50 Award Winning House

April 21, 2017 | Author: Andres Alejandro Alvear Lima | Category: N/A
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50 AWARD WINNING HOUSE 50获奖房子 李婵 何英 译

刘沉地 编


Contents 目录


Foreword 前言


Lefevre Beach House 勒菲弗海滨别墅

15 Mirindiba House 米伦迪巴别墅

23 Panama House 巴拿马别墅

31 Pentimento House 变形别墅

39 Capece Venanzi House 海角小屋

47 Esker House Rooftop Apartment 埃斯科尔屋顶住宅

55 Harbour me, Celia! 拥抱我吧,西莉亚!

61 House in Carabbia 卡拉贝拉别墅

69 IJburg House 艾哲伯格别墅

77 J2 House J2别墅

107 Villa G G别墅

115 Villa Marstrand Wadt 马斯特兰德·韦德别墅

121 Villa Petersen 彼得森别墅

129 Villa Storingavika 斯多林嘉维卡别墅

135 Barrow House 独轮车别墅

143 Marcus Beach House 马库斯海滨别墅

149 Noosa Hinterland House & Studio 努沙腹地别墅与工作室

155 The Bay House 海湾别墅

161 Tugun Residence 图坤别墅

167 Vader House 韦德别墅

175 Helal “New Moon” Residence 希拉勒“新月亮”公馆

85 Milhundos House

183 Hover House



91 Redondela House 雷多黛拉别墅

101 Steigereiland 斯黛格瑞兰德

191 Shell House 薄壳别墅

197 Symbiosis House in a Forest 伴林居

203 Zen House 禅房

301 Zeidler Residence 德勒住宅

207 Beuth Residence 柏斯住宅

213 Brosmith Residence 布罗史密斯住宅

219 Hamptons Beach House 汉普顿海滨别墅

229 Kelly Residence 凯莉别墅

235 Lago Vista Guesthouse 湖畔远景别墅

241 Point Dume Residence 庞特·杜牧公馆

253 Pool House 泳池别墅

259 Skyline Residence 天际公馆

269 Suntro House 桑特罗别墅

275 Surfhouse 冲浪别墅

281 The Xeros Residence 艾克塞罗斯别墅

287 Torres House 托雷斯别墅

293 Villa NM NM别墅

307 Biscuit Lofts 饼干公寓

313 Collage Paris 拼贴巴黎

319 GreenCity Lofts 绿城公寓

325 Silkwood 修科伍德大厦

331 Strandkanten 斯坦肯住宅区

337 "Miravalle Tower 点式住宅

345 MTN MTN公寓

351 Museum Residences 博物馆住宅

357 Index 索引

Foreword 前言 Habitation is one of the fundamental needs for human beings, and it is just from residence that architecture developed itself. With the unceasing growth of this discipline, designs for public buildings drew more and more attention, as witnessed by numerous memorial edifices built all over the world. However, architects have never moved their eyes from residences. In the early 20th century, great designers contributed to this field with many gorgeous projects, such as Fallingwater, Villa Savoye, and Schroeder Housein Utrecht. Today when we have stepped into a new era for design, grandmasters in architecture are paying an unprecedented effort to our living space with their genius in creativity and innovation. This book covers fifty outstanding houses built recently, from villas to flats, each shining with its own brilliance. Thanks to the delicate designs, the clients could live in their dreamed spaces. Houses are closely related to our life, as some designer once said that the design for a house has nothing to do with style, creativity, or concept; a good house is only designed with your soul attached. Among all types of architecture, house design is the most affectionate. The forms of houses may vary greatly, and there are no fixed rules. Excellent house designs present themselves in various forms. As we could see in this book, the designers brought out their characterised houses, applying different concepts in different contexts, being considerate or showing their peculiarities. For sure, you would find many surprises here. The stunning design for the project Harbour me, Celia! would be a good example. It is a renovation project situated in an old farmhouse, in which the designer tried his best to retain the existing structure. The air of a farmhouse is further kept with simple decoration. Here simplicity is the expression of beauty. So is Pentimento House, in which you wouldn’t find imposing decorations, but subtly and flexibly designed ones which filled the house with pleasure and surprise. Pool House is another example. It is so small that the house even seems subordinate to the pool! For this, the designer made a subtle contrast of the scales, and together with careful details, the house is extremely distinctive. The fast-paced city life makes us feel more and more alien from nature. As the design that most focuses on human souls, house design is sure to take nature as a key element. This is well exemplified by many houses included here, in which the designers implied various ways to help their clients live closer to nature, in tranquility and peace. Symbiosis House in a Forest, for example, is built amongst mountains. The context naturally endowed the house with a strong sense of nature. The landscape is perfectly kept, without cutting a single tree on the site. In this way, the forest becomes the garden for the house, with living space fully integrated into nature. Conversely, IJburg House is a different case. While there is no forest in its surroundings, the designer created a green context inside the limited space of the house, with as much plant as possible. The small house is quite impressive for its intimate atmosphere. Designers are diversified in their designing methods. In a simple form, an extraordinary spatial sense could be achieved through designing with flowing streamlines. In Steigereiland House, for instance, in this “blue box”,

we would have an unexpected spatial experience, seeing surprising construction techniques. In Surfhouse, however, apart from the flexible arrangement of the limited interior spaces, the designer livened up the small house in the form of a square box, by applying a “subtraction” concept. Of course, some designers are good at making novel forms in architecture. The “grey” spaces caused by the irregular forms become, quite surprisingly, the sparkling points of the houses, through certain magic processing of the designers. Villa NM stands out just for its graceful configuration, with its streamlines being focal points for both the outside and the inside. Shell House, similarly, is built with the configuration of a shell, in which the elegant streamlines could be seen everywhere. Moreover, the designer made use of the “shell” configuration in interior design. In the book, you would find careful design schemes as well as excellent design skills, implemented in houses, villas, flats, etc. in various scales, with a diversity of styles. We believe that certain ones of them would wow you when catching your eyes!

居住是人类生存的基本要求之一,建筑最初就是由住宅而起,随着建筑学的不断发展,公共建筑的设计渐渐受到重视,一幢幢出色 的纪念性建筑拔地而起,但是设计师们也从未放弃对居住空间的关注。20世纪初期,建筑大师们留下了“流水别墅”、“ 萨伏伊 别墅”、“什罗德住宅”等经典作品。如今进入了设计的时代,新一代的设计大师们用更多的创意关注着人们的生活环境。 本书收录了50个近年出色的住宅设计,不论是公寓还是别墅,都各有精彩之处,设计师用心的设计,给了业主贴心的住宅。 住宅和生活息息相关,有设计师说,住宅的设计可能与风格无关,与创意无关,与理念无关,只与心灵深处有关。住宅的设计是众 多设计中最富感情的。住宅设计的形式变化多样,没有固定的规则,无论何种形式,都可以做出出色的设计。在本书中,可以看到 设计师用不同的手法,在不同的设计环境中,展示给我们各具特色的住宅设计,不论是面面俱到还是剑走偏锋,相信这些设计都会 带给读者以惊喜。 让人惊叹的“拥抱我吧,西莉亚!”翻修设计,在一个老农舍中展开,设计师尽量保留原状,简单的装饰完美地保护了原来农舍的 气息,用最质朴的语言表达美好。“变形别墅”也是如此,并没有富丽堂皇的装饰,却有灵活而巧妙的设计,让这个小屋充满愉快 和惊喜。“泳池别墅”体量很小,甚至看起来建筑成为了泳池的附属,但设计师通过特殊的体量对比和巧妙的细节设计,让这个住 宅充满了独特的韵味。 快节奏的都市生活让人们越来越需要自然的庇护,最为关注人类心灵空间的住宅设计更将自然作为设计的重要元素。在本书中收录 了很多这样的设计,设计师用各种方式让业主的生活更贴近自然,更舒适宁和。 “伴林居”建于山中,住宅本身就带有浓厚的自然气息,设计师并未进行周围景观的设计,甚至没有砍掉基地的任何一棵树木,而 是自然而然的,让森林变成了这个住宅的花园,让居住环境完全融入到自然中去。不在森林中同样可以营造自然的环境,“艾哲伯 格别墅”体量虽然不大,但是设计师在这个小小的住宅空间内最大限度的栽种了植物,配合完美的比例,让这幢住宅充满亲和力。 设计师们的设计手法多种多样,可能在很简单的形体中,用出色的流线设计营造出非凡的空间感受。如“斯黛格瑞兰德别墅”,这 个蓝色的方盒子里,有让人意想不到的空间,也有让人惊叹的建筑技术。而在占地面积有限的“冲浪别墅”中,设计师在巧妙处理 有限的内部空间的同时,还利用形体上的“减法”让这个建筑的方盒子造型不再呆板。 当然,也有很多设计师擅长设计造型别致的建筑,不规则的形体造成的灰空间经过建筑师的巧妙处理,成为了整个设计的亮点。 “NM别墅”以其优雅的曲线而闻名,曲线同时在建筑造型与室内空间中成为亮点。“薄壳别墅”的整体造型就是蛋壳状,曲线深 入到设计的每个层面,而壳状外形对内部空间的影响也被设计师巧妙的利用。 在本书中,除了感受各种各样贴心的设计,也可以看到很多出色的设计技巧,除了独立的别墅,也有出色的公寓设计,不同体量, 不同风格的住宅设计,相信每一个读者,都可以在这里面找到让你眼前一亮的家。

 勒菲弗海滨别墅 Location: Punta Misterio, Peru Designer: Longhi Architects Photographer: CHOlon Photography Completion date: 2008 项目地点:秘鲁 潘塔密斯蒂尔罗镇 设计师:隆基建筑事务所 摄影师:少龙摄影公司 完成时间:2008年

Lefevre Beach House Conceived as the place where the arid Peruvian desert meets the Pacific Ocean, this beach house located at Punta Misterio 117km south of Lima, is an intervention where the integration of architecture and landscape was an important concern. The base of the project is quite special, thus the designers at the beginning made up their minds to make the house fit the characters of the environment. Therefore the designers have this tensional risingsuspending configuration. The monotonous single-linear design is replaced by corners and obliquely suspending figures, contributing to a sparkling point to the design. The façade of the house is built with local stone material; the white walls are particularly used to achieve a bright atmosphere corresponding to the beach. The design made full use of the landform of the site, particularly the different heights, making the house perfectly suit the landscape. Sand garden roofs act as the extension of the desert; lap and recreation pools connect the ocean with the house, while a glass box hangs from the structure symbolising architecture between sand and water. A waterscape is also realised through an ingenious use of the landform. The interior design is simple, linear and layered. The corners and the different heights are all taken into consideration. In order to offer the client the most comfortable living space and to enjoy a better experience of the outside nature, the designers used window boxes to bring outdoor scenery inside. Stones are used in the interior, matched with a simple and natural interior design style. 勒菲弗海滨别墅位于潘塔密斯蒂尔罗镇,利马以南117公里处。秘鲁沙漠与太平洋在这里交 汇,建筑与风景在这里融合。 基底环境特殊,设计师在设计之初就确定要让建筑适应环境的性格,设计出了富有张力的“上 升-悬挑”造型。平面上改变了一味的直线设计,让转角设计以及斜插的悬挑成为住宅的亮点。 住宅的外立面设计利用了当地的石材,另用白色墙体营造海滨简单明媚的氛围。 设计充分利用当地的地形高差,设计出与海滩山地融为一体的建筑。沙滩花园屋顶延伸至沙 滩,游泳池将海洋与别墅连为一体,玻璃箱式的设计理念使得该建筑与沙滩和海水融合得浑然 一体。巧妙的利用高差创造出窗外的水景。 室内设计流线简单而富有层次,平面的转角以及剖面的高差都得到了巧妙的利用。为了让业主 有最佳的生活环境,能更好地感受周围环境,设计师用玻璃箱的设计将室外的景物引入室内, 在室内设计中同样运用石材,与之搭配的是简约自然的室内设计风格。

 Awarded: 2008 Odors 100 Awards The figure of the house is simple and elegant, perfectly integrating into the site. The interior space is layered according to the difference of the height of the site. The environment is fully considered: the surrounding stones are integrated with the house and the sea is introduced into the house; the configuration, the material and the colour palette are all in good integration with the environment. The outdoor vista is introduced indoors through the big windows; meanwhile, decorative stones adopted indoors remind us of the nature outside. The interior design is simple and delicate, with irregular graphic designs corresponding to each other. Details are fully considered, contributing to the continuity of the whole atmosphere, from inside to outside. 获奖情况: 2008年奥德斯100大奖 建筑造型简约大气,充分结合当地的地形,利用高差的变化创造室内空间的层次。将周围的石 材融入建筑,将海水引入住宅,在建筑造型、材质、色彩上也与基地附近环境良好的融合。利 用玻璃将户外环境引入室内,同时室内的石材装饰也是与外界自然条件的结合。室内空间设计 简单而精巧,打破常规的不规则平面设计也在室内的空间设计与流线设计中得到呼应和巧妙的 应用。细节设计考虑周全,整个设计由内至外由整体到细节浑然一体。






15 米伦迪巴别墅 Location: São Paulo, Brazil Designer: Marcio Kogan Photographer: Nelson Kon Completion date: January 2006 项目地点:巴西 圣保罗 设计师:马西奥·柯冈 摄影师:尼尔森·康 完成时间:2006年1月

Mirindiba House Immediately to the right, in the entrance of the house, a large livingroom completely opens, using two window-frame moldings that are entirely built into the wall, creating cross-ventilation and an area of continuum space that is totally free. There is no structural interference in this space. The living room opens to a delicate wooden-floored garden with a reflecting pool and minimum vegetation. The perfection of the execution, the surprisingly free and continuous space and the play of volumes invoke a cinematographic atmosphere. The constructive materiality meets with a said imaginary architecture. A small atrium articulates the remaining areas: the way to the dining room and to the kitchen and, vertically, to the other places programmed into the house. On the first story are the intimate areas and, on the second, a more reserved social area. In this room, two large wooden lath doors open to a deck, on one side, a beautiful view of the city and, on the other, a view of the garden which, downstairs, is protracted from the living room. Upstairs, the precision of the drawing and the execution continues to impress and create the cinematographic atmosphere of the house. 紧挨着右面的房间入口,建筑师设计了一个完全开放的巨大起居室。这个起居室的两个窗户全部 嵌在墙壁中,从而创造了一个空气横向流通的、完全自由的连续空间。空间上没有任何的结构干 扰。起居室像一个铺着木制地板的精致花园,有一个碧波荡漾的池塘,还有一点植物。执行力的 完善、空前自由、连续的空间以及各部分的协调发挥,都帮助营造了一种电影艺术的气氛。 一个小门廊连接了其余区域,包括餐厅、厨房,以及在垂直方向上规划的其他地方。一楼是私人 区域,二楼保留了社交区域。在这个房间里,两扇巨大的木门开向一个露天平台。在这个平台的 一侧可以欣赏到城市的景色,另一侧可以看到从楼下起居室延伸出来的花园。楼上,绘图的精确 性和完美的执行力同样给人以深刻的印象,人们继续体验着这座建筑所带来的仿佛电影摄影一般 的艺术氛围。

Awarded: 2008 Short List / D&AD Award 2008 Short List / London International Creative Competition_LICC 2007Short List / International Biennial Barbara Cappochin / Italy 2007 Award Winning / International Design Awards_IDA / USA The Mirindiba House is an impressive example of construction, good drawing and good execution on building the architecture. The details, exhaustively and precisely drawn are fulfilled in a perfect execution. The use of materials, the shape, the intention of the drawing, quietly materialise, as thoughts on a drawing board. This precise drawing glimmers in the architectural detail. Each small re-entering angle of the house was deliberately thought out. 获奖情况: 2008年D&AD大奖候选作品 2008年伦敦国际创意竞赛候选作品 2007年意大利芭芭拉国际双年会候选作品 2007年美国国际设计奖获奖作品 米伦迪巴别墅是良好的建造、构图、执行在建筑上的完美结合。设计的细节在建造执行中都得 以实现。材料的运用、形状、图纸的意图都实施得恰到好处,仿佛建筑构思直接画在制图板 上。这个项目的建筑构图因其细节而生辉。住宅的每处微小的细节都经过深思熟虑。






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03 02




ground floor

01. main entrance 02. terrace 03. deck - solarium 04. kitchen 05. living room 06. homeof fice 07. dinningroom 08. bedroom 09. closet 10. bathroom 11. sauna 12. hall 13. snackroom 14. hometheater 15. water mirror 16. swimmingpool 17. storage














23 巴拿马别墅 Location: São Paulo, Brazil Designer: Marcio Kogan Photographer: STUDIO MK27 Completion date: January 2008 项目地点:巴西 圣保罗 设计师:马西奥·柯冈 摄影师:MK27工作室 完成时间:2008年1月

side elevation

front elevation

Panama House The Panama House is located in one of the garden neighborhoods, just some blocks from Paulista, the financial centre of the city of São Paulo. The client has an important art collection, above all, modern Brazilian art, and the house was designed to house this collection. The works of art are scattered throughout all the areas of the residence, from the bedrooms to the gardens. The interior house-plant is organised into 3 floors and a sub-solo. Upon entering the lot, a tree-covered patio leads the guest to the door. A social hall distributes part of the program of the house: a library, vertical circulation, the utility rooms and the living room. From within the library you can see, in front of the exterior stone wall, a Maria Martins sculpture, reposing over a reflecting pool. The living room has large spans that open, in their entirety, to the garden, building a spatial continuity between interior and exterior. In the garden, the pool, installed on the side of the lot, mirrors the stones of the wall. On the second floor, a large corridor connecting the bedrooms also works as a gallery exhibiting the paintings and sculptures. Two windows, at the ends of the corridor, bathe this area with light and, in front of one of them a sculpture made by Brazilian Amilcar de Castro constructs the space. An office annexed to the master suite overlooks the garden, as do the other bedrooms. The façades of the rooms have brise-soleils made of sliding vertical wooden lathes. The brise-soleils are important to guarantee greater comfort, protecting from direct sunlight and creating a texture with the light. One of the architectural premises of the house is to organise the space from a wooden box that is placed inside a C-shaped concrete cask. This concrete cask is formed by cement slabs and a wall and, in relation to the wooden box, determines the translucent and transparent areas. On the third story, a game01.room and an academy connect to a wooden deck, the main entrance 02. hall terrace of the house. The utility rooms of the house and the garage are 03. library 04. living room located on the 05. sub-solo. deck 06. swimming pool





07. garden 巴拿马别墅建在距离圣保罗金融中心保利斯塔仅有几个街区之隔的一个花园地区。客户有一个 08. dinning room 09. courtyard 非常重要的艺术收藏,其中最重要的是巴西艺术,这间别墅的设计将把这个艺术收藏包容在 10. china closet 内。这些艺术品分布在从卧室到花园的所有住宅区域。 11. wine storage 12. lunch room 室内植物分布在三个楼层和一个独立房间中。一进入院子,一个由树木覆盖的平台便把客人们 13. kitchen 引向了房门。社交厅里分布了这栋别墅的部分项目,其中有图书馆、垂直环流、杂物间和起居 14. sentry box 15. service patio 室。从图书馆中你能看到一座玛丽亚·马丁斯的雕塑树立在外部石墙前,静静地站在波光粼粼 16. dog-house 的池塘之上。起居室里有全部开放的巨大空间,一直开放到花园之中,从而形成了一个从内至 17. air-conditioner room 18. gallery 外的宽敞的连接区域。四周墙壁的石头映衬在场地一端的花园池塘之中。 19. bathroom 20. pantry 二楼的一个连接着各个卧室的巨大走廊上陈列着许多画作和雕塑。走廊两端的两扇窗户使这片 21. bedroom 区域沐浴在阳光之中。巴西人阿米尔卡·卡斯特罗的一件雕塑占据了其中一扇窗户前的空间。 22. office 23. hometheater 与其他卧室一样,人们在附属于套房的一间办公室里也可以俯瞰花园全景。各个房间的正面都 24. dressingroom 安有遮阳板,由光滑的直木板制成。这些遮阳板有助于增强房间舒适度、防止阳光直射,以及 25. playroom 26. gym 创造良好的光线质感。房间的建筑前提之一是围绕着摆放在C形混凝土桶中的木盒子来组织空 27. technical area 28. garage 间。这个混凝土桶是由水泥厚板和墙壁形成的,与木制盒子一起决定了透明和半透明的区域。 第三层中有一个游戏房和一个与别墅木制露天平台相连的艺术学会。杂物室和车库安排在分枝 单间中。















SECTION L scale 1:200




26 Awarded: 2008 Award Winning / International Design Awards_IDA / USA The stone and the wood, materials that refer to traditional Brazilian building, are mixed with modern materials, such as reinforced concrete and plastic and which create an architectural language. Reflecting concern with the precision of the construction, all of the details of the house were elaborated by the office, even some of the furniture that was specifically designed for the house. 获奖情况: 2008年美国国际设计奖获奖作品 体现巴西传统建筑特点的石料和木料与代表着现代建筑特点的钢筋混凝土和塑料相结合,形成 了一种独特的建筑语言。出于对建设过程中精确性的担忧,事务所对这套别墅所有的细节都进 行了详细阐述,甚至包括一些为这套别墅特别设计的家具。







01. main entrance 02. hall 03. library 04. living room 05. deck 06. swimming pool 07. garden 08. dinning room 09. courtyard 10. china closet 11. wine storage 12. lunch room 13. kitchen 14. sentry box 15. service patio 16. dog-house 17. air-conditioner room 18. gallery 19. bathroom 20. pantry 21. bedroom 22. office 23. hometheater 24. dressingroom 25. playroom 26. gym 27. technical area












PLAN second floor scale 1:200


31 变形别墅 Location: Quito, Ecuador Designer: Jose María Sáez, David Barragán Photographer: Raed Gindeya, Jose María Sáez Completion date: 2006 项目地点:厄瓜多尔 基多 设计师:荷西·玛利亚·萨埃,大卫·巴拉甘 摄影师:拉伊德·金德亚,荷 西·玛利亚·萨埃 完成时间:2006年

Pentimento House A concrete platform serves as its foundation and adapts to the topography bypassing the trees or incorporating them. On the platform rises the prefabricated system. The pieces of steel rods are inserted into the concrete, anchored by epoxy glue. These rods and elements of work between pieces generate a tight structure of small columns and lintels especially well suited to the seism of the area. The interstices in the prefabricated structure are left open at some points and closed in others with a transparent or translucent acrylic and wooden strips, becoming vegetation and light filters. Inside, the same cracks help to support some wood pieces, including shelves, seating, tables and steps. The foundation slab melts with black pigment and hardener to become the final floor. The Flowerpot stays in its precast concrete finished as in its interior and exterior. The wood in the interior and vegetation in the exterior are always an important part of the project. On the top floor the lookout becomes the main space and robs its attention for any secondary element, allowing the passage of air and light, aligning the views of the distant mountains. It concentrates on linking the user with the surrounding environment. Economy, simplicity and clarity of the house lead to a simplified constructive process and its low budget. The constructing work is done in a temperate climate and with available materials. 变形别墅构筑的基础是一个水泥平台,根据地形因地制宜,或避开树木,或将树木围入院中。 平台上建起预制结构:钢杆插入平台中,用环氧树脂胶固定。预制构架里面的空隙有的空着, 有的用透明或半透明的丙烯酸或木质板条填满,成为一个外面有植被覆盖的滤光器。这些空隙 有利于 房屋中用到的一些木质建材,如架子、座位、桌子、楼梯等。 水泥平台并不直接作为房屋的地面,而是铺上一层黑色粉状颜料,起到加固作用。内有木质材 料,外有植被覆盖,成为该建筑的一大特点。顶层的瞭望台是住宅最主要的部分,使室内阳光 充足,空气流通顺畅;面向远方的山景,使居住者与周围环境融为一体。 这所住宅的设计要求是经济、简单、清晰。这就简化了施工过程,降低了建造成本,注定了其 预算低廉。白天在当地温和的气候条件下施工,而且所用的都是常见的建筑材料。

Awarded: 2006 National Architectural Design Award 2006 XV Quito Architecture Biennale 2008 Lisbon Best Work by Young Architect VI BIAU (Architecture and Urbanism Iberoamerican Biennale) The appearance of the Pentimento house resembles a flowerpot, converging with nature as a garden and closely connected with its surroundings. It is built with a single piece of prefabricated concrete. Outside is a neutral grid that is camouraged like a fence or hedge. Inside, each wall is different, fitting its own scale need, function, position, etc. 获奖情况: 2006年国家建筑设计奖 2006年第十五届基多建筑设计奖 2008年里斯本第六届建筑与城市规划设计最佳青年设计奖 这栋别墅采取了花钵式的别致造型,清新简朴,与大自然紧密融合。其整体花钵结构用一整块 混凝土水泥板完成建造,一气呵成。外面有围栏,使居住者达到“天人合一”的境界。内部围 墙变化各异,根据所需的规格、功能、地点分别设置。














39 海角小屋 Location: Naples, Italy Designer: Giovanni Vaccarini Architects Photographer: Giovanni Vaccarini Architects Completion date: 2007 项目地点:意大利 那不勒斯 设计师:杰凡尼设计师事务所 摄影师:杰凡尼设计师事务所 完成时间: 2007年

Capece Venanzi House Capece Venanzi House is a suburban house for a young couple. It’ s situated in the diffuse sprawl of the Adriatic coast, in one of the possible areas of this diffuse city in the segment between Ascoli Piceno and Pescara. The site is tightened between the urban texture of two levels houses for single families and the hill, completely covered with “spontaneous” vegetation. The system is defined from one development in section on three levels: Level buried completely dug is in the land; an inner patio is the element around to which the spaces are organised, constructing a game of goals between the spaces second plan. Gruond floor; it is the collective part of the building: large vetrata a flowing one marks the border between the roof uncovered garden and the covered area day. The space wheels around to a metallic scale lamellare that it connects with the first floor. The first level receives the rooms and the private spaces of the building (bagno/sauna, arena, study) 海角小屋是为一对年轻夫妇打造的郊外别墅,坐落在亚得里亚海海岸上的一片区域,这是位于 阿斯科利皮切诺和佩斯卡拉之间的这个城市里的可用地区之一。别墅位于双层独户住房的城市 结构和小山之间,完全覆盖着自然生长的植被。 海角小屋包括三层: 地下层围绕内院而建,连接着“地下”空间、绿色屋顶、生活空间和第二层。 第一层是别墅的公共空间:一面大光滑玻璃墙标志着屋顶花园和下面生活区之间的分界线。空 间绕金属楼梯旋转,连接着第一层和第二层。 第二层是别墅的私人空间,包括卧室、桑拿室、办公室和卫生间。

Awarded: Winning Academic of National Academy of San Luca, Italy The idea is to construct a building with one “inverse” guideline. Instead of being oriented towards the crowded city, it turns towards the hill, from wiich the house rises from a "green sea". 获奖情况: 意大利圣路卡国家研究院大奖 设计理念是要建造一个方位超常的建筑物:不朝向城市,而是朝向小山。小山成为可供人们眺 望的一片“绿色海洋”。




PIANTA PIANO TERRA +1.50 LEGENDA 1_accesso pedonale 2_accesso carrabile 3_zona giorno 4_zona pranzo 5_servizi 6_zona notte N






47 埃斯科尔屋顶住宅 Location: San Candido, Italy Designer: Plasma Studio Photographer: Cristobal Palma Completion date: November 2006 项目地点:意大利 圣坎迪朵 设计师:帕拉斯马设计工作室 摄影师:克里斯托博·帕尔玛 完成时间: 2006年11月

Esker House Rooftop Apartment Esker House (esker means stratified geological formation) is a selfcontained residential unit placed on top of an existing house from the 1960s. The project is formed by a series of steel and timber frames that deform to recreate the smooth hillsides of the surrounding dolomites. This partly accessible roofscape also determines the spatial character inside- the spaces are enfolded by an angular and dynamic series of planes creating new and ever-changing perspectives and spatial constellations. The unique stratified morphology and construction system started off from projecting each step of the external staircase as a modulor that then was proliferated as frames. These frames enable the subsequent deformation and softening of the overall geometry. The split level organisation leads to the lengthening of parts of the stairs to form a topography for informal occupation. The overall spatial character is that of an echelon with a diffusion of functions and conditions where inside and outside, above and below become gradient zones of varying intensity. These interleave as a loop that transgresses from the most private zone of bedroom and bathroom via kitchen, dining and living rooms towards the more public and exposed territory of the various terraces. 埃斯科尔住宅(“埃斯科尔”的意思是分层地质组成)是从20世纪60年代开始,建在已有房子 上面的、设备齐全的居住单元。住宅是由一系列金属和木支架构成的,这些支架的变形是为了 顺应周围光滑的白云石山坡。触手可及的屋顶景色也决定了内部的空间特点——空间由一个屋 角和几个面所构成,成为一个角度千变万化的新空间。独特的分层形态和建造体系颇具特色: 开始是把每一阶外部楼梯当作模块,然后再延展成框架;这些框架之后的变形可减轻整个几何 体的重量。断开的结构使楼梯一部分得以延长,形成一个供短暂驻足的地形。整体的空间特点 是一个有着分散功能和环境的梯阵,室内室外、上上下下都有着变化多端的步行区。这些交叉 路组成了一个环,这样,从卧室和浴室这样的私人区域可以通过厨房、餐厅和客厅到达更加敞 开、豁朗的阳台。

Awarded: 2006 Italy Competition The architects challenged the standard pitched and overhanging roof and instead developed a rich texture of different occupiable spaces. On the outside these are a podium that leads to the top of the roof, a semi-covered pergola beneath it, a long terrace as extension to the south of the living room. Given that the existing house has two “wings” with different roof levels, the designers started from a simple diagram of two boxes forming a “T”, allowing plenty of external space for terraces to the south. The lower western box became the living zone with the upper eastern box to contain the master bedroom, bathroom, second bedroom and kitchen. 获奖情况: 2006年意大利竞赛 建筑师挑战这个标准的外伸屋顶,将其改造成富有不同结构的可利用的空间。外面,一堵矮墙 可以通向屋顶,下面还有一个半遮的凉棚,和一个客厅南面延伸出来的长阳台。原房屋有两个 “翅膀”,处于不同的屋顶平面上。设计师从构成“T”字形的简单结构开始,使朝南的阳台有 了足够的外部空间。西面是居住区,东面是主卧室、浴室、次卧室和厨房。








55 拥抱我吧,西莉亚! Location: Viechtach, Germany Designer: Hai Merlin Studio Photographer: Edward Beierle, Gero Wortmann Completion date: August 2008 项目地点:德国 维希塔赫 设计师:海默尔林建筑设计工作室 摄影师:爱德华·拜尔勒,格罗·沃特曼 完成时间:2008年8月

Harbour me, Celia! Hai Merlin Studio/Peter Haimerl and Jutta Görlich have decided to build the new structures in the old farm house in the Bavarian Forest in foam glass concrete. On the one hand the living spaces should appear as monolithically as possible and should have very good thermal properties. On the other hand, the history of the Bavarian Forest is connected to the production of glass. A very special landscape characteristic that points out this tradition is the “Pfahl” – the pile – an underground quartz ridge, that comes to the surface near Viechtach town. Foam glass concrete is a very light and still very stable material, whose coefficient of thermal conductivity is between 0,12 and 0,38 w/(m k) and therefore can also be used as thermal insulation. Another advantage is that the material has similar characteristics to wood and therefore connects very well to the old house. In order to achieve reasonable heights in the kitchen and eating area the floor had to be sunk 130 centimetres. A downpour of foam glass rubble protects the living spaces against heat loss. 海默尔林建筑设计工作室的皮特・海默尔和尤塔·格里奇决定在巴伐利亚森林的旧农舍里利用 泡沫玻璃混凝土建造新的结构。之所以采用泡沫玻璃混凝土是因为,一方面,生活区应尽可能 成为一个整体,并且具有良好的保温效果;另一方面,巴伐利亚森林的历史与玻璃制造相连。 把人们的视线吸引到制造玻璃这个传统上的是一道特殊的风景:“桩”——一个地下石英山 脉。这座石英山脉坐落在维希塔赫镇附近。 泡沫玻璃混凝土是一种很轻巧却非常坚固的材料。这种材料的导热系数在0.12W/(mk)到 0.38W/(mk)之间,因此也可作为绝热材料。这种材料的另一个优点就是与木材具有相似的 特性,因此可以与老房子很好地连接。为了使厨房和就餐区的高度能够适宜,地板需要下沉 130cm。泡沫玻璃碎石的注入防止了生活区内的热量流失。

Awarded: 2008 Best Architect Award 09 in Gold 2008 Architecture Award for Concrete Buildings / Germany In the latest thirties most of the old farmhouses in Bavarian forest were destroyed, because of ignorance and the lack of appraisal adverse to the “old stuff”, maybe also to erase the contemporary witness of rather poor time. Therefore the architectural concept intends to keep the existence – as ruinous at it might be – and not to intervent into the structure of the old farmhouse “Celia”. The rooms of the old building stay as they are, barely anything of the existence will be removed, that’s imperative to the windows, the old plaster, the floor tiles and the other old fixtures. Other removed material will be recycled to produce furniture. Boxes out of concrete are going to be placed into a few central rooms, for example the old parlor, where the new life is going to take part. The new construction frames the old one, carries and protects it, the old building accomodates the new.



58 获奖情况: 2008年最佳设计师金奖 2008年德国混凝土建筑奖 在最近的30年间,巴伐利亚森林里的大部分老式农舍都遭到被毁坏,毁坏的原因就是对旧事物 的不重视以及缺乏对旧事物的正面评价。还有一种可能:人们试图改变该地区的贫困面貌。 因此,建筑理念是想保存原有的东西,并且不破坏老农舍“西莉亚”的结构,尽管这将耗资巨 大。让老建筑物中的房间都保持原貌,几乎不移走任何原有事物。这一点对于窗户、旧石膏、 楼梯耐火砖和其他陈旧的固定装置来说尤为重要。 其他移走的材料会回收利用,加工成家具。我们将在一些主要的房间里(比如老会客厅)利用 水泥分隔出新的空间,这些空间用于日常生活。新的建筑给旧建筑加了边框,对旧建筑起到了 支持与保护的作用。旧建筑包容了新建筑。



61 卡拉贝拉别墅 Location: Carabia, Ticino, Swizerland Designer: Davide Macullo Architetto Photographer: Pino Musi, Enrico Cano Completion date: 2007 项目地点:瑞士 提契诺 卡拉贝拉 设计师:大卫·马库洛建筑事务所 摄影师:皮诺·阿穆,恩尔莫·卡 诺 完成时间:2007年

House in Carabbia Carabbia is a little village of approximatelly 600 inhabitants. The house rises on the western side of Mount San Salvatore slope in a beautiful bowl. Carved in a clear square geometry, the spaces meet the slope and extend in a spiral–fluent movement that constantly changes the perception of the space and its relation with the exterior, offering privileged views towards the beautiful landscape of the region. This small house (13x13m) stands for a sequence of experiences condensed in a continuous space that gives a sense of protection and, at the same time, of being projected into the landscape. The sloped roof that follows the inclination of the land is a reaction of building on the hill side proposing an organic language instead of an urban one! The plot is characterised by a slope of about 30° facing west. The way the new volume adheres to the sloped land optimises the excavation works. No earth has been displaced from the construction site. The three main storeys of the house are set on the plot at shifted levels to match the correspondent level of the site. This offers a direct relation to the outside from all parts of the house at all levels. While entering the house the eyes embrace the whole interior space and the related outdoor space, till the most far diagonals. This enlarged the potential of the perception of bigness of a house that is actually a very small volume: around 1000 cubic metre for a usable area of 150 square metres; while the perception is closer to a house of at least 300 square metres. The dilatation of the perception between the spaces and between outside and inside works in the same way throughout the entire building. From all part of the building the feeling is approximately to live in an open space surrounded by a prosperous natural landscape and the space you are enjoying is related to the others through transparent or translucent filters/layers. The perception transits always from inside to outside to inside again, making the outdoor space part of the indoor one. In this way the living space has been stretched and its size appears bigger. This research on dilatation of the perception of the spaces enhances the idea that a space can be only completely understood by spending time in it and that besides the walls/slabs (material), shape, design, type, typology, etc. a space must be conceived using time as instrument for the planning/creative phase. 卡拉贝拉是一个大约有600名居民的小村庄。这所住宅就像西面圣萨尔瓦托雷坡托起的一个美丽 的碗。内部空间限定在一个明确的几何方形中,满足了倾斜角度的需要,并且增加了一个螺旋 型平滑曲线的运动,不断改变对空间的感觉及其与外部的关系,提供了一个可以远眺优美风景 的特殊地区。 这所小房子( 13米x13米 )在一个连续的空间中浓缩地表达出保护意识的同时,也使人能预测 到会出现什么样的景观。倾斜的屋顶以下紧跟着倾斜的土地,这是为了适应在山坡上建设,是 以有机语言代替城市语言!屋顶面向西面,倾斜30 度。挖掘工艺采用新的土方挖掘技术,在施 工现场没有土壤流失。 三个主要楼层与水平方向均成一定的倾斜角度,这样设计的目的是符合基地的通风情况。这也 使房子的形态与基地的外部环境形成一种对话关系。进入住宅内,眼睛可以看遍整个内部空间 以及周围的户外空间,直到最深远的对角线。这就把一个实际上体积非常小的房子变大了:体



64 积约1000立方米,使用面积为150平方米的房子可以给人至少300平方米的感觉。通过整个建筑 的空间与外部、内部共同作用使人在感观上扩张。 通过透明或半透明的玻璃或涂层,你可以朦胧感觉出这是一个由美好的自然景观环绕的、建立 在一个开放空间中的居住建筑。这种通透的感觉从内向外发散再回到室内,让室外景观变成室 内环境的一部份。这样,居住空间得以扩展,尺寸似乎变得更大。 这个关于扩张空间感觉的尝试更加强化了这样的理念:只有在室内感受一段时间,才能完全理 解一座建筑;除了墙和板(材料)、形状、设计、类型等之外,一个空间在规划、设计时必须 通过时间作为一种工具。

Awarded: 2007 101 of the Most Exciting Young Architects of the World, by Wallpaper UK 25 Shortlist, House of the Year 2007, by WAN–World Architecture News This house is characterised by the creation of clearly identifiable geometric structures that delimit an organised development of the spaces. The underlying theme is the establishment of a spatial relation between interior-interior and interior-exterior that aims at the dilatation of the living dimension. The interesting lesson comes from the succession of Japanese gardens which show a different awareness of the space through a sequence of sceneries and space dilatation. It is as if it were possible to experience a domestic atmosphere and, at the same time, to project one’s own perception on a geographic scale. This building responds to the owner’s wish to live in an intimate space, as if it were a shell. 获奖情况: 2007年英国墙纸公司评选的101个世界上最活跃的年轻建筑师作品 2007年“世界建筑新闻”(WAN)年度25所最佳住宅 这所房子所具有的明确可识别的几何形态结构特点,划定了一个有组织的发展空间。基本设计 思路是建立一个可以扩展生活范围的包括内部与内部、内部与外部的空间关系。这个有趣的灵 感来自日本园艺,可以通过景观变化和扩展空间让你对空间有不同的认识,表现出家庭氛围感 觉的同时也可以给你地理位置的感观。这座住宅仿佛一个保护壳,满足了房主希望生活在一个 私密空间的愿望。





69 艾哲伯格别墅 HQHUJ\VXIÀFLHQF\ Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Designer: Marc Koehler Architects Photographer: Marcel van der Burg Completion date: 2007 项目地点:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 设计师:马克・克勒建筑事务所 摄影师:马塞尔・万德・伯格 完成时间: 2007年


1.5 thickness of the wall


e conrner

oDGH de

IJburg House



HOHYDWLRQQRUWK 2.5 elevation north

HOHYDWLRQZHVW 2.6 elevation west

VHFWLRQ 2.7 section 1

VHFWLRQ 2.8 section 2

The 140-square-meter house is located on a small plot in IJburg; a recently developed suburb of the city of Amsterdam. The house is designed as a vertical garden giving space to flora and fauna to grow in a densely urbanised area. Closed private spaces contrast with open collective spaces that seem to have been “carved out” from the solid volume as a continuous transparent void. In this way the interior space is visually and physically connected to the street, the garden and roof terraces. Outdoor and indoor spaces become one and natural daylight flows into the interior. Three bedrooms, a small bathroom, WC and a “multipurpose hall” are situated on the ground floor whereas the first floor remains completely open for living, cooking and eating, flooded with daylight. The multipurpose hall on the ground floor is much more than an entrance zone. It also functions as an artist studio, work-desk, laundrette and playground. Storage and service spaces are invisibly integrated in thick walls keeping the living spaces as open, transparent and flexible as possible. The façade contains specific brick detailing inspired by techniques from the famous Amsterdam school style from the 1920s, which had become redundant in the second half of the 20th century. By intensive cooperation with brick and mortar suppliers, masonry consultants and brick layers, the architect managed to introduce these traditional texture effects in contemporary building methods. Because brickwork lasts long, is free of maintenance and can be recycled it is an interesting sustainable building material. The ornamental masonry is not only a decorative enhancement of the sculptural character of the design, but also functions as an underlayment for different sorts of climbing plants to grow up the facade, giving birth to the idea of a vertical garden, which was enhanced by integrating flower pot on several levels in the facade. Hedra, Kiwi’s, grapes, apples and roses will over time overgrow the house and create a “natural curtain” around the living spaces and terraces, providing natural shading and privacy. Although the living area is situated on the first floor, the inhabitants will experience their garden as an integral part of their living space, uniting nature and culture in a unique way. 这幢140平方米的房子位于阿姆斯特丹新近开发的郊区艾哲伯格的一小块地上。这座房子就像一 个垂直花园,供动物、植物在这样高度城市化的地区生长。花园和屋顶平台都连接到街道上。 室外和室内空间变成为一体,自然日光流入内部。 三间卧室、一个小的盥洗室、厕所和一个多功能门厅位于首层,二楼则是为生活、做饭和就餐 而设计的充满阳光的敞开式结构。洒满阳光的多功能门厅,不仅仅是一个入口,还起到艺术家 工作室、工作台、洗衣房、游乐场等作用。储存和服务空间集成在厚墙壁里,表面上看不见, 这成全了居住空间的开放、透明和灵活等特点。 房屋的正面细节的部分用了很多20世纪20年代阿姆斯特丹学校风格的砖,正是通过砖和泥浆的 供应商结合建筑师、结构工程师和砌砖工人的意见,这栋建筑才采用这种年代久远的传统质感 工艺。因为砌砖工艺会使建筑屹立的时间更久,并且不需要养护,还可以循环使用;这是一种 有趣的、合理的建筑材料。 石材工艺不仅起到装饰作用,经过设计,可以当雕塑,而且还可作为一个展现功能的不同种类






1.5 thickness of the wall

drawings technical



2.2 detail of the conrner

爬墙植物的生长面,这就是这个垂直花园构思的过程,也是将攀爬植物的花盆融入到墙壁中的 方法。常春藤、猕猴桃、葡萄、苹果和玫瑰花会在一段时间内长满屋内,并在居住和台阶的附 近形成一个“自然幕帘”,提供一个自然的树荫和私密的空间。尽管居住空间是在建筑的第二 层,但是通过用这种特殊的方式将自然和人文结合在一起,住户也可以把享受花园作为日常生 活的一部分。

Awarded: 2008 World Architecture Festival, Barcelona, Spain The green façade of the house is a “living façade”, changing the image of the building time and giving space to birds and insects, creating a new urban ecosystem. The house uses large windows to capture sunlight to heat up the collective spaces in winter, and uses the “natural curtain” to create shading in summer. Moreover, the house features ÁRRUSODQJURXQGÁRRU ÁRRUSODQÀUVWÁRRU ÁRRUSODQÀUVWÁRRU ÁRRUSODQJURXQGÁRRU a heating earth-pump, solar panels on the top roof and a balanced mechanical system using a heat recovery unit combined with natural ventilation in each space. This house shows that comfort, beauty and sustainability can strengthen each other, promoting eco-effectivity more than eco-efficiency. Because of this, the house also received a special subsidy given to sustainable buildings in The Netherlands and was nominated for the Dutch Façade Design Award 2008. HOHYDWLRQQRUWK 2.5 elevation north

HOHYDWLRQZHVW 2.6 elevation west

VHFWLRQ 2.7 section 1

VHFWLRQ 2.8 section 2

获奖情况: 2008年西班牙巴塞罗那世界建筑节 这座别墅的一个立面是绿色的,是个“活的立面”,随着时间的变换会改变建筑的形象,为鸟类 和昆虫提供自然和生态的空间,创造一个新的城市生态系统。建筑使用了大窗户,冬天能吸收更 多的阳光热量来提升公共空间的温度;夏季则使用“自然幕帘”遮阴。此外,房间拥有一个地热 泵,屋顶有一个太阳板,另外还有一个与每个自然通风的空间相连的热力转换装置和用来取得平 衡的机械系统。这间屋子向我们展示了舒适、美丽和耐久性,可以提升房间的使用效率。因为对 生态的贡献,这座房子也得到荷兰颁发的特殊奖金和2008年荷兰立面设计奖的提名。

IUDJPHQWRIWKHIDoDGH 2.1 Fragment of the facade






1 concept

1.1 concept

1.1 concept

2 roof garden





rawings technical

1.5 thickness of the wall



2.2 detail of the conrner

IUDJPHQWRIWKHIDoDGH 2.1 Fragment of the facade



HOHYDWLRQQRUWK 2.5 elevation north

HOHYDWLRQZHVW 2.6 elevation west

VHFWLRQ 2.7 section 1

VHFWLRQ 2.8 section 2



77 J2别墅 Location: Zagrb, Croatia Designer: 3LHD Photographer: Damir Fabijanic Completion date: 2007 项目地点:克罗地亚 萨格勒布 设计师:3LHD设计公司 摄影师:戴米尔·法比詹尼克 完成时间:2007年

J2 House The type of the project “J2 House” was commission, the site area is 687 square metres, the gross floor area is 396 square metres, its footprint is 159 square metres, and also, the entrance level is 201.5m. On both sides the site is bordered by a street and a high building. These contextual facts determined the concept and the shape of the new project. The “L” layout with closed fronts “protect” the house from the street and the neighboring building. At the same time the garden has been redesigned with all the main rooms in the house oriented towards it. The living room, dining room and kitchen form a unique space and together with a swimming pool are built into the ground. In this way, being at the same level and separated from each other by a glass wall they bring the garden into the house. The house entrance is above, at street level, together with garage, storages, closet-space and studio. The family area is above the entrance space along with the living and dining rooms. The materials used for the façades correspond to the spatial organisation of facilities. The living and dining spaces are separated by glass walls which completely open the living space to the outside; on the other hand, the bedroom walls are alternatively panelled by wooden boards. 该项目是委托建筑,占地面积为687平方米,房屋面积约为396平方米,房屋外面积159平方 米,其入口的水平高度为201.5米。 这个地点四面濒临大街和一栋高耸的建筑,这些因素决定了房屋建造的理念和形状。“L”形的 造型特点使其看起来像是受到了周围建筑和大街的保护一样。另外,重新规划了花园,使得住 宅内的所有房间都能朝向花园。卧室、餐厅、厨房等都形成了一个个独一无二的空间;同时, 在地面上还建造了一个游泳池。通过这种方法,即使身处同一水平面的不同空间,仿佛可以通 过玻璃墙把窗外的花园带到室内一样。房屋的入口很高,与大街处于同一水平面,入口处还有 车库、仓库、储藏间和画室。家庭活动空间、客厅和餐厅则处于入口之上。 房屋表面的结构相当于对各种设施的立体性构建,卧室和餐厅的空间由一面玻璃墙分开,这 样,便使得客厅的空间成为完全开放式的。另一方面,卧室的墙壁也可以由木板方便地搭起。



House J2

Elevation north-east






Awarded: 2008 Annual Award for Best Realisation On the 15th of April 2008 at 6 p.m., at the Plaster Casts Museum venue in Zagreb, the Yearly Exhibition of Realisations organised by the Croatian Architects’ Association for 24 continuous years, since the Zagreb Architects’ Society has for the first time presented the achievements of Croatian architects in 1984. The family house for a couple with children is located in the green residential part of the city of Zagreb. The family house did fully use all the advantages of the site and did it meet the requirements of contemporary living standards. What is more, the beautiful view to the city and large garden was valued appropriately.



80 获奖情况: 2008年度最佳建筑奖 2008年4月15日晚6时在石膏模型博物馆,由克罗地亚建筑师学会举办的年度建筑展览给“J2别 墅”颁发了奖项。这个奖项从1984年由萨格勒布市的建筑师协会代表举办,到现在已经有24个 年头了。 这栋为一对有孩子的夫妻设计的别墅位于萨格勒布市的绿色住宅区。设计既充分利用了本地的 地理位置优势,也满足了现代化生活的需要。而且,城市的美丽景色和迷人的天然大花园也得 到了充分珍惜和利用。





85 弥罕德斯别墅 Location: Penafiel, Portugal Designer: Francisco Portugal e Gomes Arquitecto Photographer: Fernando Gabriel Completion date: 2007 项目地点:葡萄牙 彭拿费尔 设计师:葡萄牙弗朗西斯科 易・戈姆斯设计公司 摄影师:费尔南多・加布 里埃尔 完成时间:2007年

Milhundos House The plot is located in the outskirts of Penafiel, in the valley of the Cavalum River and is inserted in an allotment near the Farm of the Flagstones Park. The proposal modifies the implementation anticipated in the original allotment, and resumes the duplication rule, not observed in the buildings of the adjacent lots, seeking a more articulated solution with the nearest volumes and simultaneously taking the vast ambiguities and disarrangements between the allotment and the lot drawings into account. The slate/dark stone covered volume contains the living and dining/ kitchen areas and the white plastered volume, is for the night’s repose areas. Each one of these volumes has different relations to the exterior space: the white seeks the most distant landscape; the dark has a more direct contact with the surrounding garden. The applied materials condense a domestic duality, which is projected in the public space, in between the intimate and the public, the day and the night, the light and the darkness, that here finds an inverted expression: To the night nucleus it corresponds to a white plaster and to the day nucleus consists a facing, clad with a dark stone. 这座别墅坐落于彭拿费尔市郊外的加洛矾峡谷中,其地理位置靠近石板道公园附近的农田。项 目理念改变了建筑原来的结构,重新制定了规划,设计师并不是单纯从周边建筑中获得灵感, 而是寻求一种与临近建筑建立某种关联的设计方案,同时,他们还将界限模糊的空间分配和复 杂的场地设计图统统考虑在内。 设计师使用了黑色的石块覆盖起居室、餐厅、厨房等空间,而住宅的晚间休息区域则使用了灰 白色的水泥作为外观。空间内的每个区域都与外部空间有着不同的联系:白色与四周淡雅的风 景结合得浑然一体;黑色则与周边花园相得益彰。 设计师选用坚固的建筑材料诠释本住宅,将这些材料应用于公共空间、私人与公共空间过渡的 区域、白天与夜晚过渡的区域、黑白色调过渡的区域等。在这里,设计师将这种设计方式反向 表达出来:选用了灰白色的水泥原料表达夜晚,而那些覆盖在建筑表面的黑色石质建材却用来 表达白天。

Awarded: 2008 World Architecture Community, UIA, WA Awards, 1st Cycle Winner The initial scanty budget creates not only an economic, but above all a conceptual challenge. All the process was thought and felt in a permanent dialectics between the maximum of systematisation and restraint, and the uttermost expressive outcomes. A project is not a good project when it is solely used to satisfy a functional and economical program, it has to satisfy another type of questions, such as substance and nature. And nevertheless, a good project does not necessarily lead to a good work. The author must look for the work’s own character in a process permanently alive and pledged.



88 获奖情况: 2008年世界建筑协会,UIA,世界建筑奖第一名 项目较低的预算需要一个既经济又充满挑战的设计理念。设计过程中的每一步,设计师都会平 衡选材的需要和预算的制约,力求在有限的预算内,最大限度地呈现出好的作品。如果一个项 目的设计只单纯为了满足其功用和经济的需要,那么这个项目一定不是一个优秀的作品;优秀 的项目应该还要解决其他方面的问题,如项目的适用主体和自然环境。然而,一个好的项目也 不一定会产生优异的作品。设计者应该不断地在设计过程中努力寻求作品本身的特点,不断进 步。



91 雷多黛拉别墅 Location: Pontevedra, Spain Designer: Jesus Castro Irisarri, Guadeloupe Piñera Manso Photographer: Manuel G. Vincent, Jesus Irisarri Completion date: 2006 项目地点:西班牙 庞特维德拉 设计师:杰西·卡斯特罗·伊瑞萨瑞,瓜德罗普·潘诺拉·曼索 摄影 师:曼纽尔·文森特,杰西·伊瑞萨瑞 完成时间:2006年

Redondela House A sheet of concrete is replicated as a shell since its start as a containment wall, forming a volume that is emptied offers from remote and hidden from the eyes, which makes intermediate sequences penetrate the wilderness, until a final shooting outwards, with the dominant eye on the distant landscape, returning to the owners that look on the river, which made them choose this place to live. The shape of the shell as well as hosting the program resolves the structure, the leading water and the various scales that make up the diversity within the space. A program that receives in turn linked to the land, the vast storage needs of products that provides a continuous floor space in the yard and cutting section formed in the volume, which will place direct links to the nature of the place and that as a lookout and rises from the ground to provide an autonomous and site staff. A parcel deep, narrow and steep that hangs over the river and the distant horizon of the sea, with the city of Vigo to feet and a special client, (all are), which are intensely ancestral rural Galicia and the time of globalisation. 把混凝土浇筑的薄片复制而成的壳状物作为遏制墙,形成一个空旷区域,从而使我们的视线可 以穿越旷野,直至远处的狩猎场,同时也可以俯视远处的风景,这样的外向型设计理念使得业 主们更加愿意选择这个地方作为自己的居住地。 设计师巧妙地利用外壳的形状和托管程序解决了由结构、导水系统和空间内部差异所导致的比 例不同问题。 考虑到业主可能对储藏物品的需求,设计师将院子设计成一个不间断的空间,该空间分成不同 功能的区域,使其与这个地方的自然风光有机结合在一起,形成了一个自治的风景点。 为了迎合比戈城市特色和某些业主的特殊要求,设计师有意设计了一片有着深、窄、陡等特点 的土地,仿佛悬于小河和遥远的地平线之上,传递着既传统又现代的气息。

Awarded: 2008 FAD and ENOR Awards This is a building that qualifies in each space, the look and feel of the surroundings and the distant landscape. In contrast to other cases where we have overlapping architectures that emerge through the actions of the users, preparing stage with a large processing capacity, here is an architecture and is the scene that opens the lives of its residents to the world. 获奖情况: 2008年FAD 和ENOR大奖 这是一个优秀的建筑作品。无论从空间、外观、周边环境以及远景设计上,都属质量上乘的建 筑。与其他错落重叠的建筑物不同,这是一个能够把居民的生活和小区风景同时展现给外界的 建筑。










101 斯黛格瑞兰德 Location: Amsterdam, The Netherland Designer: Kerkhofs montagebouw Photographer: Jeroen Musch Completion date: February 2007 项目地点:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 设计师:Kerkhofs montagebouw建筑事务所 摄影师:杰罗恩·幕什 完成 时间:2007年2月

Steigereiland On the Steigereiland, near Amsterdam, Pieter Weijnen built his own experimental wooden home. The house is painted a vibrant blue, referring to the traditional dike houses of nearby Durgerdam. The ground floor consists of a roomy live-in kitchen. Entering the home, the first thing you notice is the lounge hanging from the ceiling like a floating island. The bottom of this contraption is shaped like the belly of a whale and clad in copper. The shape has been interpreted as a boat or a basket, giving the space below a homely atmosphere. Together with the floating lounge, the 7-metre-high space creates a vertical loft. To make the most use of the space, Weijnen wanted to avoid load bearing walls as much as possible. To ensure stability, he used old docking poles as diagonal braces behind the front wall. All the walls and floors are made of massive, laminated Lenotec spruce wood. Sustainable use of energy is a leading principle for the house on steigereiland. The glass façade facing South, lets in plenty of daylight and sun heat. The air-conditioning is based on an ancient Arabian system: the air from the dwelling is pumped through underground tubes. After the air has cooled down, it is led back into the building. A tank under the roof terrace collects rainwater, which is used for the washing machine and the toilets. Plenty of recycled materials were used building this wooden home. The large beams in the front are old docking poles from the IJ, and the furniture in the children’s room is made of used cheese shelves. The copper cladding on the floating lounge, used to be on top of the roof of a church. 在阿姆斯特丹附近的斯黛格瑞兰德,皮耶特·维南建造了他自己实验性的木屋。木屋漆成鲜艳 的蓝色,就像是杜格丹附近的传统房屋一样。房屋的底层是一个宽敞的厨房。走进这间屋子, 首先映入眼帘的是一个悬挂在天花板上的长沙发,就好像是一座漂浮的小岛。底部做成鲸鱼腹 部的样子,并用铜包裹起来。形状类似一个小船或篮子,同时也为下面的空间带来了一种家庭 的氛围。与漂浮的沙发一起,7米高的空间形成了一个垂直的阁楼。为了尽可能地利用空间,维 南想要尽可能地削减承重墙的空间。而为了确保其稳定性,他在前围墙的后面使用旧的船坞支 柱作为对拉角线。所有的墙壁和地板都由厚重的、层积的云杉木制成。 在斯黛格瑞兰德,可循环性能源居于主导地位。房屋的窗户都面向南面,使室内能够接受到充 足的阳光和热量。空调装置基于一种古老的阿拉伯式系统:室内的空气用管道从地下抽取。空 气冷却之后,再输送回建筑物。在屋顶的露台下面有一个收集雨水的水槽,这些雨水可以用来 清洗机器、冲马桶。在木屋之中,可循环材料也大量使用。房屋的前梁是来自于IJ的船坞支柱 杆,儿童房间的家具则是由旧的奶酪架子制成。漂浮的长沙发上覆盖的铜来自于教堂的屋顶。



104 Awarded: 2008 International Architecture Award The house has won the International Architecture award 2008, issued by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts Press Ltd. and co-presented by The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies. This is an international award, open to designers worldwide. Spaciousness is the keyword in this design. The lounge hanging from the ceiling like a floating island made the house particularly eyecatching. Besides, sustainable use of energy is the leading principle for this house on Steigereiland. 获奖情况: 2008年国际建筑学大奖 这座建筑荣获2008年国际建筑学大奖。这一奖项由芝加哥美术馆和大都会艺术出版公司主办, 欧洲城市建筑设计中心承办。这一奖项是一个国际性大奖,面向全世界的设计师。 内部空间宽敞是这个房屋的主要特点。天花板上悬挂下来的长沙发,像是一座漂浮的小岛,极 具特色,使这座房屋脱颖而出、别具一格。另外,可持续利用能源也是这座房屋的主要原则。



107 G别墅 Location: Bergen, Norway Designer: Saunders Architecture–Todd Saunders Photographer: Bent Completion date: 2009 项目地点:挪威 卑尔根 设计师:桑德斯建筑事务所:托德·桑德斯 摄影师:本特 完成时间:2008年

Villa G Villa G lies like a white landmark in the soft landscape at Hjellestad, near Bergen. The wooden cladding on the house consists of 3 different size mounted in a random pattern. The house has an over-built outside space and the second floor covers the entrance below helping the house work together with the rough climate on the west coast of Norway. The stair is one solid piece of 1cm thick steel, galvanised with white sand corn making it slip resistant. The stair is produced locally, weighs almost a tonne, and had to be lifted into place by a crane through the window in the roof. The architect and client have an enthusiastic description of the design and building process. Saunders say, "the client is very intelligent and has an acute interest in architecture. He challenged us the whole time, but never can get in the way of out design process. The family has documented their wants and needs. These clear and concise wishes help us come of with simple design principles for the project." When commenting his own experience of the how the design of the house evolved, the owner said: "yes, we had an exact number of how many meters of closets we needed and so on. We have built a few houses before this and have learned from our experiences and mistakes. We knew that we wanted a house with clean lines without any visual noise and clutter." This is one of the reasons that most of the closets and storage spaces are integrated into the so-called thick wall – walls that are at least 60-70cm deep. The kitchen bench is 8 meters long and has plenty of drawers for kitchen equipment and even other things that need to be stored away. None of the electrical outlets are visible and all technology controlled by a main control panel in the kitchen. The client admits that he is a 'gadget freak' and the house reflects this part of his personality." G别墅坐落在卑尔根附近,仿佛一个地标。房子上的木结构层由三种不同大小的随机图形组 成。房子的外部空间有过多的建筑,二层覆盖着入口处,这能够帮助应对挪威西部海岸的糟糕 天气。 楼梯是当地制造的,大约有一吨重,必须用吊车从屋顶的窗户举进屋里。设计师和客户对设计 的布局和建筑过程极感兴趣。桑德斯说:“客户很聪明并对建筑有着极大的兴趣。他一直质疑 我们,但却不妨碍整个的设计过程。别墅记录了他们的所想所要。这些清晰简明的愿望帮助我 们得到项目简单的设计原则。” 房子的设计一点一点形成,屋主自己也参与了这个过程,论及此处,他说:“我们准确了解我 们需要多少米的壁橱等等。在这之前我们已经建了一些房子,并不断从我们的经验和错误中学 习。我们知道,我们想要一幢线条清晰、没有任何的视觉混乱的房子。”这就是大部分壁橱和 存储空间融入“厚墙”的原因之一,墙壁至少有60-70厘米厚。厨房的长椅长8米,有足够的抽 屉来放置厨房设备和其他需要储藏的东西。没有露在外面的电源插座,厨房内的所有设备都由 控制面板控制。客户自认是个“小器械迷”,这座房子反映出他这方面的性格。



110 Awarded: 2008 Nominated for Wallpaper “Best Housing” Project The house is large yet not dominating, modern but not pretentious. The house has a futuristic form but is built with traditional Nordic materials and architectural elements with a good basis in Norwegian building methods. 获奖情况: 2008年《墙纸》杂志“最佳住宅”提名奖 房子很大却并不因此显得主宰一切,现代却不过分修饰。别墅具有适合未来发展的形式,用的 却是北欧的传统材料,建筑元素也是基于传统挪威建筑方法。





115 马斯特兰德·韦德别墅 Location: Jyllinge, Denmark Designer: CORNELIUS + VÖGE – Dan Cornelius, Nanna Vöge Photographer: Adam Mørk Completion date: 2007 项目地点:丹麦 于灵厄 设计师:科尼利厄斯 + 沃格设计事务所:丹·科尼利厄斯,南娜·沃格 摄影 师:亚当·摩尔克 完成时间:2007年

Villa Marstrand Wadt The project is a rebuilding of an existing house from the sixties. It enjoys a beautiful view of the protected natural settings of Roskilde Fjord. The site has a unique contrast with the light from the Fjord and the setting sun in the background. The house is L-shaped. It has a very large living room, kitchen, dining and master bedroom facing the view to the west and with access to 3 terraces that all enjoy the view. Each of the terraces has its own quality; either as a panorama terrace, an evening terrace or a windprotected morning terrace, and all of them enjoy different settings of the sunlight during the day. The bathroom and another bedroom are placed in the back of the house opening towards the morning terrace to the east. The house is kept in modernistic white, but a local red colour of traditional wooden fishermen houses is used on the wall and door in the entrance area. The underground garage is a dark colour in order to underline the horizontal line. Eventually some black-painted wooden slats will allow climbing green plants to grow on the dark sidewalls. Visitors to the house take the outside steps to the main entrance on the south side of the house. Big slabs of reused granite are used as steps. Black slate is used in the entrance and at various points throughout for flooring and terraces. 这座别墅是在原来的60年代的房子基础上重建而成的。在这里可以欣赏到罗斯基勒海峡的自然 风光,柔和的光线、身后的落日,罗斯基勒海峡与建筑景观形成了独特的对比。 屋顶有面向东面和西面的微小角边线(排水管)。雨天时,落在屋顶的雨水可以以这种方式汇 聚到建筑边上和入口处的特有的金属排水管内。 房屋的形状呈L形。室内有一个大起居室、厨房、餐厅以及可以观赏到西面风景的主卧室,另 外还有三个阳台,每一个阳台都有着各自的特点和作用:或是用于观赏室外全景,或是休闲锻 炼,或是用于防风。无论站在哪一个阳台上,你都可以欣赏到不同的美景,享受每天不同时刻 的阳光。此外,还有一个浴室和一个位于房屋里处的卧室。 房屋以现代白色为主基调,但入口处的墙和门上却使用传统木质渔夫房屋用的乡土红色。地下 车库使用的深色更加突出了地平线,攀援植物依附在黑色的木制板条上生长。给人的整体感觉 是时尚中透着古韵。 参观房子的客人可以通过室外的台阶到达房屋南边的主入口,台阶采用大理石质地的。为了突 出特色,设计师在入口和某些地面台阶处不同程度地使用了黑色的石板。

Awarded: 2006 3-year Architectural Grant from The Danish Arts Foundation The architectural approach is to create a precise connection with the house and the surrounding landscape. The horizontal line of the landscape and the view is integrated into the residence. A westfacing cantilevering roof rises up to gather in the sunlight to the west in a very dramatic fashion. The horizon is almost penetrating into the interior of the house as light pours in during the day. The structure is clean. The lines of the house control the view from the interior to the landscape. Everything is framed with new openings and lines that radiates out from the interior. Different views and new experiences inside the and outside make the building a more lasting piece of architecture in its new incarnation.



118 获奖情况: 2006年丹麦艺术基金会颁发的三年建筑大奖 别墅与周边风景完美融为一体。白天,面向西面的悬臂屋顶总是第一时间迎接升起的太阳。阳 光几乎可以照射到房屋的每一个角落。别墅结构也很简洁。房屋的线条控制着内外景观。一切 都用新通道和内部的线条加以装饰。室内外不同的风景和给人的新鲜感受使该建筑别具一格。



121 彼得森别墅 Location: Jyllinge, Denmark Designer: CORNELIUS + VÖGE – Dan Cornelius, Nanna Vöge Photographer: Adam Mørk Completion date: 2007 项目地点:丹麦 于灵厄 设计师:科尼利厄斯 + 沃格设计事务所:丹·科尼利厄斯,南娜·沃格 摄影 师:亚当·摩尔克 完成时间:2007年

Villa Petersen Situated with a beautiful view over Roskilde Fjord and the sunset, Villa Petersen lies on a sloping site exposed to the sun and wind from the west. The building is based on a squarely plan with rooms organised in a U-shape around a protected raised terrace in the middle of the house. A big roof is following the square form of the plan with sun and weather-protective areas around the entrance and in the front of the house. From almost all interior spaces the beautiful view can be enjoyed as delicate transformations from the outside to the inside. The house is following the sloping landscape allowing different levels to be integrated into the architecture. From all spaces the view to the Fjord can be enjoyed in different ways together with natural light falling into the spaces from all sides and skylights. From an inviting entrance of long sliding stairs, visitors are led to the entrance of the house. Entering with a direct access across the house on the highest level where the kitchen and dining area are located with close contact to a wind protected terrace to the east. From the kitchen it is possible to overlook the living space on a lower level and to walk directly out into the raised terrace in the middle of the house. A master bedroom with integrated bathing area and closets are situated on the other side of the raised terrace. Different levels lead to the bedroom with a full view of the landscape and from the combined shower and bathtub there is contact to the view and raised terrace as well. The building is a wooden construction with vertical oil-treated Larchwood in the covered and more protected areas on the outside. On the more exposed surfaces of the exterior horizontal black-painted wood are being used. The interior is kept in white surfaces allowing the natural sunlight to penetrate through the building from different angles and opening. In this way the interior spaces are always enjoying the changing light during the day and during the different seasons. The floors are made of black slate and white-oiled ash. The fireplace works both as outdoor and indoor fireplace and is made of a local brick stone. 彼得森别墅坐落于一个向阳的、西风向的斜坡上,这里可以欣赏到海湾和日落的美景。这个方 形建筑物的房间呈U形排列,这些房间围绕着别墅中心的一个阳台排列。房前还有一个防雨的 大屋顶。 这座建筑适应斜坡的地形,使许多不同的层面巧妙地融入建筑。从室内的各个角度都能欣赏到 海湾的美景,阳光从四面八方,包括天窗,洒满室内的每个角落。 参观者从长楼梯的入口处进入屋内。厨房和就餐区紧邻东面一个防风的阳台。从厨房可以看到 下面的生活区,还能径直走到房子中间的阳台。室内各个地方都能欣赏到不同的海湾景色,阳 光也能从各个角度照进屋内。 主卧室、洗浴区和厕所位于别墅的另一侧。通往卧室的不同平面可以看到整个风景,同时从组 合淋浴和浴缸之间也能看到外面的风景和阳台。 这栋别墅是木质建筑,垂直屋顶是油浸落叶松制成的,同时外面还有一些保护层。外部暴露的 表面是由黑漆木材制成的。 室内表面呈白色,这样有利于阳光从不同角度穿透建筑物。这样,室内空间就可以在不同季 节,整天享受变化的光照。地板是黑板岩和上了白油的碳酸钠制成。壁炉具有户外和室内双重 功能,由当地的砖石砌成。



124 Awarded: 2006 3-year Architectural Grant from The Danish Arts Foundation The role of the Foundation is to promote Danish creative arts. The Foundation's area of activity includes visual arts, literature, music, crafts and design, architecture, cinema, and theatre, as well as other comparable forms of creative art that do not have other avenues for state support. Out of 2000 applications CORNELIUS + VÖGE was chosen as one of 3 architectural offices that received the grant in 2006. The grant is considered to be the largest and most prestigious architectural grant in Denmark. 获奖情况: 2006年丹麦艺术基金会颁发的三年建筑大奖 丹麦艺术基金会旨在促进丹麦的艺术创造。该基金会的活动范围包括视觉艺术、文学、音乐、 手工艺、设计、建筑、电影和戏剧,以及其他无法得到国家支持的艺术创造形式。2006年,科 尼利厄斯 + 沃格设计事务所在2000个竞争对手中脱颖而出,成为三家得到建筑领域大奖的事务 所之一。这项大奖被认为是丹麦最重要、最有影响力的建筑奖项。





129 斯多林嘉维卡别墅 Location: Bergen, Norway Designer: Saunders Architecture–Todd Saunders Photographer: Jan Lilleb, Michael Perlmutter Completion date: 2007 项目地点:挪威 卑尔根 设计师:桑德斯建筑事务所:托德·桑德斯 摄影师:詹·里莱博,迈克尔·波 尔穆特 完成时间:2007年

Villa Storingavika Overlooking breathtaking fjords and a stretch of Norway’s west coast archipelago, Villa Storingavika is a robust yet refined vessel from which to appreciate the delicate coastline and sometimes rugged climate. It is a pale timber volume enrobed in a crisp, ‘pleated’ dark timber exterior. The house is oriented along the contours of the site and concrete stairs link an upper outdoor terrace with a lower lawn, utilising all of the natural terrain. This also minimises the impact of the house on the topography. Built-in concrete furniture is also integrated into the site, increasing the use of the lower terrace as an extension of the interior space. Unlike some of Saunders’ other houses whose plinths lightly hover above the ground, this house is well-grounded in the terrain. On both storeys, the utility and service rooms are located along the northern side of the house, while the living areas open out to the south and the view to the sea. As a consequence, there are very few punctures on the northern side, and large floor-to-ceiling windows face the south. The height of the outdoor room, the tallest section of the house, signifies its importance in the scheme. Notably, the exterior ceiling timber continues into the house in the lounge room where the ceiling is as high as the balcony. The balcony is pierced by three circular steel columns that are 'threaded' from the ground to the roof. As a work of architecture, Villa Storingavika is a textbook example of a regional modernism, combining the modern gesture of wide spanning platforms of space with the traditional forms and materials of Bergen’ s light-framed timber houses. The building’s proportions are also akin to Bergen’s maritime architecture and its long history of two-storey timber buildings. Translating this established building approach to a NORTH ELEVATION restrained, contemporary volume links the house to its context, and ties it indelibly to the site. V8








斯多林嘉维卡别墅俯瞰壮观的挪威海峡和西海岸群岛,像一艘强大而又精致的船,可以欣赏微 妙的海岸线和变换的天气。建筑整体仿佛苍白的空间穿上整洁的黑色木材外衣。 这栋别墅利用自然景观,楼梯连接着一个户外带草坪的阳台。这也体现了房子对地形最小的影 响。嵌入式的水泥家具也和场地结合在一起,增加了对低地的使用,作为室内空间的一种延 伸。 不同于桑德斯设计的其他房子,这座别墅的底座悬停在地面之上,使房子充分利用地形。两个 楼层中,公共空间和服务室都位于房子的北面,而生活区朝南并能看见海。因而,在北边很少 有哗哗的声音,大型的落地窗朝向南面。室外房间的高度和房子的最高部分在整个计划中体现 出其重要性。值得主意的是,外观的天花板木材沿用到别墅的起居室中,这样它的升限高度和 阳台保持一致。阳台是由三根圆形的钢柱从地面穿到屋顶的。 作为一项建筑成果,斯多林嘉维卡别墅可以作为一个区域现代主义的教学实例,现代元素跨越 空间和传统形式相结合,并采用了卑尔根轻型框架木质材料。这座建筑的比例也类似于卑尔根 的海事建筑和历史悠久的两层木材建筑。这一方针的确立,用现代模式把房屋和环境紧紧联系 在一起。




132 Awarded: 2007 Architectural Review Award Honorable Mention With honesty in its treatment of materials and integrity of construction, Todd Saunders’ design for the villa at Storingavika succeeds beautifully in blending house and landscape. Though conceived within the framework of an uncompromising contemporary architecture, this house demonstrates that a strict design approach can meld seamlessly with the making of a comfortable and dignified home. The house departs from pure tradition though, and is both experimental and inventive. Interaction with the view and a poetic transition from inside to outside lends richness to the stark interior. The rough-sawn weatherboards catch jagged shadows with their tapered profile. It’s an interlocking of volumes in a simple but exciting spatial experience. Stark yet harmonious contrasts in texture and tone of materials give clarity to the architectural ideas. 获奖情况: 2007年建筑回顾荣誉提名奖 以对材料简洁的处理和建造的完整性,托德·桑德斯的斯多林嘉维卡别墅的设计成功地把别墅 和环境相融合。虽然孕育在现代建筑的框架内,这座别墅严谨的设计方法可以恰到好处地融合 舒适、高贵的房间。 这所房子背离了纯粹的传统,同时是试验性和创造性的。从内到外以相互作用的观点和诗意的 转换给僵硬的内部赋予了内涵。粗糙的护墙板捕捉锯齿型的影像。这个简单的连锁空间却能带 来令人激动的空间体验。手感和材料风格上鲜明而又和谐的对比清晰显示出建筑理念。



135 独轮车别墅 Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Designer: Andrew Maynard Architects Photographer: Peter Bennetts Completion date: November 2008 项目地点:澳大利亚 维多利亚 墨尔本 设计师:安德鲁·梅纳德建筑事务所 摄影师:彼得·贝内茨 完成 时间:2008年11月





l a

a. living b. dining c. kitchen d. laundry/pantry e. landing/hallway f. ensuite/bathroom g. bedroom h. deck i. terrace j. pool k. studio l. garage



ground floor plan n

Barrow House The Barrow extension appears as an arrangement of timber boxes, each independently rotated and subjected to varying amounts of extruding and manipulating forces. These separate actions result in a variety of shapes, which united, create an interior of differing volumes and organisations, providing an interesting double storey addition to this weatherboard house. The extension challenges the traditional nature of timber construction. Normally lightweight and fragile, added wall thickness to different areas results in a structure with a fluctuating sense of mass. The dynamic and varying nature of these environments is further enhanced by differing window arrangements and framing techniques. Frequently the windows are setback within the frame of the wall, sometimes flush and occasionally extruding beyond the timber frame. This unconventional approach to massing and window design subverts the conservative planar nature of a “box”. The movement of the shadows created by these extruding or intruding elements are tracked on the external façade and internal environment, creating varying patterns and giving the extension an undefined geometry. The external timber cladding wraps itself inside and fuses the extension into the original house, where the old living space now is occupied as a bathroom. Here, there is no evidence of conventional bathroom materiality, the room still maintaining its appearance as a living/dining space. The only defining feature is a free standing cast iron bath (re-used from the original demolished bathroom) at the centre of the room, demonstrating the capability of a single element to alter the programme of a space. The strategic placement of a separate living space at the western end of the site, reflects the focus of the site internally, frames the large open area and increases privacy levels. Both this new addition and the extension to the old part of the house, at the western end of the site, openly embrace this central garden space. Definition between indoor and outdoor is blurred by the transparent divisions of bifold doors and large windows; visual interaction is constant. This central outdoor space becomes part of the living circulation space as the diurnal patterns of the occupants see them traverse the yard to the rear living quarters. The brighter, larger extension nurtures the dynamic, more numerous, day time activities, whilst the low key, more relaxed, activities of the afternoon are enjoyed in the sunroom at the western end of the site reflecting back on the outdoor yard and pool, watching the cinematic shadows play across the irregular face of the Barrow’s extension. The extensive openable window and bifold door arrangement accompanied by Barrow’s orientation allows for abundant natural light and ventilation to infiltrate the spaces, decreasing reliance on electrical and heating/cooling systems. The entirety of the design also employs materials reused from the



138 parts of the previous house as well as recycled or found elements, decreasing the carbon footprint of the design and also adding character to the spaces. 独轮车别墅扩建工程似乎是排列一系列木头盒子,每个木头盒子独立存在,同时又受制于各种 挤压力和操纵力。 这些盒子一个个拼凑起来,就形成了各种形状,共同构成了别墅内部与众不同的室内空间,为 这座有护墙板的别墅增加了一个妙趣横生的两层附加空间。 扩建工程挑战了木质结构的传统本质。跟正常的木质结构一样,这座别墅也是重量轻且不牢 固,于是许多地方加上了增加厚度的覆层,使得整个结构显得厚重而又有动感。这些特征又通 过使窗户的布局和框架技术与众不同进一步得到加强。窗户大多是嵌进墙体的框架内,有时候 跟墙面同高,偶尔也有突出木质结构表面的。 这种构成方式和窗户的设计颠覆了“盒子”保守的平坦本质。这些凹陷或突出的窗子产生的移 动的影子在别墅外墙和室内都留下踪迹,产生变化多端的光影图案,使得扩建拥有了难以定义 的几何图案。 外部的木质包裹层使得扩建部分很好地融入了原别墅的结构,原来的起居空间现在是浴室。这 里,从材料上看没有传统的浴室的外观,而是仍然保留着起居、用餐空间的特点。唯一能看出 这里是浴室的,就是房间中央的一个铁质浴缸(用的是已经拆除的原浴室中的浴缸),充分显 示了一个单一元素就足以改变一个空间的功能。 在别墅所在地的西端,设计师单独安排了一个起居空间;这一策略显示了这个地方内部的焦 点,将宽敞的开放区域加以框架,并且增强了私密程度。 这个新增的部分,还有对别墅原来部分的扩展,都在西端面向一个中心花园。用透明的折叠门 和巨大的窗户作为分隔,室内和室外的界限变得模糊起来。视觉效果不断改变,千变万化。中 央的户外空间成为了生活空间的一部分,居住者穿过这里去到后方的生活区。 新建部分更明亮、更宽敞、更具动感,使得别墅里白天可以有更加丰富的活动,而午后在日光 浴室里则可以有休闲放松的活动,日光浴室位于别墅西侧的尽头,这里可以看到户外庭院和水 池,可以欣赏别墅新增的不规则的外墙表面上投射的流动的影子。 巨大的窗子可以打开,折叠门的安排遵从了别墅的朝向,这些都使得别墅能有充分的自然采光 和良好的通风,降低了对电力系统、供暖和空调的依赖。 整个设计还将原来别墅某些地方拆卸下来的材料进行了重复利用,此外还用了可回收的材料, 降低了设计的碳排放的同时,也给空间增加了一个特色。

Awarded: Award winner at the 2009 Australian Timber Design Awards 获奖情况: 2009年荣获澳大利亚木材建筑设计奖





143 马库斯海滨别墅 Location: Queensland, Australia Designer: Bark Design Pty Ltd Photographer: Christopher Frederick Jones Completion date: 2009 项目地点:澳大利亚 昆士兰州 设计师:巴克设计有限公司 摄影师:克里斯托弗·弗雷德里克·琼斯 完 成时间:2009年

Marcus Beach House North facing, the beach house celebrates an existing sculptural Moreton Bay Ash tree on its coastal site. Two contemporary timber pavilions, sited to embrace the tree and create a calm landscape courtyard, are lightly connected with a high level glazed bridge. Layers of screening are used to filter light and shadow, whilst giving privacy and filtering sea breezes. The main pavilion accommodates living spaces focused around a double height northeast deck space. The parents retreat spaces above are accessed via the translucent stair tower. The east pavilion provides space for cars and services below, with children and guest bedrooms above and a shared north east deck. The house embodies casual coastal living with a light and embracing relationship to the landscape. On approach from the street, the sloping terrain naturally guides an axial timber boardwalk under a simple timber pergola structure arriving in the courtyard opposite the Moreton Bay Ash. The main pavilion to the west accommodates living spaces focused around a double height deck space overlooking the swimming pool and northern garden. The master bedroom suite is accessed via a polycarbonate clad stair tower that is by day a contemplative space and by night, a lantern. The Moreton Bay Ash casts shadows onto the polycarbonate further animating the edges of the courtyard and bringing the landscape inside the house. The recent additions of a study “pop out”, enclosed passage link below the bridge, laundry and powder room further animate the edges of the courtyard space whilst responding to the needs of its new occupants. The house is open and light and possesses simple sustainable design principles to passively defend the occupants from the elements. Windows and doors are strategically positioned to capture the prevailing breezes whilst roof overhangs are generous protecting the house from direct summer sunlight. Air conditioning has not been installed nor is it desired. Artificial lighting is kept to a minimum due to the generous amount and position of glazing, particularly facing north. The roof over the master bedroom pavilion rises to the north providing a band of high level, operable, clerestory glazing capturing daylight and allowing any warm air to escape, setting up an effective “stack effect” natural cooling process. The connection between the deck and living spaces is dynamic and direct. As the heart of the house, the covered double height outdoor room is actively used all year round as dappled sunlight is filtered through a timber batten screen hung below the roof structure. Indoor and outdoor realms are connected through an interlocking series of alcoves and nooks like a low edge deck seat and reading nook popout located off the stair landing. The courtyard and Moreton Bay Ash are a focal point in which almost all rooms within the dwelling enjoy a connection. 这座海滨别墅朝向北面的摩瑞顿海湾,这里沿海的地方有一棵雕像一般的灰树,灰树旁边是两 个现代的木质小阁楼,这样就创造出一个宁静的景观庭院,两个小阁楼由一架高处的玻璃一般 的小桥连接。 别墅采用了分层纱窗,用来过滤光影,同时又能保护别墅内的隐私并过滤海风。主要的阁楼包 含居住空间,坐落在东北角,是双层楼的高度。楼上是老人居住的空间,可以通过一段明朗的 楼梯上去。东边的阁楼下面有停车的空间,上面是孩子们的房间和客房,共用一个面向东北方



146 向的平台。在这座别墅里,可以尽情享受海滨的生活,欣赏美丽的风景。 从街道上走向别墅,顺着斜坡就会很自然地来到这里,中间是木板铺成的小道,沿着小道就走 到摩瑞顿海湾对面的庭院里的凉亭。主要的阁楼包含居住空间,有双层楼高,能俯瞰楼下的泳 池和北面的花园。主卧室可以通过一段由聚碳酸酯材料覆盖的楼梯到达,白天这里是沉思的绝 好处所,而夜晚则成为一座灯塔。摩瑞顿海湾会在聚碳酸酯材料上投上光影效果,更加加强了 庭院的动感,仿佛把室外景观引入室内。新增的一个书房从别墅中“突出”出来,下面是桥下 的小径;洗衣房和化妆间又进一步让庭院充满活力,同时又满足了新的居住者的要求。 别墅通透、轻盈,采用简单的符合可持续发展的设计原则,积极地保护居住者免受外界侵袭。 门窗都是特别设计的,以便让海风能吹进屋里,而屋顶又能保护别墅免受夏天的日光照射。马 库斯海滨别墅内没有安装空调,也不想安装。尽量少的采用人工照明,因为这座别墅拥有良好 的地理位置,尤其是又朝北。主卧室上方的屋顶向北边升起,这样能够利用更多的自然光线, 使屋内的热风能出去,这就创造了一种“烟囱效应”,实现了自然的空气调节机制。 平台和居住空间之间直接连接,动感十足。屋外的有棚顶的二层空间作为别墅的中心,常年可 以利用,这里有充足的日光,阳光从挂在屋顶下的木质板条屏风照射进来。室内外的空间通过 一系列连锁的角落连接起来,比如平台上的座位和用来阅读的角落,在楼梯下端不远处。庭院 和摩瑞顿海湾是这里的焦点,几乎别墅内的所有房间都靠它们联系在一起。

Awarded: Noosa “Living Smart” Design Awards Description: An Australia Local Award with different catalogues “Climate & Context” (above $200K category) Awarded Reason: The Marcus Beach House celebrates a natural, coastal setting providing its occupants with an inextricable relationship to the landscape and sensitive surrounding environment. The dwelling explores lightness, filtering natural breezes, layers of transparency and integrating indoor outdoor spaces within dynamic patterns of light and shadow, being a simple frame to enable a contemporary sustainable lifestyle to unfold. 获奖情况: 奖项名称:努沙“优质生活”设计奖 奖项描述:澳大利亚当地的奖项,分设不同奖项类别。“气候&环境”(造价20万以上类别) 获奖原因: 马库斯海滨别墅拥有自然的海滨环境,能够让居住者跟这里的景观融为一体,更好地感受这里的 美景。在这里,居住者可以享受充足的阳光、和暖的微风、层次分明的通透感以及室内外空间通 过巧妙的光影效果相互融合的体验。这里是享受当代支持生态平衡的生活方式的一处胜地。



149 努沙腹地别墅与工作室 Location: Noosa Hinterland, Tinbeerwah, Australia Designer: Bark Design Pty Ltd Photographer: Christopher Frederick Jones Completion date: 2007 项目地点:澳大利亚 昆士兰州 努沙 Tinbeerwah郊区 设计师:巴克设计有限公司 摄影师:克里斯托 弗·弗雷德里克·琼斯 完成时间:2007年

01. Driveway 02. Entry 03. Library 04. Kitchen 05. Living / Dining 06. Laundry 07. BBQ 08. Deck 09. Pool 10. Studio 11. Toilet 12. Outdoor Shower 13. Bedroom 14. Bathroom 15. Ensuite 16. Walk-in Robe 17. Water Tanks 18. Tandem Carparking 19. Bin Store 20. Double Height Space





10 metres

18 19

06 09






03 12 11 10


Lower Level Scale 1:200

Noosa Hinterland House & Studio Bark’s Hinterland House at Tinbeerwah, in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast Hinterland contains two main interconnected, steel framed volumes for living and sleeping, perched high on the site to take in broad views of the Pacific coastline with the forested hinterland in the foreground. The main spaces step down and run with the natural topography, connecting in section via the double height living and northern pool deck space, whilst a separate “silver shed” art studio projects out across the fall of the slope, creating a south lit, plywood lined space for painting, high in the trees. Taking some cues in architectural language from the adjacent Bark Studio, the house explores “Case Study” ideas of expressing a legibility of construction, with simple clean spaces contained by a series of steel portal frames and glazing, in contrast with economic modules of lightweight sheet and hardwood chamferboard cladding. The house explores lightness, filtering natural breezes, layers of transparency and integrating indoor outdoor spaces within dynamic patterns of light and shadow, being a simple flexible frame to enable a contemporary lifestyle. The house is located as high as possible on the site in order to maximise views, sunlight and natural ventilation. This also provides easy vehicular and pedestrian access, whilst maintaining privacy from both adjoining neighbours. Outdoor spaces are oriented towards north and ample protection from the south-eastern winds is created using louvres and adjustable fenestration, whilst enhancing views to the coast. The building has been designed to maximise passive temperature and ventilation through cross ventilation and stack effect principles. It minimises the need for artificial/mechanical systems for lighting, ventilation, heating and cooling. The building envelope utilises passive (non-mechanical) systems for temperature, lighting and ventilation control through considered fenestration, screens and roof ventilators. 巴克工作室在昆士兰州的Tinbeerwah郊区的阳光海岸腹地设计的腹地别墅包含两个内部连接的 钢制框架的建筑,是生活和休息的处所,高耸在这片土地上,能够俯瞰太平洋海岸线的风景, 而这块腹地就坐落在这里树木丛生的最显眼的地方。别墅主要的空间沿着坡地自然的地形向下 倾斜,通过双层高度的居住空间和北部的水池空间连接在一起,而一个单独的“银色小屋”作 为艺术工作室则从向下的斜坡中突出出来,创造出一个胶合板覆盖的空间,在高高的树木中, 从南面照明,提供了绘画的场所。 这座别墅从旁边的巴克工作室借鉴了建筑语言,用一系列钢制入口框架和窗户构成了简洁明朗 的空间,探索了建筑可行性的“个案研究”的理念,这与经济实用的轻型薄板和硬木覆层形成 了对比。这里,居住者可以享受充足的阳光、和暖的微风、层次分明的通透感以及室内外空间 通过巧妙的光影效果相互融合的体验。这里是享受当代支持生态平衡的生活方式的一处胜地。 为了能让视野更广,让阳光和自然通风效果都达到最好,这座别墅坐落在这块土地上最高的地 方。这样使驾车或者走路来到这里也都更加方便了,同时又保护了别墅两边邻居的隐私。室外 空间朝向北面,有足够的保护使别墅免受东南风侵袭——百叶窗和可调节的开窗,同时也对望 向海岸线的视野有益。 这座建筑通过穿堂风的设计和“烟囱效应”原理,使得“被动温度”和通风效果都实现了最大 化,使人工、机械照明、通风、供暖、空调系统都得到了最小化。建筑外墙采用了经过精心设 计的开窗法、纱窗和屋顶通风机,运用了被动(非机械的)系统,以实现良好的温度、照明、 通风控制。



all of pace for 152

layers of transparency and integrating indoor / outdoor spaces within dynamic patterns of light and shadow, being a simple frame to enable a contemporary lifestyle. Awarded:

m the e Study’ with steel portal modules ard

Award name: Noosa “Living Smart” Design Awards “Glossies” “Climate & Context” 2007 Awarded Description: An Australia Local Award with different catalogues 获奖情况: 奖项名称:2007年努沙“优质生活”“气候&环境”奖 奖项描述:澳大利亚当地的奖项,有不同的奖项类别。


Living Level and Studio Plan



155 海湾别墅 Location: Lota, Queensland, Australia Designer: Fairweather Proberts Architects Photographer: Jon Linkins Completion date: April 2005 项目地点:澳大利亚 昆士兰州 洛塔 设计师:Fairweather Proberts建筑事务所 摄影师:乔恩·林金斯 完 成时间:2005年4月

The Bay House The residence is designed for an active, young family and occupies a steeply sloping site facing east over Moreton Bay. The house is derived from simple liveable spaces that tier down the site and are separated to allow maximum views and ventilation. The focus is the large open living spaces where sliding glass panels slide completely away to allow a seamless connection through the living space to the front yard overlooking the bay and to the courtyard behind. Large insulated louvres at the higher level allow the whole façade to open to the east and complete the connection to the bay and the outdoors. The house responds to its context by providing a sense of repose within the streetscape and its landscaped bay edge. The placement of the house close to the street allows space and a varied edge to the landscaped rear. At the street the house is nestled into the hill. The forms are articulated and jumbled down the hill to engage with its context at a domestic scale. The arrangement, and ultimately form, of the house is generated by the movements and activities of the family. Spaces are arranged by the arrival sequence, sleeping, working and activity zones. At arrival the user can access the major zones of the house through a central stair and circulation space. The mid level houses parents and young child sleeping areas along with study spaces. Older children’s sleeping areas are at the upper level and the living and active zones are connected to the landscape at the lower level. The house utilises an honest language in its use of materials that are undisguised with their natural qualities expressed and articulated. The large simple spaces responded to the long term yet casual nature of the relationship that the client has with their location. This approach served to provide relatively simple structural solutions which enabled the clients to achieve a “lot of house” for their large family. 这座别墅是专为充满活力的年轻家庭设计的,地处莫瑞顿湾岸边的一个朝东的陡坡上。房子处 于一个独立的适于居住的自然空间内,这样利于最大程度上欣赏景色和空气流通。住宅的焦点 是巨大的开放式生活区。生活区里的滑动玻璃板能全部打开,让生活区与房子前面的空场和后 面的院子几乎融为一体。高层的巨大绝热百叶窗使面向东部海湾的门脸能完全与自然相联通。 在这样的环境下,这座住宅给人一种宁静的感觉,好像一幅风景画。把住宅安置在靠街道处, 使其能充分发挥空间的优势。从街上看去,住宅好像一个鸟巢筑在山中,其形态巧妙地融入环 境中。 住宅的布置和模式取决于家庭经常举行的活动。空间划分为休息区、工作区和活动区。居住者 可以通过一条中央楼梯到达这几个主要的生活区域。中层是家长和孩子的生活和工作区。大一 点的孩子住在较高的一层,与低层相通。 在选材上,房屋充分利用了材料的自然属性。这个巨大的朴素空间满足了客户对住所长期和临 时的双重需求。这种方法是一个相对简单的结构上的解决办法,使这个人数较多的大家庭有一 种“大房子”的感觉。



158 Awarded: 2007 RAIA Residential Architecture – Houses Commendation The house has a particular relationship to its environment due to its east – west orientation and bay aspect. In responding to this the house opens to invite the often gentle cooling breezes and light in through its bay/eastern aspect to filter through the levels and spaces of the house. The major volumes are single room width to maximise this effect. Alternatively this aspect can completely close down to protect against strong winds whilst allowing the lee-side to remain open. Large format lourves have been customised to provide solid insulated barrier to the aspect and palpable change to the experience of the space when open. The street side of the house faces west and is an insulated and solid barrier that is sculpted and screened to provide protected light and ventilation. 获奖情况: 2007年澳大利亚皇家建筑学会住宅建筑——房屋荣誉奖 由于房屋的东西走向和海岸的原因,使得房屋和周围的环境有着特殊的关系。为了利用这种特 殊关系,大量引入清凉的微风和光线,使房屋内每层都通风良好。房屋内的大部分房间都是单 间,最大限度达到通风通光的效果。 选择这种方位是因为这样既可以允许下行风进入,又可以保护房屋免受强风的袭击。房子临街 的一面是一个隔热的结实的栅栏,朝西,这个栅栏是经过雕刻和筛选的,目的是保持光线和通 风。



161 图坤别墅 Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Designer: Fairweather Proberts Architects Photographer: Christopher Frederick Jones Completion date: January 2004 项目地点:澳大利亚 昆士兰州 黄金海岸 设计师:Fairweather Proberts建筑事务所 摄影师:克里斯托 弗·弗雷德里克·琼斯 完成时间:2004年1月



















Tugun Residence The design approach allows the house to capture northeast to southeast breezes and brings them through the living spaces to the rear of the house. The northern side of the house is dedicated to a circulation spine due to the imminent neighbouring development. Openings at the upper level are sparing and protected for privacy. At the lower level these openings are expansive and protected by the external fence. The design approach also extends the perceived living areas at the lower level. The bedrooms are facetted to the southeast on the upper level where a response over the existing conditions allow privacy and glimpsed views of the ocean. A simple steel structural system provided large open spaces and allowed the use of concrete and glass to create the external fabric of the building and for the concrete to become the robust edge of the major living spaces. Where exposed to the southeast, the concrete is playfully sculpted to create an ambiguous form in the street that responds to its casual beach context. The concrete panels are facetted and varied to achieve the expression. It required a close collaboration of architect, engineer and specialist sub contractor to ensure its shape and balance for lifting along with its resolution at junctions with openings all whilst maintaining the casual and varied form. The glass front is a low maintenance and simple form in deference to the concrete edge. 这种设计能够使房屋有东北到东南的通风,微风通过卧室到达房屋的后面。由于周边的发展, 房屋的北部采用了循环管。上层的通道很少,这样可以提供私人空间。下层通道很宽敞可并由 外部的栏杆保护着。这种方法延伸了下层的居住空间。卧室安置在上层的东南方向,这也是出 于为了能够保护隐私和欣赏到海景的考虑。 简单的钢铁结构系统提供了大的开拓的空间,混凝土的使用和玻璃幕墙让这座别墅具有结实的 结构。为了在户外创造柔和效果,结合沙滩随意的背景,对别墅东南方向墙外的混凝土进行了 巧妙地雕刻。为了达到预期的效果,安置了样式不同的混凝土板。这就需要和建筑师、设计师 和专家、承包商密切协作来确保图形和通道交界处的平衡。同时也确保其随意多样的形式。玻 璃面方便维修,样式简单,这样做的目的是出于对混凝土边缘特点的考虑。

Awarded: 2007 RAIA Residential Architecture – Houses Commendation 2007 RAIA Regional Commendation & House of the Year The Tugun Residence provides a living space on the beach edge that allows the beach environment to inhabit the house. Its ground floor plan is elevated providing protection and privacy from the street and neighbouring property. Its simple lower plan allows the edges to be fully opened when the weather permits to create an “under the house” feel. Robust materials are used in response to its location and these materials are expressed in an honest fashion. 获奖情况 2007年澳大利亚皇家建筑学会住宅建筑——房屋荣誉奖 2007年澳大利亚皇家建筑学会年度地区房屋建筑荣誉奖 图坤别墅为业主提供了在海滩边上居住的环境。建筑地面的提升起到了保护隐私和周边的地产 的作用。简约的低平面设计能够使房屋的边缘完全外露,当天气允许的时候能够产生“在房子 下面”的凉爽感觉。由于地理位置的原因,房屋使用了坚实的材料,这些材料也表现出一种踏 实的风格。






167 韦德别墅 Location: Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia Designer: Andrew Maynard Architects Photographer: Peter Bennetts Completion date: 2008 项目地点:澳大利亚 墨尔本 费茨罗伊 设计师:安德鲁·梅纳德建筑事务所 摄影师: 彼得·班尼特 完 成时间:2008年

Vader House The extension is a framed steel skeleton which envelopes the unusually high masonry boundary wall built prior to height restrictions, reclaiming it into the interior. The roof then responds to site setbacks which result in a distorted and subverted answer to regulations. This produces high folded internal planes, allowing double height ceilings, a mezzanine level and spacious interior. The refined material and colorful palette of the extension, wrapped in a heavy roof form distinguishes itself from the dark masonry clad terrace from which it emerges. These two opposing forms are united by a transparent glass corridor along the Northern boundary wall, framing an outdoor courtyard. Strategic planning located the courtyard at the heart of the site, allowing both the terrace and extension to have direct contact with this outside space. It creates a central demilitarised zone that allows activities from the surrounding living spaces to spill into. This courtyard ensures that the entirety of the site is utilised. Definition between these internal and external environments is barely distinguishable. Transparent bifold doors allow for constant physical and visual interaction, between these environs. The extension is at once inside and out. The courtyard’s location also provides abundant natural light and ventilation into both the terrace and extension, importantly decreasing reliance on mechanical heating and cooling systems. The anatomy of Vader House also extends far below the site. The timber deck in the courtyard doubles as a retractable deck, when pulled aside reveals a hidden spa, right at the very heart of Vader. Similarly the timber floor boards in the extension form a trapdoor that when opened exposes a cellar, extending far beneath Vader. When these doors are opened, they alter the nature of their spaces significantly, providing the extension with a dynamic and chameleonlike interior. The lack of formal zoning of the extension reflects a desire to make this space a versatile, and thus economical solution, where multiple programs are able to symbiotically co-exist. This flexible design, accompanied by its carefully composed material and colour palette, results in an extension that will adapt to function, clients desire and most importantly the demands of time. 房屋的扩建部分是一个覆盖于砖石外墙上并向内延伸的钢结构骨架,这些外墙由于修建于高度 限制之前,因此显得异常高大。屋顶的结构也以一种打破常规的方式适应建筑的格局。这一构 造使得内部空间变得更加宽敞,成为了高度介于一层和二层之间的仓库式房屋。 精致材料与华丽色彩的完美搭配,使得新建部分的巨大屋顶在昏暗的砖石围墙的映衬下,显得 别具一格。这两部分分开的建筑用一个沿着北侧围墙修建的玻璃走廊相连接,并一起形成了一 个室外的庭院。把庭院置于建筑中心的设计方案使得露台和扩建部分与外部空间有一个直接的 接触。这样便在周围的居住区中心创建一个可以举行活动的区域。这个庭院的设计确保了这座 建筑的空间都能有效利用。 内部与外部空间之间的界限并不是十分明显。透明的折叠门促进了自然与光线的交换。这样一 来,新建部分既是室内又是室外。庭院的位置为露台和扩建部分提供了充分的光照和通风条 件。尤为重要的是,这一设计降低了对供暖和冷气系统的依赖程度。




170 韦德别墅的设计理念并不是只体现在上面的几项。庭院的地板采用回收木材做成,其中两块活 动木板可以随意开合,开启之后即可在别墅的中心发现一个隐藏起来的池塘。与此相类似,在 新建部分的地板上也有一个活板门,打开它便会发现一个通向地下酒窖的入口。这些门打开的 时候,这一部分的格局便会像变色龙一样显著地改变。 新建部分的区域划分十分随意,设计师想通过这种方法使这个空间兼具多种功能,并且和谐共 存。灵活的设计加上材料与颜色的精心搭配,使得新建部分在功能、客户要求以及修建时间这 些方面达到了完美的统一。



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floor plans

Awarded: 2009 Vision Award Emerging from behind its high boundary wall, the distorted roof form of Vader House interrupts the symmetrical roof line typical of Fitzroy, and breathes new life into this Victorian Terrace. The open and seemingly simple nature of Vader House reveals itself to be one of complexity and ambiguity. Many elements of the design prove to serve multiple functions. The bold stair case becomes part of the kitchen joinery, the louvres act as light control as much as privacy screening, and the boundary external wall doubles as the internal kitchen wall. 获奖情况: 2009年视觉建筑设计奖 在四周高大围墙的掩映之下,韦德别墅扭曲的屋顶在菲茨罗伊地区对称的建筑结构中显得独树 一帜,也为这个维多利亚式的露台带来了勃勃生机。韦德别墅的开放和看似简单的设计其实是 一个复杂而又模糊的设计范例。这一建筑中的许多部分具有多种功能,例如,设计大胆的楼梯 同时也是厨房的一部分;百叶窗在保护个人隐私的同时也起到了调节光照的作用。





175 希拉勒“新月亮”公馆 Location: Dubai,United Arab Emirates Designer: Ehrlich Architects (Design Architect), Godwin Austen Johnson (Executive Architect) Photographer: Erhard Pfeiffer, Irfan Naqi Completion date: 2007 项目地点:阿拉伯联合酋长国 迪拜 设计师:埃尔利希建筑事务所(方案设计),高德文·奥斯丁·约翰 逊(执行设计) 摄影师:艾哈德·菲佛,伊尔凡·纳奇 完成时间:2007年

Helal “New Moon” Residence The three-part plan separates the reception area (majlis) for male guests at the west from the women’s area behind the central grand hall and the family’s sleeping quarters to the east. In a dance between ancient and modern, massive stone walls are counterpoint to large expanses of glass and taut elements of steel. Shadows of contemporised Islamic patterns from the mashrabiyya are cast onto stone floors and shimmer in the reflecting pools. The main entrance is approached through date palm grove aisles. A reflecting pool, which flows indoors and provides cooling, surrounds the front façade. A mashrabiyya, the traditional lattice sunscreen, filters direct sun. Gardens, fountains, shady courtyards, and terraces surround and penetrate the buildings, making it a desert paradise. The whole structure suggests a giant Bedouin tent, with the footballfield-sized roof, cantilevered 30 feet on each side, casting a giant swathe of shade. 在这个项目中,“三部分计划”使接待区域分离开来:西区是男宾接待区,中央大堂后方是女 宾接待区,东面是家庭接待区。大量的石壁与钢化玻璃形成反差,摇曳在古代与现代之间。镂 空的木制屏风所投掷出的伊斯兰图案的阴影投射到石砖上,同时也使睡莲池波光粼粼。 沿着棕榈树林小路到达正门,就会看到这个睡莲池环绕在建筑正面,水流从屋内流出,可以清 新空气。一个镂空的木制屏风(传统的网格防晒幕)可以过滤直射的日光。花园、喷泉、林荫 院和露台环绕并且渗透到整座建筑中,使公馆成为一个沙漠天堂。 整个结构如同贝都因人使用的巨大的帐篷,足球场般大小的屋顶,两边各伸出30英尺,向下方 投掷了一大片阴影。

Awarded: 2008 Cityscape Architectural Awards; Seal of Distinction Islamic culture is embodied and reinterpreted through modern technology and design in this 35,000-square-foot residence, located in the Persian Gulf. Searing temperatures and ample desalinated water allowed the desert site to be transformed into an oasis with pools and landscaping. Sheathed in shimmering aluminum, a massive curved roof shelters and unites the compound’s series of two-story buildings. In section, the canopy forms a crescent moon, the symbol of new life that tops the minarets of Islam. The canopy is supported by stone-clad columns that function as mechanical exhaust vents; they pierce the roof and project up to the sky, reminiscent of traditional wind-catchers in the age before air conditioning. 获奖情况: 2008年城市建筑荣誉奖 运用现代建筑技术和设计理念,这座占地35000平方英尺的公馆完美展现并诠释了伊斯兰文 化。高温和充足的淡化海水使这片沙漠地带成为拥有池塘和美景的宜人之地。 曲线房顶裹以金光闪闪的铝膜,将所有的两层小楼遮盖并且连接起来。从剖面图上,房顶看似 一轮“新月”,象征着全新的生活。石柱支撑的房顶有机械排烟功能。石柱穿透房顶,直立于 上空,使人回想起空调发明之前所使用的传统捕风器。








183 翱翔之家 Location: Hiroshima, Japan Designer: Tetsuya NAKAZONO Photographer: Naf Architect & Design Completion date: March 2007 项目地点:日本 广岛 设计师:中原哲也 摄影师:纳夫建筑设计事务所 完成时间:2007年3月

Hover House Rice fields surround the site, with natural sceneries around such as a national park, a pond of water shield – a kind of waterweeds threatened with extinction – and bamboo trees. Stretching out east and west, the site bends like a Japanese character “
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