5 Ways to Play Like Brad Mehldau
April 27, 2017 | Author: Alonso Quixano | Category: N/A
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5 ways to play like Brad Mehldau — www.keyboardmag.com
5 ways to play like Brad Mehldau
by Brian Charette • 3 min read • original
Growing up as a pianist in the Hartford, Connecticut area, it was
impossible not to know about the local jazz phenom Brad Mehldau.
Even at a young age, Brad had already mastered both the jazz and
classical idioms, and was well on his way to becoming a bona fide
star. Brad was actually among the crop of new “young lions” that
ushered in the resurgence of jazz in the mid 1990's. Let’s examine a
few elements of Brad’s work on both electronic keyboards and
acoustic piano. Practice these to inject a little “Mehldauisms” into
your own playing.
1.Double Duty
5 ways to play like Brad Mehldau — www.keyboardmag.com
In his new group Mehliana, it’s common for Brad to comp
interesting chords in a fast, repetitive rhythm using an organ patch,
while he solos simultaneously on the Rhodes EP. Both sounds
usually have some sort of delay or effect on them. To illustrate this
in Ex. 1, I’ve chosen a Vox Continental as my organ sound. For the
effect, I’m using a freeware delay with circuit bent properties called
Fracture. The Rhodes spins a twisty line that ventures into atonal
territory in the middle of bar 3. The rest of the motivic material
comes from the F Mixolydian mode (F, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F) in the
first and third bar, and the F Dorian mode (F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F)
5 ways to play like Brad Mehldau — www.keyboardmag.com in the second and fourth bar. When venturing out of your current
key, stay relaxed and treat the “outside” notes with the same
physical approach as you do the “inside” ones. Just let your lines
fall naturally into other keys.
2. Fugue It
Another thing I love about Brad’s playing (especially from his early
piano trio period), is how he improvises fugues over jazz tunes, as
seen in Ex. 2. To do this on your own, start by comping in your right
hand, as you solo in the bass register with your left hand. Then
slowly “trade” lines with your right and left hands until you are
playing two different solos with both hands. Practice doing this on
one tune for a few months and soon you will start to internalize the
concept. Bach’s famed Well Tempered Clavier is THE source for
counterpoint, so refer to it whenever possible for inspiration. In
this example, notice how one voice will rest while the other one
moves. Try to keep this conversational aspect between the hands in
your own improvisations. Also note that our major and minor scales
are augmented here with a few chromatic embellishing tones.
Check out the Charlie Parker Omnibook for more great bebop lines
to inspire your own improvisations.
3. ClassicalChording
5 ways to play like Brad Mehldau — www.keyboardmag.com
Repetitive, stabby chords like those in Ex. 3 appear again and again
in much of Brad’s music. I often think this style of piano playing
comes from Franz Schubert’s Lieder (German for “songs”), which
were the precursor to pop tunes hundreds of years ago. In this
example, the right hand keeps time with crunchy rock piano
voicings, while the left hand plays an interesting melody in the bass
clef with notes coming from the E Mixolydian mode (E, F#, G#, A,
B, C#, D, E). Brad will often pedal these chords to give them a
ringing, “bell like” quality.
4. Analog Accents
5 ways to play like Brad Mehldau — www.keyboardmag.com
Mehldau usually has at least one analog modeling synth in his rig
with Mehliana. In Ex. 4, I play a fat, sawtooth bass line, using the
mod wheel for expression. The bass line is constructed mostly from
the C minor pentatonic scale (C, Eb, F, G, Bb, C). There is also an E
natural in bar 4 for a “momentary major” sound. When a note is
held, the mod wheel is added to give a crazy LFO effect. I am also
throwing in in a few notes from another mystery key. When slide
stepping (as this technique is called), try going a half step up or
down, or a minor third up or down. The interval doesn’t really
matter - it’s the sound of moving to another key that matters most.
5. All’s Swell
5 ways to play like Brad Mehldau — www.keyboardmag.com
Another alluring texture of Brad’s electronic work is his use of
dreamy pads - warm swells on a patch like the Prophet 5 sound used
in Ex. 5. (I cheat a little on this example to make it sound like
there’s more than one keyboardist playing. Here, I’ve actually
sampled both chords and assigned each to one key on my MIDI
controller. The lowest “F” key gets the Fmin11 voicing, and the “D”
below it gets the D7sus chord. As I play the sampled chords with
two fingers of my left land, my right hand improvises on the Rhodes.
Again, add a little swirly delay to both sounds. Most of the motivic
5 ways to play like Brad Mehldau — www.keyboardmag.com material from this improvisation comes from simple modes; F
Dorian on the Fmin11 chord (F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F) and D
Mixolydian on the D7sus4 (D, E, F#, G, A, B, C, D).
Practice Tip
“Whether playing piano with his trio, or using spacey synths with
his duo Mehliana, Brad Mehldau’s playing is always tasteful, lyrical,
and uniquely his own,” says keyboardist and composer Brian
Charette, who has performed and recorded with artists like Joni
Mitchell, Michael Buble and Rufus Wainwright in addition to
leading his own jazz groups. Charette recently won Downbeat
Magazine’s “Rising Star Organ” award and just released the album
Good Tipper. Find out more at www.brian-
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