1979. Spiritual, Collective and Creative Coping among Black Urban Youth: The Impact of an African-centered Worldview, by Latoya Cherise Conner, 2003. Spiritual Combat: The Life and Person of Hugh Peters, a Puritan Minister, by Ronald William Pacy, 1979. Spiritual Concepts in Children’s 1994 Contemporary Realistic Fiction, by Mary Kathryn McColskey, 1999. Spiritualism, Reform and Women’s Rights in Nineteenth Century America, by Ann Deborah Braude, 1987. Spirituality, Education, Narraturgy: From Wells of Living, Writing, Reading, by Daniel George Scott, 1998. Spiritual Superintendent, The: An Exploratory Inquiry into the Existence of a Spiritual Dimension in Selected Superintendents’Leadership, by Barry Lee Swanson, 2001. Spiritual Triage: Clinical Spiritual Education for a Healthcare Facility, by Gary Steward Metcalf, 2001. Spiritual Values Identified by Children’s Librarians and Elementary School Children in Newbery Medal and Honor Books, by Carol Evangeline Trew Yandell, 1990. Spread and the Domination of the Maliki School of Law in North and West Africa, Eighth-Fourteenth Century, The, by Mansour Hasan Mansour, 1983. Spread of Islam in Uganda, 1844-1945, by Abdu B. K. Kasozi, 1976. St. Mary’s Training School (1882-1930): The Function of Education in Society as Reflected in a Catholic Institution, by Geraldine Augustyn Kearns, 1988. Stalinism and the Vatican, by Dennis John Dunn, 1971.

Standard for Repair: The Establishment of Religion Clause of the United States Constitution, A, by Thomas Jeremy Gunn, 1991. Standing “Unswayed in the Storm”: Rabbi Max Heller, Reform and Zionism in the American South, 1860-1929, by Bobbie Malone, 1994. State Aid to Denominational Higher Education: A First Amendment Problem, by Julie Underwood O’Hara, 1984. State Aid to Nonpublic Schools in Missouri, 1959-1971, by Patrick Bernard Dugan, 1973. State Aid to Private Higher Education in North Carolina: A Distributional Impact Analysis, by James Hilliard Young, 1978. State Aid to Students Attending Independent Colleges and Universities: An Analysis of the Effect of State Aid on Equity in the Financing of College Education, by Julianne Fickling Still Thrift, 1983. State and Religions in British India, 1814 to1865, by Louis Fred Knoll, 1972. State, Church, and Private Initiative a fIuential Factors in Elementary School Teacher Preparation in Scandinavia, 1850-1900: A Comparative Study, by Ann B. Weissman, 1979. State, Culture and Foreign Policy: Exploring Linkages in the Muslim World, by Brigid Ann Starkey, 1991. Stated Goals and Purposes of Christian Schools and the Reasons Parents Give for Choosing Them, The, by Cecelia Ruth Short, 2001. State in Its Relations with the Church as Seen by W. E. Gladstone, 1838-1869, The: A Religious Perspective, by Richard Milton Mayer, 1983. State Islam and State Violence: The Case of Saudi Arabia, by Mamoun Hamza Fandy, 1993. State Islamicity in the Twentieth Century: A Case Study of Pakistan (Analysis of the Constitutional History of Pakistan), by Muhammad Malayam Shah Shafiq, 1983. State Law as Islamic Law in Modern Egypt: The Amendment of Article 2 of the Egyptian Constitution and the Article 2 Jurisprudence of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, by Clark Benner Lombardi, 2001. State of Mind: A Sense of Fragmentation and the Search for Freedom and Wholeness in the Political, Religious and Literary Culture of Massachusetts, 18461860, by Shomer S. Zwelling, 1980. State of Religion in a Religious State, The: The Russian Church in the Reign of Tsar Aleksei, 1645-1676, by Nicholas Lupinin, 1974. State of Religion of Ancient China, The, by Lester James Bilsky, 1972. State Regulation of Private Religious Schools: Compelling State Interest and the First Amendment, by Clifford Scott Romans, 1982. State Shinto Religion in Ancient Japan, The: Its Historical and Social Dimensions, by Taneo Ishikawa, 2000. State, the Church, and Public Education in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Prussia, The, by Arnold C. Erxleben, 1968. Status of Communication Education in Church-related Colleges, The, by Arthur William Hunt, III, 1998. Status of Parochial Elementary and Secondary Schools as Reflected by Selected Judicial Decisions Since 1925, The, by John G. Melleky, 1965. Status of Shared-Time and Its Applicability to New York State, The, by John J. McGahan, 1968. Status of Religious Practices and Activities in Arkansas Public Schools, The, by Steven Gregory Holyfield, 1998.

Statutes of the Teutonic Knights, The: A Study of Religious Chivalry, by Indrikis Sterns, 1970. Stephen Elliott: A Southern Bishop in Peace and War, by Virgil Sim Davis, 1966. Stirring the White Conscience: The Life of George Edmund Haynes, by Daniel Perlman, 1973. Strategy of Innocence, The: Political Resocialization of Oriental Jews in Israel, by Marc Lyle Robbins, 1982. Structural Change and the Dimensions of Power: The Case of the Agrarian Reform in Chile, by Eugenio Maffei, 1972. Structure and Dynamics of Ideological Pluralism in American Religion, The, by Yonghe Yang, 1996. Struggle Against the Ethics of Empire, A: A Critique of the Moral Claims Underlying the Global Political Policy of the United States with Particular Attention to U.S.Korean Relations since World War II, by Minwoong Kim, 2000. Struggle Between Clericals and Anticlericals for Control of French Schools (17891879), by Alice Schuster, 1968. Struggle for the Control of Primary Education in the Netherlands, 1848-1917, The, by Harvey Hillson Ginsburg, 1969. Struggle of Throne and Altar, The: Church against State in Austria, 1848-1874, by William Joseph Timcheck, 1975. Struggle of Women for Justice and Human Rights in Guatemala: Voices of the Voiceless, The, by Jacquelyn Michelle Tooley, 1994. St. Thomas Christians’Revolution in 1653, The, by Joccob Kollaparambil, 1980. Student Achievement: Public vs. Parochial Schools, by Phyllis Janiece Hargis, 2001. Student Mobility from Public to Nonpublic Schools: Parental Attitudes and Reasons, by Carol Ann Dee, 1982. Student Outcomes in General Education: A Comparative Assessment of Bible College Quality, by Ralph E. Enlow, Jr., 1988. Student Political Cynicism: Origins, Influences, and Implications, by Lucy Virginia Lee, 1999. Student Programs Sponsored by Religious Groups in Cooperation with Institutions of Higher Learning, by Ronald Thomas Daly, 1965. Student’s Right to Religion Expression in Public Schools: A Legal-historical Study of the First Amendment in United States Supreme Court Cases, A, by Attila Josef Weninger, 1992. Student Rights and the Disciplinary Process in Constitutional Law, by Edward Ehud Goldman, 1983. Student Values and Student Perceptions of Institutional Goals: A Comparison of United Methodist Church-Related and State-Supported Colleges in South Carolina, by George Summers Duffie, Jr., 1983. Studies in the Lives of the Sons of Constantine, by Edward George Wilson, 1978. Studies in the Massachusetts Franchise, 1631-1691, by Richard Clive Simmons, 1966. Study Concerning the Mission of the Week-Day Religious Educational Program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from 1890-1990: A Response to Secular Education, A, by John Lessing Fowles, 1990. Study in Arab Polygyny, A, by Igbal Jwaideh Coddington, 1982. Study in Christianity, Marxist Ideology and Historical Engagement with Special Reference to the Liberation Theology of Jose Miguez Bonino, A, by John Borman, 1983.

Study in the Influence of Islam in North Nigeria, A, by John E. Means, 1966. Study of a Church-Related International Broadcasting Project in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, A, by Robert Eldon Van Dusen, 1969. Study of Attitudes and Perceptions of Catholic Parents and Teachers in New Orleans Parochial Schools As Compared to Selected Catholic Schools in Washington, D.C., and Denver, Colorado, A, by Warren Francis Caive, 1981. Study of Catholic Opinion on Federal Aid on Education, 1870-1954, by M. Gabrieline Wagener, 1965. Study of Church-State Separation as It Applies to the Use of Public Funds for Education, A, by Robert B. Marshall, 1965. Study of Clergymen, A: Work, Ideas and Politics, by Clarence Eugene Tygart, 1970. Study of Controversial Education Issues as Treated in America and The Commonweal, 1947-1962, A, by Francis James Sullivan, 1967. Study of Current Practices and Teacher Attitudes Toward Religious Observances in the Public Schools of Indiana, A, by Patricia Ann Walters, 1985. Study of Henry I, King of England, 1068-1107, A, by William Worrell Wooten, 1965. Study of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and His Family, A, by Barrett Lynn Beer, 1966. Study of Leadership Among Influentials in Rural Black Neighborhoods and the Church, A, by Eugenia Eng, 1983. Study of Makiguchi Tsunesaburo: The Founder of Soka Gakkai, by Koichi Mori, 1978. Study of Mennonite Presence and Church Development in Somalia from 1950 Through 1970, A, by David Witmer Shenk, 1974. Study of My Pilgrimage Toward a Social Justice Ministry in the United States Army Chaplaincy, A, by Allen Phillip Chase, 1983. Study of Political Development in Early Britain, A, by Frank Judson Curtis, Jr., 1975. Study of Private Education in a Black Community, A: The Concord Baptist Church Elementary School in Bedford Stuyvesant, by Charles Alfred Curtis, 1987. Study of Public and Parochial Teachers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Relating to Student Rights, A, by Cynthia Louise Kuck, 1992. Study of Secularistic Trends and Their Effect upon Seven Protestant Colleges of Kansas, A, by John Erwin Page, 1989. Study of Secularization in Selected British Secondary County Schools’Religious Education Curricula, 1944-1985, A, by Kathy J. Pulley, 1989. Study of Student Involvement in Certain Extracurricular Activities and Its Relationship to Retention and Grade Point Averages of Freshmen at ChurchRelated Colleges, by Harry Batdorff Shucker, 1987. Study of the Academic Achievement of Seventh-Day Adventist Education, A, by Harold Ernest Beltz, Jr., 1981. Study of the Administration of John Aylmer, Bishop of London, 1577-1594, A, by Jane Marguerite Leonarn, 1972. Study of the Arguments of Interest Groups Which Opposed Federal Aid to Education from 1949 to 1965, The, by Henry Citron, 1978. Study of the Characteristics and Relationships in Public and Private Elementary and Junior High Schools in Merced, California, by Barbara Louise Williamson, 1982. Study of the Christian School Movement, by Daniel Mark Gleason, 1981. Study of the Contributions of Three Religious Congregations to the Growth of Education in the Province of Newfoundland, A, by Mary Paula Penney, 1981. Study of the Current Status and Perceived Future Status of Non-Public Secondary Schools in Texas in 1980, A, by Jerry Wayne Hall, 1981.

Study of the Effect of Spirituality on the Habilitation and Rehabilitation of Incarcerated Felons, The, by A. Hasani Stone, II, 1998. Study of the Effect of State Financial Aid on the Private Colleges and Universities in the State of Georgia, 1972-1977, A, by Helen Elizabeth Rashid-Farokhi, 1979. Study of Families Who Leave Public Elementary Schools, A: Have the Horses Left Yet or Should We Keep the Barn Doors Open?, by Mary Miller Chapman, 1999. Study of the Impact of Title III Funds on Small Black Private Church-Related Colleges, A, by Lillie Pearl Hill, 1998. Study of the Influence of the U.S. Catholic Church on Union Organizing and Community Organizing, A: A Historical Review, Los Angeles in the 1990s, and Future Relations, by George Edward Schultze, 1998. Study of the Marian Exiles at Geneva and Their Contributions to the Rise of Elizabethan Puritanism, by George Truman, Jr., Washburn, 1989. Study of the Perceived and Preferred Goals of the Constituencies of Three Selected Private, Co-Educational, Church Related, Rural, Liberal Arts Colleges, by Stephen Ernst Markwood, 1983. Study of the Political Aspects of the Druze Law, by Fawaz Kamal, 1982. Study of the Political Dimension of Private Higher Education: Government Relations of Five Universities and a Consortium in Washington, D.C., by Martin Schofield Quigley, 1976. Study of the Political-Economic Philosophy of Arthur Ruppin and His Role in the Economic Development of the Zionist Settlement in Palestine from 1907-1943, A, by Abraham Maurice Bertisch, 1980. Study of the Religious Speaking of Woodrow Wilson, A, by Harry Rine De Young, 1970. Study of the Role of the Pontifical University in the New World, A, by Marguerite Ann Follett, 1968. Study of the School Prayer Issue in the United States, A, by Craig Steve Evans, 1997. Study of the Structure, Norms and Folkways of the Educational Institutions of the National of Islam in the United States from 1932-1975, A, by Barbara Jeanne Taylor Whiteside, 1987. Study of the Struggle in France between Church and State for Control of Secondary Education, 1789-1850, A, by Eric Steven Washington, 1980. Study of the Theme of Justice in the Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr in Critical Comparison with the Theology of Select Latin American Liberation Theologians, A, by George Marvin Wortham, 1989. Study on Selected Factors Influencing School Choice Among the Seventh-day Adventist Population in Southwest Michigan, A, by Philip Omenge Mainda, 2001. Styrian Estates during the Counter- Reformation, 1578-1628, The, by GabsBernhard Neumann, 1979. Subjects for Empire: Orthodox Mission and Imperial Governance in the Volga-Kama Region, 1825-1881, by Paul William Werth, 1996. Sub-Textual Religion: Quakers, The Book, and Public Eucation in Philadelphia, 16821800, The, by Nancy F. Rosenburg, 1991. Suburban Jeremiads: Religion and Social Criticism of the American Dream in the 1950s, by James David Hudnut-Beumler, 1989. Sufi Revolt in Portugal, A: Ibn Qast and His Kitiib Kahl’AI-Na ‘ Layn, by David Raymond Goodrich, 1979. Sufism and Nineteenth-Century Jihad Movements in West Africa: A Case Study of AI-

Hajj ‘ Umar AI-Futi’s Philosophy of Jihad and Its Sufi Bases, by Omar Jah, 1975. Suggested Process of Healing for Dispossessed African Jamaicans, A, by Janice Gracelyn Stewart Nessibou, 1988. Suggestions for a Public Theology: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Works as Stimulus for a Public Theology, by Walter Pongratz, 1991. Sundanese Socialization and Indonesian Education: The Hidden and Stated Curricula in the Classrooms of Bandung, West Java, by Jessica Glicken, 1983. Supreme Court and the Conflict Between the Principles of Religious Liberty and Separation of Church and State, by Ellis McKinney West, 1972. Supreme Court and the Free Exercise Religion, The: The Judicial Devel ment of Belief, Worship, and Prosely ing, by Martin S. Sheffer, 1979. Supreme Court’s Abortion Decisions, The: A Critical Study of the Shaping of a Major American Public Policy and a Basis for Change, by Stephen M. Krason, 1983. Surest Guardian of Liberty, The: Hamiltonian Statesmanship and the Creation of the American Union, by Mackubin Thomas Owens, Jr., 1983. Survey and Analysis of Four Major Un: States Based Evangelical Missionary Organizations’Educational Enterprises in Africa, A, by Betta Mengistu, 1981. Survey of the Attitudes and Perceptions of Black Baptist Pastors of Philadelphia Regarding the Use of the Courts to Settle Intra-Church Disputes, A, by Will Love Banks, 1983. Survey of the Science Teaching Practice Selected Elementary Christian Schools in the United States, A, by Charles Adam Joss, 1983. Survival of American Innocence, The, Catholicism in an Era of Disillusionment, 19201940, by William Michael Halsey, 1978. Survival of Paganism in the Byzan Empire during the Pre-Iconocla Period (540-727), The, by Frank Rid Trombley, 1982. Suspect and Incapable Judges in Civilian Canonist Thought, by Linda Louise Fowler, 1969. Symbolism and Freedom: The Use of Biblical Typology as an Argument for Religious Toleration in Seventeenth Century England and America, by Richard Martin Reinitz, 1968. Syncretism in Israel as Reflected in Sixth-Century Prophetic Texts, by Susan Ackerman, 1987. Sword of the Spirit: Christians, Karens, Colonialists, and the Creation of a Nation of Burma, The, by Jeffrey Louis Petry, 1993. Taewongun, the Catholic Movement, the Role of Religion in Transiti, Politics, by Yongshik Kim, 1972. Taking Religion and Education Seriously: An Epistemological Examination of the Relationship Between Religion and Public Schools, by Suzanne Nichole Rosenblith, 2001. Tale of Two Liberalisms, A, by Robert Joseph Roecklein, Jr., 1997. Tale of Two Settings, A: African American Students’Literacy Experiences at Church and at School, by Gwendolyn Michele Thompson McMillon, 2001. Talking Past Differences: Conflict, Community and History in an Irish Parish, by Carol Gayle Bloodworth, 1988. Taming Leviathan: The American Catholic Church and Economics, 1940-1960, by Craig Russell Prentiss, 1997. Taoism as Ideology in the Reign of Emperor Hsuan-Tsung (712-755), by Charles David Benn, 1978. Taxation Practices of the United States Bishops in Relation to the Authority of

Bishops to Tax According to the Code of Canon Law and Proposed Revisions, The, by Donald James Fruge, 1983. Tax Funds for Jewish Education: Presentation and Analysis of Varying Jewish Views, 1947-1974, by Benson Skoff, 1966. Tax Status of Religious Property in United States with Special Emphasis on Nashville and Tennessee, The, by Jesse Emerson Raine, 1970. Teacher in the Jesuit Educational Tradition, The: An Ideal Type Analysis, by Michael David Kurimay, 1988. Teaching about Religion in Kansas High School Language Arts Classes, 1972-1973, by Galen Ray Boehme, 1978. Teaching About Religion in Secondary School Social Studies, by William Harry Young, 1969. Teaching and Learning without Walls: A Strategy for Ecological Religious Education, by Timothy Lee Van Meter, 2003. Teaching as Spiritual Practice, by Robin W. Renteria, 2001. Teaching Religion: The Case of a West German School System, by Winfield Clinton Terry, III, 1979. “Teaching State” in Early Chilean Legislation, The: The Age of Consensus, 18101833, by Raymond Barros, 1969. Teachings of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Canonists About the Jews, The, by Francis Richard Czerwinski, 1974. Temperance Reform in New York State, 1829-1851, The, by Emil Christopher Vigilante, 1967. Temperate Republic: Liquor Control in Michigan, 1800-1860, The, by Peter Donald Slavcheff, 1987. Temporalities of the Episcopate of Lucca, Ca. 1050-1350, The, by Duane Jeffrey Osheim, 1974. Tension Between Freedom of Conscience and Civic Religion with Special Reference to American Political Thought, The, by Ronald Sidney Christenson,1966. Tensions and Dilemmas Facing Organized Christianity in the Contemporary United States as Recognized in Official Church Statements, by M. Janelle Cahoon, 1965. Terrible Freedom: An Intellectual Biography of Scott Nearing, The, by John A. Saltmarsh, 1989. Tertullian’s Anti-Judaism and Its Role in His Theology, by David Patrick Efroymson, 1978. Test of Federalism, A: Political, Economic and Ecclesiastical Relations Between the State of Mexico and the Mexican Nation, 1823-1835, by Charles Williams Macune, Jr., 1971. Test of Some Theories of Political Violence, A: The Case of the Iranian Revolution, by Nasser Momayezi, 1983. Texas Churches and Presidential Politics, 1928 and 1960, by Richard Bennett Hughes, 1969. Texto Unico y Gratuito, The: A Mexican Case Study Describing the Role of Edu cation in Social Change, by John Alver Dobson, 1968. Thanks to God and the Revolution: Popular Religion and Class Consciousness in the New Nicaragua, by Roger Nelson Lancaster, 1987. That All People May Flourish: The Practice of Faith and Local Economic Development Planning, by William Eric Clay, 2002. That Old Dutch Disease: The Roots of Dutch Calvinist Education in Alberta, by Peter Christiaan Prinsen, 2000.

That They All May be One: Americans’Quest for Christian Unity, 1918-1948, by Heather Anne Warren, 1992. Thematic Dissonance in the MuslimChristian Encounter: A Contextualized Technology of Honor, by Everett W. Huffard, 1985. Theme of Jewish Persecution of Christians in the Gospel According to St. Matthew, The, by Douglas Robert Adams Hare, 1966. Theme of Oppression in the Psalms in Relation to Its Occurrence in Prophecy and Ritual, The, by Young-Ihl Chang, 1987. Theodore of Studios: Byzantine Churchman, by Patrick Henry III, 1969. Theodore Roosevelt: Theologian of America’s New Israel Concept, by Joseph Gordon Stapleton, 1974. Theologian as Social Activist: A Study of the Public Career of Robert McAfee Brown, The, by Linda Woods Glenn, 1988. Theological and Political Ideals of the Fribourg Union, The, by Normand Joseph Paulhus, 1983. Theological and Social Thought of Washington Gladden, The, by Richard David Knudten, 1966. Theological Anthropology and the State: A Study of the Political Ethics of Yves Simon and Helmut Thielicke, by Philip Williams Turner III, 1979. Theological Anthropology, Self-interest, and Economic Justice in Contemporary Protestant Critiques of Capitalism, by Richard Frederick Goetz, 1998. Theological Foundation for a Political Ethic, A, by Daniel Lindsey Durway, 1977. Theological Orientation and Political Belief among Mainline Protestant Clergy in Oregon: 1962-1987, by Pam Brandis, 1990. Theological Perspectives on the Holocaust, by Barry Robert Leventhal, 1983. Theological Polemic and Religious Culture in Early Stuart England: The Percy/Fisher Controversies, 1605-41, by Timothy H. Wadkins, 1988. Theological-Political Problem in Plato’s Laws, The, by Victor Bradley Lewis, 1997. Theological Politics: An Analysis of Ends Advocated by Church Groups to Congressional Hearings Related to Poverty from 1964 Through 1971, by Mary Jane Hunter, 1974. Theological Responses of Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Church-State Relations in Germany, 1933-1945, The, by Robert F. Koch, 1988. Theologies of Work in the U.S. Grail Movement, by Patricia Mary DeFerrari, 1998. Theology and Politics of Jonathan Mayhew, The, by Earl Edward Lewis, 1967. Theology and Social Philosophy of Anglican Christian Socialism, The: The Roots and Mission of the Church Socialist League, 1906-1924, by Robert Roy Hollander, 1975. Theology and Social Thought of Georgia Harkness, The, by Martha Lynne Scott, 1984. Theology of Liberation and Political Theology: Leonardo Boff and Gustavo Gutierrez in Conversation with Johann Baptist Metz and Jeurgen Moltmann, by Michael Ludwig Stemmeler, 1990. Theology of Politics in the Writings of Jacques Ellul, The, by Robert Cranford Mulkey, 1974. Theology of the Calvinist Resistance Movement, The: A Theological Study of the French Calvinist Resistance Literature (1572-1579), by Yang-En Cheng, 1994. Theology of the Marketplace: Religious Perspectives on Ethical Behavior in a Marketbased Economy, by Edward D. Zinbarg, 1999.

Theology of the Methodist Episcopal Church during the Interwar Period (1919-1939), by William John McCutcheon, 1960. Theology of William Temple and Its Significance for Education, The, by Karl Reek Esmark, 1984. Theophilus Gould Steward, 1843-1924: Striving for an African-American Theology and Civil Society in the Nadir Period, by Albert George Miller, 1994. Theories of Social Justice in Contemporary Protestant Theology, by James Young Holloway, 1961. Theory and Practice of Black Resistance to Apartheid, The: A Socioethical Analysis of the Internal Struggle for Political and Social Change in South Africa, 1948-1978, by Mokgethi B. G. Mothabi, 1981. Theory and Program for Citizenship Education As Community Involvement for the Israeli Secular Jewish High Schools, A, by David Sanford Cohen, 1981. Theory of Modernization in the Qur’an and Some Implications for the Arab World, The, by Mahmoud Hassan Farghal, 1979. Theory of Responsible Action for Boston Clergymen in Relation to the 1963 March on Washington, A, by Harold William Garman, 1966. Theory of the Roman Catholic Church in the Support and Control of Education, with Special Reference to the United States, by Clinton David Hamilton, 1967. There Can Be No Education Without Religion: Tennessee Evangelicals and Education, 1875-1925, by Charles Alan Israel, 2001. They Made Haste Slowly: Presbyterian Mission Schools and Southwestern Pluralism, 1870-1920, by Mark Tollie Banker, 1987. Third Way Theology: The South African Church’s Struggle for Significance, 19801990, with Special Reference to the National Initiative for Reconciliation, by Anthony Oswald Balcomb, 1992. Thirteenth-Century Papacy as Viewed by Those outside the Roman Curia, The, by Carole Jeanne Dobson, 1976. This is practical religion: The Cleveland YMCA and the Social Service Movement, by Paul Allan Hiller, 2001. Thomas Chalkley: Pious Quaker Businessman, by Elanor Haven Beiswenger, 1971. Thomas Chalmers and the Godly Commonwealth, 1780-1847, by Stewart Jay Brown, 1981. Thomas Cranmer and the Foreign Princes: A Study in Reformation Diplomacy, by John Paul Forman, 1970. Thomas Erskine of Liniathen: His Life and Theology 1788-1837, by Nicholas Richard Needham, 1987. Thomas Jefferson and the Founding of the University of Virginia: An American Age of Reason, Religion, and Republicanism, by David Michael Barker, 2000. Thomas Jefferson’s Philosophy and Theology: As Related to His Political Principles, Including Separation of Church and State, by James Lafayette Gurley, 1976. Thomas Merton and Society: A Study of the Man and His Thought Against the Background of Contemporary American Culture, by Dennis Quentin McInery, 1970. Thought and Policies of Konstantin P. Pobedonostsev, The, by Thomas Calnan Sorenson, 1978. Three Black Religious Educators: A Study of the Educational Perspectives of Richard Allen, Elijah Muhammad, and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., by E. Curtis Alexander, 1981.

Three Essays on Religious Liberty: Locke, Madison and Vatican II, by Kenneth Roy Craycraft, Jr., 1993. Three Puritan Peers: Their Religious Beliefs and Activities in the Puritan Revolution, by John D. Cuddigan, 1971. Three Scots Presbyterians in Upper Canada: A Study in Emigration, Nationalism and Religion, by Harry John Bridgman, 1979. Three Sixteenth-Century Constitutions on the Dissolution of Marriage: A Study in Lawmaking and the Uses of Law, by Joseph John Koury, 1986. Three Views of Politics, Social Order, and Religion: The Interactions and Dilemmas of Reinhold Niebuhr, Kirby Page, and Sherwood Eddy, 1914-1941, by Clifford James Caine, 1976. Through Fire and Fair by the Golden Gate: Progressive Era Protestantism and Regional Culture, by Douglas Firth Anderson, 1988. Through the Needle’s Eye: Religion in the Lives of Wealthy Colonial Americans, by Susan Eugenia Kwilecki, 1983. Thy Kingdom Come: The History of the Church Federation in St. Louis, 1909-1969, by Elizabeth Ann Detweiler Burnett, 1984. Thy Patriarchs’Desire: Thomas and William Brattle in Puritan Massachusetts, by Rick Alan Kennedy, 1987. Time and Property from Heaven: Wealth, Religion, and Reform in Chesapeake Society, 1790-1832, by Tatiana Ilona Maria van Riemsdiji, 1999. Time to Favor Zion, A: A Case Study of Religion as a Force in American Educa tional Development, 1830-1870, by Francis Michael Perko, 1982. Timothy Richard’s Theory of Christian Missions to the Non-Christian World, by Rita Therese Johnson, 1968. To Aid the Stranger in Our Midst: Sacrifice, Religiousity, and Gratitude in Three Sanctuary Churches, by Yerach Gover, 1992. To Arouse and Inform: American Catholic Attempts to Influence United StatesMexican Relations, 1920-1937, by Matthew Alan Redinger, 1993. Toast to Conscience, A: Freedom of Conscience in John Henry Newman, by Kevin Brendan Fagan, 1999. To Do Right to God and Man: Northern Protestants and. the Kansas Struggle, 18541859, by Richard M. Lawless, 1975. To Do with Honor: The Roman Catholic Sister Nurse in the United States Civil War, by Mary Denis Maher, Case 1988. To end this day of strife: Church-women and the Campaign for Integration, 19201970, by Janine Marie Denomme, 2001. To Envision a Godless Society: The Public Christianity of the Southern New England Clergy, 1783-1833, by Jonathan Douglas Sassi, 1996. To God’s Country: Canadian Missionaries in Korea and the Beginnings of Korean Migration to Canada, by Jung-Gun Kim, 1983. To Grind the Faces of the Poor: Journeymen for Jesus in Jacksonian Baltimore, by William Robert Sutton, 1993. To Plant the Pleasant Fruit Tree of Freedom: Consciousness, Politics, and Community in Digger and Early Quaker Thought, by Robert Krehbiel Goertz, 1978. To Pray or Not to Pray: An Assessment of Current Religious Practices and Superintendent Attitudes Toward these Practices in the Public Schools of Missouri, by Mark Edward Porter, 1993.

To Proclaim the Acceptable Year of the Lord: Social Activism and Ecumenical Cooperation among White Clergy in the Civil Rights and Antiwar Movements of the 1950s and 1960s, by Michael Brooks Friedland, 1993. To Reach the People: La Croix, 1883-1890, by Joseph Adelard Grenier, 1977. To Teach, Govern, and Sanctify: The Life of Edwin Vincent O’Hara, by Timothy Michael Dolan, 1985. To Turn Them from Darkness: The Missionary Society of Connecticut on the Early Frontier, 1798-1814, by Ronald Harold Noricks, 1978. To Witness for Christ as They Saw Him: The Southern Presbyterian Peace Fellowship and Peace Work in the Presbyterian Church in the United States, 1949-1983, by Ricki Lee Nutt, 1986. Toronto, 1840-1860: Making It in a British Protestant Town, by Barrie Drummond Dyster, 1972. Toward a Better World: The Christian Moralist as Scientific Reformer, by Robert M. Preston, 1970. Toward a Christian Democratic Pluralism: A Comparative Study of Neothomist and Neocalvinist Political Theories, by David Theodore Koyzis, 1986. Toward a Full and Fair Choice: An Historical Analysis of the Lobbying Efforts of the Catholic School Community in Pursuing Federal Tax-supported Choice in Education, by Dale McDonald, Sr., 1995. Toward a General Theory of Islamic Revolution: The Problem of Legitimacy and the Transformation of the Contemporary Muslim Nation-state System, by Perwez Shafi, 1993. Toward a Latin American Protestant Ethic of Liberation: A Comparative Study of the Writings of Rubem Alves and Jose Miquez Bonino from the Perspectives of the Sources and Substance of Their Social Ethics (Vols. I and II), by Ruy Otavio Costa, 1990. Toward a More Humane Social Policy: The Work and Influence of Monsignor John O’Grady, by Thomas William Tifft, 1980. Toward a Theology of the Laity in Christian Religious Education, by Georgine Granger, 1981. Toward a Recovery of Kwame Nkrumah’s Liberation Philosophy and the Role of Religious Advocacy in Contemporary Ghana, by Robert Yaw Owusu, 2003. Toward a Theological Ethics of Technology: An Analysis in Dialogue with Jacques Ellul, James Gustafson, and Philosophy of Technology, by Russell Edward Willis, 1990. Toward a Theology of Struggle in the Phillipine Context, by Eleazar Singson Fernandez, 1993. Toward a Welfare Ethic: A Ecological and Ethical Critique of Poverty Policy in the US, by Frederick Edward Glennon, 1990. Toward an Ethic of Responsibility: A Rationale for Charting the Future of Catholic Schools within the Social Mission of the Church, by Andrea Jane Lee, 1981. Toward an Ethical Basis for Societal Pluralism in the Christian Philosophy of Jacques Maritain, by Joseph Frederick Power, 1982. Toward an Explanation of the Islamic Ideal of Human Perfection (with Emphasis on the Doctrine of Inner Jihad), by Hossein Manoochehri, 1988. Toward an Islamic Model of Culture and Values Development: A Study of Sadr’s Theory, by Abbas Ali Shamaeli, 1999.

Toward an Understanding of the Ideal of Freedom Through an Analysis of the Thought of Gabriel Marcel, Roberto Unger, and Leonardo Boff, by Thomas Brent Stevenson, 1993. Toward an Understanding of the Supreme Court Approach to Religion in Conscientious Objector Cases, by John James Paris, 1973. Toward Liberation from Abortion: A Catholic Reflection on Abortion in the United States, by Angela Senander, 2000. Toward Pluralism: Society and Religion in Middleborough, Massachusetts, 17411807, by Leigh Dana Johnsen, 1984. Toward Reformed-Liberating Hermeneutics: A New Reading of Reformed Theology in the Latin American Context, by Salatiel Palomino López, 1993. Toward Revisioning Christian Education in Africa: A Critical Reinterpretation of Hope and Imagination in Light of African Understanding of Muoyo, by Kasonga wa Kasonga, 1988. Towards a Catholic Philosophy of Education: The Personalism of Karol Wojtyla and the Education of the Human Person, by James Thomas Brynes, 2000. Towards a Christian Feminist Spirituality of Redemption as Mutality in Relation: “A Passion to Make and Make Again where such Un-Making Reigns . . .,” by Mary Cecilia Grey, 1987. Towards an Ecumenical Liberation Theology: A Critical Exploration of Common Dimensions in the Theologies of Juan L. Segundo and Rubem A. Alves, by Leslie Robert James, 1994. Towards a Theology of Peace: Contributions to an Understanding of Nonviolence from the Thought of Bernard Lonergan, by Robert Michael Clark, 1994. Toward the Redemption of American White Working-Class Reality: A Liberation Theology, by Karen Lou Bloomquist, 1985. Toward Theological Dialogue With Independent Churches: A Study of Five Congregations in Lesotho, by Stan Wayne Nussbaum, 1985. Trade, Religion, and Politics in London in the Reign of William III, by Gary Stuart De Krey, 1979. Trade Unionism and Politics: The Evolution of Catholic Labor in Italy, by Anthony Francis Greco, 1977. Tradition and Social Change: An Ideological Analysis of the Montreal Jewish Immigrant Ghetto in the Early Twentieth Century, by Keinosuke Oiwa, 1988. Tradition, Islam, and Rebellion: South Sulawesi, 1950-1965, by Barbara Sillars Harvey, 1975. Traditional Church and Politics, A: Colombia, by Alexander Wiley Wilde, 1973. Tragedy of Abortion from the Perspective of the Roman Catholic Tradition of Justiceas-Solidarity in the United States, The, by Marianne Sheahan, 1994. Tragic Week, The: A Study of Anticlericalism in Spain, by Joan Connelly, 1965. Transcendence and the Political: A Critical Comparison of Reinhold Niebuhr and Jurgen Moltmann, by Shin Chiba, 1983. Transcendent Education: A Spirit of Community, by Jeffery Lynn Sapp, 1933. Transformation of Culture, The: Christian Social Ethics After H. Richard Niebuhr, by Charles Wayne Scriven, 1985. Transformation of the Catholic Church in Haiti, The, by Suze Marie Mathieu, Indiana University, 1991. Transformations in Contemporary Roman Catholicism: A Case Study, by Theodore Koopmanschap, 1978. Transformations of Belief: Islam Among the Dyula of Kongbougou from 1880 to

1970, by Lucy Gardner Quimby, 1973. Transforming Faith, A: Essays on the History of American Evangelicalism in the Middle Decades of the Twentieth Century, by David Harrington Watt, 1987. Transforming the Human: African Theology of Sustainable Development in Tanzania, by Benson Kalikawe Bagonza, 2003. Transforming the Liberal-Communitarian Debate: Jacques Maritain’s Vision of Self in Community, by James Patrick Bailey, 1999. Transition and Continuity in Seventh Century ‘ Iraq, by Michael Gregory Morony, 1973. Transition into the Twentieth Century: Reform and Secularization among the Volga Tatars, by Azade-Ayse Rorlich, 1977. Translatability of Christian Community, The: An Ecclesiology for Postmodern Cultures and Beyond, by Jonathan Stuart Campbell, 1999. Transnationalism and Human Rights: The Case of Amnesty International, by Rudolph K. Ripp, 1983. Treatment of Church-State Relations in Primary and Secondary Colombian History Textbooks, 1952-1976, by Jorge Francisco Ruiz A., 1980. Treatment of Religious Expression and Belief in Utah Public Schools: Perspectives of the Religious Minority, by Eric-Jon K. Marlowe, 2005. Treatment, with Reference to the Roman Catholic Issue, of the Democratic Candidates in the Presidential Elections of 1928 and 1960, by Selected American Periodicals, The, by Elias Macropoulos, 1968. Trends in American Religion, 1964-1986: Implications for the Future, by Andre Nauta, 1991. Trends in the Rulings of the Commissioner of Education in Cases Relevant to Reli gion in Public Education in New York Since 1940, by Edward John Szado, 1965. Triangularity in Church and State Relations as Developed in Public Law480, Title III Programs in India, by Conrad Frederick Stoerker, 1967. Tribe, Land and Religion in the Punjab: Muslim Politics and the Making of Pakistan, by David Paul Gilmartin, 1980. Trotsky and the Jewish Question, by Joseph Nedava, 1971. Troubled, Godless Place, A: Catholic Practice and Local Politics in the Communes of the Central Vaucluse, 1830-1905, by Maura Ellen Mitchell, 1996. True Prosperity of Our Past, The: The Communitarian Context of American Natural Rights Republicanism, by Bradford James Clarke, 1997. Truth Over Fanaticism: The Independence of Southern Unitarianism, 1790-1860, by John Allen Macaulay, 1998. Trying Times: The Colonial Church of England Clergy during the American Revolution, by Nancy Lee Rhoden, 1994. Tumulto of 1624, The: Turmoil at Mexico City, by Noel James Stowe, 1971. Tuscany and the Dynamics of Church Reform in the Eleventh Century, by Yoram Milo, 1980. Tussling with the “Octogovernment”: John Whitehead, the Rutherford Institute and Christian Legal Advocacy, by R. Jonathan Moore, 2003. Twentieth Century Pilgrimage: Walter Lippman and the Public Philosophy, by Charles Talmadge Wellborn, 1965. Twentieth-century Prophet of Religious Liberty: A Critical Examination of the Life and Thought of James E. Wood, Jr., by Jimmy D. Neff, 2005. Two Approaches to Islamic History: A Critique of Shibli Nu’Mant’s and Syed Ameer’Ali’s Interpretations of History, by Anis Ahmad, 1982.

Two Contemporary Christian Thinkers on the Use of Force in International Relations: Paul Ramsey and Mulford Q. Sibley, by Nicholas John Pappas, 1974. Two Kingdoms: Walter Rauschenbusch’s Concept of the Kingdom of God Contrasted with the Theology of Revivalism in Early Twentieth-century America, by David Roy Harry, 1993. Two Men and Music: Nationalism, Colonialism and the Making of Hindu Modernity in Western India, 1843-1926, by Janaki Bakhle, 2002. Two Protestant Currents in the Religious Thought of Miguel de Unamuno: The NeoKantian Thought of A. Rischl, A. Harnack, and W. Herrmann, and the Romantic Views of F. D. Schleiermacher and A. Sabatier, by Marcus J. Menendez de Cordova, 1977. Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu, The: How Desmond Tutu’s Theological Model of Community Facilitates Reconciliation among Races in a System of Apartheid, by Michael Jesse Battle, 1995. Ujamaa and the Role of the Church in Tanzania, by Peter Alute S. Kijanga, 1978. Ulema and Secularization in Contemporary Iran, The, by Vida Garoussian (Riazi Davoudi), 1978. Umbanda: Politics of an Urban Religious Movement, by Diana DeGroat Brown, 1976. Understanding the School Prayer Issue by Mariane M. Meier, 1986. Understanding of Politics in Ancient Israel, The: An Examination of Davidic Israel, by Joseph Ernest Goldberg, 1974. Uneasy Union: Marriage and the Liberal State, by Tamara Metz, 2004. Un Exil dans la Modernite: La Problemnatisation de la Secularite et la Reconstitution d’une Position Discursive Orthodoxe dans les ecrits de Paul Evdokimov, by JeanFrancois Roussel, 1996. Unexpected American Apocalypse: Eschatology in the Thought of Thomas Merton and Its Significance for the Myth of America, An, by William Nicholas Koch, 1989. Unholy Alliance? The Church and Higher Education in Canada, by Peter Sands Rae, 1998. United Methodist Church’s Role in Community Education, The: One Possible Approach, by James William Dallas, 1981. United States Acquisition of the Spanish Borderlands: Problems and Legacy, by Ralph Alcorn Rowley, 1978. United States and Jordan with Special Reference to the Palestine Question, The, by Urabi S. Mustafa, 1968. United States Reactions to the Persecution of Protestants in Colombia During the 1950’s, by Suzanne Claire Dailey, 1972. United States Religious Press Response to the Containment Policy During the Period of the Korean War, by Harold Henry Osmer, 1971. United States Supreme Court and Religious Freedom in American Education in Its Decisions Affecting Church-Related Elementary and Secondary Schools During the First Three Quarters of the Twentieth Century, The, by Edmond G. Drouin, 1981. Unity and Diversity in Chinese Religious Ideology, by Robert Paul Weller, 1981. Unravelling of Neo-Confucianism, The: The Lower Yangtze Academic Community in Late Imperical China, by Benjamin A. Elman, 1981. Uplifting the unfortunate of our race: Southern Jewish Benevolence and Struggle towards Whiteness, by Caroline Elizabeth Light, 2000. Use of the Bible in Pennsylvania Public Schools, The: 1834-1963, by Daniel Richard Unger, 1970.

Uses of History in Church-State Litigation, The, by Kathleen Rose Rabago, 2000. U.S. Religious Interest Groups: Responses to Crises in Central America, by Anthony Dominick Perry, 1996. U.S. Supreme Court and the Religion Cases, The: A Model of Judicial Decisionmaking, 1953-1996, by Stephen Eric Sussman, 1999. Utah Politics, 1926-1932, by Dan E. Jones, 1969. Utah State Elections, 1916-1924, by Brad E. Hainsworth, 1969. Utah State Elections, 1895-1899, by Jean Bickmore White, 1969. Utah Territorial Politics, 1847-1876, by Ronald Collett Jack, 1971. Valley of Discord: The Struggle for Power in the Puritan Churches of the Connecticut Valley, 1636-1720, by Paul Robert Lucas, 1971. Value Patterns of Elementary Teachers in Relation to Attitudes Expressed Toward Religious Issues in the Classroom, by Donald A. Lau, 1971. Values, Ideology, and Political Participation, by Richard P. Barberio, 1997. Values, Public Debate, and Policy Opinions, by Paul Ryan Brewer, 1999. Variation within the Vanguard: Protestants and the Mexican Revolution, by Deborah Jo Baldwin, 1980. Variety of Millennial Hopes in the English Refonnation, 1560-1660, The, by George Kroeze, 1985. Vatican Diplomacy and the Jews during the Holocaust, 1939-1943, by John Francis Morley, 1980. Vatican Policy toward the German-Polish Oder-Neisse Line: A Study of Foreign Policy Evolution, 1945-1972, by Edmund Francis Konczakowski, 1977. Vauderied’Arras, 1459-1491, La: An Episode of Witchcraft in Later Medieval France, by Gordon Andreas Singer, 1978. Veiled Dissent: The Mobilization of White Feminists in the Roman Catholic Church, by Tracy Memoree Thibodeau, 1998. Vestry as a Unit of Local Government in Colonial Virginia, The, by Clive Raymond Hallman, Jr., 1987. Viceroy and His Challengers, A: Supremacy Struggles During the Viceregency of Martin Enriquez, 1568-1580, by Martin Fermin Larrey, 1968. Vida y Obra del Padre Velez: A Critical Analysis of the Life and Works of Fray Rafael de Velez, Archbishop of Santiago de Compos tela (1777-1850), by Luis Ortega, 1978. View from Below, A: Justice in the American Welfare Reform Debate, by Brent Bernard Coffin, 1997. Views of American Liberal Protestant Religious Educators, 1940-1974, with Respect to Studies of Religion in Public Schools, by Robert Terry Russell, 1977. Violence as a Technique for Social Change for Black Americans: A Critical Assessment of the Views in the Black Community and in the Contemporary Church, by John Atkins Wood, 1976. Virginia Clergy and the American Revolution, 1774-1779, The, by Otto Lohrenz, 1971. Virginia Principals and School Law, by Scott Sorensen Braband, 2003. Virginia’s Experiment with Religious Uniformity: A Study of a Major Aspect of Anglican and Evangelical Ideology, 1699-1786, by Marvin Yeomans Whiting, 1974. Virgin of Atocha and Spanish Habsburg Devotion to Miraculous Images (Blessed Virgin Mary), The, by Jeffrey Albert Schrader, 2003.

Virtue and Liberty: William Penn and the Founding of American Liberalism, by Paul Robert Babbitt, 1997. Virtue, Community, and the Sociology of Liberty: The Notion of Republican Virtue and Its I mpact on Modern Western Social Thought, by Jeff Alan Weintraub, 1980. Vision and Judgment: The American Critics of the Zionist Movement, 1917-1941, by Stuart Eugene Knee, 1974. Visionary Republic: Millennial Themes in American Ideology, 1756-1800, by Ruth Hedi Bloch, 1981. Vision of Community: Religious Diversity, Conciliar Authority, and Political Power in Visigothic Spain, 589-633, by Rachel Louise Stocking, 1994. Visual Culture of the Court of King Edgar (959-975) (England), The, by Carol May Ferguson, 2003. Vladimir Solovev and Russophiles, by Walter Gerald Moss, 1969. Voluntary, Student-initiated Prayer: The Case of Mississippi, by Roxanne Christine Radzyukewycz, 1996. Von Sickengen and the German Princes, 1262-1523, The, by Harold Henry Kehrer, 1978. Vox Populi: The Thirty Years War in English Pamphlets and Newspapers, by Walter Henry Schumacher, 1977. Walking “Fruitfully with God in the Covenant”: The Origins of Justified Disobedience within the American Social Contract, by Augusta Pipkin Heywood, 1992. Walking in the Way of Peace: Quaker Pacifism in the Seventeenth Century, by Meredith Baldwin Weddie, 1993. Walking the Halls of Ivy with Christ: The Classroom and Residential Experiences of Undergraduate Evangelical Students, by John Wesley Lowery, 2000. Walking with One Heart: Human Rights and the Catholic Church among the Maya of Highland Chiapas, by Christine Marie Kovic, 1997. Walloon Community in Canterbury, 1625-1649, The, by John Campbell, 1971. Walter De Gray, Archbishop ofY ork, 12051255, by Lee Tully Wyatt III, 1975. Walter Rauschenbusch: The Kingdom of God and the American Experience, by David Alan McClintock, 1976. War of 1812 and American Religion, The, by William James Gribbin, 1969. Warren Court, the Establishment of Religion, and Schools, The, by Phillip Nicholas Royse, 1980. Was Randolph-Macon Different? Revivalism, Sectionalism, and the Academic Tradition: The Methodist Mission in Higher Education, 1830-1880, by James Monroe Becker, 1982. Washington County Schoolbook Controversy, The: The Political Implications of a Social and Religious Conflict, by Robert Oscar Goff, 1978. Washington Gladden: Exponent of Social Christianity, by Kenneth Lee Brown, 1967. Washington Gladden: Prophet of the Social Gospel, 1836-1918, by Jacob Henry Dorn III, 1966. Washington Office of the Congregational Christian Churches and Search for a Public Theology, The, by Mark N. Wilhelm, 2003. Watchmen on the Walls of Zion: Evangelicals and American Society, 1800-1860, by Donald Moore Scott, 1969. Ways and Means of Cardinal Richelieu’s Accession to Power, The: The Day of the Dupes, by Alain Henri Posteau, 1979. Ways of Zion Mourned, The: A Historicist Critique of the Discourses of Church-state Relations, by Mikael Newton Broadway, 1993.

Web of Voluntary Associations: Christian Community and Civil Society in Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China), The, by Lida Vera Nedilsky, 2002. We didn’t miss a day: A History in Narratives of Schooling Efforts for Jewish Children and Youths in German-occupied Europe, by Lisa Anne Plante, 2000. We hold these truths . . .: The Effect of Constitutional Litigation on Religious Minorities, by Eric Michael Mazur, 1997. Weight of the Night, The: Political, Economic, and Social Transformation in Chile, 1810-1830, by Errol Dean Jones, 1972. Welfare and Consensus: An Interpretation of the Christian Social Ethics of John C. Bennett, by David Herbert Smith, 1969. Well-traveled Coyote, A: Pueblo Cultural Narratives and Twentieth-century American Law, by Elizabeth Ann Archuleta, 2002. What Are Human Rights? An Historical and Conceptual Analysis, by Jack Donnelly III, 1982. What Constitutes State Action in Private Higher Education, by Thomas Joseph McKeon, 1983. What Did the Bishop Do With the Cows? The Church of Uganda and Political Culture in Busoga, by Jeremy Brookner Liebowitz, 2001. What God Hath Wrought: The Embodiment of Freedom In the Thirteenth Amendment, by George Henry Hoemann, 1983. What’s Left of Rights: Engaging Legal Skepticism and Critique, by Peter V. Rajsingh, 1997. Whence this Strange Fire? Religious and Reform Movements in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont, 1791-1843, by Randolph Anthony Roth, 1982. When Churces Preach Politics: A Comparative Analysis of the Political Role of Churches in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, by Isaac Phiri, 1996. When Midgets Battle Titans, Cultural and Organizational Resonances Matter: Afrocentric and Scientific Creationist Challenges to American Public Schools, by Amy Jill Binder, 1998. When Sport and Religion Combine: Issues and Implications Pertaining to School Prayer and Athletics, by Jason Warren Lee, 2002. When the Saints Come Marching In: InterCommunity Public Rituals Among the Tzotzil Indians of Southeastern Mexico, by Kazuyasu Ochiai, 1983. Which Jesus—The Doetic Influence in American Social History: 1894-1911, by William Kloner, 1988. Whigs and Heretics: Science, Religion and Politics in the Age of Newton, by Larry Stewart, 1980. Whigs and Nonconformists: Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Baptists in English Politics, 1715-1790, by James Edwin Bradley, 1978. Whittling off the Rough Edges: Paul Ramsey’s Use of Just War Norms as Theory, by Duane Stephen Long, 1990. Who Has Authority? The Struggle for Power in Colonial South Carolina, by Dorothy Louise Brown, 2002. Wholistic Approach to Education, A: Integrating the Secular and the Sacred, by Mary Jeanette Ebenhack, 1986. Why Christians Rebel: Patterns of Christian Political Radicalism and the Justification of Revolutionary Violence, by Donald Jay Losher, 1984. Why Parents in Oregon Enroll their Children in Protestant Christian Schools, by Chris Alan Foreman, 1983.

Why the Robertson Campaign Failed: A Study of Political Mobilization of Evangelical Ministers in the 1988 Republican Presidential Primaries, by Paul Chau-Jiunn Shie, 1991. Wilderness Lost: New England in the Jaws of an Angry God, by Davis Ross Wil liams, 1983. Wilhelm Emmanuel Von Ketteler: His Social and Political Philosophy, by Edward Cornelius Bock, 1968. Will Changing Conditions Affect the Ownership and Governance of Catholic Secondary Schools in Northern California? Issues and Trends, by Joseph Connell, 1990. William Duncan of Metlakatla: A Victorian Missionary in British Columbia, by Jean Edwards Usher, 1970. William Durant the Y oun~er’s Tractatus de Modo Generalis Goncilit Gelebrandi: An Early 14th-Century Conciliar Theory, by Constantin Fasalt, 1982. William Goodell: A Life of Reform, by Meyer Leon Perkal, 1973. William Gordon, Priest and Commissary, by William Brunner Campbell, 1966. William Henry Cardinal O’Connell: A Social and Intellectual Biography, by Robert Aidan O’Leary, 1980. William Jay: Churchman, Public Servant and Reformer, by Robert A. Trendel, Jr., 1974. William J. Kerby, John A. Ryan, and the Awakening of the Twentieth-Century American Catholic Social Conscience, 1899-1919, by Patrick Bernard Lavey, 1986. William Laud and the System of Thorough, by Clayton Stanley Searle, 1971. William Penn and Early Quakerism: A Theological Study, by Melvin Becker Endy, Jr., 1970. William Penn’s Relations with the British Government, by Joseph Edward Illick III, 1965. William Prospero’s America: John Winthrop, Jr., Alchemy and the Creation of New England Culture (1606-1676), by Walter Woodward, 2001. William Ralph Meredith: Leader of the Conservative Opposition in Ontario, 18781894, by Peter Edward Paul Dembski, 1978. William Tyndale’s Contribution to the Reformation in England, by Judith Moberly Mayotte, 1978. Winnebago Black Bear Subclan, The: A Defended Culture, by Walter Willard Funmaker, 1986. Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves: American Mennonites Engage Washington, by Keith Graber Miller, 1994. Witchcraft and Witch-killings in Tanzania: Paradox and Dilemma, by Simeon Mesaki, 1993. Witches and Prisoners in the Colonial Chesapeake, by Rebecca L. Logan, 2001. With Benefit of Clergy: Catholic Churcn Support for the National Agricultural Workers Union in Louisiana, 1948-1958, by Thomas A. Becnel, 1974. Witnessing Their Faith: Religious Influence on the Supreme Court Justices and Their Opinions, by Jay Alan Sekulow, 2004. Wolfgang Capito, Humanist and Reformer by James Matthew Kittelson, 1970. Woman’s Bible, The: Gender, Religion and Ideology in the Work of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1854-1902, by Kathi Lynn Kern, 1991. Women and the Religious Character of Contemporary Japan, by Marilyn Felcher Nefsky, 1984.

Women in the Parliament of Thailand: Their Characteristics and Attitudes, by Rangson Prasertsri, 1983. Women of the Senatorial Aristocracy of Late Rome as Christian Monastics: A Sociological and Cultural Analysis of Motivation, by Anne Ewing Hickey, 1983. Women, Refonn, and Feminism: The Young Women’s Christian Association and the American Friends Service Committee, 1945-1969, by Susan Lynn, 1986. Women’s Academies in Kentucky: Denominational/Non-denominational Differences in Character Formation, by Deborah Galloway Richard, 2000. Women’s Culture and Community: Religion and Reform in Galveston, 1880-1920, by Elizabeth Hayes Turner, 1990. Women’s Leadership Roles in the Student Christian Movement and the Rise of the New Woman, 1880-1920, by Thomas Arthur Russell, 1999. Women, Spiritual Churches and Politics in Ghana, by Brigid Maa Sackey, 1996. Women, Sunday Schools, and Politics: Early National New York City, 1797-1827, by Marilyn Hilley Pettit, 1991. Women, the Church, and the Courts, The: Sex Discrimination and the First Amendment, by George Wood Colvin, 1986. Woodrow Wilson and the Christian Tradition, by David Wesley Soper, 1945. Workingman and Theologian: Edward Henry Rogers (1824-1909) and the Impact of Evangelicalism on the Making of the American Working Class, by Philip Laurence Giles, 1990. World Beyond the Hudson, The: Alfred E. Smith and National Politics, 1918-1928, by Donn Charles Neal, 1974. World Christianity: The Church History Writing of Kenneth Scott Latourette, by William Lee Pitts, Jr., 1971. World, the Flesh, and the Devil, The: The Crusade of Lionel Groulx, 1878-1967, by Phyllis M. Sherrin, 1977. Yeshiva Revisited: Analogization of the United States Supreme Court’s Decision with a Public Institution of Higher Education, by Melvis Eugene Jarvis, 1983. Yitzhak Schipper’s Contributions to the Understanding of the Economic Role of Jews in Medieval Poland, by Jacob Litman, 1969. Yoruba Religious and Social Traditions in Ekiti, Nigeria, and Three Caribbean Countries: Trinidad-Tobago, Guyana and Belize, by James Adeyinka Ola waiye, 1981. Younger Church in Search of Maturity, A: The History of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil from 1919-1959, by Paul Everet Pierson, 1972. Zion as Place and Past: An American Myth: Ottoman Palestine in the American Mind Perceived Through Protestant Consciousness and Experience, by Lester Irwin Vogel, 1984. Zion City, Illinois: Twentieth Century Utopia, by Philip Lee Cook, 1967. Zionism and Socialism in the Theology of Martin Buber, by Frank Wooldridge Buckner, 1987. Zionist Attitudes toward the Palestinial Arabs, 1936-1939, by Yehoyada Haim, 1977. Zionist Career of Louis Lipsky, 1900-1921, The, by Deborah Esther Lipstadt, 1978. Zionist Hooligans, The: The Jewish Defense League, by Shlomo Mordechai Russ, 1981. Zionist Influences upon U.S. Foreign Policy: A Study of American Policy Toward the Middle East from the Time of the Struggle for Israel to the Sinai Conflict, by Earl Dean Huff, 1972. Zoroastrians, The: Persistence of a Small Minority Group in Moslem Iran, by Janet

Theola Kestenberg-Amighi, 1984.

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