5 Step Affiliate Formula PDF

January 26, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The 5 tep Formula to Instant Cash By elling Other People s Digital Prod roducts ucts Onlin nline e By To Toyi yin n Om Omot otos oso o 7starcourses.com

Dear subscrib subscriber, er, I feel feel so happ happy y as I type type this this news newsle lett tter er. . Here He re is why: why: I setu setup p a test test camp campai aign gn on Face Facebo book ok abou about t 2 da days ys ago ago with with just jus t $60 (N21,6 (N21,600) 00) As at the the time time of writ writin ing g this this, , that that test test camp campai aign gn has has resul res ulted ted in N135,0 N135,000 00

That Th at is a profi rofit t of about bout N113, 113,0 000 in 2 days days. .


And An d this this was was made made poss possib ible le beca becaus use e of an onli online ne plat platfo form rm called   EXPERTNAIRE.

Expertnaire   is an onli online ne plat platfo form rm that that allo allows ws Expe Expert rts s (those (thos e with with qualit quality y inform informati ation, on, knowle knowledge dge and expert expertise ise) ) to list list and and sell sell thei their r prod produc ucts ts on thei their r mark market etpl plac ace. e. And An d othe other r peop people le who who want want to make make some some mone money y can can help help them them sell se ll thos those e prod produc ucts ts and and smil smile e to the the bank bank. . Let Le t me expl explai ain n bett better er. . I con conside sider r myse myself lf to be someo omeone ne who who is an ex expe pert rt at creat cre ating ing valuab valuable le knowle knowledge dge produc products ts (books (books, , vid videos eos, , cours cou rses es etc) etc) Over the Over the year years, s, I have have crea create ted d know knowle ledg dge e prod produc ucts ts and and sold sold tons to ns of them them on diff differ eren ent t area areas s like like: : 


  Busine Business ss and making making money money




I hav have also also taugh aught t a lot lot of peop eople how to do the same. ame. There Ther e is no doubt oubt that hat one one of the sure surest st ways ays to build uild an onli on line ne busi busine ness ss and and make make a lot lot of mone money y is by crea creati ting ng and and selling selli ng produc products ts that that share share valuab valuable le inform informati ation on in forma formats ts like li ke eboo ebooks ks, , vide videos os etc. etc.

But Bu t th the e tr trut uth h is th this is: : At the the end end of the the day, day, most most peop people le can' can't t crea create te thei their r own own high hi gh dema demand nd know knowle ledg dge e prod produc ucts ts to sell sell for for vari variou ous s reas reason ons. s. E.g. 

  Some Some just ust don' don't t get get it rega regard rdle less ss of ho how w easy easy I try try to make ma ke it. it.


  Some Some just just don' don't t have have the the time time beca becaus use e of thei their r job job and and other oth er life life issues issues. .

  Some Some just just have have other other unexpl unexplain ainabl able e reason reasons. s.

This Th is is not not only only in Nige Nigeri ria. a. It happ happen ens s to peop people le all all over over the the worl world. d. So, someon someone e   (I actu actual ally ly don' don't t know know who who star starte ted d this this) )   came up with with this this conc concep ept t wher where e you you can can sell sell anot anothe her r pers person on's 's prod pr oduc uct t onli online ne and and get get a part part of the the comm commis issi sion on. . In many many case cases, s, you you can can even even use use the the same same mark market etin ing g mate ma teri rial als s that that pers person on crea create ted d to sell sell the the prod produc uct t and and get get paid. That Th at is how how the the Clic Clickb kban ank k mark market etpl plac ace e was was laun launch ched ed back back in the th e day. day. On Clic Clickb kban ank, k, ther there e are are 2 grou groups ps of peop people le. . The Th e firs first t grou group p are are know known n as merc mercha hant nts. s. Thes Th ese e are are peop people le who who are are able able to crea create te high high valu value e prod produc ucts ts (dig (d igit ital al) ) and and list list them them on the the Clic Clickb kban ank k mark market etpl plac ace e alon along g with wi th the the mark market etin ing g mate materi rial al to sell sell them them The seco The second nd grou group p are are the the affi affili liat ates es who who simp simply ly sign sign up on Clic Cl ickb kban ank k and and what what they they do is to pick pick any any prod produc uct t from from the the Clickban Clic kbank k marketpl marketplace. ace. For Fo r each each prod produc uct, t, ther there e is some someth thin ing g call called ed an affi affili liat ate e link li nk atta attach ched ed to it. it.

It us usua uall lly y lo look oks s li like ke th this is: : https://merchantwebsite.com/affiliatecode All Al l the affil ffilia iate te has to do is to find find peopl eople e who who are are mos most likely like ly goin going g to be inte intere rest sted ed in that that prod produc uct t and and reco recomm mmen end d the th e prod produc uct t to them them thro throug ugh h his his affi affili liat ate e link link so that that they they can ca n buy buy thro throug ugh h the the link link. .


When Wh en some someon one e make makes s a purc purcha hase se thro throug ugh h the the affi affili liat ate e link link, , the th e affi affili liat ate e gets gets a cert certai ain n comm commis issi sion on. . Let me illust illustrat rate e better better. . Let' Le t's s say say a merc mercha hant nt list lists s a prod produc uct t abou about t "dog "dog trai traini ning ng" " and an d let' let's s say say the the prod produc uct t sell sells s for for $40. $40. The Th e merc mercha hant nt can can now now set set an affi affili liat ate e comm commis issi sion on for for the the prod pr oduc uct. t. Let' Let's s say say 50% 50% whic which h is most most comm common on. . What Wh at this this means eans is - if an affi affil liate iate makes akes a sal ale e of the prod pr oduc uct t (via (via his his affi affili liat ate e link link), ), he gets gets paid paid 50% 50% of that that $40 $4 0 whic which h is $20. $20. Are Ar e you you foll follow owin ing g me here here? ? Good. Becaus Beca use e of this this, , a lot lot of smar smart t peop people le star starte ted d beco becomi ming ng overnight millionaires. millionaires. That is beca That becaus use e some someon one, e, let' let's s call call him him Affi Affili liat ate e X ca can n pick pi ck up this this dog dog trai traini ning ng prod produc uct t in the the exam exampl ple e abov above e and and adve ad vert rtis ise e it to peop people le who who own own dogs dogs. . If his his adve advert rtis isem emen ent t is effe effect ctiv ive, e, this this affi affili liat ate e X ca can n keep repe keep repeat atin ing g the the adve advert rts s and and end end up sell sellin ing g mayb maybe e 2000 2000 copi co pies es of that that dog dog trai traini ning ng prod produc uct t that that he gets gets paid paid $20 $20 per pe r sale sale for. for. That Th at is $20 x 2000 000 = $40, $40,00 000 0 Let' Le t's s say say he spen spent t $10, $10,00 000 0 on adve advert rts. s. If you you remo remove ve that that cost cost from from the the tota total l prof profit its, s, that that mean means s affi af fili liat ate e X is now now $30, $30,00 000 0 rich richer er -   from from a di digi gita tal l pr prod oduc uct t

he di didn' dn't t cre create ate. . That Th at is how news ews got got out out that that one of the easie asiest st ways ays to make ma ke a lot lot of mone money y onli online ne is by prom promot otin ing g othe other r peop people le's 's digit dig ital al produc products ts as an affili affiliate ate. .


So, So , many many peop people le star starte ted d rush rushin ing g to Clic Clickb kban ank k to sign sign up as an affi affili liat ate e and and star start t prom promot otin ing g vari variou ous s prod produc ucts ts from from merchants. Unfortun Unfor tunate ately, ly, Clickb Clickbank ank blocke blocked d out Nigeri Nigerians ans probab probably ly beca be caus use e we are are know known n arou around nd the the worl world d as pote potent ntia ial l fraudsters. Whatever. Many Ma ny Nige Nigeri rian ans s stil still l find find a way way to regi regist ster er on Clic Clickb kban ank k though thou gh but but most most of them them (abo (about ut 99.9 99.9%) %) don' don't t make make any any mone money y beca be caus use e they they don' don't t know know how how to mark market et and and beca becaus use e they they are are compe com petin ting g with with other other well well traine trained d and experi experienc enced ed affi af fili liat ates es from from all all over over the the worl world. d. I act actuall ually y told told you all this his lon long stor story y to help elp you you understa under stand nd the concep concept t of sellin selling g other other people people's 's digita digital l products.

So, Let's Go Back to ExpertNaire re.. Don't Don 't worry. worry. I will will shar share e the the 5 step step form formul ula a to inst instan ant t cash cash by sell sellin ing g other oth er people people's 's digita digital l produc products ts online online later later on. On Exper Expertna tnaire ire, , Nigeri Nigerians ans with with qualit quality y knowle knowledge dge based based digi di gita tal l prod produc ucts ts can can list list them them - alon along g with with mark market etin ing g mater mat erial ials s that that makes makes sellin selling g them them easier easier for affili affiliate ates. s. Then Th en affi affili liat ates es can can sign sign up to the the Expe Expert rtna nair ire e plat platfo form rm, , pick one pick one or more more prod produc ucts ts to mark market et and and use use the the affi affili liat ate e link li nks s of each each prod produc uct t to mark market et them them. . When Wh en some someon one e buys buys the the prod produc uct t via via the the affi affili liat ates es’ ’ link link, , the the affi af fili liat ate e will will get get a comm commis issi sion on for for that that prod produc uct. t. Now No w that that you you unde unders rsta tand nd how how this this work works, s, let let me expl explai ain n how how you yo u can can beco become me an affi affili liat ate e of Expe Expert rtna nair ire. e.co com m


Here He re is Ste Step p One ne:: Go to   https://expertnaire.com/manager/affiliate/register Fill the Fill the form form and and clic click k Regi Regist ster er (you (you shou should ld read read the the term terms s and condit condition ions s too though though) )

Once you Once you clic click k   REGISTER , the the sys system tem will will show how you you a po popu pup p noti no tifi fica cati tion on info inform rmin ing g you you that that the the fee fee for for beco becomi ming ng an affi af fili liat ate e on Expe Expert rtna nair ire e is N10, N10,00 000 0 a year year. . Just Ju st clic click k the the   Yes, Yes, Cont Continue inue   butt button on to move move on. on. Or click ick canc cancel el if you you are are not not willi illing ng to pa pay y the the fee. fee.


When Wh en you you clic click k the the   Yes, button, n, the the syst system em will will Yes, Cont Continue inue   butto show sh ow you you the the Pays Paysta tack ck form form for for paym paymen ent. t. You Yo u can use the CARD ARD opti option on or BANK ANK opti option on to pa pay y with with Paystack. Someti Some time mes, s, the the netw networ ork k from from your your bank bank migh might t not not be good good and and your yo ur paym paymen ent t migh might t not not go thro throug ugh. h. If that is the the case case, , just just try it again gain later ater on. Once On ce your your paym paymen ent t goes goes thro throug ugh, h, you you will will get get an emai email l and and you yo u will will get get inst instan ant t acce access ss to the the affi affili liat ate e dash dashbo boar ard. d.

STEP STE P 2: Adding Adding Your Your Bank Account Account Once On ce you you are are sign signed ed up as an aff affilia iliate te, , you you can can log log on to the th e syst system em if you you are are logg logged ed out out usin using g your your emai email l addr addres ess s and an d pass passwo word rd you you used used in sign signin ing g up. up. Just go to   https://expertnaire.com/manager/affiliate/login Just and an d logi login n from from ther there. e. This Th is will will alwa always ys brin bring g you you to your your affi affili liat ate e dash dashbo boar ard d wher wh ere e you can see a summa ummary ry of your our sale sales s etc etc The Th e first irst thing hing you shoul hould d do after ter sign signin ing g up is to add your you r bank bank accoun account t detail details. s. Here He re is why: why: Exper Exp ertna tnaire ire pay affili affiliate ates s every every Friday Friday. . But if you But you do not have ave your your bank ank accou ccount nt detai etails ls on yo your ur prof pr ofil ile, e, You You won’ won’t t be able able to rece receiv ive e your your mone money. y. So, So , in orde order r to do this this, , clic click k on your your prof profil ile e pict pictur ure, e, it will wi ll drop drop down down, , then then clic click k on   PROFILE


Then Th en, , on the the next next page page, , clic click k   EDIT EDIT MY PR PROF OFIL ILE E

It will bring ring you a page age that that has all all your your detai etails ls. . Scro Sc roll ll down down unti until l you you see see the the sect sectio ion n wher where e you you can can add add your you r bank bank accoun account t detail details. s.


Ensure Ensu re you you add add your your bank bank acco accoun unt t deta detail ils s corr correc ectl tly y and and clic cl ick k on SAVE SAVE. . Once On ce you you have have done one that that, , it is now time ime to get your our affil aff iliat iate e links links and start start promot promoting ing some some pro produc ducts. ts.

STEP 3: Getting Your Affiliate Link Again, Agai n, your your affi affili liat ate e link link is your your uniq unique ue link link that that allo allows ws the th e syst system em to know know that that a part partic icul ular ar sale sale came came from from you you so that th at you you are are cred credit ited ed for for it. it. The good The good thin thing g abou about t the the affi affili liat ate e link links s on Expe Expert rtna nair ire e is that th at they they all all come come with with a 90-d 90-day ay cook cookie ie. . This Th is is what hat I mean mean. . Let's Let' s say say some someon one e clic clicks ks on your your affi affili liat ate e link link toda today y but but does doe s not buy immedi immediate ately. ly. Let' Le t's s say say this this pers person on now now come comes s back back to the the prod produc uct t page page 87 days late days later r and and buys buys, , the the cook cookie ie that that the the affi affili liat ate e link link set set on the the pers person on's 's brow browse ser r make makes s it easy easy for for the the syst system em to iden id enti tify fy that that this this cust custom omer er was was refe referr rred ed by you you and and you you get get the commissi commission. on.


Isn't Isn 't that that sweet? sweet? Okay Ok ay, , here here is how how you you get get your your affi affili liat ate e link links. s. Once On ce you you are are logg logged ed in, there here is a set of li link nks s by your our righ ri ght t side side (eit (eithe her r on desk deskto top p or mobi mobile le) )

The secon The econd d link link on this this menu enu is what what you click lick on to get your you r affili affiliate ate links. links. When you When you clic click k on   affiliate affiliate link links s   on the menu, enu, it ta take kes s you to a page page wher where e we have have all all the the vari variou ous s prod produc ucts ts list listed ed. .

On th this is pa page ge, , yo you u wi will ll se see e de deta tail ils s ab abou out t ea each ch pr prod oduc uct. t. 

  The prod produc uct t name name

  Product Product price price

  Commiss Commission ion percen percentag tage e paid paid to affili affiliate ates s

  And And the the affi affili liat ate e link link for for the the prod produc uct t

Somet Som ethin hing g lik like e thi this. s.


As you you can can see see in the the imag image e abov above, e, the the blue blue butt button on circ circle led d in red is where here you can get the affi affili liat ate e link link for the produc prod uct t you you want want to prom promot ote. e. Agai Ag ain, n, each each prod produc uct t has has its its own own uniq unique ue affi affili liat ate e link link. . All Al l you have ave to do is click lick on the blue lue butt button on and it wi wil ll open op en a box box with with the the affi affili liat ate e link link for for that that prod produc uct. t. Then Th en you you can can simp simply ly copy copy it For Fo r inst instan ance ce, , here here is an affi affili liat ate e link link for for a pr prod oduc uct t on Ecomm Eco mmerc erce e called called 10x. 10x.


As you can can see, see, the link ink is kind inda long long. . That Th at is how how most most affi affili liat ate e link links s are. are. Now No w that that you you unde unders rsta tand nd how how to use use Expe Expert rtna nair ire e syst system em, , let' le t's s talk talk abou about t how how to actu actual ally ly prom promot ote e your your affi affili liat ate e links link s so that that peop people le can can actu actual ally ly clic click k on it and and buy. buy. Beca Be caus use, e, let' let's s face face it. it.

Just Ju st Havi Having ng an affi affili liat ate e acco accoun unt t on Expe Ex pert rtna nair ire e won' won't t give give you you mone money. y.

You Yo u on only ly ma make ke mo mone ney y wh when en: : - You You prom promot ote e your your affi affili liat ate e link link for for a pr prod oduc uct t to peop people le who wh o are are inte intere rest sted ed in that that prod produc uct t and and they they buy. buy. The Th e more ore you you can can do that, hat, the more money oney you can make. ake. So, how do you do that? Firs Fi rst, t, it is impo import rtan ant t that that you you get get this this advi advice ce scre screwe wed d deep de ep into into your your mind mind. . When it come When comes s to prom promot otin ing g prod produc ucts ts onli online ne (eit (eithe her r it is your yo urs s or the the ones ones you you are are prom promot otin ing g as an affi affili liat ate) e) - Th The e best be st way way to get resul esults ts is to put the the righ right t mess messag age e in fron fr ont t of the the righ right t audi audien ence ce. .


Many Ma ny peop people le make make this this mist mistak ake e over over and and over over. . If you you prom promot ote e your your affi affili liat ate e link link abou about t a pr prod oduc uct t to the the wron wr ong g audi audien ence ce, , you you won' won't t make make any any mone money. y. That Th at is the the plai plain n trut truth. h. Here He re is an exam exampl ple e for for you you to unde unders rsta tand nd what what I am sayi saying ng. . Let' Le t's s say say you you deci decide de to prom promot ote e the the US Visa Visa Guid Guide e prod produc uct t that th at pays pays N500 N5000 0 per per sale sale to affi affili liat ate. e. But Bu t you now decid ecide e to promo romote te it in a FB group roup that hat is mostl mos tly y domina dominated ted by studen students. ts. What Wha t will will happen happen? ? Many of them Many them will will prob probab ably ly clic click k on it beca becaus use e the the appe appeal al of gett gettin ing g a US Visa Visa is stro strong ng to Nige Nigeri rian ans. s. But Bu t when when they they get get to see see the the pric price e (N10 (N10,0 ,000 00), ), they they will will simp si mply ly clos close e the the page page. . So, So , you you migh might t look look at your your trac tracki king ng repo report rts s (e.g (e.g. . from from bit. bi t.ly ly) ) and and see see that that you you got got 478 478 clic clicks ks with withou out t a sa sale le. . What happened happened? ? You Yo u prom promot oted ed to the the wron wrong g crow crowd. d. Meanw Mea nwhil hile, e, anothe another r affili affiliate ate could could write write a short short Facebo Facebook ok post po st that that look looks s like like the the one one belo below: w:


Why Many Nigerians Struggle to Get a US Visa

Some days ago, I was discussing with a colleague of mine who just returned from the US. According to him he got a 2 years, US Visa the very first time he applied. Was it due to luck? The answer is No. He was able to get the Visa because he had access to certain insider information that many people who apply for a US Visa do not know. As a matter of fact, he also told me about 7 people who have been able to get their own 2 years, US Visa by applying the same insider information he used. For instance, there are certain questions the US Consulate official will ask you during an interview and they expect you to respond in a certain way. If you do not respond well, your Visa application will be rejected. If you are interested in increasing your chances of getting a US Visa when you apply, he has written a guide on these little-known US Visa information Click Here to Get the Guide - Affiliate - Affiliate link goes here Affiliate Name

Then Th en, , let' let's s say say this this affi affili liat ate e targ target ets s the the adve advert rt at the the righ ri ght t peop people le who who are are betw betwee een n ages ages 28 - 45, 45, work workin ing g etc etc What Wha t will will happen happen? ? Even Ev en if he only only got got 100 100 clic clicks ks, , thos those e 100 100 clic clicks ks   could    end up in 5 sales ales just ust beca becaus use e he put the the righ right t mess messag age e in fron fr ont t of the the righ right t peop people le. . The Th e idea idea is this this: : Befo Before re you you ever ever prom promot ote e your your affi affili liat ate e link li nk for for a prod produc uct, t, ensur nsure e you you have ave a go good od idea dea of the type of audi audien ence ce that that are are pote potent ntia ial l buye buyers rs for for that that prod produc uct. t.

Here He re ar are e so some me ex exam ampl ples es to pl play ay wi with th: :


  If you you were were to prom promot ote e my prod produc uct t titl titled ed: : How How to turn turn your yo urse self lf into into a live live brea breath thin ing g cash cash mach machin ine, e, who who woul would d you yo u prom promot ote e it to? to?

  If you were ere to promo romot te a prod produc uct t on how to ad adv verti ertise se on Face Fa cebo book ok, , who who woul would d you you prom promot ote e it to? to?

  If If you you were were to prom promot ote e a prod produc uct t on high high bloo blood d pres pressu sure re, , who wh o woul would d you you prom promot ote e it to? to?

With Wi th that that said said, , let let me shar share e 3 diff differ eren ent t stra strate tegi gies es with with you yo u for for prom promot otin ing g an affi affili liat ate e prod produc uct. t. 1. The The ROOK ROOKIE IE Stra Strate tegy gy 2. The The Good Good Enou Enough gh Stra Strate tegy gy 3. The Profes Professio sional nal Strate Strategy gy Let' Le t's s take take them them one one afte after r the the othe other. r.

The Roo Rookie kie St Strate rategy: gy: The Th e rook rookie ie stra strate tegy gy is not not an effe effect ctiv ive e one. one. But some But someti time mes, s, it migh might t work work a bit bit if some some of the the elem elemen ents ts are right. right. Back Ba ck in the day, ay, I went went to clic click kbank bank to ge get t my affil ffilia iate te link li nk for for a prod produc uct t on dati dating ng. . So, So , I went ent to a datin ating g foru forum m and and I start tarted ed posti osting ng the affi af fili liat ate e link links s all all over over hopi hoping ng for for peop people le to clic click k the the link li nk and and buy. buy. I did did that hat for for 2 full full weeks eeks and I made made ZERO ERO sale sales. s. Why?


I was was foll follow owin ing g the the rook rookie ie stra strate tegy gy. . But Bu t some someti time mes, s, the the rook rookie ie stra strate tegy gy can can work work a bit. bit. Here He re is such such case cases. s. Let' Le t's s say say you you are are prom promot otin ing g a main mainst stre ream am prod produc uct t (a mainst main stre ream am prod produc uct t is a prod produc uct t that that appe appeal als s to a mass mass audi au dien ence ce - E.g. E.g. Weig Weight ht loss loss, , maki making ng mone money y etc) etc) Then let' Then let's s say say you you have have abou about t 2000 2000 peop people le on your your FB frie fr iend nds s list list who who are are at leas least t 28 year years s upwa upward rds. s. Next Ne xt, , let's et's say you make ake a post post on your our FB wall all wher where e you you are ar e simp simply ly reco recomm mmen endi ding ng this this arti articl cle e for for othe others rs to go and and read: How Bishop Oyedepo's Book Moved Me From N5 to N50,000 in 2 Weeks by TOYIN OMOTOSO

Back in 2008, I remember there was a time when all I had to my name was N5 only. Yes. Five Naira. And I carefully hid it inside my Bible. Believe it or not, that was all I had for about 3 months. In order to eat, I would hang out with some of my neighbours that I had turned to friends (just to be get benefits like getting food to eat) But one day, I came across a book by Bishop David Oyedepo. It was a small book titled: "If you can think enough, what you have is enough" I read the book and it changed my life. For the first time, I began to understand how to think strategically and get yourself out of any situation you are in - especially financial situation. So, I followed what the Bishop taught in the book.


Here is an example. It is important that you understand that apart from money, there are other resources you have that you can use to move your life forward. Sit down with a clean sheet of paper and write them down. E.g. What skills do you have? What talents do you have? What special networks do you have? What material things do you have that you can sell? What physical attributes do you have? Once you have listed all these down, the next thing to do is to simply think of how you can utilize any of those things to move forward. But you need to think deeply here using a pen and paper. Once you are through, look at the best ideas that come up and begin to work on them immediately. When I did this exercise, even though I thought all I had was N5, the book helped uncover other resources that I didn't know I had. 2 weeks later, I had N50,000 in the bank and my life began to change from that moment onwards. The truth is, our creator gave us our brains to help us solve many of our life problems but most people do not know how to think strategically and this limits what they can achieve in life. Whenever you think you are stuck in life or you are not making as much money as you want to make, I can assure you that if you make use of your brain to think strategically, strategic ally, your life will improve. Up till today, I still use these thinking strategies anytime I feel stuck, need ideas or need to get ahead with my life and business


Most people do not use these thinking strategies and that is one of the main reasons why many find it difficult to get ahead in their life and business. Make it a decision to use your brain more efficiently from now on. May God help us all. PS: Toyin Omotoso is the author of the unusual book "How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine" that has transformed a lot of lives. Click here to get a copy: => Put your affiliate link here

If you you have have at leas least t 2000 2000 acti active ve peop people le on your your FB/In FB/ Insta stagra gram/W m/What hatsap sapp p friend friends s list list who are betwee between n ages ages 2845, 45 , many many of them them will will read read the the arti articl cle, e, clic click k on the the affi af fili liat ate e link link ther there e and and many many will will buy buy imme immedi diat atel ely. y. But Bu t then, hen, while hile this his can can make make you some some money oney fast, ast, it is not no t a busi busine ness ss stra strate tegy gy that that can can be ongo ongoin ing. g. And An d usua usuall lly, y, the the mone money y you you make make from from here here migh might t not not real really ly be much much beca becaus use e it is all all abou about t leve levera ragi ging ng the the cont contac acts ts you you have already. already. So, So , that that take takes s us to the the next next stra strate tegy gy. .

The Good Enough ough Stra Strattegy egy This Th is is a strat trateg egy y that that a lot of affil ffilia iate tes s use use to make ake a lot lo t of mone money y fast fast. . But Bu t I cons consid ider er it a shor short t term term stra strate tegy gy. .


I onl only use use it when hen I want want to pro promote mote produ roduct cts s in certa ertain in markets where I do not have a list and where I do not inte in tend nd to buil build d one. one. This Th is is how it work works. s. You Yo u crea create te a piec piece e of pres presel ell l cont conten ent t that that crea create tes s dema demand nd for the for the prod produc uct t you you are are prom promot otin ing. g. And An d put put the the pres presel ell l cont conten ent t on a blog blog or on your your webs websit ite. e. Then Th en you you run run adve advert rts s that that send send traf traffi fic c to the the pres presel ell. l. When Wh en peop people le land land on the the pres presel ell, l, they they read read it and and clic cl ickt kthr hrou ough gh via via your your affi affili liat ate e link link to the the prod produc uct t page page. . So, So , it is like ike this this: :

 ADS => PRESELL => PRODUCT SALESPAGE The Th e main main elem elemen ents ts here here are are your your adve advert rts s and and the the pres presel ell. l. In fact fact, , the the pres presel ell l is what what dete determ rmin ines es how how effe effect ctiv ive e this this strat str ategy egy will will be. If you you can can crea create te a piec piece e of powe powerf rful ul pres presel ell l cont conten ent t (E.g (E.g. . look at the look the pres presel ell l by Rich Rich Jerk Jerk belo below) w), , then then you you can can use use this th is stra strate tegy gy effe effect ctiv ivel ely y to prom promot ote e any any prod produc uct t as an affi af fili liat ate e and and make make a kill killin ing. g.

The Presell Content Can Be: - A case study - A story   (It (It can be the the stor story y of how how the the prod produc uct t you you are are  promoting as an affiliate changed your life)

- An inte interv rvie iew w - A prod produc uct t revi review ew   (Your (Your hone honest st thou though ghts ts abou about t the the prod produc uct. t. If you can can pres presen ent t it in way way tha that gets gets peopl eople e to belie elieve ve you, yo u, this this will will work work) )


- An adve advert rtor oria ial l   (that (that looks looks like like editor editorial ial conten content t repor rep orted ted by a journa journalis list) t) This Th is meth method od of crea creati ting ng pres presel ells ls and and usin using g them them to prom promot ote e affili affi liat ate e prod produc ucts ts is what what the the Rich Rich Jerk Jerk was was know known n for for a lot.

SIDE NOTE: The Rich Jerk is the nickname of a former Clickban Clickbankk affiliate who

made millions of dollars in affili affiliate ate commissions and was very successful Below Belo w is a pres presel ell l for for one one of his webs websit ites es that hat he used sed to prom pr omot ote e a mone money y maki making ng prod produc uct t as an affi affili liat ate. e.

Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed! Read this special article before you consider joining or paying for a “Get Rich Quick” program.  January 18th 2006 From the desk of Jane Doe (senior reviewer)

Wouldn’t it be nice to make a bundle of money quickly, with minimal effort, working at home in your pajamas? Of course it would. I for one would love to have money flowing into my bank account, working only a few hours a week from home, so I’d have more time to spend with my kids and my husband, without any boss looking over my shoulder. Whether it’s real estate investing, selling by classified ads, stock market investing, internet affiliate marketing, or something else, we’ve all seen the fantastic claims people make about making tons of money, AND how they can show you how to do the same thing. I can tell you right now that 99% of these people are total frauds. You may have even fallen prey to one of these scam artists, selling you their latest “get rich quick” program. Me too. I’ve bought so many of these programs that I can’t even recall how many. I don’t know why, but I tend to find the “good” in people, and I was “sold” by these marketing schemes time and time again, even after being scammed by another. Finally, after so many disappointments, I got FED UP. I decided to get to the bottom of this fascination we all have with get rich quick programs, and find out if there really were any LEGITIMATE programs for making money. I literally contacted the administrator of every get rich quick website I could find. Posing as an investor, I managed to convince the owners that I was seriously interested in purchasing their entire website and business. That way, once the dollar signs flashed in their heads, they


would give me free access to their member’s areas to review what I would be “buying”. Well, I was disgusted with 99% of what I found. Many of the owners actually boasted about how many people bought their useless programs. I repeatedly found: • outdated information • non-working links • links leading to other sites that asked for more money • no help section • no real email support I quickly realized that these so-called Get Rich Quick programs were totally useless. And the owners knew it, yet they were laughing all the way to the bank! Needless to say, I didn’t respond when they asked if I was still interested in buying their websites. Surprisingly, while sifting through all of the scam artists’ websites, I was able to locate a couple of individuals that actually ran legitimate programs. The owners were every day people like you and me that found a way to make extra money working from home on their computers. Their membership areas were impressive, with a good amount of quality information on how to make $100-$200 per day on your computer doing very little work. I even chatted with a few of their customers in several online forums, and they verified that they were making extra money through the sites. It was like I found a few diamonds in the rough. But don’t take my word for it, you can visit the 2 sites I found below. See what you think. They do charge a minimal fee for access to their program, which is to be expected for any legitimate company that actually has people on staff who are dedicated to helping you get started. What a friendly group of people! Anyway, if you do decide you are interested in either of the two programs below, I advise you to join quickly, as the owners have informed me that they are getting so many new members by word of mouth referrals, that they will be closing off  membership completely in the next 2 days. (By the way, you didn’t hear this from me!) They don’t have a large enough staff to accommodate many more people, and they are dedicated to providing excellent service to each person. Well, my search for legitimate Get Rich Quick programs has come to an end. I have to say I was thoroughly disappointed with most of what I found, and I strongly advise that you do not take chances joining any programs other than the two listed below! Whatever you do, I wish you a healthy, prosperous year for you and yours. All the best. Signed,


Jane Doe Here are the links to the 2 programs we do recommend (both with your embedded affiliate code). www.xyz.com www.zyx.com

All Al l he did did was was to now now buy buy adve advert rts s from from Goog Google le Adwo Adword rds s back back in the day day and and he direc irects ts the traffi affic c to the site ite with with this presell pres ell article. article. Accord Acco rdin ing g to him, him, this this webs websit ite e made made $50, $50,00 000 0 a mo mont nth h in profi pro fits ts before before people people starte started d copyi copying ng it. WARN RNIN ING: G: The hese se day ays s, do not use the wor ord d SCA CAM M in any of  WA your yo ur on onli line ne ca camp mpai aign gns s or el else se yo you u wi will ll ge get t fl flag agge ged. d.

You Yo u can do the the same same too. oo. Just Ju st crea create te a pres presel ell l cont conten ent t abou about t a prod produc uct t you you want want to prom pr omot ote e and and put put the the pres presel ell l cont conten ent t on your your blog blog/w /web ebsi site te. . Then Th en send send traf traffi fic c to it from from Face Facebo book ok or Inst Instag agra ram. m. At the the end end of the the pres presel ell l cont conten ent, t, tell tell them them abou about t the the prod pr oduc uct t you you are are prom promot otin ing g with with your your affi affili liat ate e link link. .

EXAMPLE:   If you have ave read read my boo book on LBCM BCM and and you you real really ly thin th ink k it affe affect cted ed you you in a posi positi tive ve way, way, you you can can writ write e an articl arti cle e abou about t how how the the book book help helped ed you you and and why why you you thin think k others othe rs shou should ld read read it. it. End End by tell tellin ing g peop people le how how to get get it whic wh ich h is wher where e you you plac place e your your affi affili liat ate e link link. . Then Th en, , put the artic rticle le on your your blog and run traff raffic ic to it from facebook facebook. .



Let' Le t's s say say I want wanted ed to prom promot ote e Otun Otunba ba Akin Akin Alab Alabi' i's s book book titled   Small Small Busine Business, ss, Big Money  Money  I coul could d writ write e a pres presel ell l arti articl cle e titl titled ed: : 7 Mone Money y maki making ng less lesson ons s I lear learnt nt from from Akin Akin Alab Alabi i that that chan ch ange ged d my life life. .

I will put this article on my blog and at the end, I will talk abou talk about t his his book book and and reco recomm mmen end d it to peop people le who who read read the the article. I can can now run FB Ads Ads that that say someth methin ing g like like: :

NEW POST: If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, entrepreneu r, this article might be the best advice you will read today. Click here

 ANOTHER EXAMPLE: If I want wanted ed to prom promot ote e the the US Visa Visa guid guide e on Expe Expert rtna nair ire e as an affi affili liat ate e usin using g this this stra strate tegy gy, , I coul could d crea create te a pres presel ell l that th at look looks s like like the the one one belo below. w. I woul would d impr improv ove e the the arti articl cle e if I want wanted ed to use use it thoug hough. h.


Why Many Nigerians Struggle to Get a US Visa Some days ago, I was discussing with a colleague of mine who just returned from the US.

According to him he got a 2 years, US Visa the very first time he applied. Was it due to luck? The answer is No. He was able to get the Visa because he had access to certain insider information that many people who apply for a US Visa do not know. As a matter of fact, he also told me about 7 people who have been able to get their own 2 years, US Visa by applying the same insider information he used. For instance, there are certain questions the US Consulate official will ask you during an interview and they expect you to respond in a certain way. If you do not respond well, your Visa application will be rejected. If you are interested in increasing your chances of getting a US Visa when you apply, he has written a guide on these little-known US Visa information Click Here to Get the Guide - Affiliate - Affiliate link goes here Affiliate Name

This Th is exam exampl ple e is for you to get get the idea dea of how this his strategy works. strategy works. At the the end end of the the pres presel ell l cont conten ent, t, I woul would d reco recomm mmen end d the the US visa vi sa guid guide e just just like like you you can can see see abov above. e. Then Th en, , I can run FB Adve Advert rts s to the pres presel ell l arti articl cle e on my blog. The Th e FB Ads Ads coul could d read read some someth thin ing g like like thes these: e:

 AD ONE: WARN WA RNIN ING! G! Don' Don't t pay pay any any agen agent t for for a US Visa Visa unti until l you you have have read rea d this this


 AD TWO: NEW NE W ARTI ARTICL CLE: E: Why Why Many Many Nige Nigeri rian ans s Stru Strugg ggle le to Get Get a US Visa Visa

As you you can can see, see, the the disa disadv dvan anta tage ge of this this stra strate tegy gy is that that there ther e is no room room for for foll follow ow-u -up. p. So, So , if your your pres presel ell l is not not powe powerf rful ul enou enough gh to get get peop people le to buy bu y the the prod produc uct t you you are are reco recomm mmen endi ding ng, , ther there e is noth nothin ing g you you can ca n do abou about t it. it. When you When you are are usin using g this this stra strate tegy gy, , you you also also want want to be trac tr acki king ng your your resu result lts s sinc since e you you are are spen spendi ding ng mone money y to advertise. If you are are spen spendi ding ng $20 to make make $22, $22, it is not worth orth it. That Th at migh might t mean mean you you shou should ld crea create te a bett better er pres presel ell l or mayb maybe e you shou you should ld look look at the the peop people le you you are are targ target etin ing g your your adver adv erts ts to. Trut Tr uth h is - many many affi affili liat ates es who who use use this this stra strate tegy gy get get nega ne gati tive ve resu result lts s at the the begi beginn nnin ing g but but they they late later r work work on impr im prov ovin ing g thei their r ads ads and and pres presel ells ls and and then then scal scale e up. up. Some So me affi affili liat ates es even even run run adve advert rts s that that send send traf traffi fic c dire direct ctly ly to their their affili affiliate ate links. links. Like Lik e this: this:

 ADS => PRODUCT SALESPAGE It work works s too too some someti time mes s espe especi cial ally ly if the the sale salesp spag age e for for the the produ pro duct ct is really really powerf powerful. ul. But Bu t usin using g a pres presel ell l alwa always ys work work to boos boost t sale sales s than than when when you yo u do not not use use pres presel ells ls. . If not not usin using g a pres presel ell l (sen (sendi ding ng dire direct ct traf traffi fic) c) give gives s you you 20 sale sales, s, then then usin using g a real really ly effe effect ctiv ive e pres presel ell l coul could d give give as much as 80 sales ales. . That That is 4X the the resu result lts s


I am not not sayi saying ng usin using g a pres presel ell l auto automa mati tica call lly y give gives s you you 4X of the resu result lts s you you get get when when you don' don't t use use one. one. I am only only sayi saying ng usin using g a real really ly good good pres presel ell l work works s far far bett be tter er than than when when you you don' don't t use use one. one.

The Th e Prof Profes essi sion onal al Stra Strate tegy gy This Th is is the the best best stra strate tegy gy so far. far. This is how you can have This ave an onli nline busin usines ess, s, not off and on campaigns. I call call this this the the prof profes essi sion onal al stra strate tegy gy beca becaus use e it allo allows ws you you to buil build d a list list of peop people le that that you you can can keep keep sell sellin ing g othe other r related relat ed produc products ts to. It is what what many many supe super r affi affili liat ates es use. use. This Th is stra strate tegy gy is made made up of 5 steps. eps. It is those hose 5 steps teps that hat I was was think hinkin ing g of when hen I wr wrot ote e this th is news newsle lett tter er and and titl titled ed it - The The 5 Step Step Form Formul ula a to Inst In stan ant t Cash Cash By Sell Sellin ing g Othe Other r Peop People le's 's Digi Digita tal l Prod Produc ucts ts Online.

The Th e 5 ste steps ar are e: STEP ST EP 1:   Pick Pick a prod produc uct t & iden identi tify fy the the audi audien ence ce for for the the product.

STEP ST EP 2:   Crea Create te a lead lead magn magnet et to attr attrac act t pote potent ntia ial l buye buyers rs STEP ST EP 3:   Crea Create te a sque squeez eze e page page to give give away away the the lead lead magn magnet et STEP ST EP 4:   Redi Redire rect ct peop people le to a than thank k you you page page that that prom promot otes es the affili affiliate ate produc product t Promote te the affili affiliate ate produ products cts via follow followup up email email STEP ST EP 5:   Promo


Let Le t me expl explai ain n how how to use those hose 5 step steps s agai again n usin using g my LBCM book bo ok offe offer r on Expe Expert rtna nair ire e as an exam exampl ple. e.


The Th e first irst step tep is to pick pick a prod roduct. uct. Here, Here , we are are usin using g my LBCM LBCM book book offe offer r on Expe Expert rtna nair ire e as an example. Once you Once you have have pick picked ed the the prod produc uct, t, it is impo import rtan ant t that that you you iden id enti tify fy the the POP POP (poc (pocke ket t of peop people le) ) that that you you want want to prom pr omot ote e it to. to. This Th is POP POP must must be peop people le who who are are goin going g to be inte intere rest sted ed in. in. Not No t just just any any type type of audi audien ence ce. .

In th the e ca case se of my bo book ok wh whic ich h ha has s a th them eme e of bu busi sine ness ss/m /mak akin ing g  money, the POP/audience can be: - People who are already interested in business opportu opportunities nities - People who already read other business/money making books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad etc - People who like authors of books about success, business and making money It is very very impo import rtan ant t that that you you do this this for for any any prod produc uct t you you want wa nt to prom promot ote. e. If you you can' can't t figu figure re out out the the pote potent ntia ial l buye buyers rs audi audien ence ce for for a prod pr oduc uct, t, you you have have no busi busine ness ss prom promot otin ing g it. it.

STEP ST EP TW TWO: O: Now No w that that you you know know the the audi audien ence ce of peop people le that that will will be intere inte rest sted ed in the the prod produc uct t you you want want to prom promot ote, e, it is time time to move to the the next next step tep whic which h is:


Crea Cr eate te a le lead ad ma magn gnet et to at attr trac act t po pote tent ntia ial l bu buye yers rs What Wh at is a lead lead magn magnet et? ? A lea lead magn magnet et is simp simply ly a piece iece of value alue that hat give give away way for free fr ee in orde order r to attr attrac act t thos those e audi audien ence ce that that you you want want and and buil bu ild d a list ist so that hat we can cont ontact act them them over ver and and over over again. You Yo u can also lso call call it a BAIT BAIT like ike Dan Kenne ennedy dy. . As you you know know, , a real really ly good good bait bait is some someth thin ing g that that you you use use to entic entice. e. And An d acco accord rdin ing g to good good ol' ol' Dan Dan Kenn Kenned edy, y, powe powerf rful ul bait bait (or (or lead lea d magnet magnet) ) is inform informati ation, on, ideas, ideas, secret secrets s abo about ut someth something ing that th at your your crit critte ter r (tar (targe get t audi audien ence ce) ) is inte intere rest sted ed in. in.

This Th is lead lead magne agnet t can can be in form form of a repo report rt, , mi mind ndma map, p, vi vide deo, o, softw sof tware are etc My favo favour urit ite e is usin using g repo report rts s (in (in PDF PDF form format at) ) beca becaus use e they they are ar e just ust easy easy for me to creat reate. e. All I have All ave to do is think hink of the the vario arious us ideas deas, , tric tricks ks, , insi in side der r info inform rmat atio ion, n, tips tips that that the the targ target et audi audien ence ce I am tryi tr ying ng to attr attrac act t will will be inte intere rest sted ed in. in.


Then Th en I will will creat reate e a repo report rt on any of th them em but the title itle has ha s to be real really ly grea great. t. Here He re is an exam exampl ple. e. Back Ba ck in 2009 009 when when I wante anted d to build ild my first irst list, ist, I sat down do wn and and crea create ted d a lead lead magn magnet et (a repo report rt) ) titl titled ed: : 7 Fast Fast Ways Ways to Crea Create te Hot Hot Info Info Prod Produc ucts ts that th at Will Will Sell Sell and and Sell Sell Like Like Craz Crazy  y 

I used used that that to attr attrac act t peop people le who who were were inte intere rest sted ed in how how to make mak e money money online online sellin selling g inform informati ation on produc products. ts. Here He re is anot anothe her r exam exampl ple: e: Let' Le t's s say say I want want to attr attrac act t peop people le who who are are inte intere rest sted ed in getti get ting ng outsta outstandi nding ng result results s from from their their Facebo Facebook ok advert adverts, s, I coul co uld d crea create te a lead lead magn magnet et titl titled ed: : The Th e 7 part part guid guide e to writ writin ing  g  outstand outs tanding ing facebook facebook ads

Here He re is anot anothe her r exam exampl ple: e: Let' Le t's s say I want ant to attra ttract ct an audie udienc nce e of men who are look lo okin ing g for for a woma woman n to marr marry, y, I coul could d crea create te a lead lead magn magnet et repo re port rt that that is titl titled ed: : 5 ways ways to attr attrac act t the woman oman of   your dreams by Dec. 2016 

I hop hope you you are are gett gettin ing g the the idea idea by now. ow. So, So , back ack to my LBCM LBCM book, ook, you can come come up wi with th vario arious us ideas ide as and topics topics. . But Bu t here ere is one that hat we can use to attra ttract ct peopl eople e who who wil will be inte intere rest sted ed in buyi buying ng this this book book. . How about: about: 15 tips tips for for gene genera rati ting ng mone money y maki making ng idea ideas s


The Th e good ood thin thing g is that hat it is not not compu ompuls lsor ory y that that you are the th e creat reator or of the the lead lead magne agnet t as long long as yo you u have have the righ ri ghts ts to shar share e it. it. It might ght even even be some someth thin ing g that that you you got got from from a boo ook k you you are reading. But Bu t it must must be eith either er valu valuab able le or irre irresi sist stib ible le. . Here He re is anot anothe her r exam exampl ple. e. I wro wrote a book ook wher where e I shar shared ed   "7 hig highly hly pro profit fitabl able e

 businesses you can start with little capital and gave that away aw ay fo for r fr free ee" " That Th at can can also also attr attrac act t the the type type of audi audien ence ce that that is need needed ed to buy my book. ook. The Th e woma woman n you you are are look lookin ing g at belo below w sell sells s prod produc ucts ts on weig weight ht loss and loss and fitn fitnes ess s for for wome women. n.

Her He r lead lead magn magnet et is the the simp simple le repo report rt she she is hold holdin ing. g. Acco Ac cord rdin ing g to her, her, when when she she wrot wrote e that that repo report rt, , she she was was in debt. debt . Now, Now, she she has has over over 80,0 80,000 00 subs subscr crib iber ers s who who have have sign signed ed


up to get get her her repo report rt and and who who are are buyi buying ng her her prod produc ucts ts. . And And now, no w, she she is in the the 2-co 2-comm mma a club club (peo (peopl ple e who who make make at leas least t $1,00 $1, 000,0 0,000 00 a year) year) I beli believ eve e this this is well well unde unders rsto tood od at this this poin point. t. So, So , let's et's move ove to the next ext step step

STEP 3: This Th is next next step tep is somet omethi hing ng you shou should ld be us used ed to by now and this and his is where here you creat reate e an opti optin n page page to gi give ve the lead magne mag net t away. away. I won' won't t be dwel dwelli ling ng much much here here. .

 An optin page is made up of 3 elements: - A head headli line ne - The The optin ptin form orm - And And the the pict pictur ure e of the the lead lead magn magnet et (opt (optio iona nal) l)

Here He re are are So Some me Wort Worthw hwh hil ile e Exam Exampl ples es::


In order der to put up your your optin ptin page, ge, you you need need a web ebpa page ge build bui lder er and an autore autorespo sponde nder. r.

STEP 4: This Th is is your your firs first t oppo opport rtun unit ity y to star start t maki making ng mone money. y. Once On ce peop people le have have opte opted d in to get get your your lead lead magn magnet et, , you you shoul sho uldn' dn't t give give them them the lead lead magnet magnet immedi immediate ately. ly. Inst In stea ead, d, you you shou should ld redi redire rect ct them them to a than thank k you you page page that that promo pro motes tes the affili affiliate ate produc product. t. Here He re is what hat I mean mean: : Let' Le t's s say say you you have have an opti optin n page page wher where e you you are are givi giving ng away away a lead lead magn magnet et titl titled ed: :   7 hig highly hly pro profit fitabl able e onl online ine bus busine iness ss

you yo u ca can n st star art t wi with th le less ss th than an N5 N50k 0k


Once On ce peop people le sign sign up to get get the the lead lead magn magnet et from from your your opti optin n page pa ge, , you you shou should ld redi redire rect ct them them to a than thank k you you page page that that says say s someth something ing like: like:

REQUEST SUCCESSFUL: The report you requested for has been sent into the email address you provided. Before you go ahead and read it, here is an article from one of my mentors that I think will help you succeed in business

How Bishop Oyedepo's Book Moved Me From N5 to N50,000 in 2 Weeks by TOYIN OMOTOSO Back in 2008, I remember there was a time when all I had to my name was N5 only. Yes. Five Naira. And I carefully hid it inside my Bible. Believe it or not, that was all I had for about 3 months. In order to eat, I would hang out with some of my neighbours that I had turned to friends (just to be get benefits like gettin getting g food to eat) But one day, I came across a book by Bishop David Oyedep Oyedepo. o. It was a small book titled: "If you can think enough, what you have is enough" I read the book and it changed my life. For the first time, I began to understan understand d how to think strateg strategically ically and get yourself out of any situation you are in - especially financial situa situation. tion.


So, I followed what the Bishop taught in the book. Here is an example. It is important that you understan understand d that apart from money, there are other resources you have that you can use to move your life forward. Sit down with a clean sheet of paper and write them down. E.g. What skills do you have? What talents do you have? What special networks do you have? What material material things do you have that you can sell? What physical attributes attributes do you have? Once you have listed all these down, the next thing to do is to simply think of how you can utiliz utilize e any of those things to move forward. But you need to think deeply here using a pen and paper. Once you are through, look at the best ideas that come up and begin to work on them immediately. When I did this exercise, even though I thoug thought ht all I had was N5, the book helped uncover other resources that I didn't know I had. 2 weeks later, I had N50,000 in the bank and my life began to change from that moment onwards. The truth is, our creator gave us our brains to help us solve many of our life problems but most people do not know how to think strategically strategically and this limits what they can achieve in life. Whenever you think you are stuck in life or you are not making as much money as you want to make, I can assure you that if you make use of  your brain to think strateg strategically, ically, your life will improve.


Up till today, I still use these thinking strategies anytime anytime I feel stuck, need ideas or need to get ahead with my life and business Most people do not use these thinkin thinking g strategies and that is one of the main reasons why many find it difficult to get ahead in their life and business. Make it a decision to use your brain more efficiently from now on. May God help us all. PS: Toyin Omotoso recently wrote a book titled "How to Turn Yourself  Into a Live Breathi Breathing ng Cash Machine" that has transfo transformed rmed a lot of lives.

Click here to get a copy ( Put your affilia affiliate te link here)

Are Ar e you you seei seeing ng what what is happ happen enin ing g here here? ? Inste Ins tead ad of just just promot promoting ing the affil affiliat iate e produc product t direct directly, ly, we are are buil buildi ding ng a list list firs first t and and then then intr introd oduc ucin ing g the the affi af fili liat ate e prod produc uct t to them them once once they they sign sign up. up. Beca Be caus use e of this this proc proces ess, s, we now now have have acce access ss to thei their r emai email l addr ad dres ess s and and we can can foll follow ow them them up. up. When Wh en you you redi redire rect ct peop people le to a than thank k you you page page that that look looks s like the like the one one I shar shared ed abov above, e, many many peop people le are are goin going g to clic click k on your your affi affili liat ate e link link and and buy buy the the book book imme immedi diat atel ely. y. But Bu t many many stil still l won' won't t buy buy imme immedi diat atel ely. y. But Bu t no prob proble lem m beca becaus use e we can follow llow them hem up and that hat is anothe anot her r big big reas reason on why why this this stra strate tegy gy is bett better er than than the the first fir st two. two. Foll Fo llow ow up is impo import rtan ant t beca becaus use e most most peop people le don' don't t buy buy the the first fir st time time online online. . That is just the way it is.


They Th ey buy buy late later r on after fter they hey hav have seen seen the same ame offe offer r at leas le ast t 7 time times. s. That Th at brin brings gs us to the next ext step step

STEP 5: You Yo u alre alread ady y know know why why foll follow ow up is impo import rtan ant. t. In this next ext step step, , we can now begin gin to make ake use use of the acce ac cess ss we have have to this this new new subs subscr crib iber er. . Firs Fi rst, t, we will will deli delive ver r the the lead lead magn magnet et we prom promis ised ed them them. . This Thi s is done done automa automatic ticall ally y by your your autore autorespo sponde nder. r. Next Ne xt, , we star start t to foll follow ow them them up to prom promot ote e PROD PRODUC UCT T No 1. Prod Pr oduc uct t No. No. 1 is the the firs first t prod produc uct t we are are prom promot otin ing g to them them. . I reco recomm mmen end d at leas least t 8 foll follow owup up emai emails ls for for effe effect ctiv ive e conv co nver ersi sion ons. s. They They can can be one one day day apar apart. t. In order der to do the the foll follow ow-u -ups ps, , one easy asy way way is to sh shar are e tips ti ps from from the the digi digita tal l prod produc ucts ts that that make makes s the the read reader er want want more. Here He re are are some some exam exampl ples es: : Since Sinc e we are are prom promot otin ing g my LBCM LBCM book book, , here here is an exam exampl ple e of angl an gles es that that you you coul could d crea create te emai email l foll follow owup ups s arou around nd. .

SUBJECT: These 3 demons keep people poor

When I started reading Toyin Omotoso's LBCM book, one of the areas that really touched me was when he talked about the 3 demons that set people back in life. These demons are the main reason why a lot of people are poor. You probably know these demons too. Maybe you are even affected by 1 or 2 of them


They are: - Fear - Laziness - Procrastination How do you overcome these demons? That is what chapter 3 of his LBCM book is all about. Click here to get a copy today: (your affiliate affiliate link goes here) Did Di d you see what hat I just just did ther here? If you have have read ead my book, ook, you can see see that that I jus ust t took took that out ou t of it. it. You Yo u can can do the the same same for for any any digi digita tal l prod produc uct. t. Even Ev en if you you don' don't t have have the the digi digita tal l prod produc uct, t, you you can can look look at the th e sales ales copy opy and and pick pick up some some tips tips that hat you you can can use use in creat cre ating ing your your follow followup up emails emails. .


CONCLUSION: This Th is is just just the the begi beginn nnin ing. g. Over Ov eral all, l, your your abil abilit ity y to driv drive e a lot lot of targ target eted ed traf traffi fic c when wh en you you are are usin using g stra strate tegy gy 2 or 3 will will dete determ rmin ine e how how much much mone mo ney y you you can can make make. . But Bu t in orde order r for for you you to even ven sta start makin aking g a lo lot t of money oney from fr om my produ roduct cts s and and that that of oth others, ers, you have ave to sign ign up as an affil affiliat iate e on Expert Expertnai naire. re. You Yo u can can get get a 2-ye 2-year ars s free free acce access ss to Expe Expert rtna nair ire e when when you you

 watch this video If you you want want to be heav heavil ily y invo involv lved ed in maki making ng big big comm co mmis issi sion ons s from from prom promot otin ing g my prod produc ucts ts, , then then you you shou should ld star st art t buil buildi ding ng a list list. . If you don' don't t want want to buil build d an email ail list list, , you you can can star start t by build bui lding ing an audien audience ce using using faceb facebook ook groups groups. . I can't go into details on how to do that in this news ne wsle lett tter er but but it is simp simple le. . One On e guy guy I know know buil built t a face facebo book ok grou group p of 10,0 10,000 00 peop people le with wi thin in 3 mont months hs. . And he did it for free free. . The Th e idea dea is that hat you you do not have ave any excus xcuse. e.

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