50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Dan Jawabannya

May 11, 2018 | Author: Ferdiya Diyank Norisca | Category: Nature
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50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

TEXT 1 WHY THE SKY IS HIGH A long time ago, the sky was close to the earth. When yo stoo! " an! stretche! yor arms, yo col! toch it. #ne !ay, a $armer %roght some coconts $or his wi$e. His wi$e wante! to ! rink the &ice insi!e. She knocke! on o$ the coconts against a rock to %reak o"en the shell 'That(s not the way to !o it, 'her hs%an! sai!. 'Yo ' Yo  shol! ct it o"en with a kni$e) He ga*e her his %olo or &ngle+kni$e His wi$e raise! the kni$e to ct the cocont shell. 'crack ). As she li$te! the kni$e a%ot her hea! it s"lit o"en the sky an! there was hea*y rain. The woman tol! the sky, 'Will 'Will yo "lease go a little higher- I can(t raise my kni$e high enogh to ct this cocont shell) She raise! the kni$e o*er her shol!er the secon! time. #nce again, it hit the sky an! there was thn!er an! lightening 'Yo are still too low,) the woman sai! to the sky. 'lease go higher.) She raise! the %olo a thir! time. It still cracke! the sky. There There was a ty"hoon, an! the woman(s hose was almost %lown away %y the $ierce win!. 'What are yo !oing-) crie! her hs%an!, '/an(t yo e*en try to o"en a cocont shell withot casing a ty"hoon-) 'It(s not me,) his wi$e answere!. 'It(s the sky which is too low). I nee! more room to se the kni$e.) 0inally, the woman %ecame *ery angry. She looke! " an! shote! at sky. 'Yo(! 'Yo(! %etter !o as I tol!. #therwise I shall ct yo to "ieces.) The clo!s rose an! rose an! the sky went " higher an! higher. That(s That(s why it is now so high. 1. 1. a.  %. c. !. e. 3. 3. a.  %. c. !. e. 4. 4. a.  %. c. !.

What hat is is the the ty"e o$ the te2t e2t a%o a%o*e *e-narrati*e !escri"ti*e re"ort recont news items What What is the the soc socia iall $n $nct ctio ion n o$ o$ the the te2 te2ttTo !escri%e a% a%ot cocont sh shells To entertain the rea!ers with $airy legen! To in$orm orm re rea!ers a%o a%o t co cocon cont sh shells To !esc !escri ri%e %e how how the the $arm $armer erss o"e o"en n the the coco cocon ntt shel shells ls To e2"l e2"lai ain n to to rea rea!e !ers rs why why it( it(ss har! har! to o"en o"en coco cocon ntt she shell llss 5ase 5ase! ! on on the the te2t te2t a%o* a%o*e, e, what what ma!e ma!e the the woman woman get get angr angryyThe sky went " too high He hs%an! !i!n(t want to hel" her  She col!n(t ct the sky into "ieces Her Her hs hs%a %an! n! $or% $or%a! a!ee her her to crac crack k the the coco cocon ntt shel shelll o"e o"en n

e. The sky ga*e her rain, thn!er, lightening, an! ty"hoon 6. Which one o$ the $ollowing statements is 7#T T89E accor!ing to the te2ta. A %olo is a &ngle kni$e  %. The woman tore the sky $or se*eral times. c. A *ery long time ago, the sky was *ery low !. The $armer %roke the cocont with the kni$e $or his wi$e e. The $armer(s wi$e wante! to !rink some cocont water  . 'She knocke! one o$ the coconts against a rock to %reak o"en the shell) :"aragra"h 3;. The n!erline! wor! can %e re"lace! %y
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